Thursday update
• Leon Wright-Jackson today resumed practicing. He said he has recovered from strained arches.
• UH has decided to go with last week’s left side of the offensive line — Keith “The Bear” AhSoon at left tackle and Brysen Ginlack at left guard. The No. 1 left tackle, Laupepa Letuli, won’t make the trip. He is recovering from a slight tear in his left shoulder. Wideout Jett Jasper takes Letuli’s place on the travel roster.
* * *
Wideout Dylan Linkner and defensive end Antwan “Tua” Mahaley are on the 66-player travel roster to Oregon State.
Both have worked hard, have been good teammates, and made the best of limited opportunities.
Linkner, a senior walk-on, has worked as a stocker at Longs and a waiter in Waikiki to help pay for school expenses. In the past five weeks, he has moved from right wideout to left wideout and back to right wideout.
An opening was created when Nate Nasca moved from wideout back to slotback to replace Kealoha Pilares, who played running back last week. With Daniel Libre healthy, PIlares might be moving back to slotback.
Congratulations to Dylan and Tua.
They have earned their way via hard work.
wow where’s everyone!
2 bloggers and a spammer, does that make me at number 2
I hope Tua gets to travel and sees some PT. He has worked hard, changed positions without complaint, he deserves a chance to show the coaches and fans what he can do and contribute to a warrior victory in Corvallis.
missed it
ok gnight now.
Wow ST!…How come a spammer slipped into the #2 position. Ralph should’ve been #2.
Hiya Liz! Rockin’ that baby girl huh? (Tsai!)
Ok…back to bed.
Good morning everyone!!!
Wow, top 10 — yay!
Off to school and a super long day. Open house tonight. I hope more than 10 parents show up for my classes tonight. The other year I had a total of 2 parents show up.
Weather forecast for the OSU game — looks to be a nice day in the 80’s! Might be kind of warm by the time the game ends, though.
Bring your sunscreen if you have delicate skin like I do. HA!
I have tried looking for Reser Stadium information about bringing in water bottles. Cannot find anything. Anyhow, Aloha Stadium still has the dumbest rules — compared to the major stadiums around here. Heck, at Qwest and Safeco Fields (homes of the Seahawks and Mariners) not only can you bring in water but you can take in munchies, too!
Perhaps it is a matter of greed at the concession stands?
Anyhow, if I find anything I will let you know.
Please remember to observe a moment or two of silence for all those who died today in New York, DC, and in that field in PA.
Congratulations to everyone who made the travel roster, especially players who may not have made a trip with the team before like Tua and Dylan!
good morning 🙂
hope all is well, and i hope that more parents come to your open house. as teachers, you work so very hard with our kids, i used to enjoy meeting the teachers, much to the chagrin of my children.
direct communication with your kid’s teachers is essential in a productive partnership…i truly believe that.
have a good day.
let us all remember those that were lost on this day
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere!
hiya LizK,
Deal or no deal. got a call late yesterday frum my frenz secretary. still no final answer, and its Thurs.
🙁 I rememba back 20 years on a Fri I tole Hofstra peep i wuzn’t coming, and Monday dare I wuz. yu right about da “neva eva give up” stuff. really wanna go wack da beaver fur myself! but i neva get da right kine enkuragemen 😀 YET. 😆
Good Morning Tsaiko Family!
It’s almost Saturday!!!!
Hi wafan!
I guess I’ll go to my son’s open house next week. His English (or Language Arts as it’s called here…) specifically asked that I go so I could meet her. I haven’t gone before because I hate going by myself, but that’s just me.
Eddie would go………………..
good seeing you this past weekend…so what is your ‘final answer’ on the Ching Complex fiasco with DS?
Article about Oregon State getting out of their 0-2 hole to start the season.
my wife and mother in law are leaving your city in a few hours….they had a lot of fun downtown
what is your prediction for this week’s game? i am concerned with our O line still, and hope that they do not have too rude of an awakening at OSU.
i no like thing about 9/11 cuz was a bad day fo all us. i’m reminded ah 9/11 errytime i go thru TSA, an erryday wen I go thru security anywhere. just last Saturday had dis bradda givin us da business going to da Tgate, he said we had da wrong name. heh heh
Randy had go straighten him up.
I’ve had odda bad days for me personally, especially 1/28, kaka Da Nang. 🙁 an recently, 9/6 wuz a kine ah bad day too. 😀 so if you mean me to remine myself we wen scrap so guyz like Sadowski an me an you an all us get rights, don’t remine me please. 😀 i stay all huhu wit Sadowski taking advantage of us wit his exercisin his rights. i not sure wat is wurse, da guyz on tv sayin da liberals stay runnin tings, an den day get ridda Olbermann an Matthews, or da same o same o day in day out.
oh well, at least I get fo enjoy watch sum braddaz wack sumbuddy in da name ah Warrior nation.
we going make da petitions and da poster, still a little early yet, get one bye week fo make dat happen.
we go make happy thoughts for Corvallis first.
Go Warriors.
From OSU’s Guest Guide…
Alcohol, glass containers, metal cans, coolers (of any size), backpacks, flags/signs on poles or sticks, artificial noisemakers of any kind, umbrellas, firearms, knives, or weapons of any kind, explosives or flammable material, pets, and beverages except for water in a manufacturer sealed container.
Article about the growing rivalry between Oregon State and UH.
I was going to refrain from making a prediction until I saw who was healthy enough to make the travel roster and what the status was of a couple of Oregon State players…I am worried about the left side of the OL if the guys are still hurt.
Aloha Kakahiaka!!!
LV, my Mom is there for the week but no reports on how she’s doing at the macines. I’m in the middle of moving so no can drive over there.
Good luck to the team.
LizK, may I call you to get an update on the game? I won’t have anyway to check scores. Movers are coming tomorrow.
I like the precedent that CBS is setting with *free* streaming of all of their SEC broadcasts.
thank you for the posts! I am soo fired up!
you guyz make a good point about da recruiting war with OSU but still yet I feel good dat Cavanaugh got sum braddaz. feel good for dem to feel good about demselves. imho Perry an Afalava wen seal dare fate. only going bring more pride fo us wen we go up an up wit da PAC 10, das da only way we can go up an up wit da SEC Fla an Ga.
which really irritates me wen we get Sadowski kine guyz around who more interested in dare rights den Warrior Nation. For $20K we stay fightin over who going fix da field? Definitely not going get my vote, an I am going 2 spend more time watching this Contractor’s Board and their deputy AG Rodney Tam. What a fiasco that gang. Definitely a Board to get rid of, a waste of taxpayer’s money taking up plenny space wit a big desk in da middle ah da room and plenny rules and regs. no wonda get plenny peeps who make endruns around da system, wit a system like day runnin…. encourages guyz to tink day can mess wit all us… no can, no can…
need to send Coach Mack ova dea, would take him 2 days for tell em “you off da team until you take care of your academics, be a part of the team…” in odda words, no jus talk a good game an make trouble fo da team….
Go Warriors!!!
Hope the Tsaikos take a few minutes to reflect on 9/11/2001. Everyone has a rememberance of that day. It changed my life an affected my work as I had to understand and deal with the issues that arose from this infamous day.
Reflect and be safe today……mahalo!
we share the same concern; Coach Smith was ‘fervently’ coaching Ginlack & Ieru during the last game, and he also pulled Estes in on more than one session.
i can’t wait to review the game films…..should be interesting.
funny story about ‘tinsel town’. earlier this week, the mrs. calls me up all excited, telling me that ryan’s good luck rubbed off on her…..she was sitting at the 25cent poker machine and just won $100. i told her that’s great…..she then asked me ‘what do i do with 4,000 quarters?…..
i told her to redo her math……she called me back 2 minutes later…..she had a ‘duh’ moment, but has the voucher from Fremont to prove it, haha
she’s good with figures but bad with numbers….go figgah dat one!
I’d like to think the OSU – Hawaii game is the new BYU like rivalry game.
I think, or I should say, a war on the field. Just leave on the field.
And come back as the bruddahs of Hawaii.
SO……..Warriors 38 da Beavs 34
Good Morning Everyone. I hope everyone takes time to remember the significance of what happend 7 years ago today. Let’s also remember and thank those who are serving our country today and sacrificing time away from their families and loved ones, especially those close to our Tsaiko family, to keep us safe.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
Last day of work then it’s off to Oregon!! Hopefully everything goes smoothly.
For those who are in Oregon for the game, the Tsaikos will be getting together at 8am for breakfast at Elmers. Below is the address. If there are any questions, please email me at stretch6592 at yahoo
Elmer’s Restaurant
1411 NE 82nd Avenue
Portland, 97220
503 252 8788
Just off I-5 (South bound) on the West side of the highway. About 10 minutes or so from the PDX hotels.
As others have mentioned, let’s take a moment to reflect on the horrible events seven years ago. I lost a cousin who was a fire captain in NYC. The aftermath was crazy. I’d go to film studios where they checked all the cars w/ bomb sniffing dogs and using mirror reflectors to check under the car. Security everywhere is now with passcards. Everyone needs to wear ID badges. Are we really that much safer?
Ferd Lewis got a great article this morning on OSU’s coach Riley. Making a home and home with OSU would be a big advantage for OSU. Riley’s earned it. Coach Mack would smack him up and up. I say we go make a home and home and home and home. great rivalry, da bruddaz would know when they graduate from high school wats on da horizon.
“us, or dem.” I love it! we got the coaches who understand and want to support student athletes across Hawaii and Polynesia. Coach Mack is good for us. Riley is good for OSU. we all win. and we’d have some really great games. all Hawaii players, plus the 36K+ fans who went Weber St game, know the State is behind Warrior Nation. So I say,
Due to our large group, we will have to change to another Elmers which is just as close to the airport hotel. Below is the new location. Please pass along to anyone attending so we don’t get split up.
10001 N.E. Sandy Blvd.
Portland, OR 97220
(503) 256-2150
Good Morning Tsai-kos!
Good Morning Stephen!
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Today is the day of Iniki for Kauai people. A day to remember what it means to come together as an island ohana in times of tests.
My prayer for the world is to be a global ohana – to eliminate the artificial barriers that prevent us from living prosperously in a peaceful world.
Act like Tsai-kos, not lolos.
Great Morning All!
A solemn remembrance of what brought the nation together seven years ago. We should always be the United States of America.
Morning gang-
Had continual visions in my mind last night with the Oreg. St. rivalry proposal.
This is gonna happen, as both coaches and AD’s want it, and the wheels have been turning now for some while.
The projected revenue from out of conference rivalries has so much more possibilities from regular season games. Many rivalry games on the mainland that have been established for years usually reach the 1 million mark in total revenue taken in for each program. Though were in a tougher situation with the large body of ocean that seperates each program, if we can get both venues under sold out conditions for the games, the marketing ideas keep growing year by year.
Bulla –
Funny Vegas story.
Just don’t sneeze while holding on to $400 in quarters in a bucket.
400 quarters
Quess I was getting too excited. :>
Article about the new weights at FHS in the paper this morning.
Awesome contribution from Alumnus Michael Gangloff (’91)
Aiyah- UKU@LA just called- he no can come to the OSU game… We will miss you, UKU!!
So- Stretch- we have one more ticket available.
Yes, the UPS guy just delivered my new UA UH jersey and beannie.
I guess I can go to work now.
Good luck to the team as they head off to OR.
Safe journey to all who are going to support either team. Sounds like it could end up being a mini-version of a UNLV road game.
Nothing wrong with a “heated rivalry” just remember, gotta represent Hawaii in the best way.
Stated simply, “Main ting, cool head.” 🙂
Right On!
I’ll look forward to seeing you with that stuff on in BOISE!
If I had an extra $262 for airfare lying around, I would take that extra ticket in a heartbeat. Unfortunately I just paid for 2 new crowns for my teeth. Ouch.
You can count on it!
Lots of shuffling going on with the line-up on both sides of the ball.
Guys gotta stay focused; learn those assignments, trust those alignments.
Wow. $262? 😯
For another $120 someone could fly HNL-PDX! Wassup widdat?
morning gang!
a little after 4:00 a.m., seven years ago i was sitting at my desk, turned on my computer, launched internet explorer and saw some buildings on fire, didn’t read the captions and then started the normal routine of checking e mail and snail mail, only later after turning on the radio did i learn we were being attacked and the buildings on fire that i seen earlier were the twin towers in nyc. my heart dropped and i called family and friends, woke them up to pass on the news.
sorry to go off topic this morning, but just wanted to recognize the sacrifices made on that day and the continuing sacrifices of our armed forces, peace keeping, and first responders ohana at home and abroad.
Have a great day erryboddy but please do take a moment to reflect on things today.
Da Perry an Afalawa boyz talkin like dat,
gotta get Inoke in da game. but…
put da midget first. Go Graunke!
assault da beavahz! 😀 😆
Go Warriors!
Happy Belated Birthday Bighilo !
djmitcho- oh… shucks… well 2 crowns – mo bettah to chew with at da next Cattle Call!
i know summa yu tink I’m making funny ah tings dat are not funny, an i aint, but i cannot resist da shot. 😀
I could teach our Warriors a ting or 2 fo use in da OSU game. i’ve experimented n disorderly conduct.
😆 😀 😆 😀
bhf2- go rattle da cages. And please let me know when you can come (staying optimistic). oddahwise- Stretch get one customah for your ticket…
Morning, Tsaiko-Nation and Tsai-Meister.
On 9-11-01 I sat in shock, staring at the TV screen in disbelieve, watching the billowing smoke and flames from Tower 1. At that moment I thought it was a terrible accident, but when a few minutes later the second plane hit, I realized with gut wrenching clarity that the world would never be the same for a long time to come. This day changed me and everybody I knew.
Lucky for us that evil is the minority, otherwise this world could not function, yet it is everywhere, like a virus invading the body of humanity. Vigilance is a daily and necessary requirement that will still be asked of the next generation. Evil never sleeps, it just waits. It tries to lull us into complacency by being dormant, but ready to strike at the next opportunity.
Let us never be fooled to think that we ever could negotiate with terrorists. Terror is their profession and the only thing their distorted minds understand.
Like the Cold War before, we must stay in this to the end, no matter how long it takes. This world is still worth fighting for and if the USA is not on the forefront of this battle, who will be?
Peace, Brothers and Sisters. A day to remember that Freedom never comes cheap. On this day my love and Aloha goes out to all our Armed Forces and other frontline players, who fight every day to keep us save.
you no I can rattle da cage! 😆
just tinkin aloud….. 😆
i still stay projekin guud vibes. happy tauts. dang,
pretty temptin yu no…. an den, dare is also dat udda conshence issue… 😀 😆 nah nah jus tinkin aloud 😀 tinkin about … Oregon State … 😆
okay, hidee ho, gotta go. back at yu dis p.m..
esme woooshhh
Go Warriors.
Da difference between da braddaz who play fo us an da braddaz who play for Oregon State is dat our
braddaz play for us!!! Warrior Nation!!! They’re making us feel good about ourselves. Us, including da homeless, wannabe, doze who’ve lifted demselves up and walk proudly among all dat is Hawaii. And dat especially includes da Tsaikos!
Go Warriors!!!
i sta all nuha cause no can go to da HAWAII-OSU game! have fun guys!
Howzit braddah UKU! Good to see you, brah!
Happy Birthday, Big Hilo Braddah! Wuts it like to be 21 again? 🙂
Dylan Linkner deserves all the props he can get. Good for him and Twa.
uku… it bro.
i feel your pain brah, i, too was this close but gotta do the call to duty first before playing.
d1……are the linfield wildcats still gonna make that trek to abilene, texas??
just a bit concerned here on my end.
I know. For that price I could drive down to PDX.
Great news for Linkner and Mahaley. Good luck to them both!
I would think after the Oregon State game, we will know exactly where the Warriors will be as a team. I believe we will be up there and they’ll show us their biggest improvement to date.
Where did everybody go?
Good morning Tsaikos and Tsaikettes…
Just wanted to remind everyone as well that the TV Gate for the next away game, which will be broadcast at 10:00 a.m., has been scheduled. So, for all you local fans who are not able to join Stretch and his merry band on the road to Corvalis, here are the details:
UH vs. OSU
Saturday, September 13, 2008
10:00 a.m.
Ige’s Restaurant and 19th Puka
98-761 Oihana Pl
Aiea, HI 96701
(808) 486-3500
They will open at 9:30 a.m. I will get there a little earlier because they do not take reservations no matter how big your party is. I would appreciate it if a couple people could get there early as well so we can save a big enough area for all who are attending.
According to Ige’s, they will serve some breakfast stuff, but will have mostly lunch and pupus. It is also being sponsored by Bud Light so I am assuming Bud Light girls will be there and they may have some specials (KK, that’s right up your alley). There will also be a contest for the Ultimate Warrior Fan. Per Ige’s, “Three lucky winners will receive tickets for the 2009 UH vs. UNLV game. The theme is the Ultimate Warrior Fan so come dressed to impress and unleash your inner Ultimate Warrior.” Not sure what that’s all about but I’ll put it out there.
Anyway, if you plan on coming to the event, please RSVP me at so that we can save enough seats. People are always welcomed to just stop by but it would be good if we had a rough estimate of the number attending so that enough room can be made.
Also, you can check Steve M’s website for details.
Oh, and I also want to ask everyone to take a moment today to reflect on the events that happened on that fateful morning 7 years ago. As a former EMS person, I truly understood the sacrifices those police officers, firefighters and paramedics made when going into the twin towers….and my heart went out to them and their families.
I also wanted to thank all those men and women in uniform who serve us every day and keep us free from the evils that abound around the globe….Thank you. WE WILL NEVER FORGET!!!
I know that I will never forget what happened 7 years ago, and those events have changed parts of my life. For example, one of the reasons that I quit a job to paid me a crazy amount of money to start a company is because I wanted to make a difference for our troops and to save lives. I know people over there and know how many others we have in those danger spots and if something happened to them that I could have helped to prevent, I do not know how I could live with myself. If you count the guaranteed bonuses and salary difference between my old job and my company, I’ve lost a ton of money so far by doing this (more than UH had to pay off HF to leave)…I’m glad that my wife has been supportive.
I’ve also turned down four offers to buy my company and I will keep turning them down until I’m convinced that the buyer will get the technology into the field fast. I use this blog as my stress relief or I would not be able to stop working when I’m not around my wife and kids. It is nice to read the banter and think about the Warriors when I’m not thinking about how to overcome some of the problems our troops have in the field.
If you think I find a lot of stuff to post about the Warriors…that is nothing compared to the amount of stuff I find that is relevant for my work. But the Warrior stuff is much more pleasant to read, with a lot less math!
Just had breakfast on the deck- and plan to work like heck to finish my granddaughter’s quilt beore I leave!
Is anyone bringing ti leaves to OSU???
Just wondering…
ST- have you left yet? Is the team staying in Portland???
Some of the first responders on 9/11 (NY Army National Guard) are currently deployed in Afghanistan. The ceremony that they had today must have been extremely moving.
Weather forecast for Oregon on Saturday..sunny high of 80…..
Just got back from practice. ST was there and I believe he leaves tonight. Practice was cut short by 15 minutes and they look good to go.
Had a nice talk with dad of #22. He could have been included as one of the items in Leila’s article had he gone to OSU. My continued admiration to all members of the team whether they start or end up on the scout team. Thanks to your families who support your endeavors. It’s tough being a student athlete.
Happy Belated Birthday to BHF and Aaron.
Hopefully Tua has a break out game vs. OSU. Hes been in the system for a while now…lets see what he can do.
Fresno State just signed several excellent schools for home-and-home deals. Nebraska, Colorado, and Mississippi are all very credible teams, and it is nice that Fresno State got home-and-home deals instead of just a road game at the other team’s stadium.
The team is staying in Eugene I believe.
Add my moment of reflection and thanks to those who currently serve in their own way–Tsaikos and their families among them
hopefully letuli will be okay by the san jose st game. that bye week will come in handy in mending all the injuries.
so what’s the deal with kia? injury or ????
what was the purpose for switching out ginlack with ieru in the second half last week? experimenting? more curious now that ginlack returns to start this week???
well, a lot of concern now what with all the injuries to both the dline and oline.
we all know that the game is won or lost in the battle of the trenches. perhaps that is why the “line of scrimmage” sounds so significant by nomenclature alone.
Taking a break….the Warriors just need to remember that football is a game of inches…make those inches and we win the game…I know that sounds cliche-ish…but it’s true.
We also will need to win the battle at the line of scrimmage. If the Warriors come out with the same intensity they did for the Florida game, I think we’ll be okay. OSU will be ready to play and so will our Warriors. Gonna be a good game.
moment of silence…
al – like the article mentioned, maybe Kia is inconsistent with his technique due to his injuries.
I guess after Saturday OSU Safety Al Afalava is NEVER COMING HOME!
No change as of now. Watching the weather reports, the “good” news for them is that the track forecast is now a little more northerly.
d1…I was wondering if they were gonna cancel the game. Some schools already have.
Like I said at the Florida game TV viewing…say what you will about SEC schools but those guys are hardcore football fans. My family living in New Orleans was telling me about how LSU was rescheduling their opener 5 hours earlier so that fans could watch the game prior to evacuating the city ahead of Hurricane Gustav….now that’s crazy…..
My remebrance of 9/11 is a prayer for all of those who were affected by it. I pray also for the day when men shall make war no more. God bless us all.
d1….hope so.
(j)j….did we eat the same thing or place recently that we are thinking alike or was it the water.
homey….yah, 9/11 will never be the same again. those numbers shall be forever imbedded in our minds.
i agree about kia. seems so frustrating for both he and pepa who have waited ever so patiently for so long only to have the injuries pop up time after time. that is one thing you can say about steinoff, he has been resilient and rather consistent.
i think lafu is proving that he belongs.
now, if we can get settled on the oline and start the quick dives off the line as brother pride. mentioned the other day our running game can get going.
9/11 memories…………
0330 we get a call from a dear friend. he wanted to know where the daughter was at the time, she was a flt attendant for united air lines at the time. then he says turn your tv on.
by then the first one already had hit. we get up to witness the second plane in shock and much disbelief. we finally get the courage to call the girl, she is safe in the west coast, but her friends are in new york and she can’t get in touch with them.
meanwhile, my friend calls back, his wife was in denver, she is also a flt attendant but for american airlines. she traded a flight that would have put her in new jersey and possibly on that flt from new jersey.
when tragedy hits close to your loved ones a reality hits that life can hinge on just a few near misses. you realize that there really is some divine intervention.
we see the great losses and ask why this has got to be. yet, we realize it is not ours to question why……….
God bless all those lives lost in that day’s tragic events and all those who continue to give of their lives in the days following up to and including today.
al – any news from the little birdie connection regarding potential O-line recruits?
How ironic that I have to go to Kalihi to buy dog food…BBL.
where you going for lunch???
no birdie news yet on oline types. i heard it is the next focal point of recruiting. well of course we can never have enough of linemen, cb’s, wr’s…………
i guess we still need one good rb recruit and one more hs qb i would think.
Seven years ago:
I was in my second semester at Leeward and my first class was at 9am. My brother banged on my door at around 7am to tell me “they attacked New York again”. Still half asleep and irritated I wasn’t sure what he was talking about until I turn on the TV in my room and the FIRST thing I see is a split screen shot of the Pentagon damaged and a vacant spot in New York where the twin towers used to be, although my first glance I wasn’t sure what or where that was in New York.
In all honesty the scope of the situation didn’t seem as big as I thought it could be until they started showing the full footage of the events unfolding on camera.
Sitting there with a blank look on my face and an even emptier feeling I never made it to my first class and showed up late for my second.
When I walked into that room it was bustling with conversation and the professor declared that if anyone wanted to go home they can, if not, he’ll just conduct a review of the upcoming first exam but not extensively.
Back then I worked for Papa John’s Pizza in Salt Lake and we delivered to all the military bases. I worked later that afternoon but called in knowing the access situation to all military installations…. Needless to say I only made 3 deliveries that day to military housing and the civilian calls were almost non-existent.
You could not escape the news that day, especially when you wanted to remain sane. It was a disgusting feeling knowing what happened and for the FIRST time in my life I truly felt as if those b**tards came into my home and robbed me. It truly felt personal.
I have never experience true hatred and offense before for something that didn’t “directly” happen to me, but in essence it was directed towards me, my friends, and my family. We were born American and we are American. Make no mistake about it the terrorists had us all in mind and there is NO justification for it and there never will be.
Two things will happen after Saturday:
-UH 12-1 after December 6 2008
-UH 11-2 after December 6 2008
…. following a win in Corvallis 🙂
Kalihi-bound, too.
Call me!
In remembrance of September 11 and all of us who were affected by the events of that day.
Speaking of travel squads: Who made this week’s Tsaiko Travel Squad?
I’ll take either number.
I noticed the story of “Whole Paycheck” opening a store.
Got this from Presley this morning:
“The Board of Regents has to comply with the State Sunshine Law, and one of the restrictions in that law is that the Board cannot discuss or make decisions on items that are not on the agenda. The agenda for the Sept 19th meeting will be formally posted by tomorrow afternoon. As of this afternoon, the Board is not being asked to make any decision on the procurement issues regarding the T.C.Ching athletic complex. Thus, you will most likely not be able to have your petition discussed by the Board at its September 19th meeting.
However, you may always communicate your concerns–via a petition if necessary–to the Board of Regents, and to the Manoa Campus and its Athletic Department. Our internal Office of General Counsel is aware of the protest, and I will forward your e-mail to the that office for appropriate follow up. ”
Back to the old drawing board…
Jello everyone…..chee hoo…..Go Warriors
9/11 was a close-call for my niece and niece by marriage: One had a meeting at the WTC but had a Parent-Teacher meeting that AM and the other had an office within two blocks of the WTC but got delayed that day.
My friend Stuart Ho’s daughter was not as fortunate. She was an top chef at the top of the WTC and was preparing for some event when the planes crashed into the building. Heather was never found.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord…
al…I think we’ve been drinking the same water and eating the same things…mwahahahahaha. Yeah, like pride was saying, O-line settling will allow for more of the running game of the run and shoot to be established…..
9/11 memories…just got off the first watch shift….was heading home when I heard that a plane had hit tower one. Got home and turned on the news before I took a shower….the news anchors were saying how there had been an accident in NYC and a plane had flown into tower one of the WTC. They began talking about how that wasn’t the first time that had happened and that a B-25 had flown into the Empire State Building. I began to think, “What the heck happened? How did that pilot slam into the WTC on such a clear day? Something mechanical must have been seriously wrong with that plane.” As the anchors continued talking about it, I witnessed the second plane slam into Tower two and immediatlely said out loud to myself, “Damn. That wasn’t an accident.” And stood there in disbelief as I knew we were under some sort of attack. I quickly woke up my mom, and nieces who were going to school at Kamehameha but living with me and we stayed glued to the TV the rest of the day. I will never forget that experience, or those people who died that day, or who have given their lives for the rest of us.
Like so many others, Mrs A-House and I were getting ready for work when Perry and Price mentioned about a plane hitting a Worl Trade Center Tower.
Quickly turning on the TV we witnessed the 2nd plane hitting the other tower. Shocked with disbelief of what was happening, we stood there and shed tears for those we never knew. Something I thought I would ever do in my life time, but this was different.
However, I was more disappointed when Pres Bush appeared on TV and said that what happened will NEVER change our way of life and America will go about our business. My first thought was, you dumb shit, it already has changed our lives for ever. And, airport TSA screening is a constant reminder of how things have changed.
May they all rest in peace!
good one.
you are right. it will cost your WHOLE paycheck to shop at WHOLE foods. espcially in hawaii.
at least they’re featuring home grown produce and supporting the local agricultural economy in a time when pineapple is getting out. they should start growing corn to make the ethanol for the insane gas prices we’re paying.
My uncle retired from H.F.D. after many years of service. I thank our first reponders and all those who did their jobs without hesitation that day. These are the men and women who run INTO the dangerous situation even while telling us to get out.
Stephen, stretch, Lizk, tombo and to all the other tsai-kos and hawaii fans headed up to the pacnorwest for the game.
take care up there in the sea of orange and bring us back a win!
I know I must have missed this info but where is the TG party at OSU?
And that my friends is why I really really like Mr. A-House!
Eh you! We know you are lurking. No make all da kine, just post already.
Ralph has been rightfully restored to No. 2.
Always get “mana” behind Mr. A-House’s words.
Ahhhhhhh blog justice prevails. When are you flying up, Mr. Tsai?
I remember so well, this day back in 2001. I drove to work in shock that it had actually taken place. It seemed like a dream that you are waiting to be awakened from.
When I got to work, someone had brought in a portable television and we just sit there watching the telecast is disbelief.
Unlike the President, we knew that our lives were forever changed by the event. We no longer felt that our place as a superpower gave us any sense of security because we had been attacked in our own “house.” To this day, I do not feel comfortable travelling outside of the United States or even when people I know are travelling.
My thoughts and prayers go out to those who lost loved ones on that terrible day and to those who sacrifice and fight so that those who died on September 11th were not lost in vain. Their sacrifice made us all aware of the evil that still exists among the human race.
I’ll be arriving in Oregon sometime tomorrow.
It could be a long day. We have to make the 2-hour drive from Portland to Eugene. Team is practicing tomorrow afternoon.
The camera is fully loaded.
Where’s Richard?
and to think he got re-elected after that……. geez
A-Sports – clicky the Pho!
Who’s Richard? Is that Rich’s real name or someone from work?
ST – Have a good one!
Since yesterday’s blog didn’t have more than 300 posts I guess we’ll have to wait till next week for ST to piggyback gigi.
Hey ST, could you get the Colt DVD from Rich when you’re in Oregon. Bring it back here and call me so that I can pick it up to take to Ronnie. I know that Rich said he would give it to her at the Fresno game, but I was thinking that it has almost earned a free ticket with all the mileage that it has racked up.
Just kidding. Have a great trip! Don’t let those OSU fans get away with taunting our coaches!
The one the University is directly involved with is at the LaSalles Center on campus at OSU I believe.
You might want to check for that information.
In any case I believe the Tsaikos are getting together at Elmer’s Restaurant in Portland.
homey – He probably won’t make it out of Foster Village!
9/11. I used to watch reruns of L.A. Law on A&E every morning before going to school. When I turned on the TV, however, it looked like some movie was playing. Wondering why the programming change, I looked for something else to watch. Only then did I realize that the “movie” was real.
I walked to school every day that freshman year in high school (got lazy after that), but that day I nearly ran all the way to class, knowing that my teacher usually had the news on her TV before school started. We all watched in shock, knowing the world was to be forever changed.
I think back to those who lost their lives that day, both civilians and our first responders who sacrificed much to try and save as many as they could. And I think of our troops, stationed here in the U.S. and abroad, all sacrificing much; and their families and friends, all sacrificing much. Let us all keep these people in our fervent prayers, and let us not hesitate to thank them and help them every day, not just on 9/11 or Veterans’ Day, or other occassions like those.
* * *
I remember ‘Iniki too. I was in kindergarten at the time, but nobody woke me up that morning to go to school. I walked out to a living room with taped windows, and a family huddled around the TV. I yelled, “How come no one woke me up?!” Then they explained to me what was going on.
As I understand it, some of the scars of ‘Iniki are still visible on Kauai. Still, due to the resiliency and cooperation of peoples and communities, the island is once again beginning to thrive. If only people would band together as brothers and sisters all the time, not just in times of tragedy.
looks like there’ll be 2 tailgates/big gathering of hawaii folks before the oregon state game. on by the UH Alumni Assoc and the other by Sportshawaii/islandsports media
stevem has the links here:
Frank was in the Marines when Iniki hit. We were living at Kaneohe and they sent his unit over to Kauai to help with the clean up and rebuilding. They were there for two weeks helping people to get roofs repaired and clean up the debris. That’s the part of his job that Frank really enjoys.
Rob25 – Maybe Frank should have been a carpenter. JUST KIDDING FRANK!
Yah! Wuddabout OBL dammit??!!
Damn… Jason… you were in high school???
I feel older than I should right about now.
Kazz – you couldn’t believe he was in high school? I couldn’t believe he ran to school! 😆
homey ⑤:
I couldn’t believe he ran TO school!
Good afternoon ST and Tsai-ko crew!
My parents left for Oregon yesterday and arrived safely last night. Apparently, it’s kinda hot right now, but they’re still in the Portland area. They went to visit my former school — Pacific University, which is where my dad graduated from. Gosh, I wish I could be there, too. UH game plus shopping with no sales tax. Who could ask for anything more?
And here I go promoting my school paper with this story about Tyler Graunke:
Kazz…I was in high school too….
Kelli…Are you gonna come to Ige’s on Saturday??? Homey was looking forward to meeting you…..
Party at Kelli’s House!!
J/K – if you talk to them, please tell them thank you for the ticket!!
Due to our large group, we will have to change to another Elmers which is just as close to the airport hotel. Below is the new location. Please pass along to anyone attending so we don’t get split up.
10001 N.E. Sandy Blvd.
Portland, OR 97220
(503) 256-2150
Kelli – your pen name is Russell Tolentino?
Now that Graunke is on the travel roster, which QB got left off? Santos?
Does anyone have a fire extinguisher? Cuz Kelli is smokin’ hot.
Brah, Check this out:
HOMEY said:
Because the President, in his infinite wisdom, and though there was no proof of WMD, decided to hit Iraq instead of concentrating on Afghanistan.
Our thoughts and prayers are with those who perished 7 years ago. I was a VP for Morgan Stanley at the time and my old office went down. My assistant, Boss and support staff all got out safely. In fact from the four floors that we occupied in Tower 2 only about a dozen perished which was really a remarkable statistic and a tribute to the evac plan the company had in place. A classmate of my son’s in HS got 102 people out by going up and down 70 flights of stairs in less than an hour and they all survived.
It changed my life in that i retired and did not have to deal with airports 30 times a year.
Still have my WTC ID and building pass!
Have a great experience in Corvallis, one of the classic college towns in the US
Just wanted to remind everyone as well that the TV Gate for the next away game, which will be broadcast at 10:00 a.m., has been scheduled. So, for all you local fans who are not able to join Stretch and his merry band on the road to Corvalis, here are the details:
UH vs. OSU
Saturday, September 13, 2008
10:00 a.m.
Ige’s Restaurant and 19th Puka
98-761 Oihana Pl
Aiea, HI 96701
(808) 486-3500
They will open at 9:30 a.m. I will get there a little earlier because they do not take reservations no matter how big your party is. I would appreciate it if a couple people could get there early as well so we can save a big enough area for all who are attending.
According to Ige’s, they will serve some breakfast stuff, but will have mostly lunch and pupus. It is also being sponsored by Bud Light so I am assuming Bud Light girls will be there and they may have some specials (KK, that’s right up your alley). There will also be a contest for the Ultimate Warrior Fan. Per Ige’s, “Three lucky winners will receive tickets for the 2009 UH vs. UNLV game. The theme is the Ultimate Warrior Fan so come dressed to impress and unleash your inner Ultimate Warrior.” Not sure what that’s all about but I’ll put it out there.
Anyway, if you plan on coming to the event, please RSVP me at so that we can save enough seats. People are always welcomed to just stop by but it would be good if we had a rough estimate of the number attending so that enough room can be made.
Also, you can check Steve M’s website for details.
Sup Gang,
Not much for country music but this song says it all…how soon we forget?
homey ⑤:
September 11th, 2008 at 1:11 pm
Easy answer, our Marines weren’t in charge of trying to find him…if they were, different story. That is why we are taking over in both sandboxes 🙂
(J)J – I heard the UH game at Ige’s on Saturday is not in HD…Dayum! I guess the only game in HD will be the Boise St game since ESPN will be broadcasting that game.
PB – Now that makes sense!
Homey two shawty DA BEAST YO! – Howzit killah, I agree Kelli is a very good looking uh writer. Her stories are great reads and yeah she’s uh, um…uh, hot cause it’s like in the 90’s over there right? 😉
Homey…WOT??!!!! Oh man…that’s just horrible….LOL
homey ⑤ –
Howzit, no worry sooner or later, dead or alive, he will be found…
Homey…I guess you’d better call gigi and see if you can come over than….she has HD…
Strained Arches, hmm…what a wierd injury…think it would be hard to run on that wouldn’t it? Anyway, glad LWJ and Libre will be back for the OSU game. Does this mean one of my favorite players Pilares moves back to slot?
Oh yeah, from yesterday no can membah if was koakane or Koauka but yeah Pilares would get to see the ball more at RB. I just feel as a slot though with his fluid running style in open space can make stuff happen. Regardless that guy is talented enough to play anywhere. I just wish he was starting or got to see more touches with the ball in his hands. He could be used like Reggie Bush in certain ways…
Eh where has Aunty gigi been? Doesn’t she not just have a HDTV but a big screen HDTV? Who get her number???
Did Pres. Bush say “NEVER” change our way of life? This is exerpt of what was said from 9/11 address to nation-
“This is a day when all Americans from every walk of life unite in our resolve for justice and peace. America has stood down enemies before, and we will do so this time. None of us will ever forget this day, yet we go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in our world.
Thank you. Good night and God bless America.”
May they all rest in peace!
Pres. Bush says “none of us will ever forget this day”.
If either of you can provide more info regarding what was said
contradictory to his address, please post. Thx.
Wassup with Aaron Kia? I not sure I liking the Bear at LT and Ginlack at LG… I thought Kia was good for the OSU game? Anywho hope for a speedy recovery to all our wounded Warriors, we need all the boys to be healthy once we kick off conference play. Just think when everybody gets healthy after the bye week, ho I feel sorry for our fellow WAC opponents…
Pauoa Boy,
Great song, brought tears to my eyes.
(J)J – Nah, OC16 PPV doesn’t do HD either…I think. Maybe next season they might. Then we can go over to gigi’s and watch it on their 100-inch HDTV while sitting on their patent leather reclining sofa’s surrounded by cool air generated by her Fujitsu split AC system.
Re: Travel roster.
Yes. Santos was left behind.
Dustin Blount, who is not redshirting, was taken off the list, too.
They’re taking four QBs — Graunke, Funaki, Alexander and Rausch.
Okay I know everybody get there opinions but can please refrain from getting into a bickering contest. Today is not the day…
So this morning at work, we had a moment of silence for the fallen Marines, Sailors, Soldiers, Airmen, Guardsmen, Civilians, and anyone else who has been involved with the events from 9/11. They also played TAPS for all as well, at which point I looked to my young Marines and said, ” If that doesn’t give you chicken skin everytime you hear it and make you proud to be an American, you shouldn’t be wearing my uniform!” Semper Fi!
ST – Any word on why Dustin Blount is not redshirting? Is it Coach Mack’s decision or Blounts? Would think that they would save him as you said earlier since we have Bain, and Washington who are Seniors and Medeiros and Pilares too?
Nassau-tek it eazy braddah, wen get old sumtime no can remembah ting ok? Peace brudah.
I know what you mean…today has been very emotional as we reflect back on what has happened. So many friends and families have been affected by such a tragic event in our history…and it should never be forgotten.
Ofa – Howzit, I agree Garret always get some interesting stuff for read about…whether it’s about football, our Warriors present and past, or just some random knowledge, it’s always worth reading!
Wassup PB.
Agree wicchu. Today is not the day for that kine.
…and I’ve stated before that I would hope that this blog not be the blog for political stuff.
d1 – Hey what you thought of the mayoral debate? 😆
Oh and more importantly, Pauoa Boy. Aloha and Mahalo for all that you and your Marines do.
Uh Nassau…
He also said
There was a big banner declaring Mission Accomplished. My husband is going there for his third deployment.
This is a little different than saying that our lives were forever changed by the events.
Thank you for directing us to the speech he gave that day.
Howzit, yeah I know. Today at work I almost went lick one of my young Marines for acting disrespectful while TAPS was playing. I told him stand at attention and he dared to ask me “Why should I, I don’t know anyone who died” Believe me when I say I almost killed that kid!
PB – Were you able to get a reservation for Fresno hotel?
We should meet up with the big tailgate that day and then after we kick those puppies down!
Mahalos to you all for the support you guys give to all our troops.
Aunty Rob25 – Howzit, and thank you as well for being the kind of woman who has the hardest job in the world…being a military wife! I know first hand the committments that you make! By the way, where is your Marine son stationed at?
PB – Thanks for the link to the video…hadn’t seen that before!
Aunty Rob25 – Not yet still deciding where cause I don’t want to be to far from the stadium and get lost. I dunno Fresno to well…plus the ITT guys over here told me come back cause they was trying to work one crack deal at one of the nicer hotels there…
Rob 25 – Yeah my friend sent me that video today, was very moving seeing the pictures and listening to the lyrics of the song…
PB – He leaves on the 15th. Has to report in Okinawa on the 17th. He’s looking forward to his tour. Alan is scheduled to be there two years and then would like to go Embassy duty. If he doesn’t get that, he wants to extend in Okinawa.
