Soaking up the Sunshine State
Marquis Fairchild, a defensive end/linebacker from Chaminade-Madonna Prep (Hollywood, Fla.), reaffirmed his verbal commitment to the Rainbow Warriors.
On Monday, Fairchild notified the UH coaches he would accept their scholarship. The coaches told him to consult again with his parents to make sure. Fairchild did, and with his mother’s blessing, he accepted the offer on Tuesday.
Fairchild, who is 6-4 and 225 pounds, gives the Warriors’ a perimeter threat who can play on the edge as an outside linebacker or stand-up end. It also further strengthens the Florida-Hawaii pipeline established by special teams coordinator Chris “Demo” Demarest. Running back Diocemy Saint Juste, cornerbacks Ne’Quan Phillips and Barry Higdon, and safety Marrell Jackson were raised in the Sunshine State.
Fairchild said Higdon was influential in his decision.
Fairchild said he has followed UH football through telecasts the past couple of years.
Welcome to Hawaii Marquis.
good size …
Marquis Fairchild, is 6-4 and 225 pounds
Top 5!
G’day, gang!
Welcome, Marquis!
Doesn’t anybody sleep around here?
Good morning folks. Jus woke up. Had to pee.
Wow, Top 10. Now I just hope the predictions of thundershowers are wrong. It’s basketball night for the Tsai fam and Big Bro is due for some payback for that block he had on me last week.
Good morning!
Aloha, ‘Bow Kalili.
27 and dropping.
Good thing it is not raining!
13…lucky number. Marquis…welcome ! Thanks to the hard working coaches and players for your effort.
155.cocobean: wrote
November 19th, 2013 at 9:45 pm
Papololoco. I feel your pain and passion. Admittedly Chow and Co. have not done a good job. In better financial times a strong AD would’ve pulled the plug on Chow’s regime by now.
But in my opinion, given our financial situation, we have too much invested in the current staff to give up on them now. The recruits they are bringing in deserve a chance to play for the staff they committed to.
I understand both sides of the costs involved in changing coaches. Some say we can’t afford to buy out Chow’s last three years and pay for the type of coach who can turn the program around. That even if we did find such a coach we wouldn’t be able to hang on to him. Some say we can’t afford not to buy Chow out. Attendance/revenue has been dropping and will continue to drop as long as Chow is here. That his legacy here will be the man that killed the football program.
I applaud BJ for taking a stand on this issue. He’s putting his job on the line by backing Chow. Can’t imagine either of them holding on to their jobs if the team doesn’t show marked improvement next year.
If we go 0-12 do you really think the fans are gonna show up next year, I think not. We went 3-9 last year and tickets sales dropped 25-30% this year, it don’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what’s gonna happened next year. About 25% of the Diehard fans like myself will show up regardless but the rest will flee like rats jumping off a sinking ship. This so-called “stand” that BJ is taking is too big of a gamble. We’re takling about the fate of the UH FB program if not UH Athletics period. Next years losses will be staggering and there’s no way around that, as a result some programs may have to be dropped just to make up for the losses. And I garrantee you that some of you who are saying give Chow another chance will be singing a different tune next year, by then it’ll be too late.
Good Morning All! Was reading this morning about how Linfield still gets over a 150 kids that turn-out to play football. Wow! In this day and age, of high tuition and well, the concerns about head injuries, that is just an incredible number.
As you well may know, Linfield has a storied history with the State of Hawai’i. And it at the upper most margin of small college football. From Paul Dombrowski to one of my braddhas, first team NAIA all-American, Ed Kama, who is on the Linfield HOF. Had many good trips visiting Ed back in the day….details cannot be revealed of our many illicit activities.
At present, Linfield still has Pearl City great, Doug Hire, on the coaching staff (he was a beast back in his day) and 10 local boys, including several starters, on the roster. Kudos to all da local boys who keep the dream alive of playing college ball!!!
boo: Nice write up. Linfield begins post season quest for D111 National Championship this Saturday with first round game against Pacific Lutheran (PLU) following undefeated season. Go Cats!
Mahalo 3-prong! You an alum of the Oregon satellite campus of UH?
What happened to Tony Grimes?
boo: Yup, Paul, Ed, Everett, and Wendell were contemporaries.
Nice, very nice! Some of my best times, were on visits to Linfield. And also getting together with da boys from Willemette; David Wong,(another 1st team small college all American ) Anthony “poodie” Akau, etc…such classic times, havoc and innocence all at once!
3prong–quick Q? So, how many championship games have guys played in throughout the years ?
Aloha kakahiaka.
R.I.P. bradah Kimo…I will always remember our talk story days on the Big Island.
Imua Rainbow Warriors!!!
Last I heard is that Grimes was changing to wide receiver.
Rest In Peace, Jim Kalili. One of the great ones to play for UH.
3-prong, mahalo! Lucky seven huh, truly impressive! Go cats! Doesn’t ESPN usually cover the championship game?
Good morning Tsaikos!
Welcome to the Warrior ohana, Mr. Fairchild.
14. This is an elegantly put dialogue about the “big” decision and big stakes involved for BJ and ultimately for UH sports. There are decision points where you know if you don’t get it right the whole thing is going to collapse. I think the decision about coach Chow is one such decision. Personally I come down on the side of cocobean and would hang in with coach Chow for another year. I don’t say this dogmatically or with “fist pounding rightness” but with humility. If it was my decision at this time that’s what I would do as all things considered I think it is wisest. If Papololoco is right that those like me will eventually see the limitations of their vision and be proven wrong, then it is props to him. Actually I’m glad it’s not my decision. I’ve got enough headaches already.
