Radford d-lineman accepts UH offer
Defensive lineman Marcus Malepeai of Radford High School is the latest prospect to accept a scholarship offer from the Warriors.
Malepeai, who is 6 feet 2 and 245 pounds, can play defensive end or outside linebacker. He said he has a 3.2 cumulative grade-point average.
Malepeai’s cousin also is named Marcus Malepeai. The elder Malepeai was a UH offensive lineman in the 1990s, and now coaches at Kailua High and is a member of the musical group Three Plus (“Undercover Lover,” “Honey Baby).”
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Blaze Soares watched today’s Scout Bowl. He walked without a medical boot. He said he hopes to be cleared to play for the Sept. 27 San Jose State game.
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Quarterback Tyler Graunke competed in conditioning drills today. He has a doctor’s appointment tomorrow.
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Defensive tackle Keala Watson gave his truck speakers to linebacker Brashton Satele, who then scratched off the “9.” Watson’s jersey number is 93; Satele wears No. 13. Satele will add a “1.”
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The McMackins watch today’s Scout Bowl.
Marcus sounds like a good prospect, hopes he decides to come to UH.
Welcome to the Warrior Nation Marcus!
Go Marcus!
Go Rams!
Go Warriors!
Oops, misread the headline. Marcus welcome to the Warrior Nation.
this recruit class is looking better by the day.
i like the local flavor that is developing. i believe the local boys bring some heart to the team and a fan base always helps.
great going for coach mac, the assisstant’s and of course, all hail tony tuioti!
i hope he gets his wish as he is also pursuing some nevada, cali, and northwestern kids.
we need to “steal’ a good running back like isi sofele and troy evans or two.
Right on. The future is looking bright for UH. Interesting to see how the recruiting class is turning out now that Coach Mack has a full season to recruit.
I want Manti!
I want Manti!
I want Manti!
after watching some film pride. would say he might be center material.
gnite everybody
let’s see…..
we got one qb.
we need another qb
we got two wr’s.
we need two more wr’s
but wait we got two grayshirt wr’s
okay we still need two more wr’s got a number of seniors, etc.
we got two de’s
and we have a grayshirt de
we have one lb
and two more grayshirt lb’s
we need one or two more lb’s
we got one dt
we need two more
we only got two grayshirt oline
we need four more
we got one grayshirt db
we need 4 db’s
we need two rb’s
that makes 32 new recruits in all that we need. with a max of 25 to offer. okay how are we going to do this.
no wonder coaches cringe when the lose a scholie due to poor apr or when the recruit comes to camp and just doesn’t have it.
give jj credit it was something he never really fretted about.
Marcus Malepeai (older cousin) was a member of 3-Plus…
Stephen, do you know if the younger version of Marcus is son of one of the other Malepeai’s (Tasi or Silila) that went to St. Louis and UofOregon?
Happy Birthday 22nd Birthday to Raymond Emanuel Hisatake
ST I asked before but got no answer so I’ll ask again, is Steele Jantz the future for UH? Also if Farmer is ready to go can Jake Heun redshirt?
Good morning all!
Looks like the recruits and commits keep coming. Yahoo!
Welcome to the Warriors Marcus Malepeai!
I agree with Al’s count and comments on the recruits needed in his post #14. When I saw that UH got another commit, without seeing his name I was hoping that he was an OL. It looks like UH has a lot of good DE/LB commits, but there is a great need at OL.
Wow, small world!
I just read ST’s article in the Tizer and discovered that i know his father, Ofati, from high school. We used to battle against each other when Aiea met Radford. Although they we our rivals, we used to hang out off the field. I also played against him when i was at Fresno City and he was either at King’s River or West Hills. Nice guy. His nickname was “Pops” because he had white hair in high school.
Good Luck Marcus!
Good morning Warriors!
Have good fun today at practice!
and Good morning Tsaikos every where!
Our future is now.
We gotta have a designated #1 QB now. The
indecision creates “QB controversy.” I like Inoke, I really do, but I like UH Warriors for be the best we can be. There is foresight in pairing up THE QB with the receivers. They know who each one is, and they build trust in each other. Hoping and giving the job to one because he’s the elder, or the senior, does not make good sense for the team and its future.
Thats what we’re missing right now. imho.
I wish i could come watch for myself this morning.
Go Warriors!
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
Sounds like Malepeai is really athletic. 6-2 245 and playing volleyball?? With that size and being able to jump, that’s awesome!!
Time for me to go work, see everyone later. Hope to get the report of the scout bowl today from ST.
Aloha Kakahiaka!!!
It’s great to see the recruiting of local boys to the team. Congrats to Malepeai!
Summa you want Manti. I want sum bruuzah o line guys, like da monstah kid at Hilo, an da kid at Kapolei. Anybody else got an idea of a bruuzah o line guy from anodda school that we can get Tony to take a look see, make nice nice?
we get athletes playing now and going be playing for time to come. what we need is peeps for fill in da holes of players who are getting hurt the most. imho
Manti Te’o cut his list of teams to 5 and is going to the mainland to take a recruiting visit this weekend.
Good Morning Tsaiko Nation!
Downing that starter cup of coffee and heading out to the garage to load up the ka’awela. Ceded lands looking dark and cool this AM. Soon, I’ll be diving into the H-1 stream of cars heading into the wild, wild west part of town to the Rivalry Bowl.
Hope sj & myki are able to make it…got my original player roster from sj to take with me. Got my BHF2 enthusiasim in check this morning. Got instructions from Mrs. Kekoa to chill and not get ‘football fever.’ Gotta remember to wave as I pass Punchbowl, cause DPK cannot make it dis morning…what else?…oh yeah…gotta go!
Colt picked an interesting name for his fantasy football team.
I want UH to get a bunch of OL recruits, especially tackles, but any team will make room for a talent like Manti!
Article about a women’s golfer from Hawaii who is on the BSU golf team.
Great Morning All.
Good news about Malepeai. Keep ’em coming (or is it staying?)
I hope those of you who attend Scout Bowl have a great time. Look forward to the reports.
Wish I could join you but gotta…
This is an amazing stat!
Has Utah State already given up on their coach? The lack of fan support and lack of spirit on their team should make UH’s trip to Logan a little smoother…
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Exciting day tpday-
howzit howzit. I going tell you straight about our recruiting efforts. I support UH. Period. When da loveliest of ladies wen tell me no, i politely said thank you and walked off. No problem. I think the same way about football.
I only wish BYU and UH would play each other again, home and home. fun fun fun!
Go Warriors
They like Steele a lot, and he does excellent work on the scout team, but it’s hard to say whether anyone, regardless of position, is the “future.”
But there certainly are a lot of quarterbacks around. And Shane Austin keeps hanging in there, too.
Scout Bowl is at 8 a.m., or so.
It should go for less than an hour.
It’s free and open to the public.
And Princess Leila is going to cover it (although as a reporter, not videographer).
No worries, Coach Mack emphasized on Monday that recruiting offensive linemen is a priority.
And he emphasized they are going to offer a lot of guys, cause they are losing so many seniors. I’m not sure what they are going to do if more than the max accept, though.
As for Malepeai … boo! Just kidding, of course I have to say that just cause he’s Radford, and I’m Moanalua. Seriously, I like him. Good first step, good pad level, keeps his head up and reads the play. I see what you mean too, al, although I like him as a defensive lineman.
Best of luck to the Scout Bowl’ers this morning. Will be nice to watch some video, Mahalo Leila.
Always look on the bright side of what Warrior football is going through.
As Garret mentions above Utah St is losing steam of holding on to D1 status for the football program, and NMSU is in a racing next to their side too. Lack of attendance is killing them.
Hey UH, SELL OUT the SJSU game.
“Fans of the Redskins REALLY hate the Dallas Cowboys. So much so that they rooted for the Philadelphia Eagles last night….The place was raucous watching the game … and then a group that included Colt Brennan (a Big O & Dukes folkhero), Jason Taylor, Marcus Washington and Stephon Heyer showed up. Brennan took over the place, taking pictures with every fan that wanted one.“
Good morning Tsaiko Family!
I wish I was home so I could go to the Scout Bowl!
No worries, Ronnie… I’m home but can’t go to the Scout Bowl either!
I’m thinking that the coaches are VERY undecisive about our QB situation. make the call, coach! they’re all good, but one is the best and will become better as time goes on. Next year is next year. Who is the best right now? Make the call, and stick to it. The tv peeps call this a qb controversy….
gotta go. hi yo hi ho
esme woooooshhhhhh
What QB controversy? Mack has said that Graunke is the starting QB for the rest of the year as long as he’s healthy and that Inoke is #2.
Who’s the monster OL man at Hilo? Maybe I’ll have to get out some games.
Liz – 😆
And that is a most beautiful quilt that you made!
found a non-fenced-off version (as of now) of the scout article garret posted about manti’s five schools. they are:
Notre Dame
he goes on to talk about why he likes each school.
the hero is now with one of the twins. they said they’re going to hold it for ransom. sorry.
Praying for a positive vote today….
glad that THE Princess will cover the Scout Bowl today, although without her baby (camera).
Everyone vote YAY for the return of the videos (not only THE Princess’, but all the rest as well)
been watching warmups w/myki, sj, & loa. Battle sounds from da mean green machine! Sol…ryan, Adam, trash talkin’
Coach Mack strictly biz…told one guy to Shutup and listen!! Whoa…wen move behind da tree aftah he said dat!
pretty please!
Kekoa… trees again???
Yikes! Good thing no mo video- Coach Mack wit da slippah!
bhf2- check out the commentary on good and evil on my blog list. Das fo’ yuah blood pressah valve. So you no blow one gasket, la dat.
Good morning Tsaikos! 🙂
Hope y’all have fun at the scout bowl. If I din’t have a Doctors appt, I would be there witcha.
Good news about Malepeai.
echo ronnie and lizk sentiments……wish could be dea but gotta hold down the compound. but patnah kekoa going represent me…..tanks eh. watch our for bhf2 patnah betta put some leaves in da eah or going deaf bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa j/k bhf2 go get um 😆
morning to the rest of the tsai-ko country shut in like me.
wot stretch not going? at least I figga get some report from you instead of ST who probably late. welcome back like hea some scoops about your adventures with g and sleeze. 😀
chawan brought up voting so no forget saturday is primary election day so go do you civil duty and vote for the part of your choice.
Hi Ronnie!
I wish that you were home too. Then we could team up for bowling again. You gotta bring your turkey with you though.
So what’s the count for Fresno game now?
careful now kekoa.
make sure it is not dpk’s tree.
don’t touch the bark.
Good Morning Tsaikos and Tsaikettes!
I too wish that I could be at the Scout Bowl, but alas using all my vacation for trips (3) during the last quarter. I hope that there is heart and leadership oozing from all the players today. It seems like that is one thing that will carry them through the tough times…no matter what.
Kekoa – Please report on the game…I know you can on your iphone since our other iphone wizards aren’t there today.
Malepeai is the kind of athlete with athletic and educational aspirations that are a coach’s dream. If only more could be like him. Will look forward to see him play for the Warriors in the future.
Oh al, I was trying to forget about that incident.
ST posted early today. Do you think it was because after the Scout Bowl he has to go piggyback someone to the blog?
Apparently a lot of people miss seeing her on here. I wonder why she didn’t come back.
Hi Rob!
Scout Bowl and Bowling. That sounds so good right now!
I’m going to try to bring my boys home for the last game and football banquet this year. Want to go to the banquet?
Someone seen Rich Miano on Maui on Tuesday, checking on a prospect at Baldwin High. I hear Oregon St. is going hard after
the same prospect, Coach Cav has been on MAUI to check on
the same prospect and is close to offering.
Malepeai is a great find. Although is Al correct that he might make a fine center or guard, I kind of like him as possibly a defensive tackle. He has a few years to put on some weight. He may be able to play at about 285 pounds as a DT, sort of like Ma’a Tanuvasa did with the Broncos. Ma’a used quickness, agility, and good leverage to succeed at 265 pounds in the NFL.
Morning/afternoon, Tsaiko-Nation and Tsai-Meister.
