SEATTLE — The Warriors practiced for 2 hours at Brigham Field.
One of the attendees was former Warrior linebacker Adam Leonard:
And here’s a view of the field:
It’s a homecoming, of sorts, for special teams coordinator Chris Tormey.
He spent 18 years with the University of Washington. His wife was raised in Seattle. Their two daughters were born in Seattle. One is a student at Washington. The Tormeys also own a house in Seattle.
“It’s going to be fun to play there,” Tormey said.
The Warriors will practice for two hours in Metro Stadium this afternoon. Tomorrow’s walk-through practice is at Quest Field.
Happy birthday to the always cheerful Kay Miyabe.
Random acts of giveaways continues. Jm2375 wins a $100 gift certificate to Tropics Bar & Grill at the Hilton Hawaiian Village.
For those who asked, yes, Paul Brian Beckwith is the new student assistant for men’s volleyball.
I couldn’t help myself…
Morning Stephen..
How’s it in Seattle.. Rainy?
No water here in Kaneohe. Water Main Broke near Ho’omaluhia Park.
Noisy Water Pipes woke me up so I’ll lurking here and SportsHawaii the next few hours..
Good morning to all!
Top 5. Yeah.
For all you Tsaikos going to Seattle for the game, don’t forget to check out the Sports Hawaii Tailgate Jam put on by Island Sports Media and Studio 7.
When: Fri 9/11 — 6pm til you close ’em down
Where: Studio Seven, 110 South Horton Street
There will be live music all night long, Hula Performances, Ono Grinds, Former Players and an awesome EMCEE David “Mento” Maeva
For more info, check out the
If you want to bring the Tsaiko’s Banner, no scared, bring ’em.
Just go ask for ISM Prez Steve Kajihiro and tell him BigWave said “Can”
Go Warriors!!!!
Weather is clearing and warming. High’s in the 70’s starting today through next week. Possible high in the 80’s on Saturday and Sunday. Daily low’s in the 50’s.
Bring your sunglasses!!! Yep, in Seattle, no less. HA!
We already broke the rainfall record for the month — this past weekend.
Top 10.
Top 10? wow, real quiet this morning…
Safe travels to all the Tsai-kos and Tsai-kettes travelling today…for al those of us staying behind…see you at Genj’s for some Warrior FOOTBALL!!!
Sounds like good weather is on the horizon for this weekend’s game. I packed jeans and stuff thinking it’d be cooler, but oh well.
A nice mostly cloudy but windy day so far in our nation’s capital. I expect the rain to come by mid/late afternoon.
Top 15!
Great Morning All!
Happy Birthday Kay Miyabe!
Congratulations jmxxxx!
good morning warriors,
From, HAWAII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is the complete travel roster posted somewhere?
H1N1 woes a concern.
Will the players switch from visors to surgical masks?
Will those who use hand sanitizer on the sidelines be placed under closer scrutiny for holding penalties?
Will QB’s be asked to “cover up” when shouting audibles at the LOS?
Will there be thermal imaging monitors for WuSSieCats as they disembark from their bus?
I was wondering???….did Funaki get a chance to play in the previous game??? and was also wondering if he would be inserted in a wildcat scheme, if UH has it in their game plan?
Mac said Funaki will get some PT on this road trip.
fyi on swineflu: per greentea on sportshawaii forum: yes, you do run the risk of getting it in a crowded environment like the bathrooms, water receptacle, don’t accept any open cans or bottles, etc. In the open air should help alot in terms of ventilation. Avoid people coughing, sneezing, or seem like they have colds going on. Get hand lotion sanitizer, the best Purell brand, kills 99.9% germs, bacteria etc and a box of kleenex (cover all open airways like nose, mouth, eye tear ducts when someone is coughing or sneezing). Honestly, the best defense is no be there…..but if have to be there take very good care of yourselves. I worked at a military medical clinic and believe me they don’t play when it comes to virus transfer.
Good morning Tsai-kos!
Happy Birthday to da big guy, bighilofan2! Have a great one today. I’ll look for you on tv tonight.
Thanks ST for the gift certificate. Now, when to use it…
Safe travels to all heading to da game. Make sure you have some of Ivar’s seafood chowder. yummmmmmm.
Congrats to all winners.
Happy B-day Bhf2.
good morning!
I think Inoke did some holding on special teams — or were my eyes and the oceanic stream deceiving me?
Wearing a mask mostly protects other people from you — not the other way around. Wazzu may be having a bit of an issue with flu — although I don’t think it has been confirmed — but remember that this is not a game that a ton of students will be coming to — the sick ones especially. The game is mostly for Seattle area alumni and fans.
Good morning TRsaikos everywhere.
Thank you thank you thank you.
jm2375, what’s your number? 😀
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Kay Miyabe and my sister Norma- Happy Birthday!
jm2375- CONGRATS!
ST gave me 2 tix for tonight’s game.
unfortunately not gonna go Hnl today. saving da kala for ….
Vegas. 😀
das gonna be my birthday present, granddaughter #1 gonna go too. teach her how fo yell loud.
so i am offering…. 😀
Happy Birthday bighilofan2!
Have a terrific day erryboddy!
Happy Birthday, RGM!
dear dear dear Lord,
dis is my burpday wishes.
hope we bust up BSU, FSU, UNLV, Nevada, Wassu, La Tech, SJSU, Wisconsin, Navy, and dat SMU makes a decent season so they can get to the Hawaii Bowl, and den we bust them up, get JJ to sign my books.
yup, for my burpday wishin we run da table. now wouldn’t that open some eyes like 😯
even Utah State and Idaho would like fall down seein us comin. 😎
Seattle looks very nice today, but a little windy.
my odda burpday wish this weekend is for Alexander the Great to run da ball 20 times for 130 yards, and throw for 350 more.
crush da wusse cats.
teach dat coach fo try poach in deze waters.
coaches think Alexander running too much?
pfttt…. wait till i getta hold of his ear in Vegas. gonna
whipsergo LOUDrun da buggaz ova, set up da pass play ova da middle, freeze da line backers. 😀 make em tink yu coming all da time. 😀
Можно и подискутировать по этому поводу…
Mahoe Mahow Mahoe
keep making us proud back in da homelands, bradda. your uncles and pop and Maxfield think yu da bestest!
Mana Silva,
like see your picture again on the Advertiser! 😀
same for Kauhane, Soares, Bradley, Salas, Funaki, LWJ, Green, Hopkins, Lolotai, Satele, Heun. In fact, all you guyz! Make us Proud!
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Happy birthday, Kay Miyabe. LizKauai’s sister Norma, and RGM!
Congrats, jm2375!
oh no!
the russians!!!!
Hold da phone Big Hilo Man! Go easy on da WussieCats. We are trying to promote a little compassion and show a little mercy to those pesky pussycats.
Having said that…Braddah Pomai, please enter my final score:
Us Guys 56 – Dem WussieCats 0
4 Rushing TD’s
4 Passing
8 Extra pts.
56 for da good guys
Our Defense will prevent them from scoring: Zilch, Zero, Nil, Nada, Nuttin’ Honey!
Nothing to worry about. Nobody will poach our coaches, guarantee.
Or our AD.
Or this year’s recruits?
Нет, спасибо, являются завышенными, бентли!
A relative of one of the players won the Waikoloa prize.
#45…or our favorite fish.
Good Morning All! Still waiting to hear back from my possible ride to Seattle. Sounds like we’ll be driving over in the AM and leaving after the game so no extra curricular tsaiko activities for me. Just getting to the game will be good enough.
Happy Birthday to BHF2!
#49 ~ Wow ST…that’s great news! How you doing up there in the great PNW? Everything running as smooth as a new born grandbaby’s okole so far?
Everything is hunky and dory.
I’m going to go take pictures now. I’ll post in a bit.
jm2375 ~ I think we should change the lunch location for Friday to…Tropics Bar & Grill. Liquid lunch sounds better for Pau Hana Friday.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
One more day of work then I’m off to Seattle!!
My fellow UHS alum, if you need help using it, let me know, I will always support a fellow Jr Bow.
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂
Congrats to all the give away winners, thanks to Hilton for all the love!
Happy Birthday to birthday folks.
Mr. Hilo, may all your birfday wishes come true! 🙂
Warriors remember this is a business trip first!
bhf2 ~ I’ll take da tix for tonight’s game if they are still open…
Mahalo, SB
bhf2 ~ Eh!…at last count, dats da 4th burpday you had dis summah! You bettah go see Jason for some remedial matt, my big island braddah.
You one #1 Warrior BHF2, happy birfday. Imua Na Koa!!!Smash dem pussy cats!!!!!Go Warriors!!!
Howzit SailorBlue!
Da MWR folks left us homeless for da Navy game. Need to discuss the details at Genji’s on Saturday. All other T-gate dates are firm thanks to BG’s schmoozin’ capabilities, and financial backing. He’ll be there Saturday to fill in the blanks.
hAWAII wARRIOR bEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tanks 4 dat info re: Funaki. appreciate it.
Good morning all.
Yes!! C you all in Vegas!
Go Warriors!!!
Morning Kekoa ~ Mahalo to BG, he’s da man…we’ll talk on Saturday to see what we can figure out… off to brief da new boss…back later…
Would that happen to be the sheraton, be there bright and early sat morning 🙂
Good Morning!
We’re leaving for the airport in a couple of hours. EXCITING!!
Committed Road Warrior / Expat / Longdistance808 – we will be in Sec. 114, Row K, Seats 3-6 in Seattle – please come visit as we have something for you.
If you’re craving for local food and need to get your rice fix, you should head down to Hawaii BBQ. It’s on 50th and University Ave. in the U-district. Tons of cheap combos and plate lunches. GO WARRIORS
Team A-House ~ Have a safe and pleasant trip. Try not to shop ’till you drop because we need you to cheer loudly for the Warrior crew!
Please keep an eye on KK as he is prone to get hisself intoxicated rather quickly when not properly supervised. (Da bail money is in a secret compartment inside his slippah!)
also Kauai Family Restaurant in Georgetown =)
BHF2: Happy birthday! Saw your fellow barrister this AM heading for a trust meeting but wanted to pass on his best for your birthday.
Lay da lumbah
That’s a nearly mission impossible as we will see him only on Saturday and part of Sunday – his former classmates will have to be the “designated driver”.
Happy B-Day bhf2! 🙂
if you can, stop by and see us at the game, Sec 114, Row K Seats 3-6 -would like to meet you.
brew – U 2 as Mrs A-House must study your face so she can rememba U!!
Hey, hey, hey – it’s da big bradda’s birfday – have a good one BHF2!!!
Happy Birthday BigHiloFan2!
This AP voter tried to justify ranking Oklahoma over BYU on his ballot…and just looks clueless to me. I think that preseason polls are silly anyway, so to go more by the preseason polls instead of what actually happens on the field is crazy to me.
Good morning everyone!
UNLV apparently is having some problems with their defense.
Per your post late in the previous blog I forgot about Kevin Spain!
😯 … Just when you think the “cupboard” is already full…
Good morning Tsaikos….
As a good friend of mine from the wesside always says…”Safe journey” to all the Tsaikos traveling to Seattle today and tomorrow….and all those going to Vegas….
Hauoli Lahanau….bhf2!!!
To the A-House ohana and the Tsai-kos heading out to Seattle soon… Have a great trip and we’ll catch up to you folks in Vegas!
Bon Voyage to lakesidegt, who is heading to New York for a 7-day Canada/New England cruise! We’ll catch up to you someday too… 😉
seabeav — are you a resident in the Seattle area? I maintain a listing of Warrior Beat bloggers who live on the mainland or in other countries.
Anyone residing outside of Hawaii, please indicate what city you reside in and I will add you to the list at:
SteveM – #85 – we need to have another Tsai-ko cruise debriefing when you get back from *your* cruise.
lakesidegt – take plenny pikchas please. I like see da fall colors.
Looking forward to seeing all you Tsaikos in seattle! Ron Lee being on the field with the receivers is a positive move. Rolo calling the plays will benefit the O in many ways. My prediction – UH 42 WSU 31.
Any of you going to the game what hotels are you staying at? ST with the layoffs and low revenue at the paper how can you stay at a spectacular hotel. Shouldn’t you being staying with me at the Comfort Inn in Seattle.
Go Warriors!
Garret #81,
I hope you’re right about the UNLV defense. My biggest concern is that our O-Line can’t block anyone either and that might even things out a bit.
Happy Happy Birthday
Big Hilo Fan 2
Thanks to all our fellow Tsaikos who are wishing us a safe and fun trip to Seattle.
Funny, I was real concerned about the UCA game, but fell at ease with the WSU game knowing that the Warriors will prevail.
Good morning! Can’t wait to see ST’s photos from Seattle. Hey, congrats jm2375! Can you e-mail me your mailing address – same goes for Manoa Mist and the upcoming winners (yes, there are MORE!): gndy (at) hawaii (dot) rr (dot) com.
jm2375 — yes, especially with lakesidegt. My stuff is same-o-same-o…but I might shoot in “live” posts about shipboard activities I can visualize Tsai-kos doing… 🙄 😆
Will be picking up the free tickets to the volleyball matches this weekend in about half an hour.
Anyone interested in getting one or two ? If no one here wants them, then I’ll just give them away at the box office before each match. .
Please send an e-mail to swood at hoku dot com. Be sure to include your real name as well as blog name and your daytime telephone or cell number so that I can call you with updates.
Note – park in the upper campus on Saturday or on Metcalf after 6 pm tonight and tomorrow night and walk over to the lower campus. No sense in paying $5 for parking. There are two elevators in the large parking lot plus an escalor – get off on three and cross over the bridge to the Stan Sheriff Center.
