UH gets another Satele
Another Satele is joining the Warriors.
Landon “Liko” Satele — younger brother of middle linebacker Brashton Satele; son of Alvis and LeeAnn — is transferring from Lambuth University in Jackson, Tenn. Liko is a 2007 graduate of Word of Life. He played fullback and tight end there. He will compete at defensive end for UH.
Liko reports to the team Aug. 25, the first day of the fall semester.
* * *
It hasn’t been an easy year for quarterback Tyler Graunke.
But in recent weeks, he’s excelled in school, worked his way into shape and, now, is sporting a new look. He shaved his own head Sunday, then unveiled the buzz look at yesterday’s unsupervised workouts. He was extremely sharp yesterday. It should be an interesting competition in training camp.
* * *
Christian Vasconcellos, who will compete at safety in training camp, participated in 7-on-7 drills yesterday. That’s Vasconcellos on the left, grayshirt wideout Kalua Noa on the right.
* * *
Wideout Troy Lauduski returned after spending a few weeks at home in California.
* * *
Slotback Miah Ostrowski rested a tender hamstring the past couple of weeks. He has resumed workouts:
* * *
Once again Adam Leonard, who has to be a top contender for team captain, brought the water cooler. Leonard (in the gray shirt) somehow manages to fit it into his car. He also doesn’t receive any help lugging it to the grass practice field, which is on the higher tier.
Here’s wideout Joe Avery benefitting from Leonard’s good deed:
* * *
I did not realize this: Bob Nash was a first-round pick in 1972, ninth overall. He was picked ahead of … Dr. J (11th overall).
howdy, folks! Tyler looks good, but being an old lady, I prefer old-fashion haircuts — that is, plenty of hair on the head.
hi Pomai. How’s West Virginia?
My goodness this makes the third time I made first this season!
GO WARRIORS – Romp in da swamp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Morning Stephen, Pomai, GG
Good morning Gigi, It’s hot and sticky, no trade winds.
Sound like there’s going to be a tremendous fight for the starting QB job.
Morning HiFlyer how is the air up there?
Ok I’m reposting this from the end of da last blog:
Ok, it may seem early to some, but I’m always trying to get multiple leagues set up.
I know a bunch of Tsaiko’s had a fantasy football league last year and I was wondering if anyone was up for another one. I was looking for 10 or 12 people to fill the league. It would have to be an live online draft so a time and date would have to be agreed on. Anyone interested? LMK! Reply on blog or e m a i l me at djmitcho at yahoo dot com
Gee, I’m seventh or eighth or ninth – but who’s counting?!
Looking forward to meeting all you Tsaikos this Thursday,
Wow my bad – Morning Stephen.
From last post…lol…
Good morning Tsaikos & Tsaikettes!
Congrats to the Mianos!
Pomai, our weather for today is supposed to be just like yours Warm and Humid.
morning off to farmers market back latter
have a good on all
I can’t keep up. Are we allowed to eat tomatoes again?
How nice of Adam Leonard! 🙂
Congrats to ST for being able to finally post new blog!
HonAdv Online
Thank you, now I can see the emoticons!!! Tho why is my centro screen background so blue in here? So dark barely can see the words. And still cannot see ST pics. 😉
ST, hubby has been eating the tomatoes from Costco all along.
Morning all –
Tyler, Can’t wait to see you back on the field playing to a FULLHOUSE of HAWAII fans!
Man, I haven’t been this excited in a long time, knowing our QB’s are there ready if needed.
GO TYLER, GO!. We believe in ya!
Having read Ferd’s piece about Howard sure brought back memories of growing up in Moiliili. Howard was always around the stadium. High school football games were such a big deal back then and Howard hawking lineups, peanuts, hot dogs and cokes were all a part of that scene.
His passing, like the tearing down of termite palace, the closing of Bucks bakery, Chunky’s going away, Bowl-o-Drome closing all tell us that something has gone into a memory bank and in it’s place hopefully something that would bring new experiences will take its place.
It may be selfish, but those times were certainly special and as Ferd stated, “thanks, Howard” you were a BIG part of that wonderful time.
Tip # 101 –
We’ve been growing our own tomatoes for years. The best is the Roma variety. No bugs, no need greenhouse. Ever seen where people do stacked gardens in their tiny downtown apartments lanai in N.Y. city? Quite a site to see how they utilize the most cubical space with minimal area.
Unlike hubby, I am not fond of tomatoes. I’ll only eat it cooked in spaghetti sauce or raw in a hamburger.
Coach Mac gonna be on 1420!
Looking foward to seeing TG play like two years ago!
We seem to have a lot of starter type QBs this year, hope everyone sticks it out.
Must be breakfast time in Hawaii.
Gigi having Kim Chee pancakes, UHfan808 a locomoco with three eggs & bhf2 case of corn flakes with sae 10/30 motor oil.
Back from breakfast and lookie here, a new blog!!
It was pretty funny at their workout yesterday, Graunke looked so different that nobody recognized him.
Speaking of Graunke, ST tried to upgrade and steal his car yesterday afternoon. ST was watching the team throw the ball around and walked to his trunk to grab his camera. He pressed the trunk button on his keychain but it didn’t open. He didn’t realize that he walked over to Graunke’s car waiting for the trunk to open. The trunk on his car was parked next to Graunke’s with the trunk open. Hard to explain but pretty funny.
Re: UA
I was at the bookstore yesterday and checked out some of the new UA gear. Pretty nice stuff. I saw a nice balck and white polo but unfortunately didn’t have my size. They had sweatshirts that looked and felt good. It had the feel no neoprene. I also asked when the Nike stuff goes on sale and the guy mentioned maybe begining August but he wasn’t sure.
morning gang!
congrats to the Miano’s!
ST – buzz cuts? 🙁 i guess one of these days 😆
have a safe and happy day
Just for fun, my votes for team captains are
1. Adam Leonard: outgoing, motivator; already taking on leadership role by teaching the younger players and watching out for their needs, i.e. bringing the water bottle.
2. Solomon Elimimian: quiet but commands respects with his presence; sets a great example for other players on and off the field.
3. Inoke Funaki: great work ethic, attitude, experience, reliable, dependable, paternalistic.
Howzit Stretch,
Are the UA shirts made of the clingy stuff?
Its loading/refreshing pretty quickly today
re:Tyler’s buzz cut, some of us are approaching a natural buzz cut against our will.
LV – they are made of the same material but not the skin type stuff. if it was, i would never wear it out in the open.
This would be #4
“I’m just a (fat & old) lonely boy, lonely and blue”
don’t remember the rest
Au Contraire Stretch,
You would be one of the few Tsai Kos who could wear UA gear, besides the ladies of course
howzit lv – hope you get ac in the doghouse
Your post #34, so you would buy it, just not wear it in the open.
Special treat for stretchette?
Stretchette: save me, someone please save me!
Stretch: fear no more young lady, Mr.Incredible is here to save you!
Stretchette: my hero!
Hi Loa,
Actually I stay hiding in the spare bedroom downstairs, luckily this is where the computer stay too
LV must have a gorgeous car to put up with the deep freeze from Mrs. LV.
But that’s what married folks do. Once during the early years of our marriage, I banished hubby to the living room sofa overnight cause he had left our checkbook at a store in Ala Moana Center.
Boy, was I mad!
Being an idiot, I often am in hot water with Mrs LV.
I anticipate two weeks for this to blow over if not, I’ll have to fake a heart attack and lay writhing on the floor.
LV, your wife is so pretty, make her happy! Be the submissive husband and return the car to the dealer. haha, famous last words.
In Nevada, no buyers remorse law, and she liked the car when I test drove it home.
what kind of car is it? Don’t tell me it’s a Mercedes-Benz.
Adam Leonard for President!!!!!
LV, can you do me a favor? Could you please leave the same comment on my blog? I mistakenly deleted it. I don’t know why the blog spam bot considers your comments as spam!
Gigi, looks like this one.
But mine has a larger engine.
Adam Leonard for team captain!!!
