Graunke cleared to practice
Greg McMackin said that Tyler Graunke has been medically cleared to practice.
Because of the bye, the Warriors have an extra day of practice during game week. (They usually do only conditioning drills on Monday as a way to recover from the past weekend’s game). That should be helpful because Graunke, despite his experience, needs to work on his timing with his receivers.
The coaches noted that Inoke Funaki had a good week of practice last week.
The way it looks now, the depth chart is: 1) Graunke. 2) Funaki. 3) Alexander. 4) Rausch.
* * *
For the Warriors, losing out on the Manti Te‘o competition — as it appears the situation is now — is neither surprising nor devastating.
Even with UH’s success and bright future, this has been a formula that is tough to disprove:
Punahou + BCS offers = Mainland school.
While Te‘o is an outstanding player and one of the nation’s best linebackers, the Warriors have bigger needs than at linebacker. After this season, they lose Adam Leonard, Solomon Elimimian and Tyson Kafentzis. But Elimimian’s successor already is in place: middle linebacker Brashton Satele. Blaze Soares has at least one more season. R.J. Kiesel-Kauhane, who is in the top rotation, also will be back. And Teo’s cousin Paipai Falemalu is redshirting, Art Laurel is grayshirting and Waylon Lolotai returns from a church mission.
Instead, the Warriors are addressing two pressing areas: offensive line and power back. In particular, the Warriors are in need of offensive tackles. It usually takes a couple of years to train for that position. Laupepa Letuli, Aaron Kia, Brysen Ginlack and Ray Hisatake will be seniors next season.
If Jake Heun redshirts this season the power back position could be set for two years. Still, the Warriors would like to bring in a Mauia-type back.
2nd, too?
Okay, maybe I should go tell the others.
Still . . .
3rd, too!!!!!!!!!!
Okay. I am off to tell the others.
Hey I’m top 10!
Kekoa . . .
Apparently purple moves pretty quickly. Should be interesting since both teams like to run.
Good Morning Rob25!
I’m feeling kinda low cause D-1’s Saints came marching thru my living room last night and left one huge mess! We gettum next time! We gotta do like UH Warriors and make ‘Poi’ bowl for da scout playahs so dey no get stressed out ovah dis loss. Prepare to respond!
Go Warriors!
Good Morning Tsaikos and Tsaikettes!
Just stopped in quick before I go out to vote. Can’t miss doing the thing that my husband and son are serving to protect…the right to choose our leaders.
Aww, my husband loves me. Hey Frank25! Don’t melt in that Texas heat.
Good game last night between SLS and KS. I humbly accept defeat and offer my congratulations to the Crusader faithful. Nice to have such spirited competition in high school football and on this blog.
Jason – No worries, you never start anything…just school pride.
Morning/afternoon, again, Tsaiko-Nation and Tsai-Meister.
Great info, ST, makes complete sense. How does it look in the area we’re looking for? Anything great on the horizon?
Hi Kekoa!
You stand strong and represent for us! The ceded lands are well protected under your watch!
BTW, say hi to Diana and Pops for me. How’s your grandson doing these days?
ST, that should be “Who’s Next”, one of the greatest albums in rock history.
It’s just disappointing that these kids don’t understand how much all of Hawaii, not just UH, needs them. If I could do something to help all of the problems that are threatening to destroy the quality of life here I would. Is that an unfair burden to lay on a 17 year old kid? Maybe, but some of them get that they not only have the power to do something, they have the responsibility.
Mrs. A-House . . .
Okay. Tell the truth. Who was the first to put on the helmet? Did you wear it to bed last night?
Had to drag this ovah from da oddah side:
D-1 ~ Good morning Waipio voter. I heard the results are in from Waipio already and Mrs. A-House swept your district on the write-in ballot! Nah, nah…she goin’ pull my ears for futtin’ around! Me & Pops going next door to KHS to vote dis morning.
Congrats to the Crusader’s for what sounds like a very good ball game. I was wondering why the bells of Kalihi were silent last night.
I was watching the Leilehua game purely for entertainment purposes on OC16 aftah we got back from Sizzlers. Tonite I’ll check out the Purple People Eaters. This Furtado youngster is running up some incredible numbers for the Monarch butterflys. So I gotta see what motor speed he’s set on. I like see how fast ‘Mauve’ can move ~ Jamie! Bwhahahaha!
Howzit A-Sports!
Good Morning to the A-Sporting family! Bradda Al is waiting for a cue from you as to wen to schedule another Phi-Phy-Pho CC.
Shhh. But that’s what the American Samoa trip is all about. Linemen and big backs.
Stretch ~ Are you working ovahtime today?
After the season, UH is going to hit Western Samoa and the tip of New Zealand. OK, I’m geographically stooopid, so I have no idea what “tip” refers to (whoops, just dangled a participle).
And UH also wants to revive plans to get a speedy player out of Japan.
Kekoa – OT?? what is that?? Own Time?? No such thing as overtime….
UH has a big advantage in American Samoa.
As I understand it, Laupepa Letuli’s family is quite prominent there.
I think SMU is going to make a push in American Samoa. But nothing good will happen from that if Wes Suan continues to wear sneakers in the chief’s fale.
Stretch, Stephen,
the question should be:
videos or no videos?
The concern with all the offers that Hawaii is giving and committments it is getting so far, do they have enough for everyone?? make some of them grayshirt??
Warrior Mojo:
I’m sorry, I think there’s a misprint. My greatest album of all time says: “K.C. and the Sunshine Band’s Greatest Hits.”
“Boogie Shoes,” of course, is a classic, and was featured in an episode of “SportsNight,” which happens to be the greatest show. Ever.
go suck your thumb
And the vote turned out to be no vote.
The return of the videos was shot down.
You’ll just have to imagine Rick Taylor doing his dead-on impersonation of Greg McMackin.
Japan for a speedy player? Geez. Find the smallest guy. Tell him the others are going to sit on him if he does not get into the endzone. Let him go. HA!
Can you imagine Ichiro Suzuki if he were bulkier? Wow! Talk about speed to burn! But, one good hit would have broken him into a thousand pieces.
How about Mongolia?
Re: Recruiting.
A school in an area that UH recently visited was known for cosmetic recruiting. They’d “sign” four guys knowing only one — The One — would be the only one to get into school.
Re: Mongolia.
Might be some problems with transcripts.
Hey, look how long it takes to get a JC player cleared.
That’s why Jesse Williams of Australia was a good pickup. Not only is he young (17) but he’s a high school graduate. It’s a lot easier when all of the tests and paperwork are in order.
par-ti-ci-ple n – a form of a verb that is used to form complex tenses, such as “was loving” and “has Loved” in English, and may also be used as an adjective
Wow – learn new things/words everyday here on the Warrior Beat!
IMHO – OL is a critical need! 😀 😯 😆
I’d like to see Jesse Williams at OT if possible. 😀
The participle is in my past.
And I’m tense in the present.
Williams is amazing. He has no neck. It’s just a head on a large body.
He’s hickey proof.
(Hey, oldtimers, remember a baseball player named No-Neck Williams?)
Walt “No Neck” Williams:
The “Tip” of New Zealand is Ninety mile beach.
Those bugga’s stay in shape raking the sand, running end to end
Imagine 90 miles of sand for your workouts
90 miles of sand is much more appealing when you build several casinos on top of it.
i will go into mourning now.
i will force myself to stay at home and watch football all day long.
actually, i should pack. that would be the smarter thing to do. but there’s always tomorrow for that.
Went back to check my old bookmarks for the Bayside Ravens – Jesse Williams’ club team. Last year, there were several game photos of Jesse and his QB partner. They only show the roster photos on the current website. You can click on his name (DL/LB – #54) and see a photo of Jesse. He does have a neck – but those are some pretty broad shoulders! 😀
Sports Night is great; I just love Aaron Sorkin.
And I dangle participles all the time. It’s hard not to.
Doesn’t he look like he’s posting behind a cardboard cutout of a body?
Wafan –
So early in the morning and you already making humbug for me…nah j/k. YES and YES. It’s big heavy and I didn’t want to get my sweat inside of it so I just lovingley carried it around for a while, downstairs, then upstairs, stroked the stickers, then read and re-read the authenticity certificates. When it started to rain, I quickly re-covered it with the plastic packing and moved it far away from the window. A-House has a cold and coughed all night, so I moved it away from our bed but still in easy view. Every now and then, I gazed at it and felt warm and fuzzy… love you Colt ! The end.
Coach Mack and the Warriors –
Colt loves you guyz and want you to know that he’s backing you all the way. Keep the focus, continue to work hard and be proud to wear the Warrior uniform !
Good morning ST!
I think that area in New Zealand was one of the stops on that $889 16 day cruise from here to Auckland thru Tahiti. That’s the one pride. said we should do one day. You’re my witness that Peaches said I can go…imagine a cruise with a babe-magnet like pride! Say, chawan_cut–do you cruise?
Back to reality…made the coffee and will commence search in refrigerator for brunch items.
That’s a funny line.
Mrs. A-House:
“Colt loves you guys …”
Waitaminute! Was this the radio interview or did Midori use the number I gave her for Colt?
Speaking of English, what’s up with Mike? Haven’t seen him lately.
Mrs. A-House . . .
I sure hope you do not talk in your sleep. That would be really awkward if you mummered, “Colt! Colt!”
By the way, Colt’s dad is coming to town.
He’ll be here Thursday.
Anyone interested in a cattle call with him?
how about friday cattle call?
In defense of Midori, she would not even give the number to UHfan808 last Wednesday night or her Mom.
Hey Ronnie – Do you still have Colt’s number? I wonder if he changed it since you got it.
Wow, Midori’s good…you can tell her all your secrets!
Florida 17 Tenn 0
Michigan State 3 Notre Dame 0
Notre Dame driving and almost in the red zone. The receivers are making some nice catches.
Looks like an interception in the endzone…being reviewed.
BSU 0 Oregon 6 with 2 minutes left in the first quarter.
ST ~ Are you dangling a past participle on us? Of course we should have a CC with Mr. B!
Just got back and see that the great Tsai-Meister is on a roll.
Great info, St. Without really saying anything you’ve told us everything we need to know, awesome skill, Mahalo.
Tell Wes Suan that they would be especially honored if he wears cowboy boots in the Hale.
BSU 3 Oregon 6
Rutgers 7 Navy 6
Arizona 17 UCLA 7
I sure would love to hear the “reasoning” behind that no vote, something as popular as Leilas videos, really stupid, imho.
Hiya Rob25! – Love your spirit and enthusiasm on this football Saturday! Mahalo! 😀
Morning Tsaikos!
Was hoping to see Heun play this season, but will be patient if he does redshirt.
Sports Night – love it!
Colt – so huggable!
Don’t forget to vote today!
Can someone please explain the forfeit by Kalani vs. Moanalua? What a disappointment for a Homecoming game! 🙁
Hi Brew…just trying to watch how I do with the College Pickums that I am doing with the WB team!
Gotta take a break and go vote. Don’t want Midori to scold me for shirking my duty.
Hiya midori7! – I see that you and masaboy have a new sibling in the house – the UH helmet! 😀 😯 😆
my 2 cents – clean, hybrid buses… 😀
I agree that OL, especially tackles, are probably the biggest priority now for recruiting since the other positions have been addressed pretty well. Hopefully there will be some good OL from Samoa coming to UH soon, hopefully straight to UH and not going through a JC first.
North Carolina State beats East Carolina in OT.
I know that SMU will try to get a pipeline to Samoa with their coaching links, but that doesn’t worry me since Hawaii is such a natural destination for players from Samoa…with so many UH players past and current being related to people from American Samoa.
Boise 10, O – 6
Wow, East Carolina lost? That clears the way for BYU or Utah to make the BCS game if they go undefeated.
I agree Garret –
There is not much appeal for these guys to go to Texas over Hawaii.
Listening to the Boise game. They get the ” Big Mo” now. 16 – 6 Boise
I agree – that is a huge upset with ECU losing!
Nov. 22 – BYU at Utah 😯
Thank you for the congratulations on the last blog. I look forward to getting the jersey when my parents are here in 2 weeks. I ended up choosing to have Brennan and #15 on the jersey since I couldn’t have a current player.
The cruise will mean that my parents won’t get to Vegas for at least 3 months…I sure wish UH was playing there this season!
Thank you (and Jason) also for the B-day wishes. I’m guessing you found out from Lori’s blog. I’ve been enjoying all of the free meal certificates that we were sent because we signed up with restaurant clubs.
Sorry I didn’t respond earlier, but we went to a garage sale (got 2 workbooks for the kids and a regular book for just $1 total!), open house for a language school, and to Hometown Buffet. Because of my free meal, it cost $12 to feed my family of 4, which included a TON of dessert and unlimited (non-alcoholic) drinks. I’m stuffed!
Looking at Utah’s schedule – their next opponents are:
9/27 Weber State
10/02 Oregon State
Sound familiar? They’re currently beating Air Force, 9-0 with 4:38 Q1 😀
My neighbor is already talking about how huge that game could be if both teams are undefeated…
Anyway, I’ve got to go put my kids down for their nap. They should sleep well after all the food they ate!
Garret – Both you and Lori are such clever consumers! 😆
Hey Maverick – Sorry for the misinformation earlier Re: SJSU streaming. I didn’t pay attention to the audio vs. video listing. We’ll see if ESPN Gameplan picks up that game. I suppose we should cheer for SJSU over Stanford tonight! I have no faith in the Oceanic feed. 🙄
Just talked to Peaches–she and mom are in DC and enroute to the hotel. Told them I had a breakfast of papaya, banana, cream beef on toast, bacon, and crispy hash browns…and one really small fire hardly worth mentioning 😐
Papaya, cream beef and hash browns are gone so I have to do some (frozen) food shopping. Anyone know if the Hickam commissary still sells MRE’s?
Holy guacamole –
Boise 1 mo TD. 24 -6 Boise.
Steam rolling
The next meeting of the Aloha Stadium Authority will be on THURSDAY, SEPTEMER 25, in the conference room behind the main ticket office.
There are three items of potential interest to Tsaikos everywhere. Assuming that there’s no conflict with another scheduled board meeting dealing with an unrelated issue that same day, I’ll be there and will report back.
Under Section IV.Unfinished Business – Discussion and Appropriate Action
C. Aloha Stadium Repair Work – Update from Comptroller Russ Saito on the stadium repair project.
Under V. New Business – Discussion and Appropriate Action
A. Gary Nakamura- Presentation regarding the disabled parking situation at Aloha Stadium.
B. Senator Fred Hemmings- Presentation on a public / private partnership for the development of public infrastructure to the stadium property in return for commercial consideration.
This last one is intriguing to say the least. I’m wondering if there might be a conflict of interest here if Hemmings is representing a private party. Can he do that and represent the people of Hawai`i’s interest – however that may be defined – as well? Will take notes and post the Minutes as soon as they are released.
Regarding the remaining complaint filed against the University of Hawai`i when it awarded the Cooke/Ching Field renovationcontract to RMY Construction: The petitioners are Ching’s Nursery, Inc., dba Service Contracting, and Ho`onani Landscaping, Inc. The owner’s name is Vincent Ching.
Given the fact that Ching is a very common last name amongst the Chinese, it is highly unlikely that there’s a connection between the Clarence Ching Foundation and Vincent Ching, but it’ll be interesting to find out if there is any connection.
The basis of the challenge by the University with respect to this complaint is that it was filed well after the deadline which would have been Wednesday, August 20, close of business. Granted, the complainant would not benefit since his bid was well in excess of $1 million dollars – fourth lowest out of four – but he too believes that the special license should prevail.
The hearing is scheduled for next Friday, September 26, tentatively at 9 am, but there will probably be – but not guaranteed – a decision before then. Will stay on top of this.
Once these legal matters are closed, then the University will give the go-ahead to RMY to start work. Barring really bad weather or excessive manufacturing or shipping delays, the work will begin immediately and should be completed by early December.
The kicker here is how much material the manufacturer has in stock; however, while waiting for the product to arrive, all the prep work can be completed. This could take as little as two weeks including shipping or as long as six weeks.
The actual installation of the turf will take approximately 10 working days – including weekends if required – and the inspection & sign-off another five working days.
That means it could take anywhere from 30 to 60 days from the time the contract is okayed to complete the work. Again, this does not take into consideration really junk weather.
Will keep folks posted as things move forward. However, let’s plan a party when it’s completed..
Gotta go vote and then sign-hold for one of the three candidates I’m actively supporting. I know that some regulars around here don’t botter to vote for whatever reason, but whe we ask folks like Pauoa Boy, Doris Sullivan’s son, and Rob25’s husband to die for our right to choose our leaders, then the least we can do is hold up our end of the deal.
yea, bummer. Would be nice to watch San Jose play stanford today.
Kinda hard these days when they try and charge a fee to listen to a AM radio feed. There is always a free source out there somewhere
Hi Brew!
Kalani had to forfeit the game vs Moanalua because they didn’t have enough players. Even at full strength I think their roster has maybe 23-25 kids. Last I heard, at least 7 were injured.
I’ve watched 2 Kalani games this season. I give the kids a LOT of credit for continuing to play. Many of them have to play Iron Man football. I know they’re disappointed in having to forfeit games but the players’ safety is the priority.
There’s always –
IMHO – UCLA’s Kevin Craft has a long way to go…… 😯 😀
Thank you midori! Yes I agree – safety is paramount! This might sound like heresy – but maybe some HS’s should consider combining teams for football. 😀
BYU is cruising….
Wyoming 0, BYU 34 11:00 Q3
I don’t like MichSt. – but I dislike ND even more!
ND 0, MSU 10 at halftime
All surprises other than the ECU loss. BBL 😀 😯 😆
Oops – No other surprises….. 😳 😀
Sad that most non-BCS 1-loss teams have no chance of getting into one of the BCS bowls. ECU has had some seriously impressive wins in the early going, and for now it looks like they’re out of the race. That leaves Boise, Utah and BYU as possible BCS busters this year if that “undefeated” formula has to be followed.
Btw, checked out Tombo Ahi’s blog and they say Tyler’s cleared for practice. I hope they’re _really_ sure that his hand is good to go…or throw….or whatever. Did an MRI ever get done?
Good morning all. 🙂
Jesses Williams’ photo makes him look bigger than big. No neck indeed.
I see gigi signed into yahoo messenger all the time.
Pardon any dangling participles. Sick today.
Recruiting is all about building lasting relationships. Especially when recruiting Polynesians. The first thing that needs to be done is to build a deep level of trust between the Hawaii program and the communities in both Samoas and New Zealand. Tony Tuioti I believe already has the trust factor on in American Samoa as well as Cali, Utah, Nevada, and Seattle. There are probably a few alumni that can help us out in Western Samoa. New Zealand is foreign territory, but in my opinion, the biggest gem of all. Tons of athletes down there. We would just need to find a way to tear them away from their favorite game of rugby.
BYU -vs- Utah is going to be huge game, since Boise State will have at least one loss.
The team need that dominant defensive lineman who’s impossible to block (in the mode of F. or A. Noga, Maa, or Travis Laboy) and forces the opposition to alter their game plan. That’s what seems to be missing from this year’s team.
Don’t forget about Air Force.
Their under the radar this year and handling.
the “other” BCS Buster
The UH-UNLV game is September 19, 2009 in Las Vegas. duffer & Al are coordinating with their Boyd Gaming friends possible travel packages that include AIR and/or ROOM-meals and/or GAME PACKAGE (ticket, hotel tailgate party, and stadium transfers). They will be gathering preliminary info and NUMBERS of interested travelers.
Once the number estimates are turned in (probably Dec-Jan), we will await availability and pricing info. Other options via Rich2176 & las vegas ala UNLV 2007 for those not utilizing the package offerings and initial numbers for them will also be gathered.
Since the collection of potential traveler numbers will continue for several months, an on-line survey which will be available 24/7 has been posted…
* * * Click Here to take the survey * * *
Note this survey is for preliminary number estimates and is NOT a commitment or reservation.
I think BSU is going to be rough. If the sportscast on 1222 (1224?) is not in error, it looks as if BSU is beating Oregon quite soundly.
Incidentally, if BSU or Fresno is the one selected for a BCS Bowl, doesn’t the WAC profit more than if a ESU or BYU get there?
(I’m pake, as you can tell!)
Nevada is having to cut costs with their athletic teams. That could hurt their on-field performance when they come to Aloha Stadium this year.
Boise State is up big time in the 4th quarter at Oregon with a rookie quarterback throwing for 3 td’s and Ian Johnson rushing for under 50 yds & 1 td.
Looks like Boise State just reloads and got a shot at the BCS again.
Tom Mui,
I think that the difference in the past has been about $500k for teams from the BCS-buster’s conference and $200k for the other non-BCS conference teams. That is a pretty big difference…but I expect BSU to lose at least one game, so I don’t think they will make it.
The WAC to add another team to cut down on travel costs? There really isn’t a great team they could add from those that would be available. I’m assuming that the MWC teams wouldn’t be interested, but I’d love a BYU of course.
