Veikune, Mouton invited to NFL combine
From agent Kenny Zuckerman:
David Veikune and Ryan Mouton have been officially invited to the NFL Scouting Combine in Indianapolis in February. They are presently training at Athletes’ Performance Institute (API) in Los Angeles and will both be leaving for the East-West Shrine All-Star game in Houston next week. Have a good day, Kenny.
* * *
There apparently is a chain of command in the athletic deparment.
Because AD Jim Donovan is recovering from a procedure to remove a kidney stone — doctors chose, ahem, the path of most resistance — the leadership is being distributed.
Apparently, facilities manager Teri Chang and arena manager Rich Sheriff were in charge of overseeing the men’s basketball program last night.
The Rainbows won, making Chang/Sheriff 1-0.
* * *
UH is expected to send out renewal notices to corporate sponsors this month. In past years, renewals went out in March. But with the struggling economy and less marketing money available, it makes sense for UH to want to get in line early.
One of the first today…
Hope JD is resting comfortably.
JD needs some R & R……….
Get well soon JD!
Did anyone notice the announcement (thank you to Tombo for posting the link!) of Hercules signing with the Spokane Shock? They should have had a correct bio for their player…check out the last line.
You going to the CC, SteveM?
You didn’t know they were brothers. Hercules was raised in Long Beach by his dad’s sister his and Samson’s aunt…..JK…LOL
Hey Stephen, you’re too good at your job… a little TOO much info on Jim Donovan!
Hope he recovers quickly!
top 10!
Kid — I can’t make the cattle call. Still have the cold. But the antibiotics I got from the doctor yesterday is making a big difference.
There’s an antibiotic for colds?
SteveM – Just go to the north shore and let the ocean take care of your cold. Make use of that surfboard under your house! 😆
I saw Vili Nauahi today. He said: ‘How’s the texting?”
Yes, Nauahi is a blog reader. So, everyone, say hi to him.
i always thought that angela was the boss.
It is interesting that Utah’s biggest problem with respect is *not* from the computers, but instead it is the Harris voters and coaches. I remember last season how the computers didn’t like UH due to strength of schedule but some Harris voters (with clear ties to UH or JJ) were quite generous in their ranking of UH.
It is shameful that voters would skip watching Utah all season!
At least the computers liked Utah and a Harris voter now admits he underestimated a team from a non-BCS conference.
Hard to see chicuacuas.
Hi Vili Nauahi!
homey — mine is in the sinuses. I have a history of sinusitis and with my pneumonia bout last summer, doc’s covering the bases.
But Dr. homey– you are right about the surfboard. Doc also gave me a bottle to flush out my sinuses–use warm water and salt. One good surfing wipe out used to that… 😆
College Football By The Numbers is calling for the MWC to add BSU.
I do like the idea of having the champion of the WAC play the champion of the MWC for a BCS spot! Neither conference has a championship game, so that additional game could serve as a championship game and bring in extra money. Even better, that money wouldn’t have to be shared with the other conferences (BCS dollars are spread around to all other conferences). Plus, a guaranteed BCS spot would be nice.
If this idea had been implemented, UH would have played BYU in 2007 and Utah would have played BSU in 2008. Those games would have gotten pretty good ratings!
I hope that everyone is has a great time at the Cattle Call with djmitcho!
Howzit Vili!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
7:30 PM – 12:30 AM
Krazy Karaoke (1308 Young Street)
We have the big (green) room at Krazy Karaoke for 55 people. Mahalo to Stretch for the arrangements and putting down the required deposits!
Please continue to RSVP on the blog or email SteveM. Note we are capped at 55 people.
We look forward to seeing new Tsai-kos at one of our first major parties of 2009. Singing not required, but there will be a lot of it 🙂 But very good! Click here to see photos and video of earlier large Karaoke Calls, and scroll down to mid-August to see more.
• $15 per person for the room/karaoke
• Bring food/goodies (like indoor tailgate)
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Continually updated Karaoke Call info in the Events Calendar section at:
Current count = 39
koakane asked about BCS conferences and how often they played against non-BCS conferences. I found a neat little utility that helped me figure out some of that info. I searched for the 4 previous seasons (this season isn’t over year), from 2004-2007.