Thanks for the recognition. It isn’t easy what you do, but it’s just as difficult to be married to someone in the military. There are many rewards to the military life also, so I don’t ever regret the sacrifice that we all make.
K be back in a few, going to walk over to the high school across from my house, looks like they are having a memorial ceremony on the football field for 9/11…
Hiya Pauoa Boi!
Everytime you speak, you get me all HOTTT!
No need lick your marines, “lick” me.
Come on BIG Boi!
Rob 25 – Right on, so is he going to be on Futenma, Camp Foster, or someplace else? Anyway, Okinawa is a good time but lots of Marines get in trouble there and the locals are nuts sometimes with there protests. If he chooses to do embassy duty that will be a great experience and I bet he would love it. I too am trying to do embassy duty as I would be the station commander if I did. Dunno yet as duty calls for me to be in the sandbox next year…so we’ll see. Tell your son stay away from Gate 2 street…he will know what I’m talking about once he gets there!
Shoots! OK..problem. I have to play in a volleyball game today at 5pm and/or get Steve to the airport by 7 or so.
Oh…he just walked into the kitchen so I confessed what I was writing. He said “You are not getting my peeps to drop me off.”
I think Mufi may have lost a step but maybe he still can drain the mid-range jumpers.
Ann can try challenge him in the paint but might get bullied off the boards.
Panos gotta wait to see if he can challenge from the wings ’cause he no like bang with the heavy stuff.
Realleh…I like Lollipops, you sure you sweet like that? Aiyah, you too much you haha… Nah, I dunno if I can handle you so sorry my bruddah, I mean sistah, I mean uh…mahu! 🙂
Is the time on the blog and the time on your computers different?
Hi Aunty Wena, yeah the clock lil bit off but not by much…
I think the blog is set to Hilo time. 😉
PB – The Homewood Suites are only 1.8 miles from the stadium. Five minutes….you’re a Marine and you’ve been taught Land Navigation…I’m sure you can handle that.
We were stationed in Oki. Where is Gate 2? Are you talking about up north near Camp Hansen? Either way Alan isn’t the type to get into trouble, don’t forget, he is an MP. Too young to drink and is more concerned about playing his video games…I don’t really worry about him.
Wow I uh….. missed a few things here..
1st get Koa-MAHU giving me a heebeejeebees…
2nd get a “Homey” imposter tryin’ for mac like dis is da blog for hook-ups.
If ST needs a ride, i’ll volunteer in my portuguese hummer, aka the Honda Element, haha. no worries, least i could do for our fearless leader.
chawan cut, call me so i can pick up the goodies from you.
Do you think having the three mayoral candidates compete against each other in Texas Hold-Em game garner MORE ratings than a verbal debate?
If that doesn’t work they can all challenge each other in a game of Waianae Choke-Em. Garans Mufi konna win.
Portuguese or “Podagee”?
Rob25 – Thank goodness he’s an MP, garrans he going see planny action licking young Marines ackin funny over there…Gate 2 street is by Futenma if I remember correctly planny buy me drinky bars and brothels over there looking for young Marines to lure in and take there money.
Eh I know land nav but pssh whatevas…haha, nah I’ll look into it tommorrow again.
give #2 our best, tell him Wildcats are very feisty and fight to the bitter end.
Kazz – Anything involving physical sports I think Mufi konna win, dat sole is beeg
Hi Wena! I’ll pick Stephen up, if you know mind.
Uncle Bulla – Would definitely be Podagee Hummah if you get Wal-Mart style spinnah hubcaps on top…
Bulla and Stretch —
Thanks for the offer to take Steve. That was so funny Stretch…
Steve calls me over and he shows me the text message. I just busted out laughing. He said I make him look like a charity case.
OK>..He does not need a ride. I’m just going to go play my game and he will meet me up there at the gym if he wants to get to the airport on time.
everything is ok on the tsai front.
PB – Yeah, they had a bunch of them right out the front gate at Hansen. We lived at Camp Courtney in one of the towers…so we didn’t have to worry about them. All the young single Marines were up north. That’s where they abducted that young girl and raped her…all while we were stationed there. He knew from bootcamp there were plenty of idiots that he would see again…and told them so. I told him that you don’t make friends that way…he said he didn’t join the Marines to make friends.
Wena – Tell him to have a safe trip and bring us back a win!
Rob25 – Good for him…is this your 6 foot monster boy or what? He should play football up there in Oki… I think the league is starting now…ours started first game this weekend.
Dang…Wena, I was gonna give ST a ride but I see Koa-mahu beat me to the offer….
Wow…ST has peeps!!! I love those marshmallow birds….
Sad about Laupepa but happy to see Jett get to come!
Yeah Laupepa was looking good against Florida…need him back in the lineup so can move Bear back insai and clear running lanes for our backs.
Ice cubes down your skirt would help
Uh Rob25, I dont remember saying the Iraq, US or allies. I was talking
strictly about Ahouse and your comments about Pres. Bush supposedly saying on 9/11 that “NEVER change our way of life”
Rob25:September 11th, 2008 at 12:56 pm” UNLIKE the President, we knew that our lives were forever changed by the event.”
My question was to find out if Pres. Bush did say that lives would NEVER change or 9/11 will NEVER change our way of life. I asked for your help because I could not find anything in speech to support that. If anything, Pres. Bush saying “none of us will ever forget this day” sounds almost the opposite. I dont care for Pres. Bush, same as McCain or Obama.
Everyone is on the take, and my comments was not to offend you as I am not pro-Bush. My comments was to find out exactly if Bush made these comments which would definitely be considered inappropriate. I would doubt that the White House would allow him to say these things as the speech was probably not written by him.
aren’t you in OR already?
i’m making the 2nd set right now.
PB – He’s 6’2″(almost) and 200. The other one is bigger. Yeah, I’m going to tell him to get involved with some sports…he didn’t as a kid because he was in band and ROTC.
I’m not offended Nassau. Thanks for your comment.
Gotta go everyone. Won’t make it to the game because my youngest has to perform at Open House. Hope Charlie’s team has a good showing and “GO WAHINE!”
man, rutgers isn’t doing so great. i guess ray rice made them what they were.
Rob25 – Good size, I wish I was that big but at 5’9 I can only wish. Sheesh what you feeding your boys? Nah, my son only 6 but he’s a lil giant too. I got him into flag football on base and he already got busted for bowling over guys. He thinks he’s Nate Ilaoa or something…
I used to place a single peep in the microwave and watch it turn into a giant peep.
If I call Toys R Us to ask if they have any stuffed beavers, would they act weird???
I have a noose at home.
Kazz – You auryte or what my bruddah, haha… Sheesh first you melting peeps now you strangling beavahs, easy bu I getting lil bit scared, haha
Pauoa Boy,
No no no…
I USED to melt peeps in the microwave and I have YET to hang a beaver.
whew, you my kind of psycho, i mean Tsaiko, sorry for the typo
Kazz – nah, I know what you meant gave me one idea for Fresno Puppies game.
Pilau adobo for the tailgate? 😆
Ok I just called Toys R Us and the woman said “no” after a VERY long pause…
Hmmm… maybe an OSU alum working there?
Well now we have Oregon at their place should be a tough one?
If there is an X by your name you need to change your Pik
21 – 20 James
24 – 14 Thomas Mui
27 – 24 Capitol -ist/WassupDoc
27 17 Hawaiianbod
28 – 27 Committed Road Warrior
28 – 21 Esme
31 – 28 djmitcho
31 – 14 curveball
31 – 20 d1
31 – 17 Kazz
31 – 30 3-Prong
31 – 24 Pomai
33 – 31 Glenn
34 – 28 LizKauai
34 – 20 bighilofan2inHnl
34 – 24 Pauoa Boy
34 – 17 koakane
34 – 31 Ralph
35 – 23 HiFlyer
35 – 21 Da Punchbowl Kid
36 – 32 da princess’ classmate
37 – 14 AZWARRIOR22
38 – 20 BG
38 34 Koauka
42 – 17 al
42 – 24 JaM
42 – 13 iwonderwhytheyhateme
42 – 21 wafan
45 – 42 mp
48 – 24 Pride.
48 – 20 uhfan808
48 – 21 Kekoa
59 – 28 Loa
63 – 12 homey
Kazz – haha nah cannot have pilau adobo cause if I made dat garrans would be gone before da thing go pilau…
Pauoa Boy,
My friend, anything with Fresno State is pilau.
today’s musings…..
now that wreckineyez is a tv celebrity he doesn’t play with us anymore.
at first, i was thinking all warriors this saturday. its time for us to knock them beavers off their dams.
however, these big toothed sloths will have much to fight for like in a three game losing streak, defending their place, and the 16 some local boys with a chip on their shoulders.
should we play a near perfect game in all aspects, though, i still believe that mack will have the warriors ready to attack.
btw, we are 12 1/2 pt underdogs.
Kazz – You got that right, I put them up there on the pilau list with BYU kitty cats, Boise St. Smurfs, and McChicken State…
Tyler definitly moved those points down a few notches.
Warriors gonna take it to the Hale in Corvallies.
UH – 31 Sawing wood.
OSU – 21 eating sawdust
I haven’t had a chance to see WreckinEyez in his commercial. Is it online anywhere?
On Saturday, that’s not the only thing Tyler Graunke will move. Graunke’s gonna lead that offense up and down that field and give a big REMINDER to those local boys up in Corvallis who it is that plays for Hawaii!!!!
Pomai: 31-13 UH.
Kazz, awesome L & L last night, ya?
Wow, UH-31 is very popular
Mav, you’re going to have to give me a summary of the guest as I was in the office until 9pm… It’s been a LONG week at work.
Was Tyler Graunke in the guest seat.
Told it like it is.
Hawaii gonna tell it like it is this weekend too!
beaver humor
al, d1島, bhf2, c_cut – Rats! I thought you guys were going to Corvallis this weekend. How else am I going to meet you guys? Or maybe I have already, ….while lurking in the dark corner? 😯 😀 🙄
BTW – a belated Happy Birthday to bighilofan2!!!
I thought we were playing the Oregon State Beavers this Saturday, and not
Oregon? 🙄BTW – (for entertainment purposes only):
UH +12.5 -110
1/2-time: UH +7.0
O/U: 57.0
$-line: OSU-500 UH +350
…not that this means anything to me….