NOTE: I’ll not have access to e-mail after 1 pm today so please respond before then.
Kekoa – if we can finish up by 12 noon on Saturday, we’ll grab something to eat at Zippy’s on S. King Street before heading on to Club Genji. If we can’t wrap things up quickly enough, then we’ll go ahead with our original plans and join folks at the half.
Larry Fernandez — Welcome to the blog!
Your question may be partially answered by checking the Tsa-ko’s in Seattle listing (just under the Las Vegas listing) at…
Larry — Are you a resident of WA or what hotel are you staying at? What tix section/row? Would you care to join the Tsai-kos on the list for any activities?
NOTE: I will maintain and update the Seattle Tsai-ko section with relevant comments and activities until noon Friday (PST) for their reference.
might try to find empty seats around our son in Section 213 1st row
actually, ron lee will remain in the booth and communicate to the sidelines his observations. something he has been doing for 11 years now.
48 – 21 TChahng
congratulations to….
all the winnahs.
bighilo and kay for reaching another milestone.
and jason for making it through your first week of work.
He’s been up there even longer than that…called games for SLS for a bunch of years from the same perch.
the much maligned oline should not take the credit for everything.
a sack occurs because…
…you can only sustain a block for so long.
…wide receivers not open results in indecision and holding on to the ball too long.
…qb’s not ready to pull the trigger in time or throw it away when they should.
…a rb not picking up the blitzing lb’ers and/or db’s.
…the odds are stacked against them, i.e. 8 man rush, 5 olinemen.
…defenses are choosing to send them instead of defending the four receivers.
…an inadequate number of running plays and short passing game to hold/freeze the dline and lb’s at the line of scrimmage for a precious moment.
…many other factors involved, but, these are the obvious.
as pride. would say, you have to had been playing oline to understand all of the nuances involved to achieve success in the trenches.
…nuff said.
I think I am really worried about Worshington State now…
Someone on that team is going to get hurt.
Blaze Soares and Jake Huen on the field at the same time?!?!?!?! 😯
Not good for the Cougars.
Good for us though! 😎
Im so lost and confused still yet. I hear some saying Ron Lee will now be on the sidelines, which is what I assumed from the news stemming that he wants to be there for the receivers and correct any errors or to assist in making adjustments, then I see others saying he’ll remain in the booth with Brian Smith.
d1…i understand that.
in fact, his booth presence goes back to kaiser high school days.
its not easy to “see the field” from the sidelines.
personally, i really like this move of ron’s devoting time to the wr’s. as we discussed on several occasions, ron probably misses stutz1 the most.
Hi Stephen.
Not sure how I did it, but saw the $100 gift certificate I won. How do I collect? And how’d I qualify? Anyways, thanks!
manoa mist….your answer is found on post #92
I’ve been watching the comments between WassupDoc and Kekoa with interest…especially the meal part. I know it is not the same, but I can’t resist pointing this out…
Art (Arthur) worked at Zippy’s when he and my cuz married loooong ago. He was the Zippy’s Catering Manager I was told. JaM used to work for him so can tell you more than I. Art retired from Zippy’s a few years ago. Genji’s opened in 1989 and I have always suspected the location, practically next door to the main office Zippy’s, was not a coincidence… 😕
This might explain why Genji has a large menu coming out of an incredibly small kitchen and no meal is too large for Art….but they apologize for the food prep delays.
So while the food genres are not the same, talk of eating at Zippy’s and then going to Genji’s is anecdotal… 🙂
kazz….the return of the “hitman” soares raises our level of excitedness. having him and heun on the same side, wow.
Manoa – check out post #92. it has instructions for the winners. everyone who posts is entered.
check your email
Weather in Seattle is perfect couldn’t ask for anything better.
al –
Your #108: Amen to that!
stretch….check out post #106.
maybe we can get manoa mist and jm$$$$ put their gifts together for a little cocktail party, eh?
Forgot – good morning all and safe travels to those going to the PNW.
pono….however, in seattle always expect rain.
Thanks al!
Aloha and Go Warriors.
Peace out.
dpk….how you?
did you do your situps this morning?
stretch….is stretchette going too?
I think the traveling Tsaikos took the trade winds with them! 😡
al – I seen it after I made my post, a few minutes too slow. I agree that the winners should put all their certificates together and we have a pau hana party at Tropics.
Anyone know if the team is gonna bust out the all white pants with green tapa trim?
al – nope, just the boys!! We’ll try to stay out of trouble.
Saw a glimpse of a sketch of the all white uniforms with the green helmets and they look fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnneeeeeeee!!!! 😎
2 WSU players suspended
Anyone see Jake Heun this past game with his helmet off? Man with the mowhawk and black face paint, he looked like Hawk and Animal from WWF Leigon of Doom. All he needed was spikes on his shoulder pads. Man that guy is nutz!
People talking about how Blaze was waiting to unleash hits after sitting out a year. Remember, Heun also sat out last season with his herniated disc. I’m sure he’s just as jacked up as Blaze.
I’m thinking of a “smaller” and non-steriod version of Brock Lesnar.
I’m waiting to see if/when they’ll unveil the green tops with the new white kapa pants at home. If you play NCAA Football ’10 on Xbox 360 or PS3, you can get a preview of it.
i don’t know how you do it, but, you better teach us old guys your tricks.
seen you hanging over the railing on friday.
were you talking to the heavens or yourself?
Shoot!!! I was at the Na Koa luncheon and I knew I forgot to ask Coach Mack something!
BTW, Rainbowtique knows nothing about a new green jersey to be released to the fans… 🙄
I think it all matters on how Stretch defines “trouble.”
… Remember those Policy Officers? Some happenings don’t stay in Vegas.
kapolei vs. leilehua on OC16 tomorrow night.
tks…letsgo, all the way from denver.
are we gonna unveil our all “field turf” green uniforms on oct. 24th?
Hope you guys have a nice trip. We will be driving up Saturday morning. We will try to stop by your seats… I am just hoping that we can keep the kids in good spirits so that everyone, and everyone around us, can enjoy the game.
Qwest Field expect 45,000 at Hawaii – WSU game
and other WSU info
you must have seen me when I was praying to the heavens that we win the damn game first.
expat – I just remembered that you used to live next to the A-Houses and up the street from ST. You get to see your small kid time play pal Midori. What a small world this Tsaiko blog is.
…and so your prayers were answered.
No Cabana’s for the Navy game, eh? Looks like dem Navy guys got ’em all… 😆
Perhaps we could invade Stretch’s gang…
Speaking of jerseys- am I the only one having a hard time reading the numbers from afar???
Congrats to the latest winners!
Happy Birthday to BHF2 and Kay : )
jm2375 and SteveM re 93… post-cruise mini-meet a great idea!
For all those going to Seattle…travel mercies be with ya!
See you on TV at Genji’s.
