Trick or treat
It’s Halloween, and we don’t have any candy.
But if you want to win two throwback Rainbow helmet decals, please post: It’s still football season, baby!
Avis will choose a winner.
Comments are closed.
{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Georgia;}
\f0\fs32 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
\outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Good morning, Tsai-kos!\
Boo! Happy Halloween! Hehe\
Hey, tomorrow is game day!! Cheehu!! GO WARRIORS!!! :mrgreen:\
Oh my; what happened!??
Well, I guess that’s Halloween for ya! Ha!
First and second, btw!
Good morning, Tsai-kos!
Boo! Happy Halloween! Hehe
Hey, tomorrow is game day!! Cheehu!! GO WARRIORS!!!
Boo! Happy Halloween! Hehe
Hey, tomorrow is game day!! Cheehu!! GO WARRIORS!!!
Uh, oh. I think UHFan808 is speaking in code.
It’s still football season, baby!
Yes, Shoko collects stickers and has done so since childhood.
ST, Somehow yes, I am! Mento!
It’s still football season, baby!
I hope the boys don’t stay out too late watching the crazies in Waikiki.
It’s still football season, baby!
Good point. I forgot Waikiki is going to be crazy tonight.
5 Shoko:
How many and what kine you collect?
Whose there?
No, boolakanka you dummy!
It’s still football season, baby!
It’s still football season, baby!
It’s still football season, baby!
Happy Halloween!
Boola, awww hey, you’re no dummy! 😀
Have a fun Halloween day everyone!
Happy Halloween, Tsaikos!
See some of you at the T-gate tomorrow!! bp or tcc????
10. Hmm, never really counted but I have a couple of file boxes filled from with different people and places, sports teams, interesting sights, fictional characters etc. Should organize them one of these days but its easier to just throw into a box and forget about it.
It’s still football season, baby!
Woah UHfan808 gotta lotta energy today! Dressed up for the occasion?
It’s still football season, baby!
It’s still football season, baby!
Then again, I hope the Utah St Aggies make the most of their trip and participate in the festivities and all the Waikiki has to offer.
Oh and It’s still football season, baby!
It’s still football season, baby!
And even with all the madness going on…’s better when it’s football season. UH athletics needs a pick me up big time. Get chance tomorrow!
Re: What should be UH’s mascot ? UH taking suggestions
Find a mascot that will turn heads, make people say wow, attract fans out to the games and be a public relations boon. I suggest a horse, perhaps an American Quarter Horse.
UH needs a mascot that’s eye catching, interesting, heartwarming… and one that is a media darling much like Ralphie the buffalo is to Colorado and Traveler the horse is to USC.
UH needs to think big, think branding and think of all the publicity that it’s newfound mascot can bring to the school, athletic teams, students, fans, community and to Hawaii.
Envision, for a second, a native looking Warrior riding atop the horse mascot…and galloping down the sidelines after each time the football team makes a score.
Keep envisioning. Think of the picture above with the horse mascot (with rider atop) and greeting fans as they enter the Stan Sheriff Center (or even Aloha Stadium). And then the horse mascot making ceremonious appearances at courtside (or even at the baseball venue). Or better yet even seeing the horse mascot (with rider atop, with UH colors and name prominently exposed) partaking in parades, community events, mall appearances, and school graduation.
UH needs a mascot that fans, students and community can bond with, take equity in, be proud of and bear witness to the horse mascots growing years and perhaps offspring, too.
UH can even name the horse mascot “Manoa.”
Right now this idea is a suggestion, it sits sentry in my thoughts…I would love nothing better than it coming to fruition.
ha…polly.. riding down the side line.. when we score…maybe horse n rider die of old age.. b-4 that happens…
maybe if ride up n down side lines after a 3 n out be a better suggestion.. what u think ?
It’s still football season, baby!
Bought some candy at the store during lunch for tonight. Unfortunately, I’ve already wiped out half a bag of raisinets…and I don’t feel guilty at all. 🙂
It’s still football season, baby!
the way how things going on up there at UHAD.. RIDING A ‘JACKASS’ BE BETTER…suited..
It’s still football season, baby!
Morning Tsaikos!
Go warriors, beat da Aggies!
Hang in there MBB warriors!
It’s still football season, baby!
It’s still football season, baby!
Is football season over yet, BABY!????
