Thanksgiving practice report

Even Thanksgiving could not significantly alter the Warriors’ preparation for Saturday’s game against Washington State.
The Warriors practiced for about 90 minutes this morning — 30 minutes shorter than a usual Thursday practice.
Instead of dismissing the team for Thanksgiving, the Warriors were fed a training-table meal, then went to team meetings and video sessions.
“We’re not wasting a day,” head coach Greg McMackin said.
It appears unlikely Kealoha Pilares and Ryan Mouton will be able to play. If they’re not available, expect these scenarios:
• Daniel Libre, who is recovering from an abdominal injury, will be the speed back.
• Aaron Bain will return punts.
• Desmond Thomas will start at free safety and, in situations involving five defensive backs, Richard Torres will enter as the nickelback.
* * *

Mark Nua, now an actor in Australia, attended today’s practice. I forgot my camera cord at home. When I get it, I’ll post a picture of Nua and Robert Kekaula. Guess who looks smaller?

* * *

Hiflyer wins the volleyball tickets for tomorrow’s match.


  1. duffer November 27, 2008 6:37 am

    HaVe a SAFE Thanksgiving!!!!!

  2. wafan November 27, 2008 6:51 am

    A tremendously super day is in store!

    Millions across the globe can only dream of having the freedoms and rights we take for granted. We have clean water, homes with power and heat, very special people willing to safe-guard both us and our beliefs, and people who care about us even though we are Tsai-ko. Heck, we are so blessed as Americans we can even have fun discussing and arguing about games!

    One of my girls, an exchange student from Denmark, was amazed at the amount of food her family was going to prepare for today’s feast. She asked if this was normal for Thanksgiving or if was just because she was here.

    Three of my kids are losing their homes because their parents lost their jobs in the past couple of months. I have lost count of the number of student lunches I purchased for them and other kids. They promise to pay me back — I told them they just need to work hard in classes instead.

    Be thankful and give thanks throughout the year for what we have!!!

  3. Southbay November 27, 2008 6:57 am

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  4. wafan November 27, 2008 6:57 am

    One of Lane’s buddies from Germany is a senior in my Visual Communications class. He was really excited to hear how well Lane is doing. He was also excited to hear about his other classmate from Germany (shucks, I cannot remember his name — from Texas who dropped by to see Lane at the UTEP practices and was on the sidelines at the NMSU game).

    This blog has not only reunited more experienced classmates but is now serving to have much younger classmates from Germany reconnect.

    Dang! Awesome, Mr. Tsai!!!

  5. wafan November 27, 2008 7:01 am


    Three in the top 5.

  6. Kekoa (SF Survivor) November 27, 2008 7:09 am

    WAFAN ~ My final post on the old blog is in your honor my Compadre. Mahalo plenty for your care and concern.

  7. koakane™ November 27, 2008 7:13 am

    yeah top ten

    see whom ever will can make practice


  8. brew808 November 27, 2008 7:20 am

    (reposted from previous blog…)

    😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆


    ~•~~~~•~ 😆 ❤ 😆!!! 😆 ❤ 😆 ~•~~~~•~

    I especially want to thank ST (and Wena) for creating this wonderful Warrior Beat and Tsaiko community where we can all share our enthusiasm for Warrior Football, UH Sports, and the rest of the F’s (Fun, Fuud, Friendship, Family, Fishing, Fooling-around, Falsetto-Tsinging, etc.). Although I have never met most of you, all of you have grown to be very important people to me, and I truly enjoy your camaraderie & company, each and every day!

    On this Thanksgiving day (and weekend), we should all take a moment to reflect on how fortunate we are to be…. us! Please take the time to hug your loved ones, and to really talk to them and tell them how you truly feel. Take the extra effort to help the less fortunate ones around us. Go out and do a kind deed, or two, or three. Let’s share the Aloha spirit with others. Be a Tsaiko! And that is a special honor!

    Happy Thanksgiving Tsaikos!!! 😀

    😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆

  9. d1島 November 27, 2008 7:21 am

    Great Morning All!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. d1島 November 27, 2008 7:22 am

    …and one make 10!

  11. wafan November 27, 2008 7:22 am

    Kekoa . . .

    Thanks much, but that is what any of us would do.

    I sure hope you did not already make that tuna sandwich already! Geeeeeez, that thing is going to walk on its own by the time July ’09 rolls around. Your boss will not be happy!!!


  12. Annoddah Dave November 27, 2008 7:23 am

    ST & Tsaiko Blog Dogs,

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Maybe one day it will be like the original Thanksgiving when all peoples can sit at the table and have a peaceful meal.

  13. Garret November 27, 2008 7:25 am

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  14. Stephen Tsai November 27, 2008 7:26 am

    OK, who’s joining me at practice today?
    Robert Kekaula is holding a spot for us.

  15. mano1 November 27, 2008 7:28 am

    Happy Thanksgiving ST and Tsaiko’s. Wishing all of you a safe and wonderful day with family and friends, good eats, fun and laughter. My prayers extend to those in need.

  16. Stephen Tsai November 27, 2008 7:29 am

    I’m getting in training for tomorrow’s sales.
    When it’s 5:59 a.m., I’ll be the one with my nose smashed against the glass, pleading, “Please … open … the … door …”
    In the event I die during the rush, The Twins can take over the blog.

  17. d1島 November 27, 2008 7:29 am

    Didn’t see a story about the JV basketball game in the paper this morning.
    How about a quick recap?

  18. Koakane iphone November 27, 2008 7:54 am

    Kden were is everyone

    No Tsai or Kekaula

  19. djmitcho November 27, 2008 7:59 am

    Happy Thanksgiving to All!

  20. MeiLing November 27, 2008 8:02 am

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    I’m so thankful for having found football friends here on the blog even before moving home. It’s even more wonderful being able to live at home again & hang out with my family. Mahalo Ke Akua!

  21. d1島 November 27, 2008 8:02 am


    I hope the team is there!

  22. Koakane iphone November 27, 2008 8:07 am

    Tree looks mighty lonely

  23. Koakane iphone November 27, 2008 8:09 am

    d1 what team

  24. Koakane iphone November 27, 2008 8:19 am

    au’wyrte kekaula and Tsai here

    wow some bright red his shirt

  25. d1島 November 27, 2008 8:37 am


    Well, I hope the three of you have a nice time….with or without the team!