Everyone travel safely, whether you’re headed to Oregon, or just headed home from work….
Elmer Fudds for Fuud Sat. AM! 😆
😀 😯 😆
Wow – It’s still 73 degrees at 9:15p in Portland tonight. The forecast is for 84 in Corvallis on Sat, but headed to 96 on Sunday! 😀 😯 🙄
CC – I leave tomorrow early afternoon on Hawaiian direct to Portland. Anyone else on that flight??
brew808 – looking forward to finally meeting the mysterious one!! I will be meeting with friends from LA tomorrow night, you in??!!?? Not sure where but hopefully we find a good place.
Sheesh…. the A’s and the Giants sure are tanking big time! Not even the pep talk from the Addahknow’s only helped the Giants for a few games, then poof! 🙁
Good thing there’s the Niners and Raiders. Oh wait….. 🙁
Okay, there’s the GS Warriors. Oh wait, no more Baron, and Monte Ellis is out…. 🙁
😀 😯 😀 Go UH WARRIORS!!! 😆 😯 😆
brew808 – don’t tell me I am wasting my time driving up to Seattle to watch SF play against the Seahawks….
Stretch: You are, but I’d still do it. I’m a 49er masochist, I guess.
Stretch – Uh, no…. the Niners actually have a chance vs. the Seaturds. As a matter of fact, the Niners really should have beaten the Cards last Sunday. Even good teams will struggle w/ 5 TO’s. It is an NFL game and you’ll be with your pals. Ulbrich and Sopoaga played well vs. Cards. 😀
Alex Smith? …. at least he lasted a bit longer than Ryan Leaf …. 🙁 😯 🙄
No ack. You’re going to SEA just to antagonize G’nalo and Sleaze. 😆
d1島 – Yo! Since we’re now having breakfast at Elmer Fudd’s, have you been there before and do you have any recommendations for eats? Is the coffee anything special? 😀 😯 😆
thank you for your #161 post.
In my statement, I did not quote Pres Bush, but stated my opinion of what was said and and several members of his Cabinet, and I believe Pres Bush himself later, alluded to not having a bunch of terrorists push America around and their actions dictate what we will or will not do. Again, this is my opinion of what was said on TV or in the media.
But, it sure sounded like America will never change our way of life due to a bunch of punks!!
you neva know, you neva know,
tink happy tauts fo bradda Hilo. let me get thru tomorrow morning stuff, den i figa out if i can make da en run tomorrow aftanoon. giving happy vibes to da County ladies who work da check machine. 😀
Alex Smith and Ryan Leaf — the 49ers and Chargers took two good players and rushed them too quickly. I thought Leaf should have been a 1st round pick, but not as early as #2, maybe 15-20. And Smith, I had him as a 2nd-3rd round guy (and still the best QB that draft). But they took them early, and they rushed them.
Look at Aaron Rodgers, I had him as a 3rd round grade, but even though the Packers drafted him in the late 1st, they still let him sit behind Brett Favre. In that time, he’s gotten stronger and learned the offense. Look at Carson Palmer, he was drafted #1 overall but the Bengals let him sit for an entire year. Even Joe Montana sat his first year in 1979 before the 49ers started giving him playing time here and there in 1980, and then the starting job in 1981.
Stretch – How much were the SEA tix? At Candlestick – it’s $100, $30/parking, $9.75 brewski, $5.75 soda, $5.75 for hotdog, …. so much for family outings…. 😯 🙄 😀
Sorry. Would have liked to meet you, too.
Actually, at one point a few days ago I was thinking about going but, ahh, another time…perhaps mid-Sept ’09, if not sooner!
Sorry, been pretty much limited to Shari’s in OR
…but I have heard that the buffet at Spirit Mountain is pretty good 🙂 (prime rib, IIRC)
Jason – Maybe…. but we’ll probably never know. I suppose Smith might make a comeback someplace – but not with the Niners. I think most of us agree the Niners need to clean house starting w/ the owners.
I may have to add JaMarcus Russell to the Smith-Leaf toilet bowl, but I’ll wait another year. Again, a flush is needed with Mr. Al! 😈 😯 😈
… expensive prime rib? 😯
bhf2, rich2176 – I hope both of you guys show up in Corvallis! Tsaiko’s represent!!! 😀 😯 😆
(Jesse) James: What’s homey talking about? I’ve met him before. And no, I don’t think I’m coming to Ige’s. I’m gonna stay home and watch the game with Rinskin and his parents.
Stretch: Oh, so they did contact you! My mom asked me a while ago who “Stretch” was. No parties, please. Hehe! I’ll give them the message if they call me tomorrow.
homey ⑤: Yeah, I’m secretly a man! No way! He’s the associate sports editor. I’m just promoting the paper in general.
Homey two shawty DA BEAST YO! and Pauoa Boy: You two are hilarious. But, I do appreciate the compliments. 🙂
I miss Eddie DeBartolo.
And yeah, I wouldn’t have drafted JaMarcus Russell #1 overall. At least he has a receiver who can stretch the field now (when he’s healthy). 😀
Hiya Kelli – Which restaurant gets the great (free) publicity in tomorrow’s Campus Life 101? 😯 😀
Did the “monkey” graduate to “Rinskin”? 😆
Good Evening Tsaiked up Tsaikos and Tsaikettes!
Sounds like everyone getting ready for this weekend. I’m getting a little excited myself.
To all the Tsaikos/ettes making the trip to the game, have a fun safe trip. I’ll be watching for signs and waiting for pics. Yeeeeee haaaawwww!
I wen clicky da pho. All it did was make me hungry. Shall we try that place? These next three weeks gonna be busy. Gotta go Maui next week, then right afta that Kauai. The weather will start to cool down in another month, hopefully.
Addahknowsports – “…getting a little excited myself”????!!!! 😯 😆 😯
Kelli – Eh how’s you been? Nah, I not one comedian I onleh speaketh the truth 😉 Anyway, we was only agreeing on the fact you are hot when the sun is out, I mean the sun makes you hot, or wait, I mean…uh nevermind, whew I think it’s getting hot in here 🙂
Alex Smith and Ryan Leaf to me were overrated to begin with. Same with that one QB from Florida couple years ago…Danny Horrible or whatever his name was?
Sorry had to take a dinner break.
brew808 – ticket was $150, one of the other guys picked them up. There will be 8 of us but only 2, G-nalo and Sleez, are the 49er fans.
Pauoa Boy: I guess that means I’m smokin’ hot. 😛
you seen da Trib today? dat Roddy guy made you drop coupla tears, yah? me too! its really tuff livin in da boonies like HOVE, and Pahala fo practice fball, an goin back home to HOVE. dat makes fo a long day, like going from Kahaluu to Kahuku every day fo school and fo practice.
but i seen da chicks at Pahala. Wort da trip from HOVE. 😀 jus sayin… if i was … uh…. 15…. 😀
Go Kau!
Jamarcus Russell, I think will be somewhat okay, but he seems to be on the path of Daunte “I fell off the face of the earth” Culpepper. Think he would be good on a better team or with a better OLine at least. He’s big and talented with an arm but won’t go anywhere unless he gets help. Maybe Ashley Lelie can be like how Randy Moss was for Culpepper, I hope. Ever since Moss left the Vikings, Culpepper has been lost in the sauce. Wait, I need to wake up I just remembered I hate the Raiders, mwahaha…
so I come back to da blog an i see you makin passes at PB? heh heh or is it 😯
Jason – Ummm…WOW….uh, I think I’m going to take a rain check on that one, haha.
Howdy all! Checking in from Treasure Island, Las Vegas, where it took a guy making 12 straight points to get me back even. I have an early flight to PDX and am staying at the Radisson with the rest of the Tsaikos. Two of my friends are driving down from Seattle Saturday morning so I’m not sure if we’re going to Shari’s or go straight to Corvallis and tailgate there.
We’ll be sitting in section 12, right behind the UH bench. I don’t think my friends know how important this game is to me. I HATE the friking beavs! UGH!
Anyway, ST, please oh please, what time and where is UH’s walk through tomorrow? Every time I miss the Friday practice on road games we lose. Not saying that has anything to do with it, but I’d love to make there.
Culpepper retired. Patriots need a QB. Some dude named Moss wants the ball. Hmm … 😉
But the Patriots re-signed Gutierrez back to the practice squad. Still, it would be nice to have a veteran behind Cassel, even if he doesn’t know the system. I don’t like the Patriots, but as an NFL fan, I shudder to think that Kevin O’Connell is one big hit away from being the starter. I saw him at the Hula Bowl, and he didn’t do much to impress me.
Go Warriors!
In defference to da Doc, I gonna quit yellin at Sadowski fo 10 minutes.
I live about 2 miles from ground zero. They have the lights on tonite, two twin towers of lights reaching up to the clouds. Hard to miss. Very dramatic.
I heard alot about the RBs today but nothing about Farmer. Is he still out?
WarriorMojo & others….
Due to our large group, we will have to change to another Elmers which is just as close to the airport hotel. Below is the new location. Please pass along to anyone attending so we don’t get split up.
10001 N.E. Sandy Blvd.
Portland, OR 97220
(503) 256-2150
Whaaaaat, how did you get that? I’m just saying, I get hot very easily.
Culpepper was forced to retire cause nobody wanted him…he really fell off the face of the earth. Without Randy Moss and Chris Carter, he was nothing.
I just noticed that “Second Hand Lions” is on Oceanic channel 43 (TNT) in Hawaii at 8:00 PM. Don’t let the title throw you…one of the funnier and touching movies I’ve seen… and Michael Caine and Robert Duval really remind me of two Tsai-kos…
If you watch the show, post who you think those Tsai-kos are, 🙂
Jason – LMAO, kay shoots but WOW…no wonder they call you the ladies man ah?
Elmer Fudd’s for breakfast FUUD!! 😆
Jason – Aren’t you suppose to be solving some Abstract Algebra problems? 😯 😆 🙄
SteveM – BORING!!! 😀
Brew – there is absolutely no logistical way for me to get up there and back on Saturday. I could charter a plane at $4,000/hr. All inclusive it would be around $18k including wait time and tipping the pilots. How could I write that off??????? So, I guess I’ll see you in Fresno. BTW, you’re welcome to join ST, RK and I at Table Mountain. I hope RK fits in my Lexus SUV….Yikes!
