Warriors land Australian receiver
Scott Harding, who played six seasons of professional Australian Rules Football, has decided to accept a future football scholarship from the Warriors.
He is expected to compete at slotback for UH, when he joins in January 2012.
Harding is about 5 feet 10, and has been clocked in the low 4.4s in the 40-yard dash. Scouts have likened Harding to former UH slotback Kealoha Pilares.
Because the Australian version is different from American football, he will have five yeas to play four NCAA seasons.
Harding is popular enough to have his own Wikipedia entry: Harding.
* * * * *
Per yesterday’s request, here’s the wide-open space at the UH basketball office:
And here’s volleyball coach Dave Shoji’s new office:
* * * * *
From former Warrior Daniel “Zulu” Otineru:
Talofa from Ft. Bragg, North Carolina! Just thought I’d share this picture of me and some of the other Samoan soldiers stationed here with Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling and the head of the President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, Aumua Amata.
also thought you might find this one interesting. Me and David Pa’aluhi with one of our buddys after our graduation from Airborne School at Ft. Benning, Georgia. We have been in training together since day 1 at basic and are still training together at Ft. Bragg.
If Harding is like Pilares then we just hit the jackpot.
Hey! Made it!
(brought over from da oddah post)
Welcome to Hawai’i, Chris Tanaka!
Saw AnnodahDave at his daughter’s graduation tonight. Congrats to Dave & his “lil girl” who is already taking classes at UH-Hilo!
Guud night all! Night, ST!
‘n Guud Day to Scott Harding!
One scout said they thought Harding resembled Falaniko Vitale.
wow – nice speed.
” … Harding is about 5 feet 10, and has been clocked in the low 4.4s in the 40-yard dash.
Scouts have likened Harding to former UH slotback Kealoha Pilares. …”
welcome Scott Harding!
g’night errybody!
10! nice an aussie!
If Harding is 24 and his birthday is in a few weeks in june, the aussie could be 30 when he is a senior.
you can play in college after you’ve been a pro in something else?
Welcome to the Warriors Scott Harding!
I like this recruiting pipeline to Australia, it is a great way to take advantage of UH’s geographical position and can open up that market to UH.
I am glad that UH is giving both coordinators raises. Sustaining success requires the assistant coaches to be well compensated so that they stay with the program for the long term.
Happy Hump Day!
Welcome Warrior Harding!
Hmmmm, AUS. Inside-out USA.
Yay for coordinator raises!
Another speedy Harding to don the Warrior Green! Way to go!
Woooo Hoooo…..I’ll be able to attend the UH game at Hohokam tomorrow. It’s gonna be a HOT SUNNY day…triple digits possibly. Anyone from PHX attending ❓
A 24 year old freshman who’ll be 25 by the time he starts at UH? I love it. I can hear the “gramps” nicknames already.
Great to see both coordinators rewarded for there outstanding performance. AND to see the that there is going to be TWO very highly thought of and proven successful former head coaches on the staff to assist in all areas of the “game” (Mr. Desert Storm and Mr. Run and Shoot)!
Do any of the UH coaches have ties in their past to Europe (NFL Europe, etc.)? It seems that BSU used the ties to Amsterdam from one of their assistants to get 3 very good players from Amsterdam–one senior who is their starting SS, a sophomore who looks to be a starting WR, and a sophomore who is their top backup DT. UH has used its ties to Australia well for players, but maybe there are other locations that UH coaches have in their past that might expand the recruiting area for UH.
Could Harding be Slotback money?
RIP – Mark Haines, Squark Box/CNBC
Enjoyed watching his down to earth business/small investors information and no non-sense interviews.
Oh yeah, a Mets fan too.
Never too late to get a degree. Excellent news.
Great Morning All!
G’day Scott Harding! Welcome to the Warriors!
Terrific report on the APR; well done Coaches and staff!
….and student-athletes!
#12 – Yes, get many examples of college players playing football or other sports after being a pro in something else…. usually they play minor league baseball after high school, and then come back to college in football or basketball…. (e.g., there was a Michgan QB… can’t remember the name.. and I think Danny Ainge played minor league ball and then BYU basketball). There was a Colorado football player (WR) that was a olympic caliber ski boarder at the same time. His issues was that while an olympic ski boarder could accept endorsements and stipends and maintain his status for the olympics, the NCAA wouldn’t alllow it…
Good morning Tsaikos!!
