And the winner is . . .
Whitey wins.
Thank JuJu for choosing the winning name.
* * * * *
Quarterback Greg Alexander was hospitalized because of an infection in his surgically repaired left knee, UH head coach Greg McMackin said during today’s news conference.
* * * * *
The Warriors will practice from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. today.
* * * * *
Happy belated birthday to Kama Krab.
Comments are closed.
Diogenes is The Man
Diogenes is The Man
Diogenes is The Man
Good Morning Warrior Nation
Witnessing how Coach Mack is running the team is sickening to watch and has nothing to do with rebuilding.
It’s my opinion Coach Mack and the Warriors are more handicapped in the way he coaches and manages the team than being short on talent and players as the team rebuilds.
Twenty eight months ago he came in to build a house, so to speak, and took stewardship of the team.
And in doing so he hired a staff basically composed of all his friends.
That was the first crack in the foundation.
Then the coach and his staff go after recruits that are non qualifiers (we’ve read on this blog where some didn’t have the qualifying SAT/ACT scores) on signing day, which sets the program back further behind (I’d say probaly 6-7 recruits behind).
Another crack in the foundation.
On the subject of recruits: The coaches this past summer go after/and recruits– rush ends that are doing 5.1 40 times, which wouldn’t (IMO) allow to compete competitively in the WAC.
Another crack in the foundation.
The coaches image during this duration, mainly how he is perceived by the public and his own players, has been compromised. How the coach talks and communicates has taken it’s toll on supporters, but the biggest effect is how it might not be attractive to future recruits. Or in gaining respect from his current players.
Basically the coach has a penchant for putting his foot in his mouth. Coming across as an unpolished speaker, and more like a bumpkin than anything else.
Another crack in the foundation. This one a little deeper than the rest, and perhaps the most unforgiving.
The coaches lack of organization on the sideline has been evident last year, and a few times this year when it came to issues of managing the clock, making the correct decisions of when on going for one point or two. And making adjustments on the fly.
Another crack in the foundation.
Personally, I’ve taken a first hand look at the way the team practices.
I’ve witnessed very little stretching, zero calisthenics, very little agility drills. And when the team did the short warm ups of 3/4 speed runs of 20 yards at the beginning of practice I observed about roughly 5-10 players seemingly doing 17 yards of the 20 yards and walking the rest.
For coaches to witness this. Condone this undisciplined players is bothersome.
Furthermore, the team is soft. And the old adage of how the team practices is how the team plays is true. In this last week leading up to the Fresno game the team practiced in shorts Monday and Thursday. And let me tell you something the band exerts more energy and practices harder than this. You ask about contact during practice, like tackling…pfffft…the coaching methodology is that they are afraid the players will get hurt.
How the coaches are soft on the players in practice is another crack in the foundation and affects how the players perform in games.
It is my opinion by observing the players and coaches in practice (last Monday) is that overall morale of the team is down. This was before the Fresno game. So I can imagine what it’s like now.
During last Monday’s practice I watched Miano come onto the practice field about 20 minutes before the 400 pm practice and I watched him jog around the track a few times, never raising his head to greet any of his players. There was somberness in his body language, and I don’t know if this is foretelling of symptoms that things are amiss with this Warriors team and Coach Mack’s reins of the team. But to me it seemed eerie and strange, like something is not going right with the team. I always remember Miano as a chatterbox, and he seemed to be down.
At spring practices I observed at least 90% of the players working on techniques and exercises with 20 minutes to go before practice. Now it seems like more than half the team is sitting down and joking around before practice.
A lot of level headed people with respect to the Warrior team would have a lot of patience with the direction Coach Mack is leading the team as he rebuilds if they didn’t see the whole house caving in along the way. Like I’ve noted the foundation is cracked and that is the fault of the one at the top.
I’ve pasted below a late post on yesterday’s blog from Silky Voice of the Gorn which is right on point, IMO.
Hey ST, during the press conference today ask Mack some tough questions. Don’t let him get away with vanilla questions. You the man to do it.
Glad to see that royvic just re-posted his comment from yesterday’s blog entry.
Oh yeah: Diogenes is The Man
Diogenes is The Man… but can he tackle?
Good morning Tsaikos.
Diogenes is The Man.
reposting what i last posted 5 minutes ago.
GTood morning Tsaikos.
Royvic 191
I feel what you saw, and what is bothersome for me is that my feeling is happenin in Hilo.
I been feeling that distance between Miano and McMackin.
i been feelikng that distance between McMackin and his players.
But Royvic and whoever is thinking that Mack is holding us back, you got $5M to buy out McMackin? Hawaii got $5M to buy out McMackin right now? cuz like i was told Saturday nite, thats what its gonna take to get rid of him right now.
and before i go off too far, the man and the asst coaches gotta no this:
you gotta get down off your high horses and close the door and talk to each other. these QB recruiting is nonsense. show me some bruddaz. some talankaz, not aggats. you get choke RS frosh.
an fo crissake, show sumoa smarts dan me an da wife.
Miano, I am pulling for you. you take care of yourself. it shows on your body. plus you take the time to teach your dbs. so teach em samoa. and PLEASE don’t let Mana sit way way way back in da back, and da odda dbs sitting 50 yards off da ball. you supposed to be speed and quickness, andnow i feel Mel stay holdin you back cuz our dbs no look so speed and quick.
imho McMackin stay spending too much time coaching Rolovich. need to spend more time letting Miano take over the D and act like the associate head coach in play as well as pay. and hold Rich accountable, meaning Rich gets to speak for himself.
cuz if the asst coaches are seeing what we’re seeing in the public speaking department, then i think i’m beginning to understand what the problem is.
and that is, we not only have a speaker that says da bad stuffs like me, but we got a bad speaker.
maybe he can blame da players for playing bad, but he no can blame nobody else but hisself for talkin bad.
and if da problem is da odda way around, and he’s good and da asst coaches not gettin da job done in coachin up da players and in recruitin up da players, den make sure us fans no where da problem is.
because right now it just seems that us fans and the coach are in the dark, we ain’t got a clue.
and I’ll say whatever i think i need to say to get the coach and the coaches and the players all off their butts and play like they wanna play for us.
because like somebody said up above, if you give up on yourselves then expect summa us to give up on you.
i ain’t giving up on you. thats why i’m yelling at you. tuff love!
TOP 10!!!
Because I have the reputation of looking for an honest man, can someone answer why Pat Hill smashed our Warriors on Saturday? Was it because he is paid more money than Coach Mac? Or is it that he has the horses?
The HC at Boise makes less (presumably) than Coach Mac. Is it the fact that he makes less money or is it because of the financial/fan support in getting a beautiful state-of-the-art stadium? Or is it because he has the horses in his stable?
I’m glad that we have all these ex-coaches and ex-football pro players or CEO management types telling us what is wrong.
I wonder what is right?
‘Nuff said (except Διογένης ὁ Σινωπεύς is the Man?)
Diogenes is The Man
what are the maximum hours in the week the NCAA allows for practice ?
Is it me, or does a single hour today seem too light?
What the heck is going on?
Diogenes is The Man.
Diogenes is The Man
would you ask Coach McMackin these questions, please.
choose one thing you will do this week to inspire and spark to the team.
who will be calling the defensive schemes at Idaho, real time?
after a O or D scheme is chosen, who chooses the personnel to use?
Thanks ST.
Diogenes is The Man.
Diogenes is The Man
Go Warriors!
Have a nice day Tsaikos.
exme woooshhhh >>>>
Diogenes is The Man
I made the observation long ago during summer pratice that the players where not pushed when it came to conditioning workouts. Maybe it’s time to pull a “The Junction Boys” with the team, or at least some of it.
Diogenes is the man.
umm umm umm
football subject…. 😀
Deat St. Damien of Moloka’i
first, i wish my mom was alive to see this day. she would realize that she named me after Hawai’i’s saint.
and since i know you have interceded in events in Hawai’i and made miracles happen,
i’m asking for a miracle now. 😀
put good thoughts in all UH Hawaii Football team members.
put good thoughts in all UH Hawaii Football coaches’ minds.
let them work hard, heal of their injuries and sorrows, and give them peace and continued pride in themselves this coming Saturday.
Diogenes is The Man
Post #6 laid it down thick, and from a fans POV, so, so, so, true. Lack of solidarity iby the coaching staff and players is obvious. Truth Hurts…….
an jus in case, i gonna ask fo help from da higher up.. 😀
Dea Dea dddear Lord…
do what you gotta do….
help da Warriors make smash potatoes..
Ok, when I turned on K5 yesterday am to watch the game, it’s one minute ’till kickoff.
-Fresno sidelines are hopping up and down, coaches pacing back n forth in anticipation of KICKING the ball.
Hawaii sidelines are stagnent. Players are just standing and staring, as the coaches are not talking to each other either. Just standing there, and Hawaii is getting ready to RECIEVE the kickoff.
Boring. Snooze alert. I was ready to turn off the tube already, but wanted to watch the initial drive series. ( I had to listen to the game on the radio.)
This is why the SEC & Big12 atmosphere reign with marketshare.
I hope some of the coaches are reading the insightful posts here. There the Presidents of the team.
Good Morning Tsaikos!
Diogenes is The Man
Good morning Tsaikos! Diogenes is The Man.
are you reading the insightful posts here, particularly Maverick, Silky Voice of the Gorn, royvic? I am.
Maverick’s analysis of what he saw BEFORE the game even started is what i saw too. The bottom line: the obvious discomfort among you and your leader is obvious!!!!! !!!!! !!!! !!!!! !!!!
feeling beat before the game even started is a reflection of the coaching staff, not the players.
the sad part is, pretty soon I’m gonna tell it like it is.
Diogenes is The Man.
go warriors!
Diogenes is The Man
morning tsaiko country and warrior fans. have a good week
game loss wearing down, frustration level dropping but still disappointed. small kind fellings still linger about saturday’s game.
mahalo to the tsaiko’s who made the early part of the day delightful. the tgate was super as usual with much of the 5 ‘f’s’ going on. the early crew was right on . had a few newbies like kekoa friend thomas (mahalo for the new coffee maker), sailor blue navy buddy, ajoe/sports family, chopsuey with son (iolani grad/best buy exec), lizk friends mo808 with family (son plays for SLHS) also ballard and isa. e kala mai to those I missed. good times had by all.
Diogenes is The Man
Although Greg McMackin came on board in 2007 under June Jones, he did not assume head coaching duties until February, 2008 – some 20 months ago.
I don’t know who’s called for giving McMackin five years – I know I’ve been pulling for three years. NOTE: The third year starts next March.
Buying out the coach’s contract even in the best of economic times would be problematical. Today, however, it doesn’t make any sense at all. In fact, we’d have to come up with hearly twice as much because we’d wind up paying for another coach.
BHF2 – put your legal hat on for a moment. Contracts issued by the government are open for public inspection – does that include employment contracts? If they are, then perhaps McMackin’s should be looked at to see what conditions need to be met.
For example, how much notice for non-renewal has to be given? What happens in the case of being no longer able to perform job duties or being forced to take an extended leave of absence? Can McMcMackin quit without penalty?
As for the Idaho game, it’ll be interesting to see what happens over the next three days especially in building both team morale as well as working on playing deficits.
Off to work – hope to see a big batch of Tsai-kos on Wednesday at the Wahine 1000th win volleyball match. Or is it a batch of big Tsai-kos?
I think salaries are basic economics: supply, demand, resources.
Petersen received his salary boost following the BCS victory; Pat Hill got his raise following several good years. Those were reward contracts, just like June Jones’ bump from $320,000 annually to $800,016 per.
Robb Akey, Mack, etc. are operating under initial offers. They’re paid based on the situation and their school’s resources (at the time).
With money comes expectations and pressure. I have neither. Since our 10 percent paycut, I make less than the Brand X’s football writers. If people don’t like what I write, hey, sorry. You get what you pay for.
Diogenes is The Man! Have a great day everyone . . .
Under the circumstances — injuries, short recruiting period in 2008 — the program should be given more than 19 games to be judged.
That said, fans should feel disappointed about the 2-3 record. I’m sure the coaches and players are disappointed.
It doesn’t mean things can turn. Or that the games won’t be exciting.
It also would be unrealistic to hold this team up to the Colt Brennan years. That was an extraordinary time, and it took unique circumstances to construct that team.
“Ferd” always writes about how Les Murakami had vowed that the Rainbows would return to win the NCAA baseball title. You only get one chance for your first kiss. Enjoy the moments.
Oh, and Diogenes is the man.
(He is male, right?)
Diogenes reminds me of a lantern…or a flower…
Diogenes is The Man… and sounds like a character out of a Harry Potter novel.
Diogenes is The Man.
What kind of jersey is it?
Oh, and ummm, great t-gate on Saturday.
Ok, quick Google search shows that Diogenes of Sinope was an ancient Greek philosopher who practiced the philosophy of Cynicism. Looks like #12 above knew that already though. Διογένης ὁ Σινωπεύς
Diogenes is The Man
Diogenes is The Man.
Diogenes is The Man, The Myth, and the Legend..
So is the Blog Host
Silky Voice of the Gorn is the Man! =)
If UH can’t afford the money otherwise I wonder if he steps down if the program continues the gradual slide after next season? Some can’t manage pressure as well as others. Mac is an emotional guy and it is evident his negative feelings are blocking him from acting in his own best interests and doing what he knows is best.
There is a scenario here in that has developed over the last 18 months or so in Vegas with Mike Sanford. I see him from time to time in public and every time I notice an uneasy look on his face, you don’t see anyone talking to him or going up and shaking his hand. I am sure this guy loves coaching but I don’t think he wants to do it in this town anymore. Nor do the supporters.
It would be terrible to see Mac as a “dead man walking” in Manoa for a couple years if UH cant find a way to buy out or does not step down. It’s tough because he is a nice guy.
Good morning everyone!
Diogenes is The Man!
ST, U Da Man!! Agree with you on Coach Mack. Still early in the game.
Howzit Everybody,
Well all I gotta say is it’s going to be a long season. Coach Mac ain’t goin anywhere any time soon unless someone wants to come up with something close to $7 million. So I guess I can tell you all forget about that subject because it ain’t goin happen at all. Coach Mac is here for the next three years whether people like it our not.
That’s the facts
So I guess we gotta support the man. Like it or not.
Good night…the party is over for this season. Let’s pack it the youngsters and get some experience for next season. Isn’t USC up first??
Idaho – L
Boise – L
Nevada – L
NMSU – W (maybe)
Utah St – W (maybe)
Navy – L
Wisconsin – L
Anyone disagree?? If you do then you must not be watching the games. Much love to Coach Mack but this season is over….time to prep for next season.
because i’m taking the 10 points in Vegas
UH 26 Idaho 23
I think JK is missing a game.
I wonder what happened to Kainoa LaCount?
It was Austin Hansen who replaced Adrian Thomas.
“Hey ST, during the press conference today ask Mack some tough questions”.
What happen to Adrian Thomas. He did a pretty good job at La Tech.
By the way your missing the San Jose St. game. But besides that I don’t disagree with you. What I will say is that it could go either way. It will be up to the players and coaches to figure out how they wany the rest of the season to go. We can either “pack it up” like you said or we can try a fix things and get better.
Out of the list above, I see Boise, Nevada, and Wisconsin as definite losses. After that I have no idea. Like I said before it will be up to the team what they want to make out of this season.
Diogenes is The Man.
ST, what happens when Rausch is healthy?
Diogenes is The Man
Dunno if i should say this, but something needs to give from the OC and DC dept top of the ladder.
Something wrong.
I think Moniz is going to do fine if givin’ the reins to steer the wagon. His mechanics seem fair, but a bit of that sidearm action sling should be a concern, especially with the tall Defense line. Didn’t get to watch his foot action much on the passing plays.
But He seems very coachable. Each week he can IMPROVE if practice reps are intense and daily.
btw, He came out to the initial huddle at the start of the game without his helmet on, donning then strapping it up as they exit to the line of scrimmage. This might seem piddly observation, but its a sign of not being ready. ( Just an old philosophy from the ball days.)
I think that the outpouring of complaints shows football ignorance. Expectations are way too high.
Look at the guys we lost from last year on defense. Veikune was a huge impact player on the line. Mouton was an impact player in the secondary. Elimimian was a tackling machine, and Adam Leonard always showed up. Josh Leonard turned into a great WAC-caliber defensive tackle. Keala Watson, at 6-3 and 320, was a space eater, and was a nice compliment to Leonard. Fale Leali added another 300 pounds when we needed it. E-Rob and Desmond Thomas and Monteilh all both had their moments. That is a lot of talent to have to replace.
The fact is we don’t have the big bodies needed on the d-line to stop the run. We need 4 healthy Tufaga-types and Fonoti, and then we’d be effective against the run. A healthy Meatoga is huge, but right now he’s not healthy. Leatigaga might have been the guy, but he’s hurt. Last minute JC D-linemen recruits haven’t helped.
On offense, everything depends on timing and precision — precise routes and precise passes. My preview from the first practice said we have no established #2 passer, and we will slide if Alexander goes down. That’s where we are at. Moniz showed a great attitude and some skills, but only time will give him the experience he needs, and we don’t have time. Before we have any spring or falls practices for much needed reps, we face Boise State and Navy and Wisconsin.
On special teams, you can again go back to my preview from the first practice. I watched guys over the summer and in practices, and guys had trouble fielding kicks. That led to a lot of Fresno State points on Saturday.
None of the above comments needed to be shared. We clearly have not played well. When you look at the personnel changes, what did you expect? The point of interest here is to see how the team adjusts.
There are more ways to measure a team than wins. I hope we can make some adjustments so we field a team that is competitive and plays entertaining football. I’m sure the coaches want the same thing. Rather than calling for their jobs, we need to offer support, and maybe share some suggestions to make us better.
My one suggestion after Saturday: move Pilares back to running back and move Medeiros up to starting slot. Pilares had some drops that led to an astonishing lack of production at his position. He is grossly underutilized. He is dangerous in the open. At back he can get the shovel pass and some screens and draws, and contribute at least 75 yards per game. Medeiros is experienced and has shown up this year.
Hawaii Bowl is still mathematically in our grasp. I will not give up on this team just yet. I will concede that we have no chance against Boise, Nevada, and Wisconsin but I will not cancel us out of winning Idaho, Utah St., NMSU, San Jose, and Navy. I will say that if Hawaii beats Idaho and Navy it will be a surprise but I am not giving up hope just yet.
Diogenes is The Man
Re: From Lava > My one suggestion after Saturday: move Pilares back to running back and move Medeiros up to starting slot. Pilares had some drops that led to an astonishing lack of production at his position. He is grossly underutilized. He is dangerous in the open. At back he can get the shovel pass and some screens and draws, and contribute at least 75 yards per game. Medeiros is experienced and has shown up this year.
I like that
But there is still no running game
Diogenes is The Man
I think many of the problems are correctable.
For instance, as it was pointed out, Fresno wasn’t throwing deep, just the hitch patterns. So they should played the corners tight.
And it might be a thought to use Tua Mahaley as a tight end. Or Victor Clore. Just another big body on the edge. Pull the running back.
Call me as someone with false hopes and dreams, but I still think we need to believe in this team and the players. I don’t think this is time that we need to be jumping off the bandwagon.
This team has gone through so much adversity. Don’t forget we weren’t supposed to be with out our team leader in the middle of the D, Brashton Satele; to be without our starting signal caller; have what i consider our 2 best D-Ends hampered by injuries; and be without our starting Right Tackle.
Not trying to make excuses and other people need to step up, but this is a lot for a young team to go through. They have had to replace a lot of key people and Mac has not been able to build a system yet where we have experienced players behind them.
I know we suffered big losses in the past 2 games, but we still have a chance at a bowl game if this team can dig deep inside and find a way to win. A win at Idaho will be a step in the right direction.
We need to believe, be positive and support this team. If we didn’t believe in 2007 we wouldn’t have gone anywhere.
I do agree with the critiscism time management and game management. There were some times where I scratch my head. I also am wondering where all of the talk about moving the pocket, going under center, changing the offense up a little has gone. When Ron Lee became coordinator he talked about these things to make the run and shoot less predictable, but I have not seen any of it.
Lets hope the road game to Idaho will be start of something good.
I think Pilares was the fourth-leading receiver entering the game. He’s a good player. He just had a bad night.
Diogenes is the Man!
I am very excited for the future of Bryant Moniz. There were times he made bad decisions and his balls were not were they were supposed be, but the throws he did make were very good throws. I think when he starts to settle in and the game slows down he will be a good QB for Hawaii. The receivers at time also did not help in out in this game.
carrying this over…
fresno city college is a two year junior college njcaa that is.
well yes….Diogenes is The Man.
I finally understand what you where saying a few days back about who would step up big upfront to stop the run. I do not see the big space eater that can dominate the line of scrimmage like we had in Fale and Keala. I must concede that my expectations have gone down and realistically speaking I am only keeping hope of a Hawaii Bowl because I feel that the coaches and players will turn it around and step up.
It will be up to the players and coaches to pave there future.
Diogenes is The Man.
One last comment and I will go back into lucker obscurity for a while.
Did anyone see the touchdown throw by Fresno to close out the half? Why wasn’t it reviewed?
I thought I saw the the receiver kick the pylon with his foot and ball didn’t come close to the pylon at all yet it was ruled a touchdown. I might be mistaken in what I saw. I missed the replay of the game yesterday so I couldn’t confirm.
I know to some another touchdown when we were already down 21-3 doesn’t matter, but it goes back to my optimist side. Till I see a game where its 56-3 at half, I still believe there is always a chance for a team to win. Anything is possible in football. Remember the UW game in 2007 that sent us to the Sugar Bowl.
well yes….Diogenes is The MAN-O
Eh Al,
How you?
By the way do you have any update on the recruits that where at the game on Saturday. I did see some boyz from the West Side at the game. I think I saw the RB from Waianae at the game. Picking up this boy would be huge for Hawaii. Big boy with power and speed. Can you say another Big Nasty Nate Ilaoa (sp?).
This cracks me up. You sack a coach who took you to a bowl game in his first season when everyone thought the team would be in the cellar or near cellar just because his team is struggling in the second season after losing virtually his entire starting defense except for ONE player?
Do that and what talented coach in his right mind would want to come work for fans like that? Some near retirement coach might come for the money and wait to be bought out. FEW, if any at all, would give the kind of effort that McMackin and company are giving in recruiting and bonding with highschools in that kind of atmosphere.
kama krab..
Happy B-day.
Thank you very much for your insight. Hope you come around and join are discussions more offend. Thanks
diogenes is the man. but it would be fair to ask, what uniform? Boise State, Fresno State, Punahou, Warriors,?
Diogenes is The Man
Sitting in the rain at Aloha Stadium Saturday night was frustrating. Sitting in the rain and watching such a poor performance was well, everyone has already said it. But I’ll be there in my seat at the Boise State game, and I’ll still be there at the end of the game even if it snows.
On a potentially happier note: Diogenes is The Man
Idaho is giving UH 11 1/2 points. Oh my, how far have we fallen in just 2 short years, from 12-1 to 7-7 and now 2-3 going toward 2-11 and no bowl game. It would be indeed sad if this team loses 11 straight games.
You have to point to coaching. In college football, coaching is the biggest factor if a team is going to win big. Example, Peterson at Boise St., Kelly at Cincinnati, Meyer at Florida, Patterson at TCU, Mendenhall at BYU, Willingham at Utah, Paul Johnson at Georgia Tech and now Steve Sarkisian at Washington. These guys change the culture at their teams from losers to mediocre teams and eventually they win big, some sooner than later, but they are consistent winners every year. They are innovators on offense, and play sound defense. USC was a bad team until Pete Carroll got to USC and look at them now. There is nothing being young as young people are more agressive and has more energy.
Bobby Bowden is getting old, and Joe Paterno is even older who will stay long enough until Bobby Bowden quits so that Paterno can hold the record for most wins. So, what am I saying? Well, we do miss June Jones who seems to be bringing SMU to respectibility and even have a winning record this year, especially if they beat Navy this week. That was a big win for SMU over East Carolina on Saturday….real big. I have not been impressed by the UH coaching staff. On offense they won’t have the killer instinct and has a tough time scoring in the red zone. Opponents scout our team and figure out how to stop it. We haven’t adjusted to put in more wrinkles and more options to show new things to keep teams guessing. Defensively, we seems to get steam rolled over by the opponents and can’t stop the run. We haven’t blitzed as much and our pass defense is soft. We should be playing more bump and run on obvious passing down, especially if the 1st down to go is 10 yards or less. So, you tell me if coaching makes a big difference?
Another example, Pellini at Nebraska. Look at what he’s doing. Saban at Alabama. Until he came, Bama was average. It’s the “it” factor. These guys and others mentioned earlier are big winners. Jim Donovan has a difficult job, especially if the attendance drops drastically. I hate to say Von Appen, but next year we get USC, at Army, at Colorado, to start the season so it’s not going to get any better. I hope to God I’m wrong, but you have to believe your eyes this is a very bad football team and I blame the coaches. They are not pushing the right buttons. We should have won the Las Vegas game, we had a chance at La Tech, 10-6 at the half and can’t score, and it should have been a lot more competitive against Fresno, especially on our turf. It’s frustrating for a longtime fan since I starting seeing UH games at Honolulu Stadium. We all love our Warriors, but they are not playing like fierce Warriors. We’re playing more like the St. Louis Lambs. As the losses mount, it’s starting to be more like a joke. Like I said, it’s very sad.
Good morning Tsaikos…
Diogenes is the Man….
A tight-end!!!, wow, I thought I was talking to a wall all this time?!…I’m glad to see we are starting to see the wisdom of the, TE!!!
With the speed of DE’s now days, you just need a blocking back or te to slow these guys down and protect the qb.
I like the tight end scenario because on given plays he becomes an offensive weapon as well.
I’ve decided not to say, diogenes is the man, cause I never win, or the shirt too small anyways.
Aloha and Good morning Tsaikos
Will not say anything about the game, just have to move on. I have confidence that we can win more games, dont think enough to get into a bowl game tho? Congrats to the Beast on Defensive player of the week! Good job, and keep up the good work.
Diogenes is The Man
diogenes is the man
… keep lugging that tub!
You can always turn it into a pillowcase.
Okay, I don’t have any insight as to what may be going on internally with the Hawaii coaches, but watching the game from a neutral perspective, it wasn’t the play calling, mismanagement or lack of effort that lost that game. If you take away the bad throws (from a first time starter in a complex offense), the bad judgement plays, dropped balls, the penalties…etc., Hawaii would have been right in the game. Except for the red zone problems, I don’t see how the Hawaii coaches lost that game. Hawaii needed to play a near perfect game to have a chance (10pt dog) and they didn’t do that. The players had their chances to make the plays and they didn’t. Had they made the plays they should have, the results would have been different…maybe a win or at least a respectable enough score that the Hawaii fans would not be so depressed and agitated. From a neutral take, the Hawaii football players lost the game…period!
There are some who are calling for the coach’s head. You’re right, premature.
Most of the rest are saying the same thing….it’s time for the leader to lead. That’s what he’s getting paid to do and he needs to do it. What we have seen is that that has not happened, poor clock management, special team snafu, etc.. Top management has not executed plain and simple.
If the recruiting was off to a late start, okay we can understand that. But that has very little to do with the above. Remember now, the recruits were held up to be next coming of those departed following graduation. No one said they were c-class players and no one believes that they are. the Leader said they were of high quality (maybe not up to Florida standard, but high) so the expectation was that these men would be assembled into an efficient operational unit. No one said 12-0 season, we all just said, “make us proud”.
We tasked the leader to do so and we’ve come up short. All most of us are asking for is a real explanation and that may have to come from his boss, JD.
I think UH needs to look locally if possible for an all around athlete in high school who can play multiple positions and is good at where ever he plays. sorta like an Ilaoa, who could catch, run, and block.
Yeah, what happened to Kainoa Lacount ?
How come he didn’t get to play at RT ?
Hmmmmm?….I do sleep with five pillows?
I gotta agree with #96. With the recruiting done the past two years we did expect a little better showing and for our dollar we do expect something a little bit more then we a getting. What I will say is we do need to give this at least another year or two before we start calling for peoples job to see the total work that will be put into this.
I agree that calling for Mac’s head is way premature and it’s not going to happen anytime soon anyway. But we just need to keep supporting and at the same time keep the higher up’s accoutable for what is going on to make sure that we do start to turn the corner in the next two years to three years. If not then I say fire the guy and start new. Just gotta wait and see.
happy bday, kama crab……my grandmothers 1st name was Kama.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
Glad to have a day off. Anyone going to the Na Koa lunch today?? I am interested to listen to Mac and see what he has to say of the current situation.
Oooops!/, Kama Krab.
Tight Ends? Awhh if there is talk then there is hope.
Then do we replace the slots every now and then for H-Backs? then call it Spread Run and Shoot Option?
Ahh, I’m sure they’ll figure it out sooner or later until then I am stargazing…
Soon, the Triple Option contracting stars will align and once again the WAC Universe will be ours!
again i say….
it is easy to point fingers when things go bad.
some folks enjoy that, i don’t.
all i can say is that i hope you guys are perfect in everything you do, otherwise you are an ultimate hipocrite.
We are into the last week of fundraising before the Susan G Komen race for the Cure walk on Sunday October 18. My mom is a breast cancer survivor and she usually participates in this walk but will be on a trip. I will be taking her place and joining the HawaiiMoms team for the 5K walk.
I have already surpassed the “goal” but that doesn’t mean that donations have to end. If you have not done so yet, please consider giving what you can to this great cause. No amount is too small to fight breast cancer.
Below is the link to make donations. Thank you.
Happy belated birthday Kama Crab.
I am disappointed in the offensive play calling on Saturday night. Running plays to the right and left and short passes ( 5-7 yds ) could have helped to keep Fresno Dline and LBs more honest.
Of course, allowing #43 continued access to Moniz did not help at all. Will the coach(es) take a hard long look at the seniors and underclassmen and see who is being projected at future starters and begin to give them more playing time? If a senior and substitute has poor production at least UH will have a lineman with experience next year.
On defense, giving a lot of cushion by the corners has become a glaring negative point – too many YAC on short passes, corners late reaction to passes coming their way, getting juked out for TD, etc. IIRC, 2 Fresno TD came to their left side with UH corner giving at least a 10 yd cushion and both within the “red zone”.
I am starting to really miss the days gone by where UH had less talented players, but would play “in your mouth” smash ball with the best and they played with a lot of “heart”. Maybe, this is part of the missing ingredient for the 2009 Warriors.
So, ST, good neighbor, I will take, with a grain of salt, all future postings of recruits who are billed as “all world” for their world is surely different then mine. Speed is one thing, but what you do with that speed is the primary factor. And. the intangibles are next to “heart”. Its like a student who is all valedictorian, but cannot communicate or work with 95% of people. Then, you put them in a lab and let them find the cures for heart diease, cancer, etc. and we will hail them as heros!
Hawaii 70
Idaho 14
Diogenes is The Man
Meant to say Pomai. Sorry.
ur#104……that’s hopeful and positive talk; we’ll have none of that…bwaaaahahaha!!!!
in fact, we used to run a super sized slot every once in awhile. where did that go???
i would love to see tua in the game especially inside the five yard line lined up as tight slot, you know behind the line of scrimmage but very close to the tackle. either he drives block for a running play or brush block and peels into the endzone for a pass. in fact, set up the second play with running play.
i used to really enjoy the old michael carter days whenever we were on the goal line. poor defenses must have been scrambling their brains trying to figure what michael would do hand off a straight dive, sneak, fake the dive and follow the back, sprint out on a run/pitch option, short pass, fake the dive and pitch out wide. that to me was the greatest goaline offense we ever ran. why shouldn’t they have mike teach that to this team now????? moniz could do this as well as austin.
just thinking out loud.
Thank you for your clarification in #75. I was wrong about Fresno City’s classification. Now I understand why ST worded his article the way that he did.
Reagan Mauia did a great job as a TE/H-back against that Purdue DE that is still playing in the NFL (I think he starts for the Cowboys).
yup….idaho in an unprecedented role of huge favorite against the warriors. the line ranges from -10 up to -12. the spudniks (get it?) will start to believe the hype and forget to play the game.
i am with pride. and say
mean green angry warriors 34
french fries 31
I agree with ST’s point on how the CBs seemed to play way off the Fresno receivers…it seemed to make for relatively easy throws for Fresno to pick up first downs. Stopping Fresno on the 3rd-and-longs would have gotten the D off the field and given UH a better chance in the game.
Fresno State did have at least one *extremely* fast WR that the coaches were probably worried about, which led to the CB cushion.
doesn’t Michael Carter back then remind you of a a a uh uh uh, what’s his name, the qb for Philidelphia?
Hmmm.. then Brand X is getting RIPPED OFF! 😆 .. 😎
It looks like Idaho started as a 9.5 point favorite and the spread is rapidly increasing…indicates that the bettors are putting their money on Idaho. Idaho has covered the spread in all 6 games this season, so maybe the gamblers are overcompensating on them now.
garret……no worry. and still momo is the pan lau lau iron chef. okay, so i had two servings.
I noticed on at least one play a Warrior slot receiver blasted a Fresno State DE before going on with his route. The pass went to the other side of the field, so that was probably planned by the coaches to help slow down the rush. The nice thing is that Moniz actually had a decent among of time to throw the ball on that play, as the OL benefited from the help on that play.
Two servings! I wish I could have had some of that pan lau lau…
Ahhhh… A fine day to be off work today! 😎
One hour though?
Happy Birthday Kama Krab!
garret…that is good to know. i’d bet the house now on the warriors. typically the oddsmakers will not allow a team to cover that many times in a row.
didn’t the huskies cover?
Diogenes is The Man
i was actually looking for a ziplock bag so that i could hanai some lau lau.
(note to self: bring ziplock next year when momo makes lau lau)
oh…before i forget.
happy birthday kamakane!
diogenes is the man!
i gotta say that this past tailgate was one of the best food wise.
we even got a heaven sent gift from mrs. longtimeuhfan, her infamous lemon butter mochi delight.
and this time i nabbed me a slice of lilikoi chiffon pie brought to us all the way from kauai via ms. lizk.
(double meds that evening)
I think everyone that has posted has some good points. Some are more emotional than others and some are more volatile. Some of the points seem to have more validity than others and then again, some are really extreme. I would only assume that the really extreme opinions are that way because those people know or have some inside factual knowledge on the situation that others, like me, are not privy to. If not, then they may have another agenda. What I notice from Hawaii is that they do not win the battle in the trenches on either side of the ball and I think that it is because of the lack of talent and depth there. There seems to be a huge drop off in capability from years past. As they say, plain and simply, you win the game at the line of scrimmage and the Warriors are not winning that war.
do you know that you can eat regular potatos but you can’t eat the stems or leaves because it’s too toxic?…whereas, you can eat sweet potato stems and leaves, and people have been doing so since forever?..I always took for granted that one could eat the regular potato leaves and stems although I’ve never done so my entire life…..just never gave it much thought actually…..just because UH is playing Idaho gave way to my thinking bout potato, etc.
I used to help my x-girl friend prepare traditional laulau’s wrapped in taro leaves and I got to thinking, couldn’t you use potato leaves to wrap around the laulau as well, after all it comes from the yam family, right?, in this case you would have to use sweet potato leaves.
Diogenes is The Man
why we keep recruiting qbs?
isn’t it obvious?
the trigger on offense is the quarterback.
we have to keep searching for that one gem or two each year. we need to have an outstanding qb backed up by an equally outstanding qb.
we keep searching until we have that depth. every year reload, two great qb’s in the stable. that is the one position we have to have.
its the run n shoot. ain’t got the shooter we ain’t going nowhere.
There isn’t a groundswell of people calling for Mac’s job, but reading some of the warm and fuzzy bloggers here, you’d think that there is. I don’t know why many seem to have their panties in a bunch about criticism of the HC. From game one this season, he’s given indications that he may not have what it takes to be a HC on the DI level. His halftime interview during the LT game had even the broadcasters in the booth laughing in disbelief. How many recruits were watching that nationally televised game where when asked “What happened on the third down play near the end of the half?” Mac responded, “You mean the three point play?” Three point play?!?!?! The dumbfounded interviewer’s face quickly turned to an expression of wtf is this guy talking about? Then Mac made the statement that many picked up on about his offense will score more touchdowns, to which the interviewer replied, ‘You have to score A touchdown first’.
Sure, injuries can be blamed for an inability to stop the run. But the huge and ever-present cushions given to opposition WRs and the seasons long inability to make a tackle point to poor coaching techniques. As does poor clock management and not being able to figure out when to go for a two point conversion.
The HC seems to be running a house that is in disarray and I’ve heard the term “leadership” used earlier, as in we’re waiting to see it – which I think is pretty close to the heart of most of the criticism of Mac. If we don’t see it, then the calls for Mac to go, whether it is feasible financially or not, will begin to increase.
i would buy him a lau lau if he wouldn’t post. now hes talking about 3 QB in one year as being okay .. sheesh
Diogenes is The Man
interesting approaches each week by the defensive opposition.
one week they bring the kitchen sink and the house on each play.
the next week they rush four and sit back with seven.
sometimes we are out thinking ourselves. take what they give us.
Regarding post # 64
Lava is the man.
I did see something we have been missing in our running game, explosive speed to the perimeter. Chizzy appears to have that speed. Wish the coaches would give him a chance, cause his blocking can’t be any worse than what we have seen thus far.
robert kekaula has some mean insights as the game develops.
on one red zone attempt, he offered this, “the safety is sitting right in the middle of the field. why are we waiting four seconds to throw the ball while the receiver runs straight into double cover down the middle. hit em early before the safety moves up”
on another time, “fresno is lining up their safeties as if they would blitz and then they shift back. so why don’t we quick snap before they shift and hit the long one???”
ah, robert. you missed your calling. instead of calling the game for the public. you should move over to the next booth and help call the plays.
Don’t remember that play, but if anything it most likely was Greg Salas.
Dat braddah has been nothing but piss and vinegar for us, I think we can agree that we’ll never question his grit and determination. 😎
Diogene is the man
The Team will surprise all of us this week end…Go Bows
Diogenes is The Man
Diogenes is The Man
And thank you very much Al for thinking of me and jeje. It was fun!!!
RE: #135
mctruck — 🙂 But stay on task here–how about substituting spinach and send it on a post pattern?
there is a difference in recruiting 3 qb’s in a year every year versus having two solid qb’s on the roster each year.
if you have the two then you don’t need to recruit 3. do the math.
this year we only have rausch and the three qb’s they recruited last year that were recruited. austin and moniz were both walk ons.
the plan this year was to recruit but one qb. but, without stating it, they are looking at two qb recruits this year for a reason. go figure. it is not hard to figure this out.
[…] post is from here. Visit the link to read more.When Hawaii went to the Sugar Bowl, the money they received went to […]
[…] post is from here. Visit the link to read more.When Hawaii went to the Sugar Bowl, the money they received went to […]
Diogenes is The Mann
Diogenes is he man!
on another note….wahine volleyball is number three in the nation.
Diogenes is The Mann
Hi Al,
You mad at me or something. How you been?
Ho from your accounts of the last t-gate. Must have been mean the food.
Gotta get a taste of Momo’s pan lau lau. Sounds like one winna.
By the way Al,
I was just joking. I know you not mad at me. =)
tsaiko world is smaller than you think.
so i run into the mo808 clan this past saturday at the tailgate. a family we have known since both #2 sons were six years old.
Diogenes is The Man
kama…no not you bull.
unless you posting under a different name?
yup, you missing out some really good stuff. i imagine the boise st game will be even better cuz everyone will be there.
jojo….actually the gift came via sjmacro/myki. those world travelers have been on vacation for over three weeks now.
Heh I probably not goin win but,
Diogenes is The Man
Thanks for the donation
Diogenes is The Man
Diogenes is The Man
I don’t know about how the Huskies did relative to the spread. I only follow UH and the team that they are about to play for this stuff.
Ahh… 2005 loss to Fresno…
Belated Happy Birthday kama krab!
Diogenes is The Man
Ahh… 2005 loss to La Tech…
As they went on their way to a 5-7 season in 2005 after a 1-4 start.
Yep, lots of so called fans were clamoring for the Head Coach to get canned then. Anybody remember his name? Imagine if they had their way?
Good Mourning (uh, I mean Morning)! What’s hard about the last two losses is that it’ll probably get a lot worst before things get fixed. Go Warriors! I’ll still be screaming my guts out for you guys every game! Mahalo Tsaikos, my ohana and I enjoyed your friendly gathering this past Saturday!
Diogenes is the Man
oh! Thank You sjmacro and myki!!!
In less than 2 years the current coaching staff has given scholarship to 5 QB recruits, given a scholarship to a walk-on QB, and will give 1 or 2 scholarships to QB recruits in February. That is much higher than the norm, probably more than any other team in the country. Given the depth limitations on the team in other positions, that is a high number of scholarships for the limited available scholarships UH has to give out.
Put it this way–I wouldn’t mind 5 QBs getting scholarships (not counting the scholarship to a walk-on) as much if the coaching staff had given out more than 4 scholarships to OL recruits. Part of that isn’t the coaches fault–some recruits didn’t qualify academically, but the coaches could have known that might have been happening and prepared for other OL recruits.
Lefotu is a stud OL and a great 2010 recruit. There are several other 2010 OL commits and Sapolu is transferring. However, most OL will need to redshirt and won’t be expected to contribute much until 2012 or later…
Diogenes Is The Man
Congratulations to the Bulla ohana…
Diogenes is The Man!
Διογένης ο άνθρωπος
I must say that it is a bit much to be giving out 5 Scholies to the Qb position but how much of those will be making an impact anytime soon. I think what Al is getting to is that we need to create a class system so that things like this season will not ever happen again. We need to build on quality depth not just have players behind that starters that can play. There needs to be very little drop off, which is why I feel they are doing it this way.
I figure once the depth chart is solidified we will see more a balanced recruiting class year in and year out. Right now we are just trying to fill needs with talented players.
Diogenes is The Man
Happy Birthday Kama Krab
the fresno game is pau, but i keep thinking to myself was i watching the same game as the coaches or anyone else????
same thing i said when i was at the unlv game and it was live.
like i said before, the uh fans are very good students of the game and understand the game better than me. sitting in the stands, i listen to what they say and they know what is going on and what may happen in certain situations. everyone can learn from our fans.
Diogenes is The Man.
10-4 over and out of here!!!!!!
Διογένης είναι ο άνθρωπος
Thank you everybody for the birthday wishes.
The game didn’t go as I wanted it to go so I wasn’t to happy yesterday but life must go on and for me, my life will definitely gone on whether Hawaii wins or loses.
Good Afternoon to all!!
Diogenes is The Man
Go Warriors.
Hilorain makes an interesting point on SportsHawaii.
With the extended road trip that the Warriors had, in the past 4 weeks, how many times have our 1st team played against a well-prepared scout team?
This past week against Fresno, the D played a lot better, even though we still lost. Maybe with more practice against the scout team, our Warriors will shake the rust off.
Happy Birthday Kama Krab!
Diogenes is The Man.
you ate 2 servings of the pan lau lau? no wonder neva get for me!
any word on how Rausch is progressing and what will happen when he returns to action?
hey guys who is goin to the practice today?
it will be my first time going. Where exactly are the areas that people can stand and watch?
my grandma always used potato leaves for lau lau.
neva heard of lau lau leaves until I came to Honolulu in the late 50s.
and a most belated, but happy birfday to Kama Crab – many more to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even though Διογένης ο άνθρωπος, and I post to support this blog, I, the prudent fan would ask-
What jersey? UH? Fresno? Cowgirls?
What size?
New? Used? Autographed?
Not enough info.
But you see, we all say “Diogenes is The Man” because WE WANT TO WIN!
So I guess when we say hurtful things about college students and their teachers (coaches), it’s because WE WANT TO WIN… or is it, WE WANT TO SEE THEM WIN… or WE HATE TO LOSE … OR WE HATE TO SEE THEM LOSE?
What’s the importance of WINNING to a college student? What is so horrible about LOSING a GAME that turns fans into haters?
Is it not all part of the process of developing and maturing?
To me it is about unity and disunity. That’s more a spiritual condition than a physical one. The path to unity (aka- winning attitude) becomes obscured easily by egos running rampant.
One game and CLEAR.
Diogenes is The Man
If the practice is at the grass fields, the fans can sit on the sidelines on or alongside the grassy hill closest to dorms and furthest away from the sidelines next to the eqiupment shed.
If practice is at the Ching Complex, then there are bleachers on the sidelines.
don’t watch too much nfl cause it is boring, but am thoroughly impressed with the hc from denver. if you want someone who generates enthusiasm and inflicts the whole team with enthusiasm, this is the coach. he is a most refreshing coach that gets into the game and has his players playing good solid football. Is this what the Warriors need??????? YEEEEESSSSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I haven’t played or coach football so I feel that I cannot make any suggestions about the mechanics of the game, however I can talk about
the emotional part of the game, specifcally. the Hawaii Bowl. It seems that many of the fans use that game as a safety valve. “Main thing is we win ’nuff games for play in the Hawaii Bowl.” The sad part is that this seems to be the thinking of some of the coaches and players. I may be completely worng thinking this way… I hope I am.
Diogenes is The Man.
Wow, even get one duplicating inspector now.
So do I, but I see where you are coming from.
Easier to say than do, but the old cliche of one game at a time is the key, well one of…
Diogenes is the man!
I was at the game, like always since 1976. Although I was disappointed with the outcome, I am glad that it didn’t turn out to be my worst nightmare. Fresno ran up 500 yds on Boise! If the Warriors of last week’s La Tech game showed up, 700 yds wasn’t impossible, with Ryan Matthews ripping off large chunk of real estate. That didn’t happen. Bryant Moniz did a lot better than I expected and I believe will get better as he get more game reps and the recievers get used to his passes. I saw some encouraging things and disappointing things that can corrected.
It is a college football game folks, It is not life or death. It is a game played by students athletes. I have been reading all the disappointment that everyone has and I agree it was disappointing. But it is only a game.
ps. If the opposing team has a lot of speed/ quickness at wide reciever, would rather keep the play in front of you or play him tight and watch him blow by you the way to a score. Yep, it could been worse.
I support the team win or lose GO WARRIORS! Is it Saturday yet!
Pomai: UH 27 Idaho 17
I don’t know if UH will ever play in another bowl game besides the BCS or Hawaii Bowls, but if they can put together 4-6 yrs of good solid winning records, I think they would be considered for other more profitable bowls. Who was Boise till they joined the WAC???? A nobody, but they built a solid winning program and now are an attractive team. Can UH do this???? Absolutely!!!!!!!!
# Garret:
October 12th, 2009 at 11:53 am
Congratulations to the Bulla ohana…
Eastman, a 6-foot, 270-pound sophomore from Honoulu, Hawai’i, returned from an injury that sidelined him three games to spearhead Weber State’s defense in a 31-13 upset of No. 14 Eastern Washington in Cheney. Eastman tallied a career-high three sacks and 3.5 tackles for loss, and helped the defense hold Eastern Washington to just 35 rushing yards on 27 attempts. Eastman finished with six total tackles. All three of Eastman’s sacks helped stopped Eagle drives, including one that came on third down. This is Eastman’s first Player of the Week award.
Sheesh, we coulda used the Beast Saturday night…
A very Happy Birthday to the Grandson of former KS bruiser back. *Charlie Arnold.* You make your Grandma Grandpa proud Bull. I got a very strong sense of that when we were in Las Vegas!
Eh!…come down to da T-gate party for da Boise game braddah! Hoo boy we get some grinds dat you will nevah evah see on any fancy prancy buffet line in Waikiki.
Ho Liz,you beat me to the punch… One snap and clear…Go Warriors! make mash potatoes on Saturday….
Somewhere along the line, Boise has forgotten that it was the WAC who invited them when absolutely nobody wanted them. Now they are at the top and forget that without the WAC they would still be a nothing. Easy to forget where you came from and who made you into a D1 team, but somewhere in the future, very bad things will happen and when they fall, no one will help them.
bulla, for the beast’s accomplishment, next time he come to maui, we going treat him at tiffany’s.
2 of our Tsaiko Sons would’ve been very good linemen for our Warriors. Unfortunately, the recruiting peeps were not looking on da right shelf. [We have passed on others for your consideration…]
As noted by certain news media articles, they are both doing very well in their respective programs.
Come on coaches, heads up when we tell you sumting. Help us, help you.
They will not quit on us an I will not quit on them.
UH vs Idaho
10 – 27 dittohead
13 – 42 bighilofan2
14 – 10 RichfromtheOC
24 – 21 ikaika
28 – 21 Pomai
28 – 27 BigWave96744
31 – 6 tattoo
31 – 17 Derek
34 – 31 al
35 – 14 Just Saying
38 – 24 Kazz
41 – 10 labrat
56 – 14 d1shima
63 – 12 homey
70 – 14 Pride
Unfortunate news about Greg Alexander.
Shoutout to Koakane ~ Braddah always makes sure the Cabana is clean and ready to receive da Tsaiko Clan.
This past Saturday he came early to use his blower to blow out the leaves and the puddles of water from the heavy downpour the previous nite. Wiped down all the tables as we re-arranged things a bit. Thanks to W/Doc for bringing the extra folding table.
Mahalo Pahtna for your hard work….now back to ‘live’ action!
24-17 Warriors rally.
Hang in there, man! Get your knees as good as new! Our prayers to your rapid recovery.
A-House was it you who mentioned something about the flag protocol at the stadium? I think you may be right. They need to correct it.
Who Da Guy??
Diogenes is The Man!
MIH, #167 and 170.
Big difference between then and now. Then, we all had that feeling that something would have or could have happened in that game or the following game. In other words, we, or at least I had confidence that the coach had a plan and something would happen. You saw it in the players, you felt it from them (JJ and players).
That’s missing at the moment and that to me is the difference. I don’t know what Coach Mac is all about. Have not seen it. I saw that with JJ so even when he went through that slump, I knew what he was about. He absolutely knew and believed in his ability to run the best R&S offense and adred people to stop it. He led that way. I disagreed with the way he had some of his defenses structured, but one could not argue with his will to run the best R&S. That was leadership.
That is what is the difference at this time if the examples are what you are referencing.
I don’t know anything about football apart from watching it on TV (both college and NFL mind you)
I have every EA sports Madden game since 04
so I cant say nothing but I am a fan and I like to win as much as the next guy
and you know what? Diogenes is the man!
Regarding # 170
madeinhawaii = voice of reason
by the way…Diogenes is the man!
I still believe. The come back will start with Idaho.
UH 35 – Idaho 28
It will be another dog fight.
recruiting 5 qb’s and awarding one walk on qb tells me that:
one, we didn’t have much returning the first year, thus we went after two jc qb’s.
two, losing one qb to personal issues, converting another to rb, losing two walk ons to other schools, coaches realized that the future numbers were down thus recruited three hs qb’s. they got nielsen early and offered shutter early but he declined. then someone sold them on graves and then at the eleventh hour mack takes shutter who calls him the day befoe nli day.
three, this year the intent and purpose was to take but one qb. they offer a local boy who has not committed nor declined. meanwhile, a highly regarded qb enters the picture and mack offers since he has none committed yet and the kid takes it, k. spain. my guess now is that we will end up with a local boy qb to make two instead of one qb recruit this year.
four, apparently some of the returning players will have to scramble for positioning. nielsen got injured early and his health is a question mark. not sure where graves stands since shutter is now the emergency emergency qb to emergency qb funaki.
so what does this tell you?
i really don’t want to say exactly what is on my mind because we are talking about 18-19 yr olds here. but, if you read between the lines you will get my drift.
and yes, i concur, we need more oline and dline types.
the overall thing is this, in the pre-mack pre-tony tuioti days we had no recruit plan, no depth chart based upon recruiting needs. no matrix board to show exactly what, who, and when do they graduate at each and every position. we needed a depth chart like we do now. its gonna take a few years to finally level it out.
but, remember the cupboards were left bare when june did his end run. we are paying the price now by not having depth at the interior line positions and several others positions. but, it is what it is isn’t it.
meanwhile they have to just keep plugging along and try to recruit with some method to the madness.
we’ll never get the 4-5 star guys on a regular basis. we have to find the diamonds in the rough and continue to be a good bounce back place for former island boys to return to.
we as fans, if we truly are such, must continue to support the program no matter what and no matter who is playing or coaching. this is how we can positively influence our team and the future recruits. any bashing just paints a negative scene and really that is just not hawaiian style.
…nuff said.
Take care Greg Alexander.
Diogenes is The Man
al I think JJ took one quarterback recruit to SMU with him too.
Braddah Greg get beddah soon. Prayers for you big guy.
labrat…you are right. and now he is the second year starter for him, levi bo mitchell or bo levi mitchell.
woohoo Wahine at #3 now.
Go Wahine.
Prayers for Greg! If it weren’t for bad luck, he wouldn’t have any lately.
al and when he left how many coaches on the offensive side of the ball did we have left?
Al, I think we find out every week just how many people forget this.
Two back to back graduating classes of the bulk of the offense in one season and the entire defense the next and the lack of development in the 2nd and 3rd string players is a fine example of the mess we’re paying for now from the past.
Anyone remember how some expected Jim Donovan to pull miracles out of thin air (and thining budget) after inheriting the HF mess from years and years of neglect?
To continue on your path.
JJ recruited for the 2007 and that’s it. He had to have known that he would not be in Manoa for very much longer because he did not recruit. He left us with players that would graduate after the 2008 season and did have players behind them. That is why reference to having the cupboard empty. It was literally empty when it came to anytype talent.
What the coaching staff is trying to do is not only fill the cup but they are trying to fill out our depth chart so that when we have injuries like we do this year we will not feel the effects as much as we do this year.
It will take alot of time to do so but it will get done. We just need to give it time and like I always say, enjoy the ride because you will never find another coach that will do everything in his might to try and make this work.
“eh,…nuff said”.
did s/b didn’t.
i cannot believe that knee or hip surgeries is still having problems with staph infection. It is a huge problem and thought all the surgery rooms had addressed that problem, but to have this recurring is absolute sloppiness or cleansiness of the surgical room. Another problem before was that surgery rooms did not have antibioltics to administer to patients who had knee or hip surgery. GA speedy recovery.
Thank you for your #229 post and for not going into more detail on negatives of current players. I didn’t realize that Nielsen had health issues, that could affect plans of course. I really wouldn’t like to see 2 high school QBs sign in February, as that could indicate a number of things, but you seem to indicate that will happen.
HF never would have approved the budget for a recruiting coordinator like Tony Tuioti. Remember, he rejected JJ’s offer to reduce his salary and use the money for a support position for the Warriors…given the $50k recruiting budget and the lack of a recruiting coordinator, it was my impression that UH was just kind of winging it every year in recruiting and didn’t have the money to make systemic changes.
The 2008 recruiting class was disrupted by the short time to recruit, which is why I had hoped that UH was going to get a lot of OL help in the 2009 class. If I remember correctly, UH got 2 OL recruits on NLI day and 3 QBs.
JD is slowly but surely getting everything straightened out and I am positive that Coach Mac will do the same.
It is really too bad to hear about Greg Alexander’s infection! This type of thing doesn’t happen that often in past knee surgeries, so it really is bad luck. I hope that Alexander has a full recovery soon from the infection.
Was it mentioned where Alexander had his surgery done?
Diogenes is The Man!
Thanks for donating the jersey!
Sat with Pride. at the Na Koa lunch today. I’m really getting makule… Pride. can tell you the story.
Coach Mack at the lunch today.
ewww infections
One question and I hope you are willing to answer it for me.
