“Ukulele Boi”
Byron Hahn-Morin loved his family, his friends and music.
He respected elders, youngsters and those his own age.
As the self-styled “Ukulele Boi,” he entertained us with his music and inspired us with the belief that doing what you love best is the best way to live.
He was 21.
He will be missed.
Deepest sympathies to Liz Kauai and her ohana.
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Please click to watch Ukulele video: Ukulele Boi
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Not sure how he did it, but 12 days after suffering a sprained MCL — and we all know by now that all sprains involve some degree of tearing — defensive tackle Saui Matagiese is ready to play in Saturday’s game against San Diego State.
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Heavenly consolation to LizK and her ohana.
morning tsai, tsaiko’s, tsaikette’s and 808
sending my condolences to LizK a super UH fan
have a good day
Condolence to LizK and her ohana
RIP ukulele boi
So young, so young. Very sad. Condolences to the family.
A moment of silence for LizKauai and ohana…………………….
Aloha kakahiaka. Imua Rainbow Warriors!!!
Aloha kakahiaka. RIP “Ukulele Boi”
Imua Rainbow Warriors!!!
Good morning, gang.
Hearts full of love to LizKauai.
Good news about Saui!
morning tsaikos. not a good way to start any morning. my deepest and best sympathies to LizK and her family. Ukuboi was way too young.
Much aloha & condolences to LizK & ‘ohana, so young…
On another note, Evan Enriques signed w/ Stanford for men’s VB yesterday. I was hoping he’d consider UH more, but the financial package he received & challenges made it too appealing. Best of luck to him, a really great person & outstanding student-athlete! Stanford’s gotten a real gem!
Boolakanaka, sorry I missed you when you were on the KS-Hawaii campus, it would’ve been nice to chat some. You mentioned Semones & Arcineaux: I’m an Oxy grad, so I’m pulling for the 2 Hawai’i coaches to do well there, Io Triumphe!
Go Warriors, finish tough!
Sad Morning.
Forever young…ukuleleboi
Thanks, ST.
Saui says, the next one is for Byron. They were classmates and baseball teammates. 🙂
I think we are going to see the W this time.
Mahalo, everyone, for your warm aloha. Always hard to lose a Tsai-ko….
Especially so young and so full of life.
Mahalo, Ke Akua, for the gift of knowing Byron. He’s a sweetheart. <3
Morning, Gang!
Condolences and prayers for Byron, and all of LizK’s ‘ohana.
And my prayers goes out to Liz and her ohana.
Good morning, Tsai-kos and Lurk-ers
My deepest condolences to LizK and family. Ukulele Boi will be missed 🙁
Condolences for LizK and her family during this difficult time Prayers for strength, comfort, guidance, and discernment to help you navigate through this deep valley. Please know that we are all there alongside with you.
Welcome to Saturday’s game, Saui!
Amazing news, ST – Was there some spesho remedy?
Our deepest sympathies go out to Aunty Liz & her family.
It was a blessing to know Byron.
I will miss him.
Good morning all.
Liz Kaua’i, deepest condolences and sympathies to you and your ohana. You are in our hearts and prayers.
Fun video. So sorry for your loss Liz Kaua’i
Condolences to the family. Always hard to say goodbye to a fellow musician.
This being the Retro game. All this retro gear. How can sports marketing drop the ball and not have a #54 retro jersey?
Our deepest sympathy to LizK and her family for the loss of Myron – so young, so talented.
Good morning.
Condolences to LizK and her ohana.
On the air plane from Dallas to Honolulu, I read the Washington Post sports page and they listed the first team offensive and defensive players – listed as a LB is a 6′ 2″ 220# named Ali Nuimatalolo – only a sophomore – maybe an interest in UH 2 years from now?
Visiting with our Optometrist, whose son is a recent Naval Academy grad, we met John Venarie and Karen Nuimatalolo, wife of Ken, before the game. Very nice and tall lady – maybe 6′ or 6′ 1″
Deepest sympathies to LizK and family. Byron will be missed.
R. I. P. => Ukuleleboi
(((((((((((((((((~LizK & ohana~)))))))))))))))))
11. HiloBilly..Sorry we missed you. Great events at the Keaau campus–fantastic kids and faculty. We did one of our programs on the evening of the girl’s vball championship, right across campus, and thus were expecting just a trickle of folks to be present—no– we had over 50 enthusiastic folks!! Imua–malama pono!
As for Dougie, your alma mater is in very capable hands, mark my words, in another couple years, the word championship will be on peoples lips.
Finally, while I do not know LizK, my support and aloha go to you and your ohana. And when you have time to reflect, remember: Aloha mai no, aloha aku; Little bruddha just returned from whence he came…..
Condolences to LizK and family.
Glad to hear Saui is cleared to play.
God Bless LizK and her ohana. God Bless the BOWS! Get a win !
Condolences to the LizK ohana.
Boolakanaka…Your Words touch above and beyond. Thanks. As you said,
” Little bruddha just returned from whence he came…”
Blessings to LizK and Ohana.
Love & Peace to Lizk & family.
Ukulele Boi…great talent…nice shirt!
Info on Na Koa’s annual awards luau is now up:
32–Ipuman, you know we all get to a certain age, and well, loss is part of the package–whether we like it or not. So, the adage that was taught to me from long-ago, Aloha mai no, aloha aku; When love is given, love should be returned….good travels Little Bruddha.
LizK. May you find comfort in you faith.
Saui ready to play? Wow. His legs must be made of Legos and he just switched out the pieces/parts.
That’s good news for the team but you always gotta worry about the dreaded re-injury.
Life on this earth is short but the spirit is eternal.
Love and condolences to Liz Kauai and family.
Good morning everyone!
…well, not so good at all… deepest condolences to LizKaui on this sudden loss. We Tsai-kos who had met Byron and heard him perform are deeply saddened, but fortunate to have met him. Rest in Peace Ukuleleboi.
Aloha Tsaiko Nation, my DEEPEST condolences go out to Liz Kauai family on the lost of Ukuleleboi as his talent playing his string music was just BEAUTIFUL. Even though I never met him just watching his video was fantastic as when he finished I applauded from my computer seat as such a FINE talent will no longer be around for us to see as I KNOW he is with the Hawaiian Angels playing many tunes and SMILING with that handsome face and quick wit charm. May his soul ALWAYS rest in peace !
This morning I concluded my last day recruiting for University Of Hawaii as my area South Los Angeles, Animo High School treated me on this final day of “first class hospitality” and mutual respect. A standing room only of 185 interested senior high school students all PACKED in their multipurpose auditorium as I was escorted to there stage with a head gear mike being put on me as all I can see was HUNDREDS of young minds dress in brown and black eagerly anticipating my presentation on attending The University Of Hawaii. It was so filled I saw underclassmen students out side the auditorium some how lifting them selves up to the outside windows just to be part of what was going on as Hawaii was the FIRST time visiting there school and I KNEW what was at stake as I just DELIVER the ALOHA to them as I was just ON !
After my 45 minutes presentation was finished I received a STANDING OVATION as they just rushed to my table filling out interest cards as Adult teachers had to be called on their intercom service to control the flow as my words “studying in paradise, cultural enrichment, Loving The Ohaha and becoming RAINBOW WARRIORS” just INSPIRED them to sign up and yes all 185 did as it took an extra hour to get everyone done as the words “thank you, appreciate you and please come back again” was express by students and faculty through out my departure. I even had area athletic coaches from Fremont, Dorsey, Washington Prep and Lock High school present as how they got in was a shock to me as I gave them extra cards for their athletes to fill out as my volunteering efforts recruiting Los Angeles ended as it began just plain “AWESOME!”
The FINAL numbers 662 students combined from Santa Monica, South Bay and South Los Angeles. Of the 662 students / 98 were athletes men or women playing soccer, basketball, football, baseball, volleyball and even track. I have 3 boxes filled for UH admission as I just await to receive from them postage paid return boxes as January-March 2014 are application deadlines.
Finally, I would like to thank all of Tsaiko Nation for ALL of your support. The green “H” banner I received was just a TREMENDOUS site as it hung PROUDLY in back of me as I stood in front of it wearing my hilo hattie aloha print H shirt with my green warrior cap as I just DELIVER with no hesitation or nerves coming from this DISTINGUISH alumnus!
Simply The Best, Better Then All The Rest!
Have a GREAT day good folks as Liz K has coin me “The Ambassador Of UH Aloha” as I hope I have done it PROUDLY with my love and dedication for my alma mater. God Bless it ALWAYS!
Not sure if anybody saw this yet….
