Team Purps claims basketball title
John Estes fostered a hoops dream when he assembled his Super Games team.
It became a reality today when his Team Purps, led by four-time All-State guard Miah Ostrowski and Dustin “The Human Blur” Blount, clobbered Sex Appeal in the basketball championship game in Klum Gym.
Ostrowski, proving he’s one of the top point guards on campus, opened the scoring by draining consecutive all-net 3s.
Blount, who is about 5-7, soared for a putback.
And Brett Leonard banked a 3 from about 24 feet.
The play of the morning came in the prelims. Ostrowski leaped to save a ball from going out of bounds, then made a quarter-court, behind-the-back pass for an assist.
Here are Ostrowski and Blount:
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Newly hired o-line coach Gordie Shaw:
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UH has started a Twitter account. Here’s the link:
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And the turkey meatloaf (from Gourmet Express in Kahala Mall):
Good Morning!
I hope Nash was observing the game.
Did Brett call “bank” before he shot it?
Morning Homey and all Tsiko’s…….
Hey…I can say hello today…wassup homey…
Yep, we should have a Tsaiko H-O-R-S-E game. I think I can give jmxxxx a whooping.
Hey Curveball…howzit going???
Hello Curveball and (J)J! Hey (J)J, you’ve been M-I-A from the blogs lately. Been spending nights under your desk again? Looks like the civil union folks are spending a lot of money at the snack bar in the basement.
top 10!
cheepono out.
Anyone have a cc scheduled today? A-Sports? Pho?
homey….t-s-a-i-k-o instead of horse. one extra lifeline.
Howzit Curveball!
al – Good idea, now I can really crush jm####!
morning all, maui wowee for a scrimmage sounds good, tasty crust sounds good too, gotta make pit stops for guri guri and sam satos as well. poker tournament in vegas, definitely in for that one… 🙂
Doing OK…headed for the mainland on Friday for 12 days,have to get Slider started on his delivery motion.
Howzit Everybody,
Howzit Curveball how is everything going with you and your family.
Hey A-Joe! Take A-Sports place and let’s go have some Pho-n!
da cpu doesn’t allow me to watch the tuesday show, anyway we can get a text version of what’s being said…probably not but just thought i’d ask
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Looking forward to any videos the Princess has of the Super Games b-ball competition.
Howzit curveball! Good to see you. Have a fun time on the big rock!
moved over from previous post.
# koakane±:
February 25th, 2009 at 9:38 am
addahknowjoe: …… drink, eat, dance, hang out with friends and check out the scene. Simple. Nothing fancy. All one needs to do is facilitate an event to cater to those wants.
mmmmm sound like a tsai-ko thing bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Congrats to da Purps! Now, if we only knew what the REAL meaning of that name was…
hey cball expressing similar greeting to you 🙂
curveball – Make sure the delivery motion is smooth, don’t want him to get that bent wrist motion.
***for those of you who may be offended by the bent wrist motion comment I apologize and did not mean to single out any individual or group of individuals. The comment was made so that slider does not grow up to have a stiff unorthodox looking throwing motion…that’s all.
so homes das why you walk like dat bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaa
No act KK, you like when I walk li’dat… BWAHAHAHAHAHA
ST – Gordie Shaw reminds me of someone.
Howzit curveball!
Hope things are getting better…
dat so true bwhaaaaaaaaa
kden checking out and back to work
nice chatting with you all lattas
quick howzit to d1
Hi, curveball! Have a safe trip to the mainland.
I think the pancakes discussion sounds better than the turkey meatloaf looks….
from da SH board, looks like Kiran Kepoo will be leaving UH after this semester. good luck to him in whatever he chooses, he’s a smart kid who’ll be succesful no matter what
Turkey meatloaf huh? Looks okay.
Actually, the turkey meatballs are good, too.
But I didn’t want to mention them because I thought Homey would turn it into a dirty joke.
Turkey meatballs would be an oxymoron, no?
da odda guyz say that our junior day will be 4/18 along w/ a high school coaches clinic. guess no maui on that day, maybe 4/11 on maui…
good to hear we’re getting w/ the times and having a junior day…hopefully it’ll lead to bigger and brighter recruiting on da local front
Hi curveball!
ST- what happened to my Kauai guys??? No can play BB???
Wassup koakane…
Homey, at first glance Coach Shaw looks like Mork, played by Robin Williams.
Have I ever wrote a dirty joke on the blog? I can’t recall.
and a Reflective Ash Wednesday to All.
yeah, you have to watch out for that guy Homey, he is one instigator!! Always starting trouble….
I didn’t want to bring this up, but Brent Rausch capped Jett Jasper in a prelim game. Rausch plays small forward for the Purps.
And the Purps’ center?
John Estes, of course.
Good morning Tsai-kos!!
Top 40.
homey – I concede. I’m terrible at bb. The only sport I’m decent at is bowling.
Meat is meat. We make turkey meat loaf from time to time ’round here.
Coach Shaw looks like an older version of the guy who played the lead in the old “Highlander” movies.
Did I mention that PowderPuff is bringing her own darts.
I think it’s a kick-arse thing as opposed to a germ thing.
I think Shaw looks like Bill Brennan.
I was gonna say: “How’s Mufi doing?”
Tofu meatballs —> oxymoron
Willie – He looks like Young Frankenstein without makeup.
Young Frankenstein? Way to make the guy fell welcome, homish.
I hope she doesn’t bring the steel tip type, that might cause a problem. She is smarter than that, right??!!??
sorry, try again
I hope she doesn’t bring the steel tip type, that might cause a problem. She is smarter than that, right??!!??
jmxxxx – I’d whoop you in bowling too! 😆
Stretch – ahem…
Wish I could make it to darts…need an incentive.
DPK – If it’s any consolation, that’s what I thought of you when I first saw you.
Powderpuff can only stay from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., so you can stop by.
I think she’s waiting for C_C to say his first words to her.
DPK is a great guy.
At least that’s what we thought after we did a background check before letting him into the building.
ST – I’ll be in Mililani from 5 – 7…shucks, next time.
If anybody came to our building wearing a tube top we’d do a background check too!
ST- #42 – that’s ok. rent is kind of Kauai guy too… being as he has family here 😉
no wonder my ears were itching again.
UH was mentioned in this SI article on recruiting. The NCAA is looking into grayshirting and the rules might change for that in a few years.
Lawrence Wilson signed a pro contract!
Article about the other long snapper that was at the NFL combine.
good thing John Estes is a compassionate guy.
unlike the girls bball coach at his alum (St Marys of stockton) who’s beat a team 105-17
St Marys girls bball is 34-1…
also John’s HS QB is Willie Tuitama is the starting QB at Arizona
The men’s BB team could use a good outside shooter. Wonder if Ostrowski would double up and play basketball as well as football.
Iceman played in a HS Bball game againt Brent Rausch
It is nice when the people at the top take pay cuts like this.
I wonder if the scalpers will reduce the price they charge for the tickets by 10%. Most people who attend the games don’t purchase tickets direct from the NFL/team, therefore I don’t think this discount will reach the people actually attending the games.
BigWave – You are a great source of trivial and non-trivial data!!!
I see it coming…darts at 20 Paces, turn and throw! (J) James keep your paramedic kit at the ready.
Kekoa – If it’s 20 paces then I don’t think you’d need to worry about getting hit.
Good morning everyone!
Kekoa’s superferry “dream” for a Maui scrimmage really appealed to me. Only change for me is to is stay overnight and sign up for whitey’s dinner and darkside tour… 🙂
The wind here is WHIPPING in bursts – taking banana trees down, etc. WOW!
MLiz – You’re taking your banana trees down?
SteveM ~ That’s where driving Miss Peaches over to Maui on the SF comes in to play. Choices, it’s all about choices steve.
Homes…I’m taking no chances. I’m bringing my cloaking device to defend myself from Tita Leadfoot’s 90 MPH riser.
<blockquote. LizKauai [Believer] Says:
February 25th, 2009 at 11:16 am
The wind here is WHIPPING in bursts – taking banana trees down, etc. WOW! it should be a fun ride home this afternoon
it should be a fun ride home this afternoon
Most NFL playoff tickets are bought by their season-ticket holders. Some sell them to scalpers, but they do buy them at face value before reselling them.
Sad news…..looks like Kiran Kepo’o is leaving the team. I really had high hopes for that kid as a homegrown Warrior. I remember officiating many of his games when he was at Iolani. I wish him the best wherever his future takes him.
I have a close friend who is a Lakers season-ticket holder and his seats have been upgraded each year (he’s now on the floor but not courtside of course). Selling a few playoff tickets could basically pay for his entire year’s season-ticket package when the matchup is right (like last year’s finals). He has a wife and kids who don’t care about sports, so I’ve gotten to go to games with him whenever I’ve been able to get the time.
When I lived in the Bay Area I once drove from Cupertino to LA for a Lakers game, then drove back to Cupertino after the game. The ticket to the game was free, but I sure put some miles on the Prius that day!
For those who don’t read SportsHawaii, here is the post from Kiran’s Dad:
Back to work for me…be back tonight.
was this the “no-rules” basketball?
Garett that’s some drive… When you got home did you tell the Mrs., “phew… Had to put in some overtime today…”
too bad about Kepoo.
best of luck in the future
ST….what??? C_C is a powderpuff????
(J)J – In my era, we didn’t call it powderpuff.
Blount is “the human blur”? I thought brew808 was “the human blur”! 😈
Though Tiger is 3 up, it’s a good thing his match play opponent is playing crappy.
Yeah, I had Dustin Blount’s build back in the day. Now, my body looks a lot more like Fred Flintstones. Very, very sad.
So.. the NFL commish is taking a 20-30% pay cut….
How ’bout the rest of those overpaid pro athletes???? 👿
4/11 on maui would actually be perfect w/ friday being a holiday for a lot of people…
wow, my ears sure are itchy today… heh.
KapoleiWarrior ~ Were you a HS official in Basketball & Football?
Tsai-kos in Las Vegas September 18-19, 2009 &
Tsai-kos hoping to be in Las Vegas September 18-19, 2009
las vegas needs to know the estimated number for the Saturday tailgate and optional bus planning. Planning is also underway for a Friday night Get-together Party for all mainland and Hawaii Tsai-kos! ❗ Rich2176 needs to know who and how many game tickets are needed. Survey requests for tickets will be turned over to Rich2176 at the end of February or when he asks.
I will continue to collect ticket requests until Rich2176 is ready (and tailgate and FRIDAY night party RSVPs indefinitely) via the survey at:
If you cannot get into the survey or have subsequent changes or ETA & lodging info, please email me at: stevem.hnl (at)
A summary of the data and plans are posted at:
Please check if your listed info is accurate. This listing also serves as your visual assurance that your ticket/tailgate requests were received.
I have started to link the hotels (outside of downtown) of those who have reservations made. This for location and potential lodging site info for those still searching.
so if blount who is listed at 5’8″ is 5’7″ according to st and miah we all know is a legit 5’9″. then judging by that photo, dustin da blur blount might only be 5’6 1/4″.
i am okay with it if he is as much of a blur as legend would have it. he sure looks cut.
When Blount can keep up with Homey 24/7, he may be nearing legendary consideration.
bowling is not a sport.
neither is poker nor billiards.
Woods wins 3 and 2.
al – I’m cut, under the fat layers.
al—What about some of the other wicked stuff they show on ESPN? Like Scrabble? Darts? Math? Spelling Bee?
How swift is Blount?
Princess – Great hoops video!
Football & Baseball
“Ostrowski, proving he’s one of the top point guards on campus, opened the scoring by draining consecutive all-net 3s.”
Hmm… and I thought the basketball team was looking for a “ture” point guard.
Where on earth could they find a player like that?
it has been rumored that nash told ostrowski “no”.
crw…i agree! but, don’t tell my son jason. he still thinks being a math tutor qualifies him as a “coach”.
I stood next to Dustin Blount several times at the past Na Koa Banquet and he is not that much taller than me. I am 5’5″. So yeah 5’6″ sounds about right.
Does Jason’s kids call him Coach Jason?
homey: THERE you are, you buggah! Brah, you soooo in trouble!!!!!
*cough cough*
*Sorry, everyone, I was lurking here today for the soul purpose of hunting homey down…….BTW, you guys crack me up!
Geez, next thing you guys going say is that cheerleading is not a sport! *ahem*
Kazz – 5’5″ is your tailgate height. 😆
What the frick!?!?!?
BTW, Colomaohana, I walked with your DH today! Buggah looks good in the uniform!
I think the guys that lift those petite cheerleaders are the real sports heroes.
Dominoes isn’t a sport either. Give it enough time and they’ll probably start showing Monopoly on ESPN as well. 🙂
…you know, with da players stashing the $500 bills under the gameboard li’dat. Bwahahahaha!!!!!!
I guess I have to go to another blog and hide out. hmmmm, who’s this Sandee Oshiro dude?
😀 afternoon gangie c&r time (check and read not da oddah cr kind) children gone, teachers about to start their gl meeting and no distrubances.
much plans in work for the uh scrimmage on maui. 😆 plenty good ideas. anyone making it happen? if so I am in.
Hey, if anyone wants to talk about breast pumps, diapers & wipes, pregnancy, women problems, and starbucks go check out Esme’s site and talk to Colomaohana.
What??? Cheerleading isn’t a sport?? Dang, DPK better return his letter he got in high school…..LMAO
Homey…haven’t been M-I-A because of R and R…..LOL
omg, homey, you’re retarded!!! hahahaha…
Committed Road Warrior: CLASSIC!! I can totally see that…..
man we gotta eliminate texas hold’um, trumps and majong also
Homey…shhhhh….some of the older guys might need daipers, wipes, and starbucks…among other things…LMFAO
new coach looks like an old Carl Malden
m-homey, #119… been there, done all that… – look what it did to me! 🙄 😈
I think we have a lost mommy on the blog. Call Esme to take her back.
Colomaohana- WELCOME!!!
MLiz – It made you a Tsaiko!!! HOORAY!
MLiz – Don’t ever piss off one of Esme’s mommies or they’ll hunt you down! 😯
uh…yes, homey, because everyone here wants to talk about what they’re trying to forget about while they’re chatting here….And you KNOW we talk about other goodies too….not just mommy stuff (ah, no lie…I know you was checking out da juicy discussions……)
Howzit, braddah (J)James!! Howz you?!
koakane: how ’bout pipito? (homey, das how you spell um or what?!)
Homey…you left the door open again??? How did you lose the mommy???
Apparently I heard that in order for a student on schollie for one sport to play another he is not on schollie for is to approach his current coach who will give the approval and then the process starts that way.
So in this case, according to this, Ostrowski would have to get Coach Mack’s “ok” first. He (Ostrowski) cannot approach Coach Nash and Nash wouldn’t impose on Coach Mack.
I could have heard wrong though.
Karl Malden??? hmmm. nose is too small. Maybe more like Jeff Bridges to me…
Wat?? koakane when shi shi on his feet again??? Aiyaaaaah dat guy..
Yeah- Jeff Bridges. I’m going to call Coach Shaw “Coach Dude” from now on…
Colomaohana – I thought you meant papito.
I thought it was pepito.
Try wait, try, wait… Coach Shaw looks like a morph of Jeff Bridges and Kurt Russell!
yea wadd up with dat alway taking away the local favorite games.
Man. some great outside shooting. Did Coach Nash do some scouting? Lol.
It does look like Coach Shaw found some sunshine.
Howzit, Lizkauai! Miss you on da odda side! Hope you guys (and gals) don’t mind that I talk nonsense here with you!
haha..and I don’t bite…I just kill with kindness…I AM a mother of 7 you know…..
jj better den facing and pipi into wind so you can take your portagee bath.
KK…what you mean, us pordagees no take baths….we just wipe twice a week….LMAO
Congratulations to Kynan Forney who just signed a 2 year deal with the San Diego Chargers. It looks like he will have a shot to earn a starting position at guard.
“The Chargers announced Wednesday that they’ve signed guard Kynan Forney to a new two-year contract that will keep the nine-year veteran in San Diego through the 2010 season.
Forney, who was scheduled to become an unrestricted free agent Thursday night, originally joined the Chargers last September. He was active for three contests last season, but didn’t see any game action. “
I remember this punchline…Mother of 7, father of 2.
Eh Colomaohana, did you see my message?
ok so now we know jj uses wipes, daipers and goes to starbuck.
you guys knew what I was talking about…If I keep giving examples da words going turn into filipino naughty words (which is the only kine I know…) then ST going ban me from coming on here….whats that term called again????
Koakane…I do not go to Starbucks….LOL
koakane – And that 90 count wipes lasts him 45 weeks!
What about paiyut (sp?)
colomaohana…it’s called being SMU’d….
and how can that happen if we don’t know what the words mean anyway…
homey..dats right…it appeals to both my pordagee and pake side….LMAO
homey: no, I going check ‘um go check ‘um now…..
Eh, Colomaohana get some Aunty Marialani in her….LMAO
(J)J – You must be stinkin’ rich!
jj #156 g1
paiyut ❓
homey, yep das anoddah game tourny at the next tgate.
oh homey you did not leave # 157 that for open interpretation eh 😯
koakane – Gotta invite some of the mommies from the other site to come to the t-gates. Going be packed with kids!
Per Kiran’s dad, he is going to a school with higher standards for his biology major….after 2 years of free education and not practicing or playing a game the dad disses UH for asking for a medical disqualification….lack of appreciation of what UH did will come around to bachi them…undergrad biology is biology, basic science courses until you start graduate school specializing in a specialized discipline, enter a professional school like dentistry, medicine, nursing, veterinary, etc, or like UHFan808 take a job with the CC
jj: I get plenny Kirkland brand wipes at my house, and in each of my cars, and here at my desk, and in my gym bag, and in our garage….you know….its a mommy secret…..Dat buggah clean e’ryding!!!
homey: paiyut!!!!!!!!!!!! omg!!! Das da one! De’ heem de’ heem!!! I neva’ hea dat long time!
and jj: you’ll know…just in the sentences it may be used in! And I WILL recite Raps’ whole CD (I still have the LP back at my moms, BTW…) when my office is in the mood for a good dose of Colomaohana!! I just crack myself up, I tell you….
koakane – Yep, can’t tell if (J)J needs to bocha or just ate Pork Ong Choy with ham har sauce.
Colomaohana…I just got up and did the rendition of…
Halawa Valley aka huli huli chicken.
Karang da alas aka puka puka pants.
Homey: Good idea…than some of us can beat people in the sand bag toss game…..and I may be stink…but I’m not rich….LMAO
Hi Colomaohana!!!
Don’t let the boys pick on you. They really are a bunch of softies. 😯
Homey…he’s so rascal! 👿
homey, how you figga, we can start with a practice run. the spring green/white game coming up in april. if works out continue if not can make adjustments.
so let’s hear it form the tsai-ko and mom’s constituents?
That Colomaohana mommy just cracks me up! We gotta invite her to the t-gates!
btw rob25 you responsible for da mom’s that convert to da dark side.
Yup…I’m not scared to admit it. IIRC, I think that I told Stretch to initiate the Mom’s with a shot of CR at the KK.
They happily obliged! Good for them…not scared. 😀
April sounds good! Gotta get back in t-gate shape.
Rob25 – Colomaohana can take it. She made the boys cry in P.E.
kk…that’s sacrilege….Rob25 doesn’t need to do any converting…they just are attracted by the force…..and/or Leadfoot tita’s growls….LMAO
Where is da leadfoot today?? Must be practicing….back behind the line KK….LMAO….
this sunday is the last home game for the wahine basketball seniors, three of them, game is at 5 pm against Boise State….any interest in showing up for at least one game this season to support the girls and especially the seniors???
It’s almost nap time.
Ralph – If I wasn’t so busy on weekends I would go.
Rob25…yeah, u r right…most of the Tsaikos are softies….KK, Kekoa, al, IWWTHM, DPK, d1, homey….they all can’t be hard like me…..and homey not that kind….ROTFLMAO….
I’ve got the silly seat today….
homey…isn’t it poodle time yet????
would be nice if bighilo showed up, he can lead a chant “bye, bye bolla,” and on your way out, Please don’t kick me…
I nominate Colomaohana to be the first mommy to be SMU’d from this site. Who says we talk nonsense over here??
(J)J – Silly seat? You use the women’s bathroom?
for the mommies who took the shot, I gave the “Tsaiko” shot glasses to Cenn to give you guys, you earned it!!
Stretch…back yet?? How was the plane ride home???
Stretch – I thought gigi was the first mommy to be smood?
Oh no you din’t homey! 😯 🙄 😯
JJ – still sitting on Kauai, leaving for airport soon. Not looking forward to the ride. Good thing I DON’T fly Island Air, I would throw up.
homey…only when the DAGS lady is cleaning mine…if that’s the case, I just walk in and say, “Howzit” with a lisp…..LOL
Seems like Gigi gave us the big SMU ❗
homey..try wait, try wait….gigi is a mommy???
Howzit, Rob25!!!! Ahahaha…no worry, I’m a tee-ta!!!! I run ‘um haaad with da big boys, so I’m aaaalllll Good!! And with you by my side…”I AM INVINCABLE!!!” Buwahahaha..hehehe…(((sigh))) I tink I gotta go home already…I neva “work” for the past hour or so……now I’m just seriously losin’ it…..
JJ: I sooooo just got a visual of you doing that and I ALMOST spit my water out of my mouth!!! Buwahahaha….
Tailgate??? Did I hear “Come and drink some green bottles with us???” I’m always up for THAT! And kids??? Are you high? (wait, don’t answer that…..) Those are considered date night for me and da Mr. You REALLY tink I can walk from the parking lot to our seats, go shi shi plenty times, walk back to where I THINK I parked my Colomaohana-moblie with 7 kids AFTER starting the festivities off with you guys????
Psssht! But then again, they may end up being good entertainment (if JJ isn’t enough already!)
