Mouse in the house
OGDEN — As it turned out, the Warriors practiced at Weber State’s practice facility, courtesy of WSU coach Ron McBride. “Hawai‘i’s done a lot for me, it’s the least I can do,” McBride said. The original itinerary called for the Warriors to have a walk-through in the hotel parking lot.
Speaking of the hotel, the Portland State football team is here in preparation for tomorrow’s game against Weber State. Mouse Davis greeted the UH players. Jerry Glanville is somewhere in the hotel. And Erik Pedersen is now a Portland State linebacker.
* * *
Punter Tim Grasso recommended a place called Wingers, which serves all-you-can-eat wings and sticky fingers. We asked McBride, and he shakes his head in that no-no-no way.
We go there, anyway, and the food is so-so.
So, while I’m talking, using hand waves for emphasis, I accidently spill my Diet Coke. OK, I basically knocked it over, splashing “Ferd’s” lap. He’s wearing beige pants.
He’s also irked.
I tried to take a picture because it looked like he had shi-shi pants, but I had bbq sauce on my hands.
Then I tried to apologize. But I guess he thought a giggling apology was not sincere. Anyway, if you see “Ferd” around, tell him I’m sorry.
* * *
Here’s Tim Grasso’s list of friends/relatives who will be placed on the ticket list:
* * *
Gas is $2.60 a gallon here.
* * *
“Iceman” is a little chilly at practice:
* * *
During yesterday’s practice, slotback Dustin Blount practiced as the scout-team running back. Blount was impressive, using his quickness to surge to daylight from the shadows of the offensive line. And, thus, an idea was born: one coach suggested that Blount, who is redshirting this season, compete at running back next year.
* * *
The Advertiser offered buyouts to its employees. Among those who accepted are Wayne Harada, Lynne Chang and Rod Ohira. That’s a lot of “institutional knowledge,” as they say in our biz. They indeed will be missed. Jim Dooley, however, is not leaving. He’s still our best investigative reporter. I apologize for including him on the original list.
Good Morning Stephen!
May the all Advertiser employees who accepted teh buyout enjoy their next adventure!
Warriors get the USU’s!!!
Well, it’s about time somebody got up.
We’re at LAX now.
Happy Aloha Halloween everyone!
Watch out for the little ghosts and other little creepy kid-lettes wandering around tonight.
WDoc — that was just awesome news about DDoc. Remember to take care of yourself, too!
Top 5!!!
Have not been this early in a bit
I don’t know if this was already mentioned. For those outside of Hawaii tsaiko’s. According to the Utah state website, the game will be shown on the Altitude sports channel( directv #681). 12:30 pst
Tsigh. Another long day of conferences. Yesterday we did 12.5 hours of conferences. Dang.
Today will be much shorter. Only 8 hours. Yay!
C_C . . .
Heading back today or tomorrow?
Best of luck to those leaving the HA.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
It’s ALOHA FRIDAY!!! Can’t wait for tomorrow, it’s game day!!
top 10!
Good morning Tsaikos!
Happy Aloha Friday!!
Happy Halloween.
I know Rod Ohira=good man. Best of Luck and Happy Retirement!
W-Doc – thanks for keeping everyone abreast of DrDoc’s progress. May he continue to heal his mind, body and soul. W-Doc – get some rest.
Kelli girl – enjoy your neighbor island getaway to Maui this weekend!
ST – have a safe trip to Utah. Hope you brought your jacket. brrr.
Al’s Ryan Mouton’s Contest
32 yards
3 receptions
0 td’s
Ms Midori7
Contest #1
122 total passing yards
longest completed pass 24 yards
Contest #2
111 total rushing yards
lonest run 13 yards
Hi Mrs A-House (Aunty)!
Trick or treat!
bulla – have a safe trip to “America”. Give The Beast our ALOHA!
Have a GREAT day everyone!
Losthawaiian – thanks for the info (#5). Will check it out.
Thanks, losthawaiian! Now I can see the game on my brother’s big screen instead of my laptop ❗ 😀
RE #5 – Great news. I was checking GampePlan and came up empty. It will also be on ESPN360. You’ll need to download the player, but it works really good. Also has some archived games.
Happy Halloween. Continue getting better Dr. Doc. Safe travels to all….
aloha Tsaikos
In Utah and will check out the Warriors playing street gall at the hotel. PSU will be in house also
Rod Ohira is a good man and his columns will be missed.
Trip to Utah for the next one, will we have a road win?
28 – 21 Pomai
28 – 10 99club
30 – 13 tommui
35 – 24 Da Punchbowl Kid
35 – 17 FloridaTed
35 – 10 HiFlyer
35 – 14 jm2375
35 – 21 alnbama
37 – 20 Kazz
38 – 28 wafan
38 – 24 curveball
38 – 35 LizKauai
38 – 16 d1shima
38 – 21 3-Prong
41 – 35 djmitcho
41 – 21 Jay
42 – 24 mp
42 – 21 Glenn
42 – 17 al
45 – 13 lab rat
45 – 28 Hawaiianbod
45 – 31 JaM
49 – 21 TChahng
50 – 0 Pauoa Boy
63 – 12 homey
Happy Halloween Tsaikos!
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Bon Voyage, Stephen!
K Mouton- you can still be a Tsai-ko like the rest of us and talk about other stuff…ok? Don’t be a stranger 😆
Cooley Halloween – watch for the Brennan 5 pumpkin…
nice and cool up here, leaves changing color already
57 degrees in Ogden but it’s warming up
Good Morning,
I see we lost Kelli for the game tomorrow. How about Hooiki and Bananafysh?
Whitey hasn’t come back from his EIS yet, so I don’t know the location yet.
Who’s carrying the game locally?
morning tsaikos
welcome back video peeps and best wishes to those leaving
good luck to beast and safe time on the bigger island Eastman clan
good to hear DrDoc is doing well
Esme over and out whoooosh
Morning all,
Sort of like the changing of the guards with the buyouts. Geeze.. I still remember sitting down in an interview with Wayne Harada in the early 70’s for my role in a pidgin-ized version of Ionesco’s “The Scoundrel Scapin.” As a singer, my sister interviewed with him several times in the later 70’s. He’s been there forever. I suppose it’s an early retirement for him. Hope he enjoys the best of years to come… same with the others who accepted the buyouts.
I know it may sound crazy, but in the over used cliche of “must win games”, this one is in that category. UH has to wi this one as a momentum builder as it will be the first time in this team’s new history of coaches that they would be over a .500 team with a win. That being said, having read the papers, posts here and listening to the talk shows, it sounds like this Utah State team is not given much respect. I only hope that that sense of confidence is not spilling over to the team in their preparation to play on the road.
A slip here due to ill preparation, due to over confidence and looking to the Hawaii Bowl, counting this game as a win before it is played could spell disaster.
USC looked past Stanford last year and got burned…badly, no BCS championship game. Stanford was thought to be simply out of the “USC league” but came up with the surprise.
Hope we’re prepared.
Good morning ST and Bulla!
Bulla (re #24) is PSU staying at the same hotel as you? That means Jerry Glanville and Mouse Davis…interesting.
Good to see so many mainland/international Tsai-kos this morning:
Ronnie, ChinaDrew, wafan, losthawaiian, Baybow, Rich2176, PONO and Pomai … all within the first 27 posts. I suppose we could include ST and Bulla today too. 🙂
Na Koa Football Banquet
December 7, 2008
Sheraton Waikiki Hotel – Hawaii Ballroom
Cocktails 5:00 pm Dinner at 6:00 pm
$75/person – 10 to a table
For those who are interested, email me at stretch6592 at yahoo. Please email me ASAP so I know how many tables we need. Right now we have 16 people. Last people to email me will be cut off if there are not enough for the full table. Deadline to email me is next Friday Nov 7.
Good morning Tsai-kos!
Happy Halloween!!
Good luck and best wishes to those HA employees taking early retirement. I will miss Harada’s and Ohira’s columns. *Tsaigh*
anyone hear scott robbs aka bobby curran show this morning?
kanani danielson’s real father called in and was not to pleased regarding comments made by media and coaches regarding her name change…it was quite awkward to listen to but much better then some of the callers that call on a regular basis and say the same damn thing over and over….
bb – I heard that call also. If what he was saying is true, that he was and still is a part of her life, then I can understand his frustration.
Happy Halloween Everybody!
Schools in a Georgia are cancelling class today since there is usually a large amount of TEACHERS calling in sick and not coming to school. They are not able to find enough substitue teachers to cover. Everyone is getting ready for the big game tomorrow between Georgia and Florida.
👿 👿 👿 👿
Good morning “Spook”os and “Spook”ettes….Happy Halloween to all !!!
buffoman – I agree. We need to take each game one at a time. I have always been one who believed that every game is important and never overlook anyone…look at what happened when we overlooked PSU….among others….like you said, each game is critical at this juncture… LOL
chawan/Kazz/Garret – I liked your discussion about media bias and “system QB” yesterday. I know TT’s QBs have also been labeled “system QBs” by the media and I don’t have a problem with that. My only gripe, and I’ve said it since forever, what is a system QB? Every team runs a particular “system” and therefore every QB will be a system QB…..
I also didn’t like the fact that on the first BCS announcement show, Terry Bradshaw (whom, as a Steelers Fan, I love) and Barry Switzer were talking about Colt McCoy and his terrific stats. They kept going on and on about his completion percentage and touchdown to interception ratio and saying stuff like, “We’ve never seen that before in college ball” and “Who ever heard of QBs getting so many TDs and so few INTs” That bugged me……breathe in….breathe out…breathe in….MWAHAHAHHA
Great Morning All!
Trick or treat,
Ho’ da neat!.
Welcome to the Warrior Beat!
snow on mountain tops already, whew, hope
You got a jacket ST
Hey DPK….imagining you as a Killer Clown is freaking me out….it’ll give me nightmares…..LMAO
Such the poet
You know it
So nobody else is going to sport Halloween names today?