February 4th is the most relevant football day for me in regards to UH football. Only day where it gives me false hope/excitement for a few months… Then reality sets in during August…
happy gallows eve 808 don’t let the night marchers get u
jm# I vote for TCC
me want stickers, nothing chances is like Gibb being reinstated as head UH Bball coach
have a good treating nite
35… I’m placing more hatred toward Chancellor Bley-Vroman than AD Jay… My opinion is that Ben Jay is just playing ‘good little soldier’ to make sure his okole stays in Bley-Vroman and Lassner’s good graces.
I think it is kind of weird that Lassner and the BOR is trying to stay out of this as much as possible. I understand they can’t comment on anything with the investigation at this point, but they haven’t said anything that runs along the lines of promoting “values” and “running a clean program”. That’s another part of this situation that I find a little strange.
It’s still football season, baby!
Keeping my fingers crossed for a win tomorrow!
It’s Football Season babe or we just talking smack
Chow still here??? No Baby!!!!!
former… well ur closer to the ‘scene’ then me.. me very limited knowledge the situation..
but agree..
sum thing..reallyb stinks up there.. n hope it all comes out in the ‘wash’ soon..
what really bothers me is… from what me read.. is there is no regards for them ‘athletics’ there.. n parents are making calls.. n to the asst coach..he is trying to do the right think.. but no assurances from the AD and or admin… complete disregard for the ‘kids”…very callous to me see it..
It’s still football season, baby!
Sorry but seeing a Warrior mascot on a horse would look a little off.
andrew how u feel about a menehune ?
UH has a chance tomorrow against USU. Will be interesting to see if USU plays Nick Vigil at both FB and LB. Vigil caused major problems against BYU. Love those “Iron Man” types like Scott Harding and others such as Myles Jack – UCLA and Shaq Thompson – UW.
It’s still football season, baby!
Let’s get a win this Saturday!!!! Beat the Aggies!
It’s still football season, baby!
they have the personnel to win.. n they could have a better record now….
sumthing is missing..
maybe the will to really win is not there ne more..
n what happened will ‘rub’ off on them.. no matter what ne one says.. to see how the BB players are being treated.. makes one wonder…why ne one would want to suit up 4 UH…IN NE SPORT.. MEN N WOMEN.. THEY PLAY FOR THE COACHES.. NOT FOR THE SCHOOL.. MAYBE THAT IS THE PROBLEM…
Yeah I agree a Hawaiian Warrior on a horse?
How about a half dozen wild pigs let loose coming out of the tunnel and then we have a few “pig hunters” dressed in UH green chase them across the field into the other end tunnel.
The following tailgate we eat em.
Anyone else seen the pictures of the new athletic facility @ Montana? It’s pretty impressive. So I guess they have officially surpassed us in facilities. That is just pathetic.
Tomorrow could be pivotal game for this team and program. Score 3x on O and were in it till the end. Vigil and tweaked hammy QB has wheels. Got to bring it hard all day both sides. Wish I was there but will be at CSU ….why? Cuz I am a Warrior and it’s still football season We get this one
I think UH should just get another Vili look-alike for the next mascot. San Diego State has that Aztec Warrior, and is sponsored by one of the SDSU’s booster groups.
It’s still football season, baby!!!!!!
Just a thought. What about Phil Handy as next basketball coach? Or a carter
Have to take this slot for ol times sake. Wore it for 3 years!!!!
I heard Nick Vigil is injured and out for this weekends game.
wild pigs… maybe can change name to ‘razorbacks’ huh…
oops that name is taken already…
maybe ‘dullbacks’ would match our present offense huh… he he he
or maybe let loose 3 pigs.. n call them the ‘3 n outs’ butas.. he he he
Missed it by two I’m a bona fide idjut
Utah State’s overall defense is pretty good. Ranked in the top 30 in the nation for yardage allowed. I suspect that UH’s offense will struggle in this game. It will be a low scoring game. I give the edge to Utah State based on coaching.
Utah State 17 UH 14
Happy Aloha Friday Gang…
ST: Let me know if you you want a couple more sets of those throwback helmet stickers to give away.
Kinda siding with Gib on this issue. “Without Cause” smells more like “Sacrificial Lamb” at this point without official NCAA ruling. BJ needs to stand up for his coaches or he may be the next one offered up.
If Riley Wallace were to become an interim HC, would he get a bonus for qualifying for the CIT aka the Riley Wallace Tournament… Hmmmm
Speaking of RW, he would make a great AD some day
It’s still football season and it still rock-n-roll to me
For Moanalua yes, for UH no
Good Morning Tsaikos!!!
Hope to see you all at the T-Gate tomorrow….
JM####s….I vote for Sausage or meat of some sort….LOL
A university chancellor is the big cheese when it comes to most universities, and in most instance, has more practical and everyday power and juice than then President. In short, most chancellors warrant that almost every facet of an university is efficient and effective. Including strategic planning and working with all academic departments on the implementation. Fiscal oversight is the primacy responsibility for this institutional leader. Other ancillary duties may include oversight of the physical campus, academic planning, policy review and development, HR and annual review of academic programs and student services–including athletics.
In short, the AD, in comparison, has very little juice on the big decisions.
It’s still football season, baby!
It’s busy at work so I don’t have the energy to do the contest today haha…
It’s still football season baby!
And there will be football on Christmas eve for UH!
It’s still football season, baby.
Looks like there are three USU quarterbacks that were on the traveling roster….Chuckie Keeton (leadership role), Kent Meyers and DJ Nelson who are both green quarterbacks. Last weekend, Meyers played 25 snaps and ended up attempting five passes and completing three for 60 yards. Going be interesting tomorrow!
Just read that Vigil might be playing but was questionable earlier this week. Coach Wells says they’re pretty set at the linebacker position but need more depth at running back which could mean he gets some carries this weekend.
Andrew, #60
Funny, I had the same thought. lol.
Not sure what’s happening with the Warriors Run D but the past couple games they are giving up over 5 yards per carry.
It’s still football season, baby!
It’s still football season, baby!
Glad to here that. Thank you! I am still wincing over your last effort.
If Ikaika’s helmet comes off or he gets shaken up, Beau Rielly goes into the game.
Good morning everyone!
It’s still football season, baby!
Sorry, Beau Reilly.
It was within the rules as ST stated, so hey, you do what you gotta do to win.
It’s still football season, baby!
It’s still football season, baby!
Avis please pick me ;-)……
It’s still football season, baby!
I better not see another UH player get a DUI after tonight’s festivities. Party smart.
It’s still football season, baby!
ST, do you think Kevin Clune’s inside knowledge of USU’s defensive schemes and play calling will help the UH offense in any way?
I think if Anthony Carter had an interest in coaching the team, was willing to return and do so at the pay scale offered, most if not all of the players would stay. I believe that his reputation as a “player coach” while with Coach Karl would have some credibility to players. Who knows, he may get coach Karl to come and help with some off season training (if allowable by NCAA).
The question is, does he even have an interest.
If a 4th string qb beats us this weekend, it’s all over.
It’s still football season, baby!
Be safe out there tonight!
koamahu might be out and about!
Go Bows!
It’s still football season, baby!
It’s still football season, baby!
I hope the offense is more than 3 and out tomorrow.
It’s still football season, baby!
It’s still football season, baby!
It’s still football season, baby!
Utah St. 12/ UH 3
“Its still football season baby”
We are going to trick the Utah State and treat or fans to a WIN
i dont know..tis blog host is so cheap…the prize he is always giving..
why not give a round trip from hawaii to manila..then me enter..
maybe you can ask the dude who give 4-2 the i pad to a donate that one ?
me always pick wrong here..
so me try a new strategy now,,,
utah state….49……other 17
It’s still football season, baby!
Take it one game at a time and hopefully they beat the Aggies and then onto Colorado State. At least for that game we will have Iosefa. Hopefully he has been keeping up with his conditioning while being out so he’s ready to get back in it. If they get on a momentum run who knows what can happen. Maybe his return itself can spark the offense and help the defense out.
Time line of UH Administration Leadership 2009-present: Kind of disturbing the amount of turnover. Sort of explains the dysfunction over the years.
