No easy answers for Graunke
According to several people in the know, quarterback Tyler Graunke will not have an easy time resolving the personal issues that will enable him to participate in training camp.
In the best scenario, he still would fall behind in the competition to succeed Colt Brennan. The reps that were going to be spread among four quarterbacks now will go to only Inoke Funaki, Greg Alexander and Brent Raush.
It’s a sad situation, especially since Graunke is truly a nice guy. Last year, Graunke kept alive the Warriors’ perfect regular season with a dramtic comeback victory over Nevada. It is hoped he can do the same for his UH career.
* * *
It’s check-in day for 19 newcomers at the “University Hilton” — the two second-story dance studios in the UH athletic complex. Yesterday, the cots were delivered.
This is one of the studios. By the end of the first week, the cots will be turned on end, forming an octagon, where mixed-martial pillow fights will be staged.
Checking in first does not mean receiving first choice. The veterans, particularly the larger-sized ones (think: Blaze Soares, Rocky Savaiigaea) are expected to claim the “lanai,” which is breezy and offers a wonderful view of Cooke Field.
What’s a UH facility without a little controversy?
Because he participated in spring training, cornerback Jameel Dowling is allowed to report tomorrow.
Defensive end Cameron Allen-Jones said: “Do NOT take my picture.” Whoops.
* * *
En route to paying more than $1,000 to repair the JUGS machine, Big Hilo Fan showed this pamphlet of UH cheers. He was going to give it to Greg McMackin.
Nah, 1st time winner
What brand and model will be the official Warrior football this season?
Too bad about Tyler, I thought he would be strong enough to beat those demons that tempt him.
I hope that Graunke finds the inner strength to overcome his issues.
Niteynite for 30 minutes!
Wow, I was on the other side by myself.
Howzit! How you doing?
I saw your article on the last post.
I may have been there, my mom was a die hard fan even though all the guys would come to her bar and drink together.
Both Faces and Heels were all nice guys, most of the time.
Howzit Las Vegas!
I’m good. Thanks for asking. How’s everything on the 9th island?
110 in da shade, 145 in da car!
It’s past 0330 in Hawaii
WAKE UP!!!!!
or u gon
좋은 아침!
da 편평한 두목, da는 활주한다!!!
Gosh, what is going on with Tyler? Inquiring minds want to know .. whatever it is .. seems like an awful lot has been going on off the field for Tyler .. does it make any of his teammates doubt him as a leader, that he seems to not be able to get his act together?
I am not in the know .. but it’s too bad for a guy who waiting all this time for his chance once CB left .. and now competition is stiff.
Good morning Tsaikos!
Sorry to read about Tyler’s missing the start of camp. Hope things get worked out.
Tomorrow’s Hall of Fame Game might have Colt in for some reps in the 2d half, eh? Can’t wait.
Aloha Kakahiaka!!!
AZ Cardinals training camp news: Hercules has chance… he’s been used as the center for their second string drills. Go, Hercules! You can do it.
Cardinals practice this morning. Kona go & see who I can catch up with.
AZ Cardinals update mentioning Hercules Satele:
AZ Cardinals update mentioning Hercules Satele:
oops… sorry about the double-post.
Dang, wish Tyler would keep it together. Hope he gets on top of whatever he needs to take care of, and can make it back to camp. I believe in Coach Mack’s top goal to graduate these student-athletes.
Tyler, if you can’t play a lot, just graduate to earn a major success of your life. Good luck!
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
28 days and minutes away from da game! yee haa!!!!
Jimmy Donovan got da book. old songs and cheers from 57 years ago.
my favorite:
an i would like to add … Grrrr……. 😀
Jimmy D can go make frenz wit Gwen da band boss. cheerleaders…
big smile on his face wen he wen get da book.
JUGS machine
paid Roger Hill yesterday. really nice guy. he gave me da manual on da machines. tole me da machines can make like a kicker too, make da ball end ova en but day team neva use, da kicking part neva use, all dirty, so i asked Coach Ron about dat an he said day no use da kickin part, only for pass catch, and he made his hands.
I like dis Ron Lee bradda.
An I really like dis Pride Period bradda too. 😀
depens on wat kine local yu talkin about. in Hilo, NORI’s on Kinoole across from Bowling Alley Coqui’s across from da tidal wave clock in ole Waiakea on Kam Ave by Wailoa River is my faves. lots of localz luv Ken’s Pancake House on da corner by da lights Kam/Kanoelehua.
Don’s Grill is a family atmosphere place. I love Tsunami’s Restaurant the delux Chirashi. da absolute best best best.
if yu like da bars dat get plenny pupus an karaoke, get Miwa’s or Bamboo Garden across from da bowling alley. 😀
Too bad Tyler. I wuz hopin the best of the best would step up to the plate.for the Florida game. Whatever it takes, guy, whatever it takes.
Go Warriors!
Las Vegas- made it! Thanks for da alarm clock!
1. all pau.
2. get choke Tsaikos who wen pay for fix em.
when i go back Hilo tomorrow i going to da office and get my calendarcuz I wrote all da names ah da envelopes. it was truly a team effort, so we can all pat our backs and no we did wheeeleee guud!
off da top of my head, an dis is not da complete list because realy off da top ah my head, hats off to:
JaM n Brie
AHouse, Mrs A House
Tom Mui
Mei Ling
Jerry Hiatt
sjmacro an myki
an i know some odda guyz wen sen mail but i neva open em yet.
i going make one big thank you tomorrow nite.
see i knew i wen foget peeps.
Liz Kauai my favorite! sorry Liz
an i no get samoa. i stay all excited, gonna go Keehi Lagoon, watch da kids go off!
I saw Greg Alexander yesterday. The bugga loooks reeeeallly fitttt!
he ain’t 6/5″, an he ain’t 240,
but he is really tall, and he is super fit!
no rolls on dat boy! an super intense lookin man!
dis is gonna be super fun!
Tyler who?
Tyler Graunke
great teams are built atop great men
it ain’t over till its over.
Go Tyler Go.
We cannot wait for you.
yu gotta keep up,
you know da rules
da best always rize up
Go Warriors!!!!
Pullin for you in life,Tyler!!!
neva gonna dis you. always gonna thank you.
ok hi ho hi ho
off to da races
have a great day. place nice
esme wooooshhh
Tyler since you won’t be on the field remember that you can purchase season tickets at a reduced price. But since you missed the July 31 PPV deadline you cannot qualify to watch your teammates in Florida and other away games at the special rate of $99. Since you won’t be on the team bus to the stadium you can donate $400 or more and park in the inner circle of the stadium. Too bad Coach Jones isn’t here because you probably would still be around and the issue wouldn’t be as big–just ask Timmy or Travis. I get a feeling that Coach Mack is going to pull a Dan Kelly and kick your sorry ass off this team.
Great Morning All.
Mahalo to Koakane for setting up da Pauhana EIS at Violet’s Grill. Hadn’t been to that place for years; problee make a point to go back again soon.
Nice to see errybody las’ nite. 5F’s in full force. Good fun…
good luck to da paddlahs today (hope you only have to watch)
LMAO at Claude 😆
nice to hear from you.
Go Govs!
Speaking of FHS alums…
Wat you said re: Tyler…ditto for me. 🙂
Have a great weekend erryboddy! (Hope it no rain on da Windward side today)
Off to make Huli Chix fo da church. btw, if you in Waipio, come Kanoelani School and buy one! (or two)
sounds like somebody already took da 30 points 👿
Tyler blew it. He got dismissed from the team in the Spring, got himself back on and now this. If he can’t keep his… stuff… in order, he’s not the guy to be the starting QB for the defending WAC champs. Funaki or Alexander at this point.
Morning/afternoon, Tsaiko-Nation and Tsai-Meister.
It sucks that this soap opera has to play just before camp. I really don’t understand what’s going on with Tyler. If it is only academics, that would be totally irrisponsible on his part. He had ample warnings and already had been suspended. He doesn’t get it?
His Leadership is now definitely in question and with top notch competition in camp, he’s really behind the eight ball. If one of the remaining three takes the bull by the horns and runs with it, Tylers goose is cooked.
Somehow I feel that there may be a little more to that story than what’s publicized, but it’s all speculation, without the facts.
The way I see it now, Funaki may start, but probably Alexander will take over. Kind of strange that we didn’t hear that much about Rausch, but mostly Alex. Wonder if the Tsai-Meister did this on purpose. I wish I could have a peak at his notes.
Good Morning Stacyj and Tsai-kos
Your 343 reply last night, thanks for the clarification. Appreciate your comments which wasn’t the point of my not agreeing.
My original disagreement referred to your 289 comment – ‘Agree exit8..’
which I believed referred to exit8’s 288 ‘soap opera’.
Have a great time off and enjoy your trip but we’ll miss your great posting.
Great weekend to all and can’t wait for news on the fb camp
Aftah much consultation wit 2 menehune’s dat come visit me in da hill of WV I goin perdic dat Adam Leonard will intercept two of bowbow’s passses foah yeah count’em two touchdowns. Which will screw up bowbow’s mind so bad dat da geko’s will be held scoreless in da second half.
Florida Ted,
Agree with your
Your favorite cheer required timing – pause at the end of the first two “fight Hawaii – fight”; rapid on the “Hawaii fight, Hawaii fight” and also on the last “fight, fight, fight”
My recollection – Class of 1954!
Is Blount, Taylor and Black here?
Made it. Got my 4-bucks and now at Bob’s Big Boy in Mapunapuna for b-fast!
Fordy Fit!
Liz, you could drive up Salt Lake Blvd and see me in Foster Village. Do you have a rental car?
Thanks for the Cheers!
Much better then those “Go Bows!” and “Raiiiinbooows!!” ones (They should save those for baseball and basketball).
Also for getting the JUGS machine rolling again. Setting things up is always the hardest. Great Job!
RE: Graunke.
Man, all I gotta say is “Lose Money” Was feeling that “On the field” he was going to be tough to beat, but silly me, I forgot about the “Off the field” Graunke.
BTW, Your last name Lee Loy? … I got a niece up here that is probably known to both you and I if that is the case. She is at a UH Water Polo camp this week and next….sure glad she is going to attend UH!!!
Laters all, trying to get woman up so that we can go to the beach before it becomes a microwave.
Good Morning all!
Here’s hoping that Tyler gets it together as quickly as possible.
morning tsaiko nation, howzit and you all good?
great times last night, good to hear everyone really enjoyed themselves. agree with d1 need to revisit again. just from the fuud side of it looks like everyone just filled up. e kala mai to pride and kekoa the seating was small for dem. man talking about traversing tight spots you gotta be there to see the men’s lua I still cannot pic pride or kekoa getting thru 😯 bhf2hnl had a good time for sure. mahalo again to kekoa, pride, myki, jerry, rob25, d1 plus mrs, wafan (nwf1), ralph, stretch, james, bg, wudoc and hubby.
second part of the evening was also gooooooooooooood. pride had a friend who was playing haw’n music at a place which used to be “D” by Byrons. but das not the best part. this place had some heine girls giving away free heine lights. james and kekoa was loving dat since wafan, ralph and me gave them our beers. humongus smile on james face
. den david maeva (?) walks in with some past UH players and locals bruddah who played on continent. da twins would have love being dea.
kope call lattas esme whoooooooooooooosh
I am personally not worried about our quarterback situation. The areas of concern that I have is on the defensive side at safety. Patek did an outstanding job at that position last couple of years and I am worried about this position being filled with great talent and depth.
The other position that I am concerned about is the special teams punt and kick off teams. Not the kicker and punter position but the coverage guys and curious to see if they going be all out like last years head hunters. I am concerned with this group because every year it is basically a new team. I hope they are just like years past teams.
The last position that I am worried about is the running back position. Last year showed how valuable Nate illaoa was to our team in 2006. He could pass block and also run the ball with grace, power and finesse. Last years group was missing the package. We had guys who could block well but not run well. We had guys who could run well but could not block well. Hopefully this gets turned around with our new running attack.
As for all the “concerns” I have this year, I still cannot that I am nit picking. I believe that all the concerns about this year will be wiped away when we take Florida out of the national title picture one game into the season.
I want to leave with a famous line of the classic warrior gang movie from the 70’s……
“Warriors come out to playeeeeay”
Take a look at Tyler’s myspace page and in particular read the comments that others have put on his page. From there you can get sort of an idea of what kinds of issues he is facing.
what lizk in hnl and no cc. wud up with dat?
making esme, in/out burger, gigi no can (dis one for ajoe :lol:), commando raid eh. shame shame, hana uka lele, wasa mata you……………bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaa
enjoy you stay and next time come early you miss out one good EIS last night.
:lol;= 😆
Koakane, so you reserved a table for 10 but 15 showed up at the EIS. No wonder tight squeeze, eh?
geesh. tyler, please get it together. everyone gets a second chance, this is now your 3rd or 4th second chance. time to show leadership and maturity. please get it done.
meanwhile….inoke, its in your hands (and feet). lead this team to glory.
…nuff said
okay, on the run. actually a shuttle.
looking for pineapples, but, no more. quite shocked that there are none here.
going in to town for some breakfast of champions (like whitey, aka nanook of the north).
cya all tonight….maybe.
oh, and i hope that the other dlineman from silverado hs commits. i am sure that our recruit coordinator is twisting his arm.
gigi actually dat place was build some 45 to 50 years ago by this japanese family. do not think they had us tsaiko size people in mind back den.
damien was well represented last night. james and I each meet one of our classmates in dea. in fact my classmate was dateing james classmate aunty (sound weird but whateva works). loud singing of ala mater made slhs, ks, farrington guys jealous actually think they was laughing at us. 😉
The elves were busy in the Tsai-ko secret workshop last night preparing for the…
Saturday August 9, 2008
11:00 AM (buffet)
Fresh Choice Restaurant
1202 El Camino Real
San Bruno, CA 94066 (near SFO airport)
Attendees confirmed so far:
Addahknowjoe & Addahknowsports
Garret, Lori, Faith, and Mika
RSVP on the blog or email brew808 or Garret
btw, how’s parker doing?
Parker T’s off at 9:55
Koakane ~ We KS guys, and one gal (Rob25) were biting our tongues and kept a respectful distance from the mic. We were actually stunned that your pals remembered the words and sang it loud and proud!
Regarding the size of the place. I called it the “Little Out-House on the Prairie.” We had way too much class for a joint like that. BHF2 told me you wen throw a dart on the map and we ended up in skoshi city! Nevah had da Lead foot Tita there to step you feet!
Great to finally meet the *alledged* Wafan. Good fun talking story with him about the Pacific North West. So happy to hear that the settlers are no longer being run off the land by land barons and Indians like they did on the Ponderosa.
W/Doc was flittering around like a busy little bee talking story with errybody! Doc, where do you get all that energy to stare down politicians all day at the Capitol and then Wala’au wid da Tsaikos all nite?
Ahh, the pen…
Speaking of Parker, I wonder why Ferd writes such volatile pieces on Michelle now? I remember when she was playing well and he and the rest of the media world put her high on the thrown and proclaimed her queen. Now, it’s off with her head. I don’t think she wrote anything about herself. I believe it was the media. She just played golf. Which is what she is still trying to do. Well, trying to play good golf anyway. He could have written about Parker. Same town, same school, same course…but he didn’t. He wrote about Michelle. No one wrote about Parker. Michelle’s fault, of coarse…par for the course.
Now it’s not like Ferd is the one getting written about is it? No way he has any skeletons in his closet to air. Seriously, it’s not like he has anything improper in his email. Who cares? Unless…no way…huh?
The pen may be mightier than the sword, but Ferd proves it is definitely doubled edged and double faced when it comes to selling one’s opinion.
I sure hope Parker doesn’t come in second or chokes, or flounders because the perfect writer and his pen, as you know, can be mighty big…
IMHO of course!
Go Parker!
Go Michelle!
Go Warriors!
Ferd Lewis:
I was disappointed in your artilce about Michelle Wie.
You made much of Parker’s success, but where was Parker at age 18? Was he already a stated professional? How many years did he languish in the Nationwide and other tours before making it to the PGA?
I agree, it’s nice to see him do well – for Hawaii, but the only mention is his college; not state of birth.
This is also true of most Hawaii athletes when they make it to the highest pro level – not state, but college/university attended.
Did not see your last list, but MasaBoy says:
UH 42 Florida 35 1st choice
UH 27 Florida 21 2nd choice
UH 38 Florida 14 3rd choice
A-House says UH 29 Florida 24
😆 😀 😆
Saturday – August 16, 2008
Krazy Karaoke 8:00 PM – 12:00 midnight (minimum)
The large room at the Young Street Krazy Karaoke holds at least 55 persons. STRETCH has made the reservation and put down the deposits.
Same arrangement as last April 19’s Krazy Karaoke Call…
• bring your own drinks (this room has a lot more cooler space)
• bring snacks and pupu’s (optional)
• $15 per person to cover room rental/karaoke
• pay Stretch or designee at the door that night
Current RSVP Count = 46
RSVP on blog or email SteveM — stevem.hnl (at)
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Updates will be posted in the Events Calendar section
Well the second annual TSAI-KOS pik’s begin, first up is da geko’s
in da swamp.
7 – 21 Hoohiki
17 – 14 UKU@LA
20 – 17 Hawaiianbod
21 – 17 Ralph
24 – 21 Pocho
24 – 17 bighilofan2
28 – 21 Da Punchbowl Kid
28 – 24 Kekoa
28 – 27 LizKauai
29 – 24 A-House
30 – 28 Unkanesson
31 – 17 Pomai
31 – 27 FloridaTed
33 – 30 koakane
34 – 24 Pauoa Boy
35 – 32 longdistance808
35 – 34 James
35 – 38 jm2375
35 – 31 Merv
37 – 34 Koauka
38 – 35 702WarriorNation
41 – 38 Jack Flash
41 – 40 UHfan808
42 – 35 MasaBoy
44 – 38 d1shima
45 – 35 Ronnie
49 – 35 TChahng
63 – 49 Glenn
63 – 12 homey
Way to go Homey!…Step up to the plate and expect to hit 63 outta da park! I like that confidence. I take back anything I ever chided you about and hope you win. I fell like with your winnings, a new BIG WHEEL would be a fitting addition to your treasure chest.
I fail to feel the word fell didn’t work. Time to holo holo…clear da cobwebs from last nite!
Plus, I’m leaving the coaching to da coaches. Big Mack knows what he wants to achieve this year, and I roll with his leadership. Besides, he will be the person who makes the ultimate choice when the time is right. In God we Trust…In UH football we trust our fearless Warrior Head Coach!
Go Warriors!
On the mainland, an “Eh, brah!” & shaka does catch someone’s attention when they are from Hawai’i.
Met Aaron Francisco today & asked him if he read Stephen’s blog on the HA site. He said he doesn’t have much time to read the paper due to work. He’s on the field a lot; I’ll see if I have some good pics of him.
One of the last plays of practice: Hercules playing center for Kurt Warner. Kurt completes pass to Larry Fitzgerald. Touchdown!
They were using staff to play center for Matt Leinart some of the time. Lyle Sendlein (63) also getting more work.
Hmmm. So nobody else thought it was strange that there’s a “not in service” sign on a fire alarm?
Parker is -3 thru 5…….. an eagle on 4
It’s hard to see the fire alarm Stephen. Now that you mention in, yah, that’s not a good thing…
stacyj 17-14
ST, re:sign, I’m not surprised. If they can’t even keep soap in the dispensers, what makes them maintain the fire alarms?
What’s up with the tables????
Oh shucks,
stacyj 21-14
darn, gotta go put kids down for nap. have a great day everyone!
Did you see the mix-up in yesterday’s Advertiser?
It’s in the B section, page 5, I think.
They blended a Times ad for chicken with an ad for a futon. So the futon is on top of a chicken.
The ad folks are joking: What came first — the chicken or the futon?
The chicken?
Hi guys! Happy Saturday!!
Tyler – you seem to be getting a lot of chances, which you don’t seem to be taking advantage of. You gotta make the best of what you’re given. Take care of your problems and get back to camp pronto! We need your game experience.
(I’m guessing this has something to do with not completing a summer school class.)
HiFlyer – UH 35 – UF 28
RE: Chicken under the futon.
Now that’s the funniest bit I’ve heard all week.
If I spoiled my chicken, it would be on top of the futon
Hi, Maverick,
I’ve tried it again. Did you get my e-mail this time?
RE: Chicken under the futon
Would that be “Asian Chicken-in-a-blanket?”
(Another tantilizing menu item from the PCHS cafeteria)
ST: Chicken or the futon? The rooster came first!
ST: Chicken or the futon? The rooster came first!
Speakin’ of chikkins, it sure is slow here today. Nobody here but us chikkins.
Great news about Parker, he’s in the driver’s seat going into tomorrows round.
Parker -20 6 stroke lead WOW
Is Colt going to play against the Colts today or tomorrow? I tuned in to ESPN earlier and the Hall of Fame was being broadcast, so I guess Colt will play tomorrow? If so, what time and what channel?
I’m glad Colt says he is not nervous about the game and he’s memorizing the plays. Hope he doesn’t puke.
UH 28-24
DPK, you got your a/c on? Pretty hot and humid outside. Mine is on. HECO bill for the month of June was $395. Ouch. Of course, it was for 32 days but still…
ahhh, hubby just emailed that Colt’s game will be shown tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. on channel 1008.
gigi-hawaii ©:
Mine was $411 and I dont have A/C
$411??? for how many days?
you should switch to solar water heater and compact fluorescent light bulbs.
gigi-hawaii ©:
Got the bulbs no solar yet…I have a little hot tub issue(;
Hot tub? If you get solar, you can also use electricity as a default when it is cloudy. With both, you can heat enough water for your hot tub.
I know…just have not done it yet …its next on the list…..right after I go freeze some beer…………..
now that comment makes me want to drink a Beck’s. Be right back. lol
Hits the spot, doesn’t it? This beer is pretty cold. Hubby put it in the fridge this morning.
gigi-hawaii ©:
I can make a beer that taste just like Becks..I have the recipe….. maybe I will do that for the next batch….
hmmm, does your house smell like a brewery? Bet it does. haha
Ms. gigi,
Yep got that a/c crankin’. Our electric bill is really big after the recent hikes. The Hall of Fame game with our Colt is tomorrow@ 2PM on KHNL. I think I’ll join you in beer. We’re drinkin’ tha cheap stuff this weekend.
Join us, everybody. Here’s a toast to another splendid Warrior season! Cheers!
Beer vs. Wine — Beer does not give you heartburn.
gigi-hawaii ©:
Only on the cooking day..its ok because Mrs. Curveball likes cold beer also.. and yes…this first one does taste good…join us all is Saturday afterall…..
too bad no pupus! grrr
I’m getting hungry.
Is the recipe for beer complicated and do you need any special equipment?
Its not need 5 gal buckets…a few speacial tools, not can buy the supplies in mapunapuna at the beer place,Home Brew In Paradise. It cost about $33 for 5 Gallons once you get set up..Its also fun…
how do you store the beer after it is made? 5 gallons is a lot of beer. do you have to keep all of it in the fridge or can it be stored outside the fridge?
You bottle it and store it in a closet…..THEN YOU CAN FREEZE IT…. it ends up costing about .50 cent a bottle maybe I will put something up on my blog Monday about it or you can check my blog and email me…
you have a blog? OK, let me check.
hey, curveball, looks like it’s your third day blogging. Welcome to the blog club! I left a comment.
I imagine you would have to sterilize the beer bottles before use, right? How do you seal the bottles?
Responded to yours also…..
You buy new caps and reseal the bottles..a little tool does it for you…
veddy interesting. I might brew beer if your recipe is not too complicated.
Its not hard As I said I’ll put some info up tomorrow.. I Iearned by reading a book… I can talk you through it easy..
gigi-hawaii ©:
Looks like everybody took our advise…having pupu”s and frozen beer…
sorry, I got a long phone call, then I ate dinner, then I fed the cats, and then I swept the patio.
cheerio! bye for now.
Hi gigi, hi curveball. Da beer sounds good, but I can’t hold my liquor any more.
Laundry day since hubby is going off to SD tonight. Been a busy day today. Took car in for service, took recyclables (sp?) to redeem, went back to school shopping and going out to dinner tonight after I get this load in the dryer.
Gigi – re: electric bill – be glad you don’t have a pool. My mom’s bill used to be the same as ours and she didn’t use her A/C as much, but the pool cleaner thingie was on for about 3-4 hrs per day. My last bill was over $400 again. Good thing school starts in a week and a half. 😀
rats. gigi did an esme.
Checked back in and lo! jm is here.
Yeah, I’m glad I don’t have a pool to keep clean. Used to have a pool when I Iived in a condo and used to swim every week. Now, I never swim cause I no longer like the water.
The last time I was at the beach was in 2000 when I took a Canadian friend to Hanauma Bay. Didn’t go in the water, just baked in the sun. Ugh.
Colt is mentioned here.
<blockquoteThe Redskins had a robust draft class of 10 rookies — an unusually large haul for the franchise — and many will be featured tonight for the first time. Offensive lineman Chad Rinehart and quarterback Colt Brennan are among them.
“The younger players we have, they dominated at their positions at the college level, and they have to now learn how to dominate at the pro level,” Zorn said. “And there’s a learning curve.”
BYU’s coach has quite a different attitude towards recruiting, even Manti.
Florida gets a commit from a C/O ’10 QB
UGa or UF? Despite their expected finish atop the SEC media poll, Florida finds itself ranked behind Top-ranked Georgia in the first USA Today poll. Who’s really #1? This Orlando-Sentinel blogger calls it a toss-up.
