UH wins, 42-30
Nice game for the Warriors, whose offense really did well against the Aggies’ complicated defense. The receivers were forced to do more reading-on-the-go to help out Greg Alexander, who had his best game of the season.
There was a little controversy at the end when David Veikune was whistled for an unsportsmanlike penalty. Veikune and an Aggie were trash-talking the entire game. Veikune did not know that he had KO’d the Aggie while blocking on an interception return. After the game, Veikune apologized to the player and to the Aggies. It was a respectful conclusion to an emotional game.
* * *
Four hours before every game, the Warriors gather for a team meal that is heavy on pasta and chicken. Nobody exactly knows who came up with the four-hour rule, but it has been in effect for years.
* * *
The injuries continue to accumulate. The latest is director of football operations Bianca Tokumoto, who tweaked a knee while descending from the bus.
* * *
Ben Yee, who co-founded Na Koa 21 years ago, has been involved with UH football for 39 years.
He is 77.
So, why did he scan a demographic chart and then say to me: “People our age …”
* * *
Yee said he was taken aback by all of the cussing in a movie the team saw the other night.
Then again, the movie was the Kevin Smith comedy, “Zack and Miri Make a Porno Movie.”
I guess that movie wasn’t made for “people our age.”
* * *
Nice touch. The El Paso Marriott workers were given UH “Road Warrior” T-shirts.
* * *
Imua. Kamehameha graduates Robert Kekaula and Ikaika Malloe were the stars of the hotel’s karaoke night. Kekaula’s rendition of Pride’s rendition of “One In A Million You” had couples slow-dancing. “Ferd,” meanwhile, set a personal best of seven margaritas. Sports info guy Derek Inouchi declined to sing his wedding song, Lionel Richie’s “Truly.” As for the host, the lion — thankfully — was not awakened.
* * *
Here’s Vili Nauahi, recent winner on the “Wheel of Fortune.” Or, as we all said last night: How do you guess hand-rolled sushi?
* * *
Coaches and teammates start to gather in the meeting room to watch the telecast:
* * *
This man was on my flight from Honolulu to Denver yesterday. Not once did he mention his new role in the Senate.
* * *
Quick quiz: You want to wash your hands. The cold-water faucet is on which side? That’s exactly my point. At this hotel, the hot is on the right, the cold on the left. It’s throwing me off, as well as scalding the spirit fingers.
* * *
. . . Speaking of whom, the cheerleaders are not on this road trip.
First! Yeah!
First! Yeah!
Remember…no Ilaoa, no shovel pass.
Vili was awesome. Talk about not having to worry about tuition anymore.
wow stephen up late, did you get a pic of the guy they hung after his head was cut off?
any other late nighters?
Mr. Inouye is definitely a legend. The people of the Sate of Hawaii owe a lot to this man.
pride wot pulling all nite study session for your final exam tomorrow?
going hit the sack now so can be bright eyed and bushing tailed for Bay View
aloha zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
double ooops
oh oh dare I go for nine
ten and esmeeeeeeeeeee out for sure
1 – Expect to win.
2 – Expect to be in a dogfight.
Eh! We going see you two falaz 2morrow Bay View?
expect to win two out of the three phases of the game.
good luck warriors!
Breaking News
Hehehe…Go Warriors!
Game Day!!!!!
Off to Las Cruces it is…..
Talk to all of you hopefully later tonight.
Ok serious question before I go to bed…
Is it just me or does Ben Yee always have a toothpick in his mouth?
I mean I’m looking at the second photo in today’s blog entry and he’s got it. Everytime I see him in public, he’s got it. Braddah always looking like he just wen grind and ready fo go nai nai soon. 😆
no contests for today/???
hawaii 42
nmsu 17
past my bedtime but….
jack lomax committed to oregon state on friday.
were one of the names of the recruits that our dline coaches went to see include myles wade and/or nathan mageo??
Thanks for inviting me last night to watch Vili win the big one.
99 club and CRW
See you guys at the game
Must be present to win Al…Here are your choices – Pomai lives in West Virginny – we are in Kaneohe at the Multi-prize giveaway!
Al, snoozing will cause losing!
(No can sleep, being attacked by sheep!)
S Malai,
Thank you for the correction. I have to figure out who we met at the airport…
Al ~ Here is a teaser proposition off of my 13 ‘Prop’ sheet: “Will there be a score in the first 5:30 minutes of the game?” Yes/No answer. Tie Breaker will draw for it. (No curve ball, no gun play!)
…or how about, “Will the game go into Overtime?” Yes/No answer. Same TB.
Article from the Las Cruces paper about some of their injured players returning for this game. Getting the RB and WR back will help their offense, but they have major OL problems (especially with a lack of depth), so if the Warrior D can dominate the line of scrimmage then Colston and Anderson shouldn’t have much of an effect on the game.
Article in the Las Cruces paper about NMSU’s secondary. I hope that Alexander is very careful with his passes because the Warriors need to avoid turnovers!
MsLiz! MsLiz!…Bring more “H” cookies for next T-gate, and bring dat *Aunty Marialani* Baker lady dat bakes ’em inside da brick oven with you!
Sorry, I couldn’t stay long. I was under deadline pressure — had to get stuff before the mall closed. Oh, yeah, and I had to finish my story. But the mall came first.
Great Morning All!
Feel good about this one….
Hand-rolled Holbrook!
Isn’t that the name of the team in High School Musical 3?
45 – 10 d1shima
That’s pretty funny.
Good Morning, Stephen.
Never seen it.
How’s game prep going?
Ferd would have loved our HKN parties that we had every semester at a professor’s home when I was a student at Texas…margarita machine, all-you-can-take for free. I always made sure that we had a lot of designated drivers available, because the students tended to need it!
Good Morning Stephen…Good Morning D-1!
Do you feel lucky D-1? That is a brave prediction!
Don’t worry about B. Yee’s comment.
A lot of us hope to have his energy at age 77!
In fact, I’d go double on the 5:30 prediction!
Come outta da blocks fast!
Also, hope that Bianca Tokumoto’s knee isn’t hurt too badly. 🙁
Whoa! You are ready to R U M B L E!
According to Homey’s Playskool computer pick, It’s UH 1 – Aggies 0. Don’t axe me how dey goin’ get dat one point.
btw, Kekoa.
Less likely to be bothered by sheep in Turkey this week 😉
Does Dr. Hinshaw know about the cheerleaders?
“Heads will” roll sushi….
Okay, I guess I’ll get off that horse now. 😐
Spirit fingers? 😕
I’m thinking of arriving at Bay View with all 4 Car Flags mounted, the Big UH Flag Draped across the front hood, the drink coasters glued to the hubcaps, all the UH decals on every window, and the UH hand towels draped over the headrests. I got the balls in my hand…eh…Rob25, that would be the GOLF balls! I knew you was ready fo’ jump in on dat one!
Congratulations to Vili Nauahi!!! 😆 😀 😆
THE. ._._RR_._RS. ._H_P. . H_L. .M_MME’S. ._GG_ES!
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
Go WARRIORS!!! 😀 😯 😆
Thunder storms in McMinnville this afternoon.
Mrs. d1島 is concerned.
…now texting #2 son.
True Dat D-1…Turkey=Tripdatfan that will mesmerize you.
And along comes Brew! Like gangbusters! Howzit Warrior Man! I see you got your talking heads all in a row!
The Barriers Ship Hol Momme’s Eggies?????
I don’t get it!
morning d1 family good hunting to #2 son. same to the beast ohana (know they out there lurking)
aloha tsaiko friends and family looking forward to seeing most of you at Bay View latter on today. looks like its going to be another glorious day in Hawaii nei.
Go Warriors
UH really should do something to honor Ben Yee. His support of UH football has been incredible. I wouldn’t tease him too much Stephen (although you always make me laugh) because I hear he’s a very good hunter. He can take you out from very, very far away. And always have thought that Kekaula should be more into music, put out more albums. He says it’s just a hobby for him, but that guy is as good a singer as anyone in Hawaii.
Tunda OK…hope Lightning no stay!
Top 50??? Good morning tsaikos. ready for game?? GO WARRIORS!
Maybe I should buy a vowel?
Manoa Mist ~ The times that RK has graced us with his singing have been absolutely incredible. One better is when Pride sings with him.