WAC vs MAC, 4-1
WAC vs Sun Belt, 11-8
WAC vs C-USA, 4-5
WAC vs Big 10, 4-5
WAC vs MWC, 15-19
WAC vs ACC, 2-5
WAC vs Big 12, 3-8
WAC vs Pac-10, 6-27
WAC vs SEC, 0-14
For comparison purposes, here is the record for the MWC:
MWC vs MAC, 2-0
MWC vs Sun Belt, 3-0
MWC vs C-USA, 9-10
MWC vs Big 10, 1-7
MWC vs WAC, 19-15
MWC vs ACC, 3-4
MWC vs Big 12, 9-8
MWC vs Pac-10, 10-18
MWC vs SEC, 2-3
Good afternoon, gang.
Your scenario would be fine with me. There would be a lot of eyes on this game and with an automatic bid to the winner, recruiting could be even sweeter.
Oops, WAC vs. Big 12 is 3-14, not 3-8 according to the stats
For comparison purposes, here is the record for the Big 12:
Big 12 vs MAC, 2-0
Big 12 vs Sun Belt, 27-1
Big 12 vs C-USA, 20-3
Big 12 vs Big 10, 9-6
Big 12 vs WAC, 14-3
Big 12 vs ACC, 6-5
Big 12 vs MWC, 8-9
Big 12 vs Pac-10, 8-10
Big 12 vs SEC, 6-7
Big 12 vs Big East 3-3
Kekoa said that the BCS Conference don’t want to play the mid-majors, but it sure looks to me like the Big 12 doesn’t mind. 27-1 vs. Sun Belt, 20-3 vs. C-USA, 14-3 vs. WAC, and 8-9 vs. MWC comes out to a lot of games. Only the MAC doesn’t play the Big 12 much, but I think the MAC plays other BCS Conference teams that are closer geographically.
I think it would hype up rivalries, get both conferences talked about more (both conferences lose out on publicity during championship week for the other conferences), get the recruits watching the game closely, and bring in money.
Hey, Da Puowaena Kid- or should we call you Da SledRun Kid??? Thanks for sharing that INTERESTING info on the past blog!
Had a can of soup- while I thought of all you guys at the Cattle (sniff) Call with djmitcho…
Hiya – Vili Nauahi 😆
The criticism in the blog yesterday was that BCS conference teams do not play enough mid-major teams. That is pretty ironic, since Texas playing too many mid-major teams this season might have cost them the votes/computer points to play in the National Championship game. Oklahoma played a stronger nonconference schedule, which was a big factor in having them jump ahead of Texas in the BCS standings and get a shot for the national title (the Big 12 used the BCS standings as the tiebreaker even though Texas beat Oklahoma).
Texas played:
Florida Atlantic (Sun Belt, bowl team)
Rice (C-USA, 10-3 bowl team)
Arkansas (SEC)
Oklahoma played:
Chattanooga (FCS, not D-IA)
Cincinnati (Big East champion)
at Washington (Pac-10)
TCU (MWC, 11-2 bowl team)
Texas played the tougher Big 12 regular season (Texas had Missouri, Oklahoma did not), but Oklahoma clearly played the better nonconference schedule. Texas was criticized by many voters (when they justified putting Oklahoma over Texas even though Texas beat Oklahoma) as not playing a tough enough nonconference schedule–Texas needs to play more BCS conference teams to avoid being penalized in the future. In this situation, playing UH would have *hurt* Texas even more with the voters and computers.
Texas recently finished a home-and-home deal with Ohio State, and are soon starting their scheduled games with UCLA, so this point will be addressed soon.
Looks like the 3 Long Beach Poly recruits are visiting Hawaii this weekend.
Okay, now I’ll get back to work…
Long time no blog. I’m finally back from the island where I got to spend a week or so relaxing and visiting with family and friends. Sorry for not being able to set up a time for a mini-CC or anything, but given that this past week on ‘Oahu might be the only time this year I’d get to see some of the extended ‘ohana, I figured I should cherish that time with them. My father’s gonna fly up to visit me in May but who knows when I’ll get to see anyone else…..
