Re-settting the calendar

Did Rainbow Warrior fans enjoy the weekend?

Uh … what?

Yep, with the opener a week away, the football calendar has been re-set. That means today is considered to be a Warrior Monday, which means meetings and a weight-lifting session in the morning, and more meetings and conditioning drills this afternoon.

The usual Tuesday practice will be held tomorrow and Saturday. The usual Wednesday practice will be held Sunday and Monday. There will be a light practice on Tuesday and a walk-through on Wednesday. Please adjust your tailgates for the game next Thursday.

* * * * *

Last night’s telethon raised $206,000 in pledges, with all of the money going to pay for the Rainbow Warriors’ training table. It exceeded the goal of $150,000 in pledges.

What was good was that Na Koa announced how the money would be used specifically. It’s easier to attract donors when they know how the money will be spent rather the pledges going into a general fund.


  1. mf808 August 22, 2013 6:35 am


  2. rage777 August 22, 2013 6:35 am

    It’s getting close. I hope we have a good season.

  3. DoubleBB August 22, 2013 6:36 am

    First…can’t wait for the season.

  4. DoubleBB August 22, 2013 6:37 am

    Wow you guys are fast 🙂

  5. wafan August 22, 2013 6:41 am

    Top 5!

  6. wafan August 22, 2013 6:42 am

    Rainbow headbrellas!

  7. koakane ip5 August 22, 2013 6:45 am

    morning 808 😎


  8. koakane ip5 August 22, 2013 6:49 am

    got chopped off

    and humidity rising so do what ever it takes to be cool

    congrats to Na Koa and the generous donars over $200,000 was raised last night

  9. koakane ip5 August 22, 2013 6:52 am

    general fund

  10. PurpleMaple August 22, 2013 6:57 am

    The donor response last night was heartwarming, especially when it was mentioned that they significantly surpassed last year’s total.

  11. Brad August 22, 2013 6:59 am

    Aww man I’m going to think Thursday is Saturday and Friday is Sunday and end up having a four day weekend. Hey I guess there’s nothing wrong with that. Can’t wait! Go Bows!

  12. Brad August 22, 2013 7:03 am

    After last night final tally I’m sure the guys on the field will have an extra hop in their step during practice and using:#feeling good

  13. Slugger August 22, 2013 7:10 am

    Good morning, gang!

    Mahalo to the generous donors to the FB training table.


  14. tommui August 22, 2013 7:16 am


    Good going donors!

  15. Ballpicker August 22, 2013 7:18 am

    Game week, here we go gang! Getting the juices flowing and the taste buds ready.

    Informative veiwing lastnight on KFVE. I got a nice look into the Rainbow Warrior camp and how they roll. Nice chunk of change received last night for the Rainbow Warrior training table.

    Go Rainbow Warriors…

  16. A-House August 22, 2013 7:21 am


    By donating to the “training table” to Na Koa, does this by-pass the UH Foundation and their 3% fee?

    of, does the foundation still take their cut?

  17. A-House August 22, 2013 7:23 am


    with the “fund raiser” done, can individuals still go to and still make a donation specifying it be used for the “training table” fund?

    or, is it

  18. A-House August 22, 2013 7:26 am

    friendly reminder to all Tsaikos and their friends and neighbors, if you will not use the “coupon” imbedded with your season ticket, please donate it to the UH Basketball team.

    I will continue to collect the coupons at tailgates or you can mail them to me at 1164 Bishop Street #400, Hon, HI 96813.

    Domo arigato – mahalo – thank you!!!

  19. migloto August 22, 2013 7:27 am

    there was a telethon?

  20. Stephen Tsai August 22, 2013 7:30 am

    There also is a Pigskin Pigout today.

  21. Stephen Tsai August 22, 2013 7:34 am

    I didn’t get any official announcement on the telethon or pigout.

    I remember last year I was bummed because I didn’t get any notice about a Stevie Wonder concert.