Hi everyone,
I didn’t get to watch WOF last night. Everybody’s talking about Nauahi winning and amazingly getting “hand rolled sushi”. What were the letters he had to work with to get the answer?
The Warriors need to deliver some Hawaiian “thunder and lightning” to the Las Cruces area!!! 😀 😯 😆
Wassup Koakane?
How’s things on the slopes of Waimalu?
Howzit Manoa Mist and whitey.
d1, thunderstorms are bad, but my friend and his family had 4′ of snow in less than 24 hrs in the black hills. i going there in 2 wks. whooohooo!!
I tell Mrs. d1島, “Thunderstorms in McMinnville today.”
She says, “Will there be lightning?”
Me: 😐
(no like start the day on the wrong foot….in mouth)
… as d1 reaches into his pocket and grabs 16 cents in change and some lint… 😀 😯 😆
I think right now I not going mention 4′ snowstorms to Mrs.d1島. 🙁
hoohiki, if you get no place to watch the game, we going be at Starlite in Wailuku.
Nowadays, 16 cents = a good day 😯
brew, you live in the oakland area? if you do, do you go to any of the A’s games?
Hmmmmm…4’….How does that compare to homey or jojo? 😀 😯 😆
I suppose 99 & son are on the road. I see that NMSU was advertising $6 game tickets! $6 – how can you not go to the game for that little? 😕 😯 🙄
Good thing I already paid for my season tix!
today, i expect the warriors to come out strong, play 4 qtrs, and finish the game like warriors. with that said, GO WARRIORS!!
whitey – baseball season is over… 😀 😯 😆
Oh – and yes, I cheer for Kurt Suzuki & the Oakland AA’s! 😀 😆 😈
Warriors need to:
– finish tackles
– finish drives
– finish plays
– finish the game with a W and everyone healthy!!! IMHO 😀 😯 😆
Carriers RHIP Hil Mamme’s Uggles?
I still don’t get it!
Thanks for the invite. My son has a soccer game at 11 am today so we’ll try and make it right after. I drove by last Saturday but I couldn’t find the lounge. Maybe I should’ve had my husband get out of the car and look. Anyway, we’ll try again today.
brew, you got a point about homey, might not be able to see him in the snow, but he going be right at home with the lemmings. hahaha
Hoohiki . . .
I think he got it with only an “R” and two “L’s”.
d1島 – Looks like FHS didn’t “get it” either…. 😀 😯 😆
Jason . . .
Thank you for the translation. Really a beautiful name!
In 18 years when she is a UH Wahine Warrior she and the teams will definitely sparkle. Whoo-hoo!!!
hoohiki, if you know where Tokyo Tei is, same floor and building on the iao valley side. get small beer neon signs in the window.
brew, was looking at next season.
good morning wafan. how’s the weather?
TChahng . . .
Awesome video. Just seems like it should count since his feet had not yet touched the ground. Cool play, though.
…..today, it’s all about respect….
Grrrr 👿
At least they didn’t spin a “Bankrupt”….still in the State Tourney. Get chance.
Yes, Sir!
for curiosity, what is the line today?
Good morning to you! In fact, good morning to everyone in Warrior-land!
whitey . . .
The weather here is cool and rainy. Very typical Fall weather. Nice, though.
whitey – looks like some people expect UH to win by a little more than an Ice-Man FG, … about 1/2 point more. Oh, and they also think there might be about 52.5-53 of points total. That’s if anyone cares… and this was for entertainment purposes only. 😀 😯 😆
According to Stephen’s article.
Hawaii -3 1/2
Hey, I haven’t been posting much lately. Is this “delay” a permanent deal now for all HA blogs/sites? 😯 🙄 😡
Gameday! Does anyone know where i can find the game for free online? GO WARRIORS!
It’s game day!
UH 38 them 24
What d
Chicken and Pasta ( comfort food) before the game – ????????
No cheerleaders – ??????????
Hot Aqua on the right – ?????
Get ’em Warriors
Hawaii 31
Aggie’s 17
We have an abundance of squirrels this year. The trees are finally starting to mature and produce a lot of seed and pinecones.
This morning a squirrel was sitting on my grill cover while two were playing chase in the yard. Interesting bunch of rats.
Go Warriors.
….and we have further confirmation…
Big 10 football is
Tokyo Tei is a good restaurant. They have been there for a lot of years! Is that Homemade Bakery kind of next door? I miss the goodies from both places!!!
Hope everyone has fun at both Tsai-ko hosted events today.
Hi wafan.
Time to go for provisions.
Enjoy the game everyboddy.
speaking of thunder soon Oahu will be hearing rumbling coming from ova da Koolau’s. the tsaikos will be converging on sleepy Kaneohe town to watch dem warriors play ball. whooooooootah GO WARRIORS
BEN YEE has had a toothpick in mouth since age 4, as legend has it.
Actually I knew him back in the early 1950’s and he always had a toothpick in his mouth. Think it may be the same one… :-)♠
Wafan Tokyo Tei ok but Shinto Tei moa betta
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
no act, you hanging with whitey too much, that’s why you are in that area.
Wafan – If you wanna befriend a squirrel, give them peanut butter on bread.
Just don’t give them a spatula, they’ll fire up your grill. Smart bugga’s.
koakane – I hope you when check if bayview get a large pot of coffee. Maybe you should call in your order now so it’ll be ready by game time.
stretch already had kope at starbucks so ready for homey when he open his first bottle at 11. btw you and sleeze going marketing this morning or stopping by ktown ?
koakane – none of the above. we will probably come by after the game is finished to watch Pride. swing the golf club
eh kekoa how about adding this one.
after 10 beers how about letting everyone guess who can hit the ball off the tee: homey, james or me. not saying how far just hitting it off da tee
only thing gotta check james and homey drinking 10 beers with out sneaking in soda or oddah stuff in between. maybe we sit at same table afta half time and watch each oddah.
wafan, you got it. no mind my son stretch, he always getting into trouble.
if get too many squirrels, eat em. the young ones are goooooooddd.
thanks to d1 and brew for the info.
Good Morning Tsaikos! Wish I could be at Bay View today. Currently in Spokane it’s 44 degrees and raining. wafan, you are not keeping the rain on your side of the state.
Watching the replay of the Wheel of Fortune, VERY impressed with Vili. How the heck did he get “Ocean Kayaking” and “Hand-Rolled Sushi”????
Good Gameday Morning Tsaikos and Tsaikettes!
Go Warriors!
Not sure about the first one but on the second one, maybe he was hungry?
whitey . . .
In the weeks coming, there will be some days I wish I could be on Maui. Never been to Shinto Tei but will look for it the next time I am out there — whenever that may be. Problem with eating the young squirrels is no mo much meat. Worse than eating squab.
Maverick . . .
As for putting peanut butter on bread, if I add jelly why would I waste a good PBJS? Especially one with super chunky peanut butter! HA! I wish I had their balance — running at a full sprint along a wooden fence. Heck, I wish I could run at all.
dj . . .
We were enjoying the rain so much we decided to send some over for you to enjoy, too! You are more than welcome!!! But, you have to admit today is a good day to stay inside and listen to the Warriors do battle.
Are you planning to come over the hill next year for the UH/Wazzu game at Qwest Field next year?
btw, will meet Jonathan tomw. Thanks
A little over two hours to kick-off.
The rain made my decision for my football viewing today. Had it been sunny and in the 40’s, I would be watching Whitworth play in an hour. Since it’s raining, I’m headed to the Swinging Doors to watch the game.
I’m disappointed that the game is not gonna be in Pullman, but of course I’ll be heading over to Qwest if that’s where the game will be.
I mean I’m going to watch the Warriors of course.
wafan / dj – is it officially at Qwest?? I thought it was only a possibility??
Congrats on your win on the Wheel of Fortune. I hope you made enough to pay off your student loans and a liitle extra for you and your pretty girl friend.
no, not officially, but imo, I think it will be moved. WSU plays over at Qwest once a year to have an event for their alums over in Seattle. For UH fans, it’s also the best place since it’s easier to get to Seattle than it is to get to Pullman. And there is a huge presence of former Hawaii residents on the west side of the state. But like I said, if the game is there instead of Pullman, that’s where I’ll be.