UH Retro Uniforms by Under Armor. Really well designed uniform. Since Under Armor does not produce the helmet, no helmet shown. The shoes are amazing! I didn’t realize how much I missed the old UH Rainbow logo. It’s a classic.
Sending warm thoughts and prayers for Byron, LizK and Ohana.
Sending healing aloha and love to LizKauai and Ohana. And now he can fly…
LizK, Deepest condolence to you and your Ohana!
Much too young……thoughts and prayers.
Wow Liz, so saddened by this news.
Never met your son, but by all accounts and testimonies he sounded like a champ.
May God’s peace and comfort be with you all.
My prayers go out to lizkauai and the Ukulele Boi’s ohana. Faith will carry the moments that are the most trying.
Is it me or is SB nation teasing Hawaii’s uniforms? “Hawaii football uniforms successfully make rainbows look tough” LOL
If Hawaii wins this weekend all the old school “Rainbow” fans are gonna say it’s the jersey LOL and if Hawaii Lose I’m gonna say it again drop the “Rainbow” from the nickname and watch the “warriors” get the first win. Hahaha
My thoughts and prayers for LizKauai and family. Rest in peace.
condolences to lizkauai and o’hana, rest in aloha ukulele boi.
Condolences to LizK. Way too young. Rest in Peace.
Is Normie going to announce his retirement at the Luau?
Biggest Condolences to LizK…
Condolences to LizKauai and her family…
Aloha, RainbowCliff!
Always good to hear from you and your efforts on behalf of our beloved school.
I tried to get in contact with marketing people at UH, but no one answered my email. I asked for a table skirt/banner that would hang from the front of the table. I had recently attended a couple of New Student Orientation events with my son, who is a freshman now at UH Manoa. We’d seen tons of tables displaying various banners, each representing their separate club, department, or organization. All looked as official as can be, and looked as though UH had ordered them or manufactured them. A similar banner for you to use at these college fairs would be perfect. But as I said, no one responded to my email for information or advice… even though their contact page says someone would respond within 72 hours.
Not giving up hope, though. There will always be more college fairs. It would just make sense for UH to have several of these made, and then sent out to folks like you who are truly trying to make a difference, and not just once, but in an ongoing effort on behalf of UH.
Keep doing what you’re doing, Bruddah! Some of us really do appreciate and admire your tenacity and unrelenting effort.
Aloha to you and your ‘ohana! Until we meet again!
Sorry for the Loss LizKauai and your Ohana. Praying for comfort for you all.
Words cannot convey the feeling of loss for Byron. I do remember his young struggles and his triumphs through his music. He overcame his hurdles and lived large. May your faith comfort you as the prayers of the Tsaikos wend their way to you.
HUGS // bg
Rainbow Cliff
You’re an inspiration for us. Another role model for over-coming obstacles and achieving greatness…enabling others to dream and achieve. Mahalo for what you do for the young ones who will grow strong and take their places after us.
// bg
A wise old tutu recently told me “life is a journey, death is coming home”.
Rest in peace Ukulele Boi.
Sincere condolences and healing wishes for LizKauai and ohana.
Wow, I forgot how ugly those uniforms look. The All Black Warrior Uni’s are the shiznit
LizK – my sincere condolences to you and your ohana
I just wanted to say as someone that has only met a few of you in person and a few more via email or fb… I never met LizKauai, but if there is one person who embodies the Warrior Spirit and Tsaiko Nation, its LizKauai…
Mrs Kauai, I don’t know you but you and your family are in my heart.
Heartfelt condolences to LizKauai and ohana for her loss. RIP Ukulele Boi!
Midnight and Barbara
Thoughts and prayers going out to Aunty Liz and the ohana
What’s with all these passings??? My heart goes out to all the families that are mourning their losses.
Rainbow Cliff,
Mahalo for your efforts to help with UH recruiting! Nothing but the best, you!
Tsaikos ~Is this possible?
My sister is blind and uses a wheelchair. She’s tempted to go to the game to support the team since she says people are SO negative when she listens to the radio call-ins after the game. So, what you guys think? Since tickets are half-priced, her hubby (I’m sure teasingly) asked her if she wants to go. I think she should go! They could even go to the tailgate. 🙂
This is what she wrote: “… I support those guys who play so hard and Coach Norm Chow; win or lose!
HI fans are so fickle; no loyalty, except for a few that we’ve heard make post game comments on the radio following the games.
