UCLA DE transferring to UH
Iuta Tepa, who played three seasons at UCLA, told the Warrior Beat he is transferring to UH.
Tepa said he will arrive in Honolulu sometime tomorrow.
Tepa played DE at UCLA, but said he will compete at linebacker for UH. He said he is a little under 6-3 and weighs about 255.
Tepa made an oral commitment to UH in October 2008, but then signed with UCLA, where Norm Chow was the offensive coordinator. Chow, of course, is now UH’s head coach. Tepa and weakside linebacker George Daily-Lyles were teammates at Long Beach Poly.
* * * * *
KHON2 announced today that Rob DeMello has been promoted to sports director.
Kanoa Leahey will remain as a part-time sports anchor on Monday and Tuesday nights. The move enables Leahey to focus more time on his play-by-play announcing responsibilities.
Former UH baseball pitcher Sam Spangler joins as the sports reporter and producer.
* * * * *
The Warriors have another 10 days before leaving for the season-opening trip to Los Angeles, but they have been told to turn in a rough draft of the travel roster.
The school allows up to 66 players to travel for non-conference games. But the coaches decided to stick to the 64-player limit that will be used for Mountain West away games.
The tentative plan calls for 30 players from offense, 30 from defense and four from special teams.
The Warriors had wanted to take two QBs, with receiver David Graves serving as the emergency QB. But with the battle ongoing for No. 2 between Ikaika Woolsey and Jeremy Higgins, head coach Norm Chow will take three QBs. Graves still will go as the emergency QB.
So far, the list includes three QBs, six running backs, three tight ends, seven receivers and 10 offensive linemen. That adds up to 29; Chow will decide on the 30th offensive player this week.
* * * * *
Football games will be different without Vili the Warrior, who indeed performed to the beat of different drums. Many relationships just run its course, and that appears to be what happened between Vili and UH.
Behind the painted face was a quiet, almost shy, man who loved his adopted school and his family even more.
I have two memories of Vili:
• He came over to our old paper for a photo shoot. In full makeup and attire, he let out one of those yells that caused grown men to lose their coffee beans. At the time, the paper and union were engaged in contract negotiations. Someone joked: “Here’s our negotiator, where’s yours?”
• For the Warrior Bowl festivities, a pizza-eating contest was staged. The blog host took a lead. Vili, sitting across the table, growled and then placed his partially eaten slices on the host’s plate. The host ate them, not realizing that they were inadvertently seasoned with Vili’s sweat and green paint. The host then spent 30 minutes in the rest room.
But I also remember the NCAA men’s volleyball final four at Penn State, when then UH president Evan Dobelle paid the way for Vili and his family to perform. Vili was dazzling, of course, and the Warriors went on to defeat Penn State and then Pepperdine in the title match. Eighteen months later, the title was stripped. Still, there was no denying that for those few days in the middle of Pennsylvania, Vili and the Warriors were at their best.
* * * * *
Happy birthday to Bruno Mars’ bodyguard — Ryan Keomaka.
Also birthday wishes to my bodyguard — Kortney Kikiloi, who also happens to be super saleswoman and a great bartender.
And special birthday wishes to Terri Okada. Rough Riders 4 eva!
aloha vili…thanks for the memories.
Al, the American Pitbull is a ‘poi dog.’ Bred for a specific purpose from different breeds.
Cheaper to pay a handler than feed a student.
Actually I like the opihi for a mascot, but too slow!
But I’m just beating bushes to see what pops out.
Vili is a wonderfully generous person to do what he did for so long. Looks like he’s calling it a day to make room for the Chow Time.
so different from the days we’d take 10 oline, 3 qbs, 4 rbs, 13 receivers.
the dog needs to housed, fed, vet bills, no can travel, etc.
may as well pay a student a scholarship. at least someone gets an education.
Pitbull breeders would do games for a fee, so UH wouldn’t have to foot the whole bill.
Dogs can travel with the new chip law, but would be cheaper to hire a dog on road trips.
Actually more practical than the $10K tuition annually and risk having the selection process turn into a fiasco like the “big head” menehune.
…or we could get a sponsored mascot like Hormel and adopt the SPAM Mascot!
thanks for the memories.
/s/ Orange CC Section Row 3 seat 1,2.
Good Morning! 13 more …till season opener!
I like pitbulls! Check this one out!
IMO where JD can really help out Coach Chow and UH is in dealing with the following people.
Derek Inouchi Director of Media Relations
Neal Iwamoto Assistant Media Relations Director
Kara Nishimura Assistant Media Relations Director
John Barry Assistant Media Relations Director
Jay Metzger Assistant Media Relations Director
Student Affairs.
Stacey Price Director of Student Affairs
Kristi Taniyama Assistant Director of Student Affairs
Jenny Matsuda Director of Academics
Sara Nunes-Atabaki Academic Advisor
Kari Ambrozich Academic Advisor
Garrett Clanin Academic Advisor
Jim Gillespie Academic Advisor
Kehau Marzan Academic Advisor
Courtney Tsumoto Coordinator of Learning Services
Brandy Kawasaki Administrative & Fiscal Assistant
Maybe can put all the above on a committee to help projected JC transfers get their paperwork in on time. If it ain’t 2 plus 2 kind math, gonna have problems. Thats what we’ve learned from Wanda Gate. Not to swift the advising from on high.
But I got hope.
Go Academia
Correction. 12 more …till season opener!
good morning mo808.
pitballs. nice when day not naughty.
had one 3 weeks ago Friday dat bit da cute lifeguard on da calf at Richardson’s Beach Park.
deep bite. but cute. no. not da dog. but not to worry. da lifeguard was on lunchbreak and was on County Road and not in the County Park. whew. 😀 her dog was on leash when da unleashed pit came screaming onto the road and took out da dog and da handla.
but aftawords da pit was all wagging and stuffs, smiley face, soz alls good in Hilo. 😆
Morning, everyone!
Always good to reflect on positive things when moving n a new direction. Great stories about Vili, ST!
Ala Wai… funny! Imagine a costumed, spam-headed mascot running the sidelines? What would the cheers be?
Dis side: “Eat!”
Oddah side: “Spam!”
Hmmm… nah.
Whateva we do, I would hope we’d get the Student Body (very) involved. They gotta take ownership and participate. Gotta be a serious buzz on campus… and I don’t mean from da beverages.
yup, times getting close.
Wes’side Warrior.
you’ve hit da double entendre.
“Eat” “USC” “Eat” “USC” “Eat” “pU..”
na na na

i expect da criticism….
i can relate to da Vili….
Morning BHF2! Yes, pits can be dangerous–need to be properly trained and handled! I like um though!
Having a student mascot could be cool, just need to find the right one…soon!
So who or what is the “mascot” now?
…please no more marshmallow men and fake musclemen.
I don’t think a dog would be the answer…it’s great for “chow” time and stuff, but what about the olympic sports?
A student “Vili” maybe?
So now we have no mascot ?
Will he be replaced by some giant foam head ?
Cannot hurt to add one more receiver. At least make USC think we’re going to pass. Yuk.
Vili made the home games fun…he charged up the crowd and reminded them of who we are; he made us feel pride for the Islands and most importantly gave identity to the program. On the other hand, I personally think giving up the title ‘Rainbow Warriors’ which has some real Hawaii legacy, for fear of being identified with some ‘Gay’ movement, was the pinnacle of gutlessness. What we should have done was ramped up the title ‘Rainbow Warriors’, put it in everyone’s face and invited all the Top Ten teams to ‘come on down and strap-up—-and bring your women!’
Vili had a lot of pride and love for the Warriors. Good luck Vili! I don’t think Hawaii really needs a mascot after him.
Good morning!
Spam for a mascot?
Possible cheer:
Mauka: MUSU-
Makai: BI!
Are the cheerleaders & dance squad on scholarship? Make the mascot part of the cheer squad & he’ll know when to start & end cheers, when to get off the field, and to keep it down when we have the ball.
Hi ho…
Maybe one of Vii sons should have gone to UH………….
Vili could still go to games as a regular paying fan, cheer on the Warriors and still pump up the crowds. If he so chooses to.
He’ll be alright.
I wish him well in all of his future endeavors.
I will miss Vili, but I wish him all the best. At first, I didn’t really like his caricature of a “warrior” but as the years went on, Vili became synonymous with UH, and there’s no mascot that I associate more with UH than Vili. I wonder if the Coach might bring back the moniker “Rainbow Warriors” and make it very clear to the people of Hawaii and the world the following legend of the “Rainbow Warrior”
In Hawaiian mythology, Lono, the God of fertility and music, and in relation to agriculture, Lono was identified with bringing the rain, and sustenance for the Hawaiian people. According to legend, Lono came to Earth on a rainbow, to marry his wife Laka, Thus, the image of Lono, is that of a Warrior-God bringing life to Earth, riding a rainbow.
Great Morning All!
102 (64 invaders)
Spam Man!
We cut tik!
You so tin!
Looks to us like
We going ween!
Ugga wat?
I’m a rainbow warrior at heart and I’m fine with just warrior on the field. It’s a different time we live in similar to how Syracuse went from orangemen to orange, how the washington bullets went to the wizards. Not all schools or teams change.But for marketing, politically correct reasons, or just because it’s a new time or era with new generations where words conjure up images, some do. I’m glad we did change.
Besides, I think if the people that named it rainbow warriors decades ago knew what the name rainbow also represented today, would they still have used the word rainbow???
Good morning Tsaikos!
Happy first day of school.
Like I said, hold student auditions for da mascot. Part of cheer squad, so get scholarship. Costume can just be a simple malo. 😀 😀 😀
If they went with anything symbolic of Lono that would be opening up a can of worms for a state institution to adjoin or align itself with a religion. A mascot is representative of an institution and if that mascot is tied in with a religion, any religion in a state school….they MIGHT be breaking the separation of church and state laws.
I’m not a lawyer but I think one could easily argue this.
just my opinion 🙂
Sad to see Vili go but I sure hope we dont end up with that lame fake muscled warrior suit again that thing was terrible….
My heart burn with dropping the ‘Rainbow’ image was the reasons it was done. It allowed others to hi-jack the name and marginalize the Hawaiian football teams image. Like others, I’m ok with just Warriors, but thats not who WE are—we are the ‘Rainbow Warriors’ and we should not give a giant rip who does or doesn’t approve of that! Like Neo pointed out…this was not an arbitrary selection, it has solid tradition and Hawaiian Mythology backing it up and throwing it out because we want to be ‘politically correct’, is simply a bunch of Shibai. Its very much like picking a marshmellow to run around Aloha stadium simply because the mascot selection committee couldn’t think of anything else! I think we should stop wimping out and stand behind our traditions….after all, they’re just as valid as USC’s ‘Tommy Trojan’ or ‘ Oregons ‘Ducks’. In fact Hawaii’s “Rainbow Warriors” make a much more interesting talking point and a helluva lot more interesting image.
Hope those that are interested in testifying at the Board of Regents meeting this Wednesday will show up OR submit their testimony with the Board.
On the agenda under Legal and Real Estate Matters is (f) Status of Investigation of Stevie Wonder Concert.
No sense chewing the fat about the investigation on The Warrior Blog – I don’t think the Regents read our stuff – so let’s talk about it directly with them.
I’m an avid follower of NCAA programs,players,conferences and sports writers on twitter.
Recently I spoke with one of the SID’s in the Big West who uses twitter a lot.
I felt that he spent a lot of time on other BW schools but very little on UH and wondered why.
He told me it was because it was difficult to obtain news about UH programs. The only source they have is the UH web site that they can post links to.
He pointed out that they like to post links to local newspaper articles considered to be the best way to get exposure for BW schools on social media but because of the SA’s pay wall linking articles from the SA created a huge problem in that BW followers don’t want a link to something that they have to pay for and also copyrighted issues.
Rainbow warrior. A team is made up of all the players. If some players don’t like Rainbow, whatever the reason, like trying to go from 1-11 to 11-1, because changing the mind is part of the winning ways, hey, I’m for the winning ways.
In other words, whatever the man with the whistle wants, I’m for that too. Go Coach.
Fo Warriors.
There you go Last call. We should introduce JD to your friend. UH get media stuff fo do.
Media is about hype, even if the Product not so
Great. The solution is for In to hire the SA writersing w
Or get students get credit intern with log host and jason
Overall, I think Vili represented UH & Hawaii well. Although the luster of his performance paled a little in the end, he was entertaining, likeable and a made-for-tv character. I think not coincidentally, his popularity paralleled the success of the teams he cheered for. He was very well liked when we were winning. But as they say, “You can please some of the fans all of the time, and all of the fans some of the time, but you can not please all of the fans all of the time”. Good luck to the next mascot.
Aloha & Mahalo Vili da Warrior!
An SID is just a PR person.
If an SID can’t figure out a way to publicize a school, it’s time to get another SID.
If somebody is following a Big West SID’s tweets, well, that’s just sort of sad.
Whatever A hole
that’s funny.
Farrington corner. 2p Friday
I like watch. 😀
Get plenty peeps here who are real quick, I like dat a lot.
I. Not sure wat a SID, but. I no wen sum tins cooking.
I remember there was a column once about an uncle who had the same UH shirt for decades. This was at the time the university was trying to pick a new logo. The columnist’s point was this: If the shirt was good enough to last decades, then the logo was good enough.
But that was the trouble. The guy had a shirt for decades.
But that was the thinking about going to the H logo. In marketing and sales, change is good. You don’t want people to hold on to things for a long time.
Trust me, give it enough time and the rainbow will return. Why? Because it will be fresh marketing, fresh sales.
One other thing: It’s the researchers who set the market, not the public.
ST you going 9/1?
Wen coach going confess dat da oy oy. oy
Boy going help lick da Trojans.
Final total count for our group at USC is 213. Does anyone know how many tickets the UH ticket office sold? Still plenty seats left at SDSU on Oct. 6 at $22 each; sideline around the 5 yard line; behind our Warrior bench; so far we have 124 in our group there–come join us. Email me at: tomkitaguchi@yahoo.com.
The Sun God Maui would be a good mascot, fishing up (bringing together) the cultures of Hawaii, Polynesia, and the University of Hawaii. The Tsaikos can create a costume to symbolize his powers. Yeh!
Hey, I think it would be great if 7-Eleven gave away free Slurpees, too, but that’s not happening.
You missed your calling
ST @ 50
Word dat!
Best market strategy is winning!
Tom in Cali
Your efforts greatly appreciated
Mine is last minute ting. Pray por me
Can you sing? 😀
Ok gotta gin up da mike an go work. Have a nice day Tsaikos
JJ was pretty good at marketing.
He changed the offense, introduced the player introductions, changed the uniforms and color of the uniforms, changed the music, hired Vili, etc.
Some things worked, some things didn’t work.
But he was always looking to change.
Change is sometimes good, depends on what kind of change. Looks like Chow is doing a lot of good things to stir up interest in the program.