Malepeai is another gem in our growing collection.
Must be fun to be able to see the future of the Warriors battling it out in the Scout Bowl. Wish I could be there.
Glad to hear that Rausch is back from his illness.
Have a great day everybody.
oh yeah, here’s last night’s news
Pride: You read my mind then added the part about Maa Tanuvasa. I like him as a defensive tackle, too.
Alright! Another Marcus Malepeai! I remember the older Malepeai at Kailua when I was a tiny freshman. Him and Joe Wong were huge!
Pride…yeah, I love Ma’a’s quickness. He was always a favorite of mine. I even played his position on Madden when he played for the Broncos…and on Bill Walsh’s NCAA Football 92 when UH was on that game. Even his video replica kicked butt…
jojo – what do you mean “was” tiny…..MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
al – you read my mind. I was gonna say the same thing about DPK’s tree to Kekoa.
Oh yeah…good morning Tsaikos and Tsaikettes….
Stretch – WOT??? You have a job??? MWAHAHAHAHAHA
morning every1
mustbe rich’s checking out Mana, another dend prospect. did chad lopati ever return from injury? on rivals, he’s da highest rated guy we got a realistic shot at getting
wot stretch not going? at least I figga get some report from you instead of ST who probably late. welcome back like hea some scoops about your adventures with g and sleeze.
good morning everyone, hope all is well in Tsaiko land.
sorry KK but no scoops, we eat, poop, sleep, and come home. if Stretch tells you otherwise no believe.
oh yeah, we did attend the Warriors and 49ers game, glad we went despite the Warrior outcome.
thinking alike?
shudder the thought!
nah, i heard great minds think alike.
so, how is it that we can qualify?
kinda slow time, try my luck seeing if there’s any fantasy football experts on here. any1 think jay cutler’s gonna keep up his business from da 1st 2 weeks or should i try seeing what i can get for him. got JT o’sullivan in da wings. da caveat though is in our keeper league, in 2009 i can keep cutler for a 5th rounder
Bringing “male bonding” to another level! 😆
Thanks ST, there is a lot of good things going around about him (Jantz) I hear a lot of people like his moxie.
I am not all that up on this redshirting stuff, so could he run the scout team and still redshirt this year, then have 5 to play 4 or is being on the scout team make him ineligible to redshirt?
Pomai..as long as he is not on the active roster and plays in actual games he can run the scout team and redshirt.
Even if you play in games, you can apply for medical hardship in cases of injury but those are generally only allowed if the injury is early in the season. I mean, if a guy plays 11 games and has a season ending injury, they normally don’t allow that player to claim medical hardship and be granted another year.
That writer at mvn.com needs to brush up on his Hawaiian spelling (I kid, I kid). Colt’s team is MENEHUNE per a more reliable source, the currently-infamous Chris Cooley of the Redskins. Too bad you have to be a member of the fantasy league to see his team. And why am I not surprised that Colt gets legions of adoring fans everywhere he goes?
We need better offensive lineman recruits! Our QB’s are getting drilled!
That’s why so many damn interceptions. We can’t run a passing offense if our linemen can’t give our QB’s time to throw. That’s why Ron Lee is being forced to call more running plays. One less play where our QB wil not find himself flat on his back. Please Coach Mack, more and better offensive linemen.
Garret –
Whenever you announce that “off-topic posts follow” and “please ignore if not interested”…for some reason, my interest is piqued. Keep them coming…love it !
Coach Mack –
True fans don’t belittle coaches and players working hard everyday to improve. Of course it is ok to be disappointed, but keep the faith that only good things will happen with focus and determination.
Imua Warriors !
We should recurit…
Defensive lines, O-Lines and linebackers from hawaii
Defensive backs, runing backs, QB’s and Wideouts from the mainland.
We need to move to a better conference like the PAC 10. So we can get more recognition by recruits.
Hawaiianbod –
Can’t believe I missed the opportunity to meet you at the Weber State Tsaikogate. Seek me out at the next one. I’m the senior citizen with the wide-brimmed white hat. I want you to sign my book. 🙂
Rocky’s back for practice and cleared for the SJSU game! Woohoo!
G-Nalo & Sleeze –
A-House and Midori7 are just as ecstatic as you both are at the 49er’s win last weekend ! Thanks for representing.
Duffer & Whitey –
I better say HI ! or you may slap me down again…so HI ! to you both and Keyton and Trey. Thanks for hosting the Boyd Gaming guyz, David, John and Tom.
Whitey –
Welcome back from your fishing expedition up north. Sorry you missed the Weber State Tsaikogate. A-House’s misoyaki butterfish (using your recipe) was a huge culinary delight! The Tsaiko hungry thank you very much!
It looks like Mack has done a great job at recruiting DL and LB from Hawaii. In fact, those areas are pretty deep considering last year’s and this year’s classes. Plus, the roster was stocked with LBs already–RJ and Brashton were two examples of players who couldn’t get much playing time until injuries happened.
Hawaii has lots of good OL recruits, but don’t forget about Samoa also! However, it seems that the tackle prospects are more plentiful from the mainland, especially when the top OT recruit in Hawaii (Kapolei’s Hasiak) seemed to say that he wasn’t offered by UH. UH probably did offer by now but it seems like he wants to go to the mainland for college.
It looks like Hawaii has some good WR (Stutzmann, for example), QB (Manley, Higgins), etc. prospects, but I agree that the team probably needs to supplement with mainland recruits. Hopefully the free flights from Hawaiian continue for the coaches to recruit on the mainland.
I agree that it would be a LOT easier to recruit if UH was in the Pac-10, but unfortunately there isn’t anything that Mack can do about that. And there is very little that JD can do about that in the near future, as the Pac-10 isn’t going to be expanding right away and the travel costs would make UH a difficult sell to the Pac-10.
Great news about Rocky! The DL can definitely use him! This is especially important because SJSU will try to run the ball and UH will need to rotate DTs.
Koakane –
Howzit! We were down in your area last evening at Mark Takai’s fundraiser rally at Waimalu Elementary School. Ho man, the pau-hana traffic heading from Kailua to Pearl City is a big owie! Hope the proposed rail system will ease the congestion as Mayor Mufi promised.
Bighilofan2 –
Your focus, stamina and sheer endurance in keeping the Ching Field do-over on the front burner with your continuous posts is awesome! I admire and respect you for your devotion to the cause. You remind me of Rocky Balboa…battered and maybe close to beaten sometimes, but ALWAYS answering the bell until he’s the last man standing. Way to go !
Mrs. A-House,
Hi! I’m glad that you like the free play links. I’ll do them as long as I have some free time after midnight my time. I started them when ST tried to get all off-topic stuff to be off the blog until 9pm Hawaii time…I know that off-topic stuff can be anytime now, but I still try to adhere to the 9pm “free play” rule for those links.
I actually get most of those links from work-related websites and work newsletters that are e-mailed to me. They normally have 5-10 work-related links and one random article link at the bottom, and those random articles are normally interesting to me. I gather the work-related links for my job, and last week I had to put together a 5-page report with lots of supporting information. All I had to do was go to my blog that archives the daily links I find and my research was done in 5 minutes! They paid me for one week of work time to do the report, so I came out way ahead on the deal…
Mrs. A-House,
I forgot to mention that I didn’t have to use ANY vacation time during my 5-day Oregon trip because of the time savings I had from my free play stuff. That was really cool and maybe I can afford the vacation time to visit Hawaii later this year!
Mei Ling –
Florida Ted was pleased as pie with the Cardinals autographed visor. Just wanted you to know this. Hope to see you soon at a Tsaikogate.
Garret –
Would be great to get together with you (and hopefully the family) later this year. Would love to share with you the pics I’ve taken of different events/games/tsaikogates, etc. Some love to peruse, others are bored to tears.
Pride. –
Been carefully reading/studying your informative posts re the previous Warrior games. I’ve learned so much and I’m continuing to learn with each objective perspective you share. This is also addressed to the many other posters who shared their perspectives on what transpired at each game and would assist the Warriors to get back on the road to positives. Keep the faith.
I understand your analogy as it regards to Manti. The thing is, UH can offer more scholarships than it actually has, so keeping his offer going doesn’t stop UH from offering more scholarships to OL prospects. Alabama and other schools do this all the time. Heck, even JJ has 16 commits and another 40+ offers out–most of those 40 are players who have chosen schools like Texas, Oklahoma, Texas Tech, etc., but you never know when someone (like Manti) could change their mind. Aaron Moore, an Auburn commit, is visiting SMU this weekend…if you keep at it, maybe some players (hopefully Manti!) will change their mind.
I would like the BYU home-and-home series, but I think it probably benefits UH more to play a team like Oregon State in a better conference than it does BYU. At least that was the justification that HF gave when he turned BYU’s scheduling request down and scheduled Oregon State in 2006. I see people all the time saying that BYU is scared to play UH…but the fact is that they asked UH to schedule a game/games with them and HF turned them down.
Al –
I was impressed with the meal you and your family enjoyed after your trips to Costco and Marukai? …and to think, that was just another of your daily feasts. Dishes like those you described would be served at our house only on special occasions, and after much thought and planning. Your sons are lucky to have parents who know how to put a meal together. BTW, was nice to meet Reyn…reminds me of MasaBoy…very huggable.
Mrs. A-House,
I’d love to see the photos from past games and Tsaiko-related events! And I’m sure that there are stories behind lots of photos/posters that would be very interesting!
Well, I’ve got to get back to work now. I have a business call in 3 minutes. I’ll check back tonight to find out the scoops on the Scout Bowl. I wish I could have been there…
Does anyone know if Kainoa Lacount enrolled in UH and will be play next year? His name came to mind when Keith Ahsoon got hurt. Kainoa’s got the size we need on the OL.
Tim Tebow –
I try to be a good sport about the game of football…but nothing gave me more pleasure and unrestrained glee than to see you pummeled and sacked twice by the Warrior defenders at Da Swamp. Smacking good times those were ! So what that we traveled thousands of miles, sat on hard aluminum benches, got drenched for ten minutes, had sweat pouring off our heads and faces…it was worth it !
BTW, we have only positive good memories of how well the UF fans treated us…very friendly, very courteous in offering to take pictures of us using our camera. Perhaps we were not viewed as serious rivals, but instead of ignoring us, they approached us numerous times to chit-chat about Hawaii in general and even complimenting Colt. We came home with only good memories of da game at da swamp.
Shawn Ching –
You are one of our favorite newscasters. We will miss your charm and personality on the airwaves, but we also recognize your desire to live your dream. Best of luck as you venture into the realm of law. Be the best that you can be!
Rob25 –
Hi there! Hope that all is well…one more day closer to Frank’s safe return. 🙂
Ray: He is grayshirting, and will join the team in January. Some of his credits didn’t transfer to UH; what else is new.
I love the idea of OSU in a long home and home series. Keep it going with UNLV as well. Absolutely no reason we can’t add BYU in there as well. BYU and OSU are not mutually exclusive. As we all know, BYU sells out Aloha stadium and I for one love stomping those guys! In fact, we tend to play better when BYU is undefeated and in the top 10!
I think the non-conference recipe should be:
1 Mid-level BCS school (Away) Like an OSU
1 other BCS school (Home) Like a USC, Cincinatti, Purdue or Alabama
1 FCS school (I-AA) (Home) anybody (how bout Portland State?)
1 Non-BCS School (Home) BYU! or Utah, SMU or any C-USA or MWC
1 other FBS (I-A) (Home or Away) UNLV, WSU, Colorado, Washington
Ideally we would have 2 BCS schools and only 1 road non-conference games. In years past we would only go to the mainland once for out of conference. Recently we’ve had to go 2 times per year. Unfortunately that may be what we have to do going forward.
Main thing is we load up on MWC and Pac-10 teams for non-conference and stay in the west! Occassional Big-12, C-USA or Big-10 teams is good as long as we travel no further than the Central time zone.
We’ll play anybody that will come out here!