The WAC wants to move the volleyball, baseball, and tennis tournaments out of Hawaii? That doesn’t sound too good for UH…the attendance for volleyball might make up for the added travel expenses, but I don’t know how they will make up the money for the tennis tournament!
Hi Jason,
I’m still here. Just lurking as I wade through an apartment carpeted with papers that need grading. This semester is a doozy. However, unlike ST, I haven’t yet resorted to building lesson plans off of Chris Rock quotes.
“Neutral sites”….. puhleaaaazzzzzeeeeee…… 🙄
Anyway, ST, what does UH get out of consolidated theaters showing the UH football games?
Mike lives!
The way I understand it, Oceanic charges a commercial establishment fee, just like sports bars, etc., based on Nr. of eyeballs.
It doesn’t make much of a difference for UH, since they’re paid a guarantee plus a percentage.
So early in the morning and you already making humbug for me…nah j/k. YES and YES. It’s big heavy and I didn’t want to get my sweat inside of it so I just lovingley carried it around for a while, downstairs, then upstairs, stroked the stickers, then read and re-read the authenticity certificates. When it started to rain, I quickly re-covered it with the plastic packing and moved it far away from the window. A-House has a cold and coughed all night, so I moved it away from our bed but still in easy view. Every now and then, I gazed at it and felt warm and fuzzy… love you Colt ! The end.
good for you Mrs A-House.
get well today Mr. A-House.
I was thinking what you said bout Boise St. They gotta have some secret
formula for reloading as they do?? Seems like it doesn’t phase them at all when playing these BCS schools, they just go about their business and win. Congrats to BSU with their win over Oregon.
Jus some random thoughts…
Congrats for Manti wherever he goes but I agree with Stephen that our linebackers are solid. But heck, I’d still like to have the brudda with us.
I am impressed with the players that we have signed thus far – I can’t remember signing so many athletes this early in the years previous. Being a fan of the defensive side of the ball, I love the fact that we have a few linemen on board. Can’t ever have enough defensive linemen!
I believe that in the weeks to come, we will only get better. Especially on offense, as Ron Lee becomes more comfortable with being the man in charge of calling the plays…and understanding what his athletes can and cannot do.
Getting Tyler back is big.
Mouton, Sol, Estes, Veikune and especially Josh Leonard are off to great starts.
Bain and Washington will improve with game repetition.
I’d like to see Pilares stay at RB because I believe he’s a playmaker and needs touches. I also like Rego as he hits the hole without hesitation. When Farmer returns, they’ll be more time on passing downs.
It’ll never happen, but I think Wright-Jackson would make a better slot.
Love Coach Mack’s positive approach to coaching and the support he gives his staff.
We will win enough games to go to the Aloha Bowl…and Tyler will be MVP.
PS – Hope we get Oregon State in the Aloha Bowl…
Chawan and HawaiianBod,
I got home and caught the Wahine game first and I waited for the replay on OC16 of PCHS vs Manley High… lol…
But seriously my Chargers got off to a good first drive but then got snuffed out and then the Mules tossed in some “Notre-Dame-type HB pass action” and got an easy TD…. THEN… THE POWER IN MY HOUSE GAVE OUT!!! After 20 plus minutes of nothing I went out for a few drinks… missed the rest of the game, but I already knew the final score.
The Wahine looked really off and it took a MONSTER effort from Cubi-Otineru to wake the ladies up!!! Man, she’s a GAMER!!!
Can’t wait for the game tonight, I hope I can find decent parking this time…
UH needs to load up on rb’s going on. Seems rb’s are always getting dinged-up and need capable replacements.
I’d like to see Pilares stay at RB because I believe he’s a playmaker and needs touches. I also like Rego as he hits the hole without hesitation. When Farmer returns, they’ll be more time on passing downs.
i agree on Pilares at RB, he’s simply a natural and should get most of the reps.
Watching the Florida/Tennesse game today, a stat was flashed on the screen where it said that Florida had at least 12+ players who could run a,(4.4 or better in the 40).
Maybe Oregon just sucks 😆 ….
Nah I dunno, I haven’t seen Oregon play yet this season and looks like things have reversed… At first with BSU re-loading on the o-line and TEs I didn’t think they’d be as effective coming out of the gate, but I guess I was wrong… but Fresno State has looked like nothing special anway as we all have seen now just how bad Rutgers really is in the beginning of this season and they couldn’t do much against another average Wisconsin team.
Of course we all have seen that conference play is a different beast and it will just be too bad when BSU and FSU have to face another year of shattered dreams of a WAC title and a BCS bid.
Mctruck, check this, the qb is a redshirt freshman throwing for 3 tds, 1 int with 385 yards at 68% completion rate. This was not on the “blue field” but at Oregon, then 17th rated BCS & Pac-10 power. At Boise State there has been no drop off in QB play for at least the past 10 years, this will be the 11th if Moore continues his progress.
How do we get one of these at UH?
The ESPN hosts were just saying that Oregon was down to their 3rd QB due to injuries, graduations, etc., but then said they weren’t taking away from BSU’s victory cause they played a good game overall.
So the fact that BSU was playing with a redshirt freshman kinda evens things out, right?
Got a heads up from Midori yesterday that they have the white away UA jerseys at the Rainbowtique in Ward for #6 only… I thought about it, but being as superstitious as I am, we haven’t faired so well in those uniforms YET, so I shall pass for now.
I had a long conversation with a friend about the things fans feel they can do to steer their team’s fortunes in the right direction.
This is what I have done last season:
-I wore my #15 to ALL games at home and at the bars for the away games. I NEVER washed it, even to this day. (The jersey is retired and folded underneath my autographed full sized Colt helmet now.)
-I wore the same shoes, shorts, and hat to all the games as well… (washed the shorts of course)
-I wore a tshirt instead of my #15 jersey while watching the Sugar Bowl…. (hint hint hint 😉 )
So far, new season = new threads. I thought about buying a #6 jersey, but I wore my #11 during all three games and IN Aloha Stadium I have yet to witness a loss while wearing the # of the starting UH QB. Funaki was the official starter vs Weber State….
I have yet to find a pattern obviously…
Fate will be tested on Sept 27th….
Ok, that’s my useless rant of the day.
There were no serious injuries or absences to the Oregon defense. So the fact that a redshirt freshman qb on the road put up those numbers is quite impressive.
Oregon was actually down to its 4th string qb as the 3rd string qb went out with a concussion in the 2nd quarter. But the Ducks still hung 32 points on Boise.
All I have to say is that I am impressed with Boise football, at least so far.
That local kid, Manley? sure looks like a good one..hope UH lands him, when he grads.
I’d like to watch the Oregon/Oregon St. game when they play towards the end of the season…should be interesting.
Andrew Manley…
Isn’t that guy about 25 right now??? 😆
Seriously… if I thought he looked older than what he actually is last season, he looks about 10xs that this season. On the outside he literally looks like a man playing amongst boys.
Does anyone know if the Stanford/SJSU game is on tv today?
I’m interested in this one.
Kazz, you can hear audio stanford game on usually the have game on kzsu-1 link.