$20K for a used car??? wow! Gotta admit, though, it is a chick magnet.
T’anks, LV.
reposted on your blog.
as for being a chick magnet, no such luck, mostly 12 year old boys at 7/11ask to look inside and see the engine.
They know more about the car than I do.
I don’t think Leonard *needs* any help carrying the water cooler. Just another part of the weight program…
Mr. Las Vegas got a 6.1 liter Charger SRT8 packing 425 hp and 420 lb-ft of torque.
Barry…email at clearwire
Don’t I wish it was an STR8
Thats the great thing about the mainland lots of open roads and empty freeways
(Carried over from last blog)
Drivers for various areas are still needed to sign up. This support system is NOT only for the obviously inebriated. Even having a couple of drinks will impair to a certain degree…a person is just not LEGALLY drunk. A couple of drinks and being tired can be a really bad combination…remember those news stories of cars crossing the centerline and causing heartache for innocent people? Some Tsaikos may just want to be on the safe side and let someone else do the driving. We can help them. It’s not being “wimpy” or “a bother” to hook up with a designated driver.
If you’re not planning to drink and can extend a helping hand, please email me at “tsaiko808 at yahoodotcom” right away so there’s the possibility of arranging rides in advance.
We can make a difference.
How did it get to be 6.1 liter instead of the 5.7 liter engine used in the V8 Chargers and Ram trucks? The engineers at Dodge bored out the cylinder heads approximately 3.5 millimeters to increase the displacement.
Stephen Tsai,
Tyler Graunke is making doing the right things and moving along to secure the starting QB job.
I see the blog still has remnants of a hangover.
ST – good shot of Tyler throwing the football. It looks like a black orb. Mrs. A-House is gonna go bonkers over that pic!
Wow, pictures of water coolers. This blog is the best!
And the cooler has “gator”ade on it.
eh, kinda early in the day Homey?
good late morning e’vy bods
2nd line – ‘I’m all alone.. with nothing to do.’
Good Luck! Charger is good! Used to have an aqua green ’69 Swinger 340 w/ black bumble bee stripe sround the trunk area.
g-nalo – couldn’t sleep, too excited about the blog bash.
426 HEMI….ahhh…Dodge Chargers. Man, brings back memories of the Grand National I owned in the late 80’s. That was a fast production street car. I loved it. Unfortunately, had to give it up….dang, wish I kept it.
BG…my DD will be KK…oh wait, might not be a good idea since DD’s aren’t supposed to consume alcohol…MWAHAHAHAHAAHA
Congrats to the Miano Ohana…
Eh, g-nalo, the State may be looking at changing state employees to a 4 day work week…more time for you to play huh?
ST…Isn’t Vasconcellos that kid from DAMIEN??? 😉
Good to see that Tyler seems to be getting things straight and getting back into form. Also good to see the competition at QB heating up….and that we are also looking towards the future with some of the younger players we have now.
Not sure how this happened, but I was at UH today, and they told me I’m responsible for the Holiday Bowl and Sugar Bowl trophies?
homey…I know you know that “gatorade” was specifically formulated for the Florida Gators…which is how they got the name…..so no act….LOL
They also said i’m responsible for the Under Armour mannequin.
Again: Wuh?
I figured I’d give it to a Wessai guy so he can go in the Zipper Lane.
ST…no worries…koakane will be careful with those things….. 🙂
KK – Can you pick up some poke at the farmer’s market….???
Eh, g-nalo, the State may be looking at changing state employees to a 4 day work week…more time for you to play huh?
hey James, yep good for you guys IF can work out coverage?
in my case doubt it’ll happen, we don’t have a large staff here. NOT playing the violin mind you, just saying. 🙂
Alojahz gang time to hit the beach it’s frikken hot…
What time is workouts today?
James – did you have the GNX? gatorade…I get it! no unko, it was made for UF? 😆
ST – hmmmm…trophies and UA mannequin would look good in my house.
Just goes to show you that someone up there reads the blog?
homey…I wish I had the GNX…but had the standard model…still put out 225 HP. After adding Flowmasters, Hooker Headers, and installing a Kenne Bell Hyperchip, she ran almost as fast as a GNX…although more Grand Nationals were made and the GNX is more rare, they were both hot cars….
Eh, somebody ask Leonard we like borrow hiz watah coolah for the party. Also ask him if he get more.
I’m really pulling for TG. Interesting to see the trend of “Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow.” Shorning the long locks will probably help deal with the heat in the swamp.
g-nalo – couldn’t sleep, too excited about the blog bash.
ahhhh, makes perfect sense.
speaking of bash, i’ll UNFORTUNATELY have to leave early but hopefully i’ll catch some of the band?
g-nalo…might work for us for part of the year….but seeing that we (technically) aren’t State workers seeing that we don’t get all the same benefits as you guys, we wouldn’t be covered under that attempt anyway….I’ve heard they are going to pilot it with some agencies throughout the state to see if it will work…but not sure.
James/g-nalo – I would rather work from home. All my company has to do is hook up more cameras and I receive the video transmission on my laptop and if I see anything out of the ordinary I can either transmit a signal to a loudspeaker near the camera or call HPD. Simple.
g-nalo…might work for us for part of the year….but seeing that we (technically) aren’t State workers seeing that we don’t get all the same benefits as you guys, we wouldn’t be covered under that attempt anyway….I’ve heard they are going to pilot it with some agencies throughout the state to see if it will work…but not sure.
eh James, only retirees, newspaper writers, and State workers should be posting now, get back to work??!! 🙂
legislative sessions, yep no way 4 days during this period.
James – you could have changed the fuel system (bigger injectors) get bigger turbos and intercooler and you could’ve blown away the GNX!
g-nalo – oh, you have to do an Esme I see.
James/g-nalo – I would rather work from home. All my company has to do is hook up more cameras and I receive the video transmission on my laptop and if I see anything out of the ordinary I can either transmit a signal to a loudspeaker near the camera or call HPD. Simple.
but that would make sense?
g-nalo – oh, you have to do an Esme I see.
beeleeeb beeleeeb………..dats all folks!
i show up EARLY das why, eh……………..
g-nalo – what times r u showing up and leaving?
Las vegas — just how large is the engine in your modest little Charger? Sure it is a 2007 4-door model?
I owned a 1966 Plymouth Fury with a 383 on the mainland. Got around 8 miles per gallon but who cared in those days when the gas pump counters had only 3 digit meters. 😐
LV (post #38) – I have an UA long sleeve shirt that I used under my clothes when I went to New Orleans. When I first put it on, Stretchette couldn’t stop laughing, none of this “my hero” stuff.
SteveM – I’m thinking LV has the 5.7 liter (~345-346 cubic inches) engine. ’66 383 Plymouth Fury huh? You must’ve been a playah back in the day!
g-nalo – what times r u showing up and leaving?
i’m thinking show up as early as 5:30 pm, can help set-up if necessary. but will pick up Sleez first so time not exact. hoping to stay till 7:00 pm?
g-nalo – pffft, not even 2 hours! lose money.
Stretch – could have been worse, you could have had on one of those Tour de France spandex biker shorts…or was you wearing that too?
BG: We’ve signed up for your Designated Driver program, but perhaps you might want to list the areas you’re trying to fill, the number who’ve signed up, and the number you estimate you need by areas.
If needed, we can always travel around Makapu`u to get home and could therefore take someone from East O`ahu as well as anyone needing a ride to Waimanalo or Kailua.
Will be following up on Post #233 in yesterday’s blog in about an hour. Later all.
STEPHEN: Nice pictures of the players’ skills.
homey — nah, I bought it used and rebuilt the engine with a lot of help in the 70’s when I was I was stationed in Yorktown. I did bring it back home though . Nowadays I can’t figure out how to open the air filter housing on a new car. 🙁
SteveM – Easy, use a Dremel or a Sawzall. Works every time!