Homey – I’m surprised FSN isn’t broadcasting in HD. Cheap b@st@rds. Oh wait, they’re a good client…lol.
tommui & dennis – thanks for sharing the stories.
LizK – No eat beef, okay? Safe travels….btw, I’m loving that camera but there’s SO much to learn…
Jason – No worries I know what you meant brah…
I’d rather hear about W_mojo’s miraculous comeback!!! 😀 😯 😆
dum dum dum dum.. weet weet dum de dum dum…
8 minutes. 😆
Rich2176 – Tried to email you last night but my comp froze up. Can email the details at pauoaboy31 at yahoo dot com…mahalos.
Rich – Shucks! Eh – at the Niners game, they had the Navy parachute team jumped into Candlestick. Whoah – with the winds, several got blown around and landed hard, another almost ended up in the stands. Nah – I guess choppering in from SoCal, then jumping into Reser might be too much even for you Rich! 😀 😯 😆
Rich – What happened to the miniCooper? Now would THAT be a surprise for ST and RK!!! 😀 😯 😆
Good movie.
Hmmm….got it!
The Evil Twins!
K gang gotta go, in less than 48 hours we will have kicked Beaver @ss, mwahaha can’t wait…chee huu…Go Warriors!!!
hummmed to da tune of Ode Ah Joy. no no Ode 2 Joy… o you know what i mean. … 😀
dummm dummm dummm dummmmm…..
dum dumb dumb dummmmmm…..
or is it da flight ah da bumble bee?
maybe da State go make one procurement package for …err… one class on State etikett, Aloha stuff. make ah speshaltee license. 😆 😯
bhf2 – Times up! Go at it brah! 😀
I’m hanging out at the Red Carpet Club (hey, one of the perks of the job), and this elderly woman, wearing a UH shirt, approaches.
I’m thinking: “Oh, another fan of the Warrior Beat.”
She says: “Can you help me? My phone broke. You look like you know about electronic things.”
No fan of the blog. She just thought I was a geek.
Kekaula called.
He said the drive was so long (from Portland to Eugene) he almost didn’t go to the casino.
brew808 & W-Mojo – I can’t imagine having a roller pass 12 times!!
Our favorite lines when we play is “where’s the dust??!!??” Once, and unfortunately only once, we were playing and we scooped almost all the chips on the table and all you could see is the dust that built up between the chip stacks. Been close a few times but never got back to that point again.
Hey, three more comments and I don’t have to piggy-back somebody.
shhhh, no more comments….
Looks like we made it …
ST (aka “geek”?) – Which Red Carpet Club? BTW – if “The camera is fully loaded.”, does that mean your memory card is full and you might not have room for any more photos? Or does it mean your battery is fully charged? Or, is it a carry-over from the old days of having your film (or gun powder) fully packed and “loaded”. Or…. 😀 😯 😆
Brew – the Mini is in Hawaii. My nephew is driving it. I think I got to drive it for about 10 minutes…That’s about $2,400/min. It’s cheaper to charter a plane.
ST – If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck…well….
Piggy back? Does this help?
Hey – I saw “chip dust” once! Unfortunately, they were just vacuuming the layout…. 🙁
Can’t believe YOU did it, Stretch!
I had my Abstract Algebra “quiz” (a 75-minute quiz?) today. No more homework for now, I stay updating church Web site stuff.
Anyone watching Wahine v-ball? I’m just wondering if there’s a good crowd or not. The Wahine need our support! 😀 😯 😀
If ST had to piggyback someone, you might see smoke coming out of his exhaust….
Women’s Vball – crowd looks decent but haven’t seen the upper sections
We better watch out, Stephen’s getting big-headed. Otherwise, we’ll have to go to higher ups (Princess Leila, that is) and get him SMUd. 😉
PB – email re: Fresno Tailgate on the way
Rich – Most peeps just rent or borrow cars from their relatives/friends. It must be nice to have a “new” car stashed in every state/town/neighborhood…. 😀 😯 😆
ST – Any word on the Iceman’s health?
Oh great, all we need is for our favorite blog host to add a hernia to his many health conditions…. 😀 😯 😆
you got mail
Thx for the reminder!
Pack your meds!
Gee, I miss Princess Leila, errr, I mean her videos and visits…. 😀
Then thank goodness for Tsaikos! We got your back ST.
BTW – (((margo)))!!! I haven’t said that recently. 😀
So….is there anymore of that supposedly tasty apple-walnut coffee cake around??? 😯 🙄 😯
brew – maybe if you ask nice enough, some will be made tonight and I can pick up on the way to the airport tomorrow
Yeah for the Wahine!!! They win in three, 22, 16, 8 (I think) 😀
Stretch – I heard it’s baked at 2000 degrees!?? 😀 😯 😆
Got an email from Barry Markowitz. Abe is suiting up for USC’s game against Ohio St. Today, he was OS’s “fullback” in practice. He’s also been playing center. Hope he gets a few snaps tomorrow.
How funny that you guys would be talking about that. I was just thinking about my apples. I have all the ingredients…
Stretch, what time you leaving for airport? I don’t have to be anywhere at any particular time tomorrow. Maybe that will work. But Stretch… it has to make it to its destination. You can’t whack it all on the flight.
You “know something”?
If SC plays a true frosh in Sat’s game it’ll have to be a huge blowout!
It doesn’t matter what Stretch promises. Get two other Tsaikos flying with him! 😆
That cake is a goner!
A-sports – all I can promise is that brew808 will be able to taste it.
That’s good enough for me. Let’s talk time.
G’nalo and Sleaz…under threat of lead poisoning…keep your hands to yourselves.
Getting kinda exciting!
I got to spend a relaxing day (slept through a catfight early this AM!) working on the baby quilt and hanging out with LiLu while her folks were in a meeting tonight.
We went to Sushi Ville for dinner. Daughter tried to limit my eating to Udon-but I could not resist some ikura and salmon sushi. Wowo- it was so fresh and so inexpensive!
Rich2375- no beef, eh? Sheesh, only thing left is chicken and …hey…lamb! I miss those technicolor days.
Have fun with your new camera. Next time you come to town, we can talk photog!
bhf2- cell phone is forwarding to my daughter’s house so please do call if arrangements are inorder.
Wena- I love your independant blogging 😆
ST- have a good trip! And hope to see you somewhere here!
A-sports – i am leaving home about 11 to pick up the two guys.
Now you got me wondering what the seating assignments are on the flight 👿 😯 😀
Sports- I ran into one of our regular landing fishing ladies on the flight here- she and hubby are going to the game too. They had a bunch of halalu from Hanalei to bring to their friends. Might be worth a trip when you get back to Kauai. They went for oama but found halalu… lucky buggahs!
unfortunately I am sitting next to G. Not sure where Sleez is sitting.
Okay, call me when you leave the house.
If anyone is looking for last minute tickets for the game, still get some extra, email me at stretch6592 at yahoo.
While addahknowsports is making requests, can I get a batch
for meto bring to my sister? 😉Brew808 – WE SCORED!!!! MMmmmmmmmmm
Hi LizK-
Wow! Halalu! You know…haven’t made dried fish in a while, too. Yep, might be worth the trip. I let you know when I come back for extended stay. I promised you some cake, too.
Too funny!
Well, not all of us are on vacation tomorrow.
Have a great time all you Traveling Tsaikos! Cheer lots; cheer loud!
Uh oh…what did we start?
You must be loving it there. Sounds like you are having a great time. I can feel the joy in your post. Tell Mitch I said, “Hi”.
brew808: Sorry! GRINDOLOGY has been moved to Wednesdays. 🙂
Pauoa Boy: I’ve been sooo busy with school. I have no life this semester. Aaahhh!
Jason: Haha! That was funny. BTW, Ka Leo could really use some content so get crackin’ on that piece about football spectator etiquette.
And yeah, yeah, I’m getting back to work. I just decided to take a study break and visit the blog.
Ok, Sports! (ooh, cake 😉
Yeah, Ka Leo really needs content. It seems like every other issue is about sex. 😛
at last time to read and post on blog
good evening tsai-ko country how everyone doing tonight
pleasant journey to all traveling to Oregon for the warrior/beaver battle and stay safe while there. enjoy da game.
oh- Sports- have you tried Pho Kauai? By the bowling alley. One of our fave places to eat!
I wonder if Elmers will let me take the cake into the restaurant. I am sure it will go great with coffee Saturday morning
Thx for your response, Ahouse. I agree with your statements that
you clarified, they have different meaning now. I thought you
were referring to Pres Bush as dumsh#t but seems like the punks are
the terrorists? Pres Bush actually could be called dumsh#t for foreign
policy blunders but not for his 9/11 speech which his peoples probably
wrote for him. Thx again.
Yup, LizK-
Good pho. Rare beef and tendon…yum yum.
congrats to vball team and that feshman kherring can play. jhouston better look out or she may not be a starter and only in on rotation. congrats to the three local girls playing for St. Mary’s. Anyone know if the Satele girl is Brashton sister?
switching in and out of game because Kiku had this special on ‘ramen, dombori, and sushi crap I had to finally stop watching cause getting hungry for all three.
Sushi, Donburi, Ramen! I remember watching that show with the two old ladies way back in the day. I miss those two, they were funny.
eh jase dorming or transiting this sy?
a sports…..that is what i had on tuesday evening at hale viet nam. of course, as usual we were famished and had orders of spring and summer rolls.
whoa the bugga was tasty.
Chanteal looks like Brashton with her hair shorter
What is a “summer roll”? 😯
been eating too much this week try this…
monday…paradise mkt filipino foods in maui
monday nite…..thai food to go
tuesday….hale viet nam, pho and rolls.
wednesday…..lunch at momotaro’s
wednesday nite….camellia’s
thurs….the edge burger
thurs nite….homemade beef stew
i cannot breathe already.
Aloha to all the Ohana running around the clubhouse!
I hate Fridays when we have a Sat game! I spend the whole date looking at the clock wishing for it to go faster…but it goes mo slow like it’s been into the Maui Wowie.
With the Tsaiko crowd led by Kazz, we are going to ROCK the place! Kazz! What color we supposed to wear?
OK…time to Esme…((closes door behind))……
Whoah…. that’s almost as many meals as Liz had today…. 😀 😯 😆
freudian slip….date=day
i guess i should have some chinese food tomw to complete the asian cuisine circuit.
summer roll is veg, chicken or shrimp, rice noodle, wrapped in a rice paper roll. never fried. the sauce has a peanut butter like sauce.