Seven might sound like a low number of receivers, but in this offense, RBs and TEs are receivers, too. So UH is really bringing 16 pass-catching players.
Good Article…
It was good article today….
After thinking about this over the weekend, I came to understand how much Tsai made sense when he nominated Chow as AD. Ok. You were right, Tsai. Your thinking makes sense. It makes absolute sense for the UH to hire someone with no background as an AD, no background as a HC for a Div I program, and someone who is therefore not beholden to the powers that be. After all, it is a mere technicality that Chow has not officially presided over an actual Div I football game as HC. This will be resolved in a little while.
With all of this in mind, I searched far and wide for other suitable candidates based on the criteria proposed by Tsai. Here are my choices:
1. Augie T. This guy has never coached as a HC at Div I; he also has no background as an AD; and finally, he has no desire to be controlled by the powers that be. 2. Chun Fat Chun. Same as Augie. And a great actor to boot. 3. Ming Tsai. Same as Augie and Chun, but this guy can whip up a great omlette. 4. Jet Li. Same as all of the above, but this guy packs a mean spinning kick.
Imagine the fear on the other side were Jet Li our new AD. Contract negotiations fail, the fear of a swift kick to the gut from Jet Li would solve the problem. I say any one of the above would make for a great AD based on the criteria proposed by Tsai.
ST: I thought the new offense featured a lot of running instead of passing.
Any word on Darius Bright’s leave? It’s really interesting how quiet coaches have been regarding the punting situation…
Darius Bright left? Wth…when did this happen?
JJ was good at marketing—–at times. We wasn’t, however, right all of the time.
Dropping the ‘Rainbow’ was dumb…and yeah, I know all the arguments for and against.
Look, back in the 60’s and 70’s the Oregon State Beavers struggled with their mascot image. At that time ‘Beaver’ was widly used as a reference to a woman’s private part. And whenever the Oregon State ‘Beavers’ were slung around some people would laugh. The point being this: The school didn’t rush out and change their logo to some other forest creature in order to deflect some temporary handle assocated with their mascot!
Same with ‘Rainbow’….why change? Some market genius, some Media Consultant on the mainland didn’t think it was cool?
Try telling that to USC as their Tommy Trojan’s horse starts laying crap all over the track….or his sword advocates too much violence and needs to wield a broom or a peace symbol instead. Give me a break.
Independent Thinker:
I think Augie T would make an excellent AD.
He’s smart, has local ties and is a successful businessman. Most of all, he’s an out-of-the-box thinker.
Good suggestion.
See, I knew you weren’t as full of yourself as everybody thinks you are.
OK, another person who doesn’t subscribe . . .
The offense features a lot of everything.
How many fullbacks?
If you’re angry about the “rainbow,” you should call Derek at UH: 956-7523.
On travel squad?
Define fullback?
Iosefa and Hall also are used in fullback roles.
Good Morning Gangeez!
Vili was part and parcel of the Warrior program during the best of times. Vili made those times even better, and made the hard times more bearable. He was the face of Warrior Football for many local and mainland viewers. It won’t be the same without him.
Thanks for the memories, Vili. I hope we see at least one football player named Fehoko suited up for the Warriors some day.
morning hawaii nei and warrior nation may this week be kind to you
sun burning again looking like anoddah ac hang out but now that I have a photovoltaic system no need. will still hit my hideout just to keep in touch with my kope buddies.
welcome to the thousands of UH students beginning the 12-13 school year. forgive, bury the hamma go out and support your bruddah’s and sistah’s battling for you. YOU BELONG no matta what upper campus says.
sadly I too will miss Vili he deserves to be called KOA not mascot. he got everyone going and had the crowds roaring. Akua’s blessing to you and the family. BIG MAHALO VILI
Why? the deed is done. The powers have successfully sold ‘Rainbow’ as some evil appellation that would forever create a limp wrist image of Hawaii’s football team. I’ve been arguing this for over a decade. By the way, Im an artist by trade and happen to appreciate colour.
@Moocher #36-IMHO, Lono was a mythical God, as would have been Zeus, or Mount Olympus, etc. I see your point though. I just think it makes for a great tie in with the aina, and the spirit of the place for which the players play. Know what I’m sayin? Regardless, I’ll ALWAYS support UH athletics, no matter what they’re called. As much as I don’t like Kobe Bryant, he summed it up perfectly, after winning the Gold Medal at the London Olympics… “This isn’t about the name on the back of this jersey, it’s all about the name on the front…”
Caught last nights replay of BYU vs. Hawaii…again. Man I miss how the stadium used to rock. I remember sitting in the nosebleed section and it just shook. Hope that rowdiness comes back-minus the alcohol fueled violence.
Good to see the old foam bodied warrior in the stands too. Shock the world, I believe!
If all people felt nothing can be done, then nothing ever would change.
You seem to be very passionate about the subject, so take the lead.
Start a petition.
Write letters.
Talk to Wassup Doc on procedures.
As the T-shirt says: The worst shot is the one not taken.
In ancient Hawai’i, Anuenue or Rainbows were often associated with royal or chiefly persons. Most Ali’i were also skilled in the art of war… something to think about.
In any case, a Rainbow is what you make of it.
These hybrid roles tend to be confusing.
What was good about the BYU-Hawaii series is it was a rivalry (although one-sided, maybe) with good-guy and bad-guy roles.
The absence of a true rivalry has been significant in recent years.
@Mitchhawaii #86-I’m glad I wasn’t the only one watching that replay. I think it was a time when, as fans, we made reasons to cheer for the team, not just wins and losses… I mean in 1990, UH was facing a losing record… and at the end of the season, in the last game of the season, on the day that the opposing QB is awarded the Heisman Trophy, we smoke ’em. You gotta love that… I don’t think that if UH was 5-6 headed into the last game of the season, against BYU today, we’d fill up the stadium like we did on December 1, 1990. Times were simpler then, and fans knew how to be fans.
I think UH is hoping it will be confusing to opposing defenses, too.
Paintslinger…The Original Mascot of UH Football I believe we’re the Fighting Deans…The Rainbow has no reference to Ancient Hawaiian Mythology…I hope this link helps…http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawaii_Warriors_football#section_1
DPK-loosely translated, Ahahui Koa Anuenue means “society of the warriors of the rainbow.” as I understand it… Biblically, the rainbow was a symbol of God’s promise never to again forsake the Earth… Rainbows are IMHO the best manifestation of the Law of conservation of energy. No light(energy) is lost during the creation of a rainbow, but rather beauty of a rainbow is revealed to Earth from within the light energy. (spiritual/philosophical time) ok pau!
Bryson is correct.
While a rainbow is significant to Hawaii and its people, the back story as to how it became the nickname for a school’s sports teams isn’t quite as deep.
I believe in this day of marketing if UH were to add The Rainbow back it would actually decrease sales revenue and that’s something UH doesn’t need…While many people may still hold a grudge against JJ(Joe Moore)over the changes he made upon arrival I truly believe he was a forward thinker and knew that in order to gain attention nationally he would have to go against the grain…
ST & Tsaiko Blog Dogs:
Wasn’t rainbow nickname used because Manoa always rained and ergo plenty of rainbows? Yeah, that is not very “deep”. (tsai)
In Chow I TRUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Imua Warriors!!!!!!!!!
Not going to lie, I think for recruiting purposes, the name Warriors over Rainbows and uniforms has helped a little more than people may think.
More about Rainbows and ancient Hawai’i.