WOT? 😯
(Kazz dials BG’s #…)
Really? Was it a problem for you when we had the Nike jerseys?
The numbers didn’t change as far as color scheme. There is a SMALL hint of silver lining inside the white outline, but still the same nonetheless.
Ok saw Kekoa’s post about the Navy home game tailgating situation.
perhaps lizk needs a cataract procedure done?
UH 17- WSU 13
i am not surprised about the cabana’s for the navy game.
after all guys, it is a navy facility first and foremost.
perhaps, jim donovan has some ideas for our warrior fan group. second in size only to the na koa folks.
Hiya, jojo here. Congrats to the winners. Happy Birthday to all. I’m always late to these things.
Second in size to Na Koa? Ok.
Second in “MANA”???? I think not!!! 😎
Hmm… for 2010 and 2012, a WAC team will play in the Emerald Bowl..
#147 – perhaps it’s the glare of the lights from the blue section c/f the heights of yellow… 😆
Nope… just getting old… Perhaps if I didn’t try to text and tweet so much, the field vision would clear. Problem is, when I open my eyes wide :shock:, everything is triple vision. Add that soft edging of silver around the numbers – ayah.
I’ll have to depend on my pro spotter mr. curveball.
#148 – or Eminent Domain!
But we have sailor blue!
liz – bc said he wuz havng probs too…
no worry lizk….papa jim had trouble too.
Howzit Everybody,
Al, sorry to say but Papa Jim always has trouble.
Slugger and curveball said it was helpful going to practice because you could start recognizing players by the way they move… THAT is very cool.
I had trouble with it, too!
me too!
LizKauai you are not alone
Bess and Camarillo will be rotation at WR.
“rotation” should be “rotating”
Re: #79, sounds verbatim of what that new espn analyst said right after the game. If it is not the same guy then you can see where pollsters really get there cues when ranking teams.
Last night the coqui frogs were going off. They were singing about a “Warrior win, Warrior win, Warrior win” This morning, they were singing “big hilo, big hilo, big hilo”. Knew it was going to be a special day.Have a super day, Big guy.
Several people posted about the world champion in the women’s 800m race whose gender was called into question. It turns out that externally she is a female but internally she has male organs instead of female organs–she probably had no idea about this and I’m sure this is a shock to her. This condition is rare and possibly life threatening…
Seattle Times blog about Hawaii – WSU game
check that, mills vs. campbell.
G (China),
ESPN does have a *big* influence in the rankings, and they tend to push teams for rankings that they have on their TV schedule. With ESPN not showing MWC games, I doubt they will get much of a push by ESPN compared to what ESPN does for other conferences.
Probably just you and Papa Leahy. 😀
Anybody tried watching the games at the Koolau theaters yet? With the three game road stretch this might be a good a time as any to try. The $12 price tag might be a little hard to swallow, but I usually spend way more than that on tailgating anyways.
I’m not sure how the Rolo play calling will pan out but I think after a few rough patches it might turn out to be a good thing. Seems like Coach Rolo brings a certain Maverick quality to the table that is reminiscent of JJ. Perhaps we’ll see some playcalling with a little more… how shall I put it… cajones.
Nice Jim Nabors break, thanks, d1!
Speaking of NFL… Mouton is sitting out this game…
When Coach Mack at the ending of last Tuesday’s Call the Coach Show mentions that the Warriors have to go up there to WSU and beat those “mothers” I thought, again, another politically incorrect thing to say. But that’s him, that’s his style, which quite frankly is so ghetto that it’s partly the reason I’m losing my respect for him.
There’s one to thing for the coach to be giving his team a locker room speech and it’s another thing in speaking in public, where decorum and having some respect for your opponents is duly expected. And where his choice of using the word “mother” is insulting, insinuating and connotative–which I’d think would be construed as being a slur and it shouldn’t be directed at anyone or any team. (note, though, this isn’t the first time he’s used this expression).
You sometimes have to wonder if he know where he’s at and whose company he speaking in.
But his lack of savoir-faire does add to the list of reason why fans, even the most congenial, have been showing some indignation towards Coach Mack.
chopsueyboy- thanks for the link:
“As for the Hawai’i game I like our chances. Hawai’i has a great offense but a very inexperienced defense. If we move the ball like we did against Stanford and punch it in at the end of drives we should do well. If our defense can step it up and make some big plays and force a few turnovers we will win. Hawai’i played poorly last week at home against an FCS team but I wouldn’t read to much into that. Look for them to come out ready to try and grab a victory over a Pac 10 team for the 4th straight year. Our pass rush has to be better and our secondary needs to show improvement but we won’t have to deal with the run as much. It should be a good game and I can’t wait for saturday.”
ST- thanks for the cool pic of Beckwith… WELCOME BACK, BRIAN!!
#175 – I didn’t hear it, but he probably said “cougars”… which is like mothers but likes younger men…
PowderPuff ~ I gotta dash to da eye doctahs to take Diana in for an appointment. Before I did, I wanted to axe you if I could send in my mailing address in case you have a few ‘Hundred Dollah’ certificates leff ovah you can send me. Even da buy one get one free is good!…parking validation?…anything!
Tank Q!
And to finish another thought. A caller called in and asked why the team didn’t play Funaki. And Coach Mack responded that it was (his words) an oversight and that we forgot to play him.
For me when I hear these types of answers it begs the question of what does he have between those two ears.
Watching Fergie rip it up before the Steelers/Ravens game.
ok- HiHo!
Goodieness Gracious: I just picked up 12 tickets total – four for tonight, tomorrow and Saturday night. HiFlyer is taking one of the tickets, but which night – or all of them – is not yet clear. I am out the door as soon as I finish this but will be calling him after 2 pm. Slugger is taking one tonight and one on Saturday.
Meanwhile, we have our two regular tickets plus and possibly one or even two tomorrow and possibly one on Saturday night to give away. If you would like to have some free tickets, please send me an e-mail to swood at hoku dot com. I’ll get back to you tomorrow morning. BTW – you can pretty much sit where you want once the match starts.
Ready to rumble.
Happy birthday to you!
bhf2 is 49!!!
Dang, it is really warm today. Those traveling to WA from HI might want to consider a sweater for the evening hours.
And yes! It will get warmer for the next several days.
#168 ouch!
it must have been a painful 800 meters.
A few peeps who post on this blog;
a) don’t like the coach
b) don’t like the way he coaches
c) don;t like the way he talks
d) don’t like the way he thinks
e) some/all of the above
I get it. ‘Nuff already. No need to talk stink about my family.
BHF2 – is Leianne Lee Loy one of your relations?
Inquiring minds …
royvic: I hope that the Coach is not revealing all his secrets. He could have said that it is a secret; are you a WSU fan/agent/spy?; or he could have just said never thought about it or a bunch of other things, diplomatic or otherwise.
Nuf said
Oh my God…
What is going on over at NBC right now?
I thought this was football and NOT the MTV Video Music Awards?!?!?!?!
Enuff already!!! There’s an actual FOOTBALL game going on over at ESPN.
Paul Johnson’s boys running roughshot on Clemson in the 1st quarter right now!
rout on Clemson….but gawd if not for the fact that g-tech have been getting like 20 yard runs every single carry i cant state enough boring it is to watch the option offense…
re #178: Hi, Kekoa! Can’t wait to see you again. Last time I saw you, I was feeling really crappy with a high fever. I promise I’ll have more energy next time. Hope the eye doc was good to Diana.
There’ll be a few more giveaways…and if you win, parking’s on me, I promise. Whoops, did I say that? 🙂
Not as boring as watching Tim McGraw while waiting for some actual football to kickoff. 😆
21-0 GaTech with 2:38 in the 1st…
I rest my case. NFL’s “yawn” of a kickoff show = BLEH!
ok i didnt hear the interview….but if thats true and it he meant what he said thats a bit scary.
i am giving Mac the benefit that it was just a mix up where he didn’t say what he meant. i cant see him forgetting to play someone he intended too haha. it just doesnt seem reasonable.
Kazz / IWWTHM,
OK, I guess you can call me this season’s “al”…
“Thanks” for the update on the game. 🙄
hahaha. not a country music fan ah? =P.
Nice looking facility that the team practiced in today. Looks comparable to what a lot of D3 schools have.
Being right in the Seattle Center makes me think of how great it would be to have a something like that for the high schools here again….say, maybe in Manoa! 😉
…really wish we were watching Adam Leonard in somebody’s uniform this season.
Nice to see ADAM LEONARD!
i wonder if Clemson’s linebackers realize they too must make try and stop the guy with the ball from progressing forward…..(o_0)
Dang! GA-Tech is running roughshod over Clemson. Shoots, I like Clemson. Whoo! The Tigers just scored!!!
Are you going to the game tonight? Tsaiko sightings are going to get lean these next 2 weeks.
I had a hard time seeing the numbers on the jerseys at the last game. I think the numbers should be white on the black jerseys.
It’s not country music I have “issues” with.
It’s the un-related pre-game “entertainment” that irritates me.
And REAL FOOTBALL FANS drive Prius (bwahahaha!)
No Wahine volleyball in person for me tonight. Gonna have to enjoy the game at home. I’ve been sick from work all week and I plan on going back tomorrow.
Funaki did play in the game on special teams.
Is Cooke/Ching Field complex supposed to look something like Brigham Field down the road?
What’s Adam Leonard up to these days? Good to see him there.
I’m not being a ‘cougar’, but who is Paul Brian Beckwith? Previous UH VB player?
If you hadn’t heard Coach Mack use the term “mothers” before, you hadn’t been following UH football last year.
Watching practice doesn’t help me recognize players by the way they move, but what plays might be called by when they are in the game. It’s enlightening. And it’s great to see them up close watching what they can do.
Unless Coach Mack intends on playing “favorites” I don’t see him actually “overlooking” an individual player, ANY player.
Already we’ve learned there was no intention to use the “Poidog Offense” (Noke Package), so that already “lessened” the chance of Funaki playing on the offense last Friday.
Plus with LWJ getting SOME decent yardage at times and Alex Green looking good in fall camp, I don’t believe it to be an oversight as much as something not necessary.
I’d “worry” more if we still don’t see Funaki at all during the road trip. Then, that’s a REAL “oversight”.
He and Pilares did one series as kick returners in the first half I think.
Hmmm…sounds like it’s time to reveal our secret stuff that coach Mack has so cleverly concealed.
I’m stickin’ with my prediction of 4 rushing TD’s and 4 from our receivers. I’m betting at least one will be on the ground with Funaki taking it in, and one will be in the air from Funaki.
…and like he said at the end, “I can’t wait for Saturday!”…yep! Me too!
#209 ~ True dat. Inoke was on the field as a kick returner.
Great interception by Polomalu!
: P ~ Polomalu = Polamalu
Off to go watch football… Esme & whooosh…
Sailor Blue
the tix are at the box office, as i understand it. just tell them its for big hilo fan and i won them on the blog.
go yell loud for me, please. pretty please 😀
did adam leonard get his degree?
i thought for sure he and solly would be the guys on NFL rosters. who would have thought otherwise.
2 UH opponents, Washington St. and Wisconsin highlighted in this ESPN article on depleted rosters due to H1N1
BHF2, Happy Birthday and many more.
Kamaaina Warrior
Hope to see you in Vegas!
Nanook ~ Are you going to Vegas?
No worries about da Salmon. You just tell me when you coming to da T-gate, and I make ’em for you. All you have to do is fight off Rob25 and Al for a chance to get your share. (Homey is no problem, just reach ovah him).
FYI…for Vegas fans
Thurs 8/17 BC Show @ Ohana Room 9-12pm
Thurs 8/17 Sports Animals Show @ Ohana Room 7-9pm
Fri 9/18 Game Day Ticket/Package Pick Up @Ohana Room 9-9pm
Fri 9/18 BC Show @ Ohana Room 9-12pm
Fri 9/18 Warrior Party w/Free Admission @Ohana Room 5-9pm $50 Video Poker Tournament, Food and Alcohol for purchase and UHRainbowtique
Fri 9/18 Sports Animals Show@Ohana Room 7-9pm
Sat 9/19 Game Day Ticket/Package Pickup @Ohana Room 9-3pm After 3pm tickets will be held at the California Hotel Front Desk
Sat 9/19 UH Tailgate w/Amy Hanaialii @Across the Cal 4-7pm
Sat 9/19 UH Bus Transportation Bus loading begins at 6pm
Sat 9/19 UH vs UNLV @Sam Boyd Stadium 8pm
Howzit Tsaiko Nation!
I know the Warriors and the Tsaikos and other fans in attendance in Seattle will be like our President: All fired up! Ready to Go!!
Hey Al — Re: #136 — Are those field turf uniforms the green ones with the blood stains on ’em? 🙂 Seriously, they gotta do something about rug burn prevention!
(Where’s Pomai’s list?…)
bhf2 ~ maholo for the tickets…will yell plenty…
Thanks for your synopsis of CTC Tuesday evening. I didn’t have time to
Bhf2, you are so popular on this site, so happy birthday sweetie.
UH vs Washington @ Washington
14 – 10 Committed Road Warrior
17 – 3 tom mui
17 – 13 hotwheels
20 – 17 las vegas
21 – 10 Pomai
22 – 21 LizKauai
22 – 31 So Solly
23 – 21 HiFlyer
23 – 17 djmitcho
24 – 21 gmahoney
24 – 13 A-House
24 – 7 curveball
24 – 10 Capitol -ist/WassupDoc
27 – 17 Kazz
27 – 23 koakane
28 – 14 DrewHiro
28 – 10 G(China)
28 – 0 Jack Flash
28 – 27 Glenn
28 – 24 Curt
31 – 17 bighilofan2
31 – 24 longdistance808
31 – 17 bstunna2002
31 – 28 BIGWAVE96744
33 – 31 kinalau
34 – 24 BG
34 – 21 Cindy n Greg Cee
34 – 13 Momo
35 – 27 wafan
35 – 24 MP
35 – 14 Da Punchbowl Kid
35 – 17 Kama Krab
36 – 35 jojo
38 – 24 TYaiea
38 – 10 SailorBlue
41 – 14 al
42 – 31 Larry Fernadez
45 – 16 labrat
48 – 21 TChahng
50 – 0 WarriorTojo
56 – 14 d1shima
56 – 0 Kekoa
royvic 175
and that is exactly what i like about Coach Mack. He talks like me. 😀
and if you eva call Keaukaha ghetto again… 😆
Clemson’s 53-yard field goal makes me wonder if Dunnachie could hit one that long? Neither Enos nor “Frodo” can consistently kick a long field goal, IMHO, after watching them at practice.
UH is great; it will win the WAC; it will be undefeated; Mac is great; We are family!!!; We believe!!!; I’m a believer!!!
thanks for all the birthday wishes, y’all. 😀
like I said, i’m wishing for a supah soakin of da Wussie cats.
what I like most about Coach Mack is he sticks with his guyz through the season. He lets them finish the season and he lets them make the say, lets them have dignity. the more i listen to him, talking about all them mothaz…. I. i. i. get chicken skin. 😆
last year, at the Hawaii Bowl, all of them coming into the tunnel lookin all dejected, and the kids are yelling for the players and coaches to give them some recognition, i saw from Section C orange row 3 seat 1, the only one who looked up at the kids, and showed respect to the fans wuz Coach Mack.
Go Warriors!
Coach Shoji is having a recruit visit UH this weekend. She decommitted
and became a recruiting prospect. This is what I do know about her :
Senior, 6′ 3″ OH.
This info I don’t know :
1) Her name
2) Fab 50 player
3) Hometown
Oh, and Liz, STFU.
Please forgive me everyone
WSU 27 HI 17
opps, wrong teams and score, i already picked HAW 50-0….im so confused….please forgive me, my friend in las vegas told me that Hawaii would not cover the spread and I told him bologne….Hawaii is so macho.
Kakoa… shhh… no give away all our tricky plays…
Slugger, Beckwith :
4 year starter at the University of Hawaii at Manoa
1st All-American 2006
1st Team All MPSF 2006
2nd Team All MPSF 2007
Aiieee- Polamalu…. oweeee!
Pomai — UH 34 WSU 10
Gotta go to WVB game… Thanks for info, MsLiz.
Thanks for VB tix, ST & W-Doc.
Esme & whoooshhh…
That much I was able to catch on Call The Coach w/Dave Shoji last night.
Do you know what school she decommitted from?
(das u BigHilo)
Ward fumbles on the 5!!! Oh lord the first NFL game of 2009 headed for OT??? Man, watching football is fun again!!! No more FFTBL for me!!!
Don’t Know the school.
omg… how do I go home when the NFL is in ot ????
HW is one ticked off yobo…
lessee if they can get the fg.
Stealers win…
S. Robbs may give out the info. I think he is the host of the BC show
amber, aneli and stephanie on scholie who are graduating, wahines with 3 recruits noted last night, so is the 6’3 for 2010 0r 2011. Forsythe and Casicioppo are walk on transfers since shoji said he had one scholie to give tuaniga. fowler is a walk on. last year Hittle was on bb scholie. Thomas and the Iowa gal on scholie. so how many are on scholies, and how many can be offered next year.
UH vs Washington @ Washington
14 – 10 Committed Road Warrior
17 – 3 tom mui
17 – 13 hotwheels
20 – 17 las vegas
21 – 10 Pomai
22 – 21 LizKauai
22 – 31 So Solly
23 – 21 HiFlyer
23 – 17 djmitcho
24 – 21 gmahoney
24 – 13 A-House
24 – 7 curveball
24 – 10 Capitol -ist/WassupDoc
27 – 17 Kazz
27 – 23 koakane
28 – 14 DrewHiro
28 – 10 G(China)
28 – 0 Jack Flash
28 – 27 Glenn
28 – 24 Curt
31 – 17 bighilofan2
31 – 24 longdistance808
31 – 17 bstunna2002 X
31 – 28 BIGWAVE96744
33 – 31 kinalau
34 – 24 BG
34 – 21 Cindy n Greg Cee
34 – 13 Momo
34 – 10 Unkanesson
35 – 27 wafan
35 – 24 MP
35 – 14 Da Punchbowl Kid
35 – 17 Kama Krab
36 – 35 jojo
38 – 24 TYaiea
38 – 10 SailorBlue
41 – 14 al
42 – 31 Larry Fernadez
45 – 16 labrat
48 – 21 TChahng
50 – 0 WarriorTojo
56 – 14 d1shima
56 – 0 Kekoa
Next year, there will be an incredible Senior class playing D-1 volleyball.
Remember the 6′ 3″ setter from Univ. of Texas? Nebraska has a
commitment from a 6′ 5″ setter. (Morgan Broekhuis)
Long Beach St. has a commitment form a MB 6′ 7″. (Haleigh Hampton)
Both Fab 50 players.
The visiting 6’3″ recruit is for 2010.
I hope it is Falyn Fonoimoana who commited to USC.
Well… Ms. Fonoimoana is 6’3″ – 6’4″ and is obviously an outside hitter.
❓ Lydia Bai – Beckman Volleyball, 6′ 3″, OH
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
thanks again folks for the well wishes.
summa yu want a poly coach. you stay talkin 2 sides ah yo face. since when yu see any poly, local or from da south, who can talk 😀 the king’s english? 😀
i thought we said: “wat? we goin broke day faces” 😀
imagine Mack tellin errybody. “we goin bus em up, da mudda pha…z ” 😀
we’d find fault with him den too, even dough he wuz tryin fo make like us. too bad yu all neva go Boalt Hall, Northwestern, NHC, Hofstra, UH, den you’d no da bradda speaks da Kikng’s English….
King Street. 😆
Maybe Lydia could bring mom with her. Da Iron Hammer.
17-14 UH
How solid is your statement on Lydia.
[…] The Warrior Beat | UH football, University of Hawaii athletics … […]
The ladies of Weber State have been “shut out” 4 times?
I didn’t think that was possible in volleyball.
Brew ~ Are you wearing your game face on the way up north, or will you be quietly meditating your way into the mood just after the Ha’a is performed?
Brew 808
hiya . okay, for anudda burtday wish, since yu can make da screen jump up and down wit all da good vibes,
lemme see you do a haka fo me.
since i seen yu do wondaz on da screen 2, how bout it.
a 20 second haka.
Brew 808,
go enjoy da game in Seattle. yell plenny loud fo us!
bhf2 ~ Remember, the Splash Gate ruckus at my place in Vegas on Sunday. Bring da Susan and da grandkids and join us. Garret and Lori are bringing their children over to cruise da ‘lazy’ river and enjoy the swimming pools.
Enjoy some BBQ and exchange some opinions about the game. Just a relaxing day after all the pre-planned frenetic activity leading up to the game.
Happy ‘burpday’ again my friend, maybe you will have good luck at the tables because of it.
808ike – pure speculation. Just my quick look at available (non-committed) CA OH’s over 6-1. 🙄
bighilofan2 – I’m sure we’ll be able to hear your hollering all the way from Hilo! 😯
Kekoa – “game face” – Are you trying to say I need make-up!?! I know… it gets kind of stuffy with the double paper-bag all the time…. 😆
kekoa, will be at the vegas game. leaving this sat nite. just got home from the north, so quick turnaround. see you all there.
nanook (North) ==> whitey (Maui) 😯
🙄 Sounds…. .><((((º>. fishy…!!! .<º))))><. 😀
2-Questions: The 60 player Travel Roster/squad is a WAC rule right? Will the Warriors follow this guidance at the two non-conference road games this and next week? 😕
Kekoa – check your mail.
Starting to get real hungry for some wild coho salmon, manila clams, and some delicious clam chowder…. 😀
and for desert…. how about some…. 😯
Oy… Wahine running away with the match now.
1st set= UH 25-13
2nd set= UH 25-13
3rd set= ????
Congrats to all the winners… including jm2375! 😆
Hmmm… Amber Kaufman never played with her right wrist taped up like that before.
Alexis Forsythe and Corrine Cascioppo both in at the same time for the first time this season…. I think…
…curse of the Game 2-3 break! 😈
Kazz – na Wahine need you and your tremendous support! Get well soon! 😀
Jim Leahey busts out a “Madden-type” observation:
“This line up of Kaufman, Mafua, Danielson, Brandt, Cubi-Otineru, and Lee look more comfortable than when they had a bigger line up because they play more…”
Gee pops.. u tink so?
Happy Birtyhday BigHiloFan2.
The Wahine are doing fine tonight. 😎
Now they’re really testing out Cascioppo’s arm. Three times Mafua went with real high sets, twice resulting in kills.
However can tell Forsythe needs more time to work on getting her blocks set up quicker. Several times she was late in setting up.
Lots of elbows to da ribs in the Stanley:
“Eh, wake up. Match point!”
UH sweeps.
Good job, Wahine.
Uh huh… 🙁
Jim Leahey after awarding Amber Kaufman with the “hard hit of the night”:
“don’t worry, there’s much more to come”.
Where? 😯
….and then they come back to a shot of a completely empty court!
Is Pops sure he’s not alone?!?!
Brew ~ Your game face will mask your true identity, and thus protect your cover. Don’t want Mrs. A-house to uncover what has taken you years to protect. Sure she means well, but she may reveal things the world is not quite ready for.
nanook is thawing, his catch must be in the deep freeze. Next stop Vegas!
hey kazz, time to change your handle; eleven more for coach shoji, right?
wahines played well enough to win and played a lot of players. they did not try to stick it to weber which showed good sportsmanship. glad to see j lee get to play a full game. thought would see more of hewitt, but playing is truly helping the wahines’s bench.
brew, was not an easy trip, but got our share of cohos and buts. are you going to the vegas game???? will be there.
Good question D-1. He’s been talking to the ‘others’ everyday. I have yet to meet them.
Good riddance to WSU in 2011. They are so lame no TV network will pick them up and I’ll probably miss seeing the Warriors this weekend. Of course ESPN Gameplan sucks too. Paying all that money when Fox shows just as money shows for 5 bucks a month. At least I can listen to Bobby folks.
Dey u go!
Ah… I remember the days me and my friends used to stay in the SSC for as long as possible just to hear the PA guy say “Ladies and Gentleman, the Stan Sheriff Center is now closed”.
Then we’d boo him as loud as possible, but the HPD officers making their way up the stairs was our que to leave. 😆
Put me down for 41-24
Wac em Warriors!
Interview with RGM.
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want to read the off-topic stuff.
China is building the world’s largest solar power plant–it will be bigger than Manhattan and generate 2 billion watts!
When someone tried to set off a bomb that was concealed in his shoe, all airport travelers had to start taking off their shoes. Now, a suicide bomber hid an IED in his butt, just like how drug smugglers have been hiding things for years, and this is a major concern for airlines…I hope they come up with a nice scanning device because I don’t mind taking off my shoe but I don’t want to think of them searching this area!
UK engineers have designed a “gravity tractor” that could intercept an asteroid that is headed for Earth, position itself to fly alongside it, and gradually modify its course by exerting a small gravitational force on the asteroid:
Florida woman broke into a car that was parked in a secure lot at a Florida police station, taking $7 because she said she wanted money for the soda machine.
Prostitution was illegal in Rhode Island until 1980, when legislators tried to speed up the prosecution of prostitution and accidentally deleted the section that made it a crime. Nobody noticed until a court case in 2003 and they haven’t been able pass a law closing the loophole.
Free play links pau.
If Washington State played at Aloha Stadium in 2011, the TV rights would be controlled by UH and the streaming video from Oceanic would be available like the rest of the non-ESPN home games.
If you have Dish, DirecTV, or U-Verse, you should be able to get the multi sports package and get the game on Saturday. It actually is much cheaper than GamePlan–for Dish it is $5.99 per month, and you can cancel anytime.
You can click on my name for the thread on SportsHawaii that discusses how to see each UH game this season.
Now that’s “improvising”!
#283 – Kazz- is it 11 more for Coach Shoji now???
bhf2 ~ Big Mahalo for da tickets…had a great time watching the Rainbow Wahine beat Weber St (sorry Bulla…)! Cheered so hard my hands are sore…Next tailgate, I’ll buy you a greenie (or at least get you a cold one from da cooler)…
bhf2 ~ Big Mahalo for da tickets…had a great time watching the Rainbow Wahine beat Weber St (sorry Bulla…)! Cheered so hard my hands are sore…Next tailgate, I’ll buy you a greenie (or at least get you a cold one from da cooler)…
glad you were able to yell fo da home team!
you might make Kazz status yet. 😀
I hope Coach Mack reads our blog.
This is a BIG weekend for us.
Gotta step it up, coach!
keep on da Shaw. look Rolo in the eye.
trust da kid to buckaloose one time.
make Tormey look great in front of the home crowd.
spend a coupla plays with him gesticulating like heck wit
da hands, make like Miano. make him look GREAT!!!
you can do it, coach!!! yes you can!!!!
when I think of Alexander the Great, I just have a terrific feeling about this running back/qb.
to be the best you gotta play like you’re the best.
Go get em Alexander!
Go Warriors!
Figured out that the tickets ST gave to W-Doc were your’s!
Hope you had a good trip.
Didn’t spock Sailor Blue or the Mrs. there…saw sjmacro & myki, tho.
Stanford is gonna be tough…but you knew that. Go buy your tix soon; they’re selling fast for Saturday’s WVB game.
nite nite and sweet dreams. zzzzzzzzzzzz
<blockquote<LizKauai [iMac] WARRIORS! IMUA!:
September 10th, 2009 at 9:04 pm
#283 – Kazz- is it 11 more for Coach Shoji now???
Oh yes.
I know Bobby Curran has mentioned that he has a hard time seeing the numbers on the UH jerseys, too.
To clarify what Mack said on the Call the Coach show: he addressed the same topic at Nā Koa the day before. He said they weren’t planning on breaking out the ‘Noke yet, but that they probably should have played ʻInoke some at RB. Mack said he likes LWJ, Green, and ʻInoke.
Here’s the thing about the substitutions: Unless you have special packages, I can understand that not happening. Dave Aranda pointed out last year that while he was up in the booth, Ikaika Malloe was on the field. And Aranda noted that while Malloe was rotating the DTs in and out, he wasn’t really doing the same for the DEs. Well, first, you have a better feel of the players that you coach, and you can tell when they need a breather or two. Second, when you have multiple responsibilities (like DTs and ST for Malloe), then I can understand missing things.
When you look at the offense, you only have four coaches. Two of them are in the booth, concentrating more on the chess match part of the game. There are only two on the field, and both are concerned with play calling and detail adjustments. Makes sense to me why a player rotation might get left in the wayside. It’s not excusable, by any means, but that just means the coaches need to do a better job of picking up the slack and helping each other out. Just as WassupDoc said, this is the second year, this is the year for that kind of stuff to happen.
Condolences, (((HUGS))) and prayers for the las vegas ohana. Dad passed away today.
My condolences to you and your ohana John.
Mai poina
Actually both of tonight’s volleyball matches were blowouts. I was surprised that Shoji didn’t play more of his backups.
Gave away two of the tickets to a couple of women waiting in line to buy tickets for both tonight and Saturday’s matches. The third ticket went to Slugger while the fourth one no one wanted.
We have four tickets to give away for tomorrow night and two to give away for Saturday night. Remember, Saturday’s match is supposed to be close to a sell-out. If someone wants to use these tickets, please e-mail me swood at hoku dot com and be sure to include your daytime or cell phone number. I’ll arrange to leave the tickets at the Will Call Window.
Once inside the Stan Sheriff Center, you’re supposed to sit where you’ve been assigned; however, in reality you can sit wherever you want unless someone actually has a ticket for the seat you’ve chosen. If that happens, then just move to another seat.
Mahalo to the Honolulu Advertiser – the freebie tickets gave us a very different view from our regular seats.
las vegas,
Condolences to you and your ‘ohana. ((((HUGS))))
tonight’s news
las vegas…sad that your dad had to go before you got here. We, in your Tsai-ko Ohana, grieve with you in this difficult time.
Wat coach Mack, u tink we all stay stuuupid or someting. I mean wow cuzm for u for say no matter who stay calling da plays for da warriors no matter is pretty much calling all us guys dumb, wat all u guys tink?
C’mon Mack daddy, frick, at least be honest. Da truth of the matter is all lass year and in game 1 dis yearm uncle Ron Lee stay all over da place, so gotta change em up for make Nick Rolovich call da plays.
We not stuuuped you know, cuz, just be straight up ladat, who u stay trying for kid ladat?
Our team not dat good right now, but geev-um time cuz, maybes us guyz get small can chance.
Coach Mack my bruddah, I no kea wat anybody stay say, but for me yeah, I expect more from a coach making a million dollars a year,
Las Vegas,
So sorry to hear about your loss.
Oh and if da reason u stay keep on saying that stuff about Ron cannot work with receivers while da game stay going on, then how the heck is Rolovich going work with quarterbacks, runningbacks and receivers while the game stay going?
Maybe Mack, well hopefully Mack will get out of Rolo’s hair and every other coach on his staff, and finally let them do ho
chawan thanks for the video. ST said they were at Brigham Field but then in the video Liz Chun said that they were at Memorial Stadium which makes more sense to me. ST are you lost???? or drinking those apple things????
u tink we stuuuped — Welcome to the blog!
Great choice of blog name!
I hate it when people don’t sit in their assigned seats. At UCA game this guy had a lot of stuff in my seat and when I asked him to move it(nicely) he pulled out his ticket row number,seat number then section number like he was sure that he was in the right place. But then I told him (nicely) you have the right seat the right row but you are in the wrong section. Then you could hear an echo from others in the section saying the same thing. Then he looks at me and yells sorry eh!! Which really didn’t bother me but something else did. He had about four young kids with him. He then turned to one of the kids yelling at him for not finding the right seats. The kid must have been in the early teens maybe younger.
Oh yeah the stadium usher just was a spectator the whole time. When I looked at him he just looked the other way.
LAS VEGAS: My deepest sympathy on your loss.
labrat- I feel for ya. curveball and I are sitting in a largely empty section. Not sure if most of the people who settled down by us are ticket-holders there but they sure drank a lot of beer and talked about other stuff constantly so I didn’t get much video of the game.
We’ll see if they are there next month. The mature couple behind us said this section gets a lot of hoppers.
Nitey nite and Sweet Warrior Dreams!
labrat the ushers must be assigned to stadium security, you were expected to give a bribe, their boss Naone was sentenced to 16 months in prison for shaking down a couple of bars.
condolences to Las Vegas, I grieve with you in your loss of your dad.
Слушайте, а кто-нить новый Chrome от гугла кто-нить пользует?
Ну Типа круто , сей Ваш !
My younger sister said that she saw our mom sitting by dad’s hospital bed smoking a cigarette yesterday.
No big deal but mom died 19 months ago.
A few hours later dad quietly gave up the fight, mom was always impatient and making dad hurry up.
I guess some things never change.
Thank you for your prayers and well wishes, the Collins/Sakura family
deeply appreciate every one of you.
my heartfelt condolences john to you and your family.
the loss of loved ones especially parents are always tough.
may the Lord be with you.
John – Sending you (& your family) my heartfelt deepest condolences.
Anyone hear if the team is going to debut the Haka? My 6 yr old wants to wear his green “hulk hands” to the game for it.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!
I feel a huge victory coming up in Washington. The offense will roll, the defense will stuff WSU and we’ll be going nuts watching from my home. What a fun weekend this will be with family and friends. Go Warriors!
[…] The Warrior Beat | UH football, University of Hawaii athletics … […]
morning all.. new post up.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior. (and its mainland money added to the economy too!)
I was off a little on my preduction of 37-17, but I can take it. Wonderful game Greg Alexander is going to start getting national attention soon.
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SEATTLE The Warriors practiced for 2 hours at Brigham Field.One of the attendees was former Warrior […]…