  26. tommui November 27, 2008 8:44 am

    Happy Thanksgiving one and all.

    May God bless us all.

  27. Koakane iphone November 27, 2008 9:01 am

    Pick by #2 d over #1 o ends practice for today

  28. Jason November 27, 2008 9:02 am

    Happy thanksgiving everyone! I too am very grateful for the friendships formed here on the blog. I am truly blessed to know all of you.

    Gotta run. May God bless you all!

  29. curveball November 27, 2008 9:20 am


    I bet Detroit wishes they had a couple of UH linebackers right now..

  30. djmitcho November 27, 2008 9:25 am

    Detroit needs more than a couple of linebackers

  31. las vegas November 27, 2008 9:31 am

    Since this is Thanksgiving day, I would like to be the first to wish everyone in the Tsaiko-nation a Very Merry Christmas ! !

    ps Walmart open in ‘Vegas!

  32. Cheyah! November 27, 2008 9:35 am

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    Go Warriors!

  33. NortheShoreFan November 27, 2008 9:38 am

    Please take a little time today to reflect on how fortunate we are to be living in Hawaii!

    Give thanks to the more that 4,000 “empty boots” that will be so difficult to fill. To the families who have given so much to the country, MAHALO NUI LOA!

    To everyone, be safe this holiday season!

    O&O…bird needs attention…poke needs seasoning…wife yelling at me to go pick oranges from the tree for distibution to the family..Alojas..

  34. las vegas November 27, 2008 9:45 am

    Why can’t you take a turkey to church?
    Because they use such FOWL language

    Why did the Indian chief wear so many feathers?
    To keep his wigwam

    What sound does a space turkey make?
    hubble, hubble, hubble.

    If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?

    Happy Thanksgiving

  35. 1surfahoutahwata November 27, 2008 9:56 am

    Happy thanksgiving!! Be happy you live in hawaii.

  36. Blackie November 27, 2008 9:57 am

    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Save a turkey, eat tofurkey!

  37. chawan_cut November 27, 2008 9:57 am

    Happy Eating Day to all of you out there. I think today was meant for the Tsaikos. It perfectly represents all of the F’s.
    Although watching this Detroit Lions team can barely be called Football, it’ll have to do.
    Congrats also to Leila for getting the main headlining article on the Sports front page about Colt (that we all saw online yesterday).
    Too many people to name, but Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
    Eat well, pass out well, and get ready for Black Friday and Gameday Saturday!

  38. las vegas November 27, 2008 10:00 am

    in LV it’s 57(high) and thundershowers, low of 46 degrees
    dogs no like go outside and make shi shi

  39. 1surfahoutahwata November 27, 2008 10:11 am

    Turkey is in the oven and just the smell is making me full.I wish i went dawn patrol at makaha cuz after get big appetite.Thats why 1surfahoutahwata miss the watah

  40. MeiLing November 27, 2008 10:13 am

    National weather forecast shows snow showers & a high of 43 today in Flagstaff. I miss my friends, but am SO hau’oli to be in Hawai’i nei.

    That Titans-Lions game makes you want another football game to watch. Detroit needs help.

    How was practice? Any pictures?

  41. 1surfahoutahwata November 27, 2008 10:16 am

    ok I GOTO GO cause my wife giving me stink eye. Have to help clean up.Aloha and happy turkey day evryone!! BRB

  42. las vegas November 27, 2008 10:18 am

    Hi MeiLing

  43. BG November 27, 2008 10:23 am

    It’s incredibly beautiful, tourist friendly weather in Hawaii today. And how fortunate we are to have our extended ohana of Tsaikos throughout the world…west coast, east coast, middle coast, Europe, Asia, Australia, New Zeland, Samoa, Guam…you get the idea! Special shout out to TChahng in Korea (oops, its Friday already)!

    Family still under the weather, so we’ll just kick back and get some odds and ends done. Oh, Koakane, your stuff has been ordered. D1 and Juliette…hope your boy arrived OK and had his Zip-pack waiting for him! LOL

    Peace and Love

  44. SteveM November 27, 2008 10:45 am

    Good morning everyone!

    Getting ready to go to a Thanksgiving lunch. Then a Thanksgiving dinner elsewhere. Maybe I should have skipped the Thanksgiving breakfast… 😐

    Have a great Thanksgiving day, everyone!

  45. madeinhawaii November 27, 2008 10:58 am

    Aloha Nui Loa and a Haoli Thanksgiving everyone!

    Drive safe… eat, drink (but don’t drink and drive), and be merry!

  46. al November 27, 2008 11:00 am

    happy thanksgiving all

    give thanks to those who made a difference in your life.
    today, is not about tomw being black friday.
    no shame….thank someone.

  47. FloridaTed November 27, 2008 11:11 am

    Dear Tsaiko-Nation and Tsai-Meister.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.

    I’m especially thankful for the Warrior Beat, my private little door to my beloved Hawaii. When I feel blue sometimes I just step through that door and I’m home.

    I’m continually amazed by the many friendships that have formed right here, among good people, who might have otherwise never met.

    Have a great day everybody.

  48. MeiLing November 27, 2008 11:34 am

    Hi, las vegas! Happy turkey day to you & the wife.

    Ok, Esme & out for now….

  49. jm2375 November 27, 2008 11:36 am

    Good morning Tsai-kos!

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I’m thankful for my family, for having a job that’s secure (for now) that I enjoy and for this blog. You guys bring smiles and laughs everyday to keep me sane, especially when work starts getting insane. I know I’m not very knowledgeable or eloquent, but whatchu expect – I’m a number cruncher.

    Wahine barely escaped with the win last night. Agree that they had a letdown after the win over NaMaSU. Anyone think playing on the bball surface affected them, even just a little? Never seen so many kill attempts sail out.

  50. jm2375 November 27, 2008 11:47 am

    did i chase everybody away?

    ‘k fine den.

    *stomps off, pouting*

  51. Garret November 27, 2008 11:50 am

    Utah State is moving quickly to hire their next coach.

    Multiple sources confirmed to The Salt Lake Tribune on Wednesday that Aggies athletic director Scott Barnes has talked formally with several key candidates over the course of this week and may actually wrap up their interviews by as early as next week.
    Sources say San Jose State assistant Kent Baer interviewed with Barnes on Wednesday, and South Florida assistant Mike Canales is expected to fly into Salt Lake City this weekend for an interview.
    Sources also confirm that Utah defensive coordinator Gary Anderson and former USU coach John L. Smith have have already interviewed for the position, which opened up when Aggie coach Brent Guy was fired last week.

  52. Garret November 27, 2008 11:54 am

    BSU’s head coach is rightfully thankful about his son’s health…amazing that a fall ended up saving his life.

    t’s not surprising, then, that Petersen’s name seemingly comes up for every job opening west of the Mississippi, and some east of the Big Muddy, too. Obviously, he would be a perfect fit right now for Washington. His Pac-10 roots stretch back nine years when he was an assistant under Mike Bellotti at Oregon.

    “I’ve never been a big one for moving and uprooting your family,” Petersen said.

    Sam is a big reason why. He was a toddler that day, 13 months old when he watched a scrimmage from the stands in Eugene. As toddlers will do, Sam lost his balance and fell, screamed to the heavens. It was a nasty fall and on the way out of the stadium Chris thought to ask a team doctor if Sam should be checked out.

    “Ah, he’s probably OK,” the doc said, “as long as he doesn’t throw up.”

    “I’m walking out of the stadium,” Chris recalled, “and sure enough he throws up.”

    That led the Petersens to a doctor’s office, which led to an MRI which led to major surgery the next day. Because of that fall, doctors were able to discover Sam had a brain tumor.

    Sam spent eight hours in surgery. There were complications coming out of it but the spunky 1-year-old made it through. Three or four days later it got worse. Doctors hit the Petersens with more bad news. The cancer had spread to Sam’s spine.

    The important thing was that Sam got through it. There was a stem-cell transplant, more surgery, chemo. Meanwhile, Petersen was in the process of accepting a job at Boise as offensive coordinator.

    Sam’s body had reached its limit on chemo therapy. He can have no more, forever. Doctors suggested more radiation treatment but warned that it could cause other complications. The family declined the treatment and put the situation in God’s hands.

    If the family wasn’t spiritual then, it sure did turn that way.

    “A situation like that, there is no in between,” Chris said. “It either brings you closer to God or further away. I don’t think there’s too many atheists on a cancer floor.”

    So, yes, the family is thankful that Sam fell. The cancer would have manifested itself eventually about a month later, doctors said, but who knows how far it would have progressed by then? The fall led to the discovery that led to all the pain and anxiousness. But it also saved his life.

  53. koakane™ November 27, 2008 11:58 am

    happy gobble gobble day to you jm numba cruncha person 😀

    garret sorry to hear you not going be at tgate, next time and have a good day.

  54. Long Time UH Fan November 27, 2008 11:59 am

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!
    Take care and give thanks to all that we have..

  55. Hawaiianbod November 27, 2008 11:59 am

    good morning Tsaikos!


    i’m thankful that i can call each and everyone of you a part of my family.

    for those who are fortunate to be spending time with loved ones, please give them a hug and tell them how special they are to you.

    i pray that everyone keep safe today.

  56. FloridaTed November 27, 2008 12:15 pm

    Garret (52),

    That story shows you that sometimes, what we often dismiss as coincidence, is anything but that.

    Happy thanks giving.

  57. Stephen Tsai November 27, 2008 12:17 pm

    As you enjoy your family festivities today, just remember your blog host is one of five people (NO EDITORS) currently at work.
    Yes, if a big disaster hit, it’ll be me, two page designers, a clerk and a photographer putting out the paper.
    But I digress …

  58. Stephen Tsai November 27, 2008 12:21 pm

    Oh, wait, JuJu is here!!!

  59. Kelli November 27, 2008 12:22 pm

    Happy Thanksgiving, ST and the Tsaiko crew! Thank you for the wonderful new friendships and good times. Hope to see you all soon! And GO WARRIORS (for Saturday)!

  60. Stretch November 27, 2008 12:25 pm

    Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone here!!

    ST – I know you are “working” so Wena cooks the meal and you will conviniently “finish” work about 5pm.

  61. HiFlyer November 27, 2008 12:30 pm

    It’s a good thing it wasn’t yesterday and hopefully nothing does happen today.

  62. HiFlyer November 27, 2008 12:39 pm

    Hey I see that I won the tickets for the VB.
    How can I get in touch with you.

  63. FloridaTed November 27, 2008 12:42 pm

    Hi, ST, thanks for starting this blog and creating this wonderful community.

  64. haka November 27, 2008 12:42 pm

    Happy Thanksgiving…
    It’s just that…
    the living luxury of being entertained while we stuff ourselves is just that…a luxury of life.
    It’s just that it’s a far cry from the wailing of hungry children being witness to daily violence.
    It’s just that we need to remind ourselves that going to war on the field is just that.
    It’s just that it’s really nothing like going to war at all.
    It’s just that sports…well, it’s just that.
    It’s just that sometimes we get frustrated with our team and we get ourselves riled in our own violent world.
    It’s just that it’s really not the “real” world at all.
    And when we eat, it’s not like we are ungrateful for what we have, it’s just that it seems we really only give thanks once a year.

    Well I guess it’s just that like others that have posted, I want to give thanks to all the men and women of the armed forces that afford us the freedom of American life. I give thanks for the roof over my head, the food on my table, the peace that calms my life and even the opportunity to express my opinion on a forum such as this.

    Mahalo & Happy Thanksgiving All!

    Tsaikos, eat lot’s of turkey because you are what you eat. 🙂

  65. curveball November 27, 2008 12:49 pm

    I just got back home ..what was the final on the Tenn/Det game??

  66. Long Time UH Fan November 27, 2008 1:00 pm


    Tenn 47-10 !

  67. Stephen Tsai November 27, 2008 1:20 pm

    call me now at 525-8051.

  68. FloridaTed November 27, 2008 1:36 pm

    Thanks Giving
    Is the the Bridge
    That spans the Ridge
    Amongst us all.
    It is a Call
    To the World entire
    To emulate
    What we admire,
    To see what’s real
    And brings us closer,
    By sharing
    What we feel
    of what was given.
    To sit on a Table,
    Set by the Lord,
    To hold each other
    True to his accord,
    To be as one,
    Humanity united,
    To always keep trying
    Until it’s done.

  69. BG November 27, 2008 2:09 pm

    Florida Ted

    Hey guy…thanks for the great words today and being a part of this family.