I, for one still have faith in them and root for their first win every week!”
Kekoa, you might know what would have to be done to get her a spot on the concourse & parking. Does she really need a doctor’s note to use the elevator?
Mahalo nui!
Liz and ohana….
my prayers to all of you…… can’t say much, at a loss for words but my heart breaks with you…..
i’m still recovering from knee surgery, meniscus rt. knee, and i let coach chow know i’ll be out until next season, haha
bless all the tsaikos always, and you know my mantra…make memories, make memories, make memories……
Slugger, you’re a nice sister. Hope she enjoys the game! I love your loyalty to the team.
Condolences to LizK, I enjoy feeling your positive attitude through your posts.
Wes’side Warrior, BG & Slugger, thank you so much for your kind words and constant support to my sincere efforts recruiting for Hawaii from the city of angels. I accomplished the numbers posted “by myself” only because the aloha spirit just comes out and it touches the imagination of my young audience who really wants to know about the magic of Hawaii as I am able to describe it with my words of endearment to the respect and love that I have for UH.
As I grow older and hopefully wiser I pray for good health that I may continue to share the successes that I do with you good folks of Tsaiko Nation in support to the 50th state that I know gave me life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Have a good evening and God bless the true meaning of the Aloha State !
Aiyah! Sasa says funny how someone no like the out of date rainbow unis but uses out of date word like shiznit. No ack brah!
Slugger..tell sis I will be at the tailgate. Last time I saw her was at Aunty Amy’s farewell.
I’ll tell her you are going. That might convince her to go. I think I’ll call the UHAD office to find out what’s needed for accommodations. I think she’d have a great time.
My thoughts and prayers go out to you Liz, my dear gentle friend…no words can express how sad we feel at your loss, our hearts are broken and our souls weep at a loss so great that no one can truly comprehend.
Hiya Slugger!
1 – You must apply for a handicap parking placard begining with a note signed by your Dr.
2 – When you take this note/form to DMV – they will issue you a standard blue placard to hang from your rear-view mirror with a H/Cap ID/Cap card to carry in your wallet.
3 – As you enter the stadium gate, they will ask for that wallet sized-card and your ID card that matches the number on the blue placard hanging on your mirror. They will also ask for your driver’s license to verify you are that person. Present that wallet-sized H/Cap ID card to the personnel at the Information office for getting on the elevator.
4 – My advice for getting a W/C seat on the concourse, is to go to the ticket office at the stadium and ask what seats are available. Like me, most are season ticket holders and seats are at a premium. I wish I knew early on. I would have given her Diana’s ticket since she can’t attend. (Hubby could buy a seat in the row in front of us).
5 – We all miss your smiling face girl. We hope you can return one day. I think all the athletes at UH miss their Tsaiko Aunty.
~ I know how close you were to sistah Liz, please join us in prayer for ukuleleboi – along with the rest of the Hahn ‘ohana.
Mahalo, Kekoa!
LizKauai has been in my prayers.
Howzit Everybody,
Gotta say what the hell is going on. Another braddah gone to soon. Man this must be one of the worst weeks for the Tsaiko ohana ever. Losing two good young people is just to much for me to handle.
Prayers of blessings go out to you Aunty Liz and your family on the passing of this great young man. Still remember couple years ago when we first started this tailgate thing up at Richardson field and had one young braddah with his ukulele walking around just playing. When me and Wreck heard that Uke, we had to turn around to see who was playing. After that whoah brah it was ovah. We was singing and talking story about music until was time to go into the stadium. What a talent gone to soon. Oh and also remember when ukulele boi and his group entered that talent show and I think they won. Whoah that brought so much pride to my heart was unbelievable. Again, a great talent, a great young man, and I’m sure a great family man gone to soon. Man this sucks. Blessings Aunty Liz.
Rivers signed with UFAL So-Cal Cayotes. Go J-Riv!
Morning, Gang!
Game Day Eve!!!
As we approached Regan National Airport on 11/6/13, you could see for miles all the “fall colors” – just beautiful – had forgotten that “fall” comes later to the DC area unlike Mass as leaves begin to turn in late September
Even on our tour on 11/7/13, we took many, many pictures of trees – warm memories for years to come
My deepest condolences to LizK; the only diehard UH fan I know that flies in from Kauai to attend our home games.
Good morning Tsaikos!!!
Condolences again to Liz K and her ohana. 🙁