2009 – MRC Greenwood hired as UH President. Note: Two other finalists voluntarily dropped out of running, leaving Greenwood as the only candidate
Aug 2010 – Gib Arnold starts 1st season as MBB HC
Jan 2012 – Norm Chow hired as FB HC
May 2012 – BOR appoints Tom Apple as Chancellor of UH
July 2012 – “Wonder Blunder” forces former AD Jim Donovan to be “reassigned”
Dec 2012 – Ben Jay hired as AD
Mid 2013 – President Greenwood “retires” amid several serious allegations
Aug 2013 – BOR Chairperson Martinson abruptly resigns a year before his term expires, citing “personal reasons”
Late 2013 – David Lassner becomes UH President
June 2014 – The Disclosure Bill prompts 4 BOR members to resign
Sept 2014 – President Lassner fires Tom Apple unceremoniously
Sept 2014 – Robert Bley-Vroman appointed as interim-Chancellor
Oct 2014 – Coach Arnold and Akana fired “without cause” prior to knowing results from NCAA investigation
It’s kind of been a while since a top administrator has actually served a full term in office.
During a hearing after ex-Chancellor Apple’s firing… These quotes were made by testifiers at the hearing (from HawaiiNewsNow Aug 21, 2014):
—-“We just have no answers. It’s very frustrating because you continue to talk to them. You continue to ask them questions. But all they tell you is it just happened,” student Ryan Mandado said.
Many of the students and faculty who signed up to testify at the regents meeting at Windward Community College said they don’t trust Lassner or the board.
“They can’t articulate a reason because they have no reason. The reasons why he was removed are hidden and they’re afraid to actually admit those reasons,” UH associate professor Bob Cooney said.
“Words cannot express the disappointment for the blatant disregard of the voice of the students, faculty and community,” ASUH president Steven Nishihara said.
“You are not properly managing this university.” Polopolus-Meredith said.
“We just want to be proud of UH. So please help us to have something to be proud of,” Nishihara told regents. —–
For those that missed it: polliypicador posted this link yesterday on the Utah QB, he doesn’t look too junk:
UH 24
USU 10
It’s still football season, baby!
Mascot – Paniolo on a horse; Wild Boar; or Shark
I say less than 21k tomorrow at the game.
Who wants to spend money watching run, run, pass, punt; then, we lose?
Good food? good friends? Good times? This makes it all worth it? Nope.
Should be lots of open parking spaces. Not many too excited about norm and gang, and Utah.
Wishing the players and the program a victory though, despite the odds created by norm and bj.
#105 Fey… become more correct as each week goes by…..but I must admit wishing you bad luck with your current predictions……nothing personal…..we just need a little glimmer of light in the midst of all the gloom.
Make it the I`O, the Hawaiian Hawk. Let him fly around the stadia.
#105. — Nevada had plenty of run, run, run or run, run, pass, no punt, and they won .
For this week’s upset special, Phil Steele picked Hawaii 20, Utah St. 17. He cited Hawaii plays better at home than on the road and Utah State banged up at the QB position and down to the 4th string QB. Myself, I see a close game but we will find a way to lose the game at the end. I got Utah State 24, Hawaii 23. The story of this season so far is that Hawaii can’t close the deal. A 3 and out, a turnover, something always happen to us in a negative way. Close, but no cigar. We’ll see! But, if we can’t beat a 4th string QB or even a 5th string QB, we definitely don’t deserve to win the game in the first place.
does not UH struggle every game???
wait! did Hawaiians have or use horses?
containment on the outside has fallen down which allowed for many, many yards
Chawan, #87….I heard KoaMahu is going to the game this week and has to sleep in tonight….MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
What would a shark do on a football field?
Paniolo? Too many teams have cowboys as mascot already. “Here cooomes Bullet!”
PIGS not pig. plenty pigs!
Fei Jai go take a nap already. You are too negative to be considered even a little objective. Same repetitious crap.
It’s still football season, baby!
It’s still football season, baby!
Do we really need a mascot? Instead of a mascot I think we should be the only school in the country that has an aumakua.
Although the defense has not allowed many points over the last two games, they have not played the run well. Both games the opponents time of possession was a major factor in our defeat. Our D could/did not stop the run. I hope that changes this week. I predict that this is a Win for us because both the O AND the D will show up……
Go Bow Go!
hang in there Gib. You have supporters.
Lol…”take a nap” now that might be the most fitting thing anyone’s said to FJ.
encounters with “night marchers” is very terrifying
happened to me, my Dad and older brother while fishing – as soon as we heard the drums, we looked up the valley and saw the “torches” – we knew it was impossible as the upper valley had sheer drops of hundreds of feet – then the chanting as they slowly marched down the valley
as they came close, my Dad said “put your heads down, close your eyes, and stay like that until all passed by – I could have sworn I heard them calling to join them
the air became “electrifying”, like it was bristling, and the hair on my arms stood up – with eyes shut I could see light as they passed by
after they all passed by, Dad said pull up the poles we going home.
ST’s “contests” bring out many lurkers and some “old” time friends like DJMITCHO, LK, and WAFAN
great to here from them!
My first and last post regarding Gib Arnold (indirectly)… if a coach is fired “without cause”, then he is entitled to be bought out and leaves with a hunk of cash. So, if fired “with cause”, he has a permanent blemish on his reputation and leaves with little or nothing.
If this is the case, then firing “without cause” (officially) is the generous thing to do and leaves no legally proven black mark on his name. But I am curious what the NCAA has in mind fo UH.
It’s still football season, baby!
Reyes of basketball team asking for transfer from UH.
Regardless of if it’s with or without cause, this will hurt him in the future. Even if he had nothing or something to do with the allegations, his future employers will find his name associated with the events at USC and Hawaii. All they have to do is Google his name and all of that will come up.
Beans. You mistake me for objective writer. Never tried to be objective. Want objective, see ST.
I interested winning. That’s it.
You interested kiss azz norm. To each his own.
Best you eat more beans then go back repetitious azz kissing. Norm waiting. You late.
It’s still football season, baby.
Go Rainbow Warriors!! Go for the win.
Fei Jai,
Now you sound cranky. Maybe a little longer nap would help?
It’s still football season, baby!
Brian McGinnis just tweeted that Benjy Taylor will remain acting head coach for season… That’s good news to help combat transfers.
I think somebody must have put a message through to Ben Jay that the way Arnold was fired without cause or due process has already gutted the pipeline of recruits (UH has been removed from the top of the list for a very talented 6’11” PF).
Ben Jay may have just figured out that it’s going to be his okole on the line to get UH out of this mess and getting football back on track. Maybe the light bulb went off and he realized that he should probably stop digging the hole any deeper.
“Maybe 6 feet deep is deep enough… Maybe 10 feet deep is too much.”
It’s still football season, baby!
Yes the firing without cause isn’t as bad as it sounds. It was a way for UH to stay quiet and not have to answer questions.
What bothers just about everybody (except the trolls) is the lack of transparency and due process. Along with the fact that the NCAA has yet to release the report and what accusations there will be.
Like mentioned in post #101… this isn’t the first time Upper Campus has acted less than professional with firing people. It’s following a similar script as the Tom Apple dismissal.
#118 A-House,
Chicken skin story. Thanks for sharing.
it’s still football season, baby
A younger, slimmer, more muscular Vili would be still good
as UH mascot—maybe a female one, too. One for the girls.
One for the boys. 🙂
Or a Hawaiian Fish Hook.
Maybe an ipu?
It’s still football season, baby!
Maybe your right, beans. Ok. I’ll go take a nap and take my geritol.
I don’t think Gib wants a lawsuit vs. UH, but he does want a chance to clear his name, to hear what he and others are accused of the constitute the infractions, and to question or challenge. Unfortunately, he will never get this chance since UH is terminating his contract without cause, and he will not see any of the reports of the UH’s special NCAA attorney, or any of the reports from the NCAA (except for anything made public by UH). He does have the option to sue, though, because UH is only saying that he is terminated without cause, but in fact, the UH is terminating him for cause without due process and this would mean Gib was wrongfully terminated. To make this work, UH can say nothing about Gib or provide him anything about what the NCAA allegations are.
well doom n gloom has done it again..
let the axe fall on the football program.. n men’s BB..
wonder what program he will choose next…??
Long time no post! Been so busy… Sad to read the news about Gib, Issac and the basketball team… Wahine volleyball are down 2 sets at this point and it is a see-saw match in set 3… Go Wahine!! Well, let’s hope that the Rainbow Warriors has a good game and a WIN!!
It’s still football season, baby!
Boo! 👿
Nice comeback win by the Wahine being down two sets
Reyes is leaving the team to transfer elsewhere. Other players are contemplating the same. The administration tried to foist the idea upon the players that firing their coach was a good thing. Now it’s become obvious that the players don’t agree with that decision and are looking to jump ship. I don’t blame them. Thanks to BJ and Lassner for gutting a BB program on the upswing. Since the actions of the President and AD reflect on the image of UH athletics more than anything else recently, perhaps the new mascot for UH should be the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz who had no brains, or a block head in the likeness of Charlie Brown.