SteveM –
You behaving? Nah j/k, you enjoy. I can relate to the freedom and joy of single life when family is on a trip. Hope Peaches and your Mom are enjoying their east coast vacation. Thanks for setting up the site gearing up to the UH/UNLV game in LV 2009. Hard to believe it was only a year ago that we met many Tsaiko regulars for the first time in LV.
ST –
Feel your pain when a beloved child leaves the nest. Been there, done that. Best of luck to #1 daughter if she is relocating.
Ho Mrs S-House you on a roll, giv’um girl!!!!
What’s up with that credit transfer thing? Seems like it is so difficult to get credits from other schools.
I’ve heard that from many sources. Isn’t that an impediment to transfers in the general student body let alone potential athletes who may want to change schools?
afternoon Tsaikos,
great news about marcus. shows how we may be on our way to getting blue chip recruits. the story said he had interest from uc-berkeley. must be a smart kid too.
go warriors!
WassupDoc –
Mahalo for your suggestions on “scheduling” food donations at the Tsaikogates. It may be hard to implement initially, but Tsaiko’s will adapt. Those on the clean-up crew know all to well how painful it is to throw away good food.
What do you think Tsaiko’s…shall we give it a try.
Mrs. A-House…hoooo…Are you sure you’re not False Pordagee???
d1 – Yeah. I’ve always wondered about that. I know a lot of people who transferred to UH who lost credits. I also know a lot of people who transferred from UH to other schools who lost credits because they were non-transferable….
Hi Mrs. A-house,
I can leave my goodies in the car until someone says they want me to bring it out. But no blame me if only get little bit by the time I bus ’em out! 😆
Pomai –
Right on tutti fruitty love means all OK !! 🙂
I hope it’s not obvious that I have time to kill as I wait for the FEDEX truck to rumble up my street to make a delivery to my house. MasaBoy and Midori7 are gifting A-House and me with an authenticated Colt Brennan autographed football helmet…with stickers. Each time I hear a truck coming up the street, I race to the window to check if it’s THE truck. I even thought I might set up a lawn chair in my garage to wait it out…nah, better not… my neighbors might think I’m in distress or something.
D1Shima –
Hi there! If you’re bringing Brent’s famous kalua pig taco salad…no shame…BRING IT ON upon arrival ! That dish is worthy of big time exposure. Brent might want to enter it in a Sam Choy’s or Roy’s contest. Your #2 has culinary talent !
BTW, hope Brent and the Linfield team weathered the trip to Texas well. So horrific the damage that Ike inflicted on that state. Prayers go out to those suffering and desperate for relief. 🙁
well now that my one football trip is pau for 2008, time to look ahead, 1 year and 1 day til UH/UNLV the 2009 edition 🙂
on another note, i was so impressed w/ osu fans in da stadium and all around town. so much class, like jj used to say, show class and kick their a**. well that they did. got 2 share a laugh w/ one of their fans about the psycho known as ocho cinco. and a mid-level bcs team like that to be 0-2 and still have a sold out stadium. it must’ve been about 90 degrees at least and still sold out, in Hawaii, w/ those circumstances we’d probably see about 30k. 🙁 we also need some sponsors so that every fan can have a free tshirt like thsoe given out there. ensures your orange (in our case green/black) out. hopefully one day we can be like that
re: Rocky
How exactly is his last name pronounced?
Sa-va-ing-ga-ya (Liz Chun who also says Grun-ke which is irritating)
Sa-va-e-guy-a (Sports animals)
Sa-va-e-nai-a (Bobby Curran)
Sorry Mrs. A-House fingers went before da mind!!!
(Jesse) James –
Ho man, took me three tries before I typed your moniker in the correct order in the correct sequence. Why you have to make my life so complicated…nah, j/k. With reference to your inquiry whether or not I am the infamous “False Portagee”…I wish to inform you and others that I am close to being “it”, but am not. Had I even a miniscule ounce of “Portagee” blood, I would take on the task of posting under that moniker. Alas, I do not and therefore cannot take credit for the “insanely odd” posts from him/her/it. If you find out who these “falsies” are, please let them know that I want their autographs in my “book”. tks.
J-Dog: The last one. That is according to UH’s press releases and Rocky’s response in a chat when I asked him that very question, haha. I would have thought the first one, but I guess not.
d1shima: Oh man, I’ve heard horror stories about Uh and transfer credits. You don’t want to know …
A-House –
Would you please add saloon pilot crackers to your commissary shopping list. Mahalo!
Mrs. A-house,
Actually that was not an original recipe from our famil. #1 son had that a a party awhile back and shared it with us at our SB party.
#2 son was fortunate in avoiding most of the effesct of Ike last weekend and is now safely back in OR.
I reemember seeing Rocky on TV once explain the correct pronunciation. BC is saying it right IIRC.
Still no truck…
Lun chau wah !
Sorry. Effects of lunch seem to be affecting the typing skills…so many typos 🙂
I think Savaiiagaea = “SAH VANG GUY AH” (i.e. the Liz Chun/Mike Cherry/KGMB9 way).
As my friend was telling me the “G” in Samoan is followed with an “N” sound. (i.e. Al Noga = “Nonga”, Pago Pago = “Pango Pango”)
Mrs. A-House…shopping list on the Warrior Beat …a true Tsaiko… 🙂
Actually now that I think of it, doesn’t Rocky himself read the blog?
Hopefully he’ll set it straight if he sees this.
***Error to post #127***
I meant to say that the “G” FOLLOWS an “N” sound. But the “G” is still pronounced and not totally eliminated… I think…
For what it’s worth from a lurker…if the QB selection was made on the basis of name, I think Steele Jantz would be a lock to follow in the footsteps of Colt…was he the QB that had to replicate Tebow in preps for the Gators?
OK… where’s Barry?
808flowmaster, yes Jantz was the Tebow “practice target”.
This just in….
Glanville says it’s “92”
chawan – my hero is being held for ransom?
Scout Bowl info…?
Mrs. A-House is really in the house.
Another great day in Hawaii nei.
Good afternoon all.
Anagram for Warriors – Sir Arrow
mrs. ahouse……drinking a lot coffee lately???
har, har.
i’ll tell the boy what you said. watch him avoid you next week.
yah, he is built like masaboy no?
in fact if masaboy comes home for a game he should talk to reyn about his culinary experiences. he may be interested.
Kazz: That’s the way I understand it, too, but Rocky himself said on this blog that UH’s version (which Curran follows) is right. Maybe there’s an exception to the general rule.
It’s funny, cause I always thought Isaako Sopoaga’s name was pronounced soh-poh-ahn-gah, but the 49er radio guys say soh-poh-ah-nah. It would be nice to get some clarification from someone who speaks Sāmoan what the rules are.
Okay, gotta go hijack a Fedex truck in Maunawili.
I have a cousin who was enrolled in the College of Business. One summer he scored a interinship in San Francisco. He took one 3 credit class at Cal-Berkley during that summer. He checked with his CBA advisor and he said the class will transfer to UH.
Now he enrolls, for the fall UH semester and realizes the advisor quits. Is assigned another advisor and she said the class WILL NOT transfer.
The class equivalent is a ECON class in the College of Arts and Sciences.
To make a long story short, because of one class, he graduated with a BA in economics, not a BBA in business economics.
Dont talk to him about this, it still pizzes him off.
Why the University of Hawaii system does this, who knows??
FedEx, UPS, and USPS have one thing in common:
They are part-time drug dealers and they don’t even know it.
Exactly… again I ask…. “Where is Barry”?
Too late, d1shima, my men are in possession of the goods. Muahaha! Bring the box here … Wait a minute, this is full of Victoria’s Secret lingerie! *gasp* Mrs. A-House! 😉
I always thought the “g” sound in Samoan language was the “ng” sound like in “sing” “ping” “ding” “song” “pong” “dong” “sang” “pang” “dang” oh you get my drift.
Kazz: Hey, it takes a while to do this one-finger typing here. 😛
Mrs. A-House: My apologies, this isn’t your box. They are all personalized … Stephen?!?!
Speaking of Tsai, what is Mike up to? I saw someone with a HWST 110 reader today, open to the Honolulu Weekly story that he wrote on Pidgin. That made me think of him.
al – I noticed your video and see he can bench press his weight. I figure by the time he enrolls at UH he’ll be able to do well over 100 lbs. his body weight.
How can I get in touch with you concerning a chat guest for next week?
duffer – I suggest calling or emailing him. I think a letter via USPS will take at least a couple of days.
J-Dog/Kazz – it’s the 3rd choice (BC’s version). His brother was my teammate/classmate at Aiea.
Fun fact: his brother had the exact name (Rocklyn/Rocky).
Kazz – SNU’d
Nice updates up top. Good to see UH is getting a good STUDENT-athlete.
And those are nice speakers.
I’m outta here.
Howzit Gangy!
Finally pulled the Double Hull Kekoa Ka’awela back onto the ceded lands drydock facility. Left myki & sj-mac after a srumpti-delicious breakfast at Ward Center. We had a small kine cc just the 4 of us. Me & Pops had the pancake sandwich, sj had the french toast, and myki had a short but wide stack of pancakes.
We reflected on the morning scout bowl and concluded with one overall impression: “SPIRITED!” Very much so!
~ Good to see the boys working harder at their individual skills during the practice session.
~ Noticed a renewed energy in the coaching of the special teams individually and collectively. For instance. The kick-off team had to start off with the iceman kicks over and over and over again until thier takeoff was timed just right. Coverage team, ditto.
~ Without giving away any particular defense coverages, let’s just say that each of the alignments that they need to switch to was practiced so that there would be no mistakes made in transition. No 12th man on the field type errors made, and no delays.
~ QB’s all had a chance to throw, but I have to honestly say that I didn’t see much improvement in their passes. Some still fluttered, others, off the mark. However, I did see some good catches made that also made the QB’s look good. One big negative for instance, was – Alexander’s long passes looking like I threw it left handed! He threw one short 8 yard pass with such veolicity, I thought he tattoed the ball on Mike Washington’s chest! No consistency.
~ Receivers got lots a chances to shine today, and with each pass completion there was “excessive” celebration coming from the stand-around Kibitzers. That’s not to say that there were no passes being picked…or fumbles caused by the ‘D’…and that triggered a massive amount of gufflaws and hoots!
~ Pops RB / MVP pick of the morning was a little fire hydrant sized, scat back, by the name of Nate Nasca, from Pearl City HS. He started on a sweep to our mauka sidelines, was trapped, reversed his course, and high-tailed it all the way around to the makai sidelines where he turned a 2 yard loss into a first and ten…in very heavy traffic!
~ Overall, as I mentioned before, it was good to see the guys in very high spirits and encouraging each other by cajoling each other into playing with passion. Most of the trash talking was too funny for words, and the body language used was coded ‘F’ for fracture your funny bone!
~ Some of the plays they ran most definitely came from Koakane’s Monarch (Butterfly) play book. If it didn’t always work, at least it was entertaining to watch unfold or…fold…whatever the case may be.
~ St & Princess L came late as usual, along with RK. Stretch sashayed his way in shortly after them. (Mahalo for bringing my Tsaiko wine glasses big guy).
I think I emptied out my collection of practice lowlights. Maybe Stretch, Loa and sj/myki can elaborate a bit more wen they get a chance.
Hey H-Bod! How you doing? Missed you last Saturday.
All “part-time” UH football recruiters ( yep, that’s you and me ):
Please keep the eagle eye open and let the coaches know of any player any where you feel can contribute to the Warrior ohana.
Some day, one of us will find a “gem” that the coaches did not hear about and will make a terrific player.
As for Manti, coaches, let him go and focus on another player who really, truly wants to be a Warrior – just my honest opinion – good luck to Manti.
Howzit Homey! Yah, i really wanted to be there. Today, is a good day.
Waiting for Al’s CC for pho. MMMMM.
Mahalo for the report! I attended last season’s Scout Bowl and it is a sight to behold for those watching so I expected the intensity level to be high.
It’s good that they end this week on a high note.
Now they better use up the next three days to rest and heal and then go at it full blast next week!!!
Mrs A-House:
Roger, out!!!
Kazz: Rocky does read the blog. got to chat w/him last Sat. Super nice guy!
