UH beats San Jose State in OT
SAN JOSE — In preparation for the game, the Warriors watched a video of the final six minutes of their 2007 victory over San Jose State. The idea came from associate head coach Rich Miano. There were eerie similarities, such as the fourth-quarter fumble and the defensive stand in overtime.
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I keep forgetting they’re still college kids. Which is why it should be understandable when a player said he skipped the buffet and instead had leftover pizza for breakfast.
* * * * *
Every year, since 1999, HCCNC has hosted a tailgate party in either San Jose or Fresno. It is estimated that the group has hosted more than 15,000 people through the years. It will do so again today.
* * * * *
Here are two of my classmates — Janet Yoshida Bullard (from Roosevelt) and Rainbow Cliff (from UH). And, no, wise guys, I was not 35 when I went to Roosevelt, even though I look like Janet’s father.
* * * * *
That’s Thomas Yoshida on the left and Stretch on the right. Or is it vice versa?
* * * * *
JJ sent these links:
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And more things found in my e-mail In box:
I thought these odds may be of interest to you. They’re courtesy of Bodog, www.Bodog.com.
Who will be the coach of Notre Dame Football for Week 1 of the 2010 Season if it is not Charlie Weis?
Urban Meyer 3/2
Brian Kelley 3/2
Jim Harbaugh 3/1
Chip Kelly 5/1
Kirk Ferentz 10/1
Bob Stoops 20/1
Jon Gruden 30/1
Thanks for taking the time to read this. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Jimmy Shapiro
Sports Publicist
* * * * *
Stretch and I are doing research on the Napa economy:
Good morning Stephen.
Hmmm…should the Moniz’ situation be a cause for worry?
(repost from last blog entry)
Great Morning All from the wet and chilly PNW!
Sorry to read about the MBB loss last night. Hope they can get it going soon.
I guess the nasty weather is supposed to reach the NorCal area today, too. Good thing they got the Field Turf in San Jose now!
Looks like 50% chance of rain in McMinnville and temps in the low to mid 40’s. Football weather! Supposed to be windy again tonight but with a noon kick-off that shouldn’t affect the game.
Wishing for two great wins today ’cause IT’S SATURDAY!
I wonder where I heard that it was supposed to rain in San Jose tonight? I guess the State couldn’t pay for that either! 😈
Oh well, time to go for free belgian waffles in the lobby….
(not really free, more like included)
Gotta love the waffles.
I’m about ready to mosey downstairs to the buffet.
Another great morning to everyone from the Pacific Northwest!
Good Morning D1 & Stephen….
Go Warriors…
2 down, 3 to Bowl….
I Still Believe
Oh and wafan 🙂
Across the SJSU campus is known “Little Vietnam” or something like that… Homey would be endulging in the Pho
The Missed FG hurt a lot of betters who had Hawaii Giving 19 or 20 points… But then of course it’s all for “Entertainment Purposes”, right?
If SJSU started a league hight 40 different players, Hawaii must be a close second, huh?
Oh Feel like I’m pulling a Garett with the consecutive post..
Or an Al when asking 1 question to the Chat Guest…
Nah only joking by braddahs!!!
Hi BigWave!
According to SJSU, UH and LaTech each started 35 different players.
Breakfast time. No Belgian waffles for me.
Snoqualmie Pancakes are calling. Yum!
Kekaula and Curran are still at the casino.
Rich2176 and I left the casino at 2 a.m. I asked Rich: “Why did you quit?”
Rich said: “I lost all of my money.”
Good morning everyone.
It’s a fine day to win a football game.
Top 20
Go Warriors! Should be a great game.
Go Warriors. I’d like to see us make a statement today.
If you get hungry, there is a restaurant in downtown San Jose near SJSU
Called ______ Joe’s. They make the best Chicken Cacciatore in that
area. Sorry can not remember the full name, senility has started. Use to go
there and eat 30 years ago.
Can’t remember the name of the diner. On the opposite side of the airport
terminal, there is a diner that has great Biscuits and Gravy.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
It’s a pretty nippy morning. Going to freeze my okole at the game.
ST still up at 315am after drinking all afternoon?? I wonder how he could handle tasting 20+ different winesn then stay up longer. Oh yeah… he took a nap while I drove. (i hope the link works)
great picture Stretch!
❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ Good..Morning..Tsaikos..and..Warrior..Nation!!! ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀
listening to the radio interview sent by JJ. I wonder why he sent it to ST himself?? Is it to justify his move to SMU??
After a wet & windy Friday – it looks like a pretty Autumn Day in the South Bay…. today! Bring your jackets and hats! 😀
~~•~~~~•~~ ★ ★ ★ Be => W A R R I O R S !!! ★ ★ ★ ~~•~~~~•~~
Brew is in the house.
★ ★ Hawaiian Bod!!!, ★ ★ and
★ ★ Pauoa Boy!!! ★ ★
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ and..a..belated..Happy..Birthday..Diana!!! ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀
😀 ♫ ♪ ♫ 😀 ♪ ♫ ♪ 😀 ♫ ♪ ♫ 😀 ♪ ♫ ♪ 😀 ♫ ♪ ♫ 😀 ♪ ♫ ♪ 😀 ♫ ♪ ♫ 😀 ♪ ♫ ♪ 😀
Brew is in a very cold house….. 😆
~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~
4300 at last night’s mbb game, season high. UH website stats report the average attendance for the first 3 games at 5700+, lots people with tickets did not pass thru the turnstiles. I wonder how many tickets are actually paid for, lots of complimentary tickets for advertisers and sponsors, alumni, coaches, etc I would like to know the actual paid attendance, bottom line, is the mbb program making money, lots of money?
Some peeps are “Q & A” types….
Ralph is a Q & Q & Q & Q & more Q’s …. sort of person…. 🙄
Give it time . In 2 months house will be much colder.
Hey ike – thanks for the dining tip…. will keep an eye out for that “__Joe” place…. 🙄
Stretch – must be a wet & wild visit to Napa…. of course no problems indoors w/ the vino….& it doesn’t look like it bothered the boss-man…. not at all!!! 😀
Wow…. the Warrior Beat has plenty of “regulars” missing….(not posting or visiting….) 🙁
Oh… not that I’m calling you peeps “irregulars”….. Hehehehh 😆
I think SJ got about 0.2″ of rain yesterday. I hope they drained it off somewhere…. away from the Stadium and the parking/tail-gate fields! 😈
Looking at the photo on top again…. I thought vino tasting was a “sipping” affair! It looks more like a chugging motion for both…. 😯 😀 🙄
Back in the good old days, all the wineries (except 4) gave free tours and
it was all you can drink.