Isn’t that a “Spring roll” – without the mint leave? 😕
Al ~ I’m thinking that the 16 or 18 local boys on the Beavs are squeezin’ their buns on this game. The stress of ‘protecting’ their house, against home boys with an attitude is kona heat things up! The fact that this is their home opener and they are 0-2 for the season puts the onus on them.
The line on the game gives the Beavs choke change, and so I see them at a Tsaiko disadvantage from the jump. Now, if our boys just execute the game plan and keep their head in the game while protecting the ball, we should prevail. This is such a meaningful game for us. We must control that line of scrimmage!
A Masa’s Hawaiian plate would have been excellent to complete the “cycle”…. 😀 😯 😆
stretch….new regs on the airlines. no can bring any baked goods just no worry i can hold the coffee cake for until you get back. (smacks lips)
no brew….spring rolls are deep fried and served with lettuce wraps, noodles, mint, basil, and sweet sour sauce.
Okay al-ski! See, I guess I need to tag along on your culinary expeditions. So – for the record…. I like both Spring AND Summer rolls! Matter of fact – I probably like Fall and Winter ones too! 😀 😯 😆
kekoa…..we have been a good underdog. forget the florida game that was not us.
the only thing that scares me is what you alluded to about being 0-2, first home game, a bunch of local boys, etc.
koakane: TheBus from Salt Lake, as I have the past three years as well. The longest I’ve ever stayed in a university dorm was Ogg Hall at Wisconsin this summer, four nights. 😀
Ah, Madison. If it weren’t so dang cold in the winter, that would be a nice place to live.
You guys are killing me.
Warriors have had only one “easy” road game the last 1.5 years – at UNLV. IMHO 😯
Eh Stretch – You know what might be better than coffee w/ that (imaginary) apple-walnut cake? Roselani ice cream! Yup, one big scoop coffee, another big scoop mac nut! 😀 😯 😆
Say – do you think Garret & family are driving to Portland right now? 😯 😕
My eggspert guess for Saturday:
Hawaii 24
Flat Tail Rat 20
Go Warriors!
brew would that be masa’s cafeteria in mapunapuna?
that is peculiar that there are no fall or winter rolls?
Jason – I guess you didn’t experience the 1/2 pound mosquitos, the 95 degree 99% humidity, and the tornado warnings…. 😯 😀
Well, I guess I should go to bed. All I’m doing is daydreaming about another vacation; geez, school just started, too.
Nah…. I was reminiscing about the Liliha Masa’s…. it’s no more…. 🙁
dere is also da Autumn roll.
Actually, Madison was quite dry when I was there; that made it really nice to walk around, get some exercise. I had to run to Walgreen’s one morning to get a bar of Dove soap, cause my skin was so dry. But a cab driver told me I just missed the start of rainy season. 😛
Got Spring Roll, Summer Roll, jelly roll, crescent roll, egg roll, roll call, sushi roll, corn roll, …. but please…. what is an “Autumn Roll”? 😯 😆 😯
CAB Driver?!! I thought you said you got to “walk around”? Madison has plenty of slight hills that really surprise you especially when you’re lost and have had a few too many Spotted Cow beverages…. 😀 😯 😆
Autumn rolls is similah to summer rolls but instaed of shrimp we use a da eithah meat or da tofu.bean sprout filling.
al gracing us with your presence this sat? if not send your son to rep 😉
asports see you and hubby this just leave da heavy foot home j/k 😆
oh brew….that would be masu’s massive lunches. i once worked at the same corporation as paul masuoka. good laulau’s and i got the shoyu chicken recipe that he used.
Oh – okay then, I like Spring and Summer more than Autumn…. except for ….<bIWARRIOR FOOTBALL!!! 😀 😯 😆
thisfrom asports lineI had to catch a cab to the airport! I walked everywhere. Except for cabs to and from the airport. And the buses to and from the convention center. And when I went to East Towne Mall. Everything else was walking! 😛
Go WARRIORS!!! 😀 😯 😆
I can’t sleep, I’m on my iPod touch right now. But this is weird; every letter I type, the page jumps around.
Jason – What happened to your Aunties? 😯 😕 😯
Okay – you’d better hit the hay if you have school tomorrow.There are already too many examples of (mostly) Tsaiko Uncles around that stayed up late and cut classes….You probably don’t want to grow up (huh?) like them…. 😀 😯 😆
But I can’t sleep! Will you read me a story? Ooh, the one about the 66 men in white who helped extinguish a beaver infestation. 🙂
Koakane: Answer to #351–Yes. She was at practice this morning before the team left
sorry to disappoint you. i was supposed to go but plans changed.
and nice big UH ascii text thing. this new blog format doesn’t display them very well.
i’m glad i was able to display my “lame” picture in the old format for everyone to see and laugh at.
Okay, I’m logging off. Good night.
getting sleepy now so will take jason place while he stays up and keep bloging
esme out whooooooooooooooooooooosh
Al ~ I’m hoping our guys remember what they took from them at our house. Turn about is fair play. Only thing is I want it to be decisive for us. Not that would’ve, could’ve, should’ve game ender like last time.
Jason, you might need to shut off you iTouch and restart it. My iPhone does the same thing when the memory gets full. Should shut it off for at least a minute a day so it can reset.
Nitey nite all!
And sweet (technicolor) dreams!
anyone know how many scholarships in wahine volleyball..I always thought it to be 12….Fowler is a walk on…eliminate the backrow and liberos except Kaaihue and Hittle, there are 13 players..Brandt walked on last year and started, was she put on scholarship this year, anyone know
Jason, Dove Soap?
Back in the day, borrow off the showers in the locker room.
Dove soap? Gotta toughen up.
What’s wrong with these Moanalua children? lol
Ralph, not to sure but Hittle might be on a wahine basketball scholarship.
Well now we have Oregon at their place should be a tough one?
If there is an X by your name you need to change your Pik
21 – 20 James
24 – 20 Mad Dog
24 – 14 Thomas Mui
27 – 24 Capitol -ist/WassupDoc
27 – 17 Hawaiianbod
28 – 21 Esme
28 – 27 Committed Road Warrior
31 – 21 Puka Panties
31 – 20 d1
31 – 13 Jason
31 – 30 3-Prong
31 – 24 Pomai
31 – 17 Kazz
31 – 14 curveball
31 – 28 djmitcho
33 – 31 Glenn
34 – 31 Ralph
34 – 28 LizKauai
34 – 17 koakane
34 – 20 bighilofan2inHnl
34 – 24 Pauoa Boy
35 – 23 HiFlyer
35 – 21 Da Punchbowl Kid
36 – 32 da princess’ classmate
37 – 14 AZWARRIOR22
38 – 20 BG
38 – 34 Koauka
42 – 24 JaM
42 – 17 al
42 – 13 iwonderwhytheyhateme
42 – 21 wafan
45 – 42 mp
48 – 20 uhfan808
48 – 21 Kekoa
48 – 24 Pride.
59 – 28 Loa
63 – 12 homey
…end of a busy work week for me today and now I can think of lunch tomorrow… 😐
Hmmmm…that would sound a bit odd at most places but here 🙂 Anyway, I’ll be listening for the cow bell if it should ring tomorrow.
Good night everyone!
Almost 3am here on the West Coast. Just got home from work.
Flying off to Portland in the morning. Flight leaves 10:15am; should get me in to PDX by 1:30pm. Still need to pack, print off directions to hotel, find out where I going to eat dinner tomorrow night (still undecided). See if get any homework I’ll need to take with me (hope not).
Can’t wait!!!
koauak you’re right, then brandt must be on a scholie. Shoji stated that Kaaihue is the only ds or libero he ever gave a scholie to up front…he did reward watanabe as a ds her senior year..
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
Especially da ones in (or are going to) Corvallis.
Still hoping…. gonna be a last last minute thing..
Still yet, all Tsaikos gotta encourage da coaches.
no like tings get outta hand, da braddaz drag dare faces an make like Florida, all fall apart.
You guyz going to da game, yo MOTIVASHUN fakta gotta be game on! I say if you gotta make like da end of da first half at Halawa last week, make like da end of da first half at Halawa last week. No scared em. I got your back. We know you not going boo da braddaz. But do wat yu must; motivate da coaches! I like know dat Brian an Rich an Ron an Mack iz fervently coachin.
Go Warriors!
Jez in case any Oregon lurkers peeking in…YES! – the braddaz are planning on bustin’ down your front door! Dey be hongry young Warriors ready to do battle in Cornpone, Oregon.
No need leave da light on for dem…dey goin’ put ’em out anyway!
(I was dreaming in Techincolor about this, Liz!…no fogit to cheer for all us guys in da Wessai Chapta!)
Sorry for this late post.
Everyone going to the Elmer’s breakfast tomorrow. We can figure out carpooling there. Since the Radisson is less than 2 miles away from the restaurant we can always take a minute to park the cars at the hotel reload the vehicles and head on down to Corvallis. Yahoo!!!
There will be lots of seats open so finding a ride will be easy. I have a van and take, easily, another 5 regular people or 4 Tsai-kos.
For the drivers, I will have maps to get to Corvallis, too. It is an easy drive once you are on I-5.
I anticipate parking to be a problem since it looks like Reser is sold out. Parking will be anywhere from $10 to $20 per vehicle depending on the distance from the stadium.
As J pointed out yesterday sealed commercial water bottles are allowed. The humidity will be low so having water (or some other liquid refreshment) will probably be a good idea. Not sure about beer sales, though. At most PAC-10 stadiums (if not all of them) beer sales are banned — remember this is a stadium ON campus.
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!
~•~~~~•~~~~•~Good Morning Tsaikos and Warrior Nation!!! ~•~~~~•~~~~•~
I could use some German pancakes from Elmer Fudd’s! I have the coffee! 😀
wafan – have a great day with your kids! I’m sure the day will fly by very quickly! Well, maybe not…. 😆
Go WARRIORS!!! 😀 😯 😆
Okay, I’m a little early, but…..
😀 😯 😆
aloha Kalahiala!
CRW- looking forward to meeting you!
Mahalo to brew808 for driving us.
Wafan for organizing the Portland gathering, stretch for overall coordination and ticket distribution, SteveM for visuals.
And bhf2 for getting his bannah to the crime scene soon, I hope!
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