Hitting pay dirt
Head coach Norm Chow made the suggestion, acting athletic director Rockne Freitas went to quick work, and chancellor Tom Apple apparently gave his blessing, according to school officials. The result is UH student-athletes are expected to receive fatter scholarship checks each month; one estimate is it will increase by about $140 a month.
Part of the calculating the size of a scholarship stipend is the cost of housing. UH apparently had been using a lower average figure. The adjusted figure — all based on dorm costs and within NCAA guidelines — will lead to an increase in the scholarship amount.
* * * * *
The WB has learned the Warriors will be adding these linemen to the roster:
• Toli Ilaoa — He’s the younger brother of former Warrior Nate Ilaoa. He played at Kalaheo before going on a mission. He is 6-3 and 285 pounds.
• Brenden Urban — Credit UH center Ben Clarke in helping to land a former Chatfield High teammate.
• John Nihi Jr. — At 6-2 and 285 pounds, Nihi played the o-line for … pause, pause … the Rough Riders.
* Dale Haretuku — He recently completed a stint in the military.
All four will be competing in training camp.
All wil be walk-ons.
The UH active roster is now at 99 players. It will cap at 102.
* * * * *
She was dazzling as a UH baton twirler and dazzling as a Miss Hawaii runner-up. Today is Shannon Dresser’s birthday. We wish her a great day.
Wow, SteveM is first!
These are some big kids!
Welcome, new Warriors!
And a happy birthday to Shannon!
Welcome to the Warriors, Toli, Brenden, John. Welcome!
Go Warriors!!!!
Happy Birthday, Shannon!
brenden urban…was he at adams state?
Mr. Dunnachie,
Al gave you really really really good advice in yesterday’s post, last entry. I’m pulling for you. No doubt Mr. Cunney will do his best at the district court and in ADLRO proceedings.
But in dealing with Coach Chow, its all you. Go talk to the man. be humble. he’s been teaching young men for almost 4 decades. i know it will be painful. but HPD shot you.
you need time to heal. take Al’s advice. ask coach for a year off. I personally would like to see you finish your career in college football at Hawaii. your timing in getting a DUI charge could not have been worse.
back in 2004 toli ilaoa was either a te/wr for kalaheo.
nihi was listed at 6’3″/345 lbs as hs senior at um, um roosevelt.
Hey all,
I’m sure most of you have seen this but I thought L&L did a really good interview with Thom Kaumeyer a few days ago…
Colt Brennan,
you are human. I still admire you and what you did for our State. I’m also thinking about Whitney Houston. She was a role model too. The point is, you’ve got to do good everyday, everyday, for the rest of your life. Being the great guy that you are, you can have another life in football too. Go try to hookup with the Lee brothers, or Rich. Go teach. Go back to school, get a advanced degree.
Go be a role model for yourself at AA or NA meetings. Make yourself proud. Like Slugger said yesterday, prayer, not player. change your fall back.
you can do it Colt! Good luck.
bhf2…are they still making that wonderful oxtail stew at ken’s house of pancakes (oxtail)?
wny…we in good hands with a staff like chow has assembled. kaumeyer to me is the heir apparent.
yah, yah, i know this is chow’s first year. just looking down the road.
oh and the tripe stew is also one winnah.
howzit. da oxtail soup is yummy yum yum. but my favorite is my friend Cheung’s new Chinese restaurant on Hualalai. The pork blood and adobo on da noodles is my favorite.
sleeping at da 10pm news. what was the vibe like at Pearl City El please. pretty please. 😀
where is dat?
what the name la dat?
wait, the diet
nah, can get one cheat meal day. can, can.
i still think that the tip top cafe in lihue has the best oxtail soup.
get one hugest extra large bowl with long rice.
I think you’re right. I can’t quite put my finger on it but Coach Kaumeyer has that “it” factor….
You guys with your local food talk are making me hungry again… :-/
how is the investigation coming along?
gonna get any report soon?
share da points on how fo get
kala outta da State.
been doing it all wong. my procurement requests
fo kala shud go to UHM and not DAGS. lessee, need 4
copies of the purchase order fo kala requests,
one for UHAD, one fo fiscal, one fo legal,
one fo uppa fyles. 😆
just kidding. just kidding.
you come outta da airport, cross over and drive up to Kilauea and go right, through 1, 2, 3 lites, at Longs take a left, go up Hualalai 300 yards on the right, right below Kadota Drive In. close by the bowling alley. below St Joe School. 😀
get days fo go Tsunami Sushi downtown on Keawe. The Shirashi Bowl is da winna!
Kaumeyer was awesome on the L&L show. made me feel he was gonna play everybody, give everybody a chance to help out.
Welcome to new lineman Ilaoa, Urban, and Nihi! Happy Birthday Shannon Dresser!
36 more wake ups…Go Warriors!
Nihi Jr. was listed as 6’3″ 345 lbs at Roosevelt. now he’s listed 6’2″ 285. fighting weight for Akoakoa Kennedy. 😀
It looks like my effort to get a NYC Tsaiko chapter get together has failed for an event tomorrow…
I’ll still be at Carmine’s in the Theater District tomorrow with some friends and family but if any lurkers out there want to come hang out and talk Hawaii football, shoot me an email…. WarriorNY@gmail(dot)com…
I’ll be there around 5:30-6:00…
you get Wasabi paste wea you stay? shoyu? poor ting you. 😀
Good morning, gangees!
Free wifi @ Mugg & Bean in the Joburg O. Tambo airport. On to Cape Town. Did you know that protea are from So. Africa? I saw the biggest, fluffiest mynah birds this morning & ate the bestest croissants for breakfast.
Happy birthday, Shannon Dresser!
Welcome to da linemen! Looking forward to the OLine with beeg guys.
howzit Warrior NY. wish you luck on your NYCC. i’ll be thinking of you tomorrow noon HST.
i figa you’ll be biting into sumtin about dat time. 😀
Thank you. I’ll def have some good food for sure!
Stephen, are these 3 guys, along with Donovan and Stephenson all guys that will be added when school starts or are they Aug 1st walkons? Much appreciated
I don’t know is twirler as the one in 2007? Every year I see the twirler, I swear it’s the same gal and has been in school longer than Leonard Peters, Inoke, or Timmy
Happy Birthday Shannon Dressler!
Had to run off after the first post today. Kinda out of sync and scrambling …got a surprise visitor from Vancouver a few hours earlier. Yup, Dory in a super surprise. Maybe a small last minute Cattle Call in a few days. Maybe. 🙂
I can’t wait to get more updates on the former UH players reporting to NFL training camps…
Watch-out for “pork-blood” u goin get, “swine-flu” ladat.
forgot to add….”oink-oink.”
happy aloha friday to all the Tsaikos, TGIF
Welcome to the new Warriors, IMUA
So I was thinking about all the recent DUIs and I came up with an idea. The Air Force has a program called Airmen Against Drunk Driving. It is a volunteer program where people can call if their original safe ride home plan fails. Volunteers are on cell phone stand by and pick up people within a designated area and take them home.
With all the students in the athletic department, it would be very possible for them to create a program like this. There are many athletes who do not drink or are under age that should not be drinking anyway. With sports being year round, student athletes can volunteer in the off season.
I’m sure there are many may say that this encourages drinking, but in my experience, it encourages responsibility. Also, gives no excuses.
@ 41 If I’m not mistaken… It was reported the football team had designated team leaders who could be called on at any hour to pick up an impaired/intoxicated/drunk teammate.
So football had a program to help in place. But, players didn’t use it.
maybe the problem is it’s stricktly a football thing, players may not want to tell their Captains they were out drunk.
I don’t know why some athletes drink alcohol. There is some much evidence and also many studies out their that show that alcohol affects your performance even after you have sobered up.
I’m sorry guys but I don’t consider athletes who consumer alcohol true athletes.
Well, in my younger days, I never thought I was ‘really drunk’ & felt I could drive anytime, anywhere. I’m lucky I was never stopped at roadblocks or by patrol.