ROCKY: Thanks again for letting us take a picture w/you at Ige’s!
homey: ransom the hero? what hero? 😉
Kekoa: Thanks for the Scout Bowl notes.
Call me at 525-8051. I’m in right now.
WHOA – Mrs. House goes off, then A-House posts, now Midori…. who’s next?? MasaBoy?? The A-House ohana is on a roll today!!
kekoa – Thanks for the lowlights!
H-Bod – actually it’s A-Sports Pho cc. She is anointed Pho Queen. hmmm, say that 5 times fast.
“She’s my honey baby, yeah, my honey baby …”
I can’t get that song out of my head.
In yesterday’s blog (or was it the day before?) there was a question whether braces should be supplied (and someone or some body like Na Koa fund it.
I was told today that all the linemen (except AhSoon) wear braces. Bear doesn’t – thigh is too big.
He’s calling you right at this very moment!
two highlights of the Scout Bowl – Nasca turned a broken play into a nice gain. His is damn quick!! There was another nice diving catch made in the endzone but can’t recall who it was. It was a little tough to keep track of what was really going on for which team. I think that Leonard/Watson team “won”. Leonard and Watson were dressed to impress (as coaches) complete with a headset.
All the players seemed to enjoy themselves and spirits are still high. I think this coming 3 day break will give them time to move on and get ready for the WAC season!!
Uh, as I understand it she has hurt feelings about some of the comments on Aug. 22.
I called and invited her back.
But, you know, it’s really up to her. I’ve decided I’m not piggy-backing anyone.
The highlight of the Scout Bowl was Stretch’s timing. They didn’t start until the man with the umbrella showed up.
Hi Mrs A-House! I regret not meeting you at the last Tsaiko-Gate. I was under Kekoa’s “spankin” new UH tent hiding from the cosmic rays of the sun.
Not only did i not get to meet you, but i didn’t even have the pleasure of sampling your delightful and delicious misoyaki butterfish. mmmmm.
Island 98.5 and KCCN FM100 really need to take a look at their music rotation OR…. local bands need to start sounding different from each other. 👿
But I did read in her blog entry today that she sleeps in a wrinkle-free muumuu.
No joke.
Pearl City High School… Alma Mater Dear….
Here’s the link: http://gigihawaii.wordpress.com/
Hmmm… must be from Under Armour.
if you are lurking, take the step and post again.
one needs to be somewhat thick skinned to survive on this blog because posts can be somewhat “nasty” at times, but hopefully all in good fun. if not in good fun, than that would be a story for another time and place.
as it was said in a movie, a new journey begins with every “door” you open or do not open.
Off to lunch…
I think I’ll try the McRib. I’ve never had one before and I want to see what the fuss is all about.
Hi Mrs. A-House!
Yes, it is a month closer as of tomorrow. Frank is bored to tears…not of your photos…of Fort Hood. We are hoping to go to the Dallas/Tampa Bay game when I visit him the end of next month. He’s not too thrilled, but hey he’s part of the Raider Nation.
Glad to see you posting so much today. Haven’t read everything yet, but hope to by the end of the day.
You just keep taking all those wonderful pics of Tsaiko functions because we all enjoy looking at them.
Stephen Tsai – and all this time I thought they were singing, “She’s my Harley baby, yeah, my Harley baby”
ST – Thanks for posting the excerpt. I don’t visit her blog.
Aug. 22nd blog huh? Rob25? 😆
jojo – Thanks goodness karaoke get words to read.
Hi Rob25!
Another reason why i like Frank –
When i lived in LA/ Long Beach we used to go to the games at the Coliseum. The “Black Hole” was crazzzy!!!
…and who the heck thinks of what you wear to sleep while your house may be burning at night?
I like gigi’s blog, especially when she goes to eat some where. Actually I like everyone’s blog when they eat someplace and take pictures. I like food.
Princess’ Breaking News link for the Scout Bowl. click on my name.
jojo – I wouldn’t know since I don’t go there. I like food too but instead of food pics I rather have the real thing. I think this Saturday I will try Aiea Bowl for lunch. I heard they have a very good restaurant in there.
Hi jojo! I like food, too. I guess the secret is
homey, the food at Aiea Bowl was really tasty!! A bunch of us (ladies) ate there and all agreed that we would definitely go again if in the area. Not only tasty food but the service was also very good. Enjoy yourself!!
myki – Thanks for the info! Yep, it was recommended to me so I have to go and try a couple of the dishes. Of course I’ll be bringing the wife and 2 daughters so that’s a lot of food I can taste! Maybe after lunch I can lace up some bowling shoes and try for my 6th 300 game! 😆
Homey – The Alley is DELICIOUS!!! They have quality plate lunches, but it’s little on the pricey side. You even have a choice of brown rice (mmmm) and some great greens.
During the season they show UH games.
True, true Hawaiianbod! Lately though, I’ve been gaining despite watching my intake and increasing my cardio. Got doctor next week to find out why.
Kekoa –
What an amazing talent/skill you have in posting such detail re your observations at the Scout Bowl and other practices. Do you post as you observe, or do you just take copious notes and compose later? I’m impressed !…and mahalo for sharing your observations.
H-Bod – Cardio? Someday I’ll have the willpower to do some moderate cardio training and be ripped like (J)J. In the meantime I’ll just supplement my eating habits with walking the dogs and laying on the beach or building sand castles.
jojo – maybe congratulations are in order for you and jeje. hmmm.
Myki & Hawaiianbod –
I watched a couple of segments of The Alley chefs cooking on the early morning shows featured on different tv channels. Very ono looking dishes were prepared. We’ve got to add this restaurant to our list of “where to go and what to eat”.
H-Bod – Okay, that’s 2 for 2. I’ll give my take on their food next week…stay tuned.
jojo – hmmmmm…menopause?
Homey – some people are lucky like that – they really don’t have to do anything because they have a fast metabolism.
Homey –
You sly rascal…coyly announcing to the world that you’re going for your 6th 300 game…wait now…you are referring to bowling, right? If so, that’s awesome!..like a golf hole-in-one for golfers. Also, as a respected connoiseur of fine cuisine, your comments on the Alley’s dishes are much anticipated.
Mrs A-House/Homey – you won’t be disappointed.
Geezlouize – First the blog goes down, then the whole blog section goes down, then there’s a major meltdown of the entire!!! Microsoft system on this computer which required almost sixteen hours of fix-up time. I didn’t get back on line for until 1:30 pm and a lot of stuff has been lost or maybe even destroyed. Think it’s time to go Back2Mac.
Interesting Call The Coach show on Tuesday. Wish I’d had some company, but DrDoc went home sick around 3 pm so I sat by myself. Actually, I don’t think there were more than 60 people there scattered around a room set up for about 140. Let’s turn out next Tuesday – or will there be one? i know there’s no Na Koa lunch on Monday.
Hiho – back to work. Actually, go to work.
H-Bod – Yeah, like those 2 hot dog eating champions, Chestnut and Kobayashi. They can eat yet are in shape!
Duffer & Whitey –
Speaking of golf hole-in-one. Don’t be shy now that Homey’s boasting of his bowling perfect games. Let us know how many holes-in-one, double-double eagles you skilled golfers have scored. You, too, Stretch.
Mrs. A-House – Actually the first 5 300 games were in Wii bowling…Never came close to a 300 game with the real ten pins. But it should be easy right because the pins don’t move.
D1Shima & Jason –
You guys too funny. Victoria’s Secret !?!? apparel. No way I’m paying big $$$$ for so little… Good advice for you too, ST. Wena probably agrees with me, VS is a rip-off !…I think I made a “funny”.
You guessed it…still no truck/no delivery. If I find out you guys messing with my delivery…oh, boy…I’m telling….
Mrs A-House – As I said before, golf is easy too because the ball doesn’t move before you hit it. 😆
D-1 ~ Alas…The reserved parking place for your Warrior Express was empty this morning at practice. Stretch almost parked in it, but I guess he didn’t want to get a parking violation tag.
Eh!…Princess whipped up a pretty good by-line considering she came late and spent more time talking story with ST & RK near da ‘tree’ of life. Little birdee must have filled in da blanks.
Mrs. A-House…
When I lived in Vegas, I used to love going to the VS store at the mall and just hanging out. Good way to meet women….tell masaboy to try it some time…MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Mrs. A-House – FYI, VS makes good bras. Did you know that Tyra Banks became a VS model because she was filling out physically and didn’t want to get caught up with the skinny European model look? Then she really took off after being on the cover of Sports Illustrated.
Mrs. A-House…I have to clarify that….walking around in the store…not buying anything for myself…since I know homey and KK will be all over that one….MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Homey –
I suspected it was Wii bowling that provided you the opportunity to hit perfection so many times, BUT I didn’t want to accuse you of such…good buddies don’t do that. Actually, I hit a turkey in the third game I ever played using the Wii bowling. Never heard so much yelling and screaming with joy…actually I was by myself at the time, but I still had a dang good time.
Hey, I like VS.
That’s where I do my quick shopping.
Of course, everyone says they really, really don’t need another VS bag.
I remember the first time I saw Tyra Banks. It was in a movie. Something to do with campus life.
OK, it was “Higher Learning,” in 1995.
I was on a basketball road trip at the time. I tagged along with the team to the movies. Anyway, it was in Fresno, and a car backfired as we got out of the theater. One of the players actually went to the ground because he was so scared.
(Jesse) James –
Mahalo for the clarification. You are back in good standing with me. I try to keep my thoughts pure and clean, but lurking on this blog daily has opened a whole new thought process in my mind that is disturbing at times. I got your back on this one…good/quick recovery JJ !
McRib=try it once, try to remember not to try it again next year or whenever it pops back on the menu.
Blaze close to getting back on D=beyond awesome. Hope he can finish the season without serious injury, we’ll need him! Sometimes it seems like he can’t give anything less than 200%, which might be a little too much…
you go shopping with the team? i thought PL took you around.
CU/ W.Virginia game going.
Colorado came out passing like crazy on the 1st series with da bomb pass for a TD.
Go Buffies!
Mrs. A-House…I know what you mean…reading this blog daily has affected my thought processees as well…..all these instigators in here has gotten me to change the way I write and to watch everything I say….I was naieve and innocent before I came here….MWAHAHAHAHAHA
ST – I hope you are noting your adventures somewhere and write a book one day. I’m sure Ferd and Kekaula will say some of things you expereinced never actually happened.
Gigi. We are on a limited recruiting budget. If ST tenders an offer, and you don’t take the offer when tendered, then we are moving on. We cannot spend all our time worrying about whether you want to play for the Tsai-kos or not. We are too busy tailgating, going to c.c.’s, and watching scout bowls. If you don’t want to play, we’re gone. Nuff said.
Homey –
While I appreciate the info re VS bras, let’s not dwell too long on what brands support voluptuous female breasts. I look at Tyra Banks…then I look straight down my chest and can see my feet without even bending an inch. Ahhh, but are these drop-dead gorgeous models happy??? I think not. Can they go shopping at the mall (not necessarily at a VS store) without male “shoppers” like JJ browsing (not hanging) around oogling their physique? No, they cannot. I for one enjoy anonimity, as I have difficulty finding sales clerks to ring up my sale…(thanks for listening).
Go Warriors !! Work hard and keep the faith !!
Already 14-0 Buffies with 10:00 in the 1st.
Reminds me of our Warriors! ( Last two seasons)
(J)J naive and innocent? pfffft! he has the most pseudo names on this blog!
Hi, A-House clan,
Good to see you on the blog in force.
Reading one of your amazing gifts, the perfect season, it becomes quite clear how spoiled we’d become over the last two years.
Now, with a bunch of new starters on offense and an unsettled QB situaton, all we need is a little patience and this team will get it together.
I like the fire Coach Mack displayed in getting things corrected, I think it ignited the whole team and they’re back to being the Warriors we’re accustomed to.
So let’s sit back and enjoy, San Jose will be marked as the turn around game and we will defend the WAC championship!
Did anybody see any obvious and future gems at the scout bowl?