@jeezy-fully agree… though I thought the 1999 helmets were awesome. Change to typeset to the one we have now, and use the 1999 helmet… uniform would look awesome! What say you?
Personally, I like the nickname “Warriors”.
I posted the info on Rainbows as additional perspective on the matter. Whatever happens, I just hope we can find a mascot as unique and dynamic as Vili was.
I do like the 1999 helmet. But, I think over the past decade, the H has become pretty identifiable with people around the state. I am pretty happy with our current Logo. What would be pretty sweet is if we could get some white helmets and have a all white set of uniforms. Either way, huge upgrade over the past when we have Russell Athletic uniforms.
THANK YOU vili for everything! You will always be remembered as the ONLY Warrior, VILI THE WARRIOR!
“Rainbow Warrior” was also the name adopted by Greenpeace for their first vessel which was sunk on July 10, 1985 by the French during their attempt to stop the nuclear testing at Moruroa. A photographer on board died when the French sank the boat. Last year, Greenpeace proudly launched their new “Rainbow Warrior II”. A boat that was built specifically for their purposes, not a secondhand, converted boat. For nearly 35 years they have proudly and boldly carried that name.
Oceanic still doesn’t have an answer to what their PPV package will be able to include, thus no word yet. Very concerning as the fall season is upon us. Can’t make it to all the Wahine tournament games so it is a bit frustrating. Get ‘er done people!
Haka: I am just as frustrated as you. I’d like to know the price for ppv asap.
The old emblem had UH and a rainbow attached or radiating from it.
Maybe one of our resident artist can figure out how to substitute our June Jones “H” with the rainbow attached.
I attended a convention several years ago, and the head of entertainment for one of the networks implored us to give up our romantic notions about the Underwood typewriters and to embrace the changes.
I don’t like change, either.
I enjoyed the simplicity of childhood and all things I adored then.
But the exec was right. The world doesn’t stop. Change is important. And, as I’ve learned, childhood heroes aren’t all that they seemed.
hopefully they show it for free, but i think oceanic may offer the vb tournament games as individual ppv showings or as a tournament package if they cannot come up with a full (football, basketball & volleyball) bundled package in time.
i like that concept of incorporating the rainbow! it works!
Vili was given and took the “McMackin” option to announce his retirement and seem to part on his own terms. Rather than let UH publicly state they didn’t want him back.
Good thing. Because…
the UH option would’ve been a full blown press conference with Apple at Vili side, showering him with over the top praise and gratitude with incredible highlights of his many career accomplishments. Then Apple would segue to proclaim Vili as being the best mascot ever! Apple would then announce the UH mascot position is open. Vili would be more than welcome to apply for the job.
Big of Vili for not making a fuss and taking the higher road.
Time for everyone to move in new directions.
Question ST-
Does Vili own the rights to the character he portrayed? Or does UH?
A-Joe….#106…Good analysis. 🙂
Good morning Tsaikos!!!
agree with ajoe assessment of the option announcement
upper campus should just man up and thank those who have help bring UH to where it is. then say it is traveling in another direction. if that direction is a good one only time will tell.
A-JOE #106
Right on!!!!
ajoe and jj check email
ST and all da Tsaikos…you guys rock!
Mahalo Vili for all the memories…
1 requirement for the new mascot – never, and I repeat, NEVER do the wave when we’re on offense!!
Hey wait a minute…maybe Vili was forced out to make room for Donovan as the new mascot!
A-Joe, per Reardon’s write-up
Linda Fehoko said. “He’ll still be Vili The Warrior — it’s trademarked. That will never go away.”
wow #113 das cold
I wonder if he also trademarked, “The Warrior.”
For many years, I assumed that the anti-Rainbow Logoists were opposed to Jesse Jackson and other progressives who established the Rainbow Coalition political organization in the mid-1980s.
It wasn’t until the last year that June Jones was our coach that I was told that word rainbow has gay connections which is why he insisted on removing that name.
Both in Polynesian and Western cultures, a rainbow is a very positive word. I want to see all the mens’ teams be called the Rainbow Warriors and the womens’ teams Rainbow Wahine.
Just to let you know – according to several studies over the past 15 years, both male & female athletes at collegiate and professional levels are four to six times more likely to be homosexual or bi-sexual than the general population.
The suggestion that UH-Manoa hold a student contest for a new mascot is a great idea. Make the prize a semester’s tuition. Ask the public to vote in favor of the top five entries picked by the students.
Tom Mui – thanks for encouraging Tsai-kos to attend the Board of Regents meeting this Wednesday or at least submit testimony. Click http://www.hawaii.edu/offices/bor/regular/notice/20120822.regular.pdf for agenda details.
If you need help in preparing your testimony, please send an e-mail to swood at hoku dot com. Please include your real name and your phone number.
Вы еще 18 век вспомните
Regarding Oregon State’s mascot, I recall when BYU-Hawaii played OSU in basketball in Laie, an actual Star Bulletin (RIP) headline read: Seasiders Almost Lick Beavers. I swear I saw it.
KK…checked mail and responded.
#113 and #121 LMFAO
I know Georgia uses “Uga”… a bulldog first introduced as a mascot back in the mid-50’s. Have had many discussions about Georgia and Hawaii since we arrived here last summer. From what I’ve been told by these rabid fans is that their mascot also travels to most away games. Of course, the amount of travel their dog does in a whole season may not even come close to just one trip to the mainland and back for one of our away games.
We are a gaggle of volunteers and starting a new scheme in our community. Your site offered us with valuable info to paintings on. You have done a formidable task and our whole neighborhood will likely be thankful to you.
I met Vili once too and without his outfit and makeup you would not notice him, despite his stature.
He was in the background talking to friends at one of the football banquets and in passing I did a double take, walked towards him and he smiled. Told him how I ‘loved his work’ at the games, and in a soft voice said thank you in the most humbling way.
He seems like a good guy and I know people had their complaints about him, but he will be missed and SHOULD be missed by the Warrior faithful.
I don’t care if his kids never went to UH. Sure it was a head-scratcher at times, but it is what it is.
He was so gracious to the fans, especially the little kids that loved him.
RE: Mascot.
JD’s first assignment.
Seriously, do we really need one. Hawaii fans being Hawaii fans will criticize the selection process and the final selection.
I understand that a lot of fans feel a connection to the Rainbows name, but if that nickname has any negative impact at all on recruiting (these are still kids we’re recruiting) then I think we should stick with the nickname Warrior as no one can find anything negative abut a sports team being warriors…
Just because people feel a connection out of nostalgia, doesn’t mean we have to go back to that as what really matters is what helps us move forward and become a 3 or 4 star program…
Vili, as Vili the Warrior, was hired by UH Athletics (Football) and paid for by Na Koa.
He owns the name as an entertainment package.
I don’t see how a “Warrior” could be trademarked. Maybe they meant copyright instead of trademark. A Warrior is more of a general group, rather than a singular, iconic descriptive figure. If they did copyright “Vili the Warrior”, that would probably mean no one can dress exactly like Vili did. But there are so many other iconic warriors in history, even throughout the Hawaiian Archipelago. King Kamehameha I comes to mind. Wonder if his likeness is protected by some entity?
I remember seeing litigation pop up in the 90’s between Native American groups and the Redskins, as well as schools like Florida State, for their use and portrayal of the Seminole as a warmonger, and as such, disparaging towards Native American Indians. I remember it being reported on the news, but don’t know what happened to it afterwards. Guess it was quietly swept under the rug…?
I mean… I could be wrong, but I spent some time researching the differences between trademark, copyright, and patent stuff years ago when we owned three stores. I don’t think these kinds of laws would drastically change in just a few short years. Someone, please correct me if I’m off base. (I am off base, per ST’s contest!)
Ah, mahalo, Don We-ah, for the clarification on what, exactly, Vili owns.
Speaking of kids and recruiting…
Just this past year, didn’t a top recruit refuse a top school because he hated that school’s colors? Yes, that kind of trivial stuff still exists in the world today!
I’m a fan of a human as a mascot ala SC and Notre Dame. However I think we should concentrate on winning games first and foremost. And as for bringing back the rainbow colors, hell no.
Vili the Warrior is trademarked. His image, dress and makeup cannot be used without his permission.
Think Bozo the clown. Clown is not trademarked or copyrighted but Bozo the clown is.
ST & Tsaiko Blog Dogs:
Once upon a time we did have pseudo mascots called “Bowzos”. They were clowns but story is they were told to cool it. I guess because of “not wasn’t invented here” syndrome!
I still think trying to get the Halaus involved as mascots might be a good idea. A contest between 7 (or however many home games we have) each season. One halau per game… more if mainland halaus participate for away games.
Sell Hawaii… PR for the halau… more TV coverage…
Do we need a search committee for our next mascot?
What is Josh Pacheco nagging at for 30 minutes straight? He is referring to all the UH fans as if all the fans have a problem with Vilis sons not going to UH.
He needs to realize that it is a very small group if any that really care about where his sons chose to attend college.
You’re correct. The college choices of Vili’s kids have nothing to do with the decision.
If it did, they would have dumped him after his first kid left.
There are other reasons.
I am not a fan of bringing back the “Rainbows”. Times have changed and the word has globally taken on a new perception. I am sure there are a lot of men out there that would not want to wear a “Rainbow” shirt as much as they would want to wear a “Warrior” shirt. At the end of the day it all comes down to money and marketing.
Like ST brought up earlier the creation of the football team being called the “Rainbows” is pretty weak as far as historical significance. I do not see why we should hold on to the name just because that was the name before. It has been Warrior for over 10 years. It fits.
Speaking of marketing, I would love for the field to be called “Hawaiian Airlines Battle Field” and the practice field to be called “Battle Training Grounds”. It builds the brand and the marketing opportunities.
139. Its just a little crazy he is taking it so personal based on 1 article. Most of the fans fully support locals decisions to go away.. Happens every season.
I think most are supportive of a student getting a scholarship anywhere.
UH coaches are understanding of players who want to go away. What they’d prefer is an early decision so they can move on to the next player.
Jeezy,@137 100% right…
All of us with any kind of rational thought understand that If Vili’s sons want to attend another school, who are we to condemn them? Or even those who condemn him for that matter…
Nobody is suggesting that ‘Warriors’ be eliminated or supplanted with ‘Rainbows’. The point i made earlier was that we should not eliminate the Rainbow Warrior handle, at least not treat rainbow like a contaminated ‘thing’. Its crap. A word has definitions…to Hawaii it was a colorful, positive image. And if its all marketing and money, well marketing is a by product of education. I spent over 20 years in broadcasting so I know a thing or two about branding. You can create anything you want and hammer it into the masses…or, you can allow splinter groups to re-define an image. Thats what we did. If the outside world wants to think ‘Rainbow Warriors’ is weak title for a football team, and we do nothing about it…well then it becomes a fact—-but only then. Only then bucko’s!!
ST sorry I had to step out for a while.
There are 3? fullbacks listed on UHs roster the last I checked. It is a term NC has used since he has been here. I am assuming the position will be similar to what Asiata did at Utah. He was mainly a bruising lead blocker. But I think he caught the most passes in Utah’s last game against Georgia Tech which surprised a lot of people.
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BTW…ST, thanks for getting that song stuck in my head. I’ve been whistling that tune all around downtown during lunch time.
I think fans get teed off when a local high school prospect disses UH on his way elsewhere. It’s okay to go where your heart tell you to, but there’s no justification in that to dis the home team’s school.
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With every thing which seems to be developing within this subject material, all your perspectives are generally rather radical. In any event I did take pleasure in examining it.
When at Utah, Coach Chow’s play calling gave USC real headaches.
Vili was a side show(a very good one)_ not a mascot. For the first 7-8 seasons he was paid on a per appearance basis. A mascot should be part of the pep squad and appear at events the squad shows up at.
Kāne. Unless we’re talking some kind of fungus skin disease 😀
#152 Cocobean
Vili was paid for the football season. 1/2 up front on signed contract and 1/2 at the end of the season.
One would need to see me at a CC or at a game, or on a road trip, or at Longs, to get any of the backroom particulars.
searching the web for authentic “Hawaiian Warrior Helmets” and weapons and found atleast six helmets used by ancient Hawaiians. Could kick it up a notch and have helmets made with some kind of shinny metals….copper, silver, etc.?…design itself stays the same.
Have several warrior mascots? I can see physical fitness/body builder students as volunteers? just a thought.
ST, your pizza story about Vili is hilarious….but hope you didn’t suffer too much in the restroom.
Everyone got their tickets for the Pigskin Pigout this Thursday? Can’t wait….it’s going to be fun!!!! If not, let either Stretch or me know…we’ll pick more up tomorrow and personally deliver them to you this week.
If he has the work ethic of his older brothers Sam and VJ, Vili’s youngest son Breiden looks to have the highest potential ceiling of all the Fehoko boys…..based strictly on height and frame alone.
Like Sam and VJ did before him, Breiden starts at DE for Govs. Big difference is that Breiden is already a legit 6’2″ tall as a sophomore…..whereas Sam and VJ are at most maybe 6’0″ tall on a good day. Whereas Sam and VJ had to switch positions from DE in high school to LB in college, Breiden looks like he’ll be able to develop and stay at the DE position.
BTW…..UH football season tickets came in the mail today!
The student in the muscle man suit would have been okay if they had designed a giant bobble head to go along with the get up. That’s something that could have been trademarked and marketed.
I say just have the Hawaiian War helmet by itself be the mascot, put it on a stand somewhere on the sideline during the game but have every player touch it before walking out of the tunnel.
Don, thanks for the info.
Thought he was doing it on kokua time the last four seasons.
Lots of competition for the designated 10 Oline travel spots…..with the top 11 figuring to be:
– OT Blake Muir
– OG Kapua Sai
– OG/OT Mike Milovale
– C Ben Clarke
– OG Dave Lefotu
– OT Sean Shigematsu
– OG Chauncy Winchester-Makainai
– OG Ben Dew
– C Kody Afusia
– OG/OT Frank Loyd Jr.
– OT Jordan Loeffler
Top 10 Oline may be decided by default…..IF Loeffler is not yet cleared to play.
Mahalo, Vili. Loved the energy! Chee Hoo!
Hi ho and off we go. Next stop, PDX.
Vili was doing men’s volleyball until about the 2008 season, when funding ran out.
congrats to braddah rob. always good to see a fellow surfrider doing well.
As far as Vili’s son’s playing for UH, as regards my own comment, if can, can, if no can no can. Not a problem either way. Just for clarification.
Safe travels Ms. Liz!
We get a lot of spam but I think you might enjoy this commercial.
(Would I kid you?)
Good afternoon!
I’d throw in Kaleomatangi in top 10 but might be better to just redshirt him and get stronger.
Good afternoon everyone!
Football season tickets arrived in today’s mail!
The character Vili worked then. Time to move on.
Hope the various committees are able to come up with a suitable mascot . . . very unlike the committees that come up with the camel.