And then the kids started coming, all 4 of them, & my maturity level suddenly shot up steadily. So maybe these young guys, like Dunnachie, et. al., they just don’t think they’re drunk, they’ve got the world by the gonads. I bet they’ll all begin to think twice now before getting into the driver’s side after a night out.
Hahaha, BFH2! Yeah, we got wasabi paste, shoyu, e’rrything! In fact, this area is almost like a Korea Town with bunches of Japanese and Chinese stores and restaurants scattered in between! Yup, in Jawjah, of all places!
Before I forget…
Here’s Mike Delrio’s summary of Bryant Moniz’s (and the Georgia Force’s) playoff game tomorrow:
And mahalo once again for getting all the votes out to get Bryant Moniz as the AFL’s MVP of Week 20! Should be a good game tomorrow, as Jacksonville’s QB is a good one too! Hope the defense shows up!
One of the three linemen the mystery player?
Howzit Everybody,
Welcome to the new linemen.
Special congrats go out to the Nihi family. Congrats to Keoni and Sandy on your boy getting on the team. Known this kid since he was born. Always thought he would become a solid football player. Go get um Jr. Smash some heads.
Great Morning All!
Welcome aboard to the 3 Large Amigos!
Happy Birthday Shannon Dresser! Flip a baton in celebration…
I have great faith in Ms. Dresser.
Mostly because she would twirl during men’s volleyball matches. Never dropped a baton on my head.
And a Happy Birthday to Ms Dresser.
Welcome to our new recruits!
For sure, Thom Kaumeyer’s mindset requires being on your top game everyday, because you’re competing everyday. you are pushing yourself everyday.
Go Warriors!
Colt Brennan.
I consider myself a most excellent tour guide of the Big Island. not only the places you heard about and been, but to the out of the way spots, the nice spots. plus some nice peeps too if you’re interested.
my office is directly across the street from the downtown Kress movie theater.
in other words, you got a lot of well wishers in Hawaii. I’m one. ST can tell you how to get ahold of me.
today is the first day of the rest of your life. Good luck Colt.
Good Morning Gangeez!
Happy Birthday to the whirly, twirly wonder girl, Shannon Dresser – she gave a LOT to our community and to UH Athletics, much mahalo to her.
Welcome to all the big fellers! Glad to see the Warriors adding beef to the front line. Best of luck to all.
howzit howzit. talked to your sis last week. best i stay out of her shindig.
you going to any away games this year?
They called Jesus a winebibber and a glutton.
In other words, a young thirsty hungry young man like a lot of us in our day.
Max Magee of the Green Bay Packers played with a hangover in a super bowl game
and helped the team to victory. Pretty good athlete.
Happy Baton Twiling Birthday to Ms Dresser. Didja ever try dipping both ends in fire?
Colt is like family. When the chips are down for family members, no matter what the circumstances, we stand with them.
Each day is a new page, Colt. May Akua be with you as you write a new chapter to your life. We are rooting and praying for you.
Howzeet Beeg Braddah!
I’ll be lookin’ to make some games at Aloha, hope to see you there.
Happy birthday Ms. Dresser.
Welcome “home” Dory.
#59, DPK~ nice.
ok. i’ll be there too. need the fix. 😆
happy Friday gang! wooosssssshhhhhhhhhh
A little WAC news here.
According the WAC interim commish, the conference will unlikely be able to sponser football in the 2013 seeason. He also says that Idaho and New Mexico State will likely end up as independents. Idaho coach Rob Akey has stated that it will not be able to sustain independence for long if alignment and future additions are not met. The league needs eight football-playing members.
Congrats to the 4 new walk-ons. Good luck during training camp.
Too bad there was so little publicity and low turnout at the coaches’ meeting last night in Pearl City. But I liked what Coach Chow said on TV news.
Morning. 😉
It would be nice for somebody to start a “Colt Brennan Mahalo Fund” to help him out. If 5,000 contribute $10, that $50,000.
Well, it was supposed to be a meeting put on by the AD, and, well . . .
ST: If I’d been there, I would have asked Chow what he thought of Dunnachie’s request to not be suspended for a year. But, he probably would have said NO COMMENT.
Happy Birthday Shannon Dresser. Spin, toss, twirl.
So I am guessing that the 2 spots left on the roster maybe a quarterback and a punter?
#59 DPK – you said it all – and well, too!
DPK… #59… perfect!
We met and spoke with Shannon several times during her career at UH – outgoing, cheerful, gracious!
Happy Birthday, Shannon!!!
#67 I don’t think Colt is in need of dollars. Right now, he needs to dig deep and do some painful soul searching with regard to his life’s path and where his future can take him. We cannot do that, it is his alone to do. I will say we, those who have chosen to support him in this period are going to be hoping that he finds his way. Yet, Colt has to understand that there are only a few “second chances” in life and the next chapter has to be one where he understands that he’s used his last “second chance” with many.
Good morning Tsaikos!!!
Happy Birthday Shannon!!!
Welcome to the new walk ons…..always great to hear that kind of news. Work hard and persevere.
What happened to Casey Purdy? Thomas Olds? Were they that junk that they were not invited back? And how good are these new offensive linemen? Seems to me the coaching staff is panicking and bringing in warm bodies to fill-out a 3-deep O-line.
Buffoman: Good point, he needs to get himself on the right path. I just was trying to think of a way to show that many of us support him.
June Jones’ SMU players behaving badly and getting stung by it. LOL!
If able, offer an extended hand of reach for support to Colt.
Now is the time to do it before it becomes to late.
His wires are just a bit crossed and tangled right now, not able to go in the direction he wanted, so a helping hand and ear is the best friend anyone can have.
He is family
ST is there a way we can send some words of support to Colt? I think now would be the perfect time for Hawaii fans to pay Colt back with some Aloha & Encouragement for what he and the rest of the Squad accomplished in 07″ but more importantly to remind him of why Hawaii is special to him and why he is special to us…
So Brennan had a TV reporting position created for him but due to his dumb mistake, the position will no longer be available. That’s unfortunate.
Post #79,
The incident reminds me of that movie “Risky Business”.
Purdy graduated.
Olds is no longer on the team.
Is theft the stolen property or for not paying for the escort service?
The TV job was just a stringer arrangement. He does a story, he gets paid for it. He actually interviewed for a job with a medical tech company.
#85….BWAHAHAHAHAHA…Good question…. 🙂
In todays, Dallas Morning News, an article bout,(Penn State) kicker, Anthony Fera a red-shirt junior, has contacted Texas about a possible transfer; has handled kicking and punting duties at Penn State and was a candidate for the Lou Groza and Ray Guy awards. Fera made 14 of 17 attempts last season and didn’t miss inside the(40).
Penn State HC, O’brien frowns on other universities raiding Penn State for players…unless the player doesn’t want to stay and initiates contact with other universities first.
Might be something UH and coaches keep in mind if they want to stay in good graces with their counter parts at Penn State?
I read that article; thanks for sharing. Sorry, I thought it was hilarious that a college football player hires a prostitute, refuses to pay her a measly $50, leaves her at his house, and is surprised to find property missing when he returns. hahaha. How trusting he was. But what did he expect? Lol.
Hahaha. Sorry, but I thought it was a funny article for a “couple” of reasons.
First, isn’t SMU a “church” school?
Second, I just have to repeat what Gigi said… did you “hire” her; do your thing; refuse to pay for services rendered; leave her home all alone, with all those goodies sitting around… and expect everything to turn out okay?
Folks will believe anything when “in love”. She probably told him, “Don’t worry, I’ll be here waiting. I’ll just clean everything, bake some pies, and patch the roof while you ‘re out”.
And then they had to report the “theft” to the police. Ummm… you hired a prostitute! Hello?
If memory serves me right, didn’t SMU recently deny entry to a kid, even though he met all prerequisites? And they KEPT this one?
Super Aloha Friday!
Good breakfast and thinking of what to have for lunch.
When is the next cc?
Welcome to the new Warriors!
