Glass house is half empty
David needed help in paying mounting financial obligations. He asked his uncle Sam for help.
Sam went on and on about David’s money management problems in the past and how he always would have money problems. David noted how much he had helped Sam, recommending friends to patronize Sam’s business. But Sam went on and on with the lecture, even saying David should learn to live on Vienna Sausages instead of steak, or something like that.
After a while, it was apparent Sam, who already had spent money on his train collection, would rather scold than help David. By then, David wished he had just sold his blood at the Blood Bank …
Obviously, David needs the money or he wouldn’t be asking. Over and over.
Give David the money or don’t give him the money.
But Sam should cut the tsk-tsk lectures and snarky remarks. They’re just unnecessary and, frankly, not cool.
Good morning, Tsaikos!
Hmmm. But in this case, I feel the state’s questions are warranted. With an operating budget of $1.53 billion, I too wonder why UH is asking for an additional $16.2 million
Very clever post Mr. ST! Our state is so funny sometimes… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I think UH athletic department’s mistakes are more visible because it receives the most coverage. And, of course, it receives the most coverage because it has the most interest. But I’m sure the city and state pay out as much, or more, in lawsuits or blunders. And, of course, government picks the regents who hire the people who run the university’s system. So, if there are any problems, well … circle of life. (“The Lion King” sure is a metaphor for everything.)
I still think it’s funny that Sam’s train won’t even go all the way to David’s house.
Nyuk nyuk.
I sees it like this – sumtimes the gummint don’t know good times from bad. Sometime the new baby gits spanked on account o wut his older brother did before he left home.
It’s a new day – make hay while the sun do rise. Them young uns and they leaders up in that valley o the rainbows lookin good. Giv ’em a hand.
ST & Tsaiko Blog Dogs:
I believe that Title IX, written by the late Patsy Mink, deserves special line item attention rather than being part of the overall UH Budget. I think that Title IX, costs the UH nearly $2M per year. Doing this, at least it would lessen the cost of UH athletics in order to comply with the law and continue the non-revenue sports programs.
The thing is, these are the good ol’ days.
Economy is getting better, there are more jobs (thanks Kailua Target for boosting the Windward side), gas prices are low …
Imagine if the TV weather people are right and a hurricane hits the state. Or if airlines decide, ah, it’s too expensive to have that many flights to Hawaii.
Life is tough now. But the world is crazy, and these could be the best of times.
Typical politician!! I think we need rail or some kind of mass transit. However, I am not sure if the current plan can resolve the traffic problems. Year after year, we all know that traffic is light when UH Manoa is taking a break. Whenever UH Manoa is back in session, traffic becomes congested. Why is this rail system only reached Ala Moana Center without going all the way to UH Manoa?
Also, I would think tourists would want to be able to jump on it to go some places like Ala Moana, Downtown, Chinatown, Pearlridge, etc. etc. When I went to Vancouver, I wrote the sky train. When I visited Salt Lake City, I wrote the light rail. When I was in DC, I wrote the metro… When I was at Long Beach, I wrote the free buses… They were convenient for tourists who either need to rent a car, call a cab, or use public transportation. At least, public transportation is an option readily available. So, why is rail system stopped at Ala Moana without heading into Waikiki? Too crowded? Please, find a way!
I like the idea of better utilization of the Ala Wai Golf Course in Dave Reardon’s article (Whoa. Here come the angry golfers!). Build a new stadium on part of the land, there (going to have to come from private donors/fund raising, no doubt). Why can’t Aloha Stadium be upgraded and maintained like a lot of other “older” stadiums on the continent? OSU’s Resser Stadium is a prime example:
I’m a very simple person and forgive me if I ask a stupid questuib.
I understand that the UH football program generates indirectly some $35+M according to some study made by the UH Business School.
I understand that if the product (UH football) goes belly-up or diminishes in quality, that $35M will fade away.
Would not the infusion of some $3M into the product help maintain that $35+M into the State’s economy?
Sam should find ways to increase his business revenue to help his nephew, David.
If he refuses to help, the customers of Sam’s business should patronize Sam’s competitors, who does find ways to help their Ohana.
If Hawaii stays stupid always voting I the same party then they shouldn’t complain when the donkey screams like a donkey
ST…spot on. Sam needs to wake up and smell the coffee. Please don’t tell me that Sam gets free passes/tickets for athletic events. I hope he buys his own tickets and parking passes from his personal income. Anyway, should Sam show up at an event I am sure he’d be booed.
