Brennan released
The Saskatchewan Roughriders released former UH quarterback Colt Brennan, according to his agent Bruce Tollner.
Brennan was not immediately available for comment.
* * * * * *
It was another good turnout for yesterday’s Skills Camp at UH’s grass practice field. It appeared there were about 130 quarterbacks, running backs, receivers, tight ends and defensive backs. Yes, tight ends had their choice of ย participating in this camp or the Big Man’s Camp (or both).
Camp director Chris “Demo” Demarest again gave a rousing pep talk.
It also was good to see former Saint Louis head coach Darnell Arceneaux working as a camp coach. No surprise that Arceneaux related well to the players. He’s a sharp coach who blended well with the Warrior coaching staff.
* * * * *
It also was good to see former UH defensive tackle Tom Tuinei at the camp (as a parent). He’s doing well.
* * * * *
Here’s head coach Norm Chow: Chow video
* * * * *
In Japan, several years ago, defensive coordinator Thom Kaumeyer got a tattoo that translates to “Bushido” (“Way of the warrior”).
Fitting now, isn’t it?
* * * * *
Next month, former Warrior defensive lineman Tuika Tufaga leaves to play for a professional football team in Japan. He will join former Warriors Derek Faavi and Brysen “Bula” Ginlack.
Tufaga discusses his upcoming adventure and his headwear: Tufaga video.
* * * * *
Happy birthday to new UH setter Max Wechsung.
* * * * *
Happy belated birthday to Bulla. (I knew it was an omen or something when I saw his commercial on TV yesterday.)
Here’s the (belated) birthday guy: Bulla video.
Good evening Tsaikos.
you getting pretty righty wit da videos. ๐
us off island guys really appreciate your videos. i like looking at da coaches.
day let you go inside Heffernan’s hale and take a pan shot, showing xxx guys
wit cut necks?
Yay, new post! Was worth staying up for. And when the dust clears I’ll be in the top 5 again!
Btw, kickass tattoo Coach Thom
Hiya! Love Tufaga’s hat, and to think he made it himself!!! He should make it a side business. If he ever does, I kapu the first one he makes!
I guess this 2nd video of Coach Chow is to make up for the first one that was ruined by the wind. Much better, Coach!
love looking at the videos, ST.
plus leads to alot of odda great videos. i like da one on Faalagogo. shows me alot is going on, not only wat is living in da now.
Hiya GiGi, TrueGreen.
alrighty. love da hat too. shipping gonna costa bundle, even with da sunroof discount. ๐
ho. da spam wacka is on it!
mabe 2 a days. ๐
Hi guys! Going back to bed. Adios!
okay. can go sleep now, nice to know ST an da Shadow
Spamwackaare on patrol.nite all. zzzzzz
Happy Birthday, Max!
Sweet Warrior Dreams, all!
Hope they had an awesome event on Kauai on Friday….I have to go back and read, but I did see photos you posted, ST. Thank you! What a right arm!!!! ๐
Morning, everyone! Whoa, you guys and gals are up late!
Happy birthday, Max!
Lots of feel good stories of continued successes at all levels. Mahalo for keeping us informed, ST! And everyone else who contributes to this blog!
Have a great day, everyone!
Morning MW!
Good Monday!
Thanks for the link to the Na Koa article and pics. Good to see things are moving and shaking in the right direction and that it is not just talk.
Thanks for the videos, Mr. Tsai.
Much better audio!
and Wafan..;)
Top Twenty!
Time to go to sleep. Good-night
What’s the name of the new restaurant?
Where is it?
Anything good on the menu?
Good morning & Happy Kamehameha Day! Enjoyed the interviews and video! Good to see Darnell was a part of the camp too! Birthday wishes to Max Wechsung! Have a magnificent Monday!
Good Morning TSAIKOS!
Geez, it happens on Maui too!
Good morning, gang!
Good luck to Tuika playing in Japan!
Happy birthday, Max!
Off to work…
Great Morning All!
Glad to hear about a successful camp weekend in Manoa.
Good luck to the Bushido Warriors!
Good video!
ST: do you think Chow will hire Arceneaux as part of his staff? I understand they have ties that go way back.
Nice day on tap.
Clear skies, some high clouds, high in the mid-70’s, and the day off.
Is there room for Arceneaux on Chow’s staff?
Are the birthers going to whine about the USSC?
morning 808 and happy Kamehameha holiday to those fortunate to have the day off ….. enjoy
Auspicious tattoo, too!
On a side “skill” note, here’s a vid only about a month ago and already over
9 million hits:
He’s old but he has game…video of Kyrie Irving (rookie of the year from Cleveland who played at Duke last year). They dress him up, making him look like an 80 year old man and he goes to the street basketball courts in New Jersey and gets in a pick up basketball game with a bunch of young guys. He plays terrible at the beginning, then starts playing for real.
Was at the private showing of the film “One Team” (Father Bray) last night. Great film, it was informative, it was funny, it was heartfelt, excellent film. Hats off to the Iolani boosters club for having the vision to push forward with the film despite strong opposition from certain parties and an excellent job by the filmmakers to capture the essence of “One Team”. They have entered the film in the Hawaii International Film Festival and if accepted that will be the time to see it if this subject matter is of interest to you.
Good morning Tsaikos!
Happy Birthday Max!
And on another note, Rafa prevails! Go Espana! ๐
Volleyball folks leave tomorrow for Japan.
I love the summer. It’s like time freezes.
Goodmorning, chopsueyboy…..
The resturant is called…(inJapan-steak house and sushi bar)., wow!, long name yeah??
My next deal is to try their, Spicy Crabmeat Roll, and den their dinner entr’ee; Royal Double, (Hibachi Shrimp and Lobster @$28.95). They got a lot of a la las vegas speak on their menu.
lizk and tommui……hope u fahla fellin beta…take care.
#40 McTruck – thank you. Still here but this afternoon …free at last, free at last…
Happy birthday, Max!
Good for you, tommui! Beautiful day to get out of jail.
wafan…day off?!! How come dey celebrate Kamehameha Day whea u stay? ๐
Good morning everyone!
It’s June 11 already and I was thinking it was too quiet yesterday…
Morning everyone.
Happy Belated Birthday Bulla!
Looks like Colt has been released.
Good deal at the camp. Food brought in from Jack-in-the-Box. During lunch, thry’re watching “Remember The Titans.”
Ah that sucks. hopefully he can get on another team or a afl team.
Too bad Colt was released. What’s next for him?
ST: are you going to call Colt for an interview?
BG . . .
Forced to take a personal day — use it or lose it type of thing.
Belated birthday Bulla!
Too bad for Colt.
Thought he inidated this was his last shot.
Good luck to him whatever he chooses to do!
Yup Darnell has ties with Coach Chow, when he was a QB at Utah, he faced Norm’s BYU offense for 4 years ๐
So sorry about the news of Colt being released. Hope the very best for him – a true Warrior.
Maybe Kalani will hire Darnell.. Cal and Ron Lee have ties to Darnell that go way back ๐
It’s such a shame about Colt… I just read an article on how Chase Daniel is impressing in New Orleans as Drew Brees sits out… All he needed was an opportunity… Good luck to Colt on future endeavors…
Looks like if BSU backs out of its planned move to the Big East there will be an “exit” fee.
TCU being sued for $5 million.
Very sorry to hear Colt’s been released. I still believe in you! All the best Colt!
Sorry to hear about Colt. Good luck in what comes next.
Any announcement on when UH will display their new football unis?
Enjoyed the article on UH swimming team members being in the summer Olympics.
Did you know that the Olympic’s theme song is the most recognizable song in the world?
me thought you were pau with school?
Happy Belated Birthday Bulla! A true Tsaiko stalwart!
I assume that Colt has been tracked for the past 12 or 13 years to be a professional football player; however, that is not going to happen.
In order to make the rest of his life work, Colt has several options:
1) He can start climbing the ladder to become a coach;
2) He can start climbing the ladder to become a radio/tv sports broadcaster;
3) He can transfer his core leadership skills to a completely different area such as public policy advocacy, retail marketing, public or private sector administration such as the DOE or Bank of Hawaii.
Peraps Colt needs to sit down with a professional sports psychologist who can help him make some serious decisions that will enhance the rest of his life.
A-House . . .
7 more wake ups to go.
Seniors are gone! Huzzah!!!
Nah, my guess is that Colt’s going to join his very successful Dad in SoCal and become a realtor/developer! If he does not catch on with another team, he DID give it a tremendous effort — the breaks just didn’t fall his way. Mahalo to a great Warrior!!
A glorious “Happy Birthday” to the Big Gentle Bald One.
ST: I never saw that commercial, starring Bulla and his wife, so thanks for posting it.
Happy Birthday, Bulla!!!
wow, ST…. grabbing the commercial and posting the video, haha.
MAHALO for all the birthday wishes, it was a quiet day, that’s what happens when you hit a certain point in your life…. no need fanfare, big celebrations, big to-do’s, no need, just had a good day at church, went to Costco bought lots of fruits and veggies (DPK, i’m a juicing maniac brother ๐ ) went home and made Chicken Pasta Vegetable Soup for da hale……
just another day in Hawaii Nei, but grateful for being alive, grateful for the ohana and friends, and grateful to Akua…….
everyone, be blessed and not stressed today ๐
mahalo again Gigi and A-Joe, BG, Wafan, JM2375, SteveM. and others….. just grateful to be alive and here on earth, grateful for all of you, and grateful for a loving wife and a great church.
I Ke Akua Ka Ho’onani Ia / To God Be The Glory
Belated Birthday Wishes to Bulla! ๐
Along the lines of the birfday boy’s favorite line…
Mahalo for the memories, memories, memories Colt.
Best wishes in whatever the next step you choose!
Good afternoon Tsaikos.
Belated happy happy birthday, Bullasan.
Belated Birthday wishes Bulla!
Hard luck Colt.
I’m beginning to get the impression that JJ’s system which most of us loved works better for receivers at the pro level.
So where does Colt fit on the pro-level? Although maybe not ideal or the best, he’s been afforded opportunities… correct?
Whatever he does, I sincerely wish him well. I wonder if a conversation like this ever took place…JJ to Colt, “Come back for your senior year we’ll do something special, and you’ll get your shot in the pros…at the very least I can help get your shot in the pros if you come back.”
Belated Happy Birthday Blessings Bulla! Many Happy Returns!
OMG.!! Just when I was starting to become a CFL fan, Colt Brennan gets released,. It is hard to believe Colt could not beat out three no name players, including an ex over the hill NFL player (O Sullivan) and two green players. I guess this is the end for Colt with regard to a pro career.
Coaching at SMU with JJ seems to be a good option, but Timmy Chang is heading there already.
Sad to hear about Colt Brennan. I thought he’d be able it stick and get some playing time. Too bad, really. Too sad.. too.
Colt, GIVE IT UP, it’s embarrassing dude. You’re breaking the record for most failures in the most leagues bruddah.
Open a bar in the islands and live off your fading popularity while you got it!
Old Diver. Was supposed to go last night to first showing but missed it. Yes, the club faced many obstacles but persevered in true OneTEAM fashion. Getting Coach Hamada on film……..Priceless.
I suspect Colt will work with his Dad and coach HS QB’s in the afternoon and evening. Tough to wean you
wean yourself after almost 20 years
whatever Colt Brennan does with the rest of his life,
I’ll support him 100% for him supporting us when he coulda said No.
Good luck in the rest of your life, Colt!
You’d figure after washing out of the NFL, UFL and CFL, Colt will be hit by reality. He has to realize it now, sheesh. It is a now joke everytime you try something football related outside of UH. You were never meant to be a pro Colton! You can blame June Jones for that. Mahalo
Colt’s a sharp guy. He’ll find something, whether it’s in football or another endeavor.
Hey Colt! Good luck to a great guy!
Are we entertaining multi-id’s again…again…again…
Sorry to read about Colt. 89+1!
Um, 808ohana, I really don’t know nor care quite frankly, if I am allowed to say this, but DAMN…..
Why so much hate? Why so much PR*C*N*SS?
I mean, DAMN, what Colt did as a quarterback at U-H will probably NEVER again be duplicated.
Is that not enough….?
Wow, absolutely NO need to be so harsh!
Just my opinion, and I know, you have yours too……..
No matter what, Colt is still, and will remain my favorite warrior. What he did for warrior football will never be forgotten by the true fans. Any naysayers aren’t real fans, and should be ashamed of themselves, not Colt’s bad luck in his pro career. Good luck Colt
ST: Please don’t let trolls take over the blog, again. Nip it in the bud.
I do find multiple personalities puzzling.
Well, thank goodness Colt has a college degree. The possibilities are endless for him.
Would his fate have been different had he not returned for his 2007 season? We’ll never know.
He’ll be fine in whatever he does. He has a lot of different interests. I don’t worry about former UH players. The connections are widespread.
If Colt left after 2006, he might have had a decent career. But then UH wouldn’t have had the Sugar Bowl year. UH’s high ranking entering 2007 was based largely on Colt’s return. UH was able to build on the ranking.
Too bad about Colt. Best wishes to him in his future endeavors.
Let’s get this straight. Colt went to the 2 worst NFL teams in terms of ownership. As much a Skins fan that I am, I can’t stand Dan Snyder. I mean, who hires an OC *before* they hire a HC? Plus Colt was either injured or rehabbing the entire time he was with the Skins. He never had a chance.
Colt is probably my all time favorite UH QB! Nothing any naysayer could ever say would ever change that! Whatever Hawaii’s favorite son decides to pursue i absolutely wish and hope only the best for him!
Yes. Happy Birthday, Bulla!
I’m so disappointed about Colt’s release. Four to five years of rust and injuries was just too much to overcome. Our best to Colt on his next endeavor.
Wow…was that Guava at 6:37 pm? ๐
Sounds like Guava…
Long time… and right on! ๐
I think the majority of fans will always have a ton of aloha for Colt. He could have gone early but stayed. He helped shine the national spot light on the Warriors like nver before or since. He was the face of our only undefeated regular season.
NFL teams seemed to have two question marks about his abilty to play in the league. Was he system enhanced? Was he durable enough?
His preseason play dispelled the first question mark but could Colt could not overcome the second. Starting with his hip surgery before the combine and his two IR seasons with the Skins, he was labeled as “damaged goods.” A tag he has yet to over come.
I have no feelings if he still wants to persue play for pay or go off in another direction. I’ll always have the feelings of aloha and affection for him.
d1…you are truly a man of a few words tonite! ๐
Come back to Hawaii, Colt, and wiggle your toes in the warm waters
and sandy beach of Hawaii.
On the other hand, I imagine the teams who will have to face coach
June Jones would love to have Colt on their staff so they can try to
understand the offense to defense it.
And they may try to copy kat it. And fight fire with fire. And like Rolo,
be ranked in the top of the nation in passing, etc. So as ST said, Colt’s
options are widespread—ST, that was a clever play on words—widespread…
Colt’s offensie…
Happy belated birthday, Bulla!
offensie = offense…
Happy birthday to all the WB bloggers born in June!
Gotta get more postings so when the spammerjamma bazookarama blasts
away the dross, ST gets his century.
Hope all is well with you and your up-coming dream trip!
Turning in early tonite…looking to greet everyone in the morning!
Sayings for tonight:
I may be schizophrenic,
but at least I have each other.
I am a Nobody.
Nobody is Perfect.
Therefore I am Perfect.
In Memorial
With all the sadness and trauma going on in the world at the moment,
it is worth reflecting on the death of a very important person,
which almost went unnoticed last week. Larry LaPrise, the man who wrote
“The Hokey Pokey”, died peacefully at age 93.
The most traumatic part for his family was getting him into the coffin.
They put his left leg in. And then the trouble started.
I have kleptomania,
but when it gets bad,
I take something for it.
One more & then off to bed…
Except that one where you’re naked in church.
๐ Night!
Slugger, you had me for a moment…you put your left leg in…
Didja see the new Caribean security you have to go thru in Jamaica?,r:14,s:0,i:118
Ooops, a little long link.
Sorry about dat.
Colt should try to get a grad asst spot up at Nevada with Rolo…
Colt should do whatever he wants to do
Remember Teofilo Stevenson? Heavyweight boxer from Cuba. The 3 time Olympic champion passed away at age 60 of a heart attack. RIP.
Wait a sec… Is 808ohana the guy that was having conversations with himself on the blog awhile back?
Nitey nite and Sweet Warrior Dreams.
And Go Colt!
Buy Generic Pills Today!…