Thank you again for the photos! It is good to hear that Tyler is working hard…the more competition UH has at QB, the better the team will be. The Warriors need at least 2 game-ready QBs for the season as injuries will happen (the Nevada game was the latest example of this). The top 2 QBs will get the bulk of the reps late in camp, which means that the battle at the start of camp between the QBs will be fierce! The winners of that competition will be able to look back at their summer workouts as an essential part of their success.
From a site that covers Oregon State sports:
Nice photos of some former UH baseball players if you click on the link.
If I wore the bike shorts and she laughed, one of us would have been dead.
Amazing that 4 of the top 52 best DB recruits in the country (according to Rivals) all play for the same high school team!
It is amazing to me that NBA players could blow through so much money so quickly and have nothing to fall back on after their playing days are over. The *average* player’s salary is $5.36 mil per year and 60% of NBA players are broke within 5 years after they start playing? Wow.
Anyone else having trouble posting?
Public TV in New Zealand was showing a rugby game played by kids…when the parents and kids watching the show got the shock of their lives.
Nice Satele pick up! I remember Liko playing baseball and the field was too small for him.
Testing … tap, tap, tap … testing 1- 2-3.
The site is slow but it hasn’t stopped me from posting during my work break. Last night I had a strange error occur that prevented me from posting for awhile, but it hasn’t occurred today yet.
Welcome to the Warriors Landon “Liko” Satele!
You can’t have too many Sateles on the Warrior team.
When Tyler gets things goin’ in the Swamp, the Gators won’t know what hit them.
The folks in charge know that you’ve got experience taking care of dummies… Look around. 😆
ST – no trouble posting but sometimes it does take long to load a page. It’s the damn CSS.
My last post took 25 seconds to appear…
Using Mac Safari 3 and Road Runner via ethernet.
Stretch – I don’t think she would laugh because you have the cuteness factor.
It’s slow, but I haven’t had any problems. Now let’s see if this goes through.
Took 12 seconds, IE7 with RR ethernet.
22 Seconds on IE RR here. Same as SteveM’s I guess.
5 seconds with dial-up.
Also note the post from UHfan808 this morning… sounds like the blue bleed-thru “feature” that Safari had but was eventually fixed. But this is with a Centrino unit?
ST – 30 seconds
homey – one of my friends told me a story when he was naked with a girl and she told him, “ho, da cute”. talk about going limp.
was ostrowski still going to play basketball too?
g-nalo – pffft, not even 2 hours! lose money.
And nice to hear another Satele will be joining the team.
So, I’m watching ATH and PTI. The Chiefs are trying to ban standing at football games, since the NFL is trying to emphasize the rights of children and the elderly who can’t see if those in front are standing. I understand the idea — I wouldn’t stand if there was a kid or a grandparent behind me, but to prevent everyone from standing? That’s just crazy.
Stretch, What kind stories you guys tell eachother? LOL
Next time just say it was g-nalo. 😆
Stretch – I don’t think she would laugh because you have the cuteness factor.
Homey – he doesn’t need encouraging.
It wasn’t him but he did mention to me that he doesn’t like to “make movies”.
Next time just say it was g-nalo.
its not the size……..just rev like a hemi………
sounds no mean nothing, it’s performance that counts.
lurking in but esme out
meeting with bulla then stopping by to drop off stuff to Ajoe
see you all lattas
oh g-nalo
not the size of the fish but the motion of the ocean
Nu`uanu Congregational Church
2651 Pali Highway – just past the Jack Lane stoplight (the first one after the Wylie Street Overpass)
2 pm – SETUP
We need 6 to 8 relatively tall people to help set up several large EZ Corner tarps, a pop-up tent, and tables & chairs in the eating area as well as the food service and activities areas. Apprxoimately 100 people of all ages are expected from both Nu`uanu Congregational and First Unitarian Church of Honolulu, the support congregation. (see below)
Time Commitment: Depending upon the number of people who step forward – 30 to 45 minutes
Need 5 or 6 folks to work with older kids, teens, and young adults on volleyball, basketball and touch football skills. The first two will be inside Nu`uanu Congregational’s full-size gymnasium and the football game will be held outside.
Time Commitment: 3 pm to 4:30 pm or so
Small kid activities will also be offered.during this time plus we’re trying to line up a bingo game for the older folks.
Volunteers don’t need to bring anything other than their smiles and their own BFFs, spouses, and kids.
6 pm – ALL PAU
Family Promise of Hawai’i is an innovative program set up to help families with children escape homelessness. Its mission is to mobilize existing community resources to help families experiencing homelessness transition to sustainable independence.
This is done by developing, training, and supporting a network of interfaith congregations who host families quarterly. Each host site provides a safe place to sleep, good food, and generous hospitality for one week at a time before moving on to another host site. In addition, other nearby religious communities which may not have the facilities for overnight stays join in as helping congregations.
During the day, guests work, pursue employment, attend school, or enroll in job training. A Family Center provides access to phones, mail, fax, a copier, showers, and laundry facilities. The program provides transportation to and from the host sites and the Family Center.
Three to five families (up to 14 people) can be accommodated by each network at any given time. In March 2006, the Windward Network and Family Center opened while the Honolulu network, which opened in July 2007, will be celebrating its first birthday on July 19.
Will have a signup sheet on Thursday or you can e-mail me info at waa-hawaii dot org. Please include your blog name, real name, and phone numbers.
Mahalo for your support.
trouble is with the recharge
trouble is with the recharge
ST or anyone else,
So how are the new quarterbacks looking these days? Are they putting in the time?
Miah is going to focus only on football.
From my perspective:
Inoke Funaki has had the best year. He had a good spring, he’s been very productive in the offseason.
Now that Tyler Graunke has taken care of school work, he should be ready to challenge for the starting job.
I like Brent Rausch’s style; he’s very accurate.
Greg Alexander has made the most progress. He lost 10 pounds, and his footwork is really improved.
Shane Austin is coming around now that he has healed from the fracture in his right foot.
Steele Jantz is going to be very good in the future. I expect him to redshirt.
G’day Tsaiko City Dwellers!
Lots of anticipation in the air over the Blog Bash. With only 2 days and 5 hours to go, it’s keeping homey from sleeping! We’ll have the band play ‘Sleep Walk’ by Santo & Johnny for homey to stroll into the party.
ST ~ Next time you take the long way around back to your desk, how ’bout smackin’ the tekkie people up side the head. By the time our post refreshes, the blog bash will be over!
That’s a great summary. Can’t wait to see them in action. Thanks Stephen for taking the time. See u @ da partee.
Whoa the font size just got huge, the techies are playing again.
refresh is really really slow 😡
howzit kekoa!
hey jojo!
Just pulling an ESME for now.
Great to see another Satele joining the Warriors.
ST, love your take on the QB situation. Only thing is, while you expect Steele to redshirt, I suspect the Ladies (esp. the Twins, with an emphasis on the green twin) expect him to noshirt…..MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
By the way, I was joking with Gigi yesterday about having a nightmare about her comment about you and JD. I haven’t had a dream/nightmare in decades. And guess what, I had one last night/this morning which woke me up. Fortunately, it didn’t have anything to do with you and/or JD. Weird. So Gigi, thanks for the dream/nightmare.
wow, ST’s blog entry is still small, but the font size of the comments really got bigger. So much easier to read.
The horizontal rules are off as well, the HRs following the odd-numbered posts are a little lower than they should be.
Seriously, set up a separate blog to make these changes on.
Dear bloggers,
We’re currently working on getting the sidebar to display properly for IE users.
We seemed to have gotten it to line up correctly.
Please post feedback on how font sizes, spacing, etc. were effected.
We’re currently testing in the following browsers and environments:
FF2, FF3, Safari 2, Safari 3
IE6, IE7, FF2, FF3
If you’re having major issues, please post your browser and version along with what platform you are using so we can troubleshoot the issue.
We are aware of load times and will look at optimization.
Thanks for your help!
Whoa! No more college rule text anymore.
