Match day: Pepperdine
The Warriors and Waves meet at 5 p.m. today in the Stan Sheriff Center. If the Warriors win, they move into a first-place tie in the MPSF.
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Do you know how radio airs public-service pieces early Sunday as part of the FCC requirements?
Well, here’s the confession: Today I’m experimenting with posting photos and editing from cell phone.
So, if you see a random selfie pop up today, well, that’s part of the experiment. It’s all for a good cause. I’m preparing for Pro Day later this month.
Comments are closed.
Great Wahine basketball last night!
I always figured that NCAA basketball started too early.
If the season started in January and ended in April, there wouldn’t be that sadness that, hey, where did the season go? By the time the momentum and fans get into it, it’s senior night.
ST #2
True – basketball really should start at the end of the football season which would include all the January 1st bowl games.
So you are intending to post pertinent stats and pics from Pro day?
No live streaming as far as you know?
was at the SSC last nite and just wonderful to see the large crowd – most of the times between 650 -800
as we entered, entire family, you could feel the excitement and electricity in the arena – yes, this will be a great nite of basketball – great to see Warrior Dave and Mrs as well as Mrs Sailor Blue across the court at floor level and Chawan next to the band
I’m sure other Tsaikos were in attendance!
Ben Jay if you read this blog – please change the Colorado game from Thursday to Friday nite – your decision for Thursday nite will limit the number of fans and may cost UH thousands of dollars
being Friday is a work day and game will end near 11pm, we will pass
Good morning everyone!
Psssst, ST — I finally bought my first iPad and it’s slowly dragging me into this tech decade. Neat stuff. Tell your boss you need one… or did they upgrade your work iPhone to the 6 plus yet?
Probably will have better luck talking to a wall than asking anything out of Ben Jay at this point. Also, instead of asking for a later start for basketball, people should be asking for an earlier end to football, which of course, will not happen as long as the exploitation in football continues to produce billions of dollars. Think about it, football players are expected to put in year round training (including “unsupervised training -wink, wink). When the players report to fall practice BEFORE school even starts, we’ll get a new round of indignations about players not having adequate accommodations nor meals but it’s all forgotten once the season rolls around and new year of exploitations start all over again.
A-House, start a petition. I’ll sign.
RE: #6
A-House — I assumed (yes, ass-u-me) that the game change to Thursday was to accommodate a TV broadcast–so we would get extra $$$ for that. But then, they’re spinning the “extra 2 days prep to beat Ohio” lameness and now I just don’t know. Is the game being televised (besides PPV)?
Great article by Ferd Lewis today … “Arnold’s lawyer disputes firing claim, James Bickerton says the UH chancellor is out of his league and didn’t read the contract” … basically, it makes me conclude that the NCAA death penalty for UH would be requiring retention of current UH leadership. Looking forward to the Rainbow Warriors taking on Pepperdine. Congratulations to the WBB team and coach Beeman for leading her team to the regular season championship. Congratulations to the MBB team and coach Taylor for leading his team to a 20 win season.
#5 Ahouse
Was looking for you last night!
Was on the floor mauka side next to the diamond head goal (the gov and Mrs. I’ve are on the makai side of the goal. Was a great game _ I,m the guy with the walker.
Depends. If I’m the only reporter there, as usual, I’ll have updates but not official times until the next day. I usually shoot video until Brad Jones has a hissy fit and gets in my way.
My kids bought me an iPad, wife bought me an iPhone6 and I bought myself two Air Macs. It’s always good to own your own stuff.
Howzit Tsaikos!
Hope to get a bigger crowd tonight than Friday night, since the game WILL NOT be televised nor streamed.
If you haven’t experienced a MVB game when the SSC is rocking, time is running out. Only 5 more regular season home games, including tonight, and an MPSF tournament game.
ST: You got all the hi-tech gadgets.
