Missing Blaze? Missing Aloha Stadium?
Happy birthday to UH athletic director Jim Donovan and Aaron (Ronnie’s son).
* * *
Whether Blaze Soares returns from a calf injury this week is not as important to the Warriors as San Jose State believing he will return.
Head coach Greg McMackin said he wants to play play-makers, and Soares is the Warriors’ biggest hitter. In last year’s meeting, Soares was instrumental in forcing a fumble that sparked the Warriors’ comeback victory over the Spartans. Until that point, no Spartan running back had lost a fumble that season.
Last week, McMackin considered closing practices when it was uncertain whether quarterback Tyler Graunke would be available for the San Jose State game. McMackin noted that Funaki and JC quarterbacks Brent Rausch and Greg Alexander have different styles. Why give the Spartans a head’s up? He decided against closing practices when it was clear that Graunke would be OK.
The mystery over Soares’ availability is an advantage McMackin does not want to cede. Teams react differently when Soares is in the game.
The thing is, Soares does not need much practice time. As long as he can run — and he was walking without a medical boot last week — he can play.
The Warriors already will receive a boost from the return of defensive tackle Rocky Savaiigaea. Josh Leonard was heroic in playing 81 of 86 defensive snaps last week. But the Warriors’ defensive tackles, as a unit, are better when there is rotation. Savaiigaea is a much-needed extra body.
Defensive tackle Fale Laeli, who started 12 games last season, said he expects to resume practicing this week .He played sparingly the first two games because of tendinitis, and did not play against Oegon State because of a high-ankle sprain.
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ESPN is trying to tug at our emotions with coverage of today’s final game at Yankee Stadium.
Other than the fact that I’m a Mets’ fan and will mourn Shea Stadium’s closing even more — Bill Buckner’s error, the 1969 celebration, the Beatles concert, Broadway Joe — it got me thinking about Aloha Stadium’s eventual demise.
What were the most memorable events? The victories — or losses — against BYU? The Islanders? The concerts? The graduations? Robbie Knievel’s motorcycle jump? The old parking system? (Whoops, how’d that get in there?)
Your thoughts?
* * *
But, ah, Yankee Stadium.
Several years ago, a bunch of us attended a convention in New York.
Gordon Sakamoto, who was The Associated Press’ Hawai‘i bureau chief at the time, helped arranged a tour for our group. We got to go to the statues in center field. We had a tour of the offices. (I even got to use what I believe was Brian Cashman’s bathroom.)
The low point was in the middle of the game when somebody noticed that Brandon Masuoka was missing. Some genius believed he might be feeling sick so we were to check the rest rooms. He wasn’t in Brian Cashman’s rest room, I noted. Well, I went into a public rest room and, realizing that Yankee fans probably wouldn’t understand why I was looking under stalls, decided to abort the search plan. As it turned out, Brandon went to the upper deck to get a different view.
Good times.
And I actually read the whole post!
Wow, where is everyone? Did someone tell them a new post was up?
Shucks. Good morning Rob25 and ST!
Hi Steve! Sorry I jumped in first.
Yea, for Miami taking down the Patriots. I’m a Hatriot so I was just waiting for them to fall.
Satele and Bess have got to be on cloud nine!
Gotta make some cookies.
BTW have a safe trip Chawan.
Congratulations to the Eastman family and Weber State for the win yesterday!
top 10?
Awwww, wow. I haven’t been top 10 in aaaages.
Aloha Stadium and the whole game day atmosphere was alot more fun back in the day before security got all nahtz. I remember seeing live bands in the parking lot before games. People would just cruise around, have some drinks, and generally enjoy themselves. Then we’d all head into the stadium with a good buzz ready to cheer! Seems like security is afraid of fun now. The spontaneous fireworks last year in the parking lot after a couple of those big wins were cool though.
SJSU update–check out the sack total!
I hope that Blaze can play against SJSU, but also hope that the trainers watch him carefully so that he doesn’t come back to early and be forced to sit out even longer. If they left it up to Blaze, he’d probably never miss a game!
I remember when you could bring a water bottle into the stadium.
I remember water and soda bottles that had caps.
Ryder Cup goes to the USA and Jason Campbell and team win! And what about them Dolphins!
I have a clean fridge and freezer, food is in food saver bags, laundry is done and I’m about to eat the last of the lobster legs with no allergic reaction. Life is good!
We had — note past tense — two friends who were big BYU fans, but had never attended a BYU game.
So I got them two tickets, about the 40-yard line, orange level.
Yep, that’s the game when there was a fight in the stands. Our friends ended up getting pepper-sprayed.
Boise Win
Fresno Win
LaTech Win
New Mex. St. Win
Utah St. Win
San Jose loss
Idaho Loss
The WAC needed this week for redemption.
This actually worked out well being able to sit back and relax with no Hawaii game. Wonder if our Warriors also relaxed while watching the games? Most likely a treat for them.
The most memorable play for the games I saw at Aloha stadium was a certain dropped pass that would have been a TD to beat BYU in the season they went undefeated. I don’t think I’ve ever forgotten the high and low of that moment…
I also will never forget spending the day tailgating in the Aloha Stadium with my parents and sister on game days. It is sad that people cannot do that now, as it was awesome family-bonding time for me growing up.
I believe that if Blaze plays in the SJSU game, he still would be eligible for a medical hardship for this year.
Good point about the WAC week.
Congratulations to the Dolphins for a huge win at New England!!! After the frustration of last season Samson and the rest of the vets must be so happy! Congratulations on Bess for getting his first NFL win.
I saw in the boxscore that Bess returned all 3 kickoffs (15.7 average per return) and also had the only punt return (for 10 yards). He also caught 1 pass for 4 yards.
Samson and the rest of the OL must be so satisfied after this win! Brown had 117 yards (6.6 yards per rush) and Williams had 98 yards (6.1 yards per rush). Plus, NO sacks!
Are you sure? The NCAA has been really difficult in some cases for medical hardships lately, and if Blaze comes back after an injury and plays in a game, I can’t see how they would then be able to claim a medical hardship year. Playing in the 4th game of the season is less than 1/3 the way through the season, I guess…but if they are even thinking about a medical hardship year then I’d prefer that they not play Blaze and risk further injury to him!
And the Idaho loss wasn’t bad for the WAC because it was against Utah State. It would have been great if SJSU had beaten Stanford and the WAC could have had another non-conference win over a BCS conference team.
moved over from previous blog.
254. koakane™:
September 21st, 2008 at 12:04 pm
good mid day to all the tsai-ko’s out dea
had a good time with james and rob25 last night. we were doing a pre-check of TJ’s for midori and everything is good to go. chawan stopped by but left after being soundly defeated in one game of darts. no need to mention who beat him.
some of us have been planning the away UH games and coordinating place to have the tgates where we can catch the game and still be one beeeeg gang. so this is what has been confirmed so far.
We wanted to spread the action to various parts of Oahu so it will be fair to everyone. Mahalo for helping goes out to jerry, kekoa, james, Rob25, midori and steveM for their input. Much more updated info will be coming out as these game get closer.
If your wondering about why there is no mention of the Boise State game on October 17 its because the game is on a friday at 2 in the afternoon. We felt it would be to hard to reserve a place because not sure who could get there before the game started.
Aloha Stadium?
The win over Fresno State in triple overtime.
Well, I think if he played against SJSU, then didn’t play the rest of the year, he would have a case because he didn’t play in more than three games within the first six weeks.
rob25 wot ????????????better watch out if homey is lurking 😉
Koakane sign me up for the Fresno game at Murphy’s.
Perfect timing for ST’s post, at least to me. We were at a park all day for a class reunion for Faith’s preschool class. All of the parents and kids had a great time and the potluck spread of food was similar to a Tsaiko-gate! I ate enough for lunch AND dinner, such an awesome spread!
I can’t believe that my daughter’s 4-year-old preschool class had a class reunion and I haven’t attended any reunion for my Castle High School class. Of course, my Castle class never had a 5-year or 10-year reunion, and the 15-year reunion was canceled the day before the reunion was supposed to start…lots of people showed up for the activities on the first day of the reunion because they weren’t told it was canceled!
Anyway, I was shocked that all 12 kids showed up today and that the preschool teacher also came. And I was glad to find out that everyone knew to bring way more food than they thought we would need, as everybody ate for 4 hours!
I keep comparing SJSU to a salesperson that can’t close the deal. ( Nebraska & Stanford)
They reel in the customer, pitch the sale while grasping the interests, but can’t finish the job.
There QB sounds quite consistent with the passing, but those 8 sacks says sumting’ wrong.
Does UH have any marketing plan ( promotion) for next weeks game crowd factor, or are they just gonna sit back and hope for the best?
That’s OK, Rob25. Congratulations on #1.
ST– I have 3 strong memories of Aloha stadium. (1) when the students (and me) used to sit in mauka orange section 50 yard line, (2) almost getting hit by a high foul ball at an Islander game–no wasn’t trying to catch it–had to choose between the ball and my coffee cup and chose the latter 🙂 , and (3) the first rout of BYU–I was in the stands incredulous…and sitting in the same area as this year.
That makes sense about Blaze’s situation. Still, having him just play in one game after sitting out the first 3 seems tough…and keeping him off the field after the SJSU game would be a tough thing too!
Happy Birthday to Jim Donovan!
Happy Birthday Aaron!!!
You’re correct.
But a lot of it has to do with the set-up-for-the-fourth-quarter strategy. They’re a team made for close games, and anything can happen in a close game.
You’re correct.
If Blaze can play, he’s not ever coming out.
But I was thinking how funny that would be if he came out for the SJSU game, makes big plays, then goes back on hiatus.
I can imagine the SJSU coaches thinking: What the heck just happened?
It is hard for teams to learn how to win…SJSU not being able to close the deal summarizes how UH came back last year in San Jose and how they lost to Nebraska and Stanford this year. Hopefully they don’t figure out how to win until *after* this week, as I will wish Coach Tomey well after Saturday.
I’m guessing those 8 sacks are a sign of OL problems with SJSU…which would be a good thing for UH’s D. I’m sure that Veikune, Fonoti, Josh Leonard, Keala, Rocky, etc., will watch the tapes and be ready to exploit any problems that SJSU’s OL has.
I would HATE to be the trainer who has to try to tell Blaze that he had a great game against SJSU but now he won’t be able to play anymore this season! *That* trainer will need a medical redshirt.
Maverick I think it’s Tomey’s style of coaching, keeping it close thru 3 quarters, finishing in the 4th qtr..finishing doesn’t happen to often, reason BYU always seem to nudge us in the 4th qtr after our defense did a terrific job of stopping Lavelle and norm’s high scoring offense…
Happy Birthday Jim Donovan and Aaron !!!”
OK, I’ll be back in a little bit. I have to clean up before Wena gets home.
She’s under the impression that all I do is sleep during bye weeks. It’s true, but she doesn’t have to be that accurate.
I agree that Rocky returning will be a big boost for the DTs. As we saw last season, and with many other teams, the D can be a lot more effective if the individual players get some rest due to a rotation. UH had great depth at DT, but the loss of Rocky and Fale really hurt that.
Speaking of 4th quarter adjustments. Boise really melted yesterday when the 4th string QB for Oregon entered the game. His dominate passing game was spot on and Boise seemed lost, hence the comeback.
But good job to them for jumping into the AP vote handsomely. Hmmm. Colorado still neva’ made it and their 4-0
Most Happy Birthday to Jim D our most favoriate UHAD!!
BTW, Mr D – I know that you had a “clean up day” for lower campus on 8/23/08 which included only UH personnel ( i was told goin be tess run for beeg one with da camunity ). Rememba, that many others are willing to help and best to do it ASAP to keep da spirit going for las yea and dis yea.
and also Happy B-day to Aaron ( son of Ronnie ) – hey, ST, did we not do a bifday wish for Aaron before? – that’s OK, we do ahnada one fo heem!!!
Yeah — I have to clean up too. Also the kitchen 🙁
Yes, Kekoa–being an ex-coastie and boater I have a Type II dry chemical extinguisher mounted in the kitchen. The powder stuff always leaves a big mess but takes up less space than 15-lb CO2’s. Al’s tip of throwing on a towel to smother is a great and safer one.
The last time ST posted birthday wishes to Aaron he was a little early. No matter, I’m sure Aaron doesn’t mind getting birthday wishes twice!
Colorado only played 3 games so far, including one against Eastern Washington.
Was glad to see Georgia struggle against ASU during the first quarter yesterday.
Now, they know how it feels to travel long distance, play a game with few fans, travel back to East Coast and get ready to play next Saturday.
Urban Meyer got no balls to do the same and play Hawaii at Aloha Stadium when he refused a ‘home-n-home” series – that goes for all the other “big time BCS” schools that are unwilling to travel the Hawaii. Didn’t he grumble about this when he was HC at Utah? Now, they going use travel expense as the “reason” for not scheduling a game here. Also, they know Warriors are no longer a garans WIN for them, but an ass kicking game with a possible loss which could take them out of a BCS championship game.
Must admit that Warriors have a long way to go to match up with the likes of the top 10 teams across the nation.
BTW, that LSU backup freshman QB (Lee) is the same one who considered Hawaii and father Chairman of Fedex?
Also, Texas QB, Cody, was brought up rooting for Hawaii ( father played OL for Hawaii in the ’70s ) went to Texas when they offered scholarship. Did UH offer?
Whatevers, got some good looking young QB’s across the country including Boise St. Kinda jealous, know what I mean? But, that’s why I like Steele – he’s big, smart, can throw, and a redshirt Freshman. Maybe, Coach Mack can recruit only high school senior QBs rather than JC transfers with Corey Neilson committed and hopefully Manley of Leilehua doing the same. They should be primed by the time they are redshirt sophmores.
Hope UH Coaches are successful in securing commits from the high school players they visited this past week. Wonder how good that Hilo High 6’6″ OL player is acadmically and athletically? This could really be a ‘gem-in-da-rough” find thanks to Bighilofan2!!!
Midori7 just owned up to giving ST wrong info date for Aaron’s b-day.
sorry, ST for trying to put blame on you.
Aloha stadium memories….
My first St. Louis Crusaders game against a big time, top 5, California HS (Can’t remember the name…1980’s sometime). St. Louis had their team on the field warming up, and then the other team comes to the field,(alot of kids on the team, more so than SL), very businesslike, big kids and impressive. Our SL kids pause to watch them do their drills…spread out on half of the stadium field. My first thought was…wow… how are we gonna win this? After 10 minutes of watching the players warm up, a drum roll is heard and you see bigger kids wearing Crusaders colors come out of the tunnel in a very military and disciplined fashion, in sync even, and the number of players coming out seemed endless. Now this time, the Cali school couldn’t help but stop what they were doing and watch the procession that was their opponent…the St. Louis football team. The ones already on the field for SL were the special team players. What a sight to be hold!!! It gave me chicken skin because they exuded dominance, confidence, discipline, tradition, and downright intimidation. They looked like a big time college team! Impressive couldn’t describe it…other worldly, maybe. Of course it was the Cal Lee era. In case you’re wondering, the Crusaders beat the team from Cali, whose name I don’t remember.
The Crusaders thus far have been impressive and are currently 3 and 0, holding the number 1 ranking in the state. Is the John Hao Dynasty commencing…adding to more memories at Aloha Stadium?!
Best memory of Aloha Stadium:
Taking to Midori to games as a youngster ( 3-years old ), getting her to sit still, stop asking for goodies other kids were eating, taking her to the Men’s bathroom, and carrying her to the car after falling alseep in the 3rd or 4th qtr.
But, today, she knows football inside and out, constantly yells for the team and at the refs for missing calls, and cause fans in front to turn around to see who is making all that “noise”. We love it!!!!!!!!!
oops, delete first “to”.
Before I go–a word about my solioquy last night and the posted questions…
SIGN UP FOR THE BOYD PACKAGES if you will sincerely consider them…at least up to the point we find out the actual prices–then it decision time for you and the real RSVPs will follow separately. This point is anticipated to be December/January area.
I overheard conversations to our Boyd friends (not by Al or duffer) that told them 200-300 pax easy–we’ll fill up a plane. But the early numbers do not indicate this–yes, I know it is very early.
There are many–mostly mainland Tsai-kos at this time, that do not think they will utilize Boyd or any other travel group. They are now assured that Rich2176 and las vegas are poised to do an encore of 2007.
There are some who have told me they don’t know what to choose because they want to go where the Tsai-ko’s go. Great, but unless there is high level ticket intervention or an unforeseen tailgate merger–the Tsai-kos will be everywhere. Choose what seems best for you. (I would love to see all us Hawaii pax board the same plane, go to the same hotel, party together, and sit together–but odds of that are low right now).
Anyway, take the survey and choose a Boyd option–especially if you will give them legitimate consideration. Otherwise, give your other preferences.
* * * Click Here to take the survey * * *
Some different Stadium Moments:
UH over Iowa-Elam’s first game
Hulk Hogan-The WWF ring put right on the logo of the 50yd line and both sideline stands filled
Micheal Jackson-HIStory tour
Radford over St. Louis Prep Bowl- John Velasco coaching from up above.
A-House , RE # 49. FedEx bigwig son.
That was Cannon Smith ,he signed with Miami IIRC. He was a 06 or 07 recruit that went through some legal troubles and went to an academy for a year before enrolling with the ‘canes.
UNLV/UH tickets…..
IMHO, there seems to be some confusion. Getting 300 to 400 tickets in the same section of the stadium is not a problem. The problems as I see it, is, we are being asked to choose who we want to get the tickets from.
What we need is a count on who wants tickets to the Tsai-ko section ASAP and then we can try and secure the number of tickets requested by either Rich or by Boyd, but not both. Let there be only one entity that tries and secure tickets.
The question should be, how many tickets do you want, because sitting in the Tsai-ko section should be a given!
As far as where we stay, what tail-gate, how we get to Las Vegas, etc. is for another time.
My opinion only! And I’m not sure if I’ll be making the trip too! 🙂
Opinions welcome!
Happy birthday Jim Donovan and Aaron!
*tsigh* Yankee Stadium. I can’t believe this day actually came. What a celebration of history going on right now, I get chicken skin watching all this.
I still remember my first game at Aloha Stadium. It was the O‘ahu Bowl, UH vs. Oregon State. I think my second game was when Tim Chang broke Ty Detmer’s all-time passing yardage record.
But my favorite memory was the Boise State game last year; winning the WAC title outright, seeing all my fellow students rush the field, that was amazing.
yes, i lost to someone at darts last night. and i couldn’t stay to get my revenge match.
anyways, here’s how our opponents are doing.
i’ve been able to bring in bottled water (WITH caps) in for the last 2 seasons. just have big pockets. actually i think i forgot once and walked in with it in my hand and they didn’t say anything. we were all kinda shocked.
duffer…that is great news! As far as NUMBER of tickets, the survey grand total count will give an approximate number–regardless of travel preferences. Not all will go to the game, but taking 90% of the grand total is a good estimate for ticket number.
So people can make their other choices on the survey (still need that preliminary data), but for now we will assume the tickets are all coming from the same source?
Re: #61
Current grand total traveler count = 92
(differs from the survey count because of email adjustments received)
A-House ticket count is 4 – 3 traveling from Oahu and 1 for MasaBoy who lives in Vegas.
Aloha Errybody!
Aloha Stadium Memories… Mariah Carey Concert, working in the concession stands during Pro Bowls and trying to explain to players’ families what the hell Kalbi is… Definitely the 2007 campaign for UH Football, but when I was a kid, going and watching Garet Gabriel beat BYU for the first time, and seeing Joaquin Barnett wave a towel that said “UH BEAT BYU” oh and seeing some hot cheerleaders, since I was so young I didn’t care much about the game, but I knew beautiful ladies when I saw em (I was about 7 years old at the time)
Remember gangee… MAKE MEMORIES!!!
I guess you can do that type stuff when you get plenty space in your pants….
Hippo birdie two ewes, Jim! Hope you’re having a great one!
the board has been retired….
Aloha Stadium Memories…
Probably when we played the BYU Kitty Cats when Garret Gabriel was still playing. Ty Detmer was the hype…Heisman candidate…but got his arse whooped on not once, but twice in consecutive years. Remember being at both games with my dad and how we used to make toilet paper rolls of Star-Bulletin newspaper shredded up inside and tossing out about 24 rolls all over the field…ahhh the good ol days!
October 28, 1989 UH 56 – BYU 14 – after BYU had been dominating the series 11-4 UH finally gets revenge…
Dec. 1, 1990: UH 59, BYU 28 – A year later earlier before the game Ty Detmer is selected as the Heisman trophy winner…remember booing him and BYU as they took the field. Garret Gabriel couldn’t be stopped and Jeff Snyder strikes the Heisman pose in spite of Detmer…
Next I would have to say in 2001, when then, #8 ranked kitty cats 12-0 came to our hale and got skinned and made into manapua. My boy Chad Owens sets a single game record for returns as a freshman with a KR and PR for touchdowns…Ashley Lelie and Channon Harris dominates the secondary and Coach Rolo throws for 8 TD’s and 543 yds.
As you can see we need to bring BYU back into our rivalry picture… hint, hint Uncle Jim Donovan make it happen captain! Thank you very much Herman Frazier, you are truely an amazing dumbarse…I commend your stupidity!!!
Oye before I forget…
Happy Birthday Uncle Jim and Aunty Ronnie’s son
As much as we need Blaze Soares on the field I would like to see him play a full season healthy. I know that’s asking alot as he plays with reckless abandon and goes all out every single snap. His intensity and sheer presence can strike fear in opposing teams, and the impacts he unloads on the opposition is bone shattering to say the least, just ask the Boise St. running back. Anyway, I would love to have him in the game but I would really like a full seasons worth of the “IMPACT” instead of a couple games… Really hope he gets another year to play…
K be back aftah the Green Bay vs. Dallas game…
Point spread for UH and SJSU is currently 0 points…a pick’em game. It will be interesting to monitor how the point spread moves, as that will show who the betting public is putting their on.
Let’s think AD Jim tries and tries his best’est hardest for a new BYU connection. The only prob seems to be BYU no like. Everything to lose, nothing to gain with recruiting. They already get their Poly Pipeline through the Mormon connection.
BYU would be the next in line for the Pac-10 expansion, ya?
Garret –
I get an itchin’ that with SJSU and Hawaii so close to each other in the multiple rankings and home game for UH, this game might stay neutural, but no more than 3 points on the spread.
Brudda Blaze….rubb on the salon pas bro…it works!
Esme checked out your website and your profile, how come tsaikos aren’t listed in your groups or friends….tried a pm but not registered and i can’t see myself registering as a mom….
i thought you had the laminated paper?
Normally the home team gets a 3-point or so credit on the point spread, so the pick’em game means that the oddsmakers would make SJSU a favorite on a neutral field. I agree that the point spread won’t move much, especially with the unknowns on Tyler’s health/readiness and other injuries for both teams.
Since so many people talked about this, I just looked into BYU’s future football schedules. BYU has filled their schedule until 2013–most teams (who don’t have incompetent AD’s) schedule games well in advance. Since they would only be interested in a home-and-home arrangement, BYU wouldn’t be able to start something like that until 2012 (2012 in Hawaii, 2013 in Provo).
BYU had an opening until recently, but they added Army with a home-and-home deal for 2011 and 2012, which filled their pukas those years. I would have LOVED UH to be able to use the opening in Army’s schedule and would have loved a shot at BYU also!
BYU’s other openings in 2012 were filled by Washington and Boise State (plus the standard game vs. Utah State).
If the Pac-10 would expand, I would guess they would want the 2 teams to be located close to each other, which would reduce travel costs. That would seem to point to BYU and Utah…UH and Fresno and BSU aren’t close to another school with good teams.
Were feeling the jet lag from our past AD’s procrastination of future scheduling. The 2003 – 2005 year was the primo moment for future scheduling. (Sorry for bringing this up about what’s his name)
BYU doesn’t make sense from the Provo p.o.v.
Still though, JJ had the vision and want for the armed forces teams on a yearly rotational basis. That caught my attention right away and hasn’t left me.
I agree with everything you said. With the armed forces presence in Hawaii, plus the great TV coverage their teams get, scheduling them makes total sense to me! Too bad other teams saw how good it would be to play the academies and have been scheduling games with them years in advance. SMU added a future home-and-home deal with Navy recently, which might have been a coincidence (SMU already has Navy on their schedule this season and that was before JJ went there) or might have been encouraged by JJ.
But to me I’d rather see Navy playing in Hawaii (not that far away from Pearl Harbor) instead of in Dallas…too bad our former AD didn’t think the same way.
How about them Cowboys?!!!!!
Good day when Hatriots and Packers lose. Unfortunately for Frank, the Raiders lost. Cowboys and Redskins win and are getting ready for epic showdown. It will be a tough game, for the Redskins , and I would like to cheer for Colt, but have to stay forever loyal to my ‘Boys.
Made a bunch of Snickerdoodles, but I hate to bake. Have to go pick up my daughter from band practice.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIM DONOVAN AND AARON!! Many wishes to the two of you for the best day of the year.
I think were just getting ready to see the scratch on the surface for many programs that operate under tight budgets for the athletic programs, due to travel costs.
look at what Nevada is enduring from your post yesterday on excessive baggage fees and overnight hotels.
The Armed forces academies wouldn’t huhu over the travel costs as much as other financially strained programs.
This is just the start of a new era for scheduling strategies
My best memories at Aloha Stadium:
1) Marching during halftime while I was a member of the Kamehameha Schools Warrior Marching Band and Colorguard at the Pro Bowl. I forget what year it was, but I got to see Danny White, the QB for my Cowboys and Loyal Garner, who was the nicest lady.
2) Beating BYU, when they were screaming about being undefeated and snubbed by the BCS. Hello, what are we…chopped liver? To this day, I have to watch that game during the off season to get ready for the upcoming season.
3) The triple OT with Fresno. The stadium was rocking, and if ever there was a time when I thought it might collapse, that was the game. That was the most stressful game for me. Solidified my love for Warrior football, although I think that they were still the Rainbows at the time. Truth be told, I’ve always called them Rainbow Warriors because I wanted both my Hawaii teams to be Warriors. It was easy to drop the Rainbow for me.
4) When we first returned to Hawaii from Washington DC, my uncle took me to a concert that featured ZZ Top, Stevie Ray Vaughn, C& K, and Kalapana. The funny thing was that the most memorable part about it was that there sure were a lot of people smoking pot. I wasn’t even 13, so it was quite an awakening.
My biggest peeve about the stadium is when the crowd booes the visitors. At least they show up to play the game and the same can’t be said about a lot of other teams…Mich State and Texas come to mind…or Florida, who is too scared to make the trip here. We should always welcome an opponent to their beatdown…just kidding.
I agree with everything that Pauoa Boy posted on #68 except he left out Coach Stutz’s punt into the north endzone stands after he caught the TD that put them up by 35 pts! We were screaming for blood that day. I remeber yelling for a 100 pts…but 72-45 was satisfyng….
Kaimuki Kid – LMAO, dat was one classic bonehead play by Coach Stutz but one I will take anyday, haha… I hope he no teach his bruddah Billy how for punt…das a penalty waiting to happen…again… 🙂
Hi Rob25,
Hey, I remember that ZZ/Stevie/etc concert. If I remember correctly, it also featured Kapono (solo) and … Run DMC. Weirdest bill I’ve ever seen, but SRV was awesome.
My other favorite Aloha Stadium moment: Thea von Appen trying to give me a made-up name when I interviewed her after a brawl in which she was involved.
We made manapua out of them that day and it could have been worse cause we eased off on them… I remember in 1989 the BYU defense had no defense for the Paul Johnson option attack…Garrett could have thrown for more touchdowns, but the recievers had to come back for the ball…Everyone was open, he had his choice and if he had a stronger arm it would have been lights on almost every play that year…Ditto in 1990 BYU had no answer our offense…
Stadium Memories –
July 4th Islanders game – think this was in ’76 – first time I can recall fans sitting in the outfield grandstands. I think it was because K59 was giving away free jackets and there were fireworks after the game. Oh, and by the way, Adrian Garrett hits a grand slam and the stadium goes nuts.
1985 Prep Bowl –
Garrett Gabriel throws a bomb to Terrance Hempleman for a TD on the opening series and Pac-5 puts away Waianae for the title. Someone threw some type of fireworks/bomb onto the field from the Waianae side during the game that leaves a burn in the turf.
I remember Michael Carter got one on the BYU kitty cats in 1992. Same year they went to the Holiday Bowl and beat Illinois 27-17. Travis Sims had 2 touchdowns that game…
I, too, want Hawaii to play the military teams every year, but they would not get a free ride aboard military aircraft as many may think.
When planning for our 2-week annual training in Japan, from an operations and budgetary point, we had to budget the “airfare” to Japan and back. This was the largest, single item of our expense every year. Several years, it was actually cheaper to fly United or Northwest round trip. There are no rides when it comes to flying.
Housing was not a problem as the Japanese Self Defense forces vacated their quarters so we used their billets. It was their “training” time for “roughing it” in the snow in tents.
Happy Birthday to Jim Donovan!
Happy Birthday to Aaron!
Lots of Aloha Stadium memories…
BYU wins and losses have to be at the forefront…56-14; 59-28 wins; Walter Murray’s drop; Jim McMahon’s punt; Might Mouse’s KOR’s
Even the structure itself has lots of memories: movable grandstands; patina; controlled corrosion….
Hauoli Lahanau Jim and Aaron!
Congrats to Bernard Carvalho!
Dinner break pau-
Back to work.
It was so nice of The Paper to commission a readership survey in May/June — you know, the busy UH sports months.
Stadium moments.
Motocross with Hollywood Holly.
Big Foot.
Stadium in baseball configuration
Well, I got these new trifocals, and I can’t figure out which lens to use. So if it appears I’m ogling you, well, it’s the glasses.
Well, unless I’m ogling you.
I like the surreal feel when they play football when the stadium is in the baseball configuration.
OK, if at least half a dozen Tsaikos register there and PM me with their usernames, I’ll CREATE a group for the Tsaikos. How’s THAT for customer service?
I also like the concept of a dugout.
I think that’s one of the coolest things in sports. Of course, I never understood why they can’t spit sunflower seeds into cups. Even Stretch can do that.
I posted this just before the previous blog entry ended, so I hope you guys don’t mind if I just repost here…
I am so looking forward to 6 days from now!
Go Warriors!!
Don’t make like them national pusses! I am willing to go along with $780B+ in mortgage bailouts, $350+B unrecoverable cuz out and outright fraud. if Congress promises to make the big CEOs give back their bonuses for the last 3 years, and goes after the frauds from the Banks, small mortgage lenders who sold to the big mortgage lenders who sold to Lehmans Bros., yada yada, Title Companies, yada. oddawize, they are sticking us wit 15 pigs in a poke and I won’t be able to afford da away games. 😀
but anyway, yeah, Go Warriors. 😀
I’m telling you, da last Ching Cooke Field Fix guy betta get outta our way cause like I just said, I am so ready fo puke wit all da b.s.!!!!!
Well, we kept our streak of triple-figure posts.
Of course, a third of them are by me. But, hey …
You can’t spit in the cup because you need to wear it for protection
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 ~•~~~•~ 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😯 49ers 2-1 😯 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 ~•~~~•~ 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
Pretty funny, Stretch.
I dunno, Brew. It’s like those 3-D posters.
Some people see one thing, I see: Alex Smith, $21 million.
Nah, half of our offense follows the 49ers.
The other half is normal.
ST, you ogle? I’m telling Wena.
If a guy wearing trifocals was trying to spit sunflower seed shells into a cup and missed, would it be:
a) the trifocals fault?
b) poor aim/technique?
c) the cup is too small? 😀 😯 😆
had to get my UH sports fix for the weekend.
went to last night’s wahine volleyball match vs Boise yesterday
and just got home from the UH wahine soccer match vs Santa Barbara, in which we won in OT 2-1.
good weekend for UH sports.
cya guys in 6 weeks
Just seen that Lane Kiffen will be fired, possibly as early as tomorrow?? Who the heck is Oakland going to get to coach them?? I don’t think anyone would want that job, especially with the boss.
Sorry, Lane Kiffin
I suppose Rob25 and stretch are pretty happy. The ‘boys look awesome tonight. They have to be rated the dominant NFL team right now…. Ouch – that hurts to say that! 😀
Actually, I Google. But I can’t find the “Go” with my new trifocals.
brew808 – you not trying to throw the jinx over the Cowboys, right??!!??
Re: Raiders – John L. Smith or Fred “what-happened”?
If John L Smith is the new coach and he comes in second in the conference, is he going to come to Hawaii to coach the Pro Bowl??
Haw ’bout dem kaubouys……. 😀
OK, let’s start the campaign:
John L. Smith to the Raiders.
(Actually, the word is he’s going to return to Utah State next year. But that doesn’t mean he can’t be with the Raiders this year.)
Utah State – he’ll have no choice but to come play in Hawaii. I can’t wait for that to happen!!!
Wow. Ruth Buzzi is still alive.
It’s weird. She used to play an old lady in the ’60s. Now she’s an old lady in her 60s.
WAC officials are the bestest!!! 😈
ST – Ruth Buzzi?? Now you showing your age!! If you watched tv and can remember stuff from the 60’s, YOU OLD!!!
By the way, practice is 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. tomorrow.
Actually, I’m watching the Emmy’s. They just did a Laugh-In skit.
And they had Ruth Buzzi and Joanne what’s-her-name.
And is Arte Johnson still alive? He keeps showing up in crossword puzzles.
ST – thanks for the practice info, now no need call you in the morning
Ruth Buzzi. Laugh In.
Was it that long ago? Oh yeah, was black and white TV…
Sun, Nov 23 – Niners at Cowboys. Uh – I think the Niners should be getting about 24 points!?? 😯
O_O OMG!!! It’s the crazy band man, Mike Wedge!!!
1. Stepping out onto the field for the first time for pregame
2. Boise State last season
3. Washington last season.
I am never nervous when I step onto the field to perform. Last year, at half time, we were not uneasy even with the team down. Probably the best show we did all season.
Goldie Hawn. Arte Johnson. Lily Tomlison. Rowan and Martin. 🙂
Hey Stretch – watch it… I get da lead slippah. We are not old. We are just young for our age. Jus wait, brah, till you hit 40!
Stretch – were you in band, orchestra or choir? Just found out my orchestra teacher, Mr. Higa, passed away last week. He had probably retired by the time you came along.
Hi Esme! Wanna go play wit da supa soakers in da clubhouse? hehehehe.
Happy birthday to JD and Aaron!
Have a great evening Tsai-kos!! Back to lurking.
jm2375 – Mr. Higa must have retired by the time I was there, remember, I am young you know….
This blog would have hit 100 easily, especially with this being one of the last days I get to post before my trip. I think that my percentage of posts is quite high for today’s blog…too high I think, but I would have posted a ton more if the count was below 100.
Hopefully things pick up as practices start for SJSU, as I’ll be off blog and basically offline from Tuesday until Friday. The National Science Foundation gave my company money that pays my salary and the only thing they ask is for me to take one trip to DC…so I’ll go.
Hey, Mike Wedge, you’ve got to tip us off. Can you put one of Stretch’s UA decals on your musical instrument?
By the way, before today Miami was 1-21 for their last 22 games and New England was 21-1. Amazing stat, especially since Miami won today’s game and won the game before their 1-21 streak.
Not sure why the site is so slow today. It takes me a few minutes to refresh.
Ugh, that might get me push-ups, but I can see what I can do… playing cymbals this season…. btw, stop by the ticket office before the game and we’ll play the Tsaikos a cadence or 2. I cannot guarantee I’ll be playing cause there are 12 cymbals and we get rotated in an out, but I am on the field for half-time.
Well, Garret, say hi to Colt for us.
Hey who was the QB for the Cowboys before Danny White? I’m too young to remember!
Hey Bay Area Tsaikos – just planting a seed….
7:00 p.m. PT
UH Wahine Volleyball at San Jose State
It is a Monday night, and there’s a bunch of work stuff going on for me. If I can, I’ll be there! 😀
Well, you’ve always been a cymbal of excellence.
Can’t blame the attached photo’s or video links for the slow blog refresh rate. Actually, no problems for me…. so far…. 😕
Was it that that Clint guy?
Joanne Worely. Why I remember that, I have no idea.
Oh yah, and Kate Hudson’s mom sayin’ “Sock it to me!”.
I was a very young child back then.
Nah, I’m just kidding. I just wanted to get my Cowboys back in the blog.
ST – you hanging around Chawan too much, that was LAME!!!
haha thanks, 1 of many lol.. we’re a young line this year I am the 2nd oldest cymbal at 20 years. The drumline looks promising.
I would love to say hi to Colt, but I’ve got meetings or workshops from 7am until 8:30pm that are all mandatory…only free time I have is Thursday evening and I’ll probably schedule a meeting then. I hate flying to DC, so when I’m there I try to get all kinds of meetings in.
Friday on my way to the airport I have to make a stop to get interviewed by National Defense Magazine. I get to visit their offices for the interview, which should be interesting for me.
I have to channel my inner Chawan since some of our regulars are going away this week.
It’s time for DPK to step up.
How many tuba players this year?
And how can you guys practice on Cooke Field? (It’s not going to be Ching Field until the family forks over the other $5 million.)
This is for Rob25 –
The Wyoming Cowboys are 2-2 this season (0-2 in the MWC). Their next loss will be this weekend vs. Bowling Green. Go Cowboys! 😀 😯 😆
Huh? There’s another $5M involved? If so, then it really should be called the ka-ching field! 😆
OK, how come the Geico Gecko has an English accent?
Shouldn’t the Gecko be Chamorro?
Jason Witten had some awesome blocks today.
I was thinking that I should pick a position to focus on during each game. This way I can learn more about that position and what they are doing during different plays. Any suggestions?
I did notice that when Dan Kelly doesn’t do his twist thing right before he kicks, he tends to not be as accurate. Not sure if the extra weight has changed his technique somehow, but it would make sense if it did. I think that it is good that he put on the weight, because he likes to take on kick returners when they get past everyone else.
Tyler on the other hand just kind of looks…how did another blogger put it…like the Pillsbury Doughboy.
The family donated $5 million, which is half of what it takes to complete. I know rich folks do that all of the time, but, you know, why not donate the whole amount?
Touche(sp) Brew, but I do not cheer for teams in the MWC. They are the enemy. I’m even having a hard time cheering for them to be our BCS busters this year.
leverage? Heck – what do I know…. it’s a “rich family” concept! 😕
Hey Tsaikos,
Thanks for the many birthday wishes to Jim. We had a wonderful brunch with our family this morning and he just returned from the Wahine soccer game where UH defeated 23rd-ranked UCSB in overtime. That was a great birthday present!
Well, UH fans should not root for Utah, not after its AD referred to the Warriors as chihuahuas.
Rob25: I don’t think it’s the weight — he looked like an All-American during fall camp. Coach Mack did notice the not twisting thing the last kick, cause they were rushing. I think he said he was trying to get a timeout called, but it was too late.
Kinda Shy,
Thank you for sharing your hubby with all UH fans.
Good to hear he had a great day.
Tsai-kos, on your best behavior! Kinda Shy is here! 😀
Hi Kinda Shy! It is nice to see you back on the blog and I hope that you are doing well. It was nice to be able to shake Jim’s hand during halftime of the Oregon State game and tell him that I thought he was doing a great job. It is so much nicer to have Jim as the AD after having to deal with the previous AD for so long!
Whoa – Kinda Shy is here. I need to be on my best behavior….
try Hawaii’s Tight Ends. Shouldn’t take long to master that one.
have i become a new adjective? am i in the urban dictionary?
i’m honored. or maybe i shouldn’t.
i will be going away, but i will still have internet access, so you guys aren’t rid of me that easily.
btw, didn’t see THE Princess at the soccer game, although i’m pretty sure she was covering it. maybe she was up in the pressbox. that was an exciting win in OT. great crowd. they’re smart to have it on Sundays after all the young’ins finish their AYSO matches and can just walk over.
It’s not a problem sharing Jim with the community as we all know he is trying to do his best for the State of Hawaii, UH and athletics in particular. These past six months have been a whirlwind of sorts with Jim’s schedule but he has still manages to have dinner at home and finds time to watch Josh play football and Jackie play volleyball. Of course, our lives are a bit unconventional now but we all knew how hectic things would be when Jim got the job. It’s a good thing we ALL love sports.
The good thing Jim is at the helm of the Warrior ship. We are thankful.
The QB before Danny White was Roger Staubach…
So there was this midget in an elevator… oops! Never mind…Kinda Shy is here. 😳
Yep, the birfday boy is doin’ a bang up job so far. 😉
Rob25 D1 is really pushing it with you, rubbing it in after St L. beat Kamehameha. give him the slippa at the tailgate…or did the menehunes give you the magical kahuna spell for dissing them
Garret: The next time our family visits Jim’s parents and my sister, maybe we can meet some of the SoCal Taikos. I noticed there have been mini cattle calls at King’s Hawaiian Bakery. That’s near my sister’s house (she lives in Torrance) and we’ve been there in the past.
UCLA sure isn’t that happy with having Kevin Craft as their starting QB.
Injury note for UCLA includes someone related to UH’s current starting LT.
Kinda Shy,
It would be awesome to have a Calf Call at King’s! Rich, Ronnie, Ed, and our other regulars would love to meet with your family! The management there is very nice to us (they love seeing the photos posted on the blog and on SteveM’s site!) so we get a room for our group and even got free dessert once.
Free play link time before I have to go to bed. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want the off-topic stuff.
This lottery winner won $6 mil and offered to give $600k to his church…but the church doesn’t approve of the lottery so they turned down the money! I’m sure that the church could have done a lot of good with that money, but they sure drew a hard line on donations.
Funny how this man played the lottery all the time using the birthdays of his kids. However, this time he forgot his glasses and made a mistake with one of the numbers…and it turned out that the mistake made him win the $3 mil lottery! He went back to get a ticket with the correct birthdays and that ticket won him $1000.
It is awesome that he donated that $3 mil lottery win to his church!
It is really sad that this Cuban tae kwon do Olympian attacked the ref after losing the bronze medal match…and Fidel Castro said attacking the ref was justified.
Interesting that winning one gold medal costs a country on average $37 million in training costs.
If NBC could show what goes on in the Olympic Village as described by this former Olympian, they would get crazy ratings on a cable channel!
Free play links pau.
I guess I can’t count–that was six posts. Oh well, I was supposed to combine #179 and #180 into one post…
not sure how many tubas.. hadn’t bothered counting. lol And yeah, we still do.. pretty much same as last year but new band director.
Kinda Shy-
Please give Jim a big birthday hug from all of us and remind him the Tsai-kos are always here to help forward UH’s causes any way we possibly can. Please call upon us anytime. The front door is always open.
KINDA SHY: Was nice having lunch with Jim last Thursday and should have asked you to join us. After all, I owe you one for that lunch at Gordon Birsch!
It looks like we’ll travel sometime next year if it works out with everyone’s schedule. I’ll let you know when we start planning the trip. Take care.
Mike Wedge-
Forgot to mention back during the Green/Black game in Spring, we heard the band experiment with different cadences. That was cool. Saw some of the band members try to do a Chinese Lion Dance. Pretty cool.
Any chance you guys developing a few original cadences we can all groove to?
Thanks for the offer of help. I can tell you one thing, the Tsaikos are such great bunch of people who really believe in UH athletics.
Tom Mui,
Jim had a very nice time at lunch too. I had a lunch that day but I heard several people ran into him.
I’m so glad I dragged him over to meet you at the party.
all of our cadences are written by our instructor/alumni/current members. We are playing one right now called Rah Rah Ree written by one of our tenors that has a chinese lion danceish opening to it.
ohh yeah, if anyone happens to notice, our base drums now sport Hawaiian flags on the top part of the drum head.
Kinda Shy ~ Just curious. What do you gift a guy like Jim when you know he considers his job as a ‘gift?’ Whatever it was, I hope he was able to enjoy it with you and the rest of your family.
We wish him many happy returns from out here on the ceded lands, where many of my Hawaiian neighbors appreciate having him in charge of things. It’s a joy to see the number of homes out here that fly the UH banner during this season.
Hey, Kinda Shy:
Thanks for joining us. Say, we need a little help. Suppose there’s a blogger who likes to hold up signs in front of visiting coaches …
We try not to go overboard on gifts in the material sense. He really wanted to go to brunch at his favorite place so we did. The afternoon was a quiet one at home (that’s gift number 2), then he went to watch the Wahine play soccer and when they won in overtime it became gift number three. When he came home we sang “Happy Birthday,” had cake and the children went back to doing their homework.
We keep things simple here.
Is Bernard Carvalho a former teammate of the birthday guy?
OK, the o-line was Carvalho, Donovan and Pride. Who were the other two?
No comment.
ST, from yesterday’s post…
If I remember correctly (old timer, you know!), No Neck hit a homer through the right center field Columbia Inn puka…Can you confirm?
I believe you are correct about No-Neck Williams.
Unfortunately, the guy who would be able to confirm it — Ferd Borsch — left us a few years ago.
We still miss Ferd (no quotation marks).
Happy Birthday Jim and Aaron.
Kinda Shy:
I understand. But, hypothetically, shouldn’t someone focus on women’s volleyball crowds instead of the harmless (and innovative) stylings of an engineering young man?
you never know who you run into at costco on a sunday afternoon….
so i run into stephen, wena, and son while i am searching for the boss. later, i catch up with the boss and i tell her i just ran into stephen tsai and his wife.
the boss says, “yah, i thought that was him i just passed.”
i say, wait, you have never met stephen tsai. she says thats true but i have seen his picture before. (she lurks!)
then i tell her stephen thinks i don’t even have a wife cuz he has only heard about you but never seen you.
First Things First:
Aloha Stadium Memories: Going to a zillion PCL baseball games snoozing away in the sun on a Sunday afternoon along first base side until it got too hot and then shifting over to the third base side.
T-Gate Recyling: Once again, we’ll provide recycling services at the T-Gate which includes taking your contributions from home as well. We’ll be donating the proceeds in the name of Tsaikos to Dole Middle School’s cross-country program under the supervision of Coach Alan Inaba to purchase shoes, uniforms, and event day meals. Nearly 80% of the students are in the free or reduced-cost lunch program plus the median five-person family income in the area is under $30,000 whereas at Kawananoka Middle School, about three miles closer to town, it’s well over $50,000 – so proper athletic shoes & uniforms are not a high priority for many parents.
T-Gate Stuff: We’ll bring one pop-up tent, a 10 x 10 ft. tarp, two folding tables & a table in a box, four chairs, a microwave w/power strip and extension cord, and several exceedingly large garbage sacks. We plan to set up around 11 am and then will be leaving and coming back around 3:30 or so to socialize for a bit and then help with clean-up.
Stadium Security: Look to 9-11 as the reason for all the security upgrades in most large public venues around the country – including the recently-installed electronic gate barricades set up at the Stadium on weekdays when there are no activities scheduled in the parking lot. I nearly broke the windshield last month going to the Stadium Authority meeting because I didn’t see the neutral-colored bar until I slammed into it. I suggested to security that they should paint the bars bright red or black and white. We’ll see this Thursday if they paid any attention.
Stephen: Please call me concerning the free tickets. I left a message on your cell Sunday afternoon.
Ching/Cooke Field Updates will be posted on the blog by either Tom Mui or me as soon as they’ve been confirmed. A hearing has been scheduled for Friday, September 26, on the appeal by Ching’s Nursery, but things are moving very quickly so it is not unreasonable to expect it to be settled ahead of time.
Lower Campus Community Service Project: Teri Chang, who oversees the lower campus athletic facilities, replied to an e-mail sent early last week that she & her staff will pick the next service project date shortly.
James: We’ll be at Murphy’s on October 4. Hope to see some of you at the Call The Coach Show on Tuesday.
OFF-TOPIC: There’ll be a major Obama Rally this Thursday from 6 pm to 8:30 pm at Kailua High School for all O`ahu residents. I’ll be working the parking detail so wave hello as you drive by!
There’ll be voter registrars inside the cafeteria so if you’ve not voted in awhile or have moved or changed your name, this will be a good time to take care of bidnez. The General Election deadline is in two weeks.
Well, I hope Al has a wife, because some of the things he was buying …
Coach Mack Show on NOW! This is a new one
I remember after the Oklahoma City bombings, security was really tight at sporting events.
We were in New Mexico for a basketball game, and they had bag searches and metal detectors.
Of course, the strange part is the arena is built into the ground and known as the Pit. I mean, it’s a built-in bomb shelter, which is why it was odd to have such high security.
But I digress.
You have to give me a report. Wena is watching Dog Whisperer.
it was walt ‘no neck’ williams.
I cringe whenever Liz Chun says “Grunkee” instead of “Graunke.” I never noticed that until someone (Al?) brought it up, and now it bugs me ever since. 😛
being that the coaches went out on the recruiting trail this weekend, might we have some commit reports tomw????
yah, not only its liz chun but its her sidekick mike cherry as well.
like father like son, i hate it when they misprounounce people’s name.
ummm…..what stuff in the basket?
btw….are we having a cc with mr. brennan????
friday would be good.
did some cc scouting today. went to visit an old friend at “uncle’s restaurant” at pier 35. the food as i suspected was outstanding. what would you expect from a one time 5star fine dining chef?
the bonus was that the mid day entertainment was none other than ernie cruz, a palolo boy at that.
Drat- missed Kinda Shy and Esme…
but I did a lot of cleaning around the house this weekend… it was long overdue and still get plenty more to do.
Garret- good luck in DC… get planny new business, ladat!
hmmm. Has Stephen Tsai ever attended a T-Gate???
I do not believe ST has ever attended a T-Gate.
That’s mostly because 1) it’s kind of far from where I park. 2) I sweat a lot. 3) I sweat when I have to walk a lot. 4) I need to get in the press box early because “Ferd,” who’s a hog, always tries to take one of the two plugs. And the AP guys don’t share. And I’m not sure why either one of them needs it since only Stacy and me type during the game. And then “Ferd” does that passive/aggressive thing where he kicks out my computer plug. Grrr. That’s why we’re like the old Red Sox: 25 players, 25 cabs.
And I think the type went small again because our bored computer techs are fussin’ around with the blog again.
Re: Graunke.
She knows the correct way to say his name because she read it here, and we talked about it.
But, hey, what can you do?
That’s why I’m glad I’m not in TV. I know John Fonoti gets irked because people pronounce his last name incorrectly. And he’s a scary dude, although not quite in the B.J. Fruen-scary-dude way.
finally done packing.
now its time to pass out.
thanks again for pulling a “me” today. that was pretty good/bad. although i think there should be different variations to the definition. i can’t help being me. its too late to change. hopefully it’ll work out for the positive eventually.
oh yes, happy birthday to everyone today. saw the birthday boy at the soccer game, but he was headed off to congratulate the team and i wanted to get out of there before the traffic got too crazy. one road in one road out.
oh yeah, who would’ve thought that the colts would be 1-2 and san fran would be 2-1. and who would’ve thought that MIAMI would beat New England at Foxboro? All that scoring and none of it was to Bess! dang.
ok, now time to pass out.
i know lets start calling her liz ching.
nitey nite chawan_cut and alll
Tsweet Tsai-ko Dreams!
Just for the heck of it, I’ll start a new post in two minutes.
chawan_cut — have a good trip, wherever you are going!
Work day tomorrow. Hope I can hold out until Wednesday when Long Time UH Fan and I feast at Camellia. Mini-cattle call — please join us at 11:30 AM if you can. Hey, wait a minute–there’s flames there…
Good night everyone!
Canon Bj 200
Happy birthday to UH athletic director Jim Donovan and Aaron Ronnie’s son. Whether Blaze Soar […]http://myinkjetinksale.info/?p=307 […]
Canon Bj 100
Happy birthday to UH athletic director Jim Donovan and Aaron Ronnie’s son. Whether Blaze Soar […]http://inkjetinksaleblog.info/?p=400 […]
Excuse me. Paradise is exactly like where you are right now… only much, much better.
I am from Ukraine and learning to speak English, tell me whether I wrote the following sentence: “Meet twilight robert pattinson! Kiss mas wishes k! Kiss fm so long to summer bash part aly and aj webisode.”
Thank you very much ;). Salamon.
Canon Bj 30
Happy birthday to UH athletic director Jim Donovan and Aaron Ronnie’s son. Whether Blaze Soar […]http://inkjetinksaleblog.info/?p=427 […]
Canon Bj 5
Happy birthday to UH athletic director Jim Donovan and Aaron Ronnie’s son. Whether Blaze Soar […]http://myinkjetinksale.info/?p=634 […]
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