Interesting thought of using Blount as an RB…hmmmmm…the possibilities….
Safe travels to all the Road Tsaikos.
Thanks for the DrDoc update. Glad things are progressing nicely. Scary (the date notwithstanding) stuff about his mis-diagnosis.
Parking lot practice? Hope someone packed the knee and elbow pads!
Will watch closely as the “new face” of the HA comes into view.
Is it possible that those who take the buy-outs might still contribute on a free-lance basis? Perhaps even in another media?
I got yer nightmareright here, Jesse James, now GET BACK TO WORK!!! “Killer Klown” is watching you…
The real nightmare is my syntax, I guess… 😆
Glad to hear you arrived safely.
Big night for young Higgins last night. Accounted for all 8 SLS TD’s in a 55-28 runaway.
Sorry. 7 of 8 TD’s; Aus scored 1 😯
Morning Tsaikos!
Happy Halloween! Be safe everyone!
re: Advertiser buyouts
Best of luck to all who are moving on!
What’s up with the parking lot workout?
Is there no grass in Utah?
Asphalt hurts.
Boo again
UH at Utah St. – blog contests
Contest #1: How many passing yards will UH’s defense allow?
Tiebreaker: What will be the Aggie’s longest pass play?
Contest #2: How many rushing yards will UH’s defense allow?
Tiebreaker: What will be the Aggie’s longest run?
UH t-shirt – donated by Ultimate Hawaii Gear Enterprises
Sugar Bowl cap – donated by pride.
If UH allows fewer rushing than passing yards, closest to rushing total will be awarded t-shirt. If UH allows fewer passing than rushing yards, closest to passing total will be awarded t-shirt….make sense?
Deadline: Friday, midnight.
Good luck to everyone!
Wayne Harada is moving on? How many years now with the HA ?
Happy Aloha Friday Tsaikoville!!! Happy Halloween too! Hope everyone has a safe and good day!
Speaking of nightmares, I went to the eye Doc yesterday and he dilated my pupils, then I had to go shopping at Sam’s Club. I must have looked like I was on drugs with my pupils so wide. Then I run into “Kinda Shy” and she said the Athletics Department is going off for Halloween. Another worker in Department is going to dress up as Jim Donovan, and wanted to take a picture with her. Hopefully we get some pics of the costumes and decorations at Athletics on here today.
“the department” I meant to say…
Good Morning Killer Klown Kid!
Are you related to Geralidine Wilson’s friend named “Killer?”
Loused up my recording of the UH-Nevada game. Anyone has a DVD of it?
Shibata-san, where are are you when I need you?! :-)♠
Please join us in cheering on the Warriors!
UH at Utah St.
Nov 1, 9am
Therapy SportsGrill – Koko Marina Shopping Ctr
We have reservations for 30 (25 rsvps so far). Breakfast only served until 11am. Lunch menu items avail from 11am.
See SteveM’s site for link to menus.
please email me at midori7.tsaikos at yahoo dot com
It’s hard to imagine The Advertiser without all of those folks. Wayne Harada is another “media treasure” for sure. I remember when Rod Ohira was covering sports. And Jim Dooley… whoa!
Best of luck to all of them.
“Baby, What you see, is what you get “!
How’s the weather Bulla?
Good Morning Tsaikos and Tsaikettes!
Just to update everyone…Frank is sitting in a German airport looking at all kinds of Jaegermeister merchandise. He’s in love with the bombs ever since I introduced them to him! They are in transit to Kuwait and other locations. Just wanted to give a shout out to all the Tsaikos!
Gotta Esme now, but I will spock y’all later.
*Hmmm that Texas thing is still in my system*
Just for today Kekoa.
Where’s your Halloween name? Just think of the fun we could have here every year if everybody had Halloween names as virtual costumes.
Auryte Jay!
OK dpk.
How’s this?
Ok, I’ll play along. Somebody has got to take over for the boy. I need my ‘Boys to beat the Giants….even if I have to go in and throw a block or something…like catch one of Brad Johnson’s poorly thrown passes.
Great news about Dr. Doc! I hope that he isn’t too upset about his condition not being found earlier…unfortunately, our health care system pays for very specific things to be looked at and pays the percentages on what is likely to be found. So, some things slip through the cracks. Thankfully, it sounds like Dr. Doc will be okay!
Practicing the parking lot is a lot different than practicing at the stadium (hasn’t Mac had the team do walk-throughs at road stadiums?) or on grass. Hopefully nobody slips and the hard surface. I guess the logistics didn’t work out to get to the stadium today.
I hope that the Advertiser vets who took the buyout enjoy their next careers or retirement. I’m sure that they will be missed, but at least that was a buyout instead of the forced layoffs that Gannett is planning for 10% of the employees at its newspapers. If the buyouts mean that layoffs can be reduced, that would be good.
Blount at RB could be very interesting…especially since the Warriors have a lot of WRs returning and no RB recruits now.
Seems like the road walk-thrus have literally been walked thru so slips and falls on the parking lot surface doesn’t seem to be too much of a concern.
The team is staying in Ogden which is about 40+/- miles away from the Utah St stadium. It wouldn’t be worth it for them to take the bus that far and back for the 30 minute max walkthru.
…besides maybe they can play a game of two-hand touch with the Portland State guys at the hotel.
Your enthusiasm and support of UH is great, I hope you didn’t take my post last night in any negative way. Texas Tech QBs were labeled system QBs before any UH QBs, and it hurt them as much or more than UH QBs. Which is really sad.
However, things are changing because high schools seem to be switching to spread offenses and almost all college programs are doing the same. Michigan’s Henne was praised for coming from a pro-style offense, but now Michigan is using a spread offense. So, once almost ALL colleges are using 4 WRs, then they can’t use the system label anymore…and each year more and more colleges are using it, which decreases the negative impact of the “system” label.
d1- Byootiful! 😆
I figured the logistics were that way, as I remember the discussion of where the Warriors hotel was. It does make sense to save the time…and I’m guessing that the game-day atmosphere in Utah State’s stadium with the number of fans who will show up won’t be that intimidating.
Very Scary, “Jason Witten”!
What station is carrying the game?
This poor Arkansas high school receiver sure did all he could do for his team and they still lost. This is an example of the high schools using the spread offense…
Wouldn’t that be more like “two fists” touch?
the UH game is on PPV
Here is an example of how the entire recruiting process has changed because almost everyone seems to be using a spread offense in high school and college.
Interesting that run-oriented offenses in high school are less popular now because the cut block was outlawed in some states.
I’d hate to have my car parked along the “sidelines” 😉
Well that Arkansas HS did pretty well against the whole country of England!
The 7-on-7 leagues in Texas have improved QB/WR skills, and have been great for recruiting. Remember when the Big 10 was known for power running games and a pro-style offense? Now, they are going to spread offenses.
Norm Chow will be recruiting in Hawaii during UCLA’s bye week.
If all the teams HS and College go to 4 wide. What chance would smaller, low budget, non-BCS schools have in competing for the big bowl games? Would the greater athleticism in the bigger budget, higher profile schools consistently win out over the guts and heart players of the less endowed schools?
I’m in Kid….but the XXL spandex costume doesn’t look as good on me as the advertisement photo… 🙁
No Halloween name Garret?
DPK – can I be “Mr. Incredible” or is that costume reserved only for you??
LMAO@ SteveM’s Spider Man costume…
When discussing recruits and the number of stars that the recruiting “experts” give, I always prefer to look at the offers the player has and how much the coaches have had a chance to evaluate the player (like at a camp). I think that the coaches do a MUCH better job at evaluating players, especially in a place like Hawaii where scout/rivals/ESPN probably don’t attend many high school games.
Here is an example of a player that a coaching staff liked that wasn’t rated highly by the recruiting services. Blake Gideon was a 2-star recruit that Texas gave an offer to last year, and he committed right away. Many fans were extremely critical about this, as there were 4-star players who had Texas as their #1 choice that did not get offers. Now, Gideon is a true freshman and has started at safety all season for the #1 team in the country. He must have been evaluated well by the DB coach–Duane Akina.
Midori ~ My contestical predictorial selections are as follows:
Con #1 ~ Da Oddah guys goin’ pass fo couple 78 yahds.
TB #1 ~ Dey going make only one 28 yahd buck-a-loose play!
Con #2 ~ If dey can rush fo 189 yahds…dey lucky!
TB #2 ~ Dey goin’ trip and fall down foah about 37 yahds!
Midori ~ May I suggest we run a contest at the TV-gate for the person who can predict how many points the “Iceman” will score in the game total combination of PAT/Field Goals. (Jun-ken-po tie breaker)
Must be present at Therapy to win! Contest winner’s meal will be fully funded by the Kekoa Foundation.
This is meant in good humor – Just to comment on Garret’s article on the Arkansas H.S. player – I know mainland people often stereotype us in Hawaii. . .and I really don’t mean to do the same, but why does it seem like you have to be from the South to have a name like “Jasper”? 🙂
Honestly, does anyone know somebody born in Hawaii with that name? Imagine a Polynesian guy with that. . . Jasper Tuiasosopo. Hmmm. doesn’t quite work. 🙂
Interesting about the 7-on-7 leagues becoming popular in TX.
Summer pass league was long-standing in HI until it’s coordinator “decided” that it wasn’t worth it last summer. He cited low attendance due to the number of kids going to mainland camps throughout the summer.
I’m sure it had nothing to do with his own tenuous circumstance at the time… 👿
Hopefully it returns this coming summer.
LMAO again! It’s all yours Stretch.
Or maybe Stretch “The Silent Samurai”…
Hawaiianbod (Trust): Thank you! I’m kinda upset that I have to take school work with me, but at least I managed to finish most of it throughout the week.
duffer: Sorry! Maybe I’ll come to Maui again sometime.
