Texans release Grice-Mullins

Jason found this story about the Houston Texans cutting receiver Ryan Grice-Mullins today:


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Since taking over as head coach, Greg McMackin has promoted a family atmosphere.
This weekend, McMackin and his wife are taking the coaches and their families on a retreat on Oahu’s West side.
The getaway will help promote unity among the coaches. Among the highlights is a baby shower for associate head coach Rich Miano and his wife Lori, who is expecting the couple’s second child on July 10.

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Quarterback Shane Austin finally appears to be on the road to recovery. After suffering a fracture in his right foot during the Warrior Bowl last month, he was in a cast for several weeks. After that, he wore a protective boot. Now Austin no longer needs supportive medical equipment.


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Quarterback Tyler Graunke has been working hard in the competition for a starting job.


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Malcolm Lane has managed to balance football training with a hectic academic schedule. Lane is the No. 1 right wideout.



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Here’s a picture of two-thirds of the WAC’s best linebacker group — Adam Leonard and Solomon Elimimian.


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“No pictures, Mr. Tsai,” Elimimian told the blog host yesterday. So, naturally, here’s his picture:


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Weakside linebacker Adam Leonard offered no such objections. Leonard has shown quickness in pass coverage.



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For our female readers, here’s a picture of a bulked-up Spencer Smith:


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We’re now taking reader photos. Here’s a blast from the past:
Back row: Alfred Zimmerman, Louis Santiago, Joey Meyer.
Front row: Addaknowjoe, Lane Santiago and an somebody whose name has escaped Addaknowjoe for the moment.


* * *


  1. LizKauai June 13, 2008 7:57 am


  2. haka June 13, 2008 7:58 am

    Friday the 13th!
    Don’t be scared superstitious bloggers!
    Go Triskaidekaphobiacs!

  3. LizKauai June 13, 2008 7:59 am

    Great time for a family retreat! THAT’s team-building!
    You Go, Coach Mack!!!
    Kauai’s wessai has a good place for that too 😆

  4. Da Punchbowl Kid June 13, 2008 8:01 am


  5. Da Punchbowl Kid June 13, 2008 8:03 am

    I dragged this over from da last blog:

    Good mornin’ everybody. 🙂 That smile is for all the folks with hammerin’ hang overs. (you know who you are) 🙂 What a great party for the Beast last night, with Tsaikos out in force. So much love in the Eastman family, it’s a priveledge to roll around in it like we did last night. To Ryan, best of luck, to Lynne and Bulla, thanks for a very memorable evening.

  6. d1shima [sez:] June 13, 2008 8:08 am

    Best wishes to the soon-to-be Mama and Papa
    Hoping the coaches have a great weekend together.
    Will there be any walking over hot coals out on the Wessai this weekend? If so, watch those embers, it’s kinda dry out dea.

    …and let’s hear it for the WB’s Family Guy – Stephen Tsai (hey, that rhymes)

  7. addahknowjoe June 13, 2008 8:11 am

    Boy, if coach Mac ever needs help with throwing family unity parities, kindly call on Mr. & Mrs. Bulla.

    They no full around!

    Good fun last night.

    Congratulations to the Beast! Make us proud!

    BTW- You’ve been forewarned. Waipahu Alumni Cheerleaders can DANCE ALL Night!!!


  8. Maverick June 13, 2008 8:12 am

    Coach Mac & Ms. Mac – They are “good humans”. This will permeate throughout the program and dept. with others to follow.

    Is “The Beast” gonna redshirt this freshman year at Weber St. ? Any chance we might see him play for the Hawaii game?

  9. addahknowjoe June 13, 2008 8:16 am

    Howzit Maverick- By all accounts, Beast is playing against Hawaii come September.

    Howz the da East of the Big Island holding out, my braddah?

  10. LizKauai June 13, 2008 8:20 am

    Oh yeah- congrats to Coach and Mrs. Miano and best wishes for a smooth, uneventful birth!



  11. bonar June 13, 2008 8:21 am

    double one

  12. d1shima [sez:] June 13, 2008 8:25 am

    OK, OK so we can see that the Blog Host was actually at practice by himself (except for the unidentified QB #12 who was waiting for his turn behind Shane Austin.

    Guessing by analyzing the perspective, it looks like he’s about 6-2, 6-3?

  13. Blackie June 13, 2008 8:33 am

    Good morning, everybody. ST, I enjoy the photos. Keep up the good work.

  14. Stretch June 13, 2008 8:39 am

    ST – good to see you made it there alive. You realize that all the Tsaikettes are very disappointed that you are not posting pictures of your favorite player without his shirt on…..

  15. Stephen Tsai June 13, 2008 8:44 am

    For our female fans, I’ll post a shirtless player in about 2 minutes.

  16. d1shima [sez:] June 13, 2008 8:45 am


    Or he could be just hoarding them 😯

  17. d1shima [sez:] June 13, 2008 8:47 am

    Uh oh….

  18. Stephen Tsai June 13, 2008 8:50 am

    And Spencer Smith has been posted.

  19. Da Punchbowl Kid June 13, 2008 8:52 am

    Those players make a hot summer day look like a picnic.

    When are we gonna get some pics of the linemen’s work outs?

  20. Da Punchbowl Kid June 13, 2008 8:53 am

    No shirtless female athletes?

  21. Stephen Tsai June 13, 2008 8:55 am

    Linemen don’t work out. Not in the pass-blocking-drill sense.
    They run. They lift. And they do it early in the morning. The blog welcomes photo submissions.

  22. Kekoa June 13, 2008 8:55 am

    Good Morning Tsaiko Nation!…My favorite day…Friday the 13th!

    Kona start slow and build up until tolerance level is moah cleahh…steady hummm I heard this morning was my brain stuck on ‘refesh’ and my mouth as dry as Desert Storm.

    Did someone mention Blog Bash?…Yes, the anticipated announcement was discussed over this past week. Like the unveiling of a new product line or a new direction in a University’s Athletic Department, there will be a gradual release of information.

    As soon as the blog host gets a firm answer from a very reliable source, we can post more stuff on the Tsaiko Playhouse Bulletin Board.

  23. d1shima [sez:] June 13, 2008 8:55 am


    Just for U! 😉

  24. al June 13, 2008 9:18 am

    anybody the difference in the blog the past two days?

    i wonder how much prime rib cost in japan?

  25. Da Punchbowl Kid June 13, 2008 9:19 am

    That thingy she’s wearing constitutes a shirt. *sigh* Life just isn’t fair…

  26. Da Punchbowl Kid June 13, 2008 9:21 am

    Did you mean notice the difference, al? Yes, we have.

  27. al June 13, 2008 9:22 am

    for me…..i know that some of our buddies are predicting who will be the starting qb come the gainesville debut. i’ll just place my trust in the coaches that they will have the guy best prepared and ready to do the job for us come august 30th.

  28. Da Punchbowl Kid June 13, 2008 9:23 am

    They havea $200.00 certificate for lunch. That should cover the cost of 1/2 a prime rib.

    Wut gigi, no moa internet in Japan?

  29. Jason June 13, 2008 9:23 am

    DPK: The closest to that we can post is a shirtless picture of you. 😉

    Thanks again for the ride home! 😀

  30. al June 13, 2008 9:24 am

    yo d1shima…..

    #12 should be kiran kepo’o. he used to be listed at 6’2″ but now he is listed at 6’1″

  31. alnbama June 13, 2008 9:24 am

    hey Liz, I’d love to sit with some of the tsaiko’s in the swamp, if you can get me a ticket, i love you long time. But really, just let me know, i’ll get you paid back.

  32. Da Punchbowl Kid June 13, 2008 9:24 am

    I agree, al. The coaches know best. That’s why my prediction was a non-prediction. 😉

  33. Jason June 13, 2008 9:25 am

    Posting this again:

    So I’m updating my contact list with everyone’s e-mails. If you haven’t already done so, please send me an e-mail at jnagaoka at hawaii.rr.com with your blog name and your preferred e-mail address(es). If you prefer that e-mails be sent to multiple addresses, please let me know as well. Mahalo!

  34. Da Punchbowl Kid June 13, 2008 9:28 am

    So who is the mysterious #12 in the pics? Didn’t you ID him at the field, Tsai? Maybe he’s planning on being the starter in 2015 and he’s getting the jump on the competition by getting his reps in now. 🙂

  35. al June 13, 2008 9:29 am

    d1 #23…….that’s a chick? i thought was our new rcb!

    jason at #29……please spare us.

    aloha….its a working day.

  36. al June 13, 2008 9:33 am

    dpk……see #30.

  37. Ronnie June 13, 2008 9:35 am

    Good Morning Tsaiko Family!!

    Whoo hoo! I’m home!!!

  38. d1shima [sez:] June 13, 2008 9:35 am


    I’m sure alnbama didn’t mean that in the “Full Metal Jacket” sense!


    If that’s Kepoo, he sure lost a lotta weight since his ILH days.

  39. d1shima [sez:] June 13, 2008 9:36 am

    Yay Ronnie!

    Let the FEAST BEGIN! :8 😀

  40. FloridaTed June 13, 2008 9:37 am

    Nr.12 is an early offer for QB, very early…..

  41. Stretch June 13, 2008 9:38 am

    I think #12 was the kid on his official recruiting visit and heard that Mack already offered a scholie.

  42. Stretch June 13, 2008 9:38 am

    Ronnie!! Welcome home. Glad you made it back safely.

  43. Jason June 13, 2008 9:40 am

    #12 is a young QB that is attending the “Tsaiko Jason Quarterback College.” Other pupils of mine include myki and uhfan808.

    Welcome home, Ronnie!

  44. Ronnie June 13, 2008 9:41 am

    Thanks Stretch and d1shima!

    When the plane finally touched down, even my oldest, who received at least 7 calls from friends asking him not to go, said to me, “yeah, we’re home!”

  45. Stretch June 13, 2008 9:43 am

    June 13th, 2008 at 9:40 am
    #12 is a young QB that is attending the “Tsaiko Jason Quarterback College.” Other pupils of mine include myki and uhfan808. oh boy, we are in trouble years down the line. Remember that we are no longer playing flag football anymore.

  46. Stretch June 13, 2008 9:46 am

    try again

    June 13th, 2008 at 9:40 am
    #12 is a young QB that is attending the “Tsaiko Jason Quarterback College.” Other pupils of mine include myki and uhfan808.

    oh boy, we are in trouble years down the line. Remember that we are no longer playing flag football anymore.

  47. Da Punchbowl Kid June 13, 2008 9:47 am

    Look at #12’s pic closely. Oh yeah, check your email. You too Jason.

  48. Hurt Feelings June 13, 2008 9:49 am

    DPK – how come you no send me email??

  49. bonar June 13, 2008 9:49 am

    LOL, Adam obviously has a ton of charisma.

  50. Da Punchbowl Kid June 13, 2008 9:50 am

    You guys are just visiting, right?

  51. Da Punchbowl Kid June 13, 2008 9:51 am

    What’s your email, Hurt Feelings?

  52. Jason June 13, 2008 9:52 am

    Hurt Feelings: DPK sent a shirtless picture of himself from six years ago. Photoshopped, of course, he looked like what’s his name from Saved by the Bell in that picture that Stephen posted the other day. So DPK asked for similar pictures from us; of course, I was 15 at the time, and child pornography is bad.

  53. Hurt Feelings June 13, 2008 9:53 am


  54. Buffoman June 13, 2008 9:55 am


    A couple of days ago, on one of the sports talk shows, there was a lively discussion with regard to the weakness of the WAC and the possibility of the conference sinking further into irrelevence as a major player on the NCAA dance floor. “Mr. Portnoy and Mr. Yamanoha brought up some compelling arguements for the UH to start to looking at other options before they are faced with a reactive role in determining what their future may be.

    Do you have any insight into the matter? Do you have an opinion or are things terrific as they are with the WAC and those gentlemen were simply overreacting?

  55. addahknowjoe June 13, 2008 9:56 am

    ST-OK. Check your email.

  56. d1shima [sez:] June 13, 2008 9:56 am


    Right on for your keeds! Dey Keiki O Ka Aina, too. 😀


    50. Try rephrase dat one maybe. No sound quite right. 😐

  57. Da Punchbowl Kid June 13, 2008 9:56 am

    You can email me at: ROTFLMAO@HurtFeelings.com

  58. Da Punchbowl Kid June 13, 2008 9:57 am

    😆 Your feelings might be hurt, but you funny! 😆

  59. bonar June 13, 2008 9:58 am

    #54, IMHO UH needs to start thinking about potential moves NOW!

  60. Jason June 13, 2008 9:59 am

    Buffoman: While I feel the WAC may grow weaker in stature and significance in the near future, I don’t see any options for UH other than to lead as the conference’s senior member. The Pac-10 is a dream that is not going to happen, and the Mountain West doesn’t want us because of the travel costs. Unless UH, Boise, and Fresno can offer a boatload of money to the MWC, of course, but even then I’m not sure it’ll happen.

  61. Stretch June 13, 2008 10:10 am

    Travel costs is what is going to kill Hawaii’s chances of changing conferences.

  62. Buffoman June 13, 2008 10:13 am


    I agree that the Pac 10 is an absolute pipedream not really worth discussing and maybe doing things traditionally, such as bolting to the MWC may not work. I was just wondering if the presidents (of the stronger schools) ever thought of packaging a deal to take someone away from another conference. I know it sounds crazy but what about approaching the so called upper crust conference perennial cellar dwellers like Baylor, Texas Tech, Colorado and invite them into a new tougher WAC, with a better TV package, where they would now be top tiered contenders who would have a better chance to run the table and get a BCS bid? It’s a little out of the box, but if its all about business and making money, why look down the food chain?

