Meanwhile, in Manoa …
While you were wiping away the makapiapia, the Warriors started their official offseason conditioning program.
Phil Steele’s preseason All-MWC first team includes left tackle Ben Clarke and quarterback Max Wittek.

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Hensley looks like a monster for a 17/18 year old?? Lets hope his footwork matches up with his size though.
Hensley said he’s 311 pounds.
He decided to come in early to get in more work. The other newcomers arrive on June 26 for the bridge program.
Guud Morning Tsaikos…bootiful day.
carry over from yesterday’s post..
Pomai, got to keep banging on the door. Maybe meet with new AD and get the scoops again. Seems the last one was not open to suggestions.
kruzen, Mahalo for the link…seems to be working ok now.
some one created a rock garden. spent a lot of time and money. labor of love but not sure if he got any love back. this cannot be the way the AD operates. AD want to play only with the big boys then going to hard to get the many small people to help out. they going walk away….imho
finally JR looks huge! gonna be an interesting session…smell of football is in the air!
ken: the other bricks on campus are for the benefit of the Alumni Association. Could be why Pomai hit a roadblock earlier. Still think its a good idea for the Athletic Dept. case in point being that I would donate for a brick for the Rainbow Warrior Walk, but I wouldn’t for theUHAA as I am not an Alum. Football fanbase is huge and if donors knew ffunds went directly to athletics they would be more inclined to ante up.
Hensley looks like a guard. big kid
if no can use bricks then use hollow tile…huh?…
i dont think Penitito needs to wear shoulder pads
Hensley shows that size matters…Big kids will intimidate on an Offensive line. I hope he has a good career at UH. I still think they should use Daniel Lewis as a RB on offense.
Lance Williams and Penitito Faalologo are older players. Where are the younger recruits? 6-5 or 6-4, 225 ibs. and above. What happened?
8. Moving him to RB right now would set him back a whole year. Which wouldn’t be smart considering he’s starting or at least in the rotation at safety. He had the big pick vs San Jose St. as a true FR. Not very often to safeties start at 18. I say keep him at safety for now. But I feel we kind of failed addressing the RB position over the years. Maybe if we get rid of the TE position, we have more room to recruit more RBs and depth on the line.
I was hoping for some news about late JC transfers (large, fierce, blood thirsty D lineman preferably). Is it time for the hoping to end?
ST: Thanks for the pics. Hope they have a great and productive summer S & C that is injury free.
UAB to restore football. Here’s a story about what donors and supporters can do, if they really want it.
If I may add a note or two; UH’s defense are more for “dynamically typed” style presentation. Where as Colorado’s defense and Ohio State’s are static and compatible at runtime. Meaning they are more powerful in size. The variables match up and it is already set. There are no compile time errors for the other teams. Computer terms. Yea, interesting.
Great pix. Thanks ST. Hensley shows great character by reporting early. Kory Rasmussen looks huge. He and Penitito have the nose position covered. Feeling good already.
It’s always fun to view summer pics and to ponder what the fall will bring. Thanks Stephen.
This team has potential and could surprise a lot of folks. As always, time tells the tale, but this looks like a good bunch.
Arcumfortis – I wish for the same as you, in post #11. We’ll see.
Wrote this many times before but here we go again. If you want the current blog topics bookmark this:
Don’t know why it’s so difficult for the webmaster to put this for the Warrior Beat link.
But that’s ok, if you no like use this as a bookmark or link then go ahead and keep on complaining.
Good morning everyone!
RE #16
Jimmy the Lock — thanks for the repost.
The URL apparently must include the “?php” at the end.
Using the original URL (as we were given in the beginning) will take us up to the Kealoha Pilares entry. Looks like that was the date the php script was added?
So edit your Warrior Beat bookmark/favorite to include the “/?php” at the end.
Well, that’s todays theory of what’s going awry. π
It’s just a querystring. Doesn’t have to be “php”.
RE: #18
Well, Jimmy the Lock, this is what’s confounding me…
Yesterday when I posted the history was finally fixed, I had used the URL with the “?php” that was posted by Kruzen and it took me to the current listing. I returned to the blog, then used my bookmark (without the ?php) and it took me to the current list– which made me conclude it was finally fixed at the admin end.
Last night, on a different device without the ?php, it took me back to the old listing with Pilares. Same thing happened to me this morning on this computer without the .php. So, I dunno… but the definition:
indicates that the .php is a script that must execute on the server. So I conclude the Warrior Beat web page with the blog entry list history is running a script of some sort. But I dunno. I’m just satisfied with whatever works–I am retired now and try to stay out of tech issues.
Preseason All-MWC first team? Things are looking up!! I’ll take it!
the “inner sense” is starting to stir with the pics posted today – feeling of excitement – however the season ends, it will end with happiness or sadness or who cares, I don’t like sports?
players will play their hearts out – fans will scream/laugh/cry – coaches will pull hairs for missed blocking assignments or running the wrong route or QB leaving the pocket too soon or bounced/over thrown passes or dropped passes
players and coaches will come and go, but the die hard fans will remain as the “core” and hopefully help build attendance again – wife’s cousin said they gave up their football tickets for 2015 – said last 3 years were enough!
pre-season teams are just that – pre-season!
yet, with Phil Steele, getting 2 of 11 offensive players is a great start!!!
gun fun it!! clip your nails so fingers will not slide to the next “key”
dichotomy – wat dat???