Go ‘Bows! Can’t wait for tonight’s game.
tom #12:
we saw the Gov & Mrs – Mrs A-House used her 20X telephoto lens to take a pretty good picture of the Gov & wife – sorry she did not see you to the left of them
at first, we were seated on the Ewa side just below the first “fence/rail” behind the CSUS bench and the long announcer’s table – unaccustomed to the low level so we moved into the upper level behind the Hawaiian Airline sign – center section on the Ewa Side
aloha everyone!! seems like there showing less games this year on tv oc16 !! use to enjoy the sunday baseball games when it was on k5 !!not even some softball !!
Ashley Karaitiana brought so much people from her native New Zealand, it would have been nice had the PA guy didn’t recognize her as “Australian”.
It matters.
I remember an old SNL sketch with Mike Myers, playing a Scottish shop owner, explaining how it rankles him when people get Ireland and Scotland confused.
It was a memorable tribute to Karaitiana.
Moreover, in the clip package, while Karaitiana narrated about how Coach Beeman was such an influence on her, they showed the coach talking to Toeaina on the bench.
Remember when, I forget the event, in which somebody at the arena played Mozart’s, I think, “Ode to Spring”, instead of the Canadian national anthem?
#20 … No foul by the announcer. I recalled her having ties to both countries and checked the UH Athletics site … born in New Zealand, HS in Australia, parents living in Australia, citizen of both.
Colorado game time should be all about what gives UH best chance to win, especially given the likelihood that UH will be 1-4 if they don’t beat Colorado. I would think Sat. night opening would give UH the best chance. Of course, such thinking seems beyond BJ’s capability.
Thank you for the correction.
No sense complaining about OC16. Oceanic Time-Warner was granted, on a negotiated basis in February of 2014, a 6-year extension to an existing contract with the UH Athletics Department. This extension expires on June 20, 2020. KHNL/KGMB asked for an opportunity to bid for the TV rights, but was denied by the Athletic Department. Had they been given an opportunity and won the bid “We [Rick Blangiardi] believe we could have provided a meaningful alternative to Oceanic Cable… and were looking forward to the elimination of the pay-per-view concept and providing all of UH sports, including both home and away games, free of additional charges to the people of Hawaii.”
Be nice sum day 2 find out the real n truthful reason the day was changed that game….Did Mr. Chow ask for it to be moved up…?? sumone should pose that question on one of them talk sports shows….
Problem is… can’t really trust ne response from BJ…cuz remember …he is the one
that listed income from a non existing bowl game…to help balance his ‘sheet’.. make him look good….n don’t 4-get we are getting 1/2 a million from the H zone…
Just maybe OCEANIC 16 HAVE A WEAK THURSDAY…n asked it to be moved..knowing full well.. many fans work… n Friday is a work day…
WHAT ME NEVER COULD FIND OUT…when sumone signs up for a game…they have to get cable…does part of signup fee goes to uh..or just part of the game telecast…so for the year if the cable charge every month is 100 bucks…is 1,200 a year…which UH gets ZERO…. but was instrumental in getting it activated…times FEW SUBSCRIBERS…N IT BECOMES SERIOUS BUCKS HUH ?
If UH was willing to sign without opening up the bidding process, Oceanic was willing to guaranty a continued $2.4 million annual payment to UH, plus throw in an inflation clause to gradually increase that amount between now and 2020, even though UH football was struggling and both viewership and PPV sales were likely down. Meanwhile KHNL/KGMB admitted up front that they didn’t have the money to match the Oceanic offer, but offered instead to not charge PPV fees to viewers, which would presumably increase the size of the audience. If you’re running a cash-strapped athletic department, which option do you pick? The sure deal that preserves your current TV revenue stream, or the speculative deal that might help build your fan base and increase ticket sales in the long run but will cost you millions in the short run? I think it was a no-brainer for UH and BJ and I don’t blame them for taking the Oceanic offer while it was still on the table.
so maybe thatakeman it’s going be hard for Rick Blangiardi to get the AD job if they gave the cold shoulder aready ??
just was thinking st. anthony trojan maybe coach chow get birthday party or some thing else to doin da mainland that weekend that day as why game change to thursday !! lol
What a pleasant surprise to st ST’s neighbors the A-House ohana. Now that’s a strong family unit. Chicken skin moment when Shawna Lei embrace Coach Beeman and started crying. Must say the crowd was touched and got emotional too. Th see moments are what I love about college sports.