I begrudgingly agree, that ANY coach deserves a minimum window of 3 years. This assumes you did due diligence and anticipated the duration of learning curve for any new hire. While it certainly looks and feels dire, respect for process and allowing his system to take grasp, might have to be our mantra, like it or not, for the next 13 months.
possible new commit…
condolences to Kalili family he was a good man, RIP bruddah
played at Farrington and UH, remember him playing against a concensous all American and just took him apart all game.
14. Papaloco is right…this debacle is going to get worse. Those touting the recruiting don’t realize it is not as great as it seems. And cocobean, why all the concern for the players who committed to chow? I find this highly hypocritical as virtually nobody loyal to this board gave a rats a** as to what happened to Macks guys. Bachi….
Welcome aboard Marques! Please bring more Florida football players with you!
Next year should be all hands on deck!! No such thing as redshirt. Makes me sick to hear this guy and that guy is killing it on the scout team. That says to me that the coaches made a poor decision to redshirt when he should be playing now, if they are better than what’s in the field. Chow has to realize there’s no next year if he fails next year. It will be a miracle if attendance doesn’t drop next year. I will be there next year but I’ve notice more and more empty seats around me the last couple of years.
Going to be used as SS/rover
LB Aaron Glover, 5-foot-11, 200 pounds, Virginia Beach (Va.) Princess Anne: At 5-foot-11 and 200 pounds, Glover may not have the size that some college programs look for nowadays, but he has many other attributes that make him a quality recruit. Glover has proven himself as a top competitor, as he has already attended several events over the last two years. During that time he has also steadily improved and he continued to do that on Saturday. Glover is an extremely athletic linebacker, who moves very well in space and has little problem covering most running backs. He has also begun to fill out his frame and showed off that new upper body strength by manhandling a few running backs during 1-on-1 drills. – See more at:
I’m not saying all of this to get props, I’m saying this because I care about the state of the FB program and I don’t want to see it die. Chow’s system has been in place for two year now and we’re all seeing the results 3-9 last year, 0-10 this year. What has Chow done to make people believe that things will get better next year. We’re looking at a possible 0-12 record this year so things are just gonna magically get better next year, REALLY, that’s delusional at best. I just hope that the UH Admin know and understand what’s really at stake here because I don’t want any excuses when the walls come crashing down around them.
On Inside Access, Chow said Joey is not fast enough to be an outside threat. I agree with his assessment. He started using both Joey and Lankilde (sp) as the up back. If he’s going 2-back set, why not use Joey and the forgotten DSJ in the same backfield? This would give UH additional options and would open up the running game to include an outside threat.
I think one big reason Chow will not be fired is recruiting, if he can show Ben Jay that he and the other coaches are building a foundation for the future of Hawaii football then I think he will get to coach out the remainder of his contract…I do think however when the season is over there will be some coaches who will bee replaced
Mahalo to Barry Higdon for your recruiting help. Someday, you will be a coach, I bet.
If the UH athletic folks looked at 2014 with an idea that it is time to “build anew”, then they may have a better shot of filling seats in the Aloha Stadium. If they look at it as some write (“Old coach, I not coming, I only going come with new coach”) and expect seats to be filled that would probably not happen. The fact is that we have a team that is trying very hard and is not winning. Done. That’s the known.
That being said, I would use the 2014 season as a “Come on back” season. Reduce ticket prices for all areas in the stadium, that way you keep the loyalist of loyal season ticket holding fans coming back and happier. Then create promotions for local high schools and give them the option to choose dates that they feel would best fit with their schedules (create a situation where the participating HS alumni’s get an additional $2.00 ticket reduction in general admission section). Keep the coaches informed of the dates when those schools would come such that they could invite a potential recruit to that game. Be sure mom and dad are in the stands with the schools. Invite the school bands to also come on those nights. Get the stadium to give the HS boosters a first shot at running the concession stands. HS w/the most pre-sold tickets (include students, parents, band, alumni, etc.)would at the end of the year get a $1000 donation to the school’s athletic program from the UH booster club.
Make a big push to involve the community colleges and set up promotions with the campuses to get them to start feeling that they are an integral part of the entire UH family. Discount here as you would a Manoa campus student and make bus transportation available to those campuses. Hopefully, this would help bring different parts of the island to the stadium and build a wider geographical fan base for the future.
Then, create “mini events”. Have our own “food truck war” on a few occasions (I liked that suggestion as you can see). Get 105 Radio on board and have them stage a few mini concerts.
Make a deliberate effort to go after a new age group demographic (Late teen to early 30’s). Be aware that parents are involved so promote with that also in mind.
Make Rainbowtique very visible and a big part of pre-game, parking lot activities.
If you dwell on the fact that the view point that the “athletic team is struggling” and work from there, you loose. If you look at the situation as “entertainment”, you may have an opportunity to see things from a broader perspective and gain an opportunity.
Ticket prices (a reduction) and creative marketing will have to be a big part of the equation.
Gee….I thought a bunch of people here were saying that our recruiting was gonna suck because we’re 0-10, and have a crappy coaching staff?
Bottom line, some kids wanna play, and play right away. They will certainly get a good chance of playing some as true freshmen.
Brother Mike – #8 – 😆 Loved the article you two wrote for Island Scene.
At the end of the day this is a BUSINESS. You can recruit all of the players you want for the “future” but if you’re not winning games then you’re not making money. And if you’re not making money then the program suffrers. Winning cures EVERYTHING and we’re not winning.
Glover is pretty disruptive.