Happy twirly birthday to Shannon!
Getting close.
So… how to approach the Penn State issue?
On the one hand, the players DID get approval from the NCAA to leave with no penalties. Even with the punishment handed down, those with scholarships won’t be affected, and can continue through school. (At least that’s what I think I read).
On the other hand, if no messages reach these kids, how might they find out about outside interest?
I can understand the whole solidarity bit. But a bench warmer there can play elsewhere, and actually enjoy their college year(s) if they move on.
Let’s schedule them first, and then poach them! Oh nah, no look too good like that, yeah?
Missed the program last night at PC elementary. Fun with family instead.
Hope all went well.
What da numbah now?
close to what wafan?
Who going be da lucky winnah? I need some new lottery numbahs!
Mahalo to Wes’side Warrior, al, WarriorNY and others who post links for the rest of us!
WNY . . .
Hope someone shows up! They do not know what fun they are going to miss.
Oh, Al wen hit ’em! You da winnah, Al!
al . . .
Lunch, of course!
Oh wait… I spocked one musubi ova dea.
Oh, no mattah… Al would still be da winnah.
Right on, protector! Just like we craving news from back home. When things happening in our area, we try fo’ help out too. Same same.
Okay, different view on scheduling PSU.
Schedule them to play here next year. Identify the players we would like. During their walk through do the put their name and picture up in a Warrior uniform and stats.
Put the idea in their heads. Do it just right and they might be available for a quick visit to Manoa.
Okay, sneaky and unethical.
Dang, thinking like someone from the Big Island.
Wafan ~
The comment you just made about that big island fan might just trigger a law suit. Be veddy careful!
Standby, I call you in a minute.
with all the negative news/happenings all I can say is “Hello everybody hello, Hallo is the shampoo that glories my hair” –
wait, wait, what hair? U bollohead man!!!
Happy Birthday, AMAZING SHANNON!!!
Happy Birthday Baton Girl!
Howzit Tsaikos!
Happy Aloha Friday!
Happy Birthday Ms. Dresser. Miss seeing you at the vb games.
Welcome to the new Warriors.
Kekoa – just to get you going on this lovely day – BP!
Congrats to the Hawaii team on winning the Girl’s Jr America’s Cup!!
#65 – The talk by Coach Chow at Pearlridge Elementary was sponsored by Mark Takai and the other legislators from the Aiea-Pearl City area. They send mailers to the residents in the Aiea-Pearl City area. I think Mark is the one who hustles UH coach and AD to come speak. I went to one several years ago when Coach Mack was hired at Waimalu Elementary. I think they have one every year or so (usually discuss traffic and road repairs) and other stuff…
Great afternoon.
Nice article on Colt, ST… Classy.
I always thot the baton twirler was pretty.
she been in school for wat seems a long time.
Ahhhhh can u smell it????? Football is in three air……
I was at Safeway today, and one of the managers comes up and says: Who’s the mystery player?
you kwaka! i giong suit you. 👿
i used to say the same ting when i saw shannon on da field.. but she was too far away….
don’t tink ill of me. i got a head injury. see?
ok back to being kinda responsible and semi hilarious.
who is da mystery player?
yah, i was in maui and was asked about the mystery player, too.
eh, who was that masked man?
ok… ifn you guys don’t squeal on who is da mystery player, i’m gonna hafta pull in da chips, and blab da name on da blab pretty likkity split.
who is it? c’mon, tell gramps.
@119 Liz, Absolutely! A very classy write up on Colton!
Colt don’t need an “ear” or a “friend” he needs a sponsor, a foot up his ass and rehab. He’s been charged due to drugs and alcohol with exposing himself to an innocent girl sleeping in her dorm, and no he wasn’t driving but was part of a car wreck that just about killed a local mother and community member and learned so much from that trajedy he’s still driving around drunk with dope in his car. No more poor Colt or “we’re pulling for you local hero!”. Screw that, that’s why he came back to Hawaii so he was coddled and could keep getting away with this nonsense. No if we really love Colt we need to tell him to pull his head out of his ass and hit treatment before he kills one of our kids in the street soon.
He has effected enough innocent people in his life with his drugging and drinking. Time to grow up son, football is over. If the ass kissers on this board don’t love ya enough to save your life, I do. Get in treatment or prison and death or both are next. And if you aren’t man enough to do it, then get on a plane and get the hell out of here before you hurt another innocent person. Take it from someone who’s been there himself. It’s go time pal.
PS Your lawyer is your biggest enabler. Get rid of his ass and his lame excuses and pay someone who wants whats best for you, which is professional help and the truth. You got a problem, hell alot of us do, but it’s time to man up and admit it. You have too much to give to the world and you have support. You can do this!
Duffer just dropped a #pipebomb!
Duffer speaks his mind.
Duffer don’t give a **** about what anyone else thinks.
…and that I like.
Note to self: Tip toe past Duffer today…he is po’d. I think I’ll go sit in this far corner of the ceded lands for the rest of today. Good Luck CB, you are on your on bubba!
Colt, good luck to you. Regardless of wht you say or do; they will find a way to undermined you. Don’t look back, look forward.
jm237555 ~ I saw your teaser note on BP. I’m trying not think about it.
I choose to concentrate on today being the 60th Anniversary of Leonard’s Bakery.
➡ Visions of all different flavors of Malasada (custard, haupia) dancing in my head!
➡ Flashbacks of *Lucky Luck* breaking open a big portion of Sweet Bread on his TV show…right in front of the camera! You could almost smell it!
➡ Standing in line at the store on Kapahulu waiting for them to open so as to buy it hot out of the oven or fryer.
Sure wish we had edit here
He must be really moved…
…never seen him post with a capital “D” before.
Duffer got to cut back on whatever he’s taking… phew… not good.
If that ain’t hard love, I don’t know what is.
Sorry guys false duffer. That’s not me
Actually I agree on most parts with Duffer’s post.
No can recall a post by the bonafide duffer being longer than 3 lines!
No need, can unnastan…
#130 the false duffer
Alas, the milk of human kindness seems to be sour.
CB had sacrificed much for Hawaii – can’t these lolo show some gratitude?
I will be sending you an email that may be of interest to you.
Its interesting reading material.
Will prepare it later tonight after tying up loose ends and getting all the info needed.
scratch that. the email and its contents WILL be of interest to you considering your work in supporting wahine athletics.
Many of us have had; family or friends that have strayed. The proof is; what did they do after the fall.
ST posted a video a few months ago that this vid borrowed from but added some good quotes to… I enjoyed it…
Good job Duffer you said your piece with love and concern. I hear the message that you are trying to get across. CB needs help for sure and yes he can be a positive influence on others when he puts himself on the right path. And you are right because that is exactly where it starts…you have to pull yourself out from your rear end and take a hard look at yourself and tell yourself that you are full of it and need to change. It is something a lot of people out there need to do too and not be in denial of the baggage that is being lugged around daily and boy some people carry around some freaking huge baggage.
duffer…what you was mad?
Re# 130 Duffer>
Big D – Your right, and you opening using the two words of “ear” and “Friend” in quotes, you must of been referring to my earlier post in morning.
What was I thinking?
I sounded like some liberal judge that will let some repeat offender slide, just because of past, good behavior.
Well, I’m not a liberal, prog, or any type of lefty when it comes to discipline and order.
Thanks to setting me straight and bringing me back to planet realistic and the town of real’ville.
Colt needs to grow up, be an adult and take on self responsibility.
regarding ST’s article on Colt, I don’t subscribe to this cr*tastic paper that has complete bias to the left side, so won’t get the chance to read it.
Been watching Colt since his debut at UH, Loved him and his tenacity and decision making to make the right turn in life for success.
He has recently chosen to put drugs and booze before god.
God granted him the talent to succeed, not anyone else.
Now look where he is.
note to self.
yudda said EXACTLY what Duffer said to CB.
but you wudda waited until da face to face.
we love you man. I love you man!
i got family in Saguaro Community Center in Eloy Az
because I couldn’t get to brudda in da nick of time.