Phil Steele knows his stuff. Our qb bas a cannon! Too early to get pumped up. Better take my chill-pill…
SteveM, has nothing to do with php. Like I said could be “?java”, “?stevem”, or whatever. Don’t try and think too much, you may pull a cerebral muscle.
Tiki808 is a computer expert, he should know the reason. I just googled to find an answer.
-otomy – to cut into
dichotomy – to cut into your dich
re: #2
Does Lavaka also report on June 26?
BTW, any of the Spring Ball walk-ons get invited back for Fall Camp?
JTL…GREAT ONE lol lol lol
I’m in the office and when I go to the blog, Update: Pilares, is the “latest” post.
They said it was a cache problem. Not sure what that means, other than Pilares has some pull.
Lavaka will be here with the other freshmen on June 26.
The offseason conditioning program is not mandatory for players who are not enrolled in summer school. But it’s still 100 percent because everyone has a program. So whether you do the program here or on the mainland with a personal trainer, you’re still doing the program.
#23….former UH coach dich tomy
Cache problem? When things go wrong, blame the cache. If they know it’s a cache problem then fix it. Aisoos!
either that or recruit a new any more scholies left?
maybe they mean…the end user should clear his cache… more often…
End user should not be the responsible party to display the current blog topic.
Can you imagine if the Star Advertiser website was like that? End-user’s, please clear your cache or you’ll see January 1st 2014 edition… π
Tiki808, I think you have been infected with malware. π
Country singer – Johnny Cache
Good reading – Cacher in the Rye
Go bows!
we have a clowns in here today…is good…unfortunately.. chow no give scholies to cachers,,,they are drop the ball on that one…he he he
Well me have that now their site….sum times it is not connect me at all.. n after 10 or so minutes…it pops up… n always get a redirect
Me just go home page…n read the news first..then the Wrrior world… n look for the catchy subject line from ST.. OR USUALLY THE OLD ONE…THEN READ WHAT ME MISS WHEN ME SLEEP…..
NEVER HAVE NE PROBLEMS WITH THE OBIT PAGE…. but of course…those cant complain huh…
What about… Cache a falling star n put in ur pocket ?
Perry Como for the old farts like me n tom he he HE…
Warrior Cache – a new men’s fragrance from Esteban Sigh.
Well hope they are have a much speed in the defensive backfields… so the defenders no need a cache…them other dudes from the back…
Great Afternoon All!
Welcome to the Official start of Hurricane Season. Blow Hard!
LMK if the fellas need any tips on “resistance training”….
I been resisting training for years! π― π
AO…. good one…hope it does not show to much he he he
GO BOWS !!!!!
dichotomy – to divide – yep, I’m here to divide!!
why does the blog now take one back 5 or 6 days rather than the most current????
yep, divide!!!!!!!!!!!
I like “Magic Moments”. It’s on my Burt Bacharach box set.
To Rachel Lack, whose walk-up music is “Back in Black”, AC/DC is her Perry Como.
aloha everyone !! great photos ST !!
Warrior Cache β a new menβs fragrance from Esteban Sigh maybe a better one might be !!
winsomesoon- a new fragrance from norm chow
hit man…you sound like a fen jai…with that new fragrance from coach chow…
‘winsumsoon’ good one…
Burt Bacharach …is good…liked him much..
#50 Dichotomy St.Juste?
Terminal velocity: How Don Bailey wants to restructure the Rainbow Warrior offense
Read this Ka Leo interview with the new OC (dated May 12).
My impression is that Bailey is polar opposites of Chow, where he even admits “we have contradictory styles of running an offense.” Bailey, in the second to the last paragraph, bluntly states “that he is calling everything.” (Good).
He wants up tempo, 3 plays a minute, be a first down hog… and tailor the offense to the strong suits of his players. (Smart).
The one thing I see is that the OC will have some good weapons at WR (Kemp, Pendroza) and RB (Lakalaka), who should do better imo now that he is out of Iosefa’s shadow. Add in the untapped production of the third and fourth receivers, TE and who knows…maybe good times/fireworks/wins might happen again.
Fall camp and the start of the season can’t come any sooner? It should be interesting. One site (5Dimes) pegs the over and under win total for the Warrior season at 6. I say hopefully the Warrior get 7 and a bowl bid.
Thanks 4 the link PP..see how long it last with him calling all the plays etc…well maybe….be interesting to see…what happens…with chows style….probably see another chow vs naole…chow vs bailey etc…. wonder how long before that happens…
Really looking forward to the coming season to see the “new” Warrior offense and defense scripted by Bailey and Mason.
Is Nauole still on the coaching staff or did he leave?
Lucky we have Ka Leo
Author of this article writes in sarcasm of how the T.C Chang complex is incomplete, how Jay dragged his feet for a year and how the replacement cost for the track and field keep rising. Somewhere along the line, the article also points out that somebody didn’t plan the size of the field to accommodate women’s soccer as the field is 10 yards short. The beginning of the article states: Expensive Lesson. Yes. And a crying shame to the family that put their trust in UH to carry out their father’s good name.
This article points out how student athlete stipends (averaging about $4,000 a scholarship) will add another 1.2 million to the athletic deficit and debates the pros and cons.
I’ve been coming to this site everyday, but I never saw the posts of the prior five days until now. Somehow they were in limbo on my computer.
I thought ST was on a week’s vacation.
It’s good to see the photos and news of our Warriors!
I also notice that when I click on submit, it takes a while to send and get posted. I have to resist my temptation click on the submit button again.
Who’s Nauole?
New post: