Sex Appeal rules Super Games
Sex Appeal won today’s Super Games — water polo.
Kealoha Pilares is the team captain.
Members are Vili Nauahi, Lametrius Davis, Alasi Toilolo, Aaron Rink, Greg Salas, Geordon Hanohano, Clayton Laurel, Bronson Tiwanak, Rick Taylor, Kennedy Carlson and Corey Paclebar.
Princess Leila videos the winners (that’s Greg Salas on the mic):
* * *
Quarterback Shane Austin refuses to duck from competition:
* * *
The Irish Club of Hawai‘i, the local chapter of the Society of the Friends of St. Patrick, has named Jim Donovan as the Irishman of the Year.
Donovan will serve as grand marshal of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
* * *
Solomon Elimimian called to say that he’s doing well, He’s been training in San Diego in preparation for the April 2 Pro Day in Carson, Calif.
He said he weighs 230 — “It’s solid weight,” he said.
HIs agent has received several inquiries from NFL teams.
“Tell everybody I miss Hawai‘i,” Elimimian said. “I miss all of my buddies, all of my friends.”
* * *
Now that Tua Mahaley will be competing at tight end, it brings to mind the question: Who was the last Warrior to play tight end. (No, Laupepa Letuli, Aaron Kia and Davone Bess don’t count.)
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Busy day.
My daughter and her friends are going on an extensive trip:
Chicago, D.C., Maryland, Philly, New York, Florida, L.A.
Great Morning All!
Congrats Jim Donovan!
Kent Untermann was a TE, no?
Untermann was a tight end, but he wasn’t the last one.
Wagner and JJ ran offenses that did not employ tight ends.
Theo Adams was the last night tight end in the Dick Tomey tenure.
Who was vonAppen’s last tight end?
Did he transfer to Cal?
Wasn’t it Glanville who said: Tight end isn’t a position, it’s a condition.
von CrAppen?
Didn’t Abu Ma’afala line up at TE once?
ST & Tsaiko Blog Dogs,
I think FVA’s last tight end was “his” cause in the “end” his “end” was “tight”.
Abu was a JJ recruit.
Morning gang. Hallelujah, the sun is shining during this dawn moment.
Glanville’s quotes are great.
We have a tight end now? Will he get any playing time unless the O-scheme changes?
Good morning Tsaikos everywher.
Florida Ted,
good morning friend. hope you feeling better today.
thanks for the post yesterday morning and this morning.
left you my thoughts there while summa yu wuz here.
but thanks for bringing the kid issue to coach’s attention.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
Is Ron Hall too old??
dragged this over from earlier this morning.
All I know is that Untermann is a pretty formidable goalie in the makule soccer leagues.
dat wuz my attempt at cheerin y’all. 😀
have a great day everybody. play nice. 😀
i would put all yur names up right now, but den you’d be tinkin i gettin sudsamental. 😀 too early por dat.
This is a little late, but just read about Florida Ted’s condition. I’ve always enjoyed his postings and hope he can join the blog again real soon. Ted, we’re all pulling for your quick recovery and praying for your welfare. Get well soon and make it home wiki-wiki. Aloha.
will catchup to you all tonite.
hi ho esme wooshhhh>>>>>>>>>>>
I gotta go with Adrian Klemm. I think vonAppen tried to make him a tight end and when JJ arrived he switched him back to the OL.
Got an idea for MBB. Interested in what others thought.
Bob Nash is not a quitter so for sure he’ll be back next year.
What if JD offers him a gentlemen’s agreement? He’ll extend Nash’s contract for 2 more years so Bob can recruit. If Nash fails to produce next year, by gentlemen’s agreement, he’ll resign.
Was the last tight end either Gary Ellison or Jimmy McClain?
Allen-Jones (younger brother) now a defensive lineman.
ST: Nice job on the interview with Coach McMackin and thanks to the blog for for the good questions. Nice intro the new season. Not that interested in the high school basketball but it’s good for recruiting so why not.
Good Morning Tsaikos!
Didn’t Regan Mauia line up in a position similar to tight end sometimes? He was kinda like an extra blocker, IIRC.
If you’re reading this, get well buddy soon buddy! Our prayers continue for you and Patti.
ST- All this mining of old memories got me thinking; you should make a segment called: Where are they now?
Go out and find old Warriors and write about their playing days then tell what their up to now. As a bonus would be cool to have them as guests on the blog or on your show.
Get an eager intern to help you.
Gmornin errybody
Get well FT. Your posts were really very, very good. I’m sure we’ll be hearing from you again.
I’m so happy we’re even using the words “tight end”. I tried mentioning it last year and was set asided as this not being the offensive scheme. Glad coach looked at the scheme, saw his QB getting gritzed and decided that maybe the offensive scheme needed to be tinkered with.
On MBB, I was watching Pitt play UConn this past weekend. My comments to my wife was, on our best day, we could not stay with either of these teams.What does that have to do with UH-M?
Well, if we have dreams of getting to the “Big Dance” as is referenced by the HC, wouldn’t it be to dance? If the team is going to compete and think about competing at the “Dance floor level” say at least to be competitive through the sweet 16, this team has a long, long ways to go. I agree with all of the comments listed above and in yesterday’s posts. The offense looks like it needs a life support system to stay awake, there is no energy going to the boards, the passing is weak and the shooting is horrendous. Thompson cannot guard a one legged person and will someone please grab a rebound as opposed to slapping it out of bounds.
So, I’d say that Mr. Nash has a tremendous amount of work ahead of him if he’s talking about dancing in March 2010. To finish on that UConn-Pitt match up, the energy level, the sharpness, the discipline to running lanes and court spacing was the same at the beginning of the game and at the end. The players never took a “personal time out” as we’ve witnessed in the lapses on the UH squad. To be in the dance, you need to do more then just say you want to be asked.
TE = Keenan Forney
theo adams, mckinley hs.
Lonn Kalama… tight end who dropped a shovel pass in the Notre Dame game that would have sealed the victory. Crazy Wally English refusing to run the ball…
Gary Ellison was the last good tight end… Klemm did convert for a season, that was Don Lindseyʻs brainchild.
the last year of tight ends was the 0-12 season, so thereʻs not much to remember…
Stretch..I Ron Hall was during Tomey’s tenure. I believe the west coast offense run by Wa Happun’ employed a TE. Therefore, I think it would have been during Wa Happun’s tenure….ummmm…..0-12 season…trying to forget that one….LOL
and Good Morning Tsaikos…..
Again, prayers and best wishes Florida Ted….
A-Joe…that’s a good idea. It would be interesting to see where some of the old warriors are today…i.e. Dana McLemore, David Toloumu, Heikoti Fakava, Mark Odom, Travis Simms, Steve Rackshani (sp?), Jeff Duva, some guy named Keith Ah something or other, and so on….. MWAHAHAHAHAHA
Stephen said “last WARRIOR”…. NOTE: prior to 2000 the team was still officially the Rainbows or Rainbow Warriors… Not Warriors…
Chris is correct.
Adrian Klemm.
I heard Keith Ah Something is a lounge singer.
my guess as full time Warrior TE = Ryan Bishop, 6’7″ bball transfer from Chaminade
Ron Hall died a couple of years ago.
Sad story.
Former Bucs tight end Ron Hall, the team’s fourth-round pick in 1987 out of Hawaii, died Saturday, according to the team. He was 43. His mother said he died at his home in Costa Rica of natural causes. Hall, born in Arizona, played seven seasons with the Bucs, starting 90 of the 101 games in which he played before signing with Detroit in 1994.
He had his best season as a Buc in 1988, his first as a starter. He had 39 receptions that season for 555 yards, third on the team behind receivers Bruce Hill and Mark Carrier.
[Last modified May 24, 2007, 08:42:38]
Did you know that Jason Momoa is married to Lisa Bonet, and their child’s middle name is Iolani?
I did not know that ST.
Florida Ted – Take care and get well soon.
ST – Really good show yesterday.
Did Mack mention when the Spring Prospectus will be posted at their website? I think JD mentioned earlier that Derek Inouchi estimated around mid march.
Good morning, gang!
ST, yup, I just heard that very recently! What a trip, eh?! Who wudda taut?! hehehe…
Ryan Bishop played after Adrian Klemm (’02 or ’03). Though a scout team dude, he was brought in as a TE. He supposedly got a try out with the NY Giants at TE. He is now a pro wrestler
best wishes to florida ted and his family.
Lisa Bonet was my favorite Huxtable.
I want to be on BIGWAVE’s team when they hold a UH football trivia contest.
Good morning people.
Special good morning to Florida Ted.
Mommy knuckle to Colomaohana.
Florida Ted & Patti,
Just caught up on the blog headlines. My prayers and thoughts go out to you and your ‘ohana.
G’day Florida Ted!…Hope you are feeling better. We are all managing to hang on to our hats here as the winds have calmed. Now we just need to wring out the Windward folks and hang them out to dry.
Flash flood warnings have changed to Flush flood warnings as brown water usually taints certain shorelines.
As you can see by the photo above, Shane Austin managed to save himself by swimming to safety by clinging to his trusty Rubber Ducky.
Take care of yourself and listen to doctor mom, Florida Patti. Tchuss!
Back out to run around O’ahu with my friend Liz. We got to talk to Dr. Andy Baldwin at the Royal Hawaiian yesterday. Nice guy, besides looking pretty buff.
So what’s happening with LWJ? I think he could use some tai chi to help with peripheral awareness.
K, off to yoga. Have a wonderful day everyone, and especially to FL-Ted.
Esme & whoosh…
Right back ‘acha homey! Had a nice day off yesterday?
Aaron Rink looks tall! Did they play water polo in the shallow section of the pool?
Would this be ironic: Michael Vick has to pay for his own transportation to a bankruptcy hearing.
Yep, they played in the Homey/Esme section.
Big C – It was nice having a two hour nap instead of the usual one hour nap.
Best wishes on a full recovery for Florida Ted…
#53 – yes
#54 – BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! my flotation devices are way smaller than Esme’s.
good morning tsaikos…
st….i knew that one about jason momoa’s daughter…just didnt know he was married…
howzit everyone good day so far and sunny 8) enjoy cause you could be in the basement with JJ bwhaaaaaaaaaaa
hi to 🙂 cohana, just came from the pink side wow 😯 very confusing no can figgah out all da stuffs. but auhhhhhhh da nice.
congrads to O’JD for making irish man of de year. so does this means a couple of guinness is on him bwhaaaaaaaaaaa.
finally a get better and speedy recovery to FT. ditto to all the sentiments flowing your way.
homey: most people look tall to you……..
my cousin is a big broncos fan. he wants mike vick to play receiver for them after all this is cleared up. i told him its illegal to own pit bulls in denver, might be a good situation for him.
they have a son named wolf too…:)
did you know that jason also got slammed in the face with a glass bottle/mug at a bar in cali?…had major plastic surgery done to save his face…
Sheesh, I was trying to be nice to Big C and look what I get…
letsgowarriors – You think any team would take a chance and sign Vick?
howzit, koakane! Our side is a lot to navigate through, but sooooo worth it….ask homey, (J)J, and Stretch…and others…Garret is pretty good at it already! Braddah been posting on our side for a while now!
BTW, where he at? He neva do his free play stuffs…
And (J)J??? What? Pullin’ “long shifts” at security again???? Holy cow…
i wouldnt.
Garret does free play stuff on the pink side? I bet a lot of those go whoosh over there. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
letsgowarriors – Da Raiders?
Some discussion on SportsHawaii that Sol is not transferring home from AZ
homey: what times’ lunch today? Zipper lane still open for some reason so you townies heading to Y-pahu betta get a move on……bumbay all da food gone….
Sad Ron Hall died 2 years ago and i never heard about it….he was one of our best tight ends…im thinking he played during the Cherry days…i could be wrong…but i remember him playing for Tampa Bay….RIP brother
He played for Tampa Bay.
You’re right. They’re not married.
My bad.
UH lost a lot of people.
Remember Tomas Pimental?
Verlon Redd?
Coby Stewart?
Big C – Lunch is at 12:00. Good thing you get one scanner at work. I’ll go call On-Star and have them download a new route. Thanks for the intel.
Wasssuppp Big C…yep pulling all-nighters working the Fort Street Mall area…business is slow….How was Merchant??? LMAO…maybe I should ask homey…he seems to always know…
ST…Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet have 2 kids…the second one has a long….and I mean long..middle name …..
Whatever happened to Stacy Kamano?
You’re welcome homey. Just go back roads….back roads, brah!
(J)J, yes he’d know….
Anyone know or remember WHY Lisa Bonet and that *ahem* rocker Lenny Kravitz divorced?
And baby’s name is: Nakoa-Wolf Manakauapo Namakaeha Momoa
Big C…nope. But did you know that Lenny Kravitz’s mother was Mrs. Willis on the Jeffersons…???
isn’t she doing more lilo movies? j/k
She didn’t like his singing?
ST: #75…nothing.
Nah, nah, nah…honestly…couldn’t find much on her.
Did you know the “Jefferson’s” didn’t have a series finale?
Did “All in the Family” have one??? I seem to recall Edith dying and Archie buying the local bar he used to hang out in…and then his niece coming to live with him…she became a rock star…..
I thought the show just continued…Archie’s Place or something like that. Hard to recall since I was only a toddler.
Almost time to head out to *rooster crow* Waipahu!
hahaha…Koakane visited the pink side! hehehe…Esme’s ears must be burning……
#83: omg, homey…WHAT EVER! and….see you in, what, 4 hours, then??
I hope Tua is inserted as a TE for offensive plays and not to just block and protect the QB, although I must admit that UH sorely needed an extra blocker for the QB the past couple years or so.
cohana just pulled an esmeee on da oddah site to spooky dea
gotta run or maybe lattas will have the runs
be nice alojahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhs
Water polo you say? I wonder what full contact water polo complete with tackling looks like? Any near drownings? 😆
#89 dpk: CLASSIC….I just got a visual….
Has anyone guessed the TE yet? Wasn’t it Adrian Klemm?
Good morning Tsai-kos!
Doesn’t Lilly Kahumoku have the world’s longest middle name? I thot I heard dat somewhere.
Jason, grasshappah, how your exam went?
FVA era – no remember nothing cuz tried not to pay attention, too depressing.
Have fun at lunch today.
Jeez, Klemm has been named all over the place. Talk about late to the party. Sorry.
So is Klemm still with Green Bay? And whatever happened to his right side counterpart, Kaulana Noa?
Howzit, WarriorMojo!
See #35.
I remember when they read Lily’s middle name on Senior Night. Think it took 10 minutes. 😉
Test went perfectly fine, BTW. For every question, I thought, “What would jm2375 do?”Then I did the opposite. 😀
I’d also mention a TE recruit who went to go play baseball, but I don’t want to get SMUd for mentioning the Yxxxxxs. He better be worth the money we’re paying him. 😡
exactly…what DID happen to Stacy Kamano…Kekoa???
pics please….
Im surprised that the WAC didn’t think of the Orleans Arena earlier. There already is a connection as it is a Boyd Gaming Property and Boyd Gaming does donate a pretty penny to UH. Didn’t UNLV also host or play in a preseason tournament this past season as well?
Detroit Lions? or pau?
Other former UH players I’d like to know about now:
Mark Odom
Aui Fitisemanu
Itai Sataua
Uriah Moenoa
Steve Lehor
Phil Austin
Robert Kemfort
Anthony Edgar
Chris Roscoe
Dane McArthur
Jeff Sydner
Shawn Olivado
Ikaika Curnan
Carl Kenneybrew
Nicky Clarke (anyone remember him? #21. Coulda been great until he got hurt. Was SID for awhile)
good looking out c…
maybe stacy kamanu was her ‘stage’ name?…i cant find much on her…
so where the rumors true about lily and coach j?…
Oh, yeah, baby, here we go!
lily’s middle name has more than 200 characters…
google searched her and out of the top 5 hits…3 were about her and JJ…
Shawn Alivado 87′ Roosevelt graduate took on his step father’s surname when he got to UH is now Shawn Ching Newscaster /Anchor.
Kaulana Noa lives on Maui now and i think he works for a construction equipment company…….i guess that means he’s retired from football
warriormojo —
Robert Kemfort – didnt he play for the arena football team “hawaii islanders”?….
Kaimuki Kid, thanks for that. And if I remember correctly Shawn Ching graduated from law school and works for a law firm downtown.
Actually, though, I was really thinking of Shane Oliveira. Am I having an Al moment?
Kidding, Al.
And whatever happened to George Ornellas? Talk about someone who could have been GREAT.
Good to hear that Kaulana Noa is doing well. Always did like that guy.
Oh, well, back to work now.
Is there any video of the waterpolo game to view?
Didn’t Klemn just sign an 4-year extention with the Chargers?
Kynan Forney signed with the Chargers
Klemm’s not with the Patriots anymore?
bb ~ Stacy K. is rumoured to be hooked up with Mike Bergin one nodda big deal acktah!…She still get da *spahkle* that will light up a room as soon as she walks in.
Big C….who’s this Klemm you keep talking about…must have been way before my time…
duh……I dunno….dit dit deeee….
Eh, you went lunch with the gang too?
*Breaking News From Our Florida News Room*
This news update just in from Florida Patti:
Aloha Kekoa,
I have been trying to get on the main blog, but to no avail…Ted tried to explain it to me, but I must me having a blonde moment, senior moment, or just stupid moment…probably all of the above!
I wanted to share some good news with you and all the other members who sent beautiful e-mails with words of encouragement, love and best wishes!
Ted is doing much better today, his speech has improved, he was able to eat a little (but has a hard time swallowing). Before I left the hospital this afternoon, they got him out of bed and he was able to take a little stroll down the hall. How happy he was to be able to do this.!!
I hope you will extend my deepest love and gratitude for all those who wrote with their best wishes. I printed them all out, took them to the hospital, and read them to Ted. He was overwhelmed with joy and tears, and wanted me to tell all of you..”I am a strong Warrior”.
I am hoping that soon, he will be sending you and the others his words of thanks. It really warmed my heart to read the outpouring of love and good wishes for my darling Ted. God bless you all, and thank you for the joy you all gave him today!
Mahalo & Aloha,
Florida Patti…I was so flattered to be considered as a sister Tsaikette!
Shoots…outta blue ink now!
Wow! Das awesome! Mahalo for sharing Kekoa!
That’s good news!
Hi all….I am back …..trying to get warmed up again
welcome home curveball! post a picture of slider
FloridaTed will be up on feet and doing the Ha’a again in no time at all.
Curveball! Welcome ‘home’ my friend. I’m sure everything went as planned and you are ready to carry on with Phase II.
Been waiting for the scouting report on *Slider.* More importantly have we determined if he is a natural lefty or what? The rest of his speed & quickness training will come much later. I’m thinking he is still on a strict 24 hr. weight gain regimen, with lots of stretching exercises.
Big C…no, still patroling my beat….when da Tsaikos and mommies meeting up again?? I heard from homey was gonna be soon….LOL
Welcome home curveball….
Awesome news about Florida Ted….continued prayers, well wishes, and Godspeed to him and his family…..
Howzit Curveball…. good to see you back!!
JJ – what you doing this Saturday?? how about we go beach?? I’ll pick you up and let’s head to Waimalu Park
dang, wahine lost too.
now there’s only one thing left to do.
win money.
Ahhh, dea’ you stay Stretch! (J)J was lookin’ for you on da pink side….
And go right ahead….no one will be there…..
Wrong park you mentos!! hahahaha…
Are we meeting up soon? I’m missing t-gate on the 25th..I’m doing the March for Babies… lemme know…
C – who said we want to join you ladies??!!?? I was just telling JJ let’s go to Waimalu. Why, the mommies get something going on and NOT inviting the Tsaikos??!!?? We’ll remember that the next time we get something, NO MOMMIES ALLOWED!!!
Good to be back..Slider is on the weight gain regiment involving using his massive jaw muscles obtaining mothers milk..he definitely appears to be a lefty and is in a serious training program lifting plastic rattles etc….my biggest worry is his mental attitude…. but I am sure the Tsiko’s will be able to help with that training as he will be here this summer for all to see and add input….
Ohhhh…it’s THAT kind of “picnic” for just the two of you, huh?!…..oh, sorry den….
Stretch…there’s a beach in Pearl City??? You know us young, naieve guys like me, Jason, C_C, and Lefty, we don’t get out much and don’t know too much either about going out….MWAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
Big C….not that there’s anything wrong with that…but I’m not da kine….u know, ‘daaaaahhhhh kiiiiiiiinnnneee”
Stretch…how was da pizza?? Awesome eh?
Why (J)J…no be shame admit….its a free country…equal opportunity……..
JJ – I seen a pizza hut ad this morning so figured I would eat pizza for lunch. It was on the way back to the office. Bugga was good but damn expensive!!
eh J (J) you betta not be cheatin on me, again!!! as i wen tell you befoa da next time i goin cut it off.
#136….bwuahahahha…….Yeah, Koa-mahu, you betta’ put (J)J in check…
Welcome home curveball!
Nice to hear the good news regarding FloridaTed!
Hmmm…..he/she/it makes their return. 👿
big c – you gotta watch those daimen boyz, especially those wit long hair. he likes me to pull it all da time. weird! bwhahahahahahaha.
Way to go Ted!!! beat the hell out of the bugga!
Curveball, welcome home and hope to se you soon!!!
Hey cuzin’, (J)J da wrong guy. You and KK get sumting going, remember???
Oh boy…the Koa Klan is back once again…haven’t seen them for a long time.
Brother Ted’s on the mend, and curveball’s back on the mound! WB curveball!
I saw the ageless wonder, Bob Hogue, out here on the courts again yesterday. It looks like the ole boy is gonna keep on rollin’ ’til the wheels come off! 😆
Koa-mahu: Ooooo!!! Saus-eh!!!!!
I don’t do free play stuff at Esme’s site. I try to post on topics related to their discussions, like on Legoland or Disneyland. I can only get over there when I have some free time beyond the time I have for here, so I can go months between posts there…kind of different than here!
Thank you for passing along that great news about FloridaTed!!! I’m so happy that he’s improving and wish him a speedy full recovery.
According to this Mel Kiper Q&A, it appears that he thinks David Veikune is 3rd round or later.
Yes, as Esme puts it, you guys are a little “PG-13” here…..
Howzit, garret!
Rivals released their list of the top 100 prospects for 2010. No prospects from Hawaii made the list this year.
Howzit Colomaohana! I’m glad to have a few hours break from work, so I get to blog for a little bit before I have kid duties.
Wonderful news about F-Ted! Yay!!!
Come on guy! We are all pulling for you. Continued prayers and positive thoughts to you and your family.
It is crazy to read about the negative recruiting that goes on near signing day…we know this goes on but rarely is it publicized like this. Lane Kiffin really went after this South Carolina recruit, talking to him until quite late the night before signing day.
It is amazing that an Ohio State cheerleader will be on their football team this season! I can’t believe that a cheerleader runs a 4.47 time in the 40!
Longer article about that Ohio State cheerleader. He has 4.47 time and never played football?
Got to take care of the kids now…
I dont see the TE being a big part of the MAC O unless he commits to it and he hasnt otherwise he would have recruited assests for this position.
So, my guess he will use this as a limited package, talent permiting, in the redzone or on short yardage situations with the possibility of an empty set in the backfield.
I say this because Ron Lee employed the empty set several times this year in the redzone or in short yardage situations…but he didnt have a TE package.
even the cheerleader found his HS jugs fb machine to be of benefit to him why can’t the warriors
warriorfanny ~ That’s the beauty of having the ammunition to do whatever we want on offense huh?…We can keep ’em guessing! Pretty soon you can see the smoke coming out of their ears as they try to figure out what we goin’ do!
whoosh- just checking on Florida Ted.
Prayers continue!
I have three Baseball tickets For Thursday, two for Sat and two for sunday…Any one interested call my cell and you can have them…5519447. First to call will get them…momo. I think it is in lower level section J
I’d rather see an extra RB than a TE. LWJ lines up behind the shotgun QB with Pilares at the QB’s side. That would provide more inside running threat, force the corners to watch the flanks, and provide an extra blocker who can pick up blitz.
Ted so glad to hear of your improvement, prayers for you and your family continue. Hurry back to da blog.
Kekoa . . .
In answer to your question from earlier this morning.
There are too many kids who are socially promoted because otherwise their self-esteem will be hurt. So, we are and have created a society who believes they are entitled to things simply because. No other reason. Just because. They are not willing to work or accept responsibility. Worse, mommy and/or daddy will constantly intefere to bail the entitled moron out of trouble.
Guess what happens to these kids when they get to high school and cannot meet the minimal standards to pass and graduate. Yep, either create problems in the classrooms or they drop out! Geez, I wonder why our discipline problems are so bad and why our drop out rate is so high.
But, the schools are all charged with pushing kids to graduate from college. Those kids are brain-washed by their parents and the schools into believing that graduating from a four year college is the only way to be happy later in life.
In the meantime, all of those kids who learn to intensely dislike school do not have the opportunity to have classes that would actually prepare them for life outside of school are left to fend for themselves.
When will the public demand that education address the needs of all students rather than the elite few who will actually graduate from college?
And, no. Telling a kid to go to a trade school or through the apprentice program might not help him or her at all. Most of those programs require a decent competency of reading, writing, math and science.
I believe we need to change the way being held back is viewed. The societal perceptions and belief that a kid is a failure if held back needs to change. We all learn in different styles and at different rates. We need to acknowledge these differences and recognize that college is not for everyone.
Sorry for the long triade. It just irks me no end when people look down on those in the service industry. Exactly who do they think will repair their vehicles, plumbing, homes, landscaping, meals, wounds, hair, aircraft, electronics, etc.?
I am going to bed. I have to deal with those kinds of people at tomorrow’s meeting.
Almost forgot.
Way to go Pilares!
Go Warriors/Monarchs!!!
Actually the empty set can be deceiving if you arent prepared.
The QB can draw an extra blocker and run an option pitch to a trailing slot or you can run a cross buck with two slots criss-crossing to opposite side tackle.
Dont forget the counter stuff with a shuffle pass.
An empty-set backfield can produce a whole set of running plays and give the opposing D much to think about.
RE: Post #164
(throws one BIG shaka to Wafan)
I like that sir!
You are right. There are many people that forget that this country was built on the shoulders of the men and women of the trade industry. I myself am not a part of it, but mama didn’t raise no fooooo!!
Re: #164
Kamemeha Schools seems to have something….
Kapalama: curriculum geared for college prep (with the expectations that the students there are interested in higher education.
Maui: geared for vocational schools
Hawaii: geared for agricultural and mechanical
(I could’ve interpreted it wrong; but it was pretty black and white on the brochure.)
ST, so which team has the most points to potentially become grand champions of the Super Games?
What does the winning team get in the Super Games besides “bragging rights”?
Stupid me. How could I forget?
I think “bragging rights” are in direct violation of NCAA regulations.
I would like to see the screen pass executed to perfection this season seeing as we saw A LOT of it up close in the Hawaii Bowl… 👿
We were not able to keep opposing defenses “honest” at all last year. As Kekoa eluded to earlier, gotta keep the other team thinking and overthinking.
Kekoa and Wafan
The blog cut me off. Any way I am with you Wafan. I have been in education for 50 years and what I see to day in no child left behind makes me wonder if we are doing the right thing. The school I taught at for 30 years started with a enrollment of close to 3000 students in l960. At that time we had 5 special ed teachers. In l990 when i retired, we had 25 special ed teachers, with an enrollment of 1400. At about this time, they increased in requirements for more math and science and they started to cut down on vocational classes. With more than half of the school population below average, these kids need more hands on and use the subject interest to teach these kids to teach the three rs. As it stands now, we are loosing these kids as they get turn off from education. I see them now at Olomana school. This is my anger in the direction it is going now which is wrong.
Momo ~ In Sacramento, my grandkids have attended from K-12. They seem to have a forward thinking method of instruction that allows the student a kind of self-paced progression system within the class. I see the teachers in a monitor role where the students can freely express themselves as the learn at their optimum speed. If they get jammed with a problem, a teacher can decide how deeply they want to get involved to bail the student…or not. This allows the student to do some critical thinking of their own.
Choosing real life pursuits in business and industry seemed to be the focus. Interesting computer classes and graphic arts with some the emphasis on reflecting the type of work that is being performed in the community is the norm. There’s hope.
Sounds better than what you are telling me is happening in your neighborhood. What you deal with sounds hopeless! Wow! I never thought things were getting so bleak.
Good evening Tsai-kos!!
Looking for travel advice. Now that we’ve made our travel arrangements for the long weekend on the Big Island at the end of the month, we are turning our attention to the land portion of the Alaska cruise in June. Looks like we will have about 4 nights and 3.5 days in Seattle. Looking for hotel and activity suggestions. After we figure this trip out, the next task is to figure out the Spain trip in July/early August, if I can get the time off. 😕
Warriormojo: we used to work with Nicky Clark at UH back in the day. Great guy/great friend. Even w/his repaired knee, he was still pretty fast. He was a track guy back in San Diego before he got to UH. Last I heard, Nicky moved back to the mainland – he was working for AlohaCare in Hawaii after he left UH. His wife is from the Phillipines and they have five kids. I swear I remember him posting on the blog once. Lots of great stories about working w/Nicky, but unfortunately, what happens in the SID office stays in the SID office…
Kekoa…Thanks for the reply. I am not against acadamics. but not all public school kids are college bound—maybe. less than a third. Because of the push to educate the students, they are giving the students more of the three rs and are cutting out the vocational classes. If two thirds of the school population is not college bound, why than are we cutting out vocational trainning when this is where the kids will end up. I feel we can educate the students by using the vocatioinal classes and using these class to instill the values of learning. As it is now, we are turning off many of the students and they are becoming drop out and become a hardship to the community..
Last semester, I would eat lunch with some B.Ed. students in my math class, and sometimes they would do work for their Ed classes. One time, they had a take-home quiz based off teaching standards, and one of the questions was along the lines of, “Every student can understand mathematics.” We looked at each other and said No, but the “correct” answer was Yes. Now, I believe that every student can learn some math and definitely needs to know certain things, but not every student needs to know Algebra II. We rush these kids through the courses, expect them to get to Calculus by their senior year, take as many AP courses as they can. They end up weak in a bunch of things, and none of it really sticks. That’s why I feel so adamant about the virtues of O‘ahu Math League competitions, because working at that helped strengthen those things that I didn’t really get to learn in class. And now with NCLB, they are cramming even more things for students to learn into less time. It makes absolutely no sense. I think Garret posted an article the other day, or maybe I read it someplace, where a study showed that students who studied less stuff in depth were better prepared than those who studied more stuff at a much shallower level. You just can’t comprehend what you are learning when you do that. It’s like, you don’t cram 4,000 years of world history into two semesters, or read all of Shakespeare’s works in two semesters, or study everything there is to know about chemistry, biology, and physics in two semesters. Then again, that is the growing trend.
In one of my classes, when I take the final, I’m amazed at how much material we covered through the semester. But a lot of it, I’ve already forgotten. Compare that to the classes where we cover less, but go over it in greater detail. I may not even have enjoyed that class as much, but I remember a heck of a lot more. So I speak from experience on this myself.
I’m disappointed that I’m going to have to walk right into this mess. I want to be able to cover what I feel is important, but it’s already been dictated that I need to cover so much. And considering how weak the students already are in the foundational material, it can make for some very stressful challenges for teachers and students alike. No wonder so many teachers are burning out so fast, let alone the students who are burning out themselves.
I love how I shift tense in mid sentence. 😀
I posted that as a free play link a couple of days or so ago. I agree with your conclusion on this issue.
I think that this idea is a great one to help faculty involvement in UH Athletics (I’d do this for all athletes, not just football players) and would be a great way to recognize the professors at UH that go above and beyond for their students.
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want the off-topic stuff.
Wild duck found in Germany has a deadly strain of the bird flu, this particular strain has killed 250 people already and hadn’t been found in the wild since last February.
This amazing decontamination wipe (thanks to Texas Tech and Lawrence Livermore) may soon be carried around by all soldiers and emergency personnel and may even be in stadiums, as it can be used to soak up dangerous chemicals in a low-cost, convenient manner. This is a great example of Department of Homeland Security money that could result in an important improvement for soldiers, firefighters, police, and ambulances, while also creating a multi-million dollar industry. Texas Tech gets 10% of all proceeds from the sale of the wipes, which could be worth millions…I hope that some UH professor invents something that brings in revenue like this!
Cal Poly is merging their College of Education with their College of Science and Mathematics, which will allow them to raise more student fees and hopefully better prepare elementary school teachers.
Scientists have made a critical advance towards being able to develop an artificial version of photosynthesis that can produce liquid fuels from carbon dioxide and water. Artificial photosynthesis would replace the need to burn oil and coal for power, offering the chance for a renewable and carbon-neutral source of transportation energy.
Pet store in Philadelphia was waiting for a shipment of tropical fish and salt water…and instead they received a corpse of a man who died in San Diego!
Free play links pau.
Today has been one of my most eventful days at work in a long time.
In the past couple of hours I signed two NDAs and signed a contract.
Before lunch I completed an almost-final draft for a 7-figure proposal. I gave myself a nice blog break after that.
After lunch I started the next proposal (due in less than 2 weeks) and completed discussions that led to an agreement for a 3rd proposal (also due in less than 2 weeks). These deadlines are why my work schedule is so crazy.
I hope that some UH professor invents something that brings in revenue like this!
Sometimes I wonder. Because of UH’s history in stuff like Agent Orange, anything that even reeks of military involvement is quickly objected to by the campus population. Now, I know you aren’t only talking about military-related things, but considering how much money the military and the DOD puts into research …
My company won two contracts back in January, for proposals that we did with other companies 6 to 9 months ago. One was supposed to start in January and one was supposed to start in April. The April contract is on schedule, which is great except that none of that work is for me–others in my company get that funding.
The January work was for me and was perfectly timed because the last payment on my past contract came in January. However, the government contracts people who have been processing the contract work *really* slow…the contract still isn’t done! Now they say April 1, but they have no idea if they will actually finish it then…
Then last week a former student of mine runs into a CEO of a company and is asked for a wireless expert to solve a difficult problem for them. He refers me, the guy calls me on Friday, and I’ve already got a contract and have started on that work! Quite a difference between commercial and government work…
Then on Sunday, I find out that I have two weeks to write 3 proposals, each for 7-figures. Most companies put 2-3 people on a proposal and give them a month…I’m doing all 3 myself in 2 weeks while working full-time on the new contract and while preparing for the work that was supposed to start in January!
I apologize in advance if my blogging over this period of time is pretty hit-and-run.
It’s Garret, Ph.D. and blogger extraordinaire! 😀
An invention like Gatorade would be awesome for UH also…that brings in a ton of revenue and is sports related. But the Texas Tech/Livermore invention is great to save lives when hazardous chemicals spill…I don’t think anyone at UH would object to that type of research either.
I was hoping that the “January” work would start before Relay-for-Life, as I mentioned to you that I’d make another donation if it did. Frankly, I have no idea when it will actually start now…I might finish the project I just started before the “January” work actually starts!
I better go to sleep…but so many good work things happened today for work (plus the news on FloridaTed) that I’m wide awake now! I have a ton of work tomorrow, so I’ll check out the blog tomorrow night after it gets done.
My wife and I will be cruising in late May- four days on shipboard and land cruise from (I think) Skagway up to Fairbanks/Denali and backhome.
Seattle – there is always Pike’s Market and the oyster stew at Athena in the Market is always good. UW’s campus is interesting as is Pioneer Square – sort of like NYC’s Greenwich Village and the Space Needle. The Aquarium is good fun – lots of Otters and is right near your cruise ship’s dock.
Have a good trip!
Hey, how did Tom lose his CAPS button?
Manoa Mist:
Nicky Clark had a brief career as a standup comedian in L.A.
I tried that, but people would say: Shut up, comedian.
Was lurking, now just posting to be in the 200’s.
were destined to be a singer and dancer, not a comedian
Stephen: In your case, easier to look funny than to be funny. 😉
Nah! And I say this with all seriousness — I was on Facebook today, and I came upon Wena’s page. I saw the family picture that was up, and I thought, “The Tsais look like a very nice family.” I mean, I know you guys, and you are all very nice people. But even if I didn’t, you guys look like a nice family. Some day, you will get your own family TV show, if Rich will only get on it. 😀
Did someone fail to show up at Thelma’s today? Give me a hint.
homey I hope you didn’t eat lunch by yourself.
Ralph – It wouldn’t be the first time.
Wow good points on education. I had a great chat with a DOE buddy last night at the Waimea Concerts at Kauai CC (go figure). He is looking at some “out of the box” ideas that got me very excited about what it COULD be like for kids to follow their passion – whether it be music or engineering or medicine, culinary arts, or law.
In the meantime, some of us are addressing a fundamental need to stimulate the spirit, service and sensibilities in our young people.
Nitey nite and sweet Warrior dreams!
Happy 21st Birthday to Elliot “Melliot” “Lazy-E” Purcell
Thanks for keeping track of the birthdays, Big Wave.
You’re a valued resource.
Are you sucking up because I have some baseball tickets to give away?
Only thing is, the tickets are for April.
st….you talking to yourself bro?
sounds like mack was getting excited about spring practices and this year’s prospects.
Another fine frozen morning Tsai-kos!
New directive coming from Governor Lingle and Mayor Mufi Hanneman.
All citizens of the State of Hawai’i and Honolulu County will be happier. We will not settle for anything less than being recognized as the happiest state in the nation. As you know our tourism industry is down.
For heavens sake. Utah beat us out!
Put a smile on your faces or we will raise your taxes.
wafan ~ Not hard to feel the frustration in your battle to educate children and fill those skulls full of mush…with more mush!
The point I was trying to make with you and momo is that even under the most ideal conditions, most children will learn at their own pace. By allowing more free flow of information between student and teacher, education surely would be the product. However, those kids will probably never become Tsaiko’s…tsai!
I place a lot of faith in what Jason said about stuffing those skulls with TMI also. I used to hate history because I always had teachers that placed the emphasis on compressing every bit of World history into my brain in fail swoop! But if you study more intimately just one particular and very important period, it’s etched into your brain forever.
I think eventually VoTech will be more visible in our schools. We do need more competent service people. At least more fresh ideas are being hatched out here at Kapolei HS and other schools to try and stimulate the learning process. Like Liz was saying earlier, “some of us are addressing a fundamental need to stimulate the spirit, service and sensibilities in our young people.” That is the best we can do for now.
…in para 3 above, it should read “in one fail swoop!”
Good morning Tsai-kos!!
*banging on the clubhouse door* It’s time to wake up and stimulate the economy!! BHF’s chikkens had their beauty sleep (where is he BTW?) and are crowing loudly.
I hope I have helped stimulate the local tourism industry in some small way. RT tixs to Kona on HA, 3 nights at Hilton Waikoloa and 4 day car rental.
We are looking at airfares to Madrid in July that are $1600-1700 and 22-26 hours each way. ugh. United’s was over $2K. wth? How do they expect people to fly at those prices?
Still looking for suggestions for Seattle hotels. If we stay downtown, will we need to rent a car?
Hey, what happened to my ALOHA KAKAHIAKA from my iPhone???
Did you see ST’s Tweet?
Jared Alexander is the next video guest!
Good morning Liz. Howzit going on Kauai?
Great Morning All!
So there is KS Tech and KS A&M?
Did you get on the plane and tweet from EDT zone?
Have a great day erryboddy!
Oh! So that’s why my coffee maker was greeting me this morning!
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
I am happy for you guyz in Honolulu. I don’t wanna see your taxes go up, then I’ll be sad. 😀
saw dis commercial on TV dis am. da dude said if you smile alot, increases your chances to reproduce. 😆
so here goes. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
worked for Rolo, Stutz and Arande. 😀
Hahaha, d1 😆
Hi jm2375! Gobbled b-fast and gotta head out to p/u my boss at the airport.
I just noticed ST’s tweets at the top of this blog on the right.
I looked at the SNL skit and while it was a little silly, I thought it hit home on a few points on all sides. There’s always room for improvement. But then, that’s what SNL is. And how often have I laughed with little to no regard for the dignity of others?
Just as long as they don’t tease our Warriors! 😈
Ted and others in need (all of us)- still praying!
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
They were right!
well, sorta!
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Good Morning All. Great news about FloridaTed. Continued prayers for you and your family. Its another really cold morning here. In the teens again. Hope everyone has a good day.
Are you gonna set up a bracket challenge for the NCAA tourney again this year?
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
As the winner of last year’s brakcets challenge, am I allowed to play again this year or do I need to abstain to give you guys chance to win??
Good morning!
G’day Colomama, Liz, D-1, Stretch, Djmit,bhf2, and of course the ever pesky, always noisy, Globe trotting, jmama2375!
jm2375 wrote:
Sort of …
There are free municipal transportation within city limits the last time(s) I was in Seattle, City limits meaning downtown Seattle. So if you want to go to, say UW or the rose garden, or the zoo, or the shopping malls, it would require a car. Factor in the cost of renting a car and parking and a GPS would be helpful so you might want to consider taxi or bus. Bring rain gear!
But Seattle, to me anyway, is one of my favorite cities to visit!
Remember that Seattle is like San Francisco – built on several hills
howddie all 8) sunny outside and lovely day in hawaii nei again
be good, play nice and eat up yahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
esmeeeeeeeeeee whooshhhhhhhh
jm2375 send me your email and I will send you what wafan sent me on place in seattle that he checked on
tom correct on the city built on several hills. can you name the only other two cities?
ST: I usually write e.e.cummings but the CAPS is usually when I wrote something and didn’t realize the CAPS were locked and was too lazy to start all over again!
jm2375 just check and I have your email addy so just sent some info to you’s
koakane – #235 – thanks. please send to my email.
Someone must be asleep at the wheel this morning…..
Good morning gang…just a quick stop before heading back to work….hope all is well in Tsaikoland….
I am not sure if were talking about an officially played position or a player filling in a spot. But when Mauia played for UH didnt JJ put in a formation or scheme where we had 3 recievers, one back, and Mauia at TE? Correct me if im wrong he did line up to the left and right side of the tackles.
You’re right.
what’s with that dude in the middle in the front? have things gotten so bad that gaylord is now on the team?
That is fantastic game for any body especially who want to see and enjoy the this game.
how much does it impress the people about sexually excited.