Out of the ordinary
The Warriors, like every other college football team, adheres to a routine. For the Warriors, that means a brisk walk following the wake-up call on game day and specified meal times.
But because of several factors, the Warriors depart this evening on a rare (for them) non-stop, red-eye flight to the Central time zone. The Warriors try to avoid overnight flights because it throws off sleep patterns, especially for players who have difficulty getting their Z’s on airplanes.
The Warriors also will be departing today, a day earlier than usual for a road trip. The Warriors prefer to have a full Thursday practice at home, with only the Friday walk-through session on the road.
But unless The Concorde is re-activated, it is what it is, as they say. The Warriors will arrive in Houston tomorrow morning, check into the hotel, sleep, and then practice in the late afternoon.
Meanwhile, the Warriors will practice this morning, then attend classes all day, before going to the airport this evening.
good morning tsaikos
#60 (yesterday) … cocobean … thank you for clearing up my confusion on OC & additional information.
Yeah, I am with the other Tsaikos.
I feel that a full time OC should be hired so that Norm Chow can focus on being a HC.
Ebola virus — thank goodness, the Warriors will be in Houston and not Dallas.
Actually, Ebola cannot be passed when in an asymptomatic state. It has to be in an active state of symptoms to be transferred. Mrs. Boola, who some know is a doctor, got the news early of this patient, as her brother, also a doctor, is the director of internal medicine at this hospital in Dallas.
I didn’t know that.
Thanks for the info.
Boolakanaka Sorry I don’t trust what they say about it!!!!!
UH vs Rice
12 – 24 AlaWai
14 – 28 SC
15 – 27 Whats Up
17 – 28 HiFlyer
17 – 00 Ipu Man
17 – 28 Derek
17 – 28 4-Prong
17 – 21 Fei Jai
21 – 17 Lawaia
22 – 21 BigWave96744
24 – 21 Pomai
24 – 10 kawika49
24 – 10 tommui
24 – 14 Masatoshi-san
24 – 16 boolakanaka
24 – 21 hatakeman
24 – 23 bowwar
24 – 31 C-Pop
24 – 23 Silva
24 – 48 jeffdman2000
28 – 24 kev-1
28 – 25 pollypicador
31 – 10 protector
34 – 31 3-Prong
35 – 14 UHfan808
37 – 09 akuhead2
38 – 14 Jack Flash
38 – 21 wafan
42 – 10 mo808
42 – 21 oldtimer808
56 – 14 d1shima
It looks like there’s only one flight leaving HNL that leaves at 7:30pm and arrives at Bush International at 8:06am (local time). Might be better to try and get whatever sleep on the plane then stay up til practice so later that night they will be able to get a good nights rest.
We need a Lomi Lomi Coach, to turn the receivers “Hands of Stone” into “Magnets”.
We also need a Slippery Coach, to turn our backs into “Slithery Buggahs”
Good Mirning, Tsaikos!
Is it easier for a DC or an OC to be a head coach? I think a DC is more likely to give up the keys than an OC.
Did you guys see the baseball game yesterday?
What a heartbreaker.
Hubby was rooting for Oakland, because he was born in Berkeley, which is near Oakland.
Too bad they lost to KC.
Your courtesy public health announcement:
What preventive action should a company take if we have guests coming from an afected country?
Education about how Ebola spreads and how to prevent infection is important. People with Ebola can ONLY spread the virus to others only AFTER they develop symptoms, so a key message is to stay at least 3 feet (1 metre) away from anyone who is sick. People in Ebola-affected areas, or who have been in an Ebola-affected area within the past 3 weeks, should monitor their health and seek medical advice promptly if they develop symptoms.
As Ryan Mouton called on call the coach last week, I hope coaches take advantage to recruit Texas again.
At UH, HC June Jones was the OC, i think. He called the plays. Later at SMU, he hired an OC.
I agree that we need a dedicated OC with Norm becoming the CEO and managing. But, realistically we don’t have the money. We would need hundreds of thousands extra. So while I cannot be happy with the results, the current structure of Norm trying to be HC and OC is probably a necessity. We would need someone like Rolo who is up and coming but not yet elite but this will cost us. If we go with coaches who are more “affordable” (Tommy Lee, Aaron Price….no disrespect to either) I am not sure we will really be better off. To me our coaching situation is just life with a Walmart budget. With a Neiman Marcus budget of course we could do more. Maybe there is an OC out there like our DC Kevin Clune. Someone with potential who is not yet fully proven. If our D continues to be strong over the next year or two I assume the Neiman Markus shoppers will come a calling for him.