Tom, the Sam I am, failed economics 101 and thus became an engineer. Two are era totally polar opposite. (Sorry Stretch you are an exception)
…nuff said
I think Sam needs to exempt UHAD from some of the stupid procurement laws that our great state has in place. UHAD should be able to operate without having to jump through hoops (which in turn costs extra $$).
I don’t think the Sam ST referred to is our Gov. I believe ST is talking about the chilly reception David got from the legislature yesterday. BTW: maybe we should go back to giving legislators free tickets again. They might be more invested in the athletic program and more willing to provide financial support.
Sam needs to check-in to rehab.
The problem is that the UH administration doesn’t budget for the full needs of the intercollegiate athletic programs in their own budget. If they did, UH athletics wouldn’t be a problem. Why fund a cancer center that is losing money faster than the athletic program? That whole project should be sent to the Hawaii legislature since that’s a real political issue and public concern if red ink is all they see ahead.
your plan is too simple for some folks to understand
young politicians should understand that once said it can never be retracted — blowing smoke is not always a good idea — can come back and bite you in da okoloe!
yes, the Legislature “gives” UH $400+ million annually to run the “system” — autonomy allows the administration “how” to spend that $$$, but Title IX is a Federal statute and must be funded or ????
why does UH have over 1,600 positions that are not “authorized” for funding? if true, what are they, how much is spent for each position, can it/they be deleted?
is Amanada’s new position one of the 1,600?
Is Title IX funded directly somewhere? I have not noticed David or any politician bring that up as an issue for separate/supplemental funding. Maybe because it is a relatively small amount of money and it wasn’t an issue in the past when football filled the stadium?
If not, it should be funded separately since it impacts the women athletes of sports that would be the first dropped in austere times if not for the law.
Problem with Sam, he is unable to think out of the box. If he is unable to see the 35m in black and white then he has no clue on how to run a business. Unfortunately for UH athletics, it is politics as usual.
Guess who I am not voting for in the next governor’s election.
People are always looking for a villain, someone to blame. If only issues were that simple to resolve. Times are much different than the Gov Burns era when the objective was to build a first class university for the people of Hawaii so the local kids would always have an option to continue their education. Part of that vision included a division I athletics program (WAC) and Stadium(Aloha) for the football program. The relationship between the University and the state government was tied at the hip.
This changed when Hawaii voters gave the university autonomy for the management of their fiscal resources in 2000.
Is there another Gov Burns who will be able to garner the support for the university in the light of the university’s recent issues?
Because of autonomy it is illegal for the legislature to earmark money to any one program at UH. Increasing funding to UH in no way guarantees any of it will make its way to the athletics department. A couple years ago UH opposed a move to allow the legislature to earmark money to the athletic department. The deal from the legislature is simple, tell us how you are spending the over $350 million a year in taxpayer money we are giving you and we will listen to your request. The legislature is playing hardball because UH is playing hardball.
Uncle Sam sounds like more like…….Auntie Donna (from Kalihi) from last year……until all the younger “special” children decided that they wanted instead to follow Uncle Ron (from Kauai) this year.
UH has a recruiting visit this Friday, Austin Dixon 6 foot six 265 offensive tackle from Arizona.
Hope men basketball wins both games on road this week!! Lets o bows.
Don’t know if I will live that long but does anybody know how much it will cost to ride the choo choo?
Anything official on Tuileta? Did he start classes already? Hope he joins the volleyball team soon.
I’m kind of worried about the games this weekend. Bobbitt did not travel with the team and Valdez is still questionable. Someone from the Hawaii 5-O bench will need to step it up as well as the other guys in the regular rotation.
z #28, When I inquired about it, they did not yet determine that. I really wanted to know if you buy a pass, will it be good for a bus transfer. They also haven’t determined that. Need to work something out between the state and city to determine prices. Federal money involved.
Agree with you that UH Athletics should receive more money from the State’s General Fund because of Title IX.
Because of Title IX (Title IX prohibits sex discrimination in educational institutions that receive federal funding or financial assistance), UH receive quite a bit of money from the Federal Government in grants, etc.
Except for Women’s Volleyball, which we all know is self-supporting, the rest of the women’s programs is a huge drain on the Athletic Department’s budget.
LOL…take away those non-revenue Title IX programs, even during lean times, especially football-the engine that drives UH Athletics, UH would be fiscally in the black.
But, if you take away Title IX, UH will lose more $ than the reported losses incurred by the Athletic Department. Reality bites…the Powers-that-be are unaware of that fact.