Hiya jojo! Recharge eh. Next time buy the wall outlet model.
g-nalo – rev like a hemi? boy, you’re corny. 😆
What about Opera? Are you guys using a test or development region or do you just make changes on the fly in the real thing?
I told you: We’re the lab rats.
Obviously a lot of the rats don’t use the training wheel. The white background is too harsh on the eyes.
I’ve got two different shades of blue background and the print in the comment box is in bold. I didn’t do any setting change. Print sized changed to a larger font after refreshing
g-nalo – rev like a hemi? boy, you’re corny.
i am? corny as all get out?
ok ok then ’nuff for today, over and out
WOOT WOOT! It works. Using Opera 9.51.
HonAdvOnline – please include opera and opera mini in your testing
the blue trims on either side of the white background are equal distant from the screen edge..wasn’t like this for me before. Prior sizing the right edge blue trim was 3x wider.
sorry, please include opera mobile too
HonAdvOnline: Windows Vista, IE7. Here are screenshots of various things I see:
Following odd-numbered posts, the horizontal rule is aligned differently. See arrowed areas.
For this blog, there is no sidebar. In Kelli’s blog, there is.
Sometimes, the yellow horizontal rule at the bottom extends. Sometimes, it’s normal. Not sure if this is a problem on the other blogs; I can’t get the yellow extension on Kelli’s blog. But as I type this post, the yellow HR is normal, so at the very least, it is inconsistent on this blog.
what’s up with the big blue nothing on the right?
Ralph – try Opera.
The post I just made is awaiting moderation, so here is a screenshot. Hope it goes through:
Hmmm…this looks okay.
Ehhh homey, I’ll take my iron back.
/ˈgrupi/ Pronunciation Key – Show Spelled Pronunciation[groo-pee] Pronunciation Key – Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun Informal.
2. an ardent fan of a celebrity or of a particular activity: a tennis groupie.
Sounds like the Tsaikos are essentially groupies, at least based on the dictionary definition of a groupie.
Opera’s borders are centered better.
Seems as though FF3 doesn’t recognize many of the CSS variables.
ST – you not making fun of jm2375 and I about being lab rats, RIGHT??!!??
I know it doesn’t matter, but your blog url is misspelled. It says starting-with-a-clean-pate, instead of starting-with-a-clean-plate.
Nel – I wouldn’t call all Tsaiko’s ardent fans. Tsaiko’s go beyond the definition of groupies. Does friendship ring a bell?
Take your iron back. I’m getting frustrated with all these muffler burn marks.
Ok Folks, here we are with all this QB talent. Only one can be ‘the man.’ Who that deserving young man should be is literally the million dollar question.
No doubt that it should be a senior, and the best of the rest. More importantly, he will be counted on to bring the offense to a level of play that will be one step above BCS level. Hmmm…succesorship up for grabs.
Kekoa – Senior or not, may the best QB rise to the top.
How big is Landon Satele, how is he as a player?
rage777 – you’re joking right?
Justin – In high school I think he was around 6’2″ 240-250 lbs.
This site soooo slow, I sent this message yesterday!!!!…bwaaaahahaha!!
Stretch – you might be a lab rat, I’m a guinea pig. 🙂
Whoa, the font in the comment box is BIG. Guess this old woman doesn’t need her glasses for this. And what happened to the blue border? There’s muchissimo white space on the right side now. (IE 6)
rage – it’s a pun and a bad one (ST even admitted it – see yesterday’s blog). Pate = head
On my iPod touch (Safari):
The Warrior Beat: Huge empty white space on the right side. I mean HUGE. Makes the text to load at a super small size, because the screen adjusts the zoom to the width of the page. The blog appears on the left 1/3 of the screen; the rest is all white space.
The Daily Dish: No sidebar, which makes the blog easier to read, since it doesn’t cause the blog to shrink to the width. Blog fills the entire width of the screen.
Campus Life 101: Same as The Daily Dish.
Island Tails: Same as the previous two.
This site is sooooo slow that if it was a teen porn site by the time it reloads it will be a granny porn site.
lol @ homey
I stand corrected on the sidebar: it’s not that it disappears, but when the yellow horizontal rule is extended, the sidebar moves with it.
Jason – you should have been a beta tester.
HonAdvOnline — I have no significant issues since the blue background bleed-thru problem was corrected in Mac Safari. I also noticed many other “blue screens of death” complaints from the PC users stopped at the same time.
I don’t want to put any techies out of work, but someone should recommend to management that The Warrior Beat blog be put on it’s own server…and with different blogware.
It is “pate.” Pate is head. Get it? Get it?
Preferably not a server in India.
Homey ~ True, it doesn’t have to be ‘senior’ but I would like to see the spot earned by one. His ability to take charge of the offense and move the chains consistently down field and punch it in for the score would be the top consideration. For pure ball control. Tyler & Funaki are my top picks in that order.
Several years ago at the WAC basketball meetings, A.C. passed out fake business cards. Something about 1-800-All-WAC.
Anyway, I write about his “faux” cards — hey, I took four years of French — and one of the editors here changes it to “fax” cards
So then everybody joked about the guy making a “fax pas.”
A while ago, they wanted to separate this blog from the others. Now they want to group them all together. And they’re following the former Starbucks plan: Open two new blogs a day.
Well, at least I know the definition of Fourth of July.
just curious, why is it every time i refresh this blog page with F5 or the refresh button, that every picture has to be re-downloaded again? shouldn’t they be in the cache just like all other webpages?
or is that another feature of this new layout?
Kekoa – I guessed that Tyler would be the starter too! I’ll support whoever the coaching staff picks to be the starter.
chawan – you’re the computer major, figure it out. 😆
Is everybody else’s text bigger?
Do ya wanna know why the blog is the lab”rat”ory for the testing techies? It’s a victim of it’s own success is why. The tech Menehunes know that they can get the qickest and most “tech savvy” responses from the posters here.
It would be fun being a fly on the wall of the tekkies room when they see some of the posts here. Or do they show no emotion like tech/info/intelligence gathering beings they are?
ST — maybe you can get them to make a new blog (without SPAM and language filters) where all the WB blog complaints and symptoms can be posted. Sell it as “all the feedback in one spot and plenty more hits for the HA site” if it works… 😐
ST – the editor wouldn’t happen to be juju would it? Nah, can’t be, she just as smart as jojo. Plus they vacationed in France and spoke French the whole time they were there!
parlez-vous francais?
I’m with chawan_cut, what’s with the photos and cache?
And when I first saw the title of this post, I thought, “Pâté?” You know Tsaikos and food … 😀
You missed seeing Juju in the Kailua parade.
DPK – I bet they just hate me! 😆
Missed her again…but then again if you have seen jojo then you have seen juju, without the blue eye though.
Jason – I was thinking food too.
Hate YOU homey? Nooooooooo! My imaginary fly on the wall thinks they prolly LOVE you. You’re likely the main source of humor for them in their day to day quest for the end of the ‘Net data universe. They’re much more likely to hate me.
Waddya say tekkies? Love homey, am I right? 😉
Doesn’t help that I called them a sweat shop in India. If you called them they’d sound like the Dell help desk.
Yes – text is bigger but there’s no blue except on the front page, but the white space to the right of the posts takes up about a quarter of the space.
JASON: How do we center text? I used your coding with the old blog – wrote it out and taped it to the top of the monitor – but it doesn’t work here.
Homey, I hate you.
You’re as handsome as Brad Pitt, you have the biggetst guns I’ve ever seen in my life, and your sense of humor rivals Augie T. You’re a “chick magnet”
How far is their desk from Tsai’s at mid-day? Maybe we can confirm the sweat shop part.
“I’m melting… I’m melting…” 😆
DPK – Maybe one of the tekkies will be at the blog bash. I’ll go and have a drink with that person. Gotta teach em some vernacular though…
Ya know homey, Pride’s right. Come to think of it, I hate you too… I AM very jealous of Pride’s voice, but I don’t hate him…
The tekkies never answered my question, See… They hate ME.