Of course, Gideon is a coaches son and an extremely tough guy…
okay DPK…I’ll play
Hmmm.. um… oh… ermm.. eh.. ahhh..
geee… uuuuhhhh..
sorry.. but..
put it on…
It is horrible that they would stop the summer passing league in Hawaii! That will significantly hurt the development of Hawaii high school players…and those players will be the backbone of the Warrior program.
It does bring up a BIG problem for the run-and-shoot offenses at smaller schools. Once reason for using the run-and-shoot or 4-wide offense at a school like UH was that it was an equalizer because bigger-budget schools wouldn’t be used to facing that type of system. Also, it gave UH an advantage in recruiting because WRs and QBs would want to play in that type of pass-first system instead of the power running systems used in BCS Conferences.
If the BCS conferences are going to use a similar offense (Texas has stretches of games where their pass/run ratio is WORSE than UH last season), then UH loses that distinguishing factor advantage for recruiting. Instead of choosing between a BCS conference school and passing just 50% of the time vs. going to UH and passing 70% of the time, now the BCS conference school will pass 70% of the time too.
I chose my Halloween name–I’m going as an engineer in a different field who gets to watch the Warriors practice and do “marketing”.
It’s Halloween.
You’ll have to speak to the John Belushi Sandwich Shop-Owner Samurai in grunts and short, terse, mumbled phrases…. 😀
Waka(mumble, mumble)…hmph,grrff…yosh!
We found out we’re having a boy in March so I’ll bring up the name Jasper with my wife. We were expecting a girl, but now we gotta go through the rigamarow for a boys name. His older brother is Jose. So we’re going for the whole “J” tribe thing. Thanks for bringing that up.
Garret “Garett”,
That’s fine, but we know that you’ll never even show up for fear that there may actually be some work to do!
Hmmm….maybe I should actually get something done today…
There can be only one!! hahaha
Waka waka…beep..beep…Cheezburgah….cheezburgah…cheezburgah….
…nor do I ever expect to meet Bubba Tufaga! 😆
…OK. I going, I going…
lol @ chebugah chebugah chebugah
lol @ chebugah chebugah chebugah
oops forry sor the pouble dost.
d1 and bulla, you are st.l school parents. the other forums ( forum, sports hawaii forum) are discussing billy stutzman. talk is he had a monster game and showed his skills off last night against Kamehameha. one quote mentions he is faster than rivers. do you know his times in 40? would like to hear about this future UH wr.
Ain’t it kind of sad though? Now that the 4-wide.. spread or RnS is rapidly gaining a foothold in all levels of amateur football, the gurus of the game are near retirement. We’re lucky to have had Mouse Davis, June Jones, and now Ron Lee. Three of the Originals. Along with McMackin who has been around the RnS for just about as long as JJ and Ron.
You’d hope their experience and legacy with the RnS will be a draw for players and assistant coaches.
No scare too many kids tonight
Kelli — you know Al and I were only kidding whitey about Starlite (sp), right? It would be a lot of fun and a lot of good food and fellowship to watch a game with whitey and duffer.
Stutz is a legit 4.5 any day of the week
No no no, I did NOT take your post last night as negative at all. I just thought I’d dig a little deeper into the homerisms all UH fans share. 🙂
SteveM – what about Starlite?? Never been there before.
No worry, beef curry.
That coaching “tree” get plenny branches.
Hmmm….speaking of beef curry….
uhhh, the blog(s) has gone down twice today already. are the tekkies playing halloween pranks today?
Stretch — 😯 Must be you are not old enough yet… and Al is not young enough–yet 🙂 There must be a pattern here….
Nice that the football team will be able to at least practice on a real football field. I wonder if they will get Zip Pac’s when they arrive?? Come on Bulla, take care the boys….
Durn ( It couldn’t be that everytime ST wants to update/add/change something to the blog article on top, he pushes the wrong button, now could it?)
Roderick’s grandfather passed away this morning according to Bob Nash on the Artie Wilson Show.
Take all the time you need braddah, basketball can wait.
Too bad the Ching/Cooke Field turf won’t be completed before the Warriors return home, eh? That would be a welcome surprise.
MIH – maybe the tekkies are moderating ST? 😈
Soooo… ummm…
JJ called Papa Leahey to “talk story” about how he has some scholarship players at SMU that “don’t want to play”….
Saw the STL game last night. Not only does Stutz 2.0 have great speed, but outstanding hands, and made some nifty “keep one foot inbounds then dragging toe after the catch” grabs.
Jay Da Pilipino – what would your kid’s last name be? A filipino Jasper would be hillarious. Imagine a guy named Jasper Macadangdang! 🙂
Kazz ~ Well spoken my friend. Roderick’s grandfather must have been really proud of him.
My condolences to the family.
Another awesome day in Hawaii nei. Can see the blue skies.
I forget where Koko Marina stay. That’s a damn far drive from Waianae.
jm#### – sheesh, you people get lightweight dogs. my poodles are way heavier.
I got an extra ticket for the VB game tonight…anyone interested. Only one though because I am using the other one.
I think the blog had problems because of the guys who don’t have Halloween names. I’m just sayin’.
Roderick’s grandfather will have MORE to be proud of this upcoming basketball season. He’ll have the best seat in the house to watch his grandson make his mark on the court!
ho-mini-mey – Just keep driving towards the east until you almost go off the cliff after Hanauma Bay, then turn around and it’s at the next light.
How big are those poodles?
My condolences to Roderick’s family.
Rob, just you going? I’ll take you up on that offer for the ticket. I wasn’t sure I was going to go tonight but I can make it after all.
Kazz, it’s yours. Send me your cell and we can hook up before the game or I can leave at will call when I get there.
Rob I’ll email you in a bit.
What’s with the moderation now?
WTH, my comment may take some time to appear? They are always trying to fix something that isn’t broke.
OK there it is!
Maybe there are goblins in the blog server!
great information. you should be “McGarrett” Hawaii 5-0 investigative reporter! =)
Many mahalos to Weber State!
Bulla, what kind of magic did you do? Whoo-hoo!!!
Condolences to the Roderick family for the loss of their patriach.
I think the techies saw “contest” and started to enforce the 70 second delay…
Just kidding guys 😀
Kevin- my last name is Layugan, so not too bad.
FYI, this was posted on the HA Blog mainpage:
” Notice to Readers
We have begun reviewing comments on most of our blogs before they are made public to ensure our posting guidelines are met. You may experience a delay in seeing your comments posted. We apologize for any inconvenience. “
Run ‘n Shoot:
Why the sudden popularity with this scheme at high schools, college, and NFL?
If this becomes THE “system” to use, how will the computers, voters, etc who are stuck to the “old” system going to act when it comes time to vote for BCS rankings?
Is this part of the evolution into changing the BCS system into one that will create “new” BCS conferences from the mid-level ones such as the MWC, WAC, etc. or a combination thereof to compete for the “big bucks” in bowl games?
What role will the sponsors and ESPN take in sponsorships and spreading the $$$ more evenly amongst the BCS bowl games?
What role will “voters” play for the new BCS rankings? How will this change, if any, the attitude of many “closed-minded” individuals who consistently spew out the “old” dogmas of smash-mouth football even if some have never played the game?
OR, who really cares????????
Good afternoon, Tsaiko-Nation and Tsai-Meister.
Finally back on the blog, after being away for a few days (not that anyone noticed, lol). Lots of good stuff happening the last few blogs. Great discussions and subjects. Great recruiting news also.
I’m really glad that everything turned out so well for Dr.Doc, that was the best news yet.
Have some good news to share, in this horrendous economy, any little positive hope is welcome :
After constant prodding by my Writers club, I’ve finally send a query and synopsis of my book to a well known Literary agency in California. To my shock and surprise they replied and requested my full manuscript. That doesn’t mean a “yes” by a long shot, but considering the 98% rejection rate of queries, that is a huge step forward.
Now, off course, I’m sitting on pins and needles for the next four weeks.
Keep your fingers crossed for me everybody. Maybe the Tsaiko Power will work for me, lol.
Go, Warriors, get two road wins.
Congratulations FloridaTed!
UH at Utah St. – Blog Contest
Contest #1: How many passing yards will UH’s defense allow? 177yds.
Tiebreaker: What will be the Aggie’s longest pass play? 23yds.
Contest #2: How many rushing yards will UH’s defense allow? 57yds.
Tiebreaker: What will be the Aggie’s longest run? 7yds.
That’s great news, Ted! Best of luck to you.
Happy Halloween!
Ryan Mouton is a Football PIMP! He’s one of the best players UH has ever had!
Dustin Blount to RB, hmmm…he should be a pretty good return man next year too… Hope he hits the weights and Muscle Milk 5’8″ 175lbs. RB isn’t that big.
Rob “Mrs. Idaho Potato” 25 – one of the poodles is 90#’s and the other if over 100#’s.
If UH needs a RB, hope Coach Tuioti takes a trip my way on the bye time. I know he’s got the videos and info of the kid, go after em Coach!
So with the bye week between the New Mexico State game in Las Cruces and the Idaho game at home, are some of the coaches going to be staying on the mainland to do some recruiting trips? Or are they all just gonna come home with the rest of the team?
Awesome Ted – Best of luck on your latest ventures.
Also, happy to hear about practice today on some turf. Gimme a break, jeesh, a parking lot? Is the field covered with a foot of snow?
This isn’t high school
CRW – read here
Tom if you still need a copy of the game let me know!
Thanks, homey!
Florida Ted:
That is some terrific news and hope the 4 week wait will bring much good news your way.
Hope to get a copy of your novel someday.
Looking forward to seeing you again in Vegas ( weekend of 9/15/09 ) and hope Mrs decides to accompany you.
Good luck to all the ‘Tizer buyouts. What was the buyout offer???
Thanks, gang, for the well wishes, Tsaiko-Power, keep your fingers crossed.