So I flew back from HNL on the red eye last night and while I’m sitting at the gate waiting to board I was surprised to hear my name called to see the agent at the podium. Fearing the worst (involuntarily denied boarding, being moved from my cozy United Economy Plus seat to the back of the bus, etc.), I went to face the music.
To my surprise, the agent said “This flight’s overbooked. We’re gonna upgrade you to first class.” I happily accepted my new seat assignment and after all of the first class pleasantries (drinks, “meal”, etc.), I slept like a baby the rest of the way to LAX, occasionally talking to the cute girl sitting next to me who also got upgraded.
I wish this would happen more often…..
I’ll have to spend some time later catching up on the dialogue on today’s blog as well as yesterday’s one. I hardly surfed the Internet while on the island. I think I posted occasionally (especially Friday during the Sugar Bowl), but that was about it.
to JD,
owwwwwwww weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
like giving birth thru the pee pee…OMG, make sure that you have a pillow to stifle the screams….like that Seinfeld episode and Kramer…..all of NYV heard him.
years ago, when i was in really good shape, (hard to imagine but true) i was doing the high protein thing, and ended up passing 2 stones, the size of hinode rice….felt like a boulder from waimea falls if you ask me.
drink water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water
did i say water? 💡
rest, rest and rest:grin:
Wanted to go to the CC today and say hello to DJMITCHO but we are down to one car and Lois went to Sam’s Club or Costco and forgot I had the CC today.
Oh well, howzit DJMITCHO, and next time…
that’s better 😎
as you can tell, i am playing with the icons, bear with me.
couldn’t make the cattle call, so now we can talk about all the guys who are still stuffing their chops…..hmmmmmmm, where do we start 😛
Former UH coach will now be the head coach for Yale.
Next year is your year Vili Nauahi! Good luck!
aloha tom,
got stuck in a meeting and was too late for me to get there, now i know they’ll be happy…more food and more space on the burner….wait, take that back, DPK went, he’ll take my space on the burner and then some
he better watch out for missing food, sometimes he can’t keep track of what he puts on his plate, and the rumor mill revealed that Pride and I were accused of ‘acquiring’ those tender morsels. haha 😀
I love the conclusion this article made…I’d love to chat with bulla and the rest, but I need to finish one more thing for work. I just turned in a huge project, so I took extra time off today to blog, but that time is up now.
Read what it would be like if A-Joe was growing up today.
Take care jd…With the tube, it is like the same procedure I had…It was okay as long as you did not sit on your butt for the tube made things real uncomfatable….Just wait jd when they pull the tube out…
Hook um Long Horn—what a great come back win.
Any one interested in learning about hdroponic growing–will do a work shop for those who are interested….
CRW- wow- missed you! Glad you had a nice visit and cool ride home!
Welcome, rog!
where does the Clapp fall in line in this admin?
***** BURP *****
Just back from lunch. Thanks for those who showed up.
Thanks for the invitation to lunch Stretch.
Now that was a great cc…
Good to see the real person instead of a blog name. Have a safe trip back djmitcho!!! Also met a couple of 2nd generation Tsaiko’s, JaM’s #1 daughter (no blog name yet I think) and DPK’s son (no blog name too, I think).
Good to see familiar faces out in the crowd…
Thanks Jason for the prizes, they will be put to good use.
Thanks Stretch, so thoughtful.
Thanks sjmacro for the “postcard”.
A-Joe – I can confirm that A-Sports seemed to be using the camera.
Time to hold the eyelids open.
See where we offered Kahuku safety Aulola Tonga a scholarship. at 6-3 195 pounds, with room to put on about 15 or 20 pounds, he looks like the ideal safety. Hope that we can secure him for the Warrior program. He appears to also be considering Washington, Oregon State, UCLA, and Wyoming.
One can never go wrong with a Kahuku safety. Hyrum Peters, Leonard Peters, Aaron Francisco, Al Afalava, just to name a few outstanding ones.
