Receiver is top candidate for GA job
Former Utah wide receiver Luke Matthews has emerged as the leading candidate for a graduate assistant’s job on offense.
Matthews completed his NCAA career in 2012, having played in 50 of 51 games with the Utes. He had 30 career starts. More importantly, Matthews was named to his conference’s all-academic team in each of the four years he played.
Utah coach Kyle Whittingham had offered Matthews an administrative job on the Utes staff.
UH is undergoing a lengthy vetting process and background check before the position may be filled.
Matthews already has been admitted into UH.
The Warriors’ other graduate assistants are Jordan Wynn and Jared Vanderbeek.
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Happy birthday to the guy on the other side of the camera — SJMacro.
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Flashback Monday:
Welcome to the GAs!
Yeah, top 5! Welcome Mr. Matthews.
Greetings, Tom Mui and Buffoman.
Howdy Stephen!
Nice to get more resources
Top Ten!
Good day to all Hawaii Rainbow Warriors, new and old.
Tom Mui,
PolyMom will be here in the Kailua house while I am in Baja.
If there is a cattle call or other event please let her know.
Any date set as to the PigSkin Pigout?
Heavy push to all season ticket holders that have not renewed.
Good morning, again!
Welcome to the new Warriors on staff.
Interesting closing set of posts yesterday by Mr. Tsai.
Watching the Cisco Kid.
Funny how sometimes he has an accent and then it suddenly disappears.
I was leaving bread crumbs
Interesting nevertheless. I think.
Someone have a problem?
Time to get my eyes dilated.
So glad it is cloudy today!
Good morning all!
Don Weir ..I believe..Pigskin Pigout,, is scheduled for August 22nd, a week before the USC game at Murphy’s.
Happy birthday to my better half sjmacro!
Have a great week!
Happy Birthday Sjmacro!
Happy Birthday SJ!!!
Good morning Tsaikos!!!
Happy birthday Shutter Bug!
Good morning Tsaikos!
Happy Birthday sj!
Welcome to the new GAs.
Since Chow and his staff have a lot of ties with Utah, can we see a home and home series with the Utes anytime soon? Sure would like to see a series with the Ducks too, and Stanford! Just a thought.
Are any of our former UH football players, besides, Bess, Edwards, Sopoaga, in any NFL camps? What is Pisa doing these days? Did he graduate? What happened to the folks who were in Arena League?
Slow times until Rainbow Warriors get ready for USC, so just trying to see what else is up.
Derek, more better join the Pac-12 🙂
ST: Isn’t Jordan Wynn a GA, also ?
Jumong has 81 episodes – yep, very easy to get hooked – critic of Jumong by many is it is probably the best series ever produced by Korean network.
Dae Jung Geum (Jewel in the Palace): have you watched all the episodes?
Sungkyngkwan Scandal: started watching yet?
I believe UH should be a member of the PAC 12 and hope that Ben Jay will make an effort. Wonder if any UHAD ever asked the PAC 12 what their minimum criteria besides being asked to join that conference.
With more football, basketball, volleyball and baseball games with PAC 12 schools will give the conference powers a better look at what UH can add to their conference – yes, TV viewership is a big deal, but gotta start some place. But, don’ t forget the many UH fans along the West Coast and Nevada that can boost ticket sales and viewership.
Yep, recognize that many of the “lesser” sports are non-revenue producing and few attend the games/matches, but they can do as much as or better than the SEC or BIG 10 in basketball, baseball, track & field, volleyball – yes, the Big East is a “power house” in basketball, but never hurts to recruit in their territory and beat them in home and home games.
Who got the beeg $$$???
Good morning everyone!
Luke Matthew — Welcome to the University of Hawaii!
i too believe we should be in the PAC12. I do believe in miralces *clap clap*.
A whole set of happy birthday wishes to SJ!
Thanks for the catch.
You are correct.
Good Morning Gangeez!
I believe UH should be in the Pac-12.
I believe I can fly.
I believe I can touch the sky.
I think about it every night and day …
PAC12?! YES!!!
Dream big, play big, work hard! It can happen!
Why Mr. Tsai… that was… was… was absolutely beautiful!!!