A-House, I plan on being in Vegas next year, but timewise, it’s too far down the road to know for sure. I would love to see you guys again, as well a many other Tsaikos. Say hi to the Mrs and Midori.
Have a safe Halloween everyone.
PB, does the RB have any highlights on youtube? Or you keeping it on the DL for now.
I don’t understand how a division 1 school was planning on using a parking lot to practice on….but then again with UH, nothing surprises me anymore.
Hey, Mouton said it was his brother who posted yesterday.
ST – ask Mouton why he doesn’t post himself. hmmmm, do I sense a chat guest coming up??
J-Dog – PB did post a link to the RB highlights but I forget the link…
Too bad I wasn’t on this trip. It would have been fun to stay in the hotel with the two different teams. I wonder if Ron Lee can sit down with Mouse and work out some new plays…
Stretch – That would indeed be interesting to see! Can you just imagine the different plays they could come up with? You still got time to jump on a plane…where’s your private jet?
homey – you venturing out to Hawaii Kai in the am?
I see Utah St does pretty good offensively in the redzone, when they do get in the redzone.
Rob “does Dallas” 25 – I’ll try and attempt the drive. If I’m not there then that means I’m not there.
You’d love it here.
The rooms are huge.
The beds are huge.
One small problem: the toilet is right up against the bathtub/shower. You almost feel like putting you right foot in the shower while doing business.
At least the game isn’t as early as the Florida game. This game isn’t in HD is it?
ST – if you got the ADA room again, it is a sign!!
Thanks Homey for the visual. #177 eeeewwwww
Hey, there’s going to be a slight delay, about 2 minutes, I believe on posts because of heavy traffic today.
What an interesting convergence in Ogden…UH, PSU, and Weber State. It’s a wonder Bulla didn’t pack his bags for Utah earlier 🙂 Nice of Coach McBride to share their field with UH!
Looks like a “Ferd” type of story brewing…along with other liquids 😐
jm2375 – does that mean when you have your annual checkup you’ll picture me?
I will be coming to Therapy but will be late so I will go for the lunch menu…
Looking ahead – if the Cincy game is on the Deuce, will it be in HD?
Happy Halloween!
LMAO! Geoduck clam. Perfect.
Sounds like a good start, Florida Ted. All the best to you and your manuscript.
that’s some memories there with Ferd. Sounds like a bonding road trip experience.
ST – There’s gotta be better things to eat than chicken wings and sticky fingers.
I just sent you an e-mail. Thanks.
Mucho Mahalo Coach McBride for taking care of our team when needed.
This is why coaches don’t run up the score on other teams (coaches)
Where all in this game together, helping these kids ACHIEVE to the next level, no matter what that shall be.
Count our blessing that our coaching staff, along with McBride and crew share that same Aloha spirit. That made my day and weekend.
GO WILCATS! ( There gonna take the Big Sky Conference)
What are “sticky fingers”?
Maybe for once, I don’t need to know.
jm2375 – just watch the game live at the stadium!
homey *da plane, da plane* – now that suits you much better!! hehehehe. Good thing chawan is in transit. Wait till he sees this!
Nope. Didn’t get the ADA room this time.
ST — have you seen Bulla yet? I think he has recommendations on a steak house for appetizers, a steak house, and another steak house for dessert.
I hope the PSU people don’t regard him a spy just because he can hide behind a small potted plant. 🙂
Sorry Jay, you are not allowed to use the Mr Incredible name. It is reserved for DPK only.
All the wings you can eat? I don’t see what the problem is…
BTW… Anyone heard of “Dirty Lickenz” in Aiea? They server pupu-type dishes… I saw that 500 hot wings will cost you about 300.00.
Im just trying to imagine what 500 wings would look like.
Wookin’ pa nub in all da wong places, wookin’ pa nub…
Oh Tay!!!
I kinda understand where Ferd is coming from. We were in Macarroni Grill couple months ago, and the olive oil bottle was teetering on the edge. My boss grabs for it, and knocks a full Diet Coke all over the table with a cascading tsunami-like wave pouring over my pants. I was soaked, along with the table cloth. Wise guy waiter comes over, thinks I did the mess, and tells me he’s going to bring me a sippy cup.
Which I would have planted in one of his orifices.
Bye bye tip.
So this is Homey ? as a GeoDuck?
Just picture 250 chickens.
I spent two days in Portland back in 82? or was it 83? Just like the date, I don’t remember Portland all that well, either.
Kazz – dirty lickenz wings are good but their Kalbi is the best. We pick up lunch from there once in a while.
‘buffalo’ wings?
Maverick – That’s not me. You can tell that is (J)J by the arms.
MIH – All I remember about Portland is the airport. Just caught a connecting flight.
My bad.
Is this better?
Jay – yeah, looks good, we don’t want DPK getting all pissed off with you.
mih – don’t confuse jm2375 because she can’t believe buffalo’s have such small wings.
Got it Kazz. See you there!
whitey called and confirmed Starlite Lounge for tomorrow’s game. They will open at 9:00 AM and serve breakfast.
All you Maui Tsai-kos and visiting ones, come on down.
Pass out candy or turn off the porch light and watch Wahine volleyball on tv?
duffer – do you know a Mike Sone?
No, but the name sounds familiar.
Mr Incredible. There ya go again, talkin about my sex life.
Could you please give our best regards to our braddah Kekaula tomorrow as he looks up, contemplates his options and ascends up that ladder to that porthole of a trap door that leads into the broadcast booth.
Tell ‘um, “Jus no look down!”
We stayed at PSU during one of our band trips at Kamehameha. I don’t remember too much about the area either except that their drinking water really REALLY sucks.
Ronnie is better at remembering things. She remembers things that we did when we were younger and she really shouldn’t remember them considering the state we were in.
Wasn’t the USU QB a returner before?
Homey – be a nice guy and pass out candy, then watch the replay later.
Kelli’s doing a jojo, but she should do a esme.
What I do remember of Portland was that I thought it was a small quiet town and so I booked an extra night. The next day as I was sitting down eating when over the news they listed the cities in the US with the highest criminal rates and Portland was it. Suddenly the people on the left.. and the people on the right didn’t look as friendly as I thought.. LOL
AND as for confusing Jm2375 regarding the ‘buffalo’ wings, she’ll be all right just as long as we don’t tell he where to look (on the bufallo).
Hey, bruddah Kekaula is having quite the travel this year.
He always gets two seats each flight.
On the last trip, they assigned him two AISLE seats.
So funny.
This time, they gave him bulk-head row. Thing is, the arm-rest doesn’t raise in that row. If he sat there, he’d have a permanent wedgie. (“Calling Guyton Galdeira, we need a wedge buster …”)
Whoa…why was the blog down…haven’t been able to get back on…???
Thought maybe Ferd spilled soda over ST’s laptop….
addahknowjoe…and ST better also tell Kekaula, not too many liquids..bumbye gotta climb down to go bathroom….
ST – I guess Kekaula wasn’t able to lay across four seats. BTW, did you fly to LAX this time to avoid your “friend”??
jm2375 – I’ll just chain the poodles outside the porch…
mih – I’m sure Portland has a nice rail system that Mufi can be proud of.
he could be like those construction tower crane operators, use bathroom up there and don’t come down until pau work
(J)J – That Jack Sparrow costume makes you look so “happy”.
I’m tired of all these costume changes…quick nap time.
I prefer Wing-Stop. The one in Oakland, by that famous burger place by Wal-Mart. Yimmy!
oops, yummmy
POMAI – Yes I do want the DVD. Let me know the damages! And thanks!♠
That would be the rum talking!!!!!
OK I gotta see homey as a Victoria’s Secret model…wings, pushup bra, and thong…Ewwwww!
Speaking of those tall construction cranes… so there are bathrooms up there?
Another funny thing is I’ve never seen one of those things “put together” or assembled. To me they just appear and then disappear out of nowhere.
ST – We knew it was Ryan’s brother yesterday. Hopefully he will make it to the t-gate before the Senior Night Cincy game…
What’s the weather like in Utah right now?
rob – thanks for another visual. eeeewwwwwwww!
Kazz, it must be the menehunes at work. I too have always wondered why I’ve never seen those cranes assembled.
Anyone catch Leahey and Leahey show this morning? Papa Leahey was talking about his phone conversation with JJ yesterday.
good afternoon tsaikos here, in utah, in korea, and anywhere else in this universe. was not able to drive home last night so jenny offered to give me a ride. i said ok and aiyahaieeeeeeeeee, she get one broomstick as her mode of transportation. i no say nothing and hang on (snugly). if you never ride on a broomstick, ask for a ride from one of the darkside merchants. who knows what you will get?????????
It’s not bad. Maybe high 50s.
diet coke on Ferd, red wine on Tomey’s pants, whom else have fallen victim to your dexterity…
I remember watching a YouTube video from 2006 when the team did the haka after the game. The best part of the video is when you can hear the guy next to the camera man yell mockingly to the team “HURRY UP!!! I COLD!!!”.
I think that game in 2006 was when we got the Hawaii Bowl invite. It looked to be around low 50’s or high 40’s then. I cant remember what month it was though but I’m pretty sure it was pretty close to this time of the year, if not later.
Stretch…I guess there could be golden showers in Utah tomorrow eh???? LOL
Homey – Is there a samoan word USU…??? What’s the meaning??
With stories like that, it’s no wonder Kelli’s dad is not allowing his daughter to visit the darkside even in the sunlight! 🙂
(J)J – USU, v.t. 1. to start a journey, especially early in the morning. 2. to sing a song. pass. usuina.
USU, v.i. to hold a kava ceremony to welcome some guests. v. to marry.
USU, n. soprano.
Kazz – I’ve seen them assembled and disassembled and the crane operator has a big part in the assembly.
Rob “★” 25 – What’s wrong with my VS costume? I think the wings are cute.