In 808, most Tsaikos and Tsaikettes are under their blankets. It is very cool
this morning. 69 degrees.
Game time should be low 50’s, slight breeze, clear skies. It will be about mid-40’s when the Warriors leave the field with their W!!! 😀
Karaoke tonight?
Howzit erryboddy!
I guess all the Tsaikos are sleepin’ in late so they can go full blas’ at the TVGate in Mapunapuna.
One last time before esme and out to the Catdome…
Hey, Ike, it’s Original Joe’s, and it’s across the street from our hotel.
Great food, although, our waiter sorta-sorta looked like Joey Buttafuoco.
I was looking for a Walgreens this morning. Need packing stuff.
Saw “Ferd” in the lobby. He said: “It’s walking distance.”
And then he drove off, to go to the gym. LOL. I guess I needed to burn off the wine.
I picked up a copy of the San Jose Mercury News.
Big headline on The Big Game.
I thought, well, it is important for the Warriors.
Anyway, I think they made a mistake. Under the headline was a story about the Cal-Stanford game.
So I turned the page. And then another page. And then another, And another. Finally, on the bottom right corner of page 6 is the story about the UH-San Jose State game.
Aloha Kakahiaka!
…. and THAT’s the home town SJ paper!!! 🙄
Good Morning Liz_K!!! 😀
Make sure you are in the room by 10;30. If you walk the streets at midnight,
you may think you’re in Mexico.
Gargle and spit… gargle and spit…
yeah, right… 😆
Rich2176- sorry to hear about your “loss” 🙄
Wow- Stretch6592 – you have a number 😆
Hi Brew808! Yup, regular this morning…
Good morning LizK.
Busy day today…
Funeral in a little while for one of our Waimea Landing fishing buddies (and dad of my hairdresser’s father-in-law).
Ringing the bell for Salvation Army – yes- thanks to Kymry’s alert- I got a Warrior Football elf hat from WalMart last night!!!
Home to make cornbread to go along with Mr. Kymry’s PBS and then to Poipu for the GAME!
KAUAI TSAI-KOS and LURKERS- we will NOT be at Rob’s Good Times Grill today- We will be at KYMRY’S HOUSE.
★ ★ WARRIORS!!! ★ ★
808ike- remind me to time my next visit to the west coast with your vacation… to test your knowledge of the good eateries 🙂
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
Watching Rivalry on HBO. Talking Ohio State and Michigan. Woody Hayes was asked after a rivalry game, where they won 56-14, why they went for 2 pt conversion at the end of the game, and Woody says they wouldn’t let me go for 3.
swashbuckler! started me thinking about last week’s Stanford USC game. And was listening to Woody say “show me a gracious loser and I’ll show you a bus boy.” and seeing him in his day when he would show so much intensity that he raised the level of play of his team. thats what he brought to that team in the time when he was a great coach, intensity he didn’t do it forever, but he did it in his day when he was in his prime.
and that gets me to thinking about our team, the Warriors, and our coaches. Woody used every trick in the book to get his team fired up to win. cry. rip up da downs marker. .
ahhhh…. i’m waiting…. maybe today’s the day….
Aloha all I am back on the rock..I can confirm it was colder that a &%$%^# %$%$ in Cali..looking forward to a good game this afternoon…
Whoa D-1! I get cold chilly wills running up my spine just thinking about low 40’s weather! Brrrr!
Excuse me while I throw another log on da fire!
Go Warriors ‘n Cold ‘Cats!
someday we’re gonna have a TGate and spready some ashes of a fallen Chai-ko in da Aloha Stadium greens. 😀 tradition.
listening to Rivalry. and a Ohio kid was asked by his father,
“where are you going” and the kid says “I’m going to Michigan” and the
father says “I’ll tell you where you’re going, you’re going down south and play for OSU or you don’t come home ever again.” made me thinking,
thats where our problem starts. parents (except Bulla and D1 😀 ) with no tradition, let their kids go overseas then think its all good when they come home. its not. you gotta wanna be here.
“we don’t give a damn for the whole State of Michigan, we’re from O high iO.” rivalry. Tradition.
BYU. SMU. Boise. Fresno. La Tech. UNLV. we get plenny ingredients for plenny rivalries. but first we gotta have enough players that wanna play here, and truthfully we got that kinda players, no doubgt about it. now da question is, do we have plenny coaches that want to coach, and not just go for a paycheck and coach like they wanna win because that is their measuring stick, like Woody? lets see it coaches!.
Go Warriors!
Spent some time there so I do remember a few places. Went to the doctor
a few months back. He told me that I have a terminal disease. It’s called CRS.
(CAN’T REMEMBER SH*T). In a few years, I may have to change residence
and move closer to A-House and ST. The red brick house in Kaneohe. By that
time, hope to be in good term so they will come by and visit with FOOOOOD.
Cafeteria food (yuk).
Curveball ~ Welcome home, now behave! Stop talking like those Cali peeps with all that…#@$%^&!!…this is a family blog. See you at the TV-Gate.
ST ~
Cal-Stanford IS a big game out there. You’ll have to give us report on the vino later.
Off to the farmer’s market… Esme & whooosh….
Q: what do you call a Michigan Wolverine with a championship ring?
A: a thief.
Q: who is bigger, a Ohio kindergardener or a Michigan kindergardener?
A: A Ohio kindergardener; he’s 18.
thats what we’re misisng. a good rivalry.
and a steady winning tradition. like men’s bb. maybe we should get a home and home and home and home going with UHH. 😀
ESPN decided to put the game on 360. Yeah!
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂
HiHo time.
Have a GREAT DAY ka kou!
Go Wildcats and Wildcats and WARRIORS!!!!
Good Morning Stretch6592! Great Pic! 😆
“Chotto Matte Kudasai…
Please excuse the napping Tsai…
Drinku much wine and that is why…
Chotto Matte Kudasai…”
Thanks NYUH.
I like this article. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/spt/colleges/topstories/stories/DN-smulede_21spo.ART.State.Edition2.4ba79af.html
talks about how this SMU faithful could never understand how so many SMu boosters came to accept SMU losses for so many years.
goes to show, attitude changes when you’re winning.
Go Warriors!
will hook up with you, no sweats.
Have a nice day Tsaikos. be yelling at the tv this afternoon.
Go Warriors.
I stay jealous cause you goin eat pan cakes at Snoqualmie!
How come you went so far North? Hope you winning! Since I neva play after the Wazuu game, no can say win back for me.
If Izzy stay with you, HI IZZY!!!
ST & Stretch:
I thought you use “small” goblets for wine tasting.
Yours looks more like “suck ‘um up” “suck ‘um up”!!!!!
I like Sonoma wines. At least, when I used to drink.
Let’s Go Warriors!
Good morning everyone!
A-House . . .
Not there. Here. A good receipe that I use. Makes light pancakes that rise a lot. Yum! Definitely not Bisquick or Crusteze mixes. Yuck.
the big game is huge in the bay area.
i heard the stanford/cal rivalry started out with a challenge at a bowl. er, math bowl that is.
no offense jason, but, that is not sports.
expect a victory today. a hard fought victory.
we need to jump on it early as the nasty wind chill factor of the cold alaskan currents will creep in by the 3rd qtr and make throwing and catching difficult.
Here’s what stands out about San Jose’s team-their defense rank dead last nationally in run defense giving up around 288 yards a game. So here’s hoping UH exploits their weakness, and takes what the other team gives them. No need for UH to go after style points and pass the ball crazy, when they can run the ball crazy and maybe easier. Just win, anyway, is okay with me. No need to be pretty just let Jackson and Green run, run and run behind Estes and the pulling guard’s trap blocks. Main thing Warriors get a win. Go Warriors!
Morning Tsai-kos!
For everyone going to the game, stay warm (and dry?)!
Howz It Tsaiko Nation, made it to San Jose and the cold air is evident that you know you are not in Los Angeles or Hawaii Nei. Very quiet town with wonderful walking distance to eating areas, entertainment and quality hotels. Downtown San Jose has a uniqueness all of it’s own. Beautiful architechure and nice people.
Hukilai was AWESOME Friday night as I drank with Rich2176 and the Tsai Meister brought me a “PRIMO” in which I was amaze to see this ancient nostalgia Hawaiian beer. Met Robert Kekaua and took a GREAT photo with the Hawaiian reporter legend !
Getting ready to go to the tailgate as Mrs.Rainbow Cliff is napping before 11 hours straight of Hawaii tailgate, football game and then to the AD Hukilau for laughter, food and plenty of drinking. Never seen or heard a town so quiet as San Jose as when I woke early this morning not ONE person walking the streets and it was 7:00 am.
Be well Tsaiko Nation as I get my cheer on and stomach ready for some serious partying Hawaii Warrior Style in San Jose !
Imua Warriors !
Hello, Tsaiko-Nation and Tsai-Meister,
Finished another round of artery plumming and getting closer to my old self (I hope that’s a good thing). It’s mostly outpatient, so, not too bad.
My Doctor promised that by next year, I’ll be a good as new. Hope he’s right, not in the mood for another stroke. My brain has improved to the point that I’m brave enough to edit my book again. Life’s good, especially considering the alternative.
Speaking from that vain, (pun intended), the seeming impossible quest for the Warriors to make their Bowl game, has moved from fairy tale land to the realm of anything is possible again.
At the very least, until they actually lose, they have returned hope to Aloha Land. I for one am ignoring the cynics, it’s easy to be cynical, and just ride this wave that’s there for us all. This community can see the beach (Aloha Bowl), let’s see if we can create a swell, a swell that can take us all the way in. The Team needs us to accomplish the impossible.
Absolute redemption awaits this Warrior Team and it’s Coaches, if they can pull it off.
Rainbow Cliff . . .
Have a great time drinking, talking, drinking, eating, drinking, cheering, drinking, laughing, and, of course, drinking!
F-Ted . . .
Great news!!! Continued prayers for your complete recovery. Whoo-hoo!
Good luck to the Wildcats in their playoff game.
Gameday baby! GO WARRIORS!!!
TV-Gate participants must be starting to stir as they prepare themselves for the festivities and game.
off to Spartan Staduim. We got this game!
Yell for me, Tsaikos in San Jose! I’ll be yelling at the TV in Pepeekeo.
Go Warriors.
Must be a wonderful atmosphere in South Bend right now! 😆
Chokesters in gold…
Yup, the 2008 Hawaii Bowl loss to Notre Dame was more embarassing than the 2008 Sugar Bowl loss to Georgia.
Kazz, where you watching the game?
Oh, howzit everyone!
watched the game too Kazz. i wuz rooting for the underdog, but watching how they choked, and watching CWeiss’ reaction, gotta hand it to that guy for the class he displays. at the same time, gotta recognize that whatever is the magic formula for being a winner, the better team on paper lost to the better coached time today at South Bend, imo.
Made it to San Jose! Will leave for the stadium in a couple of minutes with my friend Eric.
I look forward to UH establishing their running game and getting a lead on SJSU…if SJSU gets behind their fans will definitely be quiet. Then UH’s fans will be much louder than SJSU’s fans. And I hope UH’s fans keep quiet this time when UH is trying to call signals on offense!
Wildcats Win! Defeat Cal Lutheran, 38-17.
WooHoo! 😀
Now it’s the Warriors turn!
Good Afternoon All! Hope everyone has a good day. It’s GAME DAY!!
I need a nice hot shower after spending 3 hours freezing watching a high school playoff game.
Congrats d1 and the Wildcats. Rep the NWC.
SMU and Marshall tied at the half 10 all.
congrats d1, stay warm. the other Wildcats beat Cal Poly 47-14 and await the announcement for the playoffs tomorrow.
if they’re playing, ‘the beast’ is returning……..have to wait and see on the selections from the FCS committee… 🙂
Rah Rah Rah!
Sis Boom Bah!
Get the Game On.
Aloha to all.
Was the TV station that broke the news about Shane starting one based in Hawai’i? If it was, why would they do something so foolishly, ummmmm, stupid? If they are from the SJ area where/who is the leak?
Game Time is Shane Time!!! Love it!!!
Oh shucks.
C’mon Warriors!
Blazxe! My man.
Lametrius. My man!
Leon! My man!!!!!!
Ok, now that we’ve got the ball back, let’s try to establish a running game against the SJSU D that has proven unable to stop the run
Maybe our coaches, will be have ears and listening to us!!
Nice pick! Good evening Tsaikos! C’mon Warriors!
our coaches are listening to the blog!
That’s AG Papa, not LWJ
lets see sum fine offense from Brian’s boyz!!!
ohhhh … almost!!!!
I know there are SJSU fans amazed that UH is running the ball.
no way. that was Leon!
go Leon. Go Leon!!!!!
noo…. not Salas…. Leon!
Looks like they are dressed for some snow at the game. But, if you are not used to the weather . . . all the more reason to yell and shout at the game!
Time for FG…
What channel is the game?
who is calling the play select against the last last place team in the country in run defense? a pass play? Coach Rolovich?
I’m callikng it like it is. reminds me of Notre Dame. 👿
Ugh. Is our kicker on crutches? I didn’t see.
I think that ESPN 360 is on a delay.
C’mon defense!!!
duffer, its on 1255 ppv
You can get it on ESPN360 dot com.
I’m hoping that we’re scouting some good hs or jc kickers
Wack em, Mana!
….it’s all about coaching…..
yeaaah… Lametrius. go get em Warriors.
yea… Green! the runners. come on coaches, get your running game in gear!
c’mon Papa L, lol
…keep on runnin…
Another pick! Yeah! Now LWJ to the house!
Yeah these drives that come away with 0 points isn’t helping our bowll chances. Niiiice INT! Now lets get some points!!
hooke this computer up to Ron Lee. make em Run Run RUN!!!!
run baby run
what was Austin thinking with that throw on 4th down?
yeahh Taylor. hold onto the ball. straight ahead straight ahead, dink and dink!
now we’re talking WARRIOR FOOTBALL!
about time the coaches getting on the winning page!
like Hank said, its all about coaching. We’ve got the talent, yes we do!
TD!!!!!! Nice call on the option play, I that seems to have good success for them down near the goal line.
“RUN” & shoot
Here is a broadcast. Great quality 2 !
That’s for all of us Pake’s that don’t have the Green for PPV
wat was that kid thinking????????????????????
okay, so he had the full momentum and was flying at the guy, how do you stop that???? who is coaching that kid????????
no mercy today!!!! I wanna go to the Hawaii Bowl! it starts here!!!!
Overall, I’m pleased with the reduction of personal foul penalties this year. That was a late hit by Paredes but it wasn’t anything stupid or blatant.
our season is still alive, alive, ALIVE!!!!!
…like the way we’re stuffing the run…
nice catch
Mav, you crack me up! #148.
Medieros has stepped up big this year
Shane’s looking good. Nice to see a 3d string QB get the chance to play and do well.
nice to see our Warriors play football!
warriors winning
listening to BC
watching ESPN 360
after work watch K5 replay
life is good in paradise
Should be Hawaii’s ball. Looked like he was out when he recovered.
1420 said that green and lwj were laughing and joking with mcmackin for 2 mins, during that injury tme out. Green needs to focus!!!!!!
way to go replay crew
Alex Green got real lucky on that one.
watching Leahey and Yamanoha pontificating, not spending enough time watching reruns of the film so they get it right.
if we’re gonna be a big time program, our play callers also gotta play big time.
you gotta call it right. COACH NEEDS TO FOCUS!!!
….4th and 16 and we go for it? is our kicker that bad?
konaboy 161. remember your post. remember your post. and then you’ll know why summa us are irritated to the max. FOCUS starts at the top!
Pontificating? Take some pepto bismal.
#167… exactly
thank God for our defense. way to go Mana!!!!
…love that Hilo Boy Mana!
Needed that! Nice pick.
Da Portagee team is awesome!
is our kicking game that bad? if have to choose, between our kicking game and our coaching, which one is worst? and while you’re debating with yourself, at least we were in the position to get 3 points.
This is starting to remind me of last years frustrating offensive showdown.
Hiloboy totally agree. It just stupid that they are clowning on the side lines and they are tons of problems out on the field. You never would see that on a Boise St. sideline. Mack should take a cue.
Still think we should have gone for it on 4th and 1…
Old Diver,
I was thinking the same thing. This has the feeling of last year’s SJSU game. We should be up big already (at least 3 scores), but our lack of FOCUS, as bhf2 keeps alluding to, and execution is keeping SJSU in the game. Dick Tomey’s philosophy is to just keep it close so he has a chance to win at the end. That’s how they beat us last year. If we are not careful, the same thing can happen again. Come on team. We are not good enough to take anyone lightly.
and now the game is tied. surprise surprise surprise!
What a pathetic first half
Missed opportunities. This is looking like a “Basement Bowl” game. Mack and his gang need to pull their heads out of the light deprived area that they are currently residing in and coach this team to a win. This is frustrating. We are way better than this.
First half with + 3 turnovers, we only have 7 pts and we’re TIED with an 0-5 WAC team. Anyone else frustrated?
And what’s with the refs? How long does it take to blow the whistle after forward progress has been stopped? That’s why this game has gotten so chippy.
The new math.
7 = 13
3rd quarter is coming up. We have been terrible during the 3rd quarter this year. Mack needs to get the team fired up for the 2nd half. Maybe Jeff Ulbrich is at the game. If he is, have Ulbrich talk to the team. That would fire everyone up.
What the heck is that offense doing? That’s not the coaches, that just boneheaded playing.
anybody got coach’s cel? somebody gotta give that man a wake up call!
the conversation swhould go like this:
hey! babooooze! stop laughingf, yank your head outta you know where, and coach da Warriors! coach da Coaches. do wat royvic told me.to do for myself. so…. no matter wat da excuses, do your job! same for the other defensive geniuses on the team! i’m tired of hearing you guys say we got young players. people hurt. rebuilding. reload..
i got one word for how you’re coaching today!. P A T H E T I C
if Patton was here, he’d fire you and put another Colonel in charge!
no b.s. now c’mon coach. i wanus to play SMU. we ain’t gonna do it if you keep leading like dat! c’mon coach. be a rock star! we deserve it.
Good point Matt – 3rd Q has been the bane of this year’s season. Can only cringe at the thought of what might happen if this game follows the usual pattern in Q3.
2X Macmillion should have gone for the field goals on 4th down. What the F? No RESPECT!!! Tomey, “just give us a chance to win in the 4th”, now get chance.
Good feature on Spencer Smith… kid’s got heart.
This game ain’t gonna follow the familiar pattern. we’re gonna do something about it. somebody’s gonna tell somebody that the hard hitting Warrior Nation is not pulling any punches, and the coaches better pull their heads outta their babooze holes and get da Warriors cranking!
Go Warriors!
Enos will be looking for a d1AA place next year. How will we ever recruit another kicker?
You would think they would have diagnosed the 3rd qtr. issue by now. It’s a fundamental problem. Maybe it’s something lacking at the half time meeting, I don’t know, but for this to still be an issue at this point in the season, it’s is all on Mack. I’d like to see Liz grill him on the show about it.
Al – agreed. That’s why we didn’t got for it when it was 4th and 16. He can’t hit it from that distance and the coaches know it.
Not happy about 4th and long with a rookie QB. 1st Half Tomey 1 McMackin 0
Wonder if there are any D1 teams playing with their 4th string QB?
Third down. Stop ‘um!!!!
Good job D. Lametrius Davis has had a good last couple games.
I was actually poking at mack’s decision to go for it twice when conventional wisdom dictates a fg attempt was in order.
Thus my comment:
The new math.
7 = 13
Salas is the man. That catch was awesome. Beat the double team.
Al – ah, okay. I think Enos could have made the first… not sure about the second.
Dand 3rd quarter doldrums.
Thank goodness the D has been stepping up. We need a TD and we need it on this drive!!
At least the SJSU has not scored either.
we have 2:41 to make history in the third. 👿
Winning against Navy & Wisconsin is going to call for conversion of FG attempts.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by HawaiiWebMan, Hawaii Warriors Buzz. Hawaii Warriors Buzz said: The Warrior Beat >> Game Day: San Jose State http://bit.ly/7M3BhU […]
d. d. dear Lord…..
give me a coach! make that 3.
good look by Austin
Hawai’i fans are loud.
Way to go!!!
Geez. Now we are in the red zone.
another goose egg. Dear :Lord…. I’ve been good this week, haven’t I?
No score during the 3rd quarter again. But, the good news is we are knocking on the door and it is now the 4th quarter.
lets see if we can wipe the smiles offa peeps faces and FOCUS on
Welp, another scoreless 3rd in the books, at least SJSU was held to 0 as well. But this is really sad. If we come away with 0 points on this drive I am going to hurl.
Nice pix, ST!!!
Salas is making a lot of catches, but SJSU is keeping him to short gains so far. They have double teamed him a bunch.
15 yard penatly agianst us in the red zone. This is mind boggling.
Someone please put a leash on Austin he constantly throws into double/triple coverage….
Austin is really pushing his luck throwing into traffic like that
This game is blowing mind. So sloppy, so pathetic.
Austin had Medeiros WIDE OPEN for a first down, instead he throws into coverage. AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHH. At least made it so I don’t have to hurl. But still my stomach is sore watching this 🙁
That was sick to watch – medeiros was WIDE OPEN on the right for the ENTIRE play. Second time, same place. SHANE, PLEASE CHECK DOWN YOUR PROGRESSIONS!!!!!!!!
For those who are feeling mad- pls. Just pray for a win. Find all the good feelings you want to have and focus.
It’s not easy to be a starting QB.
Hold em
Come on D!!!
I wish I had at least one of the earlier field goals.
Austin acts like he’s never heard of progressions, but then again, he is our fourth string QB. I hope next year we’ll have ONE QB all year.
Kia two false starts in a row. Are you kidding me?
Nice conversion by Salas.
Nice catch Medeiros!
Our 1 – 2 punch of Salas and Medieros is really bailing us out with these clutch receotions
yah for the Portuguese!
Alright Medeiros.
Run the clock some, please.
1st Down!!!
We NEED a TD on this drive.
did we win???, did we win?
What a drive. But again we are having issues, neding to call a TO because the play clock ran out???? Come on coaches!!!
Still 10-10 with about 4 minutes left
2 drop balls by our 2 star receivers. uuuuuuuggghhhh.
tanks…matt, trying to get scores on this game is like pulling teeth.
this game is sure dragging on……seems like five minutes to go is like a couple hours….so to speak??
on relplay Austin was down before he threw it. FG time…. *gulp*
4th down. FG attempt.
FG missed. 🙁
Enos needs to be cut, I’m sure theres a ton of JC kickers that are waaaaaaaaay better. This is out of control.
Auwe. Still 10-10.
OMG this game is out of control!!!
I wonder if the coaches’ lack of faith in Enos has destroyed his confidence. If you remember in the beginning of the season he was doing really well. Ever since we started going for it on 4th down, he has just not been the same. 3 minutes left still 10-10.
I agree it’s not easy being a starting qb but you can’t have the mentality that your still at practice and your throws don’t matter Austin has got to play smarter and go through his progression if were gonna win this game.
1:20 left. SJSU driving near midfield. 1st and 10.
Fumble UH recovers.
Whatta gift!!!!!! Oh look how happy Mack is, he probably forgot we’re still tied and not up by three and thinks we’ve already won.
Wow. We caught a break. Let’s go Warriors!
Being reviewed, but he definitely fumbled before he was down.
Are you praying yet!
I was thinking the same thing Konaboy
47 seconds left.
21 seconds left. 3rd down and long.
I thought we were better than this….
Incomplete. 4th down. UH punts. 5 seconds left. SJSU ball.
SJSU takes a knee and takes it to OT.
Well we better be scoring TD’s or this is going to be a quick OT. Enos is probably too rattled to be of any help here.
who’s the qb for uh right now??
OT. Here we go!
Austin is still the QB. Funaki came in for one play.
time for the wild cat….anything goes, heeeeha!!
SJSU wins the toss. UH has the ball first.
If he ever gives Enos another shot, it can’t be from the hash. He can’t hit FGs from an angle.
Can’t rely on Enos at this point. Offense is in shambles, they need a miracle
Kekaula mentioned UH is 6-2 in OT
Go Kealoha!!!
3rd and 2.
6-2????, from what year??
TD Warriors
Makes the pat!
C’mon D!
TD! Yeeehaaaw!
D needs to make one stop to win the game.
TD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now it’s on the D!!! Go WARRIORS!!!
Step up D — again!!!
2 more downs to go!!!!!!
com’on warriors…trow in the kitchen sink, ladat!!!
4th & 9, here’s the game……….. GO D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let’s Go D!
BIG D!!!
BIG W!!!
WE WIN!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kudos to the boys for pulling this game out in the clutch.
Enjoy this win tonight, then prepare for Navy.
Can breathe now.
Hawaii wins! Hawaii wins! 17-10.
Way to hang in there, WARRIORS!!
I wonder if Tomey will coach UH for 1/2 Million?
woooo hoooooo!
yeah Warriors. savor the win.
btw, MEDIC MEDIC. i chewed my nails off.
whoweeee!!, I’m exhausted….gotta go moi now with a smile on my face.
goodnight tsaiko’s…tanks for all the updates. catch you’al tmr.
i can go to sleep tonight, knowing that we have a little time to coach up for Navy!
good job Warriors!
good job D – and the O got it done when it counted.
austin sold the option perfectly
yay, we win!
Forget SMU. Bring back Notre Dame.
Liz . . .
Does the food and drink taste better now? I know mine sure does!
A very sloppy win, but a win nonetheless. We should have won this game by at least 3 TDs. We need to really step it up if we are going to beat Navy. Navy doesn’t have the best athletes, but as can be expected from a service academy, they are extremely disciplined and run their scheme to perfection.
watching Liz Chun interview Coach Mack after the game, I was struck by the players walking in the background. obviously they had been schmoozing with the fans. and that is just PERFECT!
maybe the coaches can learn things after all.
Again, Good job Warriors and coaches. Well done. You did good.
You can do better.
Lava, you’re right about that. Forget SMU. my choice is Notre Dame.
big hand fo da portwogees. Medeiros, Silva. 😀
there must be a bunch of happy Warrior Fans in San Jose tonight.
eating.. drinking … eating… drinking.. laughter ..
so tired…
laters Warrior Nation and fellow Tsaikos.
Must be loud at the TV-Gates.
Matt agreed. We only got away with a W because SJSU isn’t that good. Our D played decently, but tons of offensive mistakes. Austin is capable so I wouldn’t play the 4th string blame game. The mistakes I’m seeing, I would put on the coaches. Sure the kids need to execute, but same remedial mistakes week in and week out? I think there are coaching issues there. We basically need to play close to mistake free football in the next 2 games, and we can barely play 1 qtr. mistake free per game. I hope Moniz is good to go next week. We will need all the help we can get.
Pray for Moniz!
I did say thriller in my prediction, but that seemed more operatic. 🙂
But a win is a win! 😉
I would think with all the Navy folks stationed in the islands the stadium would be a sellout — perhaps as many Navy fans as Hawai’i fans.
Go Warriors!
UH Wahine Basketball scored 75 points against CSU-Bakersfield. Unfortunately Bakersfield put up 105 points…
I can’t believe it . U guys had to much cool aid. UH NEEDS HELP!PROQRAM IN TROUBLE! MUCH $$$ SENT. NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT!!!
Konaboy is right. the timeout, 10 men on the field, was one example. too busy giving the pep talk, not enough concentration on the FOCUS.
we’ve done that game after game.
at the same time, we gotta stand by our Warriors. Blaze was all happy and full of euphoria. I wonder which coach was paying attention and realized we only had 10 out there.
that was just one for example.
still, all in all, gotta let the Warriors and Coaches savor this win. It was a
good win. our team did not quit on us. my aunty is happy. my cousin’s kid is happy. i’m happy. really happy!
Dang. 105 points? Whew. Did the Wahine forget to play defense?
At least they scored 75. No defense on either team.
i feel your pain. 😆
remember when you were 21? full of hope? trying to live the work hard play hard ethic. i think LizK has it right. gotta support our team. we still have to finish out this season. with that in mind, i should sound like i get hope, not dispair.
No need to criticize anymore, just keep on winning, this one belongs to the D.
Navy is a good team, but beatable. What it will take is a near perfect game. The O has to play like against Utah State and the D like today, but it can be done.
Should we win, nothing to lose anymore against Wisconsin, let it all hang out, yeah, baby.
Man I was squeezing. Good job D.
Front seven will have to play their best game to beat Navy. Dline you got to stay on your feet. They will cut you. They will come at your knees. They fire out low and hard. Their quarterback runs like a fullback and will run you over. DEs this offense is designed to attack you. Play smart. Do your assignments. They can be beat. Just keep your cool and do your assignments.
Mistakes will always be made, by any team, especially in the heat of battle, at least they caught it. Did you watch LSU- OLD Miss today? Talking about the mother of all coaching mistakes by LSU, their staff makes more than three times what ours makes.
In the Military they call it friendly fire.
The key to defending Navy is watching their game with Air Force.
Bakersfield was successful behind the arc. UH…not so much.
Bakersfield 15-28 (3 PTM/A)
UH 2-11 (3 PTM/A)
Bakersfield 32-60 (FGM/A)
UH 27-61 (FGM/A)
Three-point shots were a huge difference at the beginning of the game against UCLA as well…
howzit friend. didn’t watch the LSU Miss game. watched a little of the Stanford Cal game, and WWII in HD. 😀
i got beefs, for sure. but not today. today was a win, and wins are for
savoring. they all deserve a break.
a win is a win is a win.
like the way the defense stepped up today.
they have improved each week.
lametrius davis has finally learned the nuances of our defensive package and so now his athleticism shows.
bryant proves why he was the starter. no shame ornellas because he did a great job in his absence.
don’t care for that scramble defense. too many missed assignments and not enough of a pass rush.
stone cold shane austin did an admirable job consider how many qbs had to go done before he cracked the lineup.
greg alexander, starter, blown knee
brent rausch, heir apparent busted pinkie
shane austin, moped mishap shredded right hand
bryant moniz, brusied ribs.
that alone dispells anyone questioning why so many qbs on the roster.
bighilofan2 still need to meet up with
you for silva’s t shirt if still interested mahalo!
bryant moniz’ scrambling was missed today.
the lack of a deep threat really is evident. oh yah, we miss you malcom lane and hot rod bradley.
teams are taking us cheap.
i hope next week is a shootout.
i don’t think we’ll stop navy, so i hope we can keep up with them.
42,000 next week????
kekaula said that enos was not kicking em in practice last week and this week. probably the reason for his absence on two occasions. but, isn’t there another kid on the roster???
well, maybe the kahuku kid was watching and may take up that offer after all.
dunnachie is starting to trust the punt team line and is more confident back there. wait till next year.
28 sacks????
I’ll start off with the positive…we won, hopes of a bowl game are still alive. So kudos to the team for that.
Meideros has a fantabulous game and so did Green…LWJ is still a toss up imo and lacks consistency.
Had a great time watching the game with some of our fellow Tsaikos. Protectors vast knowledge of the game, history etc is impressive and Slugger’s knowledge of “current Warrior events” is probably matched only by Stephen Tsai himself haha.
the negatives………
1) Dear god help us to find a kicker…seriously, NOTHING positive can be said of Enos’ kicking game outside of ‘good job with the extra points’….Somebody, anybody needs to step up in this department. When we have to go for it on 4th down in the beginning of the game instead of taking 3 pts on the board something is not right…..
2) #77 KIA (O_o)….What more can be said other than what everyone is thinking?…As I told Protector…NFL draft? I will believe it when I see it.
3) Halftime adjustments OR lack thereof…..why does it seem the other team is always 1 step ahead of us when we lose and even when we win? that will come full circle one of these days when we go into the half without the lead or being tied…..
4) Our D-line did not get any pressure on SJSU’s QB and I did not see him scramble but a few times….The D-line needs some work on the pass rush and stopping the run….In hindsight this might not be a new issue.
Honestly….after watching today’s game I rather NOT think about the next two games…Like most people it would only frustrate me. I will just be there, enjoy the food and drink at the tailgate and pray for the best.
Good night, all!
Back from the game…
I am glad for the win.
I am glad that the team did the haka for the fans both before *and after* the game. bighilofan2 will be happy to know that the players did NOT forget the fans.
I’m glad that SJSU’s 2 QBs could not throw the ball. Was that 3 INTs in their first 5 or so passes? The crazy thing was that none of the 3 passes were anywhere close to SJSU WRs, the defenders were the only ones who had a chance to catch the ball.
With SJSU’s QBs not being reliable passers, I’m glad that that SJSU had the 116th rushing offense in the country.
I’m glad that SJSU fumbled the ball, as Tomey had all 3 timeouts and they clearly had the momentum. If not for that fumble, I do not think that the game would have gone to OT.
I am glad that UH didn’t have to try to kick a FG in overtime.
I am NOT glad that 2 players refused to do the haka after the game. One player walked away from the group doing the haka and just seemed to wait for it to be over, not paying attention to the rest of the team at all.
Mahalo Ke Akua!
Mahalo Warriors and their teachers!
Mahalo fans who Believed and Supported!
Safe home everyone!
Hi Garret- I am glad I got to see the game without freezing my <#%<} off! Thanks for your observations.
In #97 I posted:
I am sad to say that the UH fans once again made far more noise when the Warriors were trying to call the signals than when SJSU had to ball. For example, on UH’s drive late in the 4th quarter, the UH fans were the loudest they were all game! UH fans were louder than SJSU fans when Austin was trying to call the signals!
The SJSU announcer and PA system called for SJSU fans to make noise on 3rd downs and on other big plays…and the UH fans responded by making even more noise. SJSU would chant “defense”, so UH fans would chant “offense” and drown them out…but the effect would be that there was a lot of noise, which is what SJSU wanted!
The noisemakers (clappers) were used by UH fans when UH was on offense…rarely when UH was on defense.
The sad thing is that UH fans were leaving the game in the 4th quarter. When regulation ended in a tie, lots of UH fans left before the overtime started! I know it was cold, but I never would have thought about leaving! And I wore slippers to the game…
and which two did not participate in the haka?
I personally tried to get the “defense” chant going when UH was on D. I lost my voice a couple of times at the game, but finally in the 4th quarter other people started chanting along. In the first half I’d chant “defense…defense” and nobody else would be making noise.
I don’t know if I should call out players. One player not doing the haka is Polynesian, but the player who walked away from the team while they were doing the haka after the game is not.
I think (hope?) had we had Moniz at QB we would have scored AT LEAST 21 points before the half, changing the whole outlook and criticism of the game. We can not forget from whence the Austin came.
I’m just glad we won this one, by hook or by crook, I don’t care, the fairy tale is still alive.
the hawaii contingent could be heard on the broadcast loud and clear.
i wonder how many were from the mainland?
obviously it didn’t matter to them for them to walk away is a public statement in itself. if they didn’t want to participate then they could have at least stood in the background.
send me an email if you don’t want to reveal it here.
that win tonight was huge for recruiting. we are still pursuing many norcal kids.
i’ll bet a few were at the game.
Maybe most of the Hawaii fans where of the casual variety, just sharing something Hawaiian with each other, not being aware of the oh so serious football rules, lol.
Wow, 5-6. Who would have thought that a month ago. The guys put a win together. Congrats to the trio who made that fumble happen in the last minute.
Enjoyed the Oregon come from behind win over Oregon. Masoli was cool and impressive.
if this win over SJSU was *huge* for recruiting what would a win over USC do for our recruiting in the so. cal. area? haha
you calling for a miracle?????
y not?
u can be Al Michaels for a day right? hahah
Na Wahine lost to cal state bakersfield in wbb 105-75. Both teams are now 1-2. Next up, Arizona State on friday at the SSC.
Great win! Bryant was a stud! Had fun watching him tonight. Austin was brilliant but could use all the reps he can get. Obviously we beat a very bad team, but a win on the road nonetheless. what an effort.
I sat few rows up from the Hawaii bench and after observing the bench and coaches, I can now confirm my suspicion that this team has coaching issues. I wont elaborate. let’s enjoy the win. =) #256 you’re absolutely right. I feel for Enos. Thats’ just the way they coach.. As long as this head coach and some of his staff is in place I will never blame a player for his struggles. There could have been a situation with Austin tonight, thank goodness the kid has a strong mind. Having said that about some of the coaching staff, Coach Shaw you’re awesome great job! If there was a Warrior Coach of the Year, Coach Shaw get’s my vote!
I like this win. Not an eye opener, but neither a freeway pileup. So be happy, no? If people say that UH found a safe haven in beating three average teams in a row, then I say they needed a safe haven because it’s molding this team in the right direction, where they’re playing with a renewed sense of pride, a surged sense of hustle and leadership and a added spirit of unity and teamwork on the field.
The players know what’s at stake. They know what’s on the peripheral. They know the challenge of having to win out. And they proved it with grittiness of pulling out an overtime victory.
And certainly they know the next game–the Navy game is a huge testament as to if the team, collectively, is indeed really making bigger strides in improvement as the season goes along…
…and continuing the dream of achieving the preseason goal of making it to a bowl game. Next week’s game is a big test. And there’s every reason in the world that the coaches and players will be sky high for the upcoming practices and game. Go Warriors.
Wow…what a game. 3 in a row. Next week try for 4.
I just saw that Josh Leonard signed a contract to play with the Spokane Shock for the upcoming season. They also signed former St. Louis High and Colorado star Vaka Manupuna.
Here’s a thought on some comments regarding the WAC loss of some programs due to budget problems. The talk was SJSU and others, in the next two or three years would fold their athletic tents which would cause the implosion of the weak WAC. The commentary also stated that BSU because of their intelligence have positioned well to move if the WAC did implode. FSU and maybe Nevada may survive. UH on the other hand, due to cost of travel may be on the outside looking in.
Then there was talk about Coach Mac and the fact that he may not be the right fit, and talk of possibly waiting out, as we cannot buy out his contract.
Okay, here’s the thought. If the WAC implodes and we have coachs that do not win and win big, to make a BIG splash on the continent via television coverage in football and basketball, we are in deep kim chee, so to speak. So, here we are at the possible crossroads of UH athletics, we have to hope as heck that our coaches will coach their collective brains out and WIN and over the next two years, WIN BIG. Without that, and the possibility of the demise of the WAC, we may looking at the UH as an academic only institution and one without athletics and one that may have made a mistake by over paying a coach.
unfortunately we are not in the position of ND where paying Coach Weiss $18 million to go away is not a problem. They can pay for their mistakes, we cannot and may become a victim of it simply because winning at the same level as BSU was not possible.
We have to hope as heck that the WAC does not implode or we would surely find ourselves done.
Congratulations to the team & coaches for winning this game at San Jose State! Next! Lots of work to do next week. Continued healing for the Warriors who are out of commission.
Way to go Warriors!
Just read about the win. Three down, two to go Bowlin’! 🙂
eerie indeed
Evening Tsai-kos!
Heart-attack win for the Warriors, but a win is a win is a win.
Did anyone see that Nevada had 575 yds rushing today? 😯 They now have 3 1K rushers including Kaepernick.
Jeez, did I scare everybody away?
Mebbe time for a clubhouse raid?
hmmm… what kind of havoc can I wreak?
*sneak in, jumping on the couch, raid fridge, leave dishes in sink, leave puppy’s slobbery toys on the floor, sneak out*
Good night! Oyasumina-chai. 😆
Eh, jm2375!
Come back here and pick up the toys! I was in the other room watching the replay. Whew!
Now I can go to sleep. Night!
eh, jm2375! Do I have to get aftah you wit da slippah?! Come back here!
re: Charlie Weis’ Replacement
I think its pretty obvious that CW is going to get canned at the end of this season. Barely being bowl eligible after 5 years with a horrendous W-L record of just over .500 is not respectable.
So the question…WHO do you think is going to be his replacement?
My suggestions are as follows (in no particular order):
1) Urban Meyer – He said it himself “Notre Dame would be my dream job” and now with Tim “SuperMan” Tebow out of the picture…hmmm
2) Brian Kelly – This guy knows how to take a small school with lesser facilities to the level of the big boys. Apparently rumors have him at #1 for Chucky’s replacement.
3) John Gruden – I assume they can afford him?
4) Chris Peterson – The 2nd coming of Urban Meyer? His success with so very very little in resources might make him a value pick. Also aside from Hawkins, both Koetter and Houston Nutt have enjoyed success at the BCS college level (both former Head Coaches at Boise St.).
5) Bob Stoops – Rumors have it he is being considered but would he leave his cushy position with the Sooners?
6) Jim Harbaugh – The guy has a no mercy attitude (Going for 2pts when it was already a rout against USC…yikes!). His stock might have gone down depending how Stanford does this year. The NFL was also looking at him too.
7) Kyle Whittingham – Not much name brand recognition but shows how a mid-major conference can take down the big bad SEC in the a BCS bowl.
8) Mike Shanahan – If the Redskins or Buffalo decide not to pick him up he might be interested in a deal with ND if the price is right. Apparently he is itching to get back into coaching.
9) Kirk Ferrentz – Honestly don’t know much about this guy aside from him turning down the Michigan job.
10) George Lumpkin – Longest tenured UH football coach…JUST KIDDING! hahaha.
Great Morning All!
It’s a new week and a new challenge for the Warriors. It’s Navy week!
Hope that Hawaii will have all hands on deck come game time. Get ’em outta sick bay!
…..oh, wait….maybe I was thinking of the wrong side 😳
Get healthy guys! 🙂
Aloha Dick Tomey.
I really hope he is able to end his career on an up note.
A win next week over NaMaSU and then going to Ruston to steal one might not make up for the loss last night but it would certainly be a great end to a great career.
Rainy and temps still in the 40’s in OR.
Heading home today. See erryboddy soon! 🙂
Gruden doesn’t appear as a likely option for a coaching job next season. Last week he reached an agreement with ESPN for a multiyear deal.
i liked how austin caught fire when he came in with 2nd and 20 after the two penalties with inoke’s attempt at the wildcat…and how he moved the ball efficiently. going to overtime in your first start could rattle most qb’s, but austin showed nothing but focus and determination, then our D also stepped up big time, and we got the win! woo hoo!
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