  63. al June 13, 2008 10:20 am

    more than anything else a lack of invitation will hurt them period.

    the pac 10 will never invite us. they say our school is sub standard academically and the travel cost again.

    the only way out of the wac and i repeat for the umpteenth time is for us to develop a new bcs conference, should they accept our new conference with the top wac and mwc schools and perhaps a team or two from the conference usa. ideally 12 team member that participates in all three major sports; football, basketball and baseball along with the minimum required for gender equity etc.

    within the conference have a north/south or east/west division of six teams each thus allowing baseball and possibly basketball to have two ncaa entries annually.

    any way i have ranted of the teams i thought had a chance to make this work. more later.

  64. al June 13, 2008 10:24 am

    colorado would never leave the big 12. not with the kind of money that is involved.

  65. Kekoa June 13, 2008 10:34 am

    Welcome Home Ronnie!…Go easy on the local grinds cravings, please. It may cause another severe case of Manapua Hoarding!

  66. Stephen Tsai June 13, 2008 10:35 am

    Re: WAC.
    It is what it is.
    The hope is that all of the teams improve.
    As for UH being invited to another conference. that’s not going to happen. Stretch is correct. Gas prices alone make that an impossibility.

  67. Garret June 13, 2008 10:40 am

    I’m glad you are finally back in Hawaii Ronnie! I hope that you have a great time there with your family!

  68. Garret June 13, 2008 10:47 am

    None of the Big 12 teams would leave for some new conference with uncertain prospects and nowhere near as good of a TV deal that they already have with the Big 12–cross off Colorado, Texas Tech, Baylor, etc. The money just doesn’t work out–they already get a cut of BCS money each year guaranteed.

    Al has consistently suggested creating a new conference with the best from the WAC and MWC, which would be great for UH and might make some sense. In fact, when Al started talking about his idea a year or two ago it made even more sense…but now with gas prices, UH would be less appealing for that new conference. So, that could be a worst-case scenario where the new conference takes Fresno State, BSU, Nevada, and leaves UH behind!

    When looking at revenue, people here know that I use Texas as an example of a big BCS conference Athletic Department. Check out their budget!

    Athletic budget projected at $125 million

    Because of the extra revenue expected from the renovation of UFCU Disch-Falk Field and the expansion of the north end zone of Royal-Memorial Stadium, the University of Texas projects an increase of more than 16 percent in its athletic budget to a whopping $125 million next school year. The current budget for UT athletics is $107.6 million, and Texas is one of “six to 10” Division I schools that are in the black, DeLoss Dodds, men’s athletic director, said Thursday.

    The north end zone project will push the capacity to between 97,000 and 98,000 spectators. All of the 47 new suites — which will raise the total to 113 in the stadium — have been sold as have the 2,000-plus club seats in the north end zone. Only 35 of the 2,200 chairback seats remain. The suites will generate between $7 million and $8 million.

  69. MeiLing June 13, 2008 10:47 am

    Way to go, Coach Mack! Keep building the ‘ohana at UH.

    Congrats to coach Miano on their “second coming.” So, get some sleep when you can, guy…

    ST ~ Thanks for the pictures. It’s very cool to be able to see some of the team even tho some of us are far away. Keeps the juices flowing.

    Ho, Ronnie, enjoy, enjoy!

  70. Garret June 13, 2008 10:50 am

    Looks like the skyrocketing costs of nonconference scheduling will be another obstacle for JD to get UH’s budget under control. This doesn’t even factor in the additional travel costs to get to Hawaii now that gas prices are out of control.

    Monetary guarantees for non-conference home football games are rising at “a fairly alarming rate,” according to a top athletics director, and in some cases surpassing or approaching $1 million.

    Ohio State, for example, will pay $1.4 million for Navy to come to Columbus in the 2009 season. Wisconsin will pay “just under $1 million” for each of two home games against Northern Illinois, according to athletics director Barry Alvarez. Texas is paying $900,000 to Florida Atlantic this fall. Arkansas is paying Tulsa $850,000, and Georgia and Tennessee are paying more than $800,000 for a single home foe.

    “I would say it has been building over the last five to eight years, and I think what really triggered upward mobility of guarantees was the addition of the 12th game (in 2006),” Kevin White, new AD at Duke and president of the National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics, said at the group’s convention. “I think it’s just subject to whatever the market will bear. There is no way to legislate against this kind of escalation. I think at some point it will move into a maintenance phase. But the cost of doing business has become much steeper than in years gone by as it relates to having a one-way opponent.”

    Major powers often are eager to pay guarantees because they take in several million dollars at a home game, not to mention the ripple effects in their towns from a crowd of 90,000 or 100,000. It also gives them a competitive advantage that could have implications for Bowl Championship Series spots. Less successful teams or those with smaller athletic budgets see guarantee games as a way to build their coffers and give players the experience of facing a major power in a huge stadium.

    The 12th game gave impetus to the increase and created a bidding war among bigger schools, say some ADs.

    “We haven’t had to pay a million yet, but we’re looking at it. It wasn’t that long ago that we were paying $350,000 to $400,000.”

    Said Oklahoma athletics director Joe Castiglione, “The needle is north of $800,000.”

  71. bb June 13, 2008 10:50 am

    A “retreat on the westside”……

    Is that Ko’olina westside?

    Nanakuli weststide?

    Makua beach westside?

    Pokai Bay westside?

    Mt. Kaala westside?

  72. Garret June 13, 2008 10:52 am

    La Tech appears to have just gotten a top WR recruit.

    Cruz Williams, a wide receiver from Pulaski Academy (Little Rock, Ark.), appears to be bound for Louisiana Tech after originally signing with Arkansas. Williams is a three-star recruit according to Rivals.com.

    “I got my release from Arkansas, and I will be at Louisiana Tech,” Williams said.

    Williams said he has soured on the Razorbacks since Bobby Petrino took over for Houston Nutt.

    Williams adds a size and speed factor that the Bulldogs are lacking. He said he runs a 4.4-second 40-yard dash, and stands at 6-foot-5.

    Tech has some question marks at quarterback — sophomores Ross Jenkins and Steven Ensminger are inexperienced, and Taylor Bennett, who transferred from Georgia Tech, is in his first year with the program. But that didn’t phase Williams.

  73. Garret June 13, 2008 10:55 am

    Paul Johnson just lost another player to transfer…this guy was listed as their starting RB so that has to hurt a little at least.

    Jamaal Evans, listed as a starting running back for Georgia Tech after spring practice, has left the team, coach Paul Johnson confirmed.

    Johnson did not say why the 5-foot-8, 193-pound Evans, who would have been a junior this season, left.

  74. bb June 13, 2008 10:56 am

    Can the university “Hedge Flights?” At least to the west coast (SFO/LAX) pay a lower cost now….and then when the year comes worry about connecting flights to whatever city they need to play in? For example we can book a flight to LAX in 2009 and then worry about connections to Reno, Utah St…etc…and then pay that later? Perhaps the WAC could make sure we are playing on the road on whatever date we hedge?

  75. Kekoa June 13, 2008 10:59 am

    Good Time to Remind Everyone…

    ~^~^~^~^~^~ATTENTION TSAIKO NATION ~^~^~^~^~^~

    Pull out your secret social calenders Tsaiko Villagers and circle Tuesday, 17 June 2008, @ 11:30 AM.(Click on my name for location map)

    This event has turned into a HAIL & FAIRWELL!

    Stop in and Wala’au with Ronnie our Lo Cal Prez, and one of our Tsaiko *Sons* Abe Markowitz. As you know, Abe will be joining the Trojans at USC, so this will give you a chance to stop in and wish him well on his journey thru the college ranks.

    (Rich arrives later on that night, so we’ll see him at the bash!)

  76. FloridaTed June 13, 2008 10:59 am

    2008 will be the big year for the WAC. Another down year for the majority of our teams as the last and the WAC will slide towards irrelevance, but have the majority of teams having good OOC wins, we’re right back up, with love from ESPN, especially if Hawaii surprises alot of people this year, as we all expect.

    Without a doubt, this is the year that the WAC HAS to show serious progress.

  77. al June 13, 2008 11:01 am

    i just looked at the qb recruit wearing #12, he is an early signee.
    i heard he led his grade school team to the national championships and he is only a fourth grader.
    he can throw the ball 24 yards.

  78. Jason June 13, 2008 11:02 am

    Even though the data is not meant to be compared from school-to-school (there are adjustments based on enrollment figures), let’s look at the Office of Postsecondary Education’s revenue data on I-A athletic programs in the Hawaiian, Pacific, and Mountain time zones from 2006-2007:

    Big 12
    Colorado: $42,354,657

    Mountain West
    Colorado State: $19,777,870
    BYU: $32,100,899
    New Mexico: $26,187,718
    San Diego State: $31,106,320
    UNLV: $25,166,518
    Utah: $25,913,332
    Wyoming: $21,031,881

    Arizona: $45,320,053
    Arizona State: $53,473,276
    California: $60,538,725
    Oregon: $50,489,771
    Oregon State: $45,409,990
    Stanford: $65,480,187
    UCLA: $61,309,668
    USC: $76,383,688
    Washington: $59,648,451
    Washington State: $31,928,453

    Boise State: $22,314,219
    Fresno State: $25,153,897
    Hawai‘i: $26,506,426
    Idaho: $12,730,220
    Nevada: $19,878,194
    New Mexico State: $19,434,062
    San Jose State: $16,970,448
    Utah State: $12,822,145

  79. chawan_cut June 13, 2008 11:02 am

    i tried posting this yesterday, but i think i had too many links and security thought it was spam. i’ll split it up today.

    oh, and to keep this UH related…


    more pics from guam

    big sausage!

  80. Garret June 13, 2008 11:03 am

    You know the recruiting world is crazy when SMU has something like 40 reported scholarship offers out! They have 4 commits–3-star DT, 3-star DB, plus a JC DT who was 3-stars out of high school. The only guy on offense who has committed is a slotback who is listed as the #14 high school recruit out of Louisiana.

    Following Texas’ recruiting is pretty boring now that they only have filled their available scholarships except for a DT that is probably not going to decide between Texas and LSU until NLI day.

  81. chawan_cut June 13, 2008 11:07 am

    their denny’s menu is awesome. why can’t ours be like that??

  82. chawan_cut June 13, 2008 11:08 am

    don’t know what this is, but its at KFC

    and one more sunset to end the evening.

  83. Koauka June 13, 2008 11:13 am

    After JD cleans up the opala left by the former AD and establishes his regime, JD needs to rethink where Hawaii Athletics needs to stand among other D1 teams. Fuel prices are increasing every other day and will probably add cost to almost every expense. I was told the guarantee by Florida is $600K and if the Warriors did a round-trip charter it would cost $500K. And that’s not counting other travel expenses.

    Against a lot of odds, it would be a good time to rethink where UH could join, possibly,
    another conference, to save a ton of money on travel cost. La Tech must be thinking the same things too.

    Unless, anybody get friends or influence at Tesoro or Chevron to donate about a
    million dollars in Jet-A fuel?

  84. Stephen Tsai June 13, 2008 11:16 am

    A lurker sent an email of complaint to our bosses saying he didn’t like the all of the personal chit-chat in the blog comment section.
    My reaction?
    More personal photos of our readers!
    Hope you enjoy Addahknowjoe’s photo.
    I welcome complaints and criticisms. It’s a free forum. But all complaints and criticisms should be posted here. The next person who tries to go behind my back can join the others at SMU.

  85. Chit Chat June 13, 2008 11:22 am

    So ST – what you doing for dinner tonight??

  86. Stephen Tsai June 13, 2008 11:23 am

    I’m really confused about UH’s budget.
    When Yoshida/Donovan left office, the budget was about $17 million. Tops. OK, I can see the increase in JJ’s salary and other coaches’ pay. But that didn’t boost the budget by $9 million a year. Where did all of the expenses come from? UH hasn’t added any sports in the past five years. Now if attendance drops in some sports, that affects the revenue, but not the expenses.
    Hmmm …

  87. Stretch June 13, 2008 11:23 am

    that must be a REALLY old pic of A-joe

  88. Jason June 13, 2008 11:24 am

    Is it just me, or are the pictures loading very slowly?

  89. Stephen Tsai June 13, 2008 11:26 am


  90. Jason June 13, 2008 11:28 am

    Sad news, folks: RGM got released by the Texans.


  91. WarriorMojo June 13, 2008 11:28 am

    So, on one hand we have people complaining about too much chit chat and on the other hand we have people with hurt feelings because they are not personally invited to participate in the chit chat?

    It’s a mad world indeed. Why, that reminds of a very cool video:


  92. Koauka June 13, 2008 11:29 am

    Never tell ST not to do something – heh, heh, heh.

    I like that.

    Also, looks like negotiations not happening for you folks.

  93. Stephen Tsai June 13, 2008 11:30 am

    It appears they are loading very slowly.
    When there’s trouble, the only one I call is Scott Morifuji. He’s a genius. He’s nice. And he’s responsive.
    Here’s his number: 620-0412.
    By the way, this is for blog/tech problems. Don’t call him for advice on improving your dating life.

  94. LizKauai [Believer] June 13, 2008 11:31 am

    Mahalo for the great pix ST!

    chawan-cut- ooohhh… now I’m hungry!!! Good thing almost lun chow ah!

    I got the call a little while ago and am now a bonafide Tsai-ko Teason Ticket Holder!!!

    We will be in JJ in Rows 7 and 8.

    WOO HOO!!!

    alnbama- I will try to call the ticket office to get another swamp ticket.
    So- are you driving past Pensacola on your way to the swamp, by any chance???

  95. Stephen Tsai June 13, 2008 11:32 am

    Wow. I guess his hamstring problems were too much to overcome.

  96. WarriorMojo June 13, 2008 11:32 am

    ST, I think you need to scale back the resolution of the pictures. Smaller file sizes = faster load times.

  97. LizKauai [Believer] June 13, 2008 11:32 am

    RGM- GET WELL SOON. Something good will come your way!!!

  98. LizKauai [Believer] June 13, 2008 11:33 am


  99. Kekoa June 13, 2008 11:33 am

    Of all the….where’s my Slippah!…I want the new trio of Tsaiko coaching assistants to handle that whining lurker by incorporating him into a new blocking dummy. (Click on name).

    Nobody likes a party pooper!

  100. Koauka June 13, 2008 11:35 am

    Using firefox and its loading slow.

  101. Stretch June 13, 2008 11:37 am

    All lurkers are invited to post something to keep the blog “on track”. Ask a sports related question or make a general comment. Once the football season starts, I can guarantee that there will be less “chit-chat”.

  102. Manoa June 13, 2008 11:37 am

    We have few options. Unfortunately, the death of the WAC would mean the death of Hawaii as a D1 football program. The decision on conferences is not based on how good your team is, it is based on money and the people who make these decisions– the conference school regents or trustees and top administrators care more about that than football.

    The BCS is a group of business people who own bowl games. It is not a group of conferences or schools and not the NCAA. They do not want to allow anybody into their games outside of the conferences they have already selected– they reluctantly agreed to the system that got us and Boise in, but the bowl picks show that the bowl that picks last gets to take the outsider because there is less money in taking the outsider teams. There would less than zero interest in allowing another bowl or another conference which would reduce the money they make from the bowls, TV rights, and the polls and championship series they already control.

  103. Stephen Tsai June 13, 2008 11:40 am

    Great analysis.
    You’re right that the BCS is a private party that is very protective of its interests.

  104. Stretch June 13, 2008 11:42 am

    ST – no need be politically correct, instead of “interests”, just say “MONEY”

  105. BowsForever June 13, 2008 11:44 am

    Get well soon, RGM. No question you’ll get another shot soon.

  106. Stephen Tsai June 13, 2008 11:44 am

    I thought SteveM fixed my resolution.
    I guess I need to resolve to fix my resolution.

  107. A-House June 13, 2008 11:44 am

    What would it cost USC or ULA to fly to UDUB or Washington St or Arizona/Arizona St for games?

    anyone got friends in travel agencies who could look up the info and post it here?

    maybe a RICH person/company will create a “charter airline” for the specific purpose of flying college teams around the country and Hawaii at “reasonable, cutrate prices.

    Once I told Mrs A-House if I was worth $54 billion , I would give her, Midori7 and Masaboy $5 billion each and I keep the rest. Her response was “you and I half-half the $44 billion” – “watsup with dat?”

  108. LizKauai [Believer] June 13, 2008 11:47 am

    Manoa- good points.
    The world paradigm is in a state of flux and the business of business is redefining itself everywhere. This happens to be the business of college football.

    Here in this blog- we float on our rafts of aloha in the seas of turmoil- bound together by interest in the success our university, its students and especially its athletes – keeping our eyes on the horizon and supporting our trusty navigators (AD) and experienced seamen (coaches).

  109. Stretch June 13, 2008 11:48 am

    A-House – charters on the mainland are a lot more affordable for teams to come to Hawaii than Hawaii going to the mainland. They have the empty planes available.

  110. LizKauai [Believer] June 13, 2008 11:52 am

    ST- your images are 1280×960 pixels. See what kind of program you have that will allow you to resize your image to the horizontal size of 600 pixels at 72 dpi. and then save it for web sharing. The vertical should adjust itself proportionally.
    If you load it at the adjusted size, the browsers should be able to refresh quickly.

  111. Stretch June 13, 2008 11:52 am

    Bummer for RGM. It seems like the receivers from Hawaii are having hamstring problems. At the Pro Day, a few of them didn’t run routes and now it is keeping them out of practicing. Hard to prove your worth if you only stand on the sidelines.

  112. LizKauai [Believer] June 13, 2008 11:53 am

    ST- clarification: you should take the pictures at the higher resolution, resize them and then post.

  113. Jason June 13, 2008 11:53 am

    So here’s the other option that’s gonna be thrown around: I-A Independent. ❓

  114. LizKauai [Believer] June 13, 2008 11:54 am

    ST- check this out:


    hi ho
    willie grace!

  115. Will June 13, 2008 11:55 am

    Not good news out of Houston for Ryan. He was injured and was not able to compete. Makes me wonder about all the wear and tear the receivers endured over the years, especially with JJ’s philosophy of only going with 4 most of the time. Not only Ryan but JR has constantly battled the injury bug and DB too.

    Good thing the receiving corps will get more shared repetitions this year. Not only good for the body but great for building depth & “we” versus “me”.

  116. FloridaTed June 13, 2008 11:56 am

    It is kind of sad to see how college football has become such a total corporate morass.

    Just love all the pictures now, it’s almost like being there.

  117. SteveM June 13, 2008 11:57 am

    Too much chit-chat? People tend to forget (or not know) that a blog (weB LOG) is the personal journal of an individual. Since ST does not claim to represent the views and opinions of the Honolulu Advertiser–only his own– then his blog is a personal blog.

    If one does not like what is written in a personal blog–then they should not read personal stuff, much less complain about it.

    Anyway, this reminds me of April 2007– do we need to hoist the blog battle ensign again? 😐

  118. Kekoa June 13, 2008 12:03 pm

    Of all the….where’s my Slippah!…I want the new trio of Tsaiko coaching assistants to handle that whining lurker by incorporating him/her into a new blocking dummy. (Click on the trio in the link below).


  119. Stephen Tsai June 13, 2008 12:07 pm

    OK, I’ve got to run for a bit.
    Play nice.

  120. koakane™ June 13, 2008 12:11 pm

    uhm hi 8)

  121. g-nalo June 13, 2008 12:15 pm

    #120 – well said SteveM.

    “blog battle ensign”? don’t know what it is but sounds appropriate, haaa

    good afternoon everyone! what a PRIVILEGE for me to lurk and post.

  122. g-nalo June 13, 2008 12:17 pm

    Koakane – how are you……..ur……..um…….howzit my braddah?

  123. SteveM June 13, 2008 12:17 pm

    LizKauai [Believer]:
    June 13th, 2008 at 11:52 am
    ST- your images are 1280×960 pixels. See what kind of program you have that will allow you to resize your image to the horizontal size of 600 pixels at 72 dpi. and then save it for web sharing. The vertical should adjust itself proportionally.
    If you load it at the adjusted size, the browsers should be able to refresh quickly.

    . Good explanation Liz. That’s the next phase after I set his camera its minimum size setting of 1280×960.

    I’m working on doing one hour Web graphic prep session if someone on staff cannot. Looks like the blog width has a default maximum of around 530 pixels wide so his 500 width (set in HTML) is OK.

    The blog servers must be slowed right now. The 9 photos above, while they could be smaller in download size, shouldn’t be a problem for most broadband connections like DSL or RoadRunner).

  124. A-House June 13, 2008 12:19 pm


    Like the pic of Damien grads.

    I did not notice Coach’s knuckle last night, but he either does martial arts or is hitting the blocking dummy with them – there all calloused.

  125. oldie June 13, 2008 12:21 pm


    Once I told Mrs A-House if I was worth $54 billion , I would give her, Midori7 and Masaboy $5 billion each and I keep the rest. Her response was “you and I half-half the $44 billion” – “watsup with dat?”

    Be happy that she would go half-half with you. She didn’t have to be that generous.

  126. jm2375 June 13, 2008 12:28 pm

    Happy Aloha Friday everyone!!

    I’m enjoying lurking and reading everyone’s opinion on whether we should consider changing conferences. ST is right and no one else would want us especially considering the travel costs involved. When UH first joined the WAC, we had to pay the travel costs for ALL the other teams. Going independent is definitely not an option and should not be mentioned again. If trying to attract quality teams (in all sports not just football) is difficult now, wait till we have to fill an ENTIRE season. Coaches Trap and Nash would be pulling their hairs out (OK maybe Trap doesn’t have a lot to pull out) and given the guaranteed amounts teams are now asking, we’d be lucky if we got 2 home games a season.

    Just my humble opinion.

    Have a good weekend guys. Back to lurking. Got 2 more meetings today. 😐

  127. Capitol -ist/WassupDoc June 13, 2008 12:47 pm

    A-HOUSE re your Post 110: I asked someone who’s a regent at a PAC-10 school that very question. He said said that the costs are picked up by corporate sponsors for the longer flights and built into the athletic budgets for the in-state travel which may include very posh charter buses rather than planes.

    maybe a RICH person/company will create a “charter airline” for the specific purpose of flying college teams around the country and Hawaii at “reasonable, cutrate prices.

    My understanding is that just such a suggestion is being seriously considered by the board of directors of at least one multi-national doing business in Hawai`i.


    STEVEM: What happened in April, 2007? I didn’t start reading the blog on a regular basis until August, 2007.


    Received a phone call from Jeannie Lee in Jim Donovan’s office earlier today concerning the renovations of Ching Field. The Request For Proposals has been advertised and will be opened on July 7 in public – probably in the Procurement Office. More information on that to follow.

    The bids will evaluated and the winning bid will be announced before the end of July. All bidders are required to be able to start work immediately as part of the RFP conditions.

    The project is to be completed within 90 days – in other words, by October 31. If the weather remains good, then it will probaby be completed by mid-October.


    RONNIE – Welcome home. If I remember correctly, it’s to celebrate your parents 50th wedding anniversary. Did I get it right?

    Off to work – running way behind, but fortunately it’s Friday so people are willing to stay late at their offices to get everything done before the weekend starts.

  128. al June 13, 2008 12:48 pm

    ajoe you was one cute bugga eh?
    i thought you would be one of the guys on the right.

  129. stacyj June 13, 2008 12:53 pm

    The chit chat is what makes this blog so great. Are there any other blogs on the HA site that gets well over 200+ posts daily? Man, some people have absolutely nothing better to do with their time than complain.

    As a faithful female lurker, I just want to thank ST for all the shirtless photos.

  130. stacyj June 13, 2008 1:00 pm

    My dumb/blonde question of the day…

    If an Airline is a sponsor or partner, why don’t they give better travel rates for the team?

    Also, does the team take up an entire plane? If not, is there a way to sell tickets to fans? I’m sure there are fans more than willing to catch a ride with the team for a few extra dollars.

    Someone threw out the cost for travel to Florida at $500K. That means, if the entire travel group is 200 people, they are paying $2500 per person. To me, that sounds high. I could be off track but I thought a “partnership” would yield some benefits. Please enlighten me, someone.

  131. Loa June 13, 2008 1:02 pm

    afternoon gang!

    sorry to hear about RGM, maybe Washington or Miami looking for some depth?

    ajoe – nice pic, how old were you? at first i thought poor thing joey had the smallest trophy then realized was cause he was so tall, lol

  132. koakane™ June 13, 2008 1:03 pm


    welcome back ronnie no wonda PC bright and sunny

    g-nalo whea was you? the darkside wen do damage needed xtra help

    good to see pride and al

    my added mahalo to mr.bulla da watacress king and mrs bulla da waipahu dancing queen. if no one said it allready…you rock girl!

    addahknow’s can party, uh808 get all da dance steps down, midori you can kick dad he rub’um in to good bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Mrs.Ahouse like see picks lattas.

    kekoa give da names and da damien mafia get up. 😈 and james only one thing to say to you ‘tui’ :mrgreen: roflmfao

  133. A-House June 13, 2008 1:03 pm

    Wassup Doc:

    Hope that “multi-national company” decides to forge ahead with the air charter plan and possibly give UH a break on cost and use that as a “tax deductible” item.

    How sweet it would be if this occurs soon.

    Like I posted before, there may be commercial entities that held back on donations to UH because of HF.

  134. stacyj June 13, 2008 1:04 pm

    I hope JD reads this blog faithfully (or his wife relays the information). There are some great suggestions floating around that I think the dept. needs to take a close look at.

    They need to start thinking outside the box. Be progressive.

  135. Loa June 13, 2008 1:11 pm

    howzit koakane – as one spooky threesome eh, lol, uh i think one of ’em still recovering from last nite

  136. stacyj June 13, 2008 1:12 pm

    ST- comment about the budget increases…did HF go back to the “use it or loose it” ways?

    I know JD instituted a system before he left where coaches could “save” their left over budgeted money and use it the next year with their new moneys to then pay for bigger ticket items. As a result, coaches were wiser with their spending of funds because they knew that if they saved enough, they could get the items their budget never would have covered. We all know that spending just to spend does not benefit anyone. And, if you are told that next time around, you will get less because you didn’t need that much to begin with, everyone is going to spend down to the very last penny.

  137. LizKauai (Treo) June 13, 2008 1:12 pm

    alnbama- you have a ticket to sit with us at the swamp.

    Oregon peeps- I have 6 tix confirmed by the UH ticket office (no more changes allowed).
    Woo Hoo!

  138. bonar June 13, 2008 1:18 pm

    #116, I think going independent would be very difficult. No revenue sharing and difficulty in scheduling might be two very signficant hurdles that would discourage that idea. On the other hand UH, has made progress in branding itself and getting national recognition, albeit far from the level achieved by Notre Dame. One can see that UH has developing and continued rivalries with Boise and Fresno State. It has a natural and historical rivalry with BYU. Could Washington and Florida also develop into a rivalry such that future scheduling would be less difficult and television would be eager to broadcast the games? If going independent is an option for UH in the short or long term future, JD will really need to step up big!

  139. bonar June 13, 2008 1:19 pm

    RGM, keep on coming on.

  140. koakane™ June 13, 2008 1:24 pm

    loa recovery is not da word to use til saturday. if you can picha ‘dawn of the dead’ this sums it up betta.

    well gotta get ready. somehow I got two stuff to do today and at same time. thought got out of one but over ruled by females (one wife da oddah job boss)

    hip hop, hi ho, zip, whoosh and oddah sayings meaning outta hea. play nice……….

  141. Da Punchbowl Kid June 13, 2008 1:25 pm

    What ever we do regarding conference participation, we should partner with schools which are west of the Rockies. Air travel isn’t going to get any cheaper. Too bad we don’t have much of a shot at the PAC-10. Maybe al’s idea of a new conference is the best thing, regardless of BCS status or not. Does anybody here think there is a chance that the BCS may be challenged by other schools in trems of bowl rights and rankings? There has to be anti-trust issues in the way the BCS does things.

