California prep QB commits to UH
Folsom (Calif.) High’s David Graves, who had the nation’s highest passing-efficiency rating, has accepted a football scholarship from the University of Hawai‘i.
Graves, who completed 72 percent of his passes and threw for 40 touchdowns, said he chose UH because of the offense, the coaches and “Hawai‘i’s music. I love the music of the islands. I love the bending guitars and the real soothing voices.”
Not only is Graves an accomplished football player — he was named the Sacramento Bee’s Metro Football Player of the Year — he also is a member of Folsom’s top-ranked jazz band.
Graves also rushed for 11 touchdowns and nearly 700 yards.
“He’s a great quarterback, but some opponents said he was Folsom’s best running back, too,” said Troy Taylor, who serves as Graves’ mentor. Taylor, who runs a year-round program for quarterbacks, was the quarterback coach at California.
Graves originally committed to Nevada. But after visiting the weekend before the Sheraton Hawai‘i Bowl, he changed his mind. Last week, he notified the Nevada coaches that he was de-committing.
“I think Hawai‘i is a better fit for me,” Graves said.
* * *
AD Jim Donovan will be admitted into a hospital today to undergo a procedure to remove a kidney stone. He had the option of having the procedure performed yesterday. But Donovan, according to Kinda Shy, opted to delay it a day so the doctor could have Sunday off.
* * *
Congrats to former UH assistant Jamie Dixon, head coach of the nation’s No. 1 college basketball team.
* * *
It was 1982.
It was the year I got married. It was my second year at The Advertiser. It was either my second junior year or my first senior year at UH.
It also was the year I bought my first color television set.
Yes, I realize the color TV was invented in 1949. Yes, I realize that everyone had a color TV in the early 1970s. No, until then, I did not realize what the big deal was about Dorothy stepping out of the house and entering a world of … more black and white?
When I announced the acquisition to my friend and now lawyer, Harrison Kawate, he said: “It’s about f—in’ time.”
Yesterday, after my cell phone company detected a glitch in my phone plan that I had for, oh, five years, I was able to send text messages for the first time.
One of my first went to Robert Kekaula.
He texted back: “It’s about f—in’ time.”
Kidney stones, shades of LV……….
As painful as they are, complain to a woman about them, and they bring up the whole childbirth thing.
top 5
Well, Great Morning to Most! 😐
top 10!
get well soon mr. ad!
I hope things are going well for you and yours 🙂
Dang…kidney stones…never had them…knock on wood…but have picked up people who have had them….not a pleasant sight….
Best wishes to JD….
Good morning Tsaikos….top ten???
mornin’ every1
curveball…I echo d1’s sentiments….
Okay…gotta esme so talk laters….
Going catch up with the last post….
Das JD.
Always thinking of others.
That braddah get some unreal aloha!
Glad to have him on our side.
Godspeed JD. (Or at least as fast as a stone can pass)
ST or anyone else…
has 9/12/09 vs WSU been confirmed as at Seattle rather than in Pullman
Howz Sliders’ Grammy doing?
As far as I know, yup.
Best wishes to JD and his lovely wife – this too will pass!
Good morning Tsaikos!.
Best wishes for the AD’s speedy recovery and Congrats to Coach Dixon
for his team’s ranking. It’s nice to see that nice guys don’t always have to finish last.
Good morning everyone!
Hope JD is using the ultrasound method.
Best wishes to JD.
owen-16 – it is confirmed
Happy New Year, Tsaikos!!
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything…good to be back!
Looks like JJ and SMU did us a favor and that the 09/12/09 game will be at Qwest Field in Seattle…see link
Hope things pass post haste today for JD.
For the rest of us, hoping things can pass a little slower so you can ease in to the new work year…
dragged over from the last post
Anyone know the scoops on this?
Cattle Call w/ djmitcho
Tues Jan 6 12noon
Camellias on McCully Street
Please let me know by posting on the blog who wants to join us.
thanx for the help guyz and for da link BAW. guess it’s good time to start making arragements 🙂
Best wishes for JD da AD – May this be a quick pass route and completion! 😀
Or you can text me.
I had the pleasure of meeting Jamie this past summer. Very nice young man, although he gave me a Pitt bb T-shirt…….in medium 🙁
Hey, owen-16, don’t forget to book the bookend trip … to Vegas, baby!!!
Maybe this is the first pass JD wants dropped.
Get Well JD.
ST – no sense anyone text you since you don’t know HOW to text back.
ST – ooops, I guess ST is WITH IT now.
BTW – if anyone is too shame (like a few others) to post here, they can email me at stretch6592 at yahoo to let me know if you want to join us for lunch tomorrow.
What happened to Quentin Beaver?
oh no worries ST, Seattle’s only da appetizer, vegas is da main dish 🙂
addahknowjoe: d1島: (Jesse) James:
Thanks for the concern. Mrs Curveball is responding fairly well to her treatments. She is a bit grumpy but that is to be expected. Overall we are settling into the routine of treatments and Dr. appts. 5 days a week so life is fairly busy. I did get to see the Miami game…Dang…again Thanks to all
owen-16 asked for confirmation about the game being in Seattle. Washington State just made is 100% finalized for the game to be in Seattle…because they finally filled the last puka in their schedule. They are playing SMU at home the week after UH, so they will face similar offenses in their first 2 games.
Washington State’s only other nonconference game is against the team that UH just played…their scheduling seems pretty Warrior related!
Best wishes to JD for a speedy passing and recovery. I saw my Dad go through a kidney stone problem and it looked quite uncomfortable!
Stretch…I think ST’s text is broken…he can only receive stuff…LOL
Oops, I got sidetracked with work and didn’t hit submit for awhile…I just saw that BayAreaWarrior already posted the scheduling news.
Stretch, Kekoa – & others –
whitey commented on the Na Koa Fundraising Drive in #238. – Do you know if we can “tag” our donations as being part of the Warrior Beat – Tsaikos ‘ohana? It might be interesting (& fun) to do it that way. 😀 😯 😆
~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~
Stretch kindly responded in #263 – I was hoping not our contribuations wouldn’t necessarily be as group “lump” donation. I don’t want to burden anyone in having to collect and track funds. I was hoping that we could just “tag” it and send it in as individuals. I think it would be easier that way. Thanks Stretch 😀
My cold is getting worse and I’m a little delirious, but…
Don’t you need a phone number to address the text message?
If you use email, you must have an email address, an ISP and there are possible delays.
If you post on the blog, it is like sending an instant text message and there is no text message charge.
Therefore, posting on the blog is economical and good for time-sensitive info — especially when you have a great blog host like ST… 😆
Re 33, what DID happen to da Beaver? I hope he figures into the plan somehow.
JD is such a nice guy! Get better soon!
Didn’t know Jaime Dixon was at UH. Knew about him when he was an asst. coach at NAU under Ben Howling.
(((HUGS))) to Kristen! Hope you two are doing well.
brew808 – “Tsaikos” could be put in the memo section of the check but I am not sure if Na Koa would actually track that for us.
Quentin Beaver was cut from the team.
Weight issues, I think.
Everyone says he’s perfect as a nose in the 3-4, but not so much as a DT in the 4-3. I think he’s giving it another go in spring ball.
He was a really good coach at UH. Very quiet, though.
JD ~ Take it easy big guy. We need you to continue doing what you do best, but we want you to be in good health first and foremost. Take care and rest easy.
Why is Wassou playing ND in San Antonio?
well…Rodney Garner of Georgia gets paid $250,000 a year and is the THIRD…yes THIRD highest paid assistant coach…!!!!
this answers my question as to why we dont get SEC, Pac-10 type coaches to come to our program. we just cant afford them….
A fine day to all!
An especially better afternoon and evening for JD, too.
Well, why bother with bcs coaches, etc.??? Didn’t coach Whittingham of Utah prove that you don’t have to be a coach from the bcs teams to win the big enchelata?? You just gotta pick your coaches wisely as former non-bcs coaches have moved up the ladder, so to speak.
It must be Monday morning… as this is what I was requesting: 😯
Could someone find out if Na Koa would do that for us? – Please…. 😀
The cold everyone else in the family had for the past two weeks I now have. Dang. So much for the last full day at Disneyland.
Hmmm, maybe I caught it from SteveM via the blog?
All the best for a speedy recovery, JD!
MeiLing- bhf2 has some interesting suggestions for your kids ok the Big Island.
Just had that damn cold myself….nasty stuff; take care.
A worthy goal for this first work-week (for most) of 2009: To be PO’d, Pain-Free!!! 😆
Here’s hoping for Texas to stomp the Buckeyes today! 😈
Brew ~
RE: Na Koa Funding
Stretch is the resident expert on contributions to Na Koa. In the past we have sent in contributions individually and collectively as Tsaiko’s.
Best case review is the effort that was spearheaded (I love that word) by *Pomai.* The focus was on the Wahine Softball team, and how we were able to stay in compliance and get credit for our donation.
