Rally of Champions
Don’t forget to check out the state’s biggest rally — the one honoring the UH baseball team and HPU and UH softball teams, among others — at today’s Rally of Champions at Queen’s Surf Beach in Waikiki.
It begins with an autograph session at 5:30, followed by special presentations and highlight videos, and then a showing of “Field of Dreams.”
* * * * *
Chad Owens said it was a dispute over money that led to his trade from Montreal to Toronto in the Canadian Football League.
Owens said Montreal wanted to significantly cut his pay. When Owens decided to walk out, Montreal instead traded him to Toronto. Owens will be primarily a return specialist.
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He’s alive! ALIVE!
Hopefully Chad gets another shot at the NFL
Even with all those questions, though. This year’s team looks to hold a lot of promise on paper and from glimpses that we got last season. I’m expecting some surprise wins with none of those should have won but lost games.
Good Luck, Chad.
Hope it all works out for Chad.
Is anyone planning to go to the celebration in Waikiki?
Woulda been fun, but got to go “volunteer” at a bon dance for my son’s scout troop. Hope it doesn’t rain like last night.
Was looking at 2008-2009 Institutional Data for UH’s Athletic Department (again). It’s just mind boggling to see that negative 8 million (revenues minus expenses) for that year. Don’t know how UH does it. I expect this years deficit will rollover (again).
Anyway, good luck 2 Chad.
Number Nine…Number Nine…Number Nine…Number Nine…
Best of luck to Chad! I hope Garret tells us where to find his games on the net.
Just saw WassupDoc at an environmental rally at Waikiki Beach. In case you missed it, it featured a bunch of surfer girls covered in chocolate. Something about oil spills and the environment. Good for them. I’m heading to Baskin & Robbins first thing after work.
How much do video games help QBs learn to read defenses?
The trade was probably good for Chad because from what I read he was second team at returner (probably the reason they wanted to cut his pay) and the team he was traded to lost their top 2 returners to injury. So, Chad will play right away and therefore get paid what a starter should earn.
The Advertiser reported that the deficit will be more than $10 million after the current school year ends.
Good luck to Chad Owens.
We were thinking about going but…
Women covered in chocolate?
Were I there, I would have volunteered to clean the chocolate from them. Heck, I bet there were lots of guys volunteering to do so.
Best of luck to Owens! Sometimes a change of scenery is a good thing.
Go Argonauts!!!
Isn’t the CFL season slated to start soon, if it hasn’t already?
CRW . . .
Pre-season now. Regular season begins next week.
Ah, yes. I knew the start of the CFL season was upon us.
I guess this will have to cover some of our football “fixes” until 9/2 rolls around…..
Too bad the NFL-Europe is gone, too.
3 soft tacos, a basket of warm chips and assorted dips/salsas for dinner. I am ready for a nap.
I hope it rains more in town. My garden needs it. Doesn’t look like rain at the beach, though. I’m not going to Waikiki; too late to get there in time by bus. Guess it’s back to paperwork at home. We’ll support in other ways.
Reminder: get your donations in for Softball bracelets to Pomai. How close are we?
Good Luck Chad!
Coming back to Hawaii next week for the East-West Center’s 50th anniversary. Met my wife there. Sure hope our daughter can become the US President or at least PM of Japan for few months.
Hope to catch an am practice.
Busy all day and finally get to read the blog.
Thanks, Cliff, yes Tony Davis was the man for UH basketball back in those days. He was in our dorm with Roy Green and several other players one of which came from Jersey – tough kid who ran the guard positions with Norm Ching out of Mid-Pac. Al Mock was another who played the small forward position with Roy Green.
On the flip side, we also had the first students from Micronesia, Asia, Middle East, and Africa who were in the first few classes at the East-West Center. People of great character, intelligent, full of fun and witty. One became the Chief Justice of his country; another President of his country; another delegate to the US Congress; and then Barrack Obama, Sr (well he was not “senior” at the time as he was dating our current President’s Mom).
Great memories of some very great individuals who were, like many of us, just students at UH!!
can you email me at ahousefamily at yhoo dot com and provide us with information where you will be staying; arrival; departure; schedule.
we have something for you.
yhoo = yahoo
Good evening everyone!
Howzit Tsai-kos!!
Hope everyone is having a good Saturday.
Keed reports friend’s dad put some biru in the freezer and then forgot about it. What a mess…
Amber Kaufman is competing this weekend. Anyone know if she’s at the US Championships?
wea da numbas?
I do believe this requires a cc no?
I’ve been following the huge fire in Flagstaff closely. The local microbrewery is offering ‘beer for life’ to the person turning in the person(s) who left their campfire burning near Schultz Pass which started the 15,000 acre fire. They make a tasty porter, a decent IPA, and I really like their raspberry ale.
baskin n robbins?
i was thinking more like dairy queen.
ugh…this is why ST is the reporter…
…who left their campfire burning near Schultz Pass which started… = who left their campfire near Schultz Pass burning which start…
OK, I looked it up. Amber is at the US Championships but there is a DNS by her name. Wonder what happened.
i hope the la habra hs pipeline continues in 2011.
here’s a couple of guys who might fall under the radar and become gems in the pacific.
40 posts in 5 hours, busy saturday or can’t find the blog.
that #7 WR looked impressive with his breakaway speed and ability to find open spaces!
reminds me a lot of Davone Bess.
sloooooowwwwww daaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy……….
Just realized this afternoon, that there’s no “Leave a response” on top under the post. That’s what I used on the old template to see the latest comments without having to scroll down, sometimes hundreds of posts. Scott, can we get that back too?
Heck, why not just use the old HA template? There isn’t anything I really like about this format.
Garret must be on his cruise now…
Good night!
where is everyone?
ISF world softball championship in Caracas, Venezuela.
USA 3-0, Canada 4-0, Australia 3-1, and Japan 4-0. USA plays Australia tomorrow. Smethhurst doing well. Porter has 3 homers. Kaia Parnaby pitched an inning of relief against Czech Republic. Jenn Yee has 3 homers for Canada. Stats for USA out of sight, averaging 20 runs a game, mercy rule.
Australia, Canada and Team USA on facebook.
Hi Ralph!
ok, finally made our car reservations – price is highway robbery, even on priceline. taxes and fees are 24% of base price. ❗
52 skeedoo…
Good night (HST).
13 hours and 53!
Must be a record for low posts over time in the “modern era”. Meaning in the past two years.
Anyone know?
Anyone? Anyone?
A super fine sunday to everyone!
Interesting article about the multiple awards earned by the Honolulu Advertiser.
6 of 7 awards in the newspaper category.
Swept the internet category.
Congratulations to the HA writers, photographers, editors and workers for the pride in excellence you showed over the years!!!
I love Czech women, they are all so beautiful but my all time favorite is Petra Cubonova She is just stunningly beautiful. If you look at these pictures I am sure you will agree
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