By the way I’m watching ASU vs Georgia. I’d love to see ASU make Georgia eat some humble pie.
OK, I’ve just learned that Toledo is the “Glass City.”
Next toast, we raise a Toledo to the guest of honor.
Hey, I guess nobody in Toledo can throw stones.
Great to hear that they are looking at recruiting the “tip” of New Zealand. I take that to mean the Auckland area. Lots of Maori, tough kids and smart. I lived in NZ for 4 years and have lots of respect for these kids. The only thing is that while NZ kids relate to the US culturally, “sport” is a commonwealth thing that means Europe and former colonies, ie India, Pakistan, South Africa. Rugby is king, with cricket and soccer 2nd and 3rd. Australian rules rugby is getting more popular. A little bit of NFL seeps into the country but NZ universities don’t do sports. Granted I’m a little of out date having lived there in the 1990s. The key is to get KFVE TV down there. Give the games away if need be. Maori have a lot of respect for Hawaii and would enjoy being part of the Polynesian culture UH embodies.
Thanks for the update.
As I understand it, they believe they can find a powerback-type in New Zealand. Would a rugby player fit such a role? I remember David Toloumu did very well in rugby.
Ok Tyler – let’s get down to business!
A rugby player would fit that bill quite well. They run through traffic, being tackled, with NO pads on. Put some pads on 230 pounder and look out !
Did you get to look at Tylers hand ? Is it still discolored?
Deju vu watching Portland State against Washington State. Reminds me of ours, only better.
afternoon tsai-ko country. whew it’s hot out dea. costco has gas going for under $4 but the line is loooooooooooong. betta go at night when cool instead of waiting in the hot sun.
just got home from doing my cantaloupe list so ready to go for lattas. will get a power nap in a few minutes after check out da blog.
At this point I’m not overly impressed with either Boises or Fresnos defenses. If our O gets their act together, I’ll like our chances.
Whar league does Toledo play in?
Stephen, You still around. Need my help with the guest stuff? Left a message on your phone…
Yes, I agree with FloridaTed that a rugby player could do the job. That is what they do and it wouldn’t be the first for UH. Who was that Tonga kid that ran for UH? Faava? He had primarily a rugby background.
Stevem ~ I checked my pantry and in my emergency storage section I discovered a case of C-Rations that I can share with you. Never mind the Nov. 1946 packing date, these things are good for an eternity!…I mean get real dude! Ham and Lima Beans?….Yee Haw!
its no fun to go on a cruise by yourself. unless its the Love Boat.
skip da c ration stuff hit it to Byrons and get one beeeg teri burger and wash it down with an even bigga man size humongus strawberry ice cream slush float. promise you going get brain freeze for at least 10 minutes.
WAC vs. MAC: Toledo takes the lead over Fresno State 21-17 to go into the half.
One thing I love about rugby: no injury timeouts. I once saw a guy go down with a dislocated shoulder, run over to the sideline while the game was still going on, knock his shoulder back in place on a sign post, then run back into the game. Those Hawaii Harlequin guys are tough mickiefickies.
kden need to get some rack now so be good and play nice
see ya esmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Mmm, Byron’s slush float. Good thing I don’t have a car, I’d be making many short trips between here and Pai‘ea St. 😀
If I remember correctly (old timer, you know!), No Neck hit a homer through the right center field Columbia Inn puka…Can you confirm?
chawan_cut — “no comment ” since I plead the 5th. But here’s a hint: book a suite. Memorize “You wanna see my suite?”. Hey, on a cruise ship it works… 😆
BTW, many ships have singles nights at bars and dance functions every night. Some more than others. Of course, I haven’t been to any…
Fresno-34, Toledo-24, end of third Q.
SanJose-10, Stanford-10
NMST-21, UTEP-20,
UtahSt clobbering Idaho.
It’s not often that Utah State can say they are on top of the WAC in football. 1-0 for the Aggies! 😀
Howzit Gang…
Finding a Power Back from NZ huh? I could definitely see a Rugby type player as a power back. Those guys are tuff, run hard, and aren’t afraid to take a hit and dish it out too. Plus, I know they hold on to the ball well and wouldn’t fumble to often.
Manti Te’o – my gut feeling says he goes to BYU with Shilo…IMO
Paipai Falemalu – I feel is going to be an immediate impact player for us and could be a 4yr. starter. Already has the size 6’3 225lbs., with proper weigth training, probably bulk up to a solid 245-250lbs. Watching him during unsupervised workouts and while at Kahuku HS, he was a great pickup and a steal IMO. If Manti change his mind, great…but I feel Paipai is just as good and may be more valuable to us anyway. Alema Tachibana, he could be another guy to watch once he fills out his frame at 6’3. Then we got Art, and T.J. Alofipo coming in…
As far as recruiting lineman…I like the fact that we are always looking to get some big Uso’s on the line. But most of the guys we recruit are better suited as interior lineman like Center and Guards. Most are barrell chested, compact guys more suited for the interior. I believe we need to try and find some big athletic Olineman for our Tackles… Guys who are light on their feet who have range. Kainoa LaCount 6’7″ 300 lb. types are what I’m talking about. Wayne Hunter types… Can’t teach size, but you can teach techinique, footwork, etc…so why not go get the giants and develop them into terrors…
BHF2 – Gabriel Perez 6’6″ 335lbs…Hilo High…WOW, das one monstah fo shua. With that size plus he probably what 17, 18 yrs old…still get room for grow…sheesh. I like see this kid play too…
Wassup with Stan Hasiak from Kapolei? Heard he was thinking of going to Pac-10 school? Would be nice to have him in a Warrior uniform.
Stan Hasiak – Top 3 Cal, USC, UCLA, guess UH no more chance with this kid too…k nevermind then.
OT FS-Toledo
Boise State Rushing
I. Johnson 19 40 2.1 1 6
Team 35 38 1.1 1 8
Boise State Passing
K. Moore 24/36 386 10.7 3 1
Team 24/36 386 10.7 3 1
that would make for a great contest. i think manti ends up at UCLA.
btw, i think tachibana will be a de.
i think we shouldn’t close the book on hasiak just yet.
just worried about tachibana’s situation. paipai is enrolled and in school whereas, alema is not???
Ditto what Al said in #159.
al – Yeah wassup with Alema, I thought he was grey-shirting at first and I heard too he wasn’t in school yet?
Hasiak – I dunno doesn’t seem like he’s giving UH much thought…he lists his top school as Cal…
Tachibana I know was projected as a DE when recruited but he’s a tweener at 6’3″ 200 lbs. Both he and Paipai could probably play either LB or DE for us maybe. I would think Alema could stay at LB with his speed…I dunno maybe Coach see something in him at DE…
i would like to see liloa nobriga in the green and black. he moved to nevada after his soph year at iolani. size/speed/instincts and a great basketball player too.
Toledo fails on 2-pt attempt. FS wins 55-54
I know Norm Chow is probably sweet talking Manti like a mofo…lol. I always liked UCLA and wanted to go there myself at one point during high school. Anyway, I think he has better chance of playing right away at UCLA or BYU, not USC. I say he goes to BYU because of family and Mormon community, plus them kitty cats are a decent football team… WOW what was that…OUCH…I almost had a heart-attack, my chest hurt after saying that, haha. To me, I’m over Manti Te’o anyway, best wishes to him wherever he ends up…
al – Liloa is one mean LB, I think Tony Tuioti knows about him. I remember him playing basketball for Iolani…pretty big kid. Anyway, I hope UH goes after him too and brings him back home. Having a couple 6’3″ 200 + lbs LB’s for a few years would be nawts. All get size, speed, and can Impact…
Liloa Nobriga – Already offered from UH…said he was leaning towards becoming a Warrior in an interview. Has also been offered from UNLV, Utah, Stanford, ASU, and some other Pac-10 schools.
I know this is kind of a dead issue but how the heck is Rausch #4 on the depth chart??? I thought his wrist injury was minor…has it affected him that much to go from #1 to #4??? I know the situation being he has 3yrs to play…and Graunke and Funaki with experience need to be in there but what da heo happen? Has he loss confidence and not throwing well or did Coach Rolo realize he should save him or what? Anyway, if I was Rausch although I know he’s a team player I would be pissed! Anyway, hope he continues to work hard and maybe we’ll see him play in the future…
Anyway, check you guys later got some more football to watch…
Monarch Gang ~ I’m watching the Mauve & Gold on OC16 take on the WOL crew. Game just started…it all ready seems like the Furtado road show as he’s getting all the carries.
How come I don’t see our write-in votes for Mrs. A-House in the Mayoral election? Where are our Tsai-ko lawyers, I want my vote counted! 😉
Jase ~ Mrs. A-House announced her withdrawal from the race yesterday in a speech before the neighbor’s house not the State house. She felt that with her additional duty of securing the ‘helmet’ she would not have time to tend to city business.
7-0 Score carried into the 2nd Q with Damien maintaining their lead. WOL grinding away with a ground game of their own and going for it on 4th & goal!
But I convinced her to jump back in the race; I volunteered to be Chief of Helmet Security.
JJ -2 (Portland State, SMU)
PJ +2 (Georgia Tech, Navy)
The Monarchs line holds! WOL is stopped short of the goal line! Tuff the Monarch Butterflys!…Then they shoot a swing pass out to the flats and bang!…96 yard TD pass/run TD to make it 13-0 (missed PAT).
Half time in da hale, time to eat a late meal with Pops. Kalua Pig and cabbage, Lau-lau & Poi. Had some pipikaula earlier, but like candy, it disappeared quick!
Damien hanging on to their 13 zip lead over the “Firebrands.”
Gotta remembah to hide da Dobash cake leffovah from da bertday party. jm2375, might come snooping around latuh. Nah, I share wit her, she might have coco puffs stashed somewhere.
Kekoa . . .
Monarch updates please!?!?
Go Monarchs!!!
Kekoa – NOT! You wen eat all da coco puffs. I neva get any. 🙁 You and Jason wen eat everything in da fridge. You like da new decor of da clubhouse? 😉
Evening folks,
A little tired here…..after sweating in the 100+ degree heat and a post-game meal, I just got back from the Arizona State-Georgia game. I told my buddy going in to that game that the best chance for the Sun Devils to win was to air it out, especially since their defensive front looks much like the folks we faced in the Sugar Bowl (minus Marcus Howard).
Unfortunately plenty dropsies and overthrown passes dominated the night, coupled with shoddy O-Line protection at critical times, and ASU lost the game. From my perspective the fan base out here knew that the Georgia game meant nothing after losing to Vegas last week. They still remain optimistic about a Rose Bowl berth…..that remains to be seen.
Wafan ~ WOL is containing Furtado. Held him to 10 yds rushing in da 1st half. 3rd Q – WOL scores!…a little bitty 5’5″ 120 Lb girly girl comes out to boot the extra pt. 13 -7.
4th Q with about 1 minute 33 left, Furtado breaks one for 92 yd TD. 20-7 Butterfly boys in command. Furtado now has 16 carries for 120 yds. Looks like curtains for Joe Onosai’s Firebrand.
Come on purple!
Come on gold!
Come on Monarchs!
Let’s go! Go! Go!
Thank you Kekoa. Kind of frustrating to know (St)DMS is on TV and I cannot watch or listen to the game.
I watched the SMU game. The announcers mentioned how difficult the R&S was for the players to learn. They mentioned one of the SMU receivers who spent something like 2 hours a day off season studying it.
JJ seems to be having the same problems with his offense. At times it was almost like watching the OSU game. Shovel pass wasn’t working there either. Dlineman stepped in front of the runningback intercepted the ball and ran it in for a td.
Freshman quarterback appears to be having problems making his reads and takes a long time before he throws. He does not look off his receivers which sometimes causes problems. You can see the dbs rotating over to where he is looking.
It looks like JJ is willing to give up a year to allow his freshman quarterback grow in his system. It made me wonder if UH can afford to do so too???
wafan – not sure if someone already mentioned but you can watch the game online.
well at least the last seconds of it… sorry
A Noble attempt by the band to play Hawaii 50. I think maybe I heard the Salvation Army band play it only slightly better one time.
20 -7 is the final. Monarch Mauve manages to maul the WOL Firebrand.
wafan – if you are still awake in an hour, you can watch the replay online
go mufi
Kekoa and Stretch . . .
Thanks much! Interesting that OC16 is on-line. I do not plan on staying awake until 4 in the morning to watch the game, though. I did learn it will be on again tomorrow at 2p local (WA) time. If nothing I will be able to watch it then.
Good to see Stretch, G-Nalo and Sleeze made it home safely after those miserable games in OR and WA. Ugh. Still cannot believe the ‘hawks gave that game away. Hopefully, they do better tomorrow again the SL Rams.
And, thank you Stretch for taking the envelope back to BG. Really appreciate it!
wafan ~ Actually, the website stretch put up was just mentioned by Larry Price and Kanoa at the ending of the game. They mentioned how cool it is that former students of the Hawaii schools be able to watch their Alma Mater ‘live’ on HDTV via that site.
Do you think you have room at your place for jm2375? She’s always redecorating the clubhouse and making all kine.
Esme has become a superstar of the circuit, so she doesn’t talk to us anymore. I think she thinks it would be below her station. No moah da whoosh anymore!
Finally the Miami papers have something relevant to the Warriors…
Pauoa Boy and I, and many others, have mentioned how Bess would be suited for a Wes Welker-like role. This article shows that Bess (and Miami’s management) agrees.
Interesting that Miami isn’t grading their offensive linemen as individuals.
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want the off-topic stuff.
The city of Tampa needed money to buy supplies to defend itself during the Civil War, so they borrowed $299.58 from a storekeeper on 6/21/1861. Now, one of his ancestors is suing the city of Tampa for $22.7 million, which is that amount of money plus 8% interest per year!
Man in London spent $12k on a diamond engagement ring, and had an idea to get a dozen balloons and let his girlfriend pop the balloons as he popped the question. Unfortunately, the balloon with the ring floated away as he was leaving the jewelry store! His girlfriend is no longer speaking to him…
Pretty cool that scientists have discovered the language for these monkeys–they have an actual vocabulary based on the sequence of sounds made.
UC-Berkeley raised $1.1 BILLION to enable it to match salaries from other Universities to retain their top professors. The interesting thing to me is that now that this is publicly known, Berkeley professors who have no intention of leaving now have an incentive to get an offer from some other University because they know they will have the offer matched. Or maybe this is a way to scare away other Universities who might want to hire away one of their professors.
It is amazing how airlines are charging up to $300 per surfboard checked in…much more than what they are charging for things like golf clubs!
Free play links pau.
Kekoa . . .
If jm came over she would have to clean the house before she could even begin to think about redecorating. On the otherhand, this place sure could use a good thorough cleaning and some redecorating. What else would anyone expect from a single guy?!?!?!?!
jm . . .
Bring your work clothes, a shovel and a lot of trash bags!
Nope. Not going to make it to kick off. I will watch the game tomorrow.
Good night!
Hahahahaha, I love the engagement ring story.
Kekoa – hehehehe.
wafan – nope. sorry. gotta clean my house first.
jm2375 ~ If you plan on coming to the T-gate on the 27th, bring the coco puffs ok?
It’s past midnight HST and a quiet night. I’m alone and awake so I’ll do one of my infrequent blog soliloquies. Tonight’s topic: Stadium tickets for the 2009 UNLV game.
Seems early to think of these things, but planning starts early for what will probably be one of the largest Tsai-ko events to date. I’m talking about the possible largest Las Vegas Tsai-ko Cattle Call/Blog Party ever held on the night before the game…but I am premature and digress. But keep in mind everyone will have a chance to spend an evening and meet in Vegas.
Stadium Tickets. At the Away games, we all see 10-20 Tsai-kos attending wanting to sit with everyone else–or at least sit in the UH section. Doesn’t even work out for those relatively low numbers–very unlikely to work for the thousands at a major destination like Las Vegas. But same scenerio: Hawaii, mainland, and maybe international Tsai-kos converge in Vegas. Can we all sit and party together? Maybe Friday night…Saturday is another matter.
I think the only way that several hundred Tsai-kos are going to sit together at the stadium is with very high level intervention…the same hand that deals out the tickets to Boyd package Tsai-kos also deals out the tickets in the same section to the Tsai-kos or their agent (like Rich2176). Possible? Dunno–that “hand” could be in Hawaii or in Nevada. But it’s gonna take a lot of clout. Worse case, we don’t all sit together but we’ll be together in groups.
Extremely unlikely that everyone will attend the same tailgate party, whether it is tied into tickets or not. But there will be one set up by las vegas and likely buses to/from the stadium. He and Rich2176 already said they will do it again as in 2007 (don’t tell them they have already been inducted into the Virtual Tsai-ko Hall of Fame for the extraordinary feats last year and won’t get a bigger display) 🙂
Note that the different tailgates are not a competition. Everything is purely by personal choice, logistics, and circumstances…and as the game gets closer, by necessity. Purely personal preferences and some choose not to go to any.
PERSONAL NOTE: I talked to Peaches about the situation and asked her choice of ticket/tailgate options at this point. She choose Rich2176 and las vegas. I asked her why. She said because she knows Rich and John (she dined with them, talked with them, sang with them, and hugged them). They are real people. They are Bonafide Tsai-kos. I agree.
Howzit Tsaikos everywhere.
NYUH at 130. Great Idea, getting K5 tv to da Maori households in NZ.
Jim Donovan, please read 130.
The last holdup re the Ching Cooke Field fix is Ching’s Nursery, Inc., dba Service Contracting, and Ho`onani Landscaping, Inc. The owner’s name is Vincent Ching. Ching is a very common last name amongst the Chinese,
I’m figuring if he is related, perhaps Mr. Yoshida will talk to the bradda. Monday 4 pm is my self imposed deadline before talking about this. your word is your word.
So I took the survey and said 4 of us coming to the Boyd’s stuff. But afta readomg upir [pst. I’m thinking of just staying at the Boyd’s place and going to the Tgates you guyz going, and i like sit wit da Tsaikos. So which are you suggesting? We like sit in da section with my frenz the Tsaikos!
Good Sunday morning to all!!!
This is going to be a good day.
Go get ’em bhf2!!!
😯 ☼ 😀 ~•~ Good Morning Tsaikos and Warrior Nation!!! ~•~ 😀 ☼ 8)
Good stuff as always bhf2! Maybe – Ching’s Nursery, Inc., dba Service Contracting, and Ho`onani Landscaping, Inc., needs some free publicity. Of course, IT’S ALL GOING TO BE NEGATIVE unless they quickly figure out that #4 doesn’t even count!
SteveM – sent you a rambling email…..
wafan – I’m still laughing at the mental picture of the “short, purple bus rambling around Kalihi”! I even picture you driving, waving at everyone! 😆
Okay gang – I’m off to see a football game at Candlestick. It’s a visiting #97 (Ikaika) versus our guys, #53 (Ulbrich) and #90 (Sopoaga). Oh – there’s some other players too! 😀 😯 😆
……………………GO NINERS!!!……………………
Have fun Brew! Go Niners!
bighilofan2: I think they already do something like that for A. Samoa, at least under JJ. But a concerted effort to get the UH football games throughout the Pacific and Australia might pay off big. Even if they play at midnite or other non-primetime slots when high school age kids watch TV.
Morning Wafan! Hope you have a relaxing Sunday.
A-sports, esme and out…..
aloha guyz,
heading back from sacramento, wildcats come out with a 32-27 victory against sac state. this is the same team that lost to san jose state a few weeks ago by a field goal in OT….UH’s next opponent.
cameron higgins did awesome, 4 TD passes including 1 to Cody Nakamura, and over 330+ yds passing.
defense was tough, the beast took out the starting qb with a big hit, and was in on a critical 4th and 1 play that sac state went for in the last part of the game. hot, hot, hot, it was a 2 pm game, but sweet victory.
be back this afternoon in hawaii nei.
Graunke ready to practice, GO WARRIORS!!!!!
by the way,
everyone had a restful weekend, today is Sunday, and let’s get ready for next Saturday!
Bulla . . .
Good to hear the Beast had a good game. Yeah! Way to go ILH!!!
Just cannot bring myself to say Sa . . . Saaaaa . . . Saaaaaaaai . . .
Good Sunday Gang –
Well, hearing how well Weber St. did against Sac. St, thanks to Bulla Jr. helps fill the void of no Hawaii game this weekend.
Bulla – any chance we can get a youtube clip of the highlights and Beast’s moments?
Wow, Boise vaulted to # 20 overnight with Fresno hanging on at # 24.
Come on Warriors, polish up, these guys are just around the corner. We need to upset!
Good Morning Tsaiko’s!
SteveM ~ So basically what your suggesting is a simple 3 step approach for all who are attending. Then, our own personal arrangements can be fashioned around what the Boyd peeps are offering in the way of air trans and gaming and lodging *packages.*
The Tsaiko plan would be:
1 – Rich arranges for the block ticket purchase for the game.
2 – LV sets up the gathering of the Tsaiko’s at a major cattle trough.
3 – LV schedules the ground transportation to and from Boyd stadium.
~ Realistically, even the Boyd group would have a difficult time arranging for the tickets as there are about a dozen ticket brokers, besides the stadium box office that sells tickets. Like any other major venue, it is first come first serve. So having Rich take the lead makes sense.
~ My understanding, (and Rich can prolly jump in here and explain it fully of course), is that the ’07 tickets were coordinated by Rich thru the box office peeps. Bottom line is, I would trust Rich to get the best deal he is able.
~ LV is in his own sandbox. He will do the best job of identifying a food frenzy venue that would fit our needs because he knows what makes us happy campers. Being in the ground transportaion business, who else could get us forth and back on time?
~ If these things are set in stone and we all know that this is what we can plan around – then we can plan the rest of our trip to fit our own individual budgets. We could then choose to take advantgage of the Boyd package…or not, whatever pulls your slot lever!
Am I on the right track here SteveM? This is well worth discussing because it is going to take some major planning to nail things down.
Sugar Bowl taught us a few lessons about how flexible traveling Tsaiko’s are. We can adapt quickly when things go awry, but with a little foresight, the plan came together very nicely! If we take care of the big stuff, it makes the little things easier to fit in to our individual needs.
So SteveM, what’s cooking this morning? (Have you got a fire extinguisher on hand?)
Interesting brunch of Corn Nuts and tree ripened Italian Prunes. Oh, and a big cup of cold water.
SteveM, would you like some?
Coach Bulla ~ The beast is now feeding on QB’s? Yikes!
Esme…Important Note to
“Mothers don’t let your sons grow up to be QB’s!”
Sssswhoosh…Esme and out!
Great Morning All!
Good news about Graunke. I’m sure the “extra day” will be put to good use.
Great news about Weber and the Beast (weren’t they a funk band in the 70’s)
Got hit by a 24-hour bug that really knocked me out last night. Hopefully I’ll be able to resume life among the living today. Sorry if I may have missed out on some activities last night.
d1 ~ (I wuz goin’ axe if you wanted to do a bcc this AM). I think maybe you should take 2 aspirins and see us at the T-gate Sat.
*tsigh* I’m watching ESPN right now. The last game in Yankee Stadium. I wish I could be there …
Thanks, but yeah, prolly bettah fo’ lay low today. Recupah-rate, li’dat. 😉
Good morning D1.
I caught that same bug, but it’s lingered for a few days. Chicken noodle soup for breakfast.
Waddya guys think of the elections? I’m surprised by some of the results.
You could have been there. At the Pigskin Pigout, they auctioned off 2 tickets for yesterday’s game inlcuding airfare. Winning bid was $3,000
Thanks for the suggestion. Maybe I’ll make a pot o’ soup later today.
Re: the election
So much focus on 50% +1 vote for Mufi. Just sad that out of about a million people on this island only a little more than 16% cared enough to vote on the direction that means $o much to $o many.
Was voting yesterday a requirement for voting in the general? If so, that’s a lot of potential Obama votes lost.
elections……..i agree with (j)j, just sad that so many did not vote at all. i think mufi could have won yesterday with a better turnout.
that to me is not only biggest surprise or perhaps the only surprise.
Boy, it’s a good day to be Ronnie Brown
d1 – it’s only good to be Ronnie Brown if you have him on your Fantasy team. Unfortunately, I don’t!!!!
Setting up a big finish in the Meadowlands.
TD to “who’s yo’ Momma”
NO – primary election in theory is for party members to select their party’s choice to run for whatever office.
Of course if you hadn’t voted in previous general elections, your name may have gotten tossed out. Better check it out!
What’s up with Kainoa Lacount? Did he enroll at UH or is he still at a JC?
Does anyone else think Palmer should have just spiked it and given Cincy 1 shot at a TD?
boise st = bcs buster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Forgot about Mauia on the Bengals roster. Although I bet he’d like to forget about that lead block 😐
How can? WAC 2nd place team no mo chance fo’ invite!
LaCount is redshirting.
Wow…the Redskins pulled off another win. You’d never know it by logging onto the Redskins website right now, though. Just look at Zorn’s happy expression. 😛
*cracking the clubhouse door open just a bit and peering in, smiling sheepishly *
Uhhh, good morning, gangies … Hi, ST …
I’ve been away for a little while. Am I still welcome around here? I’m sorry. I’ve really, really missed hanging out in the Tsaiko clubhouse. Really missed it.
But there are two reasons I’ve been MIA. I figured a quiet Sunday on a bye weekend would be the right time to fill you guys in. …
The main reason I’ve been gone is that I’ve had to really concentrate on preparing and executing the extreme makeover of We finally blasted off late Thursday night. If you go check out the site now, you’ll see it’s radically different. Garret and Kekoa have already popped in to post and say hello … I hope other Tsaikos will stop by too.
The other reason is that I’ve been in *cough*rehearsals*cough*. Don’t laugh, but I’ll be in the Gridiron show at DHT this year. Once the show is pau at the end of October, I hope life will take on a more normal pace again.
So … I’ve been a neglectful Tsaiko lately. I’m sorry. *bracing for the rubber slipper* But I miss you guys and have been thinking of you all, and look forward to the day I can linger here as in days of old.
Dolphins beat Pats, and by a ton, on the road! Wow, looks like some of the craziness from College Football ’07 carried over to the big league.
September 21st, 2008 at 10:49 am
The other reason is that I’ve been in *cough*rehearsals*cough*. Don’t laugh, but I’ll be in the Gridiron show at DHT this year. Did I hear a Tsaiko outing??!!??
try one more time…
Did I hear a Tsaiko outing??!!??
Thanks for the clarification Tom. The other voter in my household said otherwise. Nuff said.
Kekoa! re: post 192. Awwwww! I hope you have more faith in me than that. I love, cherish, even worship my Tsaiko amigos.
And besides, I could never leave. You guys have incriminating photos of me.
Bwaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaa …
Stretch, you can come, but you have to bring the message board. 😆
Esme!…You’re alive and well!…We can tear up the missing persons posters at Wally World!…have the incriminating photos taken down off the net, and the Meadow Gold milk cartons?!
Does this mean we will see you at the t-gate on Sat? Yippee!
-heard Brew’s high-pitched scream from the ‘stick!
SF on top- 21- 3.
OK, I finally woke up and decided to write a new post. These bye weeks are so relaxing.
good mid day to all the tsai-ko’s out dea
had a good time with james and rob25 last night. we were doing a pre-check of TJ’s for midori and everything is good to go. chawan stopped by but left after being soundly defeated in one game of darts. no need to mention who beat him.
some of us have been planning the away UH games and coordinating place to have the tgates where we can catch the game and still be one beeeeg gang. so this is what has been confirmed so far.
We wanted to spread the action to various parts of Oahu so it will be fair to everyone. Mahalo for helping goes out to jerry, kekoa, james, Rob25, midori and steveM for their input. Much more updated info will be coming out as these game get closer.
If your wondering about why there is no mention of the Boise State game on October 17 its because the game is on a friday at 2 in the afternoon. We felt it would be to hard to reserve a place because not sure who could get there before the game started.
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