Rausch won't practice until Monday

No. 1 quarterback Brent Rausch was withheld from practice today because of a slight strain in the right forearm and biceps of his throwing arm.
Head coach Greg McMackin said Rausch will not make any throws, not even in warmups, during tomorrow’s practice. The Warriors do not practice Sunday. McMackin said Rausch is expected to practice Monday.
Greg Alexander took all of the snaps with the No. 1 offense today.
But McMackin said that if Rausch “is 100 percent, he’s our starter. He’s No. 1.”
* * *

Running back David Farmer has been diagnosed with a strained knee. He will not require surgery.
“Which is really good news,” McMackin said. “It’s not as serious as we thought. I don’t know the (recovery) timeline. He just has to rehab it.”


  1. (Jesse) James August 22, 2008 10:39 am

    Stretch…so what did you and KK bid on at last nights Pigout?? And better yet, what did you guys get???

  2. LizKauai [Believer] August 22, 2008 10:39 am


  3. (Jesse) James August 22, 2008 10:39 am

    Wow…was I 1st??? That’s twice in the span of 2 months….dang….

  4. LizKauai [Believer] August 22, 2008 10:40 am

    Thanks for the update, ST. No pix rule still on?

  5. LizKauai [Believer] August 22, 2008 10:40 am

    hi5, James!

  6. (Jesse) James August 22, 2008 10:42 am

    Sorry gang but wanted to post this from the last blog topic, in case people missed it…..

    Good morning Tsaikos…and Tsaikettes….

    Anyways…just wanted to say hello and drop by to see what was going on.

    Just a quick note and reminder gang…the first Tsaiko TVgate of the year will be held on August 30th at the bright and early hour of 6:00 a.m. Yes, that’s right, UHFan808 and jojo….6 in the morning…LOL.

    Anyway, we have reserved one half of Genji’s for this viewing. So far, 33 people have made RSVPs for the event. If you haven’t RSVPd yet, please let me know. The cost will be $20 but you get an all-you-can eat breakfast buffet. The bar will also be open for those who wish to imbibe.

    So, come and watch our Warriors as the play in The Swamp with a bunch of crazy Warrior fans. All are welcome to attend, and if you’re a lurker, just come on in, we don’t bite…well, maybe DPK does…j/k….


    UH vs Florida


    6:00 a.m.

    Menu is as follows:

    Miso soup
    fresh fruit
    scrambled eggs
    vienna sausage
    portugese sausage
    Genji fried rice
    steamed rice
    endless coffee

    Come out and enjoy the fun, friendship, food, family, and football….

    See Steve M’s site for more details and contact info to make the RSVP.

    Unfortunately, it appears that we’ve just about reached our limit on this event at 42 attendees. You can e-mail me if you want to be put on a waiting list at jgo8464822@aol.com

  7. (Jesse) James August 22, 2008 10:43 am

    Thanks XLiz….looks like everyone still on old post….MWAHAHAHAHA

  8. gigi-hawaii © August 22, 2008 10:44 am

    Too bad about Rausch’s throwing arm, but I was always partial to Alexander anyway.

  9. Stretch August 22, 2008 10:46 am

    gigi – have you watched any of the practices?? Why are you partial to Alexander??

    JJ – I left about half way through the auction. Looking at some of the results now, I might have tried for a few but a lot of the really good stuff went for some high prices. I left Koakane in the able hands of Chawan last night, I hope he made it home.

  10. (Jesse) James August 22, 2008 10:48 am

    gigi – you need to look at a player and decide which one is better for the team? You can’t pick a guy based on hair style or good looks….LOL Like Stretch said, why were you partial to Alexander??

  11. (Jesse) James August 22, 2008 10:49 am

    Stretch, no wonder. I was trying to call you to put my bid of $18,000 on the other JJ’s Harley….shoots……just missed it I see….MWAHAHAHHAHAHA

  12. da princess' classmate August 22, 2008 10:49 am

    good morning every1
    7+ days til da swamp, 18 days til da plane leaves for Seattle/Portland/Corvallis – 🙂

    congrats to da castle boy, making Hawaii and da nation proud. i think he might be the only high profile favored American in track and field to actually pull thru and win the gold. other than him, not a very good year for track/field.

    hopefully the indoor VB teams bring home 2 more golds. and a big GL to da waipio little leaguers in williamsport.

  13. gibu August 22, 2008 10:51 am


    Rankings at each position for the WAC teams. Not sure if anyone posted this already. Seems like this guy thinks Hawaii’s defense and special teams are top notch!

    BTW, good morning everyone!

  14. Stinky McStinkface August 22, 2008 10:53 am


    Bada bing bada BOOM!

    Typical gigi comment.

  15. da princess' classmate August 22, 2008 10:54 am

    our qb situation is becoming a little disturbing.

    considering rausch struggled a lttle since becoming the #1, i hope he’s able to practice by monday, or else we might have to go with plan b… whoever that may be. glad to see we’re starting to get some of the injured guyz on d back. any1 know how fale’s looking in practice.

  16. (Jesse) James August 22, 2008 10:54 am

    dpc…You said it about our track and field team. Although they’ve had a good Olympics so far in terms of the number of medals won, I think all those so-called “superstars” who were hyped-up beyond belief were either over-hyped…or like the relay teams, showed some arrogance by not practicing together…and then getting burned by dropping batons…geez.

    I wonder if HF had anything to do with the Olympic Track Team….MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  17. Double Stinky McStinkface August 22, 2008 10:56 am

    You said it my little cousin!!!

    Most be da laundry detergent.

  18. Stretch August 22, 2008 10:56 am

    (Jesse) James:
    August 22nd, 2008 at 10:49 am
    Stretch, no wonder. I was trying to call you to put my bid of $18,000 on the other JJ’s Harley….shoots……just missed it I see….MWAHAHAHHAHAHA

    *** GREAT NEWS*** the motorcycle was not at the Pigskin Pigout. It is being auctioned on eBay and you still get time to put in your $18k bid. 11 hours left.

    Click on my name for link. Good Luck!!

  19. (Jesse) James August 22, 2008 10:58 am

    Hey, I’ve noticed that both KelliM and Jason aren’t here this morning. Wonder what’s up?

    BTW, KelliM….I know that DB was Dooney and Bourke and not Dave & Buster’s….MWAHAHAHAHAHA Just messing with you and your high maintenance comment.

  20. gigi-hawaii © August 22, 2008 10:59 am

    Stretch, James — who are you partial to?

  21. Stretch August 22, 2008 11:01 am

    gigi – explain WHY you choose Alexander. I’ve been to practices so seen all of the QB’s.

  22. gigi-hawaii © August 22, 2008 11:02 am

    I like Alexander’s stats. From what I have seen on TV News, he seems like a mature person and a strong passer.

  23. NYUH August 22, 2008 11:03 am


    Nice vote of confidence for the defense. Top marks from front to back. Hopefully the offense will surprise. Not too worried about the receivers or the RBs. The line should be fine too. Its how they all work together now. LWJ needs to be a stud.

  24. (Jesse) James August 22, 2008 11:05 am

    gigi…from what I’ve seen at the few practices I was able to attend, I like Rausch. I think he had a nice pass and touch. A little rough at times with timing but that’s part of the learning process. To me, and this is just my opinion, he seemed to have the respect from the other players and was able to better “command the troops” so to speak than Alexander. Funaki had that “command” ability but his is a different style of play.

    I also think that the fact that Rausch showed tremendous off-season work ethic, was able to move from the #3 spot to the #1 spot, and grasped the offensive scheme so quickly showed his dedication and commitment to fight for/and win the starting QB job.

    This also showed his character and that’s something that teammates will always respect and appreciate.

  25. gigi-hawaii © August 22, 2008 11:06 am

    Actually, I’ll accept any QB that the coaches choose. They would know better than I who should lead the offense.

  26. Pauoa Boy August 22, 2008 11:07 am

    Sup Gang…

    gigi-hawaii – you sure it’s not because Alexander is big and can handle sacks?

    Kelli – Howzit…so lemme guess all Japanese or are you chop suey kine?

    stacyj – eh esmenator…no get nuts!

    Congrats to Bryan Clay and Natasha Kai…USA kicks arse!!!

  27. Garret August 22, 2008 11:07 am

    I hope that Brent arm is all better on Monday! I’m sure that the coaches are getting both Alexander and Inoke ready to play just in case.

  28. (Jesse) James August 22, 2008 11:10 am

    gigi…you can’t just go by stats. I can’t tell you how many high school players have awesome stats….but don’t pan out at the college level for whatever reason (the same can be said about college players and the NFL).

    If it were all about stats, we wouldn’t play the game. I mean, when comparing teams that will do battle. Take the Florida game. On paper, Florida will have us beat statistically in every facet of the game when you look at last season. So based strictly on stats, Florida should kick our butts.

    Another example. In a lot of Hawaii’s games, the opponents always had more first downs than Hawaii did. So that stat was better for the opponent than Hawaii. But Hawaii would win the game. Why? Because Hawaii would through a pass that may go 70 yards, the equivalent of 7 first downs, but would only be counted as 1 first down.

    All I’m saying is that you can’t just teams/players abilities by stats alone or what TV types say.

  29. Garret August 22, 2008 11:11 am

    Article on the Pigskin Pigout. It looks like there is a video on that page too, but my boss doesn’t let me watch videos during the work day so I don’t know what is in the video.

    It takes a good year to collect all the items they have. One of the most popular this year may just be Colt Brennan’s autographed Redskins helmet.

    They also have a signed UH helmet of his and a Warriors number 15 jersey.

  30. Garret August 22, 2008 11:13 am

    Article about how the point spread will motivate the Warriors. It also points out that UH lost the Sugar Bowl by less than what the point spread is now! How could the oddsmakers think that the score would be worse than that?

    I wanted to wait for some official numbers to come out, but it seems everywhere I look online has Florida at 34 1/2 over Hawaii. I knew Florida would have a comfy betting margin, but this is a complete lack of respect for a team THAT WENT TO THE SUGAR BOWL LAST YEAR. No Colt Brennan, a former fourth-stringer at QB and a new coach in Greg McMackin obviously play a role here, but this is a slap in the face. Georgia absolutely routed Hawaii in the Sugar Bowl and still only won by 31.

    This might fire up the big Simoan lineman. Don’t be surprised if the Warriors have it close going into the half.

  31. Stretch August 22, 2008 11:13 am

    It appears that all three of them have a grasp of the offense although I am sure Funaki is ahead. Accuracy is about equal between all three. Below is some of the differences that I see. Maybe others will have different opinions.

    Funaki has a nice & pretty pass with above average accuracy. But his ball floats and will be intercepted by quick db’s. He is a runner so can escape the pocket when necessary.

    Alexander probably has the strongest arm but takes a long time to get the ball out due to his windup. Footwork has improved but I think will get caught in the pocket and sacked.

    Rausch has a quicker throw and can get some zip on it. Not as good a runner as Funaki but better than Alexander.

  32. gigi-hawaii © August 22, 2008 11:15 am

    OK, James, I’ll buy that. Besides, what do I know? I am just a wahine. I think hubby liked Alexander, too, though.

  33. Pauoa Boy August 22, 2008 11:15 am

    Re: QB situation

    So after watching Coach Mack being interviewed by Liz Chun, it still doesn’t seem like Brent Rausch is set in stone. Yes he’s named the starter but I still think Alexander or Funaki can still win the job and from what Coach Mack mentioned…”we’re going to play the quarterback who gives us the best chance of winning…that sounds to me QB’s maybe cycling? Hope Rausch gets healthy quick though, would like to see what he’s capable of come game time! Either way, each QB brings a different flavor and style to the offense…

  34. Stretch August 22, 2008 11:15 am

    The Washington Redskins helmet w/ Colt Brennan’s signature went for $2,200.

  35. Garret August 22, 2008 11:16 am

    Miami just cut a WR that had been projected ahead of Bess at the start of training camp.

    The Dolphins made an unexpectedly early move toward trimming down their depth chart at wide receiver Friday, waiving David Kircus one day before the team’s third preseason game. Then again, these days, it’s becoming clear nothing should be unexpected.

    Kircus, who had a solid preseason debut against the Bucs, apparently hasn’t done enough to separate himself from the younger crop of receivers — a theme that has been taking place all the way down the roster.

    The reason the move is a surprise, though, isn’t simply that Kircus was one of the bigger-named acquisitions of the offseason. Instead, it’s the timing. Before cutting Kircus and cornerback Chris Roberson on Friday, the Dolphins already were at 73 players.

    Now at 71 players, the team is four players below the roster limit of 75 players – which isn’t even mandatory to hit until Tuesday.

    Now, with Ted Ginn Jr. and Derek Hagan as the only locks on the team, Ernest Wilford, Greg Camarillo and Davone Bess will likely vie for the third and fourth receiver spots. The team could also choose to cut one of those three to keep Jayson Foster and Armstrong.

  36. Stretch August 22, 2008 11:17 am

    gigi-hawaii ©:
    August 22nd, 2008 at 11:15 am
    OK, James, I’ll buy that. Besides, what do I know? I am just a wahine. I think hubby liked Alexander, too, though.

    You never pay attention in class?? Come on, you should know a lot. We no like have to give you one “F” or else we have to suspend you from the blog for accademic issues too.

  37. Garret August 22, 2008 11:17 am


    Another example of the benefits that Colt brought to UH!

  38. Pauoa Boy August 22, 2008 11:18 am

    Stretch – that about sums it up what you said about each QB…

  39. gigi-hawaii © August 22, 2008 11:19 am

    Stretch, in my bio on the WB blog, I mentioned that I began watching football in 1999, mainly because of June Jones. So, all in all, I am still a novice.

  40. Pauoa Boy August 22, 2008 11:21 am

    gigi-hawaii – Novice with almost 9 years of football experience…wow I agree with Stretch you get an “F” and need some tutoring…lol.

  41. Committed Road Warrior August 22, 2008 11:22 am

    Hi guys,

    My Oregon State tickets must be travelling by ship because I still never get them yet. 😡

    Friday already? Hopefully Rausch can rest for the weekend and come back to form for the couple remaining practice sessions before the team heads off to Atlanta and subsequently Florida. We’re 8 days away from kickoff!!!

  42. mauiwarrior August 22, 2008 11:24 am

    This is from the Florida Gators Rivals Site:

    1) Florida 63, Hawaii 10

    Nine different players score a touchdown as the Gators clobber Hawaii without an injured Percy Harvin in a four-hour opener in The Swamp, but the real story is the heat. With a 12:30 p.m. kickoff on a sweltering day (95 degrees by the third quarter), 50 fans in the stands suffer heat stroke. Unfortunately, 55 Hawaii players succumb to the same problem, leaving fewer Warriors on the sideline than in the locker room or hospital by the time Cam Newton races 20 yards for a touchdown in the fourth quarter to account for Florida’s final score. One irate UF student keeps screaming, “Hey, *** June Jones, what do you think of Tebow now, you *** jerk,” and is too wasted after an all-night drinking binge to hear everyone around him explain that Jones left for SMU. Kestahn Moore, Emmanuel Moody, Mon Williams and Chris Rainey all rush seven times for 50 yards. They also each fumble once. Despite having a huge lead, the Gators play the entire fourth quarter with an empty backfield.

  43. gigi-hawaii © August 22, 2008 11:26 am

    That Wahine Football Clinic was excellent. Now I have a vague idea about 80XChoice and 81ZChoice schemes.

  44. Stretch August 22, 2008 11:27 am

    Another Hawaii helmet with Colt & the 4 receivers signatures went for $2,200 also.

    Fishing on a boat w/ Mack and Murphy – $1,500

    Dinner for 6 w/ the McMackins at Lulu’s – $1,600

    Two Superbowl Tickets – $8,000

    Use of AD’s Box for SJSU game – $1,600
    *** Note that JD donated the same prize for the Idaho game to the Tsaikos for the Anniversary Party!!

  45. gigi-hawaii © August 22, 2008 11:27 am

    sorry, my mistake; should be 81XChoice and 80ZChoice.

  46. Pauoa Boy August 22, 2008 11:28 am

    Re: Florida

    So although the Gators are the enemy, I feel bad with what they are going through as far as the weather goes. It is unfortunate for them to not be able to practice or practice in crap arse weather. Hopefully Fay goes away and everyone can enjoy a great game on Aug 30th. I don’t want to hear any excuses from this game. Win or lose I want there best against our best…mano y mano! With all the injuries to both teams, I wish each player to be healthy come game time. Obviously you can’t overcome torn ACL’s but hope the Gators have most of there top guys in. Top 25 here we come…

  47. LizKauai [Believer] August 22, 2008 11:29 am

    We may be looking for a new stadium to play in or a canceled game in Florida if this weather keeps up…

  48. protector August 22, 2008 11:35 am

    Here’s hoping for a quick recovery for BR. However, if he’s not at least at 95%
    capacity, they should let Greg or Inoke start. I really hope most everybody is
    back from their nagging, recurring injuries. I don’t want to get early indigestion at Genji.

  49. FloridaTed August 22, 2008 11:40 am

    Morning/afternoon, Tsaikos and Tsai-Meister.

    Well, we all know that the defense will be outstanding this year, as good as Florida for sure and that is exactly my dilemma. I just can’t get a fix on our level of offense at this point. All I have to go on is a trust in our coaching staff.

    So, my big question is, does the offense sputter frequently because of our great defense or is it lack of sync or both? I can’t tell from inconclusive reports so far. The Tsai-Meister has not chimed in either with an overall opinion on the State of the Union.

    I sure hope it is the latter. That would bode well for us. If our offense can start to move the ball consistently against our D, they can do it against Florida.

    What does everybody else think about this? Would love to hear some informed analysis.

  50. mctruck August 22, 2008 11:47 am

    I thought Rausch’s arms looked kinda skinny-like, sorry…but, eh!, somebody better work with Rausch pump some iron and get bigger and stronger. aeeeesooos!! one week to d-day…who else is going down with an injury??? keeping my fingers crossed, la-dat!!!

  51. g-nalo August 22, 2008 11:48 am

    Another Hawaii helmet with Colt & the 4 receivers signatures went for $2,200 also.

    Fishing on a boat w/ Mack and Murphy – $1,500

    Dinner for 6 w/ the McMackins at Lulu’s – $1,600

    Two Superbowl Tickets – $8,000

    Use of AD’s Box for SJSU game – $1,600
    *** Note that JD donated the same prize for the Idaho game to the Tsaikos for the Anniversary Party!!

    what about the GRAND prize, you know…..the 49ers one? 🙂

    g-morning Tsaikos!

  52. Stretch August 22, 2008 11:52 am

    2008 or 2009 – two tickets to any 49ers game, two night at the Hilton SF, dinner at Scalini and autographed 49er helmet of player of your choice – $3,000

    That is $2,999 too much… hahaha

  53. BG August 22, 2008 11:55 am

    HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY RALPH You add so much to TsaikoLand.

  54. g-nalo August 22, 2008 11:58 am

    i’ve only been to one practice and thought Rausch threw very well. his velocity was great, release point high, and he didn’t throw too high or low. think his misses will be more ahead or too behind versus high and low?

    they were practicing roughly 30 yards and in routes, so don’t know about LONG balls? don’t let the size of his guns fool you.

  55. g-nalo August 22, 2008 12:04 pm

    2008 or 2009 – two tickets to any 49ers game, two night at the Hilton SF, dinner at Scalini and autographed 49er helmet of player of your choice – $3,000

    That is $2,999 too much… hahaha

    no be jealous.

  56. LizKauai [Believer] August 22, 2008 12:05 pm

    We are all in Ke Akua’s hands.
    The Teams, the health, the weather…
    Acknowledge the Higher Power,
    Do their BEST
    and ALLOW the FORCE
    to FLOW!

    Kazz- time for a new song, dontcha think???


  57. jojo ® August 22, 2008 12:27 pm

    I hope Rausch gets better soon. But jeje believes Graunke will be back stronger. Wait and see…

  58. A-House August 22, 2008 12:27 pm


    re your Vegas post yesterday – have funny feeling that somehow we, bloggers, know this non-gambling person who hit the BIG jackpot, but no “max” bet – don’t give away his identity.

    no worries, MasaBay and I always play the max – not same for Mrs and Middori7 – much encouragement, but same results – even tried to bribe them by enriching their kitty!!

    keep tellin me-self that one day the big one will come – still waiting!!!

  59. LizKauai [Believer] August 22, 2008 12:31 pm

    Hi jojo!
    I’m with jeje.

    In Tyler We Trust!!!

  60. Hawaiianbod August 22, 2008 12:35 pm

    Hi Jojo! What was for lunch?

  61. Jason August 22, 2008 12:38 pm

    gigi: I’ve only been watching football since 1997. It’s not how long you’ve been watching, it’s how much have you been studying. So far, you’re still in Football 101 and you’ve failed every semester. 😉

    The injury explains why Rausch hasn’t looked too great this week, so that doesn’t worry me as much anymore. I like the depth chart of Rausch, then Alexander, then Funaki. But Alexander has the talent to challenge Rausch at any time, so that’s something to keep an eye on.

    Too bad I couldn’t make it to practice. I planned to go, but my cold got worse, so I decided last night to stay home and rest. I might go tomorrow; after all, I still have school supply shopping to do. We’ll see.

  62. Da Punchbowl Kid August 22, 2008 12:40 pm

    Tyler Graunke is a very intriguing “wild card” in UH’s football fortunes at this point. He wont be availiable for Florida, maybe even Weber State, but it’s hard not seeing him as a factor down the road. I back the coaches’ judgement 100% regarding he or the other QBs. Inoke Funaki is the heart and soul of that group and is one of the best examples of leadership and selflessness on the team.

  63. FloridaTed August 22, 2008 12:41 pm

    Anybody wants to bite on my post (49) ?

  64. g-nalo August 22, 2008 12:46 pm

    Anybody wants to bite on my post (49) ?

    i would except one practice isn’t enough ‘informed analysis’? haa

  65. jojo ® August 22, 2008 12:49 pm

    Hi Liz! With Graunke’s performance last year, he has great momentum. I still like Funaki.

    Hi Hawaiianbod! I had a thin crust pizza, with lots of crushed tomatoes and mushrooms, and it had a sprinkling of cheese. Oh and a nectarine. I love fungus.

  66. Triple Stinky McStinkface August 22, 2008 12:49 pm

    Interesting to see how many people will switch gears now that Tyler is available. Lots of people were quick to kick him when he was down and out. What a joke.

  67. stacyj August 22, 2008 12:54 pm

    Gigi, dear Gigi…where to begin? Much has been covered already but I gotta pipe in. Being a female has nothing to do with understanding the game of football. There are some women out there who know more about defensive schemes and running routes than men.

    Re: QB: I can’t help but recall that Rolo sat behind another QB and got his chance to step in. It really is a position to be earned. Nobody is free from being replaced (due to injury or otherwise).

    Until game time, none of us really know who will be the best for our team. Tyler and Funaki are the only ones we have seen play in a Warrior uniform and we all know they have improved since then. Practices may give us a good indication, but, real game situation is the real test.

    By the way, hello everyone!

  68. Football Novice August 22, 2008 12:57 pm

    I like Brent Rausch because he has the highest number so it probably means he is the best. I guess Greg Alexander is the 2nd quarterback because his number is higher than Inoke Funaki?

  69. stacyj August 22, 2008 12:58 pm

    RE Tyler, I still think the guy needs to earn it and he better start in the locker room. If the team isn’t behind him, there is nothing he can do to get back on top. I think he has a lot of work ahead of him. Just my opinion.

    I’ll admit, I was/am hard on him. As a former school teacher, the thing I hated most, athletes who thought they didn’t have to take care of business in the classroom because they were stars on the field/court. Students first, that’s why they are called STUDENT athletes.

    Am I grouchy today???? Sorry!

  70. Garret August 22, 2008 12:59 pm

    I’m very happy that this award is being created!

    We’re going to establish an award to honor the collegiate Walk-On player-of-the-year. A biography of every nominee will be posted on this site along with coaches comments. Check back as details unfold.

  71. Quadruple Stinky McStinkface August 22, 2008 1:00 pm

    Does Jason have the love sickness?

  72. Hawaiianbod August 22, 2008 1:00 pm

    jojo – sounds yummy! Thin crust is the ONLY way to go. The only thing I would add is (now don’t get ill on me) anchovies.

  73. LizKauai [Believer] August 22, 2008 1:01 pm

    stacyj- I would put Ronnie up against any “football expert”


  74. stacyj August 22, 2008 1:01 pm

    Garret: I agree! UH has had some great walk-ons in years past.

  75. KG August 22, 2008 1:02 pm

    Totally off topic, but I need to put in my weekly plea….the Warrior Beat site needs to be updated immediately. We are a week out from playing Florida. FLORIDA…do you hear me?! The team in which Gatorade is named for! FLORIDA! Our team and fans need ALL of the support they can get and having the “Colt watch” still up there along with the Sugar Bowl announcement just looks ridiculous. I know, I know, “it’s not up to any of us that read this” and “it will take an Act of God” to get it done, but one click of the mouse would delete that third column and all would be solved…c’mon someone, step it up!!!


  76. stacyj August 22, 2008 1:03 pm

    yum, anchovies…Oh man, reminds me of ceasar salad at Assagios…extra anchovies.

    Hi Aunty Liz…blogging here instead of new one on mine.

  77. stacyj August 22, 2008 1:04 pm

    Oh cr*p…1:00 gotta blaze to pick up kids from school. Have a great Tsaiko day everyone!

  78. J-Dog August 22, 2008 1:05 pm

    My favorite walk-on gotta be mr. Chad Owens.

    Of course our most prominent is Colt.

  79. FloridaTed August 22, 2008 1:11 pm

    There’s something rolling around in my head. I’m not quite sure why everybody seems so convinced that Tyler might have been the best QB option. He was very good, with excellent stats in 06. In 07 there was a considerable drop-off, despite more playing time, with periods where he seemed almost out of control. This year he had it right in front of him and could not beat out Funaki coming out of spring camp, even though he had a lot more playing time.

    I’m not convinced at all that Rausch and Alex would not have passed him anyway, assuming he’d never had his academic problems. If his great experience was so great, he should have come out of spring as the clear cut Nr.1.

    Personally, I’m not pining for what if’s, he didn’t separate himself, even when given the chance. The only way I see him climbing back up to #1 would be very bad for the team, namely plenty of injuries to the guys ahead of him.

    Just mho.

  80. LizKauai [Believer] August 22, 2008 1:15 pm

    Ted-for me, it’s Tyler’s game experience. I never went to college but I sure can remember how un-motivated I was as a SR in high school. I can’t even guess why Tyler had academic challenges. I’m glad he has a chance to pay this year. The season is beginning and I’m counting on the warriors to come together as never before when the chips are down.

    BTW- how’s the weather? The mailman said something about possibly changing game venues. Heard nything???

  81. LizKauai [Believer] August 22, 2008 1:18 pm

    KG- your post is as ON TOPIC a it gets.


    HA people- PLEASE UPDATE THE RESOURCES COLUMN!!! And If we are WATCHING COLT- please link to the REDSKINS website!


  82. Ralph August 22, 2008 1:21 pm

    Garret Warbow is at it again…couch’em has a thread “to hawaii posters” on Ponyfans. I can’t register because of their contextual

  83. HiFlyer August 22, 2008 1:21 pm

    FloridaTed – what the local newspaper is for Gainesville?

  84. J-Dog August 22, 2008 1:22 pm

    FL Ted,

    Couldn’t agree with you more. Although it’s nice to have Tyler back and as much as I would like to see him on the field, it would mean the team is doing really bad in the W-L column for the coaches to make QB changes once the season starts.

    I think JJ learned to pick a starter as early as possible and not flip-flop QB’s like he did in 2000. Although 2005 CB and TG shared time the first few games, JJ eventually stuck with CB and it worked out. I think the coaches are taking that same approach this time around.

  85. Committed Road Warrior August 22, 2008 1:24 pm

    Don’t know if this mentioned already:

    For those who are staying home and don’t mind watching football games on your computer, Yahoo! Sports will be streaming the UH-Florida game live. It’s the Raycom Sports feed so don’t be surprised if there is some slight homerism on the part of the announcers for this game.


  86. Wena August 22, 2008 1:27 pm

    Hi Liz–
    Are you going to Florida too?

  87. jojo ® August 22, 2008 1:30 pm

    Hawaiianbod, I like anchovies, but not what my mom calls anchovies. Yikes!

    When does the team leave for Florida, anyhow? I didn’t even realize how close the opening game is, well, I mean till just now…

  88. BG August 22, 2008 1:31 pm

    Hiya’s to all the Ohana!

    If any stink (whew!) thoughts were wafting through here, some of it was coming from me! Three days in a row, I spent a chunk of my lunch hr writing a considerable reply to a post. When I hit “submit comment”, the thing goes nutz and shuts down the program with all my work going down the drain. Each time it was right around 12:45 or 12:50.

    Anyway, Florida Ted, that’s my excuse for not posting a reply to your #49. Now, I gotta wait till I get home tonight to reply…if I forget…sawrry!

  89. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 1:32 pm

    Mrs. A-House – I think it is called Ube halaya.

    I find it interesting that when Esme goes to a K-call someone gets sick.

    HI ESME!

    HI JOJO!

    HI XLIZ!

  90. (Jesse) James August 22, 2008 1:33 pm

    HI MRS. A-HOUSE!!!!

    HI JOJO!!!

    HI HOMEY!!!


  91. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 1:36 pm

    (J)J – That’s so gay. 😆

  92. SteveM August 22, 2008 1:38 pm

    Re: Florida Game Tsai-ko Plans

    LizKauai has provided ticket seating info, Joel has some Gainsville suggestions, and chawan_cut has provided a link to the SportsHawaii tailgate at the stadium…


    Any other news and updates? Please post on blog or email me.

  93. LizKauai [Believer] August 22, 2008 1:39 pm

    Wena- yes – I’m leaving the same day (Tues) as the team but on a more circuitous route (ie- CHEAPER) and end up in the Pensacola area late the next day to see my family first.

  94. whitey August 22, 2008 1:41 pm

    Good afternoon Tsaikos. Wow, what a trip. Wed Kekoa was in town, so we have muu call and figure g’nalo and sleez might show. They no show, so drop Kekoa off to catch the airy craft. Was going home, but one spacecraft stopped me and said we need to go to the darkside because get troubles. Finally was able to escape the darkside and must have traveled about 2 million light years and am finally home.

    Homey, the guy you thinking of is Darrell Y at the clerk’s office. He retarded about 2 or 3 yrs ago.

  95. FloridaTed August 22, 2008 1:42 pm


    Look back at my post, I’m talking about Tyler WITHOUT his academic problems, strictly his playing. Yes, he had the most playing time by far, yet despite all that he did not emerge as #1. What does that say? I still think, knowing what I know now, that Rausch and Alex would have surpassed him. In any case, I like the kid and I’m glad he’s back on track with his life, but I’m not pining for him.

    Re: Weather. The storm is super slowly moving ENE, hanging around and dumping biblical proportions of rain on Florida. Forecast is by Wednesday it should be gone. There is another storm forming in the Atlantic, but that one should be fine by gametime for sure (Fingers crossed). A light rain may benefit us actually, keep us cooler.

  96. cavewarrior August 22, 2008 1:44 pm

    FL Ted – re: #49.

    I have nightmares recalling the early JJ years, when the offense had many many 3 and outs; elapsed time under 30 seconds for the series. 3 straight passes and punt. Passes were thrown into the ground, batted down, dropped, over thrown. Talk about sputtering!
    We’ll have to see about this years QB-Recv corps and if they can click consistently. Maybe more running plays ? It will be interesting…….

    GO Warriors !!!

  97. Committed Road Warrior August 22, 2008 1:44 pm


    Darrell Y “retarded” about 2-3 years ago?????????????????

    I think you meant “retired”? Right?

  98. LizKauai [Believer] August 22, 2008 1:47 pm

    As for the Warriors as a team (never mind the revolving QB door) – I’m excited. AND I’m starting to learn from the old time ‘Skins fans… it’s ONLY Preseason…. BWAHAHAHA!

    hi ho!

  99. Da Punchbowl Kid August 22, 2008 1:48 pm

    That’s why I called Tyler a wild card. You don’t know if he belongs, you know he’s got potential, and at this point, we know little else. The best case scenario is for the competition at QB to be a strong as it can be. What Tyler does now is really up to him. We have three other QBs who have shown that they are here to play.

  100. whitey August 22, 2008 1:50 pm

    CRW, that is what happens to my brain when you have to travel light years to come home. ahahhahaaaahhhahahaa

  101. Quintuple Stinky McStinkface August 22, 2008 1:52 pm

    What’s a QB?

    Homey – you are insensitive. What if Koa Mahu or Da Kine were listening in or so that post. Shameful.

  102. Quintuple Stinky McStinkface August 22, 2008 1:54 pm

    Any word on a certain contracted performers’ son and if he’ll be walking on at UH?

  103. Sextuple Stinky McStinkface August 22, 2008 1:55 pm

    eh no steal my name.

  104. (Jesse) James August 22, 2008 1:55 pm

    homey…that was horrible….MWAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA

    Everyone knows my thoughts on Tyler as I went on a soapbox and rant when he first was declared academically ineligible. He may be a good kid, but I think he really let his team down.

  105. Septuple Stinky McStinkface August 22, 2008 1:57 pm

    Who’s stealing whose name? The McStinkface clan is in the hale.

  106. (Jesse) James August 22, 2008 1:58 pm

    OMG. What’s up with all these McStinkface people posting? I bet it’s DPK’s fault.

  107. Septuple Stinky McStinkface August 22, 2008 1:59 pm

    no way Jose.

  108. whitey August 22, 2008 2:00 pm

    Am truly glad to see that Grauke has done his homework and regained his eligibility. On the other had, am very happy to see that Coach Mc does not accept any players not doing their homework in both academia and athletics. Coach is setting standards that is reasonable and attainable and in the long run benefits both UH and each individual player. He also gives each player a chance to show their individuality and talent and avoids favoritism (which was prevalent in the past). Hope Rausch’s injury does not keep him out of the game and hope all 3 qbs get playing time at Florida (which means that UH will have Florida by the quervos for the game).

  109. Septuple Stinky McStinkface August 22, 2008 2:02 pm

    Jose Cuervos that is.

  110. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 2:03 pm

    QSMcS – They would be honored.

    whitey – Yeah! That’s him, I think the current one was there too! If you see them ask them if they remember the guys from Oahu that worked with them during elections time.

    (J)J – What? You not “happy” somedays?

    Hey, was Bill Brennan drinking with Koakane last night?

  111. (Jesse) James August 22, 2008 2:05 pm


  112. Da Punchbowl Kid August 22, 2008 2:05 pm

    Coach Mack said that he really wished that Tyler had been with the team since August 4th. You could really feel his frustration. Unfortunately, we will never know what could have been. Tyler’s season changed dramatically for the worse when he didn’t make the start of fall camp, neither he nor we will know how things would have played out. He’s the wild card for now.

  113. Da Punchbowl Kid August 22, 2008 2:07 pm

    I dint do nuffin to no Stinkfaces that I know of…
    It’s your fault James.

  114. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 2:09 pm

    When watching the Olympics, did anyone else besides me feel proud to be an American when they showed the commercial of the USA men’s basketball team with Marvin Gaye singing the National Anthem in the background?


  115. whitey August 22, 2008 2:10 pm

    Jose Cuervos = tequila
    quervos = ba—–s!

  116. Da Punchbowl Kid August 22, 2008 2:11 pm

    I feel extremely proud to be from Hawaii these days. So many medalists in the Olympics and our LL team is kickin’ but again. 🙂

  117. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 2:11 pm

    BTW, there is a youtube video of Marvin singing the Anthem…

    And when I say Marvin I mean Marvin Gaye and not Marvin Berry, Chuck’s cousin.

  118. Octuple Stinky McStinkface August 22, 2008 2:12 pm

    Wasn’t Bill Brennan’s wife also a news anchor? What is her name?

  119. Da Punchbowl Kid August 22, 2008 2:14 pm

    Mrs. Brennan? 😆

  120. (Jesse) James August 22, 2008 2:15 pm

    OS McStinkface….Nalani Blaisdell…who is now a physician….

  121. whitey August 22, 2008 2:15 pm

    homey, ok, will relay message in english, japanese, or filipino??

  122. (Jesse) James August 22, 2008 2:17 pm

    homey…watching too much Back to the Future I see….MWAHAHAHAAHA

  123. HUBBA HUBBA HUBBY August 22, 2008 2:19 pm

    Hello Tsaikos. Now that gigi is doing the laundry, at least I hope she is, I can come out and play for a while.

    I like Tyler. I think he is the best suited for the job. But if he can’t make it, Alexander is my man.

  124. (Jesse) James August 22, 2008 2:21 pm


    Although I think TG would have been the starter had he kept his act together, the fact of the matter is, he didn’t get what he needed to get done, done. He lost the team’s confidence already and must try to earn it back.

    From what I’ve seen, Rausch is the best choice at the moment…

  125. chawan_cut August 22, 2008 2:22 pm

    the ballad of june jones


  126. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 2:22 pm

    (J)J – One of my favorite shows!

    gigi – did you have your Beck’s yet?

    (J)J – I see there’s a lot of new faces attending the Genji’s TV-gate!


  127. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 2:25 pm

    HHH – Can you explain, for gigi, why Alexander is your man? BTW, do you plan to enter the Senior Mr. Hawaiian Islands next year?

  128. cavewarrior August 22, 2008 2:25 pm

    testing 1234…treo

  129. g-nalo August 22, 2008 2:25 pm

    Good afternoon Tsaikos. Wow, what a trip. Wed Kekoa was in town, so we have muu call and figure g’nalo and sleez might show. They no show, so drop Kekoa off to catch the airy craft. Was going home, but one spacecraft stopped me and said we need to go to the darkside because get troubles. Finally was able to escape the darkside and must have traveled about 2 million light years and am finally home.

    wow Whitey, you ARE the Sensei!

    for the record, i knew about the muu call but never posted anything about attending or even thinking about attending. reason was i knew we’d be PAST Kapalua late morning, didn’t know if we’d get back in time?

    but apparently, an “alien in training” must’ve called you and committed us to attending???

    anyways, gotta watch out for those UFO’s on Maui.

  130. Da Punchbowl Kid August 22, 2008 2:26 pm

    Nalani is married to Bill Brennan. I din’t know that. Isn’t Nalani a psychiatrist or something?

  131. (Jesse) James August 22, 2008 2:28 pm

    Homey…yes there are. We may need name tags again. Too bad gigi and hubby aren’t attending.

  132. cavewarrior August 22, 2008 2:28 pm

    It works!…it works!…regular programming will now continue.

  133. Nintuple Stinky McStinkface August 22, 2008 2:28 pm

    Hi Hubby! Is gigi napping?

  134. g-nalo August 22, 2008 2:29 pm

    I have nightmares recalling the early JJ years, when the offense had many many 3 and outs; elapsed time under 30 seconds for the series. 3 straight passes and punt. Passes were thrown into the ground, batted down, dropped, over thrown. Talk about sputtering!
    We’ll have to see about this years QB-Recv corps and if they can click consistently. Maybe more running plays ? It will be interesting…….

    yep and why i’m glad they’re adding snaps from center and more running plays.

  135. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 2:29 pm

    chawan – That was a good one!

  136. HUBBA HUBBA HUBBY August 22, 2008 2:29 pm

    Homey – I like Alexander’s guns and hairstyle. And I will be entering the Mr. Hawaiian Islands to win it. I just need to get a tan first.

  137. (Jesse) James August 22, 2008 2:30 pm

    Chawan…pretty funny….

  138. cavewarrior August 22, 2008 2:30 pm

    Linda Coble

  139. chawan_cut August 22, 2008 2:31 pm

    my friend found it.

  140. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 2:32 pm

    g-nalo – So you are saying 3 and out with running plays will eat up more game time? genius!

  141. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 2:33 pm

    chawan – the friend that was supposed to order a shirt that I was gonna join in on but he didn’t order the shirt yet? That friend?

  142. Flux Capacitor August 22, 2008 2:34 pm

    Back to the future?!?! I just got back. Gigi’s making big bucks after she opened “Club Hubba Hubba Hubby” on Hotel Street.

  143. Hawaiianbod August 22, 2008 2:34 pm

    chawan – some good chit.

  144. Dectuple Stinky McStinkface August 22, 2008 2:35 pm


    August 22nd, 2008 at 2:30 pm
    Linda Coble

    Caveman, you got the hots for her?

  145. whitey August 22, 2008 2:35 pm

    g’nalo, always a next time, but a little while ago another message came from way out that al is in town and wants to get together in the evening. I don’t know if my craft has enough fuel, but will meet him even if I have to walk there (always can take the bus service). hahahahahaaaah

    got golf tomorrow, so this week is a total mess. i going try escape, but these guys keep an eye on me, so making escape moves requires homey’s technique “I’ll be right back”.

  146. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 2:36 pm

    HHH – You’re initials match, ha ha ha, hardy har har!

  147. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 2:36 pm

    oops! You’re = your

  148. chawan_cut August 22, 2008 2:38 pm

    you are right.
    the same shirt you didn’t pay me for either.
    i forgot about that. i’ll go bug him about it.

  149. Eleventuple Stinky McStinkface August 22, 2008 2:38 pm

    Anybody going to any other road games besides FL and OSU? Logan, Utah? Las Cruces, NM?

  150. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 2:40 pm

    I can see why Rausch’s arm is strained. Did you guys notice how many throws the QB’s make in practice? Even with 6 QB’s throwing to a stable of receivers they still throw over a hundred times each…Okay I may be exaggerating but the QB’s that get the most reps throw a heck of a lot!

  151. whitey August 22, 2008 2:42 pm

    also your “alien in training” is becoming a Jedi, got plenty moves, but he needs to improve cause sometimes they cut off his arms, but lucky he one “engine genius”, so he makes robotic arms with the speed. maybe got to ask him to make one for Rausch, so he can get back to full speed.

  152. Lint Licker August 22, 2008 2:44 pm

    Do they throw more now with coach Mack or when JJ was coach?

  153. Mr. G August 22, 2008 2:45 pm

    don’t call me Hubby. Call me Mr. G.

  154. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 2:47 pm

    FT – re: offense vs defense. The way I see it is that the defense knows they type of plays the offense runs so they can anticipate certain routes based on the defensive schemes they show. On the other hand, the offense is still in the learning stages and need to get on the same page consistently then start reacting instinctively instead of thinking what to do. I don’t expect them to be an instant offensive scoring machine but I do expect them to execute their plays with few mistakes (mental breakdowns).

  155. whitey August 22, 2008 2:48 pm

    ok, going back to lurking cause got to get things done before meeting with al

  156. Einstein August 22, 2008 2:49 pm

    Mr. G – nice of you to grace us with your presence. Is wifey still doing laundry?

  157. Da Punchbowl Kid August 22, 2008 2:50 pm

    Then there’s the pic Mr. Tsai posted on a recent blog that shows Inoke after practice with an ice pack on his elbow and shoulder.

  158. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 2:51 pm

    Lint Licker – sjmacro would know, but to me it looks like they throw more now.

  159. TChahng [태한민국] August 22, 2008 2:51 pm

    Morning Tsai-Kos! Well, it is morning in Seoul.

    Welcome back Tyler. Gotta go watch the 2007 Nevada game and the 2nd half Utah St game to remind me of your awesome QB highlights.

    Kinda late in the morning, almost lunch time for me. For your listening pleasure:


  160. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 2:55 pm

    DPK – Ice packs are usually standard on players that throw a ball a lot. Pitchers for example. Now if the player was wearing a sling then I would be worried.

    Mr. G – is the “G” for Grafenberg?

  161. (Jesse) James August 22, 2008 2:57 pm


  162. FloridaTed August 22, 2008 2:58 pm

    homey (154).

    That sounds reasonable and just about right. On the other hand, they may shock us come game time (cross my fingers and toes).

  163. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 3:03 pm

    FT – I expect the D and special teams to win it for the Warriors.

  164. cocobean August 22, 2008 3:06 pm

    It’s unsettling that the offense is so unsettled. It’s not beyond the realm of possiblity for Tyler to work himself back into contention for some playing time in the near future(Oregon State). I believe that football is a game of redemption…a game of 2nd and 3rd chances. Tyler must man up to all the negativity that’s going to come his way. No excuses, just resolve and determination to get through it.
    He’s the only QB that’s (started) been there and done that. He probably has the best understanding of the offense and can go through the progressions the quickest. Understanding the offense and quickly going through the progressions was Rolo’s biggest weaknesses, something that took time to learn. Tyler is ahead of the other QBs in that respect but he’s at the bottom of the totem pole of team respect. The challenge is there before you Tyler, are you Man enough to redeem yourself?

  165. LizKauai [Believer] August 22, 2008 3:09 pm

    cavewarrior- let us know how the Treo works… I had a heckuvvatime!

    Hubba Mr. G … fo real???? (why do I doubt you???)

    Hi TChahng!

    Talked to Kymry from Kauai today. They are NOT going to make the FL game but ARE coming to the OSU game! Woo Hoo!

  166. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 3:09 pm

    Talking about Linda Coble…

    We have:
    Sprinkle and Young
    Hagi and Gennaula (sp)
    Jones and Fawcett (shudder)
    Shima was married to Vinton…

    can’t think of anyone else.

  167. (Jesse) James August 22, 2008 3:10 pm

    Coble and Mathews

  168. Da Punchbowl Kid August 22, 2008 3:11 pm

    I was just illustratin’ yer point about how much throwin our QBs do, lil buddy. I KNOW why they put the ice packs on.

  169. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 3:13 pm

    cocobean – Tyler may know the passing game but he hasn’t really worked with the team taking the ball from under center and going through the running plays. Also, the passing game has been tweaked by Coach Ron so there may be a learning curve for Tyler in that respect. Tyler just has to work hard and be part of the team.

  170. LizKauai [Believer] August 22, 2008 3:14 pm

    Linda Coble is a past District Governor (first woman DG in Hawaii Rotary history) and her hubby is the very talented Kirk Matthews (can play music perty durn good!).

  171. Kekoa August 22, 2008 3:15 pm

    Whitey ~ Tyler’s return to the team will be a successful one if he readies himself and is called upon later in the season. I can see a possibility of him doing some yeoman work in the 4th Qtr, or when the chips are down and we need a healthy QB. I think if he prepares himself as well as he can, he will still have to wait his turn for PT.

    You command the perfect vantage point of the situation in the coaches lounge at the Watercress Sports Bar & Grill. The possibilities of becoming the Lounge Chair QB of the Year has given you the advantage.

    Al will be entering your domain this weekend. Make sure he tries the roasted pigs feet or ears. Hmmm forgot to ask if they had the diniguan or coagulated pigs blood…yummy stuff!

  172. Rob14 August 22, 2008 3:16 pm

    gigi-hawaii ©:

    August 22nd, 2008 at 11:15 am
    OK, James, I’ll buy that. Besides, what do I know? I am just a wahine. I think hubby liked Alexander, too, though.

    Wow, I’m offended by that. I know enough about football. I don’t know everything, but sex surely doesn’t prevent me from gaining more knowledge about a sport that I am very excited about.

  173. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 3:20 pm

    August 22nd, 2008 at 3:16 pm

    Wow, I’m offended by that. I know enough about football. I don’t know everything, but sex surely doesn’t prevent me from gaining more knowledge about a sport that I am very excited about.

    BOING! 😯

  174. Mr. G August 22, 2008 3:22 pm

    Don’t mind my wifey if she’s talking bubbles again. Guess I gotta use another gift card for dinner tonight.

  175. Kekoa August 22, 2008 3:22 pm

    Liz was kind enuff to introduce Linda Coble and her hubby Kirk to me at the Rotary function we attended at the Pacific Air Mueseum installation dinner. She and Kirk were just so very engaging and down home people. I like ‘real’ people like them. They completely understood the ways of the Tsaiko and provided me clear access to the premium grade kau kau!

  176. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 3:23 pm

    Kekoa – That roasted pigs feet (shank?) and ears sound soooo good! All you need is a bowl of shoyu, vinegar, chili peppahs and a cold bottle of your favorite beer!

  177. LizKauai [Believer] August 22, 2008 3:23 pm

    ok, I gots a funny tummy – boss says I can go home early.

    CU latahs!

  178. Mr. G (HUBBY) August 22, 2008 3:25 pm

    Why does everyone say that TG knows the playbook? I thought Ron Lee’s RnS was different than JJ’s? Didn’t they have to introduce new plays? So in essence, TG is quite behind no?

  179. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 3:27 pm

    Mr. G (HUBBY) – Who is everyone? And yes TG is behind the curve.

  180. Portagee Portaguss KauKau Jack August 22, 2008 3:27 pm

    Go Bows!

  181. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 3:29 pm

    XLiz – A lot of people have funny tummies! TAKE CARE! I’ll be checking my email twice this weekend. Let me know if you need anything from this side of Oahu.

    Have a good one!

  182. Da Punchbowl Kid August 22, 2008 3:30 pm

    Your #173. I was thinkin that but was scared to post it. Thanks.

  183. Homey Baloney August 22, 2008 3:30 pm

    Is there an afternoon practice today?

  184. Da Punchbowl Guy August 22, 2008 3:32 pm

    What happened to Hubby?

  185. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 3:33 pm

    Homey Baloney – Yeah, just started.

  186. Kekoa August 22, 2008 3:35 pm

    Homey ~ You porgot…we have Joe Moore & Ahhdonewannahnojoeanymoe.

  187. Rob14 August 22, 2008 3:36 pm

    OMG homey…meant to say my gender…I need to remember there are people with sick minds on this blog.

  188. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 3:39 pm

    Rob14 – Yeah, that’s why I pointed it out to you in case you wanted to explain yourself when people like DPK shows up and points out my post pointing out your post.


    I am also looking forward to see how the Wahine play Penn St. next week!

  189. Da Punchbowl Kid August 22, 2008 3:40 pm

    Have fun walkin’ them poodles, homester. A good weekend to you and yours as well.

  190. g-nalo August 22, 2008 3:42 pm

    g-nalo – So you are saying 3 and out with running plays will eat up more game time? genius!

    CaveWarrior (#96) is the genius….me i’m just the rolling cooler guy.

  191. g-nalo August 22, 2008 3:44 pm

    Homey Baloney – Yeah, just started.

    aiyaaa, thought this was a family blog?

  192. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 3:45 pm

    g-nalo – yeah, I was talking to the rolling cooler guy. 😆

  193. Rob14 August 22, 2008 3:55 pm

    Can’t wait to see how the Wahine VB team is doing this year.

    Just a note…Charlie Wade will be bringing his Pacific Tigers here to participate in the Chevron Wahine Invitational. They play the Wahine on Friday September 12th. Charlie has three players from Hawaii on his team. Pacific will also be in Florida at the same time UH Warriors will being taking on Tim Tebow & Company. The VB match is the same evening as the football game…if you are in the area, stop by and support Charlie and his team.

  194. (Jesse) James August 22, 2008 3:56 pm

    okay gang…I have to go and run to Safeway and than Longs….hope to talk later…everyone have a good weekend…..

  195. Rob25 August 22, 2008 3:57 pm

    Wow g-nalo


    August 22nd, 2008 at 3:42 pm
    g-nalo – So you are saying 3 and out with running plays will eat up more game time? genius!

    CaveWarrior (#96) is the genius….me i’m just the rolling cooler guy.

    That means that you don’t even have a friend to help you carry all that food!

    HAHAHA love that commercial!

  196. g-nalo August 22, 2008 4:04 pm

    hello Rob25!

    yep, ‘real men of genius’………….

  197. Stretch August 22, 2008 4:04 pm

    Not sure what to think about Graunke and the team. It was very disappointing that he didn’t do what he knew he had to take care of. I am all for giving second chances but wasn’t this his second chance after being held out of Spring ball?? Is that a leader?? Are we to give him a third chance??

    I hope everyone has a good weekend. Not going to make tomorrow’s practice so hopefully someone will give us the updates.

  198. duffer August 22, 2008 4:06 pm


    Is the portuguese sausage up to Tsai-ko fuud standards for the tailgate?

  199. Stretch August 22, 2008 4:08 pm

    duffer – how did keyton do in the tournament??

  200. duffer August 22, 2008 4:16 pm


    Kyeton came in tied for first at Makena. Shot a 33-40 with a double on the last hole. Was 4 under after 10, but….

    Second day shot 79, the kid that was tied with him shot a 68 at the Emerald. The last day he shot a 74 at Maui Lani. came in third overall!

    Thank goodness the season is over!

  201. Stretch August 22, 2008 4:20 pm

    duffer – remind me NOT to golf with him. It would be embarrasing to have a young gun kick my arse.

    Talking about golf reminded me that I need to pick up some golf balls for tomorrow. Be back later

  202. Maverick August 22, 2008 4:23 pm

    I too find different ways of looking at Graunke’s situation. He has put in many years of dedication and time towards the team, and we really don’t know or understand the fine details of this setback. Maybe it’s a moment where he needs the support of his teammates/ family and fans to get him through this.
    Even if he doesn’t end up back on the field, his support and advice should be welcomed from the other guys. He is a senior, and they need to respect that status.
    But this scenario sure can be waffle’ing to think about.

  203. Rob25 August 22, 2008 4:27 pm

    Yeah, I hate to seem like I’m jumping on the bandwagon with Stretch, but I agree. He’s had four years to get his academics in order. Stop calling them kids. We can’t coddle these young adults. Colt was able to keep up his school work and he was under a microscope for three years. Tyler had all that time to get things done. This was not the first time for him and he knew all along that he was being looked to as a leader of the team. You have to set an example for the rest of the team…the one he is setting isn’t impressive.

    I’m ready to back Rausch. I like Alexander better, but support anyone who is leading this team. Rausch can do the job…just gotta keep working.

  204. duffer August 22, 2008 4:27 pm


    Getting your arse kicked by gig and hubby WOULD be more embarassing.


  205. HUBBA HUBBY August 22, 2008 4:32 pm

    golfing in a muumuu…SEXAY!

  206. duffer August 22, 2008 4:35 pm

    Re Graunke

    If he has his academics in order, he should be given a fair shot at starting and/or playing. He’s still a young person and being in his position of backup Colt for several year and with the JC transfers this year, the mind works in mysterious ways for a young kid. For old guys like me.

    This should make him a stronger person first, and maybe a better QB second.

  207. duffer August 22, 2008 4:40 pm

    Esme out to the range, back after Tiffany’s

  208. bb August 22, 2008 4:43 pm

    June Jones interview on Artie Wilson’s show and repeating on the Sports Animals. Is this Coach Jones’ first interview with local media?

  209. Koauka August 22, 2008 4:55 pm

    I still say Inoke Funaki should have a shot as the starting QB.

    Why not? Let’s see how far he can take the team.

    Rob25 – I agree with you. I can not see a leader of the team not able to
    fulfill academic requirements. Especially as a 5th year senior.

  210. Maverick August 22, 2008 4:59 pm

    Could be a flip flop QB scene for the until WAC play kicks in. It’s so close with these guys, there level of play is still building.

  211. Pomai August 22, 2008 5:00 pm

    You know with all this about TG, RB, GA and IF and the starting QB situation, I wonder if the head geko is scratching his head trying to come up with scout offense to practice against and wondering who he will be facing come game day?? “Is that guy McMackin trying to pull a fast one on me???” LOL

  212. sjmacro August 22, 2008 5:01 pm

    bb: heard Artie and JJ this am. Sounds like June is starting to sport a Texas twang. 🙂

  213. Pomai August 22, 2008 5:02 pm

    RB = BR

  214. Kelli August 22, 2008 5:03 pm

    Woah! It’s 5 p.m. Good evening, ST and Tsai-kos!

    (Jesse) James: Present! *raises hand* Sorry, yeah. I didn’t have time to comment earlier. And, very good! You know the difference between D&B’s and D&B. Joozu desu ne.

    Pauoa Boy: Um, I’m Japanese and Okinawan. 🙂

  215. Koauka August 22, 2008 5:05 pm

    Hopefully, with “live bullets” the QB situation will fix itself.

    As well as, the other starting positions.

  216. Koauka August 22, 2008 5:11 pm

    Wow Kelii, must be working hard. How sad, isn’t this the last weekend before school starts?

    A bummer.

  217. Jason August 22, 2008 5:17 pm

    Yep, school starts Monday. 😛

  218. Rob25 August 22, 2008 5:17 pm

    Colt had something that you could just feel when you met him. They are surely finding that out in Washington now.

    I haven’t had a chance to meet the new QBs and it’s hard to get a sense of them yet. My mind is open to anyone who helps the team chemistry and shows leadership, discipline, and above all, grace under pressure.

  219. Ogre August 22, 2008 5:19 pm

    Hey James where’d you go? Safeway? You bringing food back?

  220. Rob25 August 22, 2008 5:22 pm

    Hi Jason!

    Thanks for your input Koauka!

    Gotta make the drive back to the easside! Hope there isn’t a traffic jam near Hanauma Bay!

    See ya all later.

  221. Koa Mahu August 22, 2008 5:23 pm

    Orge – James is with me. 🙂

  222. Ogre August 22, 2008 5:27 pm

    Nuf said.

  223. Koa Kukui Mahu August 22, 2008 5:30 pm


  224. Stretch August 22, 2008 5:35 pm

    Not looking forward to traffic Monday morning with UH classes starting. There are times when I wish I was still in school – go class and hang out around campus. But when I realize I wouldn’t get a paycheck on Friday, then I’d rather be working.

  225. Kelli August 22, 2008 5:35 pm

    Koauka: LOL! You’re lucky I read good. I almost missed my name because you spelled it K-E-L-I-I. Um, I don’t know if I work hard. I like to think that I do. I have a lot of stuff on my to-do list. I had to buy more books yesterday and today. Darn it!

  226. Kekoa August 22, 2008 5:48 pm

    Duffer ~ You must have been ‘coaching’ the Portuguese sausage makers upcountry Pukalani to assure good quality control. I honestly can say I have never tasted sausage as good as this before.

    I can only imagine what it would taste like in some lucky PB soup contestants entry at the T-gate on Sept. 6th. UHFan’s Fricken Awesome PB soup would give JeJe a run for the roses with those buggahs inside!

    Mahalo Duffer, you and Whitey have earned spots high atop my Xmas list.

  227. Kekoa August 22, 2008 5:57 pm

    Rob25 ~ Hey Tsaikette Lady! When are you kona invite us over to da Eastsiie Chaptah – Pau Hana CC? There’s a certain place I heard about from Koakane where an old KS friend plays music on Fridays. We could go for a Sunday brunch or breakfast CC if you prefer. Let me know if can…

  228. Kekoa August 22, 2008 6:00 pm

    Hi Kelli ~ Back to the Campus grind huh? Just think what it’ll be like in ten years when you have a new wing named after you after winning a Pulitzer.

  229. lakerj32 aka "lefty" August 22, 2008 6:04 pm

    Hey Stretch.
    I start classes on monday too…try working and taking classes..yuck..

    Congrats to Bryan Clay…its always good to hear someone from my Alma Mater doing well…

  230. bighilofan2 August 22, 2008 6:13 pm

    Howzit Tsaikos everywhere.

    Been thinking about what you said today, W/Doc.
    You an I got different styles, for sure. You talking all nice nice to the Regents; I woulda been in their faces! What would I have said? Get on dis crakah David McClain. It was a national priority to keep June Jones last year. People would’ve moved mountains to get him to stay. The Gov was calling. And now, with the field fix ready fo go, with our WORD on the line, with the Gov’s word on the line, with the Prexy McClain’s word on the line, we’re gonna go thru due process? for whose due process? the Stinky Sadowski and his friends?
    XxFaithxX hit it on the head at the end of the last post? Minutes apart, talk about being in cahoots!

    All this delay and indecision on the part of our team goes to show me the Herman Frazier syndrome is all over the University. I wonder whose idea was to pay him off $300K to keep silent. The same peeps that are leading the indecision now?

    Junk, I tell you Darolyn. Totally JUNK! The buck stops with you. If you can’t get Mark Bennett to sit down with you and figure out why this current Asst AG is or isn’t talking the same as last year’s AG who led the Contractor’s Board on their opinions, and if we’re gonna wait till mid September to have samoa meetings before deciding, I ain’t on the team! Thats a junk team. You won’t even beat Idaho State with that kind offense. Getta going girl! c’mon, make the fix happen now! give it to stinky Sadowski, whatevas. Get the field fixed, lets blast his @$$ for making a junk field. Lets blast the process. whatevas. but move, move move!!!! let Hamocon sue you and win. who cares?!

    and if that sounds crappy, then do the right thing, give it to GMY and Hamocon. He deserves it, and you know its going to get fixed right and for a lesser cost.

    Geez, i gotta draw da whole ting out for you????
    move, girl move! how many more board meetings and executive sessions you gotta have????

    The bottom line is this: today was another wasted day!

    Go Warriors!!!

  231. momotaro August 22, 2008 6:14 pm

    tom mui:
    So what I am trying to determine is whether the C-68FF is a “proposed” license (phoney baloney?) which is not a “rule” that has the effect of law – that is, approved, signed by the governor, went through the process etc etc.

    tom mui, to use your terminology, yes, the C-68FF contractor license is a “proposed” license which is not a “rule” that has the effect of law. All there are regarding the C-68FF contractor license are three “recommendations” of the CLB that are not legally binding – the July 2007 and August 2007 recommendations that a C-68FF contractor license is not required to install field turf, and the October 2007 recommendation that a C-68FF contractor license should be require to install field turf – plus whatever recommendation came out of this morning’s CLB meeting, if any.

    Also, Sadowski wrote the scope of work for the C-68FF contractor license.

  232. stacyj August 22, 2008 6:17 pm


    Pomai #211- you got a point. If we can’t even figure it out, how are the geckos going to? But, I really don’t know how serious them geckos are taking us anyway.

    Rob25 #203- That is what I have said all along. The players are afforded tutoring and extra help if needed. If the leader of the team can’t get it together, what message does that send? He’s got a lot of work to do in the classroom and in the locker room before he sees time on the field. JMHO.

  233. stacyj August 22, 2008 6:18 pm

    Wow, lots of Olympic medal winners from Hawaii. Way to represent!

  234. stacyj August 22, 2008 6:20 pm

    bhf2: I love your passion. Brings a smile to my face.

  235. sjmacro August 22, 2008 6:24 pm

    😡 Third time trying to submit this comment 😡
    homey & LL, yes they are probably throwing more than ever before just because the practices are scripted in detail with attention to tempo. The 40 second clock from placement of the ball has something to do with it. Also, all the receivers are getting reps unlike in previous years. At the same time we realize how in sync Colt and his receivers were. We rarely saw drops. “Warriors make the most of your reps, don’t waste them!” (quote from several coaches)

  236. fencecastle August 22, 2008 6:38 pm

    aloha all…long time lurker amongst you.

    i just recently submitted a video to the hawaiian telcom contest for to win the UH football season tickets. but i need help in getting views and high ratings. so please please please help me out. I promise that by watching the video you’ll get a few laughs out of it, and if you dont laugh just rate it high anyway cause i really wanna get those tickets. thanks in advance to all.


    (address to video below)

  237. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER August 22, 2008 6:38 pm

    Kyeton- CONGRATS!

    sjmacro- whatchoo blogging wid? Computah or phone?

  238. stacyj August 22, 2008 6:43 pm

    Hi Aunty Liz!!!! Got another part up on the blog. I know, I know taking long.

  239. stacyj August 22, 2008 6:44 pm

    Bryan Clay getting a lot of play time. Commercials and interviews. AWESOME JOB!!!

  240. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER August 22, 2008 6:46 pm

    fence- no can get to the video without filling out a long form…

    Welcome, former lurker!

  241. sjmacro August 22, 2008 6:46 pm

    Liz: I lost RoadRunner for about 20 minutes. BTW the Jetts were at practice this morning, had a nice time recalling Slavonic Steak in the 70s

  242. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER August 22, 2008 6:57 pm

    sjmacro-cool! Did you ask if they were going to Fla? Is Jett going? Last I heard he was on the service team along with Kenny Estes.

  243. Thomas Mui August 22, 2008 6:57 pm


    Thank you!!! I hope that UH will just go ahead. The C68FF is not mandatory as the Landscape specialty license was sufficient in the past; the Board told him that it was OK and they can’t make the “rule” retroactive and in any event, it has to go to the governor for approval.

    Let’s see if the people at UH have courage and not just profile!

  244. Thomas Mui August 22, 2008 7:02 pm

    Adding to #243. I would like to see a law suit – I would imagine attorneys fees would be imposed and the damages that Hamocon has suffered – costs, interest, loss of profits etc – be awarded.

    Speaking of the fox guarding the henhouse … I don’t know how the Contractors Board should run – but it definitely needs change.

    I wonder if Hamocon can get a C68FF license if he applied considering that the person writing the description will also be the judge or is this the “give him a fair trial and then hang him”?

  245. Esme August 22, 2008 7:20 pm


  246. madeinhawaii August 22, 2008 7:24 pm

    In essense, what Sadowski is trying to do is pull the wool over everyone’s eyes and push for an unfair advantage in the bidding process. Sadowski should be banned from bidding and participating in the licensing board for a period of 3 years. Before C68FF can be made the “rule” don’t they have to give all the contractors sufficient time to apply for and obtain the necessary licenses? And doesn’t the state licencing board have to provide sufficient infrastructure to handle the sudden influx of applications. How many landscapers are out there that have the ocassion to install synthetic turf from time to time?

  247. madeinhawaii August 22, 2008 7:25 pm

    Ahh… Esme…

    good job with the flossing…

  248. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER August 22, 2008 7:26 pm

    Esme :mrgreen:

    cookin dindin…

  249. Esme August 22, 2008 7:27 pm

    mih, I had to jam the whitening toothpaste. Something about the gray color of the Bombers shirt made my teeth look less than pearly. 😆

  250. Esme August 22, 2008 7:29 pm

    Just sayin’ hullo. Back later after the keiki go ne-ne.
    *shuffle off the buffalo … stage left *

  251. madeinhawaii August 22, 2008 7:29 pm

    Ah…Esme.. you know what they say..?

    Nothing more valuable than

    Black Pearls…

  252. jm2375 August 22, 2008 7:32 pm

    Esme, Help!! Get me outta dis doghouse dey wen put me in. All cuz of you! 😉

  253. FloridaTed August 22, 2008 7:33 pm

    The Gators are having all kinds of problems with their practices. Their fields are soaked and thirtyfive miles an hour winds. They’re not very happy campers. Myers is pushing for an indoor facility, he’ll probably get it easily.

  254. jm2375 August 22, 2008 7:34 pm

    Esme did an esme. sheesh.

    Hi Liz! Can you get me outta here?

  255. Kekoa August 22, 2008 7:34 pm

    Hi Esme! I see you hiding behind the fridge. Ran the DNA samples of your toe jams left on da couch. Remember when you were jumping up and down on the furniture? mmmhhmm.

    Between you and jm2375, you 2 need more than jez one ‘time out.’ You need da old school slippah!

  256. fencecastle August 22, 2008 7:40 pm

    LizKauai – yeah, hawaiian telcom makes you register before you can view the videos…but i promise my video will be worth the trouble. and if its not, then umm…yeah.


  257. jm2375 August 22, 2008 7:43 pm

    Kekoa, oh great one! *kneeling on the floor, bowing* Howzit! Can I come out now? I promise to be good! *fingers crossed*

  258. Stretch August 22, 2008 7:46 pm

    jm2375 – when are you going to be making your grand appearance at one of the Tsaiko events??

  259. Koauka August 22, 2008 7:50 pm

    Sorry K-E-L-L-I. Must be the 25 WPM typing from Moanalua Intermediate Summer School, a long time ago.

    Either that or gotta make the print bigger……….

  260. jm2375 August 22, 2008 7:53 pm

    Stretch – I dunno. We’ll see. Besides, sneaking in the clubhouse with no one around is so much fun! 😀

  261. BG August 22, 2008 8:08 pm

    Got home early today for a change 😀 While driving, I heard someone on 1420 bet $100 that Tyler was going to start by the 3rd game (OSU). While I understand that anything is possible, I would have jumped at that wager! Another caller a couple of minutes later, agreed and said that TG is by far the best and being in the doghouse was just temporary. I just smiles to myself. I’m pretty sure that those guys haven’t met Coach Mac and Mrs. Mac face to face. Then they would know that Coach Mac is as straight as a laser and demands accountability. They would know that the first goal that he always recites is, “graduate 100%”. Put the two together and odds are that TG will start at the bottom of the QB totem pole. Coach Mac WILL penalize a player for academic deficiencies no matter how good they are.

    OBTW, in the usual scheme, the #1 QB takes 75% of the snaps in practice and the #2 takes 25%. I think they are doing a 3X, 1X, 1X since Inoke and Alexander are co-#2’s. That means that the next QB in the pecking order gets nada. If TG can move up the ladder without rep’s, I would certainly applaud him.

    It’s my opinion that we need to separate Tyler’s situation. One is his obligation and commitment to the team. Second is his relationship to himself and his family. It’s obvious that he’s been abysmal in fulfilling #1 and deserves the big slippah on the wallet area. But, in area #2, he’s no different from many young people who don’t have their lives together. Folks do that at different rates. Some early on, and some never do. Yes, he probably has screwed his football dreams. But, no matter how enthusiastic we are about it, football is a GAME. What’s far more important is supporting and encouraging this young man to understand what are the important things in life…friends, family, integrity, and caring…and learning from his mistakes before moving on. I can only guess how gut wrenching it’s all been for TG and his family.


  262. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER August 22, 2008 8:11 pm


    The Colt of Personality

    By Mike Wise
    Saturday, August 23, 2008; Page E01

    “A handful of quarterbacks overcame sixth-round selections in the NFL draft to forge decent careers: Mark Rypien, Marc Bulger, Matt Hasselbeck and some scrawny guy from Michigan whom the Patriots gambled on.

    Another who’d like to join that list stood outside the visitors’ locker room in East Rutherford, N.J., last week, doing what Colt Brennan does: “

  263. Koauka August 22, 2008 8:15 pm


    I heard the converstion too. Some folks still don’t get it. Yes, Mack shoots very straight.

    The caller is better off donating his $100.00 to Na Koa and get his polo shirt.

  264. jm2375 August 22, 2008 8:25 pm

    Slightly off topic but may be useful (and infuriating) to those making plans for away games and other trips…

    Got this email from my travel agent today.

    Lots of changes are in the works with United Airlines. These are the latest:
    a. No free snacks (pretzels, cookies and nuts) in coach (effective 1 SEP)
    b. No free meals in Business Class (Domestic and International) (effective 2 OCT)
    c. Increased price for “Buy on Board Meals” (effective 1 SEP)
    d. Coming Soon:
    1. Fee to Upgrade using award miles ($50.00 each direction ??)
    2. Fee for Pillows and Blankets ($8.00 ??)
    3. Fee for Coke and Water ($3.00 ??)
    United is adding Business class to all of their long haul domestic routes even though most are only two cabin planes. I guess this means that there will be no meal service for upgraded passengers on all flights to and from Hawaii. This is effective 2 October so be sure to bring your own sushi on board.

    The Hawaii fares remain very high as compared to other domestic fares of equivalent distances. One of the biggest difference is that we pay a $260.00 Fuel Surcharge for most of our tickets. Many of the domestic fares on the mainland do not have any Fuel Surcharge. As an example, We pay $806.01 to fly 4796 miles round trip to San Francisco of which $260.00 is the Fuel Surcharge. You can fly round trip from San Francisco to Orlando (4890 miles) for $429.01 and the Fuel Surcharge is $0.00. The airlines are not giving the Hawaii market any breaks and I don’t think they have any intention of reducing the Fuel Surcharge.

  265. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER August 22, 2008 8:27 pm

    7/23/08 fans mobbing Colt for autographs at training camp… That’s our Colt!


    “After practice a couple of Washington Redskins come and sign autographs. In this video we have Marcus Washington and rookie quarterback Colt Brennan. I got to shake Colt Brennan’s hand. He is a very nice guy. SO enjoy. “

  266. BG August 22, 2008 8:32 pm

    Florida Ted

    Kinda promised a reply to your #49 after my long winded post got vaporized into cyberspace at lunch time.

    What I had said was that you’re asking the perpetual pre-season question about the finding the black cat in the large black room who’s not there. We just can’t come to any credible conclusion with a third party standard to measure against. 😀

    What we do know is 1) the Warrior defense is regarded by many as very, very good. Even Coach Mac says that it compares favorably to the nationally ranked defenses he coached at Miami U. And, he let’s them loose. He doesn’t run vanilla defenses for the offense in practice like some coaches will elsewhere; 2) The defense is usually ahead of the offense in the early going for most teams; 3) The Warrior offense usually doesn’t hit it’s stride until after the 3rd or 4th game…even when a veteran offense was returning as in 2006. It was true every year that JJ was here. Taking that all into consideration, it’s hard for me to feel too threatened that the defense is presently out-shining the offense.

  267. FloridaTed August 22, 2008 8:39 pm


    Good article on Colt from the Post.


    Some fans? can be truly weird. I’d discussed it earlier, but setting aside all of Graunkes academic problems, I really don’t understand why so many just assume that he would have been the starter. If he was such a sure bet, how come he wasn’t the clear #1 after spring training?

  268. KymryKauai August 22, 2008 8:43 pm

    Mahalo LizK for the link to Colt article and link to you tube video!

  269. Shannon August 22, 2008 8:44 pm

    Hey guys…Watching the UH @ Alabama ’06 game on DVD right now… hoping for at least the same showing at The Swamp as we put out there in Bear Bryant Stadium… Same week of the season, same conference, similar humidity. If we can show the Nation that we can AT LEAST hang with a top SEC team, we’ll be alright.

  270. BG August 22, 2008 8:45 pm


    “withOUT a third party standard…”

  271. cavewarrior August 22, 2008 8:47 pm

    LizK, I had some time/patience today to play with the Treo. The first 2 times today it didn’t work – got the HA search page the first time, then some kind of page loading error. The third time it worked, followed by fourth and fifth time…still scratching head….but not pulling hair out…

  272. FloridaTed August 22, 2008 8:49 pm

    BG (266),

    Thanks for your thoughts. I think we’re seeing eye to eye on this matter, that’s why I said, if our O can move the ball half way consistent against our D, we can move the ball on Florida as well. I’m not nervous at this time. I think it will all come together during the two days of practice in Georgia before the game.

    I’m sure glad though that we have great defenses from now on. By mid-season, this team might be the best overall we’ve ever had. I will stop looking for the black cat.

  273. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER August 22, 2008 8:52 pm

    cavewarrior- My guess is that it has something to do with the cache. This blogsite is just too heavy for the Treo. What you are describing drove me to the iPhone and I am just jamming to get up to blog speed on my least favorite keyboard.

    Kymry!!! Great to see you on the blog again!

  274. Postmanke August 22, 2008 8:58 pm

    I liked Rausch from the start of camp and predicted he’d catapult from 3 to 1 in my posts. However, just for the Florida game I would like to see Alexander actually start the game. Why? 1) he will make better decisions taking care of the ball then Rausch. 2) It would be wise to run off most of the clock with Alexander used more as a bruising fullback running QB draws behind Huen, Jackson with the formation super wide across the field and Alexander 7 yards back. 3) he will keep our defense off the field with at least 2-3 first downs per possession. No doubt florida will run the ball right up the gut as many times as they can, they have the best running back squad in the country. As long as they dont fumble, Urban will not abandon the run. Not this game, not this year! When they do throw, big plays will ensue on short slants, pitch reverses (bread and butter trick play) and expect the Fla recievers to be blocking down the field a la Jason Rivers. This is something they are working hard on in training camp.

    I see this game much much closer than odds makers predict only because both teams will run more. Let Rausch sit this game or unleash him 2nd half and spread the offense wide using all options.

    I say start Alexander and let him run buck wild, play Funaki in a double shot gun and again, spread the line formation across the whole field where every receiver will be a potential treat if they can shake a tackle. Play Rausch late. At least we will see what we really have.

  275. cavewarrior August 22, 2008 8:59 pm

    LizK–yeah, ever since ST got the camera I have had to turn off the download of images..:)

  276. bighilofan2 August 22, 2008 9:00 pm

    Howzit Tsaikos.

    Momotaro, Tom Mui

    you guys got the analysis down pretty tight! I do not understand why UH Haffner not giving the go ahead. He’s waiting for another mid level DIIA meeting? Slow poke those guyz! Or is the Haffner excuse just an excuse. Doing the ping pong, like Gregg Takeyama and the Legal Counsel’s office tried to do to me the other day when i asked for a copy of the complaint letter, the stall job.

    which gets me to thinking about our Governor. She tells errybody, hey, here’s the $1+ mil for fix da
    field. But her guy Sadowski, she gives da wink and he goes for da stall an an an da money is tied up. Win for her? what you think? you think she’d be that kine junk for make all mouth and no action? excuse me for being cynical, but if you’re not on the same page as me, going full blast for the team, then imho you’re not on the team. we all gotta do our part for the team. Denny Sadowski is not on the team!

    Who went to the Contractor’s Board Meeting today. Heard the desk was so big dat the overflow crowd neva have room fo go inside. first they started off in executive session, moved around the schedule, stuff like that. thanks for the info at the time W/Doc. You sure get all ova the place, Regents meeting, CBoard meeting. yu did guud, except yu talk 2 nice. wen yu talk fo me, yu gotta give em a piece ah my mind.
    wen day stallin our pet project, which June Jones said was a priority, den its still a priority.

    again I say, thank you Mr. Jones! c’mon fix the field. its still a priority for our team. nothings changed.

    Go Warriors!!!

  277. madeinhawaii August 22, 2008 9:01 pm

    BG, FloridaTed,

    I concur… there’s something about this year’s team that whispers substantial promise. You can’t lay a finger on it, but it starts with the Defense and creeps its way into the offense.

    It’s like McMackin and staff have stripped the all the JJ layers away from the Offense and are slowly redressing the entire offense making sure that every stitch is in place before giving it a good wash, tug and wear.

    You can almost smell a sleeping juggernaut in the making.

  278. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER August 22, 2008 9:08 pm

    Speaking of sleeping. I have a funny tummy still – need to take a nap.


  279. bighilofan2 August 22, 2008 9:08 pm


    I tried calling UF stadium tix office today, still neva get my Fla tix from dem. When I called, the mesage said they closed today, reopen Monday cuz tropical storm. 😀 I’m lookin at the forecasts and the weather systems in the mid atlantic… thinkin, the rain god is on our side. 😀 i’m recalling the Olympics finals with China in the beach volleyball. 😀 our D crushin the run. 😀
    yep, i’m all smiles. 😀 😀 😀

  280. Shannon August 22, 2008 9:16 pm

    MadeinHawaii: Yeah, I know what your saying… I’m just thinking like this, St. Louis late 80’s – mid 90’s…on the Collegiate level. I keep watching my cousin’s highlight tape from ’89 and trying to picutre this years team running the same plays… looks good!

  281. Steve [iTouch] August 22, 2008 9:16 pm

    Practicing with the iTouch using my thumbs as Liz described the sales rep doing. It actually works fairly well 😕

    J — thanks for the tip on moving from top to bottom on a long blog entry!

  282. Jason August 22, 2008 9:20 pm

    sj-macro: I’m going to see if I feel well enough to make it to practice tomorrow. If I can’t make it for the start by 7, I’ll try to make it by the end, so I can pick up my umbrella from you.

    Koauka: Haha, I remember mastering typing at Moanalua Elementary. Whenever we used to go to the computer lab in 2nd grade, we’d practice on that typing thing. 😛

    jm2375: Ouch! Good thing I went on my trip already. And here I was, thinking, “United’s service was pretty good. Drinks, pretzels, $5 for a snack box.”

    Hey, so did anybody else notice that on June Jones’ bike (the one on eBay), it says 2008 WAC champs? I’m assuming June was being prophetic. 😀

  283. jm2375 August 22, 2008 9:27 pm

    SteveM – I wish the airlines would quit nickel and dime-ing us (or is it $5 and $10-ing us?) Dis is getting ridiculous. I’m planning on going on 2 trips next summer (1 domestic and 1 international). How am I supposed to take 4 or 5 cases of mac nuts overseas like we did the last time for omiyage, if they’re gonna charge me an arm and a leg for a 2nd bag?

  284. whitey August 22, 2008 9:35 pm

    My hats off to BHF2, Tom Mui, Warriormojo, etc. You guys have worked hard and I’ll email my concerns to UH. To me, what’s the big deal when the money wasn’t generated by the State or UH, it was a donation from the Ching family, so why all the red tape. I’ll bet the contractor’s meeting this am must have been a zoo. Lucky they no sell tomatoes at their meeting site.

  285. FloridaTed August 22, 2008 9:37 pm


    I think that’s part of the problem with people attending practices, thinking that the offense is not in sync, they’re looking for the JJ offense and can’t quite see it. Practice looks different and probably many plays also. To their eyes it may look slightly off kilter. On top of that the O practices against the best overall defense we’ve ever had.

  286. LizKauai (iPhone) August 22, 2008 9:37 pm

    I’m watching K5 and the Ha’a. They say if will debut at the Weber St game

  287. LizKauai (iPhone) August 22, 2008 9:43 pm

    SteveM, what is the trick to scrolling down?

  288. SteveM August 22, 2008 9:44 pm

    Yes, the airline situation is very unappealing. Getting “Hamilton and Benny-ed” to death. I have no travel plans now. Love to cruise and see a lot of inexpensive ones, but the air fare (CONUS) is double the cruise cost, which also has a fuel surcharge. 🙁

  289. SteveM August 22, 2008 9:54 pm

    Liz — look at the blurb between ST’s entry text and the start of the Comments section. On the iTouch, that section has a “submit a comment” link. Hitting that link will bring you down to the comment section and the keypad. From there, you can scroll up to the last comments. The comment link does not appear on a desktop model.

    To move up to the very top, double-tap the small menu border on top.

  290. Thomas Mui August 22, 2008 10:01 pm

    WASSUPDOC: Got your message re: Board of Regents etc. Have not heard directly from BHF. Sometimes it is easier to drop me a line either here or tommui (at)hawaii.rr.com than by phone as I would either like to take notes – hard with a small cell phone or see it in print.


  291. whitey August 22, 2008 10:03 pm

    IMHO, UH should start looking at masseur/healer/acupuncture to help get their players back faster. You have NFL teams who pay for healers to come to their mainland team and help their players. I specifically remember one from Lahaina who went to the Raiders and helped them with their injuries. I found out that Coach Les knows some and he used them to help his players. I can attest from my experience with tennis elbow that a masseur cured it in less than one minute. For those of you who have had tennis elblow, you know how it hurts and how long it takes to heal, not too mention paying for the doctor and prescription. For those moms who had huli stomach during pregnancy, the healers could put the baby back in the correct position whereas a physician does not know how. I know some of the Tsaikos have used healers in the past and have had your pains disappear. So why not the football team????

  292. tommui August 22, 2008 10:14 pm

    WASSUPDOC: Thank you for your call re:Board of Regents. I have not heard from BHF as of this time.

    Many times I can’t get to my phone and often when I do, it is hard to take notes having a small phone. It would be easier for me if you could drop me a line either here or by e-mail tommui at hawaii.rr.com.

    Thank you for all the help and information!

  293. whitey August 22, 2008 10:18 pm

    g’nite and may the morning bring you joy and good health.

  294. Long Time UH Fan August 22, 2008 10:27 pm

    Lots of luck to my grandnephew, TL, who may be the starting pitcher, and the Waipio Little League team in their US championship game against Louisiana tomorrow. Go Waipio!



  295. Garret August 22, 2008 10:30 pm

    Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want the off-topic stuff.

    I cannot believe that the Mexican peppers that pose salmonella risk are STILL being sold in the US! They just dropped the price so that it was cheaper than the no-salmonella peppers, so small grocery stores and restaurants are buying the cheap peppers. Some test for salmonella after buying the peppers, others do not.

  296. Garret August 22, 2008 10:31 pm

    I think that it is great that the tiny nation of Niue gave laptops to ALL of its children yesterday! They got a donation of 500 laptops and their nation only has 1,500 people!

  297. Garret August 22, 2008 10:31 pm

    Man used a Barbie fishing rod to catch a 21 pound catfish! The fish was 2 inches longer than the fishing rod and he only used a 6-pound test line!

  298. Garret August 22, 2008 10:32 pm

    Amazing that the glaziers during midievel times used nanotechnology (well before that name existed!) for their stained glass windows. Also amazing that those stained glass windows served as air purifiers!

  299. Garret August 22, 2008 10:32 pm

    University of Washington researchers have developed software that allows deaf people to use sign language with cell phones!

  300. Garret August 22, 2008 10:33 pm

    Free play links pau.

  301. jm2375 August 22, 2008 10:42 pm

    oyasumina-tsai. nite nite.

    USA women’s vb tomorrow 7 am.

  302. bighilofan2 August 22, 2008 10:54 pm

    Tom Mui,

    howzit Tsaiko!

    nuttin to report odda dan what W/Doc wen tell me this am about what she saw at the Contractor Board Mtg. wuz a zoo, plenny peeps wen show up. never heard from Logan today. I’ll call him tomorrow, get the scoops and report back.

    all i know is my patience is wearing real thin with the UH Administration on the football field fix. I heard the name Mr. Haffner was the holdup. But I’m not sure. The ball is in the UH court. If they’re comfortable with the legal analysis provided by you and momotaro, and Mau’u and Manoa, the give and take, I completely agree with you. The Contractor’s Board itself is saying the specialty license wasn’t required. Now Sadowski is saying “GMY never properly identify Hamocon as the sub.” Plenny officious to me! Di minimus. The question was, was the bid a proper bid. Is the contract gonna be with the proper peeps? Is the bidder the lowest bid?

    C’mon, we’re holding up the field while we’re allowing junk kine stall guyz for complain sour grapes, if i not going get em, nobody going get em.

    I got NO RESPECT for Dennis Sadowski. He is a direct negative to our football team. There ain’t no way around it


  303. bighilofan2 August 22, 2008 10:58 pm

    we need a practice dummy.

    any ideas? 😀

    Sadowski…. Sadowski…. Sadowski….

  304. Stephen Tsai August 22, 2008 10:59 pm

    Aloha, people.
    Sorry I’ve been away, but I was working on some stories for the football tabloid that comes out next week.
    With all of the practices, I haven’t had time to write that stuff.

  305. bighilofan2 August 22, 2008 11:01 pm

    the President’s got a higher approval rating than
    Sadowski… 26%.


  306. Kelli August 22, 2008 11:02 pm

    Kekoa: Um, maybe they’ll name something after me if I donate moolah. I wouldn’t be surprised if they named something after CB either. Afterall, a young Warrior fan in this house once said it’s University of Colt Brennan!

  307. bighilofan2 August 22, 2008 11:07 pm


    The buildup to knocking down Sadowski will only intensify, and there is bound to be fallout for his political allies.

    fixing the field after this football season will mean our government leaders lost the opportunity to help our team this year. we lose one year.

    what do you want me to say about our legal leadership when the challenge is a legal one?


    you’re a lawyer, a respected and a respectable sports enthusiast. This is political. If you can’t squash Sadowski, get Darolyn Lendio and Mark Bennett to do what they gotta do to move this project along mui pronto. The tsunami is coming!

    Go Warriors!!!!

  308. Stephen Tsai August 22, 2008 11:11 pm

    Since the secret is out, I guess we can discuss that blogs sympathetic to our unions will be going on hiatus for a bit, starting Monday. My last post will be Sunday. I’m not allowed to discuss the situation here, but if you call me I can fill you in.

  309. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 11:16 pm

    Why am I the last to know?

    Now what will I do on Monday? Tuesday? ???

  310. madeinhawaii August 22, 2008 11:17 pm

    Wha…? No more blogs for a spell? With the game looming just a short week away?

    Aiyaaaah!! AySoos! Arama! Aigooo! Bummers!

  311. Koauka August 22, 2008 11:22 pm

    I guess gotta do real work like clean house, wash clothes, wash car………

  312. Koauka August 22, 2008 11:27 pm

    And cancel the HA subscription, too.

  313. madeinhawaii August 22, 2008 11:30 pm

    Well, I’m going to sleep now and pretend that this “no blog come monday” thingie is just a bad dream.

    Nite all..

  314. Stephen Tsai August 22, 2008 11:32 pm

    E-mail Liz for updates.

  315. Rob25 August 22, 2008 11:35 pm

    I guess that means my email starts to heat up.

    Hi Homey!

    Is there pratice tomorrow morning?

    I want to go if there is, but then again I want to watch Olympic VB and Waipio…what to do, what to do…

  316. Rob25 August 22, 2008 11:38 pm

    Aghhhh no blog!

    How am I supposed to be entertained during the day?

    Frank, I guess you can’t lurk from Fort Hood.

  317. madeinhawaii August 22, 2008 11:39 pm

    Final thought…

    IN 2006 we had the receiving corps Bess, Grice-Mullen, and Rivers as well as Nate Ilaoa who made the shuffle (shovel) pass look like the easiest play in the book. Last year we had a new lineup of running backs but none were able to do what Nate was able to accomplish with that pass.

    Every athlete brings with him his own set of special gifts. What worked one way last year may not work the same way the following year. I’m sure the coaches are honing in on each athlete’s special gift(s).

    I think we are in for a special treat this year.

    If our third string QB is Inoke…4th, Tyler, just how good must the first two be?

    Warrior Football…

    Just believe…

    in McMackin we trust…

  318. bighilofan2 August 22, 2008 11:39 pm


    sorry to hear HA is causing us trouble. I’ll keep in touch. You’re a good man, sir, a really good man!
    And you’ve helped our State ALOT!!! Thank you.

  319. bighilofan2 August 22, 2008 11:42 pm

    so you guyz no how to get to me. susanleeloy at gmail dot com. i’ll get it. might take a day, but i’ll get it and i’ll answer too. we’ll keep in touch. i’d rather keep in touch here.

    meanwhile, i still get my chops in Sadowski. an I ain’t lettin go. in fact, as they say in the biz, I’m going national. 😀 Monday.

  320. al August 22, 2008 11:46 pm

    just now recovering from the tiffany’s feeding frenzy. the food was the bomb as usual. duffer, kyeton, and whitey are as chipper as always. i swear when they walk in everybody turns and waves at them.

    blog break………
    ….well, i guess we can all chill for a bit. maybe a good reason to attend some practices and then go feed the face later on. there’s a lot of places i would like to try.

  321. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 11:51 pm

    al – attend practices? They leave Tuesday. you following them?

  322. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 11:52 pm

    Chinese fans are going wild!

  323. Rob25 August 22, 2008 11:54 pm

    Kekoa…just let me know when and where and I’ll be there…

    Somehow, I just sounded like Mariah Carey!?

    Guess I need to hit the pillow.


  324. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 11:54 pm

    Yeah I know the match is over but those Chinese volleyball players are pretty good.

  325. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 11:55 pm

    Rob25 – and your tan is much darker than Michael Jackson’s.

  326. Rob25 August 22, 2008 11:57 pm

    OK homey ⑤ I think that they are practicing more throughout the season.

    You doing mojitos without me?

    Why you getting all those Chinese people riled up?

  327. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 11:57 pm

    Daughter wants to hit the beach early, guess I better try and get more rest.


  328. Stephen Tsai August 22, 2008 11:58 pm

    By the way, the blog host, ahem, is the guest speaker at the Quarterback Club Monday.

  329. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 11:58 pm

    Rob25 – Smirnoff or someone like that makes a ready to drink Mojito. Think I’ll try that next time.

    Hey, I’m part Chinese too!

  330. homey ⑤ August 22, 2008 11:59 pm

    ST – Anyone interesting speaking at the QB club?

  331. Rob25 August 22, 2008 11:59 pm

    I’m darker than MC and MJ!

    What are you watching?

    I’m watching the USA vs Russia on my DVR…that was one exciting match. I got tired!

  332. homey ⑤ August 23, 2008 12:00 am

    I’m watching ch 1263 now. They were showing highlights of soccer.

  333. homey ⑤ August 23, 2008 12:01 am

    Wait, can’t go sleep yet. I just noticed there is a missing child.

  334. Rob25 August 23, 2008 12:01 am

    ST – What are you going to speak about?

    If the crowd looks bored are you going to sing for them? I missed your lion song at KK. *Why do they only have one bathroom for women?*

  335. homey ⑤ August 23, 2008 12:02 am

    Cuba and S. Korea playing for gold in baseball. So much for the good old American pastime.

  336. Rob25 August 23, 2008 12:03 am

    What? Jason is missing?

  337. homey ⑤ August 23, 2008 12:04 am

    Rob25 – I used the Women’s bathroom at the KK. The girl told me to put the seat up. I went in and said pffft.

  338. Rob25 August 23, 2008 12:05 am

    Hey at least they beat Japan twice.

    Those Russian guys are huge and strong…must be the vodka.

  339. homey ⑤ August 23, 2008 12:06 am

    Okay, youngest just came home…off to the master bedroom.

  340. Rob25 August 23, 2008 12:06 am

    Why do the VB refs look like they are going disco dancing after the match?

  341. homey ⑤ August 23, 2008 12:07 am

    Goodnight Rob25 and Frank!

  342. al August 23, 2008 12:07 am

    okay some long overdue kudo’s………

    bighilo, thanks for all the effort supporting the team. way to go!

    graunke, you have amazed me with your latest comeback. be patient now and work doubly hard. something tells me you will be the qb in december.

    tsaiko brethren, thanks for the laughs, memories, and all that jazz! check your emails, since, that may remain the sole means of telegraphing cattle call info.

    after all there is always room for a buffet or two or was that jello?

  343. homey ⑤ August 23, 2008 12:07 am

    What’s disco dancing? GOODNIGHT!!!

  344. Rob25 August 23, 2008 12:08 am

    homey ⑤ – Hey I saw a he-she going in the Men’s room. I thought it was a girl…she/he went in with another girl. The girls in line in front of me said that this person was a he-she. You just never know!

    Oh and ewwwww, good thing that I don’t sit down on the seat.

  345. Rob25 August 23, 2008 12:10 am

    Good night homey ⑤ and al……zzzzz

  346. al August 23, 2008 12:10 am

    al – attend practices? They leave Tuesday. you following them?

    gee homey thats a thought? i wonder if the boss would let me?

  347. Esme August 23, 2008 12:14 am

    Wow, everyone’s up late tonight!

  348. al August 23, 2008 12:18 am

    darn rob25………i was just gonna tell her about the next cattle call and she bolts. oh well.

    hi esmeralda! btw are you attending the home opener?

  349. al August 23, 2008 12:19 am

    gee esme you scared everyone away.

  350. FloridaTed August 23, 2008 12:23 am

    Man, what a bummer, another strike. I sure hope they’ll resolve that stuff very soon. THE GAME is on Saturday !!!!

    Well, good night all, see ya tomorrow.

  351. tommui August 23, 2008 12:39 am

    BIGHILOFAN: We got to write/phone or something directly with Ms Lendio, Duke Aiona, the Governor, McClain, Hinshaw.et al unless you are sure they read the blog – and remember that nothing will appear after Monday!.

    I’m working on another epistle which I’ll shoot over to Susan and eventually send it to the above,

  352. al August 23, 2008 12:43 am

    tom…i was just looking for your email addy on my laptop.

    which state quarters were you looking for?

  353. Ralph August 23, 2008 12:43 am

    I wonder how many Cuban baseball players will defect after the Olympics?

  354. Esme August 23, 2008 12:47 am

    Aww, didn’t mean to frighten everyone off. I DID put on deodorant today … 😆

  355. tommui August 23, 2008 12:48 am

    AL: Looking for any of the .2008 quarters but especially the Philadelphia ones

    Thank you for remembering!

  356. Esme August 23, 2008 12:54 am

    I know I’m late but …

    Liz, thanks for posting the link to the article on Colt on Washingtonpost.com. Cool.

  357. HiFlyer August 23, 2008 1:00 am

    BHF – this is Lingle’s press release about the money for Cooke Field.

    For Immediate Release: August 11, 2008

    HONOLULU – Governor Linda Lingle has released $1,225,000 for the installation of a new artificial playing surface for Cooke Field at University of Hawai`i (UH) at Manoa.

    The previous turf was removed due to extensive deterioration. As a result, the current surface is unfit for UH football practices, track and field, UH marching band, intramural sports, ROTC practices and other activities.

    “I’m pleased that the project to improve Cooke Field is moving forward,” said Governor Lingle. “This will give teams a proper field on which to practice and contribute to the overall upgrade of facilities used by the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa’s athletic program.”

    Construction is scheduled to begin this month and be completed in November 2008.

    For more information, contact:

    Lenny Klompus
    Senior Advisor – Communications
    Phone: (808) 586-7708

    Russell Pang
    Chief of Media Relations
    Phone: (808) 586-0043

    Brian Minaai
    Associate VP – Capital Improvements, UH
    Phone: (808) 956-7935

  358. al August 23, 2008 1:04 am

    tom….oh, 2008 huh? okay then.

    esme….you said, “I know i’m late but…” so how many kids will that make?

  359. Esme August 23, 2008 1:06 am

    al! You did not say that! *blush*

  360. al August 23, 2008 1:09 am

    i know…you said that.

    small kine sorry girl.

  361. al August 23, 2008 1:14 am

    esme…btw, i enjoyed your hawaii moms place.

    you should bring to your boss’ or the editor’s attention that people have a hard time trying to find it online. it took me quite some time.

    okay, time to do the esme shuffle or you can call it the esme shovel, but, never the esme as the shuttle.

  362. HiFlyer August 23, 2008 1:18 am

    al – it’s a good thing you were here to keep an eye on esme from jumping up and down on the couch, you know how she gets when she’s here by herself.

  363. LizKauai (iPhone) August 23, 2008 1:21 am

    OK SteveM, I got the scroll trick!

  364. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER August 23, 2008 1:31 am

    “Long Time UH Fan:
    August 22nd, 2008 at 10:27 pm

    Lots of luck to my grandnephew, TL, who may be the starting pitcher, and the Waipio Little League team in their US championship game against Louisiana tomorrow. Go Waipio!”


    sorry gang, I fell asleep on the couch and just woke u a few mins ago.

  365. HiFlyer August 23, 2008 1:36 am

    LizK – I hope that you are feeling better.

  366. chawan_cut August 23, 2008 1:42 am

    oh, and koakane would not let me drive him home. he insisted that he was fine. i hope he is fine, as i haven’t seen a post from him today yet.

  367. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER August 23, 2008 1:46 am

    Hi, HF!
    Yup. needed that nap!

    Thanks, Chawan!

  368. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER August 23, 2008 1:49 am

    oops- chawan- I thought that was a link to the video news…
    Cool that the HA picked up the Wash. Post article!

  369. Hawaiianbod August 23, 2008 1:52 am

    chawan – is that the correct link?

  370. Hawaiianbod August 23, 2008 1:54 am

    Hi Aunty Liz! Hope you’re feeling better.

  371. Hawaiianbod August 23, 2008 1:59 am

    LTUHF – good luck to your grandnephew!!!

    GO WAIPIO!!!

  372. Hawaiianbod August 23, 2008 2:06 am

    Not having the Warrior Beat will SUCK!!!, but we support you ST. For my sanity, I hope it doesn’t last too long. I guess Kelli will ne on hiatus also? bummers!

  373. Hawaiianbod August 23, 2008 2:07 am


  374. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER August 23, 2008 2:16 am

    Hiya- was out looking at the HA articles.

    Hawaiianbod, we will have a “lifeboat” up and running when we have to “abandon ship” on Monday. No worries.

    We’ll follow ST and the team to Florida (literally, actually) and keep up as best as possible.


  375. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER August 23, 2008 2:23 am


    chawan_cut’s latest news video

  376. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER August 23, 2008 2:33 am


    Minutes after winning the Heisman in December, a reporter asked Florida head coach Urban Meyer if his young signal caller was truly a great college football player, or just a product of the (shudder) “system” they run in Gainesville. The Florida coach bristled at the suggestion.

    “I’ve heard the word ‘system’ tossed around a lot this week,” Meyer said. “But let me tell you something — personnel is all that matters. Tim Tebow is a great player. And that has nothing to do with the offensive style he plays in.”

    But the skepticism remains. In draft forecasts across the web, Georgia’s Matt Stafford and Purdue’s Curtis Painter — two quarterbacks in more traditional pro-style offenses — are considered better NFL prospects than the multi-talented Tebow, who gets downgraded as a “spread system guy.”

  377. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER August 23, 2008 2:45 am


    “Two released
    The Dolphins whittled their roster to 71 by releasing receiver David Kircus and cornerback Chris Roberson.

    Kircus, 28, who has been out of football since 2006, was vying for one of the remaining receiver slots behind Ted Ginn Jr., Derek Hagan, Ernest Wilford, Greg Camarillo and surprising rookie Davone Bess. Kircus’ departure was probably hastened by the emergence of former Arena Football receiver Anthony Armstrong.”

  378. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER August 23, 2008 2:48 am



    “*** Look for roster cuts to come soon, perhaps over the weekend. The Bears need to release five players to get down to 75 by 3 p.m. Tuesday. Wide receiver Ryan Grice-Mullen hasn’t played in the last two games and could be a candidate. Same goes for cornerback Leslie Majors. New long snapper Thomas Gafford is only needed until Mannelly is healthy. “

  379. Ralph August 23, 2008 2:54 am

    I wonder if ryan’s hamstring is bothering him..it has been a while since the combines but hamstring injuries can linger…hopefully a team sees the talent in him and places him on the injured reserve or unable to perform slot to keep for next year….

  380. Ralph August 23, 2008 2:58 am

    top of ninth, korea ahead of cuba 3-2 for gold in baseball

  381. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER August 23, 2008 3:02 am

    Hi Ralph.
    OK. Glad someone is here. Now I can go to sleep…

  382. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER August 23, 2008 3:05 am

    Nitey nite and sweet dreams!

  383. Ralph August 23, 2008 3:20 am

    Korea wins the gold…doubleday is asking, where are the americans?

  384. Ralph August 23, 2008 3:22 am

    Korea won all of their games, 9-0 record…last olympic baseball until 2016

  385. Ralph August 23, 2008 3:24 am

    USA wins the bronze, beat Japan 8-4 in baseball

  386. Ralph August 23, 2008 3:30 am

    men’s water polo….time to call it a day

  387. 99club August 23, 2008 3:47 am

    Good morning Tsaikos!

    Weather forecast on weather.com: 89 and sunny in FL next Saturday.

    Nice article on Colt in the Washington Post…click on name for link.

  388. Stretch August 23, 2008 4:11 am

    Good Morning Tsaikos!!

    Can’t wait, one more week and the season starts!! Time flies when you are having fun.

    I’m off to work now on Kauai, see everyone later tonight.

  389. MeiLing August 23, 2008 4:24 am

    Aloha Kakahiaka!!! Have a great day in Hawai’i nei!

    Gonna miss lots of sports today… 🙁 Hula class all day, then Hawaiian club Welcome dinner tonight.

    Mahalo in advance for the updates on the games posted to the blog.

  390. Joel August 23, 2008 5:06 am

    Gainesville is okay! Are you ready for some football?

  391. whitey August 23, 2008 5:34 am

    Good morning Tsaikos. Followed tommui instructions and emailed Chancellor Hinshaw about the Ching field fiasco.

    Am off to golf, so will check with you all sometime tomorrow as will be making another journey to the darkside after golf. Good day and know you all will have a good day.

  392. duffer August 23, 2008 5:42 am

    Like Stretch, I’m off to work, then golf! 🙂

    Good Morning Tsai-kos!!!

  393. duffer August 23, 2008 5:54 am

    American Women basketball team beat Australia for the GOLD!

  394. MeiLing August 23, 2008 6:21 am


    ST, the HA should really appreciate you & your blog. Good ting I’m busy w/ house stuff or I’d be going thru withdrawals. K, I’ll go find the lifeboat on Monday.

  395. bighilofan2 August 23, 2008 6:34 am

    Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.

    In exactly 7 days, summa you going be grinding in
    Genji’s while I’ll be hootin it up in Florida, making plenny new friends 😀 smiling at people in blue an orange 😀 laughing with peeps holdin ti leaves,
    2000 of us trying to outscream 90000 of them. 😀

    so i bringing blessed T leaves. 😀

    an i going one better.

    i going “kahuna Florida” wit SADOWSKI!!!

    kahuna Florida Sadowski, kahuna Florida.
    go talk to dem, tell em why day no can play, day no mo proper paypahwork for dis an dat, no can play UH because UH get illegal backyard dealz goin on, have Karin Holma write Urban Meyers da letter. Invoke your 5th Amendment rights, reserve some rights, like dat. go make junk kine ovah dare.
    yo no scared, an your brains is subject to interpretation.

    like i told you, i no more time fo go court dis one.
    right here, Sadowski, right here.

    When is the next contractor board meeting?

    When is the next UH Board of Regents meeting?


    thanks for the info! keep it up…

  396. bighilofan2 August 23, 2008 7:05 am

    Tom Mui,

    With your permission I’d like to send out the following letter.

    Dear Chancellor Hinshaw,

    It is obvious to UH supporters like myself that Coach Greg McMackin, his staff and our football student athletes have been working especially hard for us.
    As coach McMackin said to the players recently, “hold each other up, you’re playing for Hawaii.”

    I am asking you to hold Hawaii up too. Dennis Sadowski is the registered agent, officer and director for CO-HA. CO-HA (Sadowski) has submitted a protest letter to UH President David McClain. The letter’s contents are self explanatory.

    We can talk ourselves into a complete circle in trying to decide how to respond to the Dennis Sadowski challenge, and we can take some more time giving Sadowski “reasonable time” to respond to your resopnse to his response to your response to his challenge. We can keep writing letters, having meetings, filing complaint letters, through 2010.
    You can wait for Mr. Duff’s response, Mr. Minolta’s input, Mr. Haffner’s decision, Ms. Lendio’s legal analysis, Mr. Matsui’s recommendation, Mark Bennett’s thoughts… there are as many reasonable reasons for delay as there are words in the English language, and each analyzer’s own interpretation of the word or phrase in question.

    At some point the leader has to make the decision.
    I am wondering what is so pressing on your agenda for the upcoming week that would prevent you from having the meeting with Mr. McClain that will result in the decision and directive to move the Ching Cooke Field Fix along to completion. Denying Mr. Sadowski’s challenge is the first step. Suggest your legal team have the responsive memoranda almost completely ready – anticipate his request to a court to grant a temporary injunction, have other exhibits ready (Mr. Sadowski’s involvement with CO-HA, the bids, the statutory requirements for performing the work involved, the proposed contract involving GMY and Hamocon/Sports Turf Hawaii). The object is to un clog the work progress order.

    If your legal team needs any assistance they can contact us in care of Tom Mui, Attorney and Counselor at Law, PO Box 62078, Honolulu Hi. 96839-2078. Ms. Darolyn Lendio has my contact information and returned my call last week.

    Our goal is to complete the work by October 31, 2008. I have been assured by Logan Hamocon that, if he is given the go ahead now, he still can complete the work by November, 2008.

    Thank you.


  397. Pomai August 23, 2008 8:07 am

    bighilofan2 I just hope that UH moves faster than what they have for giving the Wahine Softball team their bracelets, as of today they still have not given them to the girls, and this is a little more important than that.

  398. Hawaiianbod August 23, 2008 8:15 am

    new post.

  399. Hawaiianbod August 23, 2008 8:16 am


  400. Ralph August 23, 2008 12:51 pm

    bighilofan2 post 397 ditto…good job, your english is impoving

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