Given a choice of more severe NCAA imposed sanctions with documented evidence of wrongdoing, or less severe UH self-imposed sanctions with nothing more than “trust me, I’m an Administrator”, I would much rather accept the risk of the NCAA sanctions. But in the tradition of the Jim Donovan removal/reassignment, Coach McMackin firing, UH athletic team renaming, UH mascot foot dragging, and football stadium resizing … community/fan/season ticket holder input doesn’t seem to be even an afterthought.
get chance if we can keep USU under 16 points…go D.
It’s still football season, baby!
GO Warriors!!!
I don’t understand all of the comments regarding Arnold being fired without due process. He had an employment contract. The contract was terminated without cause. So he gets paid the remaining amount owed under the contract. No one wants to be terminated from their job, but he was given what he was entitled to get under his contract. The UH Adminstration might be acting without rhyme or reason, but that doesn’t mean that Arnold was deprived due process.
It’s still football season, baby!
It’s still football season, baby!
It is legal but not moral. Should we not demand that our coaches be treated with respect? We are supposed to all be on the same team trying to help our boys/girls be successful. What the hell is going on.? If he created a situation that he should be terminated for………..Terminated him. No buyout. If he didn’t ………support him and let him coach. Stop the craziness show us transparency! Stand up to the NCAA force them to show respect.
Salanoa Alo Wiley (Kahuku) Hawaii DE commit may be an even better running back. Crazy athleticism!
is really sad.. how no common sense… no common decency on how they are treat other ‘people’ be it coaches or athletes…
this is what happens when you get a ‘negative’ person there.. that only wants to ‘cut programs to save money…whom ever made that decision…is really lacking in common business sense…to call a coaches wife n relat the message to the coach is making the UHAD A LAUGHING STOCK
Saw the Kahuku vs. Mililani game on TV. Hope Salanoa Alo-Wily keeps his verbal commit to UH. Not too often you see a 270# running back with quick, nimble feet though he plays defensive line.
it really bothered me when BJ said a few days ago “we are talking to our people” n gib when asked said “i know nothing cuz no one talked to me” shows how much disrespect BJ had for gib…then phone call to wife..
wondered who his very intelligent ‘people’ really are…
maybe a ‘weasel’ is to nice a WORD FOR THEM…
it is not good really.. but the players do have clout.. n just stop… n all leave n transfer..or like that FB team down south sum where… just would not play till they had some assurances they would not be treated as second class athletes…not a good idea… but can’t blame them if they do…
two days ago team met with BJ,,, n he could not promise who the coach would be… now he knows…why not give the players assurance when the firing takes when the new coach should have been avoid this turmoil…crazy….
Gib terminated and paid off for rest of contract, people outraged.
Chow not terminated and paid off for rest of contract, people outraged.
No can please anyone.
The point is that IN FACT ARNOLD WAS TERMINATED FOR CAUSE. And legally, what happened is governed by the facts and not by UH’s calling it a termination without cause. The cause is the assertion that Arnold is responsible for NCAA infractions involving the basketball team. But Arnold should have the right to have UH let him know what these infractions are, who is accusing whom of these infractions, how Arnold is connected to these infractions, and give Arnold a hearing or a chance to rebut the assertion that he is responsible for these infractions (that is due process that UH as a public institution is required to provide under the US Constitution).
UH will never give Arnold a copy of the attorney’s findings, transcripts of interviews, communications with the NCAA, and any final findings or list of infractions by the NCAA– any of those things will suggest that Arnold was fired for cause. Arnold will never have the right to find out what the assertions against him are and never have the right to make his case that he was not responsible or did not know of any infractions other than the ones he has reported. Arnold will only learn of these things through the news and media.
Someone post this is our locker room NOW–a Utah St. reporter said:
The Aggies have four relatively easy games coming up (at Hawaii, at Wyoming, vs. New Mexico, vs. San Jose State) that will allow him (the freshman QB) to improve his stats and skills.
one last try
It’s still football season, baby!
It’s still football season.
Neat offensive play by Colorado. They pretend to pause and look to the sideline for a changed playcall, then snap the ball when Washington Defense relaxes. Colorado is looking really good. Next years UH football coach better be ready. This isn’t the Buffaloes of a few years ago.
It’s game day, baby. Go here: