Colt is coming to town
Colt Brennan will be featured in an autograph session Saturday, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., at Pictures Plus in the Pearl Highlands shopping center. Brennan arrives in town that day, and departs Sunday for Denver, where he will undergo a follow-up exam with his hip specialist.
To purchase a ticket for the autograph session, go to:
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Don’t think the offseason belongs only to the football players.
The Rainbow Wahine volleyball, soccer and softball players have been lifting and running and lifting some more.
Yesterday, Chelsea Deptula kicked okole in dodgeball, blasting away at some of the football players.
Here’s a picture of volleyball players Jessica Keele and Dani Mafua:
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And here’s one of my favorite coaches, softball’s Dee Wisneski:
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Of all of the athletic department administrators, associate AD Marilyn Moniz-Kaho‘ohanohano is one of the lowest paid. Jim Donovan said one of his priorities is to give her a well-deserved pay increase.
* * *
According to UH folks, conditioning coach Mel deLaura is in Oregon tending to a family matter. He returns to Hawai‘i on Monday.
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Some blogs are fortunate to have one charismatic and energetic poster. We’re blessed to have “the twins.” A few weeks ago, we printed the bio of Midor7. Now meet her technological sister. Who knew the woman who entertained us with “Funky Cold Medina” at K-Calls was a finalist in the Brown Bags to Stardom competition? Meet UHFan808:
In the wee hours one September morning, I was born at Kapiolani Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii on the island of Oahu. My dad, a civilian machinist, worked the night shift fixing submarines at the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard. My mother, a homemaker and mother of three, loved to sew, garden, bake, and cook.
Both parents were “known” for their creative home projects. My mother grew beds of brilliantly colored flowers, the brighter the better. Everything in the yard had a purpose, whether for food or for decoration. Even the kitchen waste had its own composting hole in the garden. They were interesting people whose projects were so different that each was a featured in an article. My mother’s strawberry guava hedge doubled as an edible fence and my father’s life hobby was to build our house from metal, concrete, and glass.
Their other “project” was raising me.
When I turned three, my parents took me to swimming classes at the Richard Street YWCA. I was told I kicked and screamed bloody murder when introduced to the male teachers but finally calmed down when I met the nice woman teacher named Wendy. She was my teacher every Saturday until about fourth grade. Today — ahem, ahem — “Breaststroke” is still my favorite stroke.
For a short period, I hung out with a neighborhood gang of four girls and four boys. Sometimes we made dirt coffee, played house, or ran just around the neighborhood. We played chase-master, hide and go seek, sham battle, basketball, jacks, Chinese jump rope, jump rope, paddle tennis, and patty cakes, but most times we were climbing trees, riding our bikes, walking the streambed over rocks and boulders, fishing with scoop nets, and raising fish in tanks. Swordtails were my favorite but mom got those from the store. At the stream we would catch Indian tail guppies, baby Tilapia, jumping Opai, and dirt-brown and bright-red baby crayfish. I never fell into the stream except for the time we found a wooden box and it sunk in the middle of the stream.
I still remember playing on the grass fronting our house singing along to songs playing on the radio sometimes making up my own words while mother hung the laundry. Later they sent me to learn to sing and play the piano. I also learned to play the recorder and kazoo. Later on I took lessons from an instructor who earned his degree at Julliard.
On Sundays, we watched The Lawrence Welk variety show. It was a comedy, dance, skits, singing, and talk show. Bobby and Suzie were my favorite dance couple. My mom was a talented seamstress and I wanted to sew just like her. I always vowed to make the prettiest dress on the show using her sewing scraps.
When I was five, my dad took me to the elementary school after hours and we stopped to watch some boys practicing karate. I thought they were having fun so I asked to join them. By 12, I earned my second Dan (sp?) red belt. My favorite things were to avoid being tripped while sparring and “throwing” the opponent to the ground.
I also attended classes in Tahitian dance, ukulele, sewing, Chinese language, drawing & painting, arts & crafts, clay work, ballet, gymnastics, and cooking.
In my elementary and intermediate school years, we’d take family trips to the Rose Bowl to watch UCLA vs. USC football games. I remember going to watch the floats in the Rose Bowl Parade and sitting on the concrete stadium seats. Once we stopped to watch a Santa Anita race and I took a picture with the winning horse. The trips were similar every year, a combination of Las Vegas or Reno, and Chinatown L.A. No matter what, it always included a trip to Disneyland in Anaheim.
Attended Hokulani Elementary, Washington Intermediate, McKinley High School, and the University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Hokulani Elementary School was like a private school with UH professor’s children going there. In the fifth grade, we were assigned an instrument. I wanted to play the flute but couldn’t make a sound so I got the Clarinet instead. From then on I went on many band trips mostly to the neighbor islands. Sometimes the boys would mix their leftover food with their milk and the resulting mixture would make me gag.
Somewhere going through intermediate school, I learned to speak Pidgin English. Parents said I was becoming too much of a tomboy and sent me to John Robert Powers modeling school. I was supposed to learn how to act like a girl. Continued with band and participated in science fairs. My favorite English teacher was Mrs. Tamanaha. Boy, she was the toughest and strictest and nicest teacher I ever had.
My parents and brother graduated from McKinley High and I wanted to continue the tradition. Continued with band and science fairs. Learned to speak Japanese from band friends. One year the band took a trip to Japan and China. As ambassadors from Hawaii, we performed Polynesian dances. I did the hula while wearing a muu muu and the Maori poi balls performance dressed in a sleeveless blouse and grass skirt. Our movements and garments were unusual and generated snickers and laughter from the audience. For the first time I was now in a band that played during football games. In my senior year, we started a marching band and a group of us gave up our instruments and marched as flag girls. Another group of friends and I entered the Brown Bags to Stardom talent competition. We won and entered the state competition. We took second place overall and first place in the music competition.
The yearly trips I had with my family convinced me that I would not appreciate going away for college. I loved it in Hawaii too much and could never consider being away from home. You can take the girl out of the islands but you can’t take the islands out of the girl. Guess I’m just an Island Girl. So I attended UH, played the clarinet during concert band, volleyball, and basketball games and marched with the band as a flag girl. Was fortunate to have attended all the football games and travel a few times to the Mainland to cheer for the basketball team. What’s funny is I would pay attention more to my friends than to the games.
Two weeks out of college, I got my first full time job in a lab analyzing wastewater. In elementary school, you would never imagine I’d get a job working anywhere near that kind of stench. Now I found it very interesting and rewarding!
Throughout my life I was always exposed to football. That changed in high school when I became more interested in watching men’s and women’s volleyball and baseball. Shortly thereafter, baseball became my favorite sport to watch. I enjoyed the Todd Takayoshi, John Matias, Randy Oyama and Markus Owens years. After school I began to watch football again. I loved it but didn’t know it. It took a few years of not watching or going to any games that I suddenly discovered I could not live another season without it. Since 2006, I’ve either gone to every game or watched the away games on the telly.
It was during last year’s UH football 2007 season that I discovered the Warrior Beat Blog. After the LaTech game, I began hearing news about their fans complaining about the Haka. I searched the internet and found the LaTech blog site. It was true! They just did not understand it was not meant to be a violent representation. Most of them were reasonable but were always extremely defensive at first.
Soon I discovered Tombo Ahi’s site. It was chock full of condensed and concise information about my beloved Warrior football team. I decided to post on his blog about the LaTech bloggers. It was my first time posting. He warmly welcomed me and congratulated for stepping over the lurker line. If I wanted to interact with other Warrior fans, he suggested I visit Stephen Tsai’s Warrior Beat Blog.
I checked it out. For a while, I lurked. Okay, it was only a short while. I could not resist their warmth and camaraderie. They told jokes and were very serious about the Warrior football team stories, information, and statistics. The bloggers had funny names too like at the other sites. The setup of the blog was unlike the others, it was one thread per day rather than hundreds of threads (topics) with posts attached to each. The more I lurked, the more I discovered I really liked the community and I began to blog.
Another game was coming up. It was the NMSU game. Kazz and BG put out an open invitation to all bloggers. Excited to attend, I sent an RSVP. At the Tsaiko-gate, some of the first Tsaikos I met were homey, al, and Koakane. They were so nice. Then I introduced myself to Wreck. Wreck says, “UHfan808. You’re a girl? I thought you were a guy!!! Wait till I tell Bulla!” Man, I blog like a guy?!? Well, my parents once tried to make me a girl. Guess I can’t have everything in life.
Now it dawns on me that the void in my life has always been football. Thanks for always knowing mom and dad! And while I will always miss that neighborhood gang, I think I’ve found a bigger one — Meet the Tsai-kos!
Thank yous, hugs, and kisses to everyone far and wide for your loving support and shared interest in UH sports. I consider you all a part of my family. Tsaikos will always be brothers and sisters to me for the rest of my life!
Hi there, I’m the UHfan that lives in 808. See you around and Aloha! UHfan808 = )
Here are the twins with Kanoa Leahey. That’s UHFan808 on the left, Midori7 on the right:
Could I really be first?
ST did you get the email about the media guides?
Expect all the young single male lurkers to come out today. 😉
Yep. Got your request, which I forwarded to Derek, who can send you some. I hope.
UHfan808 is on the clock.
She sent her photos. I’m waiting for the text.
I think she’s almost on page 400.
ooooohhh… UHfan808 bio!
Can’t wait to read it!
Heard a rumor that it’s Paramount!
ST, Chelsea Deptula, any relation to the Deptula brothers of Kaiser High?
She’s Pete’s daughter.
Hi Las Vegas long time off the board, welcome home
Well I’m off to Cincinnati airport to pick up a friend returning from home, 5 hours there and then 5 hours back. Long day on the road. That’s the price you pay for living in da hills.
Hi Ralph,
Yup, missed quite a few days that I’ll never get back.
ST- Talked with McNamara last night. He mentioned they’ve got some exciting things in store for the Manoa Maniacs section. No matter what you say about him, McNamara is a really funny cool guy! =)
Hey, all you lurking students out there- sign up! Totally worth it!
I wish there was something like this when I was in school! I would go!
btw, stay away from ‘Vegas, so hot all the re threads from the big trucks are falling off and littering the freeways.
one of my rubbah slippahs went pop and go flat from the hot asphalt, now I can only walk in circles
Hey, how come he didn’t talk to me about it? I am a Mānoa Maniac!
I would agree he’s cool, but I never ever heard anyone describe him as funny.
Do you still have that rugby-style Manoa Maniac shirt?
From basketball? Yeah, I still have it. I never liked wearing it, cause it’s so heavy. A few guys still insist on wearing it; I just wear the Maniacs T-shirt that they give.
Al got your e mail
good bye, off to da darn clinic
Mr. Tsai,
Any comment on the Mel Delaura rumor?
UH in the black by 100K, imagine the red ink without Toyota’s 500K rental fee and SB 2.2 million net payoff, Herman you’re still an idiot!
UH pays HA 6K for attorney fees to drop the lawsuit requesting the SB list. Herman, you really are an idiot…shouldn’t have been an issue.
ST is Nikki Thomas working out…gal needs a Hawaiian blessing to keep her healthy, just as well add Jessica Keefe to the list.
SMU reports for 2009 ten recruits and 4 grey shirts for 2009.. UH has 1…let’s go coach Mac…locals don’t want to commit early, go on to the next athlete. you snooze (wait to long) you lose.
SMU made adjustments to get more fb players for JJ…a change in entry requirements, SMU is a private school with high standards, and they added a major to help athletes – a bachelors in Sports Fitness Management and Promotions.
Not to many doctors, lawyers, journalists, etc playing fb, and not many fb players graduating with a degree in sociology will get a job in social work which usually requires a masters. But there are exceptions, our rainbowcliff, and I can’t wait to meet the guy..
ralph that was 24 hours ago.
Hey!! Just noticed that our Favorite Athletic Director (STEPHEN!! Look, no s at the end of Athletic) will be visiting Jeanne Mariani-Belding today on her Hot Seat blog.
Have already sent in my question.
that rugby shirt was cool, but way too thick and hot.
Article about the Derby Camp in Oregon:
Article about the evolution and history of the spread offense.
Article about how the Pac-10 might take BYU and Utah if they decide to expand and how that might affect UH.
looks like its just you and me.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
I guess Jason was right, the single guys (chawan) would come out since there is pics of the ladies today. Go get um….
Sheraton Hawaii
(WAC vs. Pac-10) Nevada Wolf Pack vs. UCLA Bruins
Love your posts but no reason to hide the URLs behind your name just because some geek invented a place for them there. (ps I love geeks, it takes one to know one)
*** Blog Party Alert ***
Due to popular demand, we have made some adjustments and now are able to open up the RSVP list again. There will be a 12 noon deadline on Friday July 4. NO exceptions after that as we will need to call in the count and food order.
A few updates for the party
1. I will be making nametags for everyone. It will include your blog name (if any) and your real name. If there is anyone who has a problem, please email me at tsaikoparty at yahoo.
2. We will have “Tsaiko” logo items for sale. Glass mugs, t-shirts and stickers. There is limited supply but if we run out, we will take orders and make more.
3. We will be giving one raffle ticket to each person attending for the prize giveaways. Additional raffle tickets can be purchased for $1 each. Money goes to UH/Football
no, i’m up and awake, because its 1138am here, and lunch time here in SC.
jason on the other hand…
chawan – what about jason and his hand??
morning gang!
looking forward to todays bio (well maybe not as much as c_c 😆 )
glad to hear the Wahine working out too with the season just around the corner
have a safe and happy day!
i just realized what you said 2 days ago. now i can see why stretch suggested an auction for dates with midori7 & uhfan808, but why would anyone in their right mind cough up money for myself and jason? (ok, sorry jason, not you…. just me)
Aloha Kakahiaka!
I can only lurk once in a while cuz I’m recovering from knee surgery. Gonna miss the discussions. Back to the couch, to turn into a potato… Laterz.
Barry M, saw your pics in the other pepah. Talofa!
i did not intend for it to sound that way, but you, as always, have your own interpretation….
stop corrupting the young man! heh.
Loa – got space at the party, you going to come down??
Mei Ling – hope you take the time to fully recover. No make like Tiger and rush things.
Morning Stephen and early bird Tsai-kos and Tsai-kettes, Feels like another hot and muggy day!!
Glad to see a few more of you can join the bash next week. Remember, you snooze, you lose.
MeiLing, I guess no hula for a while. Keep the leg elevated and don’t rush the healing process.
It’s over the hump day, have a good one !!
808’s bio is posted
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
59 days to a meetin wit da hostiles
Yeah! UHfan808!!!
From photos of you on other sites, I would say the John Robert Powers classes did work.
Interesting life and awesome bio. Whoo-hoo!!!
So, Mr. Tsai. Where are the photos UHfan808 sent?
Good morning everyone!!!
It is going to be another beautiful day out here in the Pacific Northwe(s)t. Temperatures up in the high 70’s (going to be a HOT!!!), with high hazy clouds.
Let the football season begin!
UHFAN808: Great bio! See you on the 10th!
I’m 50, 51, 52 whatever!
Great Morning All.
AWESOME bio UHFan808!
Bravo! Bravo!
A good look back at growing up one local keed.
So you one band geek, eh? Never would have known! heheheh
Funny ting – I remembah dat Tsaiko-gate (Da rice paddle). I get there and meet a few peeps and one of the 1st things homey tells me is, “Eh UHFan808 is one chick!” Crack up!
So Stephen.
What’s this about deLaura?
ST & Tsaiko Blog Dogs,
UHfan808 thanks for sharing your bio. Very entertaining. Except for the life of me I could not figure out what Chinese Jump Rope is and Indian Tail Guppies. I once raised lebestis guppie and never came across an Indian Tail????
Yee Haw for UHFan808!!!
Band geeks unite!
Warrior fanatics unite!!
Great bio! Congratulations on the Brown Bags to Stardom success. I’m so glad you found your long lost twin through this blog.
I remember watching the Lawrence Welk show on Sunday afternoons (and Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom, and Let’s Go Fishing). Thanks for the memories!
Hey Ronnie,
Remember Euell (sp?) Gibbons?
“Hi, I’m Euell Gibbons. Welcome to Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom. Did you know many parts of a pine tree are edible?” hahaha
Good Morning, Gang!
Yaaaayy! UHFan, you did it! Great bio! Wasn’t there supposed to be a picture, too?
Hi Chawan-
Hope SC is cooler than it is here. It really feels like summer. Are you going to be sticking in some “pictures through the eyes of Chawan” from SC like you did in Guam?
Come to the blog bash. It’ll be fun! I’m sure everyone wants to meet you, too.
Is it Aug 30th yet?
Great bio UHfan808!
Good mornng Tsaikos. Great story UHfan808. i can imagine what you went through growing up. am impressed about your instructor from Julliard since one of my breakfast gang’s son is a Julliard grad. Keep up the good work and sounds like you are enjoying your life in paradise. Thanks again for sharing your life stories.
According to UH folks, deLaura is in Oregon tending to a family matter. He is expected to return Monday.
wow, one real life “story”. almost had to take a bathroom break in the middle there.
Today’s title, “Wahine Power” is most apropos. Besides, even though we think we control things it is only because they allow us to think it to be true.
Hi d1shima!
Was that the name of the host for Wild Kingdom? I remember Marlin Perkins.
Hi Tsaiko Family!
as my friend joked on his HS shop silkscreen business card hw assignment…
Dyslexics UNTIE!
where’s your breakfast gang hang out at? my dad goes to the manoa mcdonalds.
got pictures to go with my ‘touching’ story from last night’s baseball game. haven’t had time to upload them yet.
Oops. There is the photo! Good one, too. Kanoa looks like he could not wipe that grin off his face even if his life depended on it. I know I would have a bigger grin than that!
UHFan808 — what a wonderful childhood you had! Props to your parents. So do you still play your clarinet at family gatherings? Hubby still does, his specialty being Moon River. He also likes to play The Impossible Dream.
Oye! Auntay!
Two tingz-
-Mahalo for your “Epic” bio.
-Big Time Mahalo for leaving us some space fo blog today! Whew! For a moment, I thought I had to respond tomorrow.
Whew chawan_cut. That scared me for a second. I had to go back and check my post. 🙂
Just so we all know, UHFan808 made the 6 a.m. deadline … by four minutes.
Aha! I went to McKinley, too. What a nice school! And now we have good ol’ Ralph to represent us. Yay!
ST – she was actually up before 6 to send it in?? UNBELIEVEABLE!! Also, please cut back on the pictures today, with the long bio, it takes forever to load the page as is.
Reminder: Please visit Kelli’s blog. She’s our star intern this summer.
Just don’t forget to come back here.
4 minutes? you had plenny time! 😆
pretty pikcha taker too!
Ronnie . . .
Was the guy from Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom Jim something-or-other? He was the real star of the show. The other guy, Marlin Perkins, was always a safe distance away. Or so it seemed.
“And here is Jim wrestling with a gigantic and hungry anaconda. Looks like it has a tight squeeze on Jim’s body. How is everything Jim?”
“Uuuughhhh. Mmmfffffpppttttt. Wheeze. Wheeze.”
“Well, while Jim puts the snake back in its natural habitat, we will take a quick break. We will be right back after these messages from our sponsor, Mutual of Omaha.”
Hey, we have strict deadlines here.
Small world! Tell your parents that a graphic artist from a sign shop in Kalihi said, “Hello” and hope to see them next week Friday.
That’s a nice picture of you guys with Kanoa. You painted a very vivid picture of your childhood days.
Thanks! Looking forward to your pics and posts.
Looking forward to meeting you someday. Tell your parents that the wife of a graphic artist from a sign shop in Kalihi also said, “Hello” and hope we see them.
Mel deLaura
howzit howzit. hope all is well with you and your family. enjoyed meeting you and sons at the stadium a couple months ago. your boys are growing up. Like all parents, you gotta think of their future too. We got no problem with that.
just know that we in the Warrior Nation appreciate your hard work, dedication, drive and good will you’ve brought to the table. you’ve done a great job! We know your background and heart is in Hawaii. And our boyz looking good is a direct reflection on you. So, thank you. And good luck in your future. I hope you remain with us.
I just came aboard, and am enjoying the ride. a little selfish, maybe. appreciative of you, definitely!
4 minutes? i made a lifetime memory in 4 minutes.
heh heh heh
sorry but doing an Esme here
UHFan808 – great bio, brings back a lot of memories
gotta rememba not to upset you, i no like get the red belt
Stretch/A-Sport – gonna be wessai that day
great bio uhfan808! lots of great memories. sham battle, brown bags, late-80s UH baseball!
good morning everyone! Hi LOA!
wafan – that was Jim Fowler (I looked him up on because I couldn’t remember who he was 🙂 ).
Kelli – great blog. Lots of good comments, and today, the first poster even announced that they were “First!” 😀 Oh, and tell your parents that a friend of a graphic artist and his wife from a sign shop in Kalihi also said, “Hello”!
OK, folks, I think we need a jargon committee. Does doing an “Esme” mean: 1) Dropping in and out of the blog. 2) Blaming the family for missing parties and cattle calls. 3) Being too cluck-cluck to play either Tsai brother in air hockey.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Jojo, what’s up with only saying “hi” to Loa?
And how come Juju didn’t sign up for the party.
I think I’m going to have to steal the picture of her on her desk (again) and bring it to the party.
good one ST.
luv da cluck-cluck.
hiho hiho
willie grace.
yuk yuk
outta here
Great bio. I remember meeting you the first time when I went to Krazy Karaoke. You were really friendly and nice, and made me feel soooo welcome. I think that is the reason I come back to these karaoke nights. Thank you for your story. Now I have to go back and read it once again so I can remember some of the many things you wrote. You sure had a rich childhood filled with memories. It was funny. I kept thinking “wow”, “wow”..because you did so much.
OK, quick praise for Esme:
Esme and another writer started It was supposed to be a part-time gig for both. Now Esme does it all by her lonesome, and the other writer does a comparable project but now works full-time and has a full-time assistant.
ST- All the above.
You conveniently left out, “Chronic” to your definition as well.
whoa, I wanted a comment to only THE Stephen Tsai:
where’s the beef?
… in my belly.
Hey Wena
Or was it chicken?
No, chicken is what’s in Esme.
wow ST
What comic school did you go to?
I wonder if it’s OK to SMU a spouse?
Hey J
What’s happening? Where are you now? I know not in Hawaii.
So, Wena and I are sitting side-by-side, with identical iMacs, typing on the blog.
OK. We hit 100 posts before 8 a.m.
I can stop chit-chatting now.
I’m going to check out my stitches now, so I’ll have to pull an Esme.
See ya, folks, in a bit.
SDA Mecca…southern California branch. Cheryl stay here right now, she’ll be back in Kailua on Friday so I can stop going deaf.
Mr. Tsai . . .
RE: Pulling/Doing an Esme.
1) yes
2) yes
3) really? Afraid? She is a Mom, and she is afraid?
Does this make your post title incorrect or incomplete?
Stephen Tsai – please provide a picture of you and Wena sitting next to each other.
Hey Tsaikos out there,
Anyone want to walk in the 4th of July parade representing the “Little Learners Preschool” Personally I don’t really feel like walking in that hot sun.
Any Miss America wanna bees out there that want to walk in the parade and wave like Miss America in the parade??? This is your chance.
play nicely kids, no domestics before i have to issue a TRO, temporary retarded options to the both of you, haha
mel delaura situation, word is that with JJ gone, T. Heffernan has the inside track….UH needs to revamp some of their work out routines…there were some lively discussions between them about 10 days ago
I wonder if ST has figured out Photo Booth on his Mac.
UHFan808 – Even in your bio, I can feel your team spirit, and your brightness!
That would NOT be a pretty sight….believe me.
I must admit Mr. Tsai is a brave soul.
But, I am not sure who would have the final SMU-move in the Tsai family.
Nah. We all know Wena would have the final SMU-move.
great bio, thanks for the fond memories….the story at the Tsaikogate, was that Wreck and I were waiting to tell d1 who you were…or something like that.
either way, thank you for your bio, good read for a humd day……
Hee hee. What have we started?
Tsaikos and Tsaikettes-
Have an awesome day! Gotta willie grace, have 8:30 appt.
I was wondering where Cheryl was. I didn’t see her around the school. I see Joyce at the school getting the 4th of July float ready. She’s so creative.
The Tsai-kos—–
The parade I’m talking about is in Kailua
You go get ST with the TRO
She’s been here since Kamehameha Day. My ear sore. You guys want her back? She’s not exactly sad about missing out on the parade, but she might make it back in time for fireworks.
While there may have been discussions, deLaura is dealing with some family-related issues at the moment. Don’t worry, folks, his marriage is good and his kids are fine, and he’ll be back Monday.
Wow. I just popped back in. I am Esme.
Nice bio. I used to love playing sham battle. I sent a thing around the office about entering a dodgeball contest on the mainland, but no one took me seriously.
Did you sign up for Heather McMackin clinic? I need to give my RSVP.
Then I can understand the lingo on this blog.
Any other lurkers want to sign up with me?
Hey, Blackie, I still have your book.
Let me know where/when/how to get it to you.
__th! Thanks for the bio!
alojah and aloha kakahiaka apau
anoddah wonderful day in Hawaii nei and how better to start it with a super bio article by Julie aka tsaikette twin aka UHfan808. as we say on da wessai very nice and you rock girl.
hoooooooooootah and as Vili da warrior would say bring it on
oh kope here time to pause for da cause.
Morning/afternoon, Tsaikos and Tsai-Meister.
Nothing but computer problems lately, it’s driving me crazy. Now my main computer is in the shop, only one year old, lucky I have extended warranty.
Your bio was a very enjoyable read. What an interesting and well rounded life for someone that young. The hardest thing is to write about oneself, without being boring, but you did an excellent job, clearly showing your writing skills.
Your bio is living proof that behind every well rounded person is a great set of parents. Thanks for sharing.
ST — as J suggested, launch Photo Booth and use it to take a photo of you and Wena. Kinda forgot about the built-in camera that can take a photo up to 10 feet away.
Very interesting bio by UHFan808! No wonder you can sing… 🙂
ST: Re: Delaura: “There may have been discussions?”
10 feet away? I guess you don’t want to risk ST taking an ECU of himself. Nice suggestion.
Discussions about training schedules. They always have those. It’s a matter of fitting the player to the right workout.
But deLaura has done an excellent job of that over the year. Just look at the guys who earned pro shots.
Wena — list of Tsai-kettes who have posted they attending the Hawaii Wahine Football Clinic on August 19 is at:
Let us know when you sign up!
J — I kinda overlook the camera on the MacBook and iMacs– just realized that ST will always have a camera when he has his ‘puter. He can be appear to be typing away, angle his screen slightly, and take a photo of anyone behind him….or can have them pose if he does not have a digital camera or phone. 🙂
Eh, UHfan808-
You mentioned as a kid, you and your family flew to Cali to watch all the USC/UCLA games. That means you’d had to have seen Barry Markowitz donning his baby blues, eh?
Ho! Full circle/small world.
Barry- Some 30+ years ago on the field during a SC/LA game, did you ever turn around, look into the stands and think to yourself, “You know… someday, I’m gonna meet a girl in this crowd through something called a blog in the middle of the Pacific. I just know it!”
Good morning happy people!
UHFan808 – Very enriching bio! You really captured and experienced what it truly means to be a kid!
Hey, one of my favorite strokes is the breaststroke too! But then again I like all the stroke disciplines. Nowadays I do my stroking on a surfboard.
Red belt eh, I’ll remember that next time I’m teasing you face to face.
d1shima – Not only is she a chick but she brought her own wine bottle AND crystal wine glasses to the t-gate. Such a classy woman!
jojo – heya! see you at 3:00 p.m. 😆
ST and Wena – I would walk but kinda embarrassing to be the only pre-schooler with a mustache and gray hair.
chawan – no give me that, you and Jason bring the passion out of the women.