Studies have shown that UH’s athletic teams brings in bucks to the local economy (Article: Study shows UH brings in bucks to local economy, by Ferd Lewis, posted 01:30 a.m. HST, Jan 23, 2015).
Per the above article:
Sports Driven: 20,000 visitors, $31 million visitor spending, $78 million state tax collections, created more than 860 jobs, $36.9 million income for Hawaii workers.
Bottom line, the Executive branch, the legislative branch, and the “powers-that-be” at UH (administrators), are clueless to the above. Also, the Power-that-be for the State’s Tourism Authority, has shown a lot of aloha for a multi-Billion $ corporation (NFL); but, no aloha to homegrown UH Athletic Department.
I voted for Governor Ige, but I will not put an X to his name the next time-around. Ditto with those legislators who have vocally shown no aloha for the UH Athletic Department.
Bottom line the “powers-that-be” who are against lending a hand to the UH Athletic Department will forever close their minds to all of the above, and will forever be clueless.
New Zealand canceled an upcoming American football
game. Mike Holmgren and Mike Shanahan were to coach
all star teams of ex-NFL players… Lack of interest was cited.
Guys, when it comes to amerikan football in asia forget it. Yes you might find a recruit in australia, new zealand, or wherever. However, in no way will a recruit quantify into ratings and tv packages. Unless you find a Qb or a full on stud that makes it into the NFL, forget about trying to get a following in Asia.
UH should be looking for basketball, baseball, tennis, golf, soccer athletes in Asia since these are the sports their populations follow that amerikan universities offer. When it comes to amerikan football forget it. These kids in Oz or kiwi land grow up playing rugby and there is NO QUARTERBACK in rugby which means there will never be an aussie or kiwi or mainland china quarterback in the NFL, which therefore means no superstar, which therefore means no television market share for amerikan football. hate to burst the bubble but i’m in this part of the world and they don’t care about amerikan football enough to promote or sustain any market share. With baseball, basketball, soccer yes recruit hard from these sports. You will find superstars from this area both in academics and athletics, you will find a much greater following than you would for amerikan football…jus’ saying 🙂
I been saying long time, if UH wants any chance, or a better chance, of getting in the PAC## they better recruit hard and get a pipeline going for basketball or baseball players, volleyball players from Asia where those sports can then open up the asian market for following players at UH which then MAYBE can translate into the PAC## seeing that UH can bring something extraordinary to the table.
again just my opinion from a UH football fan in Singapore (Asia).
#34 & #35:
that’s the reason UH will send 10 coaches from the “other sports” with the football team to Australia
hoping this starts a pipe line of other athletes to UH from Australia or New Zealand or Southeast Asia or Asia
yes, there are “boku” athletes for tennis, golf, baseball, volleyball, softball, etc. key is getting the “word out” early and consistently to anyone who is interested in representing UH, State of Hawaii, and their home country such as a full page ad monthly in several key daily paper, TV, radio, etc.
any NCAA violation in donations from “international” sources?
agree, recognition must come before “tele”, but hey, let’s start the engine and see/hear it “roar” ( circle of life )
Come you peoples in Hawaii! You peoples that put those people in office should know that? Everything they say to you is all danm lies!. They all in there for one thing that is? Money for themselves for others and not for people in Hawaii!
Guud Evening Tsaikos…bootiful evening.
Tanman, no more money because of all the other projects we got to pay for. I keep hearing from the council of revenues that we will be collecting more tax dollars because things have gone well. This is really a green light for our politocos to give more tax exemptions to the donors.
Maybe this will explain things better….
A physician, an engineer, and a politician were discussing who among them belonged to the oldest of the three professions. Each one of them thought they had this in the bag.
The physician said, “Remember, on the sixth day God took a rib from Adam and fashioned Eve, making him the first surgeon. Therefore, medicine is the oldest profession.”
The engineer replied, “But, before that, God created the heavens and earth from chaos and confusion, and thus he was the first engineer. Therefore, engineering is an older profession than medicine.”
Then, the politician spoke up. “Yes yes, this is all well and true.” he said, “But who do you think created all of the chaos and confusion?”
They are a strange bunch. Our public schools come asking for funds and they get scoldings. Our university come asking for funds and they get scolding.
A contractor who messed up the tax department computer system big time, gets a contract to do the health care website and guess what? They mess that up too! Nobody got scoldings after millions went down the drain….errr, excuse me not down the drain but to the same contractor.
Maybe the scenario is a bit simplistic but same difference.