Will the coaches continue to wear the untucked aloha shirts or go with the under armor polo’s?
Who asked for the tentative travel list? In the past, when were the lists submitted?
Congratulations to DeMello!
Phyllis Diller and Scott McKenzie.
Condolences to Fang (sp?).
COngrats to DeMello….How’s it going everybody?
Gratz to DeMello.
#177 – Har.
It would be interesting to see how many UH students comment on WB. I could be wrong, but I feel like very few of them would feel compelled to engage themselves in the Mascot selection process. When I’m on campus I see very little UH ID apparel. How come?
SID= Sports Information Director. Right? Re mascot. One year the student body released their version of a mascot – a pink, animated something. It lasted one game, never to be seen again.
Ladies and Gentlemens…introducing the new UH mascot…
Let’s hear it for
Watch as it does a triple quad backward forward somersault
over your heads!
Go Warriors!
At least The Invincible Invisible would be free…
And could do amazing things…
And look like anything anycolor in anybody’s mind…
Shoots. Gunfunnit. I wen look all ova da house foa my Steven Wonder tickets but neva fine ‘um so I wen miss um. Was da dine eh, on Saturday yea?
Or maybe call it the Invincible Invisible Warrior…
Happy Birthjday to Ryan, Kortney and all the birfday folkseses!
“Hey, young man, you have a bright future ahead of you. There’s no reason why you can’t be playing on Sundays in a couple years. Why would you throw that chance away by going to Hawaii? Nobody in the NFL cares anything about Hawaii except what time they tee off during Pro Bowl week.
“In fact, even people in Hawaii can’t wait to get out of there to play ball. You know their mascot, that Poly dude in the paint with all the drums? He had three kids that were BCS level in talent. Those kids grew up in Aloha Stadium, pounding the drums for their dad. They knew all the coaches and all the players.
And you know what? Those kids couldn’t WAIT to play anywhere BUT Hawaii. As soon as those scholarship offers came in, they were on the next flight out of there. In fact one of those kids flamed out at his first choice school and EVEN THEN refused to play for Hawaii.
“So what does that tell you when the people who know the program best, people who were literally raised as Warriors all their lives, can’t wait to get out of there? As I said, son, don’t waste your time thinking about Hawaii.”
Congratulations to Rob DeMello.
His sincere enthusiasm is contagious.
He makes sports exciting without faking it.
Now if only the three tv network stations can give some of their weather time
to the sports especially in these days of high school, college and NFL football.
Is is so sad to see Robert Kekaula get only a few minutes to shine…
University of California Santa Cruz “Banana Slugs”
A funny take on how a school changed its nickname but was forced to return to its student preferred moniker.
Let’s see what the UH students want.
The coaching staff hasn’t used untucked aloha shirts since 2007.
Those Tommy Bahama cut untucked gameday sideline shirts by the coaching staff were made specifically for UH by UA. Kind of a compromise between the untucked JJ look and UA designs.
Judging by his past gameday look, looks like Coach Chow will make the UA polos a permanent look for his staff on gameday.
The only time I can recall McMackin had his staff wear UA polos on gameday was against Fresno State in 2009 when they debuted the all green look by UA. The staff wore green UA polos with white trim.
I hope the PR/marketing gods shine down upon UH and find a suitable mascot for our sports teams. I pray that they are creative, witty and effective. Remember, the mascot does not necessarily have to be a warrior or big muscular guy. Could be something clever, yet effective. After all, isn’t Stanfords’ mascot a freek’n pine tree? Much more clever than any “fighting” cardinal could have ever been! C’mon UH, get clever.
correction: The Stanford tree is not the official mascot of Stanford. It’s actually part of the infamous marching band. But the fans have for sure embraced the tree as the mascot.
KANE for all mens sports makes sense.
Not sure if Stanford’s Cardinal refers to the bird. I think it refers to the color. If so, their “mascot” is a color.
Warrior mojo
I read Reardon today and all the good things he said about Vili. And his tributes tto VIli.
And I remember Vili in the hotel elevator in NOLA. And the many other joyous moments I had as a Warrior fan.
And I just started thinking about your statement.
I know the facts. We all know the facts. But I like know, we’re you really quoting Vili? Or conjecturing?
If the UH PR folks do not do their jobs exceptionally well it does not matter what mascot or moniker the teams use.
I am sure it is just my perception but over the years it sure appears they do little except to recycle ideas in untimely fashion.
Found this in Google – Stanford University Mascot
“Why is Stanford’s nickname the Cardinal?
The short answer is because the 1972 Trustees and president decided that would be the team’s nickname.
For many years, the teams had gone by the nickname “Indians.” In 1972, North American indigenous people particularly those in the San Francisco Bay Area were protesting their treatment by the majority culture. Some, but not all of these indigenous people felt that that nicknaming athletic teams “Indians” was demeaning. One such person led a successful campaign to remove the “Indian” as Stanford’s mascot. It should be noted that this graduate student received his undergraduate degree from the University of California at Berkeley.
After the trustees agreed to change the athletic moniker, the student body held an election to decide on a new name. The name that won was “Robber Barons,” however, then president Donald Kennedy said he felt that name was disrespectful to the University’s founder, railroad magnate Leland Stanford. Other names that garnered votes in the election included Sequoias and Thunderchickens.
Kennedy discovered an old Stanford Daily article that referred to the team as “Cardinals” or “Cardinal,” after the color of their uniforms. Since he also happens to be a Harvard alumnus and Harvard uses a color � Crimson � as its team name liked the idea, and made it the official moniker.”
BHF2 #196
I think WarriorMojo is just posing what a recruiter would say when he is trying to get a Hawaii boy to play for his (Mainland) team.
I have choke siblings, 5 went UHH for undergrad,3 went away for undergrad, 4 went UH for grad school and my pop.Neva tell us where for go. That’s why I’m asking. Im hoping the fehoko kids was like me
Me, had to. Get outta here. Thanks
okay i got it…
i vote that the next warrior mascot should be none other than
stephanie lum
Whomever, the mascot maybe, he/she. must look good in a Malo or other appropriate dress.
Hey why not? A woman warrior.. or women warriors?… actually men and women … every year have tryouts.
When opposing schools really want kids out of Hawaii, there are worse things they can say to lure kids away than using someone’s kids as examples.
203. Sounds like iuta tepa from ucla is transferring
Could this person have been the mystery player? I wonder if he was trying to petition to transfer and play immediately that was the hold up on wether he would make it to camp or not…maybe he could bring a safety along with him also that was once recruited by UH…
Wow post are dissapearing…..
So has it been confirmed that Iuta Tepa is tranferring to UH? and who is this “George” that he tweets about?
wow Roger Clemens making a comeback with the Sugar Land Skeeters.
Daily – Lyles . played at poly together
He was a teamate of Iuta Tepa @ Long Beach Poly….You gonna have to figure out the rest…Lol
jeezy/bryson – re: transfers – only AL would know for sure.
209: isn’t that George daily lyles who he went to high school with.
says he gonna cut his hair……looks like it’s for real.
iuta tepa did have hawaii as one of his top three. in fact, he tripped with george.
we also have the top wbb player from long beach poly in school, too.
nice find jeezy33.
nice pick up coach chow.
we need de’s or has he grown to a dt?
Uh, that was supposed to be my story for tomorrow. I was hiding it from TV.
But Bryson kept yapping and yapping …
And I sent him an e-mail, but he kept yapping and yapping …
And, nope, he was not the mystery player.
Mystery guy was a starter for a team in the Midwest.
ST – we still have chance at this mystery player?
Whoops sorry I didnt currently have access to that email…my bad
No worries.
But now you have to help me get a blog item for tomorrow morning.
Mahalo. I should have said “button down” instead of aloha shirt. Personally, I had a problem with the staff wearing black. I didn’t like the button down look but what really bothered me was the fact that it didn’t have any green nor white in it. At least from a distance.
Kinda hoping Chow sticks to the green polos. At the very least maybe green button downs.
I mean for goodness sakes Green and White are the official school colors no matter what team you play or what classroom you are learning in.
Doesn’t appear they have a chance anymore.
He contacted UH, and said he wanted to transfer. He’s a Polynesian player, so it made sense. His head coach and Chow are good friends. The coach said he would release the player only to UH. But then Chow decided he didn’t want to poach from a friend, so they let it go. I’m not sure if that player is returning to his school, though.
Anyway, with Bryson and Jeezy and Al, I was surprised it was a secret for six hours. You guys are quite the detectives.
So much news today…welcome to Iuta Tepa”
Probably better that way. Some things aren’t worth creating friction between friends.
Coach Chow must have a bunch of contacts and friends within the BCS ranks.
Congrats to Demello & Spangler! Happy Birthday everyone celebrating today!
Welcome Iuta Tepa
Welcome to the new UCLA transfer Tepa. I’m sure it was a difficult time playing for Neuheisel.
Anytime you can upgrade pass rush, that’s huge. Yap and Tepa rushing QB. Hopefully Tua’au signs.
I take no credit for it at all….I was just hoping he could bring Stan McKay with him…Is he still on UCLA’s roster cause I thought he was an awesome safety coming out of LB Poly…
So he sits this year and is a one and done?
Can we get em for 9/1?
232. I take no credit either… WSN boards were all over that one.
We are pretty set at Safety for future in my opinion though. I wouldn’t think we would need a 1 year player at a position we have some upcoming stars in Bubba Luna and Marrell Jackson. Not to mention Mike Sellers.
Grate to al, Jeezy andBryson.
You guys wanna guess on Alex if he up to Shock da world?
He sits this year, and has one to play. But I think there’s a feeling he can get a medical hardship for 2010. We’ll see how that goes.
They’re having some problems setting the roster. They want to go up to 110, but there are some players whose statuses are in question. They have to be precise because they’ve been told they can’t exceed 110.
Good point on Sellers.
We keep forgetting he’s only a sophomore.
And with all the Polys coming in, now you want to call ourselves “rainbow warriors”? Are you outta your collective minds?
Iuta’s Bruin profile 2010 –
Saw action off the bench in the first three games of the season, before injuring his shoulder (torn pectoral muscle) … Sat out the remainder of the season following surgery and has been granted a substitute season of eligibility … Had two tackles each in games against Kansas State (0.5 sack) and Stanford … Played against Houston, but was not credited with a tackle before being injured.
I think “substitute” season basically means medical redshirt.
The hardship is the one to petition. That can’t be done until after a player’s senior year. So, he wouldn’t be able to petition until January 2014.
Even though the Bruins’ switch from last year’s 4-3 alignment to this season’s 3-4 alignment had Tepa projected at 3rd team DE, he still had figured to be in rotation due to injuries.
Tepa saw action off the bench in the first three games of the 2010 season before injuring his shoulder (torn pectoral muscle) and ended up sitting out the remainder of that season following surgery.
Some comments from Bruin HC Jim Mora on Tepa transferring…..
See from 4:18 through 4:50 on interview clip…..
tip for tomorrow’s story. interview Sean Schroeder. Tell us he told you that he’s ready and fired up. That he said he’s the leader. That he feels sharp, crisp, focused and on fire. that he’s been reading the defense videos for USC and his Oline have promised him protection. and the RBs and TEs told him day gonna catch da balls.
something like that. :mrgree:
ok. life is great in Pepeekeo. nite all.
bpDvYr Thanks-a-mundo for the blog. Really Great.
@246. BHF2, good one! I would like to know if Schroeder feels protected behind his o-line especially from his blind side. I would also like to know if anyone from marketing is working on new mascot. I wonder if perhaps Coach Chow has something in mind…
250. Nite all!
You are my intake, I possess few web logs and very sporadically run out from post :).
So I take it that Tepa was the mystery lineman from a school where Chow is friendly with the head coach?
Ryan: uh, no.
Visit collegefootballcentral1.blogspot.com/
okay if you guys must have a dog for a mascot who isn’t a poi dog.
then let’s go with a black chow chow.
i know that st has a few topics up his sleeve.
AH HA!!!! I figured it out!
Jim Donovan is going to be named the new UH mascot.
It all makes sense now. He was removed from the AD’s position into a “yet to be named” role in MARKETING. A few days later, Vili and UH part ways? Why didn’t I think of this earlier? Not to mention, Apple said the position was already funded.
I wonder if Donovan will wear a padded costume or just go warrior style with the face paint and ti leaf?
I still think we shouldn’t completely abandon the Warrior type mascot. I suggested this before, but am still in favor of a Kamehameha “type” warrior (not to offend or degrade the great King to mascot status) – tall, muscular, with a stern, serious demeanor – who stands at one of the endzones in Warrior garb. Everytime a big play or score is made, he turns to the crowd and raises his right hand, ala BJ Penn during weigh-ins.
Happy birthday to the birthday babies!
Very cool about Tepa transferring to UH! Welcome!
Night all!
Welcome new Warrior Tepa!
LVPDGc Thanks a lot for the article.Much thanks again. Really Great.
Schroeder is on my daily interview list.
There were four of us there today — John Veneri, a guy from Ka Leo, Jason Kaneshiro and the blog host. But UH only managed to get Schroeder to Veneri and Ka Leo.
It’s always funny when UH forgets to get a player. Instead of saying, “Sorry, about that.” They always say: “Are you sure you didn’t get him?” They do that Gaslight trick like we forgot we interviewed somebody. Too funny.
Ah so that’s the mystery player….::
Nice size…too bad we couldnt land him.
MattyBoy? Who you talking about?
Morning, everyone!
I think… the mascots will be a group of male and female surfahs and boogieboardahs!!! Gotta be in good physical shape, and coordinate cheers with da cheer team and band. Dat way, we can have a handful scattered throughout the stadium carpet, inciting craziness all around, instead of just in one spot at a time.
Plus, dey can all hold conch shells and blow when da team comes in, and along da Warrior Walk coming into da stadium prior to da game… and so on…
3 guys for mascot, 3 different headress, 1can be really cute lady in cheer outfit. Students or not, big market the position by announcing the search for young replacements for cheerleaders,short window
Just an idea
Could have new mascots each year, just gotta havbig act presence. :D.
Like a painted face headress Garrett Gabriel
or Blaze Soares, or guest mascots, main thing make a decision, make the announcement and promote the decision
Who is “UH”? When you trying to interview Sean?
To. Be Leader of the Universe takes marketing da Duke. Odd wise da Duke no gain da mental
confidence to Shock da teammates and da World
I would yell like hell if Pride wiz da mascot.
Lauhala mat tunic, face paint. I volunteer to be his helper. 😀
Malo optional
Good Morning All!
11 more till season opener! Go Warriors!
Hey, maybe the fans could come to games dressed like “Warriors” w/ face paint & malo brandishing t-leaves! I would love to see every UH student fill the stands dressed as “Warriors”! We need that energy in the game!
Happy birthday, Birthday Celebrants!