It’s funny that I couldn’t remember the name of the school we stayed at, but I remember other things. Like…. I remember having an 8 hour layover at the San Francisco airport while those with names beginning with A through something before S caught an earlier connection. I remember that the roses were beautiful.
I remember the food wasn’t very good to us, so we were thrilled when the driver of the parent’s bus stopped at the grocery store so they could get us stuff to make sandwiches. I remember someone dropped a tray in the cafeteria and I thought it was really rude how people cheered about it. I remember that the parents made us signs for the competition and the bus drivers sat with them and helped to hold up the signs – and told us we would have to walk home if we didn’t win. I remember hearing the other bands snicker at us during the final walkthrough because we were in our band t-shirts and they thought they were our uniforms. I remember that our band director told us that one of the other band directors complained that we ran over our rehearsal time because were intimidating his band. I remember being told that one of the bands we were competing against had never lost a fieldshow competition and others were nationally ranked. I remember thinking we got ripped off when they got to second place and we hadn’t been called yet – and then being called as the winner. I remember that a newscaster that had moved from Hawai’i to Portland with her husband heard that we were competing and came down to the stadium to congratulate us when we won.
I remember it was really, stinking cold when we marched in the parade. I remember marching over the drawbridge during the parade and looking down at the water – kind of freaky! I remember that a horse of one of my classmates died during the Kamehameha Day parade. I don’t think she even wanted the horse to be in the parade.
That’s some of what I remember about being in Portland.
sorry for the long post 😳
Yeah I heard that and I was just laughing at Papa Leahey describing the conversation. JJ apparently told him how he has scholarship players at SMU that “don’t want to play”, how much he goes to Trader Vick’s “just to smell the teriyaki”, and how much JJ sounds like he really misses Hawaii but doesn’t really say it.
I kinda laughed how JJ also apparently told Papa Leahey how he has the top QB in Texas coming to SMU next season and then the L&L crew went on about how that kid won’t be playing for Texas, Texas Tech, or TCU so how good could he be etc…
Funny thing though… When L&L went to commercial I caught a caller on the Bobby Curran Show (with Scott Robbs filling in) claiming to be Kanani Danielson’s bio father. This caller was talking about how no one has the right to judge the situation in which he took offense to people saying “it was the right thing to do” in reference to Kanani legally changing her last name to honor her stepfather.
Scott Robbs went on to reiterate that it’s Kanani’s choice to do so and the fans and the media must respect her wishes. The caller then said that’s fine, but at the same time the public shouldn’t make assumptions on certain situations they are not familiar with.
It was a weird call and there is no way for us listening to really believe that was Kanani Danielson’s biological father or not, but I just thought that it kinda was an unnecessary call. Personally when she changed her surname I NEVER thought for one second, that “oh maybe her birth father wasn’t around or whatever”, I mean I may have wondered a little in the back of my mind but at the same time I really didn’t care as to “why”. So… yeah… take that call for whatever it’s worth.
I just hope Kanani wasn’t listening during that time as that caller could have taken the conversation to another level and might have made it uncomfortable for her.
I dunno… bottom line for me Kanani Danielson is going to be a real special volleyball player for UH in the years to come and I could care less what her personal business is and I’m pretty sure A LOT of the fans feel the same way.
hey, i never know that last night was eve of halloween, so tonight going stay home cause get too many broomsticks traveling in space. anyway, last night, boss lady said that she going open Starlite at 9 am for game and going cook “breakfast”. i don’t know what is on menu cause she neva serves “breakfast”.
kelii, no worry, always next time. you can bring your ohana and we make sure you enjoy your maui trip.
for those on maui and who may join us, i going have on UH cap and t shirt. come to think of it, eveyone else may have on the same thing. hahahahahaaaaaaaa
Post #263.
I should have said, “I don’t care to know what her personal business is as it is not my business and I’m sure many of the fans feel the same way”.
This sounds better.
thanks Homey…I knew you’d know….MWAHAHAHAHHAHA
thanks Homey…I knew you’d know….MWAHAHAHAHHAHA
ST on 1420AM next
Ronnie – Pretty good recollection while being drunk at the same time…that’s what Rob “★” 25 told me.
H-bod – So when you coming to a t-gate or tv-gate? Koakane still waiting for the grinds! How’s them Phillies!
homey “man of many names” –
It was worse on the trip we took during my senior year.
Kazz…bulla was saying there was snow on the mountains ….I thought he was talking about the dandruff on DPK’s head…until he said, “…in Utah”….MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Garrett #105 – Good post. I’ve heard many in the know people say over and over – Stars mean nothing. The star rankings actually are affected a lot by recruiting interest. It can sometimes be a self fulfilling prophecy. Some kids get a couple schools interested and all of a sudden, everyone’s interested. Another kid might be overlooked, and continues to be so, just because of the lack of momentum on the scouting sites.
I saw an interesting statistic on #1 ranked players coming out of college and where their career took them. Some were great. Others were flops. Some due to injuries, but many just didn’t pan out.
So I say, don’t worry about stars. Let the coaches decide who they want, and who fits their system best, and then let’s support our players and coach them up. UH can be very successful in that way.
The fact that the trick-or-treaters are already out in force must be my cue to leave the house. No more candy here…..
I think I’ll catch a movie at the theatre before heading in to work.
(J)J – you wouldn’t want to know what my version of “snow on the mountains” is! Or maybe you would like to know! 😆
next tgate 4 sure. no can tvgate(s).
When I used to call Juju at her old work number, sometimes the voicemail would say, “Lynne Chang.” And Wayne Harada always said hi to joje, when she would visit. Best of luck to those HA employees!
UH at Utah St. – blog contests
Contest #1: How many passing yards will UH’s defense allow? 192
Tiebreaker: What will be the Aggie’s longest pass play? 34
Contest #2: How many rushing yards will UH’s defense allow? 142
Tiebreaker: What will be the Aggie’s longest run? 34
thanks girls!
did you get our answer???
on oahu, its a ppv event.
on maui, isn’t it on oc16???
best bet, go call oc16.
Ronnie – Don’t listen to homey…I didn’t tell him anything because then he comes back on the blog and blabs to everyone…in his own code, of course. 👿
I’m actually honored that homey wanted to be me, even for an instant.
i don’t think i could be homey though, unless i got some workout vitamins from Barry Bonds first
okay gang…gonna have to go get ready to trick or treat tonight….
oh yeah,
0 days!
i’m home
its hot
i’m sweating.
i don’t care.
See many of you tomorrow…bright and early….. 🙂
Ronnie that is a lot that you remembered. OK but you didn’t remember the name of the school??? And the water was disgusting!
I remember that drawbridge…it was scary!
I also remember thinking that USC was in such a crappy neighborhood.
Remember the scary dorms at Exeter and we were wishing we actually could stay at Princeton?
Maholo Ron McBride.
Poor Ferd. Old man walking around with a wet stain on his pants. You know everyone who sees him thinks he peed. Nice move ST. But then is Ferd the type who has to get even??? I would.
RPTFLMAO…@ homey….
danny white?
hey rob, you more old than me or what?
Anyone else going to VB tonight?
OK I know that sjmacro and myki will be there because they are the most awesome fans.
Welcome home chawan!!!
(J)J, homey – no scare da poor little kids.
H-bod – shoots! sucks to win the WS yeah! 😆 So see you in November!!!
Rob “Jackie Smith drops pass in endzone against Steelers in Superbowl XIII” 25 – so angry. 😆
Chawan…”not vitamins”….da clear da clear…MWAHAHAHAHAHA
Glad that Coach McBride stepped up.
Remind me to stand whenever Stephen starts to tell a story… 🙄
al…I remember Danny White…even Craig Morton….and I’m young…LMAO
UH at Utah St. – blog contests
Contest #1: How many passing yards will UH’s defense allow? 295
Tiebreaker: What will be the Aggie’s longest pass play? 44
Contest #2: How many rushing yards will UH’s defense allow? 125
Tiebreaker: What will be the Aggie’s longest run? 22
Yep, time to get ready for the kids and praise each of them for their kewl costumes! Hope to be at Therapy’s tomorrow.
al, oc16 may be option, but being with warriors fans, yelling, cheering, booing, whatever = PRICELESS!!!!!!!
kekaula…..mental note to yourself. don’t take the row just in front of the exit row. no recline at all. can you imagine??? also some armrest don’t go up.
imagine a super wedgie all the while bent over forward. ouch!
go early and plead for the exit row that reclines.
whitey why don’t you just use your real nickname?
whitey “yobo seo”
or your old one
whitey nekohana-san.
this blog is like being in space, it states on the bottom” your comment may take some time to appear”. i posted at 3:52 p, but the blog says i posted at 4:05p. must be halloween.
whitey………you mean darkside merchants are warrior fans too?
in that case, i won’t mind patronizing next time.
does that make the “hired hands” respectable and possibly tsaikos, too?
I can taste a UH victory and a portuguese sausage loco moco already!!!!!!!!!!!
al, dang when they use that name, i am older than yoda or obi-wan.
Chawan- oooh, you’re FINALLY back…..i’m sooo excited!!! I’ve been counting down the days until your return.
Call me. I got a trick and some treats for you. hehehe.
I know late notice – anybody got an extra ticket for tonight’s game?
thank goodness that koa-m has the hots for chawan and homey.
Rob”Matt McBriar”25 –
Is Exeter the place we called Amityville? With the tunnels that everyone said were haunted?
al, they big time fans and advertise on their doors that they will have the warrior games on gameday. on the other hand, they might be doing this just to make sure i come to their place. i have no idea what “breakfast” will be like, but who knows, may be kim chee rice, misoyaki butterfish, kalbi, omelot w/all kinds of things, etc.
Al – no worries, you’re too manly for me. I like da *lame*-kine guys (sich as Chawan and koakane). bwhahaha!
Good game coming up.