So from your post above, would it be safe to say that the only recruit that will be left standing from the three qb’s will be Cayman Schutter?
Just wondering because if that is the case then we will need Andrew Manley to sign or else we might need to a look at Cody Fajardo (sp?).
Crazy I tell you, just crazy.
Gotta love it. =)
Praying to St. Damien to help heal the wounded Warriors! Hope Greg’s knee starts healing soon.
We’re gonna lose our entire offensive line this season and I’m sure some people out there are going to be happy about that.
But one must figure that those behind our starters this season like LaCount, Thomas, B. Leonard, Lefiti, A. Hansen, Ginlack, etc… will have one full season of Coach Shaw’s methods under wraps.
Yes gametime reps are minimal to none, but at least they’ll have more continuity with the same coach than this year’s starters will have had over their careers.
Oh and if we are recruiting one more quarterback then David Graves is no longer the big fish he once was.
Oh well
Diogenes is The Man
You’re saying that in 2005 with a 1-4 start the fans were different and more supportive? We didn’t have the blogs but, boy, I couldn’t tell that from the tailgates I used to go to back then with friends and family. The same crowds that booed Timmy Chang on his off nights just the season before in his final 8-5 season, with a win over UAB in the bowl game. After all, in that year, Colt’s longest string of wins was two in a row – NMSU and SJS.
I thought that having three freshman QBs would be interesting and I thought that at least two of them could easily start for other programs at the FCS level immediately which ultimately result in one or two transfers from them.
But to digress a little, I liked how Shutter could be seen trying to pick at GA’s head during practice when he (Shutter) was taking mental reps. A few times you could also see Shutter still throwing balls after practice.
I see similarities in the work ethics between Shutter and S. Austin.
First of all I am not on the fire the coach bandwagon. But from the very beginning I was curious as to why the University did not look harder at the 5 candidates that June Jones had recommended.
Given the fact that it was going to be a rebuilding year already, what exactly could we lose from hiring a coach that was not part of the 2007 season? Would an interim head coach (maybe McMackin) do us well until we sat and thought not only about the replacement but a reasonable contract?
I am wondering if the University did not trust Junes recommendations like Kevin Gilbride (Norm I think would never come here imho) who has one pretty impressive background and runs a very similar offense. To me in terms of background, similarity to June etc, GIlbride would have been the hands down choice.
Hindsight is always 20/20, but I kept hearing we must maintain stability and carry forward with what the 2007 season brought. I just thought “its a rebuilding year following awesomness, what are we carrying forward if we lost all of our offense, and in the next year losing all of our defense?” Would our commits NOT want to come here after hearing that the offensive coordinator of the NY Giants was our new head coach?
*Sigh* again I am not for calling for Macks head and I hate to look back on things that cannot be changed but like some things you just can’t help but wonder why……
You hit it right on the mark. I must say that we do have a lot of talent on the o-line all we need is some playing time for them. As evident by the way Adrian Thomas played against La Tech. I have all confidence that the o-line will not be the problem anymore.
vandals 31 808warriors 17
Kama, JD and Coach Mack both have their work cut out for them… I do NOT envy the positions they are in, but like you and others, I shall stand behind them!
It would have been nice to see what kind of coaching job Kevin Gilbride would have done at Hawaii. He does have a pretty nice resume and might have been able to keep the continuity just like Mac was hired to do. Who knows what might have happened if Hawaii had decided to go with someone outside of the circle but I guess we will never know until the next coaching search begins and I do hope it doesn’t happen sooner then later.
Would Kevin Gilbride have the patience to stay in Hawaii to rebuild the program in 2008 with all of the offensive power gone and would Gilbride have more patience in 2009 to rebuild (now) with a 30+ graduating class.
Besides Gilbride wasn’t even thinking about it.
In this article Coach Cavanaugh stated that Gilbride was very interested in the job. That is why it was a bit confusing to me. It was also noted in another article I can’t find that Gilbride has a history of his own kids to go to UH. I think his son transferred to Hawaii to play baseball.
As to rebuilding, I think he knew the circumstances of who we had in 2007 and who we didn’t. Would he have the patience to stick around?….the world may never know that. =)
Because we would have had to wait until after the Super Bowl to talk to Gilbride. And what if we waited and then found out he wanted $2 million a year. I can hear the Hater-Aiders crying about how stupid it was not to sign Mack when he was right in front of us.
Really, JJ’s list was fun for discussion, but was otherwise fairly bogus. I would have paid Cav BIG bucks to be our O-line coach, but I have no clue what type of offense he would choose to run. Does he? And he wouldn’t have come anyway after his wife’s medical history in Corvallis.
Norm Chow? Would have been nice, but he wasn’t coming. Neither was Akina. Both would have had to take big pay cuts.
Gilbride is a big name, but not every O Coordinator can be a head coach. Gilbride has actually been an NFL head coach with mediocre results.
Who was the fifth name? Was it Niumatololo? Can’t remember.
2 years ago I had a feeling this would come up. Mac woeful times, Gilbride name comes up. hmm, I wonder if…? Stop it guys! =)
If you wanted JJ, he was you man.
We had the chance, he was interested, then he won the Super Bowl.
KB Jr is a hell of a recruiter and is doing well at Temple. Woulda had both!
Pomai- 28-24 LizKauai
Greg Alexander- Get well enough to get out of the hospital as soon as possible. Hospitals=source of drug-resistant bugs. Praying for you.
Diogenes is The Man.
Kaimuki Kid- we have similiar POV’s , no?
mo808- you lurking???
Warrior Mojo,
Tomey and Cal Lee.
I think Akina makes like 300K at texas so that $1M a year would have been tempting. Even Norm I think makes only around that much even now at UCLA, but like I said in the past he wouldn’t come here. haha.
As for Gilbride, the same argument could have been made for Mack who was a D-coordinator right?
Happy belated birthday, Kama Krab!
I am not sure if anybody would have the amount of patience to rebuild like we have had to. That is the reason I am willing to stick by Coach Mac for as long as possible because it will take longer then people think to build this program back up.
re 265
I think almost every head coach has been at one time or another a O Coordinator or D Coordinator
The way I’m interpreting some of these responses is that just because the cupboard is bare of good players and having a lot of players injured this year for Coach Mack then all should be forgiven in how he coaches, manages the team, and how he conducts himself in front of the media.
In other words because of no fault of his own in regards to recruiting we should give him the liberty and turn the other way in how he picked his assistant coaches, how he seems to be a Neanderthal on the sidelines during the games and how others besides myself having observed the coach not being a good communicator amongst his assistants and players.
Because of no stock of returning players we can extrapolate from that as the reason why the team is doing poorly. And posters here accentuating this fact, but are oblivious of the fact that the coach has a shortage of skills at being a head coach is hilarious.
It’s funny to read this stuff. I would imagine former UH coaches seeing, knowing and noting what they’re seeing of how Coach Mack is running this team that the major problem isn’t what’s in the cupboard..but what’s between Coach Mack’s ears.
Sorry. But that’s the way it seems to me.
Ok postmanke,
I will stop talking about the subject but who is KB Jr. from Temple.
Just wondering.
i’m tired of the whole excuse that coach mack had only 3 weeks to recruit in his first year. i know for a fact that alot of those recruits were being actively recruited before JJ left. plus wasn’t mack on the staff in 2007? that means he should have been recruiting at the time since assistant coaches finds recruits and the head coaches usually make the final decisions on who to recruit. it’s not like he went to a new team and had to recruit his own type of players to fit his system. supposedly the system was already in place for the type of players and recruits that we had. mack took a really good team and made them mediocre in one year. now we are going from mediocre to bad this year. can this season be salvaged? of course, if the coaching is worth their salt.
OK,stop calling for his Mac’s head, Top 5 reason’s to keep Mac. Just think..
5) There will always be plenty of available good seats at home games. No more crazy prices on Craigslist!
4) Lately, the games are over by the third quarter, allowing fans to file out in groups and preventing traffic jams.
3) Gamblers can make a killing betting the over in every game. Defense wins championships. Terrible defense wins money.
2) He’s a good guy—who cares how many games he wins?
1) “We’ll Score More Touchdowns”
Okay that was uncalled-for, Dear lord apologize
Kevin Gilbride Jr – he played QB, Baseball at UH
I think he played a year at BYU as well
meant KG sorry
You one funny guy I must say but you make sense sometimes.
But back to the subject.
Yes alot of us have not touched on the fact of game management, interveiwing skills and the like. Why should we have to? The point has been made that these are his very big deficiencies and that these deficiencies need to be fixed. What some of us are trying to say that talent wise the team is not there yet. That is all some of us are trying to say. No doubt your points need to be taking care of. It will come with time. Everyone needs to step up and yes it starts from above. He knows that, no need beating the man down more than he already is. Just enjoy that fact that we still have a college team to scrutinize each week. It could be alot worse.
Enjoy the ride no matter how bumpy the road might be.
Eh, Happy Birthday Kama….or belated B-Day…
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.
The HC has to a an alpha male. If he is not, the pack becomes confused, it doesn’t move as one, members do not know where they stand relative to the others – this applies for coaches as well as players.
If the HC is not an alpha male, as is the case with UH football at this time, then the pack does not fight as a single unit.
Until this issue is resolved, the UH will continue to get pounded.
Mack is a grandmotherly figure. When he speaks, he sounds like a grandmother. His appearance is that of a grandmother. His decision maker is that of an indecisive girl in high school deciding whether or not to go to the prom.
To win, UH will need an alpha male at the helm.
Under JJ, UH won because the pack – the players, coaches – clearly understood JJ was the alpha male. His authority was unquestioned. His decision making, firm, decisive. Mack is the complete opposite.
I would rather have an alpha male like Siauki Livai, Cal Lee, or some other equivalent at the helm, even without prior D1 experience, than to have at the helm someone who is grandmotherly in appearance, demeanor, and actions.
oops…his decision maker = “making”
Looks like practice is at the grass fields. Other folks using Ching Field right now.
Uceless conversation…Mac is not going anywhere unless someone pens a check to buy out his contract.
That’s $3M plus what it takes to attract the next guy.
Grab your checkbook!
Woops! I meant looks like practice is at Ching Field.
I’m glad that the tickets did not go to waste. We are getting ready for an early morning flight home via Chicago. It has been an awesome 4 weeks but it is time to go home.
We’ve missed the warm weather and the fellowship of the Tsai-kos!
Looking forward to seeing you all.
Who’s on chat show tomorrow?
Diogenes is The Man.
Keep Mac, d1, he is all yours.
My comment was not directed at people like you. You are not in any position to influence the kind of decision making my comment was directed at influencing. It was directed more at people like the AD, the chancellor, or to members of the legislature.
Contrary to what you might think, this is a community forum, frequented by people from all segments of the community, with many of these people agreeing with the thinking espoused in my comment.
Got a nice rainbow arching in the background of the dorms over lower campus.
Exactly and I doubt anyone is willing to pay that price tag. Just gotta love some of the junk that comes out of some these post. =)
Hey, gang,
I know it has been a tumultuous past few days for UH football and on the blog. I’ve been watching the heartbreaking games too. So I’m feelin’ the frustration.
So please know that I’m not wanting to hijack the blog or cut in too awkwardly. But I had a bit of good news today that I felt needed to be shared here, and I’ll explain why in a sec.
Today, Team Hawaii jumped solidly into 1st place (!!!) in fundraising for the Race for the Cure!
So I had to come over here to say mahalo, once again, for the HUGE support. Because many of the Tsaikos have given extremely generously to this effort, and I am extremely grateful. Also, Stretch, with his unbelievable pledge to shave his head at the $2,000 mark, is a major reason we are where we are!
And so now we are in the, uhhh, home stretch. *rim shot* Will we stay in the No. 1 spot? The cliffhanger is sort of fun to watch. But in the end, the ranking doesn’t matter. What matters is that we’re doing what we can to end this awful disease.
Mahalo, gang. ~Ez
take it easy on that leg of yours…….got my fingers crossed for a speedy recovery from that infection.
Oh, and by the way … belated happy birthday to Kama Krab!
Mac’s weekly press conference quotes are on UH’s website.
Diogenes is The Man. Warriors beat the Vandals.
Diogenes is The Man
Us 27 them 6
It looks like Jeff Ulbrich’s career could be over…this last concussion could be the end of an excellent NFL career. If UH didn’t already have 7 defensive coaches (with a GA who is a former NFL LB and a recruiting coordinator who coached defense), I’d suggest UH try to hire him in the offseason. If there are shakeups in the staff or people find other jobs, I hope that some people are keeping Ulbrich in their minds for coaching openings.
Here is an article in the Fresno Bee with Fresno State player’s reflections on the game.
PRECISELY!!! It’s amazing to me how some people point these things out as if this is some hidden, secret, magic wisdom or something. These things are OBVIOUS. The fact that they haven’t been addressed yet is a concern. What good does it do to go on and on and on and on about it?
Warrior Fan FOR LIFE! Get it?
It doesn’t matter who reads it from any part of the community; until someone buys out the contract, he ain’t going anywhere and he will remain the HC of this community’s only D1 program!
Grab your checkbook and make it happen!
Happy Birthday Kama…..
how does it feel to finally be 29?
Diogenes is The Man
UH 24 – Idaho 17
Warrior fan for life!
Best wishes to Greg Alexander for a speedy recovery.
Congratulations Esme! 🙂
Has there been a major katosh in any of the past 3 games? I don’t know much about football, but it seems that the D hit harder and swarmed more when BIG BAG showed up at practice. The D has to bring it.
Thanks for the memories Jeff Ulbrich. All the best in your future.
Eh Bulla,
How you. How’s the Beast. Sounds like he’s getting his legs back and causing some havoc again. Tell the boy keep up the good work. Could have used him along side his partner in crime Geordon on our line. Anyway tell the boy light it up for us Tsaiko’s back on the rock. Represent the 808.
Oh and by the way to you and everybody else, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the birthday wishes. You guys are making it all worth while.
Es…what’s a “rim shot”??? MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. All kidding aside, good job, and I will be there early Sunday morning….woo hoo
kama…I will soon be your age…let me know how it feels.
Speedy recovery to GA…God Bless.
Thanks for the good times Jeff Ulbrich….health and family first.
Oh yah Bulla,
I only 28 but I feel like I 108. LOL
It’s like to told my cousin yesterday, after your 21st Birthday you don’t celebrate your birthday with presents you celebrate your birthday with another bill. LOL
Sad to hear that Letuli will miss the Idaho game and that both Meatoga and Adrian Thomas might miss the game also.
Diogenes is da Man!!!!!
Being a 108 doesn’t feel to good. Every so often the back gives out. Some times the knee’s start crackling but all in all it’s not that bad. At least I still have my real teeth. LOL
kama…you’re lucky. I no mo da teeth…..LMAO
BTW, Diogenes is the Man….
Diogenes is The Man
Diogenes is da man!!!!
Diogenes is the MAn
Diogenes us the man!
Shucks. Try again . . .
Diogenes is the man!
Greg Alexander is the man, too!
Get better soon!!!
Happy belated birthday Kama Krab!
Diogenes is The Man.
So there I was sitting in my ‘private’ luxury Aloha stadium Mezzanine level folding chair, when who should appear?…Why it was the jeje and jojo road show! They were there to represent myki & sj-macro.
After being introduced to Pomai and Tom, they made their way down to their seats, and almost immediately were drowned in the 1st wave of blessings from the Halawa gods. Lucky jeje, he rarely gets a chance to attend the games, and then ends up having to swim home!
This Jets=Fish game is fun. I don’t know if its on delay in Hawaii but don’t miss the 4th quarter. It’s almost like a college game.
What happened! dis tin stuck at 5:16 pm?
Diogenes is the man! Go warriors…Imua
My advice to UH defense – hit the weight room boys. Granted you met some tough RBs recently but you look weak.
Just got home from UH and it was pretty much a walk-through today as expected, the hour lasted a lot longer than expected.
I guess due to the shorter practice time, Dunnachie, Ingram, Enos, and Blumberg all headed over to the grass fields to do their thing and came back about 20 minutes before practice ended.
Offense worked on their redzone stuff with Rolo running around in the endzone checking things out.
Defense did their usual drills and it appeared they’re starting working against the scouts led by David Graves working on their defensive stuff for Idaho this Saturday.
Saw Meatoga and Hafoka on the sides and for the most part Meatoga did not practice today. Could be wrong though.
Also, Austin Hansen continued to work with the 1st team o line as Adrian Thomas didn’t practice either.
Hard to tell the team just came off a big loss at home. They weren’t too down OR too up either though.
Practice ended with the scout punt return team. Dunnachie had some nice punts bouncing out of bounds inside the 20 and 15s. Ryan Henry was the returner for the most part.
When a team is winning and former players are nay sayers most of them are considered to be disgruntled and unhappy individuals that are not given the time of day and quickly forgotten.
However when a team is losing and any nay sayer type of players from the past makes a comment it becomes more meaningful and a valued opinion of why there is such a problem or concern on the current team.
Should the current players buy into some of the negative things that are being said and may be happening about the current coaching staff and their issues, a spiral downward trend will more than likely continue.
If these players can say there are issues but we have to clear and resolve them amongst the team and coaches there are positive probabilites that can come about. The need of coming together as a team during losing times like these may help to turn the corner.
On the other hand if the coaches cannot resolve their issues and concerns amongst themselves, this will not do any good no matter how much the players put their best effort forward. If the HC cannot lead the team as one should or his subordinates don’t think he is the man we are doomed to mediocrity and failure. With a losing season, two things will happen. The firing of the HC or the HC making a major reshuffling of his staff. Hiring new and firing the current and restructuring the chain of command. More than likely the later since it will cost UH quite a chunk of change to buy the HC’s contract out.
If Hawaii ends up with a winning record not much of a shakeup. The coming or going of a coach or two.
Thanks Kazz.
Diogenes is The Man
took short nap, was dreaming that i caught a 10# menpachi on 4# line and just when i was ready to land him, dang, i woke up.
Maybe the coaches need to camp out in the dance hall for a nights
el guapo, i think i found the plant for sprains, but need to confirm with my friend to see if it is the right one.
That Dunnachie can kick. I was watching him punt from the 50 yard line at the stadium early before the game and one of his punts must have been at least 70 yards. Another one hit the cross bar of the goal post.
Wow menpachi on steroids.
Can’t stay long, just wanted to say: Diogenes is The Man! 😀
Diogenes is The Man
diogenes is the man
I was going to say that the jersey is S and is a Punahou jersey.
Truth is that it is a white Nike Warrior XL – never worn as far as I know.
Diogenes is the Man! – if I win, I’ll give it to Al or Kama Krab – belated birthday!
Diogenes is The Man! 😀
I have been a season ticket holder for 27 years. I have sat through many painful loses, and many wonderful wins. I am not and will NEVER be a quitter. I will back our young men and coaches who try their best to represent our beautiful state. I will NEVER be a “fickle fan” who only comes for winning teams, for all student athletes are winners. I will NEVER second guess the coaches, because in all my years of coaching it is these “second guessers” who usually know the least but pretend to “know it all,” I know I could not do a better job.
I am a lurker and enjoy most of what is said on this blog. Tsaikos, you are true Warrior fans.
Happy Birthday to Kama Krab!!
Greg Alexander, please get well!!
Blaze Soares,
I am so sorry that I doubted the Warriors. I had a slip of the mind for a moment. Again, I am sorry. Continue to work hard, and represent Hawaii. I know you are doing your best. Give the rest of the boys the pep talk.
Rich Miano,
c’mon coach. make this the turn aroung game. you can do it.
Mack is screaming for help. Help him out!
I changed my mind.
UH 34 Idaho 31
Go Warriors!
I found it much better to not sprain my ankles
whoever said Mack is a nice guy is right.
and the idea needs an alpha dog, and Mack is not, is right too.
but I know what a cornered animal looks like, and Mack looks like a cornered animal. those are the most dangerous kind.
So I’m counting on my intuition and BELIEVE
that Mack will bite summa da heads around him.
the dropped balls, the lack of concentration, those things are correctable.
go Warriors!!
Let’s not forget the 48-hour rule. In just over two hours we put Idahō in our sights.
Somehow it generates a lot of heat which helps the healing process. But I found out three things: it doesn’t work on broken bones, there is no substitute for an x-ray, and sometimes parents need to listen to their kids
We still supposed to be thinking about Fresno State? 😆
Διογένης is the man! 😀
To Greg Alexander, God speed and get well soon.
To Jeff Ulbrich, you were and you ARE, a WARRIOR my friend.
Now, to the team at hand. Did I hear right, Mack on the TV newscasts talking about the “positives” not the negatives ?
His “positives” was never quitting, team’s attitude and “were not making excuses” he says, yet he points out we’re young, we’ve been facing adversity, we’ve faced injury, we’re not even the same team that started Fall Camp. Well, neither are MOST teams in college football.
But, um, no excuses.
Last two games have been PAINFUL, from ambarrassing to disappointing to comparisons to the Fred von Appen era. 629 rushing yards allowed I heard on TV tonight, yet coach says we have the “right” players we just have to “get them prepared”.
Reminder: No name calling.
They will not quit on us an I will not quit on them.
UH vs Idaho
10 – 27 dittohead
14 – 10 RichfromtheOC
17 – 31 westsidesview
24 – 17 Da Punchbowl Kid
24 – 17 chopsueyboy X
24 – 21 ikaika
27 – 6 rasu begasu
27 – 17 Kaimuki Kid
28 – 21 Pomai
28 – 24 LizKauai
28 – 27 BigWave96744
31 – 6 tattoo
31 – 17 Derek
34 – 31 bighilofan2 X
34 – 31 al
35 – 14 Just Saying
35 – 28 kama krab
38 – 24 Kazz
41 – 10 labrat
56 – 14 d1shima
63 – 12 homey
70 – 14 Pride
But more importantly….
~•~~~~•~ ☼ ☼ ☼ Happy..(belated)..Birthday..Kama..Krab!!! ☼ ☼ ☼ ~•~~~~•~
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
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KK …….KK..aa…..…..aa..…………………..aa………aa.………OOOO……….KK …….KK……………………………..bbbbbo….
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
I always get p’oed when I see that no name calling stuff coming from the chief of the Tsaiko Ward. When God put Herman Frazier in Hawaii, God gave us the green light to call names. We’re only human ya know.
Actually Mary “Daniel” Smith get me p’oed too. Is “Mary” name calling? Don’t answer that.
Got some questions and hope someone can shed some light. I’m frustrated like a lot of fans & I yell at the games. But I did not expect much with what the D had left this year and the cupboard was quite bare after Colt left. Main thing I still support the Warriors!
Impressed with our punter, like the moving 3 man protection to allow him to use rugby style delivery option, he’s going to be a good one. Salas is a “stud”, goes balls out every dang play with the ball or without.
LaCount @ 6’7″ 320 lbs was a highly recruited JC tackle, was mentioned in the mix but when Thomas went out he did not go in. Is he redshirting (can he), hurt, out of shape or not good enough?
Chizzy got quick feet, quick acceleration, good lateral movement & gives us a different “Pilares/Brewster” look. Is he not playing because does not know play book, was hurt or not good enough?
The Golden Gorn guy & Royvic throwing Mac under the bus, in fact driving the bus and trying to run Mac over. Have you guys played organized football & if yes at what level? Have you guys coached football, if yes at what level & what capacity (ie: receivers, LB, O-line, whatevahs)?
28-14 us
Valuable thoughts and advices. I read your topic with great interest.
willie…lacount burned a redshirt last year i believe. why even tsai doesn’t know the particulars.
Warriors 38 Vandals 31 Imua Warriors
yes, I did recall some frustration when we were not doing well with Colt at the helm, but we all saw that he had something and that JJ saw it in him. We saw that the d was just not there and were not happy about that, but in so far as what we saw with JJ and Colt I don’t recall folks were so frustrated that we wanted a change at HC. We may have wanted a change at DC and were not happy that JJ had not paid attention to that. BUt we were still happy with his gunslinger mind set especially with Colt slinging it.
In this case we have seen more breakdowns in more areas without that confidence in any particular area. With JJ it was the offense. We somehow expected the D to be outstanding as this was his calling card. WE have not seen this and this may be the reason for such discontent, as opposed to back there when we were 1-4. Unhappy then, yes, but I don’t recall it being at this level.
The people who booed Timmy were just plain mean. I’d use another word but would not want to upset people with the use of such a description.
I do appreciate your tough love support of all thuings Warrior football. I hope you understand a contrary view.
Another great decision by the WAC’s spineless commissioner. If someone from UH threw a punch, guarantee suspension.
Hmmm… and that Oregon player got booted for the whole season?
What happened to the Haka or Haa? Does anyone know? The team no more the soul! Imua Warriors…
Anyone know what time the Warriors Practice tomorrow? Kazz you gonna check out practice tomorrow let me know I see you down there.
Diogenes is The Man.
Diogenes is The Man.
Diogenes is the man!
MIH – Oregon rb may be reinstated…. 😈
Just missed it again. Congratulations Whitey.
UH 40-17
Congrats to whitey …. winning the “whitey” jersey…. 😆
You are correct. For the 3rd consecutive year, I called the Stadium Authority to state my displeasure of flying the American Flag in the incorrect sequence.
The 1st and 2nd year, someone went up and changed the sequence so the US Flag was to its own right, followed by the Hawaiian Flag, and then the UH banner.
This Saturday, the person answering my call seemed very “uncaring” and said that he would make a note of it and hung up. I kept waiting for the flags to be corrected, but it did not happen during the entire game.
It’s really sad and I do feel offended that the Stadium Authority will not take postive steps to fly our colors correctly. Too many young men and women have given their lives to have the Stadium Authority live by its own rules. The courts have ruled that it’s a First Amendment right for citizens to discreate the US Flag and I do not and will never accept that ruling!!!!!!!!!1
aiyahyah, i wen win something. i going check now
You’re right. Too many so-called fans are throwing Mac under the bus. Most of them probably have little or no experience as a player or coach. They just like being negative and taking people down.
don’t know what to say, except thank you diogenes, st, and juju. maybe should have gone to vegas this week instead of last week.
The team may be back to morning practices at either 7 or 8am, but regardless, it’s back to work for me tomorrow so no can make it… 🙁
“They just like being negative and taking people down”.
….and you know this because….?
Col A House, haven’t flown a flag for a long time since no more poles at my house, but what is the correct sequence????
Diogenes is The Man and thank you very much.
Team is back to practicing in the morning. They’ll get on the field at about 8.
Am assuming that the Warriors will leave on Thursday, so that does leave them much time to recover. Hopefully, they will come together and make this a memorable game for themselves. Will be home cheering, yelling, critiqing, etc. GO WARRIORS!!!!!!!!!!!
what time is the game on saturday and what station????? thanks.
Regarding #273
Eighty percent of the recruits in Coach Macks first year were recruited in the three weeks prior to LOI. That’s not an excuse, it’s a fact.
ok, brake time.
American Flag always stands to its own RIGHT making it the flag at the extreme left as one looks at the colors. Then, the State Flag and then the schools colors/banner.
FYI all, I spoke with a bunch of the players (Mostly seniors, starters and non-starters alike) and they all backed the coaches 100 percent. Mostly they said that they play the game and they take responsibility for their actions. They said that the coaches gave them great stuff for the Fresno game and most of it was effective, but they did blow a lot of assignments. They are upbeat and hope the fans stay with them the rest of the way; especially the seniors.
whitey…do you want me to be your delivery boy?
ah yah, forgot to say congrats to whitey for winning the jersey – now what you going do wit dat?
To reiterate ” Defense doesn’t win Championships “, “Championships are not won during the Summer” and “Championships are not won in the Weight Room”. ” Recruiting wins Championships”. Recruiting is about developing relationships which sometimes takes years. We are not a top ten BCS university who can buy their recruits with promises of money, girls and a free pass in class. This is modern day college football, believing everything is up and up is not understanding why the BCS will never give up what they have.
KGMB article and video about Greg Alexander being back in the hospital.
