UH, Alabama split to force decisive third game
The Rainbow Wahine hold on for an 8-7 victory in the second game to force a winner-take-all third game tomorrow in the Super Regionals.
Alabama won the first game, 8-0, in five innings, and then scored six runs in the fifth inning of the second game to tie it at 7. But a sacrifice fly gave the Rainbows the lead, and Stephanie Ricketts worked out of a bases-loaded jam in the seventh.
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something to watch between innings.
base hit!
making contact.
girls seem to be playing loose, not over anxious and picking their pitches
get the woolies out of the system, play some D now, stretch out, and get ready to attack at the plate again!
…spotted the weakness.
One of the Bama players’ favorite player is … Lou Gehrig?
Hey, I’m not even that old.
Surprised, the runner didn’t come home. 😀
That’s an older crowd, no?
…. plenty old…. 🙄
DP!!! 😆
Me-Gee is Brooks Robinson. (Yes, I’m that old.)
…it’s a big crowd!
I think “Jawhorse” would be an awesome nickname.
DP – MiGi!!! 😀
Eh Brew – you would blend right into that crowd… hahaha
we needed that dp, settle Ricketts, keep Bama off the boards early, and once our girls keys in on Dunne, we’ll get a bunch of run.
I’m that old too, haha
Pretty wide strike zone.
OK, it just shrank on the change-up to Aguirre
Pitcher’s number is “Oh-Oh”…. 🙄
That little cross-over pitching motion by Dunne is distracting.
Aquirre and Puu Warren went after bad pitches, widening the strike zone for Dunne.
OK, that’s a nasty drop pitch on Taualii.
Quick poll: Jawhorse or Mighty Fix It?
“Oh-Oh” is better than Lawrie…. 😐
altho they got Ks, they were aggressive and swung, we’ll get some hrs some.
I wonder if Mighty Fix It can clog that oil spill.
Yikes. The linebacker just hit a home run.
BEEG girl….
It feels cool to watch a game from my living room. I feel like Ray Barone.
….their leadoff looks like a pretty good slotback.
Wonder how she got away from the U of O?
That Bama player has a huge facemask. Now that’s a Jawhorse.
Parents live across the street…. or just the A-Houses…. 😆
Well, the facemask came in handy since she went face-first.
AJ still gets points in my book! 😀
Is ST going to make fun of Wena’s cooking today?
quite the venue.
…in Tuscaloosa, not your living room.
Time to get a snack.
great throw Katie, but she had to double pump to wait for Iwata to cover the bag.
GO••GET’EM••GIRLS!!! 🙂 😀 😆
Jawhorse. I saw that commercial too, Tsai!
grimes grounds out
surprise to hear that Grimes didn’t get any scholarship money unitl her junior year. I knew she walked on, but Katie has started and played nearly every inning since her freshman year.
keep makin’ contact.
They may be able to hit this girl once they bat around
Always the diss…. 😈
indecision kills….
experts doing the same thing all the time, diss’ing UH
Stoo-pid atltitude debate. I mean, how come BYU didn’t lead the nation in home runs?
Obviously these ladies have never seen Na Wahine play at home!
Climb the wall????
but how does the second person feel about that?
I know some Tsaikos who could qualify as an “odd-shaped object”…..
Come Na Wahine show them the power. To me it shows no class on the announcers, putting down any player any team
how many fields did we play that had 190 down the llines
llines=lines too early
Come on Ricketts
Always the diss….
TV commentator need to get Jawhorse to get their stats straight 😡
I couldn’t get GameTracker to work via the UH site – had to get the link via Tide site….
Good Morning All! Does anybody know if the game is available online?
More points for AJ!!! 🙂
settle down
djmitcho – from Pomai –
Need to hold them here
we need a stop
Sorry, was on the phone with JJ.
Did you know that children of SMU employees get free tuition? Mel deLaura’s eldest son is going to get a nice free ride.
thanks brew and pomai
Private school….w/ wealthy donors… 😐
Think they need to pull Ricketts, at least for the rest of this inning.
….amazing what a $Billlion endowment does for the FinAid Ofc….
Yikes…. still “raining” in ‘bama. 😥
Dang we are digging a whole
LB Locke up to bat… 🙄
Uh, oh. Locke just blasted her second homer of the game.
They should have listen to ST
YIKES!!! …almost like BP… can’t stop the leak. 😥
Good move bringing in Parnaby. It’ll give her a feel for the place, especially if she starts the second game.
God can you hear all the diss if we get mercy’ed
we got to make Dunne work hard and we can’t get mercy ruled, Dunne needs to go 7.
UH needs some Mighty Fix It.
Patch Perfect?
What is that? Lawn toupee?
Rogaine 4 lawns…. 🙂
they batted around, got 6 runs at least, our girls got to think they can do it to, but at least get a couple of runs next inning to break Dunne’s momentum
Ralph seems to be thinkin’ like the announcers… 🙄
My only criticism of Coolen is he waits to long to pull Ricketts
Best thing for UH is not to get mercy-ruled. Longer they go in the heat, maybe Dunne doesn’t pitch in second game.
Ralph … is R A L P H. 🙄
Wahine have to get some good AB’s…. 😐
I thought ESPNU was automatically included in the Oceanic cable package. Can’t find a online T
I thought ESPNU was automatically included in the Oceanic cable package. Can’t find any other way to get live online TV to the softball game in Tuscaloosa.. Bama showing their strength. Gotta stop them from getting more runs to allow us to catch up.
with 2 strikes, Dunne is making the girls chase some outside balls. Jenna just did.
No one’s making contact. Even MiGi’s hit was a dunk shot. 🙁
a break, got to take advantage of Jenna’s goot fortune. A walk. Rally time
sometimes small things matter….
Come on Na Wahine!
Good catch by Coach Bob! 🙂
Wow – can’t even see the PR – Brynne behind the monster 1B! 😯
great AB
good at bat by Aquirre, keep swinging
make it payoff!
Now this is a good AB! 😀
Hang in….