Welcome to the Warrior ohana Scott Harding!
Congrats to Rolo and Aranda. Good job.
Congratulations to Harding, Rolo, and Aranda!
Good luck and best wishes to all!!!
Is he related to Matthew?
Block that kick!!!
Or maybe Tonya??????
Happy to see UH is trying to keep our coordinators. I also like that Aranda wants to be here.
OTTO – Drew Henson and Jeremy Bloom
G’day Mr. Harding!
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂
Howzit, Tom?
Welcome to the Warriors Mr. Harding. Good on ya!
Mr Harding looks like he’s got some poly blood in him. Can you verify, Mr. Tsai?
Da Punchbowl Kid,
From his Wiki:
“Harding is of Pacific Islander descent. His mother, Tulaga Baitela, is from the Polynesian nation of Tuvalu.[1]”
Colt talked about choosing to play for the UFL to get the best chance to get to the NFL someday.
Good morning folks! Developing and maintaining that Aussie/NZ pipeline benefits many of our sports and promotes the cultural world diversity that Hawaii is famous for.
Betty and I going cruzin this morning to do some shopping…bbl
Good morning, gang!
Glad to see that UH is rewarding their coordinators. They’ve done a great job.
Good morning everyone!
Welcome to the Warriors, Scott Harding!
re: #27. If I remember correctly, there was a QB from the state of Mich who was
playing minor league ball. He was supposed to play QB in Larry Price’s Hula-T, but
I don’t know if he ever showed up at Manoa. Anyone remember ?
Glad to see another Australian joining the Warriors. And another Harding… I hope Scott does as well as Matthew!
Glad to read ST’s story which shows appreciation to Rolo and Aranda’s work. But the most hopeful news is that Mouse will be back! The Run ‘n Shoot will loaded and unlocked!
Mid-Week Musings:
I ran into an ex-Rainbow/Warrior last night at a film premier. He was a camera operator for the film, audited the film for the CA tax credit. Talk about a small world – he was at UH right after I graduated in 1980. His name is Kevin Haggerty. He was the current AD’s roommate, since they were both O-Linemen. We called JD to say “boo”, but he was probably still trying to negotiate salary increases for Rolo & Dave.
Musing #2 – I’ve become pretty good golf buddy friends with Rob Fukuzaki. We belong to the same country club and play together about once a week. Can’t believe he’s in his 17th year out here in L.A. Two words for him: CLASS ACT.
Okay, time to get ready for the Idol finale. Clients came through with tix! Can’t wait to see U2 live. Oh, and I bet the winner will be wearing cowboy boots or heels.
Between the end of the regular tv season and UH sports and the legislative session, about the only thing left to do these days is yardwork and watching the City Hall Clowns – especially the dork from Council District 1 – do their show-boating.
Wish I had to funds to go to Mesa for the WAC tournament, but Don Robbs will have to represent the Basebows fans.
Finally, are there any players left on the current team who were recruited by June Jones and his staff? i find it hard to believe that three football seasons have passed since the Jones left Hawai`i.
re #44 – He was a camera operator for the film, AND I audited the film for the CA tax credit.
There are a lot of Aussies in Hawaii. Yay!
“Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!”
“Oi! Oi! Oi!
So how old will he be when he finally gets to play in prime time? As old as Colt was when he graduated?
Wait… wansn’t Colt 24, then… wow… older?
Welcome to the Aussie… he’ll bring some valuable mature leadership to the offensive weapons.
uh, he’s a little old to be starting college football.
IDK about slot–too complicated, lots to learn for a newbee to american football in general AND THE RNS IN PARTICULAR. let scott try out at rb. utilizing his natural aussie football instincts and speed–less to cram and perhaps, talent permitting, a faster route to meaningful playing time….
Good news: Southern California’s appeal of penalties from the Reggie Bush case has been denied, according to multiple reports.
from USA Today …
from FB:
Isn’t the starting QB for Oklahoma State 27 or 28 years old himself?
