"Princess Leila"
Please join us at noon for the final Warrior Beat Show with Leila Wai.
Several of our co-workers will be making appearances during what will probably be a 45-minute show.
You may pose questions on the blog or the show’s Cover it Live section.
Special thanks to the show’s creator, Sandee Oshiro; producer Scott Morifuji; audio and visual director Scott Nishi; content editor Shauna Goya; coordinators Brian and Mark; sports editor Curtis Murayama, and our wonderful guests.
And, of course, thanks to co-host Princess Leila.
* * * * *
It’s interesting that Ashley Lelie will be joining the Warriors as a student manager this semester. And it will be great if Jason Rivers also follows through, and becomes a student manager.
The current UH players would benefit greatly from the presence of two of the best clutch receivers in the program’s history. More importantly, both are on track to complete work on degrees, proving there is no limit on personal success.
* * * * *
Don’t forget to post an RSVP to the Dark Side/Pink Side karaoke party June 5, from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. SteveM is keeping track of the guest list. Stretch has been coerced into being the coordinator. I believe we’re capping the list at 50 because of space availability.
for the day of the last 🙁
Mahalo to all the Warrior Beat Show Crew!
“I am the Princess, that’s why!”
Thanks for all that you do and all that you are. Much appreciated.
Good morning Tsaikos
Thank you Princess Leila and the entire crew for putting on a most informative program.
Thank you to everyone involved with the Warrior Beat show.
Best wishes to the Princess!
It’s kind of a shame the show is ending because it appears we finally figured out how to avoid the glitches.
It looks like no conference wants to add Oklahoma, no matter how much their football coach lobbies for other conferences to invite them.
I’ve read multiple reports from people who complain that the replay constantly stops and starts. I’m about to try in a few minutes and hope that I can see yesterday’s show.
In an example of horrible timing, it looks like Oklahoma’s men’s basketball team has committed serious NCAA violations *while they were on probation*. The severe punishment coming to them really does make them less attractive to any conference.
Kentucky’s men’s basketball program got the death penalty a long time ago…could Oklahoma get the same? If so, what conference will want them?
God Bless and GodSpeed the Advertiser folks who are graduating on the bigger and better things!
Best wishes Princess!
I just started the replay and Leila said 3 words and then the whole show froze! After stopping for about 30 seconds (so I have no idea what question she was asking), I heard Mack say 3-4 words…and then the show froze for 15 more seconds! Mack said another few words and then the show froze again.
Now Leila started to ask labrat’s question…and the video froze before she finished and is still frozen. I give up…
Whoops, Garret, I guess I spoke too early on the replay glitches.
I tried to get the WB show on IE (after it kept stopping on Firefox), but it says that I need Adobe Flash Player 9 to view the show. Unfortunately, when the Advertiser sent me to Adobe’s site, I got the error message “Adobe Flash Player is not supported for playback in 64-bit browsers.” I could download a different, inferior, browser…but since the replay doesn’t work on Firefox I doubt that it would work for me on IE.
The sad thing is that I *cannot* watch the show live due to work obligations, so I guess I cannot see Mack’s WB interview yesterday and I can only hope to see Leila’s final show sometime before the show is no longer available.
Maybe Oklahoma and Hawaii could start their own conference. Two ugly people nobody wants to dance with in a room full of suitors. What a sight.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
Thanks to all those involved with the Advertiser Warrior Beat Show!!
Mahalo to all of you who do what you do.
O.K., looks like WAC can recruit Oklahoma to join the conference, bwaaahahaha!!…or, what do they call this situation?, “TOO BIG TO FAIL?” The “death penalty” for OU???, I doubt it.
Let’s say your 16-year-old kid gets a speeding ticket.
What happens?
You have to go to traffic court with the kid, and hear the same lecture about responsible driving.
I think that principle should be extended to schools that violate NCAA rules. I think the school and the rest of its conference should be penalized. That would force a conference to police its members.
Also, I think if a coach is found to have violated an NCAA rule, the penalty should follow him, sort of like how a basketball foul counts against the player and team. It doesn’t seem fair that coach John Doe can commit a violation, School A serves the sentence, and John Doe can coach without penalty at Team B.
Top Twenty-Five!
But very good points by Garrett.
and i like LizK’s #12.
You could come to the karaoke party, and we can reenact the show.
So, what’s been bothering me a lot is, what happens to this blog come, (June 6th)???.
I believe there will be a blog June 6.
Not exactly sure what happens June 7. I’ll keep everyone posted when details become available.
Eh, ST.
Maybe you could continue this/or another blog site under your moniker, TSAIKO, or whatever and everbody subscribe to be a blog member for say, five($5)bucks a month????
I’ll keep everyone posted as information becomes available.
Wow, 550 hits, the coach packs them in. Not bad for May.
He is still on bubble, but these next two years should be quite positive.
Whaaaaa???, eh Buffoman, ur #18……u stole my idea!!!!,bwaaaahahaha!!
Colt and McNabb working out
I’m going to miss the WB show. Thanks for all the hard work guys!
and before anyone else says it,
nothing lame coming from me today.
sorry to disappoint any of you.
I’d love to attend the karaoke party with the Tsaikos and Esme’s Moms…but I’ll be in San Diego attending a birthday party for one of my older daughter’s friends.
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂 🙂 🙂
SteveM –
Sweety and I are in for the KK @ KK. Time for some “Lion Sleepin’ Trickiness”. Thanks for setting that up, Stretch.
So Princess Leila –
It seems like only yesterday when a ruggedly handsome, husky, blogger gave you that name… 🙂
I think you’d make a tremendous TV Sports reporter/anchor. If Hawaii doesn’t have a great job waiting for you, you should send copies of some of your work on the field and on the Warrior Beat to Neil Everret at ESPN. My friends in broadcasting think you could a big time on – air reporter if you chose that route.
What are your plans for the immediate future? Do you wish to continue in journalism?
Thanks to the many folks who helped to make the Warrior Beat possible.
To the rest of the folks moving on to other things, what are your plans, and what are some of your best memories with the Advertiser?
That should read “could be a big time…” above.
You can count me and a guest in for the K Kall.
kama – I hope your guest is WreckInEyez!
Mctruck, sarcasm is such a wonderful tool, so let’s keep it going.
The all ugly conference
Oklahoma – for reasons stated in Garret’s post.
Hawaii – for reasons rehashed so many times it looks like babyfood
Colorado – Yeah someone may want them, but they want to win and can’t seem to be able to do that in any configuration.
Fresno State – The Oakland Raiders of college football. We love ’em, even when no one else will.
BYU – Hey, we also want to rest on Sunday…and watch the NFL!
Nevada – The poor man’s LV and they have the pistol.
UNLV – Because we like to gamble
AFA – We need to look legit and nothing does it like a service academy
Kansas State – Haven’t they had a hard time too?
Yes, it could be quite the conference. Your shot at this subject, Mr. Mctruck.
Hey I got a idea. During the break from singing at the blog party, we can Leila and ST do interviews of the Tsaikos.
Best Wishes to the staff.
I’m sure this party will continue somewhere else. Just let me know where. lol.
Thanks All,
Hey Tsaikos!
Thanks for your concern….no, I’m not leaving the Advertiser for another job opportunity. I’m just going on a previously planned vacation with very strange timing. When I come back, I’m expecting there will be no show or paper to return to. That’s why today will be my last WB show.
I just want to tell everyone thank you so much for the support throughout all the years. You all have been so amazing and have made these past few years so enjoyable. And, without you all, the show would probably just be me and Stephen looking at each other awkwardly.
Thanks again, Leila
P.S. I know my mom wants me to say thanks, too. Maybe one day (she only has a few left!) she’ll finally post herself.
Can we get more information on the rumors ESPN is in talks to purchase the rights to the Warrior Beat Show, to be co-hosted by Chris Berman and Barrack Obama? That about the same chances I would have thunk we’d get Ashley and Jason back as assistants.
I still think Ashley belongs in the NFL and should play for the Colts.
Rolo and Lelie back together again.
Good morning Tsai-kos!!
Thanks to all who worked on the WB shows. Best wishes to those moving on from the HA.
Good luck to Mr. Lelie as he finishes his college education. It’s always good to have that piece of paper.
ST – #22 – agree 100%. Should definitely punish the individuals involved and not just the school.
Smarts, Class, Beauty, Wit…
All portend a bright future wherever life takes you…
Mahalo Princess Leila!
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Very good news to hear that both Ashley Lelie and Jason Rivers are working on their degrees. There is life after football, and a degree helps you get one step further.
I will miss the Warrior Beat shows. Mahalo to ST, Princess Leila, and the crew for all of the work that went into those shows. Big Mahalo to the Princess for all of the other videos she’s shot & edited: practice, Super Games, interviews. Hope everyone finds a place to land.
Good morning everyone!
The Warrior Beat show was a great step in this age of internet content, and the producers and “talents” (ST & Princess) made great strides. 🙂 Seriously, this bodes well for all of them!
SHUCKS!, SHUCKS!!, SHUCKS!!! Brian Ching didn’t make the final 23 man U.S. World Cup roster. Bummed out.
Leila, I hope you still have a job when you get back from your vacation. I really like you being on the HA. Don’t worry about your job not being there, as the SA would be foolish not to rehire you. Just enjoy your vacation and relax.
ps. hope mom is doing fine. tell her me and the Tsaikos said hi.
Stephen — I’ll be tuning in to the last show!
I’ve since moved on from the Advertiser, but I remember our first live streaming Warrior Beat show and the excitement (and anxiety) of Scott, Sandee and I getting everything prepped, cued and ready for the air.
We got to meet and talk to lots of awesome people in and around the sports industry from coaches to NFL players — great memories!
Stephen and Leila, I still have the original footage that we shot on green screen for your intros! haha… we never used it, but I’ll hand that over to you folks some day.
Have a great show!
morning gang!
big mahalo to the gang behind the Warrior Beat Show – Sandee, Scott M., Scott N., Shauna, Brian, Mark, and Curtis. you folks were ahead of your time in bringing live webcasts to the HA readers
ESPN’s reporter that covers the WAC (and so many other non-AQ conferences) has an article discussing whether or not BSU should go to the MWC. Note that it would be in ESPN’s best interest not to lose BSU from their WAC TV deal.
Many of the comments in the article are interesting, but this comment seems like a fairly reasonable conspiracy theory…
mahalo to you too John Garcia
eh, you related to Hugo? 🙂
The Sporting News does NOT think very highly of UH this season…they have ranked their top 100 teams and UH is *not ranked*! I think that this is way, way too low for UH and cannot understand their reasoning here.
3 Boise State
53 UNR
72 La Tech
76 Idaho
81 Fresno State
92 Utah State
100 NMSU
? Hawaii
Thanks, Loa! I don’t think I’m related to Hugo… :-p hehe
Wow, UH(U) ranked below NaMaSU and USU?
Senior moment. Forgot to thank John Garcia, who was one of the originators.
These guys had an amazing vision.
To all the individuals who created, directed, supervised, and recorded the Warrior Beat – much Mahalos for a job well done!!
As Maria, Sound of Music said, “when one door closes, another opens”!
And, from the Movie, Masters of the Universe, “each door is an opening to a new journey”.
Good luck, best wishes to all!!!!
Stephen and Leila……now what the heck am I suppose to do at work all day, if I cant watch Warrior Beat or read the blog?????
Do some work???? Yikes…..
#60 Garret
That really doesn’t surprise me, our own conference doesn’t think highly of us so why would anyone else. I think it’s been shown over the years that UH is the Rodney Dangerfield of college sports. Even when we have a team that is in the running for a National Championship look how we are treated.
aloha oe.
the warrior beat chat show has been a gem of the likes of stephen tsai, leila wai, and the entire honolulu advertiser staff.
what a concept.
what a diamond in the rough that has been polished over the years that so many folks will mourn if this is to be the last show.
the warrior beat show has been sheer genius. a hybrid crossover that bridges the multi-media venues of both printed newspapers, video, and the world wide web. a relief from the commercially filled nationally syndicated sports shows that has satisfied the locals desire for more intimate home grown stuff.
here’s hoping to the new honolulu daily that the powers to be have enough vision to continue this show in this format as it has brought much attention and joy to folks in need of a feel good time during all the duress that we face on day after day during these tough times.
…nuff said
dpk did your friend also say ST is going to Sports Illustrated, Moniz is going to be the Most Inspirational Warrior, Attrice Brooks is the new WR coach , Ron Lee left on good terms and Mack will keep his nose out of the offense? 🙂
No respect
on another note…
if i were the uhad i’d be having lunch with the new daily and express some of my desires. i’d be “encouraging” the new boy on the block to maintain the likes of the warrior beat blog, live chat show, and its author as this probably enhances, informs, influences, and publicizes the university of hawaii sports more than any one single entity throughout the state.
Hawaii is really an unknown entity to most national sports writers. Off the radar mostly- except for the occasional aberration such as a perfect season in football or a national championship in some obscure sport like volleyball.
So, we should not be surprised when the Wahine SoftBows and their NCAA records are not on the radar and our football team is underrated. In this context, having our fb head coach on someone’s bubble is more recognition than normal.
But I do believe that our opponents will not take our teams for granted.
Morning Tsaikos!
Thank you ST, Leila, Sandee, Scott M, Scott N, Shauna, Brian, Mark, Curtis, John & all the Warrior Beat guests!
SteveM: the A-Houses & I will be there for karaoke
Stretch: thanks for coordinating again!
The Warrior Beat Shows have been a great public service to the sports community. Public service is the noblest of all services and the Warrior Beat will be missed. Mahalo to everyone involved in making the show possible.
College Football News has Moniz ranked as the #5 QB in the WAC.
[…] Tһе Warrior Beat| UH football, University οf Hawaii athletics … […]
I normally agree with Ferd’s columns, but I had to say something about the whole focus of his column today. Ferd wrote:
I think that Ferd COMPLETELY misses the real problem by being focused on BCS bowl money. The difference between BCS money comes out to a little more than $1 million per school according to his numbers, which does not even account for the difference in football coaching salaries…so basically NONE of that money affects the softball programs. If you look at the difference in TV money, you’d see that the Big 10 brought in $242 million while the WAC got $4 million…*that* makes the difference in BCS money look like NOTHING.
must agree with Old Diver that “public service” is the most important product for a multi-media company and soon to be the only newspaper in Honolulu.
the Warrior Beat blog is probably the most read bolg in Hawaii and Warrior fans on mainland and international places – it keeps fans updated and news is appreciated by those who participate.
Warrior Beat show or Live Chat is an innovative idea that allows UH sports fans to be connected with information direct from coaches, players, former players, professional players, etc.
Big question for new owners is can the orgainzation stand the financial “jerk” for something that is not direct income producing? Cost versus effectiveness?
Thanks to all who made the Warrior Beat Show possible.
Leila you rock. And thank you for cleaning up my questions.
morning tsaiko’s and tsaikette’s a sunny and bright one it is
adding my mahalo’s to Leila and the production crew for the time and effort putting forth the beat show. princess see you at waipio for soccer or hans for baseball 8)
sending good luck to bball warriors
We gettin love from ESPN INsider…
Coach Mack is officially on the Hot Seat at #7
7. Greg McMackin, Hawaii Warriors:
He took over for June Jones and the program has been backsliding ever since. A program that just a few years ago got to a BCS bowl has gone just 13-14 in his two seasons. There’s been some embarrassing off-field stuff, as well. It also doesn’t help that he’s had to replace his offensive coordinator in late May.
Wonder what the “embarrassing off-field stuff” is…..
I watched the replay on Chrome yesterday.. some pauses along the way but other than that it played out pretty well.
I think you are posting your comment in the wrong place. Post this on Ferd’s column’s comment box instead. We tired of hearing your know-it-all comments already.
or email him direct flewis@honoluluadvertiser.com.
Some thoughts:
1) Sporting News is biased against Hawaii. I figured this out when Hawaii was undefeated in 2007 and they didn’t have anything good to say about our team. That’s why I cancelled my subscription with them.
Phil Steele is the most objective and he does his homework, not to mention he gives a lot of information, plus he puts out Power Sweep during the football season.
2) UH sports are looking up. Recruiting seems to be a lot better on all fronts. When you take a glance right away, Wahine volleyball and Men’s volleyball have a great chance to win the NCAA championship next year. The Wahine softball team next year, if not this year can win the NCAA championship as the team returns a lot of key players. Gib Arnold’s basketball team will be a contender in the WAC next season in my opinion and I wouldn’t be surprised if they win the conference title too. Football has a lot of questions marks with the OL and unsettled QB situation. This is not good. But, let’s just say UH somehow beat USC and wins at Army and Colorado on th road, win over Charleston Southern and win the conference opener against La Tech at home, you are looking at 5-0 and we’ve got something going. That’s a very big “IF” but you can see the possibilities. Lose to USC and the 2 road games then all bets are off because they definitely will lose to Boise and Fresno and maybe even Nevada or Idaho. At this point, I’m not too confident in Mack’s group as there seems to be a lot of unsettling things going on. Let’s pray!!!! Baseball team is hot and cold. Hopefully, right now they are hot. If they don’t win the conference title I don’t know about Trapasso if Donovan will extend his contract. Let’s pray!!!! UH men’s tennis is very good and getting better, women’s track holding their own and so on. So all in all, with some luck UH can possibly win 3 NCAA championships next year and that would be just unbelievable. If anything, it’s been exciting.
3) Phoenix has found something at home after they got blitzed in LA. Tomorrow’s game is very interesting. LA has to adjust now while Phoenix will probably continue to do what worked the last 2 games and play their zone defense. I think the key will be shots. LA has been shooting well, but if their shots are not falling tomorrow (less then 45%) they will lose. Phoenix is a very good shooting team. They are almost a lot to score at least 100 points on a normal night. If they shoot well, 50%,Phoenix has a great chance. The other key for Phoenix is taking care of the ball. Winning at LA is tough for Phoenix, but I really like they bench. Goran Dragic has been a favorite. Until the playoffs I honestly have to say that I’ve never seen him play much how about the guy. I think he’s fantastic. He could start for a lot to teams in the league right now.
Garrets comments are much appreciated by me. He is not a know it all, he does research which greatly enhances this blog. You are welcome to scroll past his comments if you wish.
[…] The Warrior Beat| UH football, University of Hawaii athletics | honoluluadvertiser.com | Honolulu, H… […]
Leila – heavy sigh…..
There’s a sad sort of clanking
From the clock in the hall
And the bells in the steeple too.
And up in the nursery an absurd little bird
Is popping up to say cukoo!
Cukoo! Cukoo!
Regretfully they tell us
But firmly they compel us
To say goodbye to you.
So long
I hate to go and leave this pretty sight
So long
Adeiu Adeiu
To yieu and yieu and yieu
So long
Au ‘voire
I’d like to stay and taste my first champagne
So long
I leave and heave a sigh and say goodbye
I’m glad to go I cannot tell a lie
I flit I float
I fleetly flee I fly
The sun has gone to bed and so must I
So long Farewell
Old Diver, your #84, right on the money.
A-House — you quoting The Sound of Music , OK. Masters of the Universe is a surprise. 🙂
Good show! Speaking of doors, I recommend the Stargate SG-1 series (also on DVD season sets at Costco and Sam’s for under $20).
May 26th, 2010 at 10:19 am
I think you are posting your comment in the wrong place. Post this on Ferd’s column’s comment box instead. We tired of hearing your know-it-all comments already.
Agreed – nuff already.
#84 Old Diver
Could not agree more, an please don’t use “we” use “I” cause you don’t speak for me.
Good morning Tsaikos….
Thanks to all who produced and worked on the WB Show…It will be sorely missed… 🙁
Leila will be missed but she will always be the Princess…. 🙂
#89 what?what?:
I don’t agree, let him post here, I can use the laugh!!!
Happy morning Tsaikos…or more like Sad Morning 🙁
Thanks Leila (a.k.a. Da Princess) for all your work. You will be missed by all of us, especially C_C… 🙂
Thanks to all of the people who put together and worked to get the Warrior Beat Show up and running. It was always informative…and oftentimes fun….I will miss it.
Thanks to all of the Tsaikos for being part of this phenomenon….and making this a ride worth keeping….I hope to continue this ride for years to come…
Hope everyone has a great day.
jmxxxx…just caught up on the late night stuff from yesterday…
Dry good store across from IGA… believe as Fujimura Store. Before Matsumoto’s got popular, the place to go for really good shave ice was Fuji’s. They made their own syrup and today the recipes are with another store that competes with Matsumoto’s today.
Princess Leila and crew….BIG MAHALOS for all your efforts to bring us a great program over the web. Your presences on the show made for a great contrast with your broadcast partner. You really balanced the show..you know … like beauty and the beast…(sorry ST, facts are facts..no brag ..just facts)
I wish you and the crew much success where ever you guys go.
KKALL….BOOOO!… will miss this most important get together….Since many Tsaikos may not be able to make the date or cannot fit in the room…how about making it a two part event on two consecutive weekends!…just a thought..(hoping to get to see everyone das why)
If not then got to make sure we get on video…The Lion Sleeps and It’s Tricky and Esme!
what?…time to get back under your rock…
Information is always guud…Garret provides well researched and thought out opinions….try skipping his post if you can’t appreciate it..then all will be guud for you…
May 26th, 2010 at 10:46 am
#89 what?what?:
I don’t agree, let him post here, I can use the laugh!!!
okeh, okeh …..
i wonder if the big guy going come to the kkall. i hear he has a new cd.
nalani, you should come and appreciate the talented tsaikos.
“I believe we’re capping the list at 50 because of space availability.”
Now that is going to hard to do……
btw…kkall is potluck and byob.
would a radio station, like 1420, listener ship, viewership, and readership increase if they contracted out stephen and leila to continue the WB blog and show on their site? I think so. Would the afternoon and morning sports shows complemented with scoops and reports from st and leila increase listenership? I think so. Do ST and leila have a following where advertisers like the rapport that these two have with the public and UH’s coaches and players? I think so. This is could be a good match.
anyway i hope they catch a big fish… oh wait that didnt sound right. but that the troll for you. anyway best wishes to leila and st.
May 26th, 2010 at 9:34 am
dpk did your friend also say ST is going to Sports Illustrated, Moniz is going to be the Most Inspirational Warrior, Attrice Brooks is the new WR coach , Ron Lee left on good terms and Mack will keep his nose out of the offense?
Garsh BullDawg, he most certainly didn’t!
Are you expressing YOUR opinions on those things?
How did we get from Princess Leila and her tremendous potential to that laundry list you presented?
The friend who made that remark is a former camera man and studio director for a local TV stattions newscasts and was a producer for local broadcasts of HS football and a couple of local ESPN events. He might know what he’s talking about.
Have a swell day Bully! 😉
To Leila,
mahalo for your hard work, your subtle elegance helped balance our muti tasking leader ST. you were always very gracious in your pursuit of ‘the story’, yet persistent enough to produce excellent results.
you are a very talented young woman and I pray for only the best of opportunities to come your way.
An Irish Blessing
May God give you…
For every storm, a rainbow,
For every tear, a smile,
For every care, a promise,
And a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends,
A faithful friend to share,
For every sigh, a sweet song,
And an answer for each prayer. AMEN
Sounds like Washington’s QBs are struggling with their new offensive system.
A song for the Princess.
Nice splash ad for Na Wahine on wacsports.com
Those we love are precious gems,
Thou we may never know,
How much we miss their precious gifts,
When they are here no more!
I like Garret’s posts.
Gook luck Ganot.
Best wishes to Eran Ganot as he moves on to St. Marys.
trolls are trolls by any name
if the time shown in the wacsports is correct, it will be 12:30p HST on one of the ESPN channels – subject to change?
don’t know whats happening, but my keyboard is sure acting funni kine!!
SOB, missed it again, news from lower campus on coaches!!!
with Ganot leaving – leaves an opening for the BYUH asst coach?
Good luck to Ganot!
And welcome, Gabe Henry, to Wahine bb team.
Guy looks like he should still be high school!!
Wow!..a great opportunity for Ganot!
Congratulations Eran…wish you much success at St. Mary’s.
Did we miss out on a future Pitino? Interesting that there will be two former Warriors on the coaching staff at St Mary’s.
Appreciate your hard work and dedication to Warrior Basketball. A series with St. Marys would be great.
Beat show started. Having tech difficulties.
Is the show choppy for anyone else?
Of all the days for tech problems!
chop chop
un fo rtuna te
Can’t get anything … 1 or 2 sec of audio and frozen!….ah shucks…
Congrats to Nejc Zemjlak on being named Academic All-MSPF. We’re really glad he’s decided to come back next year, since he just graduated.
your #114 – confused with your post was you indicate Gabe Henry to UH Wahine bb team, but you post “guy looks like he should still be in high school”.
is Gabe for the Men’s bb team or wahine bb team?
A-house – he’s the new asst coach for the Wahine bb team. Take a look at his picture. He looks younger than Jason!
was = as you
where do I go to look at his picture?
now, younger that our Jason is VERY young!!!
SteveM is the party full?
SteveM do they still have room in party?
Im down for some Norebang aka karaoke.
Is it the architectually designed house that makes it attractive, beautiful, and desired, or, is it the people within who makes the house look warm and radiant?
A-house – #128 – hawaiiathletics.com
will this mean that johnny white will become the director of operations?
Basebows are playing.
jojo the count is currently 41 with Iwonderwhytheyhateme. Will you be able to attend?
Good news about being able to view the previous Warrior Beat shows on vimeo. Thanks, Curtis!
Today was choppy, though.
I’d love to see us play St. Mary’s. They were a nemesis for USF when I was in college.
Top of the 3rd
UH 1-0 over LaTech
SteveM- I no can go 🙁 … will keep NorthShoreFan company on Kauai. 🙂
Nice article on Wahine Softbows in USA Today.
Maybe one of you can put the link here ( I no sah be ).
Liz — do you have a place on Kauai for a kanikapila and/or karaoke session? The gang gotta come your way sometime…whether on a cruise ship or not. 🙂
Did you know NorthShoreFan is no stranger to a karaoke place. Doesn’t sing much but really enjoys the ambiance. 😆
From the information you’ve reported, on the BCS to conference realignment, it appears that the TV contracts for the conferences will play a far greater role in financing the schoold’s athletic programs and the BCS bowl games will garner some extra money and airtime?
The meat and potatoes to be the regular season that the conferences will get paid on and the bowl games will be like desert?
If so Boise better wait until conference realignment is made by the major conferences and then consider a move to the MWC after the dust settles. If the MWC loses 2 of its top teams Boise will always have the door open for them to enter the MWC. Unless as you say the conference AQ formula will behoove the move ASAP.
Click on my name for the softball news in USA Today
BOWS 2-0! You can hear the fans clapping for the Bows on the radio broadcast.
Garret has always been a worthy font of information – and much appreciated by me and the Tsaiko’s.
Princess – come on back!
I have not watched all the Warrior Beat episodes, but for the ones I have participated in as a curious/concerned fan of UH athletics, it has served me and no doubt others GREATLY as a source of information and more importantly served as another method to connect with our favorite UH programs.
I have not met Leila Wai, but by all accounts and through her articles and assignments over the years with the Honolulu Advertiser she is a valuable asset and talent to the print media in Hawaii. A UH graduate herself and former UH student athlete, she has portrayed the student athletes of UH with dignity and grace and a little humor.
Many great things have been said by others that have known Leila better than I have so I will not continue further.
Thank you Leila for putting up with my non-stop barrage of questions for the softball guests past and present and mostly thank you for representing your university and place of employment with dignity in the field of journalism. A talent such as yourself will succeed in life no matter the obstacle.
Kevin Kacatin
Dang, what is up with some folks. Wow.
Met the Princess the Queen once. Whoo-hoo! The Princess is definitely going to be missed.
Thank you Princess and Queen Wai!!!
Unfortunately, I will not be able to make it to combined Dark Pink KK. Would that be the DPKK?
Not to be confused with the one sigular, sensational, monkey-master, and original DPK.
An article from scout.com regarding the Wahine’s BIG series against #1 Alabama:
By the way, one can tell the intelligence of Garret by his writings.
The one who had a negative comment on him, whaaat was his blog name? A blog name like that, one can wonder how one’s atttitude percieves the world. “What” you like, “whaaat”, “What” da _ell.
Really, Whats the matter dishing someone on this blog “what?what?”
Be nice and chill out.
Gonna miss Art Linkletter and his Children Say the Darnest Things.
#142 Pomai:
May 26th, 2010 at 1:59 pm
Click on my name for the softball news in USA Today
Thanks, Pomai.
C’mon BaseBows!
LaTech over UH 3-2 Bows struggling in defense.
Not an Expert,
The revenue disparity actually goes well beyond just TV revenue, but I didn’t want to expand the discussion for those other revenue streams and depress everybody further. I like your analogy, but I’d change it to BCS bowl money being the whipped cream on the dessert, not even the whole dessert.
Ticket revenue, concessions (UH is way behind there due to not getting the concession money at Aloha Stadium), and donations are actually *more* than TV deals for many schools. For an example, let us look at Texas:
Texas Athletics earns about $140 million in revenue (UH gets about $27 million in revenue, including money that comes from Upper Campus). If you go by Ferd’s article today, the average BCS AQ team gets less than $2 million in BCS bowl money.
To put things in perspective, the audit released for 2008 revenue for Texas showed:
$138 million in revenue
~$10 million per year from the conference TV deal
$33.4 million in ticket sales (they added 9,000 seats to the football stadium and raised ticket prices, they had $24.6 million the previous year)
$15.6 million from luxury boxes and premium seating
$8 million from camps (for all sports, not just football)
Football was responsible for $87.8 million of revenue and more than $40 million in revenue came from sources other than football (mainly basketball, but the baseball team sells a lot of tickets and actually makes a profit, etc.).
This year the Texas Athletic Department was reported to have gotten about $30 million for donations alone (more than UH’s entire Athletic Department’s budget). That counts the require donations for people who want the luxury boxes and premium seating and how people had to donate more than a certain level to get tickets to the National Championship game.
So, pointing to a BCS bowl money difference of about $1 million per school doesn’t take into account that TV money can differ by more than $21 million per school (Big 10 vs. WAC) and that overall revenue can differ by over $100 million between D-IA schools.
Not an expert,
There are a LOT of people smarter than me, a LOT of people with more inside information than me, and it is impossible to tell who is who on the blog when they go by an alias. I don’t mind the attacks on the blog as much as I used to get via e-mail at times…that is why I don’t post my e-mail on the blog anymore.
Hey, at least it got some extra posts for ST’s blog today. Maybe that was an Advertiser person trying to boost the hit count?
Good morning everyone!
Sad to hear about all this news and to top it all, I can’t watch the shows live.
Good luck Princess Leila and a BIG mahalo for reading my questions on the WB show. If you want a place to vacation to, come over to my side of the world. Got to be prepared to do a lot of walking as I walked about 10-12 miles yesterday.
In today’s publication from another sports columnist, he writes about Kelly Majam apologizing in Stephen Tsai’s Advertiser article regarding her previous statement of “They’re good, but we’ll beat them”, which was in reference to meeting Alabama this weekend.
Basically the column backed up Majam and implored that her “apology” was not necessary.
What I didn’t like, was the assumption that she may get some extra attention from the pitcher in the form of a hit by pitch.
It was not the assumption that this may happen that bothered me, but the fact that this could very well happen. We’ve seen the macho bravado of baseball players sticking up for teammates or sending a message via a bruise from a hardball, but really?
Of all the players, Kelly Majam should be the LAST target on anyone’s “hit list” of people to bean to get a message across in reaction to something deemed “offensive” and taken out of context.
Karma is a ______!!! I dare Bama to try it! Majam is tough enough to take her base with a smirk and her teammates are good enough to make Bama pay for it in runs.
Weird. Or maybe not so much.
After sending out e-mails, snail-mail, and more phone calls, only one parent contacted me today. I am not sure if they have given up on their student or if they think that I will pass their student because I am a nice guy.
My prediction is 18% to 20% of the seniors will not graduate in three weeks. This does not include those who already dropped out.
And, Princess, I forgot to tell you about the less than $1 massages for an hour here.
Ok…time to head out once again.
Thanks to the WB crew!
So June 6 is the day. D-Day.
Will the blog stall on the beach or will the front advance to something newer and better?
Thanks great article. Read it this morning. Thanks for posting.
Off topic: From a friend.
A local girl Nicole Scherzinger, Lead singer for the Pussycat Dolls, won
Dancing With The Stars last night.
[…] Tһе Warrior Beat| UH football, University οf Hawaii athletics … […]
HPU CWS is available on all-access CBS sports tomorrow at noon.
Baseball has its work cut out. 6-2 middle of the 8th.
Hey Garret
any are filies around SDTU the rents rooms for college kids? She’s a senior
Way to go, Kolten!!! 6-6
Baseball 6-6 after 8. Wong HR.
Tying faster than me. LOL
can you take our names off of the RSVP list please. we’ll come by but it’s going to be late, most likely at 10 pm. we’ll be coming from Halawa Correctional Facility, putting on a 3 hour concert with 25 others from First Assembly of God Red Hill……..but we will definitely come by to share in a toast for ‘da crew’. 🙂
One swing!
Thanks for the scout.com article.
Hey Garret,
Let me start over. I have a friend’s daughter looking for a place TO LIVE near SDSU. She’s in her Senior year. Want to live by her self.
Message on your cell.
cmon Basebows!!!
6-6 9th
duffer . . .
Kind of like the video replay.
Hey Kazz
I’m giving FREE golf lessons to the Wahine softball team after I make my “donation”
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Location: Summit Rock, Central Park NYC
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Noon – 5:00 PM
(Rain or Shine)
Started over 20 years ago by members of the local Hawaiian community to celebrate May Day, the annual Central Park Picnic brings together over 300 people from the Hawaiian community together each year on the first Sunday of June in a Hawaiian style potluck with ‘ono food, kanikapila Hawaiian music and hula. Everyone is invited to dance hula or play some Hawaiian music so bring your mele, hula and instruments. There will be a CD player and small sound system available. It’s a potluck so bring your favorite local dish to share and your own non-alcoholic beverages as well as trash bags for clean-up.
Soooo cool!!! Kolten with a HR…8-7 UH wins!
That was in the bottom of the 10th. Whew! Way to go, BOWS!
wow kolten wong.
also had a dong in the eigth to tie the game to go along with his two out two run walk off homer.
wow kolten you da man.
yup, no more beefs on the blog guys.
we may have only a week to ten days left.
can’t we all get along?
I was listening to the radio in my car and I was at a light. When I yelled, the people at the bus stop all stared at me. 😆
Good luck on working on their “short game”. 😆
Im gonna have to call you back, hopefully sometime later tonight. I’ve got a little work layover in Colomaohana’s “backyard”.
…way to walk(-off) that (Bull)dog!
…maybe it could be called the “Wong” Way?
dont see any
dont see anything bad
I don’t care “what” some tupit people will say bout you…..you are a good guy by my account and I enjoy your answers/comments.
Heck, live it up because who knows what will become of this blog site???
Thanks for everything, Leila, Garrett, ST……and all the decent bloggers out there who made it a most enjoyable experience.
Aloha Tsaiko Ohana,
Steve M
Please add Mrs. Lopaka and myself to the Blog Party list!!
Looking forward to seeing all of you again!!
Go Bows!! Go Warriors!!
When did Kolten Wong assume the spot of leadoff hitter?
Taking a page from the Book of Coolen huh? 😎
Can I use part of your post in my website if I link you back?
Can I get your work and cell # in case I contract something from you?
My apologies to Eran Ganot. I wanted to wish you the best of luck earlier. I don’t how it came out the way it did.
lopaka43 — gotcha down. Glad you folks can make it. First time at a BIG Karaoke Call, I think? Anyway, it’s more like an indoor tailgate where you bring your own liquids and food or contribute to the potluck, although not required (since like a tailgate, there’s a lot of food).
OK, bulla — penciling you in for the 4th quarter, but be sure you two bring your dancing shoes. 🙂
D-1 and fellow Tsaiko nostalgia fans…
Here is a look at what the streets of Honolulu & Waikiki looked like on VJ day. If you look real close at some of the crowd scenes, I swear you will see some of the old Blog dogs celebrating. I thought I saw Pomai hanging onto one of the vehicles speeding down Kalakaua.
The Kodachrome color is fantastic for 1945.
Whoops!…Link didn’t pop up in the post above:
Ink me down for the 5th as well.
#206, that must be from my Aunty?
Finally! 👿
Seriously, glad you can make it! 😎
I know I know… Had some mixed feelings but I’ll be there.
@ #205/206
Wait a minute!…there’s Tom Mui driving his old ‘Banana Wagon!”
Koamahu may be lurking. Watch how you use the word “banana” around here! 😡
I hope Johnny white is not going to be dobo.
We got to bring in a coach with some east coast, dc or ny connections.
Kazz ~ OK strike
Banana and add *Woody*Whoa! A called Strike 3!…meant to just strike Banana and add Woody. Now I really got Koamahu’s attention!
you guys seem to be nice why did al say stop the fighting
San Jose State was leading 6-0 over Nevada in the bottom of the 9th inning. Assuming that Nevada did not catch up, then tomorrow’s lineup will be:
GAME 3: LaTech v. Nevada at 8 am
GAME 4: New Mexico State v Hawai’i at 1 pm
GAME 5: Fresno State v San Jose State at 4:30 pm
All games Hawai`i times. The loser of Game 3 is out of the tournament.
The participants in Friday’s three games will not be known until the completion of tomorrow’s schedule.
No entry for Katie Grimes today?
I meant *FROM* Katie Grimes.
[…] The Warrior Beat| UH football, University of Hawaii athletics | honoluluadvertiser.com | Honolulu, H… […]
Keep up the good work. I find your posts both interesting and informative.
Congrats to Gabe Henry being added to the Wahine BB staff. Just read that on the UH Athletics page.
•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~• 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 •~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•
~~•~~~~•~~~~• ★ ★ The Honolulu Advertiser ★ ★ •~~~~•~~~~•~~
~~~•~~~~•~~~~• ★ ★ The Warrior Beat!!! ★ ★ •~~~~•~~~~•~~~
•~~~~•~~~~•~~~~• 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 •~~~~•~~~~•~~~~•
❀ Curtis Murayama ❀ Sandee Oshiro ❀ Scott Morifuji ❀
❀ Scott Nishi ❀ Shauna Goya ❀ Brian ❀ Mark ❀
❀ John Garcia ❀ Ann Miller ❀ Stacy Kaneshiro ❀
❀ Wes Nakama ❀ Dave Vinton ❀ Kalani Takase ❀
❀ Ferd Lewis ❀ Princess Leila ❀ Stephen Tsai ❀
Terrific film (as opposed to video 😉 )
Nice, Brew!
ST & Tsaiko Blog Dogs,
Princess, have a great vacation! Thank you for your efforts and insights in making WB what it is. With your youth, things will surely come your way. It is harder on the ole dogs when job transitions occur. The stress is but temporary as opportunities will happen for those who are talented. It is a big plus that you are good looking as well.
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Can wii play gameboy games? I’m wanting to play pokemon green, red, blue and crystal version… Is there any wii or gamecube games like them??
Man all the drama from the Basebows!…great win…like some one said…they did it the Wong Way!…
Feel the energy building for Friday?..Na Wahine…
Na Wahine,
Prove the naysayers Wong!
Go BOWS!!!
If anyone wants previous year’s UH sports posters, you should check out the Mo’ili’ili Community Center Thrift Store on So. King St., just past the Down to Earth building. I saw a roll of them in a basket next to the counter for, I think, $1. Thursday’s are half price day.
I downloaded Fable II from Games-ISO.com last week and, despite the fact its an old game, its the best Playstation 3 game in my opinion 😉
Hi and GNite!
10:49—Still warming up, the quarterbacks and receivers played pitch and catch on out patterns. The purpose was to work on timing with the quarterback firing the ball before the receiver made his break. Colt Brennan zipped the ball with authority and Roydell Williams caught everything thrown in his direction.
Good morning!
Exciting end to the BaseBow game last night.
Whew . . . kind of close.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Matt Smith, Hawaii Warriors Buzz. Hawaii Warriors Buzz said: The Warrior Beat >> "Princess Leila" http://buzztap.com/-o75SLi […]
I downloaded Forza Motorsport 2 from games-iso.com a couple of weeks ago and, even though its a”dusty” game, its the best PS2 game in my opinion 😉
Kekoa . . .
Thanks for link. What a time.
Go SoftBows!
Be the titas!!!
♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ❀ ❀
♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ❀ ❀
~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go ‘BOWS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~
Here we Go, LADIES!
Ride the Tide!
morning gang!
morning LizKauai & βρεω808
βρεω808 – mahalo for the sb pics, are you making the trek to bama?
LizKauai – thanks for all the CB15 info, keep’em coming
Great Morning All!
#2 son is home! 🙂
Verified that Sekiya’s is still open last night!
Have a terrific day errybody!
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[…] original here: Princess Leila – The Warrior Beat| UH football, University of … By admin | category: University of HAWAII | tags: column, garret, his-column, […]
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