  70. Capitol -ist/WassupDoc November 27, 2008 2:28 pm

    Aloha Kakou:

    DrDoc and I want to thank all of you for your good thoughts over this past month in his recovery from a massive heart attack and two separate surgeries to repair the damage. He is well on his way to a full recovery except that he’ll never be able to walk through one of those gizmos at a security check station again because they’ll damage the thingee implanted in his chest to stabilize his heartbeat.

    We continue to face a lot of challenges both medical and financial in the weeks & months ahead, but we’re stronger now than we were before We’ll find out shortly which one – the IRS or my cancer – is going to be nastier in the long run.

    On a grander scale, both of us are looking forward to the challenges which lie ahead of us to make our country and our planet a better and safer place in which to live, work & play. Fortunately, we have Obama on our team as well as a number of good people in Congress and the Legislature who understand the need to look beyond the next election.

    Time to go do some yardwork before getting ready for a low-salt, low-fat Thanksgiving dinner

  71. Mrs. A-House November 27, 2008 2:37 pm

    Dear Tsaiko Friends…near and far…

    On behalf of the A-House Ohana, including MasaBoy in Las Vegas who baked a pumpkin cheesecake for his gathering, I want to extend our best wishes to all of you on this day, Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving = Giving Thanks…and if each of us stopped for even just a moment to give thanks for who we are and what we have, then today has served its purpose well. Have a great day!

  72. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER November 27, 2008 2:47 pm

    God Bless and Keep Safe Everyone!

    Happy Thanksgiving and Warmest Aloha to All!

  73. al November 27, 2008 2:58 pm

    wdoc….keep the faith.

    i know a guy who suffered a massive heart attack and lived through two surgeries that the cardiologist didn’t think he had much of a chance to survive from. he also has an electronic gizmo planted in his chest.

    six years later the miracle continues.

    this is not by accident.

    he thanks HIm daily for his second chance.

  74. al November 27, 2008 3:04 pm

    turkey is in the oven stuffed with lemon, orange, apples, onions, garlic, kauai hawaiian salt, black pepper, fresh sage and rosemary roasting at 250 degrees.

    in a few hours i’ll be belly up.

    happy thanksgiving

  75. Ralph November 27, 2008 3:15 pm

    Al how come you didn’t add pumpkin to the stuffings?

  76. Da Punchbowl Kid November 27, 2008 3:16 pm

    Great news Doc! Great news from you too, brother al. I’m glad that you’re still with us. Nice piece of writitng Florida Ted.

    To everyone near and far who reads here:

    🙂 🙂 🙂 HAPPY THANKSGIVING 🙂 🙂 🙂

  77. TChahng [대한민국] November 27, 2008 3:24 pm

    Aloha BG, It’s a wonderful Friday in Seoul. Sunny with scattered clouds, and a high of 48 degrees. The other GF took me to a musical last night. Of course this was all in the native language and I was lost on the story. I understood some but the OGF had to guide me through the story. The singing was awesome and the choreography was lively. The cast was very talented, especially the women. I told the OGF that I kinda dozed off during the men’s dialogue and singing, but was wide awake when the women sang. Then she accused me of being a “womanizer.” Ha-ha!

    Here’s the link to the website:
    – A washed up rock star goes to the province to become a radio DJ.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  78. al November 27, 2008 3:32 pm

    ralph….those things are not stuffing just to add flavor and keep the bird moist.

  79. Calvin from Kona November 27, 2008 3:41 pm

    I just want to wish all of you a vary safe and happy Thanksgiving. I have alot to be thankful for…including having the priviledge and honor to meet so many new friends who happen to be “Tsai-ko”

    Much love and aloha everyone!

  80. Calvin from Kona November 27, 2008 3:42 pm

    “very” I guess the Turkey is affecting my spelling….

  81. Rich2176 November 27, 2008 4:30 pm

    On behalf of Margo, I would like to wish each and every one of you a very Happy Thanksgiving. There is no other group of folks who are so talented, resourceful, generous, and caring that I am proud to call my friends. This blog is certainly the home away from home. Mahalo!!!

  82. Mad Dog November 27, 2008 5:03 pm

    I’ve been enjoying the warm aroma of the roasting turkey that I forgot about the football game. Texan A&M and Texas are going at it right now on ESPN, channel 222 or 1222. Texas ahead 21-3 at the half.

  83. FloridaTed November 27, 2008 5:09 pm

    This Tsaiko community is so much more than a Football blog. It has become a gathering the world could learn from.

    Warrior Football is merely the door through which we all enter, but inside it is a festive hall, where the giant chandalier, called ‘Aloha’, shines its sparkling light on all of us, in the brilliant colors of the rainbow.

  84. las vegas November 27, 2008 6:00 pm

    I agree with F-Ted, the WB has become much more than a blog, thanks to the WB, not only can I keep up with the football program, I have had the opportunity to meet many wonderful people who each bring a little bit of Aloha with them to LV.
    Mrs.LV and I look forward to seeing everyone again as well as meeting more Tsai-Kos in the future.

  85. chawan_cut November 27, 2008 6:47 pm

    I practiced today….
    …stretching my stomach and
    my napping skills.

  86. FloridaTed November 27, 2008 6:53 pm

    Looks like everybody is entering turkey coma.

  87. wafan November 27, 2008 7:31 pm

    The best part of tonights turkey dinner was that I did not have to cook it — went out to a buffet. No cooking, no clean up, no problem!

    Sad part is no leftovers. Oh well.

    Making PBS for dinner on Saturday. YUM!

  88. 702WarriorNation November 27, 2008 7:32 pm

    Off Subject
    UH Hawaii Warriors Hooded Fleece – Grn
    2/$30 plus tx/shpg or 1 for $19.99
    Includes HI but this is only good for today.
    Normally $35 ea.|1&icid=10315&x=0

  89. wafan November 27, 2008 7:33 pm

    Finally had a chance to watch the Princess’ videos. Awesome!

    It is so nice to have her and her skills back. Whoo-hoo!

    Please, may we have more videos and photographs?

  90. 702WarriorNation November 27, 2008 7:36 pm

    Sorry but you’ll have to go to page 9 to find the UH hooded fleece sale item….. there are other Unis too.

    Happy Thanksgiving and early Black Friday to all!

  91. Garret November 27, 2008 7:46 pm

    This is the second time that my Dad has posted a long message to the blog and I discovered that it didn’t show up. I came to the blog to read what he wrote…and now I have to give him the bad news.

    He told me his message was to thank the people here for welcoming Mom and him to the blog and the tailgates. We used to tailgate as a family when I was a kid, but I think this is the first time that he’s tailgated with a group to UH games.

    A year or so ago I described this blog as a community instead of a blog or message forum, and it is even more so now. The Cattle Calls, tailgates, karaoke calls, and all the gatherings outside of Oahu really let UH fans gather and talk story. Thank you to ST for creating such a nice space and for everyone for forming this community.

  92. Garret November 27, 2008 7:52 pm

    I’m thankful that Olomana School created their imu again this year…the Kalua turkey and Kalua pork were great with the rest of the food tonight! I really missed having Kalua turkey for Thanksgiving, this was my first Thanksgiving in Hawaii since before I was married.

  93. wafan November 27, 2008 7:54 pm

    Good for you and your family, Garret!

  94. wafan November 27, 2008 7:55 pm

    Would that be Kailua Kalua pork?

  95. chawan_cut November 27, 2008 8:14 pm

    some of the warriors giving thanks

  96. wafan November 27, 2008 8:52 pm


  97. wafan November 27, 2008 8:52 pm


  98. wafan November 27, 2008 8:52 pm


  99. wafan November 27, 2008 8:53 pm


  100. wafan November 27, 2008 8:53 pm


  101. wafan November 27, 2008 8:55 pm

    Just could not stand to see it at double digits.

    Time to give in to the tryptophan.

    See you on Game Day Eve!!!

  102. Ralph November 27, 2008 9:26 pm

    happy thanksgiving Wafan…..

  103. Ralph November 27, 2008 9:27 pm

    Wafan where are you headed for on black friday…..

  104. Stretch November 27, 2008 10:28 pm

    Good Evening Tsaikos!!

    I hope everyone was able to have a meal with family and friends.

  105. FloridaTed November 27, 2008 10:46 pm

    Seems like once an hour somebody sticks their head in the door, lol, must be gluttonous exhaution.

    Sweet Thanksgiving dreams, one and all, good night.

  106. al November 27, 2008 10:49 pm

    yes, and some of us are still suffering.

  107. BG November 27, 2008 10:51 pm


    If you still have any tix for Cincy, I may have two people who need them. Let me know. Back to sleep…

  108. al November 27, 2008 10:51 pm

    seems like the blog clock is still running 25 minutes fast.

  109. al November 27, 2008 10:52 pm

    good night bg.

  110. jm2375 November 27, 2008 10:55 pm

    Evening Tsai-kos!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    I’m stuffed. Lots of fuuud, fun & family tonight. Turkey, ham, stuffing, gau gee, cranberry sauce, cranberry jello, mashed pototoes, rice, salad, soba salad, pumpkin pie, pumpkin cheesecake, apple pie, choc chip cookies, ice cream & beverages + pupus. Buuuuuuurrrrp.

    To those crazy enough to brave the crowds tomorrow, including ST, happy hunting! Is ST in line already? As for me, it’s a work day, but I may try to hit Wal-Mart before work.

  111. Garret November 27, 2008 10:57 pm

    Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want the off-topic stuff.

    Swiss executives gave back their $58.3 mil in bonuses after their bank struggled. I don’t remember reading about executives in US companies giving back their money after their company’s stock tanked. Instead, we read about AIG and others giving out huge bonuses despite needing several bailouts from the government.

  112. Garret November 27, 2008 10:57 pm

    Cool video of the longest jet pack flight ever–1,500 feet over a Colorado canyon.

  113. Garret November 27, 2008 10:57 pm

    Facebook spammer was hit with a $873 mil fine!

  114. Garret November 27, 2008 10:58 pm

    Afghanistan has produced so much opium this year that the Taliban is cutting back on poppy production and stockpiling raw opium in order to try to keep prices up. Insurgents apparently made $300 mil from opium last year.

  115. Garret November 27, 2008 10:58 pm

    A missile defense shield test failed near Hawaii.

  116. Garret November 27, 2008 10:58 pm

    Free play links pau.

  117. las vegas November 27, 2008 11:04 pm

    in…..pain..ugh, kidney stones…..back. whimper…..
    gotta p every four minutes………….auwe…..thot i was done 6 months ago

  118. Capitol -ist/WassupDoc November 27, 2008 11:10 pm

    Came home from our church potluck around 7 pm and fell asleep for an hour – ate nine different types of desserts plus six different scoops of ice cream flavors and three kinds of sweet potatos. Lots of turkey and ham and even baked salmon with all kinds of salads & side dishes were on the groaning table, but all I could focus on were the sweets.

    Does anyone here on O`ahu have an electric-powered weedwacker I could borrow? DrDoc says it would be much lighter – and therefore easier for me to handle – than the gas-powered one we already have. Unfortunately, we’re not in a position to buy a corded wacker.

    Spent about 45 minutes earlier today scything away at the overgrown yard and managed to clear an area about 10 x15 feet. Only another 2250 ft to clear before I can put the lawnmower to use.

    Could the NFL have selected three worser games than the ones played today? And that T v T game – el barfolino.

    Will be back in action on Saturday with the recycling bin at the T-Gate. If you have HI-5 recyclables at home and want to donate them to Coach Inaba’s after-school program at Dole Middle School, please bring them along. By the end of the football season, Tsaikos will have donated well over $100 to the program – just by hoisting and imbibing.

    Don’t forget, Wahine basketball (San Diego) at 3:20 pm as well as volleyball (Cal Poly) at 7 pm tomorrow at the SSC.

    Garret: Sorry to have missed the four of you on your visit back home. Hope you can make it for Christmas or New Year’s.

    BTW: Does anyone know know anything about the guy who sells tickets in the walkway by the SSC – he wears black shorts and knee-high white sox. He’s there at every game. Seems sort of a fruitless way to make a few $$$

  119. Lopaka43 November 27, 2008 11:36 pm

    Aloha, Tsaiko Ohana!!

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, and thanks to all of you who have helped create this ohana. We have really enjoyed the fellowship, the humor, the stories, and the caring for one another that makes WB such a special place. We have had the chance to meet many of you at the TV-gates and Tailgates, and look forward to celebrating with you all at the Cincinatti game.

    Go Warriors!!

  120. d1島 November 27, 2008 11:36 pm

    Wonderful Thanksgiving Day.

    As is custom for us, after T-day dinner and TV viewing winds down it’s time to bust out the Christmas music….

    Started this year with none other than fellow Tsaiko Nalani’s group -Na Leo Christmas Gift CD album.
    Great way to start the Xmas season!

  121. jm2375 November 27, 2008 11:48 pm

    LV – hope you feel better soon.

    WDoc – great to hear from you. Take it easy at least till Jan 1. 😀

  122. Garret November 27, 2008 11:50 pm


    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Dr. Doc! I’m glad to hear that he’s doing better and hope that your bills and your health are in much better condition soon.

    If you are at the tailgate on Saturday, you might ask my Dad for advice on the weedwacker. I don’t think he has one, but he might know others who do. You might want to talk with Mom about Project Dana and see if that could help your situation now.

  123. Garret November 27, 2008 11:56 pm

    The Texas vs. Texas A&M game was only boring to watch if you weren’t a Texas fan! Especially after A&M won the previous two, it was nice to watch the blowout. I had to watch it in segments because of our Thanksgiving activities–first quarter before leaving for my sister’s house, 4th quarter after dinner, and then the 2nd and 3rd quarters after we got back to my parent’s home.

    I hope that UH does a similar type of thing to Washington State, letting the reserves play much of the 4th quarter. Texas’ 3rd string RB got over 100 yards and their #4 WR got over 100 yards receiving. I’d love to see scout team members and others get on the field in the 4th quarter on Saturday.

  124. las vegas November 27, 2008 11:58 pm

    thank you
    I guess this is as close to giving birth as any guy can get
    I pee’d one stone out today, think I have twins, or maybe triplets.
    whimper, sniff, this is worse than breaking a few bones here and there!

  125. Garret November 28, 2008 12:02 am

    Little trivia on why the players were slipping during the Texas vs. Texas A&M game tonight. It appears that the filming of Friday Night Lights tore up the field.

    The Longhorns and Aggies were slipping all over the field, and one of the reasons might have been that the field was a little torn up.

    The television show “Friday Night Lights” filmed the fictional Dillon Panthers’ state championship game on the field on Nov. 15. The filming took place on the same day the Longhorns beat Kansas 35-7 in Lawrence, Kan.

  126. Garret November 28, 2008 12:04 am

    las vegas,

    I hope that you feel better soon! My Dad went through kidney stones and I could tell that was a difficult experience!

  127. Hawaiianbod November 28, 2008 12:08 am

    LV – i just said a prayer for you. take care, my friend.

    Garret- have a safe trip back to SD via LA. Hopefully, you will be able to make it back for Christmas.

  128. las vegas November 28, 2008 12:21 am

    Thanks for the thoughts, this is actually the third time that I’ve gone through this, think you’d get used to the pain by now.
    Thank god for Freecell and Solitaire, keep my mind off the pain.

  129. Garret November 28, 2008 12:43 am


    Thank you for the good wishes! I’m really hoping to be able to get back to Hawaii again during the Winter break for my kids…and hope that I could make it to the Hawaii Bowl like the last time UH played there.

  130. Garret November 28, 2008 12:44 am

    las vegas,

    Third time with kidney stones? Ow…

  131. las vegas November 28, 2008 12:57 am

    Yup, eventual cause of death will be the kidneys, not right away though

  132. las vegas November 28, 2008 1:12 am

    not a good week heath wise for the lv family
    one of my dogs was diagnosed with Canine Cognitive Dysfunction ,
    i.e. doggie Alzheimer’s.
    sad thing is that she is the super smart one of our three and only twelve years old.

  133. Mad Dog November 28, 2008 1:19 am

    Take care of yourself LV. Best wishes for a full recovery. I’m more of a lurker, but I enjoy your humor and jokes.

  134. Pomai November 28, 2008 1:23 am

    Hawaii Bowl here we come!
    24    –    14    Pomai
    31    –    21    Glenn
    34    –    14    las vegas:
    37    –    17    Mad Dog
    38    –    10    Committed Road Warrior
    38    –    28    wafan
    38    –    10    TChahng
    38    –    17    Kazz:
    41    –    14    d1shima
    42    –    14    Da Punchbowl Kid
    42    –    17    tommui
    45    –    13    King Katonk
    48    –    7    HiFlyer
    49    –    13    djmitcho
    49    –    10    mp
    49    –    14    LizKauai
    49    –    14    J-Dog
    49    –    17    jm2375
    50    –    0    lab rat
    57    –    13    Pauoa Boy
    63    –    12    homey

  135. Pomai November 28, 2008 1:32 am

    Happy post Thanksgiving everyone. Made turkey with all the trimmings, took it over to the wife’s hanai grandpa, he is a retired school teacher who turned 103 this last May, still sharp as a tack, and in good physical shape. Then started on a Warrior marathon watching the 2006 UH vs BSU, Fresno and Nevada games. One thing I noticed is what a difference that Nate made on this team, he was the eighth cylinder for the team, it was amazing how much of an impact he made.

  136. las vegas November 28, 2008 1:36 am

    Mad Dog,
    Thanks for the kind words.
    I wish that I had the foresight to pick a neat handle like Mad Dog or Lab Rat or Da Punchbowl Kid or even Stretch.
    Somehow “las vegas” just doesn’t cut it.
    Oh well, could have been worse, could have used “al” or “homey”……shudder!

  137. las vegas November 28, 2008 1:39 am

    Pomai, agree on Nasti.
    Too bad he was unable to keep his weight down post UH.
    I think he would have made a great fullback

  138. what's wrong November 28, 2008 2:03 am

    gee thanks “las vegas”.

  139. las vegas November 28, 2008 3:21 am

    doyu tsumori ka, watakushi ni wa totemo wakarimasen

    ma- yoroshii desho-

    dewa boku byooin ni ikasete moraimasu

    minasan yoi ichinichi wo osugohinasai

    lasu begasu yori

  140. myki November 28, 2008 4:09 am

    las vegas,

    please take care of yourself. do go to the hospital and get some relief from your pain. please let us know how you are doing after your visit.

    I’m sure all of us will have a better day knowing you are okay.

    I guess you all are enjoying a restful night after a wonderful Thanksgiving day. sj and I have so much to be thankful for that sometimes it’s difficult to put into words. He is presently in remission for leukemia, following a stem cell transplant in 2006, and also for surgery for prostate cancer in 2007. He’s doing well and we thank the Lord for His healing hand.

    I am just completing my treatment for for early stage breast cancer and thank God and all of my family and friends for the prayers and support.

    Yes, we both have much to be thankful for, not only on Thanksgiving but on each and every day. If we both seem to have lots of time on our hands its only because we both realize, that life is short and we’re taking the time to smell the flowers and enjoying each other and each day to the fullest.

    To our Tsai-ko family we love and appreciate all of you! You all have a great day and we will see you tomorrow.

  141. Pomai November 28, 2008 4:16 am

    Good morning fellow Tsai-kos hope all of you had a great day yesterday.

    As some of you know awhile back I started a project called “University of Hawaii Sports History” it was intended to cover the history of all of the sport programs of the university from the beginning to now. Well during the last blog strike I kind of got distracted, but now I am back at work on the project. I have long thought that there should be a website that you could go to an find out information on all the previous sports program of UH, sad to say there wasn’t any, there are a few sites that have bits and pieces but none that covers all the teams.

    This is a huge undertaking that will more than likely never get completely done, but at least it’s a beginning.

    There are two major disadvantages in doing this project, first being here in West Virginia and two being on dial-up (the dial-up is the worst), I have created two site’s the first is the actual history website and the other is a forum where I hope to gather any information that others may want to share about past teams and athletes. I am also working on a “Where are they Now page” for all of the athletes who played for the University.

    I will be reposting this comment every few days so that all on the blog members will see it (that is if ST doesn’t mind?) and possibly share what ever they know.

    Right now I have been working on the football team of 1978 and the Wahine Volleyball team of 1976.

    Just click on my name to get to the site!

  142. wafan November 28, 2008 5:17 am

    A great Aloha/Black Friday to all!

    That was a tough night. With a more than usual distended belly it was impossible to sleep on my stomach.

    No early Black Friday shopping for me! All that pushing, yelling, and shoving — I feel bad when I knock down those old people. I will wait until the early morning madness is done and then venture out to get a few things.

    Most of my shopping was completed last month! Yay!!! Proper prior planning precludes p*ss poor performance.

  143. TChahng [대한민국] November 28, 2008 5:18 am


    I guessed same as CRW. Change mine to 35-14.

    tanks ah!

  144. wafan November 28, 2008 5:23 am

    Las Vegas . . .

    Egads. Sorry to hear you are in pain. Here is hoping you get well soon. More water, perhaps, to help move the uric acid through?

  145. Stretch November 28, 2008 5:36 am

    good morning tsaikos !!

    I hope that everyone hass the day off to recover from the overstuffing or go shopping. Unfortunately I am not so lucky, need to work. oh well…

  146. Kekoa (SF Survivor) November 28, 2008 6:39 am

    Up and at ’em early this AM with the usual suspects.
    More Thanksgiving afterthoughts:

    Myki & sjmacro ~ I love your approach to the ‘Golden Years’ it gives us all the incentive to live our lives to the fullest. Thank you!

    LV ~ get those stones pulverized by those new fangled devices I’ve heard so much about. We gotcha back on everything else (…well, except cleaning up da dog poop!)

    Pomai ~ I’ll get Pono & Lisa Ma’a to help fill out some of their UH VB historical perspective from back in the day. Good on ya for taking on such a huge challenge.

    Stretch ~ Can you drop by the T-gate? We need to check your fingers to see if you really have been working them to the bone. Oh and btw, we need more ‘Stretch Beer.’

    ST ~ Take your meds, and at least try to keep up with Myki & sj.

    Wdoc ~ Stay home with doc and take care of yourselves.

    Homey ~ You are gonna love this Supah Ferry! They got a great vantage point for a Sea dog like you bro!…right in da front of the boat!

    Ok, Time to go brush teet, wash face and comb hair. Pack up, get ready for breakfast with Duffer & whitey. Then, part deaux of the SF saga…the return!

  147. Kekoa (SF Survivor) November 28, 2008 6:52 am

    Shout out to Pride!

    Lei is still in love with your singing and misses your rendition of “Maui Brown Eyes!”

    One small problem. Her Hubby made that ‘throat slashing sign’ after she said that!

  148. lakerj32 aka lefty November 28, 2008 7:05 am

    Morning Tsaikos
    sorry havent written in a while. hope everyone is doing ok.

  149. Koakane iphone November 28, 2008 7:14 am

    Morning Tsaiko kane’s and wahine’s have a good black friday to all da shoppers battling out there.

    Recovering from thanksgiving fuud coma so not making the smooth moves yet. Think will just have sub sandwiches today …. not.

    Kden have a good day

  150. Stretch November 28, 2008 7:19 am

    Amazing how people take shopping so serious. A worker at a WalMart in NY died after being trampled while people rushed the store.

  151. djmitcho November 28, 2008 7:21 am

    Good Morning Tsaiko Village!
    I hope everyone one had a good thanksgiving with ohana and friends.
    I myself, had a good day. I think the kanak attack hit me 5 minutes after I pushed away from the table and sat in a recliner. Well, gotta get back to work. Today is Friday, which means tomorrow is GAME DAY!!!!

  152. jm2375 November 28, 2008 8:02 am

    Good morning Tsai-kos!

    Stretch – what no marketing today? 😆

    Kekoa – have a good trip back. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving. Da alarm system has been installed.

    Went to Radio Shack Kailua this am and waited for them to open at 6. Small store but not bad. Got what I wanted and was outta there at 6:15.

    Quiet day at work today. Not many people around.

  153. Stretch November 28, 2008 8:10 am

    jm2375 – shhhhhh…. not so loud

  154. Jay November 28, 2008 8:27 am

    Morning and a safe Black Friday to all.

  155. Jay November 28, 2008 8:27 am

    Morning and a safe Black Friday to all.

  156. jm2375 November 28, 2008 8:28 am

    BTW, listened to L&L on the way in this morning. Pops mentioned that he was talking to Shoji about how it was back in the day being in the Big West and Shoji hinted that they may be going back. I hope that happens. The sooner the better. Much better competition and way less travel.

  157. Jay November 28, 2008 8:32 am

    oops sorry about the double post. too much caffeine.

  158. d1島 November 28, 2008 8:52 am

    Great Morning All!

    las vegas,
    Hope things have gotten better today. Had a bout of gall stones on T-day years back. Not fun.

    Well, will do my best to avoid all the X-mas shopping madness but eventually I’ll have to jump in; prolly around my usual 21st or 22nd start date 🙄


  159. BigWave96744 November 28, 2008 8:58 am

    Happy Belated 19th Birthday to Hakuole Correa 11/27

    Happy 18th Birthday to Tui’atua Kerisiano Tuiasosopo (today 11/28)

  160. penguin November 28, 2008 9:01 am

    Hi everyone. I’m looking for my cousin Tom, you know- Tom the turkey. I know he was feeling a bit stuffie, so I’m worried. I last saw him yesterday as he was getting dressed to visit some new tanning salon, before going to a big celebrity roast party. Actually, everyone at his house is gone too! It’s like they all vanish, and got gobbled up! If you know Tom’s whereabouts, or have any information, please contact me … penguin.

  161. d1島 November 28, 2008 9:03 am

    Not looking too good for UTEP making it to the Hawaii Bowl right now.
    E. Carolina is up 14-0 in the 1st Q

  162. Jay November 28, 2008 9:11 am

    penguin- I think his goose is cooked. (whatever that means)

  163. Da Punchbowl Kid November 28, 2008 9:14 am


  164. wafan November 28, 2008 9:14 am

    penguin . . .

    Saw your cousin Tom at dinner last night. He looked stuffed.

  165. wafan November 28, 2008 9:16 am

    On the other hand, you might want to ask Palin for more information about your cousin.

    On second thought. Forget it.

  166. d1島 November 28, 2008 9:18 am


    We had him over at our house for dinner!

  167. Da Punchbowl Kid November 28, 2008 9:21 am

    las vegas san,
    Sorry to hear about your kidney stones, please take care.

    As far as your nic, I saw you mention another name for yourself here once. “Kam Fong” has a nice ring to it. 😆

  168. wafan November 28, 2008 9:21 am

    Kekoa . . .

    About that throat slash motion. Perhaps it really was the local ‘you are nothing’ or ‘no competition’ motion instead. HA!

    How is everyone on Maui?!?!

  169. wafan November 28, 2008 9:23 am

    1st to say . . .

    Season’s Greetings!!!

  170. wafan November 28, 2008 9:24 am

    d1 . . .

    He must have been over to your place after I saw him. How was he? He looked absolutely scrumptious here.

  171. penguin November 28, 2008 9:25 am

    Thanks for the info guys.

    I knew Tom didn’t wander off to far as he had gotten so fat recently, that he couldn’t fly anymore. That’s why we got along cause, as you know – penguin no fly.

    I was hassling him about his sudden weight gain. He was getting huge! He said, nah – he was just doing a bit of body-building. But really – his legs and thighs were enormous, and so was his chest/breast! He loved his sweets – you know, that cranberry stuff, and sweet potatoes. And he would wallow in that goo. He said not to worry as it was all gravy! Huh?

    d1(symbol) – thanks for inviting my cousin to dinner and taking such good care of him!

  172. d1島 November 28, 2008 9:31 am


    Yep! We put him in a nice, warm place for awhile.
    After that he was a real cut-up and turned out to be the crowd favorite…

  173. d1島 November 28, 2008 9:36 am


    btw, what you doing around dinner time?


  174. jojo ® November 28, 2008 9:36 am

    Good Morning Everyone! Went to the gym at 5 this AM and was surprised to see lots of people out and about. Then I remembered, it’s Black Friday! I was just happy to be at the gym. 🙂

  175. penguin November 28, 2008 9:36 am

    Oh oh – now my other cousin Kalua (also a turkey) is missing! What’s going on?

  176. SteveM November 28, 2008 9:41 am

    Good morning everyone!

    I’m not sure if I’m hungry yet… 😕

    Thanksgiving lunch was with Peaches’ family. Her bro-in-law brought over a portable karaoke system (just like Kekoa & Diana’s). Strong reminder that as a whole, Tsai-kos are really good singers. Peaches’ brother (the drummer and singer in Wasabi) immediately retreated elsewhere 🙂

    But Peaches’ sister is very good soprano and duets with Peaches were pleasant. Add their mother and the harmony was great. Family voices. Must be like that with Mei Ling’s family. BTW, we have 2 more for karaoke call with Russ & Pam 😆

  177. penguin November 28, 2008 9:51 am

    d1(symbol) – thanks for the invite. Maybe next time.

    SteveM – I’m pretty good at that karaoke stuff. I like show tunes. Aaawwccckkk-klahoma!

    Aooonnckkkkk! I got to go. The Mrs. is squawking at me. She has to go waddle off to shop with her gaggle and I get stuck with the keiki. Talk about being hen-pecked! Can’t do anything with them eggs on my feet! Laters guys. Aoonnckkkk!

  178. sjmacro November 28, 2008 9:55 am

    Mei Ling: check your email re: volleyball

  179. (Jesse) James November 28, 2008 10:04 am

    Everybody watch out…Lefty is back…MWAHAHAHAHAHA

    Good morning Tsaikos and Tsaikettes….busy day again today. Since many took the day off, time to catch up on all the stuff I’ve been pushing aside on my desk….so once again, I have to Esme and out….

    Hope all had a good Thanksgiving…can’t wait until tomorrow….

    Stretch – Read about that on MSNBC….sad how people rushed the store and that guy died….

    Talk laters…

  180. Jason November 28, 2008 10:08 am

    Well, I guess it’s time to go and see if that camcorder I wanted to get for my church is still available at Best Buy. I would have gone earlier, but I’m battling this nasty cold (after just getting over a milder one not too long ago). Hope I’m good to go tomorrow …

    Happy thanksgiving to everyone again! Hopefully, nobody went crazy with the shopping. (Hopefully I don’t go crazy with the shopping …)

  181. FloridaTed November 28, 2008 10:11 am

    Good morning/afternoon, Tsaiko-Nation and Tsai-Meister.

    My wife and I did something completely different for a change. Going off tradition, we just went to a very nice little Polish Restaurant, Pierogi’s, not far from us. The food was just great. I’ve had plump stuffed porkloin, pierogi dumplings and a very unusual sauerkraut side dish, that was absolutely ono. Appetizer was creamed herring. The athmosphere was cozy and relaxing and it had the feel of a lovely date with my wife.

    The best part was no dishes or mess coming home.

    O.k. now I’m ready for Cougar hunting, but like I keep saying, beware of a wounded Cougar. Let’s hope they play more like a house cat.

    Reading the blog, it seems to me that everyone had a splendid time with the 5 F’s. Have a great day everyone.

  182. Jason November 28, 2008 10:14 am

    New post …

Comments are closed.