#54, All three comments? LOL
Didn’t get to see all of the newcomers.
Mack is back in the office tomorrow — he was in Baltimore for meetings — so we should have a better grasp of the training camp roster.
Dave Shoji’s office looks so cluttered. Did he miss the trash can? lol
Sorry! I am a neatnik…
Hope Zulu comes home in one piece.
Good luck and best wishes!
Got my ambulance bill — $765.
I pay $153 and HMSA pays the rest.
Thank goodness for HMSA-HMO coverage!
There’s a method to the madness that Coach Shoji is using.
Bet he never walks out of his office forgetting to grab something.
ST, when you were having your heart attack while driving to Castle Med Ctr, that could have ended very badly if you got into an accident.
Maybe, call the ambulance next time?
All the Way!
As Shoji said: “Gimme a break. I just moved in here.”
He actually moved in a couple of weeks ago.
He took over Vince Baldemor’s old office.
Dana Takahara-Dias got Mack’s old office.
God bless the troops. Hoo-ah!
ST, does Shoji still have to go outside to call on his cellphone?
I told the people in The Advertiser: I think I’m having a heart attack.
They just kept typing or yapping or whatever it is they were doing. ‘
I thought: Screw it. I’ll drive myself. And I did. Nearly passed out on the way, but I made it.
Nope. He can get reception in his office. He actually has a great view of Ching field. I always thought he should have an office in the Stan Sheriff Center.
ST, that’s a looong drive from Kapiolani Blvd to Kailua.
I think when it comes to the age of a college player, there’s always the consideration that, somehow, this will shorten his pro career. But Harding already had a pro career. So they’re getting a player who is older and, presumably, stronger.
It’s a long drive when you have to look up, then down (to relieve the pressure), then up again to avoid running into a truck.
ST, do the coaches have land lines, or do they all use only cell phones?
Re: Shoji
I thought the funniest part was Shoji has masking tape for a name plate.
The men’s coach, Charlie Wade, got a label maker and made name plates for assistants Dan Fisher and Jeff Hall.
Coaches have land lines, but they use smart phones to talk to recruits. That way the school can track how many calls/texts a coach makes to a recruit.
Harding got Poly – mama from Tavalu.
The more I think about it, the more concerned I am about he being a former pro athlete in Australia. Didn’t Warrior Volleyball have to forfeit their national championship because of a player who supposedly played pro volleyball in Europe? I think it as Costas Theocoridus?
If Harding got paid to play Aussie rules, wouldn’t that technically make him ineligible per NCAA rules?
UH checked and found that Aussie football is a different sport from American football.
A player is permitted to be a pro in one sport and an amateur in another.
Nice office coach Shoji. I see he has an Oakley sunglasses cabinet for his volleyballs.
gigi-hawaii, amazing how the married tend to look like each other after being together for many years
Special thanks to the local boys that are proudly serving in our Armed Forces.
We’ve been married almost 31 years. Hard to believe.
I think it’s great when the Warriors graduate in December, allowing them to pursue their NFL dreams.
So much better than leaving without graduating first.
gigi-hawaii, 31 years of genetic material passed between 2 persons. No wonder why the look-alike theory.
Well, looks like it’s going to be MIAMI vs DALLAS next week. Yay!
I love both teams, so whichever one wins it will be okay with me.
Odds are in favor of a Miami vs. Dallas final but I haven’t heard the somewhat overweight female sing yet.
I’ve never seen an Australian rules football game. Time to visit u-toob.
For you soccer fans,
Manchester United host Barcelona at London’s Wembley stadium. Each team loaded with soccer superstars.
‘Sports and I were at home this morning when we heard a large crash and tires screeching coming from the Pali. It’s one of those blood curdling sounds that you know it caused some damage and you just hoped everyone is OK.
Turns out that accident involved Brian Kagiyama. He along with his vans’ occupants are doing fine but a little shaken up. They’re currently at Queens.
Our deepest prayers go out to all involved in the accident.
If I had my own office, I think I’d want one of those replica life sized Tyrannosaurus Rex skulls on the wall behind my desk. I think they can be like 5 feet long.
The amusement of seeing the person sitting infront of me trying to keep their eyes focused on our conversation would be worth the price of something like that alone.
Best wishes for BrianK! Glad he’s reportedly OK!
I saw an Aussie rules football game once and it struck me as being very different from U.S. football, more like rugby in fact. But it’s still a good thing that UH verified that the NCAA views them as two different sports. You never know what the NCAA will do…
How do they keep the ball from falling up Down Under?
Glad BrianK is okay but also hope the family’s van is not severely damaged. If memory serves, it was specially modified to accomodate his needs.
D-1- I believe you’re right. It was retrofitted to accommodate Brian.
Mike Brown=hmmm=?
You’ve got to be kidding me they rather put this guy on scholarship when they’ve probably never seen him in pads OMG! what about Corey paclebar or Donnie king both had promising spring balls what a waste of a scholly
Having been a fan of Aussie rule, those guys are physical (no pads). Despite his size, I could see him playing a tight end role on running plays from the slot position.
A-joe ~ Be careful driving out to Wessai today. Rush hour traffic homebound is relentless!
I hope BK is ok fine.
Spoke to UHFan in…Orlando, Florida this week! She said the boss made her go there…right!
Mike Brown is a former USD player so Yea! Learned Defense from Hank Egan, one of the best.
Aussie Rules FB is all about speed and it looks like Aussie is a shrewd pick up
The scholarship probably doesn’t kick in until 1013 if he arrives in Jan and possibly grayshirts
*sniff sniff* i’m watching Oprah.
Kekoa- Yups! Waiting on Sports as I type.
UHF, she soooo funny her. She said she’s loving it being amongst like minds of her profession! Getting good insights to new and innovative ideas. I wonder if it has anything to do with being in close proximity to Disneyworld. =)
al the lurker strikes again lol
Haven’t been around here much once the base-softball seasons went into full swing back in mid February – pun intended. Wassup with the medical emergencies here? Who all has been hit upside the head, so to speak.
Spartans beat Reno, 5-4
NaMaSU, 3-2 over LaTech. Mid 6th
watching the news re the accident, i pray all parties involved are ok. A tour bus lost its brakes on the Pali Highway, town-bound, and crashed into two vehicles (which included BK’s parents van).
that was mid 5th.
LaTech get bases loaded, 2 out
Both teams work outta jams. Still 3-2, now mid 6th
If LaTech win, UH play SJSU.
If NaMaSU win, UH play them.
I pulling for NaMaSU…I think Spartans get better pitching
A-Joe did you get that msg I passed to you about the *Jazz Singer?* BIK fits the profile. The song he wrote is a winnah!
Same score at the stretch.
Whoever loses this game will be really sad about all the lost opportunities
LaTech scores 3 in the 7th. Helped by a two-run error in left.
g’day mate! Good on ya Scott!
Bulldogs score 4 more, 9-3. Last gasp for NaMaSU coming up.
Hawaii plays SJSU at 4 tomw.
Your comments about wasting a scholarship is plain dumb! These coaches have brought in some of the best recruits UH has ever seen the past 4 years! You haven’t done squat…just let them do their job! They’ve done their homework…won’t you try doing some of your own!
Howzit Tsaikos!!
Hubby is currently at the Phillies game. It’s in the 19th inning. 😯
Spartan All-WAC Pitcher Roberto Padilla threw 138 pitches thru 8 innings to get the win and preserve the SJSU bullpen for the rest of the tournament.
‘Bows might face Esteban Guzman or Blake McFarland tomorrow, both of whom pitched well in the Les two weeks ago.
Yep… he’ll come in at an age and physical maturity ripe for Pro-Football with 4 to play 5, how awesome is that?
…likely story. 👿
This Aussie kind of looks like Colin Farrell. Anywho, not really familiar with Aussie football but I’m curious what position this kid played. Does he have good hands? Guess I have to wait and see.
The Pac-12 is looking at getting another $1 bil or so from their conference TV network…each school could be looking at $30 mil per year from TV. Having every sport broadcast on their network that will be shown across the country, including Hawaii, would completely change the recruiting equation for the Pac-12 nonrevenue sports.