I remember Tepa from 2008. Didn’t he and Daily-Lyles give verbals around the same time? He committed to UH when he was still a little bit under the radar. But then, his stock shot through the roof and was getting offers from everyone so he reopened his list of schools…
Glad he’s back and hope he can get a MR for 2010…
Our 2013 team keeps getting better and better…
KPbl51 Hey, thanks for the blog article.Much thanks again. Cool.
i dont think tepa has a shot at the medical hardship. doesnt hurt to try tho.
Casn he play immediately or does he have to sit a year out?
Great Morning All!
(up to)110.
Settling on QB2 will be important if QB1 is not gonna use a mouthpiece once the season starts.
Amending the opener:
64 (up to 110 would go).
Gpod morning Tsaikos everywhere.
Had a dream ST.
Sean said for interview him. Said to bull rut da UH. pass protection.
100 our fathers and 100000 acts of contrition outta. clear me up
Have a nice day Tsaikos
thank you for the please i got from watching your tutorial
Anyone else think that last “spam” was kinda “ewwwwww”? 👿
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It was great post today….
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[…]just beneath, are several absolutely not connected web sites to ours, however, they are surely really worth going over[…]…
[…]The info mentioned in the post are a few of the most effective out there […]…
[…]Here are several of the internet sites we advocate for our visitors[…]…
[…]Who would like to get burger absolutely free?[…]…
[…]although internet sites we backlink to beneath are considerably not related to ours, we really feel they’re truly really worth a go through, so have a look[…]…
[…]we prefer to honor several other web internet sites around the net, even when they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Underneath are some webpages worth checking out[…]…
[…]just beneath, are quite a few completely not associated web pages to ours, on the other hand, they’re certainly worth going over[…]…
[…]always a significant fan of linking to bloggers that I like but don’t get a whole lot of link enjoy from[…]…
[…]Here is a superb Blog You may Uncover Fascinating that we Encourage You[…]…
[…]Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine some unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a appear, whoa did one master about Mid East has got more problerms too […]…
[…]we came across a cool web site that you may possibly love. Take a look if you want[…]…
[…]Who would like to get burger absolutely free?[…]…
[…]usually posts some incredibly fascinating stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]…
[…]here are some links to internet sites that we link to due to the fact we think they’re really worth visiting[…]…
[…]very handful of websites that come about to be in depth beneath, from our point of view are undoubtedly well worth checking out[…]…
[…]the time to study or stop by the content material or web pages we have linked to beneath the[…]…
[…]usually posts some quite exciting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]…
[…]always a massive fan of linking to bloggers that I enjoy but do not get a lot of link enjoy from[…]…
[…]Sites of interest we’ve a link to[…]…
[…]Who would like to get burger absolutely free?[…]…
[…]that would be the finish of this report. Here you will find some web sites that we think you will appreciate, just click the links over[…]…
[…]the time to read or take a look at the subject material or websites we’ve linked to below the[…]…
[…]Who would like to get burger absolutely free?[…]…
[…]just beneath, are many absolutely not associated web pages to ours, nonetheless, they’re surely worth going over[…]…
[…]The info talked about in the post are some of the best obtainable […]…
[…]please stop by the sites we follow, which includes this 1, as it represents our picks through the web[…]…
[…]Who would like to get burger absolutely free?[…]…
[…]The data mentioned in the article are some of the top out there […]…
[…]Sites of interest we have a link to[…]…
[…]below you’ll obtain the link to some sites that we feel you need to visit[…]…
[…]we came across a cool web page that you just may possibly enjoy. Take a appear in case you want[…]…
[…]always a big fan of linking to bloggers that I adore but don’t get a great deal of link enjoy from[…]…
[…]the time to study or take a look at the material or web pages we’ve linked to beneath the[…]…
[…]very couple of internet sites that occur to be in depth below, from our point of view are undoubtedly nicely really worth checking out[…]…
[…]that would be the end of this article. Right here you’ll locate some web sites that we consider you will enjoy, just click the links over[…]…
[…]usually posts some incredibly interesting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]…
[…]check beneath, are some completely unrelated internet sites to ours, nonetheless, they may be most trustworthy sources that we use[…]…
[…]Sites of interest we’ve a link to[…]…
[…]Here is a great Weblog You might Find Intriguing that we Encourage You[…]…
[…]Here is a great Blog You may Find Exciting that we Encourage You[…]…
[…]here are some hyperlinks to internet sites that we link to due to the fact we feel they’re worth visiting[…]…
[…]the time to study or take a look at the material or web sites we’ve linked to beneath the[…]…
[…]here are some hyperlinks to websites that we link to since we assume they’re worth visiting[…]…
[…]please stop by the websites we follow, like this 1, as it represents our picks through the web[…]…
[…]Here are some of the web sites we recommend for our visitors[…]…
[…]usually posts some extremely exciting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]…
[…]we like to honor quite a few other net sites around the net, even though they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Under are some webpages worth checking out[…]…
[…]just beneath, are quite a few totally not related web pages to ours, on the other hand, they are certainly worth going over[…]…
[…]Every as soon as inside a although we pick blogs that we study. Listed beneath would be the most recent websites that we decide on […]…
[…]please pay a visit to the web sites we follow, like this 1, because it represents our picks in the web[…]…
[…]we came across a cool website that you simply could possibly appreciate. Take a look should you want[…]…
[…]Every the moment in a even though we select blogs that we study. Listed below would be the latest web-sites that we choose […]…
[…]one of our guests recently advised the following website[…]…
[…]although websites we backlink to beneath are considerably not associated to ours, we feel they are actually worth a go through, so have a look[…]…
[…]Every the moment in a although we select blogs that we study. Listed beneath are the most up-to-date websites that we pick […]…
[…]The information and facts mentioned within the article are several of the ideal readily available […]…
[…]although web sites we backlink to below are considerably not associated to ours, we really feel they’re really really worth a go by, so have a look[…]…
[…]although sites we backlink to beneath are considerably not related to ours, we feel they’re in fact really worth a go by, so have a look[…]…
[…]always a major fan of linking to bloggers that I appreciate but really don’t get quite a bit of link appreciate from[…]…
[…]Every once in a even though we decide on blogs that we study. Listed below are the most current internet sites that we opt for […]…
[…]although websites we backlink to below are considerably not associated to ours, we feel they’re actually really worth a go through, so have a look[…]…
[…]here are some links to websites that we link to mainly because we believe they are really worth visiting[…]…
[…]we came across a cool web site that you simply may enjoy. Take a appear should you want[…]…
[…]The details mentioned inside the report are several of the most beneficial accessible […]…
[…]very handful of sites that transpire to become in depth below, from our point of view are undoubtedly properly really worth checking out[…]…
[…]Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine several unrelated data, nevertheless seriously really worth taking a look, whoa did 1 learn about Mid East has got more problerms too […]…
[…]Here are a few of the websites we recommend for our visitors[…]…
[…]Every once inside a although we decide on blogs that we study. Listed below would be the most recent web-sites that we choose […]…
[…]Sites of interest we’ve a link to[…]…
[…]check below, are some entirely unrelated sites to ours, even so, they are most trustworthy sources that we use[…]…
[…]Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated information, nevertheless truly really worth taking a look, whoa did one particular master about Mid East has got much more problerms at the same time […]…
[…]we came across a cool internet site that you simply may possibly delight in. Take a appear for those who want[…]…
[…]here are some links to internet sites that we link to because we feel they are worth visiting[…]…
[…]just beneath, are many entirely not associated web-sites to ours, on the other hand, they may be surely really worth going over[…]…