Pride. – Now that was a shocker! You better hope that I don’t meet up with in the near future! 😆
i don’t have the password.
and i’m sure ST and the techies loved it when you typed those 2 words together at post # 181. i’m amazed the crazy filter didn’t block you.
So I’m just lurking here and I see that someone is pretending to be me.
Homey, I would never say those things about you. I’d never say that I hate you. I would never say those other things about you, because they just aren’t true.
And for whoever is pretending to be me. May you, may you, ahhhhh, may you, ahhhhh. Whoah it’s so hard to funny, if it isn’t part of your nature. May yooouuuuuu fall off of your camel and break your nose in the camels dung. Yeaaaahhhh. Now that’s funny.
Add Indians to the list of those who hate homey…
Yeah Pony UP baby!
DPK – What was your question? Did you ask them in person? Maybe you need a tic-tac.
A “False Pride” on the blog. Lucky thing my reply was a lie.
There aren’t enough tic tacs in the world to help me, homey. By the way, you do funny impersonation of Pride.
Pride. – You left me speechless.
“a funny”
Ok back to work.
Testing 2
DPK – Are you fricken crazy? Who in their right mind would use Pride’s name in vain? I almost suffocate when he shakes my hand!
hey no body better be using someone else’s name. this people.
WassupDoc: Yeah, can’t do it. You can normally use the center tag or the p align tag, but neither are allowed here. Check my updated XHTML tutorial to see what tags are allowed.
wait, if smu is the mustangs,
why would you say “Pony Up!?!”
its not very scary and strong sounding that puts fear into everyone’s heart.
315# bench for 10 reps is like childsplay for Homey.
Got to be a lurker who never got a chance to meet the guy in person. For the person out there… The real pride drinks Ice Water out of a container about the size of Homey’s swimming pool.
I called the real pride a few minutes ago and asked him if it was him. He asked if the impostor was talking about football. 😆
my guesstimation for warrior starting QB would be Funaki. He’s kind of like our own “tebow”- can make the throws, tough enough to run some QB sneaks, has the smarts to read the “D” and has alot of heart. watch the JC QBs,someone going breakthrough and take command.
Pride, I agree… Homey must be like the strongest midget in the world…
Pride. and Wreck – I’ll try the high school stuff 185#’s @ 10 reps. The other day I got up to 3 reps. Seven more to go!
I think it is funny how UH places Tsai as being responsible for the trophies… He then passes along the duties to Wassail Chaptah Tsaiko and Grand Minister of Alcohol himself… Koakane.
Aloha Fellow bloggers
I was talking to ST the other day(email that is) an was saying that our blog ohana has really grown over the last two years, gone from a handful of regulars to over 150 or so and who knows how many lurkers, in fact I thought that we should have our own email domain, ST thought that was a good idea, so I am happy to announce that we now have our own email account. We want everyone to use their blog name on these, the following names have already been reserved,
bigwave at tsai-kos com
doris-piaa at tsai-kos com
esme at tsai-kos com
jd at tsai-kos com
kekoa at tsai-kos com
kindashy at tsai-kos com
las-vegas at tsai-kos com
mike at tsai-kos com
princess at tsai-kos com
rainbowcliff at tsai-kos com
stephen at tsai-kos com
wassupdoc at tsai-kos com
wena at tsai-kos com
If you would be interested in obtaining one just let me know at pomai at tsai-kos dot com you will need to include your blog name, real name and a password that you would like to use. I will then set up your account and email you the details of how to activate it.
Homey. You were benching 185 for ten in high school? I couldn’t even bench 185# for one in high school.
Hope you guys make up your minds. Whatever you decide , no small fonts.
i gotta pack
Yep, who has time to keep an eye on the trophies and UA mannequin.
Pride. – no, no, no. I’m saying I tried 185# the other day and did only 3 reps. 😆
In high school I was amazed that Greg A. could bench press 315#’s for reps and soaking wet I’d say he was around 160#’s.
Darn, it’s taken already. I was hoping to be kindashy or esme.
don’t lie, i have seen you do two plates minimum, the first plate was shoyu chicken, and the other one was beef curry.
Hi Pride, er I mean Bulla. 🙂
I know I am WAY late in asking…
But we have a Sugar Bowl Trophy?
Kazz is in the house! Mister 315# for 10 reps himself!
Kazz… You never know!!!
Wait… I never know…
Sorry homey, you can’t be jason or bulla either.
CFK in the house…can bench press 15# ten times
That’ll be da day….
I know I saw ST post the photo a few days ago, but for some reason I nevah like ask… Although the one at UH looks a little smaller than the one at the press conference.
You should change your name to “Calvin from Kona and your Karaoke Screen”
Why you look so grouchy in the video?
No be humbo…
Stars of the silver karaoke screen must keep in tip top shape!
Why not outdo them both and be “kindasemeshy”? It sorta sounds Indian, doesn’t it?
I would think the bench bar rep’d 315 times would be hard too.
whoops : kindaesmeshy” I meant.
good afternoon tsaikos. rush note for all maui lurkers who like to join us for a mini muu call tonight. we will be at Tiffany’s at 6:30 pm. no need call, just come and introduce yourself and have a good time.
Where is Kindashy anyway… Let point her out at the party and see if she lives up to her name… LOL
I feel an e-mail coming my way soon…
No be humbo…
Stars of the silver karaoke screen must always keep in tip top shape!
re:double post…
I think Kazz is broken…
man, you all are strong. i did 1 pushup today and put my stomach on the floor and couldn’t get up.
dude…it’s a karaoke video. you’d be grouchy too if you knew for the rest of your life this would be seen be your friends only when they are drunk.
I wish I was in tip top shape…instead I’m in tip-over shape
lurking is always fun, but it is time to hitch up my horse and wagon and start going into town for tonight’s muu call. will be taking the back road thru the pastures and canefield cause there is a minimum speed limit on the road. see you all later and eat them gators.
yo yall mustangs wreck shop son. so whats up with aaron bain hows he doin?
Howzit gang, so I take it no moa practice today…
Why do all our players seem to be on the smaller side, I was watching a recording of UH vs. Washington the other day and our guys look kinda skinny and short, idk if that was because of the uniforms or not. If Jake Locker can drag elimimian and leonard into the endzone, im scared of what Tebow will do.
ponyup – Bain going start at one of the slots this year, he doing good…
Justin – Our boys are on the smaller side but that’s because Coach Mack wants speed on the field. They can all hold there own as the boys are all tough, strong, and can hit. Size doesn’t really matter, it’s heart and desire and the will to want to hit the “unko” out of somebody’s arse! No matter we still and will always be the hardest hitting team on the field!
Tebow is going to get Te-bowled on his arse a few times. 🙂
Well I think I will hit the sack early tonight, long day working on that darn porch, see you all in the am, no forget if you like one email addy let me know, I will repost the list in the am.
We will romp in da swamp
Pomai I sending you email right now…
I recorded all the games last year as well.
When did Jake Locker “drag Elimimian and A. Leonard into the end zone”?
Just curious.
Howzit Kazz, how’s the 24hr fitness workouts going
Eh the boys practicing tommorrow or what, anybody know what time they going be on the field?
Landon Satele not David Veikune in disguise? No wonder ST got them confused…
Yep, we have a Sugar Bowl trophy.
Or as the UH folks say: Ah, if you lose it, you lose it.
Yep, Landon and Veikune are separated at birth.
But with my new-found cropping powers, I can make an old photo look new again.
So what errybody saving the wala’au time for the Blog Bash I take it …cricket…cricket
ST – the boys working out tommorrow, what time?
ST if you’re busy, I’ll be glad to “lose it” into my possession and then onto my bookshelf for you… 😉
Pauoa Boy,
Howzit yourself? I haven’t been to the gym since I got sick about two weeks ago.
First the cold symptoms, and now the only thing left is this pesky throat thing which leaves me sounding like I’m losing my voice.
Ahh no good, hopefully it’s all good for the Bash cause garrans goin have choke stories for talk and lots of inu pia going around. Hope you feeling better my bruddah…
3 p.m. tomorrow.