Oh oh… me sounding like d1島 AND Ralph!!! 😯
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Wow. You guys are funny. One score in the midst of a bunch of grunts and groans. Things must not be going well for Na Wahine!
rally time
Yes! 🙂
Come on Kanai
THAT would have sailed over a 190′ fence!!! 😈
I can hear the fans yelling lets go bows
Wow! strike Z O N E!
I listened to a couple minnuts on ESPN app and had a SB flashback and went into radio silence.
Everyone knows what happens right after a batter gets HBP, right??
amanda, got to do it here
smack it amanda
Charge the mound?
Can you give a little more p by p for the curious, pls?
AJ chased! 🙁
Amanda chased a very bad pitch, tried to hold but the ball was helmet level.
Wow…. that was over the Atlantic! 😈
Ack! Let ’em escape…. 🙁
Dang we needed at least a couple of runs
D E F E N S E !!! 😐
Sorry for opening my big mouth…
Come on!
Need to get Dunne back out quickly.
Wish you were in ‘Bama, could use some “conversation”
Stretch…you can just type “mouth”, we already know it’s Tsai-ko size.
Boy they really need to settle down, too many errors
No problem Stretch, I seen and sat next to BIGGER! 🙄 😆
No jitters. Hate to say it, but in this game, ‘Bama just better. Homefield comfort zone probably a big factor. Re-group now, get comfortable and play better in game two.
Bama is playing very well. Give them their due in this game 1. We’re okay, but that not good enough.
SF something UH needed at least to punch in one run. Now they are talking about the mercy rule.
Thank you for that info. One great thing about this blog is people give answers to questions you have. Only wish now that wahine’s weren’t so far behind. Usually the wahine’s have the lead that large. Always that second game. But must win two in a row now if it comes to that. Bama’s pitcher looks awesome. If she pitches in the second game, someone on our side needs to solve her servings.
if we hit we can win the next two games. We struggled in the early inning in A.M. games in the WAC tournament and Regional but finished strong, unfortunately, Bama put 6 on the board so we got to regroup and think we can win the next two. Ricketts has struggled in a.m. games.
Come on girls get at least one if not more
morning everyone in tsaiko country
looks like wahines ran into a buzz saw. keep playing hard, represent and go hard
Can do! Let’s Go Bows!
Brew – big things come in small packages…
So. Could the Wahine have been better prepared if the Tide had been scouted, broken down and addressed beforehand?
Or do they just watch the first strike go by and adjust the timing in the next game?
We just ran into a team with an offense like ours, but they have a pitcher better than ours. Two big offenses, us and Bama, and their pitching is the margin of victory.
Ricketts needs to shut them down next game, like Dunne is doing to us.
IT seems that the umps like that inside pitch even if it isn’t over the plate
9-1-2 in the line-up….can
Seems like this ump likes Dunne’s inside stuff better 🙄
Nice change-up. 😐
LizK short answer No
Ditto – NO.
Looks like we got mercy’d
Is Game 2 on ESPN-U, too?
Sometimes… you hit the wall. Sometimes… the wall whacks you. 🙁 😥 😐
OK, sounds like it is.
Weather looks OK for Game 2
N E X T •• G A M E. 🙂
What time is the next game? Any body know?
Lots of TS popping up in Eastern AL – hope they stay out there…. 😐
We have got to settle down, their pitcher is good but she is hit’able, girls just need to relax an wait for their pitch. Also need to tighten up on the defense.
Announcers said ~ 30 minutes.
2nd game should be on ESPN
according to Oceanic’s guide
Cal about to be eliminated. 😐
Thunderstorm watch….
Thanx csb…
sounds like it might still be on the U though…we’ll see.
Where’s Kazz….? 😕
Make that Severe Thunderstorm Watch….
d1 koke at nancy’s
d1 the only thunder I want to hear is the thunder off our girls bats. LOL
Check the Pali?
I might have to get a JawHorse to use as my beverage holder! 😆
Would that be Original koke or New koke?
Sorry, gotta help Mrs. d1島 with a project she doing….
Wow! It’s 4X $44.44 just for one, plus shipping and handling. Nope! 🙄
But then what would you do with the second person?
….they never say how much “S&H” is!
Is koke the frog? 🙄
….but then, if they using a JawHorse they could eliminate that second person and therefore reduce “handling” costs! 😆
2nd person? – Ask ’em to fetch another cold one…. please. 🙂
Wow, feel bad for these Bama girls. A few of them missed spring football practice because they were in the middle of their softball season. Unfortunately, that’ll put them behind the rest of the players when they come back for fall practice.
Bye-bye Cal…. 🙁
Subdued celebration?
I would probably be subdued, too if you told me I was going to Oklahoma City! 🙄
Announcers just said Wahine game coming up on the “U” in 25 mins. 🙂
Second game on ESPN U from announcers on ESPN 2.
Oregon vs. Mizz on ESPN
maybe Wahines will remember they came back against Abbott of Tennessee at the last Super Regionals.
Go Wahines!
Hi 808ike! Hi 808ike! 😀
Luv the witty reparte and lively banter here. You Hawaii fans sure know how to keep it upbeat.
Me, I’d like to use a high pressure firehose on the Bama fans who clap to distract our girls when they’re up at bat. Maybe I could use a jawhorse to train the hose on them while I turned on the hose! 😆
If there is a third game, tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. HST from ESPN 1420.
No need JawHorse…. you’d have plenty of volunteers! 😈
Hit the ball where it is pitched more– don’t just try to pull everything.
On the fouls, they can contact and drive those into play just over the infield or over the outfielders if drawn in.
Can’t just swing for the fences against Dunn.
Oh wait…. some Tsaikos are busy holding their beverages – two fisted too! 🙄 😀 😆
Ya gotta help your wife with a project instead of going to Nancy’s D1?
See. If you’d a bought that jawhorse you wouldn’t have that problem!
You could send the jawhorse to Nancy’s to keep KK company.
It has been a while. Mostly lurking.
IMHO – Srs. were anxious and seemed to chase the riser. Wide zone didn’t help. No matter – have to adjust! They had several good AB’s towards the end. 😐
These SEC pitchers got the edge over everybody.
Hope the Wahine bats start firing up…this is when they really need it.
or … call DPK to help w/ the honeydo’s – while you watch the game! 😆
Well atleast the play-call announcer is pronouncing UH’s players names correctly.
Good idea….it’s early enuf in the day, I doubt he’d notice!
Come on Na Wahine!
Parnaby, go Kaia!
I wonder if Slugger was able to get some breakfast?
on ESPN now, until next game starts
U, too!
I guess it’s not assigned seating….Hawaii fans moved over.
SF gets the job done, we got to answer
So how many balls do they allow on the field at one time in Alabama?
Can you just wait until Hawaii comes to bat?
ok. gotta head out.
good start hr
Oh yeah Kelly.
Did the air suddenly get thinner there?
Wait that dosen’t count because we can only hit HR is small parks. LOL
Majam Mayhem
Why do I get the feeling the commentators don’t think we belong here?
come on wahines lock it down, battle, battle, battle
Ah, so Alabama HR gets held up by the wind, no wonder they ended up as…. ROUTINE FLYBALLS!!
The fence at the Rainbow Wahine Softball Stadium is an equal 200 feet all the way around, NOT 190 down the lines.
The “Conversationalist” has arrived! 🙂
…and Kazz!
not getting the tv feed so must listen to 1420 radio
KK – from Pomai…
Make ’em pay, Jess!
Way to make em pay Jess
That’s right!
I guess the wind has died….
They musta elevated the field by a mile during the break….
mahalo pomai
go to see the grand salami by iwata, keep pounding wahines
not even CLOSE!
notice plenty pitches by alabama has the wahines hitting ground fouls or out
Good things happen after 2 outs. WOOHOO ❗
Hit Parade!
Go Wahine!
3 up, 3 down now
Good inning for the Wahine!!! Now we need a quick, 1-2-3. 😀
me…. d1島‘s echo…. 😳 🙄 🙁
Very important defensive inning for the Wahine here.
Bama is good, so good that expect them to make contact off Kaia, if it’s a grounder, the infield needs to step up and get those outs!!!
# Kazz ($100.00):
May 29th, 2010 at 9:04 am
I ask ST to delete this post. This shouldn’t be tolerated.. Pretty classless Kazz..
LB up… 😐
~3 Good inning Kaia & D!!! 😀
I’m doing gametracker on my blackberry so I think I’m delayed.
IF this keeps up, I might as well skip out watching the game tomorrow and rely on ESPN 1420 as I always have had to since the WAC tourney.
au’wryte settling down, see ball hit ball now, play to win, keep scoring
Really helps your cause to repost the remark you’re complaining about!
AJ continues to hack away… 😐
First Hawaiian has been notified.
You should watch what you say. Company like yours don’t take kindly what their employees say on a public blog.
Wow – that was a quick inning…. TOO QUICK! 🙁
gotta be patient at the plate, let the girl throw some pitches, come on wahines keep the focus
What da heck, let’s see it AGAIN!
❓ How come you guys keep posting that –
Need to work quick….
thats it keep the ball down, move it around then blow it by
Yes, keep it clean.
I dunno…..
I think some may take exception to:
damn… the wind must be blowing again… ROUTINE FLYBALL!!!
yea nice and easy. now turn up the offense, hit hit hti
ok 😳
Storms continue to bloom on the East side. GA getting whacked! 😐
What’s different for Alabama in this one?
Well, we gave up too many runs in the 2nd inning….
d1島 …. made me do it. 😳
….if you take away the 6 runs, Alabama is leading!
Also Brilliant!
wind has died down…. ROUTINE… UH HOMERUN!!
K A B O O M !!! Traci!!! 😆 😆 😆
Hey, what’s the altitude in Tuscaloosa? Just checking…
Awwww….. I was just starting to like Captain Morgan! 😆
Too funny, PP
“altitude” or “attitude”? 🙄
Is that Majam?
Or Gonzalez?
shhh.. see #124
okay, sorry, no more!!
I feel sorry for the fans. They look sort of, uh, sweaty now.
bachi! 😈
Kind of like those third-base seats we gave away at Murakami Stadium.
Wow, that ugly weather is bearing down fast!
So, during this break:
Are we sold out for the party?
Probably day-dreaming…. but how sweet would it be for a quick shut-down top of the 5th followed by two Wahine runs!!! 🙂 😀 😆
Better hurry.
Don’t want a rainout.
Someone call the farm and ask SteveM
I no need one seat. 🙁
Per SteveM’s page, we are at 46, a few more spots open.
Hold ’em!
Let’s end this early….
Steph, but on a short leash.
Two isolated storms about 20 miles out. They’d pass quickly. 😐
Reports out of Bama, is that the ESPN announcer’s booth is 50% BCS-Biased with with the SMUG levels at 50% as well.
Of course, we minus the flakes, like, that blog host who always shows up late.
Think we’ll bring some special guests.
F O C U S!
I think you need more “Pinkies”…. 🙄
Besides…. they gotta go home early…. 😀
If we can hold, Dunne returns NO DOUBT and I think Coolen will rely on the Freshie Lefty Aussie.
keep the ball down
that it stay down and outside
Uh, oh
refocus, take deep breaths, settle down
that it stay down
Stay with it, 2 strikes
She’s thinking too much.
Catch and throw.
Catch and throw.
Don’t do the around the pitching circle tour.
Can somebody check to see if Kazz is breathing.
big pitch
Nothing quite like a shy Home Plate Ump…
Oh oh…. weather’s going to turn bad in about an hour…. 😯
LB again…. 🙁
How hard do you have to throw it to “keep” THAT one to a single?
come on wahines close it out here, get that last out
#311 – Kazz, it only saw your post now when I was just thinking…is it my imagination or are the announcers a lot more animated when ‘Bama is on the base-merry-go-round? They weren’t even this jazzed for Iwata’s grand slam. Weird…I have small ears, though.
some one talk to her
Nice crowd! Needs more green though! 🙂
what happened to the strike zone? 👿
It was a six-run lead until some idiot blog host started talking about tomorrow’s pitchers.
just let the tide back into the game
Somebody needs a break. 🙁
Time for a pitching change.
ditto dat #337
The fans don’t look so sweaty anymore.
Nah…. Sorry, it was my bachi comment of 303. 😳
# Kazz ($100.00):
May 29th, 2010 at 9:42 am
Reports out of Bama, is that the ESPN announcer’s booth is 50% BCS-Biased with with the SMUG levels at 50% as well.
Contrary to what Kazz thinks, I’ve been listening to ESPN announcers and don’t interpret any biases during the calling of this game.
7-5 UH. Now 7-6.
Focus on the game Kazz. You’re putting a hex the girls with your negative spiel.
Come on girls…. got two outs! 😐
I deleted the “tomorrow’ post. Maybe that will be the un-bachi.
Stop focusing on Kazz!
Oh … my … goodness
old mo just jumped the fence
come on girls gotta battle
Finally! 😐
now be patient, take your time, settle in and go after it one at a time
Hope you can re-write the lead-in again to something spectacular…..
Okay, it’s a brand new game…time to practice my favorite “F” word: FOCUS! I suppose we can just turn down the volume on the TV if our ears are too big.
I think the Rainbows need to get back the swagger.
The crowd is loud and somewhat irritating, but not hostile — sort of like the announcers.
My roommate sat down to watch during ‘Bama’s rally. She got up and left the area. Hopefully that was the problem.
just come back and win this game
As long as Dunne doesn’t pitch again, because we can’t hold Bama, we need pitching we can hit.
Wow… weather map looks like some sort of tie-dye…. 😯
Dunne 😈
And there’s double-0 ….
I like how Dunne pitches.
Catch and throw.
Catch and throw.
discipline at the plate make the adjustment needed
PP – What’s w/ all the “ears” comments? You know, “small”… is mostly relative! 😆
gotta admit this ump strike zone is weird
not consistent
Only weak ground balls off “Oh-Oh”. 🙄
wahines getting baffled
AJ can’t lay off the riser. Okay, a hit! 😀
after 2 come on keep hitting and getting on base
Dunne will make it hard to get the lead back.
I just don’t think our pitching can keep Alabama from getting more runs.
Come on RAIN!
Dunne is “Oh-Oh”. 😥
I would get Kaia back in to pitch the 6th. 😐
this inning for alabama is crucial should will decide it all
wahines gotta shut the door here
Bang Bang
No tomorrows! 😐
RIP Dennis Hopper.
Pitching to Bama is like pitching to us and we don’t have the pitchers for that.
one more like that!
No tomorrows! 😐
HI cell phones work in Tuscaloosa
this is a big out gotta have this
yea babe no begging coach
get the third one here
the S-t-r-i-k-e zone is back
#385 – What d1島? Somebody calling the “bullpen” but instead, got the “bull”? 🙄 😆 🙂
One more strike!
bear down here, settle yourself ricketts
gut check time who wants it badder
The lady from HI waving at someboddy ova hea!
(btw, ti leaves no work so good as fans!)
All right, now hit the heck out of Dunne.
Get a few runs so we have a margin over Bama.
GO••GET’EM••GIRLS!! 🙂 😀 😆
yea now go after it with patience, be discipline
if can can if no can still can
imua ladies hiki no
i’ll lock my keyboard…
what’s up with beaning the batters?
For the team , Stretch!
Good job…
keeping the ball all outside
rally rally rally
K-Jam!!! 😀
au’wryte coolen argue for the wahines, how to man up
let’s go blue….
She’s supposed to move back while moving forward?
Alright Wahine.
No favoritism here! 🙄
BS, bottom line
commentator is right, because it hit her in the upper body and she was NOT crowding the plate
yes jess nice and easy
make her pitch, continue to hit
🙂 Let’s go MiGi!! 🙂
kick him out kick him out
Bring Kelly home! 😀
battle jr battle you can
toss him
Pour it on!
stay away from the hight one’s
unacceptable…favortism 101
that it you can do this
no mercy, cook the Bama Whammas
I like the high ones…then again, everything is high to me.
Okay…. one will have to do! Let’s go DEFENSE! 🙂
Having koakane as a coach musta been….
J is HIGH again! 😆
Pressure is on Bama. They need to score this inning or its over.
Speaking of interesting….
all the t-storms are bending around Tuscaloosa
Go Wahines!!!
You gotta believe!!!
Think he ever charge an official? 🙄
one at a time just one at a time
Let’s do this Stephanie!
βρεω808 of course you would read it that way…
I believe!!!
get ahead here 7-9 batters need this
curveball or screwball? 🙄
only taking only taking
the ever-changing strike zone is murder!
moi? 😯
need a strike, take away the bunt
Defense! Turn 2
go afta the batter
yes, next batter focus here
throw stikes
Can’t handle the commentary…going to 1420
COME••ON••GIRLS!!! 🙂 😀 😆
Still can think 2
1420 is almost normal, haha
d1島 – Do you mean…. us? 🙄
cmon girls
Finally got Braud…good timing
Let’s go ladies! Get the final out!
One more out! 😐
Oui, toi.
gotta throw strikes to stay ahead no depend on ump
Do this!
no begging
keep it up got 2 on um
now work it work it
This is what it’s all about … go Stephanie!!!
YIPPEE!!! Wahine’s Win!
we win we win
Live another day! 🙂
Yesssssssssssssssss!!! Woooooohooooooooooooooooo!!!
Alright Wahine. Game 2 goes our way 8-7.
Hawaii Wins!
That’s what I’m talking about … we can win any which way baby!!!
Whew! There is a “TOMORROW”…. 😆
Congrats to UH Wahine Softball Team!
Whew…need shower off the sweat.
7am on ESPN.
What is “phew”? Must be foo-foo french. 😆
Way to go wahine. Guess who the pressure is on now?
thats what its all about win to play another day
go back and plan to win it
congrats wahines
28 game win streak. Wow. So much for that. Bwahahahahaha!
And the Rainbows are the “home” team tomorrow, thanks to Kara Nishimura winning the coin toss.
99 – Can you send me your email at “me” at gmail dot com? 🙂
Here we go- All in a days work.
One snap and clear!
BaseBows up next!
★ ★ 😆 ’bows!!! 😆 ★ ★
Good call Kara!
28 game win streak all pau for Alabama
An interjection used to express relief or fatigue.
Almost 500
and we still have more than half of the day to go
and it’s not even football season.
Way to go Wahines!
Awesome game… tomorrow’s the big day.. rest well Wahine.. sleep with confidence..maybe the Tide players will have a fitful night having lost for the first time in a long long time…
Come what may, this is a Wahine team we can be proud of! They have the heart to face adversity, and to come back from defeat and win!
Great job ladies!!!
J – Okay, okay… now you’re just showing off! You do realize that it doesn’t take much to accomplish that feat around us Tsaikos…. especially moi. 😀
Go Wahine!
Whoah…. just is time. The Weather bureau just call for an extra box of Crayolas! 🙄
Go BaseBows!
Hope they can play tomorrow. Maybe there really won’t be a “tomorrow”. I’d really hate it if I was right. 😈
Did you get my email?
βρεω808…showing off? I only used one word with more than two syllables (aside from this one). You still ahead.
High noon tomorrow in Alabama. Play the Clint Eastwood music.
Boise State this year:
Baseball — No team
M Basketball — 5-11 (eighth place)
W Basketball — 8-8 (fourth)
Football — 8-0 (first)
Gymnastics — 5-0 (first)
Soccer — 5-3 (third)
Softball — 13-8 (third)
W Volleyball — 7-9 (fourth)
With all the excitement … almost forgot
Goood Morning Tsaikos!!!
… and thanks ST … and the Tsaiko nation … for all the info and perspectives
Duh. 😀
99 – nada
What a game. My heart can’t take too much of this, so girls please start off tomorrow with at least two grand slams in the first.
The commentators made a quick comment about Ricketts not being 100% for the game. I wonder if she stayed up late, Alabama time, to watch her sister pitch for Oklahoma against Washington. Hope she can get some rest, all the ladies tomorrow need to be TOP SHAPE!!
Brew got the package just today, just in time for a win. Thanks
Good morning Tsai-kos!!
Congrats to the Wahine!! Great heart. Live to see another day.
ST – B$U plays all sports counted in the Commish’s Cup except baseball. Agree UH should get credit for sports they play where there is NO WAC – men’s vb, sailing, cheerleading, water polo…
Is rodeo a NCAA sport?
yes with cow chipping 😛
Pomai – you’re welcome. There’s not much there, but I thought it might make a nice souvenir. This has been a fun and special year for Wahine SB. Let’s hope it’s really SPECIAL!!! 😀
99 – still nada. I hope you didn’t take my post literally… and send it to “me”@gmail.com? 😆
Just got a return email saying brew at gmail doesn’t exist. Grab it, quick!
clubu99 at yahoo
ST & Tsaiko Blog Dogs,
Congrats to the Wahine for winning the second game. Me and Slugger were squeezing for the no run 7th inning. I think the underwear was turning brown for me. I hope that did not set Kazz back too much. He needs to load up for tomorrow. Hopefully, they can really bust it open!
thanks slugger, for finding a place. I don’t have access to ESPNU.
I knew it! Just like I’ve been saying… brew doesn’t exist! 😐
slowly coming down from an emotional high after the wahines pulled off the win
yes, yes rest up, come back with renewed vengeance, start off quickly and be sharp. for all da marbles, all or nothing babe
congrats to all
are we on ESPN tomorrow?
Do we get to be in HD?
The difference between watching the HD games ESPN and the standard games on ESPNU is huge.
Now for baseball….
kden who’s up for a gathering to catch the wahines play while we do a kope hour prayer meeting?
Won’t be able to follow tomorrows game, as they don’t have TV at the beach, gotta support da grand daughter paddling out Haleiwa way.
Koakane #523,
Let me know if you want to do the prayer meeting and where….
Dairy Queen run! Laters.
Majam was right. They can beat Bama. Just one game to go.
Tally update.
2 homers by Majam and Yoshikawa
GRAND SLAM by Iwata= $50.00 😉
Actually I think todays games was good for Na Wahine, it shows that they can play with any team and win. I wish though that they would start just a little later in the day say 4:00 their time.
Kazz I hope your in the hole for about 290.00 after the first inning.
Dairy Queen sells six packs?!? 🙄
‘kay – BBL. Here’s hoping for a “low tide” tomorrow! 😀
missed a great game, got to hope the dvr got it all. Now that the Na Wahine has seen both Dunne and Morgan, tomorrow will be the Na Wahine break out day, we should be favored. Hopefully its a hitting battle, we got that covered, we got too much power. With a little defense, it’s going to be an up hill battle for Bama.
For #9 batter Tracy has become money. I get excited when she leads off in an inning. I know good things will happen.
What I really like about our Na Wahine is that there is no weak spot in the line up, they all can hit with power. Key to tomorrow’s game is that they jump on Dunne right from the get go, she showed today that if they hit her she’ll start to think, then it’s all over.
Lately Parnaby struggles from the 5 inning, maybe she is okay going thru the batting order twice, 3 times through the order the good teams adjust and they are see her pitches a lot better
BYU is down 7 -1 ASU, wouldn’t it be neat if BYwhoo won an had to face UH in the series.
UH and BYU are in opposite brackets
$190 and counting.
When I peeked at my phone and saw that Bama had placed in Dunne as they tied the game in the late innings, I hated it, but respected and loved the decision.
No doubt Bama is prepared for a run at the national title, but tomorrow is a NEW DAY!!!
The bigger “brothers” of the Rainbow Wahine, the Rainbow Baseball team, watched closely rooting hard and loud for the Wahine while having breakfast in Arizona.
Don’t even address me in regards to negativity about this softball program.
Give me a minute and we’ll discuss this.
You sure you want to do this.
You know how it goes. If you heard it, there is no harder evidence available.
I’m just gonna stick with ESPN 1420. There is a delay between the radio and the TV, but so worth it to save one’s self from wanting to throw something heavy out the window.
Go ahead son, go nuts. I’m done with you and I said my peace.
Troll on!
here kazz,
If you haven’t forgotton
# Kazz ($100.00):
May 29th, 2010 at 9:04 am
I ask ST to delete this post. This shouldn’t be tolerated.. Pretty classless Kazz..
then all through the game you ‘re bemoaning ESPN as being biases, calling them at one point idiots
so why dont focus on the game instead going off the way you do
no one else on this board does this
but then you’re a highly esteemed tsaiko, lol, pffft
to use words like kill, cut their throats are pretty bad
dont you think?
first hawaiian should be proud of you, no?
Not enough… YET! 😎
My brother just purchased a “jawhorse” online!!!!!!!!!
ESPN…predicting Bama tomorrow…citing pitching…says Wahine pitching will not be able to hold out…
ESPN…game needs to be played…talk is talk…come tomorrow, NA WAHINE will bring everything…This you can count on.
Already at 550 posts. With the Rainbow baseball game still to come, is there an outside chance to reach 4-digit post count today?
If anyone is interested, ESPN is replaying Game 2 while the Arizona St vs Florida game is in Rain Delay
Locke looks more like a DT..
ESPN rebroadcasting UH vs Bama game 2 at 1:40 pm today
all the old folks taking their power nap, getting up early for them is northing unusual, watching to gut wrenching games took its toll.
Hawaii fans got good seats, front row, near UH dugout. Bama stadium is sold out so to have our fans close by is a bonus.
KAZZ: Hope you don’t have to go to FHB for a loan! (Probably worth it tho’)
#538 Ralph
DUH in the series as in “2010 Womens College World Series”
WooHoo! I’m sewing lei for graduation & watching the replay of the Wahine. Great win!
Big Mahalo to Don Murphy for letting me & AnnodahDave watch the game this morning with him.
A-Dave said it’s Traci Yoshikawa’s brother & Dad in the first row.
★ ★ ’bows!!! ★ ★
Agree with Troll on this one. Don’t use threatening phrases like throat-slashing.
To quote from Meet the Parents: “It’s just a game, Focker.”
Hmmm channelsurfing.net lists today’s basebow game..
Pomai the world series brackets play separately, the winners face off for the championship
We have chance to make the championship bracket, but BYwho got no hope or prayer of making it. Quiocho had a difficult regional and super regional.
Ralph I know that but still would be neat if it happened, nothing like an old rivalry to make it interesting.
ESPN switching to Florida vs Arizona State, 2:45 pm
Troll FTW!
Kazz, I lurk here a lot and I rarely post but I do. And yes, to prevent confrontation I am indeed hiding behind a screen name.
IMHO…and trust me, its not only me, it is clear you definitely have a passion for all the UH teams.
But sometimes its borderline “stalkerish.”
Again, its only an opinion. But then again remember that with so many people here, you will have varying opinions, thoughts, and feelings no matter where you go.
I just shared mine.
Back to lurking….
I just got this from a comment on the HA article
I guess I not “In like Flynn”
Barring total disaster, it’s gonna be the ‘Bows facing Fresno for the WAC Championship.
Fresno 13 — SJSU 0
Bottom 7th
That’s gonna be Fresno’s disaster to deal with, not ours! 😆
I was hoping for a high-scoring game between Fresno and San Jose with both of them racking up the runs and burning through their respective pitching staffs, but that game turned out to be high scoring for only one of them.
Final was 13-1 Fresno.
Looks like the primetime game is gonna start on-time (for a change).
If it were down to BYU and UH in the national championship game, ESPN would quietly declare it a “ratings nightmare”.
I’m surprised they could switch locations to follow the change of dugouts.
I make no apologies for how I portray my emotions during games, about games, or before games.
Anyone that has sat near me during a live event knows I hold nothing back. This is what it is.
Bring it all or bring nothing.
Don’t like it? Well I do.
Congrats to the Wahine softball team.
Tomorrow, history can be made!!!!
Time to support the baseball team.
#572 ~ Didn’t you read the blog yesterday/last night? I asked… could not advertise, since the restaurant was not open. We were just watching the game. No staff, no servers, but good company. GO WAHINE!!!
You organizing anything for breakfast tomorrow? I called 6 different places last night and there really are no breakfast places, with TVs & the Sports Package, open at 6 a.m. Tomorrow looks more promising.
Good morning or good afternoon Tsaikos! Tried watching the first game last night, but fell asleep in the bottom of the 3rd inning.
1st game–boooo them tides!
2nd game–hooray for the WAHINE!
Link to “watch” the baseball game:
The stream consists of a single camera operator and the Fresno radio broadcast.
Both Ufa and Ucala win (vs. Asu, L’Laff, respectively) in five – 8 run-rule wins! 🙄 🙂 😯
channelsurfing must be done by JumpTV, the WAC did that for the Na Wahine tournament in Las Cruces.
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
Rainbow Celebration on K5 at 6:30 pm, doesn’t list the sporting event, I’m hoping it’s not basketball.
channelsurfing picks whatever feed is available
channelsurfing picks-up whatever feed is available
au’wryte warrior bball fans
so far so good stay on them dog no letting up
pound pound pound
Alright, time to head out again.
Let’s go BOWS!
Kazz. Three men in a tub and we get some that think only you are by yourself. How wrong their mindset. Get 3of us, duffer, you, and me. Are we crying about what we pay??? Hell no!!! We are most happy and proud of the softbow wahines and what they accomplishing. $190, so far. PRICELESS!!!!!!!
slugger pomai posted this
dawg pound! 🙂
Wait – is “pound pound pound” politically correct? 🙄
what was the 6 places you called
brew hows this kick um kick um kick um
we gonna go and get the boat, cuz we gonna go and try de fishing….its gonna be a good time out dere bcuz itsa like we gonna haf to go and trow da nets out into da water, my brofther is gonna chum da water, his fren tole him das dere is a lotof trolls flapping in da shallows…and we like to catch’em, and gonna cook ’em wit a little ulu anda banana, wit da coconut milk……dis is like a delicacy for da family…….gonna try fine one nuddah bruddah to pull de nets back infto de boat……gotta go now,…..
Fine by me…. but I’m “different”, maybe not as PC and/or sensitive as others. Heck – I don’t even exist! 🙂 🙄 😀
Where am I sending this check to?
Basebaru seems to move very slowly in comparison to WSB! Now, I’m spoiled after following Wahine SB! 😯 😀
duffer – 🙄 no wonder the kid gets anything and everything…. 😀
Duffer still get tomorrow
come refocus, settle down, composure gangie
come on trap gotta know when he doesn’t have it, to late now
Yikes! ‘bows need a pitching change…. again. Gotta use the hook quicker Trap! 🙄 🙁 👿
Great – now I’m koakane‘s echo…. 🙄 🙂 😀
man what’s happening out there. mental lapses or what
Don Robbs said it earlier – batting practice… 🙄
Note: 2nd inning – NO OUTS! 😈
I know, might have to get one cashiers check.
finally come on now start something up
One thing the kid NOT getting is a car! 🙂
duffer, you lucky you get one cashier. me, no can go dark side.
LOL @ Esteemed
Congrats to Amber Kaufman in qualifying for the NCAA Championship.
Guess both teams are playing tomorrow.
Let’s hope it’s a DOUBLE celebration tomorrow!!
KFVE showing UH vs NMSU football game right now.
Amazing how a football game just draws you in…
I didn’t call Leeward Bowl yesterday…although I did find a place that said they’d work with us for an early away game. Do they have oxtail soup at Leeward Bowl?
WAC Softball Related News –
Just got a text. Fresno State’s ACE Morgan Melloh is leaving the program in what would have been her senior year in 2011.
Apparently she is pursuing a career in her family’s business back home.
Melloh was the ONLY WAC pitcher in the regular season to earn a win over the Wahine.
Koakane & Slugger,
I thought Big City Diner opens for brekkie and they have TVs galore.
Big City Diner wasn’t going to be open at 6 a.m.; I called them. They do open at 7 a.m.
OK, this is bugging me on the football replay. I can hear Vili’s drums playing while we have the ball on offense…while we are supposed to be calling plays, and at the beginning of our plays. And they are not playing while NMSU has the ball.
Please pray for the Softbows. Several are sick with flu-like symptoms including Ricketts.
A team mom says it might also be from the sandwiches they had. In any case, prayers for rapid recoveries would be in order!
Thanks for the info, Liz! Praying hard for them. Hope someone gave them your suggestion: ginger tea.
Yes. Same mom will let the ladies know when they wake up.
Ricketts was awesome when you realize she was playing sick!
Big Bows Day tomorrow.
too bad about the basebows today, but there is tomorrow.
this was a very big sat for both softbows and basebows, but tomorrow is huge as both have chances to advance to higher level. Give em!!!!
slugger what other places you called and what place says they will accommodate us?
haven’t been to leeward bowl in ages, so don’t know what they serve.
sunday morning will be extremely busy
Ah, ginger tea cures all. I’m sure they’ll be rarin’ to go. I’ll have all my fingers crossed for the men and women tomorrow.
Hey, belated thanks to the Tsaiko fam for all the well wishes on my wedding day last week. You would have been impressed by Big Bro’s Banzai, which one of my friends described as “epic.” He and my buddy Adam channeled their inner samurai.
And, no, Tiff did not wear the Colt helmet. Knew we should have gone with green and black for the wedding colors.
and with koakane tomorrow, it will be one green bottle hanging on the wall, one green bottle…………….
whitey already started and up to 271 bottles falling off the wall 271
lizk, send coach coolen email about ginger tea. coolen@hawaii.edu
kk, what you mean falling, supposed to be hanging or standing. good one!!! hahahahhahahahaaaa
kk, at this rate, not only going get green bottles falling, but we going reach 650.
and if ralphie, kekoa, and al jumps on, going puka 700
no can go to the dark side cause need kala for a most worthwhile project.
with this is 639 and the next lucky person is 640. heeeehawwwww
kk, going take your suggestion and have one sample bottle of royal salute and going toast the gods for good luck tomorrow for both teams.
I’d like to offer this small bit of help to my esteemed colleagues as they strive for 650 or 700.
I had my freezer shots out of Tsaiko shot glasses with biru earlier. Sweety did too.
How you whitey – san!
sixfifty looms…
Does anyone have a firm time for the SoftBows game tomorrow? The UH softball home page says the game is at 12 noon tomorrow which makes it 6 a.m. HST. The online ESPN listing doesn’t show our game. AND is it going to be on ESPN, or ESPN-HD? I don’t have the HD package. Argh!
Stephen, could you clarify the time for the Wahine game tomorrow, please.
Thanks, whitey. I emailed Coach Coolen.
My Mom bowls at Leeward. She said they have maybe 20 seats in their restaurant area.
Wailana has 24-hr. breakfast, but the woman I spoke to said I’d have to call the manager to find out if they would open the bar area where the TV is located. She did not think that would fly, because they’d have to have someone working in the bar; can’t change their schedule = costs $.
Oh boy, I have to read 648 posts.
What’s the right word? posts, messages, hits?
Yes, congratulations to Mike and Tiff.
Giovanni Pastrami said they could, in the future, work with us on early games. They’d need weeks of advance notice, because of scheduling staff (manager, servers, cooks, etc.) I gave him a run-down of what happened at Champions; not a good experience.
Like Like Drive-In doesn’t have a TV. I forget who else they recommended I call, but that was fruitless.
Bama Beat says:
“The two teams meet again at noon Sunday on ESPN with the winner advancing to the WCWS next week in Oklahoma City.”
That makes it 7am in Hawaii.
I called Don just to get a recommendation. They don’t open until 4 p.m. He’s such a nice guy. We should support his business when there are events.
whitey started to put up, stack nicely, then become any kine way to now which is just throwing up against the wall 😀
Anna Miller’s doesn’t have TVs & neither does Zippy’s.
Nancy’s didn’t open at 6 a.m. How early have we been there for breakfast?
This from The HA Breaking news:
“The Rainbow Wahine (48-14) ended the Crimson Tide’s 28-game winning streak to tie the best-of-three series. Alabama is 52-10. Game 3 will be at 7 a.m. tomorrow Hawai’i time and broadcast on ESPN. The winner goes to next week’s Women’s College World Series in Oklahoma City.”
Ah, LizK, ‘Bama is in the CST time zone, but with Daylight Savings Time, isn’t it 6 hours? which makes it 6 a.m. again?
Atta boy, KK! 😆
Hurrah! Thanks for finding that. I can do 7 a.m., ESPN, in the comfort of my home. Tsigh…
Do you folks think the breaking news from the ‘Tiser home page has the game info wrong for some reason? I’d hate to tune in at 7am and find the game half over.
Zippy’s on Nimitz has a television.
I just hope they have the info right Slugger. I assume they would. 😉
5 hours diff in CDT
Okay. lets jun ken po and the loser gotta call Tsai to confirm the game time.
Pride, what you go,t paper rock or scissors?
You Slugger?
I get dynamite so I automatically win!
Its between you guys.
Show what you got!
670 🙂 !
You guys no fun! I goin’ moe!
Dreamin dreams of beatin’ Bama again!
I’ll bet Zippy’s on Nimitz doesn’t have the HD Sports Package, though; needed that for ESPNU. Now I do remember the TV being on when I went to a HIFF movie & got some food at Zippy’s.
Game is at noon in Tuscaloosa, it’s 7:00 A.M. in Hawaii. Five hours time difference. No need be rocket scientist. Alabama is Central time as Liz said.
Night, DPK!
7 a.m. ~ We all get up and start raising a ruckus!
I have a prediction for tomorrow’s game. If the Rainbow Wahine win the game tomorrow, then the going to Oklahoma City. If they lose, then they coming home to Honolulu. That’s my prediction.
so where is the kope hour prayer meeting going be?
If Wahine win tomorrow then they beat a very good Alabama team. If they lose tomorrow, then they lose against a very good Alabama team.
kden I predict the game going be sunday may 39th 7am and wahines playing alabama crimson tide in soft ball 😮
opps may 30th
I know what was wrong in my calculations… I was looking at ESPN schedules yesterday, and they were listed in the Eastern Time Zone. That’s what stuck in my mind, 6 hrs.. K, 5 hrs. CDT, is correct. Thanks for elucidating.
I should go moe moe, too.
Good night!
now now slugger get 19 more bottles left ……………….. right whitey
What time Nancy’s open?
Wahine going be in Oklahoma City on May 39th.
It is very last-minute, so it is difficult to find a find a group TV-viewing place… even though it is only ESPN, rather than PPV.
Efforts seemed centered on finding a restaurant/sports bar that will serve breakfast AND have suitable size/quantity TVs. Sorry, it doesn’t help now, but we might consider the following minimum in the future (Yeah, I know I “Think Different”…Myer Briggs INTJ type)…
1. Need a room (for 20-40 people, preferable with walls and light control) and a TV feed that can catch ESPN.
2. The room should have table, chairs, and large TV’s … OR a screen and video projector (like those used in workshops).
3. The provider of the room will cater or, preferably, allow tailgate style food.
Years ago I have done such projections and seminars/workshops at hotels. But, any location that can meet the 3 criteria above will suffice. Cost would depend on the location and resources of the attendees. Can be someone’s big garage too. 🙂
Don’t want to put hotel people on the spot, but they are potential resources. Similarly any organization with a large room could theoretically help–education, church, clubs, etc.
But, it is really hard to plan last-minute when the event is very early in the morning and it’s elimination tournament play.
I wonder if Amanda is the daughter of John Locke, former heavyweight UFC fighter who now makes his home in Hawaii. John is stilll built like a linebacker.
don’t know when nancy’s open, usually our services started at 10
lately we been tired and catching a few hours of zzzzz’s before heading out 🙂
kk, sheesh, go take your advice, have a small blue bottle, then all kinds of tsaikos come out and now they going for 700
kk, where’s ralphie, our doom and gloom guy?????
and the hump gets clearer, but my maka gets smaller.
and with that, going call it a night.
Big City Dinner opens at 7 am.
RE: #685
Of course, if you require HD TVs, the possibilities dwindle…. 😐
i not positive but i think Nancy’s open at 8:00. anyway that’s how used to be about a year ago. try check the Shack. they have breakfast on Sundays and used to have NFL football. they open late tonite since its a party night. you can call and find out. i too lazy and too tired to call.
come on. almost there.
pushing for 700. no can. i tired. good nite.
no moa 7(00) at 11(pm).
made em. i quit!!!
Too bad there is no TV’s at Haleiwa Beach Park. GO NA WAHINE
This has been something that UH fans on the blog have been complaining about for years. I don’t know why Vili does this so much, as he is being paid by UH to be at the games and he’s hurting UH by making noise while UH has the ball on offense.
The sad thing is that UH fans also do this on the road. I’ve been to 5 or 6 UH games at SJSU and the UH crowd always makes more noise when UH has the ball instead of making noise when SJSU has the ball. During both 2007 and 2009 you had *UH fans* standing up, waving their hands, and yelling for the crowd to make a lot of noise when UH was trying to call signals at the line of scrimmage. I remember in 2007, Colt motioned to the UH crowd to quiet down…but the UH section just got louder.
Time to pray.
Pray the bad sandwiches pass through.
Pray the thunderstorms stay away and the Wahine get their chance to move up.
Pray the you have ESPNA and can see the game on TV.
Aloha Kakahiaka!
It’s Memorial, er Making Memories Day”
Go Soft/Base Bows!!!
conTrolls kill blogs 😈
Amen, Liz!
Brew808 – You said it, buddy.
new post 🙂
Great, I never knew this, thanks.
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[…] the original post here: The Warrior Beat » Blog Archive | UH football, University of … By admin | category: University of HAWAII | tags: hawaii, rainbows, stephen, stephen-tsai, […]
Really decent post… I love it. Keep ’em coming… 🙂
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[…] The Warrior Beat » Blog Archive | UH football, University of … […]
[…] The Warrior Beat » Blog Archive | UH football, University of … […]
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[…] The Warrior Beat » Blog Archive | UH football, University of … […]
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If you’re still on the fence: grab your favorite earphones, head down to a Best Buy and ask to plug them into a Zune then an iPod and see which one sounds better to you, and which interface makes you smile more. Then you’ll know which is right for you.
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