Good morning, Tsai-kos!
Good stuff posted at end of yesterday!
Great to see Warrior Team happenings on their way!
Comtinue to work out the kinks and have another productive practice, Warriors! 🙂
Yeah, it would be great to hire an OC the same caliber as DC Clune.
But, would Chow allow the new OC be an OC?
Or would he veto the guy’s play calling?
I wonder about that.
Good morning, folks!
Sending my prayers for safe travels to our RB Warriors Team! Bring us home the win!
BTW: I agree with Pomai, “…don’t trust what they say about!!!!”
#20, thank you Gigi!
Why hire an OC when the HC refuses to let go of play calling? Even Bobby Curran said that Chow gave the order to run, run and run in our lone, but boring, and too close for comfort win over an FCS school.
regarding ebola: Of course! why would I believe in medical professionals and experts in the CDC along with all the other literature in peer reviewed medical/professional journals about the subject? who needs this “science” stuff anyway?
Anyone know if June in still in Texas?
Yes jeezy#15, I hope they can start a pipeline to Euless Trinity. Mulaga told me there are Polynesian players who would love to play to Hawaii
Let’s see…Kaumeyer was getting paid $250,000 per year and was replaced with Clune with a price tag of $160,000 per year. That frees up $90,000 on the coaching staff salaries. Last season Chow hired Aaron Price for $120,000 per year who’s contract ended in March of this year. That’s a total of $210,000 that they could have used to hire a coordinator without having to increase the coaches salary budget from the 2013 season. If they didn’t promote Wynn to QB coach and the new OC was tasked to coach the that position, too, they would probably have close to $300,000 for a offensive coordinator if Chow wanted to hire one this season.
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that if norm chow wanted an offensive coordinator, the university would get him one. Granted, we’re not going to get lane kiffin, but let’s not pretend there is absolutely NO budget for an offensive coordinator when we just had one at the start of the season (before he was fired).
25 Shoko…interesting math…….Maybe Norm just doesn’t want an OC.
Or maybe he has enough confidence in Jordan Wynn’s developing capacity that he foresees the transition to OC for Jordan in the not too distant future
28. That could be true about Wynn, or Chow might be feeling the financial burden of the the budget deficit and wants to try and save the athletic department money, which probably isn’t the way to go if he wants to build a successful football program. Last thing you want to do is to make cutbacks on a program that is a revenue generator for athletics.
Actually, regarding Price’s salary, that figure of $120,000 is what was left on his contract after working for four months prior to his dismissal. So, I think his initial contract was probably more than $120,000.
Hope they don’t run it up the middle for no gain 3 times in a row.
Pomai – you missed my earlier prediction: UH 34 Rice patties 20. Go Warriors !!
how is Dany Mulanga doing anyway? haven’t heard much about him, seemed like he was injured during fall camp?
#28: If that’s the case, then norm chow isn’t very smart. He needs to win and win now. If he felt that he needed an offensive coordinator, i’m sure he would’ve gotten one. If he felt that jordan wynn and himself could run the offense effectively and win games right now, then okay. If he felt that he could develop jordan wynn and maybe he’ll come into his own by next season or two seasons from now and take more lumps now, then that’s dumb, because it’s possible he’ll be forcibly retired by the end of this season if he doesn’t start winning games (and a lot of them).
Morning, Gang!
Eh, kawika49… funny, your #11 comments on coaching needs. Only thing… now, I get “Miss Momi Lomi Lomi, Miss Momi Lomi Lomi…” running through my head now. Going be singing it all day now! Hahaha!
Here’s hoping we play a great game and spark interest in Texas recruits!
Good Morning Tsaikos!!! Hope everyone has a great day!!!
Go WARRIORS!!! Every player do your part well and play that position 100 percent. Bring home a victory.
Guud Morning Tsaikos…bootiful day.
Safe travels to the Tsaikos going to the Gohan game.
Bob Hogue has a good article inre. concussions in Midweek.
Wow!…lots of stories of injured players…
Casulties of the Grid Iron…https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=casulties+of+the+grid+iron
NSF the evidence is fast becoming definitive. I seriously consider the vast liability and risk management issues that will arise in the coming years. My own prediction is that the game will either vastly change or cease in the next 10-15 years.
See:New data from the United States’ largest repository of human brain samples has shown that an overwhelming majority of NFL players who submitted their brains for analysis after their death suffered from chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). The Department of Veterans Affairs’ brain repository, based in Massachusetts, found that 76 of 79 former pro players had evidence of the condition, which can be caused by repeated head trauma.
The findings came as part of a wider study in which the department examined the brains of 128 deceased football players who had played the game at professional, semi-professional, college, or high school level. It found that even in the brains of those that had played at lower standards, the rate of CTE was high — of the 128 players, 101 tested positive for the disease. The brain condition is caused when blows to the head cause the production of tau, a protein that manifests as dense tangles around the brain’s normal cells and blood vessels. The degenerative condition can cause depression and fits of rage among its sufferers, and confusion, memory loss, and dementia later in life.
What happened to SMU is happening also to Houston and Rice. With Baylor, Texas, Texas A&M of the SEC, and TCU being P5 teams, they and P5 teams from outside Texas are sucking up the best Texas talent and the best Texas coaches– Houston has been drained dry, Rice lost its DC from last year’s championship team. This is happening to conferences like the MWC too– the loss of Peterson is an example, also the loss of Gary Anderson and Aranda to Wisconsin from Utah State. Now even the low tier P5 teams like Oregon State, Washington State, and Illinois are scooping up Texas talent selling the idea that they are headed up, while the G5 teams in Texas like SMU and Houston and Rice are headed down.
Taking the red-eye flight is a BIG mistake–it throws your body out of whack; deprives your body of a full night’s sleep; and affects your functions!
It’s better to miss a day of practice and take a non-stop flight in the day on Thursday; and have a light practice on Friday like Nevada did at the new Levi Stadium last Friday before playing at SJSU on Sat.
Who makes these decisions–Chow?
10. Shoko: Some people (players included) absolutely cannot sleep on airplanes, myself included. When I take a red eye, I am literally red eyed the next day, not having slept a wink. There are some people that fall asleep prior to take-off, and sleep all the way until the plane lands. It might be especially hard to sleep if you are 6’3″, 300lbs sitting in coach.
boola, I’m in my 60’s. I’m glad I won’t be around to see futbol over take football as the most popular spectator sport in the US. It took the Romans a couple of centuries to realize Gladiator matches were a hazardous sport. I think Nero was fiddling “mamas don’t let your babies grow up be gladiators ,” while Rome burned.
I”m giving a heads up to football fans….beware of the rise of the soccer moms.
Went to Kalaipohaku, We never had a miss lomi lomi; to experience me. Shucks; kids now days, getting all kine experience.
Interesting question as to whether QB’s under Chow and his staff improve or get worse. Schroeder definitely got better– so much so, that it took the coaches awhile to recognize this. Graham went downhill, with maybe one upward blip– but now he is down again unable to beat out a QB that started with promise, but is becoming probably the worst we have ever had. Woolsey started out very well in the Washington game and has gone downhill every one of the three games since then. If you go back to David Graves– look at his stats with Mack– 57% completion, 5 TD’s passing, 5 TD’s running, rushing an average of 5 yards per carry, with Chow he became a bench warmer.
Tomorrow, there is a United flight #1231 departing HNL at 6:30am; arriving LAX at 3:08pm; then another United flight #1402 departing LAX at 4:12pm & arriving Houston at 9:23pm. This would be a lot better for the team.
42. If they don’t sleep on the airplane, I still think they should try and stay awake or maybe get in a power nap prior to a light practice that day. Then they’ll be tired enough to get a good nights sleep Thursday night and wake up late morning for the walk-through or whatever they do on that day. I would think since since they have a direct flight and have an extra day it allows them an easier time to adjust their body clock. But, hey, its just a suggestion.
45. At the time, though, Chow’s offense required sit-in-the-pocket quarterback. I bet in Chow’s new and revised offense, there would be a place for David Graves if he was still on the roster.
Also, with Schroeder, his improvement was probably attributed to Iosefa coming back and establishing a somewhat strong run game.
33. Well, I don’t know the real reason as to why Chow didn’t hire a coordinator. My comment is simply speculation. I think the only person that knows the answer to that is Chow and I doubt he will take the time to explain.
Schroeder’s improvement probably was also due to the fact that the offensive line was almost competent near the end of last year. I honestly think that Taylor Graham got the short end of the stick last year. he was thrown to the wolves with an incompetent offensive line, and just when it seemed like he was showing some development, he got injured.
50. I agree this OC dialogue is just speculation. But I think the conversation is a reflection of many wondering why our offence has been so anemic and taken a step backwards when our D (with a new DC) has made good progress. It is not as simple as OC or not OC. But coach Chow is accountable for the lack of productivity because the offence is his kuleana. He fired the DC last year for good cause. If the O keeps going the way it is he will similarly need to fire the OC, which of course is himself. A much more positive unfolding would be that we hang 50 points on Rice and shift our ruminations to something else.
I agree
All of these budget constraints could be attributed to Bert Kobayashi pulling all his support and supporters out of the foot program. Remember when he pulled out due to Apple’s, Im assuming, attitude and perhaps arrogance? Dont know if he came back onboard but ouch! Also, they should disband the board of regents for lack of common sense and incompetence. They may be movers in the perceived elitist entities in our state but they are not perceived in the public’s eyes as smart, at least not in mine. Bring back Wally Fujiyama because he is rocking and rolling in his resting place and ready to kick a–! I see that other people agree that David Graves could have been a winner if he had played. But our current regime brought arrogance and couldnt integrate a young QB with the “run and shoot” mentality into perhaps a hybrid offense. Arent coaches suppose to develop trust and confidence in young athletes and try to win them over? As I have said before, we are not going to get a bunch of 4-5 star athletes and run the “3 yards and a cloud of dust” and “student body right and left” offenses. WAKE UP ALREADY
I that the QB coach is the oc and calls the plays
First, I support the Warriors!!! However, the “ills” of the team can be pointed to many, but ultimately, the Head Coach is responsible. I agree with many, that Chow needed to hire a Offensive Coordinator and focus on being the Head Coach. Nonetheless, Chow has chosen this path after ditching his OC last year under a shroud of controversy. In essence, he’s ditched two OCs during his tenure and now, has chosen to simply have a relatively inexperienced QB coach. Despite the reasons, I think this tactic sells our players short by not having the best coaching available for them. If the trend continues, we will continue to lose, the fans and boosters will go away, and our athletic programs will have a bigger deficit. I’m sure at the end of the rainbow, both coach and AD will be replaced if things don’t improve…
#54: It should be noted that we’ve lost two stalwarts of the program over the past few years under BJ…Bert Kobayashi is one and the other is Ben Yee. God help us if we lose Murphy.
How’s this for a quick fix for this year. Have Chow appoint someone, maybe Moses as Associate Head Coach and appointed himself as the acting OC. Have Moses relieve Chow of some of the day to day administrative duties. Have Moses handle all the travel details, have Moses manage the sidelines in games. Then Chow can sit in the coaches box to OC the game.
It’s been brought up before about Chow calling the game from upstairs but now it’s time for Chow to take a serious look at doing so. I remember watching a replay of Chow’s last game at Utah. It was the Sun Bowl against Paul J’s team. Chow called a masterful game, they won in overtime.
For one game this season Chow should take a chance. Do what he’s best known for – OCing a game. The view from upstairs might give him a better perspective of what the defense is doing. He might see flaws on our side that may not be visible from the sidelines. He won’t have to wait to see the film and figure corrections, he can try and make corrections while the game is going on.
I believe for at least one game Chow should put himself in a position to do what he does best.
“he’s got to step up” yes but maybe cannot. Maybe “gym fighter” or “shadow boxer”. In the ring, no can do. Also, just because a guy is 6′ 4″ doesnt mean he is going to be good receiver. No mo talent maybe, remember Walter Murray ” butter fingers” dropping the “Big TD pass to beat BYU”? Nuff said.
I agree with you. I have felt that way since year one.
Perhaps now is the time for drastic action.
I like your plan, but I don’t think Chow appreciate’s suggestions from the public.
I just can’t see football ceasing ever let alone 10-15 years. Yes, I believe it will continue to trend towards more player safety, but ti’s an inherent part of American culture already. At every single level of the sport (pop warner, high school, college, and professional), it has a tremendous following and most of all, the $$$ generated for each level. Just by sheer number of participants (standard team fields ~50 players), it provides the most opportunity for the athlete (educational scholarships, professional money)…
Champ – We’ve gotten a good sample set of what these guys can/can’t do… And it’s definitely not promising. Makes you wonder what Coach was thinking this offseason, not pursuing multiple JUCO guys that could compete right away… Def looks like he was banking on Wittek.
Also, these 6-4 guys (we’ve got 3) are possession type guys and yes they had some drops but gotta give them more accurate passes CONSISTENTLY and hope they use their size to win balls… and that just hasn’t happened.
How do big players fit into those skinny rest rooms on airplanes?
Sideways in, sideways down, sideways out. I kno these things.
Forgot, wash your things. Before sideways out.
QB coach / play caller – Jordan Wynn – 1st yr as full-time Div 1 assistant, 1 yr as Grad Asst.
WR coach – Luke Matthews – 1st yr full-time D1 asst coach, 1 yr grad asst,
When hired I felt Chow was taking a big risk with such inexperienced coaches, after all he only coached at Utah 1 yr where he got to know these guys.
When you hire a staff important to have “Trust & Loyalty” along with work ethic & competency. Jury still out for this season and futures of Chow & staff I wish them success.
Already put my kupe on the team, It could be part of my retirement plan.
Hey hey hey, let’s get it on, it’s hump day.
Kawaika, you must have tight buns and washboard abs.
I’m talking about those 300 pounders with big butts and belly
sticking out like a pregnant Tutu.
In that case, hope the plane can fly, and go before you go.
Ipu Man…
Maybe they are reminded to use the restroom before boarding, and then told to just hold it until they land. If not, then buddies need to block the view of others, and they gotta use the barf bags. No can do #2… Better not have sore stomach! Hahaha! Now you got me wondering too… some of them boyz is some big bambuchas!
#70 Nine hours?
Boola, yes football as we know it will change. Younger kids playing the game may have to consider if it’s worth the problems they will incur later down the road.
I wonder if the Aussies have any studies/reports about their pro rugby players suffering the same kind of problems.
Couldn’t help but shed a tear in my one good eye after watching the videos.
#57 — Norm was in the booth at UCLA, 2008-10 ? Whether lack of talent or whatever, it didn’t work out so well there.
What if we played the current game, with soft helmets ( without plastic cover), and soft pads (without plastic sheathing)?
sitting here eating my spaghetti lunch. thought of a new drill for the receivers. rub olive oil on the ball and fire passes to them. Almost like playing catch with a bar of wet soap.
Schroeder became the starter last season, not because Chow promoted him, but because Graham got hurt.
not sure if “soft” helmets or pads would help. It’s the initial transfer of energy that jolt the body one way and the head goes the other way or when the head hits the ground after a tackle or head gets smacked by incidental contact.
Guys can get concussions even playing “touch” football.
Helmets would be like boxers use in sparring.
Where is the wind?
I’m getting cranky.
I think Daronte’ Jones has the title of assistant head coach. Or something like that.
#79 No eat beans, you may get what you wish.
Tsai Master, what ever happened, to a family friendly section at the Aloha Stadium?
Before the offense takes the field for each drive in a game, i think i saw Luke Matthews giving instructions to the offense.
I think that the helmet/pad system will not stop the sudden de-acceleration of the head resulting in the brain sloshing around and striking the skull which is the cause of the damage.
Football, as a collision sport, is inherently dangerous and it seems that padding may have an impact only if the de-acceleration can be spread over a longer period – seconds as opposed to hundredths of a second. Maybe if the padding was about a foot thick it might help.
Another solution might be to limit the size (mass) of the players since the transfer of momentum could be reduced by lowering the mass or the speed. Maybe no player should weigh more than 180 pounds. Or you have teams by weight class.
Ebola may be in Honolulu, per the news, if anyone interested.
Kind of wish the media would get more facts about it before they run a story like that. I’m sure this has caused a lot of public duress already.
86. — The patient may have traveled to West Africa . . .
Just eliminate cleats.
If you take out the padding then the players probably won’t launch themselves looking for the big sportscenter hit, because they’ll get injured too. Pads enable you to hit harder. That’s why rugby players don’t launch themselves at each other.
I’m not necessarily advocating for this. just sayin’…
Good evening, folks!
@85 & 87, Makes me wonder why our government would not vett the travelers coming from those locations with a three to four week quarrantine? Something very strange not to since France and Britain have been refusing flights from Africa.
Did Panda Travel have a package for the fans to Rice? Airfares are crazy to Houston.
Was planning to go but………….$1200-1400.Economy. Anything more reasonable out there?
#84 … I would look at speed, perhaps more than mass. Energy goes as the square of speed, versus just proportional to mass. Acceleration is proportional to velocity, assuming the impact time for deceleration is the same. Reducing the effectiveness of cleats (per #88) would reduce acceleration to high speed in the direction of the target player.
#92 Oneseason – cleats would have an impact on speed in the short distances, but I imagine given a long enough approach distance one could get up to damaging speed with or without cleats – so not sure if getting rid of cleats would minimize the problem.
I think 4-Prong’s (#89) observation that without pads players would be less likely to launch themselves thereby reducing damage – maybe. But no way would anyone propose eliminating pads.
If the lack of an OC is a major factor in the losses, then UH appears to be losing a lot more in revenue than it would cost to hire an OC. It looks like UH is missing out on about $1M/year …
1) It looks like the annual revenue decrease is probably about $500K+ between season 1 and season 3. (see details below)
2) Add to that UH can’t negotiate as well with TV providers for broadcast rights …
3) Add to that UH can’t raise season ticket prices … just $15 more per season ticket would be over $240K ($15 times 16K seats). Personally, I would pay an extra $15/year for a 8-5 team or better.
Details …
Season ticket sales are down by around 2,000 this year compared to last year; for that one year, the revenue difference is $296K (http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/26344040/season-ticket-sales-continue-to-lag-for-rainbow-warrior-football-team). The falloff was similar for the previous season according to a September 10, 2013 Watchdog.org article “Wounded Warriors: Hawaii football team failing to generate points, revenue”.
Approx. Season Ticket Sales
2012: ~ 20,821 (WD 2013)
2013: ~ 18,194 (WD 2013)
2014: ~ 16,137 (HNN 2014)
#93 nutmegger … unfortunately, that makes sense
oneseason: how do these numbers compare to von appen’s years?
Does anyone else think that if the Warriors can beat Rice this may be the precipice to kick start the team in the right direction?
Beat Rice and the team will have a record of 2-3…and the players and coaches will have a giddy up in their step as the team eagerly comes home to play Wyoming.Then off in the horizon…all of sudden 3-3 seems possible.
This is a sunny scenario.
The worst scenario is watching the team return home with long faces and a 1-4 record.
Hopefully this Saturday the Warriors fortunes snowball…and for 60 minutes coaches find a fix, the offense clicks, the defense sticks, and the ills of the past are out of the mix…no tricks or conflicts…and…for this once the team maintains momentum that leads to a winning script.
Come on, team.
One win can turn the corner for the Warriors, where all the pieces come together, and where players gain confidence and shed the burdens and pressures of losing. Winning is infectious, electric.
It is the writers belief that a win at Rice will give the team the spark to achieve a better accounting of themselves for the remainder of the season.
The Warriors need to have a sunny outcome this Saturday for so many reasons.
# 98
Right on! Let’s Go! Bring home the win!
Pollypicador #98 – I think the Warriors have a good chance to beat Rice.
1) UH had time to heal physically
2) Mentally the team is ready to scrap – hopefully this will not mean a bunch of unsportsmanlike penalties
3) Rice is home and as a Texas team likely underestimates UH
4) The QB and the receivers want to prove the past games are not who they are.
My first one puka puka.
I believe they haven’t done the testing for that possible ebola case yet. Paper said they found out the patient is at Queen’s Hospital. It must make the workers there uneasy.
http://gridironarizona.bravehost.com/recruiting.html New offer out to a top ten DB from Arizona.
http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/blogsususports/58479254-55/keeton-season-injury-medical.html.csp Utah St. loses QB Keeton. Huge loss for Aggies.
Despite the travel schedule, despite Rice being prepared, I believe the Warriors will be ready. The last “great” road victory was the total domination in all phases of the game over LaTech in 2011. Warriors won 44-26. The Bulldogs finished 8-5 with this being the worst loss of the 5. Looking for a similar effort this Sat. Like I said in previous posts, make them throw by stopping the run. Old Dominion, and Southern Miss moved the ball at will….Southern Miss just killed itself and failed two 4th and 1 at the 50. Bet they wish they had those back. Let’s just win!!! Go Warriors!!!!!
As to football safety, there is an inversion on the behavioral aspect from the athletes perspective. Thus, the advances made in regards to mitigate blunt force and trauma from an equipment standpoint, have actually lent to increased violence in the type of hits we have seen in the last 10-15 years.
Think of it this way, remember when you use to jump-off the roof as a kid, (well us pupule kids remember) but someone says, jump with an open umbrella, and you go to an even high spot on the roof–thinking the umbrella will save you–well, the umbrella is an analog to advanced football equipment.
Here is a much more lucid explanation from a recent NPR article :
Credit: Adam Cole/NPR, Getty Images, AP Images
Super Bowl XLVII will kick off Sunday with its typical bombastic fanfare: Beyonce will wow us with her live halftime show, and “space baby” commercials will overload us with cuteness.
But this year, there’s a gray cloud hanging over the Super Bowl: the mounting anger about devastating injuries to players’ brains and bodies.
Thousands of former NFL players are suing the league over allegations that it covered up brain injuries. Even President Obama is concerned: On Jan. 26, he lamented the violence of football in an interview with The New Republic.
But tough, rowdy NFL linemen have been taking down unsuspecting quarterbacks for almost a century. Have hits really gotten harder — and more dangerous — in recent years?
That’s a complicated question, says Timothy Gay, a physicist at the University of Nebraska and author of Football Physics: The Science of the Game. But a look at the physics behind a tackle suggests that the answer is yes, Gay says.
One thing is for certain — football players have gotten much bigger and faster.
And the laws of physics tell us that the force of a hit depends on three factors: body weight, speed and how quickly the players stop moving.
Baltimore Ravens Ray Lewis tackles New England Patriots Aaron Hernandez with his helmet during the 2013 AFC Championship game this year.
Jared Wickerham/Getty Images
Back in the 1920s, when the NFL was just getting started, the average lineman weighed only about 190 pounds. Now they average 300 pounds.
That means Hall of Famer Morris “Red” Badgro, who played for the New York Giants in 1930, would lay down quarterbacks with about 970 pounds of force, according to Newton’s second law (and a bunch of simplifications).
In contrast, Baltimore Ravens starting lineman Haloti Ngata weighs 335 pounds and runs the 40-yard dash in just under five seconds. If he sacks Colin Kaepernick on Sunday, he’ll unleash about 1,700 pounds of force.
In other words, getting stopped by Ngata is literally like having nearly a ton of bricks fall on you.
“These are very strong forces,” Gay says. “This is why they call football a contact sport.”
Athletes can usually handle these hits when the energy and force spread across the whole body, especially with the help from modern-day padding. But when the tackles are focused on small areas, like during a helmet-to-helmet collision, then the impacts become severe.
Such collisions occur about 10 times faster than full-body tackles, Stefan Duma, a bioengineer at Virginia Tech, tells Shots. And so a player’s head comes to a complete stop much more quickly than the rest of the body. Inside their helmets, they feel G-forces five times bigger than what jet pilots feel when they pull tight turns.
Although these numbers are just estimates, Duma says they fit well with what he actually measures on the field.
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For the past 10 years, he’s been putting little devices inside the helmets of Virginia Tech football players to monitor how fast their heads slow down during hard tackles.
“Since we’ve been measuring, the hits haven’t gotten stronger,” Duma tells Shots. “Even 10 years ago the athletes were very strong and fast. I mean Michael Vick was on our team then.”
Duma says players’ weights and training regimes really haven’t shifted since about the ’90s. “If you were really talking about changes, you’d have to look back decades.”
So what does this all mean for concussions and brain injuries?
Neurologist Vassilis Koliatsos at Johns Hopkins University says doctors and scientists are still trying to figure that out. “Faster, heavier, more aggressive players will absolutely increase the impacts,” Koliatsos tells Shots. “They are quite severe.”
But right now, he says, they don’t have scientific evidence about what links concussions to long-term brain injuries. “There’s even some concern that weaker, nonconcussive hits — although poorly defined — may also have something to do with it.”
I hope Woosley gets pulled if he they don’t score a TD in the 1st quarter. It’s hard to watch a stagnant offense not do anything when the defense is kicking butt.
Regarding football head injuries and what is being done.
Football recognizes the impact of head injuries and has made the game safer by instilling stiffer penalties (monetary, ejections) in additions to 15 yards loss of yardage for players taking hits at the player’s head area and taking unnecessary roughness hits on defenseless players. At all levels of football this is one step in the right direction.
The other, and I think Chow is on top of this, is giving medical retirements to players with career ending injuries, like Wily who had a head injury. Some players may have tried to continue, especially if they are faced with the financial burdens of college. But with Chow stepping in and saying “you’re medical future is more important” and “let the school pay the remainder of your scholarship” it convinces the player in making the right/proper decision.
Lastly the evolution and development of helmets continue to look at ways towards safety. When we played helmets had no padding. It was a basic shell with a weaving of straps inside that held your head in place and cushioned the impact (our school was poor). Then came padded helmets in my second year (somebody made a donation…thanks). After that came air helmets.
Currently the development of helmets uses sensors in helmets to send medical data of the impact of the player’s hits back to the training staff on the sidelines.
Awareness, deterrents (stronger rule enforcement), head coaches recognizing the issues (where a lot of the coaches currently subscribe to the no take down rule in practice which further enhances safety) and the industry which looks at ways of bringing a better helmets….these are all good steps in the right direction.
Good morning, Tsai-kos!
Getting closer to game day!
Safe travels to the Warrriors and ST and everyone else headed for the game!
Steer clear of ppl/sick ppl there!?
Have a nice day! 🙂
#108, per # 106 , better helmets may always not reduce brain injuries due to the g forces involved.
Is ding, ding, ding delayed today due to being on the mainland ?
Remember, Goliath got
dinged in the brain by a little guy named David…
beans 92, you peaked my curiosity regarding round-trip airfares to Houston, so I checked CheapTickets. The cheapest (leaving today) was $1113.60 and the most expensive $1959.10. Other prices were $1160.10 and $1351.60. But package probably best way to go. I found a package price for two people (Expedia) – $2741 ($1371/person) includes hotel (5 nights Crowne Plaza) and car.
As the nexus between brain injuries and the NFL become more delineated, so does the window for litigation. The rationale for both individual and class actions follow this type of rationale:
The NFL in the past has failed to address this problem, attempted to diminish its importance, and actively sought to dispute the connection between latent brain disease and repetitive traumatic brain injury sustained by NFL players. At no time was this conduct in the best interests of the players or their short-term and long-term health. Rather than implement a system to place the players’ short-term and long-term health as the NFL’s primary concern, the NFL minimized, and even falsified the risks of repetitive head trauma.
The NFL knew or should have known that the rules of play which the NFL required every NFL player to follow promoted concussions resulting in traumatic brain injury. Specifically, it was only a few years ago that the NFL banned helmet to helmet contact during the run of play. In 1962 the AFL/NFL banned intentional grabbing and shaking of the facemask. In 1974 the NFL banned intentional blows to the helmet with a player’s hands, and outlawed the “head slap” technique in 1977. The NFL designated that it was a “personal foul” for players to directly strike, swing, or club on the head, neck, or face in 1980. Finally, only in 1996 did the NFL ban hits with the helmet or to the head by a defender which would now be flagged as personal fouls and subject to fines. The NFL knew or should have known that all of the above conduct caused brain injuries, yet failed to take any significant corrective action.
Brain injuries are among the most debilitating personal injuries any victim can sustain; their consequences are often progressive, permanent, and sometimes fatal. They affect not only the injured person, but family members and close friends as well. All credible scientific evidence lead to the conclusion that individuals who suffer repeated and cumulative trauma to the head are at significantly increased risk for permanent brain injuries. All NFL players are therefore at increased risk.
Evidence and symptoms of brain injuries from playing football in the NFL include: diagnosed brain damage, chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), dementia, traumatic Parkinson’s syndrome, speech abnormalities, gait abnormalities, short and long term memory loss, cognitive deficits, loss of fine motor skills and changes in mood and temperament.
Interesting that Kansas fired Charlie Weis and now need to find
the answer to upright their sinking ship.
#113, The head, brain injuries start with Pop Warner, youth, continue with high school and college.
If you owned a pro football team wouldn’t it make sense to have the players sign indemnity clauses from the long term effects of head injuries? They do. Wouldn’t it make sense to shelter oneself from lawsuits. Make sense to me. Heck when I went to the dentist he made me sign an indemnity clause for teeth whitening, saying studies haven’t indicated the long term adverse effects of teeth whitening on the patient. Thus… The point is that the players at all levels know what they’re stepping into.
All this talk about safety is great. But when the player looks at he risk and rewards the money, scholarships, limelight and passion for playing the game looks too good to pass up.
Polly, while that sounds like a sound legal strategy, as with most things legal–it depends.
Indemnification provisions are generally governed by principals of contract law. That is, a court will first look to any existing written contracts or indemnification provisions in a contract before considering any other evidence. As such, it’s important that an indemnification provision be finalized in writing, as this will help when the court analyzes evidence if there’s a dispute over the contract.
If the indemnification provision is found to be valid, this usually means that the party has surrendered their right to damages in a lawsuit. However, if the indemnification provision actually wasn’t valid, then a lawsuit can actually be filed against the other party. Again, this can get very tricky, especially if multiple parties are involved, and if the contract has any ambiguous or unclear provisions.
But, I will defer to real legal beagles like the judge and notnasti….
The NFL may only be the tip of the CTE iceberg. What happens in the NFL has a way of trickling down to the college level. What would happen if a player or group of players, people who played in college but not the pros, file a class action law suit claiming they are suffering the effects of CTE. I think it will happen but not sure who they will file suit against. The NCAA, their school or possibly their league.
The Warriors arrived in Houston.
Your favorite reporters are here, too.
And now, if you please, let’s move the discussion to here: http://hawaiiwarriorworld.com/?p=24331