Game day: Fresno State
Aloha Stadium — The Warriors will be in all green uniforms for the first time since 1998.
* * * * * *
Ran into the Bryant Moniz. At least, I think they were. They were wearing shirts that read: We Want Mo.
* * * * * *
Big game today, which is why it was nice to see Mouse Davis make an appearance at yesterday’s walk-through.
* * * * *
And Princess Leila did really well in the UH alumnae soccer match. She made some slick moves.
Update: She claims she got hurt when she kicked the ground in the first half. She’s on the physically-unable-to-perform list for tonight’s football game. Stan Lee will be our videographer.
Comments are closed.
Here I am blogging in my Fresno colored red, blue and white tee-shirt, good thing it’s a Little League booster shirt and I have a green one for the game. Don’t forget “Think green, wear green”
but why is he wearing RED??? 👿
I understand Leila was representing a certain special segment of the blog-o-sphere last night?
Top 5?
or not….
top ten!
Good Morning Everybody!
Early bird tailgaters almost at the cabana. IT’S GAME DAY!!
QB “Mo” – No pressure. You’re our thoroughbred unleashed from the starting gate…”no scared ’em…GO GET ‘UM.!
btw, LongTimeUHFan and Lorna have prepared with love and affection a huge batch of Lorna’s famous lemon pudding mochi for the tailgate. I sneaked a taste, and it’s a winnah! Neither will be able to attend the tailgate or the game, but on behalf of the tailgating Tsaikos…MAHALO!
Enjoy a beautiful day, everybody!!
I love it at Shiro’s
mom and dad had a cantonese chinese restaurant
a long time ago in Kalhi
used to work 80 hours a week during the summer and
got tired of their style so now I enjoy the northern chinese food like
Little Village or Eastern Paradise
Army beats Vandy 16 – 13 in overtime on a field goal that hits the left upright and bounces thru for the score.
Could Mouse possible be coming out of retirement one more time??
Mrs. A-House
could you text me the password?
did your son decide on the memory stick 8 or 16?
Aloha all!
Top 20 – unbelievable!
Game day!!
Everyone… drive safe… keep dry…
Warriors IMUA!
Will Mouse Davis become an “unofficial” advisor/consultant for the Warriors?
It would help train the younger coaches and provide a steady source of expertise to Ron Lee.
okay….lemme guess.
mouse davis is the new grad assistant.
There’s a mouse in the house.
send us an email – ahousefamilyatyahoodotcom and we can send you the necessary information.
3rd decade?
Whoa! Actually made it in the top 20!!!
Echoing what was said previously, I hope the heat and humidity are up for the earlier kickoff. Cramps for the ‘dawgs are a good thing!
Interesting shot of Davis.
Looks like a fog/haze filter. Hope he was able to pass on some words of wisdom and correct what errors he may have observed.
Enemy, show me what you wanna be
I can handle anything
Even if I can’t handle you!!!
Readily, either way it better be
Don’t you f—ing pity me
Get up, get off!!!
What the hell am I saying?
I don’t know about malevolent
Sure as hell decadent
I want somebody to step up, step off!!!!
Walls, let me fall
F— you all!!!
Get a grip, don’t let me slip
You WILL drop the ball!!!
F–k your sh-t, I’m sick of it
You’re going down, THIS IS A WAR!!!
Who the f–k are you to criticize?
Your twisted state of mind?
You’re leaving me suspect
I’m leaving you grotesque
Feels like a burn from which you never learn
Cause and effect, you jealous a–
Press your face against the glass, suffer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
F–k your s–t, I’m sick of it
You’re going down, THIS IS A WAR!!!
I’ve just begun
It’s about that time, gotta get mine
I’ve just begun
It’s about that time, gotta get mine
I’ve just begun
It’s about that time, gotta get mine
I’ve just begun
It’s about that time, gotta get mine
You can’t kill me
‘Cause I’m already inside you
You can’t kill me
‘Cause I’m already inside you
You can’t kill me
‘Cause I’m already inside you
You can’t kill me
‘Cause I’m already inside you
Best wishes for Moniz and the team tonite.
# Hawaii plays its first home game in 36 days (vs. Fresno State) without starting quarterback Greg Alexander, who was knocked out for the season last week with a knee injury.
Good morning everyone!
…or not so good. We need to help mom in the early afternoon. We will be running very late, and the game is at 5:05…argh!
ah once again sm misses out on all the good grinds.
mouse and ron go along ways back.
then, again perhaps mouse is on his honeymoon.
There is a simple way to grade your papers. Draw 5 lines in your yard.
Throw papers out the window. All papers that land on the first line gets
an A, second line a B and etc. Now, no excuse to show up at T-gate on
time. Church items save until Sunday when your mind is focused on the
subject. Solved your problems! T-gate on time—BE THERE!!!!!
Big game today! The crowd should hopefully be a decent size and very loud because it is Fresno State.
The Warriors play a LOT better at home than on the road. I remember many examples of UH getting blown out on the road and coming home to pull off upsets. The home crowd will hopefully provide energy to the team that will make a difference.
I’m glad that ESPN360 is showing the game for free today. I didn’t get ESPN GamePlan because I didn’t think that it would be showing the games much this season…and I think that ESPN360 provides all the games for free that ESPN GamePlan shows.
Mrs. Momo normally cheers on Momo every Saturday at his bowling league. However, Momo lost his cheering section because Mrs. Momo is spending the day making pan lau lau. I wish I could eat some of it!
Ferd was not exaggerating in his column today…this is a HUGE game that will determine a lot for how this season will end up. I like his mention of how the game has a last stand feel.
🙁 👿 🙁
…well, you know where I live…kinda along the way between your place and the tailgate… 🙄
My Tsai-ko Cruiser’s Calendar shows myki & sj-macro probably in the air at this minute, after disembarking the Holland Maasdam in Montreal a few hours ago.
Garret — if you mention the Na Koa cruise to Don Weir today, don’t forget the charter air idea. Maybe tie it in with a Boyd Vegas package and use their plane if sailing from Los Angeles…
Chopsueyboy — what was the name of the restaurant and where was it located?
Game day! Wish we were gonna be there with you all but will be watching from Kauai.
Go warriors and moniz we are behind you & know you’re gonna do awesome!
808ike: Maybe when I have tenure, I can get away with that. 😀
Can Mouse call the plays tonight?
Things that make you go hmmmm – Mel DeLaura was in Sam’s Club this morning, eating a hot dog.
This is Fresno, the D will be up for this game.
I used to like the Sam’s Club hotdogs… but they seem saltier and greasier these days… they all taste like polish sausages.
31-34. Shad appp you
Gotta remember… before football weekends.. only multiple guess tests… none of that handwritten/partial credit type questions.
el guapo:
Sam’s Club hotdogs? Eh, I prefer Costco hotdogs…..still $1.50 and I believe they still serve Hebrew National ones too.
That said, BIG game tonight. Luckily I already took my 3+ hour nap so I’ll be wide awake for the ENTIRE game. Three-day weekend so I no feel guilty having to sleep in on both Sunday and Monday if need be.
I think out here they changed the brand of hotdogs and Polishdogs they now serve. Might the Kirkland Signature brand rather than the Hebrew National. The hotdogs now taste like the Polishdogs used to taste; and the new Polishdogs are not very good at all.
Today’s meeting wasn’t just about Na Koa and the other discussions really didn’t leave time for me to bring up the cruise idea. I *will* follow up on that at another time–I know I will see Don Weir during the SJSU game weekend.
Interesting note about how Bryant Moniz was *not* supposed to start at QB for Fresno City, but the hyped starting QB walked out of practice one day and Moniz was made the starter then…and then when the QB returned to the team he couldn’t get his starting job back. If Moniz does well in this game, he could hold on to the job even after Rausch gets healthy, even though Rausch was ahead of him in the depth chart. If that happens, it will be because Moniz is playing well, which would be great for the Warriors!
Good afternoon Tsaikos!
Guess the tsaiko-gate is in full swing.
Jason – why are you grading exams now? Didn’t you have the whole week to do it? Priorities, priorities, where are your priorities?
GO WARRIORS!! Pound dem chihuahuas!
Fresno State watched film of Moniz at Fresno City to prepare for the game.
Fresno State’s starting center will not be able to start in this game and may not be able to play at all.
This Fresno State RB says that their center that will miss the game is the heartbeat of their team.
Pat Hill seems to think along the lines of Ferd’s column today.
Blaze says that the team needs a win for their morale.
wafan #46:
Interesting…..interesting indeed. The ones back in AZ were still Hebrew National to my recollection. I haven’t been to a Costco out here yet, but I’ll have to remember to stop by for a hot dog (or two) some time in the near future.
Turnovers determine most games, so it is good that so far Fresno State hasn’t shown their D can force too many turnovers. Of course, they have played three ranked teams in the games they have lost, which could have skewed their turnovers.
Blaze says that their players on defense are veterans now.
Blaze is *not* upset about the hit by Riley that gave Colt a concussion in the 2007 Fresno State game and the hit that ended Alexander’s season in the Louisiana Tech game. In fact, he seems to like those hits, as he has a “soft spot” for all big hits.
jm2375: I’ve been working on work-related and school-related things all week. 😛
Happy Birthday TYaiea!
Hope the Warriors deliver a HUGE present for you
Sam’s Club used to be Nathan’s, I believe. Now I don’t know what they are. BUT they aren’t the consistent color that they were.. more blotchy, oilier and my wife who used to love their hotdogs, won’t touch them now.
CRW . . .
On the Metro from DC toward the Pentagon (blue line?), I think the next stop after the Pentagon is a four-story shopping center. I cannot remember the name of it but the Carlton-Ritz hotel is at that stop.
Across the street from the shopping center/hotel is a strip-type mall. The Tex-Mex restaurant there is pretty good. Costco is behind that strip mall. That is the only one I know of out there since it was the easiest for me right off the Metro.
The strip mall, shopping center/hotel and Metro are connected by a pedestrian tunnel.
Jason . . .
So much for a social life. Welcome to teaching (of which they allow little time) and grading (which they expect you to do on your own time).
It is important to provide nearly immediate feedback to your kids.
Bravissimo! Just remember to take some time for yourself — sleep, church, friends, T-Gate, . . .
wafan – #62 I think it’s the Crystal City stop.
jm . . .
I thought the Crystal City stop is the one just past. Between that stop and the airport.
I should dig out my DC files and check . . . one of these days.
wow Navy really kicking Rice butt. Leading 63-14 with 4 minutes left in the game.
You must be talking about Pentagon City.
wafan and jm2375:
Pentagon City has a decent-sized shopping shopping center at/connected to the Pentagon City metro station. Not too far away from there is a Costco.
Wonder if Greg will be sitting on the sidelines today?
Alexander, that is.
CRW . . .
That is the one. Shopping center has a food court on the bottom, four floors of stores, a watch repair place just as you enter the shopping center from the pedestrian tunnel.
That place has a Redskins store. I asked about a Colt jersey. That is where I got the blank look and was told that they guy is just a rookie! What was i thinking?!?!
T-Gate must be in full swing.
Sleep? What is sleep? 😛
I have around 30 more papers to grade, I’ll do those tomorrow. Time to get ready for the tailgate.
Starvin. Plane is late. Hope they save me a plate. I got 2 lilikoi pies for dessert!
I haven’t been to the Shops at Pentagon City yet, but I’ve known since I got here that the nearest Costco was located in that vicinity.
Funny that Crystal City was brought up. That’s where my work is being transferred to. 🙂
There are a few shops over in Crystal City as well. Some of them are located underground, accessible through the street-level escalators going down as if you were accessing the Metro. One escalator set down and the entrances to the underground shops are to your left and right. Go down one more set and the Metro fare-gates are just around the corner.
Wildcat Update
Linfield secures its 54th consecutive winning season with a win over Whitworth, 38-20. (sorry djmitcho)
Weber St. wins on the road over E. Washington, 31-13 as the Beast returns.
Nice to see Mouse Davis on Hawaiian soil!!!
To the Tailgate!
Congrats Wildcats x2 ❗
It wasn’t a pretty game for the pirates. Lost both the 1st and 2nd string qb in the game. Our AA running back is out for the season too. Got the game recorded for you. I saw the Beast get a sack during the highlights of the Weber-Eastern game on the news.
Watching Idaho-SJS right now. SJS is up 7-0 with 6 min left in the 1st Q
Aggies score first…..NMSU, that is. 7-0 over USU. 3+ min left in the 1st.
On Garret’s post # 58, Blaze Soares comments about having a “soft-spot” for hard hits. That’s fine, but the hit on GA was a direct helmet-to-helmet hit that looked more like a head-butt. If you recall, the cowardly refs picked up the flag-that was just unbelievable! A few games back a UH player made a clean hard hit that was later ruled (incorrectly) as either a helmet-to-helmet or hitting a “helpless” (?) player, although the player had the ball. I wish there was a neutral statistical study of these types of calls. Unfortunately, UH just happens to be one of those teams that can just as easily be screwed on their own home field as well as on the road (by the officiating). Does anyone remember the home game we lost to Boise State when a gutless official failed to call it when Omega Hogan got tackled from behind, resulting in a 86-yard (I think) punt return for TD-should’ve been 1st and 10 inside their own 10 yard line.
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P•O•U•N•D them doggies!!! 😈
Re: #74 –
…and then…there was only one lilikoi pie …. 😆 🙄 😀
Idaho 12 SJS 14 at half. Baldwin grad JoJo Dickson gets an int at the end of 2nd q allowing Idaho to kick a FG with 1 sec left in the half.
Lots of Hawaii connections on both these teams
Close games so far in WAC play at the half:
SJSU 14, Idaho 12
NMSU 10, Utah State 10
SMU 14 ECU 7 middle of the third.
Oops… make that 21 – 7 SMU leading… Warriors gotta do the same… Can’t fall behind JJ and company.
SJSU has two local boys, Idaho has four, both have plenty polys. Im pulling for Idaho
Congratulations to d1 and the Linfield crew. Thats a school that has done well by the local boys.
In the Aloha Stadium parking lot, the Rainbow Basketball team is taking up collections for the the Red Cross. Jacen gave a donation, got to meet them and get most of them to sign a basketball.
Idaho 19 SJS 14 in the 3rd. Vandals at SJS 14 yd line.
Well, leaving the house to go watch the UH game at RAW. I hear Warriors are in all green tonight.
Both WAC games tied early in the 4th Quarter:
SJSU and Idaho at 22
NMSU and USU at 17
UNT lost to ULL in a heart-breaker with less than 30 seconds. Looked like UH/UNLV.
Hoping for a speedy and complete recover for the Princess’ foot!
If she needs help walking I am sure c_c and Jason would eagerly volunteer to carry her.
ESPN360 carrying the Fresno feed……as expected.
mahalo to all for the kind words,
The Beast returns for WSU with 3 QB Sacks for minus 16 yds., and 4 TFL for minus 17 yards……good day at the office.
WSU 31
EWU 13
anyone think that Mouse Davis is here as a consultant?
Game time…GO WARRIORS…
Wow, looks like the zebras are against us already. They left the 1420 Animals out of the coin toss
At Watercress for the game. Stay with da mayor, whitey
Good evening Tsaikos!
Time for us to bounce back after the blocked punt. Looks like there’s plenty of empty seats tonight.
That was a nice shot down field. Keep trying that one.
first monku of ther night
3rd and 2 on your own 15, and you throw a bomb?
another sack for Kia
Yoohoo! Fumble! Finally something goes our way.
1st Q in the books.
It’s gonna take time for Moniz and co. to get in sync. Hopefully LWJ and the other RBs can get off some decent runs to keep some of the pressure off of Moniz.
What’s up with the camera shots on PPV?Tough to watch a football game when the camera is zoomed in one 1 or 2 players. Why not pull back and show the formations, play development, etc.? So frustrating.
let’s go warriors….whew, mental mistakes…
A Kingdom for a Quarter Back !!!! I thaught he could throw?
SMU defeats East Carolina 28-21, improving their record to 3-2.
Idaho defeats SJSU 29-25.
The Vandals are now 5-1 heading into next week’s matchup against UH, meaning that they will be playing for bowl eligibility when they face the Warriors.
6 quarters without a touchdown… hoo boy… Gotta turn this around after halftime!