Hey Zulu..and the rest of da boyz up there. Mahalo for all you do for us and keep safe!
tough decision for trap tomw.
does he stay with sisto who has had his struggles the past few starts?
JMO, but the comparative link to kealoha is curious if not generiously overplayed.
pilares is a future warrior hall of famer and took two years to come into his own and he was weaned on american football since he was a toddler. football IQ counts in this day n age of modern football. pragmatically, it doesnt make much football sense to recruit this type of skill player from abroad. there are loads of receiver talent within the usa and hawaii. unless, the administrative philosophy is to expand our marketing venues through recruiting links….still, some may wonder why scott was delisted from his aussie football team.
sandbagging? more info should be provided.
…or does he turn it over to the Freshman?
Sisto did well in the 3rd game of the tourney last year vs Fresnecks. He has experience.
Different scenario this year because the BaseBows didn’t play on Day One this year. Your opening pitcher may not be available again if you need him on Sunday.
Last year Trap opened with Slaats on Wednesday and was able to squeeze 3 innings out of him in the final game against Fresno.
Speaking of Aussies, I’m surprised Dunnachie didn’t get picked higher. Maybe because we’re not going to PUNT this year. I wonder if Harding punts. All those A Rules guys have to kick.
Looking back at last year’s tourney, Batesole was faced with just that kind of dilemma after throwing his #1 guy (Gonzalez) on Thursday against SJSU and being forced to bring him in on short rest on Sunday after his starter got tagged for 4 ER’s. After that he used 4 more pitchers in vain against Hawaii.
Tomorrow is a big game for Hawaii, if they can knock SJSU back to the Losers’ bracket they may be able to eliminate the possibility of facing Padilla this weekend and can really focus on Fresno.
Good luck to the BaseBOWS tomorrow!
Mahalo nui to Zulu & the boys out there! Praying for your safe return.
i would think that with all that is at stake…pitching with two days rest shouldn’t be a problem as long as the pitch count is nothing above the normal.
Once he finds his comfort in his new American Gladiator Unis I wanna see Harding take a quick slant from Moniz, turn on his 4.4 speed and just BOOK IT down the field!; cleaning out any defender in his way!
Here’s a good site i found with some info http://www.puertoprincesahotels.org/
Stephen, you never cease to amaze me where you get your info from.
Guys, Scott is the real deal – just wait and see.
He is amazing.
Johnny Smith
ProKick Australia
Johnny Smith:
I’m kind of confused. Did I make it sound like he wasn’t a good player?
No ST, lolo #126 did.
Mahalo Johnny Smith!
This really answered my concern, thanks!
No Stephen,
You just broke the news a little early mate, and there’s more to come.
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As an Aussie love seeing aussies playing for Hawaii as then we get to see some games back in australia live,
Big fan of the warriors and Hawaii looking forward to the season
There are a couple cool interviews up. This guy thinks he has what it takes to be an NFL receiver. I hope he can contribute right away.
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Stephen #6 – He does. He’s a clone of Vitale. Just came back from Lost Wages! Had a great time. College football is in the air!!!!
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shoko #122- positions in aussie rules football are no where near as specialized as in American football, however Harding played mostly as a midfielder who was best at winning loose balls in pack situations (in aussie rules the ball is loose and being contested for a considerable percentage of time) then using his speed and agility to burst out of the pack advance the ball then kick to a forward (his wayward kicking probably being the main reason he was delisted). Midfielders also are very aerobically fit but not as explosive as a wide receiver would be, so with Harding’s training now focusing more on his speed I wouldn’t be surprised to see him go under 4.4s soon. Good hands is one of the skills that everyone on an aussie rules team is expected too have, obviously some better than others but Harding should be alright with that aspect. While Harding is very strong for his small size he certainly didn’t have a great reputation for toughness or aggressiveness and tended to get knocked around a bit. Harding performed extremely well at a 2nd division level but seemed to struggle with his confidence at the top level. It will be very interesting too see how he goes swapping codes, while rugby and american football are completely different sports they share far more in common than they do with aussie rules, which probably has as much in common with basketball as it does american football.
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