Yeah.. I could easily live without the McRib.
homey — were you watching america’s next top model yesterday? i’m guessing from the tidbit of Tyra info you gave. which, yes, means i watched it as well. not by my choice though.
When Gigi gets her academics issues in order, she will make it back on the team .:>
One snap, clear
no worries
Mrs. A-House – I think Tyra Banks is happy! Anyway, most models go to malls dressed down. It’s the wannabe models that dress up like hoochies and want the men to oogle over them. BTW, when I look down I can’t see my feet. 😆
So what did I miss on L&L last night?
ST –
Again, my interest is piqued. Please provide more details on how you do your “quick” shopping at VS. You HAVE to buy something to get their VS shopping bag(s). No need to describe what exactly you bought…unless Wena has put the big KAPU on personal issues.
Never mind that you always show up late for FB practices. You’re still the best at what you do. Upon arrival…Quick visual sweep of who is doing what and where and how…bam! Mission accomplished ! Awesome !
Coach Mack, coaches, players…never give up! focus! keep working hard! We back you…no matter what!
808flowmaster – SHHHHHHH! 😆
IDK haha
Didn’t have PBS reception last night. Bummer.
That show makes my week
808flowmaster – FYI, I was watching UFC Fightnight and Ultimate Fighter!!!
afternoon gang!
i heard that today’s practice was very spirited with Rocky song leading during the live full contact kickoff coverage drills… also heard that there was a larger then normal fan turnout…..and also that Blaze was looking healthy …. that’s what i heard
I wonder if ST will hold her out for a few games.
Pride. – I say take the offer back and give Rob25 a full ride schollie.
damn loa – you have some awesome hearing. I wish I could “hear” everything like you…
good to see the team having fun and working hard after such a rough game. I made the roady up to osu from the bay area to watch da boys play. The osu fans were so friendly and hospitable i couldnt believe it!!! Tough loss but i had alot of fun, I’m looking forward to making the roady for fresno state. i got some pics from the osu game if you want to check them out:
just click the pics link
good to see the team having fun and working hard after such a rough game. I made the roady up to osu from the bay area to watch da boys play. The osu fans were so friendly and hospitable i couldnt believe it!!! Tough loss but i had alot of fun, I’m looking forward to making the roady for fresno state. i got some pics from the osu game if you want to check them out:
just click the pics link
Mrs. A-House…when I look down I can’t see my feet either…hmmmmmm….
Homey…I said I was naieve and innocent…but you guys corrupted me…just like Jason is being corrupted….MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
FT ~ Hard to really tell how many more ‘gems’ were out there, but we did see flashes of gold in the pan. One for sure was Pops pick of the day, RB – Nate Nasca.
Loa – T-gate, 27th, be there.
Florida Ted –
Aloha! Hope you and your family weathered Ike as well as can be expected. Scarey scenes on the tv coverage of the damage/destruction of Galveston and elsewhere.
I agree that the Perfect Season published by the Honolulu Advertiser is a “must have” for every Warrior football fan. If you haven’t gotten a copy, get one before it’s gone forever. So happy you’re enjoying the book.
We made some “good memories” at the Golden Corral before the Florida game, didn’t we…not only at our meal together, but also the UF fans on game day were unexpectedly pleasant/friendly/helpful. Nothing but good memories of Florida.
Mark your calendar for Sept. 2009’s UH/UNLV game, Florida Ted…if you can make it to LV, you’ll get to meet so many of our Tsaiko gang.
kekoa – just curious, did they move Nasca to running back?
Hi everybody! Is there a bug going around? I know there’s always something going around, but poor Rinskin got sent home from school yesterday. He’s fine now, though. Apparently, there’s a stomach thing circling his school. Gosh, I remember being in elementary school and getting sick every other week or so — it’s tough when your immune system isn’t fully developed yet.
ST: Sorry, I didn’t see your question for a while. I’m not handling 18 credits as well I thought I would be. I’ve been focusing on school and Ka Leo stuff now. It was a tough decision.
Anyway, it’s another day at school. *sigh*
RE: Mrs. Mack at practice.
myki & I were comparing notes, and we determined that she is the calming influence on her hubby. We believe that when coach has a bad day at black rock, she is there to remove the rock!
Soon after his blowout at a player, she arrived on scene. Everything was mellow after her appearance. That photo ST posted is taken from right in front of us. It is what it is. Calm, serene…and peace out!
stretch – lmffao 🙂
Kelli – I just had a visual of a stomach going around a school. Take your mega-doses of vitamins and keep on drinking that green tea (white tea has more antioxidants). 18 credits??? Are you crazy! Nah, just stay focused and don’t do a Graunke.
You mean the were playing the theme from the Rocky movies at practice today???
james dare I say ROFLMAO
“Pulling a Graunke” – coming back and helping drive the team to victory.
So if anything…
Kelli, by all means, pull a Graunke!!!
Homes ~ Not sure about the move (?) since they still have him listed at LB. It’s like Shane Austin wearing white #1 (Salas #) instead of a target jersey. That had us wondering if they moved Salas to QB!…NOT!
Kazz – “do” not “pulling” 😆 Anyway, can’t let Kelli fall behind and then have to take care of business just to get back to square one.
Kekoa –
Mahalo for sharing your observation of Mrs. Mack’s calming influence at practice. She is a very special lady, indeed. BG once told me that behind every good man is a strong, supportive wife. Mrs. Mack is a shining example of that saying. So Mrs. Mack, if you’re lurking, this is to let you know how much you, too, are appreciated !
Kekoa – they have Nasca listed as a LB? Now I’m puzzled.
Homey, you’re right in that sense… just the second part of it is pretty good though.
Behind every good man is a good woman.
Behind David Veikune is a physically and mentally destroyed opposing quarterback.
suit up Kelli! we need all the extra players we can get!
re: L & L show last nite
tidbits were talking about Ed Hochuli, their disappointment in our defense, and the guest was Dave Shoji. talked about how sitting Jamie Houston that one match has helped her game ever since, about how he’s so impressed w/ Kanani’s offensive game to match the other impressive aspects of her game, and something about Tara Hittle. sorry da memory lacking right now that’s all i got.
Mrs. A-House – I had to laugh because I pictured a good single man with a wife behind him.
Stephen, did you guys connect? Or do I need to be the go between?
homey ⑤: I’m trying to increase my green tea intake. I usually average three cups per day. I’m trying to get up to five, but that’s many a trip to the bathroom. Hehe! And yes, I’m gonna be as focused as ever until I get my diploma.
Kazz: Ok, that kind of Graunke is good. Now, if only I had a team to lead to victory. LOL!
rudizelle22 ~ You got Coach Bulla and his lovely wife Lyn up in your ‘hood’ to watch their son Ryan play against Sac State this weekend. If you see one giant gleaming orb of light shining on the Weber State side of the field, that would be the Tsaiko we call “Bulla!”
See if you can hook up with him. They are major good fun peeps! Maybe you can take them over to Umeko’s out on Folsom Blvd for all you can die for sushi!
dpc – next time don’t drink and watch L&L! 😆
Kazz –
MasaBoy wants me to thank you very much for guiding him to the athletic supply sales outlet on Waialae. The guy he’s dealing with there seems up-and-up, but he is basing his trust on your previous dealings with that company. Hope to someday be invited to view your vast collection of UH memorabilia. Must be an awesome display.
Kazz – Coach Shoji was the guest speaker. It was a very informative. He praised the play of Houston, Herring, Hittle, Kaufman, et al. Coach was very relaxed and you could see the *twinhle* in his eye again.
Also, don’t be surprised if the PROCESSED McRib comes bursting out any second.
Kazz – no not the Rocky movie song, Rocky S. leading one of the songs the band plays during games during the drills …. thats what i heard happened 😆
dpc…they were saying how Hittle is instrumental at libero. She was initially challenging for an outside hitter position but since they have those and with the emergence of Kanani’s offense, the coaches made a decision to make Hittle a libero. At first she didn’t like it but grew into the role and now is using her all around talent to make that role hers.
Chawan…check your e-mail…
you too Koakane…and why are you laughing??? It’s all true….
Mrs. A-house,
Waialae??? I assume you are referring to da place where I got my helmets and other goodies from?
If anything, that place has yet to receive a bad reputation and all of their memorabilia is legitimate and I even ran into the person in charge of it all at the GAME ON fundraiser and the meet and greet at Pictures Plus with Jason Rivers and Colt Brennan a few months back.
Hope Masaboy finds what he’s looking for.
BTW, I do NOT have the kind of collection that you and Mr. A-House possess, from what I hear… it’s impressive and enough to make any 9-er and UH fan envious. 🙂
Processed McRib? I have no ide……. (oh wait.. yeah .. there it is…) 🙁
haha homey– hey what else are you supposed to do on da plane after a couple days in Oregon
Kazz – would you know if pictures plus makes some kind of helmet display case?
Wahine vollyball…Stephanie Ferrell is the one to watch. She’s going to be a bright star. Along with Herring and Houston.
Loa – what kind helmet? The leather kind al wore or the one (J)J wore while riding the short bus?
Yeah for sure they make ’em. I saw different types on display there during the Rivers/Brennan session. Not sure how much, but it might be on their website or you should call if you want certain specs.
Can’t go wrong with Pictures Plus. My parents have all our important family photos framed with them and they bought some artwork from them as well.
Homey & (Jesse) James –
You guyz too funny. Shout-out to you both and all the other regulars who post daily. I’m exhausted. Mahalo to everybody who keep the WB blog fires burning fiercely.
I had a really great time “talking” to everybody today. Thanks for helping me pass the time as I wait…and wait…and wait.
Hi Esme –
Hope all is well with you and your family. Please allow me to use your special sign-off…so cute!
Esme and out !
uhh, football helmet
Mrs. A-House has left the building.
Good idea Homey.
CU has a RB that is rocking tonight !
Reminds me of our own Libre!
Come on Nacho, heal up bud.
mahalo Kazz
Speaking of helmets…anybody see the statue of Ernie Davis…he had on a pair of Nike shoes (even though Nike was non-existent when he played) and a modern football helmet….not the kind used back in those days
homey…our field was short…not the bus….MWAHAHAHAHAHA
(J)J . . .
Damien had a shorter bus back in the olden days — before wheels were invented. I think that was Koakane’s time.
Anyhow, the bus was purple — maybe soooo all de pepul lef it alon. By the time I was there it was designated the band bus. Br. Roland (taught Spanish and pre-calc, and ran the bookstore) was the bus driver.
I guess I can say that I rode a short bus in high school; and the way Br. Roland drove we should have had helmets.
is da RB for da buffs dat guy dat was da number 1 RB recruit, or is dat da guy that went off against da rams a couple weeks ago
I once saw a car that had a white nike swoosh on each tire.
Sorry for the delay….I am not a Damien grad, but my brother is. My double X chromosome precludes me from enrolling….
Someone tell Graunke to buy the RIGHT brand of shoes! 😉
Everyone take note of that photo of Blaze Soares.
That is a man ready to be unleashed on the field soon. He has no time to smile for the camera or anything else.
All you Spartans, Bulldogs, Broncos, Wolves, Aggies, Vandals, Cougars, and Bearcats take note…. GO TO CHURCH!!!
Kazz, I hear ya on Blaze. Let’s hope his comeback is wise and healthy.
Does Tyler look a bit on the pillsbury Dough side?
Not sure about their RB but 2 questions about CU:
1) Does Brian Cabral wear the lava lava even late in the season?
2) Is it required that you must look like a Snow Bunny to be a co-ed there?
Hooiki. . .
When did he graduate?
That makes it Koakane, James, dj, and Hooiki’s brother. Oh, and me.
Speaking of recruit more OL…where do you find guys like the LT for CU?
6-8, 300
Coach Cabral busts out the lava lava at the 1st snow game.
CU snow bunnies sure don’t resemble Alaska Univ. vahines
Go Buffies!
This team could be scary in 2010 with seniors running the show
Spending all my nights, all my time, bloggin up and down
Doin’ anything just to get you off of my mind
But when the morning comes
I’m right back where I started again
And tryin’ to forget you is just a waste of time
Gigi come back; any kind of fool could see
There was something with every single muumuu
Gigi come back; you can blame it all on me
I was wrong, and I just can’t blog without you
All day long, wearing a mask of an unknown Tsaiko
Tryin’ to keep up a smile that hides the tears
But as the sun goes down, I get that empty feeling again
How I wish to God that you were here
Gigi come back; any kind of fool could see
There was something with every single muumuu
Gigi come back; you can blame it all on me
I was wrong, and I just can’t blog without you
Now that I put it all together
Give me the chance to make you see
Have you used up all the lines in your posts?
Nothing left for me? Is there no posting left for me?
Gigi come back; any kind of fool could see
There was something with every single muumuu
Gigi come back; (listen, gigi) you can blame it all on me
I was wrong, and I just can’t blog without you
I was wrong, and I just can’t blog…
Gigi come back; any kind of fool could see
There was something with every single muumuu
Gigi come back; you can blame it all on me
I was wrong, and I just can’t blog without you
Den somebody else is wearing one today?
Well, you probably could find the proper genes from a clinical laboratory or an online pharmaceutical company. 😉
Coach Cabral premature with the lava lava?
Go Coach!
See, Ogre, the thing is that Gigi, bless her heart, has no idea what song that is or how well you adapted the lyrics. She only knows Yanni, Bobby Darin and Josh Groban.
Do WAC coaches normally choose to have the offending players’ numbers cited by the Referee?
Moved by a Maverick!
That’s okay. Tell her it’s an original composition by Hall and Ogres.
I’m glad our fight song isn’t performed by John Denver.
Wassup Mojo.
How’s things with the wifey? Need couples counseling from Las Vegas?
Mojo- U crack me up. >>Bobby Darrin.
Seriously, the McRib isn’t THAT bad. 🙂 It’s just quite unremarkable.
OK, back to football…anyone hear anything about J Riv and his football prospects lately? It was cool to hear about CJ doing a talk for the kids at the Buffalo Bills NFL Day event. For a “practice squad” player to be chosen as a rep for the team shows that the Bills know what kinda character guy CJ is.
Could be worse-
Gradmas feather Bed?
Not to focus on the guy but #78 has got to have an 8+ size helmet.
I should clarify, CJ did the talk with two other 3-year vets (linebacker and O-lineman) on the Bills active roster.
?? 😕
Ogre ~ Turn your hymnals to page 64.” We can then go into your rendition of “Gigi Come Back” sung to the tune of “Baby Come Back.”
Very well done. If this were American Bandstand it would have gotten my vote.
Big hit, on many Lp’s. Terrible fight song.
Good one Kekoa ( See above)
WVU is playing for OT. 👿
Blaze Soares was looking healthy today, but the truth is when I watched him walk away…he had a slight limp that he favored a bit. If he is not 100% it could spell bigger trouble if he re-injures himself by coming back too soon.
Thanks. Actually I can’t think of anything that he did that remotely resembles a fight song.
OT for the Buffs and Mounties
Reminds me of ESPN tying UH with Don Ho and “I’ll remember you”.
Colo. can’t get past the John Denver era.
***Off-topic VENTING***
I just stepped outside the office for a breather and I just saw three different cars take illegal left turns off Kapiolani Blvd into Neiman Marcus almost causing a pile up, I saw a woman J-walk about 30 feet away from the crosswalk, and one car who couldn’t wait for the car infront of him who was making a cautious left turn off Kapiolani and onto Mahukona Street so he passed this person on the oncoming left lane of traffic again almost causing a head-on collision.
Oddly enough, the more expensive the car, the more they drive as if the rules don’t apply to them.
No doubt town drivers are the WORST!!!
The UH-UNLV game is September 19, 2009 in Las Vegas. duffer & Al are coordinating with their Boyd Gaming friends possible travel packages that include AIR and/or ROOM-meals and/or GAME PACKAGE (ticket, hotel tailgate party, and stadium transfers). They will be gathering preliminary info and NUMBERS of interested travelers.
Once the number estimates are turned in (probably Dec-Jan), we will await availability and pricing info. There are other options via (Rich2176 & las vegas) for those not utilizing the package offerings and initial numbers for them will also be gathered.
Since the collection of potential traveler numbers will continue for several months, an on-line survey which will be available 24/7 has been posted…
Click Here to take the survey
Note this survey is for preliminary number estimates and is NOT a commitment or reservation.
what about my email? who emailed me?
Buffie’s WIN ! Great game
Before I forget: happy belated birthday, Garret!
That’s what I want to hear. John Estes needs to fire up his teammates. He’s gotta be a vocal leader too. He’s gotta take charge and lead his men. If he does that, I’m sure not only will his game get even better, but the whole offense will respond.
Mrs. A-House: Nothing wrong with petite women. Voluptuous men, on the other hand … 😉
Re: Pronunciation Savaiigaea
Kazz’s pronunciation is correct. The “G” is pronounced with the ng sound. However, BC’s is also correct in using the “N” sound instead of ng. In Samoa, the “n” sound sometimes is used to substitute the “g” (ng) sound and vice versa when speaking. I hope that makes sense. I love to watch channel 9 news but I hate when Liz pronounces things wrong. Is it me or does she pronounce Manoa like Manure? Just wondering and thanks for asking.
Wide Receivers:
any one else notice in the OSU game that their wideout, after a long pass play, automatically came off the field and his replacement came in from the sideline?
i can’t recall UH ever doing that or did miss something, again?
something i thought UH would automatically do with the new 40 second clock and giving 2nd string players a chance to contribute and build for the future.
lot of passes going to Michael Washington – very few slant patterns to the WR – especially for 3 – 4 yard situations.
Cheyah!: So is there a general rule of thumb regarding ng vs. n? Mahalo for your help!
A-House: I didn’t notice that, but that’s pretty smart. Considering the 40-second clock, that’s a pretty shrewd thing to do. You might want to e-mail that to Coach Mack.
I’m not quite sure about general rule. I think it all depends and its used more for when you speak not when you write. For example, Rocky’s name wouldnt be spelled with the “N” Savaiinaea but you could pronounce with the “N” sound. I say its more of a slang use than anything.
Welcome to the Warrior Beat Cheyah! Are you on Oahu? You should come to the Tsaiko functions.
Cheyah!: Thanks!
Wassup Hawaiianbod:
I am here on Oahu. Im a longtime lurker. I like to read not too much of a writer. Thanks for the welcome.
Now I’m interested in hearing the Boise State broadcast of the game. Obviously Rocky will be back and then he’s on the roster.
Man, I wanna see the look on the ESPN announcers faces when reading the DTs for UH… I think one may quit on the spot.
Nice jam brought back memories when I was young cruising with my dad in da ol’skool VW Bug. Is Hall and Oates the original guys who sing dat, I thought was Player???
Savaiigaea = Sa Vai Nye Ah… Das how I say um…
Drop in fo say wassawp errybody, now back to work…
Aunty Gigi wea you stay, I know you lurking…we miss you! 😉 🙂
One last note…
Welcome Marcus to the Warrior Nation!
Bruddah Blaze “Impact” Soares hope to see you in Fresno knocking heads…
Uso Rocky, get ready for rumble cause we need you on that DLine!
Graunke go get one local girl lomi lomi your hand garrans feel bettah, lay off the Jack in the Box, we no like you get biggah like the “Nasti” bumbai we move you to running back too…
Tree – Forty…
Estes about time you getting NAWTS on the line!!! Teach the boys and kick em in the arse if need be!!! Gotta play like Warriors not Menehune’s, sorry Jason no pun intended 🙂
K time for be like the Boise St. running back after Blaze Soares hit his arse and go lights out…lataz…
The Oregon State announcer at the stadium had a LOT of trouble pronouncing the names of the Warrior players. But the really odd thing is that the Polynesian names were NOT the ones that seemed hardest for the announcer–that announcer took a *long* time to be able to pronounce “Elimimian”! People around me were laughing at how badly that announcer was saying Sol’s name!
I did see that quote about Estes and thought it was a great sign for the team. He’s the only captain from the offensive side, and he’s probably the most established player on offense, so I’m glad that he’s taking that leadership role.
My favorite player on the 2006 team was not Colt–everybody else seemed to focus on Colt, but my favorite player was always Samson. That is why I turned into such a huge Miami Dolphin fan after they drafted him…I wish UH had a couple of Samsons on the OL now, but John Estes is a stud and his teammates will follow him. If the OL gets it together, the offense *will* move the ball no matter who is at QB or RB.
I do a Google search for Jason Rivers all the time but haven’t found anything yet. I hope that his back get fully healed soon so that he can have a shot at playing somewhere.
Several people above made good points about how the UH coaches should move on now that Manti had cut UH off his list. However, UH doesn’t have to pull his scholarship offer or stop having contact with him–the coaches can just allocate their time to other players who wish to be Warriors. If Manti has a change of mind, leaving his offer open and keeping the lines of communication open could pay off. Otherwise, at least he won’t be taking any of their precious recruiting time and resources.
Your sense of humor and enthusiasm is dam fine! Put a smile on my face before I gonna do some stuff to get ready for Aloha Friday!
Be safe everyone…
Thank you for that update. I’m sad that Blaze was still limping, and agree with you that coming back too early could risk the rest of his season. I know that Blaze will want to tough it out, so I hope that the trainers and coaches do what is best for him…hopefully it will be fine for him to play against SJSU, but if not I hope they wait for as long as they need to make sure that UH has him for the rest of the season.
Funny how the redshirt sophomore QB from Katy High School will be starting for TCU this Saturday…against the true freshman QB from Katy High School that will be starting for SMU. If Katy High is becoming a QB factory, maybe UH should check out who is starting there now? And I know they have some other excellent D-IA prospects…any state championship team from Texas is loaded with them.
I never noticed how Oregon State rotated their WRs–that is a great idea! And for all of the talk about how this coaching staff would rotate WRs all the time, it sure seems like the same WRs are out for most plays. A few others have gotten some playing time (like Taylor), but when the game is in doubt it sure seems like Salas/Bain/Washington/Lane are the ones primarily in the game.
Recall that some announcers were commenting about that consequence of the :40 clock rule in the first week of the season and how it might impact strategy- i.e.-Do we throw long and risk taking my star receiver out for the next play if it’s incomplete?
IIRC the conversation started after a delay of game penalty after a long pass incompletion
Thanks for the encouragement, Mrs. A-House! Of course I am behaving myself… only because they leave tomorrow and it’s been so long I don’t remember what to do otherwise. 🙁 But the week is young.
Maybe I should go hang around James and homey….no, wait, I might get a heart attack. Think I’ll call up Al and ask if he remembers anything 👿 ..if nothing else I’ll eat good. Oh, yeah…round trip air/ferry to Maui darkside please!
Now, where did my wallet go? I see my driver’s license and ID on the bureau, but no wallet….hmmmm.
Garret that’s just the coaches hype to get everyone working hard for PT-fresh legs on the sidelines…Veikune took about 87 snaps, imagine being the number 2 guy back of him…someone else was mentioned to have taken as many snaps as Veikune, can’t remember offense or defense…to bad someone doesn’t post the number of snaps taken by each player for each position in a game-interesting to note who is playing and how much PT each is getting…hint Jason, you have charts for nearly everything
My sweep through the Austin/Houston/Fort Worth/Dallas papers, the 3 South Florida newspapers, and the 3 LA newspapers came up with *nothing* useful to post after midnight my time. Midnight my time is normally when those websites are updated with tomorrow’s articles.
The one sports-related thing I thought was pretty interesting was this:
The papers reported that Josh Leonard took 81 of 86 snaps, just like Veikune. I think that Fonoti also had something like 81 snaps.
For a system with 4 WRs, especially with how the coaches talked about the need to rotate WRs and how JJ was so sharply criticized for not rotating in backups, I would think that replacing a WR for one play wouldn’t be that bad. It would give him a chance to catch his breath after running a deep pass route, which could make sense too.
The 40 second clock is forcing a look at all types of strategies. I thought it was amazing how Oregon State was burning all of their timeouts in one quarter.
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want the off-topic stuff.
It is AMAZING to me how San Antonio has found a way to make money and renewable energy off of their sewage! If this is good for the environment, provides a renewable source of energy, and will make the city of San Antonio $250k per year, I hope all cities do this soon! One thing for sure is that the residents of San Antonio will keep providing the necessary material for them to use.
Flying hover car bike has been offered to the US military. However, I wouldn’t call a vehicle that is 21 feet by 23 feet a “bike”.
It is sad that the US is so far behind in broadband access compared to countries in Europe and Asia. I hope that Sen. Inouye’s bill gets passed and actually makes a difference to speed up the proliferation of broadband access in the US.
Texting while driving is more dangerous than drinking and driving or smoking pot and driving!
Pretty amazing that some Orlando residents found out that their 8-year-old community was built on top of a World War II bombing range that wasn’t completely cleared. In other words, their homes are built on top of bombs! I’m guessing that is pretty bad for their housing values (the homes cost between $200k to $600k and some banks value the homes at ZERO dollars)…over 200 bombs were found so far, some weighed up to 23 pounds! Lots of bombs were found at the middle school…one bomb was found in the landing pit for the long jump! Could you imagine jumping into a pit that has a bomb underneath it?
Free play links pau.
Has anyone here blogged while taking a bath? I know that sounds strange, but Kohler has actually added WiFi to its high-end bathtub line.
I’ve filled out all of my available time slots in DC except for dinner on Thursday. Are Peaches and your Mom going to be anywhere near Arlington? We could have a DC-area Cattle Call!
Pauoa Boy: I’m going to pretend you didn’t say anything that might possibly be construed as negative toward the mighty Moanalua Nā Menehune. Cause otherwise … 👿
Garret ~ Blaze put on a great front for us, but when he didn’t think anyone was watching, he walked away with that slight limp.
There was one other player that was ‘horsing’ around with some of the other wounded Warriors when he should have been resting his foot. It’s that kind of horseplay that could also lead to a slow recovery time.
Yes they were all having a great time with each other, and that’s understandable…but this worries me when I see some of them being so careless with their health. Am I being to harsh? Should I not worry about such things? Gigi where are you when I need important advice?
Aloha gang, just arrived in Corpus Christi for the weekend. Looking forward to being back home for next weeks San Jose State Game. Hope we have a good crowd. Also will be good to see Dick Tomey back in Aloha Stadium.
No one said it would be a bad thing for UH to do….last time I checked, there was no designated star receiver 😐
No can handle. Gotta drag my okole to bed and put in some serious snooze time.
G’nite errybody!
Eh Kekoa, how wuz da coco puffs?
Shoots! I got caught! I wen kakaroach 2 of mines ones for latuhs…so you caught me unda da covers smackin down on ’em before Mrs. K came to bed. Now I gotta share! Tanks Eh! jm2 3 7 5 😈
Kekoa – 😆
Kekoa – bachi!! Is there any cake left?
Hasta manana Tsaikos.
Last year, Rocky was the host of some of PL’s videos and he said his name very quickly with, as I recall, the N sound and no G sound.
Welcome, new bloggers and lurkers!
Nitey Nite and Sweet Tsai-ko Dreams!
WOW ST you nevea know da edecut of taking da pictures, you nevea evea take a wahine’s picture from da back. LOL
Garret just read the link on broadband, I was talking to the verizon tech the other day and asked him if we will ever get it out here, he told me that all it would take is a four thousand dollar piece of equipment at the switching building here and we could get it, but verizon doesn’t want to spend the money. The problem is there is only about 500 homes in our little 14 mile long valley so I guess that they feel it would not be worth the cost of it being installed and so we are stuck with only dial-up and that really sucks.
So when the new record for long jump is recorded will it have an asterisk next to it for “bomb assisted”?
And, when the team throws the bomb, are they really?
Happy Aloha Friday everyone!
Now that Palin and her husband will ignore the subpeona what happens next? Do subpeona’s apply to everyone except high-ranking Republicans? Or are court issued subpeonas different from one issued by a legislative body?
Would our resident legal-eagles please offer their insights?
Oops, Palin was not subpeonaed. She is just refusing to cooperate.
Still, her employees (aides?) were subpeonaed and will not appear.
Howzit and Good Morning Tsaikos everywhere.
you talkin to Jim D? Good ideas at 107.
good morning. so I read about da words… evil…happiness… an an … in my mine i vizualize
when I rub yo neck, i tinkin happiness…
when I rub Sadowski’s neck, I tinkin frakcha. 😀
dayah, yu see? no pressha, no busted gasket, all is happee.. 😆
Finally (I think).
Arrrrrrrrgh. Today be Talk Like a Pirate Day me maties. So hoist a goblet or three ‘o rum and drink heartily!
Yo ho! Yo ho! A pirates life for me!
Good Morning Tsaiko Family!
Happy Aloha Friday!!!
Here is last night’s news from chawan_cut:
I tryin fo keep dis spot on football and fun. And Sadowski. Palin. I saw her on tv three nites ago. literally runnin from da repotah tryin fo ask her questions. the bideo was too too funny. her long, shapely legs wuz movin, low crouch, arms swingin, dat was one CUT an RUN move if i eva saw one. 😀
but I like tink happy tauts. The Natoinal News, the $$ brakedown, “creating” a agency to take over “certain” mortgage debts, carry em on da USA books so da oversees creditors no get spooked. Choices no look so good. But at some point dis new agency gonna have to investigate what they “bought” from the banks, and classify alot of these loans for what they are, worthless. That is when we are going to realize the premium that should be put on truth. Until then, jus look at Palin’s legs an cute smile. She’d do good as a blond, huh!
Hah! She is one hottie. But i not going vote 4 her.
nuff said. sorry, but you wen bang my chain….
can i go talk about football now! 😀
I called and told Ron Lee yesterday that get this monstah at Hilo High. He going check it out.
He is a nice man. And I know that as he gets more comfortable in his skin as the UH offensive coordinator, he gonna get better. I am wondering what we gotta say to Greg Alexander to get him to relax more, take his game to the next level. God blessed him with a beautiful body. It is in his power to develop his brain!
Wow! I just got a call from my Dad and I still can’t believe what happened! Dad and I entered the drawing at the UH Alumni Association tailgate before the Oregon State game…and Dad won! He won a UH jersey and they called and asked him what name and number he wants them to put on the jersey!
Dad figured that I would want to put my name, but I think I want a current or past Warriors’ name. I was thinking either Samson or Colt, but I think that due to my size Samson’s number would look funny. By the way–Kazz and others, how do the sizes run?
Orange County Register article about Manti visiting UCLA.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
what to do today without practice?? hmmm, I guess I have to do some work. at least it’s Aloha Friday
Great Morning All!
Lots of fun at the Scout Bowl. Now a weekend off for healing and reflection.
“Preseason” is pau. Take plenny “mental reps”.
The players gotta choose how they going ack for WAC play.
Fans gotta do the same.
Aloha tasi-ko country and good morning
looks like plenty of nothing on everybody’s plate today. reminder primary election saturday so do you part and vote.
who put the ultra light no cafine in da kope. damn need da leaded version. esme and back in a sec oh tasi-ko=tsai-ko btw whooooooosh
au’wryte das betta super supreme kope to start the mota.
watching the wahine soccer last night. those girls were getting buss up but kinda spunky even tho. nobody scored but was tense in ova time when Montana almost win it in the last few seconds.
wow slow dis morning
oh manapua, pork hash, rice cake, chocolate donuts, bear claws, pandsal eh neva mind back to watevea you’s doing
esme out
Good morning Tsai-kos here and everywhere!! Hey KK looks like you had some de- caf this morning, or you type like me. Like Stretch, we’re at a lost as to how to spend the morning. Garret, congratulations on your good fortune. Enjoy your jersey.
It’s Aloha Friday…enjoy the day and the weekend!!!
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Congrats, jersey Garret!
bhf2- good- keep dem bearins rollin and fa gaskets in tac!
Pomai- aieeeesoos. Even if da phone co installs that $4k piece of equipment, not going reach 14 miles for service all da peeps. My daughter had to get a satellite to get iffy service where she lives in the mountains.
Hiya Ronnie!
Hiya Myci and Koakane and d1 and errybodee!
aloha aloha.
Koakane, ahem, my breakfass.
3 day old pork butt leftovas. lessee, first you cut off a few (2 1/2) slices, then you open da can pineapple
and put a ring on 2, and micro 2 minutes, add 2 scoops potato salad.
i treated da dog to da bone wit extraz.
yep, me and da dog are happy, me tinkin about Warrior Nation.
until I tink about Dennis Sadowski and Rodney Tam da Esquire at the Contractor’s Board. What is he advising, that they got a rule now? Why he not put sometin on paypah, cova his okole? Why do doze baboozkas even think they got anything, like a yu gotta do it dis way oh no can? Mental reps, i tellz ya, doze bamboozkas gotta do mo mental reps. sounds like da guyz in the trunk stay tellin da drivah wat 4 do.
Not to take anything away from THE Princess or ST, here’s last night’s news on the scout bowl.
hope yesterday’s vote will return to us the videos.
Good morning all!
Howzit C_C and BHF2!
tinkin aloud,
when you put sumtin on paypah, you eeda covering or exposing your okole. which is it, contractor’s board? if you are encouraging Sadowski, man up!
we know you are technically wrong, if what the newspapers have reported about Verne’s past comments are true, but you might be philosophically correct. I don’t know that, because you’ve never had public meetings like what is called for in Chapter 91, HRS, so far as I know. All I know is that, as of right now, Dennis Sadowski’s conduct is holdiing up the TC Ching Field renovations, aka The Ching Cooke Field Fix.
and for that you both get a bad karma conduct ticket from yours truly.
yeah, i no i no. Sadowski is also saying RMY doesn’t have a “valid license” because it listed Logan Hamocon, who does business as Sports Turf Hawaii which name is listed on his professional license, as Sports Turf Hawaii. Getting kinda technical, don’t you think, and even that is a super stretch because Logan’s actual dba is Sports Turf Hawaii and the two parties, UH and RMY, used this nomenclature in their last (Murakami) fix.
so you can understand why guyz like me are frustrated that guyz like Dennis Sadowski can hide behind the “law” to cause our delay right now.
junk i tell you, really junk junk junk!
Go Warriors.
Hoo Boy! Aloha Kakahiaka Tsaiko Ohana…Aloha Friday is upon us!
Another beautiful day Ke Akua has blessed us with. The sun is shining, Birds are chirping, the ceded lands are looking fo real in HD colors. The Boss man does good work making our island paradise look so great. So what do we do?…Leave our opala on da land and in da ocean. Don’t give a hoot and still Pollute. Aiiya! I’m turning into one green geek commercial!
Time to start searching the TV log for football games!
**** BREAKING NEWS !!!! ***
I just received an email from Coach Bob Coolen regarding the 2007 WAC Softball Champions bracelet ceremony. See below for details
Well, we’ve finally set a date for the bracelet ceremony!! It will take place in between games 2 & 3 of the LA Tech Volleyball match on October 10th!! We’re working on getting everyone in attendance from the 2007 team that will be honored!
Coach Bob
🙂 Good Morning Tsaikos! 🙂
Happy 🙂 Aloha 🙂 Friday
Looking forward to another Great day in Hawaii Nei.
I believe our Warriors are now coming up to the game that will dictate the season.
Being able to review three games for adjustments, and with a week off to rest and change what is needed to play 4 quarters football, the San Jose game will let us know where the teams stands for majority of the conference season.
Being able to review game film of SJSU from their previous play,( And they’ve been outputting fairly decent, much more that pre-season anticipated) will show us where the Hawaii Coaches mind set is at.
No more time to tinker around with wishy – washy decisions for play scheme or who will get the starting job.
This is the start of the rest of ’08. Make it happen!
I get sum good words ah wisdom for Hasiak and his faddah. Hasiak go Notre Dame, USC, da odds are he going be just anudda big palooka. Maybe he going be one good palooka, maybe even go pro, an maybe not. Dats up to him and his coaches.
he stay here, do good, an put in da same work ethic he would put in at anudda big school, he going be THE star that we needed for Warrior Nation. Bigger than the rest, could be the best. That is what is in store for Kainoa LaCount. Go Kainoa!! Go Go!!!
and for that he would have all our gratitude, an da name Hasiak would become a Hawaii household name. “an yu can take dat to da bank.”
das why i tinkin Te’o going wit da odda Te’o. Family. BYU get guud chance fo buss da BCS dis year an fo the next few years prolly. so HF wen (whats new) screw up da scrap wit BYU I say whedda or not BYU gets Teo, we go beef BYU. supah fun!
Go Warriors!
aloha boyz and gurlz,
aloha friday………….no work til monday…..always loved that song!
have a good day one and all, me and mrs. b are on a red eye flight to sacramento to catch ‘the beast’ and his team mates against Sac State. he has a good chance at starting, we’ll see, main thing is that he is healthy and gets to play.
the BIG NEWS, and d1 will agree, is that tonight at Aloha Stadium will be a great football game between Kamehameha and St Louis.
have a GREAT WEEKEND guys, see you next week!
esme out…………..whoooooooooooooooosh
Tsaikos near and far:
don’t forget to dial up tvfromhawaii.com to catch, for free, all the games televised by KHNL
someone mentioned that there is a schedule for future games.
morning gang!
happy aloha friday
what? i thought the big game was tonight on OC16 huh Kazz?
or was that tomorrow night
speaking of “bumbuchas”:
whatever happened to the 6’8″ 300 + OL high school player last year from State of New York who wanted to play for Hawaii?
also, what happened to the lineman or line backer from Minnesota who was a “self-subcribed” Warrior fan who wanted to play for Hawaii?
OK, you eagled-eyed Warrior fans, near and far, keep looking for the “gem-in-the-rough” and let Coach Mack know about this player.
same can be said for ALL UH sports!!!
bulla safe journey to you and da mrs. give a tsai-ko shout out to da beast…..imua wildcats
bhf2 yu’s still on oahu or back in hi-lo as some one once said ….just wonderful mr.francis wonderful
cawhan calling a sat ccall?
morning shout out to hawnbod, d1, kekoa, myki, lizk and long guy.
CB5 on L&L
FINALLY, the Wahine get their bracelets that Pomai worked so hard for.
May take A-House family just to see the presentation – besides, Wahine play good VB!!!
AM1500 link:
morning to mr/mrs Ahouse
Mrs A-House:
da truck wen deliva the goods?
eh, koakane, u mus be busy with chasing all the kids, calling dem to your office, etc.
have a guud dei!!
now it’s MR A-House’s turn to post today. I guess tomorrow is Midori??
Hiya Tsaikos!
10-4 and ditto to dat!
Maybe you can brighten my day, call out BYU for our empty spots, here and dare, from now to . eternity.
day bring out da best in us, and we in them. plus, hog cheeze is no fun fo anyone! yu gotta scrap up an up, das da only way fo good fun fun!
btw Maverick, who are you? you sound like one ah da guyz who stayed back. anyway, glad you’re aroun
😀 😀 yu got my vote… go yell at Coach Mack “no mo [irish][chinee] wishy washy. . ” 😆 eeda way makes no diff. da wishy washee get same resultz.
Go Warriors!!!!
gotta go work. have a nice day.
esme and woooooossshhhhhhhh 2!
I wuz jus goin out da door an took one last peek
an i saw
A House,
howzit howzit.
type nicely. 😀
esme woooooossssshhhhhhh!
Does that mean that I get to all the away games?
I say a Tsai-ko field trip to the 10/10 volleyball game is in order. I’m definitely going to try and save that date if possible.
Good morning Tsaikos and Tsaikettes…
KK – Check your e-mail…I just sent something…
Stretch – WOT? Working today?? No golf??? Also, I thought Midori doesn’t blog on weekends??? Maybe it will be Midori Monday next week……
CC – Check your e-mail too…..
Hoohiki…what year did your brother graduate? We have graduates from Damien spanning all the decades on this blog….
wafan … don’t forget Gorg…he is also a DMHS grad c/o 84 I believe.
bulla – safe travels and Godspeed to you and da Mrs. on your journey…tell Ryan his aunties and uncles said hello….and kick arse…
Good news about the bracelets finally being given to the Wahine Softball Team….good job Pomai and all the others who contributed and made it happen…Thanks.
Okay..BBL, have to take care of business.
ST on 1420 now talking about the recruiting frenzy over Manti. ST getting BC to settle down and take a more critical look at the hype. Very cool ST 😎
OGRE….ROTFLMAO….EVERYONE SHOULD CHECK OUT #297 (and for you 70s people…and I’m not one of them….just think Player)….MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
And for those of you non 70s people (like me)…here is the video of what Ogre is talking about…..
Bulla – Have a safe and fun trip! Send the Beast our best wishes for a GREAT game!
WOW the A-House family are now a posting machine! Nice to see Mrs. A-House since she lurks more than she posts.
Jason – Are you being a little sensitive regarding those Menehune? LOL! A certain email says that you are.
IMUA Kamehameha Warriors!!! Beat those Crusaders!!!
Have a great day and check in later.
Esme and out.
Mark your Tsaiko Activity Calender boys & girls. Friday, Oct. 10, 2008 at 7 PM SSC. Time to honor the girls with their bracelets before they all become grandmothers.
Kekoa – What did ST say about the Manti Teo situation? I missed most of the interview! GRRRRRRR!!
BC can be so condescending! My fave morning sports broadcaster is Rob DeMello.
Rob25: The REAL Imua belongs to Moanalua. (Cause they tried a Hawaiian version of our Alma Mater last graduation, and “All hail!” was translated “Imua!” That turned out BAD …)
I’m out of here, laters.
Good morning Tsai-kos!
Eh Kekoa – get any cake left or you & Jason wen stuff your face and no leave any for anybody else?
Busy day today. bbl. Esme & out.
Mrs A-House is my write-in candidate for Mayor!
Then we install Mr. A-House as the Attorney General with BH2 as the District Attorney.
Slowdoski would be on da run for shua den!
It’s nice that they tried to incorporate the Hawaiian element. Move over son, Imua definitely belongs to the Warriors…”Imua Kamehameha” is our fight song. Leave that to the Warriors and not the Menehune! Just kidding! See ya later.
Oh and good luck to your Math Team students!
Jason ~ Get a grip boy san!…There’s only one “Imua Kamehameha” original rendition of THE famous football fight song. We sing it loud and proud…right Rob25, Bulla, Pride, DPK, and Homeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrorerrorerror…(we are experiencing technical difficulties, Please Standby).
Shannon just called me that COHA has withdrawal its objections to the Cooke Field – there is one other objection filled by Service Tech. which will be heard next week. Of course its objection is not as “weighty” as COHA.
Good job Shannon in tracking the case.
BHF2 – you can burn the banner!
Great shout out to Bighilofan2, Tom Mui, and Wassup Doc for their diligent efforts in the Cooke Field turf installation.
Wouldn’t it be great to have an iron structure over Cook Field? Wonder what the cost factor is?
Mr. A-House…you mean like turning Cooke Field into sort of an indoor practice facility??? Interesting….Practices could than really be closed when necessary.
To All Athletic Directors of the “Mid-Major” Conferences:
Any interest in creating your own “BCS” style play-off using some of their guidelines, creating your own, etc?
Will sponsors of the other bowl games be interested and raise the stakes to $5 – 7,000,000 per team for the 6 “major” bowl games ( use existing bowl games and designate them the major games ).
Leave the option of inviting non-mid-major teams to a bowl game open as there are some good teams out there.
This would keep certain conferences of sending up to 7 teams to a bowl game and allow “spreading the wealth” to other conferences.
Geez, what will the AD of Michigan say about this concept which may severly challenge the BCS?
Wat! COHA has the withdrawls?! We win!…Yippee! Build it and they will come! auuuryte! Way da go BHF2 – Tom – Doc! Great effort.
Mahalo to WassupDoc and Tom Mui for the great news about the objection being withdrawn! I hope that the 4th highest bidder withdraws their objection also and the work begins as soon as possible!
Oh, sowee Rob25, I porgit answer your question about ST on the Manti issue. He simply stepped right in and talked BC down from the 3rd floor ledge of the Manti Hype building. When BC hinted that Manti may be the best linebacker in the country, ST very calmly said, ahhh…seen better over the years.
I believe Mr. A-house said it best yesterday, and ST kinda leaned on that thought and caused BC to back down from the lofty hype he was sitting on. It’s all about the kid choosing from the best football factories in the country. BYU plays a big part because of the LDS factor. He’s a smart kid, he’ll figure it all out.
Good morning everyone.
I’ve got some free time today and can compile the 2009 LAS survey results so far. I know it’s early but we have over 25 responses so far, representing over 80 people.
The UH-UNLV game is September 19, 2009 in Las Vegas. duffer & Al are coordinating with their Boyd Gaming friends possible travel packages that include AIR and/or ROOM-meals and/or GAME PACKAGE (ticket, hotel tailgate party, and stadium transfers). They will be gathering preliminary info and NUMBERS of interested travelers.
Once the number estimates are turned in (probably Dec-Jan), we will await availability and pricing info. There are other options via (Rich2176 & las vegas) for those not utilizing the package offerings and initial numbers for them will also be gathered.
Since the collection of potential traveler numbers will continue for several months, an on-line survey which will be available 24/7 has been posted…
Click Here to take the survey
Note this survey is for preliminary number estimates and is NOT a commitment or reservation.
bon voyage bulla and bomber!
good luck to the beast.
Good Morning and Happy Aloha Friday to everyone. I hope everyone has a great weekend. I myself will have a great one. Heading to Odessa,WA for their annual Deutschesfest. Basically it’s this town’s octoberfest. I’m glad the Warriors have a bye week, cause it would be impossible to get the game in that town. Beers and Brats for me all weekend. WooHoo!
looks like the tsai guy is taking a break today along with the team.
Happy for the Teo family; sad for the Malepeai family.
Here is the website for the event I am attending this weekend.
New post is up.
Hey dj…did you read about that Junior at DMHS, Furtado? Go to the DMHS website and check it out. The young man is following in the footsteps of Pilares and Bailey. Have fun at deutschesfest….mmmmmmm, beer and brats….
Let the Manti kid leave already, if he wants to, he’s not gong to make or brake our team. We have excellent recruits sofar and should Manti go on a two year church mission, who knows what’s going on in two years from now.
If he goes to USC, he’s sitting on the bench for two years, so maybe four years before he plays? Good luck, son.
All this hype over who’s best at what is just that, hype. Can anybody truly tell me the real difference between the socalled Nr.1 Highschool player and Nr.100 ? I can’t, we’re talking about Highschool players here, where the competition among various leagues very often have huge discrepancies.
A good player in a mediocre league looks like a superstar, while a great player in a great league could look ordinary.
In most Highschool leagues and that holds true for Hawaii, Florida, California or anywhere else in the country, there are 2-3 dominant teams. Their players will always get the limelight, while a super talent on a losing team get’s overlooked.
Does anybody really believe that Manti would get the same hype if he’d played for Honokaa? He would still be considered a great player, but the hype would be very much muted.
Let’s step back from the Manti cool aid, I like what ST had to say about the situation and welcome the ones we get. If we get him, great, if not, life goes on.
Go, real Warriors!!
djmitcho In the spirit of my favorite time of the year when I lived in Germany, here is a website to help you prepare to enjoy not only this annual beer drinking event, but others around the world.
Koakane will be drooling on his keyboard in anticipation of just a sip of the greatest beers in the world!
Enjoy yourself my friend, I’ll be popping a few Primo beers in celebration at the same time.
So djmitcho sez Eh!..wha hoppen to da website?…oh try wait…dare him!
I take a Malepeai, who wants to be here, over a Teo who doesn’t anytime.
A huge shout out to our super legal eagles, who spearheaded the fight for Ching field renovations. Outstanding effort in keeping this mess in the public conscience. Now why is the fourth highest bidder still hanging around? Get lost, you little Zit.
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