Anyone know where i can find the Warriors game online today?
stretch, vili got it correct because he is smart and intelligent and i not going compare him to you. hahahaha
for the record……….
the “r” and the two “l” were on the board then viliami called the “n”, so appearing on the board was
_ _ N _ – R _ LL _ _ _ _ _ _ _
when asked how he got that, he said he loves sushi and eats it all the time.
das one local boy.
eh, nevermind whitey. at least I could have solved the $30k puzzle.
time for me to go get ready and run errands before the game starts.
Since still get quite a while before kick-off…
Wassou game at Qwest means UW has to move v. Idaho game to where? when?
They open v. LSU then Idaho would (I’m sure this was the thinking when the game was scheduled) be the “breather” before hosting USC. Do they cancel Idaho? That hurts Idaho’s SOS which indirectly affects UH.
Another question…noticed when I looked up their schedule that UW already has their full ’09 schedule set including conference. Wassupwitdat, Mr. Benson?
Morning/afternoon, Tsaiko-Nation and Tsai-Meister.
Seems like everybody is in good spirits today on the blog, ready for a big Warrior win. It sure would be good for my soul.
Amazingly good fortune for our Warrior Viliami, couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.
Wish I could hang around some Tsaikos during the game, well, I’ll be there in spirit, as I watch gameplan. Raise a glass for me.
If I should be so lucky and my book actually sells, one of the first things I’ll do is come to Hawaii and call a CC on me, lol.
Man, I’m really ready for a great game.
Go, Warriors !!!!!!!
UW has their own stadium on campus
jack flash,
espn360 has it. I don’t know if anyone else does.
…also note that UW has no bye weeks next season.
Actually, with @ND on 10/12, they have a pretty tough schedule
Thanks! 😳 Forgot about that. (…and I’ve been there, too!)
All those wasted brain cells fo’ nothin’ 😆
Well, anyway…
What about it Mr. Benson?
Oh well.
TD Longhorns.
At least Baylor is getting some cracks on Colt…
Feels kinda funny saying that.
d1 . . .
UW’s campus stadium seats more than Aloha Stadium. And, they are thinking of expanding their home field.
djmitcho- thx man
On the other hand, I believe Wazzu has about the smallest stadium in the PAC-10. Seats maybe 35,000?
Bad place to play in late November and through December. Brrrrrrrrrr.
Lunch time!
d1, you are absolutely correct about the 2009 and future schedule. This is not the NFL and like you said, Mr Benson, get off your okole and make the WAC schedules for 2009 and future. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist like stretch to figure it out.
al, you coming next week?
Climbing those steps in Husky Stadium is brutal! Steep!
spirit fingers!!
ok, time to head into town. bye. will be cheering very loudly. GO WARRIORS!!!
And we all know why the conference schedule isn’t done yet… ESPN and Benson want to make sure they have their “Championship” game during the last week. You know, like the BSU/FSU game this year 😈
whitey….oh he left the building.
probably not going make the muu call next week. may have to go to the big island though.
Have to work, no can watch game today, So Geev’Um Warriors!
Just a thought, ST ran into a bunch of JJ supporters going to Dallas.
Does that mean a bunch of money (that could have been donated to UH) is going to Dallas too?
Is it a bunch of guys selected by JJ and SMU or just a bunch of normal guys spending most of their discretionary income to visit Texas?
Is D.I. going to Dallas too?
I did not have time to read yesterday’s comments, so if this was brought up earlier, sorry.
Benson has no time to schedule.
Busy begging MWC for acceptance.
“Spirit Fingers”?
For good hygiene, wash whole hand.
Sawp Gang,
Game in about half-hour…time for the boys to play like Warriors and stop BS’in! We’re going to a Bowl Game!!! Lets finish the season out undefeated boys!
technical difficulties please stand by!
…the play of our offensive line will be the key…
be strong…physical and mental….go warriors!
Hey, what happened? I’m watching Weber St on ESPN360 and all of a sudden it’s a different game!
Eh Gang!
Heah we go again! Hawaii vs New Mex. Is dis one game to get closer to a Bowl bid? Maybe…
Eh, no forget foe check out dah Team before dah start of the game.
Haka…Try check if everybody stay doing em! Dat going show us wat kine Team unity get. And so far….
I stay listening to dah game and Kekaula jes wen say dat dah WHOLE Team wen do dah Haka. He say dat dis is dah first time he seen dah whole Team participate in dah Haka.
WAT! OH NO! Opening Kick-off! Touchdown Aggies! Wat dah F#*+!
I guess dah Haka no mattah.
Great YAC by Bain…he turned a possible 4th down and FG attempt into a TD!
First Play! 54yards > Touchdown! OUCH!!
Come On Hawaii!!!
Alright! Coming back…so far so good…evens
Sorry been M.I.A. for a bit, but I’m hoping that the Coach Tuioti has gotten a hold of the coaches up here on my boy. The Coach that handles the recruiting efforts sent an email saying he sent highlight videos and contact info to Coach Tuioti, so not sure what the status is. Regardless I just watched another home game last night and he continues to impress and beast on the competition. Rushed for 184yds. and a TD. So far this season his stats are as follows…
9 Gms.
168 Att.
1298 Yds.
7.7 Avg.
17 TD’s
15 Rec.
203 Yds.
13.5 Avg.
2 TD’s
Congrats to the Bess family!
That was a great block by Salas to help Bain score.
How did the other “Vili the Warrior” do on Wheel, btw?
About the game: Nice we’re tied and have a rhythm, but 2-play scores by NMSU is no way to trade punches, given UH’s well-known inconsistency on offense.
And speaking of offense…I’m almost starting to wonder if certain players are betting on games. I’m half-serious here…the SAME number gets called for false starts/holding every single game, and receivers (non-freshmen to boot) not keying to the center after all these games is beyond unacceptable.
If Mouton had been only playing on passing situations like previous weeks then he wouldn’t have been on the field to stop NMSU on 3rd and short.
Coach Mack: Time to check if your players are betting on games. Fumble on punt return = you have to be kidding me.
Yee Haw! Mouton!!!
And you have to be kidding me…again. I can’t bring the down the mood here any further, so I’m just gonna stop posting here.
I’m hoping for the best, you can be sure of that.
Before I go: Way to go Vili! Awesome haul on the Wheel!
This is going to be another near heart attack game.
Good morning! Farrington lost last night, so UH needs to win even more today because I’m still upset about last night. I’m multi-tasking right now. Rinskin didn’t want to go to Kahala Mall, so it’s babysitting and game watching. GO WARRIORS!
Alexander is looking better and better with every game. Stop the turnovers and we win this thing.
NMSU has been a HORRIBLE tackling team this game…great for breaking runs and for YAC.
Wow. Alexander sure looks like he understands the offense!
Wat a game last night! Farrington vs Kahuku.
A win in Over-time! Tough, tough teams. Good
game. Much more exciting than UH Football Team play
of late. (OIA and ILH) High School Football better than UH Football?
Maybe UH is just in the survival mode. Just get through the season
and be over with already.
But the odds-makers are still favoring UH with Hawaii giving 3.5 and the over/under is 53.5. Usually they know something that we don’t. So…
Hawaii may be up for this one.
Why do 3rd downs seem so easy for the opposing team to pull off these days?
Sol is making a LOT of tackles. Great job stopping the runs and he even broke up a pass.
It’s kind of funny how the NMSU announcers are calling the wrong players too. Of course, they said it was the “sun in their eyes”. 😆
Well if the sun is THAT much of a factor, maybe we can give Bain a break for bobbling the punt return.
We will sorely, sorely miss Solly next year. Hope he gets a pretty decent draft pick come draft day, but that’s looking too far ahead.
didn’t nmsu punt twice?
Hey gang, its too early in the game to be making excuses.
If we can pull off this win, I’m hoping for a lot of punishment reps at practice. When teams can get 3rd downs against Hawaii’s D this easily, it’s ridiculous.
Then again…Mouton plays so well, he brings tears to my eyes sometimes. I hope the scouts were watching that pick-six!
Wow, NMSU close to scoring a TD…pass behind the WR and Mouton catches the deflection…TD!
Go ahead and overturn the TD…we’re still knockin’ on the door!
ryan’s in da house
Apparently the replay may show a step-out at the 9. Lucky break if the play stands…but UH could use all the lucky breaks it can!
Do we need any reason to keep the Texas recruiting pipeline open? I think not.
Also, bear crawls for Kelly! It’s frustrating as hell to think that though he could be an Elam-level talent, he may have to fight for his life as a undrafted free agent kicker given his consistency problems this year.
Yee Haw Mouton!!
Ok, now, I hope he gets a passing TD too!
Momentum…Hawaii has the momentum. Just got to take advantage of it.
Mouton > TD good!
Clarification on Texas: Mouton’s the reason, I meant to say.
Hello, Mr. Mouton, glad to have you back there again.
I’m no expert by any means, but IMHO, we’ll save the Mouton Slotback Experiment for Idaho. Pick-sixes are basically receiving TDs 😉
So, Bowsforever are you really a fan of the Warriors or what?
Do you put down your kids, wife, mother, and grandmother as much as you do our football team?
I don’t get it.
BowsForever, I agree that Mouton is much more valuable on defense and a TD is a TD, but it is part of my wish list 😀
A sight for sore eyes, Hawaii is looking like Hawaii again.
Oh wow. That’s the third time we stopped them on third down.
Wow, great blitz by Mouton on 4th down…Holbrook completed that pass as he was falling to the ground with Mouton’s arms around him!
yup garret….holbrook just proved size matters.
Yes, and if I can’t get upset, then vote me off the island. I apologize if I’m getting a little too steamed, but I’ve seen some truly awful performances by the Warriors in person, and things like fumbling punt returns (when a receiver) and committing the same penalties game after game (on the part of the same player) really shouldn’t be tolerated. As much as I get steamed, I’m more than ready to heap Halekulani buffets worth of high praise on our players.
Also, it’s very disrespectful to equate the emotions of the football game with hating one’s own family. I love the team, but I’m not blood relatives with any of them.
Players of the game so far – Alexander (he’s got some scrambling talent, who’d of thought?), Mouton, Solly, Farmer (if you’re a pure passer, he’s your guy), Bain (he redeemed himself with the great second-effort surge for the TD), Macho Libre…
Unit of the game: So far, Hawaii’s offense. I’ve been waiting all year to see them move the ball like this, and it’s more notable that it’s happening on the road.
i just want to know one thing….will there be ppv in hd in two years?
these feeds, when they do work, have me going to see the eye doctor after each broadcast. i keep thinking that my eyes have gone bad and blurry.
I thought Dan Kelly was money?
Was he watching Farrington and Kahuku?
okay, i’ll be the first.
giving praise to the oline today.
and alexander is great.
listening on net radio.
O-line still in critical condition,
good thing G.A. can move
I agree, the OL is doing an excellent job. Several times NMSU blitzed and still Alexander had a lot of time. Even on plays that Alexander has to run, a lot of times that is after he checks a few options and nobody is open.
yah kelly needs to just put it all behind him. his stock has dropped from a would be 4-5 rounder to hopefully a free agent.
i think he needs visualization workouts.
al san,
O-line must look better on TV than they sound on radio
I third al’s comment. O-line is holding up very well, and thanks in part to Hawaii’s passing effectiveness they can support a very nice run game too.
NMSU hasn’t been having those unblocked blitzers or DEs like we’ve seen in past games. When they don’t blitz they don’t get much pressure and when they blitz they aren’t getting to Alexander all the time.
TD Pilares!
Did anyone think they would see this year’s team over 30 points in a single half?
GA gets it in for the 2-point conversion on a helicopter!? Unbelievable. I have GOT to see the replay tonight.
las vegas,
Alexander has a LOT of time to look around at his options before he has to run. This amount of time is what the offense needs–the ball could be getting out faster…that will happen with more experience in the offense.
lv….visualize. the oline is doing a great job. really.
hey, that is the fifth sraight drive of the day!!!
and a new name is just born…….AIR ALEXANDER
Alexander …. aka “helicopter”! 😀 😯 😆
Well, our bowl hopes are looking a lot better now.
Fumble by NMSU on the kickoff…UH can put this game away or sit on the ball to end the half.
I wish the announcer would STOP calling UH the “Hawaii Rainbows”.
Is this the turning point? What a game so far!
We are winning in all 3 phases!
glad to hear the O-line is doing bet……..nevermind SACK, time out
Alright! Hawaii finally found a team that is worse than they are.
And capitalizing on that and the mometum that they have is something
you all should cherish for the moment.
Second half will tell us if Hawaii can move and keep their momentum going.
Will Kelly have a chance at a crazy-long FG and breaking the school record?
5 penalties for UH, 1 penalty for NMSU. However, I hope that nobody whines about the refs because pretty much all the penalties for UH were obvious ones (false starts, delay of game, hold on the previous play). Plus, they actually waived a penalty that had been thrown on UH for illegal substitution.
Garret, they are the Hawaii Rainbows!
The way Hawaii has been playing is not deserving of the name Warriors
las vegas,
I know…we praise the OL and NMSU gets a sack. That was on a 4-man rush.
The other sack was when Alexander held the ball a little long, but the latest sack was the NMSU guys getting around the blockers.
halftime soon, gotta get ready for work, wedding at Lake Mead cruise
Go Warriors!, Go O-Line!, Coming of age for G.A.
Lets cut down on penalties
If anyone here watched Wheel last night, did Vili win a car or something in the bonus round, or just a whole bunch of cash? Not like there’s anything wrong with $47,000+ in cash by any means…
btw Ignore the troll
have we ever been up at the half?
need to continue this consistency
Hey now, nothing wrong with the ‘Bows. 😉 It’s tough to win on the road, and Hawaii is getting it done so far.
Looking good so far (sans 7 penalties 👿 ).
Keep at it boys!!!!
Oh an Bobby Curran slipped a few times and call them Da Bows as well.
Watching the BC game on ESPN360. Hopefully I’ll get to see Ryan catch (for a TD even) before the Hawai’i game is back on.
Hey Gang!
They are the Bows! Rainbows!
This year’s UH Football Team is not deserving of the name “Warriors”
They have not earned that name. They are the “Rainbows”
At least the NMSU commentator who called them the bows corrected himself. “I grew up with them as the Rainbows, but now they’re just the Warriors.”
Hey, even Sludge666 is entitled to his opinion.
Whoa, and here I thought I was Mr. Negativity today. Would you change your mind if Hawaii wins today, and beats Idaho and Washington St. at home?
Ronnie – so did we all.
oops – sorry for the typos.
Being fully engulfed into the Warrior nation full time in 2002, “bows” was a “no-no” for me, but over time I realized that it is part of our tradition and past for our football program and also like a “locals-only” nickname for the nickname.
We’re in a bit of a Fresno ’07 situation right now, though the lead wasn’t quite as high. I agree with Kekaula, as I agreed with Curran last year. Keep standing on that gas pedal!
It’s all good. Must be hard fo type with only wings and no fingahs… 😆
Boise State 49, Utah State 14
See, that is what a good team does to you. I told you our last two games was because of two craptacular teams and not because we were getting better. Brent Guy needs to go.
Seriously Kazz? OTOH, I guess not all of us were following the Bows during the Bob Wagner years. I don’t blame anyone for not remembering the Von Appen days.
I almost forgot! Coach Mack deferred til the second half!
Go get ’em, Warriors!
And it’s another Alexander…
Hey, yeah right! no problem! Even you peegwin have an opinion.
Oh, sorry for the typo.
NMSU rushes 5 on 3rd and 7, Farmer picks up the blitzer, Alexander gets 8 on the run. Farmer is such an excellent blocker…
Alexander had a LOT of time before he got sacked.
3rd and 11–flare to Pilares really didn’t have much of a chance there.
Too bad the NFL doesn’t seem to have much of a market for block-type RBs. Farmer may be one of the best blockers Hawaii has ever seen…
By the way…what’s with this “it’s other [team name]…FIRST DOWN!” thing? I didn’t pick up on this last year.
correction – “it’s _another_ [team name]”…
BowsForever, it is the most annoying cheer a team has – for the other team. It’s really irritating to hear 30,000 + boise fans yell it all game long. I think, however, that it would be really cool to have a sold out Aloha stadium yelling it all game long….
I know…who do we have to blame for getting that cheer started?
This offense is _humming_ tonight. Farmer gets the first down (love it when he gets the call to run), Pilares is tearing it up.
Aw man.
Looks like Alexander is getting more comfortable back there; releasing the ball a lot faster with more accuracy….ooops!, just as I said that, we got a fumble by Alexander….