A-Joe – got OG?
Chelsea Deptula kicks butt! I know I mentioned this before but she could play baseball, football, basketball, soccer, track…with ease. Such a talented and athletic person.
Hey ST,
More pics of the volleyball and soccer players would increase the number of daily readers of this blog.
UHfan808…nice read there…and nice to know that I’m not the only one who people assumed was one guy when commenting here. Then again, I still get that when I answer the phone…
Sorry, that’s a pretty bad cold you have.
Nope. I sound like this all the time.
Wait a minute! UHFan808 (that’s a hard name to type!) watched Lawrence Welk? She sure doesn’t look like 50-something years old. 😆
JUST KIDDING! HiiiiiiYAA! Hai sensei. Kumite anyone?
Morning Tsaikos!
my twin/uhfan808: great job on the bio!!!
funny that some of you were surprised uhfan808 was female…
ST: thanks for picking the photo w/Kanoa…nice to finally see how it turned out. =)
No need to be shame to walk the parade.
You know, all preschoolers have that maintenance man who looks old…you know the guy who scrubs the bathroom, and does the yardwork at the preschool. You can disguise yourself as THAT MAN.
oh…forgot to add…. “But you don’t look old” but I had already pressed the submit button.
mei ling – take it easy! I know you can’t sit still but listen to your doctor!
ni hao ma
Wena – oh great, next thing you know you’ll be asking me if I want to be the maintenance man. 😆
ST, I work in town, so whenever we can meet up. But the real prize is being able to participate in this blog…
Nice of homey to volunteer to be the custodian. The school is on a tight budget…Of course that takes away one teacher’s favorite threat: “If you do that, you goin’ scrub da stink-fut toilets.”
no no it meling who had knee surgery not her ma. bwhaaaaaaaaaa
howzit guy and morning to you
Lunch time!!!
>Stephen Tsai:
July 2nd, 2008 at 7:26 am
Hey, we have strict deadlines here.
i loved the bio! Of course us ladies all knew she was a girl (cough, cough…uh yeah right, we knew) due to her extensive knowledge and creative writing, no way she could have been a “he”…hehehhehee
J – funny you mention stink-fut toilets. When I went to UH I looked for a job on campus and the office asked me if I wanted to sweep and mop floors. I figure, easy job, no problem. My first day on the job things are going as planned when all of a sudden the boss lady tells me to clean the toilets in the dorms. That was the fricken worse day of my custodial life! The toilets were clogged, stained toilet paper on the floor, urine all over…and this was the girls dorm! Needless to say that was my first and last day on the job.
like i tell uhfan808, good thing she’s taller than you….you can always look up to her. and regarding the parade, if you want to ride a motorized ‘lark’ with the kids, i can make arrangements. most clowns ride little scooters, but you’d stand out with the ‘lark’….j/k, i don’t care what DPK mumbles, i still like you.
have a good day to all the Tsaikos in da house
Howzit koakane! c u l8tr 2day.
Aloha DPK, you gorilla you.
And again hello, long time no see, Doris!
Now THAT”S a bio! You’ve lived many lives in the span of one, UHfan808! What a rich and varied palette of experiences. Your childhood sounds like a very blessed one, good parenting yielding a great person. I would never have guessed your occupation. I’ll bet you have enough stories there for a VERY interesting book. Or not… 😆 Anyway, you and your twin are wonderful additions to our blog, and I always love seeing you at blog functions. Look forward to seein’ ya on the 10th.
that’s another thing you and hubby have in common — being a janitor. He, too, had to clean the toilets. I guess he didn’t do a good job cause he was fired.
Bulla – I can always count on you to bring me in perspective. 😆
rugged things still just happening Kalaipohu heights? last night news about the detention students shovel up the lead paint scrapping. hope things get back to normal soon.
eh maybe claim beast had headackes during his senior year you can get back some tuition monies for you and mrs trips to Webber. bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Simian: Knock knock!
UHFan808: Who’s there?
Simian: UHFan808 you are the gorilla.
UHFan808: UHFan808 you are the gorilla who?
Simian: UHFan808 you are the gorilla (girl of) of my dreams!
Awww man, I was expecting some info on Ryan Henry the new WR. I thought Tsai had the inside scoop.
I don’t have your email address so I have to use this blog to tell you that I will be unable to help you decorate the party room. I have to babysit next week.
So sorry.
Wassup Tarzan, er, I mean homey! 😆
gigi – What other things do we have in common?
Okay, who is Simian? Is that you James?
Let me see…Could be Bulla.
Since it was mentioned, yeah gigi, what other things do we have in common?
I wonder if Ryan Henry is really 5’10”?
no can make it you have to represent me. know you can because seen you grind before.
got meeting to readjust the trust I set up for my keeeds.
The numbers are back!
only noticed now but blog name now italicized
this is good so now bring back da numbas
-but our names went from bold to italics.
-No OG yet.
whoa what I said got to rememba so next time can get same results
but anyway mahalo to da techies or homey was you I bet 😛
No my name looks like nomey.
we have a winner bhwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
How would you folks prefer the name to be styled? Sorry about the numbers, folks! There was a css style change that made them disappear!
Give me some input and I can make some style changes now.
A-Joe – shucks. I can wait. Patience is a virtue. What is the meaning of virtue anyway?
HonAdv Online – Bold
homey maybe the techies seen you and wanted the “h” to represen
Great bio, UHfan808 – is a “red belt” higher that a “blue belt”?
We probably saw you at many UH baseball games. Season ticket holder for over 15 years. Midori7 was the “head” usher at one time.
I prefer the names to be BOLD. Also, could you make the font size larger? I use IE and the font size is teeny tiny.
honadv online looking good so far. agree with homey bold da name betta just no fool around to much so lattas things get jam up again.
but mahalo plenty for the corrections
Make everyone’s names very small and in italics. Make his big and bold! 😆 j/k Bold is good for everyone, thanks for asking.
Homey’s I meant to say…
honadv online if can up the font pitch a little more. thanks again.
did you work at Frear Hall at UH? the all female dormitory? i used to be the HD there many moons ago, remember John Ritter and 3’s Company? i had him beat, it was called 144’s company, haha. do i have stories to tell….anyway, i was glad that they built a new dorm on the site, all of the skeletons are more than buried.
it was only a rumour that certain ka leo staff used to lurk on the perimeter of Frear Hall….any comments ST? i don’t have the video anymore….so if you ever get in a sharing moment…………we’d love your input.
The haka sure seems threatening withpotential violence to me. I suspect the puipose of the haka is to scare the heck out of the other team. Interesting bio!
yes, up the font a couple notches
when the print is in italics, i thought it said homely, i was ready to make a call for you little buddy
did you hear that? the boss said to up it a couple of inches….wow, you are DA MAN. anyone with those kind of powers….more impressive than a goriila or Ursula.
dpk in da hale. how you doing? ready for the anniversary bash? not forget to get your tsaikos culcha item together.
HonAdv Online — I prefer the names be bold again.
Today’s changes brought the post numbers back in Safari. The comment display is still good. Thank you.
Frear Hall is not an all female dorm anymore, im living in it.
wow, italics and the numbers are back.
geez, its a good thing I was able to display my lame heart valentine thing back on the old blog. it would never show up here at all.
what news had the story you were talking about at Kalaepohaku?
HonAdv Online – are you really part of the web developers? We usually see a person’s name (like Scott), not a group name.
If you are part of the web developers, thanks for bringing the numbers back. One more vote for the names to be bold. And I agree with gigi – the font in the comment display section is really small. It would be great if it was the same size as the font in the Leave a Reply section.
Great Bio UHFAN808! I just want to let everybody know what a caring person you are. Remember the night that James was really Blasted?…Your concern for his welfare was what really impressed me. He never realized it was you who ‘red belted’ him to his car seat, wrapped his fingers around his steering wheel and pointed him towards the H-1 freeway!
Koakane turned to me and said, “Eh, Kekoa? James goin’ make it home, but geez I dunno about 808, she wen squeeze her car ontop da sidewalk between da 2 newspepa stands!” Bwhahahaha!
Just eggsagerrating girl! You are truly a dear friend with a very warm heart. Thank you for being our pahtna in so many Tsaiko events….oh, and I’m looking for a keyboard player for the “Tsaiko All Star Band.” Can, or wat?
Did you folks want the name font larger, or all fonts larger?
I’ll go make names bold now.
just thought about it.
just like all future UH football teams will have to compare themselves to this past football season,
all future bios will have to live up to uhfan808’s piece of literature.
Garrett, thanks for post on spread offense.
Mouse Davis played a major role in Rich Rodriguez offense. Rich has credited Mouse saying he developed his offense watching tapes from Mouse.
Interesting recent interview with Rich’s former offensive coordinator who developed the offense with Rich on how they tried to follow Mouse for a few years, but added certain things, starting with moving the QB away from the line of scrimmage and into the shotgun to make it easier for the QB and adding more option and running to the offense.
Bold enough?
all fonts larger!
tired use my magnifying glass.
HonAdv Online . . .
Nice work on the numbers and bolding.
Please make the posted comments type size larger. For heaven’s sake, we are Tsai-ko’s — please Tsai-ko Size the type.
Thanks much!
Koakane… please e-mail me a list of everything you are expecting to have on display.
RONNIE! Good news to share with you very soon concerning Clmchk. This is kona be a whoppadoozie day!
Hope you and the boyz are doing well, and we’ll be looking for you to show up at our home opener T-gate. We gotta rassle the *Snow Beast* into submission in front of da Bulla Klan! No easy task wen we have one hand tied behind our back and a Foodland sack over our heads.
what a great bio!
Hail McKinley hail…………!
so, now, though after reading your bio what is a guy to talk about on his first date with you?
nah, thanks for sharing your wonderful story.
Great Bio… Ho you no fool around when you post up you life story. Such a nice up bringing for being one of the evil twins… I am glad you are another part of this little things we call TSAIKOs!!!
bulla….i heard that there was a sighting of a wild gorilla being chased by urula’s mom throughout the halls of kalaepohaku.
i know it wasn’t you because the gorilla had hair on his head, but his back, well , that’s another story.
cya later bull.
Four Expectations:
EXPECT…to win the game.
EXPECT…to be in a dogfight.
EXPECT…that at sometime during the game, winning will appear to be impossible.
EXPECT…to win it late in the fourth quarter.
Don’t go making trouble now, da little snowbeast is going to be coming home, and will be trying his mostest to battle the mighty warriors. although he is just a little wildcat, he will give it his best shot. it will be a might task against the mighty warriors, but he will, he will, be ready…..maybe those hulking offensive linemen will take pity on the little wildcat……we’ll see.
HonAdv Online – Looks good. Nuff for today. 😆
UH808fan……….Superb…… tomboy you.
i see everyone is in rare form, uncle al, thank you for sharing.
pride, i’ll relay your message to the little wildcat/snowbeast, he’ll appreciate it.
he’s preparing himself to battle the might warriors, and he hopes to be a formidable opponent….we’ll see.
the 2 a day training sessions he is going through is going to help. if you ask him, he can tell you how many stairs there are in a 25,000 seat stadium……
Okay koakane, I go try fo make sumfin for da blog bash. I’m flattered that you would ask.
Okay homey, no forget to drop off your Tarzan costume for da Tsaiko culcha exhibit.
Your 208: I second that! Great work techronauts!
Whoah UH808fan. You is soooo lucky. I always wanted to sign for those John Robert Powers modeling classes. Oh wait, that didn’t come out right. Okay, so how you delete? If you press this button on the bottom, does it delete? Oh shucks wrong o–
bulla was on 9 last night news @ 6
HonAdv Online,
mahalo, looks better already. also, do you have any suggestions for removing body hair? i have a friend who is being wrongly accused of looking, well,… an ape, and i’d like to help him out.
it’s embarrasing not only to him, but it doesn’t do much justice for the apes either, so to keep our happy world in balance, just looking for ideas.
“High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation.”
Charles F. Kettering
What would you add to the Tsaiko culture table? What are you tied with… Homey has his chopsticks, Gigi has her Muumuu, what have we talked about with you?
I cannot think about anything at all…
Potential opening game for 2009…..Central Arkansas?
“We only ask two things…”
“Do it right.”
“Do it 100%.”
“If everyone does it right, and gives 100%? Then we have a chance to win the ballgame.”
“All we need is to give ourselves a chance to win.”
Bulla – Re: removing hair – have him wear the UA body suits, it’ll cover everything, only thing it shows the body shape.
1 – We’ve got to win two out of the three phases of the ballgame.
2 – We’ve got to win the turnover battle.
3 – We’ve got to eliminate penalties.
4 – We’ve got to score in the “red zone”.
5 – We’ve got to play great “sudden change” football.
Accomplish those things, and we’ve got a good chance to win.
Darren – Central Arkansas?
Wreck – DPK can bring a rubber duck.
hey bulla…..i was just thinking aloud. maybe your meeting tonight is to discuss your ourfitting yourself as a wildcat come september?
maybe you could get homey, the twins, et al to also don some catwear to be part of the wsu pride.
Aloha Kakahiaka Everyone:
Nice bio – amazing how often paths cross without knowing it until years later.
Glad to see the numbers back – makes it easier to refer to previous posts.
The italic font is okay, but so is the bold so either one works for me; however, the type size must have to do with the browser being used since I don’t have any problems reading the print except for a few of yesterday’s blockquotes which were quite tiny. Fortunately, they were also bolded.
BLOG PARTY ORGANIZERS – if you need help with the setup next week, please don’t hesitate to give me a call.
MEILING: Take it easy. Recalling one of your earlier posts: Are you moving back in September or October after attending an away game? Is that correct?
Have a good feast today at Club Genji. Have multiple meetings all afternoon which require staying awake. The other day after eating lunch because it was part of the registration fee, I fell asleep in my seat in the auditorium. Fortunately, no drool to give me away.