I’ve seen this scenario play out many many times. A newbie comes asking for help to get elected. They get help and gets elected. They are full of energy and really want to do the right thing. Then they step into the office and their whole world falls apart. Reality of the situation i the building hits them in the butt. After a couple of years, they succumb to the reality of the political world. Reminds me of the race. Prior to the start of the race both cars “heat” up the tires and do a burn out. Lots of smoke and noise but they only go 20 yards.
pau rant…
This guy! Yes! Please please please!
@free_leva #Laieboyz
Mahalo for the FB heads up SH!
I second your rant NSF! 😆
I stay getting exhaustipated already…
Exhaustipated….means… too tired to give a sh_t….
PBK…this is what politicians do…they rant and make big body then all pau…feel better now….LOL!
PBK…hoo dat guy is one beast!…pancake served up regularly.
Love the way he knock ’em flat then pick them up.
Great, it’s good they will take other coaches 🙂
Anyways, I’m a football fan. But I know people in this area just do not care for our brand of football. But if you do open that pipeline where kids from Japan, China, Korea and other large markets are stud players for UH in basketball, baseball, volleyball…the market will open up. UH will need to get these sports live streamed (?) and then replayed (?) because of the time difference. When UH plays, people in this part of the world are at work during the day. Therefore how will you ever get a following unless they can watch the games live? For this part of the world in Asia, it will be all on replay(?). I don’t think we often consider the time difference when it is a major obstacle to overcome. Although, when it does come to European professional soccer, people do stay up here past midnight and into the wee hours of the morning to watch it live. But the difference is that they are not at work and are at home.
Weeknight sports in hawaii, people in Asia won’t watch. The only games they can really watch is friday/saturday night hawaii games. Time wise Asia is a day ahead, but 4-6 hours behind hawaii time (podagee explanation). Therefore, if UH wants to capture the Asia market, UH will have to play baseball, basketball, volleyball, and football on friday and saturday nights….nothing on sunday and nothing on other weeknights or people in Asia will have to watch it delayed(?). Therefore, if UH wants Asia, are hawaii fans in the islands willing to have a schedule that is friday saturday games only?
BUT…..none of this can happen or work unless the HVB or lame a** legislature can close their eyes to see a dream that can be a reality instead of eyes that are open to only re-election votes.
Scyoooz, if i rambled i’m at work 🙂
If you go back to the 1980s, the State of Hawaii was allocating over 20% of its General Fund appropriations to UH. There was a genuine commitment to funding higher education as an engine of social progress, economic diversification and prosperity. It was a major budget priority. However through the 1990s and into the 2000s, that percentage gradually declined, and the university was told to make up the difference with tuition fees. In 2009 UH’s share of General Fund appropriations was down to 9% and in 2010 about 8%. In 2016 it will be just over 6%.
If the Legislature were willing to increase UH’s share back to what it was in 2010 — about 8% — that would increase annual funding for the university by over $70 million. There would ample money to cover the athletics deficit, the Cancer Center deficit, and other pressing needs. Instead the politicians sit across the table from the university’s administrators and lecture them about how the State is too poor to afford another dime for UH.
It appalls me that the Governor and Legislature are playing this game. The economy is strong, General Fund tax revenues are increasing rapidly — nearly 35% in just the past six years — but as the pie expands, UH’s funding doesn’t. Whatever lip service our politicians pay to supporting higher education is just that: lip service. Go look at any market in the country where the economy is booming and quality job creation is strong and you will find a major research university as a key growth driver. But not here in Hawaii, where the priority is no longer investing in higher education but rather shoveling taxpayer money at the public employee unions.
There seems to be very little media coverage of that fact that the State had a General Fund surplus of over $800 million at the end of fiscal year 2015 — yes, that’s right, EIGHT HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS — and Ige’s major budget initiative for this year is to allocate more than half of that money to forward-paying future health benefits for State workers. He argues that it will be cheaper to pull the money out of the General Fund now and invest it to cover future benefit costs than it would be to pay the expenses when they are incurred, on a pay-as-you-go basis. And he may be right (although I don’t think he’s taking proper account of the time value of money). But the fact that the State has so much surplus cash that it has the luxury of setting aside hundreds of millions of bucks for union benefit costs that are many years in the future shows that comments like “We just can’t afford to give any more to the university” are pure posturing.
I once worked on a public access show that was seen on Olelo.
We all had to donate blood plasma to generate funds.
Very painful.
At least we’re not Michigan.
Flint is on my mind a lot.
Worst story I have ever heard about state government incompetency.
It’s a ready-made “Frontline” documentary.
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