The copy writer for KGMB might want to check his headlines:
eh, whitey….i know.
wear that jersey on you upcoming trip.
just tell all the girls you the quarterback for the university of hawaii.
that might be worth something….
it is easy to get an infection like that.
gotta take care and keep the dressing dry and stuff.
The players shouldn’t concerned with the real fans showing up for every home game.
anonymous #386
tell da boyz we going make noize and we got dea backs win or luze!
go warriors!
Really would like to know more about why Chizzy not seeing any action. With his quickness, an added option as a receiver out of the backfield, provided he has good hands. Hope he can block, looks like a solid base with strong looking lower body.
If we don’t here from the Golden Gorn or Royvic on their “excellent football credentials”, playing & coaching resumes, then perhaps they have Mel Kiper, Jr. all world abilities too. Kiper never even played pop warner football & obviously never coached either. Maybe they & Kiper are one & the same?!?!
I understand where you are coming from and appreciate different views as I often learn from them, myself.
I’m just saying we give our coaches the time we promised them when we first signed them. They have their own visions and agendas and unless we are completely privy to them, we cannot be their judge and jury.
Mac’s recruits (besides the JC transfers) have hardly touched the field. And those that have, have done so out of necessity not because of planning. The JC’s, however, have pretty panned out and pretty held up their stock. The rest are in the incubators.
We could take the best apple pie baker and still he couldn’t make 33 apple pies out of 15 apples, 19 oranges, 20 peaches and 4 lemons. You gotta wait till he has all his apples and cleans his work area of the rest. You also need the mixer, the bowls, the spices, the oven, the pans…
The coaching staff looks pretty solid, now. Better than last season when they had to put together something in a few short months. Hopefully that won’t change over the next few seasons. There are a number of good players in the wings and the defense can only get better.
So far off the field, Mac and company have done a great job in the community bridging the gap between our schools and the UH program. The mainland recruiting has been doing better, as well.
The overall program is improving and that will probably have a longer lasting effect on the football teams of the future.
We promised him 5 years. Let’s give him at least 3 FULL years before we start questioning his master plan. 4 years before we question his direction, and start to judge. So, near the end of next season, we should be in a better position to see if what Coach Mac and Company are doing will really bear the kind of fruit we want. But two years is just too short given the hand he started with.
Yeah, but that guy is out till November. What would that leave him? two games? maybe three? That certainly is more than a scolding and a tap on the wrist. Looks like he has a lot to do to make that happen though. And even then, it’s no promise. BUT, that’s how it should be. Like rehab. Then a last chance.
Congratulations to whitey!
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want to read the off-topic stuff.
The regular flu is most dangerous to young children and the elderly, but the swine flu mainly kills people between 10-60 years old.
France is really concerned about the threat of the people carrying bombs inside their body (like the Saudi bomber who had a bomb up his butt), so security screening normally only used for suspected drug smugglers may be used for all air travelers.
Tractor-trailer from a nuclear missile base (carrying missile parts but thankfully no nuclear material) in North Dakota crashed because of a large insect.
Researchers demonstrated that a wireless network of radio transmitters can track people moving behind solid walls. Being able to “see” through walls can help police (hostage situations are one perfect example), firefighters (finding people inside of building on fire) and others.
Microsoft subsidiary admits that it has wiped out the remotely stored personal address books and data of T-Mobile Sidekick users…how does a Microsoft subsidiary not backup critical user data that it has on its servers? They advertise themselves as a service to automatically back up customer data to a remote server so that the customer doesn’t lose their data…then they lose all the data they are supposed to be keeping safe?
Free play links pau.
For what it’s worth Chizzy Dimude had a decent amount of reps at today’s one hour practice when the offense was working on their redzone approach.
I’m not that crazy. Idaho 31, UH 17 if we’re lucky. If we stink out the joint, then Idaho 38, UH 10. Either way, the Vandals cover the spread.
An “excuse” (noun) is defined as:
Some are upset with the facts that we have a lack of depth in “ready to play” talent toppled with the injures to key players on defense.
Many of us provided reasons for what we feel are legitimate causes of the issues on defense, they may not be the SOLE reason for our defensive struggles, but they remain a FACT.
Those that claim to not want to hear excuses may also do not want to hear anything other than their opinions or what they view to be SOLE fact.
In the end both, sides of those still supporting the team and the coaching staff will never be able to convince others that think differently and vice versa.
Hmmm… funny to think that the Kibbie Dome may now be the “loudest” road venue we’ll see all season long.
Well, I guess that’s what matters for some I guess… 😆
is kazz drunk?
#3 team in the country.
At home against LaTech Lady Techsters…
tonight’s news
the lighting in the kibbie dome sucks for tv
Well apparently KGMB’s folks had no problem in getting the teleprompter to read: “So the Warriors are off to a dismal start, but it’s not too late to get on the Philly B-A-N-D-W-A-G-O-N”….
Hmm.. A new bandwagon huh? Some Hawaii folk already pretty much keep abreast to the newest bandwagons. The list is right next to their parlay sheets… 😆
Yup. It’s hard to watch on TV and so were the Vandals for the longest time.
We know winning can be addicting, but it can also lead to complacency for a team not used to winning… Either way, I expect a sellout from the Idaho fans.
We’ll see how good Idaho really is and we’ll see where our team is after a bad loss at home.
Congrats, whitey! You caught that menpachi after all!!!
To all that want to gain an appreciation for our coaching staff, I strongly suggest attending the next Wahine Clinic. Dress up in your favorite pumps and sit in the back with an attitude of learning.
My faith in the team and the coaches comes from the personal contact we got at the Wahine Clinic. I can’t attend practice but I’m guessing that one could also watch and learn there too.
Congratulations whitey!
Speaking of practice, mahalo, Kazz, for the scoops!
After watching Stanford beat Washington, I’d say we stand a very good chance to win it all! Aneli is going to make sure that the Wahine get better and better and peak at the final four! She has won it all at every level and wants to put the final touches on her career. Of course PSU and UT will have something to say about that. Ha!
The “bigs” need to keep improving!
Go Wahine!
OMG… 😯
no bachi, no bachi, no bachi….
hey gang, thanks. al, sounds like a great idea for your next trip to maui. thanks.
Let the guys know that we will be rooting for them in Idaho even though we can’t be there.
I’ll be yelling at my tv in Hilo.
before the game started I was watching our side, seeing everybody standing around, the coaches were NOT yelling up the guys. maybe the coaches were using the low key approach, but the whole body language made me uneasy and my intuition was supported by the play of the players.
just from being a small time coach in several small time sports with pee wee age kids, high school age kids and kupuna age kids, my opinion is there is a benefit in yelling up da trooops.
besides practice. 😀
so anonymous says the players still believe in themselves? good enough for me!
Go Warriors!!!
this looks like a good week for whitey and gang, and it starts on Thursday with the Wahines #1000. Hoooooooooooorraaaaay!!!!!
not bad, top 425!!!!
Kazz, appreciate the news on Chizzy, hope he gets some meaningful & successful action on Saturday.
Truefan & madeinhawaii, right on for some positive vibes and sensibility.
Truefan you got 27 years as a loyal season ticket holder and this is my 30th year. Wonder how long da Golden Gorn & Royvic have been on board. They can’t have been on board too long as dey too busy driving the bus, reading the road map trying to get the directions to find Coach Mac and run him over!
Is it me, or is it just too weird to say Idaho is 5 and 1 ?
I mean doesn’t have a really strange ring to it when somebody says “Hey, with one more win the vandals will be bowl eligible.”
It’s also almost funny to hear that Kibbie Dome will be “rocking” on Saturday. Rocking, really ?
Amazing I tell you, jusy amazing.
Oh, and I am on the Bryant Moniz bandwagon, the Phillies bandwagon, the Blaze Soares bandwagon and the Cleveland Cavaliers bandwagon.
Nite all….
Liz, yes I’m lurking–trying my best to read every post as time allows. Some good football talk here! 🙂
GA, wishing you a speedy recovery!
Pomai, I wouldn’t put money on this– so call it wishfull thinking– Moniz gets his groove on and lights it up! UH 42 Idaho 38
Doesn’t seem all that long ago when we went win less season after season. Or had our Hula-T seasons with Larry Price, and bemoaned a 3-9 season behind JJ.
Seeing Idaho turn the corner I find encouraging for the WAC. More competition, sure, but if they get better, along with Utah State and NMSU, the WAC will look even more desirable for recruits, as well and that can’t hurt.
I want us to beat them, for sure, but I also want them to do win the rest of their games.
i think al is right. but since no can make same same like him,
UH 37, Idaho 31
Coaches, just a suggestion since going have TV and prolly going show ya pregame vibes.
make sure wen da camera an Warriors looking at you, you stay make all excited befo da game starts. 😀
Willie an me gonna be watchin. 😀
an I like be yellin wit yu! 😀
good coaches are hi yallaz. 😀
at least das wat i see on tv. 😀
haha, mo808!
Hey, I hoped you’d return to Cabana A after the game… had awesome watercress soup- mahalo to Rob25 and Frank!
CU Soon!
Tomorrow- commit a random act of kindness for the Warriors!
wishing the doctors good will in making
Greg Alexander’s knee trouble right.
the bradda deserves our best wishes and good luck and fortune.
Peace and all the best of luck, Mr. Alexander! Get well, bra!
please let us know that you picking up on da well wishes from da Tsaikos and Warrior Nation to da Warariors.
i like no day gonna get da backaz when they return home, so no scared give it their best in Idaho.
you can count on me being right above da tunnel. my wife wen send me to da wrong tunnel Sat., but we’ll be at CC orange next game.
Go Warriors!!!
i expect big tings from Warriors
because thats what Warriors do.
one hand catches. katoooshes. katooshes.
stuffin da run at da line. backin each odda up.
bein in on da plays.
you can do it. Yes You Can!
Here’s a good way to start tomorrow!
thanks again and may you all have a great evening. now, i going back to catch the menpachi or one 20# kumu. hoooohaaaaaa!!!!!!
nite nite gang.
i taut whitey said he gonna catch one 200# kumu. whoa! 😀
dasone big lady. 😀 😀
I still feel that in women’s volleyball, there is such a drastic difference between the #1 and #2s from #3 and so forth. You don’t see something like this too often in other sports, ESPECIALLY in college football, but in women’s volleyball the difference in talent with size with Penn State and Texas is quite evident.
Coach Shoji will be the first to tell anyone that we’re not the 3rd best team in the land.
But hey, the Wahine are still pretty damn good!
WHITEY!!! C’MON!!! 😆
So, were you born on Friday the 13th? 😀
uhhhhh, blog clock slow again…..
As I peek past the midnite hour, I see that jm2375 has once again vandalized the club house. Her excuse..she was celebrating my birthday. Yeah, right. You bettah not show up for the vb game on Wednesday nite!
Warriors 27; Spuds 24.
To Willie, Truefan & other loyal fans,
I’m right there with you bruddahs. This is my 39th year as a season ticket-holder & I remember this easily because I became one in 1971 as a freshman at UH & I’ve been hooked ever since. Actually I went to UH games sporadically even as a high school senior.
At times I may be critical, but I show up for the games & stay till the end. Rejoice & cry/suffer with the team. I also have faith in these players & yes, with this coaching staff & I’m willing to withhold judgement for at least another season.
I’m not down with those who are prematurely calling for Coach Mac’s head & disagree with those who’ve said UH already has all the wins it can get. Baloney!
Pomai, please put me down for UH 31 Idaho 22
They will not quit on us an I will not quit on them.
UH vs Idaho
10 – 27 dittohead
10 – 38 Derek
14 – 10 RichfromtheOC
17 – 31 westsidesview
24 – 17 Da Punchbowl Kid
24 – 17 chopsueyboy X
24 – 21 ikaika
27 – 6 rasu begasu
27 – 17 Kaimuki Kid
28 – 14 curveball
28 – 21 Pomai
28 – 24 LizKauai
28 – 27 BigWave96744
31 – 6 tattoo
34 – 31 al
35 – 14 Just Saying
35 – 28 kama krab
37 – 31 bighilofan2
38 – 24 Kazz
38 – 31 TYaiea
40 – 17 Curt
41 – 10 labrat
42 – 38 mo808
56 – 14 d1shima
63 – 12 homey
70 – 14 Pride
They will not quit on us an I will not quit on them.
UH vs Idaho
10 – 27 dittohead
10 – 38 Derek
14 – 10 RichfromtheOC
17 – 31 westsidesview
24 – 17 Da Punchbowl Kid
24 – 17 chopsueyboy X
24 – 21 ikaika
27 – 6 rasu begasu
27 – 17 Kaimuki Kid
27 – 24 plenty chikara
28 – 14 curveball
28 – 21 Pomai
28 – 24 LizKauai
28 – 27 BigWave96744
31 – 6 tattoo
31 – 22 protector
34 – 31 al
35 – 14 Just Saying
35 – 28 kama krab
37 – 31 bighilofan2
38 – 24 Kazz
38 – 31 TYaiea
40 – 17 Curt
41 – 10 labrat
42 – 38 mo808
56 – 14 d1shima
63 – 12 homey
70 – 14 Pride
that’s a bs excuse. recruits are actively recruited throughout the year. the final decisions are made in those last three weeks of recruiting. i played and coached college ball.
Warriors 35
Idaho 31
morning gang!
Happy Birthday Kekoa !
Great Morning All!
Happy Birthday to the newest Great Grandpa on the WB….Kekoa!
With Mana Lolotai back at MLB and backed up by Heun, I’m guessing that Falemalu is healing up good at DE?
UH 23 U da Ho 20
Good Morning All! Hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning Tsaikos.
Free download of ZoneAlarm Pro Firewall 2010. This is free today only:
Happy Birthday Kekoa!
Howzit djmitcho!
Howzit Garret!
Howzit whitey widda new jersey! 😀
Have a terrific day erryboddy!
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Happy Birthday Kekoa!
Hey Kekoa, your birthday???? Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, all the monkeys in the zoo send their best regards to you, happy birthday to you!!!!!! And many more!!!!
mih- like your #398 point of view.