LOL! My wife is actually very understanding and she had no problems with me making that crazy drive. She was a little worried about the drive back (I think I drove from 10pm until 5am to go from the Staples Center to Whittier to Cupertino). That drive was actually easier than the drive to LA because there wasn’t any traffic.
I was a professor back then and wasn’t teaching the day after the game, so I didn’t even miss any work. Of course, that was before I had kids…I’ve only been able to get to a Lakers game once since I had kids, even my friend offers me my choice of games to go to at the start of each season. Oh well, now we just go to Legoland, Disneyland, and restaurants with their kids and my kids.
Stretch…Who else flies to Kauai??? Do they even have an airport??? LMAO…j/k Liz…that was a special shout out to Aunty Tita Leadfoot… go my Waialua Homesteads sistah….MWAHAHAHAHAHHA
J(J): Homey does play dat!!
Go hard or Go home!! At least that’s what the Kaiser Lady Cougars Soccer Teams motto is!!
KapoleiWarrior ~ Baseball. You might have teamed with Roy Koenig on the diamond. He doesn’t do football, but still calls on the weekend at Corps. We played ball together back in the day. Played at KS-Kapalama, military,etc.
Umpiring saved his life, gave me attitude, I had to stop before the kids took me for a long ride down a short pier. Nah, j/k…I enjoyed it until my grandson moved up, then retired my dark glasses and kept da cane!
eh try back up jj uses wipes and now he claims to be hard 😳
It would be nice if Hawaii could do this sort of thing for the newspapers like what Minnesota is doing. The training would be helpful, especially for the people getting laid off or moved to another position. The University of Minnesota also gets money in this type of deal, which means if Hawaii did it then UH would get money to work with the newspapers.
This guy is supposed to be the starting QB for Washington State when they play UH early in the season…he’s sure showing great “leadership” for their team during the offseason.
us?? us?? how about YOU?? YOU was the cause!!
Rob25 – I did what?
(J)J – You still talk with a lisp… BWAHAHAHAHAHA!
Re that mommy comment…Reminds me of another line I heard…Any man can be a father, it takes a special man to be a daddy.
let me (set the foot) oh I mean the record straight. sistah never say squat she just put the foot down. it was me you heard screaming.
confirm with stretch it was rob25 who was da instigator that night. but this bring up anoddah no no which 52bor did not want let out mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I concur with koakane and Stretch on the instigator thingy.
Stretch: I wasn’t the cause. I didn’t pick on her unnecessarily. I just didn’t agree with the “stupid wahine question” comment that she made…or something to that effect. I have no problems with Gigi or Mr. Gigi. You guys drove her away!! She knew that Greg Alexander was going to be the man and you guys made her feel small about that….:shock: Gigi knows football!!!
Homey: When J(J) said he was on the silly seat…not only did you insult him…which I don’t have a problem with…but then you insulted women by asking if he used the women’s bathroom. What we supposed to all be silly? 👿 Like we would let him in our special place? 🙄
uconn losing with few minutes left in game. crap da BIG 8 some badder conference.
mini-CC set up for March 1, 9am, Main Street Station buffet. So far, I have confirmed 702WarriorNation+1, Momo+1, and Lori, the kids and me. I haven’t heard from LV and haven’t seen him on the blog lately so he’s probably busy on his trip or recovering from it.
Anyone reading this is invited to attend.
We all know that Stretch is just trying to get rid of his Instigator title!
I have brought up my voluntary Manoa Maniac membership idea before, but I don’t know why this never came to my mind, but maybe the administration SHOULD make the UH athletic fee mandatory for ALL UH system students across the state in relation to the athletics they can attend (i.e. UH Hilo would be significantly smaller as there are less spectator sports to watch) and for those not applicable (i.e. UH center on Kauai and Maui and the Molokai Education Center, Lanai Education Center, the Hana Education Center and the Lahaina Education center) they wouldn’t be assessed anything.
IF they make the fee for UH system students on Oahu mandatory for 85.00 (for example), then it would be in good faith to have to put a percentage of those BACK to the students.
With approx 20,000 students enrolled at UHM (combo of undergrads and postgrads) a mandatory athletic fee of 85.00 would yield $1,700,000.00. If the university were to put back 25% of this back towards the students that have to pay this fee then $425,000.00 can be used at the discretion of the ASUH with administration approval and MUST be related to UH athletics (i.e. organized parties before or after UH home football games, gatherings at establishments for UH away games, pep rallies, the ability to reserve a venue off campus for student gatherings, free movie nights for UH students, block party BBQ’s, etc…).
This mandatory fee SHOULD allow ALL UHM students 100% access to all games involving UH sports and this includes Rainbow Classic, Diamond Head Classic, Hawaii Airlines Classic, WAC tourneys, invitationals, etc. Students should be given a swipe card with their picture on it and the school year. This should eliminate the wait in line for them also.
With the cost of tuition already, would a student feel another 85.00? Again I am no longer a student, this is an honest question.
Did Rob25 just write “wah wah wah, blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda”? 😆
Well the gigi did mention that GA was the man because of his looks. Yep, she does know football!
Hey, I’m in a room of math grad students and professors. Don’t make us take out our calculators and attack.
about less than 6 minutes and game is going back and forth
Homey…you would have to tipey toe to see what I wrote anyways…sit down…done talking already! 😆
Oh, and what I meant about the silly seat was about how through many generations the debate about leave it up or put it down is still going on.
*crosses fingers and hope Rob25 is gullible enough to believe that explanation*
Stretch: “Tsaiko” shot glasses???? Ohhhhhh……so DAS how you guys run ‘um, eh??? plastic cups become shot “glasses”…..okay, okay, I get ‘um…..Then, next time, I can bring my 12-pack of green bottles in da’ white styrophone cooler??? Or better yet, just peel open my 12 pack, stick the bag of ice inside (still in the plastic bag), and squeeze my bottles back in there….Cause das how “I” run ‘um…..
Oh yes, Stretch, I’m sorry, you’re right….this really ISN’T nonsense……..
See you guys drove Colomaohana away!! I’m leaving too!
Oops my bad…she’s back!
Oh great, a bunch of math people doing windmill punches with their calculators.
Isn’t there any football news? 🙁
ahhhhhh uconn starting to take control so back blogging
wuz up now?
Wait…Jason…are you going to use a 4-3 or 3-4 defense when you attack?
Time to tend to the canines.
rob25 we talking football, we had a blitz, fake punt, end run and a muddle huddle already. pretty soon there will be a weak side slant blitz you just gotta see it.
marquette making small come back
k, fo’ real, I gotta hele…..
It was fun talkin’ story with you crazy people today! I love it! Thanks for letting me stay….
kk…what’s a weak side? and blitzing?? you are talking way over my head….I think I need a class as well….
and I too concur on the Rob25 instigator thing, she bit somebody’s head off about a “good looking” comment…and not 52bravia doesn’t come around anymore…like years even…..LOL
you always wanted to be liz chun?
hey hey 4pm time to close and head out.
rob25 after jason looks up the goal line crazy defense have him explain it to you.
aloha Colomaohana…tell the other mommies to stop by some time….LOL We don’t bite….well, I don’t, maybe homey does….
al…kk is not Liz Chun….he is local kine Mel Torme….
nah al™ want to be more like you.
jj betta den being kmahu like u…..
mel torme….mwahahahaha.
i see the resemblance.
kk…me not koamahu…BTW, where is Koamahu..never see him/her long time….
What about DPK and Wreck…dey been around????
liz chun?
Ok.. I am going to have a hard time watching the Coach Mack Show from now on… 🙁
I am pretty sure I multiplied and divided correctly.
I went to Pearl City High School you know…
I couldn’t find this on UH’s website, the UH Foundation’s website, or Na Koa’s website, so I’m linking to my blog.
Re: Kepoo
As I understand it, after the accident he never received medical clearance.
Also, he didn’t participate in any of the summer workouts.
It was assumed he had retired, or was focusing on school.
That’s why he wasn’t on the 2008 training camp roster, and that’s why UH gave his No. 12 to Alexander.
This is what Kiran’s Dad posted last week on SportsHawaii.
So as a result of his lack of communication he got miffed? Did the UH contact him to confirm? If not, why not?
didn’t Kiran attempt a return after his injury but gave up due to feeling ill and not ready to undergo the rigors of fb training, instead focused on his school work load…
STEPHEN- You are getting a nice compliment here:
HA- take notice- this is a good path. 😉 😎
huh… guess it’s dinner time…
J G – June Guy?
Thats my guess
# Garret:
February 25th, 2009 at 4:57 pm
This is what Kiran’s Dad posted last week on SportsHawaii.
Kiran is working hard in the weightroom. He has put together his own weight program from knowledge given to him from his former trainer to build muscles needed for a quarterback, not a lineman and to work smarter not harder. Kiran is getting stronger and faster, that biotch lift more than me now.
Once again we love you all!!
Ken Kepo’o
Kiran may be granted a medical hardship which will entitle him to 4 more years of football. Unfortunately Coach Mac didnt recruit Kiran, so he is a J G.
holla again everyone
if you not catching the duke/maryland game you missing another big 8 barn burner. the games in this years conference is amazing.
c_c just for you.
kk was doing some sports reporting re; the basketball game. giving us some play by play etc., commentating, etc. so i says, he wanted to be like “liz chun” a known sports reporter/telecaster.
get it?
got it”
at least i made an analogy to a good looking one.
okay so now, c_c you have just entered the annals of the infamous “whoooosshh!” club. dpk is the president and gg is the vice president (non gratis since she left the blog). you are in position to be the secretary/treasurer as there are no other members.
Hey ST, did Colt leave the islands already? My broh said he saw Colt at the north shore today, but I don’t know if he’s pulling my leg. I’m still hoping to get Colt’s autograph.. ah, one day.
opps this is an ACC conference game the oddah was big 8
more clarification for cc
mostly giving score by score instead of play by play
got excited cause of the high quality of play, battle and effort
au’we al™ I thought you were comparing me to lchun instead of mt 😥
coach miano leaked out this lil bit of info on the sports animals show this afternoon..
colt might be a guest instructor at the speed and quickness camp either sat or sunday.
Good evening Tsai-kos!!
Tsai-kos are always good for a laugh or two or three…
Tommy Heffernan (sp?) was on da Animals this pm. Kickball tournament at the grass practice fields Mar 14th benefitting the Strength program. Local rules (barefoot, call your pitch, etc). $200 per team (10-15 players per team, age 16+), double elimination tournament. Any interest in a Tsai-ko team?
If you miss out on seeing Colt in person you can always go to for Colt signatures.
Some pricey, but legit.
(and “NO” I do not work for them.)
kk…no worry bull. you more handsome than liz chun and mel torme.
Re: kickball
if the Tsaikos put in a team, I will sponsor it but WILL NOT PLAY!!
got your score updates too. at first i thought they were for UH, but we weren’t winning on sat.
I’ll split the “sponsorship” with you. I too will not/cannot play. 🙁
I can watch from the side though!
Besides, I might have to work anyway…. 👿
Colt’s here another week, I think.
Thanks chawan_cut! 🙂
Ok now I seriously wanna know who’s going to be there to actually bring their kids and drop them off JUST for the actual clinic.
I’m surprised that everyone who wanted a Colt autograph hasn’t received one.
i would like to get an autograph to go with the lego pic.
so why haven’t you asked colt to be the video chat host?
ST – I did get his autograph last July at Barefoot League, but then gave it away as a bday gift to my godson, who claims to be Colt’s biggest fan.
So now I want my very own autograph. Unfortunately, I wasn’t living on Oahu during his 3 seasons here so I missed out.
Kazz – u going to the clinic? I can’t make that one either. Grrrr!
So, how _was_ the meatloaf?
Good evening, all. I see that Colomaohana was here; she’s great!
**ding** I think ST’s lightbulb just turned on
Stephen Tsai! just wondering… why the tough questions for JD?… sorry late comment just got to watch the show.
I’m referring to the Bolla questions. You know he can’t say anything with an investigation going on.
Just wondering…
Again, I’m just wondering… nothing hostile just curious.
OK goodbye
Good evening! Work has me keeping some long hours with the new luau. Hey, I know someone whose son is a mighty fine fireknife dancer….right, ST? Stretch, YES…I’m bringing soft-tip darts. You’ll crack up at my back-up flights. Can’t wait to talk to c_c and see the rest of you…Homey? (J) James?
One thing about the discussion over the past month about Miami moving Samson from center to guard…I think that guards are paid *better* than centers in the NFL. I remember reading a lot about that when San Diego gave BIG money to re-sign a guard last year. This article confirms that guards get paid more than centers, so if Samson proves himself at guard he’ll actually be more valued in the NFL!
pardon my ignorance because we have never met….are you one of these powderpuff folks?
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want the off-topic stuff.
Two compounds have been found that protect against cerebral palsy.
The Army Corps of Engineers has found 114 more levees (in 16 states) that fail maintenance inspections, with such poor conditions that it can be “reasonably forseen” that the levees will not perform properly in a major flood. Thousands of levees in the US do not have any federal oversight, so the problem is probably much worse than this already scary report details.
Toyota is planning to build an ultralight, superefficient plug-in hybrid with a body made of seaweed.
ST- any word on Adam or Solly lately?
Three teenagers stole a safe containing antique money from one of their parents. They were caught when one of them tried to exchange a $1,000 bill…since $1,000 bills haven’t been printed since 1945, the bank figured out something was up.
Nice use of technology in Fresno to help avoid auto accidents in foggy conditions.
Free play links pau.
Garret- sorry I posted in the middle of your 5… didn’t see you coming…
Hi MOMO and Mrs MOMO- having fun yet??? 😆
Cindy(cenn) – Colomaohana needs to remember to take her meds.
PowderPuff – Heard you was leaving early so I decided not to show up.
Aw shucks, homey. Next time…have a great weekend, though. I’m trying to find the best way to describe/introduce myself to al. I run the 40 in about 20 (maybe minutes), vertical jump about 6….that’s the kind of PowerPuff I am. Oh I know:
PowderPuff – I can describe you to al! Don’t worry, I will not embellish anything. 😆
Yeah, next time…maybe the spring game t-gate.
Time to patrol…my eyelids.
Goodnight tough economic times world.
Good night Tsaikos. Hasta manana.
Nitey Nite and Sweet Warrior Dreams!
A snowy morning everyone!!!
More snow. Another 2-hour late start.
When will Winter finally let go?
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
Florida Ted
belated happy birthday! 😀
Dustin Blount is one serious lookin dude!
more compact than LWJ
hopin for the best for him this season.