Buffoman, those are some great ideas but you’re still missing one key element, the people will not pay their hard earned money to see to fail product on the field. You don’t have to convince the diehard fans because they’re gonna be there regardless, it’s the fair weather fans you have to sell and they’re not gonna come if they see Chow’s stale Offense take the field next season. There were plenty of down years during the R&S era but people still came to the stadium because it was exciting to watch. People like to be entertained and that’s not the case nower days. Now, going to the games is like waiting in line at the DMV, it’s boring and on top of that we’re losing.
boo, yes ESPN covers big game. It covered the DIII baseball game that Linfield won last year also.
#39 Buffoman, another well-thought-out suggestion from you that I hope UH reads and uses! What you are suggesting is all about building on the strength of community. Inclusiveness, ongoing ties, loyal fans of the future. Good stuff! Very different message than the last 5-10 years of “corporate speak” from UH about monetization, the PPV money grab, and the unfriendly vibe at the turnstile bags search.
You know when your team has hit Rock Bottom when;
1. your ranked #122
2. your coach is #1 on the coaches Hotseat.
3. premium seating at the stadium is 50% off.
Aaron Glover statistics up to 2012 season.
VT and ECU seems to be sniffing him out, too, but no offer.
Don’t forget 4 weeks at #4 on ESPN BOTTOM 10
That one hurts me the most because I never thought that I would ever see a UH FB team make the ESPN Bottom 10.
#32. You both may be right. Like I said I understand both sides of the arguement. The only thing for sure is no one really knows what will happen if Chow is replaced or retained.
The only thing I take issue with you is regarding the recruits/players. You’ve got some nerve to say people here don’t/didn’t give a rat’s ass about “Mack’s guys.” Where do you come off saying something like that? From what I gather everyone supports the players be they “Mack’s guys” or “chow’s guys.”
40… W-L record is not the be all end all for recruiting. Recruiting is more the coaching staff selling the school, the culture, the program and the playing opportunities for the player.
Sure, a powerhouse program has no problems getting interest from top players, but remember top players all have many programs that want him also. Alabama stays #1 because Saban’s crew are fantastic recruiters year in and year out. If they weren’t great recruiters, Alabama would lose guys to primary competitors LSU, Auburn, and Florida. Even the mighty Alabama would fall pretty quickly if Saban’s crew has a couple sub par recruiting years.
51… The Bottom 10 is an opinion piece. It sucks that UH is on the list, but there are teams on the bottom 10 that have no business being there other than for entertainment purposes.
The Na Koa lunch article is now up:
@32. Wasabi: First of all not everyone loyal to this board gave a rat’ a$$ as you say about Mack. Some thought he should have been extended. If this was year three or four of Chow’s contract, the tenor of this blog would be markedly different. Mack was let go after year four of his contract. His pay was 2X that of Chow’s salary. After the gay slur at the WAC press conference, he had a target on his back. Attendance dropped every year under Mack, regardless of win/loss record. The students boycotted the games during the 2011 season. Not all of this was Mack’s doing, but unfortunately, if you’re the HC you get the credit AND the blame. For example, the students stopped attending the game because of the heightened police presence in their section of the stadium, and stringent enforcement of under aged drinking in the parking lot. Not the coach Mack’s fault, but on his watch, so to speak. The drop in attendance is systemic, and only partially related to are win/loss record. UW sold out its stadium during their winless year. There are other factors involved in the drop in attendance. Our high cost of living, for example, leaves little discretionary income available for entertainment. Hawaii residents are encumbered with the highest mortgages and revolving credit debt in the nation, yet the lowest foreclosure and credit card delinquencies in the nation. This tells me that Hawaii residents are making tough choices in order to pay off their debt and are foregoing pleasurable activities that cost money. There has not been a “rock star” on the team since Colt Brennan. The formula is a winning record (huge upsets) and someone (or more than one) worthy of “will they retire his jersey?” talk in order to convince people to purchase tickets. For example, a 10 win season with wins over USC and OSU AND Diocemy St. Juste leading the nation in ypc and touchdowns over 20 yards would definitely put butts in the seats. If the lack of excitement is due to coaching, or lack thereof, then hopefully, at the right time, changes will be made.
6’4, 225??
Think he can play QB?
Its good news that Hawaii recruits a DE like Fairchild; big and fast. Yet we still need more beef on the defensive line. Its nice that we recruited Kennedy last year but you know, overall, our defensive line is undersized. These guys of ours are tough but when they face up to the opposing linemen who are 3 to 5 inches taller, they won’t ever be able to see whats happening in the opposing backfield. Now I notice that Chow tends to use our bigger, taller, linemen on the offensive side of the ball. I was hoping that a player like Rasmussen would be assigned to defense but so far the word in the press is that he will be playing on offense. Now this seems to be the norm (no pun intended) in Chow’s way of doing things.
Now we don’t have a wide open offense like the trip offense or the run and shoot so we’re not good at moving he ball. The opposing teams can pay smash mouth football and beat us to the punch. Also with our slow moving DBs I cringe everytime the opposing QB puts the ball in the air. By the way our opponents seem to have all the time to pass. These are all the makings of a loser.What do you guys think?
Great Morning All!
Aloha and Welcome Marquis Fairchild!
…hope he gives the Warriors the Edge!
A-House family went through Von Oppen, will go through Chow, and will show up for 2014 season – no matter what –
Koa Anuenue looking for a new president. Applications deadline this Friday.
Fundraising genius is wanted……
#56 Thank you for your keen insight of problems occurred especially during the Mac years. But still may I add (not to contradict you) another of my observations of how fans make preparations for tailgating so as to leave their homes say 3PM, drive thru raffic which is building up and find a space outside the Stadium. This is hurry up and wait. The games end sometime a little before 10 PM. Then there is the bumper to bumper traffic to get out of the stadium. This makes for a horrendous day! In your younger years you may find this challenging or perhaps exciting. But as you start to age you may find all this to be something else. Traffic and the Parking problems are not helping to make attendance anything better. Having a loser doesn’t help. You got to be as real die hard fan to look forward to this.
Oh yes I forgot to add that PPV in this case make a lof of fans to stay home!
I think UH will have enough 300lb guys to anchor the middle next year. I’ve been impressed with Beemer’s work this past year and the interior of the DL has been improved. Also, Beemer has better tools to work with this coming offseason.
There are two types of DTs… the big blobs and the sub 300lb athletes. Both are effective if they have some quickness and are strong. If you’re 310lb and slow, that’ll get beat easier than 285 and athletic.
It’s all about strength and leverage. Some of the best DTs in the NFL are 300 and under… JJ Watt (Hou) is only 289lbs. Geno Atkins (Cin) is 300lb. Kyle Williams (Buf) is 295lb. Nick Fairley (Det) is 295lb.
—According to ESPN’s website—
Interesting update:
“UNLV president Neal Smatresk will be the new president of the University of North Texas. An announcement is expected to be made today.”
63… totally agree there. The PPV deal was a double edge sword when UH inked the deal. They knew they were going to sacrifice ticket sales for PPV buys.
Fans are fickle, they always abandon ship when things go bad so that’s not a surprise…. Where the PPV deal will sting is when UH climbs back up and gets good again. I predict attendance will be extremely slow to rebound when the team is good again. Hate to say it, but I’m predicting fans will/have become complacent to watching from home and won’t make the short trip to Aloha Stadium.
It takes effort to show up at the stadium and local people do have a reputation of being “laid back.”
65.. Smatresk is a schmuck. Good riddance to him. He basically ran a fantastic AD in Jim Livengood out of town, even though Livengood was popular with the community and increased fundraising for the athletic department. Livengood was pivotal to the approval and construction of the state of the art Mendenhall Center for the basketball team.
61–One of the key items to a successful development person, which is one of the primary responsibilities of the new president, is having an influential board and raising large money early. Thus, like most things, money chases money. It is the basic premise of both the venture capital and private equity models.
Hence, if you want to obtain 7 or even 8 figure donations, you need a person who operates in such rarefied neighborhoods. I have been on both sides of the equation, board member and the point person for development, and while product is very important, access and having meaningful dialogue is the quality of primacy that you would want for a new president.
55… Clarke has a grade 2 MCL sprain? Yikes. How is he even playing?
About Iosefa’s versatility and Wiseman claiming he can kick FGs, maybe he can take over field goal kicking. Hadden has been super erratic this year.
I’m glad Iosefa is a junior, for some reason I thought he was a senior this year. For Chow to stay in his 4th year, I believe he needs to have a .500 season or better next year. If UH can keep the penalties down in Wyoming, we can win that game.
Well, Smatresk, who was the president of the MW Board of Directors, did push for UH football to join the conference. Just saying…
Good morning everyone!
Welcome to Hawaii, Marquis Fairchild!
I refuse to believe that, if you put a good product on the field then the fans will come. You’re right, fans are fickle and they won’t come to see a train wreck.
Hawaii football has become obsolete. no one cares. thanks Norm. you stink. please retire. or Ben Jay please relive us of this mess.
70.. Yeah… Iosefa seems like he’s been at UH forever. There’s always a few guys like that on every team. Miah Orstrowski seemed like he was at UH for like 6 or 7 years, but was only there for the usual time frame. Maybe it was because he played BB too.
73… I hope I’m wrong about the PPV and future ticket sales, but we’ll see.
People have to remember that Aloha Stadium seats 50,000 and you aint gonna fill that even with a winning season. Back in 06/07 the stadium was still not being filled to capacity and those were the two best seasons we ever had. Most stadiums in the MWC seats about 35,000 so I think that’s a reasonable goal, 40,000 will be great, but 50,000 is a unrealistic. Something truly special has to happen in order to sell out every week.
the latest recruit may not be what we need, his 40 yrd time is reportedly over 5 seconds, very slow ,for d end or linebackere.
Add to the ‘management’ shuffle at UH Kelvin Shoji. Not only does the head of the ticket program/scholarship program (Koa Anuenue) leave but Kelvin Shoji is considering retiring in February. Kelvin is the major donor director for UH Athletics. The two employment spots represent a significant amount of revenue for UH Athletics.
On another note:
Koa Anuenue is considering moving our from under the umbrella of UH Foundation and ‘going it alone’ as its own 501 (c) 3. This is going to make the hiring very interesting for any number of reasons. It will be interesting to see how this shakes out.
75: so funny about Orstrowski. I used to think he had a younger brother that had taken over his spot on the roster!
80… Well.. Miah did look like a 6th grader with pads on… I can see where the younger brother thought comes in.
#64 FUHA You made a very good point for I have often been keenly interested in the type of players who appear in our own Pro Bowl. Looking at the printed rosters I marveled at how some of these guys don’t meet the stereotype of an NFL lineman. Well you see these are the professionals and they seem to be made of steel. You would think they eat nails for breakfast. Ordinary fat boys have no business there. Now here at the college level, and I mean UofH, you don’t have players like the ones you mentioned. You can’t have everybody at 6/1″ or 6’2 at best, playing the defensive interior line. So they might be 300 Lbs +, but so what? A good example of what I am talking about is the overtime play in the most recent game against San Diego State. Our Defensive line got blown apart. In three plays they score by land mind you. The Beemer excercises did not help out team any did it?.
Matt McBriar and Leonard Peters also seemed like they were at UH longer than their 4 years.
Tyler Hadden also has that feel.
Chow has been here 2 years too long.
#47 Yeah, I was not looking at the fair weather fan to try to convince to come to the stadium. It was the opportunity to build a new fan base as you understand the train of thought.
Many, many years ago, a friend invited me to a UH game at the old stadium. It was to see the fraternity chariot races at half time. I had no interest in UH football and was more interested in high school football. I went because he told me that the races were an “event” where opposing frats would throw rotten tomatoes and the like at the opposing participants. I went, and saw the UH play for the first time. They were not a good team, but the somewhat empty stadium made me think, well it’s a good place to take a date. Soon, the game caught on and the stadium started to fill. By that time, I was a new fan.
The opportunity an empty stadium offers, is an opportunity build a new base. By spreading the net to a wider audience, the opportunity to find new people who may not have been to a live game, or did a tailgate or feel college sports may find new fans.
They may come again but it may not be so much for the game itself, but for the other events. When the team starts to find success, this new fan may grow up, much as we old guys did, with the team and grow old supporting the team with time: a stronger base, with less fair weather.
It is a different approach from the purists and as such, probably does not make sense as the event does not start with “win-loss” records, but with the cultivation of a different possible participant.
Throw the OT series out… UH flat out was not ready to play in overtime. That’s on TK.
Hey # 39 100 % correct…one big problem..seems like no one in the marketing dept. there knows squat..Mr. Ben Jay .. not have the time…should have a promo n fund raising manager that thinks like the greats we have had in the past…ie…Mr. Samuel Amalu…Kimo McVay..(BIG N BIGGER) wow.. that stadium would be rocking… 4 every home game..make it a fun place to go on game nights for the family…here we have so many wanting to help.. bet no one ask the people who have the knowledge n expertise…those in Manoa they all seem to be stagnant with promos n marketing..just send out a e mail..that goes in the trash.. cuz the content is not very inspiring or informative….for me ne way…wonder how the rest on here feel about that e-mail we get ??? Seems to me they not know to much about writing copy to get people to act….
@ 77 papololoco:
I remember back in the 80’s and early 90’s the stadium averaged close to 40K+ and the BYU games would be guarantee sold out to capacity if not standing room only on the bridges. I think the year we beat Ty Detmer (and his Heisman campaign) that place had to have been oversold.
But no….something truly “special” doesn’t need to happen to fill the stadium (as evident by those years), there’s just not the draw it once had. It could return but the team got to start winning and winning consecutively year after year. and yes the younger fan base needs to get more involved or interested in the first place to bring in new fans….but win or lose…i’m always there till the end. Go Bows!!!
Good afternoon, Tsai-kos and Lurk-ers!! 🙂
Welcome to the Warrior Team, Marquis!! 🙂
As i’ve always said, the future of UH football will hinge on business decisions…If we’re not making money due to the drop in attendance and donations, then decisions need to be made especially if we continue to lose on the field. The question we all need to ask ourselves is whether a new coach could turn things around in a short time…not 5 years, but two or less???
Welcome to the Warrior mvb ohana, Luke Owens.
#85 rotten tomatoes and chariot races? Sorry to have missed that. Family budget when I was a kid was enough for occasional Islanders tickets, maybe went to a couple of UH games in the old stadium before enrolling at UH, and by then Aloha Stadium was open.
You and others are right — going to Aloha Stadium is a big investment of time (parking issues) and money (tickets, food). That’s why your idea of turning a negative into the positive of an event makes so much sense. As so many people have said so well, lately UH fans are looking like wallets, not supporters, and oftentimes loyalty feels like a one-way thing in the eyes of the stadium authority and administrators. The loyal fan base, plus the athlete alums (several sports, as evidenced by the posters here) and Koa Anuenue are trying. Gotta keep up the good fight.
#60 right on Mr. A-house!! The Warrior Dave household and friends will be right there with you! Not giving up on he season yet but only 2 games left to put a W on the board.
PPV brings in $2.3 million annually. Someone should check my math but if seats were an average $35, UH would have to sell 65,700 seats over the course of a 6 home game season. That would average to about 10,000 more paying fans. Anyone think it can happen with this teams record? Can UH afford the gamble? I personally don’t think so.
I suppose it’s natural to think/believe that if the HC goes so does all the assistants.
Not so – even Chow decided to keep Tony Tuioti who is a very valuable recruiter – same can apply to “demo” should the HC leave – these 2 I would keep for sure!
u goin to the last game?
need to coordinate our meeting time and place
do sincerely apologize for my boo-boo in forgetting to meet with you earlier!
good start for men’s VB recruiting for Wade!
Nowadays we have PPV so that’s a nice thing for some people to have (bad for the athletic program). That guy Kekaula does a very good job of being the “play by play” announcer. But have you ever been a shut out and had to listen to the game on the Radio? I forgot the name of the radio “play by play” announcer but anyway he is just awful. He does not sound very distinct. He talks like he had some ice cubes in his mouth. Also you can’t follow his description of the sequence of the action downfield. But because this is radio I guess he becomes the Voice of the Rainbow Warrior. We can’t do better that that?
I remember the days when I took the transistor radio to the stadium and whenever I didn’t understand what was happening, I listened to what the radio announcer had to say. Today however, this guy in the booth is a joke. Okay folks, your take!
I thought he was the point man in getting UH into the MWC.
“UNLV president Neal Smatresk will be the new president of the University of North Texas”
#68, Yup, point well taken. However, unlike venture or private equity organizations, there is no financial rewards to be had. The only reward is that the program develops into a winning one, meaning that it achieves success with it’s student athletes both on the field and classrooms, and maybe become a self sustaining one (my fantasy). A program like this needs tlc and constant attention no matter at what level it is at.
To find a person who does/can walk in the rarified neighborhood you speak of is the exercise at hand.
#79, undoubtedly, Kelvin Shoji has bled green for all these years and will be missed tremendously if and when he decides to leave. It just supports my premise that organizations of these types might just be a more difficult position to maintain/fill as they are not equipped to compensate the members accordingly.
Who will step up to the plate to carry one these vital roles?
Hopefully the WB will be able to provide assistance in the search. We might even have someone who is willing to step up and take the organization forward.
Koa Anuenue a “stand alone”? Interesting indeed…Might be nice to see what the organization can do if “unleashed”!…no bureaucratic barriers, no politics as we know it.
Interesting and exciting times ahead. Change is good….. when done correctly.
All I can say is…IMUA!
#85, Buffoman, bold thinking…always looking for opportunities…I like that.
I remember sitting in the Makai section and watching Texas A & I take the Rainbows apart with the triple option. It was eye opening.
I remember sitting in the South Yellow section, surrounded by CornHuskers, just me and dad. It was eye opening.
Vince Ferragamo dissected, sliced and diced us. It was eye opening.
I remember our team serving humble pie to Alabama all the while Sweet Home Alabama was blaring in the parking lot. It was eye opening.
Heck there is so much history, great athletes who have played for the Rainbows/ Warriors/Rainbow Warriors and you know what?….there will be many. many more to come….so we need to do what we ask our Warriors to do….Strap it up and come to play!
Great programs have great backers and fans. Since we don’t play the game, all we can do is be the best jock straps around and ….SUPPORT!
NorthShoreFan — such memories! I remember the UH-Texas A&I game–it was the inaugural game in the new Aloha Stadium. I sat in makai orange around the 30 yard line. Ceremonies took 20 minutes, and in all that time only the reverend mentioned the Texas A&I team sharing in this great event. They dismantled us…there was no ST go give us the warning/scoops in those days.
But best memory: beating BYU at last. Eye opening. 🙂
100-North clarify my previous statement, I gave the examples of a VC and PE, not to underscore the potential financial gain that might realize, but rather the equity position that they obtain when they invest in companies. Thus, in that way, the investment that a booster club that directs at UH athletics, takes a similar position in the both the financial health and sustainability of the program. So, in sum, we are both saying literally the same thing.
Thinking about this topic a bit more, much has been made of potential wealthy super donors, e.g. Ellison, Case…etc However, what has not been mentioned, but I think is crucial to the conversation, is how these parties either have a direct nexus or interest in our athletic programs. It is not sufficient to identify that they have large resources, are from Hawai’i, and that the program is in dire need. Pure philanthropic intent and/or desire is not going to facilitate these relationships. One must establish a “value-added” or synergy from their perspective and wants.
I am not aware of their interest, outside of living in Hawai’i, that would compel them to be a major donor to the program. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying it could not be done, or that it should not even be explored, but it would greatly forward our objectives if we can articulate to such potential donors, why they have symmetry with the program and a commonality of goals. Also, with folks like Ellison and Case, its almost necessary for the program to have what I would call “parallel relationships” to initiate these conversations in earnest. Thus, folks who are already close to these principals and have their trust, and bring in our own folks for more intimate and substantive conversations.
I say this as having worked in both development topics where I was required to make ask in the 8 figure range, and being at boola U., you become aware rather quickly, that these incredibly uber wealthy individuals are getting pitched almost daily with solicitations. Our responsibility is establish why our program is unique and different and has an overlap with their foundational goals….but, as always, just my 2 cents.
The best coach at UH is Beeman. She just brought in another monster recruiting class. She also has some really good 2015 prospects in the hopper.
I say it’s Dave Shoji… Beeman has yet to make a case for herself with conference titles and national titles. Shoji… legendary.
Ferd wrote in his column today that: ” (UC) Davis’ approximately 30,000 students each pay $650 a year in athletic fees, underwriting as much as 75 percent of the athletic budget.”
The Upper Campus raised it (with the reluctant Board of Regents) after a delay of one year and resistance from the ASUH to $50.00.
Are they waiting for Gidot or Mr. Moneybags?
#105 I think Coolen and Shoji are up there. Coolen works with so little and gets so much. Shoji battles the BIG BCS schools for recruits and still gets a win or two there and wins on the court (which is a constant thorn in their side). You can see the difference in athleticism when the women’s volleyball team plays the Nebraskas, UW, Stanford and others and yet we manage to win.
Interesting, they all coach women.
As a point of context of the charitable endeavors of Larry Ellison, here is the following: In order to settle an insider trading lawsuit arising from Ellison’s selling nearly $1 billion of Oracle stock, he was allowed to donate $100 million to his own charitable foundation without admitting wrongdoing. A California judge refused to allow Oracle to pay Ellison’s legal fees of $24 million. Ellison’s lawyer had argued that if Ellison were to pay the fees, that could be construed as an admission of guilt. His charitable donations to Stanford University raised questions about the independence of two Stanford professors who evaluated the case’s merits for Oracle.
Forbes 2004 list of charitable donations made by the wealthiest 400 Americans stated that Ellison had donated $151,092,103, about 1% of his estimated personal wealth. In June 2006, he announced he would not honor his earlier pledge of $115 million to Harvard University, claiming it was due to the departure of former President Lawrence Summers. Oracle spokesman Bob Wynne announced, “It was really Larry Summers’ brainchild and once it looked like Larry Summers was leaving, Larry Ellison reconsidered … [I]t was Larry Ellison and Larry Summers that had initially come up with this notion.
In August 2010, it was reported that Ellison is one of the 40 billionaires who has signed “The Giving Pledge”. Ellison wrote: “Many years ago, I put virtually all of my assets into a trust with the intent of giving away at least 95 percent of my wealth to charitable causes. I have already given hundreds of millions of dollars to medical research and education, and I will give billions more over time. Until now, I have done this giving quietly because I have long believed that charitable giving is a personal and private matter.
Now the bigger question is whether we are on his radar, and moreover, are we within the scope of interests/activities that would warrant his giving to UH athletics?
In OT, TK says in the paper, they were out to defend the pass.
On the TV, Chow says, you gotta run the ball in OT.
makes you wanna say…..hmmmmmm????
We need Larry Ellison.
106. Shoji is lucky..extremely lucky his teams were never in the SEC or Pac 12 or Big 10 as he NEVER would have even gotten 500 wins…..legendary, I don’t know since his last national title was many moons ago… maybe 24-25 yrs. ago.
#105…Beeman as best new coach…but you can’t leave out Shoji as best all time active coach.
Imua Rainbow Warriors!!!
112. Sure he would of. Back in the day, only Pac 12 (10) was decent.
#112. Let me ask you…if the Wahine were in the PAC12 do you think Shoji would be able to get better recruits than he’s been getting? Shoji’s talents are in player development and in game adjustments.
Legendary is open to debate but…….you’re pretty close to that status when you start a program from scratch to become the only money making VB program in the country, win over 1000 games and several national championships along the way.
112… sure he would. His budget would have been astronomical and his assistants diabolical. He might have even won more championships as a result.
115–right on point, coco. Not sure there is dictionary definition of legendary volleyball coach, but I am pretty sure that other than Andy, no one else has all these descriptors–Shoji is iconic–period.
#112 Are you some kind of jerk? Shoji has won the most games in NCAA history and you say he wouldn’t even win 500 games. Give us a break.
@23 yeah I heard that too but now you don’t even see Tony Grimes on the field at all. I believe Fresno st game was his last.
#104/109, Yes, In agreement. Although the money peeps are out there and actually “in need” of finding some thing they believe in and willing to “invest in” , there need to be a return on investment for them. Maybe a research arm of the university be it tech, medical, agribusiness, oceanography, space etc.. Me feels the organization need to approach and make available resources/facilities and most of all, good, qualified human resources like our best and brightest students. Along with their expertise and connections. I’m sure a lot of kids would jump at the chance to be involved with any program that could be developed. East-West Center is another under utilized arm of the Manoa campus.
Me thinks, if programs are developed and “ownership” is allowed to the donor, just maybe we’ll be able to attract. The powers that be have got to remember to not be too controlling but because it is a state institution, it is inevitable.
Sometimes dreams do come true…eh?
Re #70 & #100:
Just curious, what is the reasoning behind the AKA ‘go it alone’? I would think that if AKA became it’s own 501(c)(3), there would be higher overhead costs. Would it truly be beneficial for UH Athletics? Are we just creating positions already existent at UHF?
#112, Hossana, Dave has beaten Pac12 teams regularly. What makes you think he wouldn’t get 500? The SEC, The Big Ten was never much of a power house back then.
National Title is on his list of accomplishments. Because it was 24-25 years ago, it doesn’t count? How many of those you consider to be great coaches has started a program from scratch, literally and built it into a top tier program year in and year out for the past 30+ years?
Me thinks those teams were extremely lucky to not have to face Dave Shoji teams every year….MHO
#121…me thinks less politics
Hawaii Softball signs 3 for 2015.
For those that asked last year, Cudicio is the Australian pitcher from the national team that was talked about.
HONOLULU—University of Hawai’i head softball coach Bob Coolen announced the signing of three players for the 2015 season. Lorena Ruiz, Amelia Cudicio, and Rachel Lack have all signed their National Letters of Intent to become the newest Rainbow Wahine for the 2015 season.
Ruiz is a solid 5-7 catcher/third baseman who from Chaparral High School in Temecula, Calif. At Chaparral, she earned honorable mention league honors in 2011 and was named CIF “Athlete of Character” award winner as a freshman. In the classroom, she has earned league academic honors as well as the Principal’s Honor Award for three years. “Lorena is a gap hitter with power who has speed on the bases and a good arm,” says Coolen.
Cudicio and Lack are the newest members to come through Coolen’s Australian pipeline to UH. Overall, they will be the 14th and 15th Australians respectively to don the green and white. Both players are from New South Wales and both were teammates on the U19 national team together this past summer where they played on their squad’s North America tour through the US and Canada where they captured the bronze medal at the Canada Cup.
Cudicio is a 5-10 pitcher out of Brigidine College, St. Ives. She is a member of the U19 Australian National Team and she helped lead the 2013 New South Wales state team the Australian National Championship. “She is a right-handed, downball pitcher who uses her off-speed pitches well,” says Coolen. “Mim is still young and will get stronger. She has all the pitches to be successful at the DI level.” Cudicio is the latest in Coolen’s Aussie pitcher pipeline which includes former UH standouts, Brooke Wilkins, Kelly Gentle, Felicity Witt, Paula Blanning, Justine Smethurst, and Kaia Parnaby
Lack is a versatile 5-9 utility player who can player catcher, third base, or outfield. In 2013, she hit .575 overall. Lack was the 2013 Australian U19 Most Valuable Player and in 2012 was the national U19 batting champion with a .565 average at the plate. Recently, she was named to the Australian national team along with former UH alumnae Kaia Parnaby, Clare Warwick and Stacey Porter. She helped her state teams capture the Australian age championships from 2009-13. Lack also was the U17 batting champ in 2011 with a .510 batting average and was the Australian Schoolgirls Most Valuable Player in 2012. The 2012 graduate of Barker College (High School) was awarded back-to-back “Elite Sportswoman of the Year” titles in 2011 and ’12. At the U19 World Championships in Toronto this past summer, she led Team Australia with a .480 average and was third amongst all batters in the tournament. A talented overall athlete, Lack has also been a state representative for NSW or a finalist in cross country, futsal, Irish dancing, netball, soccer, swimming and softball.
“Rachel reminds my of Kate Judd because she hits with a lot of power and great mechanics with quick hands and can generate a lot of pop,” says Coolen. “She is unassuming, but will step to the plate and take it deep.”
Hawai`i opens the 2014 season with the Oceanic Time Warner Cable Paradise Classic from Feb. 6-8. Hawai’i will battle Delaware, Hampton, and UCLA in the four-team tourney.
2015 Signees
Amelia Cudicio – 5-10, Pitcher, Brigidine College, St. Ives/Pymble, New South Wales, Australia
Rachel Lack – 5-9, Utility, Barker College/West Pennant Hills, NSW, Australia
Lorena Ruiz – 5-7, C/3rd Base, Chaparral High School/Temecula, Calif.
I wouldn’t go that far to say Beeman is the best coach at UH. She is off to a very good start in her coaching tenure here though. Everyone should be worried though that if she keeps this success up that some major conference school is gonna come in and lure her away. Hopefully she enjoys living in Hawaii too much that she won’t want to leave.
@127 I had a feeling he was sick of the BS.
Howzit, Gang!
Welcome, Marquis, to the home of the Warriorz. Can’t wait to see you on the field!
Would sure be nice to see UH as a beneficiary of Mr. Ellison’s generosity.
There is no way for me to make it to UH’s last game with My Three Sons. My oldest daughter has a performance at Leeward Community College at the same time. She will more than likely be featured again, as she usually is in these concerts. It’s not much of a choice when it’s in support one of my children. Depending on what time she needs to be there, I may be able to swing by the T-Gate with some goodies early. I’ll probably end up taking my sons to the Stan in the future. I’ll still owe them a game day. Just wish it could have been the final home football game!
#94 I haven’t checked your math but I suppose you are right on the mark! In the first year of telecast, which must have been more than 10 years ago, Oceanic charged only $75.00 for the season and I used to wonder just how they would break even. Today however, they charge something like $420, and only if you were a previous subscriber. Money wise this is a lucrative deal for both Oceanic and the UofH. However, consider this: with a losing season, attendance at the stadium is down. In our last game against San Diego they say that the attendance was only 23,000 fans. This is a drop of about 15,000 fans when compared to some of our better years. I think its reasonable to say that the stay-at-home fans are the fair weather fans. Now even though you might argue with my estimates, you know that this “small” crowd does nothing to boost the morale of the players, and not to speak of the coaches and other attending fans as well. There seems to be more empty seats. We are going backwards.
I remember late Bob Seavy, ( remember him?)saying that when he first came to Hawaii in the early fifties. he used to attend the UofH games on Sunday afternoons, when there was “no one in the stands but for a loaf of bread and a cup of tea”. That was somewhat poetic and also exaggerated but then that’s where we are headed. Now in the Mountain West we pay the visiting teams a large sum of money just to come here.
It seems also that the fair weather fans are also losing interest and not only that but disgust at poor play. Why would they want to cough up and average of $65 bucks per game for this kind of play? WE will sooner or later find out! In he meantime you do the math.
Hosanna Imai again.
Can someone comment on how the gem of last year’s recruiting class, Kennedy T, is doing? Is he playing? Don’t see his name on many stats.
#133 getting playing time but is still adapting and learning. He has a good future.
I guess I can be optimistic based on any of the four options, though 3 and 4 are looking to be the most likely to me.
1) The HC is actually building a world class program, it just takes time. Pedestrian play calling, clock mismanagement, and the OC debacle, are typical growing pains for programs near the end of season two. 2014 will be a great season.
2) The AD recognizes the program needs money to pay for a complete experienced coaching staff. An enhanced coaching staff will arrive soon and 2014 will be a great season.
3) The AD recognizes the program needs a major change, but is holding off until the end of the 2014 season to make the needed adjustments. 2015 will be a great season.
4) Nothing changes in 2014 or 2015. Rainbow Warrior student athletes go to Michigan in Sept 2016 and see how nice it is to live in Hawaii and get a good academic education. Good seats are always available and parking isn’t a problem. 2016 will be a relaxing season.
Footnote to Don Weir’s #79 “… Add to the ‘management’ shuffle at UH Kelvin Shoji. Not only does the head of the ticket program/scholarship program (Koa Anuenue) leave but Kelvin Shoji is considering retiring in February. Kelvin is the major donor director for UH Athletics. The two employment spots represent a significant amount of revenue for UH Athletics.”
I had worked with Kelvin Shoji on two donations to the UHF (Koa Anuenue and the Women’s sports of volleyball, basketball and softball) = the donations amounted to a little bit over 3-million. I am working on one with Kelvin which may amount to about the same.
Point being that if he leaves in February as stated, UHF is going to miss a great fund raiser and a good person. Might be extremely difficult to replace such a person.
Good frozen morning!
23 and still 2 hours before sunrise. I wonder if we will hit 21.
Kennedy has a good future but right now he’s raw and undisiplined.