Also like d1’s #300 to hater(s) or ‘fans’
UNLV HD Coach is now under fire by local press after team’s performance or lack thereof in his 4th or 5th season. Mentioned that he is now walking around and not looking at people – body language indicate he wants out of LV. Haven’t seen him so can’t confirm/deny.
The new UNLV Pres. was prof at UH and it was mentioned he was close to HF while both were at UH.
Since UNLV AD left and they have an ‘acting AD’, can you just imagine what it’ll be like if UNLV hired HF as their AD?
Financially, it appears UNLV athletics is in worse situation than UH at this time. Just can’t imagine what it’ll be like if HF became UNLV AD!
There’s always someone in worse situation than UH, eh?
Congrats whitey – picture with you wearing the uni?
Happy Birthday Kekoa
Sorry- Good Morning All!
Mahalo to all the early birds for your bday greetings. I’m anxiously awaiting the arrival of my Great Grandaughter from Kapiolani. 😎
I seriously doubt HF will be the new AD @ UNLV. Me and some business partners support UNLV athletics and donate to the Rebel Athletic Fund yearly. Funny thing happened this week, we get a nice letter in the mail ( we never get a letter this early in the season) thanking their butts off to sponsors and donors etc.. Strategically written the day before the BYU game. Very well thought out by the Interim AD. ~ just when we were really questioning if we really wanted to continue the amount of commitment we donate and advertise. We’ll continue to donate to the RAF but are advertising $$ budget will get cut. We’re small manini, cant imagine the big money flowing out.
But man, the dept must be in a state of flux to send that kind of public relations letter almost apologizing for what is being displayed on the field. Good work by the interim AD, tough for Sanford – this might be his last week.
JD take note, same pattern may be happening…
Good morning all!
Happy Birthday Kekoa ! Hope Diana is keeping you in check today!
I don’t know how it could be done, but if Jeff Ulbrich ever decided to retire and decided to come back to Hawaii, he’d be a terrific replacement for the Warrior coaching staff, should one “retire”. That man lived through the von Appen era and was reborn when JJ came. He has history that could help a team when it goes through period like that von Appen era and the current funk we’re in at the moment.
Get well Greg Alexander.
UH 30, Idaho 27
Go Warriors!
Aloha Kakahiaka Tsaikos! Happy birthday Kekoa, from another Libra. Imua Warriors. Please Warriors win this one for all the Libra Tsaikos!!!!
Mahalo TYaiea! Luv dem Libras Ladies!
Go Warriors!
Happy Birthday Kekoa.
Aloha Kakahiaka!!!
Kekoa, Hau’oli la hanau!
Congratulations, Whitey!
Prayers for Greg Alexander.
[…] The Warrior Beat| UH football, University of Hawaii athletics … […]
Happy Belated Birthday to Kama Krab! 😀
Happy Birthday to Kekoa! 😀
Prayers for a full and speedy healing for Greg Alexander!
At least Coach Sanford was well into his contract before he started getting the heat compared to Coach Mac only into his 2nd year.
Do you see UNLV Pres. being active in the AD selection as mentioned once decision made to go from interim to f/t AD?
Agree on HF not getting it, only if UNLV does it’s due deligence and not listened to the ‘talk’.
Don’t think UH in the same situation for JD to start getting concern- year end review still a few months from now. But, similarities could arise in a couple of years without winning progress with coaching.
Happy belated B-Day Kama Krab!
Happy birfday Kekoa! There are so many b-days I am running out of frosting and recycled cake.
Go Go Go Warriors!!!
Good morning Tsaikos…
Congrats Whitey….dang, I’m always getting the negative juju….LMAO
Happy Birthday Kekoa…wishing you many more to come….
Happy Birthday to Kekoa…..enjoy your day my friend
ANELI going to be the Video Guest???
You obviously need to take a course in reading comprehension if you think that what myself and royvic have written are just merely throwing the coach under the bus.
There is a difference between negativity for negativity sakes and constructive criticism/feedback. Negativity for negativity sakes just to throw the coach under the bus would be me simply coming on here and saying “FIRE THE COACHES, THEY SUCK” without saying anything further.
Obviously, folks like you just do not get it while those like bighilofan2 understand where we’re coming from. I don’t expect anyone to agree with 100% what I wrote since lot of it is just my personal opinion. This is a public blog and people can take it for what it is worth.
As for my background, I used to coach baseball but that probably won’t mean anything to you since it isn’t football. Still, the same rules apply about being a leader and leading by example, tutoring, guiding, being able to effectively communicate in terms of both listening and offering constructive feedback. As the head cheese, you are fully responsible for all the decisions but have to also work closely with the rest of your team. You are also the public face of the team when it comes to public relations. It isn’t an easy job and you know with the territory will come all sorts of opinions as to how they think you are doing your job. You learn to develop a tough skin BUT a good leader will also LISTEN and try to pickout the constructive criticism versus just the negative noise. Why? Because it helped me become a better and more effective leader and I always thanked those people by not looking at it as criticism but as constructive advice from the ones who give a damn the most, the fans of the team. The ones who really care will be straight up with you whereas the bandwagon fans are the ones that just rah-rah when the going is good or boo when the going is bad.
Since my fanhood is being questioned, I’ve been going to UH football since the Honolulu Stadium days when Dave Holmes was the coach and we were still Division II playing the likes of UOP and Linfield College sitting in the general admission seating under the baseball grandstand. I remember watching guys like Elroy Chong, Alex Kaloi, Golden Richards, Jeris White, Levi Stanley and Reinhold Stuprich. I remember Holmes’ last game, a huge 7-6 upset win over Utah in a torrential downpour with the field looking like a mud bog by the end of the game. I still have every single UH football program from that era too (the ones with those incredible cartoon drawings on the front by Corky Trinidad). I remember Larry Price’s first season when he unveiled the green white uniforms and white helmets with the menuhune spearing the rainbow and how Stuprich kicked those 5 fieldgoals to beat BYU. I remember all those season ending final games against the nations elites during the Tomey and Wagner eras and how UH battled those teams to the very end. I went to the Holiday Bowl and froze my butt off watching Michael Carter outclass the Illinois defense. I was one of those loyal 20K fans that sat through the vonAppen era.
Do I need to go on? Who are you Willie and Curt to question my fanhood when I’ve probably been going to UH football games and holding season tickets longer than the majority of the people here? If I didn’t give a damn, I wouldn’t even offer to bother offering my 2 cents of CONSTRUCTIVE feedback and would just do what some of negative ninnies at WSN do and just write a one line sentence with “FIRE THE COACHES” and be done with it without offering anything more of substance. Whatever, folks like you can just stick your fingers in your ears, hum a happy tune like nothing is wrong, and go on your merry way because you guys don’t really give a damn about wanting to see the best for this program.
It is not about just the football program winning. It’s about how a continually respected program (win or lose) can generate revenue not only for the University of Hawaii but the entire state of Hawaii. Those who have no forward looking vision don’t get that aspect as to why some of us are concerned at how UH is being perceived nationally because of what some of us have written about. But yeah, to guys like you, we are just negative whining nincompoops doing it to catch our jollies. Two words for you… GET REAL.
It appears things may be SLOWLY returning to normal, at least for the linebacking corps. Glad to hear Mana Lolotai is getting back in and Blaze is moving back outside where he has been known to do some damage!!!
I’m left with two uncomfortable feelings though…
One, with Brent Rausch’s quote of “I’m feeling fine, but it’s not up to me anymore” with regards to his return in the depth chart.
Two, with Vaughn Meatoga’s pending absence in Idaho, but seeing the way he walked around yesterday at practice, it’s probably for the best to stay off of it as much as possible.
I really think JD is concerned. When you have the burden of deciding what athletic programs get cut and you see the accts receivables not coming like they should to keep in the black you start to worry. The nipple from the football program to fund other sports will be dry this year. If we continue this pattern, and the other nipple goes dry’s. Yikes! We are already doing things that doesn’t make financial sense for the program. It’s a tough situation for all. I wouldn’t call it panic mode yet, but it is coming.
That whole Brent Rausch deal is tough.. something else is going on there. I really thought he was the best QB last year. Maybe he has a little attitude maybe not, he is/was a talented QB that the coaches beat down to far into the ground. IMO
Appears that the Warriors are going to use a 4×4 on the line of scrimmage with one or two LBs back pedalling for pass coverage. Hope this works to stop the run.
A-House, I hope you’re trying to feed Idaho false information. Did you tell them about the triple-option that we are running this week?
Looks like the LA Tech Women’s VB team is delayed and won’t be making it out for the game tomorrow. Shoji’s 1000th win will have to wait.
Happy Bday, Mr. Kekoa. eat some extra cake for me. many more.
Adjust your schedules accordingly….perhaps it will be more interesting against NaMaSU than an anticipated Uno, Dos, Adios against LaTech
You gotta be f**king kidding me!!! 👿
Pride ~ LOL
It will be a wait but no laugh.. but the Triple Option Contracting stars will align and once again the WAC Universe will be ours.
JD + Kenny = how sweet it will be…
happy birthday kekoa!
I’m just joking. I’m just saying that we need to be careful about what kind of information that we post about what we see at practice. That’s why most big schools don’t allow the public to watch practice. We don’t want to give opponents tips on new wrinkles that we may have up our sleeve.
NO, but let them know that the Warriors will use the 4×4 to stop their running game and “bring it on”!
Wish UH had used the same defensive strategy against UNLV, LaTech and Fresno St – what’s wrong with letting the LBs rush and have the DEs drop back in coverage for the short flat and over the middle passes? or, even have the DTs drop back to cover the middle?
Strategy, offense and defense, must be based on the capabilities and limitations of each and every opponent with game time adjustments as necessary.
OMG, it’s Kekoa’s birthday!! Happy Birfday and many more to come!!!
***Wahine Volleyball Tickets***
Anyone with will call seats like mine, please call 956-4482 to have them change your tickets for the Saturday match against NMSU.
That’s a good combination.
Another good combination might be JD + RA(BYU OC)
new wrinkles, coach you need A wrinkle! =)
please change my scores
UH 24 – Idaho 14
sorry…my apologies to da Punchbowl kid
I wonder if he would ever consider JD + JD?
just saying, on an interim basis, you know if the budget gets too tight.. =)
until the contracting stars can align themselves…
Certainly good ideas A-House.
However, in my opinion, especially with young, inexperienced defenders, they all need to learn their base position first, before we teach them how to branch off from there. They still don’t know the basic fudamentals of their own position yet.
More important than scheme is excecuting the basic fundamentals correctly. When our Warriors can do that first then they need to pay attention to the little details and coaching points. After that, they need to dial up the intensity and play with reckless abandon.
To me, I thought that the Warrior defense played super during the first half of the WSU game. Why? Probably because they were so excited to be playing in an NFL stadium that they ran around like a bunch of crazed dogs and hit anything that moved. They need to dial up the intensity and play like that for the rest of their games.
#1 – Basic Fundamentals
#2 – Details
#3 – Intensity
Oh, not yet.
What? Still at practice?
Went to the Na Koa luncheon yesterday.
I’m uncomfortable with a few statements that the head coach made. I love Mack, and think that he’s a great guy.
My tongue is bleeding from biting it for the past 24 hours.
AHouse – give me a call and I can help you get to the people who will make sure that the flag is flown correctly.
Greg’s knee infection is really something to be concerned about. Let’s everyone X fingers, drop some gin in the Kilauea, or do whatever works best that he comes out of this intact.
Happy Birthday Kekoa – do you have two just- arrived great-grandchildren
guys why not “focus on the positives”? lets pat ourselves on the back for the good work..
never mind the negatives, they’ll work themselves out..
is that pretty much how it went?
Go Mack….Don’t worry about the haters
Good points, Pride.
pride…ra is an intriguing thought. perhaps he could bring his son along.
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂
Happy Birfday to the Great grand tutu kane himself, Kekoa!
I tell ya, this blog is a fount of information for football dummies like me. Some very passionate and intelligent positions being shared. Love it!
Looks like the Idaho game will be on ESPN GamePlan and ESPN 360.
# chopsueyboy:
October 13th, 2009 at 9:45 am
please change my scores
UH 24 – Idaho 14
sorry…my apologies to da Punchbowl kid
No worries, mon! Its all good! I shares da victory wif ya if I win! 😉
Hawaii 70
Idaho 14
Thanks Garret,
I think this is my last year on GamePlan as it reminds me of web streaming circa 2001 but its better than nothing!
Pomai, Thanks!
UH 24 Idaho 21
I thought of you immediately when I saw that GamePlan would have this game available. This is my first year I ever chose *not* to have GamePlan, but I figured that GamePlan wouldn’t have that many games and it would be cheaper to buy it by the week instead of for the season. It turns out that I get all the GamePlan games for free with ESPN360, so I’m never going to get GamePlan again.
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on expanding your ohana, too!! And no, the stork went to the right house, this time! hahaha….(Mr C. shared your text message with me! hahahah.)
It does look like a QB controversy is coming down the pike, especially if UH loses in Idaho. Moniz looks good and is local. Rausch has the experience and shouldn’t lose his position due to injury. Or does that just apply to starters? However we should all keep our heads as we need two experienced QBs, at least.
Fi’ twenny!
In 517, I was referring to UH games. GamePlan has a ton of other college football games, but I only watch UH with it.
al you should be asking questions, like 10 in a row that one time
focus on the positives
we held fresno to under 63 points
focus on the positives
we tackled
Yup, glad to have Blaze back on the outside, where he is MOST effective,
and, Huen as backup MLB.
Looking forward for a great defensive effort at Idaho.
I presume our 48-hour rule is now in effect, and we are now focused on the Idunno Idaho? So when does the team depart? Tomorrow?
I kind of would like to see both QBs in action. Split the practice reps 50/50. Give them each their own receivers (we have more than enough to go around). Maybe even rotate them in the game with three plays each time, no huddle. Switch out on each first down.
Why three plays? If it comes to a 4th down, I would think that you gotta call the play in, can’t go no huddle.
Pomai – UH 17 Idunno 27 just being realistic.
Happy Birthday Kekoa
Hello from Russia!
Can I quote a post in your blog with the link to you?