Kazz, you would be the one to “lose it”
ok right on. mahalo pauoa boy foa da update
NCAA Odds to win the 2009 BCS National Championship in LV Review Journal today.
UH 200-1
USC 3-1
Florida 5-1
Oklahoma 6-1
Georgia 8-1
Ohio State 8-1
Missouri & Texas 10-1
West Virginia 15-1
Clemson & Auburn 20-1
Virginia Tech 22-1
Kansas & LSU 25-1
Wisconsin & Tenn 30-1
ASU 35-1
Cal, Illinois, Michigan 40-1
Alabama, Texas Tech, Penn State, So. Florida 50-1
Oregon, UCLA, BYU, Florida State, Miami 60-1
Michigan State,Nebraska, Texas A&M, Rutgers, So. Carolina, Virginia 75-1
Wake Forest, UDub, Pitts, Purdue,Oklahoma State, Notre Dame, Louisville, Iowa, Kansas State, Cincinnati, Colorado, Boston College, Arkansas 100-1
Arizona, Kentucky, Oregon State, Washington State, 125-1
Utah. TCU, Maryland, North Carolina, Boise, UConn, Fresno, Georgia Tech 150-1
UNR 400-1
UNLV 1000-1
anybody seen lava? know if he’s coming to the bash?
Looks like EA Sports had time to put in the new UH Under Armour unis in the upcoming NCAA Football game.
positive news on the homefront, Mrs LV still not talking to me but she made dinner today.
maybe ’cause I wen shampoo the rug this afternoon.
and the helmet decals from last year too…
I forget…what time does the blog bash start onThursday?
LV keep smiling, she won’t be able to resist a happy face to much longer
5:30 doors open, event at 6
Analysis of Reagan’s chances with Miami’s roster. I’m worried about how Grigsby is a special teams standout player and is the other FB on the roster…but hopefully Reagan will get a role on special teams.
I believe in Reagan earning his spot…but nothing will come easy this offseason for him. Not only was he drafted by the previous GM, but his new RB coach was the one who converted Grigsby into a RB (Grigsby used to be a LB). Moreover, FBs and TEs compete for roster spots and Miami’s new head coach used to coach the TEs in Dallas! So, if a decision is close a TE would be favored over a FB…so Reagan will have to show the new coaches what he can do and make sure that the decision is not close!
Homey I up graded to firefox 3, deleted IE7 but as you suggested, I kept 2 browsers. Added Safari per SteveM. Therefore, which is best, safari or opera?
Article about how Green Bay is reacting to Favre’s thoughts about coming back.
Ten Best UH Players
1. LB Solomon Elimimian, Sr.
2. LB Adam Leonard, Sr.
3. CB Ryan Mouton, Sr.
4. DE David Veikune, Sr.
5. C John Estes, Jr.
6. QB Inoke Funake, Jr.
7. QB Tyler Graunke, Sr.
8. WR/KR Malcolm Lane, Jr.
9. CB Jameel Dowling, Sr.
10. WR/PR Michael Washington, Sr.
Calvin, I thought you were watching my kids so I can go to the bash.
NYUH: That’s a pretty good list. I think either LWJ or Libre could displace MW by the end of the year. Sol and AL could be interchanged. Interesting that Blaze isn’t listed. Jameel is listed based on reputation. I guess you could be one of the best players and not be starter as two QBs are listed. I doubt Mack will rotate QBs.
J-Dog – mean that game, plus they using the green helmets, au’ryte…just wonder who they got starting on offense…
ST – thanks, 3 p.m., got it
Hey gang,
Just got home from a meeting. Long day.
The techies must have finished fooling around with the blog and actually listened to suggestions! I see they moved up the stuff that was on the bottom, put back da blue border. The font is still BIG in the comment box, which is good… Now if they would just fix the clock!! 😀
Have a great evening. Back to lurking…
Since the ONLY video games I play are NCAA Football I have never up-graded myself to another game system since PS2.
I hope NCAA Football 2009 will be available for PS2.
Since the ONLY video game I play now is NCAA Football I have never up-graded myself to another game system since PS2.
I hope NCAA Football 2009 will be available for PS2.
Photo 6 in this photo gallery is a photo of Jason Rivers in practice with the Titans.
In case no one already saw this, check out this feature in the new NCAA Football 2009 game:
Home Field Advantage Makes its Next Gen Debut! – Composure is the key when in a hostile environment. When rattled, question marks will replace the button icons for receivers during pre-play and squiggly lines will replace the field routes. If your pass is picked off, the “Quarterback Quiz” mini-game will appear and you will be asked to identify which defense you just faced. Choose correctly and regain some of your composure. Call a timeout as you “Ice the Kicker” before your opponent goes for a game winning field goal as an all-new lower camera angle with audible heartbeat and controller rumble will make it difficult for your opponent to complete the field goal. Interactive timeouts allow you to choose up to 6 offensive or 6 defensive strategies for the drive, which will uniquely affect your gameplay.
Feature story on Dan Morrison.
This link is to amazon.com for free shipping and no tax for NCAA Football 2009 for the PS2.
Here is a list of email address’s assigned already:
bulla at tsai-kos dot com
jason at tsai-kos dot com
kuulei at tsai-kos dot com
pauoaboy at tsai-kos dot com
pomai at tsai-kos dot com
stephen at tsai-kos dot com
wafan at tsai-kos dot com
wassupdoc at tsai-kos dot com
wena at tsai-kos dot com
BTW these email account are free for the asking!!!!!!
Kazz – Going have NCAA 09 for PS2. I seen a demo of this game and it’s nuckin futs. The new features for this game is super unreal…especially when they have the commentators review your previous play like on TV when they mark up the screen to show you how the play developed, etc… It’s like you are playing and watching the real game at the same time. If you upgrade to PS3/XBOX and get HDTV the graffics is so realistic the buggah is nawts…
Pomai, what are the advantages of having such an email account and why is it necessary?
Just found out that you can get “The Hawaii Sports Trivia Challenge” by Lance Tominaga signed between 2 to 3 pm on Saturday, July 26, at Borders in Ward Center.
Gigi it’s not necessary, but just convenient for members of the blog that want to email each other without having to remember their email address, just use their blog name and same address as everyone else. No big deal if you want one you want one if not then not! Plus it’s unique LOL 🙂
Thank you for the heads-up! (WassupDoc thoughtfully gave me a copy of the book for my hospital excursion last month).
What a long day!
Still working on various stuff.
In Tyler We Trust!
Go Inoke!
Plus it has the Tsai-ko brand name on it, which is a rare breed of people who bleed Warrior Green Blood 🙂
lurking is an art in itself, but sometimes you need to post or question because you need more info or are confused.
IMHO, lurking and posting on this blog site has been very enjoyable and fun, but i ask myself, how come we are starting to commercialize something that is not ours. this is a free blog and you can say what you want, but using this blog to enhance your own is not good. i, personally, do not open web sites of other bloggers because this is the only one i am interested in. the boss, st, should be given respect and we should not take advantage of his most generous blog. if you want to start your own blog sites, don’t advertise here cause this is the wrong place.
Howzit Aunty Liz – You coming back down for the Bash or no?
Las Vegas (in da doghouse),
you up yet? you wan summa my cereal? 😀
funny man yu. i wuz stahtin to feel sorry fo yu, den yu cum nok me upsidah da head. now i’m tinkin, 2 weeks no long enuf in da outhouse. 😆
Pomai – sign me up for an email. Thanks
whitey – what are you talking about?
hiya, whitey!
Tsai-kos and Lurkers, come out, come out:
Kaukau list so far- Addahknowsports, Stretch, LizKauai.
Pauoa Boy- yup, I am coming… whaddya think all that singing practice was for??? : -)
bhf2- you mail em yet???
Las Vegas (in da doghouse)
if i come las vegas an yu drive aroun an hang wit me all weekend, maybe i’ll forgive you. 😀
blog reload = molasses in the Arctic…
Another cool feature in the upcoming game will be the ability to use any mp3 song from your hard drive and put it in the game to be played during certain situations i.e. first downs, touchdowns, etc.
I’m already planning to use the eo eo songs which you can find on the UH website.
Oye my bad, so what Keali’i Reichel I mean Aunty Liz you geff um down yet?
Stretch you got it.
Pauoa Boy… still listnin and still practicin… was one crazy busy day today and still going.
I’ll turn on my iTunes and put em on repeat…
…been so many places… seen so many faces…
Poaua Boy. using the tsaiko name should be approved or at least acknowledged by st. it should not be used randomly. is st approving the use of tsaiko dot com? if he is or did, no problem. this is st’s blog and he should have the final say when using anything referring to his blog site. that is my most humble opinion.
J-Dog – wow das pretty nuts, lemme see get Eo na toa e, Hawaii 5-0…
Hi, HA Techies… my Firefox 3.0 on iMac is flipping out. Blog print is small then large now small again while the Reply box font is VERY LARGE.
Garret and Pauoa Boy,
Same Firefox 3.0 on iMac – now page reload jumps down to the ad blocks at the bottom of this page.
Not my fave position. I’d like to see the last few entries with the Reply box at the bottom of the page.
Hi, Liz. Bye, Liz. So tired right now. So I’ll say:
G’nite, folks!
whitey – sorry I see what you mean, here’s the post from Pomai that I think ST approved. But yups I agree that using the name in vain is a no, no!
July 8th, 2008 at 3:24 pm
Aloha Fellow bloggers
I was talking to ST the other day(email that is) an was saying that our blog ohana has really grown over the last two years, gone from a handful of regulars to over 150 or so and who knows how many lurkers, in fact I thought that we should have our own email domain, ST thought that was a good idea, so I am happy to announce that we now have our own email account.
HA Techies- the page jumps around on reload because the photos are slower to reload. Can’t those be cached somehow?
Just wondering…
Only problem is, all those features for NCAA Football 09 are in the next-gen. Rather, current-gen; us PS2 players are stuck in last-gen. Rumor is next year may be the last year EA Sports releases games for last-gen consoles.
I don’t think I’m going to buy 09 just yet, cause 08 allows you to edit class eligibility now. So I can re-create the roster every year, and the only thing that could conflict is player numbers.
But remember, if you are going to get rosters, download them from freencaa09rosters.com. Never, EVER pay for rosters. Read this if you want to know why.
Aunty Liz – No worry you going geff em. I was suprised how all you guys can sing make me feel shame like I gotta go Genji’s put in some practice or buy one Karaoke machine. You, Esme, A-Joe, Uncle Kekoa’s ohana, sheesh I thought I was at one Kanikapila Kine concert.
nitey nite gigi!
PB, thanks for the info. ate too much tonight and the maka cannot stay open, g’night all.
Pauoa Boy- eh- was moah betta wid da A-C in da house, eh???
Man, it is HOT and MUGGY on da wessai of Kauai. And RAINING…
go figger???
Just thought I’d pass it along…
I stopped by their store in Kapahulu today but they only had an XXL Colt Brennan (un-signed) shirt left.
However, I did manage to expand my wardrobe to supplement the various UH-related shirts… (People have been asking me for a while if I shop anywhere else other than Ward Rainbowtique 🙄 ).
I picked up a new hat and few more shirts…
However, seems like their increasing popularity is catching up to them as they are running out of inventory and they are going to have to start re-stocking soon as their website has almost everything listed as “Sold Out”.
But their Kapahulu location does have a good amount of items left.
For those wondering, their merchandise is akin to the style of clothing one can find at Pacific Sunwear, T&C, etc… (surf, skate, casual local wear).
nite whitey!!!
Sweet dreams!
It’s been hot and muggy here every day. My fan is pretty much on all day, as long as I’m in the room. And I live on the side of the building that gets the trade winds directly. That is, when the trade winds blow. 😀
I would stick with NCAA 2008, but with the new uniforms and most-likely new plays on offense, I’m going to get 2009.
I figure that since it’s the only game I bother to play I might as well get current.
I think I will eventually get Madden 2009 as well… it would be the first for me…
That’s right… much like how I have never seen the Tom Hanks Movie “BIG”, I have never played Madden… at all…
Jason – I like re-creating the rosters too…the only thing I hated is that you were limited as to how many players you could have per team I think like 65 total or something like that. Just hope the new game includes all the players on the roster or allows you to add players who aren’t already on there. Sometimes I think the NCAA game comes out to early because normally rosters and depth charts for the teams aren’t necessarily set yet. Anyway maybe when the game comes out we can have a little NCAA 09 tournament sometime…
Aunty Liz – no kidding was like one sauna outside that day, even today was roastin so had to go beach and cool off.
The problem is that COTTON IS THE ENEMY!!!
Anyway this is the latest I can remember still on the blog and I need to step away for the evening and on that note I just want to say that for the past 15 minutes while I am typing away here I have had the TV on and I wasn’t paying attention to what was on.
I then noticed that music was playing and it reminds me of stuff one would hear in a Life Savers commercial…
Apparently the National Geographic Channel thought it was a good idea to play random clips of garment and animals set to “World Music” from India, Pakistan, Angola, and who knows where else after 10:30pm…
First let me say that I totally agree with you, that is why I approached ST with the idea to create our own email address’s, and yes he thought it was a good idea, as a matter of fact he got the first one. My reason behind this is totally ohana type, nothing more.
Background info: For a long time I felt that the athletic website at UH was lacking in there information about previous sport programs, history, stats and so on. So I decided to create a website that would cover the past programs, so that anyone could go to it and find information about past teams or stats of UH. Like for example over the years from 1909 till today how many times has UH been shut out in football? No where on UH’s site is that kind of info, (but the answer is 58 times BTW pretty good huh?).
Anyway I was looking around for a hosting site an came across one that was pretty cheap but had a lot of features and also came with a large number of free email accounts, that’s when I approached ST, before I purchased the hosting program and the dot com name. So you see it is really costing me $$ to have the site. Also I am not asking anyone to visit this site (at least yet, till I get it together) and also wouldn’t unless ST approved.
I hope this clears up any misunderstanding in the OHANA!!!!
No worries Pomai, errybody all “G”, just good to know get peeps like you and others who make this Tsai-ko Ohana what it is, the bestest!
Pomai I tried to log on to tsaikos.com through tombo ahi’s site: it states banded from site…no log in
Kazz: If you play PS2, you gotta check the reviews to see how much they added. I think the amount of attention EA Sports paid to last-gen versions was minimal.
Pauoa Boy: 70 players, which for me is just perfect. I like to fill out the depth chart for special teams, so sometimes it’s tough to figure out who to put at 3rd team RG. But as time goes on, I think I’ll have three rosters set up: 1) the default named, 2) a 2007 roster, which I will update as the younger players show their potential in the years to come; and 3) an all-star roster of former/current Warriors from 1999-2007 which the Tsaikos will help select. But to do that project, I need media guides. Hopefully Stephen can help me out here, I hope he didn’t forget. 😀
To follow up – it’s not about you or me or even ST, it’s all about the Warriors and the Tsai-kos ohana. That is IMHO
Night All!!!!!!!!!
Jason – Dang I can’t remember where I saw it once but I think there is a website that has the former rosters for almost all the college teams. If I find it or think of it, I’ll let you know. I think the Blog Bash will have a few of those media guides lying around I hope?
Ralph that is MIH’s and it is not working right. The new site that I am working on has a similar name, but I have not made it public yet because I want to use the “H” logo on it and it is copyrighted, so I have requested approval from the licensing department from UH to use it on my site, and have not received there permission to use it. According to the FAQ at there site they don’t want any one to use it if they are making money off of it, that is unless you buy a license from them. But seeing how this will be an information only site without any money involved I can’t see why they shouldn’t approve it.
Also I got an email from MIH, he has been going through a rough time as of late, his mom passed away awhile back and now his dad passed away, so if you all could keep him in your prayers and thoughts that would help.