Yeah SJ, great looking “postcard”. Mahalo.
I see Scout has Tonga in their top 20 for the Northwest. Seems odd that Hawaii is considered northwest.
The Alo kid out of Kahuku would also be a good safety. Just gotta get those verbals signed sealed and delivered!
Any Polynesian out of Kahuku or anywhere else would be a blessing for UH. Polynesians make the best football players and are genetically superior in every way. UH, as the only Division 1 college in a Polynesian location, should have nothing but Polynesian players and coaches. As, my sister Uce2 would agree…
Uce family – Let’s not stop at football, get them involved with other sports too. Bowling pins wouldn’t stand a chance.
Hoooo! can smell the garlic! Must have been really good lunch. Got me drooling for some yakiniku!
When does spring ball start? I getting anxious already.
Uce2,3 how do we keep the Ploynesian players home or get them to come to the Warrior program?
Getting Ploynesian coaches won’t be the solution for all. Our kids don’t want to stay home. Maybe some of your suggestions to help with this might help with our recruitng efforts.
homey – We have been banned from all bowling alleys. We’re actually why all the bowling alleys in Hawaii are closing down — we destroy too many pins and they’re expensive to replace. We are hoping to break into baseball and dominate the designated hitter position.
NorthShoreFan – We need to start by renaming the school. Polynesian University or P-U for short. Once we are P-U, then all the kids will start streaming in. Nobody wants to play for UH they want P-U.
Mahalo, Stretch! Great lunch with djmitcho & the young keeds. We split up Pride. & DPK, so had room. Still no word from Jason on his “date”, so I suggest skipping the topic. You had to be there… 🙂
Esme & out…
Uce3, UH is kind of known as a “Polynesian” school and a lot of athletes from the mainland come to Hawaii because of the enviornment but still a lot of the D1 athletes we have here chose to go elsewhere. I’m not sure changing the name will do it. IMHO….
Get in touch with Tony T and share some of your thoughts with him.
I ate some kalbi for you… I like the look of your halalu…
JD, Get well soon!
Uce3, malo Uso,
You are funny. Alu a oe, ae faifai le mu.
Nobody wants to be P-U- We wanna be the Miami of the Pacific.
They might be giants
By Greg Garber
Back in the mid-1980s, when Bill Parcells was head coach of the New York Giants, his Friday press conferences provided an education for beat reporters that covered the team. There were no television cameras, no radio microphones — just familiar faces and informed conversation.
Parcells would offer insights on topics ranging from John Madden’s football knowledge, Bill Walsh’s intuitive offenses and, on several occasions, the virtues of the Samoan football player.
Samoans were built, Parcells generalized in his politically incorrect way, along the lines of his favorite football build — big and boxy. In a word: squat. Physically, they were the perfect players for the trenches. Mentally, they were as tough as it got in the NFL, he insisted. Many in the league agree — on and off the record.
“Certainly they have those characteristics,” Indianapolis Colts president Bill Polian said. “Those I’ve seen play ball have the perfect physique. As a class of people in the NFL, they are exceptionally tough and exceptionally good athletes for their size.”
In his book “Taboo: Why Black Athletes Dominate Sports and Why We Are Afraid to talk About It,” published in 2000, author Jon Entine tackles the emotionally charged subject of genetic variation.
In it, he wrote: “Polynesians, especially the Samoans, are amongst the world’s most mesomorphic (muscular) body types. A number of studies have shown that muscle bulk and the degree of muscularity, especially in the thigh and buttock, are important predictors of success in rugby players, whereas the opposite applies in such sports as distance running. This genetic admixture helps in part explain why athletes from this region are large, agile and fast.”
The development of muscles in the thigh and buttocks area is very useful on the NFL field, particularly along the line of scrimmage, where strength, leverage and balance are important factors. It is worth noting that 21 of those 28 Samoans in the NFL play along the offensive or defensive line. Their strength, essentially, is their strength.
Dr. Kenneth Kidd, professor of genetics and psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine, studies genetic variation. He warned that stereotyping is dangerous, but allowed that different populations have slightly different body types.
“East African herders are generally tall and thin with long legs. It’s not surprising that marathon runners come from there,” Kidd explained. “The Japanese tend to have longer torsos and shorter legs. In a sense, that makes it easier to succeed as a Sumo wrestler.
“Not everybody in these populations is like that, but there is a tendency for a higher proportion of the population to be like that. That has underpinnings in terms of small genetic differences. The importance is in the small differences.”
Kidd said that a number of Polynesians struggle with obesity, which suggests a different gene pool. And that difference, he added, is accentuated by the remoteness of the South Pacific islands.
“Polynesians in general have a reduced amount of genetic variation,” Kidd said. “They are more homogeneous than, say, a European population because of their isolation.”
Manu Tuiasosopo is not a geneticist, but he had a few ideas on the subject. He played in the league for eight seasons, and his son, Marques, is a backup quarterback heading into his second season with the Oakland Raiders.
“There’s the high-protein diet,” Manu Tuiasosopo said. “There’s a lot of tuna, chicken, corned beef and then we have green bananas and taro root, which is sort of like a potato. Of course, now there’s a McDonald’s on the island — the kids will probably start eating Happy Meals.”
For Marques Tuiasosopo, the Samoan success is more related to an unwavering mindset.
“There’s an attitude in our culture,” he said. “I go back and look at pictures of great-great grandparents and they were wearing ceremonial clothes. They battled other cultures and maybe that’s been passed down through the years.
“ … In general, they’re quiet, don’t like to bring attention to themselves. But get into a competitive situation and it’s like Jekyll and Hyde — it’s fierce. My dad would pat his chest and say, ‘Son, you have to have a big heart and lay it on the line.’ ”
— Marques Tuiasosopo
“It’s in the blood, an attitude when they go out there. Off the field — I can’t speak for a particular person — but in general, they’re quiet, don’t like to bring attention to themselves. But get into a competitive situation and it’s like Jekyll and Hyde — it’s fierce. My dad would pat his chest and say, ‘Son, you have to have a big heart and lay it on the line.’ ”
And what of the dearth of skill-position players? Only nine of the 28 players — three linebackers, two tights ends, two fullbacks, one halfback and one quarterback — play the so-called “skill positions.”
University of Hawaii coach June Jones has said he needs to visit the mainland for athletes who play off the line of scrimmage, but generally can stock both sides of the line with players from the surrounding islands. Is there a cultural bias against Samoans as there was once against African-Americans?
“I don’t see that,” Tuiasosopo said, referencing Jack Thompson and, of course, his son Marques. “The standards are being raised each year — bigger, faster, stronger — and these kids have every opportunity to succeed.”
Greg Garber is a senior writer for
Maybe should get mo Japanese guys fo play da offensive tackle. Since they get da short legs and da long torso. Recruit da sumo guys…dey already get some techniques down fo push and shove…
ST ~ Nevah mind your text mail, check your email for some very important info from a certain Agent to help clear things up.
iluvsushi, manoa mist, asianwave, et al
No, braddah sushi, should get the japanee boy fo play cheerleader squad, la dat. perfect build for lifting da girl up and tossing um in da air, for making the pee rah mid, you no, da kine, the stuff dey make at the game, wit all the cheerleadahs standing next to each ahdah.
if get beeg kine japanee boy, like cheeyonofuji kine, den maybe can make dat kine japanee boy one tackle.
Several years ago, there was a hush-hush plan to see if Akebono would be able to play football. Chris Kobayashi, who had ties to Akebono, arranged for the sumotori to meet with Mike Cavanaugh. Cav actually had Akebono go through several drills. But I guess there was interest from pro teams, and the experiment ended.
was or wasn’t??
Anybody who paddles canoes or kayaks over long distances knows the importance of having strong muscles in the thighs and buttocks. A strong back and strong arms will only get you so far, second place in most cases.
Tahiti is lucky Samoa is not seriously involved yet in competitive canoeing. The moment Samoans decide to compete in this arena, the Tahitians will have to get used to settling for second best and the Hawaiians will have to bring up the rear.
We also good at killing blogs.
hoo hiooooo hoooo whooo? hoooo ooooo
Back from the cityof sin and tired as hell
First, get well soon Mr. Donovan.
Third, howzit, Vili N.
and Fourth, I need to go get more sleep.
Mr A-House and family,
Mahalo for lunch and the wonderful company
Mrs LV always enjoys and looks forward to your visits
c’mon, suck it up Jimmy D.!
It’s just kidney stones.
Congratulations to David Veikune and Ryan Mouton for being invited to the combine! Hopefully there will be more Warriors joining you. Have Adam and Solly been invited?
Now that I have the NFL network (through U-Verse), I can record the hours and hours and hours (and hours…) of the combine to watch our Warriors compete!
Way to go, Veikune and Mouton! Hopefully they are just the first Warriors we’ve heard about goin’ to the Combine.
Congrats David and Ryan!!!
Solly and Adam????
Good evening Tsaikos everywhere!
watch this. mmm…. mmmmmmm…… 😀
aren’t you and momo proud? 😆
discipline and moderation….. 😆
Hi Ronnie!!
Thanks for letting me know about NFL Network.
Congrats to Veikune & Mouton. Represent!!
Sounded like the CC was fun. Too bad I wuz soooo busy at work (unlike Stretch). Today was much more productive than yesterday.
Welcome home A-house family!!! Hope you got some of your deposit back.
hiya jm2375
Good Luck David Veikune and Ryan Mouton!
Thanks for the great memories, and REPRESENT!
Great news about Veikune and Mouton! It isn’t surprising, as they are definitely deserving. I agree that Sol and Adam would be next in line–hope that there aren’t that many LBs judged ahead of them by the NFL people.
again, thank you for doing a wonderful job in 2008. Luv ya, big guy!
love to da wife and children. have a great 2009!
I enjoyed watching the combine last year on the NFL network. You can DVR the whole thing and just fast forward to the Warrior stuff.
I follow the Dolphins because of Samson (my favorite Warrior on the 2006 team) and Bess. I cannot believe the real estate developer that is going to buy the Dolphins for $1.1 billion is asking the government for several hundred million bailout dollars!
Hi jm2375!
Last year I was able to watch the combine on I liked it better than the NFL Network’s coverage because there were like 5 different feeds to choose from, and there were no commercials or “human interest” stories like on TV. I was able to watch most of the drills that Colt, Davone, Ryan, and Jason were in.
Oklahoma and BYU will open the season in the Cowboys’ new stadium. They get nationwide TV exposure and $$$ from ESPN. This is the same reason why Washington State is playing a game vs. Notre Dame in San Antonio next season.
I see bhf2 is schmoozing like Kekoa told him to. 🙄 obedient isn’t he?
Whoa, that was a really quick refresh. It was like Matt Harding fast.
jm2375.. ummm… schmoozin…. 😀
heck, i wish i wuz Hnl this weekend
to use my schmuuz talents fo
wuuuu da LB Poly guyz 😀
congrats to mouton/veikune!
is ingram in too?
I don’t remember long snappers working out at the Combine last year. Just kickers.
Bhf2- watchin you schmooze with smileys is like seeing you with a Ma-rine haircut or somethin. Makes me do a doubletake! 😈
MeiLing- pls chk yur email.
No, there were two long snappers invited last year.
Liz Liz Liz… 😀
even when you stay playin hahd 👿 lie dat
i stay only tinkin ah da positives 😀 😆
and I also sittin on my fingaz so i no get useless. 😆
heh heh heh 😀
when you finish da P issue 😀
think about getting summa dat govt (bailout) money.
plus see if the govt can reserve Cooke Ching Field, SSC for…
military sponsored social events
plus have the govt sponsor flight for UH v Navy/AF/Army game
as part of Hickam/Pearl/Shafter budgets for include in da ’11-1’2
budgets. Sen Inouye’s office could get da right peeps on da projek
gimme samoa beeruz and i get samoa great ideaz. 😎
Ralph asked me on the previous post to analyze the roster using stats. Statisticians usually assist the subject matter experts (SME) in determining if their hypotheses are or are not false. Right now, I’m having trouble defining what the outcome variable would be. In other words, after getting all the data on all the players on the team, what are we looking for. Needs to be something quantifiable, even if just a yes/no answer.
Anybody wanna take a stab at it? Since Jason’s on vacation and he’s taken stats classes, he can do the data entry. 🙂
BTW, there is a whole section of the Am Statistical Assn dealing with stats in sports.
The Secret Life of Trainers: A Colt Brennan Film
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you don’t want to read the off topic stuff.
Researchers might have found a protein that can block Alzheimer’s!
South Korea is going to spend $38 bil over the next 4 years on “eco-friendly” projects to create jobs and boost their economy. I do think that this is a big growth area and it appears that South Korea wants to get ahead in the market.
How many seats will Cooke-Ching field have next year? Will the spring game for the Warriors be at the new field?
To help recruiting, the Army set up a $13 mil video arcade in suburban Philly. The video games are free and include Madden football in addition to military simulations. Unfortunately, only 35 recruits have signed up since it opened in August, less than the traditional recruiting centers that it replaced were signing up for the Army.
To help its recruiting efforts, the Army is allowing overweight recruits (1,500 so far) to enlist *before* they lose the weight necessary.
Skier at an expensive Vail resort was on a ski lift when the chair malfunctioned and he ended up hanging upside down WITHOUT ANY PANTS (his pants got stuck on the chair as he was falling through the hole in the chair, pulling off his pants) for 15 minutes in the freezing cold! I wonder how many lawyers ran for it when they found out about his situation…
Free play links pau.
I think that it is pretty weird that USC’s QB coach, not the offensive coordinator, will be calling their plays!
kinda slow today. 11 hrs and less than 120 comments. Da guys da wen go to CC must have hawn paralysis. 😆
😳 da=dat
Nitey Nite and Sweet Warrior Dreams!
Nite Liz! I gotta go nene too.
Shoulda heard my kid this morning in da car on the way to first day of school. “16 more weeks of school!!” uhhhh, she hadn’t even gotten to campus yet. sheeesh.
Kekoa-sensei – email me if you need help with whatever you were alluding to last night.
Hasta manana. Oyasumina-tsai.
jm2375: I have so much to do, and so little time … Oh, who am I kidding, it’s an interesting study. Let me look things up.
So they have an offensive coordinator but it is the quarterbacks coach who will call the plays? Weird.
Garret ~ That Vail skier ended up on KGMB news tonite. They very tactfully covered his okole with a photo of a “full moon.”
btw ~ I just wanted to clarify my remarks earlier about the BCS teams. Purely my opinion after using the ‘WAG’ method. I knew either you or Jason would come to my rescue with a boatload of numbers. Hehehe.
jm2375 ~ Speaking of Numbers! Whoa girl…you stand ready to use those flash cards!
Cheehoo!!! Congrats to Veikune & Mouton on being invited to the Combine. I don’t have, but didn’t ESPN broadcast it last year? Albeit, maybe delayed…
Okay, here we go:
Looking at the rosters from 2001, I sorted by the listed home state. For Hawai‘i, I separated the players into two categories — Hawai‘i players who went to UH straight from high school or via a Hawai‘i college (HPU, UH-Hilo, the CCs, etc.), and Hawai‘i players who went to UH via a Mainland route (two- or four-year college).
Another interesting thing to look at might be players by state according to position. But that will have to wait for tomorrow. Time to go to bed, good night.
Very clear & concise Jase…I’m impressed! Good job.
jm2375 will be pleased.
Esme?…only time will tell.
Papa Al – He’ll like the simplicity.
thanks Jason….somewhere between 40 to low 50 per cent on the team are form Hawaii
So the Utah Attorney General is the next official to try to look into investigating the BCS???
form= from or are the players polys only
tks son…..i like to review stats all the time. i am a numbers guy.
looks like the trend will change now that mack has redirected his efforts at home, nevada, cali, texas, and the northwest.
sweet! another big wideout! Welcome to the Hawaii Warriors Destin Stewart!