  142. Da Punchbowl Kid June 13, 2008 1:38 pm

    Get healthy RGM. When you are, you will be too good to NOT be on somebody’s roster.

    Sometimes I think we should have two UH sports blogs on the ‘Tizer, ours and another less “chatty” one just as an experiment. See where the posters would end up. I agree that there may be chit-chat on this blog, but we also have excellent posts about UH Football too. Further, there are excellent UH sports blogs elsewhere which are far less “chatty”. There is room for all styles, apparently, Do all UH sports blogs need to be the same? Lastly, I look at Tsaiko functions, and our group gets bigger and bigger, and they are ALL super folks. We even have chapters now. I suggest that more lurkers post, and that more posters check out the Tsaiko events. That’s the best way to appreciate this blog’s dynamic. We aren’t for everybody perhaps, but we must be doing something right based on posts and views. IMHO

  143. FloridaTed June 13, 2008 1:43 pm


    The ‘other’ blogs take two minutes to read. This is the only blog where one can hang out all day and night and if so inclined, ‘chat’ away.

  144. Brother Love June 13, 2008 1:50 pm

    somebody made a complaint to ST’s boss about too much “personal chit-chat” in here lol. well it was’nt me, but i can understand the complaint though it would be nice if we stuck to the topic at hand but this is the only blog that doesnt do that and it can be frustrating trying to find less than 50 comments on a particular topic out of a couple of hundred. that said back to the topic of RGM cut by houston, due to injuries i kind of seen this one coming and dont think he will be the only one either who wont make it pass the final nfl cut (not dissing no one just know how tough it is to make it into the nfl) for every 1 player that make it so many more will not. the real sad part is that RGM didnt finish school so having a degree to fall back on is out, but it is not too late. RGM go back to school and get your diploma if you have’nt started to do it already..
    seriously these guys should have taken a lesson from colt brennan and his dad, which is get your academics done before worrying about football. i like to recall the statement from colts pappy when CB was headed to new york for the heisman, ” i told colt he better make sure he takes care of biz in the classroom cuz if he does’nt he gonna have to deal with me about it”. that says it all about where your head should be when dealing w/ the choice of leaving school to try to get a slice of that nfl pie in the sky..

  145. Kekoa June 13, 2008 2:00 pm

    RGM being cut by Houson is their loss. RGM is too good to be left out in the cold. Dog days of August is coming when heated play in summer camos peaks a injuries occur. He’ll be back.

    Brother Love ~ Check what Florida Ted sez in Post #146.

  146. Kekoa June 13, 2008 2:02 pm

    all after ‘summer’ should read, “camps and injuries occur.”

  147. Asa June 13, 2008 2:07 pm

    WarriorMojo: thanks for the “Mad World” video cite. As you said, it’s very cool. And moving as well.

  148. bonar June 13, 2008 2:09 pm

    I don’t want to say the situation with guys like RGM and potentially others this year is “sad.” However, one need only see Adam’s pics to see how much fun he’s having being a STUDENT-athlete. That time is something Adam realizes can never be recaptured. Perhaps I’m simply naive and Adam would have bolted had he been projected to picked high(er) in the draft, but I don’t believe I am. I can truly look back at my college days and say without equivocation, that those were the best days of my life-until I had children. Then again, I did not have the potential lure of pay for play. In RGM and others’ case, there was also a conflux of significant events that I’m certain contributed a great deal to their decision, the SB, JJ leaving, uncertainty regarding the next coach, family issues. I can only wish them continued success in whatever they do.

  149. stacyj June 13, 2008 2:13 pm

    brother love, with all due respect, amongst the chit chat, we have been able to forge connections (some greater than others) that allow us to then get the warrior info out.

    Good example: anniversary party last year. Lots of chit chat about that. Who attends? Rep Takai, Kekaula, Leahey, JD. As a result, heisman dvd played, personal meeting of JD prior to becoming AD, etc.

    All of these relationships have built this blog into a unique community.

    I agree, I don’t need to hear about someone’s monetary gifts or bonuses or how many shots some one took the night before, but, the truth is, that is what makes each of us more real here. The people here are not random folks that you just “talk” to on the computer and then walk away from as if they do not exist. They are “real” and as a result, their thoughts, feelings, opinions, etc. are respected by others whether we agree with them or not.

  150. stacyj June 13, 2008 2:17 pm

    off subject but on topic for another days blog: ST, can you have SK update us on the local recruits and their signing statuses. I read an article in the West Hawaii paper the other day that the KS-Hawaii kid Wong is still up in the air on signing mainly because of the amount of his signing bonus no being large enough. What is the status of the other guys with Hawaii ties?

  151. Brother Love June 13, 2008 2:19 pm

    kekoa no doubt this is the most popular blog and i am thankful to be a part of it, but it would be nice to have atleast an 80% ratio of post that pertain to the topic of discussion rather than having to read about who going to lunch or somebody was nice to meet at the gm. thats all i am saying not everybody has the kind of time to check back every half hr to see what new has been said in here and when you try to read it at the end of the day it is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
    as for injuries yah you are right they WILL occur thats part of the gm, but that is why an athlete graduating from college (no matter how good he/she is on the field) should always be the primary goal.
    imo, its simply a case of not looking far ahead at the big picture of the real world. the athlete can correct this by going back to school and take care of biz, and if a future oportunity presents itself then by all means take it but if it does’nt penn out the way you planned atleast you got something else to fall back on..

  152. FloridaTed June 13, 2008 2:41 pm

    I just don’t understand why some people still don’t get it, after all this time, what this blog is all about. I check in with other sports blogs occasionally, most of the time, after two days, one finds maybe 10 new entries and then? Nada, so what good is that?

    This is a community, rooted in Warrior Sports, but goes far beyond that? It’s an ongoing tailgate party, where people can come and go and talk about all kind of stuff. We always come back to the Warriors, but not always is there something new to discuss.

    This blog is like “Cheers”, where everybody knows your name and I’m tired of defending it. Everybody is welcome, but take off your shoes (self righteousness), before you enter. Mahalo.

  153. Da Punchbowl Kid June 13, 2008 2:50 pm

    Brother Love makes a valid point about not everybody having the time to check back and catch up. There are some days that I can’t read every post due to the fluff, but hey, it’s something we live with here. Ya know what’s funny? Now the blog is going becoming chatty as we speak about chit chat. 😆

  154. Kazz June 13, 2008 3:02 pm

    Florida Ted,

    I just saw your reply to my question about the EARLY EARLY morning Florida game (Hawaii time) and I must say it may not be too bad for our boys.

    If Coach Mack can keep them on Hawaii time it SHOULD feel like an early morning practice session, except with just a little bit more people watching 😉 .

    I need to start scoping out venues to get people together to watch the game.

    Example, Ige’s usually starts taking or seeing fans crowd in two hours prior to kick off.. in this case that would be around 4AM?!?!?!?!?!!

    Again, personally I could care less when the game starts, but I’d prefer to watch it in a public setting like a sports bar as opposed to watching it at home. With other fans around it gives us “homers” a “home game” feel.

  155. wafan June 13, 2008 3:15 pm

    Geez. The chit-chat. I agree there sure is a lot of it!

    How is everyone this fine Aloha Friday the 13th? Just another day in school. Well, except the kids are getting excited about school getting out soon. I did figure out a way to bring them back down to earth. We have around 81 days to go! Until school starts that is!


    Yep, the chit-chat. That is what makes this blog unique. And, what makes us Tsai-ko’s!

  156. jp June 13, 2008 3:15 pm

    Addahknowjoe = Photoshop Master 🙂

    But fo real you need to taste Addahknowsports cooking to figure out what happened. 🙂

  157. wafan June 13, 2008 3:17 pm

    Chawan-Cut . . .

    Dang. Those food pictures look pretty good. Even my favorite — grilled corn! How much longer will you be out there?

    Have you uncovered any closet Tsai-ko’s?

  158. UKU@LA June 13, 2008 3:35 pm

    go warriors!
    aloha a-joe n da Kau gang n LizK!
    eh Ronnie take care n have fun! lucky bugga!
    n aloha everyone!

    MANEO !!!

  159. wafan June 13, 2008 3:38 pm

    Hi Ronnie!

    I hope you enjoy your time bck at home. Of course, you will enjoy all the foods! I cannot wait until I get there later this summer.


  160. wafan June 13, 2008 3:46 pm

    A-Joe . . .

    For what did you receive the football award? Okay, I am guessing it is a football award since it looks like the old style two up-rights and a crossbar behind the statuette.

  161. wafan June 13, 2008 3:47 pm

    Wow, where did everyone go?

  162. wafan June 13, 2008 3:48 pm

    I bocha’d and brushed my teeth.

  163. wafan June 13, 2008 3:50 pm

    Dang. This is serious! Is everyone eating? Or imbibing? Or both?

  164. wafan June 13, 2008 3:51 pm

    This is going to be a record for me!!!


  165. wafan June 13, 2008 3:52 pm

    Seven in a row!!!

  166. wafan June 13, 2008 3:53 pm

    This is not the year to be an M’s fan. Their ace closer is out again with elbow and shoulder problems. I think they need a change of coaches. They have not really won consistently since this crew was hired.

    Time to wave bye-bye!

  167. B June 13, 2008 3:54 pm

    I’ve been lurking here since the JJ situation days. (wanting to find “insider info”). I’ve found that all of you posting here to be very knowlegable of warrior football and other topics around town. all of this info. thats flowing here ( on subject or otherwise) is for free. No need spend nothing. only your own personal time to read or do whatevers. If no like, press the button, if like, keep going. everyone entitled to say or write whatevers. Just remember, everything here is for free.

  168. wafan June 13, 2008 3:54 pm


  169. wafan June 13, 2008 3:57 pm

    Shucks. Almost made it to 10 straight.

    Maybe later.


  170. bonar June 13, 2008 3:58 pm

    TC’s first game of this CFL season is coming up, 6/19.

  171. wafan June 13, 2008 3:58 pm

    Hey, B!

    Have you posted before?

  172. wafan June 13, 2008 4:01 pm

    bonar . . .

    I watched Ti-Cat games last year. They were painful to watch. It was as if he was not really focused all the time. Of course, it could be a myriad of other things, too. Really looked like he did when he had the off-games for the UH.

  173. bonar June 13, 2008 4:01 pm

    I wonder how Ryan Keomaka’s doing?

  174. B June 13, 2008 4:01 pm

    only two other times under another name. mahalos for noticing this post.

  175. wafan June 13, 2008 4:03 pm

    The media lost a great reporter and interviewer today — Tim Russet. Age 58. Too bad.

    Always so well prepared and always in control of the interview. Meet the Press was one of my favorite programs.

    He will be missed.

  176. LizKauai [Believer] June 13, 2008 4:03 pm

    UKU@LA (king of da ti leaves) – are you coming to any games this year???

    Hi B- thanks for posting!

    wafan- check email.

  177. bonar June 13, 2008 4:04 pm

    #175, Yeah I watched some games, too. Quite frankly, some of the games, like you said made me cringe. I didn’t even realize that the CFL had only 3 downs. I read TC would likely get cut, but Chris Leak got cut ahead of him. I really hope TC has a longer career and perhaps can get another opportunity in the NFL?

  178. wafan June 13, 2008 4:04 pm

    Oops. Russet = Russert.

    Must be time for dinner.

  179. bonar June 13, 2008 4:05 pm

    #178, most times we get to see members of the news media age over time and then retire. This was a shocker and a sad loss.

  180. d1shima [sez:] June 13, 2008 4:08 pm


    A-joe’s trophy was for P,P &K. see his bio on SteveM’s site.

    …end of chit, now back to chat 😉

  181. d1shima [sez:] June 13, 2008 4:09 pm

    Tough break for RGM. I think he will find more ooportunity.

  182. J June 13, 2008 4:11 pm

    If I don’t have time to read through or even skim the blog, I just “command+f” the subject or name that I’m interested in finding. Makes it quick…

  183. wafan June 13, 2008 4:12 pm

    LizK . . .

    Hmmmmm. Replied.

  184. wafan June 13, 2008 4:15 pm

    d1 . . .

    But the chit always flows. Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

  185. LizKauai [Believer] June 13, 2008 4:21 pm

    I blew it, I think.

    I forgot to get 2 tickets for wafan for the OSU game. We are one short.

    So before panic sets in, let’s see if I forgot anyone else:

    Nephew and Wife
    wafan (short 1)

    Please speak up if I forgot to get you a ticket too. Perhaps we can get another block.

  186. wafan June 13, 2008 4:21 pm

    Wow. The blog just hit a tar pit. Takes a looooooong time to refresh after submitting a comment.

    Really time for dinner.

  187. Kazz June 13, 2008 4:31 pm


    RE: You string of posts above.

    Ron Jaworski says,

    Wafan can be a good poster at times, but his quirky thumb technique with the space bar is not conventional and may not be able to allow him to type 60 wpm.

    Furthermore, one has to question the amount of posts he actually has as he is a product of the system with the Advertiser website in which a glitch occurs allowing his posts to appear one after the other. Basically the amount of posts he actually has is inflated.

    😆 😉

  188. Kazz June 13, 2008 4:33 pm

    YOU CAN’T SHINE CHIT:mrgreen:

  189. Jason June 13, 2008 4:38 pm

    Breaking news: In the sixth round, Jason’s Tsaiko Typing Team selects wafan. “I think with the proper coaching, wafan can become not only an excellent typer, but also a well-respected elder and veteran on our team,” said Tsaikos player-coach Jason — one of the young premier typers in the Advertiser Blog League who consistently types in the 80-100+ WPM range.

  190. Kazz June 13, 2008 4:50 pm


  191. Kekoa June 13, 2008 4:51 pm

    Brother Love…Agreed. We all have our say in things around here. The main thing is we listen and learn from each other. That’s the great thing about this blog that ST has wisely allowed to grow and flourish on it’s own merit. He provides the direction and leads us to new topics each day, and we take it from there.

    Even if it is ‘off season’ we seem to keep it going with bits and pieces of newsworthy items to feed the need we seem to have a passion for in this community forum. Like real life as Tracy suggested, the people here are not random folks you talk to on the ‘puter. If you came to one of our events, you would find a bunch of great neighbors who have even more to say to each other face to face. It’s fun, it’s stimulating conversations about more sports, and even more interesting family topics. We have found new friendships and even discovered that some of us happen to be related!

    Come sit and talk with another Tsaiko for a few minutes, and you would understand why there is so much chit chat on the blog. Even the blog host (Mr. Chit chat hisself) and his lovely wife have made many new friends over these past few years from meeting people on the blog, and then getting to know them better at the gatherings.

    Here is the bottom line. Several of the Tsaikos have been eager to help each other in spirit and unity towards some very charitable events…it’s what we do to communicate our feelings, not just our words. There is no better feeling when the plan comes together and we have contributed to the greater good…all from what began as a little chit chat.

    …and most emphatically I of course agree with you that RGM finishes up his work towards a degree. that goes without saying. All I meant to stress is the fact there will be other teams in the hunt for his services to plug their injury roster.

    A lot of what is posted on this blog is common sense stuff. I reserve comment most of the time because it is. What raises my eyebrows is when I see an abundance of talent stream on to the field of play which regenerates speculation of changes in the wind. Thank goodness we do have a great coaching staff to make those player position choices.

    Know this Brother Love…Gators will be on the endangered species list by the time we leave town.

  192. chawan_cut June 13, 2008 5:06 pm


    ….the only one I call is Scott Morifuji. He’s a genius. He’s nice. And he’s responsive.
    Here’s his number: 620-0412.
    By the way, this is for blog/tech problems. Don’t call him for advice on improving your dating life…..

    So who do I call?????

  193. Kazz June 13, 2008 5:13 pm


    June 13th, 2008 at 5:06 pm

    ….the only one I call is Scott Morifuji. He’s a genius. He’s nice. And he’s responsive.
    Here’s his number: 620-0412.
    By the way, this is for blog/tech problems. Don’t call him for advice on improving your dating life…..

    So who do I call?????


    Call eight six seven five three zero nine.

  194. MeiLing June 13, 2008 5:18 pm

    Time will heal RGM. If he didn’t receive his degree, it’s a good time to finish it. Think he’d come back to the UH?

  195. MeiLing June 13, 2008 5:18 pm

    Time will heal RGM. If he didn’t receive his degree, it’s a good time to finish it. Think he’d come back to the UH?

  196. Kazz June 13, 2008 5:37 pm


    June 13th, 2008 at 5:18 pm
    Time will heal RGM. If he didn’t receive his degree, it’s a good time to finish it. Think he’d come back to the UH?

    If I were to guess, Grice-Mullins would take some time off and then back to training again.

    I can’t speak for the man, but if that were me, I would come back finish my degree and take things to a slower pace to heal myself.

    However pro sports nowadays is a young man’s game for those wanting in so while some may think he has a lot of time, the fact remains that every year younger and younger talent are lining up for a crack at the big time.

    It’s a crap shoot sometimes in pro sports, no matter how much God-given talent one has, all kinds of things can happen.

  197. wafan June 13, 2008 5:48 pm

    I was sitting at home relaxing with the family. I did not think I would go early and was getting a little worried. But then the phone rang. Jason was on the other end and asked if I would be willing to move. Of course I said yes! The sixth round!!!

    I will just have to make the best of it. Afterall, it is not how high you are drafted but what you do wherever it is you end up. I know I can be a good typist at the next level. I have done it before and I will do it again! Getting back to 120+ is attainable.

    All in all not too bad for a guy with only eight fingers and no thumbs!

  198. WreckinEyez June 13, 2008 6:06 pm


    You need to call the Ghost Busters… Ohh for dating advice?… Ummm… Ask… Ummmmm… ?

  199. MeiLing June 13, 2008 6:10 pm

    LizK, wafan,

    What section are your tix in for the OSU game? If you can’t get another one from UH, let me know, & I’ll ask our Kona-born contact at OSU if he can get another ticket nearby. Better getting them through UH since they probably have full sections. But, if no mo’, let me know.

  200. Stretch June 13, 2008 6:12 pm

    Chawan – per Koakane, ask James, he’s smooooooth…

  201. SteveM June 13, 2008 6:16 pm

    Chawan_cut — if I needed dating advice, I would ask Bulla… 😯

    BTW, nice Guam pix. I never saw those big sausages while I was there for 3 months in 1991. But barbeques were the norm and Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights.

  202. Stretch June 13, 2008 6:21 pm

    Re: RGM & APR

    If RGM is not able to get get on a team this coming season, does UH take a hit on the APR?? What if he came back to school to study?? It’s unfortunate that he isn’t healthy to show what he has. He gave up a lot to take the chance. I hope things work out for him.

  203. momotaro June 13, 2008 6:23 pm

    DPK re:144
    After Tulane and Marshall got left out of the BCS despite undefeated seasons, there were rumblings of a lawsuit and/or congressional action, so the BCS made it easier for a non-BCS school to win an at-large bid. With the switch to a BCS Championship game, it doubled the number of at-large bids and Utah, Boise State, and Hawaii have been the beneficiaries.

  204. momotaro June 13, 2008 6:29 pm

    I don’t think al’s MWC/WAC superconference idea works. If I am the MWC, I just cherry-pick Boise State and Nevada from the WAC. Boise State makes the MWC better in football, and Nevada makes the MWC better in basketball.

  205. momotaro June 13, 2008 6:41 pm

    I am more concerned about all WAC football teams remaining I-A eligible. Garret’s posts about NMSU and the attendance requirement are troubling, as well as the attempts (pre-Tomey) to drop the football program at SJSU. Should the WAC lose a football team, it’s pretty slim pickings out there for a replacement.

  206. Barry Markowitz June 13, 2008 6:44 pm

    We all feel strongly that LIzK is da bomb. Not so…LizK is totally NUCLEAR! Abe is extremely appreciative for your kindness today, and will be Facebooking with you very soon. Mahalo, Aiga Markowitz

  207. koakane™ June 13, 2008 6:46 pm

    chawan per 203 no listen to da darkside

  208. Maverick June 13, 2008 6:50 pm

    Hey A-Joe

    still look the same, you handsome bugga !

    That pic is Awesome. Punt, Pass, and Kick.
    I Always wanted to be a part of, but no chance : <

  209. koakane™ June 13, 2008 6:51 pm

    back from rushing ova hea and ova dea. anyway both turned out supa. now can rest for tonights festivaties.

  210. Maverick June 13, 2008 6:54 pm

    ST sez –
    ” The next one who posts a complaint behind my back, go join the other guys at SMU”

    Sizzzzzle…..Nice one.

  211. wafan June 13, 2008 7:03 pm

    Dang. I do not want to go to SMU. The last time I was in Dallas it was so hot it was difficult to breathe. Then I went to Houston and Galvaston. Geez! I opened the car door at Galvaston and quickly closed it. Forget it! The insides of the windows immediately fogged up. Houston was a bit better. But not by much!

    And to think, those folks down in Beaumont keep telling me to move there for a teaching position. Are they crazy?!?! I keep telling them they would have to air-condition the entire city before I would even consider it. HA!

    So, in order not to SMU’d I will not ever go behind Mr. Tsai’s back. Wait. If I am behind his back would that make it front of him? Or did he mean not to go in front of his back? Or perhaps behind his front?

    Okay. I am now officially confused.

    Darn thumbs; or lack thereof.

  212. momotaro June 13, 2008 7:28 pm

    Stretch, if RGM dropped out of school to prepare for the draft, UH takes the APR hit regardless if he makes a team or not. Same with Bess.

  213. Garret June 13, 2008 7:33 pm

    I feel really badly for RGM. He was doing well in practices with the Texans, but I worried for him ever since I found that article about his hamstring injury. Undrafted free agents who get hurt typically get cut by NFL teams and they just have no safety net. The team didn’t invest a draft pick in them, so they have to force their way onto the team and you cannot do that when you are hurt.

  214. Garret June 13, 2008 7:34 pm

    Gisele sure isn’t after Tom Brady’s money.

    Gisele Bundchen has bought herself a sweet new ride, and we’re not talking about a sports car. Word is Tom Brady’s globe-trotting girlfriend has joined the ranks of the rich and famous who have their own jet. We’re told the supermodel, who spends a ton of time each year traveling to photo shoots around the world, has purchased a Gulfstream G550 for $50 million. The super-fast jet, which can carry up to 19 people, will enable Bundchen to bop from the US to Sao Paulo to Paris without worrying about connections or waiting in lines.

  215. wafan June 13, 2008 7:59 pm

    Anyone hear from GG?

    Or is she grossed out by the raw seafoods. Perhaps stunned by the prices?

  216. marlis June 13, 2008 8:24 pm

    Stephen Tsai:
    June 13th, 2008 at 11:16 am

    A lurker sent an email of complaint to our bosses saying he didn’t like the all of the personal chit-chat in the blog comment section.
    My reaction?
    More personal photos of our readers!
    Hope you enjoy Addahknowjoe’s photo.
    I welcome complaints and criticisms. It’s a free forum. But all complaints and criticisms should be posted here. The next person who tries to go behind my back can join the others at SMU

    This response is so out of character that it’s a twist and turn I wouldn’t think ST would make. Instead of addressing the problem. He address the repercussions of what would happen if someone goes behind his back and complains. This doesn’t make sense at all. In fact it shows a lot of immaturity. Taking everything in, looking at what his role at the HA is, this response can’t leave a favorable impression with his other colleagues at the HA. Or the other posters whom had made similar complaints that the lurker made.

  217. crybaby June 13, 2008 8:37 pm

    I am the crybaby lurker who complained about the chit-chat.
    Without naming my bretheren, I represent all the other crybabies that inhabit this blog and complain about it’s contents.
    This blog should be about what I(we) want and need.
    I don’t care if DPK is a fat piranha or that Bulla is bald, this blog is called the Warrior Beat and should be about UH football and nothing else.
    I represent all the Oldies, Marlis’ and even the efeminate HurtFeelings’ of this internet site.
    We damand that football be the only topic on these pages.
    No food, No family, No trips to Japan.
    Stephen Tsai you may smu us, but we shall overcome

  218. crybaby June 13, 2008 8:38 pm

    Thank you brother Marlis.
    WE are a real team.

  219. marlis June 13, 2008 8:50 pm


    No. Chat is fine, expanding on a little personality to the blog is what makes this blog unique. But as I wrote originally it’s the incessant non-stop drone that maybe 2 or 3 people are taking part in that drowns out others from posting, especially new posters. Nobody addressed this accept the complainers. And the others( the Tsaikos) would be in self denial and not look at this objectively because they want to preserve this Tsaiko persona and comradeship instead of joining the complainers.

  220. Ruggo June 13, 2008 8:57 pm


    IMHO – If you folks do not agree with what is being posted or how the blog host is “running” his blog, then you are most certainly free to find another blog to be a part of – I find the beauty of this blog is what many before me have commented on – that it goes beyond being simply a UH sports blog and becomes a place where people who want to discuss or read about UH sports (or anything else in general) can visit on a daily basis.

    As everyone notices, the discussion of this blog does not necessarily end up centering around UH sports – I’m sure you have read about food, entertainment, and personal issues – while I admit I do not have a “personal” connection with many of these bloggers, I do enjoy lurking here on a daily basis to read the mostly friendly banter among a group of people who are very much interested in the state of affairs of Hawaii’s only D1 school. Sometimes (especially during the off-season), the topic tends to drift more towards non-UH sports subjects. But do you know what? – that is part of the appeal for me – that folks can come together on a blog and have a civil discussion on a variety of topics aside from UH sports without blowing each other out of the water.

    I would appreciate if both of you could continue to post, because different opinions should always be welcomed to a blog. But, if you feel otherwise, then as I mentioned previously that you are certainly free to seek another forum that agrees with your views.

    As others have said before, no one is forcing you to sit at your computer to read and post to this blog – if no like, then no need.

    That is the true power of any blog.

  221. stacyj June 13, 2008 9:03 pm

    So, rename it the Tsaiko beat. Afterall, it is Tsai’s blog.

    And, don’t forget, the blog is an extra thing that ST does. If I understand correct (which I could be wrong), it is not part of his job description.

  222. expat June 13, 2008 9:15 pm

    The blog is just what ST writes up at the top. The rest is the just comments on the blog entry. Read the blog. Skip the comments. Not very hard. Just so happens that the comment section of ST’s blog entries happen to be more like a forum… and all the better for it.

    I am hoping to get to the OSU game, but have to check to see if I have conflicts.

  223. false cracks June 13, 2008 9:16 pm

    wow laulau,

    sometime, wen da brain no get enuf of da air it needs to ack right, people ack all nutz and say stuff, well, no mattah.

    how cum get people all huhu about what stay on da blog? is dat one new torture in hawaii cry or in cry-lua, dey makin you sit in front da monitor and stay make big eye for read dis blog? wow, das unreal

    i like da blog, plenty info, and it’s off season, so maybe dey stay go mauka instead of makai, ewa instead of diamond head, but das alright. no mo nuf football stuff yet, but during da season, dis one ripe, momona site wit all da good stuff we get.

    take a chill pill you haters out dea….jus cuz you no like readin about odda stuff, no need make pilikia. my uncle use for tell me dat dis is called one ting, and one ting only…..the OPRAHFICATION of da society.

    i know das one big work, even fo me in papakolea, but it means dat everyone go tink dat there opinion matters…..IT DOESN’T.

    so like tutu used for say, ‘eh, if no can talk nice, no talk’. and dat is dat.

  224. FloridaTed June 13, 2008 9:16 pm


    I’m a little surprised. You’ve always struck me as a very reasonable and logical guy. This blog has existed for well over a year now and has developed naturally into what it is. A few newcomers don’t like it, well that’s odd. It’s like coming into someones house and telling them you don’t like their furniture.

    There are plenty of football only blogs, some are even neatly categorized by topics. But I find most of them full of flamers or very few new comments.

    I don’t get it. Nobody is forced to read here, nobody is paying any fees , so what’s the beef? I would love more on topic football discussions, but there is only so much new stuff to talk about. The chit chat is what makes this a community, with get togethers and actual real life developing friendships. I have long ago learned to skip over stuff that bores me, but there is always something of interest, sooner or later. Besides, where else can you come in the middle of the night and always find someone to chat with? Even personal stuff that’s on your mind? You can ask almost any question on this blog and sooner or later someone will have the answer.

    It borders on the arrogant to come on here and complain about the style of a very well established and FREE blogging community. Everybody is welcome, but when in Rome, do as the Romans do. I agree with the Tsai-Meister about going behind his back, ST listens to everybody, but complaining to the bosses is third grader chicken kaka.

    Please, give this some open minded thought. I don’t feel the need to respond to crybaby, I don’t know how to deal with self absorbed babies, but I always liked your comments. Aloha.

  225. Garret June 13, 2008 9:16 pm

    Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want the off topic stuff.

    The worst launch pad damage in space shuttle history may cause long-term problems for NASA.

  226. Garret June 13, 2008 9:17 pm

    The Royal Air Force (UK) blew up the world’s biggest drug haul–237 *tons* of pot! They also destroyed 5 tons of opium…normally, 5 tons of opium would seem like a huge drug bust, but that is overshadowed by the 237 tons of pot! There will be some pretty unhappy drug runners in Afghanistan after this.

  227. Garret June 13, 2008 9:18 pm

    Not only do airlines have their maintenance done on their planes in other countries where the facilities are not properly inspected by the FAA, but many US airlines buy their spare parts on-line from suppliers that are not inspected or approved by the FAA! Airlines actually can get critical airline parts from Craigslist!

  228. Garret June 13, 2008 9:20 pm

    Honda is releasing a new hybrid in early 2009 that I’ll compare with the Prius before we buy our next car. We sold our Odyssey because I’m working at home and we can reduce expenses, so right now we are a 1-car family.

  229. Garret June 13, 2008 9:21 pm

    A new version of the Prius is coming out early next year that will have a lot more power but get even better gas mileage.

  230. whitey June 13, 2008 9:21 pm

    Ruggo, well said. Just wanted to add that if this blog site upsets anyone, they can always start their own by letting us know where to go. There are some Tsaikos who have their own blog sites and are willing to let anyone post, so make your own and who knows, some of us might join you.

  231. Garret June 13, 2008 9:21 pm

    Free play links pau.

  232. Bulla June 13, 2008 9:23 pm


    must be friday the 13th or something, what in the air….HOWWWWWWWW NAH

  233. SteveM June 13, 2008 9:27 pm

    * * * ANNOUNCEMENT & UPDATE * * *

    Ronnie and Rich2176 Dinner/Karaoke Call Cost

    Al is the cashier, banker, and Food Boss for the June 19 call. His calculations and determination is:

    – $25 per person having the buffet dinner
    – $ 5 per person not having dinner or ordering separately

    in both cases, DRINKS ARE NO-HOST and paid directly to your waitress upon you order.

    June 12th, 2008 at 11:39 pm
    stevem forgot to mention that the 25 dollars includes:
    pro rata share cost for guests
    pro rata share cost for karaoke

    those dropping in, the five bucks includes everything but the food.

    Space is filling up but RSVPs are still open and may be made at:


  234. whitey June 13, 2008 9:28 pm

    Garret, you got me thinking about Kana and somehow I might have seen you on Maui when you were growing up. Plenty of your family farmer friends are now out of the business and working outside.

  235. whitey June 13, 2008 9:33 pm

    bulla, sorry couldn’t make it the da beast party, but want to send my best to Ryan and the family. I thinki he going enjoy college life at Weber. Plus get all the Maui guys there.

  236. whitey June 13, 2008 9:41 pm

    SteveM, you one strong bugga and your recovery is amazing. Am truly happy to see back in fine shape and ready to take on another karaoke call.

  237. whitey June 13, 2008 9:46 pm

    240 and on a roll. Oh Yeaaaaahhhhhh!!

  238. SteveM June 13, 2008 9:49 pm

    whitey — thanks, but not that strong. Too tired to go out tonight after doing night Camellia Cattle Call with duffer, working, and doing the Beast’s party. Cannot keep up you and duffer! 🙂

    Hope you two can make it for the June 19 Karaoke party or Blog Party 4.

  239. Pauoa Boy June 13, 2008 9:50 pm

    Howzit Tsaiko Gangeh

  240. al June 13, 2008 9:53 pm

    hey whitey!

    long time no see.

    umm. whitey when it comes to food stevem will be first in line.

  241. whitey June 13, 2008 9:53 pm

    Pauoa Boy, how’s the weather in your country?

  242. al June 13, 2008 9:56 pm

    chawan……come to uncle al for some advice. get plenty experience. if i may, i would have my apprentice, stretch, go over the basics with you. if you still need mentorig then i will refer you to my mentor, whitey.

    no worry we’ll get you turned around in no time.

  243. Pauoa Boy June 13, 2008 9:56 pm

    Wow how come all this pilikia about the blog?

    Brah if you no like what is being talked about over here den beat it or shaddup and make your own blog. This blog is one ohana…like Stitch said,” Ohana means family”, so eventhough it’s the Warrior Beat and football related always going have wala’au sessions amongst the ohana. If you no like it then you get two feet for use and Fred Flinstone outta hea and go someplace else! 🙂

  244. whitey June 13, 2008 9:57 pm

    al, arf, arf, arf.

  245. Stephen Tsai June 13, 2008 9:59 pm

    OK, I’m back. I guess that was a long run.

    Re: APR.
    I keep getting mixed messages on this one. I’ve been told UH takes a minimal — if any — hit on RGM. But I’m not sure.
    Did he make the right decision leaving a year early? It’s hard to say. If he hadn’t pulled his hamstring, he’s a very good prospect. At least the knock on him wasn’t about skill. That’s good. His hamstring will heal. He’ll get another shot.

  246. Pauoa Boy June 13, 2008 10:00 pm

    whitey – it’s pretty hot over here…Toasteh! My house was roastin cause we went turn off the A/C when we left ho felt like one sauna

    Just got back from San Diego looking for one hale. Found one pretty nice one in Temecula/Murrietta area big 4BD 2.5BA hale. So if any of the Tsaiko Ohana need place for crash in San Diego den come ova go moe moe.

  247. Buffoman June 13, 2008 10:01 pm

    So, I guess the answer to the question ewgarding the UH, the WAC and the future is that we’re at the mercy of what will happen, if it does, simply because we (those who see that the WAC may be dying due to a severe case of being perceived as being irrelevent) are helpless to do otherwise.

    Not a bad way to be, we just have to look at the glass as being half full and not worry if there will be no glass in the future. Thank you all for the discussion. Looking forward to the next UH athletic season!

  248. jusme June 13, 2008 10:02 pm

    crybaby beat. has a nice ring to it. and crybaby can be in charge of EVERYTHING!

  249. Kekoa June 13, 2008 10:03 pm

    Crybaby ~ You make me ill, and that’s no CHIT!

    Marlis?…whazzup? Florida Ted has very patiently tried to s’plain to you how excepting we are here. I don’t get it?…you seem like a bright intelligent person. Why the disharmony? Hmmm….

  250. Stephen Tsai June 13, 2008 10:04 pm

    Re: Chit chat.
    Usually I let stuff go, but I thought it was kind of uncool for a reader to try to complain to the bosses. I mean, you think the boss really cares whether there’s chit chat or not? Everything that goes to the boss gets sent to me, anyway — with an eye roll.
    The way I figure it, it’s June. The guy should feel fortunate he gets any UH football news now.

  251. whitey June 13, 2008 10:04 pm

    I don’t know how long it takes for a hamstring injury to heal, but RGM injury seems to be real serious. Maybe he should come back to Hawaii, find a good healer who knows how to correct the hamstring. When it comes to sports injury, some of these healers are far superior to specialist cause they can heal you faster and without drugs. I am sure there are excellent healers on Oahu, right al?

  252. Stephen Tsai June 13, 2008 10:07 pm

    Actually, I like Marlis. He has a view, he makes it. That’s the way it is.
    I don’t tell people not to talk.

  253. Pauoa Boy June 13, 2008 10:07 pm

    RGM – Too bad for him, hope he lands on another team soon.

    Seems to me all the boys got these hamstring problems or some kind of injury. Might have been overworked while at UH but I doubt it. Remembah stay hydrated and stretch before and aftah you pau play!

  254. Pauoa Boy June 13, 2008 10:10 pm

    RGM – He just need some good lomi lomi and da kine massage akshon from one pretty local girl, garrans he be good aftah that

  255. Stretch June 13, 2008 10:12 pm

    Master Sensei Al – I still have to learn the basics of picking up women. Maybe one day, I will live up to you and whitey’s standards. Until then, I will just follow your lead

  256. Kekoa June 13, 2008 10:15 pm

    Howzit Pauoa!

    Get one small kine problem on da blog every once in awhile. Get peeps who only like stir up the s**t because dey get gas ovah manini kine stuffs. Nevah knew what waz like to be embraced by ohana. No can handle all da virtual honi-honi goin’ past dem.

    Wat you doin’ up so late Brah? It’s after 1 AM in da hood! Watch out for the police helicoptahs makin’ da bright lites chine!

  257. FloridaTed June 13, 2008 10:16 pm


    June? Now that’s funny.

  258. whitey June 13, 2008 10:20 pm

    P Boy, sounds like you found somthing real nice. I drive thru Temecula on my way to the Desert Springs area. Temecula looks like a growing place and a nice place to raise a family. Last trip we went to Pala casino and it is a nice place. Reasonable and fuud is good there. Golfed at Pala Mesa and San Luis Downs.

  259. Da Punchbowl Kid June 13, 2008 10:20 pm

    Cry Baby,
    I don’t feel the need to respond to you because others have already done so. My question is this: why you getting personal? What have I EVER done to you? There are LOTS of people who like this blog the way it is. There are dozens of regular posters who chit chat here. Deal with it. Or not.

  260. SteveM June 13, 2008 10:21 pm

    Whose blog is this?

    As the unofficial blog historian, I have refrained from comment all day except for #120. Everyone has pretty much covered this topic that comes up every other month. The blog certainly has a lot of defenders now… even those who mostly lurk. Thank you!

    Those who question ST actions or inactions do not realize how many times “been there, done that” applies in this case. The first time was extremely troubling for ST and almost brought about the demise of the blog. I tell my personal synopsis and viewpoint in describing he moon in the Tsai-ko group caricature at:


    Wonder where the blog “5 F’s” came from?
    Wonder where the 9:00 PM (or 2100) RULE came from? (Garret’s “free play” time)

    Read the blog archives from mid-March to mid-April 2007 if you want to see the forces that almost destroyed the blog. The fact that it survived makes it stronger now. Remember that the Warrior Beat is a personal blog of Stephen Tsai–it is shaped and forged by his personality,.. and the Tsai-ko’s who befriend him.

  261. Da Punchbowl Kid June 13, 2008 10:23 pm

    Your #255. I second that.

  262. Stephen Tsai June 13, 2008 10:23 pm

    Actually, i wish Crybaby would talk about football instead of talking about why other people don’t talk about football.

  263. Pauoa Boy June 13, 2008 10:24 pm

    Kekoa – Nah no can sleep aftah drinkin couple Red Bulls from the drive back from San Diego, lil bit wired right now. Took us almost 11 hours for drive back, weekend traffic was nuts from San Diego to LA to Sacramento. Was catching up on the blog reading and munching on soy beans, so I figure I wala’au lil bit while I still awake. Gotta sleep soon though, my son get his Tee-Ball party tommorrow.

  264. whitey June 13, 2008 10:26 pm

    Stretch, me I no more standards. no spread rumors. good to see the blog starting to move again.

  265. Pauoa Boy June 13, 2008 10:26 pm

    #265 – Haha LMAO

  266. momotaro June 13, 2008 10:26 pm

    Hey Stephen, is RGM’s “leg injury” the hamstring that first hampered him at the UH Pro Day?

  267. FloridaTed June 13, 2008 10:30 pm

    Pauoa Boy, et.al.

    Recently I’ve read a sports medicine journal, don’t remember the name, but it wasn’t the first time I’ve read on the subject: The newest findings are that stretching, especially too much, can actually cause hamstring injuries, rather than prevent them.The skill players seem to do the most stretching, therefore they also seem to suffer the most such injuries.

    This has merit, I think, and should be worth looking into. Pre-stretching should be kept to a minimum, because stretching puts more stress on the string then the actual running. Warming up the muscles is much more vital than stretching. This article also included a two year study on the subject, Wish now I’d kept it.

  268. BG June 13, 2008 10:30 pm

    Actually, ST, this is a great place to present a point of view for discussion. HOWEVER, a point of view should not extend to telling people what to do or not do to satisfy oneself. That’s the point of being in a community. It’s all about looking for what’s the best compromise so that everyone can get along. There’s a reason why someone isn’t allowed to yell “Fire” in a crowded theater.

    The most valid point made so far has been…if people can’t deal with what’s here, go make your own blog and invite people over. Everyone of like mind will then have their own happy place to converse. Pretty simple, really. 😀

  269. Da Punchbowl Kid June 13, 2008 10:31 pm

    Tsai, While you’re here… What are the chances that RGM’s hammy is a result of not enough rest during the season?