Good morning. It is COLD in Hilo too. yesterday had 25mph blowing from da sea all afternoon. cold rain. took one look at bayfront…. an wen back in da car.
hadda meet wit Puna Canoe Club. fastest meet in da world, wit da wind whippin in. neva seen 50 peeps dig out so fast wit da rain howlin.
yup, life is good in Hilo. 😆
GREAT article in this mornings’ HA.
Warrior’s new graduate assistant Mr. Smith gets some major loving from Texas Tech’s Mike Leach. so does our Coach, from Mr. Smith.
when I saw his picture, his neck stands out big time. I look foward to his intensity on the field and in his leadership role.
i startin to see da light, coach. i startin to see da light
Go Warriors!
Welcome to the Warriors, Mike Smith!!
Shaw, Torme, and now Smith. Coach Mac is bringing it on!
This new guy has been around some intense players these past 4 years. dats gotta been burned into his brain cells and will be sumtin he can projek into our Warriors both on defense and special teams. Cal an Coach gettin excellent helpout. Smith benefits by getting his coaching career started, Warriors benefit by getting somebody Coach can trust.
win win for us.
Great job, Coach Mack.
so i tinkin of a part time lurker…
so watcha think of our Coach now?
please no make like Rush, tellin dat u hope we fail.
just admit dat dis season, when coach hadda lil mo time and da dime had to go to da line, he delivered big time improvements.
you shudda seen him up close at da end of the ND game. still held his head high. looked da fans by da tunnel in da eye. smiled at da kids, parents. projected class then. projecting class now.
i get hope. 😀
too bad al doesn’t have facebook, he would be able to see your new profile pic. That pic brings out the best in you!!
hoboy, neva no get so many mike smith around. get sum odda Mike Smith coachin too now. all positive.
yep, wit 3 new guyz in da house, da coachin intermesh for theze next few weeks gonna make or break da chemistry among da coaches. if da oldah guyz give good vibes to all da new guyz, show em respect, like dat, den Coach Mack gonna be gettin sum really serious help fo go his way.
my hope is that he sits down his favorite Smith,Brian, give him a hart to hart look me in day eye speech, and tell him he is under under Tormey AND Shaw, i mean under under, and learn how day talk and treat people. not dat Brian is not good enough, but to be great you gotta have da respect of the players. translation: keepin da penalties down. maybe he just needs more time on the grindstone. coach thinks so. I gotta back da Coach.
i undah gag odor” 
no get on ST’s case about ebolla an JD. dat makes fo great entertainment. you just gotta no dat 100 people in da house is NOT uplifting, and if you wanna get morale support from da fans, you gotta talk about da crap as well as da good. JD cudda tookin da bullz by da
ebollz an shook up da newzwurld by tellin “eh, i no can talk about da junk stuff
202 days to go befo go UNLV
hiya Stretch
ST gotta major coup ova da odda paypah today. da only football newz in town. and he interviewed Mike Leach too on da story.
Good job ST
hi ho hi ho guyz an galz
play nice today. an boy, is it COLD
can commiserate wit Wafan
Hi bhf2!
Cold in Hilo, too? Wow. I guess the global warming is really throwing the jet streams out of whack.
Went out to chip the ice from my car. I gave up when I could not hold the scraper anymore — my fingers were numb.
We only have 5″ on the ground but everything is absolutely frozen or covered with a sheet of ice. Port Angeles got over a foot last night. Dang. I am glad I do not live out there!
One way to unite people is by having a stellar web site. And the official site of the UH athletic department is moving in that direction.
Give them a drum roll. Give them a red plum. Give them a appreciative nod, because this is good.
The presentation of an updated scoreboard, recent headlines, latest videos, up coming schedules, on line team media guides for-Wahine Soccer, Wahine Basketball, UH Tennis, UH Swimming and Diving, UH Sailing, UH Baseball, UH Football, ticket sales, fan promotions, links to the campus spotlighting students, faculty, alumni and curriculum and even a remembrance to Dr. Donnis Thompson–is becoming so aligned with what a contemporary athletic department’s web site should look like. And this is great, and such a great improvement from the past.
Nice color, nice photography, nice balance are my first impressions. And the site has a welcoming warmness effect as it greets the new coaches and bids aloha to Dr. Thompson. Even though the site is a source of information, I get a feeling as being invited, coveted, wanted and an appreciated fan to the program. And this is the first step-and it’s good.
What gets me animated and excited about UH athletics-is that starting with the football team and listening to the coaches philosophies, “like we have to pound the pavement, go into the recruits homes, bond with the high school coaches, attract the youth to clinics and camps and covet the fans and alumni”-all of which are the right way of doing things is manifesting right before my eyes. And that the guidepost, stewardship, mainly the movers and shakers, aka athletic department, of UH is doing it’s best in moving UH athletics also in the right direction, and…yes…including, surely,one can see the UH official athletic web site also is moving along side and up, too.
…I hear the drums pounding, and it’s a good sound.
Listening to Jim Donovan, UH athletic director, speaking about marketing, balancing a budget and being able into blending in and adapting during these hard economic times and he’s definitely comes across as being a mover and shaker with creative marketing ideas. And he’s very deserving of a red plum, for everything he’s doing is going in the right direction, similarly to how the football coaches are thinking . What wouldn’t surprise me , though, is that he probably was the mover and shaker of the improved athletic web site.
Someday, hopefully and wishfully, a huge donation comes UH’s way. Ticket sales are at an all time high. Teams are winning championships. Students-athletes are graduating in record numbers. But in the meantime, I think if UH athletic department and team coaches continuing doing the right things in the right way-fostering, bonding and nurturing to the athletes, students,alumni, fans and community something good is bound to happen. I just have that feeling.
The improved UH official athletic site can have an alluring effect to all that hopefully it catches the eyes of the fans, a prospective student athlete or someone that intrigued with the program or web site that wants to handsomely donate to the program. This is great. I hear the drums playing.
ST and Tsaiko Blog Dogs,
Aaaiiiyyyaaahhh! FUUD Pix! Tenks! Say, is it Friday???
You never need to apologize for breaking up my string of posts…I don’t want to stop anyone from posting! I just post in batches because that is when I’m on the blog–other times I’m trying to take care of work or family stuff.
Good morning Tsaikos!!
I see bhf2 wuz up early as usual waking up dem chikkens in Keaau. 😀
Another cold and windy day today? at least by Hawaii standards…
Great Morning All!
Looks like a great addition in GA Smith.
Can’t wait for his first meeting with the Tsaikettes!
…I wonder if Heather Mac needs a teaching ass’t. for her clinic?
goooooooooooooooooddd mornnnnning tsaikos. damn it is cold. i think wafan getting revenge and sending us some of his weather.
welcome aboard coach smith. just when i thought the o line got a coach which will give the d line a hard time in practice, coach mc goes out and gets a lb coach that going make blaze into the second coming of ray lewis. no worry o line, you guys get brains and your techniques will keep your qb out of harm’s way.
Morning all…
Anybody remember? I believe the student activity fee back in the mid-70’s was an optional fee. You could either pay for it at registration and get free admission or not pay and and pay discounted student prices for games on a piece meal basis. The student activity fee was always the better deal. You just hoped your date (yet to be determined) paid hers as well.
Can’t they do the same, today? Raise the individual student ticket pricing and offer a ridiculously discounted package with the student fees?
speaking of which, is she going to hold another clinic for the ladies again??
Good morning all!
It’s funny that you woke up to snow and I didn’t. I heard we were supposed to be getting some, but none yet. Hopefully you guys and the cascades suck out all of the moisture before it gets here.
morning everyone sunny out and very bright. a little chilly so take care
very interesting article by fred lewis. what the take on this tsai-ko,s especially you kelli and oddah UH students?
Aloha Kakahiaka!!!
Welcome, Coach Smith…
“ooooh… I’m scared now…”
I figure if they make the fees optional, those who are on the fence will buy.. those who are simply NOT interested will not. And those that are will. And no one should be complaining.
Then during the course of the semester invite those who paid to some special functions at a severe discount. So that the following semesters those that didn’t take advantage of the student activity fee will think twice about it.
mahalo for your take on the issue mih. just finished reading kelli’s blog and some comments from students and tsai-ko’s.
I in favor of the fee’s if they students are given priority seats that puts them in back of the teams they support. but if the peeps put them some place odd then what’s the use. like ferd suggested lose lose situation. imho
Excited to hear about GA Smith’s addition to the team. Awesome!
Stretch — ya like it?!?!? Heh heh.
Maybe they should even extend some kind of student savings through the local elementary and high schools? Sort of along the lines of … any interested student can buy tickets through their school’s office at a special price for one student and up to one accompanying adult at xx% off retail. The school gets a percentage or set fee for each ticket, and UH starts to nuture future athletes and fans from among the elementary, intermediate, and high school ranks.
yes, VERY appealing picture!!
The new coaching staff additions are mind-boggling when one considers the severe pay cuts that two of them are accepting to be here. They obviously really want to be here and that’s a huge plus.
Smith brings recent NFL training and know-how to the defense. With the rebuilding of the defense this upcoming season, the experiences that he and Tormey will bring to the defense and special teams are welcome additions to the staff. Then add to that new mix, Asst. Coach Shaw on the O-line, another suspect area for the Warriors, and we can see that things are really shaping up for a great season this fall.
I’m trying to temper my excitement cause we still have months to go.. but it’s getting harder to do. It’s a much more manageable schedule next season, so there’s a lot to look forward to.
Stretch – I like your Facebook picture.
Good morning Mainland Tsaiko’s!
E kala mai…NO snow report from the ceded lands. Get plenny shave ice tho!
It was warm in Mililani this morning, only low 60’s.
Another Coach Smith! We’ll see if his intensity gets absorbed by the Warrior linebacker corps.
since I am not good looking like you, I need hide.
I was wondering the same thing. Without a clear-cut leader on that end of the field, yet, maybe Smith’s intensity will be an added blessing for this rebuidling season on Defense.
Eh, Big Hilo!…Spoken like one real lawyah!
mih – I’ll be paying close attention to the LB’s at the spring practices.
Stretch – You need to hide? I need facial reconstruction. I wanna look like Mel Torme.
your elbows is a start….
roysan16 ~
Re: #307
You nailed it! I wuz perusing the baseball stats and was surprised to see how detailed the box scores were. For instance, there are observations that included exactly what type of pitch each batter struck out on!
This will help our smart pitching staff to study and to ‘chart’ batters in the opposing lineup.
Generally speaking, the site is all that you say it is, and always seems to be improving itself every time I check in.
facebook…at my age?
Stretch – I don’t know, I’ll probably leave the elbows since they have at least one young fan.
Anyone know what the tentative time the Spring game will be? Evening, afternoon?
Kekoa – Charting pitches is done in the youth leagues too!
al – My daughter told me anyone can have a Facebook, even old people.
nice pick up as this will allow cal to get more involved with the entire defense. i think mack should cut him loose and let cal do his thing as the coordinator. i think he will surprise even the head coach.
i thought that the next ga would be a db type assistant. so i guess lumpy will focus on db’s.
Aloha Kakahiaka!
OMG! You da man, Coach Mack! Mike Smith as a GA! Welcome, Mike.
Homey? You wanna look like Mel Torme?
He’s been dead for 10 years. Ain’t gonna look too pretty.
Good morning all!
Howzit made! Where ya been?
Good morning Tsaikos…wow…two days in a row where I can post a little…..
roysan…nice write.
homey….i just told the boss that we should get facebook. (dead silence)
you know that treatment.
al – Just get your own! I shouldn’t talk, I don’t have one either. I’m thinking of making one and calling myself chawan_cut.
Aloha Tsaikos
How is everyone doing this morning? Especially all you instigators..
well its 2200 for me here. almost bed time….This months almost over…yeah..closer too me coming home….Be home for vacation in May…so everyone please practice your darts skills ….
Howzit Frank25! I hope Rob25 is saying good things about me!
Aloha, Frank25! or should we say ‘Good night, sleep tight…” See you for darts when you come home in May.
Heather McMackin said that she is holding another ladies clinic, I believe in August.
MeiLing – Not that I’m going or put on a disguise to go but will she be doing an advanced clinic for those like Rob25? Rob25 has been learning from Coach Jason.
Wasssup Frank…you do know that Rob is the ultimate instigator right??? LMAO
stretch….you heard that?
another ladies night….you like go?
(J)J – She is the Tiger Woods of instigators!
No worries…everything is all good….cold in Mililani..I remember when we used to live up in mauka pretty cold..but i like the cold weather…
MeiLing, not going to sleep yet..too early..Darts.. cant wait….anyone for bowling….pool…Drinking…..
I’m not familiar with the umpire that you mentioned but I do know another veteran ump named Roy. Roy Camello helped break me in about 10 years ago.
Homey…you said it my brother….she does all kinds of stuff that make me blush as far as instigating is concerned…but shhhhhh….don’t tell Frank…LMAO
(J)J My wife the ultimate instigator?? you do know i have too disagree…
Homey, wow Tiger Woods of instigating…making me wonder know?
Frank25 – drinking?? CR??
Homey ~ Charting pitches isn’t anything new at any level. I’m just glad to see it readily available on the site. Each pitcher has their own crib notes on batters that will give them the edge. This feature gives you historical reference on all the teams without having to chart ’em all yourself. Pull out your iphone, and voila!
You for instance. I would jam you on the inside with pitches designed to handcuff you and your ‘guns!’ Then finish you off with a heavy breaking pitch down and out. Make you have to reach across the plate for one sinking into the dirt…but then again, I could change it up on you also…Hmmmm.
maybe you should be asking JJ, he might be interested
The new Coach Smith looks like a fine addition. Mac is rampin’ up the coachin like he did with the recruiting.
Watching the news last night and hearing student reaction to the athletic fees left me with the impression that the students probably won’t mind helping out. It looks like something to consider. The students just want input regarding the process and some restrictions on where there fee revenues are spent. Sounds reasonable.
always late and today no exception for me
Wow oh Wow oh Wow oh Wow ( tune from Secretly, sung by ………, ( dog gon, I progot his name ) – here I thought that Coach Mack had a STELLAR recruiting year and then he announces Caoch Mike Smith as his new GA – this moves the “excellent” up another notch.
Congrats to Coach Mack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aloha to you Frank! What’s the weather like in your neck of the world?
I’m flashin’…….
Good morrrrrr-neng my comadres!!! I see I missed CindynGreg (Cenn) last night, shucks!!! And meds, homey???? Mine come in liquid form in a green bottle…
I don’t know what level ‘Coach’ Heather is planning to teach this fall. I spoke with her at a basketball game a while ago & she said she was holding a clinic for women. Perhaps the Tsaikos should put on a Football 201 clinic…you could have green-bottled drinks. I just know that I need Football basics. I don’t analyze too much; I just like watching & rooting for the home team.
Laters, off to fix printers…
Stretch, CR? sounds good…any Alcohol sounds good right now…Jeager Bombs…
DPK, the weather here is getting warmer..but with the winds its cold….sand storms….
KapoleiWarrior ~ Roy K. was President of the Pearl City Ump Assoc. and is still active leeward side, and on occasion in Moiliili area. I’m sure you’ll meet up with him one day. He’s a real “for the love of the game” type of guy.
Back in the mid 50’s, his mom was instrumental in bringing LL baseball to Hawaii. Talk about the original team mom, and league secretary!
Our 1st league went from hand stenciled team names like, “Boston Red Sox” on a white T-shirt and jeans…to *REAL* baseball uni’s 2 years later.
Midori7 tells us that we should consider a “face book” so I turn to Mrs A-House and “ax, you like get one? and she says here’s my face and there’s da book” – that says it all!!!!!!!!!!
Mahalo for the Tsaiko shot glass! I put it away with my Black Jack for the next time I get a cold & need to soothe with a toddy. Or the next time I make chili…
Esme & out…
Kekoa – Inside pitches are my bread and butter. Outside pitches no problem since I stand as close to plate as possible. I’ll take the bean or the walk, steal second, third and home.
Colomaohana – Green bottle meds eh? No wonder you get 7 keeds!
Frank25 – Rob25 has the subtle art of instigating down to a science!
WHOA??!!?? you can Mrs A-House “ax”?? Good thing you didn’t use “Battle” before calling her. hahahaha
Homey, you too funny…Dude..
A-House – Just create one anyway and when you get Colt to be your friend she’ll be soooooo jealous!
pretty good props for our very own David Veikune, as well as props to our Maui boy trojan, and a fellow WAC member, anda fellow non bcs-er
Frank25 – Jaeger bombs…I gotta retire from those suckas! CR too! Unless anybody doesn’t mind I vomit in their car.
Good find owen-16. Always good to read Warrior props.
Awrite, Mrs Coach Mack! hmmm. I really need a 101 class. gigi got a lot out of last year’s and knows more about X’s and O’s than I do.
❗ SO- I think it might be followed up by a LADIES’ NIGHT 101 KARAOKE KALL.
Whaddya think?
Imagine a room full of “I’m too shy, I no like sing in front Mel Torme, America James, 1 in a M Pro-Pride.” Tsaikettes having fun and cutting loose after class. ❗ ????
colomaohana are you related to the coloma’s from waialua?
What? A BIO Tsaikette KK? The nerve!
Homey, starting drinking those jaeger bombs when Rob came up to Texas to visit me…I like it….I drink it straight up no red bull..
Homes ~ You would be tagged by my ultimate pick-off move while leading off too far on 1st base. Even if you ‘broke’ on the pitch, you have a lot of ground to cover with those short hammies pumpin’ two-eighty…out at 2nd! Heheheh…
I don’t mind if you vomit…. in the back of my truck while looking up at the stars
With kids their age (sheesh I sound like I am WAAAYYYY older than them), it’s important they feel like their opinion matters and it does!
The students in the UH system as a whole are potential future boosters for UH athletics and they DESERVE to feel like they are a part of the future of the athletic department as they indeed are.
The article in today’s Tizer revealed we are the ONLY WAC member to NOT have an athletics fee and for cryin’ out loud, if they can charge Idaho over 120.00 in fees for their um… athletics… 😉 I think a 50.00 or 70.00 athletics fee is not “outrageous”.
What I do NOT agree with is what was mentioned in that they could sell the student’s seats for premium contribution seats. This should be an ABSOLUTE LAST RESORT for the reason I stated above. This could be MORE disastrous for the future growth of NEW UH fans as the students are the future.
m-homey, you could come, because you one shy kinda guy who needs to be encouraged to sing your feelings unashamed.
i’ll bet homey was a good leadoff batter.
Frank25 – Straight Jaeger!!!! 😯
Kekoa – By the time you peek I’ll be on 2nd. hehehehe
Stretch – Somehow I’ll find a way to get inside the truck. 😉
al – Actually I liked sitting on the bench…next to the cute FEMALE scorekeeper.
RE: Colt’s Autograph.
It’s funny because with the way Colt is around people it’s almost hard to imagine that some fans that live here wouldn’t have his autograph by now as he has been MORE than accomodating to people he runs into outside of sessions and practices.
MLiz – Ask Stretch, I always had a mike in my hand at the last KK. Stole songs from people, sang when I wanted to, made them go off key, made some sound better, took it to the bathroom…
Kazz – DPK no shame, he get at least 10 of Colt’s autograph. Last time he brought a duffle bag full of footballs for Colt to sign.
I think the “student athletic fee” should just be added into the tuition, no mention it to anybody, say $50 each. Current in-state tuition is $3,384, charge $3,434. Nobody will even feel the difference but as a student, you have privileges to attend games.
It also reminds me of United Airlines, why don’t they just charge $5 more in the one way ticket cost and give everyone a snack?? $250 or $255, what’s the difference?? Instead of looking cheap, the passengers are happy because they get to eat something and they don’t even know they paid for it.
shoot, I thought it was Rob25 burping but it was you with the mic in the bathroom
Stretch – Should the fees also be extended to the Community colleges? 50,000+ students x $50 is plenty money!
Stretch- would that fee be just for Oahu students?
m-homey, I nevah see you at the LAST KK… ??? 🙄
maybe Oahu CC students since they have access to the games. Maybe Hilo can charge something since they have athletic teams. Other CC’s, probably not.
There’s a really nice article in today’s Ka Leo about ASUH’s opposition to the fees.
I hope that Jim keeps on pushing this. I’m going to talk to my friends who are ASUH senators as well. A $20-25 fee is completely reasonable, IMO.
and homey played centerfield or leftfield.
Donovan should just call a meeting with the student council and hash out their differences. He’s the kind of guy who can convince them that it will be in their best interest.
Successful sports programs, especially in the major sports, raise national awareness of a University and improves the overall image, good for all concerned.
With his diplomatic and team building skills, I’m sure he’ll be able to build a bridge and find a compromise solution that will make everybody, if not happy, at least satisfied in its resolution.
stretch….that is exactly my opinions regarding the student fees. hide em and no tell em. pretend they getting something for free.
jason no need worry about student fees. he get free ride.
howzit gang
homey….you are a typical lefty. love the low and inside pitch. hate the high and outside pitch.
I think its already too late to hide ’em as I am sure it’s campus news by now.
But as Stretch mentioned they should assess the fee system wide, where applicable. Those attending CCs on Oahu should pay the same as Manoa students and UH Hilo will assess a fee but much smaller considering they have limited spectator sports over there.
howzit CFK – long time no see….. sort of
Ok this is the key.
Jason, gotta “corrupt” from da inside. Den later his ASUH friends going give you stink eye when they see him watching games in the front row next to JD or up in the box at Aloha Stadium… 😆
Nah, j/k. 😉
AGAIN, if I-D-A-H-O charges their students 120.00+, then $20,$30,$40,or $50 to watch our athletic programs for free for students is a STEAL!!!!
You’re prolly right. The students in the interviews on last night’s news seemed to want to support athletics, the fee would be a good way to do it. Free admission can’t hurt student attendance at games either. Like I mentioned earlier, it looks like this can be done, JD just needs to make sure the students are acknowledged and included in the whole process. Part of the revenues from the fees could be used to promote student interest and attendance at ALL of the athletic contests.
new post over the hill
new post over the hill