STEPHEN: We’re already marching in the Kailua 4th of July Parade with the Beach Access Hawai`i group, but we’ll definitely look for you & Wena while we’re waiting to get started. Any post-Parade plans?
pride….are you quoting mainly “tomeyisms”?
Dumbfucius say, score more points than opponent and you will win game.
I’ve tried for months to resist the urge. But BH2 has gotten me riled up. Cannot wait for the Warriors to take to the swamp. Bring it on! Gotta love it! Can’t wait to play, in the 105 degree heat with the 98% humidity. That’s football, that’s what the Warriors signed up for. Here’s your chance young men. Remember all those years when you were in grade school, wishing that you were out on the playground, instead of doing readin and writing in Miss Yonamine’s class. Well now’s your chance to have a three and a half hour recess, and run around the playground in the swamp. Go for it!
doc…..what’s the number?
Call me before you leave for lunch (381-9334)
stretch….didn’t gigi want an UA muumuu?
I’ll remeber that one Bulla. That makes a lot of sense. What was that name? D-U-M-B-F-U-C-I-U-S. Thanks hah. I go write’um down.
Two words: piranha, monkey
OK enough screwin’ around in here. I gots a writin’ deadline to meet. People are waiting. BBL.
BBL – Belly Button Lint?
Big Belly Laugh?
Bye Bye Losers?
pride that was bubba, bulla’s alterego
Kekoa – good news would be really welcome about now!
Ronnie – Good news, I just saved a bunch money by switching my car insurance over to Geico. 😆
homey – That’s great!
I can always count on you to make me laugh!!
Oh sorry about that Bulla. Hello Bubba, welcome to the blog.
Stephen has my cell number. You can get it from him.
Back late this evening – have a Good Rest Of The Day everyone.
homey dey made the changes and still look like nomey bwhaaaaaaaa
doing a esme and whoooooosh
lattas everyone.
The only way you have a chance to win is to show up.
The last time I tried doing an Esme tappity tap I tripped. Now I just hang around.
Since Under Armour will be around for the next 8 years at the least, they should seriously put out an Under Armour/UH lavalava
Can you call me too? 867-5309.
UHFan808 – Wasn’t “gigi” the first Tsaiko you met?
Ronnie – You shouldn’t be drinking so early in the day.
you should send that suggestion into McNamara since they are discussing new ideas with UA.
ronnie…..are you saying that this number is a joke?
okay, who wants to test this number out….867-5309?
Hey, What is going on with everyone posting thier phone number!? Baawwwaahahahaha!
BG, will do…
But homey, it’s almost pau hana time here. And I’m practicing for the Florida game, when I’ll have to be ready to drink champagne at 9:30 AM…
i would have been suspect if it were…..beechwood 4-5789.
There really insn’t much to do as each section is being taken cared of by group of people already. I thinkk I have the most to move and setup but I have the guys to move it.
My roadies that roled one bass amp at kekoa’s place… BBAAAWAWAAHAHAHA! Watch when they try to move a whole sound system… HAHA!!!
Ronnie – Okay, that’s good. Can never get enough practice.
hmm… That number with a 310 area code is an unlisted sprint number in Beverly Hills…
ohhh, AL
You can call me too, Stephen has my cell number. Grrrrrrrrr!
BG, do you want me to call you too? you can eat any thing you want for lunch. sound system ppfffffttttt! in my man days i could lift it all baby!
bye bye now *snap*!
Hey UHfan 808
Man, tmi. didnt need to know about the breast stroke…wait our we talking about swimming..jk. About blogging like a man, a LURKER (YOU KNOW WHO U R! M.M.) Said I blog like a Mahu coz i use Aloha in my post. Hrmmm…How bout instead of Aloha I use…what is my favorite samoan word that starts with a U….? Thats directed at u M.M. and you 2 C.C. lol
Anyways, very cool bio, UHfan.
I need to print some stuff of lunch today… better get to it…
call me.
Pennsylvania 6-5000.
lakerj32 – Ulavale? Uso?
I’m off to do some errands and go to the Cattle Call. I’m picking up the karaoke song tab until 1600 provided Al sings the first song… mwahahahahaha
Had to make a special trip to TWB to check out UHfan808’s bio. What an interesting story. It explains so much about how you act now. Thanks for letting us take a glimpse into you life. Karate…hmm..note to self, make fun of Julie then push Homey in front of me…:)
Well, that will block the kicks; wat about da blows to da head?
UHFan808 – good job!
how can any ONE person do all those things?
homey – lol
I just started a Text war with Lame-o… errr I mean, Chawan coz of it.
you’re right…maybe Stretch instead
My friend Jenny asked you not to give out her phone number
So where was Dan Kelly to blast some balls back at Chelsea yesterday?
Oops 😳
My bad. mis-read that as kickball.
Where were the QB’s?
Was Chelsea blasting away at linemen? Hope it wasn’t the skillz guyz that were out there
Is that a giant SLU-U-U-RPING sound I am hearing from South King St.?
(Especially need East Oahu volunteers)
Caring Tsaikos to give other Tsaikos a ride home. More volunteers are needed in case rides are needed to the Windward and East sides of the island. Someone may just need a ride. Others may be drinking and having a good time. We just need to take care of our own and make sure we do everything in our power to get everyone home safely.
Volunteer by emailing me at Tsaiko808 at yahoodotcom. Provide your blog name or real name and a contact number.
Just noticed that when I posted, it refreshed and brought me back to the bottom of the post instead of putting me at the beginning! A little thing, but shows that they are thinking AND tweaking. 😀
OK…backup! It did not do that twice…second time I posted, got sent back to the beginning of the blog.
Once again…for those who want to know where the Ed Wong Hospitality Room is located in the SSC. Click on my name. Put a clock face on the silver dome of the SSC and the entrance is at approx 4 o’clock at the lowest level. Directional signs will point the way.
Testing comment jump
Testing comment jump on 2nd comment post
Gotta love that bio! Gotta meet your parents some day, UHFan! They sound as interesting and outstanding as you are.
Hmmm…sent your bio in at 5:56…pulling an all-niter???? Call in sick today! Reason – “Tsaiko-tic” reaction hehehehe
Wow, talk about a Pulitzer Prize-winning memoir! Go UHfan808!
And what’s this about me and my hand?
UHFan808: Wonderful bio! I’ll get to meet you sometime soon.
I must be a Tsaiko… I’ve been up-chucking warm chicken soup last night & green tea this morning, but NOW I can hold down BBQ beef brisket! Al, I musta lost a pound not being able to eat all day yesterday & this morning.
I’m not going to do a Tiger. I’m selling the golf clubs in my yard sale. No hula for a month or more; I’m missing 3 performances this month with the halau. Boo…
Have fun at Club Genji! The owners know my sis Pam & hubby Russ since they used to go there alot.
K, back to the couch…
howzit gang!
coach mel – hope everything ok with the family
honadvonline – looking good, warrior green would be nice for the border colors
hey jojo!
How fitting that the title of today’s blog is dedicated to WAHINE MANA!!!
As always with everyone that shares their life story with us here, mahalo to UH FAN 808!!!
I remember I had the same thought too like Wreckz mentioned above when meeting her for the first time, or should I say when I got the email RSVP for the New Mexico State tailgate. I remember seeing the links to the other places where she had posted her comments in the defense of UH football thinking “wow, no mess wit dis Wahine!!!”
g-nalo just like one guy go kvillage all night 😀
now back to work
Mei Ling, wishing you a speedy recovery
UHFAN808, Nice Book!
Good afternoon Tsaikos and Tsaikettes!
Wanted to say hi and thanks for taking the time to read my bio.
I think UHfan808 is perhaps the most polite person on Earth.
It must be the modeling-school training.
emailed stevem hope he remembers to pick up a genji menu to put on memorabilia table.
if any one lurking on pda remind him or grab one and hold till anniversary blogbash.
Not to stir it up too much, but the Princess will be attending practice today.
kazz your posting way better than what you sounded like yesterday. call me about the blogbash when you get time.
hope you recovered from whateva.
JD on lowering food, beer prices at UHM games and the Rainbowtique revenue:
I saw this in the Midweek article last night, but they didn’t provide any quotes from JD himself. I was able to ask him so on the HOT SEAT Blog a few minutes ago:
Food service throughout campus including concessions at our sports venues were under a master food service contract covering the entire University of Hawaii at Manoa that expires at the end of this year. We have asked and have received permission to have a separate contract just for our sports venues. Again to provide more value to our customers, we will be asking interested food service providers to “roll back” prices up to 20% so coming to our events will be more affordable. Auxiliary Services is assisting us with this endeavor and ultimately they will act as our intermediary with the next food service provider.
Auxiliary Services has managed the Rainbowtique locations at the Stan Sheriff Center and Ward locations since their inception. In fact, it was a risk-taking decision that has turned into an entrepreneurial success. It is independent of UH Athletics but Auxiliary Services has always been very cooperative in supporting our sports programs. Essentially they were very open-minded when we negotiated our new contract and we are very appreciative of their support. My belief is they decided to support us because they wanted to not because of any outside pressure — but that’s been typical of their behavior over the years to support various areas of the University.
annodah esme whoooooooooosh hip hop tip top soah toe gotta go holo holo byeeeee
Yeah I was feeling like kaka for almost two weeks, but anyway… I’ll press “send” right now…
Hi Mei Ling:
Speedy recovery so we can see you at the “later” home games at Aloha Stadium.
ST –
Uh oh. Good thing I left off the other 397 pages. j/k
Thank you again for allowing me to share. Brought back a flood…okay I mean trickles of memories I had just about forgot. Even more so I realized I am blessed with a Tsaiko family.
hey Stephen – how was the stitch check?
no. 287 – i can see chawan saying ah unko i going miss out, hehe
whatsup koa, kazz, lv
good afternoon UHFan808
UHFan808 = Midori7’s twin = Mrs. A-House’s hanai daughter! Welcome to the A-House ohana! (Actually, A-House and I have also unofficially adopted Colt as our grandson, and Kanoa and Rob DeMello as our sons.) Unofficial adoptions are so quick and easy…how quick?…happens because I said so…
Thoroughly enjoyed your bio, Julie! I, too, will have to re-read it…you put a lot of effort into composing it, and you did a splendid job! Your words described so well how loving and caring parents can provide a youngster with a solid foundation on which to build a most productive life. Kudos to you and your wonderful parents.
Bulla – Yes you’re right there’s more to the she’s a girl story. I think after Wreck told you, both of you would tell d1. But then it was supposed to be a “surprise” because I was to have one big rice paddle ready for d1! Bad d1! *wink*
So, we all get free autographed copies of the encyclopedia on UHfan808 when it comes out, right?
In the words of an ESPN anchor that deserves MORE AIR TIME, “HOWZIT”!!!
kazz – did you send in your lavalava/kikepa idea to the marketing guys?
wow I am bold.
Nice bio. I did not know UHFan808 was a girl.
Good to see wahines are not camera shy.
about half of the tickets have been sold for the Colt Brennan autograph signing on saturday…
Stretch- is there room for 2 more at the blog bash? I might have the night free and maybe my bro Keoni will come with me…
does that mean the videos are coming back?
Jack Flash: Just e-mail Stretch at tsaikoparty (at); if get room, then get room, but if no more room, then you get put on the waiting list.
Mrs. A-House,
can I be the red-headed stepchild? (even though I don’t have red hair)
If they can still move after the cc, there might be quite a contingent of Tsaikos at UW today.
Would be a good day to re-institute the videos. 😉
XLiz – Nabeyaki udon is the winnahz!
CfK – Gee thanks, stud.
d1shima – there will be a bunch of them headed out to the UW.
A-Joe – FYI, I saw a camera sitting on the table…that’s about it. Lychee skin was flying everywhere!
HonAdvOnline – Don’t have to make the time stamp bigger. The smaller size was ok.
yeah, videos would be good, especially since the “other” paper has started their own videos online.
if that hasn’t shaken up this management there to realize that their stalling with whatever is going on with contracts, etc, is not doing anything then i don’t know what will. or is this partnership with kgmb leading to future developments? (sorry, i don’t even watch the embedded kgmb ones).
don’t they realize that’s the future of the internet? bandwidth will continue to increase, to the pc, the phones, etc. why pay someone else for their videos when your staff do a damn fine job of it themselves.
looks like you guys had fun at the CC. What is nabeyaki? Is it grilled chicken with noodles? just a guess.
Yeah Homey…it’s not the size of the time stamp….
aka Good stuff!
Sounds delicious!
Wat den? Da time of da size stamp?
g-nalo just like one guy go kvillage all night
now back to work
yeah but no worry, i hear Stretch is cutting it down. however, in the case of Whitey…………………………:-)
gigi – It’s udon cooked in a special broth in a metal (cast iron) pot. Ingredients are, but not limited to, raw egg (cooks in the broth), shrimp tenpura, mushrooms, chicken, green onion, kamaboko, onion, and won bok.
so is nabeyaki udon served in the metal pot or in a ceramic bowl?
More like served in a metal kettle.
gigi: Here’s a picture of LizKauai’s nabeyaki udon from Club Genji.
that really reminds me of dodonpa at Shiro’s Saimin, which features 10 different garnishes. I am not sure the Koreans have a similar dish.
Calvin from Kona –
Welcome to the ohana! Wow! The star of a racy video who flexes his rippling muscles with reckless abandon…I embrace you as another one of my “adopted sons”. Anybody else?
thanks, Jason. Shiro’s serves its shrimp tempura outside the pot and with a mayonnaise dip.
I was talking to A-Sports today, in between breathing while we were eating, and she sorta mentioned that UHFan808 had about a 15 page bio. Since the food was really really good we decided to talk while chewing and A-Sports mumbled something about A-Joe editing out the part about the circus, sideshow, part-time waitress, bodyguard, and arms dealer. There’s a lot more to UHFan808 that we don’t know about.
Feel free to ask her more questions when you see her on July 10th!
I really want to know if UHFan808 still tests waste water. Is she a scientist?
Kinda like a young Charles Atlas or Mr. A-House.
gigi – UHFan808 is a trainer.
really? I would never have guessed.
homey, I assume you mean personal trainer as in physical workouts.
gigi – ever saw a Sommelier taste test wine? That’s exactly how UHFan808 tests waste water. 😯
I have only seen a sommelier pull the cork out of the bottle, never swish the wine in his mouth.
I didn’t… yet…
But I tossed an old idea to possibly change or add something to the Manoa Maniac membership.
Seeing as the student council voted against a student activity fee a while back, maybe they could have the Manoa Maniac Membership a paid “club”.
For 75.00-90.00 students get:
-Free access to all UH sporting events.
-Discounts to tournaments when applicable (i.e. Rainbow Classic, WAC Wahine Volleball, Softball… etc…)
-Free membership tees
-Access to Manoa Maniac nights at D&B’s, movie nights, etc…
-Coupon booklet with various discounts at any of the current UH corporate sponsors’ locations (i.e. Jack in the Box, Papa John’s, 7-11, etc…)
Whether or not to do away with the current Manoa Maniac membership requirements or to add this on as a “Super Rooter” membership will be their decision. For now I would just add this on as the “top” membership level.
If a lot of students start joining, then they can look making it the only way to gain a membership.
Also, if it’s feasible, they can look at an option to make the Manoa Maniac Membership to non-students. However, there will be no free tickets to all events and maybe they can incorporate something along the lines of discounted season tickets.
For Manoa Maniac Members that are alumni of the University, they can offer an alumnus package every sports season with bigger incentives, but of course that includes a bigger annual membership fee.
gigi – she trains the Guatemalan army in the art of hand-to-hand combat.
I wonder if UHFan808’s ears are getting itchy.
gigi – actually she has no ears. They are prosthetic ears because she had them torn off when she was a lion trainer at the circus.
haha I hope she’s a good sport when she reads this blog!
anybody get their HECO bill recently? Mine was $295. shocked. hubby says they raised their rate by 40% since last year.
gigi – so your bill last year was around $210?
June 2008 — consumed 1058 KWH — $295
June 2007 — 1422 KWH — $272.
I can’t do complex math, haha.
Aloha Kakahiaka! (oops…kinda late)
I called the UH ticket office and I have to fax in my increased order TODAY.
I have 1 for wafan’s guest and 2 for UKU@LA. ANYONE ELSE???
homey…..are there any more janitorial jobs available at your work site?
Al, you want to change jobs?
good grief my electric bill was more than double that of the gigi’s. those darn puppies were watching tv until the wee hours of the night again.
….nice joke about whether the nabeyaki was served in a metal pot or ceramic bowl..
gigi – complex math? hahahahaha. Let’s see, I wonder how much it costs 1 kwh in 6/2007? hmmmmm…
Hi Liz, glad to see UH is on the ball.
well, gotta give hubby some credit. He used to present his company’s rate hikes to the PUC at oral hearings. Usually got his way.
al – Bulla can hook you up. I heard he’s looking for a stunt double in an ape suit.
no, i was hoping homey’s company can get me a pt job in sanitary engineering.
gigi – good thing because I heard those braille hearings are not very eye-opening.
i think i may be too small for the gorilla suit. plus, that role calls for a bigger guy, i am japanese you know.
off to work now………….
I’ll hele on too.
you are just too friggin funny sometimes ya know that? I take a break from writing to read here and yer just goin off! 😆 Ok, I’ve posted, now you have to leave homey.
Just got a reply from da “MAC”, John McNamara, that is…
Regarding some suggestions I had for the Manoa Maniacs (posted above at #333).
Like addahknowjoe mentioned earlier in the blog, there are some new “additions” and offers for Manoa Maniacs this season including a BIG discount for tickets to the games.
It is indeed a good time to be a student in the system, especially if you are a sports fan.
We had a nice time out at practice today.
Princess Leila joined us.
There also was Stretch, Kekoa, Kekoa’s dad, sjmarco and Dr. Dave.
Seems like the weather was a bit more forgiving today?
Though I supposed having the team do sprints in Klum Sauna errr… GYM, would be a good way to get them used to the Florida humidity…
I’m one of the guys affected by these “additions,” yet nobody wants to tell me what they are. 😥
So I just realized the other day — if I decide to go to HPU for grad school, like I’ve been advised, then I won’t be able to get UH student tickets anymore. That is quite sad.
you could always cheer for the seawarriors in the blaisdell. i don’t think you’ll have a problem with getting open seats. and all the buses pass right by too! you wouldn’t even have to transfer!
and before when UH played their homes there, I used to catch the bus to watch them too. I saw the miracle Trevor Ruffin buzzer beater that KO’d BYU. what a great bus ride home.
what are these additions for the manoa maniacs?
HPU basketball would be a lot easier to attend. But what about UH football and basketball. They should make it where UH alumni who are attending a school outside of the UH system for grad school are allowed discounted tickets. Somewhere between current UH student ticket rates and UH student/faculty guest rates. It would be nice, since the purchaser is still a student, albeit at a different school. Whether it be HPU or Chaminade or Remington or Phoenix, it would be nice to reach out to the alumni like that; not all UH alumni can go to UH for grad school.
Chawan and Jason,
From John McNamara:
I suggested to John McNamara about possibly having something like a “carry-over” membership for “alumni”.
As mentioned above, they will explore that option for the NEXT season. When will you be planning on finishing your Manoa career?
Jason . . .
Why was HPU suggested for your graduate degree? Was it to provide you with another view or philosophy? That is what i was told.
But, I think they just did not want me around anymore.
Make ‘um with the Tapa design like the UH logo 😉 .
Nah, personally I have no problem with the way it is now.
Not much of a difference between what’s always been offered and now. The Under Armour T-shirt will hopefully be a nice upgrade, cause the current ones are a little hot sometimes. The free Sugar Bowl shirt is good, too. But I can’t remember the last time I got a Maniacs e-mail, and the only people I’ve met through the Maniacs are Jim Leahey and Artie Wilson — sometimes they stop by to say Hi after they film their basketball intro. Oh, and Franco Harris, he was sitting below us one game.
Kazz: I should graduate next spring, so hopefully it’ll be in place for me next year. 🙂
wafan: My college counselor from high school recommended HPU and Chaminade over UH. Truth is, UH COE doesn’t know what it’s doing right now. The only reason why I’d bother going there is cost. Besides, HPU’s M.Ed. program looks pretty nice. As you can see in page 5 of this PDF brochure, I can complete my M.Ed. in 24 months, while earning a certificate along the way.
There’s a whole lot of white space on the right side. Any way to move up the stuff below this box? (I’m using IE 6)
Thanks for putting back the numbers and bolding the names. The timestamp doesn’t have to be as big, but no biggie…
Jason . . .
At risk of being ostracized by UH CoE grads — it never has been a really strong program. That is not to say they have not turned out good teachers. But, the UH is definitely not known for its College of Education. That is one of the reasons I chose not to go to the UH.
The HPU MEd program looks a lot like the program at the Evergreen State College. No, I did not go there; albeit, I have a lot of students who have. The program here is called the MIT (Master’s in Teaching).
Seriously, you may want to consider going to a school that is known for its strong CoE. Not because of the name association but because of the information and skills you will receive and polish, but for the change of philosophies (island versus continental).
Why? Because it really is different and that difference will make have an impact on you and your students.
Sorry. Just some thoughts. I know you did not solicit the information. But, you should investigate all possibilities — I am sure you already have.
HOA – Oh yeah, can you fix the clock? Thanks.
Where is everybody? Hope everyone is having a great day.
UHFan808 – great bio. You look too young to have done so much.
Great news about the fuuud @ SSC. Now when I go to VB, it won’t cost me an arm & a leg.
Gigi – my last electric bill was over $400. This is what happens when someone is home all day and doesn’t close the doors to the rooms she’s not in.
hey jm2375… i haven’t seen a RSVP from you yet. You going to join the party next Thursday??
Jack Flash and friend want to attend the blog bash and want to know if 2 spaces are available. See his post above.
JM, that HECO bill was $400+??? Do you have a/c like me?
gigi – already replied to his email. just waiting for the email from jm2375
UHfan808 enjoyed reading your bio….Our Tsaiko Nation rocks….what style of karate did you win your belt in
Thanks to those who came out for a lunch at Camellia’s. Can you guys imagine if we DIDN’T know who the owner was??
Stretch, I thought lunch was at Genji.
Da braddahs bettah not shout, da Wahines bettah not cry, da keiki bettah not pout, EH! lemme tell you why!!!
He sees ’em wen dey blitzing, he knows when to “pump-fake”, he already knows how good he is so try geev ’em some space for good-ness sake!!!
Da braddahs bettah not shout, da Wahines bettah not cry, da keiki bettah not pout, EH! lemme tell you why!!!
gigi – yeah, sorry, it was at Genji’s. Must have been one too many beverages so I forget where I was.
Stretch – Gee, I thought I was too late. Anyway, the wardens at Kaneohe only let the inmates out once a week, and since I already got permission for something else next week… Hey, what about ULSAA dinner Sat? Aren’t you going?
Gigi – yes we have a/c. Hubby can’t live without it.
Howzit howzit.
wat about da Warrior braddaz sleepin in da area of SSC? hearin da TSAIKO ALL STAR BAND, seein da peeps makin plenny noise, you get security for keep out dem Warriors – da place too small? I mean, we’re for them, right?
I taut about dat today wen da Honoruru doc called me this a.m. an cancel my frenz surgery for tomorrow; last minute blood sugah hi in Hilo, last minute hilo detekshun lumps in her chest, more tests, lie dat. Jus tinkin aloud.
maybe if day come, we go make a walk through practice. 😀
Just like all these big companies sell their products with pretty ladies like the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders or the Sports Illustrated swimsuit models, the Tsaikos got UHFan808 and Midori7. Thanks for the eye candy! Steven please cut out Kanoa’s face. He making me jealous.
jm2375 – i’ll make you a deal, i’ll stop by the MPB if you come to the Tsaiko party.
Wow – Colt is coming in on Saturday then leaving Sunday?? I guess we have to be thankful he is willing to take the flights for such a short stay.
Well, maybe I can do an Esme on my way home from work….depends on how the wardens feel that day.
Kazz needs to get on stage widda All-star band for one of his lyrical masterpieces.
Any report from UW this afternoon?
“UW” = UDubb?
UW = Uncle Walter??
What is UW?
UW = Unsupervised Workouts
howzit howzit. wat did you see today? please pretty plesae.
t’anks, Chawan
Good evening chit-chatters.
All I get for being a UH alumnus is a phone call each month to donate money to the school. (I do, btw).
Not like I’m not proud of graduating from UH, I am. I think there’s only that one game per season per sport where if you’re a card carrying UHAA member you get some sort of discount.
Welcome to the real world and real prices for UH tickets!!!
Good size group again runing plays. Receivers were making some pretty nice catches.
I am looking forward to receiving another email RSVP from Dr. Dave for the blog party. I hope he decides to come out.
An interesting development.
I’ve been peeking in on the e-mails that #2 son has been getting from his next school.
Their skillz have been meeting for 7 on 7’s twice a week for the past few weeks.
Today they drove up the highway today to play the skillz guyz from the I-AA school in Portland (with the former Hawaii DC coaching them now) for a “friendly” (to borrow a term from futbol).
Going in, the tone of the e-mails was upbeat and determined.
Late this afternoon came a flurry of e-mails from the Northwest saying that these DIII kids had actually won, 12-7!
Very interesting to hear the language in these e-mails: “confidence”, “played with heart and class”, “expected to win”, “went about our business”
I understand that a “pick-up” game of seven’s in the middle of summer is a far cry from a season opener in the Swamp but maybe, just maybe, it gives me pause to believe what can happen for our Warriors on Aug 30…
from today, once again,
I Believe.
ST, Does anyone know what the status is on the JUGS machine.
Esme is coming to the party (and staying) so I guess you are too??!!?? Look forward to meeting another UHS alumni.
Kazz ~ You can audition for a spot on the program anytime my brother! If you can get past Liz, Esme, Pride, D-1, Wreck, Kama, A-Joe, and Kaipo…then you got my cousin ‘Buddy’ to get past. Ask Wreck what your chances of survival are if that happens! You think the youngsters at UH have guns…Buddy carries SP howtizers!
Stretch – stop putting words in my mouth!!! You know what I meant… 😈 Besides, you goin meet plenny alumni when you show up on Sat 😀
jm2375 – I hope one of these days you come out to something.
BHF2 howzit back bruddah. Practice was on the soccer field since the sprinklers were on. Last week Thursday practice was on the soccer field because of weed spraying. Resurfacing Cooke/Ching field can’t come too soon. The workout went a little longer than the usual 4:00. They were running routes past 4:30. ST can verify if the new receiver we saw was Henry. Kid looks good. Inoke passed well today. To all our Warriors, work with purpose and lay the foundation today if you want to be on that traveling squad to the Swamp.
Didn’t see the JUGS machines out there, but they’re fixed; right? bhf2.
Dr. Dave send in your RSVP even if you don’t type fast — 😀 sjmacro
d1: like your #393 post. One of the guys watching the UW today optimistically said “remember Appalachian State”. sjmacro
SJ, Thanks for the report, looks like they all staying late to better prepare for the Swamp.
Thanks for the UW reports.
Awesome bio UHFan808! I learned a lot more about you and enjoyed all of the details, especially about your growing up experiences that I could relate to. I’m guessing that this was the longest bio so far but I felt that there was so much more that you were leaving out and I was sad when it ended. Your Brown Bags success makes sense with how everyone raves about your “Funky Cold Medina”.
It was great to get to talk with you in person in New Orleans. Our lunch conversation with Midori7, UHFan808’s Friend, and the rest was especially fun. Like most of the other Tsaikos I’ve been lucky enough to meet it felt like we had been friends for a long time and could talk story so easily…
BHF2 [another HI 5] thanks for “making it happen” with the JUGS. I’d follow you any day of the week and twice on Sundays 😀
Stretch, sjmacro, and everyone else who has attended the workouts,
Thank you for your reports on what you saw! I wish that I could be there, but at least we can get tidbits on this blog.
I was so looking forward to reading UHFan808’s bio today, but it wasn’t posted until I had to start on my trip. I’m blogging from Palo Alto, as we are staying with some good friends for a few days. The drive was long but the kids were great the whole drive, and once we got here the kids played nicely together and let the adults sit around and talk…we all really miss this family.
howzit guyz. thanks for the update sjmacro.
regarding JUGS1. Tues am Mr. Hill said he had it in his shop and it was working okay, he was going to take it to the soccer field close by and fling some balls, make sure the rotations were right. said somebody wen mess wit da dials. i never call him today to see if he took it back yet and if he wen pick up JUGS2 yet. JUGS2 broken, but Hill is gonna get on it. I’ll check tomorrow to see if he took JUGS1 back to UH an find out wats up wit JUGS2. stay tuned.
btw, Hill wants us to win too. he knowz da urgency ah da situation. supah nice soundin guy.
Big mahalo for you JUGStacular effort!
Thank you for your effort with the JUGS machines! That is a big contribution to the Warriors that goes beyond just giving money–your time and effort will help the Warriors prepare for the upcoming season. Mahalo to Mr. Hill too!
D1, Really interesting reports from the Great NW. Is #2 son part of the 7 on 7 or does he play another position that is outside those particular skilled positions? How is he doing? Is he in summer school, an orientation, a bridge program? Whatevers, I bet you he and the local boys will be doing an awesome BBQ for the team on the 4th July. Congrats on his embracing his new peeps…sounds like a nice home away from home. You ought to send him some poi or mochi crunch overnight…oops too late.
AWESOME bio! And not the other kine bio 🙂
Glad we got to chit chat at Camellias.
Where’s al?
wafan: Don’t get me wrong, Mrs. Mau keeps on telling me, “Go to the Mainland!” But considering it’s just me and my Mom, I don’t know about the cost. I could take out some loans for two years, but I want my Mom to retire as soon as I start working, since she’s getting up there in age, so IDK about those loans.
Anyways, like I just told SteveM via e-mail, I’ll apply to UH and HPU, and see what’s best for me. I’m not going to get the best education, but I do want the best education possible, and so I need to consider all my options. Mahalo for your advice, though.
Actually, he’s still here. He’ll be going up in the 3rd week of Aug.
Not a “skill” guy per se; although at 205, it took a bit of skill to line up at Rt Tackle against the likes of #5 for da Buffanblu for the past 2 years.
i’m here.
i’m omnipresent!
how may i assist you today, duffer?
Just checking on you al, didn’t get to have the usual lunch/dinner today. Had pork and beans with vienna sausage for dinner.
wit buttah bread, too?
No, never had it with buttah bread. Must be a Oahu thing.
two day old rice is okay too. remove crunchy rice first.
so, i won’t tell you what i had for dinner.
Waffle, peanut butter, and banana for breakfast.
Lean Cuisine fettuccine alfredo for lunch, plus five ricotta/spinach ravioli
Mandarin chicken salad from Wendy’s for dinner
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want the off topic stuff.
It is possible that the recent food poisoning cases were NOT caused by tomatoes! If that is the case I think that the tomato industry will have a huge complaint towards our government’s handling of the situation!
Another article on the shape-shifting 80-story building being designed for Dubai. Each floor would rotate independently at different speeds (giving everyone a view that changes), with each tower designed to be self-powered! Wind turbines would allow each tower to generate all the electricity it needs as well as provide power for nearby buildings…making the skyscraper a green power plant!
I guess I’m not a typical cell phone user in the US. This survey found that the most important cell phone features when buying a cell phone are text messaging and a camera (???). Almost nobody cares about battery life and they are instead focused on the camera for their phone?
The guy who founded for online job searches is now starting an online obituary site.
No wonder Jason is 170 #’s.
This Macworld writer made a FAQ for the 3G iPhone.
Free play links pau.
Really enjoyed reading about you and those around you. Thanks for taking the time to write a very good Bio.
D1, notice I used the phrase, “those particular skilled positions.” I guess only Pride, Jim Donovan, and we linemen daddies know how much skill is required to put up with the d-line and linebacker terrorists. Will your son remain at OT or will he move inside to be more size appropriate at the college level? I would think that might work for him, since he already has a proven track record of success.
2 musubi for breakfast
Chicken-fried steak, scrambled eggs, hash browns (my kids ate my bagel) from Denny’s (near Magic Mountain during our drive) for lunch
Samples from Costco for dinner. We found out by accident that the Costco at Gilroy gives our a HUGE sample spread if you get there between 5:30 and 6pm. Two full rows of samples (and if you know Costco, those are LONG rows) plus the regular row of samples along the aisle. Nice way to save money and get a variety of food…plus, the sample givers were generous (1/2 a Costco hot dog as a sample? We got 4 half hot dogs due to my wife and kids).
If I were 170, I would’ve cut out the extra five ravioli. 😉
“gives out”, not “gives our”
USA volleyball with Clay Stanley on ESPNU 219 now
I don’t remember Clay being that great a server at UH. He’s much improved. Served like 6 straight points to win the 1st game.
two cup coffee for breakfast
sirloin melt, onion rings from Jack for lunch
leftovah chow fun fo’ schnak
from foodland:
fried chicken
potato salad
fo’ dinnah
Oh forgot about da piccha of Nabeyaki Udon I ate after I looked it up for gigi!
Good evening Tsaikos and Tsaikettes!
UHFan808: Great Bio! I remember doing a lot of the same things except for the travelling…my family had too many kids…
LizK: please check your gmail
SteveM: sent you an email
Interesting look back at how the conferences have fared ever since the ACC grabbed BC, Miami, and Georgia Tech from the Big East and the Big East took
Yep. those unseen skills (and closely guarded secrets) that only O-line guyz know.
Not sure where he’s gonna contribute; but he will.
Right now he’s like his older bro was coming outta HS – getting strong but no can hold weight.
Hey the numbers are back…
okay now must go back to catch up on the blog.
Interesting to see how the realignment affected the Big East. I was one of those who wondered if the Big East would lose its BCS Bowl spot.
Funny how losing some of its top teams has made the C-USA better in some ways, including financially.
More changes are expected to come soon, especially with the Big 10 and Pac 10:
Discussion of perception vs. reality includes the WAC.
Interesting to look at the amount of money each of these conferences gets, especially their TV revenue. I hope that the new WAC TV deal is a huge upgrade over the current one. With UH, BSU and Fresno getting more respect now, and the good ratings from last season, hopefully that translates to a lot more cash.
d1shima — looks like we have similar food habits. Except mine is 1 thermos coffee and hold the coleslaw. No wonder we have the same relative shapes. 🙂
Barry Markowitz — my email to your pixhawaii account just bounced after 4 days. Glitch or you changed your addy?
A player’s ring for the 1999 Florida State national championship team is now on eBay for a buy-it-now price of $3,899.99.
Hey UHFan808.. I must come to a cattle call sometime and meet you.,.. I wanna hear about your time with the band
D1 & all Tsaiko’s…oh to be young and not be able to maintain our weight…those were the days. Have your son start snapping the ball, and keep going to Derby’s…I think those skills would put him in a preferred position…especially if he is a long snapper kine guy who can perform in the “shotgun, pistol, and Kekoa’s infamous Howitzer formations.” I am sure I speak for everyone here that we would love to get reports, even if you are too shy to post them here…I would love to get them privately via e-mail. I really enjoy following the kids we have seen, succeed in the Mainland (or if they are one of the talented and lucky few, here in Hawaii for UH).
3 Georgia players just got into trouble. Two players don’t seem to be in much trouble if all they did was touch someone’s stomach, but the third guy is in BIG trouble.
One Oregon State senior is no longer on their team.
If the PAC 10 does decide to expand to the PAC 12, I hope UH puts in a good effort to be considered. I know there are a lot of reasons why the PAC may not want Hawaii, but there are also a lot of things that are attractive about Hawaii.
My lurker friend Dim Sum, who I can’t convince to start posting, and I have talked about it, and we both feel the present UH admin (DM, VH, JD) must try to put a package together that the PAC can’t refuse. The biggest issue today is obviously the travel costs. Maybe the UH has to agree to subsidizing travel again. That can be offset by the increase in attendance at Aloha Stadium, the Stan Sheriff, and PPV. I think viewership in Hawaii will go way up if we’re always playing the PAC schools.
The other negative for Hawaii is the size of the market. That’s where the UH has to actively promote UH sports to the Asian market. I know these are difficult times, but like we expect our Warriors in Florida to give it their best shot, we must expect the UH administration to do likewise regarding the PAC.
I know everyone says the UH has no chance, but if expansion is on their mind, this the one shot that we’ll get in a long time. Most of our sports measure up to the PAC. I think our academics are sound. Our facilities, both upper and lower campus, need attention. That is beginning to happen, as shown by the Ching Foundation donation and recent funding by the Leg.
We have to dream big…
I agree that assistant coaches should have some type of guaranteed contract in place to at least give them time to look for a job instead of having their benefits cut off right after getting fired! Amazing that more than half of D-IA assistant coaches don’t even have a contract that lasts a year.
Yeah, the Tsaikos will get the updates.
Deal. I going start dreaming big right NOW!
The TV market is a concern, but UH can point to excellent TV ratings on ESPN and a possibility for another time slot for Pac-10 games, which would be good for the Pac-10 when they start their own network or negotiate their next TV deal. Since UH home games could start far later than the other Pac-10 games, maybe that slot would be valuable for the Pac-10?
Your point about the Asian market is a good one, as that could help expand the TV market for UH. But I don’t know how much the Pac-10 would buy that argument, as they won’t have their games shown in Asia so that market won’t help their ratings. That is why I would point to the ESPN ratings and the unique TV time slot.
Scheduled work day for me tomorrow on my almost-vacation, so heading to bed now.
Thanks Barry — got it.
Goodnight everyone!
Article about replacing Heisman candidates went out of their way to take a shot at UH and at the WAC. More bulletin-board material for the Warriors…
Could UH expand into the Asian markets with games against the Japanese college teams…or are their “college teams”, like what Bryan Derby coaches, actually high school teams, but incorporate college into their name (as was the case at Samoa College, in (Western) Samoa?
BHF2 ~ You bettah get da size 28 Slippah and smack dat guy, ‘Hill.’ The only JUGS machine they had at practice today was the Orange GAtor Aide one that they had ice water in.
Like sj-macro said, practice ran about 30 minutes longer. I think it was because, They seemed like the guys who were getting into the spirit of the workout. I was impressed with the man of *Steel.* He works hard before, during, and after practice.
Alexander the Great practiced barefooted like he had grown up in the islands or something. He is starting to respond to good advice from Funaki about looking away from his ultimate receiver until the last second. Made a big difference as he did not get picked off all afternoon. He also worked on his foot work despite the lack of shoes.
Stretch noted that Alexander sometimes has a habit of throwing from a ‘full’ windup. Thus he doesn’t release the ball as quick as he should. Howevr when he does unload a pass to the flats…whoa!…that buggah leaves a vapor trail. If you are a receiver, you prolly feel like a baseball catcher catching a 90 MPH fast ball barehanded.
DB’s work hard out there, but the QB’s are starting to ‘gunsling’ and pick apart the almighty *D* Lots of talent on display today. The soft Manoa breeze combined with a picture postcard day, made it a pleasure to soak in my 1st unsupervised session.
One other very important observation. Your Blog Host works the players like a carnival barker making his pitch…”Hurray, Hurray, Hurray!”…”Step right up and toss that football!”…”Get those ‘reps’ in there and fire those bullet passes!” I blinked my eyes and thought I saw the the ghost of a real coach out there.
You make some good points about Hawaii and the Pac-10. As you said, the fact that Hawaii can play a late game, which seems to be well received even on the East Coast may be a big plus. I think Hawaii is still a magical name everywhere.
Hopefully, the travel situation will settle down to something more reasonable over time. Hawaii is competitive in all the major sports: football, volleyball, soccer, basketball, baseball, waterpolo, swimming and diving, and now even track and field.
It’s a long shot, but we’ve got to give it our best effort. I’m happy that we seem to have an administrative team that will find some creative way to get the attention of the decision makers in the Pac-10.
Wait a minute, Uhfan808 is a ♀ ❀ girl? ❀ ♀ 😯 😆 🙄
Wafan ~ We know. I’m willing to bet she is very much aware of it as well.
Not just any ole girl mind you… 😉
Maaan… it’s late.
No mo time for nuttin til Friday.
Sweet Football Dreams!
Too late to post anything. See y`all in de mawning.
thanks for #458. I’m sure that your observations, our posts, are getting back to the players, keeping them on their toes. support our Warriors!
i’m calling first thing this a.m., find da scoops from Hill,.
stay on our Warriors, big guy! make all dem wanna work REALLY hard right now, right now! show em you’re happy, excited. let em see your smile. make em feel da urgency! show em in your most excellent face.
58 days an countin…
Howzit BHF2!
howzit las vegas, good morning
Morning Mr Ralph, you seem to be an early bird
more like a night hawk
how’s your health, hope you are doing well…unless its your dogs you’re always taking to the clinic
thats right, still 2 am in Hawaii, right around the time to leave the bars on Koreamoku
just listened to sukiyaki – kyu sakamoto….to bad I didn’t hear d1shima rendition of the song at the karaoke gathering
I don’t go on the darkside with koakane and james…they are probably stumbling around Hotel street looking for Maryanne’s better half..
thanks for asking, I go to da clinic on M/W/F what a drag
one of my dogs goes quite often to the vet too, keeps developing stones in her bladder.
had surgery twice already, thousand bucks a pop!
Yeah, James is famous around downtown, make sure you wash your hands after meeting him.
I didn’t have stone in my bladder but one of the staff in the office had a few and she had to have surgery, big ouwe…I had kidney stones and let me tell you it is painful in passing stones and they were very tiny..
Hmmm, wonder with all the new bloggers here, how many know who/what Maryann(e) is
Every so often random tests are conducted with 4th graders in the mid-west that ask where would they like to go in the entire world. The number one response is Disneyland. Number two is Hawaii.
Hawaii has great market potential without even tapping into the Asian market. Our government branches as well as the private sector need to coordinate their efforts in developing an effective and efficient marketing plan that everyone can benefit from. Use each branch strengths to everyones advantage.
But, joining the PAC 10 requires more than market reach and good athletic teams. (If that were the case, we would’ve replaced WSU or AU decades ago) We seriously need a solid education system in place and be noted as leaders in fields of study.
By default, our location alone should’ve made us leaders in the studies of Oceanography, Vulcanology and Space Exploration. Yet, we’re far from it.
Our new Kakaako medical facilities need to rival UCLA School of medicine. Our film school needs to be in par with USC’s. Our Ocean studies need to be superior than OSU. Our studies in alternative agriculture needs to trump WSU. Our space exploration studies need to better AU. Our Vulcan studies need to never be second to UW. Our Shidler school of business should compete with Stanford.
If we could have all these disciplines achieve their goals, a mere national championship in any sport is all gravy at bringing notoriety to UH.
But I say, we stay where we are. We build stronger bonds with Boise, Fresno and the rest of the WAC. We make the WAC a superior product in itself. We can always schedule a enough PAC 10 teams every year in every sport that It’ll feel like we’re in the PAC 10.
doctor told me not to drink to much green tea or gulf vitamin c tablets, they tend to form oxalate kidney stones…
among other things, I passed a few kidney stones in the past three weeks.
kinda neat, except for the whole feel like dieing part
how’s your family on Maui, I remember you coming back to visit a family member
Howzit, ‘Joe or maybe ‘sports
if the stones are very large, there is a newer medical procedure to break it down and allowing it to pass more easily. I hope the next time my next batch begins to exist they come up with a new drug to dissolve it completely…to painful.
no family left on Maui, cousins all back on Oahu
in Feb I was in Honolulu twice
Good early morning Tsaikos.
howzit howzit.
check out University of California Berkeley’s web site. get everything, and don’t look like a For Sale shop either.
I say A/sports at Genji’s today for a cc. A/Joe had to work but it didn’t matter she came to enjoy our company.. ha ha.
not to brag, but thanks to the ‘Vegas family plumbing, I could’ve handled much larger stones with ease, ……just kidding, but I had no trouble peeing the buggah out.
all the pain was in da kidneys and the right ala ala
I need spell check on this blog
good morning to all the insomniacs of the Tsaiko world
I miss Genji, used to go about twice a week.
Ahhhh the drinks, the food, the obachans, the cats at the door begging for food and da friendly roaches by the dumpster, heaven!
A/Joe I agree, for UH to join the pac 10 it should improve their academic standing first, remember it is student-athlete..the education level in many departments at the UH are not recognized by their peers at outstanding depart. because of faculty, infrastructure, course level, lousy research library and up dated equipment to teach and do research
go sleep you kolohe
I guess all the tourists are in bed, bulla is upon us
Hi Coach B!
aloha guys,
no just doing paperwork, i have a board meeting today, and oooops, not prepared. had a great dinner last night at the willows with coach ron mcbride from weber state, good fun, good times, lots of memories
It will take the combined efforts of you three to make us a national power in football.
Lets take the 09 schedule, for instance. UCal Berkeley has its first game spot open, thats the latest on its web schedule. In 10, it has a open date too.
Lets talk about UCal at Berkeley and UHawaii and its Institute for Astronomy and Cal’s megabucks programs run at Cal, in Cal, using fiber optics and the observatories on Mauna Kea. Hawaii kids on the big island, what they getting?
I mean, they’re spending plenty research money, plenty construction money, and what we getting? Don’t tell me about academics, talk to me about what is in it for us neighbor island people.
which brings me to scheduling football games. I got nothing against Bears or U. Central Arkansas. I’m sure they would be a worthy opponent for our home game. And we were there once ourselves. But why not Cal Berkeley? $$?.
Jim, if its something else, like you need research assistant help in tracking down available opponent, we got plenty retired peeps here who’d search the net, find out who is available for our open dates in 09 and 10, and beyond…. just gotta let us know. we’d be on it like flies on ….
just a thought….
RIMPAC for the entire month, that means 10 teams of 5 for shore patrol, plus ranking officers (10) riding with HPD. they say economic impact will be 23 million for month of july. keeamoku businesses get 10 million, waikiki the rest, oh well.
Bulla was he at aloha stadium for the clinic
man, don’t you sleep big boy? can’t believe your brain is cranking and you’re on Hilo time….wow, you impress me sir 🙂
yes he was, along with about 25 other NCAA coaches who stayed at my wife’s hotel in waikiki. awesome job by the coaches again, lots of schools represented out there these past 3 days.
Hmmm again, just realized Ron Mcbride is the old Utah coach, lucky for Weber St. to get a Quality coach
mcbride recently was awarded the Lifetime Coaching Achievment Award from the Utah Coaches Association…pretty neat stuff.
he coached chris maafala, jamaal anderson, and many others who were able to make it to the next level and play on sundays…..such a neat old guy with more stories than you and i combined.
BF2 I saw the list for the blog bash, don’t recall seeing Hinshaw’s name. Maybe they have a special guests list and the list I saw were tsaikos only.
gotta roll guyz,
domestic at one of the hotels, japanese speaking, HPD and EMS is rolling…..
see you guyz and gurlz in the morning…………what a city, what a state, what a country, what a blog, what a……….nuf already, bye
SMU just got their 11th commitment for 2009, along with 4 grayshirts for 2009.. Mac has one…it helps to have $500K budget to drive around Texas…and as Garret posted a few times, JJ ran multiple clinics over a week’s length for different age groups and also a junior day..
Ralph, Bulla, Las Vegas,
where do I start? Blog bash? mentioned earlier, prolly going get more peeps at da door than get space, especially da playahs whoz sleepin close by, bonding. 😀 Alot ah da supah party peeps gonna be inside, gotta figah da lines for tell da playahz who like come inside, listen music, smilin faces, lie dat.
Gotta keep da muuud guuud fo da braddaz cuz 8/30 is gonna be jus 51 days away
at dat time, an i no like spoil da muuuuuuuuuud!
Go Warriors!!!
BF2 l hope there is a large hallway or tunnel area where peeps can hang outside of the wong room to socialize…more elbow room…use the room for food, raffle, music but can hangle conversation on the outside..
BF2 Esme will be there…she has a blog of her own, Hawaii.moms…good place to ask all the moms to come out to Mrs. Mac’s football clinic and to persuade reluctant hubbies to buy season tickets to the only game in town.
She usually appears in the wee hours of the morning on the blog but lately she makes a grand entry and exits left just as quickly as she arrived
talking about SMU, JJ and Mack.
did you watch L&L tonite? JL gave Mack a “yellow” card, a take-off from soccer penalty, for going to Samoa with JJ. kinda funny.
i like JJ win at SMU. the sooner the better. There’s nothing wrong with thinking or saying that. We’re past the SB. I have the utmost respect and confidence in our coaches. the short irishman is working really good with his team. he’s got all his assistants going off guuud…. I can’t tell about two of the younger ones, mostly because they’re new in life and keep their guards up… I’m talking about Rolo and Brian…. but the players like them, and the coach likes them, and thats all that matters, imo.
which is why I’m watching closely the lifting program… there’s a difference between a 98% grade today, and a 94% grade today but will yield a 99% grade tomorrow. I can’t tell the difference, but I’m guessing the “discussions” could involve that kind of stuff.
BF2 Leahy needs a dunce cap…NCAA rules, college coaches can’t visit recruits, quiet period. But JJ used the June Jones Foundation to sponsor and pay for the trip, not the colleges, and coaches were from more than one college therefore legal in the view of the NCAA. Therefore, UH lucked out, its coaches could meet with players on someone else’s dime, NCAA approved clinic, and have a grand time. JJ could have done the same thing and invited another team’s coaches but he didn’t. To many people are trying to find fault with JJ because he left
I guess I better check out and hele on to bed, got to go to work this morning
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Mahalo to all for the get well wishes. I’m supposed to work from home today, so I’ll be on the ‘puter more often. Knee is a little stiff, but not too bad. It’s just the dang crutches that are a bummer. No doin’ the “twist again, like we did last summer…”
LV, hope you do better too. There are ultrasound devices that break up kidney stones so they are smaller to pass.
BHF2, mahalo for your energy & kala to get the JUGS machines fixed! Will look for your granddghtr. in August. I’ll be here for the Welcome dinner & probably the picnic that the Hawaiian club is putting on.
Jason, NAU has an outstanding COE, but it’s on the mainland. Normally, you would go to another university for a post-grad degree in order to broaden your educational experience. Especially important to colleges & universities that hire you to teach at that level. That’s probably why your counselor is recommending that route. Keep sending your suggestions into McNamara & JD re: what you would support & pay for as an alum. I sounds like they don’t have it nailed down, so your input could very well be used to make up their future programs. I had sent in info about our SportsPass program here, and I don’t know if they used that to make up the Manoa Maniacs program, but it let them know that it’s a successful one elsewhere.
K, breakfast: Kona kope, yogurt & toast. I should be able to tolerate Portuguese bean/vegie soup for lunch. Hurrah! I can eat again. Just like a Tsaiko!
I sounds = It sounds, unlike iTunes…
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
There is only 7 days, 13 hours until the party starts!!
Re-Jim Donovan
Early in the week I listened to the call the AD show. And I was impressed with how JD ingratiates himself with the public. Much of this has to do with his openness, which I think makes him the antithesis of his predecessors. As I was listening to him on the radio I felt like I was back in high school listening to the football coaches pep talk before the game. How he articulates has that effect. For he’s very passionate and emphatic about turning the program around. Yet shows a lot of empathy to listening to all suggestions and ideas from the public.
In the sixty minute show he opened up the play book. And ascribed the directives of what the department has to do. There are two concerns. Aside from upgrading the facilities, which presently has about 10 million set aside, and other concerns like, “as what one caller put it lack of curb appeal in identifying lower campus” are external issues. But importantly, in his opinion, internal issues, the gap between him and the upper campus administrators can’t be circumscribed with myopia (narrow-mindedness) as in the past. And this is so profound. And true.
He has talked to the Legislature, or some members personally, and has made it known that he needs another 20 million in the next two years for facility up grades to be in his words at the level of a BCS school. And in the interim (you have to love this man) “someday in August we’re going to have a community day in giving the campus a face lift”. This is great.
Another issue he touched on is that (I hope I interpret this correctly) Cooke Field will be moved to where the team presently practices. But will have an astroturf field similar to the one out at Aloha Stadium in place hopefully (his words) by the end of October/ or September. This is very good news.
When asked about the teams chances at Florida he said we have to go in there with the attitude that we believe that we’re going to win.
There were other items he touched on. Revenue from tickets and parking etc.
When alluding to working with John McNamara he said he was doing a wonderful job. Didn’t hear Carl Clapp’s name mentioned.
When Bobby C, interviewer for call the AD show, mentioned that the overall perception of the athletic program seemed to show a big improvement in the last few weeks I would agree also. For it seems like JD is rekindling the bonds with fans and UH. And one way of doing this is being open. Earlier this week regarding the suppression of information concerning the Sugar Bowl he admitted and apologized for the mistake vowing it won’t happen again. Being contrite and openly honest has it’s merits, especially if your in the business of selling a product to the public, fans, alumni, advertisers and high end contributers to the program because they can see a fake pretentious athletic director a mile away. And we have in the past. And maybe for some we can forget the past, for JD is as real as it gets. And start a new era absorbing the ideas of JD because I think they are really good ones. In the last few weeks he introduced a reduction of ticket prices and food concession prices. These are great idea. Showing a little Aloha for the fans is what makes fans fall in love with the team. And the program. The ad campaign on the radio, where UH athletic departments thanks the fans for their support for last year is a good touch.
Showing, expressing and articulating such reverence to the public and fans are gestures on JD’s part that makes us want to fall in love with the program. Enigmas and athletic director hiring faux pas of the past has JD, now, having a hunger to make for all the lost time. You get this feeling (I know I do) he’d go out there and strap it on and lay some hurt on an opponent for all this lost time.
The Warrior fever is mounting. And what transcends during the next five years of the JD and Coach Mack tenures, I’m thinking, we have a lot of excitement and innovative plans to look forward to. On the field and off, hopefully, we’ll see a lot of improvement in surpassing the NCAA school athletic ranking of 52 (school’s highest achievement, this past school year) and an overall improvement in the classrooms (APR).
Mahalo for the report on the call the AD show w/ JD. He’s a genuine person, lots of aloha for the program & Hawai’i. Being a businessman in running the Sheraton Bowl really helps in the job of AD.
what I found interesting is that McNamara was at Hukilau for the show but Clapp was not. Maybe he had something else previously planned but it would have been nice of him to support his boss.
marlis . . .
Thank you for your insight to the JD show. Those of us stuck out here really do appreciate all of the reports from each of you from UW’s to CC reports to Call the Coach.
Again, many mahalos!
Good morning Tsai-ko’s!!!
Good Morning Tsaikoville. Good Morning wafan!
Great Morning All.
Tried programming for dream da big Pac-10 dream.
All that came thru was $7 a gallon gas and the end of the airline industry 😯 as we know it!
I tink I going confine myself to focus on Aug. 30 for now.
I believe.
A/joe – re #481
Gotta remember that those schools have had YEARS to build those programs and that those programs are THE outstanding programs at those schools. There is only so much money to go around. UH needs to decide which programs to focus on and try to attract high quality researchers with proven track records or potential. From my previous life supporting research at UH, getting grants from some agencies can be very difficult. Some have even accused a certain large federal agency of being incestuous (ie only those researchers who have previously worked there would get the grants).
UH also needs to support their existing researchers better (ie better pay and facilities) and get rid of the dead wood. While the pay for the new faculty was market range, those who had been there for years were stuck with the union-negotiated salaries.
Just my two cents for what it’s worth.
Tsaikos – have a great day. For those of you starting an extra long weekend – LUCKY YOU!! Hubby off to Maui for 4 rounds of golf in 3 days.
Aloha Kakahiaka!
UHFan808- a true Green Monster! Thanks for sharing your bio!
marlis- mahalo for the JD report… it just keeps sounding better. Hope he gets a contract soon!
bhf2- did you find my addy?
BarryM- hiya!
wafan and UKU@LA- OSU tickets have been ordered
HIHO for anoddah heavy workday.
after getting caught up on the blog, if your son is at 205, he will probably play on the inside of the o-line. It amazes me how the NWC actually has some decent size guys in the trenches. When I played, I was the shortest starting tackle in the league at 6′, but I weighed in at 288 my frosh year and 305 my sr. year.
It’s interesting that “dead wood” and “union-negotiated” would appear in the same paragraph.
Is your hubby gonna get together with duffer and whitey?
dj . . .
How is everything on the other side of the hill? We have been having nothing but thunder-boomers all night along the foothills. I think experienced summer last week.
Any big plans for the 4th?
LizK . . .
Thank you — whoo-hoo!!!
I’ve noticed the “expansion” of the measurements on the rosters of the NWC teams now as compared to when #1 son was in the region playing – get some beeg buggahs now.
#2 son is hoping to get in some position play. He started out as a center but when he got to the Vars, the pass pro was only “fan left”, “fan right” so no need one guy who can kick out but he is very capable of doing that.
Anyway, his value at the next level may be in his right leg so he’s spending time working on the place-kicking and kick-offs. Bulla calls him “Thumper” for a reason. haha
we got a little boom action on tuesday night for a little while, but for the most part it’s been mid to upper 90’s and sunny. No big plans for the 4th. I actually have to work tomorrow and saturday. It’s ok though…double time.
morning to all the early birds
hey the monarch bash cuzins patrolling the NW making sure dey all is good. morning men.
meiling stay safe and exercise the knee when can so it doesn’t stiffen up. know its
hard and God speed
bhf2 just 7 days till blogbash looking forward to swapping stories and beer’s with you.
d1 in my heart I would like to see UH step into the PAC 10. this would be a tremendous upgrade of the university and the athletic program. I have been hearing rumors for over 20 years about the pluses and minuses. I would really like to hear the actual facts as to how a prospective school can be considered for admittance.
so do the wildcats still have a huge number of players? We only played there once while I was playing and during warm ups, it was like looking at 3 different teams. They had one group on the stadium field, and 2 others on 2 different practice fields. It was an intimidating factor for teams going there to play.
Eh – it’s past the 6am deadline. Where’s the new bio?? Unless ST is still sleeping??
good morning koakane
make sure you two guys no backwash….
stretch what field trip you have planned for afta bash?
field trip straight home so can go work the next morning
djmitcho what years where you at dmhs?
dj . . .
Planning to stay at home. Too many crazy drivers out there combined with the cost of fuel makes for a compelling set of reasons to stay put. I am hoping the Lake Washington, Lake Union and Seattle Center fireworks shows will be telecast this year. Hey, maybe they will put the Gates’ private show on TV again. Most likely the Bellevue show and “performance” by the Bellevue Philharmonic will be on.
wafan and djmitcho can send me your email addy’s, koakane at hawaiiantel dot net. like send some tsaiko infor to you’s. thanks
stretch so same like afta we left hungry lion yeh? 😆
koakane . . .
Backwash is not a good thing. But seeing as it will be in beer the alcohol should kill off most of the nasty stuff. Just remember not to look before tipping it back; and keep your teeth together.
kden back lattas going into office check on stuffs
catch you all afta lunc horwa
esme again hip hop tip top soa toe gotta go holo holo whoooooooosh
We kept hearing from other NWC schools that he was interested in that the Wildcats still stock the cupboard pretty full.
Howzit. I would love to see it, too. Just see that it is gonna take a good bit of hurdling to get there and there doesn’t seem to be an end to the hurdles that keep getting put out there.
Time fo’ HiHo. Spok you latahsss…….
d1 – nah. A bunch of guys from his office invade a neighbor island every year around this time for a “tournament”.
i was at DMHS ’86-’90. I was a frosh when James was a senior.
There is still time for those who have not emailed yet but Friday, tomorrow, at 12noon is the guarantee cut off for anyone to RSVP for the party. The clock is ticking so no wait anymore. Email me at tsaikoparty at yahoo.
UH dont sell yourself short. You may have a smaller market in your eyes to some other place but you got a QUALITY market. Just ask the Sugar Bowl. They know now. If ever Hawaii has a chance to represent in the mainland again, you can be sure that you will not hear stuff like, the fans dont travel well or it may be too far for their fans. Their has been 2 mainland bowls in my lifetime by UH and obviously the Sugar Bowl ruled but I was at the San Diego Holiday bowl and Hawaii traveled well to that one also. If I was the Pac10 and I wanted to expand, I would put Hawaii, BYU, Fresno, Boise State in the mix. Now out of that 4, BYU shares their market with University of Utah, Boise shares with Idaho, Fresno is stuck in the middle of LA and San Fran and Hawaii shares their market with no one. If I am the guy making decisions, I pick UH and BYU period. BYU because you will never lose your Mormon fan base even if you start to stink and UH because even if the team starts to stink, Hawaii fans are still diehard fans plus all the PAC10 would love to come to Hawaii to grab a free vacation. These are my thoughts.
Great bio UHFan808, enjoyed reading your young live experience.
Any update on status of JD’s contract?
Is it with the UH legal eagles?
Great work on the ‘jugs’ – whose paying for the repairs, need any contributions from Tsaikos?
Good Morning Tsaiko Nation!
Ahhh!…another beautiful morning on top the ceded lands.
MeiLing my dear, I hope you are surrounding yourself with plenny stuff in order to rehab that knee with. All the modern miracles to help speed recovery. plus your fave local style comfort foods and Hawaiian music to fill the hale.
Mebbe just for laughs, you may want to review ST’s rousing rendition of the “Lion” song on YouTube, along with the rest of the Tsaiko ‘Greatest Hits’ collection.
Plans are being made so that soon we will have the raw un-cut version of our Bash Band’s sold out Sheriff Center concert. The ‘Live’ recording, entitled Eh!…No Touch, No Belong!” featuring The Tsaiko All Star Band, will be available soon on line or at your favorite flea market. Stay tuned!
Nice ‘trash talking’ there trashout! Very valid points made. Not only did we do what you said, we spent tons of money in New Orleans, our host city. There were statements made by the retailers that we were excellent guests, and out spent the Bull Dogs and most of the previous teams invited to the SB.
See now this is where it is important for the new media director to get on board by cranking a campaign to those BCS cities to spread the Aloha. Remind them with articles placed in their local papers about what we bring to town when we travel. It’s not just the football team…you get the whole Kalua Pig with sides! You get the built in entertainment factor with all the color and pagentry of Polynesia on the prowl. You get the spirit of Aloha from some rabid but well behaved fans.
Well…some well behaved fans…Homey has had his ‘shots’ and travels well in the back of pick up trucks. Koakane, well…ok, ah…let’s talk about our football team.
Nah, nah!…j/k – my EIS pahtna will sacrifice his spare time to give an accurate report of any and all Sports Bars beverages.
Speaking of Koakane, from what I understand, he will be showing up to the party at 1pm to make sure that the beverages are, gulp gulp “not to sweet” gulp gulp “not to rancid” gulp gulp “but jjjuuuuuuuuuuuuusstt right”
Esme!?…did you lock me inside da playhouse and trow away da key? How anybody goin’ come inside if you wen do dat?…Ho you! Wait till I tell Pride…he not going sing witchew no moa!…Hello? Hello?…Where is errybody?
#520: Marlis, good report. While it wasn’t easy to hear the discussion at Hukilau I noticed JD scribbling notes whenever calls came in. That alone indicated to me that it was very important for JD to fully understand and to answer the questions posed in a thoughtful manner. The manner in which JD answered the questions was respectful and to the extent possible complete. Kudos to JD.
See!…toll you. That’s my dedicated pahtna!
I think the only way for UH and other teams in the WAC and MWC to stepup to BCS entiltement is for the top(4-5) teams in each conference to realign themselves in forming a more solid base from top to bottom, and to play the kind of schedules which would bring recognition. Form a new BCS conference.
Good morning Tsaikos…
Great bio UHFan…was really busy yesterday so didn’t get to respond. You’ve had an interesting life…I kinda wish I had gone to John Robert Powers…but ended up being sent to Barbizon…MWAHAHAHAHAHA
djmitcho – Wow!!! You were a freshman when I was a senior?? I better pull out my annual and take a look…..
koakane/djmitcho/wafan – I guess it will now be called “ST. DAMIEN SCHOOL” since the pope approved his status today and canonization is scheduled to take place next year….It will be interesting to say that the four of us attended DAMIEN MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL before it accepted lower division students and became ST. DAMIEN SCHOOL….kind of cool….
kekoa/UHFan.. I remember that night as well. I was more tired than blasted and actually had to pull over at one point and ended up taking a power nap for about 30 minutes…than proceeded home. Your concern and caring was greatly appreciated though….
“interesting” & “cool”, you sure?? It just shows how old you guys are!!
Good overall report on JD’s interview with BC.
Hmmm… Community Day at Manoa for a “facelift”? Sounds interesting!!!
trashouts- good points.Taking it further- what the Hawaii fans did in NOLA was also on par with the best PR that the HVCB could have possibly planned – and we (well, most of us) paid our own ways to do it!
Now I’m thinking that UH’s bid to go for PAC12 affiliation could get some “love” from our esteemed czars of tourism – for the pendulum swings both ways and Hawaii comes out a winner twice!
Sorry- one more thing.
Please update The Warrior Beat website.
The news is old- except for the current stories- the links are bad (go to the old blogsite) and the right column features need to reflect the current year’s football schedule and relevant tidbits.
Oh- and Leila Wai VIDEOS of the practices would increase readership.
Congrats to you Merry Monarchs on the news of Fr. Damien’s canonization.
I really don’t understand why the process took so long. I mean every Spring get about a hundred something “miracles” to choose from at graduation time! 🙂
Nah, really j/k.
St. Damien MHS, right on!
Where’s the Princess???
Liz ~ Mebbe doze HA Boss peeps no can read!…all the more reason to post the Pricncess Vids again. She was looking as radiant as ever at yeserday’s practice. No wonder the guys were so fired up and making ‘big’ body!
D1…that’s true…how I got through HS I’ll never know..mwahahahahaha I also thought the 1986 season when we won 4 games in the second round and could have won that round if we only beat, ummmm, da boys from Kalaepohaku, was a miracle…but the Vatican didn’t think so….MWAHAHAHAHAHA
Stretch – That’s true..never thought about that. But at least dj and I can say we are younger than KK and wafan…MWAHAHAHAHAHA
If anyone knows of a LB or an option QB that wants to go JC, didnt qualify on time or just decided he needs to go to college, please let me know. I got a JC with scholarship money and dorms in need.
(Jesse) James,
Giving new meaning to “The Hail Mary”!
who isn’t younger than Koakane – or at least looks younger??
Liz ~ You know how the ancients used to be so careful that their shadow never crossed the path of their Princess? Well, yesterday I discovered that I had a very disturbing problem…I get too much shadow! Bwhahaha! (I gotta work on dat).
KK…actually, when the PAC 10 was still the PAC 8, there was talk of having Hawaii join the league. However, Arizona and ASU were in the WAC and with their instate rivalry, proximity to the Cali schools, etc, it was easier to have them jump ship to form the PAC 10 (and more financially sound at the time). Thus, with spots opening in the WAC, Hawaii was invited and joined.
I actually think that the talk, nationally, about superconferences may go somewhere, especially since athletics costs around the country will probably only continue to rise. Making 16 team superconferences that would have a sort of championship/playoff series may be the answer to defray costs while still making a profit for member schools. An interesting concept.
Stretch…that’s true. Not many of us can look like Mel Torme…
Wow “St. Damien” is official?
That’s pretty neat to have a Hawaii-based humanitarian as a Saint.
I went to elementary school at St. Theresa’s not too far away from Damien and I used to remember when the band used to come and perform for us every once in a while.
Mel Torme?
Stretch…that’s true. Not many of us can look like Mel Torme… and for those of you who don’t know who Mel Torme is…here’s a pic.
I no remember the band. Jus’ the CHICKEN the brothers used to make for fundraiser – none bettah!
Koakane no look like Mel Torme, Torme get brown hair, not white.
yep james I remember when arizona an a state got in and can understand those two because it sowed up most of the west coast for the PAC 10. from sources that I knew back then UH was not even in the PAC 10 picture and UH had to battle to be even considered for membership into the WAC. only got in after making stupid concessions which at times were very costly.
btw good morning bro
KAZZ…technically it’s not official. The Pope signed the papers today approving him for sainthood. All that is really left is setting a date for canonization which will make if official. That probably won’t happen until next February when the Vatican holds a Consistory, which is a meeting that takes place once a year that deals with matters such as these.
I think this looks more like Koakane
hahaha, i crack myself up.
BTW – where is ST with the new post??
wasn’t Gov. Burns’ vision set on WAC mmbrship?
KK…Interesting. I just remember hearing the PAC 10 talk back then just when Tomey was coming in. Good morning to you too.
Stretch – Didn’t have time to find a pic of Mel Torme, the later years. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
How you got a hold of his grad piccha?
as my email said before going early to set up but if need official tasta I not going refuse. also add g to my merry band of helpers.
New post is up.
Way to go. Always ready to “take one” fo’ da team. 🙂
Jason Rivers has just been added to the autograph signing this saturday. go to for more info.