Go Governors.
al – I gotta stay in town till around 9ish (kid going w/ friend trick-or-treating). So, would like to go to the vb game and not sit by myself.
al – I got to see Danny White in the Pro Bowl that Kamehameha performed at when I was in high school. What a thrill that was to see him?
(j)j – I don’t think that you are that young anymore. I’m gonna check your ID next time I see you.
jm2375 – Oh you too late…I gave my extra to Kazz tonight! Sorry!
homey – don’t get angry or you’re gonna scare the kiddies away. Have a Happy Halloween and I will see you tomorrow morning bright and early!
Crane builds itself
jm, look at an earlier post because one of the tsaikos had an extra ticket for tonight’s game.
That’s the place! It was scary as hell!
no worries Rob. if not, i go crash at my mom’s place with all the sr citizens.
Hey, I forgot to say that I met Gary Allen at the Fresno game. Nice to see him in attendance.
oh no. i got the attention of Koa-m.
i thought he/she was busy with jason.
i said i was hot, but not for that…..
thanks everyone ELSE for the welcome back wishes.
From where did all of the goblins come? Dang! I went through an entire Costco bag of candy.
I recognized one of the kids as a 9th grader in one of my classes. I know he does not live in the area — his folks dropped him and his friends off in the neighborhood to collect candy. They will go to other neighborhoods do repeat the action. What a scam! I gave those teens only one piece of candy each.
The kids actually from the neighborhood got several pieces.
And, now it is raining and the candy is gone. I should have kept a few for myself. Oh well. Tomorrow the Halloween candy will be really cheap!
Fuel prices are still dropping like a rock in a vaccuum. Shell was down to $2.39 this morning. YAY!
Welcome home!
Oh Hi C_C!
Good to have you back on the island.
Did you hear about UHFan808 and I winning the dart game on her birthday? Someone needed to take Koakane out…after he beat us all the other week.
whitey – how about you use the nickname “byuntae”?? I think it matches perfectly
time fo OIA playoffs…
I found those three passes for Kona Country Club. It expires at the end of the year. I’ll mail them before that! 🙂
I wish it was $2.15 a gallon like it was in some places in Texas. Frank and I filled the rental car one time and it was only $19. We couldn’t help but laugh and want to drive around and burn up more gas, but then that wouldn’t be very earth-friendly.
If you want to watch Farrington vs Lelehua online right now.
glad to be home. finally get to watch games live. yelling at the tv isn’t as graitifying.
it also makes recording and uploading the news so much easier.
no need do the remote stuff anymore.
You must be ecstatic to be back home, I wish I would be too.
I’m extremely happy. I’ve found life and free T.V. on my programming, carrying the UTAH State game life. It’s an obscure channel I’ve never watched and found it by accident. Whooppee! It’s called BHSN, Catch 47, anybody ever heard of it? Mainlanders?
Regardless, better than computer. I’m happy.
I smell a decisive victory tomorrow.
Still in Ogden yet?
Go and get yourself a couple lung fills of that chest thumping fresh air in Logan.
It’ll make you feel like you’ve been rode hard and put up wet!
C_C . . .
Not quite a “welcome home” but in the same vein.
Congratulations on getting home safe and sound!!!
For UH , off course.
Great news about your manuscript! I hope that you get good news soon!
I assume I shall run into you at Sunday’s basketball game?
yes, home from the sound.
yes you are correct. i’ll be there. wouldn’t miss it.
If UH fans feel a lack of respect about the “system” label, I think Texas Tech has it worse. Not only have they had many more successful college players (with amazing stats) ignored by the NFL and college postseason awards because they were playing in a “system”, but so many columnists say that their system doesn’t work because they cannot beat Texas or Oklahoma.
That really isn’t fair to Mike Leach and Texas Tech, since Texas gets their first pick of recruits, and Oklahoma and others get their recruits before Texas Tech gets it pick. But when recruits compare Austin to Lubbock, or the academics at Texas vs. Texas Tech, it is hard recruiting for Texas Tech. That doesn’t mean that their system doesn’t work, it just means that their system gives them a shot to compete with recruits that might be slower or smaller.
It sounds like Leach is so frustrated that he might actually want the Washington job! He’s built an amazing program at Texas Tech, but he might see some limitations there (Lubbock, academics, hard to recruit over Texas/Oklahoma, etc.) that we would avoid at Washington. Leach would dominate the recruiting over Washington State!
I think I just heard Afatia Thompson’s song on the radio (KUMU FM). I don’t know what it’s called but the song sounds familiar when he was on L&L a while back and they played a little of it.
1700 Texas Tech students were camped out since Tuesday to get tickets to the Texas game on Saturday. Mike Leach visited with them and brought them BBQ!
I’m not not holding my breath yet, but it’s a good start and confidence builder, even if that agency does not pick it up. It’s only my first try.To even make it past an agents slush pile is the hardest step and even if they don’t end up taking it, somebody else might pick it up.
I have the possibility to go on, but that will be my last resort.
Sorry ! Darret = Garret.
Tom send your snail mail addy to me at pomai @
Sorry !! Darret = Garret.
funny how up to date google can be…..i tried and bit on “hyuntae”.
hahaha. good one stretch.
Mike Leach’s gesture immediately made me think of a “Tomey-ism” in which he had players personally thank the UH fans waiting in line for tickets at lower campus the night before a home game often times after practice as they were still in their pads and uniforms.
Recently when I attended a UH basketball practice and Bill Amis thanked the fans in attendance for taking the time to come out to watch them.
It’s the smallest things that people will always remember as much as the big things.
The QB JJ got to commit over the summer is named Kyle Padron, 6’4″, 200 pounds. He and a lot of other QBs went to JJ’s camp at SMU and Padron was the only one who got an offer.
Drew Allen is a 3-star QB who gave a couple of interviews about how he hoped that he could get an offer from JJ. Drew ended up committing to Oklahoma.
Drew Hollingshead is a 3-star QB who went to visit SMU a number of times, and his father was actually hired by JJ to be something like their director of high school relations. He couldn’t get an offer either.
The interesting story behind that recruiting is that JJ offered Padron a scholarship before he was a starter in high school. The other teams wanted to wait until he had played a few games in high school, but his performance in JJ’s camp must have been amazing to put him ahead of the bigger-name QBs.
Padron had the unfortunate luck in high school to be behind QB Riley Dodge. Riley Dodge was AP’s Texas state 5A Player of the Year and happened to be the son of the head coach…Padron had *no* chance to start in that situation! Kind of like how Colt couldn’t start until his senior year in high school.
Padron put up some amazing stats as a starting QB this season and would have gotten a lot of interest from other schools if he hadn’t seen like such a strong commit. In 5 games or so he threw for over 1,500 yards, 128-189 passing, 18 TDs/3 INTs, plus he ran for 300 yards and 6 TDs. Padron is injured now, but he could be back for the playoffs.
Padron’s older brother just transferred to SMU to play, another way that JJ will be able to keep Padron away from the schools that will make a push for him after the season…and I’m curious if a BCS conference school will convince him to switch his commit.
That was a nice gesture by Tomey! Lots of other schools do that and it is a great idea.
From a UCLA Q&A. Click on name for link.
More from UCLA Q&A. Click on name for link.
Oh, oh. USC has a coach at the game checking out Andrew Manley.
Homey (Bond, James Bond)
Here’s a little Swamp Witch Hattie Halloween music for you Homes!
Don’t forget to stay off the track to Hattie Shack, in the back of the black Bayou!
These 4 coaches are excellent, and they are the only D-IA coaches who didn’t play college football.
Good evening to all!
Happy Halloween?
BigHilofan2: do you know where fb game will be shown in Hilo?
Will be arriving in the a.m. and may be able to catch the game…
Now I need to find a hotel…
be back!
This is our first halloween in the new house. In Haleiwa, we used to get at least 100 kids every halloween. We bought a lot of candy and now our neighbor tells us they got zero trick or treaters last year. Boo. I hope we get somebody!
i could have told you about Wingers, haha. you should have came with us to Ruby River, 16 oz ribeye and 2 sides for $21, brough 1/2 home to the hotel…and the place was empty….Haloween night.
gotta admit, you looked pretty sharp in long pants ST, caught me by surprise going through the lobby. RK with a leather jacket on, wow, it was like a custom tent with sleeves, that thing looked great.
funny thing about the practice fields at Weber, one is natural, the other is field turf, and the stadium is natural…..huh? yeah, that’s what i said.
hotel has UH and Portland State in the house, on separate sides of the building. a little nippy tonight, turned off the AC and opened the window for fresh air……nice.
There are not much kids who live around my area in Aina Haina so not too many visitors. That’s kind of good so I can watch the vball game without too many disruptions
I wonder if the two teams knew that the other would be staying there?? The hotel should have mentioned it to both teams. Not sure if it is really a bad thing since there are Hawaii connections with Portland St.
Read a review on Therapy Sports Grill this afternoon. They have 2 pool tables, darts and karaoke! The reviewer was really high on the sushi too.
Sing a few for me… and I bet 2 cans of diet coke on Addahknowsports’ team.
ok]dpk, you happy now? haha
stretch, i did order 90 zip pacs for the team today…..while i was waiting in line at Carl’s Jr., the manager came out and asked me ‘sir, what is a zip pac?’ would they settle for a jalapeno burger next time? next time…..
here’s the deal after we talked to the GM here, since my better half is ‘in the biz’. PSU booked their rooms last week friday, it seems that their travel coordinator is having ‘challenges’. wherever she had the team, Coach Glanvill told her no way we’re staying there. luckily the Marriott had rooms available. but it gets better, i was talking with a PSU coach, and as of monday, they did not have a return flight after the game. the coordinator ‘forgot’ about it. hence, they are on a charter flight at 10 pm from salt lake city. ouch…..
Did the same thing 25 years ago bought lots of candy…nobody has been to our house. Only the neighbor 4 kids, but they’re all grown up now.
Many years ago…a new neighbor and I camped out on the main road just to give candy out..sat at the street corner by the stop sign!
thanks for the props earlier for Weber State, but it is still one game at a time, but it would be nice to go all the way for coach mcbride.
Bulla ‘shrek’ — Kid is asking for halloween costume, so you gotta find something else 🙂
I had to take off my “Spider-Man”. Peaches told me I could only keep the hood if it cut down on my snoring…. 😕
Shouldn’t it be Bulla Barney?? It has a better ring and matches a lot more
Or is it Barney Bulla??
Saw part of the Farr/Leilehua game and that punter from Farr is good; consistently long and Sky-punts for short ones.
Anyone got info on him?
I concur with The Last Samurai Stretch…you are the most wise one you way too young Zatoichi
dpk had the perfect costuem as cupid, and i was more worried about his arrow than his bow…..twannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggg
Happy Halloween!
I’m passing out candy. Get PLENTY kids this year!
No kids in my neighborhood either, Ticks off my wife, she’s a real holiday person, any kind of holiday.
What’s the team spirit like, serious and focused or light and loose?
This game the Warriors will put it all together, full blast, at least that’s my gut feeling.
if dpk had black shoes, WC Fields comes to mind, nah, although dpk is the elder statesman, no need to throw the suit and shoes on
bulla – no worry, his arrow is small, no can feel if you get poked
Hiya, LizK,
I’m not surprised that a lot of kids flock to your house on Halloween.
The practice on Thursday seemed pretty light and loose. The team was having some fun but I hope they don’t take Utah St too lightly.
email me at pauoaboy31 at yahoo dot com, I email you back the link…
Planny Candy Tonight, Planny Puka Teeth on the Way…Happy Halloween Gang…
WooHooo……the Governors win and the player of the game is my favorite player Justin Vele. He is only a sophomore. I hope UH coaches are giving him a look see. The Govs have one of the best linebacking corp in the state.
A House the punter does not have the distance but I actually think that the Lelehua punter is better. The Gov kick returner is really good but did not really get to show his stuff tonight.
Soooooo… Bulla Barney-
Just the shoes with nothing else?
Happy Halloween Warrior Nation
Good Evening Tpsyaikos and Tpsyaikettes!
It’s been a hell-acious week and I ‘m looking forward to tomorrow’s breakfast/game.
I’ll bring my darts……just in case……..anyone wants to play……or acts up.
c_c- Welcome back!
Another big game coming up. Kahuku vs Waianae. I expect to see some hard hitting.
Nalani and Shelton-
A Big Mahalo for the CDs! Shelton, thanks for literally going the extra mile considering all the mud you had to wade through.
Don’t know if this has already been discussed but how come it’s so hard to keep guys like Manti Te’o at home? There is no way he should be leaving the island.
al, you watching the vb game, wahines down 2-0.
whitey – when you see your friends tonight, ask them if “byuntae” matches you
Is it my personality, or what?
Kekaula said he wants to stay in.
“Ferd” won’t answer his phone.
And Bulla and Mrs. Jaegermeister are calling it a night.
I guess it’s just me and my good buddy Wal-Mart.
ST – I was just going to post that you must be at Wal-Mart since you are not posting. But was going to wait because it wasn’t 1am yet.
stretch, will do tomorrow at the game site. better be good my son.
it’s Utah, home of the mormons and ‘bring’em young’, even if Izzys was open they’d be closing in 1/2 an hour.
now Ruby River, you missed out. we can go do something tomorrow night and celebrate 2 victories!!!
Well done Governors, good job and thank you very much.
Good season Mules… year maybe…….
Actually, I went to Macy’s, which is a 24-hour super market here.
(Yeah, real original name, but cute jingle.)
I had to buy TP because the one in the room is quite gritty.
Wouldn’t you know it: Macy’s only had single ply.
But I bought it anyway.
OK, this is the new equation: TP=TMI.
Target is better than Walmart, we went tonight to get some things. it’s on riverdale by all of the car dealerships, past the mall. go up to washington, take a right, then take aright on riverdale to get to Target.
i had fun with mrs b, pumpkin pies for $4.99, granny smith apples for $2.99 for 8 apples, and ketchup was cheap. had to make a ‘stop’ for the beast and friends, haha
you lucky you only have to use it half the time
Coach Mac (McBride) likes Bulla.
Or, as he says, “Boo-la.”
you should have asked me, we’re on the 8th floor, ooops, that’s the Concierge floor, need a key to get the elevator to come up….one of the benefits of having a wife in da biz……big room, big bathroom, got the window open catching some fresh air…..
if you still need TP, let me know, i’ll throw it out of the window and you can catch it….you still got good hands….i think
it’s only 830 at home, are they all trick or treating? sheeesh
Barney, looks like you and the mrs are having a great time in Ogden. Good luck and best wishes to the beast and WSU.
Try going no. 2 in the middle of the golf course with a towel you wipe your golf clubs with. Gritty is good!
duffer – i can honestly admit that I have never experienced that
I’m on the first floor, and until this evening, I didn’t realize that people can see right in.
you thought the Hispanic family were mannequins? you’re killing me, they’ve been waiting all night for your autograph i think, calliente amigo
mahalo, making memories, so good to see the young master in his environment, but there is some snow creeping on the mountain tops, oh boy
I hope you never do. Screws up the golf game! Lose that momentum!
i know of guys who have gone into the restroom with underwear, and have left the restroom ‘jus hanging loose’ for obvious reasons……that is gnarly also
I have on occasions cared an roll of 2-ply, in my golf bag 🙂
Coach McBride is a smart man. He knows where his food connections are in the islands.
next time you see huntaz wearing cut shirts, just know they not ripping ‘um fo wipe golf balls.
I can’t believe Barney Bulla and Stephen are in the same hotel 😕
when those incidents happen, really turns a good round into a crappy round……
always wanted to be a pro wrestler, despite dpk advising me to do the mud/oil circuit, i thought it would have been great going to be with johnny barend of curtis the bull iaukea
d1 or mumbo jumbo
it’s barney bulla and stephen thigh, just ask suzanne sommers
Okay…. since you guys insist on staying in your rooms, you may as well be entertained…
Who needs helmets?
so good to see you hanging around link. who does your hair, i saw your nephew tonight, bulaia
those magnificent men
in their flying machines
they go uppity up up
and go down diddy down down
you have to do something about the lizards mr. francis….you have to do something…….mr francis
i have a thousand reasons why i should stay here longer, but i can’t remember any of them
Barney, was practicing the other day and ran across my friend and was asking about the maiava brothers. he tell me that those are his wife’s nephews. i tell no joke, then he tell me his wife and their father are siblings. so, i ask the logical question, who is the grandpa? One guess, Neff. Whooooooooo. am floored.
Waianae-Kahuku, 7-7, half
Talk about memories….
Mr. Blears, this does not look like my homeland……where is Sadaam now, he wants me to return, i am not ready, i am a full blooded 1/2 indian cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooooooooooo
K Mouton:
It appears that the lure of “big time” football on the mainland is a special draw to some Hawaii players.
They want the lime light of playing for USC, UCLA, Notre Dame, Michigan, Michigan St, etc. and playing in a BCS conference.
Some just want to get off the “rock”.
For the players who choose to stay home or migrate from the mainland, Hawaii has been a very good conduit the NFL. It appears that the 2008 seniors will be a good batch for NFL scouts to watch and draft in April 2009. And, Ryan is expected to be drafted early.
Okay…get ’em all here.
if anyone needs some good tp at the tailgate, no worry, the son packs a roll each game.
i hope st didn’t get lost or abducted on his quest for 2 ply.
if anyone needs some good tp at the tailgate, no worry, the son packs a roll each game.
i hope st didn’t get lost or abducted on his quest for 2 ply.
good evening everyone,
so nice to have my old friends running around tonight. i’ll be brief because i think the chief maiava is about to make an entrance. thank you to all of the fans who still remember me from the old Civic days…..great times, and great memories for me.
Free play link time. Please ignore my next batch of posts if you do not want the off-topic stuff. I’m going to do 5 from Thursday and 5 from today.
Researchers seem to have made a breakthrough on a beam that can selectively erase memory–kind of like a real-life Men in Black device.
Moth eyes inspired Florida researchers to discover an anti-reflective solar cell coating–today’s silicon solar cells reflect back (and thus lose) 30% of the sun’s energy, so efficient coatings are important.
Dallas police officer was directing traffic outside of a concert and saw someone driving his (just stolen) truck! He stopped the thief and made the arrest after a brief attempt by the thief to escape.
Wales highway signs are written in English and Welsh. Unfortunately, when they e-mailed a translator they received an autoreply e-mail…and they put that autoreply on the highway sign!
despite what you’re hearing or you’re trying to think, it’s a war out there,and these mainland haoles are trying to take everything from the locals here…the land, the money, and all of our lovely local women. we’re not going to let those foreigners come in and do that, not today and not tomorrow, not while i am rassling here at Conroy Bowl, the Civic Center, or the parking lot at Foodland.
Man went to a $7 buffet and let his girlfriend eat from his plate while insisting that she shouldn’t have to pay…he was arrested and went to jail, eventually plea-bargaining from a theft charge to a disorderly conduct charge.
100,000 Sony batteries were recalled by HP, Dell, and Toshiba.
More Marines die in motorcycle accidents than in Iraq.
Suntory flowers has spent 3 billion yen since 1990 and finally succeeded in creating blue roses, blue carnations, and other blue flowers and got them ready to be sold in the US next year. The global market for blue flowers is estimated at 30 billion yen. Before this, blue roses were made by dying roses blue.
UC-SD researchers have created a software program that can perform key duplication without needing a key. The security implications of this are significant, especially since a cell phone photo is enough. They even demonstrated that a photo can be taken of a key from 200 yards away and still be enough to duplicate the key!