  270. Stretch June 13, 2008 10:32 pm

    whitey – you are correct, you don’t have standards, I’ve seen some of your “friends” that you have

  271. Pauoa Boy June 13, 2008 10:33 pm

    whitey – Yeah it’s one pretty mean place, I right on the border of Temecula/Murrieta about 5 minutes from the mall over there that my wife so happen to point out as we were looking at the hale. Typical I tell you, she tell me look babe all these shopping places, wow get one nice mall too, oh wait is that outlets too a little ways up, ho headache. So of course the owner calls my wife while we’re looking at another house and tells her that we can have the house close to the mall if we want it, so without knowing she tells them yes we’ll take it. I ask her, who you talking to and then she tells me oh we got the house right in front of the other owner of the house we was looking at, talk about one OOPS moment.

  272. Da Punchbowl Kid June 13, 2008 10:33 pm

    Thanks for that #270, Ted.

  273. whitey June 13, 2008 10:34 pm

    keep up the good work fellow Tsaikos. i got to go sleep cause i get game tomorrow. will lurk in the am. g’nite.

  274. Stretch June 13, 2008 10:35 pm

    whitey – you got “no game” but you do have money to make up for it

  275. stacyj June 13, 2008 10:36 pm

    DPK, I was wondering the same thing (#272).

  276. stacyj June 13, 2008 10:38 pm

    lol. Are the winers happy that the chitter chatter is now focused on them? Are they feeling less left out now?

  277. Da Punchbowl Kid June 13, 2008 10:40 pm

    The excellent Florida Ted’s post at 270 put’s an interesting lens on the subject. Makes you wonder, because it would be a shame if a real gamer like RGM is kept out of the show due to an injury like that hamstring.

  278. Da Punchbowl Kid June 13, 2008 10:41 pm


  279. Pauoa Boy June 13, 2008 10:41 pm

    Florida Ted – It is true, that’s why in the Marines when we do any type of physical training or martial arts for example…we do stretching and mobility excercises, then warm ups to get the heart rate flowing and then workout, and when pau do cooldowns with a light stretch. Sometimes feel like all the stuff we do before we actually excercise is one workout.

    Plus, hydration prevents most injuries, which is why whenever you go doctor or hospital they always have you hooked up to one IV. All this time I thought just eating bananas would work, aiyah.

  280. FloridaTed June 13, 2008 10:42 pm


    most likely the same one. Once a hamstring injury is not completely healed, it keeps re-occuring very qickly. In my early soccer days, in another century, we did a lot of stretching in those days, it was the norm. For a long time I had plenty trouble with my hamstring, As a fast right winger I did a lot of running, but once I stopped stretching and only did warm up jogging, the problems went away.

  281. BG June 13, 2008 10:44 pm

    Fla Ted

    Wait a minute! Isn’t it 4:30 in the morning where you’re at?!!! 😯

    Your point is well taken about over-stretching, etc. Another study showed that gymnists (sp) have a higher rate of leg injuries when running track. Their joints are too loose to stabilize against the constant impact of running. On the other hand, for the everyday person, lots of running will tighten up certain muscles like the quads and calves. These should be stretched AFTER the workout to allow blood to flow more freely and hasten recovery. Soooo, let me ask, how many times have you seen football teams stretch after practice? I know that I’ve seen some progressive volleyball teams stretch after a game!


  282. WarriorMojo June 13, 2008 10:44 pm

    I think you guys are all taking crybaby’s #220 too literally. Read it again. It’s actually a very subtle, yet pointed jab at the people who really are complaining about this place. And, it’s actually pretty funny in the way it mocks them.

  283. Stephen Tsai June 13, 2008 10:47 pm

    I think the hamstring injury is related to the Pro Day problems, but it might not necessarily be the same injury.

    I might be off base, but I think the big problem is NFL “experts” always focus on the “measurables.” Because of that, players spend way too much time on their 40-yard dashes instead of other areas. I’m not saying that’s the case here, but I imagine there’s a limit to how much sprinting a person can do.

  284. chawan_cut June 13, 2008 10:50 pm


    i don’t think i want to call Jenny… thanks though.

    WreckinEyez, don’t need the Ghostbusters, the only thing that’s strange in my neighborhood is the house up the street.

    Stretch, Koakane… wait, who do i listen to? wait, who’s the darkside??? James?

    al: wait, so i talk to stretch, who said to talk to koakane or do i talk to james? i don’t think i met whitey yet, did i?

    glad to see you’re back. bulla… maybe i’ll just take the best advice from anyone.
    oh, and that big portagee sausage was from the chamorro village tourist thing on wednesday. $1 bbq sticks… mmm… i’m gonna go back on Wednesday.

    ok. thanks for the advice for the advice. we’ll see…

  285. el guapo June 13, 2008 10:50 pm


    Good point. In another lifetime (or reincarnation?) cross country coach made us warm up at least one mile before stretching, then resumed the daily workout.

  286. Stephen Tsai June 13, 2008 10:51 pm

    I actually like some of the UH running drills. It looks like they combine stretching with running, with all of the high kicks.

  287. Da Punchbowl Kid June 13, 2008 10:52 pm

    *gulp* Well if you’re right about that Mojo, I take back everything I said. 😉

  288. FloridaTed June 13, 2008 10:54 pm

    Gymnasts on the other hand stretch all the time, but they use their muscle groups in a much different way and also start as children to maintain their limberness, That’s why you can’t become a good gymnast starting at age 15 y or so.

  289. BG June 13, 2008 10:57 pm

    Pauoa Boy

    Keeping fingers and toes crossed as you and missus look for your hale. Just put the “Tsaikos Live Here” sign outside! hahahahaha

    I’m so tempted to say something funny about Marines, but TChahng stay out there too. Bumby, I’ll be out-flanked at the next international Tsaiko convention 🙄 You know that we can say all kine stuff amongst ourselves, but…when push comes to shove…we got each others’ 6’s.

    Here’s hoping that your boy has a fun game…


  290. Pauoa Boy June 13, 2008 10:57 pm

    K well tink it’s time to hele and go moe, check you guys morrowz…au’ryte!

  291. jm2375 June 13, 2008 11:00 pm

    For what it’s worth, I gotta put my 2 cents in.

    I have been reading this blog for a few months and it took me a while to post. I now post about once or twice a day. There are many more Tsai-kos who are much more eloquent and better informed than I. I thoroughly enjoy reading this blog and many times it brings a smile and a chuckle when I need it the most, even if I can’t always follow what’s going on between certain posters.

    I just have to agree with everyone else. If you don’t like it, go somewhere else.

    BTW, GatorBoy (co-worker) is also wondering why the game is scheduled for 12:30 pm.

    Have a great weekend everyone! Hasta manana.

  292. Pauoa Boy June 13, 2008 11:02 pm

    Unko BG – No worry easy for find my house get the big UH flag outside the door already. Anyway, no mattahs we all talk smack about each other so I get tuff skin 🙂

  293. FloridaTed June 13, 2008 11:03 pm

    It’s time to go horizontal, I didn’t realize it’s 4:30 am.

    Good night gang, that was fun. You see, folks, we have great discussions, when it comes natural and not forced. You all have a great weekend, see ya laterz.

  294. Pauoa Boy June 13, 2008 11:03 pm

    K see you guys latez

  295. marlis June 13, 2008 11:03 pm

    Listening to the Bobby C show this morning BC asks Rich Miano if the 2009 football recruits are the best ever. And RM answers smartly without tipping his hand or allowing anything going to the mainland grapevine. “Yeah I think the guy from Punahou is the best to come out of Hawaii state football”…but only lets on to the obvious without naming names of others. This is very smart in not spilling the bean on RM part. Coach Mack should be proud of his coaches of not telling the opposing recruiters(who maybe listening in or their intermediaries) of where the Blue Chippers are.

  296. Stephen Tsai June 13, 2008 11:07 pm

    I think everyone knows about Manti Te‘o.
    It should be interesting to see how many offers Dalton Hilliard will end up receiving. He’s well into double digits.

  297. al June 13, 2008 11:09 pm

    cc….you haven’t met whitey nor myself. when you do things will change. just be careful of stretch and whitey for they have been known to venture over to the dark side.

  298. Jason June 13, 2008 11:12 pm

    Stretching after exercise? Hmm, I should start doing that…

    I got my youngest niece’s 2nd birthday party tomorrow, so I’ll be out all day. Enjoy your Saturday!

  299. al June 13, 2008 11:12 pm

    i agree hilliard’s got skills and numbers. very athletic.

    one of the sleepers at punahou is kimo makaula. he will soon get much attention. good athlete the boy, rare three sport guy.

    punahou is the team to beat this year, a rarity since the charlie wedemeyer days.

  300. BG June 13, 2008 11:12 pm

    Mojo – I got the point by c-baby. My comment was aimed mainly at the person who sent the message to ST’s boss and somewhat to marlis. I presented a view and suggested a possible course of action that might satisfy most people. However, I stayed away from telling anybody what to do.

    el gaupo – when I coached track, I was all for a slow acceleration to the warm-up. I made stretching optional, but, if it was done, it had to be dynamic stretching and not static. Why warm-up to get the heart rate up and the muscles warm and then sit on the ground and let it go to waste? I firmly believed that one should concentrate on warming up the specific muscles that were going to used in the workout.

    OK, time to get off the soapbox and into bed…be back in the morning. Love the weekends when I can do that!

  301. BG June 13, 2008 11:22 pm

    This is my last one tonite…promise.

    ST, you’re right about T’eo. And I think he’s doing the right thing in not committing right away. That will bring more and more recruiters (good for da boys, but not for UH) to check out the rest of the athletes while they’re here.

    marlis makes a good point about Coach Miano. And it can be said about all the coaches, that they are akamai about talking up recruits. Isn’t it true that it’s an NCAA violation by a school to talk about a recruit before they sign an LOI?


  302. whitey June 13, 2008 11:59 pm

    OK, when wake up hearing all the noise on the blog. chawan, i no can give you advice right now, but my only suggestion is to go to the darkside to “practice”. with practice, the force will be with you. (eh stretch and al, i not laughing, hahahaaaahhhhhhhhh!!)

  303. d1shima [sez:] June 14, 2008 12:40 am


    Glad Friday the 13th is over!
    Peeps getting really Psycho; maybe now can get back to jus being Tsaiko!

    Oftentimes when the former coach was on the radio he would remind BC or a caller that he was precluded by rule from talking about any specific recruit until after LOI was signed and in-hand (faxed copy OK, too). He would rarely even get as specific as mentioning the school any recruit was attending; might just say “NorCal prospect” for instance just to be sure he was totally safe.

  304. d1shima [sez:] June 14, 2008 12:53 am

    Some have mentioned their view of the WB is similar to mine of it being like a cyber 24/7 tailgate.
    Those who are chirping about chit chat here I would say are akin to someone who passes by Richardson field outside the fence on Nimitz on game day. Close enough to see the Tsaiko banner and hear the laughter and “yukking-up”. But if that person happens to be waiting at that light to walk to Aloha Stadium before a game, he or she might wonder, “Wassamatta those guys? Get one game going start soon and they only clowning around.”
    Well, from out there you dunno us, you dunno wat’s going on.
    All I can say is, come inside da fence and find out before you judge.
    If you no like do that, das fine. Wen da light turn green jus’ keep walkin’ an no worry about the Tsaikos; wen da game really start, we going be there!

  305. duffer June 14, 2008 1:30 am

    Good Morning Tsai-kos!!!!

    To all of you that I met at Camellia’s and at Ryan’s graduation party, it was an AWESOME experience. My son and I thank all of you who made us feel like one big happy family.

    My only regret was not having enough time to talk story with each of you. Either I was too busy eating at Camellia’s or watching the spell binding program put on by Bulla and company.

    Hopefully we can make it back for the July party……:-)

  306. Stretch June 14, 2008 2:19 am

    What an interesting blog day of football, chit chat and everything in between. Hopefully tomorrow everyone can all get along.

    Good night.

  307. wafan June 14, 2008 4:19 am

    Good morning and a happy Saturday to everyone!

    Interesting discussion last night. You have the right to remain or leave, or to actively or passively participate.

    I figure it is similar to shopping. If you are looking for a specific item you go shopping. If an establishment does not carry the item you leave and go to the next one until you find one that carries the item you want or need. It is foolish to believe that your complaint to the management would result in change. Why complain to Eki Cyclery about their lack of SMART cars? It is a waste of your and their time. It would be far easier if you left the establishment; unless your goal is to merely complain for the sake of complaining. Or maybe you just had a bad day and needed to vent.

    It does not really make much of a difference. You might feel better for trying to push your agenda or beliefs, or venting, or trying to force unwanted or unwarranted change. But, inevitably you will be looked upon as a pest and ignored as bothersome.

    Better to be an adult and remain logical and make rational decisions. Why not work with Mr. Tsai to express your concerns rather than complaining and tattle-tale’ing to his bosses (as if his bosses do not know what is going on his blog)?

    Better still. Would it not be far simpler to simply find someplace else that better meets your wants and expectations? Why do you feel the need to control others, to force non-conformists into conformity?

    To everyone else, sorry for triade.

  308. wafan June 14, 2008 4:20 am

    Stretch . . .

    Geez. When you say good night, you really mean it!

  309. wafan June 14, 2008 4:22 am

    B’fast time.

    Yahoo — food!

  310. MeiLing June 14, 2008 4:23 am

    Wow!!! I hope JD & JJ can pull off a UH-SMU game September 2009. That would be fun. UH is so far ahead of SMU in talent & cohesiveness, I’m sure we’d prevail. It would be interesting to see what JJ can do at SMU after a year. With more monetary support there, I’d suspect his second year record at SMU might be better than what he achieved at UH in his second year.

  311. MeiLing June 14, 2008 4:24 am

    Aloha Kakahiaka!!!

  312. wafan June 14, 2008 4:38 am

    Hi MeiLing!

    I will be looking foward to that game, too. After the Warriors ride rough shod all over the Mustangs I wonder how many Hawai’i boys will want to play for them?


    JJ will be able to visit and see the good his leaving did for the UH facilities, too!

  313. wafan June 14, 2008 4:48 am

    Whoa! The look suddenly changed!

    Small type. Cannot select a larger size view otherwise you lose either edge of the page.

    Very difficlt to read.

  314. wafan June 14, 2008 4:50 am

    Hmmm. Back to the way it was a few minutes ago.

    Are the techies playing with the blog again?

  315. whitey June 14, 2008 5:00 am

    Good morning wafan and meiling. hope your day is starting out with sunshine and clear skies. still dark here.

  316. MeiLing June 14, 2008 5:04 am

    Mornin’ wafan,

    I’m thinking about going to the OSU game before I head home, so maybe I’ll meet you. Don’t know yet…too many things to do in order to get across the ocean. It would be perfect tho to go to the UH-OSU game, then head home. Also depends on kala, since I will not be working. ‘spensive moving esp. with fuel fees going up. We’ll see…maybe I’ll get to Corvalis…

  317. MeiLing June 14, 2008 5:06 am

    Hi, whitey!

    Sunny & bright & gonna head to 83 degrees today. K, gotta get some signs out for my continuous yard sale…trying to empty this house little by little…

    Have a great Tsaiko day!!!

  318. mctruck June 14, 2008 5:06 am

    A UH-SMU game at this time just doesn’t get my juices flowing. Can’t get excited about this game.

  319. mctruck June 14, 2008 5:09 am

    Why can’t UH schedule other PAC10 teams, like California, UCLA??

  320. Garret June 14, 2008 5:12 am

    Pauoa Boy,

    Great to hear that you got a home that your family (especially your wife) will be happy in! There definitely are good deals in the area that you will be living. I hope that your commute isn’t too bad–I don’t know what the East/West freeways are like there.

    Being that north you won’t be that far from a Calf Call at Kings. Make sure to get a family membership to the Zoo and bring your kids to the Wild Animal Park often. I’ll show your family around the Wild Animal Park sometime, and there is Legoland also of course. It gets really hot in your area so check out where the water parks are.

  321. mctruck June 14, 2008 5:13 am

    I’m surprised Grice-Mullen got cut by Houston?, I guess WR is overstocked in the nfl.

  322. whitey June 14, 2008 5:14 am

    Good morning Mc. How is everything in Texas?

  323. Garret June 14, 2008 5:15 am

    Article about the importance of indoor practice facilities and how more and more schools are getting them. Amazing that Oklahoma State has *another* rich donor in addition to Pickens.

    Indoor facilities have become increasingly common across the country as more money pours into college athletics. That’s not to say that every high-profile school has one. Last August, Georgia coach Mark Richt complained to the press about his lack of indoor practice space after a practice was rained out, and soon after, Auburn coach Tommy Tuberville grumbled that his was too small.

    Oklahoma is a good example of the other side of the trend. The OU athletics department already has two indoor practice facilities with two more planned — practice facilities for baseball and softball. When OSU’s athletic village is complete, the facilities in Stillwater will be comparable.

    Indoor facilities are not necessarily used on a daily basis. Most coaches prefer to practice outside in the elements they will play games in whenever possible, but OSU coach Mike Gundy said there are plenty of situations where being able to get inside will help.

    In part because of a $20 million donation from alumnus Sherman Smith, OSU will soon become the 10th school in the Big 12 to have an indoor practice facility. Athletic director Mike Holder said he is hopeful that, if things go according to plan, construction will start on the Sherman Smith Training Center on Oct. 1. The building is projected to cost $40-50 million.

    “I’d say right now it’s the most critical (facility in the planned “athletic village”),” Holder said. “That’s why it’s No. 1 on our list. It does the most for football, and that’s the sport that’s needed the most help here. But it also is appealing because it has applications for a lot of sports. It’s a way to help a lot of coaches with one facility.”

    The facility will include full soccer and football fields and a track straightaway. Softball and baseball will also have batting cages and space to take infield practice.

    Indoor facilities have long been a staple at most schools in the Northern states and schools with historically large athletic budgets.

  324. Garret June 14, 2008 5:16 am

    As with all facilities, indoor practice facilities are useful for recruiting.

    As with all facilities, a state-of-the-art indoor practice space is also another element to impress recruits in the ever-expanding college athletics arms race.

    “It matters a bunch (with recruits),” Jones said. “Like anything else, when you walk into one and they’ve got the banners up in there, it’s impressive. It’s a statement about how much football means to the school.”

  325. mctruck June 14, 2008 5:19 am

    Good morning Whitey,

    Overcast this morning..suppoesed to get a bit of rain today…otherwise, I’m good to go.

    have a great day!!

  326. Garret June 14, 2008 5:19 am


    RGM was released because of his hamstring problems. He was reportedly doing really well until then, but the NFL is really cold to undrafted rookies who get hurt.

  327. mctruck June 14, 2008 5:20 am

    suppoesed????..where did that come from??..bwahhaha!!

  328. mctruck June 14, 2008 5:22 am


    thanks for that, I guess you are right bout rookies, unless you were a super AA in college.

  329. Garret June 14, 2008 5:24 am

    I know that SMU has tons of offers out to players in Texas, Louisiania, Colorado, etc., but they *do* have an offer to a Hawaii OL (Hasiak) and got a walk-on to go to them (Soon) that UH wanted as a walk-on. If JJ is going to recruit in Hawaii then I do *not* like the idea of UH playing SMU in Hawaii.

    I don’t think it does much for the strength of schedule and don’t want SMU to get a recruiting base in Hawaii. Maybe after a few more years pass and the recruiting links are colder. It might bring out some fans, but I do not see it overall as a positive.

  330. oldie June 14, 2008 5:41 am


    If JJ is going to recruit in Hawaii then I do *not* like the idea of UH playing SMU in Hawaii.

    I have to agree with you. As much as I would like to see the Warriors stick it to SMU, I don’t think we should help their recruiting in the Islands. I sometimes have that same mixed feelings about BYU and UNLV.

  331. oldie June 14, 2008 5:52 am


    Just wanted to add my appreciation for the pictures that you are posting. They really add to another dimension to this blog. The ones of the unsupervised practices are great, but so are the ones that show the Tsaikos in action.

    I hope, though, that we will be able to see Princess Leila videos again. I think the players can relate to her so we get to see the personalities of the players in her videos. I hope HA management comes to their senses tries to work with the HA employees rather than against them.

  332. Bulla June 14, 2008 5:57 am

    #238 – mahalo for the kind words, the party was a blast. i still think a few Tsaikos are recovering from their escapades, not Ice Capades Chawan Cut, haha.

    it was a blast, to see the Tsaikos in their own ‘world’ we created with our decorator. i hope that they have some pictures to share, A-House family, did you get some good photos? Please email to me when you get a chance.

    it was a good send off for Da Beast, he leaves on Tuesday night, oh well, i will be crying my eyes out, but it’s time for him to go and make his mark. i think Duffer and Duffer Jr. had a good time….so many people, whew. i do know that we have some ‘dancing fools’ in this group, and they can ‘party like it’s 1979’. haha

    seen more moves on that dance floor than a slippery snake going uphill…..i’ll let the culprits confess later.

    have a good day bro…Maui No Ka Oi!!!

  333. Bulla June 14, 2008 6:00 am


    i agree, a blog with photos, haha, anything to keep us interested until the season opener. i too miss princess leila’s videos, they were a real treat, and she did a wonderful job. ST is doing better at his photo thing, stepping out of his box to say the least, and that is good for ST.

  334. oldie June 14, 2008 6:04 am


    I’d like to add my congratulations to you, the Beast, and the rest of the family. I’m sure he’ll “make memories” that you will make you proud. You can join the rest of us “empty nesters”. Believe me, it’s going to be hard for a while, but just remember that he’s out there making himself a better person.

  335. bighilofan2 June 14, 2008 6:09 am

    Good morning Tsaikos everywhere!

    wuz busy and couldn’t get to da blog yesterday, only now read alla yestaday’s and las nite’s stuff. About 400 entries. wheeww, summa yu guys gimme da weejeees.
    all huhu fo nuttin… complainahs, no get on da plane. talk chit only brings down da hi to a lo. hey, dats me, hilo. so yu like talk negative? try sell da negative to one jury. da last time one idiot wen make lie dat, he told da repohtah afta, “I”m flabbergasted.” Da poop shuudda been watchin da evidence befo he wen make wala’au, maybe he wudn’t been all flabbergasted. an da bugga is supposed to be smaht. talk big. noze all da big wurds. weah suit, tie. but, junk mannahs!

    but da neet ting about dis blog: yu can pretend wit me we frenz. we get one ting in common. we a paht ah Warrior Nation. but if yu like talk stink about da odda guyz ovah heah, yu not paht ah my crowd, an yu bring out da wurst in me. how’s dat for honesty! 👿

    All dis is fo free. yu can come, yu can go. i gonna stay cuz get some geniuses aroun heah who stometimes talk great football. like momotaro, WassupDoc, BarryM, iMojo (tanks for da video), 8 fingahs Wafan, DPK, Homey, GiGi, LizK, SteveM, Kekoa, Las Vegas. Get choke oddas. So wat day sometimes talk about dare food or da tracks on da undaweah? 😀 Sometimes I laugh, an das da bes paht an why I keep coming around.

    So complainahs, I hope you no get huhu. Just had to get dat off my chest cuz I gonna have one great Saturday.

  336. Bulla June 14, 2008 6:16 am


    mahalo for the kind words and compliments. it’s time for him to move on, and experience life. with him leaving, i’m back in the gym doing the next best thing i love…racquetball 🙂

  337. bighilofan2 June 14, 2008 6:19 am

    Barry Markowitz,

    btw, I recall a few months ago Coach Mack saying he and June best friends, they’re going to Samoa together this summer, something like that.

    Two days ago my friend said his cousin mentioned JJ was going to Samoa with 6 truck loads of equipment. Didn’t mention Mack’s name. Putting the two friends side by side, one with lots of toyz in his pocket and hooked to a mainland school with plenty of money with plenty of networking opportunities, and the other relying on family and friends as the selling point, hey, there’s enough to go around among friends, right? 😉 imho, WONG!

  338. bighilofan2 June 14, 2008 6:27 am

    have a great saturday everybody. gonna watch Puna’s 12/under, 13, 14 peeps buss up da odda teams 12/under, 13, 14 year old peeps.

    77 days an 76 nites till I see wit my own eyes da Fla FLABBERGASTATION.

  339. whitey June 14, 2008 6:55 am

    good morning bradda bhf2. you stay in fine shape this am. me, i get golf game with some heavy hitters and need to protect the kala, so maybe can go to the darkside.

    stretch, if you not doing anything, come on over. can catch the 11 pm plane home.

  340. bighilofan2 June 14, 2008 7:07 am


    i foget menshun we gonna have one darkside shindig dis evening. 😀 my release is in triplicate, keepin one carbon unda da seat jus in case. gotta plan fo da blud tess, no likee bretahliezah, so prolly sleep on da beach, 😀

    jus chittin ya. 😀

  341. bighilofan2 June 14, 2008 7:13 am

    Falsie dis, Falsie dat,

    yu no bradda, I like play 2. Wish I’d cum up wit da name furs. Yu goin da 6/19 jamboree? I be wearin shorts Tshirt an slippahs if day let.

    SteveM, get dress code? Anybody invitte any ah da hot bods for da chicks for look at? maybe somebody menshun at praactice, lie dat. da California peeps gotta know dat day get California reps in da Warrior Nation.

  342. whitey June 14, 2008 7:16 am

    bhf2, i can see you going have good fun. no let the “crabs” get to you. get plenty different kinds like amama amama, samoan, swimming, but the one to watch out for is the kala crab. that one is mean braddah.

  343. bighilofan2 June 14, 2008 7:16 am


    howzit. long time no heah. wat yu been up to? sameoh sameoh ovah heah.
    yu goin da 19th?

  344. whitey June 14, 2008 7:23 am

    bhf2, you getting serious now. what is “dress code”. we no have that kind of words in my world. shorts, slippahs, and any kind shirt is standard.

  345. bighilofan2 June 14, 2008 7:26 am


    i learned long time ago da crab rules fo fas kine akshun

    1. catch da crab.
    2. swish em back an fot in da watah
    3. buss da shell an da pinchas
    4. spinkle hawn salt
    5. slurp em

    gonna do dat tomorrow nite. tonight, all carbs, pass out medals, all carbs, lie dat.
    😀 😆 Have a great day.

  346. bighilofan2 June 14, 2008 7:27 am

    Yo kekoa,

    shoutout to you and yur pop. sorry no can da 17th, but be dare da 19th!

  347. oldie June 14, 2008 7:34 am


    77 days an 76 nites till I see wit my own eyes da Fla FLABBERGASTATION.

    I always look forward to your countdown to da Swamp.

    You, LizK, Florida Ted, and the others got to represent the rest of the Warrior Beat clan. 2 and a half months to go. Can hardly wait.

  348. whitey June 14, 2008 7:34 am

    ok my fellow tsaikos, it is time to go to the big city for some fuud. take care and may the sunshine make you warm and give you all plenty of energy.

  349. oldie June 14, 2008 7:43 am

    New blog is up!

  350. NYUH June 14, 2008 11:15 am

    I second the lurker. People should show some more self-restraint and respect for the people who come to interact about UH sports.

    Who wants to sift through 200-500 entries looking for a few morsels of relevant information? Heroes like Garret put work into the entries. Nothing wrong with “opinion” as long as it’s opinion about the Warriors.

    June 13th, 2008 at 11:57 am

    Too much chit-chat? People tend to forget (or not know) that a blog (weB LOG) is the personal journal of an individual. Since ST does not claim to represent the views and opinions of the Honolulu Advertiser–only his own– then his blog is a personal blog.

    If one does not like what is written in a personal blog–then they should not read personal stuff, much less complain about it.

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