  22. Brad August 22, 2013 7:35 am

    I think you can still donate at but it may not be specifically for the training tables. It’s still good to donate. I did last night but I may donate when I can knowing they help pay for summer school. That helps bring in the anticipated recruits earlier so they can get a head start on school and football and also to keep the current guys on track to graduate.

  23. Kevin August 22, 2013 7:39 am

    Na Koa is still under UH Foundation.

    ALL funds donated to any booster club goes thru UH Foundation. ALL FUNDS.

  24. Jordanwynn fan August 22, 2013 7:58 am

    OK MEN This is “UNfinished Business” push that USC line back to Beverly Hills.

  25. boya_jr August 22, 2013 8:01 am

    Great fundraiser telethon, excellent interviews, and excitement building. I stayed up until 1am in my timezone to watch. I was really touched by the interviews of the players. They are student athletes who play for the school and state. Happy that da Boys gotta eat good! Mahalo to the folks who donated money and time.

  26. gobows August 22, 2013 8:05 am

    Today is my sunday, back to work tomorrow. So im right on schedule with the team since sunday and monday is wednesday.

  27. Ipu Man August 22, 2013 8:06 am

    Kevin, do you know who makes decisions for the “UH Foundation”?

    Are they against us or fir us?


  28. Matthew Chang August 22, 2013 8:09 am


    Whatever happened to Tevita Lataimua?

  29. Ipu Man August 22, 2013 8:10 am

    The stock market stopped trading today.

    World War Three may break out at any moment.

    Earthquakes, Wind, Rain and Fire everywhere.

    I don’t care…

    Just beat the yellow jello out of USC.

    Go Rainbow Warriors!

  30. tom-warriornation August 22, 2013 8:15 am

    2 tickets left; someone ordered then cancelled on me.

    UNLV Oct. 12 road game

    $55 each for 50 yard sideline seats

    $30 for great endzone seats

    UH ticket office price is $60 (for near endzone seats most likely)

    Sit safely with a 200+ other diehard Hawaii fans all wearing GREEN!

    Email me:

  31. Inyoface August 22, 2013 8:16 am

    Are you ready for some football! This is our HOUSE!!! Lez GO!!!

  32. RainbowCliff August 22, 2013 8:17 am

    Good morning Tsaiko Nation !

    Congrats on the telethon as $206,000.00 is REAL KALA !

    Wonderful to see Hawaii fans stepping it up to feed these athletes

    HEALTHY / NUTRITIOUS food to gain back so much fliuds and mass being lost after

    hard practices each day leading up to the BIG GAME !

    I always remember our pregame meal when I was playing. Ilikai Charter house first two years and Victoria Station at the very end. Charter house delicious prime rib, chicken or steak / vegtables with rolls and the best prawns I ever tasted. Crisp cold salad with italian or blue cheese dressing and any beverage you want as I enjoyed ice tea. Charter house a beautiful view of boats over looking the yacht area. Definetly will take my family there IF it is still existing ?

    Victoria Station was unique in it’s own way as it had the train caboose a good dark red color and when you walk inside a well design of comfortable lounge leather seats to eat delicious prime rib or steak with vegteables and all the salad you can eat.

    Both eating restaurants did a GREAT job taking care of my playing era from 1976-81

    Once a BOW, always a BOW !

    PLEASE save me a rainbow headbrella, will treasure it ALWAYS !

  33. Na Koa Mike August 22, 2013 8:41 am

    Another big mahalo to all the UH football fans for your support last night.

    Don’t forget Murphy’s Pigskin Pigout is tonight starting at 5:30.

  34. Jin August 22, 2013 9:05 am

    Just curious, why must outside funds be used for the “training table”? Why not the University???

  35. Manoa Mist August 22, 2013 9:06 am

    What’s up Rainbow Cliff! Hope all is well with you my brother.

  36. cocobean August 22, 2013 9:11 am

    I’m under the impression that only scholarship players are allowed to eat at the training table. Is this correct?