#28 Hawaiian Mongoose,
Thank you for stating the facts. Some people don’t have an opportunity to read the newspaper everyday. Need to get these people informed.
Thank you for the explanation.
Now it makes some sense. I still think somehow the games should be available to all, even if a premium is charged. Shutting out potential viewership cannot increase the fan base. We do want to increase that base don’t we?
Would have been an exciting game to have watched on TV but …
Congrats VB WARRIORS – wow First Place!
20. cappie;; I think the announcer said many of those performers were from Laie.
33…exactly. Only her father and brother was there.
Great MVB match by the Rainbow Warriors tonight!
Draft Express ranks Stefan Jankovich as the 85th best sophmore in college basketball.
On another note, this is of constant debate with my cousin and a guy at work who played at HPU with Benny Agbayani: Do you think Kaeo Aliviado(or according to the Houston play-by-play man, A-vla-do) is draftable? I say yes. I think he will be taken in the high forties. My naysayers say, hell, no.
Remember, the Oakland Athletics took Issac Omura. Aliviado is a little better than Omura, right?
In addition to the Big Island local boyz (David Fangupo & Isi Holani), here’s a local Waianae HS product who’ll also be another JC DL prospect that UH should be keeping a close check on……for the next 2016 recruiting class……
# 28 HawaiiMongoose … Even if other bidders could not have matched the$2.4M offer, it doesn’t seem clear that it is sufficient reason to prohibit competitive bidding. UH seems to “know best” a lot without considering all the facts. It sounds like (at least some) UH leaders didn’t need to read (or understand) Gib Arnold’s contract before deciding how to terminate his employment. UH leaders didn’t need to consult the fans before announcing the end of the Rainbows brand from UH sports. By obtaining multiple bids for the TV contract, UH could have compared the financial, TV program coverage, and promotional benefits of each offer. The financial difference might or might not that significant compared to other considerations. UH Manoa is the state’s flagship university, and a lot of people would like to watch UH football games without the cost of PPV. Seeing an exciting game on free TV would not only encourage more fans to go to games, but also promote the program to potential local recruits. Maybe UH leaders did know best in this case, but there are a lot of recent examples where “just trust us” hasn’t worked out so well.
Great win 2 night volleyball warriors….
Nicely put one season…
Fact is the AD is being canned….(is because of good decisions or bad ?)
for a bowl game that never existed for UH…
Fact is any akamai business man would have at least listened to ne NEW offer…
One Season is correct….a professor is not a businessman…
Fact is the monies we receive from Wisconsin n OSU is not net….WE PAY EXPENSES…what ever it will be…(not saying games good or bad…just the facts)
Fact is…sumone changed the date of a game n moved up to Thursday…DOES NOT MAKE MUCH SENSE FOR A CASH STRAPPED DEPT.
Fact is…time to moi moi…he he he
First off I really didn’t like the way Arnold’s father left us to be asst. at BYU, really, “No Class!” Then to read about Gibb trying to grab more money from a cash strapped UH athletics. My advise to you take you and your family and leave our aina we don’t need or want your kind ova hea. Aloha, go haimakamaka on the mainland and be all “Tantalan,” ova dea. U no shame or what Brah? U give mainlanders a bad name.
Gib only cared about himself and the money. Everything else was a front get more money. He was great at manipulating the media and BSing everyone. In the end he got what was coming to him.
#30 Warrior DAve: ” Must say the crowd was touched and got emotional too. ”
We were!
Our claim to fame: Our daughter was one of Shauna Lei’s teacher. Didn’t tell her that otherwise we might have gotten crowned!
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