Of course, Aug 30 comes before Nov 1….
Report from the South Florida Sun-Sentinel about Miami’s scrimmage today. Bess apparently did not catch a pass in the scrimmage.
Palm Beach Post has a report on the scrimmage also. The reported what the lineups were in the walk-through before the scrimmage, and I’m glad that Reagan was on the first team.
Samson got mentioned once during the scrimmage…as with all offensive linemen, he was only mentioned when he did something wrong.
Reagan was mentioned..
One last article that mentioned Reagan.
UH 31-UF 21
UH 31-UF 28
Dinner tonite
Cubed NY Strip on a bed of kaiware daikon with a ponzu base and fried garlic chips
Fried (in chili oil) slices of Spam, leftovers made into Spam Musubi.
Daikon Tsukemono, asazuke
Something weird in a tupperware container, no I did not touch it.
Diet Pepsi(2)
King’s Bakery’s Malasada (2)
las vegas:
thats not fair….left over huli chicken and homemade mac…fresh tomatoes were good
I really didn’t see a problem with Ferd’s collumn on Parker and Wie.
Everything written was fact.
Michelle does need to step it up very soon, she is no longer the youngest, prettiest, or most talented golfer on the tour.
las vegas:
Well the second annual TSAI-KOS pik’s begin, first up is da geko’s
in da swamp. If get an X by your nane that means you need to change your pik
7 – 21 Hoohiki
17 – 14 UKU@LA
20 – 17 Hawaiianbod
21 – 17 Ralph
21 – 14 stacyj
24 – 21 Pocho
24 – 17 bighilofan2
28 – 27 LizKauai
28 – 24 Kekoa
28 – 21 Da Punchbowl Kid
28 – 24 curveball X
29 – 24 A-House
30 – 28 Unkanesson
31 – 27 FloridaTed
31 – 21 las vegas
31 – 17 Pomai
33 – 30 koakane
34 – 24 Pauoa Boy
35 – 31 Merv
35 – 32 longdistance808
35 – 38 jm2375
35 – 28 HiFlyer
35 – 34 James
37 – 34 Koauka
38 – 35 702WarriorNation
41 – 40 UHfan808
41 – 38 Jack Flash
42 – 35 MasaBoy
44 – 38 d1shima
45 – 35 Ronnie
49 – 35 TChahng
63 – 49 Glenn
63 – 12 homey
I would trade my dinner for Huli Huli and mac salad.
What I really want to do is go to Ritchies and order the Fried half chicken plate that SteveM occasionally taunts me about.
I thought Henne was overrated.
Sorry … the only only one ….35-24
las vegas:
I did not want to mention the pie(:-
What Pie!!!
Curveball, please feel free to discuss and elaborate.
Ahem, mi-mi-mi-mi
Hail to the Redskins!
Hail Victory!
Braves on the Warpath!
Fight for old D.C.!
Run or pass and score — we want a lot more!
Beat ’em, Swamp ’em,
Touchdown! — Let the points soar!
Fight on, fight on ‘Til you have won
Sons of Wash-ing-ton. Rah!, Rah!, Rah!
Hail to the Redskins!
Hail Victory!
Braves on the Warpath!
Fight for old D.C.!
Thank you
las vegas:
Mrs. curveball makes this killer pineapple macadamia creme pie…unreal..will make your hair fall out..just look at me…
kitv reports that zorn says colt will start the 2nd half of the game tomorrow. he might also play the majority of the half too.
Eh, curveball, did that chicken come from our chicken sale in Waipio? If so, Tanks Ah!
Obviously, dat’s wat I having for dinner, too. Although, for some reason I don’t seem to be so hungry yet…must have been something I ate for LUNCH.
Wow, that pie sounds ono!
Yeah heard that Zorn was saying that since yesterday. Depends on “if Colt is moving the team” as to how long he stays in.
Boy, that felt good. 😉
ditto your Henne. A lot of things about the guy shout, “Slow!”
las vegas,
Yep, plenny ‘Skins fans in HI tomorrow afternoon.
who’s Henne?
wow, WWF is on NBC? since when? maybe they’re trying to counter the MMA phenomenom.
here is the biggest problem for the game ….what to cook…
I am going with short ribs etc…Mrs curveball says she is going with a pie that involves coconut…. first game for CB…might involve some rum..going to be a great day..also GO PARKER..
World Wildlife Foundation?
What do they have? Kung Fu Pandas?
henne is the all american “prototypical” nfl qb from that school that lost to appalachian state to ruin the national championship run in their first game.
Can’t go wrong wit shortribs. Pulehu den buggahs…yum…
Well gotta go watch some Willamette football…
Everyone eating Huli Huli,
Baka yarou
Yes…I would have introduced myself but you were busy..
I tink de be called WWE now
i will never call the WWF the WWE, except for right there.
stupid dog next door is barking non-stop now. It was so peaceful this afternoon.
feel like calling the cops.
anybody see The Dark Knight yet? Hubby will see it tomorrow. I’m not interested.
gigi-hawaii ©:
I think you have to call the humaine society..they deal with it
bad boys, bad boys, what you gonna do?
what you gonna do when they come lookin’ for you?