Hey, Kazz! Between you and BG – it’s hard to say who is the king of Warrior Wardrobe!
Not exactly. Tsai-kos enjoy fellowship with each other as well as the teams. And they support each other and good causes through word and deed and pocketbook.
Kinda like Rotarians without fines 😉
July 8th, 2008 at 7:24 am
Ok I’m reposting this from the end of da last blog:
Ok, it may seem early to some, but I’m always trying to get multiple leagues set up.
I know a bunch of Tsaiko’s had a fantasy football league last year and I was wondering if anyone was up for another one. I was looking for 10 or 12 people to fill the league. It would have to be an live online draft so a time and date would have to be agreed on. Anyone interested? LMK! Reply on blog or e m a i l me at djmitcho at yahoo dot com
djmitcho if you read this laters, count me in.
Ok- it’s getting late…
“Tsai-kos enjoy fellowship with each other as well as the teams.”
should read:
“Tsai-kos enjoy fellowship with each other while we support the teams.”
As for the use of websites and blogs… we all can have our own – and many of us do.
But while I call myself a Tsai-ko, I do not call my blog that. The name, imho, belongs to Stephen Tsai and every road just leads me back to THIS place… ST’s blog.
(almost got the song down…)
Haha no act Aunty Liz, we all know you ready already 🙂
Got some catching up to do:
Las Vegas, thanks for the info about the Redskins training camp from the other day. Guess my timing is off.
Barry M., thanks for your reply about Lafu. Believe me, I know I am no expert and no one would be happier to admit I was wrong about him than I would. I would honestly LOVE to eat my words.
ST, do you ever feel like kicking Arnett’s ass? Seriously, even his wife must hate him. What a jerk.
Esme and out.
Found this while browsing the Web. Kind of old news and I don’t see it happening…
WarriorMojo: Oh man, I can’t stand him. But I don’t want to waste my breath talking about him. Let’s just leave it at that. 😀
I don’t know how I got on an NFL email list, but I got this link to the NFL Auction site. Maybe somebody here would be interested…
Oops my bad I thought somebody was talking about a douche bag named Arnett. Oh wait is that “unko” I smell, please don’t bring that piece of “unko’s” name in here 🙂
Pomai — we’ve been down this road road before. If it is not about you, or me, or ST–than why are you using the Tsaiko name? You may have an ohana and call it something else.
The Top 25 College Football Players Of The Last 5 Years
“18. Colt Brennan, QB, Hawaii- This guy has about every passing record there is. He ranks this low a) because the system helped him (alot), b) because he did it against Utah and San Jose State, and c) because the one big game against a great team, he was on the ground the entire time (see: 2008 Allstate Sugar Bowl)”
“3. Tim Tebow, QB, Florida- Really only this high because of his monster 2007. And what a monster, becoming the first player ever to rush and pass for 20 TD’s.
2. Reggie Bush, RB, USC- He set the record for most first place votes for the Heisman Trophy, and there were none more electrifying.
1. Vince Young, QB, Texas- Easily the best of this era and arguably the greatest of all time. His legendary performance in Pasadena will rank as one of the greatest clutch performances of all time.”
hmmm… reminds me of one of my fave old TV westerns…
bowling, bowling, bowling,
See that tebow rolling,
Get that D-line mowing,
Through heat and humid weather,
Our Defense will be better,
And keep that QB running,
To hide.
Nitey nite!
Sweet Dreams!
Uhhhh …. hmm, bettah get my iPod on too…
*ahem … meee-meee-meeeee…!*
*neighbor’s slipper crashes into my window*
Wow, my post finally went through!
I tried once this morning and twice this afternoon to get through. The blog just would not load up for me. Grrrr… 😡
I have seen some bizarre uses of my name over the past few weeks. BUT … I have to say, Mojo, this one is clever! 😀
Esme – you no act either both of you can sing…cannot wait for the concert 🙂
Back from another mtg concerning the blog bash. Just tying up some loose ends to make sure all goes well. The Blog Prizes are so awesome that I’m asking ST to look out for an email from me listing what we have on hand.
Because people tend to scroll thru the blog so fast, and it is said that ‘no one reads’ the blog…it may get lost in the shuffle. So tune in tomorrow for some solid information about the bash. Be prepared, there will be a test administered at the bash.
G’nite all!
Kekoa has left the building…
Kekoa, Koakane, Stretch, James, BG – If you guys need any help setting up for the Bash let me know, I will be taking the day off and will be available.
Kekoa, thanks so much for all that you and everyone else is doing to make the bash happen! Much appreciated!
And Pauoa Boy…
Tanks, eh? Such kind words. But honestly, I’m the amateur among the pros there.
Hi Esme and PB..
Good nite all!
(Still nevah go sleep, je’like homey, no can!)…answer to da HiFlyer…come down and join da set up crew, we can always use a good mechanic. Mebbe you can helps us with this special project, involving da UA uniform. BG & Koakane will be there from 1 PM, you come when you like aftah that.
Esme, don’t thank me yet…wait ’till I send you da bill for all dis!!
SteveM I was talking about this blog itself.
As far as using the name, just as you use it as a sub-directory as part of your site to help the ohana, I thought of using it as the domain name for the email accounts for the same reason, as a matter of fact if you want to know I will be moving the site to a subdomain once I get it organized.
Aloha Kakahiaka!!!
Another sunny day in Flagstaff, probably 79 high with “monsoon” thundershowers this afternoon, we hope.
Have a wonderful day in Hawai’i nei!
AZ Cardinals summer training camp starting up here July 25th. Will look for H. Satele & LaBoy.
Laterz. ML
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
ST – you slacking again??
One more day until the party!!
BTW – I just added two more pics on the attached site. It is of two raffle prizes made and donated by the evil twins – a salad bowl and trifle dish. There are a lot of good raffle prizes being given away so look for the list sometime today (I hope).
Morning gang-
This is humerous, but looks like the path many schools are following for marketing clothing.
Victoria Secrets getting in on the gravy train with NCAA football. Does this mean when we play CU that majority of fans will be wearing Lingerie?
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Pauoa Boy,
Got you down!
morning gang!
stretch – wow, james and koa get some talent eh
have a safe and happy day
Great Morning All.
Less than a day-and-a-half away from The Bash.
Pumping in the vitamins; fighting off da cold. Gotta be there!
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
52 days to go. 26 days to the start of fall practice.
practice practice practice.
lookin forward to seein you an da ohana tomorrow.
Esme an out 2.
good morning tsaikos. had very small muu call and mia was al. he said he had spurs on his feet and could not walk. i told him to put the spurs on his shoes. going try again this am and see if he got it corrected.
but wait first.
great article posted above about Dan Morrison and his comments on coachin QBs. good lesson review for any QB coach and QB wannabee.
which got me to thinking.
in terms of footwork, have you seen any QB practice throwing on the run outside the pocket to the ‘wrong’ side? just curious about how the words ‘good footwork’ is being used here.
check you laterz. esme an out.
whitey – I seen him on Monday and he was already walking like an old man. I hope he gets better or else he going make excuse not to come to the party.
whitey- I sure hope al does not have plantar fasciitis! My friends told me it might be spurs too… but it wasn’t…. owwww!
The good news is, after a couple of months, you sorta get used to it… kinda sorta… still hurts, tho.
asports on the other side
stretch, i don’t think that any excuse will keep him away from the party. maybe, just got to make sure he not parked too close to the fuud. i suggested crutches temporarily, but him being a samurai, can handle the pain. plus if he had crutches, everyone would help him and he no need do anything. hahahahaaaaaahhhh!!
what is up with date and time???
[…] Starting with a clean pate He was extremely sharp yesterday. It should be an interesting competition in training camp. […]
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Another Satele is joining the Warriors.Landon “Liko” Satele younger brother of middle linebacker Brashton Satele; son of Alvis and LeeAnn is transferring from Lambuth University in Jackson Tenn. Liko is a 2007 graduate of Word of Life. …
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