In conjunction with our Blog Bash ’09 event, we are currently working on a fresh new and exciting fundraising project! We want to be make it available on-line. As soon as we have the details secured, I will make sure you are kept in the loop. This applies to the rest of the Tsaiko Ohana as well.
Go Warriors!
don’t know about these big12 teams?, so far they’ve taken a beating haven’t they??? overrated!!, end story. besides loosing me some kala!!
[…] The Warrior Beat | UH football, University of Hawaii athletics … […]
Happy 2009 mctruck! Yup – that TT game surprised/disappointed me too. Maybe you’re too “close” to the Big 12. You have to be – really objective to make the best judgements especially when “investing” your own kala – IMHO (& experience). 😯 🙁 Still, I’ll almost always root against the
Big-10big-eleven! 😈Brew ~ Yes I know it didn’t answer your more specific question on getting individual credit as Tsaiko’s, but I myself really don’t look for anything more than what we normally receive from UH officials…a quiet and respectful…thank you.
I’m sure, given time…someone will give you a formal answer to your question. That is the unique thing about the WB.
wafan — I think we must have adjacent posts in the same minute for bugs to be transmitted. 🙂
Peaches told me go to the doctor so I’m going soon–last time I ignored her, I had pneumonia… 🙁 …and the 6 months of “I told you so” was worse than the treatment 😐
my observation so far this season is that when any team lives or dies on their passing game, they usually end up losing.
Now, the team which really surprised me was Utah vs. Alabama. Mostly, with how their running game was superb, and how they just manhandled Alabama on both sides of the ball.
SteveM . . .
I guess it could be said you got the treatment from Peaches?
This is a tough call. Viral? Nothing the docs can really do except take my cash and tell me blah, blah, blah Non-viral? Take my cash, sell me 500mg Amoxicillin for two weeks, blah, blahl, blah.
Yup! Utes, utes…. Nah! ENOUGH OF THAT ALREADY! 😆
LizK . . .
That is so cool you and your family are able to listen to their family history!
So lucky.
wafan and Steve,
take two aspirins and go to bed early; I’ll send you falla da bill later….bwaaaahahaha!!!
wafan – Since you don’t have a Peaches like SteveM does, the Tsaikos will happily fill in the role of reminding you of messing up, not going to the Dr., taking your meds, saying “we told you so”, staying away from crowded venues, not eating healthier, carousing too much, etc. 😆
right, why bother with BCS coaches…i guess all these big schools are time and time again putting their money to good waste…
can we go for NFL coaches instead? thats much better right? or are they a waste of money too?
Howling = Howland (must be Freudian slip, since I can “see” him yelling courtside)
Never met Jaime Dixon, but I met his wife through our Diversity Commission work. They have a cute hapa kid. I’m happy for his success & Ben’s, too. Howland is a really nice guy. Developed a lot of outside shooters which I think helped NAU get to the Big Dance. Sasha has that skill; I hope more UH players work on their 3-point shots.
MsLizK & BHF2,
The kids are working/volunteering at a farm north of Hilo. Right now, they are ok for place to stay. Mahalo for thinking about them.
mctruck and brew . . .
Thanks, I think.
Sure can feel your love (to inflict pain on others) here!!!
Aloha Mr. Graves! – I’m really glad to see Warrior recruiting return to Nor-Cal! What combination of Rolo, Davone Bess, and others do we have to thank? 😀 😯 😆
oh oh. ST is text message capable. maybe you shouldn’t have revealed that. thats a whole nother realm of tsaiko contact.
wow, good to hear about the QB too. thats what we need for our R&S system. a smart, efficient, accurate QB. hopefully we don’t get too many though like JJ used to in his early days.
3 hs qb’s in one recruiting class, nice. hopefully we found our starter in 2011 or possibly even 2010 against da trojans 🙂
My hope is that with GA getting first dibs, that there is an open competition at QB in the Spring (actually – right now!). Same for ALL positions! No one gets a pass! NO ONE! 😯
wow! another qb pickup?!
so we got 3 frosh coming in…
along with the 5 we already got… gonna have 8 guys competing for one spot this coming spring.
hopefully the cream will rise to the top!
Hey that last post triggered another possible theme/sticker:
~•~ ★ ★ ★ NO(T) ONE!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~ 😀
If you close your eyes and listen to Graves, he sounds exactly — EXACTLY — like Colt Brennan.
How many more scholarships do we have to offer?
david graves looks like the real deal. on top of his passing prowess, he must run close to a legit 4.5/40 as well. imagine he had to wait two years for his chance at qb, meanwhile he played rb/wr.
where’s the sound/youtube clip?
I would rather have my eyes open and watch him be exactly — EXACTLY — like Colt Brennan
how does it look with the recruits currently on board? Any body de-comitting(Iuta Tepa)? Any more guys on top of David Graves? Are we getting him cause we’re losing someone else?
Is anyone else concerned we are getting too many QBs in the program? June Jones tried the stockpiling strategy for the first few years he was here and some guys end up transferring out. That’s ok, i guess, but you’re losing on the opportunity to give a scholarship to another position that can play on special teams or be a quality back up. There’s only one QB in the game and you hope that you only play one QB. It seems that having 10% of your scholarships wrapped up in one position is not a good idea.
ST ~ Did you say Folsom High or Folsom Prison?…slight difference in the intensity of the blitz!
No worries about overbooking. UH can just drop the ones on scholarship that don’t know the ha’a.
I hear the train a comin’
It’s rolling round the bend
And I ain’t seen the sunshine since I don’t know when,
I’m stuck in Folsom prison, and time keeps draggin’ on
But that train keeps a rollin’ on down to San Antone..
When I was just a baby my mama told me. Son,
Always be a good boy, don’t ever play with guns.
But I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die
When I hear that whistle blowing, I hang my head and cry..
I bet there’s rich folks eating in a fancy dining car
They’re probably drinkin’ coffee and smoking big cigars.
Well I know I had it coming, I know I can’t be free
But those people keep a movin’
And that’s what tortures me…
Well if they freed me from this prison,
If that railroad train was mine
I bet I’d move it on a little farther down the line
Far from Folsom prison, that’s where I want to stay
And I’d let that lonesome whistle blow my blues away…..
I can’t keep up with the scholarship count, although I think they’re waiting for another offensive lineman.
They lost a kicker.
looks like ST has a new song to sing for the Feb KKall.
It’s impossible to shoot 100% when finding qb’s…………maybe only one out of three pan out, which one would you offer the scholarship to? Point is we won’t know for sure which ones will work out for the program, so why not take a chance on three and hope one becomes the next great UH QB……………I guess thats the positive side of looking at it.
If UH has too many scholarship players can they release players currently on scholarship who are not doing they’re part for the success of the program and look in different directions? LIke if we sign too many this year, can we cut dead weight(scholarship players who don’t pan out) and free up more scholarships?
Schools are limited to offering scholarships to 25 incoming players each year. However, in the case of grayshirts, if, say, a 2008 high school graduate enrolls in the 2009 spring semester, he can count toward the 2008 class.
Because of APR issues and grayshirts, UH can only bring in five JC players this semester. A couple of others, like Chizzy and Williams, will join this summer.
some links:,local,player
ST is Brown still on track for May?
cc….more for you.
thanks st, appreciate the response…… chizzy still a gaurantee? hope so, he looked like someone we could use in the video you posted…….
Jim Donovan-
Get better soon. And another thing: Ouch!!!
What’s gonna happen to shutter and nielsen?
gentle jim….speedy recovery!
# Stretch:
January 5th, 2009 at 11:24 am
Stephen Tsai:
January 5th, 2009 at 11:18 am
If you close your eyes and listen to Graves, he sounds exactly — EXACTLY — like Colt Brennan.
I would rather have my eyes open and watch him be exactly — EXACTLY — like Colt Brennan
Same here. He looks like a great get. Who is the other QB besides he and Nielsen?
That’s right, Shutter… Thanks.
wow can’t believe I was # 1 today first time I’ve ever been first.
Chizzy and Brown are both guarantees.
Nobriga is a guarantee, too, although nobody ever believes me on that one.
Wafan and SteveM- be healthy- there are many ways to achieve the balance needed to stave off exposure to germs. I need to do that too!
ST- #88- did we lose Jr. Iceman?
Welcome, Mr. Graves!
any inside info on Iuta Tepa?
gonna be a fun in the next month or so with the playoffs and superbowl, bj/gsp, culminating w/ loi day in early february, can’t wait…
still remember last year’s superbowl sunday, yeah the game was great but news of us getting paipai and tachibana that day was waaay better… 🙂
i believe!
are we still recruiting auloa tonga from kahuku. word is that many big time schools are after him and he is setting up his visits now. i believe he would stay home if we pursued him a lot harder since he has much responsibilities at home.
anyone else having problems trying to open up this blog site and/or the sports page of the ha?
i’m having problems off and on with it…
re: tonga
read on one of the other forums WSN i think, that he really likes UW and us b/c we’d allow him to play safety and/or OLB whereas the other schools, UCLA and Wyoming IIRC are primarily recruiting him as a OLB…he’s visiting in late January i think
i also think he could make a nice wr as well. he’s got good hands.
owen-16, last year’s Superbowl was the Hanapepe River flood. I can hardly remember who played in it!
Hope we have a memorable game and no weather concerns this year 🙂
If Tonga comes to UH, that will just add to the number of Kahuku boys wearing the Green and Black. Funaki, Ginlack, Tufaga, Tachibana, Paipai, Alo, Torres, Nauahi…and hopefully Beaver can make it back…anybody else?? Open up that pipeline from the North Shore!
Hopefully Manu-Olevao eventually makes it to UH as well.
Welcome to the Warriors David Graves!
I’ll pray for more recruits (or confirmation of recruits, especially from LBP and LV), good weather, no flooding, and no blackouts/poweroutages (specifically on 1/31/09 and 2/1/09), some nice airfare to Seatac/Las Vegas around the middle of september would be nice too. 🙂
owen-16, way to cover the bases!
Re Beaver, I recall Beaver was cut for weight issues, but I hope that doesn’t mean he’s cut forever. Hopefully he works his weight down to an acceptable range and is given a second look. Who at UH tracks that? Tony T?
Ok, so where is everybody?
I don’t think antagonists would fan the flames if the protagonists didn’t fuel the fire. I don’t know if this is a cliche. But it makes sense to me. And how I look at myself, and how others disgruntled fans look at themselves, I’m guessing, we, the antagonists, don’t innately write or speak our minds with malice or hate. But just wanting to have what’s best for the team. And I don’t see anything wrong with that. For if the protagonist, the Coach,if he had A,B,C,D all together then there wouldn’t be any fire, therefore no flames for the antagonists to fan. This shouldn’t be a new revelation. The Coaches know this. Others should, too.
Presently I see the team. And the Coach. And staff incapacitated with a lot of problems. More so with the Coach I see this absence of savior-faire growing in size, namely the ability to say and do the right thing at the right time, and mushrooming. Whereas I know other tactful and bright coaches would do things correctly, I see Coach Mack, so far, as somewhat the antithesis.
It’s not only today. But it was from the beginning. Not going for the best assistants, having only two days of practicing the kicking game in the Spring, touting the OL as the best ever in a newspaper quote, touting some of your defensive stars in another newspaper quote as being the best in the country, being impervious when asked about the clock management problems, being impervious in another television interview and saying that sacks came in the beginning of the season and the worst of them all taking two players onto the team in the middle of the season.
See the pattern, albeit mushrooming. I do. For it goes against the principle of what’s taught in the Bible of Good Football coaching. One you never tout your players, like JJ had a penchant for doing. A better road to take is,”We are very proud of the player(s) continued success and we expect good things from him/them in the future”. Having this self love, or narcissistic praise doesn’t help the players.And second, when questioned about sacks, play calling or clock management- being in self denial is too obvious and not becoming as a coach. And lastly, taking a player in mid season is almost unheard of. I know Coach Bear Bryant wouldn’t do this. But this gets back to self love.
Somebody please remember that the team is currently in the midst of a recruiting and fundraising drive. And playing tug-a-war with other teams in attracting recruits. And also of attracting donors contributing to the program. With not knowing what’s going on with the reorganization in the coaching staff, all this hush, hush, I think compromises and lends recruits to having reservations on joining the team. With donors longing to contribute they, too, want to open up their checkbooks sans not having the wool pulled over their eyes.
Endearing the passionate supporters, fans and the players on his team would be so easy. Say the right things. And do the rights things. Yet the coach doesn’t. His biggest fault is he doesn’t desensitizes himself from the past. And he has too much self love for his players and coaches, for which I don’t think brings out the best in people. To be a great leader, and boss,he should be “insensitive” to the coaching problems on the team. Yet at times we hear,”I have faith in them.” And,”I wouldn’t trade my staff for the world”. A better portrayal of a leader, or General, is one that says,”My coaches and staff, like the players on the team, are held to the highest standards I set for them and if they don’t make the grade their off the team. People see these flaws in Coach Mack, and the players see this-it doesn’t promote leadership or harmony on the team.
Having the wherewithal to move forward into the next football season with positiveness is what most adhere to, especially as I can see on this blog. And that is very commendable.
Yet I say to Coach Mack building a harmony on the team and in the community, takes a person that can sing the praises that we can follow in tune. If A,B,C,D is right then we can all sing along.
check your mail
Those are a lot of thoughts, but not really much to argue about. It’s your point of view and I respect that, but I want to wait ’till spring training to start the criticizing or not.
We have a ton of talent coming in, let’s see what the coaches can do with it.
This QB is a great get, but I’m a little concerned about the log jam that’s been created. How can one properly evaluate that many QB’s during spring? I hope we don’t create the same indecisiveness as last year.
I hope the best one plays, even if it turns out to be a freshman. Would be kinda great to have a four year starter.
I’m not really a UT fan (sorry Garret – but I really don’t like the Buckeyes and the mediocre-eleven…. Hook ’em Longhorns!!! 😀
On the other hand, redshirt them, have Alex play one year, Rausch one year and we have three good ones for three years, then we recruit a frosh every year after Rausch is done and we have continuity all the time.
Off course, if we find a diamond among the new ones…………..
Hope Jim is doing well, I wish him a speedy recovery.
I thought I posted it yesterday, but I didn’t see it updated on SteveM’s site. I’ll be at Camellia tomorrow.
Graves looks to be a pretty good QB. I really like the class that is coming in this year. I can understand why people would be worried about the logjam, but I’m not too worried about that. Hopefully some will be open to moving positions should the need arise; not everyone picks up the R&S all that well, you can’t project that every golden armed QB will have the cerebral skills to cut it in this system.
i like that name — da mediocre 11, very appropriate, i was going w/ da slow-10 for a while but that one works even better…
hook em horns (but only for today 🙂 )
I find it interested… intriguing that QB recruit David Graves is a Jazz Band member and enjoys Hawaiian Music! I wonder if he knows of our celebrity, superstar musician, & Tsaiko Nalani who just happens to be mom to an up & coming center – #65 Kahai Choy! 😀 😯 😆
Re: Graves.
He said the Folsom music director, Curtis Gaesser, is from Hawai‘i.
…the” Act big – eleven, then whine, complain, and lose conference….” 😆
Come-on Longhorns! Don’t make me have to change channels and watch GU losing to ND, or the Fuud Channel…. 😯
Hala Hoya on the ropes, again! come on JM where’s your mojo, start sending your vibes to them
Best wishes to Kristien and have a happy new year…You too curveball
Last I checked, Colt Brennan was a third string QB in the NFL. Why then would people who blog here worship him and hope the next UH QB turns out just like Brennan, a third string NFL QB?
Just baffled, is all.
As AsianStorm said in a post to the a story on this topic, as long as UH has a caucasian QB, the UH should be fine.
Alexander did a bang up job, huh, Asian Storm?
… perhaps Mr. Graves is into karaoke, and is a big fan of one particular video clip that inspired him to be the top cat, the King of the Lions, the “Lion King” (even though they are the Bulldogs)! 😯 😆 🙄
for our socal tsaikos
LOS ANGELES–JANUARY 5, 2009– JetBlue has slashed fares
with a brand-new sale on flights out of the L.A. area and
San Diego. Fly across the country for $39-$139 each way.
The sale just came out this morning and runs through Jan.
14. We recommend booking soon to get the best prices and
Sample fares (each way):
– Long Beach-Las Vegas … $39
– Burbank-Las Vegas … $39
– Long Beach-San Jose … $39
– Long Beach-San Francisco … $49
– Long Beach-Seattle … $59
– San Diego-Salt Lake City … $69
– San Diego-New York City … $129
– Long Beach-New York City … $139
– Burbank-New York City … $139
– Long Beach-Fort Lauderdale … $139
Fares are good for travel Jan. 12 – April 1. The following
dates are blacked out: Feb. 11-16, 19-24.
Hey is anyone else having problems with the blog? Sometimes posts just disappear from my browser….It’s there, and then IT’S GONE! – I don’t know what the problem is…. 😈
whitey – Mahalo for the info. I’ve tried JetBlue but it’s a VERY limited number of seats and flight – like the earliest AM flights only on Tues/Wed. Everything else is $99 each way…. Bait & Switch kind of ticket policy – IMHO. For me, it’s Southwest! 😀
Get Well wishes for JD…kidney stones is like bad coaching, you got to get rid of it- its painful.
My, my brew808, you’re so emotional. Thanks goodness for emoticons that allow me to see the tone in your voice and the look on your face when you type.
…limited number of seats and flights… 😳
Great news about David Graves! Very cool that he’s in the jazz band.
al, mahalo for the links. Graves appears to be as “skinny” as Colt was initially.
Hiya Pride – since no one has (or is suppose to have) ever seen me…. I have to use emoticons to represent my ugly mug… That way, I don’t get blamed for you guys not being able to eat meals, or sleep (nightmares), or have to visit shrinks. 😆
blog is blogging down 🙁
Hi MeiLing! Happy New Year!
whitey – How’s “our friend” Remy? I hope his/her family came to visit you too! Did you see my reposted comment #40? Maybe you can help make this happen. I want someone to be able to total all the donations that can be tied to the Tsaikos & The Warrior Beat! 😆
Bulla blogs – “blog is blogging down”, but brew is beyond baffled … what be bruddah Bulla blogging ’bout??? 😯 😀
Whoah – I just checked the official SteveM info-center regarding the Camellia lunch tomorrow. If ST shows up, I wonder if the gang can still squeeze into one table/booth? 😯 😆 🙄
Stephen Tsai:
January 5th, 2009 at 11:37 am
I hear the train a comin’
It’s rolling round the bend
And I ain’t seen the sunshine since I don’t know when,
I’m stuck in Folsom prison, and time keeps draggin’ on
But that train keeps a rollin’ on down to San Antone..
When I was just a baby my mama told me. Son,
Always be a good boy, don’t ever play with guns.
But I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die
When I hear that whistle blowing, I hang my head and cry..
I bet there’s rich folks eating in a fancy dining car
They’re probably drinkin’ coffee and smoking big cigars.
Well I know I had it coming, I know I can’t be free
But those people keep a movin’
And that’s what tortures me…
Well if they freed me from this prison,
If that railroad train was mine
I bet I’d move it on a little farther down the line
Far from Folsom prison, that’s where I want to stay
And I’d let that lonesome whistle blow my blues away…..
Hello, I’m Johnny Cash.
Love this song. Love it. Shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die…
Okay, that’s kinda cold, but still, great song.
Oh, and Uce2: I’d take any QB who could make an NFL team. Third string, practice squad, whatever. Brennan’s a great kid who turned down guaranteed NFL money to come back and lead UH to its first ever undefeated WAC championship. I don’t know if people worship Colt, but we sure do appreciate all he did for us.
If Graves is as good as ST makes him out to be, why wasn’t he picked up by Oregon, Stanford, Arizona, USC, or UCLA? I guess completion percentages don’t mean that much to those schools as they do for UH, huh, ST?
I hope no one… getsgrumpiewithgugettinggassedbyND… 😯
You all seem to forget Brennan was a decent QB not because he was Brennan but because he had guys like Ilaoa, Mauia, Satele, Rivers, and a host of other guys making him look good.
Brennan has a great line compared to the line Funaki had and Brennan had a great backfield in Ilaoa and Mauia, as compared to the backfield Funaki had. Brennan had great receivers in people like Rivers and the others and compared to the receivers Funaki had.
Brennan was lucky to be in the right place at the right time.
Ilaoa’s talent was wasted at the UH. Ilaoa, if you all remember, was player of the year for the State of Virginia. This guy had everything. He was mismanaged and mishandled and his skill was allowed to be wasted by JJ. Had Ilaoa played at Virginia or some other school where his talent would have been recognized and allowed to grow, he would be playing in the NFL right now. Instead, at the UH, under JJ, Nate Ilaoa’s talent was wasted.
On a final note, I hope Manti Te’o picks USC.
Happy new year to you all. Hope we don’t blow the bb game to night. Sure hate to see the bows start 0-2 and at home.. Have a extra ticket for tonight game…if interested, blog the interest and I will leave it at will call.
I give you folks news (stud quarterback), drama (kidney stone at an impasse) and the personal side (text messages), and this is all the posts we get?
I’m going to have to start talking about bubblin’ tofu soup soon.
I think Nate Ilaoa was a great talent. But his weight issues really hurt him.
That proved to be a problem when he was with the Eagles. He definitely had the talent to play at the next level.
By the way, I think I write nice pieces of every recruit.
Who is the most highly regarded of our 3 freshman QB recruits? Do they have a chance to start next year?
How did they pick who received the Na Koa letter? They sent out 20,000 and there are only 650 Na Koa members…
With Graves, was his size the issue, as usual, with the big name schools?
Evening Tsai-kos!!
Wishing a speedy recovery to JD!
Welcome to the Warrior ohana, Mr Graves!
brew – yes I am very disappointed with the Hoyas losing esp to da Leprechauns, but it was on the road, so I’m not going to cry over it.
ST – I don’t understand. Everyone has the capability to text. So you didn’t know you had a text plan? Don’t your keeds text chronically like all teens?
Rhetorical question – if the crybaby conference adds another team, what would it be called? There’s already another conference named the Big Twelve? How’s about the Humpty Dumpty conference? 🙂
Jim and I want to thank all of you for your well wishes in Jim’s time of …er..pain. The doctor surgically blasted the stone and removed pieces of it. Hopefully it’s all gone…or will be soon…we hope.
We just got home from the hospital and Jim is resting, although he REALLY wants to go to tonight’s game.
Thanks again for your well wishes.
thank you ST for all the news.
Here goes Uce2 on another one of his “Polynesians get the shaft” at UH tirades. Funaki could have a NFL Pro Bowl offensive line and he still wouldn’t be able to throw a cross-field out. He’s too short. He makes bad decisions. He has nearly zero accuracy. He has tons of heart and great legs, which is why he’ll be good a slot, running back or safety. Or a 8 times a game wildcat guy.
And let’s set you straight, a third-string QB in the NFL still means you’re one of the best in the country. There are only 96 NFL QBs (or so) in any year. And they’re spread over 12+ years of NFL experience. So that means (roughly) only the top 8 college QBs on average each year make an NFL squad. I think considering that, if Graves or any other UH QB can follow Brennan’s footsteps, UH will be sitting pretty.
And ST is right. Ilaoa’s talent was wasted be him with his weight problems. He was trying to be a slot/running back with the weight of a fullback/o-lineman.
-been up to campus lately?
Any word on who’s serious about next year?
Who’s training?
Lifting? Running?
Who’s making the sacrifice be next next seasons Utah or Boise St.?
Who wants another crack at the BCS?
Who is this Uce2 guy? He seems really negative.
Kinda Shy-
Thank you for being sooo strong for JD. He couldn’t have moved that Pohaku without you!
ST thanks for info on Beaver. I thought UH could have used him this pass season. He could have given them the push up front on short yardage plays. The ones where they ran the ball 2 times.
I thought that qb sounded familiar. They should look at one of the receivers he throws to. Wears #1. Andrew something or other.
Links to David Graves.
Welcome new Warrior Graves.
If people were to listen to people like you, Barrack Obama would never have become president of this great nation. Blacks would still be playing in the Negro Baseball League; no blacks would be playing in the NFL; there would be no black quarterbacks in college football or in the NFL; there would be no black head coaches in the NFL; there would be no starting QBs of Samoan ancestry at Pac10 schools like Stanford, Oregon, Washington, and Arizona.
The fallacy and myth you perpetrate and peddle on sites such as this, that caucasians only are the best QBs, has been disproven and debunked over and over again by the Black QBs now playing in the NFL and Black QBs who have played in the NFL, by Marques Tuiasosopo, an NFL QB of Samoan ancestry, by Black head coaches now coaching division I football and in the NFL, and by the Samoan QBs now playing as starters at Pac10 schools such as those mentioned above.
It’s too late now for Funaki and so I will leave as my final position on the matter the statement I made earlier re Brennan and Funaki.
Alexander’s record speaks for itself and so there is no need for me to say anything unkind or critical of Alexander the Great! Fall to pieces in the first game, fall to pieces in the last game, fall to pieces even in relief.
As re Graves, unless Graves has a backfield as talented as that which protected and carried the ball for Brennan, and a line as talented as that which protected Brennan, Graves will be another Alexander the Great – a guy who goes to pieces as soon as things start falling apart, a guy without presence and composure, a mere observer standing in the backfield occupying space.
Ilaoa should have stayed in Virginia. His talents were wasted by JJ and UH.
On a per capita basis, there are more Samoans and Tongans who make it to the NFL from UH than any other group. This is a hard fact for you to swallow, Haole1, but it is a fact. This cold, hard, fact should tell you something. If you are smart, and if you are paying attention, you will use this information to do something useful, like winning games instead of defending in here the shortcomings, lack of athleticism, and game smarts, of people like Alexander the Great and the new guy, Graves.
It bothers me to see superior talent go to waste. This is why I comment. Why do you comment?
Hercules Satele signs with the Spokane Shock of the AF2, joining Jason Rivers on the roster.
I’m ignoring the troll, again. the reply to the reply was definitely not on point. but then we all knew that didn’t we?
To all my brothers and sisters of the Samoan nation and all those of different ethnicity,
Please do not categorize one man’s ignorance with the rest of our proud people of Samoa. Most of us are fair and call a spade a spade. This guy who wants you to believe all his prejudices stands alone in his idioticness.
Again forgive even him for he knows not what spews from his lips.
A Samoan.
When you are losing the argument and your place in society, you pound the table and call them names.
To apologist Samoan above-
There is an opening for a porch attendant at the governor’s mansion. You would make an excellent candidate. You may use Uce2 as a reference. Tell the governor I referred you.
We know why you comment
We also know why we should ignore you
Why don’t you try life without that big chip on the shoulder
Aloha, Tsaikos.
Back to lurking.
Esme whoosh!!
i love nate ilaoa. he was a talented young man.
he played at 170 lbs in hs in virginia.
he came to uh at 175 lbs.
he left at 265 lbs.
and that is the rest of the story.
too much L and L and beverages.
i had hoped that he had taken care of business but he didn’t.
after getting cut, the seahawks were going to give him a tryout the following spring, but, at 270 lbs they said “forget it”.
brew – why you hiding? I think I can beam the lead slippah across da ocean to hit you in da okole! wasally wabbit you!
thank you al!!! 🙂
Way to go Texas!
Good one, Al, you are the man!!!
A Samoan
Thanks for your comment. We do respect the opinions of the Samoan Nation.
Like jm2375 says, just ignore her. She only means to inflame, not inform.
Your true colors are bright and brilliant for all to see. Kick Nate in the teeth while he is down, did you. Good job! Way to go! I wouldn’t do that, but hey, that’s on you.
“A Samoan” may need an assistant if he is hired for the porch attendant position. Given the posture you have taken, you might make a good porch attendant’s assistant. As I have read your views for some time now, you also may feel free to use Uce2 as a reference should you decide to apply with “A Samoan”, the Samoan apologist, for a post with the governor’s mansion.
As I understand it, the QB depth chart entering spring is this:
This offseason, the hardest-working players are Daniel Libre and Brashton Satele — “the fanatics,” as one of the trainers calls them.
Heun might move to outside linebacker. Pilares is going to slot. Sula and Chizzy won’t be here until May. If Libre doesn’t get an extra year, the No. 1 back entering spring ball might be … Funaki!
Not sure if it’s been reported, but Lasha Parghalava is in street clothes. Motioned to us that it was his back.
Actually, I think we all miss having Nate Ilaoa around.
He was a funny guy. He used to tell jokes without busting a smile.
He’s a pretty creative freestyle rapper, too. I can see him ending up in communications or entertainment.
Soon to be Warrior David was posting on another site. He seems to be a good kid with an even better attitude.
And I tell you Chizzy is going to make you diizzy. He reminds me of the runningback at OSU. The one that gave Missouri the fits.
The coding on my phone plan was missing a number. We couldn’t figure out the problem. Even Jam’s daughter tried, and if a teen can’t figure it out, it’s hopeless. But now it works. And now I’m a text-sending fool.
Thanks for the update on Satele and J Riv, Tombo Ahi! I was wondering where they both went.
Oops I meant Texas Tech. Watching BB now. Got to go.
Go Bows.
I even texted JJ, just for the heck of it.
i hope 6K bb fans are on the ssc concourse getting their refreshments because the bowl area seating is very empty
blog is moving very slow this evening in terms of refresh rate….how come?
But did JJ reply?
Ralph – it’s slow cuz no one’s around!! except for the troll.
OK, ST, prove it!! Text me!
ST ~ After our initial organization meeting, I sent you a text about the fundraiser plans. Did you have time to review? I’ll look for your text reply on my iphone.
Thanks, Momo- I’m not on Oahu or I would take up your offer!
Kinda Shy- mahalo for the update. Get well soon, JD… and REST!!! 😆
ST- is JJ a nightowl?Did he text you back? Welcome to “da world”!
Hoping Jr gets some PT tonight. How’s his ankle?
a Samoan- talofa and welcome!
jm2375- howya doin! Wanna play? er, pray? 😈
D-1 ~ Mahalo for the time this afternoon. Can’t wait to announce the final plans. I think the outcome for the UH Foundation is going to be awesome! As always, the athletes will really benefit from it.
Tsaiko’s lead the way!
OK, jm, what’s your number?
Howzit LizK !! How wuz your feesh feast last night? How many ways did you have da swimmers?
Hubby’s cuz from Miami just sent us some Spanish chocolate. yummmm. Not quite the one we were looking for, but that one is really hard to find.
Hey SteveM, howya feelin?
Howdy, Kekoa. Up to some new tricks, eh??? Awrite!
I got home a little while ago and threw a slab of pork ribs into the oven to bake. Late dinnah tonite.
uh oh, da actor (ba-loach-ka) just came in to da game. BC suggested this morning that someone show him a tape of his antics and serve him with a cease and desist order. 🙄 😆
Stretch ~ You got mail…and thanks for accepting the Minister of Finance position again. Wait until you see what D-1 has planned!
Can’t make the CC tomorrow, gotta get Pops to an appointment at 1300.
ST – check your uh email.
Ralph ~ Thanks for the input yesterday. It helped generate a really great fundraising idea. Today D-1 offered yet another! Standby for this one!
Recruit from Hawaii was one of the 7 recruits spotlighted in this article.
Hi Liz — the doc gave me antibiotics (I got bigger amoxicillian tablets than wafan–875 mg!)
Looks like I won’t be able to make the cattle call for djmitchio tomorrow. Sorry to miss him.
I hated that HF was given that big annual salary when he got his extension, as I thought that was just too much money and UH needed to conserve their money. JD took less money than HF, which is actually a lot less when you adjust for inflation. Some ADs are making much, much more than that…with Florida’s AD earning the most.
MsLiz ~
This new plan will be a way for all the Tsaiko’s to be included in the fundraiser no matter where they live. Virtual reality world girl!
I’ll send you a draft of what we discussed in your email. The KK in Feb will be buzzin’ with a lot more detail.
Thank you to Kinda Shy for dropping by and giving us an update on JD’s situation. It sounds like he should be feeling much better soon, which is great!
OK, Jm, I think I did it correctly.
It has now been confirmed that USC’s defensive coordinator is leaving to be the DC at U-Dub. It will be interesting to see how this change, just a month or so away from NLI day, affects the recruits for USC and U-Dub. I’d rather U-Dub steal some of USC’s recruits instead of going after UH’s!
I remember how angry the Idaho players were when Nick Holt was a one-and-done with them.
jm2375- ok… here are some pix:
ok… time to check on da pork ribs… bbl.
The funny thing to me is that Nick Holt went off on reporters recently when they asked him if he’d take the U-Dub job. He denied any interest! Then, when a different USC defensive coach (who will be their next DC it appears) turned down Sarkisian, Holt got the U-Dub offer and took it.
OK. I’m officially hungry now.
I’m going home. I can’t sleep at night because of the mosquitoes.
ST – you got text!
Liz – da fish looks ono. Not sure if I’ve ever had halalu. Not much of a fan of oden and gobo, tho.
It sure was odd seeing Texas with no TEs, throwing out patterns to slotbacks on 3rd-and-1, and using so many 5-WR sets. Ohio State’s pass rush got to Colt McCoy a lot of times to stop drives, but Texas didn’t bother keeping a RB in to block on so many plays…
For the argument I had a couple of days ago when someone said that the 4-wide offense couldn’t beat fast BCS teams…today (and especially the Oklahoma game) was an example of how personnel is what matters. Texas also did a great job of reacting to the blitzes, something that I hope UH’s offense gets down better next year.
The spoken words of some one intelligent, maybe a Statesmen, Countrymen,… or Mayor.
I don’t think this is a far fetch hypothesis.
The Big 10 went 1-6 in bowl games this season! They have now lost 6 consecutive BCS title games. If Pryor could throw a little more accurately, they would have beaten Texas…at least they didn’t get blown out this year.
I’m looking forward to meeting those who will be attending the cattle call tomorrow. That’s awesome news about Hercules Satele joining the Spokane Shock. So I get to watch J. Rivers and Satele this summer!
I’m looking forward to meeting those who will be attending the cattle call tomorrow. That’s awesome news about Hercules Satele joining the Spokane Shock. So I get to watch J. Rivers and Satele this summer!
Sorry for the double post. I was excited.
my alma mater K State just signed Utah’s OC and offensive line coaches to contracts….wildcats on the rise….fired coach Prince lasted three years, took the Cats to one bowl game, no good, got canned and K State paid him off to leave…..Just Win….like kidney stones, if the coaching is painful bad get a cure and get rid of it.
According to rivals, right now BSU has the top-rated WAC recruiting class at #63. UH is next at #72. Oregon State was #60. Utah is #44. TCU is #40.
the blog numbers is down because bighilo, whitey, Wafan and 808Ike are missing tonight from the blog…
ST- seriously- mosquito nets are a life/sleep-saver.
djmitcho- so close and yet so far away! Wish I could attend the CC tomorrow. Perhaps I’ll be able to visit your neck of the woods sometime next year.
Ralph- don’t forget homey!
and (j)james
djmitcho ~ E kala mai my friend…no can make your ‘Welcome Home’ CC. Maybe I can catch up with you in July at the Bash, or in Vegas for the UH game.
Meanwhile, enjoy the time you have here at home before you return to the PNW.
funny- a month ago, 808Ike thought he couldn’t type.
Practice makes perfect!
Since it is slow and I need to get offline soon, I’ll do the free play links now. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want the off-topic stuff.
Tokyo auction sold one premium bluefin tuna for $100,000.
They are now offering college classes to those in a US base in Baghdad.
BMW has a car with a real time shape shifting fabric (to make it as aerodynamic as possible) and a wire frame (the front body can reshape by shifting the wires).
Japanese automakers are rushing towards zero-emission electric and fuel cell cars, but there are worries that the slow economy will hurt the market for green cars.
Worries about a space race with China, plus the advances already made by military rockets, may lead to a collaboration between NASA and the DoD.
Free play links pau.
kewl- thanks, Garret!
Tanks Ah!
you get mail.
Stephen- I have a mosquito net kinda like this- it’s great!
Good evening Tsaikos everywhere.
whew! read sum ah yur stuff. 1st I’d like to wish
curveball , kristin
well wishes!!!
hang in there big fella!
David Graves
Glad you want to be one of us, Warrior Nation!
and to doze dat wanna know what about Shutter & Neilsen,
Did I ever tell you the story about the mother pig with 12 nipples
and 14 baby pigs? 😀 :cool
you right about so many athletes though. I like the coaches make
better use of their talent.
and lastly,
thanks for keeping our/my eyes on the ball!
we want the same thing; our team to get better,
which starts with smart decisions and smart conduct.
in everything.
you can cook a great steak, but if you’ve got a crappy presentation,
you’ve got a crappy steak! no ifs, ans or butts. 😀
Good win by MBB!
Congrats to the bb team! Good win. Heart skipped a couple of beats at the end.
wbb go on a three game road trip…..hope they have more success away from home, to much pressure from the emptiness of the arena…..
The BB team pulled it out in the end. What a finish!
Rob25 must be in relapse with Dallas’ demise…..once again Romo nomo da mana to lead the A team….and if she’s losing money in Vegas with the A houses, double whammy….I assume if they had hit the jackpot we would have heard by now
Nitoto’s three pointer really helped them over come last minute breakdown…
I was just cruising the headlines…
Peace on Earth cannot come soon enough.
Blessings and comfort to the many people who are suffering needlessly today!
Gotta go nitey nite early… which means I’ll prolly wake up early too…
Sweet Warrior Dreams!
under armour HS all star game on espn2 at this time
hiya Ralph
we waitin fo da good news. maybe sumtin going blow up! :D.
i could not bear a Rob25 blowup…. she need to hear dat big time ringing in La$ Vega$.
So obviously Coach Mack listenin to Rolo, gettin da Graves commit!
i hope he listen to Roysan 2.. err..16. 😀
roysan16, you make a point about announcements. speak up, coach!
but den again roy, yu talkin about a State job. 😀 😆 I stay tinkin dat Uce2 got his banana leaves all bunched up in da wong spot. 😆
you all gotta realize, State employees… heck, even Herman da lemon had rights den da leffs he deserved for a lousy job. 😀
down Hilo boy…. down…. down…. 😀
you see roysan 16, you can get carried away and not really be contributin a positive way,
and to all the Tsaikos, I apologize for trying to point out the cons to what
roysan16 was saying, even though you meant well. i meant well 2. jmo
an an an…. what was that about momo? 😆
st….all you need to do is find the screen with a hole in it and patch it. or could be coming from holes in your attic’s vents.
in any case, you must be breeding them buggers somewhere near your house. some vessel is holding stagnant water and larvae. could also be bromiliads(sp?) or some other plants.
other than nasty smelling repellents perhaps build a canopy above your bed and drape those things down.
good to see bhf2 behaving these days.
The weather in Hilo was beautiful today! Even up here in Waimea was nice
hiya. the mountain was beautiful,no clouds at 4pm and all white down to 8K on the Hilo view side. I going shoot for a pix early am, maybe susan can take a pix and post. we’ll see. really pretty though.
holwzit. 😀 you can’t score the risky points if you don’t take the risky dives. 😆 mediocre and moderation….. steady is the best in the long run for sure. but if you’re looking for a shooting star, and i’m looking for a long lasting shooting star, then EVERYTHING counts!!! including the presentations and the announcements. jmo
Anyone think that Shutter and/or nielsen will de-committ???
Eh Big Hilo! I just wanted to remind you of something I posted early this morning:
watcha think? I don’t know anything except what I read on this blog.
maybe I should ask this question: who did Shutter commit to? same ques for Neilsen. i’m guessing Graves committed to Rolo, maybe not.
which just goes to show… gotta give Mack some space. and hope he’s a fast learner too, reads the blog, and has a great love for Warrior Nation and will not settle for mediocre and moderation…. right Al?! 😀
Teo is #5, Hasiak is #75 if you’re watching the HS all star game
Hawaii kids on the white team, Teo hasn’t had much to do except back pedal cuz it seems every down in a passing down….
😀 😀
my a$$ma aken up i laffin so hahd.
$o a$$ i lay down da couch an $elf terapee my sichuashun I conclude dat I still all habut ova da ND game. I should be grateful…think of BYU.
but I really thinking about Wassu, UNLV, Boise,Wisconsin, La Tech, Nevada, SJSU, Fresno State,NMSU, USU, Idaho. We get chance for be respectable. Just gotta get our Warriors mentally motivated and ready.
so… you tink Schmooze is da way? 😀 🙁
damn zone defenses!
as LONG AS HE GETS RID OF THE OLINE COACH. send him back to the mainland!! then i will agree that he has love for the “nation” , cause that guy is not ready for big time!
whats good for one may not be da best for annuda. different perspective. like schmooze.
my next 2 younger brothers were State champs, set records, back in their day. i think i had sumtin to do wit dare success. each had a bull dog chasin his a$$, ass why day ran sooofast. 😀 had nuttin to do wit schmooze.
an you all will tank roysan16 if next year we find ourselves wit a tuff bunch of scrappin Warriors, plaing their hearts out, playing very well, maykin da most of their God given talents and we have some fired up super smart in your face coaches, making believers outta allus, including dat trublemaykah bloggah! 😀
HD is great for some local news casters. not so great for others….
and how do we get a hole in the H-1 viaduct? how is that possible? isn’t that thing supposed to last forever? I don’t think you can resurface concrete? where’s our warranty?
now wow 😀
an i wuz jus tryin fo make nice nice. 😆
you wanna no sumtin. i thinkin day holding back on sumtin. day stay bustin out all dis new stuff. i mean, all dis talk about commit and de-commit, i mean, i wondah wats going on in each of dare heads? i mean, if UH is offering, then i say Hawaii is a small town and doze coaches gotta know their word is their ticket. bad word = bad bad bad
BHF2 ~ You got da word straight from da bird! I seen you exercising your courtroom talents on da female of da species! I know Schmooze wen I see it…
Hey I need some *Tsaiko Terapee* before I continue into what my un-licensed Terapist said I should be doing…”Porch tending!”
just wanted to say, way to go warriors. keep up the good work in recruiting, training and preparing for this coming season.
RS two QBs, give the most advanced one some PT so we don’t have three seniors in the 2013 season. That’s just purely from a numbers standpoint.
Does Steele Jantz move to another position?
we see how serious Mac and co. are . He want to win or be nice guy .
me, i no like play dat game. do dis and i like,
revamp Oline coach. he no can coach dis level. bring in new guy. enough of him saying dis coach all g, and dat coach all g.
if can coach , coach…if no can , no can! bye bye! pack yo bags and try coach at lower level ……………………………………no mo mista nice guy mac.
OK, I’m a little irritated at KHNL/KFVE. When they went to HD, they switched out KFVE for KHNL in the HD lineup for DishNetwork. The only programs I watch on KFVE are UH sports and those aren’t even in HD!! I sent an email to KHNL but no response (of course). I know they “read” it. grrrrr. I want da NFL and “Heroes” in HD!!
tks for the kind words
let me say there are others
they write cryptically as not to spew negativity
there messages are subliminal
they allude in general terms about leadership
and the weak link theory
and how lack of discipline is cancerous on a team
but they don’t tip their hand and infer that they are talking about the coach
this is very tactful and better approach
but if you ever saw the defendant arguing over a $25.00 ticket-that’s me,
only there’s a twist -the $25.00 ticket become a $250.00 ticket because I got a contempt charge for calling the judge a bad name( and a bench warrant for not showing up and paying the ticket)
what i’m getting to –right or wrong, i’m very outspoken on what i perceive.
I don’t think I take after anyone in my family…or on the street…or in our city. peace.
chawan_cut: I was wondering the same thing. When I saw the headline, I thought pothole. I mean, it’s concrete, but I guess it can wear out and create potholes. Then I see the picture of the hole from underneath. Yikes!
Thanks to Stretch for dropping off my Christmas present. It’s nice! 🙂
jm2375 ~ Make sure you get a good night’s sleep. Need your expertise tomorrow.
jm2375 and expertise — not two words I’d associate with each other. 😉
Jason – go to sleep!! You’re delirious! I happen to be an expert in, ummmm, ummm, oh never mind.
Kekoa – what are you getting me into? 🙄
here’s the highlights of tonight’s game.
OK, time to go nene. Hasta manana.
How to Be a Statistician (Believed to be a True Story)
A friend of a friend, who is a probabilist, made a bet that he could write a publishable paper in Statistics within 24 hours.
He did this as follows: first of all he went to his filing cabinet and found some unfinished work on probability distributions which he’d given up because he couldn’t prove anything. He then invented a ‘cover story’ involving sheep and fruit trees, and wrote a Statistical paper on the subject, including the results he couldn’t prove together with ‘heuristic’ arguments, i.e. hand-waving. He then sent it to a well-known journal which shall remain nameless but for the sake of argument we’ll call Biometrika.
Some time after he received an acceptance letter for his content-free paper, with a comment from the editor that he hoped the author would revise the paper to make it less theoretical. So he had won his bet. 😛
Guess what if coach Mack had the talent that USC or Texas has he would be in the top 5 every year. So would JJ. Great talent makes great coaches. Its proven that name coaches that won National Championships at big schools never could achieve the success at a Non BCS institution. Over half the recruiting battle is due to the tradition, name and money these football powers have and the networks/media that keeps that aura going.
Here at Hawaii we will always be the underdog, be the little kid trying to beat the bullies. How long this stigma continues is anyone’s guess. Do you think Jamie Dixon would the success he is if he was coaching at UH.
Let’s be happy for the type of teams we have win or lose as long as they gave it their all. What’s more important is that these student athletes become successful with their family and careers.
Congrats to our UH cheerleaders, winning Paula Abdul’s RAH cheerleading challenge.
I think Stephen might like the PA clips… sorry, didn’t do a highlight reel for her.
but here’s our team’s highlights!
Thanks for making a video of Rah too, chawan_cut. I kept on forgetting to record it. They did awesome! 🙂
The reason that I am so excited about this year’s recrtuiting class is that for the first time in six years we are really putting a dent in local recruiting. If all of the commits were to stay committed to the schools that they have given verbals to, then this year would be the first time that our local commits percentage would come close to being 50%. The 2009 count of course doesn’t include Manti Te’o and Auloa Tonga.
The year listed below of course is the graduating year of the recruit class. The dividend is the amount of athletes that commited to play at Hawaii. The divisor is the amount of atletes that commited to division one schools during that recruiting period, out of Hawaii high schools. The numbers that I am using are from
2004 4/15 = 27%
2005 7/26 = 27%
2006 6/27 = 22%
2007 7/29 = 24%
2008 8/26 = 30%
2009 12/23 = 52%
If we can continue to keep that percentage at or above 50%, then we will definitely be competitive on a regular basis. What I mean by being competitive is to win the WAC on a yearly basis and nibbling at the top twenty-five three to four years out of every five.
I commend the coaching staff for taking a pro-active approach in this area. A very good balance of local, mainland, and JC recruiting, along with a few additions from Samoa will keep us competitive with the big boys.
We will never compete for the four and five star athletes. But we can compete on the field of play if we get solid two star players, good solid coaching, and disciplined play with superior excecution from our student athletes.
roysan16 – though I sometimes disagree with you, I like your style. Unlike others who resort to name calling, belittling or prejudices, you write your comments with dignity. I would venture to say that if others would emulate your style they would have more people listen and give some consideration to their thoughts and idea’s.
if i were to have guessed prior to reviewing your info i would have guessed even less than the numbers you have displayed for us.
bhf3…..sorry, had some things to take care of, of much importance, food, talk to the boss, research, and then, some exercise.
so, um, what was that you were saying it went whooosh over the top of my head.
Actually Al you are correct. The numbers for Hawaii are the number of commits. A good number of commits for Hawaii never appeared on the Manoa campus.
i am in total agreement with you. if we can continue to land the local kids at this year’s ratio we will be a force to be reckoned with.
nothing can replace the local boy pride that is the twelveth man on the field. that pride is infectious to those who play with the local boys. it is evident in all walks of life throughout our local culture and where ever we go to represent our state.
i have experienced this up close and personal in many venues. do you think that we win so many liitle league championships because we are physically superior?
those who battled alongside our local boys in ww1, ww2, korea, viet nam, you name it they know it and have experienced it.
…nuff said
Pride what’s notable about your list is that Hawaii produced on the average 25 D1 fb players each year and many of them had outstanding college careers where most got ample PT. add on the walk ons that don’t make the scout list and our percentage goes up-how you figa!
You’re right Ralph. My point though is that this years coaching staff made a concious effort to reach the local players, whereas the last staff took a different approach, one that I didn’t understand.
and yet, the former staff would boast that 75% of the roster is made up of local boys, boys with local ties, boys of pacific islander heritage.
i always wondered why no one called him out on this when in fact he never pursued those boys from the islands.
JM2375 use your biostatistician knowledge and analyze our roster and give us an idea how a statistician would look at the number of locals who were on JJ and Mac roster (every player,including scholies, walkon, active roster, scout team, redshirts, etc)
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Mahalo, Pride.
chawan_cut- thanks for the RAH clips.
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
wen crash last nite wit da wurds stil in da submit space, neva send. 😀
good morning friend!
always nice to talk to you. Porch tenda, das a good one!
my spesheality is couch occupashunist. 😀 i get dat one down!! 😀
you da bomb, man! thanks for the video.
How did the cheerleaders get to PA’s show?
they were really good.
100%. 😀
Hiya LizK. top ah da morning to ya.
Kekoa wuz menshuning dat he tinks I schmooze yu. 😛
he’s right of course.
great upbeat commentary, sir!
Perfect ~ takes awhile, you know. like PBS, you gotta keep boilin
da ingredamenz. you still gotta have da stuff fo make da soup, oddawize, no can no can.
an den, afta yu finish boilin, you gotta let tings sit.
das da hard part for summa us. 😀 sum call dat
moderation…. 😀
sooo I guess we all gotta be patient and watch Coach Mack take his time and figah out what he going say and how he going say it. And he trying to be nice about all dat….
and I totally understand about the $25 tix ending up costing yo career..
abudant energy tied up in da pickey yune… while da gourmet cutz go flyin by. same result if yu not ready fo grab da gourmets if day change dare mind or hesitate, just gotta be ready, iz all.
I like da relationship dat Mack get wit Torres/Kahuku. I think Miano get sumtin to do wit dat. now, if only Mack could get sumtin like dat going wit Derby.
den again, maybe tings already like dat and i just ain’t privy to dat kine stuff cuz ST neva spill da beanz yet. 😆 just maybe we gotta wait to LOI day. 😀
i no dis much. wen you get dirty lickinz like we got XMas to end da season, and like we got 8/30 to start da season, if you wuz me, you’d be soooooooooooo p.$$.d o## dat you cannot $ee $trate, but people can still read you even wit all da camouflage. no need Jason fo use da big wurds; people juss no yu one Peed mudda!
and das how I’m seeing our beloved Coach. Good ting he mo cool head dan me. Do what you gotta do!. Go ask da wife! Short people give da bess advice. 😀
reminder to all da negativists, including sometimes me…..
Graves said he liked McMackin’s “positive style.” Yup, das
wat ST said in dis morning’s HA.
das a good sign, coach. 😀 but with other QBs coming, don’t you figah you should spend tijme getting what we really need? Like fo instance, all the ingredamenz we need for a good oline. Like, talent and instruction.
Good morning Tsaikos. it gets more interesting as we get closer to feb 4th and that ST he get plenty up his sleeve.
David Graves appears to be the real deal. He already has a qb tutor, great academic standing, low profile, and loves hawaiian music, not to mention that he must have foot speed to be able to rush for that much yards. at least we know he is a very mobile and accurate qb.
good morning bhf2. how’s the weather in hi lo??
gettin back to what I wuz saying…. 😀
Hawaii, alot of us come home,
not because get more $$$ here
cuz dat is not true.
not becuz get mo dis an dat here
cuz dat is not true.
we cum home cuz we went away,
tink we made sumtin of ourselves
and we no kea fo da glory,
which is also not true. 😀
we came home cuz we love Hawaii!
what it is, what it stands for, warts an all.
you know Dixon could not be coach
of the #1 team in da land if he wuz at UH
he had to go away to hook up wit da talent to
make da #1 team. and it takes all dat stuff….
aura, tradition, national media, competition, and mostly….
we no have choke unit peeps living Hawaii…
we get choke mensas…. 😛
nothing better than to see the scrubs in the big 10 suck big time. they are so over rated. if anything, they should have only 1 team eligible for the Bull C Sh.
goodmorning. i wuz talkin to myself, and dare you iz!
the weather is dark still yet. but dry. cannot tell if Mauna Kea get clouds cuz I’m cuddled up by da computah, and if I like go see, I gotta go outside into da freeezah. 😀
howzit howzit!!!
anger management…. never went to da classes myself
but maybe I need to go.
whee you figah Jason got all doze big words last nite? he no need big wurds, mensa attitude fo impress his dates. 😀 just gotta bust out da flash cards….Visa, M/C, Amex…. 😀
Jason, whoze yo daddy? 😛
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
Cattle Call w/ djmitcho
Tues Jan 6 12noon
Camellias on McCully Street
sometimes you just step into it, and its all g. David Graves, Shutter, 0Neilsen. Humble Accurate. Skilled playahz. Leaders. Good job, Ron!
I sen you work the phone. 😀 And you took time from your busy schedule to talk to my 11 year old grand son. Thank you!
it looks like Hilo is gonna have more blue than grey today…
cold but great! you can tell get choke snow on da mountains. dis bugga is c-o-l-d.
hi ho you guyz. gotta go.
esme woossssshhhhh
have a great cattle call y’all. sorry i can’t make it djmitcho!
man I just read the article in todays HA. He seems like a good pickup good size coming out of hs, decent speed but what impresses me most is he already loves the local culture music and all. It’s funny because alot of these local kids might take things like this for granted when you’ve grown up with it your whole life it’s easy to look elsewhere to go to school good grades too. I wonder if they ran alot of shotgun or maybe even used a pistol lineup in hs.
sometimes the media gets things wrong and they don’t tell the truth. case in point is the BCS participation. the best team is usc, 6-1 and one of the crappiest is florida state, 1-5, but then you get notre dame, 0-3, alabama, 0-2 and a whole bunch at 0-1: cincy, colorado, iowa, kansas st, purdue, stanford, syracuse, texas a &m, ucla, wake forest, wa st, and uh. last yr did we get beaten by the biggest score, no!! the media makes it sound like we shouldn’t be there, but illinois had the distinction of getting beat by the biggest of margin (we were 2nd),
ST was hinting about an offensive lineman. i wonder if he got another up his sleeve, 6′ 5″, 290, 4.9 speed.????
good morning Tsaikos,
just dropping in to say have an awesome day and for those that i missed last week, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
let us all be thankful for what we have instead of coveting what we don’t have.
you gotta want what you got, not have what you want….
have a productive and kick butt day!
another example of your quiet wisdom. the challenge, as we discussed, is when the so called ‘fulcrum of recruiting’ leans to far to either side, we have an imbalance that takes time to correct.
as evidenced in years past, the creation of the Hula T to accomodate the talent pool that was available.
we still need certain players at certain positions to be competitive, and that is a proven fact. the challenge, as it has always been the biggest challenge facing the HC at UH, is to find the balance with the right players, with the right attitude, at the right time.
once the HC has put all his ‘ducks in a row’, and if they can all quack like they’re supposed to, that is a symphony of success.
just my 2 sense as i concur once again with your insightful observation.
al- bhf2 says the sun is comin up and it is ccccooold but get clouds on the mountain.
Good Morning All. Getting excited for my first CC today. It’s currently a brisk 50 degrees here in Waimea this morning. Ok, see everyone later. Gotta get ready to get on da plane.
Sunny and cool here in Pa’auhau (suburban Honoka’a).
Re: Recruiting… I think there is always more to the situation than we know. Maybe some commits aren’t solid, or we’re trying to start a pipeline with a certain school, or we just want more competition at a position, or any other thing. I hope all is going according to plan.
Good morning all!!!
Back to the PNW today — yay!!!
Great morning. Visualizing a symphony of Quackers.
Mahalo for the words of wisdom Bulla. I go print’em and mount right next to da one dat says “make memories”.
Cool and clear, it’s a beautiful day on the slopes of Puowaena. Just returned from my morning waddle and the weather is great.
DPK, you goin’ irritate Al wit’ da incorrect spelling of Pu’owaina.
ST: My BW tells me that one of those dryer sheets (fabric dryer sheets that you toss in your laundry-dryer) in your pocket will keep the mosquitos away.
Look at place names of Hawai’i. Kahu Kaupu also said it can be spelled that way.
Google no ho’i. 😆
you’re welcome for the cheerleading vids. the competition wasn’t even close. and why does paula cry so much? does she miss stephen?
G’day Tsaiko Nation!
Another gem from Coach Bulla this morning has tickled my funny bone:
“once the HC has put all his ‘ducks in a row’, and if they can all quack like they’re supposed to, that is a symphony of success.”
I envision the AFLAC duck leading the Bulla Bombers in song at the KK in Feb! 😎
Re: the Cheerleaders
Someone also mentioned this the other day when they were being shown on MTV but I really like having a student be the “Warrior” rather than Vili. It supposed to be a college team so why do we have an “old” guy out there?? I am sure there are a lot of students that would be willing to give it a shot and definately would do a great job.
A-Joe ~ Check your email…go…go check ‘um…go!
stretch, that was me. when i was going to school, we had a student as the mascot. he was the fake spongy muscled guy that had the cape and helmet that pissed off all the activists. but at least he was a student. had the student spirit. got a tuition waiver probably thats still cheaper than vili’s pay. nothing against vili, but this is a college environment. JJ loved vili, but JJ also was never really a college coach. he didn’t get the college environment aspect of it.
morning 8) tsai-ko kane’s and wahine’s from the wessai. sun out so looking good so far.
😕 wow plenty chatter this morn and shouting out to c_c, bulla, pride, dpk, whitey, wafan, lizk, bhf2 anoddah’s I wen miss.
heavy nite yesterday so not making dem smooth moves yet and in about 20 minutes heading out to the dentist 😳 man I not looking forward to dat.
converation last centered around Utah and its undefeated season. question; does anybody know what is the % of games the so call BCS teams play against mid major teams and d2 teams?
This island is too small. I saw (Jesse) James yesterday!!! What a nice Tsai-ko surprise.
Kelli: That’s because James is stalking you. Don’t take it personally, he stalks all the ladies.
DPK: Look it up in Place Names of Hawai‘i? Okay …
Pū-o-waina. Hawaiian name for Punchbowl and drive along the north slope of Punchbowl crater; section 18 (map 6), Honolulu. Lit., hill of placing [human sacrifices] (for which this hill was famous).
But IDK Hawaiian, I just look things up in dictionaries and books. If anything, I could see Pu‘uowaina as a variant, as pū seems to be a variant of pu‘u like mō is a variant of mo‘o in Mō‘ili‘ili. I’m curious to hear about this from an expert. 😀
Koakane ~ Good Morning my Wessai pahtna!
Good question. It does seem like the BCS teams are hesitant to stoop beneath themselves to play mid major types or worse yet, D-2 teams. I believe it’s because there is a lot more fight in the dog these days.
So by Michigan whining their way out of playing UH, they thought that they would improve their record. Ha!…they got spanked by a lower level team anyway! Which proves that there is a God!
There are actually two spellings. Puowaina and Puowaena.
Puowaena is the correct spelling according to my Kahu, if you are referencing the translation as “Hill of Sacrifice”. That is the older and more traditional spelling, and references battles fought on it’s slopes as well as a Heiau Luakini (Sacrificial Heiau) which was located at it’s south side rim in ancient Hawai’i.
Puowaina actually means “Hill of Wine or Vineyards.” Waina is the Hawaiian word for wine.This is a later adaptation of the traditional name and references the Vineyards which were planted on it’s slopes during the 1800’s. It also plays back into the Western name given to the hill, which was “Punchbowl”. Punchbowls often held wine back in the old days, so an association was made. Vineyard Boulevard got it’s name, from those same vineyards.
My Kahu said that the traditional spelling should be used even if it is the less common one. He didn’t even care to call the area Punchbowl because that was the western name for a Hawaiian place. That’s why I use the Puowaena spelling. 🙂
I’m NOT an expert BTW. 😉
Whoever shows up for the cc, see you there.
FWIW, a book written in the early 1900’s, Natural History of Hawaii, refers to Punchbowl as Puowaena.
mahalo for the kind words both Pride and Kekoa,
you 2 are very inciteful also, is exciteful a word? haha 😉
Nice stats on David Graves. Good to see 28% of the time he didn’t hit his receivers.
Interesting stats Pride.
DPK — very interesting. I was wondering how “Vineyard Blvd” got it’s name.
My apologies DPK.
Thanks for the cross reference, Professor homey. See you at the CC. 🙂
SteveM- That is interesting, isn’t it? I can’t remember what happened but I think the vineyards didn’t produce very good wine or disease caused them to fail bringing an end to the vineyard experiment. Another little known fact about Puowaena is that it was once the site of one Oahu’s longest and fastest papa holua or sled run. Sledding was done on specially built runways located on slopes and was a sport enjoyed by the Ali’i. The Puowaena papa holua began at the top of the crater’s south rim and ran all the way down-slope to an area near downtown. The Puowaena papa holua was noted for the terrific and sometimes fatal speeds which sledders could attain there, as well as the extremely long travel distance sleds could also make there.
Min Na,
Shin Nen Akemashite Omedetogozaimasu!
# Pride.:
January 6th, 2009 at 11:04 am
My apologies DPK.
Love means you never have to say your sorry big fella. 😉 Not to many people know that story, Kahu shared it at church one day and seemed pretty emphatic about that. Thass why I remember it. Are you going to be at the CC today? “Little” Spencer is lookin’ forward to seein his hanai Uncle.
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