New killer virus is killing people in South Africa. The virus doesn’t even have a name yet and there is no vaccine. It is highly lethal and contagious…scary.
Free play links pau.
Normally your stuff *would* be the “off-topic” stuff but I think you losing out tonight to 50th State Wrestling 😉
Not leaving my keys lying around anymore…
(OK Garret, you still get the “off-topic” mojo)
uncle wally,
your site is missing a very important wrestler of the day….the masked executioner.
Welcome back, chawan_cut!
I still can’t believe we were going to have our walkthrough in the parking lot. Crazy. Thanks to Coach McBride for helping us out.
And al: Geez, I can’t believe I had the exact same guess as 99club! I’ll make it up to him sometime if we win. 😛
Well, good night, gang, see you at tomorrows victory, has been a long day.
Pomai: 38-14 UH.
i remember nick bockwinkel….on the mat he was portrayed as a good guy, all american boy.
but, us young kids who surfed the waters off waikiki did not like his “bullying” ways. i used to go tell papa steamboat to go kick his okole cuz he was always running us off the waves.
the real good guys were harold “tosh togo” “oddjob” sakata and “lord” jim “tallyho” blears.
i remember nick bockwinkel….on the mat he was portrayed as a good guy, all american boy.
but, us young kids who surfed the waters off waikiki did not like his “bullying” ways. i used to go tell papa steamboat to go kick his okole cuz he was always running us off the waves.
the real good guys were harold “tosh togo” “oddjob” sakata and “lord” jim “tallyho” blears.
Just got in and made dindin for Uku-boi.
Haven’t had a chance to read all the posts but I did see where congrats and prayers are in order for Florida Ted!!! Woo hoo!
I gots ta lie down and crash for awhile.
kenji san, kenji san, kenji all the way!!
long day for us too, it’s 9:38 HST but add 4 hours for us in Ogden, ouch.
good night, victory for UH and WSU
jason, mcbride is the real deal, a hell of a coach, and just your all around nice guy.
tally ho my friends,
no gripe, just wipe
Eh, Manti got nothing on this Pun alum. 😆
Sam Steamboat was a throwback coach at Iolani. Guys hated practice with him…
Goodnight brah. Enjoy da game manana.
Eh, ovah dere… IT’S SATURDAY!
Well, must be late ’cause da blog is tired (slow), too.
Plus, having trouble understanding why Waianae’s white unis seem to be looking dirtier as the game goes on since they are playing on Field Turf???
btw, Kahuku, 10-7. 10:25 4th Q
don muraco was a beast back in the day at punahou. had that mean streak that him one tough buggah.
I hope bruddah mouton scores a TD tomrrow, maybe we we gill LWJ involved as well. The dude is due of a big game.
jason…..make another guess.
tomorrow game time is early, so need to get some rest, so can make noise tomorrow morning. go warriors!!!
I think I’m done for the night.
So somebody was busy while we were reminiscing about the days when you said, “Civic” and people didn’t think of their kids’ car.
Remembered I gotta do my guesses b4 moemoe
What was your contest?
al: 99club said I can keep my guess. But I can make a new guess, anyways. 😛
guess the number of yards that ryan mouton will have receiving on saturday. 84
tiebreaker will be number of receptions. 7
second tiebreaker will be number of td’s receiving. 1
I hope nobody has this guess. 🙂
And nice pictures up top. If Glanville were DC last year instead of Mack, we would have had two coaches standing out in the Sugar Bowl poster photo. 😀
Contest #1: How many passing yards will UH’s defense allow? 235
Tiebreaker: What will be the Aggie’s longest pass play? 22
Contest #2: How many rushing yards will UH’s defense allow? 67
Tiebreaker: What will be the Aggie’s longest run? 8
guess the number of yards that ryan mouton will have receiving on saturday. 121
tiebreaker will be number of receptions. 4
second tiebreaker will be number of td’s receiving. 2
one more time…….
i will throw in one more contest.
guess the number of yards that ryan mouton will have receiving on saturday.
tiebreaker will be number of receptions.
second tiebreaker will be number of td’s receiving.
prize: lunch at the next cattle call.
please enter here in this manner:
ryan mouton contest entry
(yada, yada, yada………..)
Mahalo nui loa to W-Doc for the women’s volleyball ticket tonight!
Dr.Doc, take it easy & recuperate.
See y’all tomorrow morning for breakfast.
so mei ling who did you got with???
Ryan Mouton contest:
59 yds receiving 5 receptions 1 TD
C#1 188 yds
TB: 12 yds
C#2 179 yds
TB: 15 yds
Thought Neff Maiava had only 3 girls? Where did son come from?
so i am watching one of my all time favorite comedies….fast times at ridemont high with sean penn. its hard to believe that the show debuted twenty six years ago!!!
that was sean penn’s greatest work.
and to think jason wasn’t even born yet.
ryan mouton is the MAN! he needs to play D full time. he is our only shut down corner. he gave the O the spark they needed, now put him back on D full time. he should only be playing 10-12 snaps on O if they are going to be playing him both ways.
mack youre crazy to play him on O full time, he needs to be in top shape and form for the NMSU game!
I believe Mouton will move back to D once pilares is healthy. We will need Mouton’s covering ability against a pass happy team like NMSU.
Just back from Neighborhood parties. The ceded lands was like being in Disneyland Park’s Electric Light Parade, complete with fireworks! I’ve never seen such a brilliant display of light in my life! Ahhh…but then the police are afraid to come on to the ceded lands to cite anyone, because they might get their life lit up!
S’all in good food and fun. Plenny candy for the keeds tonight. They wiped us out of about 10 pounds of candy.
Howzit Kekoa. Leave me any candy?
Trip to Utah for the next one, will we have a road win?
28 – 21 Pomai
28 – 10 99club
30 – 13 tommui
35 – 24 Da Punchbowl Kid
35 – 17 FloridaTed
35 – 10 HiFlyer
35 – 14 jm2375
35 – 21 alnbama
37 – 20 Kazz
38 – 35 LizKauai
38 – 28 wafan
38 – 14 Jason
38 – 24 curveball
38 – 16 d1shima
38 – 21 3-Prong
41 – 35 djmitcho
41 – 21 Jay
42 – 24 mp
42 – 21 Glenn
42 – 17 al
45 – 28 Hawaiianbod
45 – 13 lab rat
45 – 31 JaM
49 – 21 TChahng
50 – 0 Pauoa Boy
63 – 12 homey
last night’s news
Chawan – you still *up*? how come you didn’t call me?!? i’ve been waiting by the pay phone all night. you still need one booty call? call me, k?
Thanks for the memory jog with the old time wrestlers. I was driving a delivery truck one day near Ala Moana and was stuck in traffic. I looked to my left and noticed the front fender of the car next to me, a baby blue Mercedes, had a silver derby attached. It dons on me who would have that on their fender and sure enough as I looked over at the driver there was ‘oddjob’ smiling at me. Pretty funny. I found out years later that he had won the silver medal in the ’48 Olympics in his weightlifing class as well.
Anyone remember the “Indian Death Match” between Missing Link and Billy Whitewolf (I may be wrong on the second name)? They were chained together with a 10-foot chain and the ‘match’ got out of hand and they were going at it ‘off script.’
Contest #1: 190 yds
Tiebreaker: 14 yds
Contest #2: 75 yds
Tiebreaker: 12 yds
99 are you up for the texas vs texas tech game…..
Yup! This whole town is up for the game. Thankfully the UH and TX games are not on at the same time. I think Tech’ll have a chance if they can pick on those Fr DB’s. We’ll see.
BTW, I’ve got a hunch Boise St. is going to have a tough time down in Las Cruces tonight.
Welcome home, chawan_cut!
Skeeterz woke me up…grrr…
Garret/Garett… dang. I can see it now- Kauai anti GMO/superferry/monkeypod huggers will be protesting blue roses next.
ST- hope you are getting some sleep!
I found an ‘oxygen at altitude’ calculator online and the 4500 ft referenced in your article works out to only 86% of the oxygen one would normally have at sea level. I think Denver is 82%.
Good morning Liz!
Off for some breakfast…
[…] unknown wrote an interesting post today onThe Warrior Beat | UH football, University of Hawaii athletics …Here’s a quick excerptkanani danielson’s real father called in and was not to pleased regarding comments made by media and coaches regarding her name change…it was quite awkward to listen to but much better then some of the callers that call on a regular … […]
Good luck to Merv en da bulldogs, hope you put “T”bowne on his rear today!!!
#485 is this spamming yourself? LOL
Morning all. Game Day!
btw, I gotta write down starlite for my next trip to Maui. lol.
Garrett #435 Where did you read that? Send me the link. World Cup is in SF this year. Could be very bad.
[…] unknown wrote an interesting post today onThe Warrior Beat | UH football, University of Hawaii athletics …Here’s a quick excerptThe real nightmare is my syntax, I guess… :lol:. d1?: October 31st, 2008 at 8:42 am. Bulla,. Glad to hear you arrived safely. Big night for young Higgins last night. Accounted for all 8 SLS TD’s in a 55-28 runaway. … […]
Go Warriors!
Go Warriors!
Go Warriors!
In regards to remarks by #41(bb) & #42 (stretch) regarding Kanani’s real dad….if he made comments on tyhe radio that he was still a part of her life then he may have not been as truthful…stretch, you cannot know the frustration unless you have been in Kanani’s shoes or her family’s…Kanani changed her name for reasons that her “real dad” will not accept… he knows why, but only wants to take credit to “glorify” himself! Bottom line, her name is not Herring anymore, it’s Danielson!
[…] The Warrior Beat | UH football, University of Hawaii athletics … […]
[…] The Warrior Beat | UH football, University of Hawaii athletics … reddit_url=’’ reddit_title=’Baby name meaning and origin for Garret’ […]
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