*sob, sob, sniff, sniff*.
Rather than being reactive, why not look at the matter (Pac 12) in a proactive way. Do some research to see what the financial benefit to the State’s largest industry (tourism) would be is UH got membership into the league. Television exposure, visitors for games, etc. Would this membership also enhance opening markets East? If so, how and what would that benefit be to the State? What would the cost be associated with this effort? What is the offset, cost to maintain membership.
Then with this go the Governor and the ask to convene an informational meeting to include the Senate President, House Speaker, WAM Chair, Finance Chair and the Chairs of the Tourism committees. In an objective, straight forward presentation backed by facts (both pro and con) lay out what would be if UH was accepted in the Pac12.
Then present the case as to why the State government should make a commitment to annually financially support the UH position, which would be a portion of the offset gained by the income generated by UH’s membership. The financial support would come in the form of CIP and maintenance only such that facilities are always in great shape. This would include any and all Aloha Stadium upgrades with a review of the financial relationship between the two entities to create a more equitable relationship.
Operational costs would still be the responsibility of the UH.
If the research does not make financial sense, then the idea of joining the Pac 12 should be dropped as it all boils down to the situation being financially viable.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our most senior lensman, sj-macro. I hope you enjoy your day today…SMILE!
Welcome, Mr. Matthews! Mahalo to all the other GAs, too!
You should ask the PAC-12 first if they want UH.
Why go through all that bureaucracy if the PAC-12 doesn’t want UH?
happy birthday sjmacro
Jtl ~ #38 & 39. Those PAC-Rats never did like us. They’ve treated us like we were Po’ Folk Riff-Raff living under the grandstands. I wish the slippah was on our foot for a change.
Kekoa, that’s why it’s nice to beat any PAC-12 team, any sport, any day!
SJMacro – a happy birfday 2 U!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday, sjmacro!
As a Commander, I became very upset whenever a subordinate told me that it could not be done when he/she made NO attempt to complete the task – just give me every excuse, not reason(s) why the mission could not be accomplished.
Still makes me see RED today.
In Soviet Russia, PAC 12 joins you.
If the Pac-12 were to be interested, I bet the MWC would entice us to stay by canceling our travel subsidies policy. smh
Maybe the answer is to petition the PAC-12 as a non-football member.
When I visited SDSU a few months ago, I wasn’t surprised it had better facilities than UH. I was surprised it was 10 times better. UH needs to improve facilities and resources first.
Good Luck to Mr. Matthews.
Let’s Chase Championships!
The media has covered the crappy athletics facilities, the public knows, the legislature knows, the administration knows, booster clubs know, coaches know, UHAD knows, ESPN knows, Colt Brennan knows.
But the beat goes on…
Everyone and their cousin who needs to know and has the power to do something about it knows yet….-_-
We don’t have the media market or national following to warrant us admission and its not something you gain just like that.
If we get in, I believe we will have to follow the Utah Utes blue prints. Be a solid BCS Bowl contender while hoping that a school or two decline a PAC12 invite during the next expansion phase. Lots of hard work and lots of luck.
can you describe “10 better”?
words will do if no pictures.
For one, I bet they splurged and used more of their school colors and logos around the facility.
ST, I guess that’s why the PAC 12 did not extend an invite to Hawaii when they invited Colorado and Utah. It seems that SDSU might be next in line for an invite if/when the PAC 12 expands. I suppose Hawaii remains in the picture only because UH’s athletic program maintains a successful, well-rounded program that includes sports that the PAC 12 embraces such as sailing, water polo, softball, baseball, and volleyball. But in the area of facilities, Hawaii fails miserably. It shows lack of commitment by the State and UH administration to find solutions.
Personally, I think the PAC12 needs the San Diego market and SDSU as much as the Big 12 needs U of Houston and the Houston market.
If UNLV had a good football program, I could see them being a possible candidate for PAC12 -> P16 expansion. Their bball program warrants it.
Legislators need to make it happen.!!!
happy birthday sjmacro!
long time no c
Pac-12 is going to need some new money eventually.
Ever try to watch the Pac-12 channel during the football offseason? Boring.
There are six or seven channels, and they’re all showing the same replay of a water polo match.
Anyway, Nevada, UNLV, SDSU, Fresno State, New Mexico, Boise State and Air Force (of course) have really nice facilities. Even San Jose State, except for its stadium, has improved facilities.
Plus Hawaii is so far away.
So far away. Doesn’t anybody stay in one place anymore?
I think I read somewhere that SJSU will be renovating their ancient stadium sometime soon.
Yes they do. Many stay in one place. It’s the surroundings that move.
Here is the story. It’s a $38.5 million dollar privately funded project to upgrade 80-yr old Spartan Stadium.
Happy Birthday sj_macro!
If Pac-16 acceptance hinges on travel costs, I’m sure we’d be williing to pay. Pac-16 TV money would far exceed travel cost. (We’re payimg for it anyway in MWC and Big West with so little in return at present).
C’mon now, the so-called movers and shakers already associated with athletics support are already sitting on their okoles saying changing things would be “too much work” or that the bums in the admin office are “doing a good job”. They do enough just to get by and do enough to get their ugly mugs shown in those courtside seats, are standing at those tables in the concourse area of the arena schmoozing with other high maka maka mucks and the photo ops come. They all do just enough to get by.
Question for discussion … What does UH presently have that would make the Pac-12 consider UH for expansion? Does UH have more to offer than SDSU, SJSU, or UNLV?
$350/nt rooms in Waikiki 😈
Happy birthday, SJ-Macro!
Happy Birthweek SJ-Macro!
Hilo Moon,
SDSU and UNLV have basketball programs that far exceed Hawaii and even most of the PAC12. Their media markets are also larger. That being said, the PAC12 doesn’t need the San Diego market and I don’t think SDSU has a clench on the San Diego market anyway.
If UNLV’s football program gets to the same level as SDSU/Fresno/Nevada, they could be contenders for a PACXX invite in the future.
Until we win our conference on a continuing basis all this talk about pac anything is just that talk.
Sorry, forgot to add the importance of a strong academic program. Hawaii has that over UNLV and SDSU. We could solidify our position as best academic school out of the MWC if we can get into the AAU.
#56 a-house
this is hawai’i’s locker room:
you see anything about the locker room that resembles a “good facility”? that is why the coaching staff does not show recruits the lockers.
also, the new wahine softball lockers, nice, but nothing about hawai’i on the walls. where’s the pride?
A huge portion of those living in San Diego are fans of USC and UCLA. San Diego State isn’t much in the conversion. Adding San Diego State into the picture won’t be adding much to the PAC 12’s television market. They average something like 20 thousand butts in the seats.
Imagine that ANOTHER utah guy on UH staff…last time I checked the utes have gotten worked over the last 2 years playing in a real conference! It’s time for Coach Chow to think outside of the state of Utah! Bring in some former UH players that are DYING to get a break in the coaching ranks.
Hey, Good Evening Folks!
Welcome to new GA, Luke Matthews!
Happy Birthday Blessings to SJ! (Shout out to Myki too!) Miss you both!
Hope I can get vacation time off for the USC game (crossing fingers)!
Looking forward to being there to see the Tsaiko Faithful for that first epic tailgate versus archrival nemesis USC!
Colt Brennan would be an awesome qb coach.
evening all, played nice today? no matter can practice tommorrow bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
happy bday jerry, clear focus to you always
Happy Birthday, sjmacro! And a Happy 21st to my baby boy, Nick. See you soon, son!
Oh, yes, happy birthday to your son.
21 is quite a milestone.
One word: Vegas.
He tried to change his clothes. He even changed his career. But he could not escape his skin. And at the moment, his skin crawled for the need that was in the bottle.
He was a good guy, right?
He fought against a foe armed with a bow. He was a warrior of right, wasn’t he?
No, that was all an illusion, like a rainbow’s end.
He craved attention, because nobody of substance would pay him any.
Yes, he had that hunger, that not even a can of Hormel would ease.
And worst of all, the cloak of anonymity was lifted. And we all stared … at a man worth nothing.
96 Tears…
“Oh, ya got ta have Friends…to make that day last long”