Duffer’s trying to get through to you. hats off to duffer.
meanwhile, the offer for the personal guided tour of the big island
from someone who wants to be your friend stands. from someone
who appreciates what you’ve done for Hawaii.
now, do something great for yourself. do great with the rest of your life.
one day at a time.
ok. back to da good times.
i saw England’s Frank De Lima. Hilarious.
Colt needs Mike.
Colt also needs us. and he to look himself in the mirror everyday, and say
That’s a load of nonsense. Liberal judges will let some repeat offender slide????? what????
You condemn Colt for choosing drugs and booze before God??? That’s a ridiculous statement and a complete cop out… I guess anyone who ever has any vices or ever sins “chooses” sin “before god.” They should be condemned forever…
I can’t stand right-wingers that hijack the word of God to serve their own agenda…
*Obama 2012
The Olympics is way better than the debate last night. 😀
and talking about the good times is way better than picking on a guy who stubbed his toe.
we made our point. no need to make hebegebee.
I love you Colt. but Duffer’s right about lookin at yourself and reflecting.
but meanwhile, while the case is going forward, some really important pointers:
1.no talking to no one about any facts of the case. no admissions. no nothing.
let Mike handle. the phrase “loose lips sink ships” is a truism.
2.get involved in good stuffs, reminders of whats good about today, everyday.
3.you’re human. you going fail again. try not to make a big buubuu.
peace. good luck.
I don’t drink and I never have done drugs.
Am I one of God’s chosen?
Am I one of the Saints? Am I one that never needed to be redeemed?
Up to this point in life, I always felt that I needed God’s grace to get through the day – and days.
Maybe some people just have their halo on too tight!
Well said…
Hope you, your family and friends enjoy Carmine’s tomorrow night. I’ll be wishing I could be there for the wonderful food and fellowship. Eat some fried calamari for me!
Tom Mui,
anybody know the answer?
if a player has played semi pro football, never played college ball,
is he eligible to play D1? how about if he never played semi pro,
but was listed as being on the team?
great Olympics show.
i swelling wit pride for my English/Irish sides.
and i swelled wit pride for my chinee side too. 😀
in fakk, i swellin all over. 😆
diabetes. 😆
a speeding ticket fine of over $100,000? in Finland?
yikes. yikes. yikes. lucky we live Hawaii. 😆
Warrior Dave,
Thank you, I appreciate that very much. Hopefully one day we’ll get some Tsaiko’s out here to enjoy some good food with us…
As Aaliyah once said… If at first you don’t succeed…….
note to Coaches check out this rule.
I wonder if that rule affects any of our newcomers? if it does, at least we know so we keep an eye on the ball and can go full blast at the prize.
Good luck Warriors. Welcome. Welcome to the Nation!
Tommui @ 161: “…Maybe some people just have their halo on too tight!” You have my respect! If I need legal advice I’m coming to ask you!
To me…grace is knowing that you did not get what you deserved! Love covers a multitude of sins…Colt Hawaii loves you like a native son, one of our own. We are praying for you! Be and live Pono!
and just when i thought about flying to Honolulu, drive over to Kaneohe, buy a case and swim out to the sandbar with the case. 😆
stand in line. 😆
On a more positive note: I believe that Art Laurel will push for national honors in 2012. UH linebackers (if they stay healthy) will be the strength of this year’s team. Paipai Falemalu will cause some havoc with opposing teams from his “hybrid” DE/LB position. Getting away from the distractions for a week at Pearl Harbor will be good for this team. No problems with keeping practices closed on base.
BFH2 braddahnda line so long wat no can let sista cut… Auwe 🙂
Dale Haretuku
I saw the haka video. i read about you.
Welcome to Warrior Nation, sir! Go get em. I don’t know exactly how you got here, but i sure am glad you got here.
The leadership you’re gonna provide the other Warriors, I for one am glad you are onboard.
Go Warriors!
Hate it when no can spell check in time braddahnda = braddah
Haretuku looks like a linebacker wit attitude!
i seen da mean haka. buncha Haretuku wit shirt and tie doin da haka. 😀
gotta be da LDS version ahda haka. 😀
i taut yu wuz speakin normal.
Me too!
Hmmm . . . I wonder why they dressed the American olympians as little French private school children. What ridiculous looking outfits. Sorry for the negativity, just think it was pretty lame.
youth is a wonderful thing.
Welcome to all walk-ons.
Go Warriors!!
hubby thinks the drug charge, if any, will be dropped because the drug was found in a RENTAL car. It could have belonged to the previous driver of the car.
The DUI will stand, however.
Great news about the increased scholarship money! Woo-hoo!
in the short term,
Hubby could be right.
hubby could be wrong.
hope CB walks away on both counts.
and hope CB looks gooder. everyday.
Thank you Coach Chow for going to bat for our athletes and their increased scholarship amountsl
Good job, Rockne. Great work. Thank you thank you thank you!
man o man o man.
teamwork at da top! and likity split too.
thats good. real good.
dang. there is good fallout from da Wonder of Wonders. teamwork at da toppest.
then again,
could be JD was keeping the cost overrun down, maybe because somebody above him was asking doze kina questions, and maybe he was playing team ball. or could be he was doing that on his own, to keep the costs down.
thanks to Coach Chow for helping out the players. and Rockne too. and Mr. Apple too.
Go Warriors!
Increased money for the players. Woa, I feel like strapping on the pads but I too old already. I cannot even lift ‘um. How I going strap ‘um on?
Tommui @ 161: “…Maybe some people just have their halo on too tight!” You have my respect! If I need legal advice I’m coming to ask you!
To me…grace is knowing that you did not get what you deserved! Love covers a multitude of sins…Colt Hawaii loves you like a native son, one of our own. We are praying for you! Be and live Pono! http://www.bestcheapfootballcleats.org/
Haretuku looks like a linebacker wit attitude!
i seen da mean haka. buncha Haretuku wit shirt and tie doin da haka.
gotta be da LDS version ahda haka. http://www.cheapfootballbootsshop.com/
Hope you, your family and friends enjoy Carmine’s tomorrow night. I’ll be wishing I could be there for the wonderful food and fellowship. Eat some fried calamari for me! http://www.bestcheapbeatsbydre.org/
As I site possessor I believe the content matter here is rattling great , appreciate it for your efforts. You should keep it up forever! Best of luck.
According to a certain coach, it took Rockne three days to get the motion approved.
Would you say NO to him?
das wat i mean. brudda Rockne is a shaka! 😀
and he’s movin in da same circle as Coach Chow.
good for Hawaii.
okay coach. do your magic wit da team!
boy, I am getting terribly excited.
and camp neva start yet.
Go Warriors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#203 the buggah too big.
BHF2 #167 from what I understand, the fines depends on the person’s income. If I were in Finland, my fine would be about $1.00 whereas the guy that was caught was one of those internet billionaires and while it may sound stiff, was really loose change for the culprit.
bhf2…one day we talk about the diabetes.
Wonder, we could use samoa loose change. 😀
it is amazing what one (chow) can do by not sitting on his okole.
it is amazing what one (chow) can do by presenting his case in a calculating, articulate, and logical proposal.
it is amazing what one (rockne) can do when he has the respect and clout to get the proposals to become reality.
Wonder what Coach got up his sleeve yet? 😀
i don’t think we’ve named da mystery player, unless its ZQ?
i no i no. amazing.
good thing i don’t dance otherwise i might be compelled to open those spams.
#161 tommui…(barring spam extraction) this is why when tommui speaks i drop what i am doing and listen up.
i just learned that chicken skin is not a measure of goosebumps but rather a connoisseurs delight.
blog clock has really decided to create its own standard time zone these days going nearly 25 minutes whacko.
check that…make it 31 minutes.
i guess everyone went moimoi.
too bad, was going talk about the mystery dude.
Where is everyone?
Hi al!
Okay, al and dancing spam.
Show me da munny! 🙂
I like when spam dances merrily in my frying pan.
Well, except for the oil splatter.
everyone rushed to kohnotori to eat some fried chicken skin on a barbeque stick with grilled beef tongue on the side.
d1…what’s the buzz at kalaepohaku?
what with the new coach and all.
Mmmmmmm, tongue.
The only food that can taste you when you taste it.
Maybe they are stuck on H-1 East bound?
It’s all theory up til now. Monday is full pads!
We’ll see how that ” physical superiority cancels all theory” stuff applies….
crusaders are loaded with d1 talent this year.
TriggerMan is crucial
i think the sleeper on this year’s frosh class is going to be mike andrade of konawaena.
he reminds me so much of levi stanley, the best defensive tackle to ever play for the rainbows.
(kifi…if you see him tell em i said so.)
Nice to see coach Chow and Rockne F., on the same page. Good job gentlemen.
Good morning Tsaikos…..have a safe weekend.
Gems form the internet…
[…]very few websites that happen to be detailed below, from our point of view are undoubtedly well worth checking out[…]……
I don’t feel sorry for Colt Brennan. Hawaii is a massive enabler with the all the poor-little-Colt statements. Hawaii Colt lovers are nothing but excuse generators. You know who I feel sorry for? The Colorado coed, the fans he blew off during his brief stint in the NFL (due to his entitlement attitude), Theresa Wang, and the countless others he’s hurt. Loved what he did on the field, hate the embarrassment he’s become. Mahalo.
Great website…
[…]we like to honor many other internet sites on the web, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Under are some webpages worth checking out[…]……
Cool sites…
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Websites worth visiting…
[…]here are some links to sites that we link to because we think they are worth visiting[…]……
Warning ! Have you heard about Google sniping ? there is a buzz about it right now . Basically its an alternative to blogging NOBODYSDEAD.COM check it out and tell me what you think please
Superb website…
[…]always a big fan of linking to bloggers that I love but don’t get a lot of link love from[…]……
Have you heard about Google sniping ? there is a buzz about it right now . Basically its an alternative to blogging NOBODYSDEAD.COM check it out and tell me what you think please
Warning ! Have you heard about Google sniping ? there is a buzz about it right now . Basically its an alternative to blogging NOBODYSDEAD.COM check it out and tell me what you think please
Crazy dancing spam impersonating bloggers and hijacking the WB interspersed with Colt haters. Where’s da broom crew?
Good Morning! 35 more wake ups! Go Warriors!
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
It took me too long to learn a true fact about life. Not all herbivores like all odda herbivores, and not all carnivores like all odda carnivores. even when day look alike. i guess its like to each his own.
now is the start of a new day.
make today a special day for yourselves.
Go Warriors!
Coach Chow
Rockne Freitas
sure am super glad you are leading the Warriors.
kden, gonna look in da freezer for some chicken parts. 😀
Is JD being thrown under the bus with the audit of the athletic dept?
FINALLY….enough OL walk-ons to man the scout team OL.
New guys (Haretuku, Ilaoa, Nihi Jr., Urban)….likely to replace Collins, Daniel, Lim, Purdy….and join Hollowed on the scout team OL
can’t tell. the word is that a “investigation” is underway.
but meanwhile, Rockne Freitas is doing an awesome job, on the same page as Coach Chow, and together they’re making like a dynamic duo.
i like the Haretuku youtube haka video.
gonna get alotta RoughRiders at da TGates this year. 😀
Warning ! Have you heard about Google sniping ? there is a buzz about it right now . Basically its an alternative to blogging NOBODYSDEAD.COM check it out and tell me what you think please
I’m starting to realize that Colt Brennan is a complete nobody outside of Hawaii. His DUI and drug addiction is merely a blip on the mainland sports radar. Message boards making fun of his NFL and CFL embarrassment/failure and arrest, most posters saying “who?”. Trying to defend our ohana and send aloha, but overwhelmed with the negativity. Mahalo.
Check this out…
hello there and thanks on your info ? I’ve definitely picked up something new from proper here. I did then again expertise several technical points the usage of this website, since I experienced to reload the web site lots of instances prior to I may …
Very well written story. It will be useful to anybody who employess it, including myself. Keep doing what you are doing – looking forward to more posts.
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good morning.
Remember that Toli weighed about 215 – 220…..before his LDS mission.
We now have 143 for USC; in much better seats in Sec. 2L (which is closest to Sec. 3) than the UH sections 1, 2 & 33; for only $50; compared to UH ticket price of $75.
Tim Grasso, Trevor Davis’s dad & friends of Tyler Hadden will be sitting with us; come join and help cheer our Warriors!
Meanwhile, Nihi Jr. was listed at 345 lbs last season for Rough Riders…..so must be working out hard to drop 60 pounds.
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beleave it or not this site wont get you any cash i learned it the hard way . You Probably heard of this “Google snipering thing” (not in BLogging) . I know Blogging is not bad if you are a great writer but wont it be better if you make 10x , 20x or maybe 50x more ! i cant give you all info here , if you are interrested join me here NOBODYSDEAD.COM feel free to contact me 😉
Great Morning All!
Darn Italia Archers look like Hit Men!
….and dey killing it in the finals against USA
Colt did us good.
no worries about the rest of the world CB. take care of yourself.
always gonna get da negative waves. make yours positive. next.
Nice comeback by the USA, but no can.
Silva Meddo in Team Archery!
not excuses for Colt.
but you too funny, sniffing up da white lines on da soccer field. 😆
humans screw up. alla us. brudda gotta know lots of peeps tinkin he makin boobooz plenty times…
i’m tinkin your tauts a signal to grow up, act responsible.
Slugger said it best yesterday. kinda like this: more prayer, much less player.
UH athletic audit:
based on “acting” UHAD comment about knowing what’s in store before he begins leads me to conclude that he is in for the long run rather than a “caretaker’s” role until the investigation is complete
as such, IMHO, the State Auditor should also “investigate” UH Administration and all the “departments” that collectively make up UH-Manoa; though semi-autonomus, they still received funding from the Legislature; especially in the area of donations and how they are used by all
the Italians did a great job. the final hit, a 10, was winnaz.
good for the USA though. first time medal, no?
A House.
morning bro. i agree.
time out. watching the cyclists gots my hearta pumping. 😀
I am amazed at the multiple postings regarding Colt B – favorable or unfavorable – before all the “facts” are known.
Judgment day has come and gone for many on his most recent activity – judge and jury – all the same entity
me, I hope that Jim D is cleared of any wrong doing with the failed Stevie Wonder concert and reinstated as the UHAD, that those truly responsible are dealt with, and that Colt is cleared of all charges
have a happy day!
an now we gotta cameleon who turned into a zumba chick. pull up your bbdeez bro.
A false duffer – now that’s a first.
Da spam is really fryin’ this morning!
Loved da Olympics opening ceremony. Like Braddah from Heelo, it makes me proud of my English, Scotch, and Irish roots. Get plenny odda roots too, but last night I was feelin’ OK about da UK! Da only paht I nevah get so much was all da babies doin’ back flips on da hospital bed! And I just gotta say, UK get some good dancers and singers amongst dea Doctors and Nurses! Holeeeee cow! 🙂
A House
again I agree.
Nice Site…
Nice post. I was checking constantly this blog and I’m impressed! Very helpful info specially the closing part 🙂 I deal with such information much. I used to be seeking this particular info for a long time. Thanks and best of luck. …
Interested to see what tactics Dave Shoji will be bringing back from the Olympics.
Rockne Freitas gets things done.
So does Coach Chow.
Fanstastic Article…
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Berg’s dad helped get Shoji the tickets.
Hard to believe that it is his first Olympics. Have fun Dave.
I watching bangmitten……er…….bangnation……..er…..badmation…..darn. I watching ping pong.
July 27th, 2012 at 8:12 pm
and just when i thought about flying to Honolulu, drive over to Kaneohe, buy a case and swim out to the sandbar with the case.
I meet you at Heeia Pier! Wut time you goin be dea?! Only ting, kinda rainy this morning, so we’ll have to wrap da case in rubbish bag foa keep ’em dry on da swim out! 😆
Can see da dot, RedZone… 😆
Oooooo…..now get fight sord.
howzit howzit.
i can see you through the bushes. da guy dancing wit beyonce gotta get a life, hit his nail at da top, get sum inspiring, getta life.
have a nice day Tsaikos. gonna go gym, watch da tv. exercise. 😆
I remba da 1st Salimpics, Robin Hood wen shoot da swarro in da tajet and wen win.
wait wait wait.
saw Phelps. and now Lochte. dang. these guys are great!
I was curious about Google sniping which is appearing in the spam on TWB.
Checked on Google – it is a scam – so BEWARE!
Shucks. Ate breakfast already.
Could have had spam with my bagel sandwich.
That was slick the kids lit the fire(s) last night.
Nice to celebrate your past but always smart to look toward your future!
Watched the women shooting. All kinds of gadjets on the rifle. They take long time to aim and shoot. If they were shooting at the Hawaiian with the slippers, he would already run up and kick ‘um in the nuts.
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When we were young boys, we would make our own play weapons using scrap wood lying around the house. Then one Christmas I got the Johnny 7. It had everything on it. Missle and gernade launchers, mahince gun, rifle and more but can’t remember. My brother got a toy machine gun. We went to a spooky movie at the old Pearl City Theatre. My brother couldn’t sleep because he was scared. In the middle of the night, he called out to mom and dad that he couldn’t sleep. My dad came in our room, all mad he had to get up. My brother told him he was scared. He saw my brother speeling with his toy machine gun and got REALLY mad. I laughed and that was the breaking point for my dad. LICKENS! Next day, our toys were gone.
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Audit away. Very important for sure.
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beleave it or not this site wont get you any cash i learned it the hard way . You Probably heard of this “Google snipering thing” (not in BLogging) . I know Blogging is not bad if you are a great writer but wont it be better if you make 10x , 20x or maybe 50x more ! i cant give you all info here , if you are interrested join me here NOBODYSDEAD.COM feel free to contact me 😉
Helpful Post…
We’re a gaggle of volunteers and opening a new scheme in our community. Your site offered us with helpful information to paintings on. You have done a formidable activity and our whole group will likely be grateful to you….
Leonard’s Bakery should be busy today…
They have really turned into a “tourist” destination.
Serbia get hard time serbing it.
Croatia croked…
If Leonard’s Bakery can lure in “tourists” way off the beaten Waikiki track,
maybe Rockne and Chow can reel them in to future games?
Get JTB and others to make special autumn sports packages
like they do for the marathon…
Funny, Medals are not won. Medals are earned.
Talking about Olympics.
UH athletic department audit should look into all legislative-appropriated funds and the efficency in which those funds are dealt with. Any monies the department receives from the legislature should be treated as a gift considering the financial constraints they already have.
Good morning Tsaikos!
Ipu Man @10:00am – been to Kailua lately? It’s being overrun by Japanese tourii. You know it’s bad when the signs and menus are in Japanese. Tour buses are dropping them off. I’d hate to see what it would be like if there was a hotel in the area.
Sorry for the rant.
I join others in commending Coach Chow and Freitas and Apple for their decision to increase the scholarship stipend by $140 per month.
I do hope that this applies to ALL student athletes at UH-Manoa or will this also extend to UH-Hilo?
This additional cost will be substantial to the athletic department.
I am still amazed at the willingness to raise the new Chancellor’s salary by some $100,000 and the Regents awarding Greenwood the $6,000/month for her “condo” in Waikiki when the President’s mansion sits vacant.
dang! dang! with all the “spam” I’m getting hungry – must be time for lunch!
Warning ! Have you heard about Google sniping ? there is a buzz about it right now . Basically its an alternative to blogging NOBODYSDEAD.COM check it out and tell me what you think please
Mr. Tsai must be working on a really good post.
Or he is watching the Olympics.
About time UH upped the scholarship stipend.
Hawai’i is not the midwest!
Helpful Post…
We’re a gaggle of volunteers and starting a new scheme in our community. Your site offered us with helpful information to work on. You have performed a formidable job and our whole group shall be grateful to you….
beleave it or not this site wont get you any cash i learned it the hard way . You Probably heard of this “Google snipering thing” (not in BLogging) . I know Blogging is not bad if you are a great writer but wont it be better if you make 10x , 20x or maybe 50x more ! i cant give you all info here , if you are interrested join me here NOBODYSDEAD.COM feel free to contact me 😉
Warning ! This message is for the webmaster , i see you have a great blog . But beleave it or not this site wont get you any cash i learned it the hard way . You Probably heard of this “Google snipering thing” (not in BLogging) . I know Blogging is not bad if you are a great writer but wont it be better if you make 10x , 20x or maybe 50x more ! i cant give you all info here , if you are interrested join me here NOBODYSDEAD.COM feel free to contact me 😉
If an audit of the AD is in order, then so be it. However, there are numerous examples of waste on the Manoa campus. For example, why do they need 3 ESL programs on one campus? Their Outreach College has been in the red for a number of years, yet they remain in business. There are so many cleaning and maintenance personnel on that campus, but whenever I’m up there the physical appearance of the flagship campus is an embarrassment with unkempt lawns, weeds everywhere, patches of mud/dirt, crumbling walkways, rubbish on the ground, the list goes on. As was mentioned, the President’s Mansion remains unoccupied, while UH dishes out $6K every month to house the President in a Waikiki Penthouse.
Have you heard about Google sniping ? there is a buzz about it right now . Basically its an alternative to blogging NOBODYSDEAD.COM check it out and tell me what you think please
There is a storm coming and the reckless/useless/obstructive administration individuals better batten down the hatches. Cause when it hits, they’re all gonna wonder how they could have obliged so much in certain areas and leave so little for the rest.
Warning ! This message is for the webmaster , i see you have a great blog . But beleave it or not this site wont get you any cash i learned it the hard way . You Probably heard of this “Google snipering thing” (not in BLogging) . I know Blogging is not bad if you are a great writer but wont it be better if you make 10x , 20x or maybe 50x more ! i cant give you all info here , if you are interrested join me here NOBODYSDEAD.COM feel free to contact me 😉
so much spam around here.
okay, tell us your favorite spam recipe.
i wish i knew the email addy for the 1 or 2 idiots that wanna have fun talkin to demselves. Tom said the google thing issa fake.
but i’d like to know the email addy so i can tell da cops. 😆
Warning ! This message is for the webmaster , i see you have a great blog .
But we should somehow filter out all these )(**^)**^!@%# spammers and malcontents who insist on spreading their poison on TWB. Either that or give out their real names so we can see who these jerks are.
Well, if you guys find this in between all the spam…
Moniz and the Georgia Force trail the Jacksonville Sharks at the half… 34-21.
Force defense has been porous, at best, giving Jacksonville everything they draw up.
Moniz got picked once, going for a bomb.
Need to just move the chains and play tougher defense. Still can.
Oh, one other thing…
the camera work by the Jacksonville Shark crew is terrible. Sometimes, they miss the play, so intent on showing the pretty girls in the stands, or the cheerleaders or Hooters Girls wandering around. So irraz…
#300 DPK – I have a friend who is part Scotch and part soda! 🙂
Recommended Site…
Magnificent goods from you, man. I’ve take note your stuff prior to and you’re just extremely fantastic. I actually like what you have got here, really like what you’re stating and the way in which wherein you assert it. You are making it entertaini…
just back from the leeward convoy of hope at kapolei fair grounds, man was hot but made a lot of families happy.
need a good cold shower and maybe a looooooooooong nap
Defender held Moniz’s left leg as Moniz went down. Favoring his left leg (knee or ankle). Not putting any weight on it. Georgia defense again gives up another easy TD.
Backup Force QB is now in.
oh excuse me but howzit 808 how you guys doing
eha puka puka
thank you now shower
Need some rice and scrambled eggs to go will all of this spam.
Moniz hurt – outta the game. Lost the audio feed from the stream online. Focre and Sharks just traded TDs. No idea wut the score is…
afta da deletions, might be 370.
that was some volleyball match Korea USA. neva knew had 6’7″ girl.
i wuz drullin 😆
an i neva knew had so many Kims and Lees in my life.
back laters.
gonna look for the chili peppers inda trees. that wuz one hot match!
48-35 Jacksonville. 1:30-something left in the third quarter.
July 28th, 2012 at 12:17 pm
so much spam around here.
okay, tell us your favorite spam recipe.
My recipe for “Vanishing Spam”
Step One: Take all the spam in your house and throw it out.
Step Two: Pau
Force defense finally got a stop and score. And now they got their first pick of the game. Tight game now, finally!
Anybody else think some of these new posters aren’t really sincere? *coughRandyBonsell*
The cheerleaders or dancers or wut ever look like an 80s excercize video.
The Fawce is a rallyin’!
Force just scored after the interception. 48-42 Jacksonville. Fourth quarter just started.
Do you personally know that to be true or are you repeating something you heard?
Reed just said that.
Huge 4th down stop for Georgia.
So much spam! If SA has a tech guru, can’t they add a text box, so that the spam bots can’t post?
Back up QB doesn’t put the ball into the RB’s bread basket… turnover Force. Wasted a huge opportunity, and the starting Guard/TE just got ejected for hitting the ref after the fumble.
500!?!? WOW!
gmahoney –
Thank God you’re here! Da spam almost overran the WB!
55-42, Jacksonville, after converting on that Force turnover.
Hey WW, saw your most favorite eldest daughter at her place of business. Me and my eldest grandson doing some “back to school” shopping and stopped for a bite to eat. She is getting prettier every time I see her!
8:39 to go in this game.
Hahaha! Thanks, Gmahoney! Good to hear!
beleave it or not this site wont get you any cash i learned it the hard way . You Probably heard of this “Google snipering thing” (not in BLogging) . I know Blogging is not bad if you are a great writer but wont it be better if you make 10x , 20x or maybe 50x more ! i cant give you all info here , if you are interrested join me here NOBODYSDEAD.COM feel free to contact me 😉
WW –
They sure get a lively crowd down in Jacksonville, don’t they?
DPK, ought to be a way to stop the spam. Maybe someone smarter than me knows a way. Do other SA blogs have this problem? The last straw is when they plagerized legit posters posts. Sheesh!
55-49, Jacksonville. Just under 6 minutes, I think.
DPK… they got some young cheerleaders too!!! Compared to the *ahem* “Veterans” we have up here in Jawjah!
Ms honey,
I’ve seen the comments section on another SA blog closed because the blogger there said he din’t want to clean up the spam posts. Da guys head would explode here, I fink so.
Congratulations Bulla and Mrs. Bulla for an incredibly successful Convoy of Hope. Thank you for all your contributions, sacrifices and hard work in giving to those in need and are not as fortunate as some of us.
Fourth and a half yard for Jacksonville. About 3 minutes to go. Still same score.
Georgia Force with probably the biggest stop in the game! First and ten, Force, on the J’Ville 11 yard line.
Would ya lookit tha size of that man’s mullet!!?? LMAO!
And then there’s the ads for a the Jacksonville eye Doctor, who’s last name is Bowden. Wonder if he would give me a family discount?
Touchdown, Force! Tie game… awaiting extra point try.
TD Force!!!
One minute timing rule in effect after the extra point.
Georgia takes a 56-55 lead with one minute to go!
Wow! Great game!
I guess it is true.
When a boy spam meets a girl spam . . .
WW and DPK . . .
Thanks for the Mo and Force updates.
Much appreciated.
Blog host MIA?
wafan –
Hope your leg is feeling better. Did you get the meds you needed? I know that can be really painful otherwise…
3rd and 12… 10 seconds to go… Jacksonville ball
wafan –
Game almost pau, but FYI, you can catch Force games streaming live on their website. It looks like the Force will play another game…
Incomplete pass… 6 seconds left… 4th and 12… J’ville is going for the FG
DPK . . .
Yup. Prescribed meds are a good thing. Foot is definitely improving!
Come on Force!
Wow! J’ville wins it on a game-winning, game-ending 51 yard FG.
Dayum! Wadda kick! Wadda game!
Check that – Force is pau.
What a game.
As stated earlier, Moniz went down during the 3rd quarter with what looks like a left ankle injury.
At least Mo has a while to heal.
Did someone plug in a cord? The spam count has gone down.
Hope I did not bachi it.
July 28th, 2012 at 3:24 pm
Congratulations Bulla and Mrs. Bulla for an incredibly successful Convoy of Hope. Thank you for all your contributions, sacrifices and hard work in giving to those in need and are not as fortunate as some of us.
Rajah dat! +500!
Fun season, while our Warriors were a part of it. But if no mo Mo or any other Warriors next season, I doubt we’ll follow it.
Thankful for da boyz opening my eyes to AFL brand football, though. Fast paced, in-your-face style, with close interaction with the fans. Good stuff.
Prayers for Moniz. If one mo game hope Mo still got game…
If not, he should come home and rest and plan future.
Maybe GA somewhere?
Meanwhile, condolences to ST…I think he got overcome with spamnitis.
well cold shower worked, nap starting to take affect
sure feels good supporting the convoy of hope on the wessai
AYP (DOE talk) going improve on da coast for sure
after da spam removal no eha puka puka for me
d1 call for take out
beleave it or not this site wont get you any cash i learned it the hard way . You Probably heard of this “Google snipering thing” (not in BLogging) . I know Blogging is not bad if you are a great writer but wont it be better if you make 10x , 20x or maybe 50x more ! i cant give you all info here , if you are interrested join me here NOBODYSDEAD.COM feel free to contact me 😉
Warning ! This message is for the webmaster , i see you have a great blog . But beleave it or not this site wont get you any cash i learned it the hard way . You Probably heard of this “Google snipering thing” (not in BLogging) . I know Blogging is not bad if you are a great writer but wont it be better if you make 10x , 20x or maybe 50x more ! i cant give you all info here , if you are interrested join me here NOBODYSDEAD.COM feel free to contact me 😉
beleave it or not this site wont get you any cash i learned it the hard way . You Probably heard of this “Google snipering thing” (not in BLogging) . I know Blogging is not bad if you are a great writer but wont it be better if you make 10x , 20x or maybe 50x more ! i cant give you all info here , if you are interrested join me here NOBODYSDEAD.COM feel free to contact me 😉
spamalingis, are you making any money coming over here and practicing your typing skills? i thought not. take a signal. prctice your skills at NOBODYSDEAD.COM. 😆
good thing we got the Olympics. the kids are really blasting away. beach volleyball.
the spammers are not making any money here. and i am never going EVERYBODYSDEAD.COM. simply amazed that the spammers trying to make 10x,20x50x more money here by twirling on their thumbs than just sitting around and sucking da finger. take a signal, hit da nail on da highest,
Too bad fo JawJah. next time.
great to have the olympics while we wait for football.
hope the Warriors are keeping their eyes on the prize.
not gonna pay any attention to the nincompoops. pretend he don’t exist.
must be da same guy did said he was gonna show up at da green with da guv. 😆
might as well run da table an go fo 500 wit o witout catchup.
dang. dang. dang.
well congrats to Lochte.
the Olympics is taking away from the local inside scoops. 😀
feeling it feeling it
5 stars 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
boy o boy
nobody’s around.
everybody must be in shock.
Clay no stay.
Phelps fell off da stand. still get plenty chances though.
worse yet. Alex from Hilo neva make da kitchen crew.
breaking news.
Devon Kennard, expected starting DE at USC, will miss the game against Hawaii. USC get samoa to pick up the slack, but this news bodes well for peeps like me who like the spread.
he tore his pectoral muscle requiring surgery.
Warning ! Have you heard about Google sniping ? there is a buzz about it right now . Basically its an alternative to blogging NOBODYSDEAD.COM check it out and tell me what you think please
beleave it or not this site wont get you any cash i learned it the hard way . You Probably heard of this “Google snipering thing” (not in BLogging) . I know Blogging is not bad if you are a great writer but wont it be better if you make 10x , 20x or maybe 50x more ! i cant give you all info here , if you are interrested join me here NOBODYSDEAD.COM feel free to contact me 😉
Warning ! Have you heard about Google sniping ? there is a buzz about it right now . Basically its an alternative to blogging NOBODYSDEAD.COM check it out and tell me what you think please
kudos department
bryce ah sam who just committed to trapasso is the pride and joy and grandson of our beloved long time uh fan.
and last night chad owens made the top plays of day for his acrobatic stretched out grab in the endzone.
For Lorna too! Make gramps PROUD!
Good Sunday morning from Cape Town!
Gosh, spamalama!
LTUHF must be grinning from ear to ear and from sea to shining sea.
I am sure Mrs. LTUHF is just as proud!
A snipe hunt on Google?
Warning ! Have you heard about Google sniping ? there is a buzz about it right now . Basically its an alternative to blogging NOBODYSDEAD.COM check it out and tell me what you think please
Warning ! Have you heard about Google sniping ? there is a buzz about it right now . Basically its an alternative to blogging NOBODYSDEAD.COM check it out and tell me what you think please
Warning ! This message is for the webmaster , i see you have a great blog . But beleave it or not this site wont get you any cash i learned it the hard way . You Probably heard of this “Google snipering thing” (not in BLogging) . I know Blogging is not bad if you are a great writer but wont it be better if you make 10x , 20x or maybe 50x more ! i cant give you all info here , if you are interrested join me here NOBODYSDEAD.COM feel free to contact me 😉
Warning ! Have you heard about Google sniping ? there is a buzz about it right now . Basically its an alternative to blogging NOBODYSDEAD.COM check it out and tell me what you think please
Warning ! Have you heard about Google sniping ? there is a buzz about it right now . Basically its an alternative to blogging NOBODYSDEAD.COM check it out and tell me what you think please
Warning ! This message is for the webmaster , i see you have a great blog . But beleave it or not this site wont get you any cash i learned it the hard way . You Probably heard of this “Google snipering thing” (not in BLogging) . I know Blogging is not bad if you are a great writer but wont it be better if you make 10x , 20x or maybe 50x more ! i cant give you all info here , if you are interrested join me here NOBODYSDEAD.COM feel free to contact me 😉
beleave it or not this site wont get you any cash i learned it the hard way . You Probably heard of this “Google snipering thing” (not in BLogging) . I know Blogging is not bad if you are a great writer but wont it be better if you make 10x , 20x or maybe 50x more ! i cant give you all info here , if you are interrested join me here NOBODYSDEAD.COM feel free to contact me 😉
beleave it or not this site wont get you any cash i learned it the hard way . You Probably heard of this “Google snipering thing” (not in BLogging) . I know Blogging is not bad if you are a great writer but wont it be better if you make 10x , 20x or maybe 50x more ! i cant give you all info here , if you are interrested join me here NOBODYSDEAD.COM feel free to contact me 😉
Warning ! This message is for the webmaster , i see you have a great blog . But beleave it or not this site wont get you any cash i learned it the hard way . You Probably heard of this “Google snipering thing” (not in BLogging) . I know Blogging is not bad if you are a great writer but wont it be better if you make 10x , 20x or maybe 50x more ! i cant give you all info here , if you are interrested join me here NOBODYSDEAD.COM feel free to contact me 😉
Warning ! Have you heard about Google sniping ? there is a buzz about it right now . Basically its an alternative to blogging NOBODYSDEAD.COM check it out and tell me what you think please
Warning ! This message is for the webmaster , i see you have a great blog . But beleave it or not this site wont get you any cash i learned it the hard way . You Probably heard of this “Google snipering thing” (not in BLogging) . I know Blogging is not bad if you are a great writer but wont it be better if you make 10x , 20x or maybe 50x more ! i cant give you all info here , if you are interrested join me here NOBODYSDEAD.COM feel free to contact me 😉
I wonder if the profusion of spam is due to my posting from So. Africa?
Great to hear that the stipends are going up.
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
Hope Siaki’s healing up good. .
The spam’s fake names not even on da net besides here.
take a signal. just trouble makers.
michael phelps is proof positive that the mind game separates the men.
it ain’t da subway, das fo sure. 😆
Morning, everyone!
Hooey, ST… you okay?
Did he drop da spam zappah in da toilet?
Thinking there’s lots of animosity between Londoners and Americans, and it’s showing up in all kinds of ways. Saw a t-shirt for sale a few days ago… something about “There’s a fat American renting my flat.” What the heck kind of crap is that? And then the report that only the British athletes have a/c in their rooms, while no one else enjoys the same set up? And now this grill stuff? Well, can still spread some aloha to them Brits… just walk around, handing out some free tubes of toothpaste.
Have a good one, errybody!
have a good one errybody 2. 😀
beleave it or not this site wont get you any cash i learned it the hard way . You Probably heard of this “Google snipering thing” (not in BLogging) . I know Blogging is not bad if you are a great writer but wont it be better if you make 10x , 20x or maybe 50x more ! i cant give you all info here , if you are interrested join me here NOBODYSDEAD.COM feel free to contact me 😉
Have you heard about Google sniping ? there is a buzz about it right now . Basically its an alternative to blogging NOBODYSDEAD.COM check it out and tell me what you think please
Warning ! Have you heard about Google sniping ? there is a buzz about it right now . Basically its an alternative to blogging NOBODYSDEAD.COM check it out and tell me what you think please
beleave it or not this site wont get you any cash i learned it the hard way . You Probably heard of this “Google snipering thing” (not in BLogging) . I know Blogging is not bad if you are a great writer but wont it be better if you make 10x , 20x or maybe 50x more ! i cant give you all info here , if you are interrested join me here NOBODYSDEAD.COM feel free to contact me 😉
Warning ! Have you heard about Google sniping ? there is a buzz about it right now . Basically its an alternative to blogging NOBODYSDEAD.COM check it out and tell me what you think please
beleave it or not this site wont get you any cash i learned it the hard way . You Probably heard of this “Google snipering thing” (not in BLogging) . I know Blogging is not bad if you are a great writer but wont it be better if you make 10x , 20x or maybe 50x more ! i cant give you all info here , if you are interrested join me here NOBODYSDEAD.COM feel free to contact me 😉
beleave it or not this site wont get you any cash i learned it the hard way . You Probably heard of this “Google snipering thing” (not in BLogging) . I know Blogging is not bad if you are a great writer but wont it be better if you make 10x , 20x or maybe 50x more ! i cant give you all info here , if you are interrested join me here NOBODYSDEAD.COM feel free to contact me 😉
Warning ! Have you heard about Google sniping ? there is a buzz about it right now . Basically its an alternative to blogging NOBODYSDEAD.COM check it out and tell me what you think please
Blog crippled by spam. See ya!
Warning ! Have you heard about Google sniping ? there is a buzz about it right now . Basically its an alternative to blogging NOBODYSDEAD.COM check it out and tell me what you think please
beleave it or not this site wont get you any cash i learned it the hard way . You Probably heard of this “Google snipering thing” (not in BLogging) . I know Blogging is not bad if you are a great writer but wont it be better if you make 10x , 20x or maybe 50x more ! i cant give you all info here , if you are interrested join me here NOBODYSDEAD.COM feel free to contact me 😉
Have you heard about Google sniping ? there is a buzz about it right now . Basically its an alternative to blogging NOBODYSDEAD.COM check it out and tell me what you think please
Blog is crippled by spam. would like to know where from. think local. persistent likely means personal.
i’m thinking Steve.
Wonder whose email address book got hi-jacked?
Imaginative names being used.
Should have had spam n eggs for b/fast today or just spam-a-lot
Great Morning All!
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