Cops, brought to you on location, in Foster Village.
no, humane society does not deal with barking dogs anymore. Read about it in the papers last year. Gotta call the cops.
it’s a small, white dog with a shrill bark. Very irritating.
wish the owners would get rid of it.
ok, tombo just told me that the colt starting the 2nd half news is old news.
i’m slow.
then the owners will say, what about your cats? They make doodoo in our yard.
Then I will reply, How do you know the doodoo is not from the other cats in the neighborhood?
blah blah
go next door and tell the neighbors to quiet their dog.
if no one home, quietly inform dog that you’re Korean and might want a late night snack.
Time to learn another fight song:
Hail to the Redskins
Some history of the song:
Now SING!>
haha I don’t feel like climbing their high staircase in the dark.
and hard to talk to the dog when it is on the opposite side of the house in the lanai.
I was only kidding about the puppycide death threat.
ps the dog may not have understood anyway
their house is completely dark. Owners are out. No wonder the dog is barking.
now is your chance, put on da BLACK muu muu and sneak over
and make UNKO in the yard.
let them try figga what cat wen do that!
peanut butter.
I say put the dog in a pot….probably just the right size…..slow simmer….aysoos!
the owners live on the 2nd floor of the house. The bottom floor is rented out to two brothers. For some reason, I hear a wahine moaning and groaning in the 1st floor room opposite my patio.
sheesh. this is too much. first da dog, now a wahine.
hahaha. this just gave me a brilliant topic for my blog tomorrow — the virtues of peace and quiet.
congratulations to Emma Friesen, WAC’s Kearney female athlete of the year…
post #180, now you might want to call HPD, just in case
Ralph is awake!
J, why peanut butter? to eat with dog meat?
Gigi, you get mean when you drink, eh?
actually alcohol makes me mellow…
the after-effects of drinking beer don’t last long, however.
Well, Favre is not accepting GB’s offer. He wants to come back.
There goes my bet.
Favre will get $12 million per year just sitting on the bench.
He’s got 2 years left on his contract.
Is it a GOOD kind of moaning and groaning? Maybe you should put on a black muumuu and go peek in the window… You can never be to sure about these things. 😉
The Adventures of Ninja gigi… Tonight’s episode: “Good groan, bad groan?”
Anyone know how the Jr. Lifeguard Champs went today???
Obscene moan, methinks…
but did not hear a guy moaning with her.
anyway, she has stopped moaning. Meanwhile, the blasted dog keeps barking.
hi Liz, how did the Bahai meeting go today?
Hi gigi!
Fantastic! There is so much positive stuff… of course I talked about Tsai-ko culture 😉
But I am so tired from night fishing last night! But #2son was happy. I fried the halalu for him at 1:30am!
Sneak the dog some peanut butter. Will be so pre-occupied eating it, won’t be able to bark. Just don’t shove it up the poor dog’s nose.
no wonder you got just 30 mins of sleep, Liz.
*cracking the Tsaiko clubhouse door open a bit, smiling sheepishly and waving*
Uhhh … hi, gang. Hi, ST. I’ve had to be away for so many days. Am I still welcome here? …
J, is that a tried and true method of making a dog shut up? He stays on the 2nd floor lanai, which overlooks my patio on the ground floor. Kind of hard to get up there.
Hi esme. Waiting for you to do an esme. lol
Can’t remember if this has been posted before:
Another Reason Why I Don’t Keep A Gun In The House
Billy Collins
The neighbors’ dog will not stop barking.
He is barking the same high, rhythmic bark
that he barks every time they leave the house.
They must switch him on on their way out.
The neighbors’ dog will not stop barking.
I close all the windows in the house
and put on a Beethoven symphony full blast
but I can still hear him muffled under the music,
barking, barking, barking,
and now I can see him sitting in the orchestra,
his head raised confidently as if Beethoven
had included a part for barking dog.
When the record finally ends he is still barking,
sitting there in the oboe section barking,
his eyes fixed on the conductor who is
entreating him with his baton
while the other musicians listen in respectful
silence to the famous barking dog solo,
that endless coda that first established
Beethoven as an innovative genius.
*hearing no objections … or at least ignoring any that may be raised, she continues…*
Anyway! I’ve missed you guys. Sorry I’ve been off-blog for a few days. My sister and her brood are still visiting. BUT … tonight they are staying with my mom and dad! So I finally have the computer room to myself. … Hmmm. What kind of mischief shall I get into first? Hmm … 😉
J, ta ta ta daaah.
ta ta ta daah.
the 5th symphony?
J, that’s freakin’ hilarious. 😆
Production Assistants have been known to sneak PB to barking dogs in neighborhoods where filming is going on (Shhh). Of course this was after knocking on doors to see if the owners would cooperate by keeping their dogs inside or calming them down…
I’ve used a water gun. The dogs were surprised and stopped after a few times. Pavlov…
How’s your arm? Or your aim?
That’s exactly what I do. Close all the windows, put on the a.c, but I listen to Bobby Darin, not Beethoven.
Pomai, sir …
Hi Esme!
Hi J!
haha J, the dog is on the 2nd floor. I would need the garden hose to blast him with.
Hi LizKauai
So, no one has heard about the Jr. Lifeguards, eh?
Hi everyone!
EEEESSSSMMMMEEE…big HELLO! Long time no see….
BHF2: Thanks! Everyone is telling us to go to Don’s so I think that is where we will start. Saw the Coqui place and thought, do they serve frogs on the menu? Hum!
702: No worries.
sorry, I don’t watch TV news anymore. It will probably be in the morning papers.
hey, stacy, how are you? pretty late for you.
colt prepares for tomorrow’s game. some clips are from that video lizK found yesterday.
Nitey Nite and Sweet Dreams!
Liz in Nuuanu
wow, catching up on da blog always makes me hungry. of course huli-huli chicken had to be mentioned. i’ve been craving that for about a month now, but no moa ova hea. and den LV gotta mention Ritchies, wow. dats someplace I haven’t eaten at since high school daze.
Hi Esme, stacyj, gigi, c_c & j!! Nitey nite Liz.
gigi – we used to give our dog PB when we gave him his pills. he loved it. someone once told me that they gave a dog a PB sandwich and stuck it on the roof of its mouth. Worked like a charm.
d1 – so by the end of the season, everyone in Hawaii will know the words to Redskins fight song?!! Yes!!! Go Skins. I get a free ringtone with my new phone. Wonder if AT&T has the UH fight song. If not, maybe the Skins?
Hi, stacyj! (Sorry, shmall kine delay. Had to bocha.
Boy, I am just bummed out to hear about Graunke’s continuing drama. My ohana and I have been really looking forward to seeing him finally get his chance to shine this year.
Go, Tyler! Pulling for ya, man!
well, its 240 in da morning hea, so time for go moe. will check everybody out bumbye.
Hello Tsaikos!!
It’s been a while since I’ve posted but just checking in before I go bed.
Not sure if this was posted but in case anyone has any interest, there is a football game at 2pm on Channel 8.
Well the second annual TSAI-KOS pik’s begin, first up is da geko’s
in da swamp. If get an X by your nane that means you need to change your pik
7 – 21 Hoohiki
17 – 14 UKU@LA
20 – 17 Hawaiianbod
21 – 17 Ralph
21 – 14 stacyj
24 – 20 Esme:
24 – 21 Pocho
24 – 17 bighilofan2
28 – 21 Da Punchbowl Kid
28 – 27 LizKauai
28 – 24 Kekoa
29 – 24 A-House
30 – 28 Unkanesson
31 – 27 FloridaTed
31 – 21 las vegas
31 – 17 Pomai
33 – 30 koakane
34 – 24 Pauoa Boy
35 – 31 Merv
35 – 32 longdistance808
35 – 38 jm2375
35 – 24 curveball
35 – 28 HiFlyer
35 – 34 James
37 – 34 Koauka
38 – 35 702WarriorNation
41 – 40 UHfan808
41 – 38 Jack Flash
42 – 35 MasaBoy
44 – 38 d1shima
45 – 35 Ronnie
49 – 35 TChahng
63 – 49 Glenn
63 – 12 homey
Hi Tsaikos & Tsaikettes!
Hope everyone had a restful Saturday! Colt playing tomorrow is exciting news!
Go Redskins!
Go Colt!
Caught idea from Izzy’s post #172..!
Like Kinda Shy reminded some of us Tsaiko table attendees at Thursday nite football fundraiser, we UH fans need to learn more/different cheers. It was so amazing to hear Surgar Bowl Georgia fans with so many different, interesting ones and for different situations. Izzy’s post reminded me how we could be more organized about it. Perhaps we (w/help of Tsaiko band, Tsaiko IT experts, etc, for instance?) could “teach” by posting cheers separately on U-Tube and words somewhere where Tsaikos & lurkers & Warrior Nation alike could review at their leisure.
Especially now BHF found his song book…
Surgar = Sugar
; )
Addahknows: Have a safe & terrific trip to CA! Have tons of fun!
Brew808- sumtinpackage coming your way via Addahknows. = )
*Thank you A-joe & a-sports! Hugs & Kisses!*
Would be sweet to see tomorrow’s headline COLT beats the colts!
Funny thing happened on my way to eating breakfast this morning, some how turned into LUNCH. After LUNCH, funny thing happened to dinner: Forgot. I think funny thing will happen tomorrow after I wake up late. Going only have only LUNCH again whilst watching Redskins and Colt play. And I won’t notice again. lol
Happy Sunday Tsaikos!!!
New post up
Hi Stretch, Pomai, LTUHF, & any lurking Tsaikos and/or lurking Lurkers! *wink*
LTUHF- Pleasure seeing you last Thursday. Too bad we were all(?) concentrating on the feast with time constraint. Would have liked to commiserate.
Well, the sandman is calling…Good nite all!
WAKE UP!…So you can hear me tell you Good Morning Tsai-ko’s!
Lots to prepare for today.
1.) Colt’s debut today at 2 PM on Channel 8.
(Ok…that’s enuff. Don’t want to over do it!)
Good Morning Liz! ~ Are you still on island and sequestered somewhere in Nuuanu?
What’s on the agenda for you today?…Are you heading back home to Kauai because of time constraints? (…some real niele peope like know all this and more!).
eh! tyler if u care, CARE!!
if u no care, i no kea!!
aloha warriors n tsaikos fro LA!
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