    Kinda remember the Fenderson story about living in his car and not being able to eat with the other players.

  37. koakane ip5 August 22, 2013 9:15 am

    rainbow cliff it’s chart house and its still there, fuud still outstanding

  38. tommui August 22, 2013 9:16 am


    the UHF administers all funds given to the UH – whether it is for academic scholarships, athletics, Na Koa or any endeavor involving the UH.

    All of them pay an initial fee of 3% and so a $100 donation would have an administrative fee of $3.00; $1,000 would have a $30.00 fee etc.

    While people wonder about the 3%, it should be remembered that the initial fee pays for salaries and administrative costs involved.

    Banks, stock exchanges, mutual funds, charitable institutions etc all have administrative fees. Even the State and City charge you for every transaction you make.

    The 3% charged by the UHF actually is quite reasonable, all things considered.

    No – I have never been an employee of the UH nor UHF!.

  39. (Jesse)James August 22, 2013 9:17 am

    Good morning Tsaikos!!!

    Woo Hoo…only one more week until first T-gate and game. I love it!!!

    Good job on the telethon last night….Congrats to Na Koa but more importantly, congrats to the training table….and the student athletes being nourished by it. Mahalo to all those who donated. 🙂

  40. RainbowCliff August 22, 2013 9:19 am

    Howz It Manoa Mist !

    ALL is well as I will be coming back 9-2-13 !

    Flying wife and mother-in-law with me as good and LOYAL local

    college friend back in my days of 76-81 will take care of the expenses !

    Will finalize flight # / departure time from lax and arrival in honolulu when

    the 2nd gets closer. Hope to see you and other Tsaikos when I get there.

    Will be leaving on the 8th at night as I will have 7 GLORIOUS days back at

    the OHANA !

    ELEVEN days and counting !

  41. Pomai August 22, 2013 9:19 am

    Ipu Man the money donated to the booster clubs goes to the UH foundation who are basically the booster clubs accountants. They do not control the spending of any funds that are in the booster club accounts. The only one that can really spend the money is the head coach or the booster club with approval of the head coach. Example: Say the booster club wants to buy a table for the student-athletes to use. They first get quotes from different vendors, then they make a purchase order, submit it to the head coach for approval, this also includes the AD’s sign off. The order is then placed, material received with an invoice, the invoice is then turned in to the head coach for processing which ends up with the foundation cutting a check to the vendor. Now that a basic way things are done.

  42. Pomai August 22, 2013 9:22 am

    Tom Mui is right the 3% that the UHF charges is a steal for a accounting service….

  43. gobows August 22, 2013 9:23 am

    38- wonder if they still serve soft shell crab. haven’t been there in about 15 years.

  44. d1shima August 22, 2013 9:30 am

    Great Morning All! (whatever morning it is…or is supposed to be)

    Game Week, baby!

    #lesdudis Warriors!

  45. chopsueyboy August 22, 2013 9:35 am

    USC head coach to be on Dan Patrick Show 1500AM this morning

  46. RainbowCliff August 22, 2013 9:38 am

    #38 Koakaneips: WHOO HOO mahalo for letting me know that the Chart House still exist !

    I am there when we get settle into our hotel, slip on some slippers and wear my University Of Hawaii Rainbow attire !

    EMOTIONS will be running so high as I really LOVE the chart house. Will walk kalakaua avenue all the way and enjoy some ONO good food from the chart house !

    THANK YOU Koakaneips for the answer to my question.

  47. chopsueyboy August 22, 2013 9:41 am

    Coach Lane Kiffin 11 am – 12 noon on Dan Patrick Show 1500AM

  48. koakane ip5 August 22, 2013 9:49 am

    Pomai got dat right it’s a steal

  49. koakane ip5 August 22, 2013 9:51 am

    ooooops just noticed the ISP error, corrected my bad

  50. PurpleMaple August 22, 2013 10:13 am

    Just to mention the phones were manned by former UH players. When asked whether they preferred Rainbow (Warriors) v. Warriors, all asked said Rainbow, although one player, I forgot who it was, said he would give an eyetooth to have worn the Warrior black uniform just once.

  51. oldtimer808 August 22, 2013 10:16 am

    This is just a thought. Does the school organize a football pep rally for the students and the football team to build support and excitement for each game on campus? Maybe the pep squad should step out of their box and help to organize this. I always thought this was one way of reaching out to the student body for their support.

  52. Hodad August 22, 2013 10:17 am

    Walkons can eat at training table but they have to pay fair market price for the meal or make it part of their own paid for meal plan.

  53. oldtimer808 August 22, 2013 10:17 am

    It was Mcgill who said he would love to have worn black.

  54. koakane ip5 August 22, 2013 10:20 am

    must be close to rainbow warrior game ….. lots of chatter on tsaiko coconut wireless

  55. oldtimer808 August 22, 2013 10:25 am

    Kelly McGill better spell it right.

  56. leron August 22, 2013 10:31 am

    Kolten Wong and Cardinals vs Braves on MLB Network at 2pm today. Excited not just to see him performing at the big league level just a few years removed from Manoa, but also in the thick of a pennant race.

    Great job last night Na Koa!

  57. oldtimer808 August 22, 2013 10:32 am

    I send my positive thoughts to our team. Anything is possible. We have been under dogs many times and have won. We went to Washington and were heavy under dogs and won, we played at Oregon who was favored by a lot and won, we beat Iowa at home in 1989 I think when Iowa was ranked #9 in the country. If Hawaii plays together with a purpose and the will to win and not give up than its possible. Isn’t that why the games are played. GO RAINBOW WARRIORS!! RAIN<<<<<<BOWS!!!

  58. oldtimer808 August 22, 2013 10:33 am

    Mahalo Ieron for the info on the baseball game.

  59. iwonderwhytheyhateme August 22, 2013 10:35 am

    I think Derek asked yesterday about the estimated attendance.

    It appears it’ll be in the 33,000-39,000 range. Depending on how you “count” attendance.

  60. slenzi August 22, 2013 10:36 am

    Bleacher Report: USC trap game in Hawaii.

    Nearly all USC fans probably already have penciled in a victory against Hawaii. The Warriors have lost all six meetings against the Trojans, and only two of those games have been decided by fewer than than 29 points.

    Still, don’t count the Warriors out just yet. This game is their Super Bowl, and they would love to shock the world. Do they have as much talent as USC? Absolutely not. Should USC win by 40-plus points? Yup.

    But who would have thought USC was going to lose to Georgia Tech 21-7 in the Hyundai Sun Bowl? USC also has to break in a new quarterback and has concerns in the secondary.

    The Trojans lost five of their last six games and fell apart before everyone’s eyes. A road trip across the water could be a tricky season opener for USC.

  61. oldtimer808 August 22, 2013 10:50 am

    You know now how can Hawaii beat such a great team in USC. Hey after all this is a Pac 10 school with tradition. 4 and 5 star ranked players, the greatest coach hell no problem right and in fact when the players come to Hawaii why not just soak in the sun and get a tan and check out all the wahines on Waikiki beach right. Another Hohum game….ok tongue in cheek.

    We know better something is brewing in the quarry so GO RAINBOW WARRIORS!!!! GETTING EXCITED FOR THURSDAY. OK GOTTA GO CHECK MY BLOOD PRESSURE.

  62. boolakanaka August 22, 2013 10:53 am

    Tommui and Pomai are right on point…having worked at several universities, 3% overheard is at the upper margin of inexpensive.

  63. boolakanaka August 22, 2013 10:57 am

    Purplemaple, there is not a more terrifying sight, than seeing Semeri Ulufale rundown a kickoff, at mach 3, wearing a rainbow warrior uniform circa 1979.

  64. boolakanaka August 22, 2013 11:01 am

    Which lead me on a digression down memory lane, I remember seeing Nathan Fletcher in the prep bowl, several years older than me, leading Waianae to a state championship at safety. Fast forward a couple years, I’m down at cooke, and I see Nathan, and he has gained like easily 65-70 pounds and playing noseguard…..almost kaka my good bvds.

  65. hossana August 22, 2013 11:14 am

    I don’t care how many 5-star or 4-star athletes USC has on its team….they still have to line up against Hawaii and anybody that grew up here know how TOUGH and TENACIOUS we can be in a real dog fight and so I REALLY DO BELIEVE ….I REALLY DO BELIEVE …..that the Hawaii Rainbow Warriors and the Rainbow Wahine will prevail against USC & TEXAS respectively…….nothing more and nothing less……….I BELIEVE…..

  66. AlaWai August 22, 2013 11:26 am

    Flashback to 1999 season. Greatest turnaround in NCAA history. Gotta believe in the possibilities. What was impressive was the attendance. Let’s pack’em in. RRRAAAIIIINNN—BOWS!

  67. Former UH Athlete August 22, 2013 11:29 am

    Great job with the donations! $56k over expectations is a good sign for the health of the program. I know $206k is microscopic when compared to big time programs.

    Like was ST said, when there is transparency, money tends to flow easier.

    Not sure why, but when I think of “general fund,” all that comes to mind is the money being paid to the moron parking patrol that kept ticketing my moped for being 2ft outside a full moped parking area.

  68. oldtimer808 August 22, 2013 11:50 am

    Boola that was one exciting and entertaining player in Ulufale. The return teams back then would set up a wedge for the returner and here comes Ulufale heading straight for the wedge in full speed and what a train wreck. The poor wedge never knew what hit them. The next time the wedge was poorly formed.

  69. Former UH Athlete August 22, 2013 11:50 am

    USC update:

    This actually made SportsCenter and a few other big outlets…. Lane Kiffen still has not named a starting QB for week 1. That’s a terrible sign for the Trojans as theres only one week until Aloha Stadium and no starter to get comfortable with the 1st team. This appears to be a distraction for the team.

    Star WR Lee was griping that he just wants to know who’s going to throw him the ball… Saying “This is crazy… It’s 50-50… “I know y’all don’t want to hear 50-50, but that’s all I’ve got. I’m sitting here just like you guys, lost..”

    My USC alumni friends all think Max Wittek, the presumptive returning starter, stinks. What worrisome to USC fans is that the Cody Kessler hasn’t won the job yet. Maybe it’s mis-information, but since ESPN has made a pretty big deal about it, I think USC truly has a QB problem.

    USC blog reports that Wittek and Kessler had about the same reps in their scrimmage at the Coliseum. Also, Marqise Lee re-aggravated his shoulder but is not considered serious. Lane Kiffen also said it was difficult to evaluate the fall camp with so many guys not practicing. Still over 20 Trojans did not participate in scrimmage.

    Betting line update: Hawaii is (+22.5 or +23) at most Vegas Books. No change after KT’s knee injury. No changes after the very public QB indecision at USC.

  70. John August 22, 2013 11:57 am

    7 days.

  71. gobows August 22, 2013 11:59 am

    remember watching nate fletcher, didn’t he wear #41? didn’t know he was a db. being from waipahu, also enjoyed watching #44 andrew moody on the outside, he was an all star running back for the marauders.

  72. PONO August 22, 2013 12:04 pm

    Enjoy your time in Hawaii Cliff. Hope everyone shows an ex athlete and UH alum the aloha you deserve for playing for the home team.

  73. boolakanaka August 22, 2013 12:07 pm

    71—Dats right…he was all-state at safety in HS. Also If I’m correct we had some really good local boys on our kickoff team: Andrew Moody (before he started at DE), Harding Parrila, Nolan Baker….And whats better than Highway Inn in Waipahu–nothing!!!

  74. boolakanaka August 22, 2013 12:10 pm

    And Nathan Fletcher is the brother of ex bow volleyball player, Sista Palakiko, who married another Waianae great, and teammate Mike Beasely–small world huh??!

  75. gobows August 22, 2013 12:13 pm

    i seen a waianae player take out the entire kahuku wedge, all 5 of em, in a game at aloha in the ’95. that player was chris paogofie. he could do it all, played both ways. i really wanted to see him play at UH.

    that same game, i seen kahuku’s jason keo, on his first carry of the season, turn the corner and was gone for an 80 yard td. it was his 1st game back from a broken leg in preseason.

    you know jason keo was special when he led the ilh in rushing playing for damien.

    rip jk.

  76. RainbowCliff August 22, 2013 12:23 pm

    #38 Koakanei: Re: Semeri Ulufale

    A wild and funny samoan who lived on the 2nd floor apartment in makiki my junior year 4 doors down as he roomed with Tom Tuenei.

    GREAT defensive linemen that lived the same way with a HUGE heart to share and care. Invited I and my basketball roomate Gary Newsome several times for dinner with their wahine girlfriends that cooked GOOD samoan food for them each night.

    LOVED to drink beer as everytime we came over they would have cases and don’t beat them in back gammon as you won’t leave because Ulufale will say “Hey Cliff & Gary you hav nutta beer bra, got to get my win back so here DRINK as Tom would barcade the door so we couldn’t get out !

    Finally, I convince Newsome to LOSE so we can go as we staggered out of there “drunk as a skunk” as BOY them two can drown some buds.

    What was AMAZING about them two they could go out and just play AWESOME after a long night drinking as both were FERROCIOUS linemen and can HIT that made aloha stadium fans stand up and cheer loudly !

    Only bad memory to the both of them as they busted up a bar or club one evening in waikiki I do believe and got major headlines about it. Tomey had to suspend them I think a game or two as criminal charges if my memory served me correctly were dropped as Ray Nagel and Tomey had to work extra HARD to keep those boys away from the law.

    ALL in All some GREAT guys to live and go to school with as both were KIND and FUNNY as they would give you the shirts off their backs IF you do one thing “have a beer bra” !

    Sadly, I do believe Semeri passed away because of a brain tumor and I saw Tom Tueinei in Pearl City when I came back in 1999. I knew him right away as he said “Cliff” and I said YES as we both gave HUGHE bear hugs to one another. The first thing I said to him “lets go drink” and he smiled sheepishly that he doesn’t drink any more as he called his family over for me to meet them.

    Tuenei and Ulufale the PERFECT odd couple as I will ALWAYS remember their warmth and hospitality !

  77. ai-eee-soos August 22, 2013 12:27 pm

    UH raises $66.3 million in donations, this past year, ending June 30.

    Interesting breakdown of where the money came from.

  78. boolakanaka August 22, 2013 12:29 pm

    One of the best hits I ever saw, in HS football was the classic. Kaiser v. Kamehameha, 1979 prep bowl. So, many guys I knew played in that one, and it was like a drama written in hollywood, if everyone recalls, Boyd Yap had the previous year won the prep bowl in his junior year with Kamehameha, but transfered to Kaiser for the first semester of his senior year….thus, playing against all his lifelong friends and teammates…Anywho, I take us back to our story, but the noseguard for Kaiser was Jeff Lum, a short stocky bruddah, maybe 5-8 or so….anyway he cleaned the clock of John Haina, (my down the block neighbor and childhood friend) John boy flew like 5 feet in the air, who was all-state and headed to Cal on a scholarship….it was one of those times, and this was when the prep bowl would top out close to 30,000–but, on the hit, it seemed like the entire stadium went ” ohhhhh–ahhhhhh”

    Long story short–we know the ending….Kaiser wins the prep bowl behind Boyd’s fairly acrobatic running, and enshrines himself in high school lore.

  79. Former UH Athlete August 22, 2013 12:37 pm

    Hawaii @ UNLV ticket package now up at Vacations Hawaii…. Look for TOUCHDOWN PACKAGE

    $100 includes game ticket (sideline), access to tailgate party with a couple thousand of UH fans…. also includes: pupus, beer, soft drinks, transportation to and from Main St Station in case you had too much aforementioned beer. Did I mention that beer was included with the $100?

    From personal experience, it’s a great deal. Now that this is in October, the weather should be excellent. The last couple Vegas games were in September and it was still smoking hot 2 years ago.

  80. Old School Dave August 22, 2013 12:38 pm

    Props to all who donated to the UH football program last night. Shows that there are still many local fans who want the program to succeed. Saw the video clip of the current training table. They need to get rid of the white rice and replace it with healthier brown rice (which really not that bad).

  81. Kekoa August 22, 2013 12:39 pm

    Rainbow Cliff Returns Home!

    Wow, eh Gov!…make one State holiday. This calls for a CC at the very least!

  82. Former UH Athlete August 22, 2013 12:41 pm

    #77… thanks for the article. Kind of shocking that alumni only contributed only $15 million. That seems like a very weak number.

  83. RainbowCliff August 22, 2013 12:48 pm

    #72 Pono: Your words are all taken to the heart !

    MAHALO for the acknowledgement as a former bow and PROUD graduate from Manoa Valley!

    I REALLY look forward just to walk the Island / seeing and feeling HAWAII !


    11 days and counting !

  84. Steve P August 22, 2013 12:57 pm


    HAWAII 2012: 3-9, 1-7 Worth watching: Art Laurel has the ability to create chaos in the opponent’s backfield, harkening to a time when Hawaii was loaded with fast and aggressive linebackers. He’s the leader of a defense that hopes to make a mammoth improvement in all areas. Bottom line: Coach Norm Chow has nearly started from scratch, rebuilding Hawaii from the bottom up in the hope to create a perennial contender, not a one-year wonder. While their record will improve in 2013, the Warriors are still catching up to Chow’s vision and his offensive system. The new recruiting class helps, but Hawaii is still a year from contending for a top-three spot in the West Division.

  85. Steve P August 22, 2013 12:58 pm

    I got the above from an online publication….

  86. J-FORCE August 22, 2013 1:04 pm

    Kennedy’s quickness by far will wreck havoc

    to any team. No doubt about that. Can you imagined

    how good he will be with a year of strength and

    conditioning. No need to rush him right now. DL

    rotation is pretty good now that Dejon Allen is

    back on the rotation.

    Go Warriors!!

  87. Warrior Storm Comin August 22, 2013 1:15 pm

    Interesting articles and stories. I guess people are starting to see the chaos in South Central with the injuries and QB situation.

    Warrior Storm Coming!

  88. RainbowCliff August 22, 2013 1:16 pm

    KEKOA !!!!!!

    HOWZ IT old GREAT one of Chico Furtado LEGACY !

    WOW state holiday, man you making me so PROUD !

    Just 11 days kind sir and the “TRUE OLD RAINBOW” has landed !

    Bringing Mrs. RainbowCliff and 75 year old mother-in-law who will have her

    FIRST time visit to Hawaii and IF you all could be so kind when presenting a lei

    PLEASE give to her first as she is kind and generous to our lives and been a BIG

    support to I and my wife owning our home !

    Kekoa, yes kind sir it has been a LONG time as I look forward seeing you and all of Hawaii Tsaikos. Wear that beautiful reebok polo I sent you as it was TRULY an honor to fit you as your Hawaii flag is up letting my ucla and usc neighborhood know that HAWAII is represented here !

    ALWAYS 808 !

  89. mo808 August 22, 2013 1:39 pm

    Good Thursday Afternoon Folks!

    Well done everyone who contributed to the training table fundraiser!

    Hope tonights Pig Skin is a great success too!

    Only 7 days left to BEAT USC !

  90. LizKauai August 22, 2013 2:21 pm

    Yea for theTraining Table fundraiser!

    So looking forward to getting together for FFFFF in a week!!!


  91. observation only August 22, 2013 2:23 pm

    whats the word on stutz? anyone?

  92. Tofuzuke August 22, 2013 2:37 pm

    Will there be busses from Leeward CC on game day, if so what time? The community colleges start school next week and I haven’t heard anything about bus services on game day Thursday. Plus school buses will be in use because its a school day. Hey Gov., make it a holiday… u might get a few more votes next yr…hahaha!

  93. Kekoa August 22, 2013 2:41 pm

    Hey mo808!

    I just saw my very 1st Hillary for Prez bumpah stickah:

    It sez…“Vote For The Wife of Monica Lewinski’s Boyfriend.”

    Maybe Hanoi Jane will run for Veep…as church lady would say, “isn’t that special!”

  94. koakane ip5 August 22, 2013 3:27 pm


  95. koakane ip5 August 22, 2013 3:27 pm

  96. WarriorNY August 22, 2013 3:40 pm

    I just gotta say Na Koa did a fantastic job last night. I hope everyone will get back out there tonight at the Pigskin Pigout…

    Congrats to all of you involved in making the night a huge success…

  97. d1shima August 22, 2013 4:11 pm


  98. boolakanaka August 22, 2013 4:22 pm

    What’s better than 100–101!!!

  99. d1shima August 22, 2013 4:45 pm

    One O’Tu

  100. wafan August 22, 2013 4:46 pm

    2nd century!

  101. d1shima August 22, 2013 4:47 pm

    Hope all in attendance have a terrific time at the Pigout.


    Not dis time.

  102. wafan August 22, 2013 4:48 pm

    Dang, it sure is warm!

    High of 87 today. Not all that humid, though. Thank goodness.

  103. boolakanaka August 22, 2013 4:57 pm

    Oh, meant to post this earlier, in short, a small preview of the d-line of OSU. Further, nice picture of OSU assistant coach, but more importantly, former UH warrior Joe Seumalo, see:

  104. gobows August 22, 2013 5:03 pm

    wahine soccer coach michelle nagamine miked up during practice

  105. gobows August 22, 2013 5:06 pm

    Steve P

    i agree with that assessment, watch out next year when these young players get a little experience and know the system…but there’s always hope for this season.

    beat usc!

  106. gobows August 22, 2013 5:09 pm

    no word on kealoha pilares’ knee injury, hope it aint serious.

  107. boolakanaka August 22, 2013 5:15 pm

    107–I like the soccer clip, Ms. Nagamine exhbited the one trait all great coaches have–they are great teachers.

  108. AllG August 22, 2013 5:50 pm

    Does anyone know if Levi Wilson is on campus?

  109. Slugger August 22, 2013 6:19 pm

    Think I’m gonna miss the Pigskin Pigout. Support the team, Tsaikos. Mahalo!

  110. gobows August 22, 2013 7:53 pm

    warrior fall camp at joint base pear harbor hickam:

  111. d1shima August 22, 2013 9:38 pm

    What other words have 3 t’s?

  112. laulau head August 22, 2013 9:41 pm

    USC game a blackout?

    Wear black!!

    BEAT USC!!!

  113. al August 22, 2013 10:09 pm

    aiig… believe it was reported that levi Wilson will enroll in January.

  114. Manoa1 August 22, 2013 10:44 pm

    USC game a blackout wear black and USC will provide Da Black eye….lol.

  115. gobows August 23, 2013 12:25 am




  116. gobows August 23, 2013 12:27 am


  117. gobows August 23, 2013 12:27 am


  118. boolakanaka August 23, 2013 12:40 am

    138–the definitive list tattle



























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