Yikes! We have to stop them now!
So, are ALL of our running backs less than 100%
Oh wow.
Dowling cannot run with Chris Williams…and the safeties were outside so nobody had help to give in the middle of the field.
Was Mouton shut out of the play, Garret? I’m just listening along here.
LWJ lasted one play before he had to leave with injury…guess that answers the question of whether or not he’s been hurt lately.
Pilares got hurt on the previous play….looks like an arm thing.
Yikes!!!…that turn over converted into a long pass td by nms.
Mouton was defending a different WR. Looks like they threw the ball away from Mouton and to the player Dowling was covering.
No can believe at da 4 yard line again. It’s deja vu from last week. Heartbreak comin. NMSU 38 UH 35
Well, at least we have a short field. The short fields this game are really helping us out.
Well, Libre is back..sooo looks like it was just an ouchie!!
mctruck, it was Libre who came out the play before Wright-Jackon.
I guess Chris Williams is proof that taller isn’t always better when you’re just plain faster.
OK Warriors, we’ll need at least a field goal this drive.
alright!!!…UH on the 10y line and threatening.
Great catch by Washington!
Go Macho Libre!
UH just scored again….UH 42 NMS 24
Good Job Ofense! Touchdown…
Penn St. 23, Iowa 24! 😆
Boy, they look confident out there don’t they? 😀
42 points!!!??…I don’t know how to handle this???bwaaaahahaha!!
Poor JoePa! That has to hurt.
If Hawaii wins mctruck, how’s about the 168-hour celebration rule?
…is it wrong to root for Boise, btw? A BCS at-large bid nets every team in the conference $400k or so if Hawaii’s own BCS game was anything to go by.
‘Bama 21, LSU 21, 6:12 4Q 🙄
Challenging a spot?
Yee Haw! RGM just caught a catch for a first down in the BC game!
Uh oh. Looks like a Call the Coach question next week. Why challenge a spot when the fumble was unreviewable?
No challenging the forward pitch last week but there is a challenge of a spot that wouldn’t make a difference in the game…
I could last one hour let alone 168!!!…er, you win!!
ooops!, sorry, “could=couldn’t
Just when Holbrook thought he was free…enter the Elimimnianator!
Great sack by Sol!
Er, Elimimianator, that is. Man, is his last name hard to spell.
Weber State 59, Idaho St. 27, 5:36 Q4 😀
Haven’t really watched – but did see #95 putting lots of pressure on ISU QB! 😆
I hope this game was a wake up game for our Warriors and carries on for the remainder of the season into next season…just the start you might say.
Woo Hoo! Hey, is there a link to this game on the internet? Thanks all!
Go Warriors!
Offense looks awesome!
Go Warriors
Man, I’m in football heaven. Our offense is humming and outside of two busted plays, the defense is playing great.
C’mon Iceman! The game isn’t on the line, but your future in the NFL might well be!
SojuNTaegu – I’m watching it on ESPN360.com
Exact-T-mondo!!! a very different team out there today….what they call that???…Gellin as a team??
I’m watching this game on ESPN Game Plan.
So, sounds like Hawai’i shipped their boo-birds to NMSU.
Whew. I think Hawaii can “play conservative” and run out the clock now since there’s an 18 point lead and about 5 minutes to go.
Hi Liz,
Are you all enjoying the game. The gang here at the TV gate are having a blast. BG is our cheerleader!! Door prizes are great. Hope we keep it going. Talk to you later.
Aloha to all the Tsai-kos watching and listening everywhere.
Congratulations to Weber State for being Conference Champions!!!
wow, 3rd stringers
Why is Kelly missing his FGs? Is it getting blocked? He was sooo automatic last year.
C_C . . .
Who would have thought 3rd stringers would play much?
Argh. Heart attack with Pilares. Come on, Warrior/Monarch! Hang on to the ball!!!
‘bama about to kick FG at 22 yd line w/ :03 left in the game….
‘bama 21, LSU 21 😯
It’s blocked! OT 😆
i’m gonna turn it to cbs right after this.
There goes another foolish penalty.
Speaking of field goals???..Alabama just missed a very short field goal to win the game with three seconds to go and they muffed it!!! now going into ot with LSU.
Good win, Warriors! One game at a time! 2 out of 3 to go!
eh?! brew…sorry…just found myself repeating what you already said.
Sure feels good to once again have the Warriors score.
Did the Warriors finally come out to play? Seemingly, the answer is a resounding YES!
Now we need just two more to go bowling.
‘bama INT in endzone. Now it’s their turn. Pass to 2.
QB sneak for TD. ‘bama wins 27 – 21 in OT! 😆
O.K., o.k. now let’s play Alabama!! bwaaaahahaha!!
I feel soooo happy now, I gotta go eat somtin!!!!..latters gang.
What is with the officiating — again.
Did the Warriors forget this was touch football? Well, according to the officials, anyhow.
Chalk up another win!!!
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
Wow.. Since we’re going to win this game it looks like the officials have nothing left to do but to assess all the pre-determined Hawaii penalties before regulation ends.
I have yet to see the game and I am listening to BC and RK and first there’s a freebie TD given to NMSU and Veikune gets nailed for what sounds like a BS unsportsmanlike penalty.
Such bull***t….
HoooooRaaaaaaay Bows!!
I hope they all got one-way tickets.
11 penalties for UH against 2 for NM! Sounds like a lack of discipline again, but I did not see the game so I hope it was bad officiating … again!
WHAT?!?!? Is that the final?
I guess Old Man Paterno will join the ranks of the hand biting BCS school coaches that ONLY cry about the BCS when they’re not in contention for the National Championship.
I only was able to listen to the game but it sounds like 80% of those were our own fault.
But again sounds like Veikune got shafted on a BULLSH** unsportsmanlike penalty… 👿
Sledge is so irritating and because I am saying it ,He is winning
From what I’ve been hearing on the radio hawnstln, the penalties were mostly Hawaii’s fault. There’s a bye week to fix that, so maybe having more than 7 days will help some.
At least for now, I couldn’t care less about the chronic penalty problems. We got us a road win!!
We have a winner- al with a last minute pik of 42 – 17
That penalty on the INT return was bogus, the block was good and the NMSU player getting hurt caused the penalty. Bad call, but that was WAY after the game was on the line.
During the parts of the game that counted (ignoring one bad call with about a minute left), UH pretty much earned all of the penalties with calls that Mac won’t even think about asking for “clarification”. It is hard to argue about delay of game penalties when the clock goes to 0 well before the snap of the ball! And it is hard to argue with the false start penalties when a UH OL (and once it was a receiver!) clearly moves before the snap.
UH was called for holding a few times, but they were pretty obvious calls (blocker beaten and lunging at the pass rusher). In fact, I saw a lot of other holds that would have been called against UH if they had the Fresno refs.
In fact, on one play a UH CB (I won’t mention his name) was clearly beaten on a pump-and-go route. He grabbed the WR because he’d rather get a 15-yard interference penalty instead of giving up a TD. And even when UH *tried* to commit the penalty, the ref didn’t call it!
Great win by the Warriors!!!!!!1
1) Alexander is getting more confident in running to offense.
2) O-line did a better job of keeping the defense at bay.
3) Kudos to the NMSU O-line for keeping the D-line off Holbrook.
4) BR got to play, but I wish the coaches had allowed the first team O-line to stay in for at least 4 – 5 plays and then make the wholesale subs allowing BR to get his feet wet and gain some confidence.
Great win.today.
Had others here watching the game and lots of channel flippin’ so will wait ’til I watch the replay before commenting further.
Except that on Veikune’s UC penalty I think Russ was saying he got called for standing over the guy and talking smack after he laid ’em out
Howzit Gang,
Decent game for the most part but still many mistakes and stupid penalties again. Veikune’s hit was legit and although I never wish for any player to get seriously injured all I have to say is, “Dayum, dude got knocked the (Bad Word) Out!”
Our Safeties are giving up too many huge plays. As I watched, it seemed Keao would be out of place and mix-ups between the DB’s couple times. Unreal, as we have a lot of experience back there…3 Seniors??? Anyway, not trying to be negative but kind of irritating when we make scrubs look like NFL 1st round talent playing against us.
Thank goodness Pilares was healthy for this game, he makes a huge difference on offense. Glad Alexander is looking more and more comfortable running the offense. Receivers at times still not helping him out though. What the heo is wrong with LWJ, he goes in, gets hit, than next thing I know he looks broken again??? I love LWJ but he hasn’t shown anything this year!
Elimimian, Leonard, Mouton, Veikune, and Fonoti played well on D…
Well 1 down and 3 more to go before our Bowl Game. Good job getting the win boys. Keep the momentum and the focus, we finishing out at home, so don’t forget to PROTECT OUR HALE!!!
OK, coaches now that you are on a positive note, make all them plays to secure commitments from all the recruits to be visited.
Looking forward to the good news that Pauoa Boy’s cross street neighbor will choose the Warriors.
Pull all them scholarship offers to those dragging their feet and go find another player who really wants to be a Warrior.
Mahalo for the props from da Tsaikos, Weber State Wildcats victorious also, Big Sky Conference Champs. On behalf of #95 The Beast, mahalo for your prayers, support and good thoughts.
Congrats to the Wildcats and the Beast.
Other Wildcats not as fortunate today.
Lost to Western Oregon, 9-17. 🙁
Grrr… 👿
Can’t believe TTU-OK St. is a regional game on ABC!
Only can watch USC-Cal…
Howzit A-House,
I went to his game last night but didn’t get much of a chance to speak with him. I caught the Coach for a few moments before the game. He said he sent the highlights and contact info to UH, and that he is looking at all his options still and hasn’t ruled out anyone. His dad although an ASU alum is leaving the choice up to him. People who know him thinks that he will eventually end up at a PAC-10 school since almost all have contacted him during the season. I also sent an email which he read but had not responded back to. We’ll see what happens though as a couple more schools have picked up on him since he’s been killing it his last couple of games.
BREW 808 #286
mahalo for the props, lot of happy Wildcats on a bus headed home to Ogden Utah right now.
Higgins was huge, almost 400 yds passing today, stats are going to be large.
Robert Kekaula reports:
Yo Bulla,
Congrats to THE BEAST for being a Conference Champion!
Good to hear Coach Mack finally got around to his 100% ha’a participation goal. To the latecomers – feels pretty good to do a little “war dance” (technically it’s more of a “call to arms”, but I like “war dance”) before and after you win, eh?
As far as the penelty on Veikune, I just talked with my friend who is a college ref and he said even though it was a clean and legal block, since it was more than 5 yards behind the play and the guy had no chance of catching the ball carrier, that it is unnecessary roughness. Kinda of a BS call I think, but I guess that is the rule.
Wow, Huskies up on the Sun Devils 13-10
Wow, Huskies up on the Sun Devils 13-10
I’m not sure how frequently that happens in CFB. Coach Spurrier’s recent comments were the first time I can recall hearing of that.
Failing academics is one thing but I’d think that what you propose might handicap the coaches as they get on the road for recruiting.
Sorry, I misconstrued your comment. Thought you were talking about players who were already on the roster.
mahalo bro….he’s stoked, got a chance to contribute to the team and make a difference. scary part was total offensive yards was 666 yds., no one suspicious in this house right? haha, i don’t know
Higgins had 369 yds, 3 TD…..that was awesome
but mahalo again, just basking in the glow right now…….a good day.
Was flipping through the UH game and Weber State game…gotta say that Cameron Higgins could play as a D1 QB. With him only being a Sophomore, I wonder if he’ll transfer to a D1 school? Good to see the Beast getting some PT the last couple games too. I envision Ryan being a force for the next couple years for Coach Ron. Seems like they’ll be a scary team to face even for a D1 opponent.
17-9, so close, where was the offense? whew, frustrating to say the least
17-9, so close, where was the offense? whew, frustrating to say the least
Anyway, time for watch Texas Tech/ Oklahoma State game…
2 of the best college receivers playing in this one Michael Crabtree and Dez Bryant…
Pauoa Boy,
nice win, Cameron is lighting it up, has the size and the arm stregnth to throw with anyone.
ryan is lucky, got to start against Portland State, 1st start of his career, but he is making a contribution, top 11 on the def stats list, and he does a lot of stuff that doesn’t show up on stats….his DE’s love him, like a dog flushing the birds out of the bush, and the DE’s are the big hunters, haha
he’s happy, the team is happy, and they get a little rest with a bye, and then close out the regular season against Eastern Washington on the 22nd. we’re taking leis and poke, should be a blast!!!
If I were in a “fox-hole” I’d want Mr. A-House in there leading the way!!!!
Right on, I’ve been following Weber St. quietly this season after I seen what they almost did to us at the beginning of the year. Cameron Higgins has been impressive and should be getting calls from some D1 schools soon.
Ryan will soon be starting permanently, you figure as one Freshman he’s truely living up to that nickname “The Beast”. I’m sure once he bulk up and fill out his frame he can grow into a dominating DT for the Wildcats. My cousin who played for Damien said Ryan and Geordon Hanohano was two guys on Saint Louis he would stay away from when they played each other.
K, TT – OSU game about to start catch you guys in a few…
Tell me about it.
They were playing up a division but still outgained WOU 364-243 (and First downs, 23-11). As has plagued them all season, missed opportunities hurt Linfield.
SLS alum Shaun Kauleinamoku played a role for WOU by returning a punt late in the 2nd Q to set up a FG just before the half.
TTU/OState on internet – see link below.
check list towards the bottom – 2 selection for the game,
best one for me is second one.
nmsu is gonna be hurting next year.
they lose both holbrook and chris williams. they’ll be lucky to keep their coach too.
now that we’re all calmed down and happy.
anyone see that NMSU lineman that almost chased down mouton on that INT TD? thats some speed for a big boy.
good thing he had his caravan of blockers.
Michael Crabtree is mean, Texas Tech Offense is to potent…
Mahalo! 🙂
1420 getting a bit better. Just a few dead spots; thankfully, not in any crucial times. That would have been irritating, “Pilares with the ball, 10, 5 . . . . . . . . .”
I wonder how many computers would have been thrown at the walls or floors around Warrior-land?
Let it never be said we did not learn anything from Mack.
I be “point man” as long as I know you got my backl!!
Wonder if JJ will pull scholarship from those players who do not want to play for SMU?
Tho scholarships are renewable each year, any one know if a coach ever pulled a scholarship and gave it to another – Steve Spurrier excluded.
It would seem to be a good motivator to produce. Like a boss firing someone who is lazy, disruptive, always late to work, taking extra long breaks, etc.
Wow, my post says 4:38pm and my clock says 4:18 pm.
What’s up with that?
ESPN might do well to pressure the WAC into scheduling Boise vs Hawaii at the end of the next WAC season like they did two years ago. With our JuCo QB’s finding their groove, and the receivers hanging on to the ball, we might be back in business and with the somewhat softer 2009 schedule, seasons 2008 and 2009 might be a repeat of the 2006 and 2007seasons.
The tiser’s clock has always been on Bar time. It’s how ST keeps one step ahead of everyone else
Congrats to the Rainbows!
I guess that full participation in the Ha’a did the trick.
Finally, for once, they did something together.
Hey, this could be the start of something….wait a minute!
The season’s almost over. Only three games left. OOhh!
“Rainbows”? 😉
That’s right madeinhawaii, Rainbows!
Hawaii has not played, displayed, or even acted on the level befitting the status of “Warrior”
Today’s game was the first game that they had full participation in the Ha’a. This is the first time that Hawaii has shown any unity and togetherness as a Team this season. Hence the result > a Win with a commanding Score. Too bad the season’s coming to an end.
Post game quotes from Coach Mack answered the question of the mystery unsportsmanlike conduct penalty on Veikune at the end of the game. It wasn’t the hit it seems, it was the uncharacteristic jawing by Veikune _after_ the hit that drew the flag. Knowing #94 I’m sure it won’t happen again.
“Hail, Hail to our WARRIORS….!” Get that Sledge?
Over 2 weeks on the road, and there coming home with a VICTORY.
Welcome home team. Get some well deserved rest. Class resumes Tuesday
Cincinnati is playing well and handling WVU. It looks like they’ll be 7-2 (3-1) in the big east…. They took the opening kick-off all the way for a quick 7-0 jump start.
UC – 20, WVU – 7, 2:32 Q4 😯 😀 😆
I sure hope we get to 7 wins before Cincinnati…
BTW – with the L, #25 WVU falls to 6-3 (3-1) and likely to plummet out of the top 25. Therefore – NO top 25 team from the big east! 😯 😆 🙄
Right on Mav! They played at a Warrior level today for the first time.
I give them that. They are indeed your Warriors but not mine.
One game does not constitute a permanent title change. They are and have been all season playing at the “Rainbow” level. So…deservingly so their name > “Rainbows”
Watching the replay right now. I was out at sea and missed last week’s game altogether. Then I missed today’s game live to participate in a veteran’s day parade. I have a dinner to attend during the Idaho game so I’m going to miss that one live too. Doesn’t anyone know that it is college football season? Good win for the Warriors today. Hopefully this gets them on a roll and they win out, get into and then win the Hawaii Bowl.
Oh wait – WVU scored, and with a 2pt PAT, it’s now a 20-17 game w/ 18 secs. left. WVU has a chance and need to recover the onside kick…. 😯
WVU recovers!
Pass for 1st down to 35.
Inc. w/ :05 left.
Attempt at 52 yd FG.
IT’S GOOD!!!!!! Tied gane! OT…. 😯 🙄 😯
Please ignore my earlier posts at #372 and 374…. 😳 🙄 😳
Now all the WVU fans are returning to the stadium…. 😯
Hey, in Las Cruces, the radio broadcast is on FM.
How come ESPN 1420 can’t do the same?
And here I thought WVU lost! 😉 Fun times in college football today.
Is FM that much more expensive or unavailable? I’d drop AM in a second if I could.
USC clinging to a 10-3 lead. Wow.
AM frequencies are in kHz (kilohertz). FM frequencies are in MHz (megahertz). “ESPN 1420” would have to change it’s name/call sign to “ESPN 99.4” or something like that. 😈 😆 😯
WVU got a FG in OT.
Cincinnati is driving for a TD. 2yd TD pass for UC. They win 26-23. Post #372 and 374 are once again valid (sort-of)! 😯 😆 😯
where did sistah sledge go?
you know you treading on warrior nation grounds girl.
you can’t rattle us we are true warrior fans.
we are family!
we are tsaikos!!!
bye, bye, sistah sledge.
Howzit Tsai-kos!!
Got to ENJOY today’s game @ Genji’s with a small group of Tsai-kos. Food was good and the company better. Good win for da team. They looked almost like the Warriors of old. Now, if we could just get rid of the delay of game penalties. Have a good trip back and get rest and heal up.
Go Wahines!
Right on Al!!! Now two more wins, with consistant offense, fewer penalties and defensive stops without giving up 400 yards/game. Just like we did on Makahiki Way!! Remember, “fake the block, den go banana by the parked car”!!
So impressed with TTU’s offense.
Heard that Leach goes into the game with 24 plays on his playsheet. That little piece of paper is all he needs; looks like a single folded sheet.
Four panels: p.1 – throw left; p.2 – throw right; p.3 – throw long; p.4 – see p.1
I was really hoping Rausch would get a touchdown to his credit. It was sooo close! We are going to need him to be ready to step in at anytime, next season.
Hopefully he’ll get to score some in the next two games.
hey, classmate hawnstln — long time! Did you get the photos of our class reunion karaoke party in October? Al and I missed it… 🙂
Wasn’t it Leech who worked under Mumme?
Rausch must be getting pretty excited about this run and shoot thing — when GA’s been on, he’s been _really_ on. 81% completion percentage, 2 TDs, 0 INTs…way to go, big guy!
Yup. That “Air Raid” is a hugely frustrating offense when your D isn’t set up right, as NMSU showed tonight.
So Stephen,
do you get to hang out in lovely las cruces/el paso or are you going home tonight?
we were bored out of our mind there. the drive to the casino was too far. the drive to the ski slopes was even farther.
If Medeiros didn’t drop that pass, Rausch would have had a TD to his credit. Oh well.. next time…
Still lurking and attending the Lo Cal Calf Calls. Missing all the get togethers since I’m on the mainland BUT, next year in going to be a great year for Warrior away games: SJ, Reno, LV, WSU (?)!! Hope to see you guys there.
Wow… Leech has a law degree from Pepperdine.
That’s funny, ’cause what TTU is doin’ should be OUTLAWED!
i wonder what sort of songs will be sung at the karaoke bar tonight….
Leading by example, eh?
Whatup, Tsaiko peeps! So happy we won today. Am on my way out, but just wanted to stop by and say hello and say I hope everyone’s good. And wow, ST, that was an action-packed blog!
Whooosh, tappity tap …
CC – you going karaoke tonight??
the Warriors are 2-0 on the road this year with Leahey and Yamanoha calling the game on TV.
How was the after-game par-tee?
thanks for the props, he’s happy to be playing. back at SL, 2 years ago the DE’s Aigamua and Smith make All State unanimously. last year, the DT’s make All State unanimously. I think in Ryan’s junior year, with mona and scott, they were the 4 horsemen, great film, and now i really appreciate all that they did. tell your cousin at Damien that ryan and geordon are great guys, off the field…that’s why i loved the article they did called ‘double trouble’. ryan is blessed to be considered as a starter next year with the 2 guys on both DT and NG graduating; he’s going to be training his butt off in the off season………….he needs to!
whew, those stats are unreal, but it doesn’t matter what you do between the two goal lines, if you can’t cross the goal line right? hate those kind of games. i am still spooked that WSU had 666 yards of total offense, why couldn’t they do 1 yard +/-, why stuck at 666. uncle Al, a little intervention please? haha
to all the Tsaikos, what a great victory for the Warriors.
safe trip home via El Paso…..God Bless and God Speed
Veikune is a class act, besides being a great player. On TV it sure looked like a violent, but clean, hit to me.
As frustrated as I was last week, I’m completely delighted by this win. We absolutely had to have this one and our Warriors came through, which shows me that there’s still plenty of character on this team.
It was pure joy to see our old offense re-emerge, they will only get better from here on out. The coup de graz will be a victory over Cinci.
Alexander is deceptively quick. He looks like a lumbering truck, but he jukes and dodges and runs for ten yards in a hurry, it’s fun to watch. He runs north like a linebacker. The light really seems to be on now in his kitchen.
This game was not nearly as close as the score, take away a fumble, a dropped touch-down in the end zone and a couple of breakdowns by the defense and it’s a complete blow-out, but that’s being picky.
For the life of me, I have no idea why any coaches still run a stupid prevent defense. It never prevents a damned thing.
Good job, Warriors, rest up, regroup and come out strong for the last four games of the season.
tonight’s news
Woohoooo! The Sharks win! The SJ Sharks are now 13-2! That’s NHL hockey folks!!! 😀 😯 😆
BTW – “Hello, Maytag Repairman? We think our ice-machine is broken. Could you please come over and check it out? Please???” 🙄 😀 😯
Prohibit the taking of omens, and do away with superstitious doubts. Then, until death itself comes, no calamity need be feared.
-Sun Tzu
C_C . . .
Thank you for the sports news update.
Cool as usual!
Crazy stats for WSU! haha +/-1 yd fo’ real 😉
Wish them a restful bye week and glad you folks will get a chance to see the reg. season finale.
Hope the play-off schedule is kind.
Florida Ted,
Veikune’s penalty wasn’t for the hit during the play but for taunting after it was over.
Coach Mack said
Good to know that the penalty on Veikune wasn’t for the block but was for the taunting afterwards. That means that the refs did a better job than I had thought. That was the only call I saw that went against UH that I thought was clearly wrong…though I still don’t understand how a pass interference call wasn’t called on one play, it benefited UH so I don’t care.
The refs missed a lot of times when NMSU’s OL was holding against the Warriors, but they also missed a lot of holds by the UH OL. I guess they had decided to let the battle go on in the trenches and were *consistent* on both sides. Or, at least as consistent as we can expect refs to be at WAC games.
Some ref crews try to aggressively call holding penalties, but this one definitely did not. I think that works out best for UH because it helps the OL provide protection. Alexander has shown how effective he can be when he has time.
M-I-H ~ What level of play can a
FloridaTed – actually, the prevent defense prevents the game from getting boring at the end. Turns games into unnecessarily exciting nailbiters when opposing teams rip off huge chunks of yardage each play!
Texas Tech got through Texas and Oklahoma State, but both were at home. Their next game is at Oklahoma–what a huge game! If Texas Tech wins, I figure they will play for the National Championship since the Big 12 title game is not going to be competitive.
If Oklahoma wins at home, then Texas, Oklahoma, and Oklahoma State will tie for the division title. Since each will be 1-1 against the others, the tiebreaker will be the BCS ranking. The highest ranked team will go to the Big 12 championship game…and all 3 will probably be ranked in the top 8 in this scenario. Pretty crazy that the computers will probably determine the Big 12 champ.
Wooooooo! Great Game! The boys looked like the Warriors of old.
This game reminds me of when the “lights” turned on for Rolovich back then. Seems like Alexander is seeing “da lights” right now. He seems to be getting comfortable with the reads and the offense.
Does the guy on the O-line have some sort of learning deficency? Seem like some one is always missing the snap count or lining up wrong.
Anyhoo, Congrats to the Bess family. Great to see the baby. She so cute! Grandma should be so proud huh?
You guys going put some $ together to get her something? Like one Warrior baby diaper or something la dat?
I really like it that the team has had all this time on the mainland and now they have a bye week. That gives the team some time to catch up with school and get adjusted to being back home, and the coaches are already on the mainland so it makes it easier for them to go to wherever they need to get to recruit. I know that the WAC didn’t plan for this to benefit UH, but I’m glad that the conference schedule turned out like this.
brew808 – ROTFLMAO!! 😆
Kekoa-sensei – did you miss me today? 😀
I don’t think anyone posted this link yet, though d1shima already posted Mac’s quote from here. Aside from the one that d1shima posted, here is the other quote from Mac.
Check out the salary of a WR who Bess beat out for Miami.
NMSU’s website has a few different quotes than the one on UH’s website. This quote from Mac isn’t on UH’s website:
Glad to see you made it home safely.
I hear a rollicking good time was had at Bay View 😉
The Las Cruces Sun-News has an article up about the game.
The NMSU transcriber sure had some typos on this quote!
UH’s version is better, but still not exactly correct.
Punahou and Kamehameha 7-7 at the half. Shutter is out for Punahou and Hilliard may have hurt his ankle. I guess Shutter only played one play. Warrior bound Makaula has been QB.
I may be thousands of miles away but I have my sources.
SMU lost again. Tough year for JJ.
Anyone with an iPhone should download the free application “Sportacular.” It lets you track scores in pretty much all major sports, college and pro. And, hey, it’s free.
Thanks. Keep the updates coming, if can.
Re: JJ & SMU
I thought today would be their first win against a Div I team. They were actually favored at home against Memphis. Their lone win this season was against Texas St.
Having two road games in a row seems to work out well for Hawaii. It saves money, gets the team bonded and acclimated. They always seem to play much better in the second game, see LaTech and UNLV from last year. I have no complaints about it.
Bo Mitchell completed 5 of 7 passes for 83 yards and a TD before leaving the game. According to the AP report he was hurt on a QB sneak when he attempted to throw a stiff arm. He didn’t return to the game and the #2 QB (also a freshman) played the rest of the game.
Just looking at the stats (especially how SMU’s D actually did okay in the game), I figure if Bo Mitchell didn’t get hurt they would have won the game.
I agree, I liked how the team stayed on the mainland and had time to bond and adjust to the time zone change. They played much better against NMSU than they did against Utah State.
If you remember, last season UH stayed on the mainland after the close win at La Tech and then the Warriors blew out UNLV (with a lot of us Tsaikos in attendance). It probably isn’t a coincidence that the team played better in the 2nd game of the road trip for two straight years.
Well, I guess miracle turn-arounds are not automatic, not even for JJ.
Once TTech loses Harrell and Grabtree, they may look like our O for awhile too.
I hope they keep that arrangement with road games, it makes sense in a lot of ways.
My goodness… K-5’s UH coverage is just… (sighs)…
Sorry. Makaula ain’t a Warrior yet.
Go Kam(ehameha)! Beat da Puns!
Wow what a shot. This I’ll give K-5 credit for.
They just showed a great shot of an empty NMSU stadium before the game with Coach Mack sitting in the stands all alone looking over his notes.
Nope he is… hehehehehehe. Nah I know… BUT CAN!!!
BTW, I have no preference in that game… just a preference in da local boys staying home to PROTECT THIS HOUSE!!!
One of the things that amazes me is whenever I’m driving on a long road trip and I come up to a Border Patrol checkpoint (such as the one located just west of Las Cruces)….. I somehow ALWAYS get stopped while other people get waved through. And they always ask the same questions to me: Are you a US Citizen? Where are you going? Where are you coming from? Where were you born? Funny the agent would ask me all this this time as I left the NMSU game earlier this evening….I was still decked out in UH apparel!
Anywho, it was great for the team to leave Las Cruces with a victory. With the bye week they should be prepping for the final stretch. A bowl game is certainly within sights if they can work one game at a time and not look ahead to upcoming opponents other than the one you’re facing this week.
I am hoping that this win will help to renew optimism amongst the general fan base that a bowl is still reachable. I think it would have been devastating if we had lost today and had to go home to “face the music”…..then watch literally half the stadium go empty for the Idaho game. With this win, hopefully 35,000 or so can show up for the Idaho game in two weeks.
In addition:
It was nice to see BNS and the wife again, as well as meeting 99club and son for the first time. BNS and I took pics of the fuud, maybe one of us will upload it or send ’em to SteveM for archiving.
UH’s record remains perfect with 99club’s son in attendance. Maybe we should send 99club and son to the Cincy game…..
Glad you were able to make it past Homeland Security.
Thanks for repreenting the Tsaikos. Were you able to hook up with M/M BNS?
Committed Road Warrior:
That’s a spooky but, funny story. Kinda scary that you seem to be repeatedly profiled as being someone of interest who may be a possible treat to the U.S. Perhaps you have and RFID chip secretly attach to you somewhere that triggers scanners as you approach a boarder patrol checkpoint.
I’m glad you can take it all in stride.
BCS Guru predicted what would happen when the BCS rankings are released tomorrow.
Punahou is trying to run out the clock with about 2 min left. 21-14 puns. Kamehameha had first down inside the Punahou 20 with 3:20 to go and Punahou stufffed them.
The frequency of the Border Patrol stopping me is so much so that I already have the window rolled down when I approach the guard. And sure enough they always ask the same line of questions.
I’m not angry or mad that they do it, it’s just interesting to say the least.
Okay. 21-14 Punahou. Next week’s game against the Crusaders is going to be pretty big. #1 vs #2. I had hoped Punahou was going to catch St. Louis in a rebuilding year with Hao finding his stride. Not so much. Lots of talent on both teams. Wish I could be there.
jm2375 – I must admit, we missed your face. More importantly you missed out on all the fun! You also forfeit all your frequent Tsaiko miles!
Thanks expat!
Howzit Kekoa.
Bible study tomorrow?
Sure thing D-1…10:00 Am?
Sounds like a plan, man.
Even if gotta go Through the Fire…
Of course, given today’s victory, tomorrow should be One Fine Morning…
its a ghost town here….i think i’ll listen to some chaka khan.
yah, even at my age.
too bad i am not a musician…i could hop on the guitar or something.
hahaha. i still got the scars from all those strawberries. i guess they call em road rash now.
Happy Birthday today to: Miah Ostrowski
and Belated Birthdays to
11/08 – Crashton Satele, Nate McKay
11/07 – Jake Santos, Tyler Graunke
Also Way to Go Weber State in clinching a share of the conf title.
With a bye week to prepare for E.Wash, the Wildcats can go for the outright Big Sky Title and Invite to the D1AA playoff…
Gooooood Morning Tsaiko’s! How ’bout we start the day with a large charge!
Hooray!! Finally dah Rainbows wen go get deah sheet togeddah. An foe dem buggahs foe go do em on dah road too wen go make em moe extrah speshoe. A lillah late inside dah season bot…hey! moe bettah late dan neva. Eh, choo tink dat dem Rainbow guys can go win dah lass tree games?
I do do no man. Maybe dis game wuz jess luck or wat dem guys call one “Flook” I tink dem buggahs wen go win em cauz, finally, foe once, dem guys wen go get erybody foe go do dah “Ha’a” togeddah. Wat choo tink?
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