POOF! Where did the warriors 2009 season go?
We’re doing real good between the 20 yard lines……., sorry, I’m just frustrated.
Anyway we could be anymore snakebit?
This game is a lot closer than it looks, its making me nuts.
OK, anyone have any suggestions to help out the Warriors in the 2nd half? i hope that they can turn this boat around…..
This sums it all up.
Trailing 28-3.
3 seconds left until halftime.
Warriors have the ball.
Mack elects to TAKE A KNEE.
Howzit Tsaiko Nation!
Sheez, the Warriors shoes full of self-inflicted bullet holes!!!
Listening to the radio broadcast, visualizing the action, trying to remain optimistic…
Make the adjustments, keep focused.
I Hope Jim Donovan has some balls. Mack is taking this team in a downward spiral. I’d like to be more positive, but there’s just been nothing encouraging from Hawaii’s play in the past couple games.
One more thing, I thought defense was Mack’s specialty. We’re predictable and soft on this side of the ball.
Yep… it’s the RED ZONE curse. Gotta get someone out there and start blessing those posts! Something.. anything… whooboy!
Maybe the rain will turn things around for us..
Good evening Tsaikos
Everyone gotta take a deep breath. Expectations are running too high. We just gotta bet back to basics. Play what I call championship ball. Execution and the discipline to stay with assignments. Don’t have to go for the big play, do all the little things right and execute. Moniz just gotta go through what all the QB’s go through until it just starts to click. Pressing won’t help. Everybody just do their job.
Oops … that’s get back to basics …
ahhh, we’ll score “more touchdowns”….
Oh My gosh ! UNBELIEVABLE ! I woke up this morning INSPIRING the Warriors and Tsaiko Nation to victory and to my surprise a 21 to 3 BUTT whooping and where not in the 3rd quarter. I don’t have a feed to this game AS I am glad not to witness this HUGHE DISSAPOINTMENT of a score.
I thought for sure they will be ready BUT I always felt Finauke should of gotten the nod at quaterback for this game but MACK called it his way and right now his POPULARITY is not sky high !
Anyone out there get back to me on what is wrong with this team AS if they don’t show no better showing we are looking at Boise next week and the losses will get even worst as this team has lost it’s CONFIDENCE !
They’re playing a better game than they did against LaTech.. but those mental errors on a few plays have made all the difference. The score makes you think. though, that they are playing a lot worse than they did against LaTech.
R Cliff its 35-3 FSU
Hello present Tsaiko Bloggers, What is the score ? what quarter are we in ? statistics, I know are bad. First downs maybe 4 and I don’t have a signal feed to this game.
I am returning my Reyn Spooner XXL Hawaii bowl championship aloha shirt that I just bought or is there anyyone out there would like to buy it I will sale it. Cost $68.00 but I will eat $20.00 of it and sale it for $48.00.
I can’t believe this game will be like this. What is the score ?
Plain and simple, we are just playing better teams than we are, with much better game plans. I still think we have some talented players that play hard it just seems as though they are not prepared as our opponents are. But that’s sports and you go through stretches like these were you think you’ll never get out of the rut.. You just have to play through it. our case we’re just hoping we run into a team that is not as prepared or not as well coached.
rasu begasu, MAN I am so ashame as I can’t believe this score of this IMPORTANT game ! 35 to 3 that’s a 32 blow out and we are not at the end of the 3rd quarter.
Mack will not make it to the end of this season ! UNBELIEVABLE ! No offense and the points they are giving up at HOME is horrible to say the least.
The fans have got to be emptying the stadium by now. With this lost what will their record be ? 2-3 overall, 0-2 in the WAC ?
Painful to watch.
They should be throwing to Salas more often.
Wow… What an ass whooping and talk about being outcoached…I thought Mack was a” defensive guru ” but all I see is a very pathetic defense… The offense gets a pass for now but the defense really sucks.
Must be great to lose at home. Time to furlough the coaches.
Tackle low, take out the legs.
I wonder when we will “score more touchdowns”?
Was is not a quote this week from Mack saying that he wished FSU ran the ball against us?
42-3…3rd quarter with 1:25 to go.
Post Manke, talent is one thing BUT you can’t convince me that being BLOWN by 32 points on your home field is plain and simple that LTU and FRESNO are BETTER TEAMS. NOT kind sir !
Mack is responsible for all OF THE PREPERATION and his so call coaching staff should be ASHAME of themselves unable to coach in this WAC division and making this team be prepared every single game.
You cannot make me believe that Fresno is better then us at 35 to 3 !
No way Jose !
This team needs a new DIRECTION and stating they will play through it will NEVER happen sir as these young athletes needs inspiration, direction and faith in their LEADERSHIP ! with emphasis on a COACH that knows how to draw up a game plan and make adjustments during the game !
Throw the ball to Salas. I can’t believe we have gone so long without a TD.
Rainbow, I cant put it simpler than thay. Talent wise FSU is a much better team. PLAIN and Simple. i dont know what game you’re watching but they are more physical, bigger and faster.. good god, look at their corners, they look like our LB’s. =)
We just have to face it. While we are a good team, we’re just not as good as some others in the WAC. ~ in all aspects. Talent, speed, size, coaching, mental, etc..
Hire Mouse Davis Tomorrow !
The season is over. Let Mack go and eat
1million dollars in which he should’nt of gotten
that much !
We panic when JJ left and of course Hinshaw who
does not have a SPORTS MIND empty the kettle
to smooth over the HF and JJ mess and now the
results of June Jones leaving will set this program
back for some time IF they don’t act NOW !
New direction = TRIPLE OPTION
The contract stars will align and once again the WAC universe will be ours..
Don’t blow a gasket. Do you even know that we’ve lost our starting QB? And the 2nd string?
If you’ve watched Fresno and who they played, you should know that they are a good team.
Last year we’ve lost our entire starting offense, this year our defense, next year I’ll get mad.
Has anyone else had their video stream from oceanic go south? First half was fine but I am just getting constant buffering. I am listening to Bobby and Robert now so it doesn’t seem like a problem on my side. Anyone still watching?
Time to start looking for new coaches. They are overpaid and unqualified to coach. Can we buy out urban meyer’s contract?
expat: try if it is available on your internet carrier
I would give Shane Austin a chance to play now. UH should give him some game-time reps…the game is over and it would be good to get another QB some game experience.
Moniz seems a little shell-shocked right now with a lot of INTs being dropped by Fresno State. I think that Moniz played well until that INT in the red zone, and then the Fresno State DL took over for awhile and got Moniz out of his rhythm.
If Moniz gets injured in the next game (or in this game), then UH will have no QB with game-time reps for the tough road game at Idaho.
Congrats to Paul Johnson and Ken Niumatalolo on very impressive wins today. has MUCH better video and sound quality than Oceanic’s streaming. Full-screen video quality has been awesome here…and cannot beat the free price!
Post Manke, I am not watching no feed of this game
and lets say you are right about FSU being more talentd
then UH.
42 TO 3 ASS whooping in your HOME field say’s one thing
Lost of confidence BY players to the direction of their leadership
field manager, General.
Hell, if they just score for me I will give you the shirt for FREE as
that is how I feel about this team and the season. Alexander come back !
We need you BAD !
How many fans are left in the stand ?
I can go to my refigerator eat grapes and cook
mahi mahi and the score is going to get WORST !
This is what Mac said in the article in the Maui News that was published yesterday:
And speaking of JJ, we had our two worst losses ever against Fresno and Boise. So, please, my friend, a little equilibrium, but if it makes you feel better, flame away.
Inoke actually got a shovel pass for a 5 yard gain! Nice to see him get to contribute like that.
UH Defense about to give up 300+ rushing yards again if they haven’t already done so. Still having tacking issues, inhibiting their ability to stop the Fresno run…..or anyone else for that matter.
I figured the UH Offense was going to have timing issues between the QB and receivers. Some bad throws and a few dropped passes were expected, IMO, but the number of dropped passes exceeded what I was anticipating. Moniz getting pressured on a regular basis early on.
Now it’s mop-up/garbage time.
That option play in the red zone had NO chance…luckily it wasn’t a turnover.
We couldn’t do it with GA at LaTech what makes you think we have any game against Fresno?
This season is a wash. 2010 here we come.
TD Hawaii, Medeiros recovered Salas’ fumble!
Salas needs to *stop* reaching the ball out near the goal line when he’s in traffic. Having it happen in one game was okay, but consecutive games with goal-line fumbles is worrying.
Hey, we scored a touch down of a fumble from on of our guys….We recover the ball from an onside kick – I see the light…
UH recovered the onside kick…easily the best special teams play today!
Excellent execution for UH on the onside kick…they had 3 or 4 guys with just 1 Fresno State guy in the area.
Florida Ted , I KNOW ALL OF THAT !
Munoiz had no business starting. Finauke
should of gotten the call.
Decesions by your Head Coach.
Fresno is not better then UH 42 TO 3.
Man I played for UH and I know as an ex-player
what happens to a young player when you get dominated
and their are NO adjustments and players are looking for
DIRECTIONS ! Talent or NO Talent.
So next year IF this happens you will be concern.
Well Florida start getting MAD sir as talent is ONE
THING Coaching is another. Trust me “I have been there” !
By the way I am SO sorry for your health that you sustained
and am very happy that you have gotten better. Got a gift for you
if you may send me your e-mail address.
Thanks Garret,
Unbelievable about the quote. JD should sit him down and put a suppression order on him from the media as much as possible. Only say what is necessary. No use talking game plan if we cant back it up. Walk the talk coach!
Chizzy had a decent run…nice that he’s getting to play also.
I would really like for Shane Austin to get some playing time, so that if UH needs him in a future game he could have had some game-time reps.
And I have that opinion on Austin even if UH scores on this drive…UH has to look toward the rest of the season and how QBs can get injured at any time.
Chizzy ran really hard on that reception…great job.
Nice to see we can score… albeit against the 3rd string
I’m sure that Pat Hill used Mac quote for bulletin board material. He probably went to his team and said that UH’s head coach says that they *want* Fresno to try to run them…and he would then tell their team that they would accept that challenge.
TD Bradley!
I guess this is the part where UH tries to score some mop-up TDs to make the bottom-line ticker score look more respectable.
It is nice that Moniz has some confidence now…and now I really want Shane Austin to get some reps in this game.
I don’t see Moniz as the answer to the QB issue and I agree that Mac should give Austin some reps.
It is nice that Fresno State put in their backups and stopped blitzing. Basically just one DE was causing the big problems for UH, so it was nice when they sat him down.
Go UH!
Only 26 more points to win!
Moniz seems like a tough kid. I like him, He’s battered and is taking his bumps and bruises.. going forward I like him
We just gotta find a way to play through this, No doubt we’re broken but we ain’t that bad a team.
I still like the triple option in the WAC though
Maybe Fresno State plans to run out the clock on this drive…I don’t know if Austin will even have a chance to get on the field.
But Mac seems very strongly committed to having Ron Lee as the offensive coordinator and that means no triple option. The recruits UH has probably fits the run-and-shoot instead of the triple option…need very different OL recruits in that offense and it really takes awhile to change an OL so radically.
Next year we open up against USC… We should learn to tackle by then.
Mac is really trying to make the score look more respectable while Fresno State is just trying to run the game out with their backups. It looks like UH has the entire first team D still in the game and Mac is calling more timeouts than I’ve ever seen him do before.
UH’s first team D couldn’t stop Fresno State’s backups and now Fresno State will knee to end the game.
Florida Ted, JJ HAD A track record of HEAD COACHING experience. Plus his stature as a RESPECTED head coach got him in the door to get Colt Brennan even though Colt had a bad situation in Colorado.
JJ knew talent and how to get talent and had RESOURCES outside of Hawaii to help him land talent, plus the players BELIEVED in him and will run into WALLS for him. JJ was a GAME COACH making adjustments, studying films of opposing teams strong and weak points.
That is why I and Hawaii fans BEGGED JJ to stay to avoid on what you are seeing now. Talented athletes were coming to UH as I met a lot of them when they saw me with my Hawaii gear on as JJ brought credibility and a NFL background which attracted ALOT of your talented mainland players. The game is won with talent BUT your coaching and preperation adds to the mix of close game vs. BLOW OUT !
What the score now 42 to 10. A beat down by 32 points.
By triple option I mean the whole change order. I mean Ken Niumatalolo.
The contract stars will align and once again the WAC universe will be ours..
I do *not* look forward to reading the 40+ stories about the game tonight and tomorrow morning…but I have got to archive the quotes. At least I just got paid from an advertiser on my warriorquotes blog so I sent a decent sized check to Na Koa.
Yep. That Fresno DE was giving the offense fits.
Moniz, IMO, is going to continue to meander along in the offense. I wasn’t expecting him to have a breakout game or to be perfect. Next week may be more of the same on offense, but as long as he makes fluid progress then things will be on the right track with regards to him.
With Idaho’s three-headed monster at the RB position, things may not bode much better next week if the defense continues to have tackling issues.
UH cannot afford to pay Ken Niumatalolo and the assistant coaches. UH cannot afford to eat the $3.3 million left on Mac’s contract after this season.
Ken Niumatalolo can get a BCS job whenever he wants to leave Navy.
UH could get Ivan Jasper (he is Navy’s offensive coordinator now and definitely has UH ties) some time in the future…unless Ken Niumatalolo takes a BCS job and Jasper takes the Navy job.
How much does McMackin get paid? Does Petersen at Boise State get paid less?
Go figure.
Go Bows!
Frustrating yes, but it is always great to watch a UH football game no matter what.
Thanks to all the Tsaiko’s for having us as guest at the tailgate hope to attend the next one against Boise State, once again much mahalos to everyone!
Garret, YOU called it when we talked earlier this afternoon. Close game or blow out ! with Boise State waiting and salivating to turf us up on that ugly blue carpet.
If the game is in Hawaii CHANGE IT as another blow out at home will only makes matter worst.
GamePlan: Get out of that game vs. USC as I have been to both in LA and Hawaii ALL blow outs. Cannot match up against SC superior talent.
If you thought the FRESNO team was better, when SC gets through with us thay will scoe 70 or better points. Their second team is made up of athletes we should be getting ! Long Season Tsaiko Nation !
Sometime it’s just not about the money.. We couldn’t afford JJ but he wanted to come and made it work.
Kenny would want to come home. An AD who will who is drooling and a contract extension that is hush hush that would lead me to believe that it would end about the same time Macks end.
The way i see it, we cant afford not to have Kenny
Before the season began, who would have expected *Idaho* and *SMU* to be in first place in their conferences at this point in the season?
Ah well.. we’ll get all the frustrated fans dissing the coaches for the next week.. sigh…
Too many mental lapses in the special teams. Too many dropsies. Players wanting to do too much before they even get the ball that they do things they shouldn’t and hurt the team instead of helping. Sigh…
Frustrating but there were moments to build on .. players that did well, and Moniz finally got a touchdown.. UH finally got a touchdown in 8 quarters. The ice has been broken, now they can turn things around.
Knew SMU would be right were they are… great job!
JJ has all the money, facilities, recruiting budget that he could ask for. If what we suspected is true (that money and better facilities would have worked miracles in Hawaii), JJ should have a BCS bound team in the next two or three seasons. If he doesn’t, something else may be missing in the forumla.
First three game losing streak for UH since 2000, when they started off that season with four losses en route to a 3-9 season.
It will be up to the coaches to get things back in order in preparation for next week’s game in Moscow. Lose that one and I’m almost certain bowl-eligibility will be out of the question considering the opponents we have remaining on the schedule.
If UH gives Mac his 5 years and things do not work out, I honestly agree with you that there would be no better candidate than Ken Niumatalolo if he’s available then. That assumes that Navy doesn’t extend his contract forever or that a BCS team doesn’t hire him away.
Remember, before this season Mac said in an interview how he’d like to get a contract extension…he probably won’t talk about that anymore this season. However, I really don’t think it is fair to make conclusions about a coach after two seasons (remember JJ’s record in his second season at UH?)…but it is more than fair to judge after 4 or 5 seasons.
Was it 3-9? I thought is was 4-9?
BSU is up after the Idaho game…the Idaho game will either give the team momentum and a hope for the Hawaii Bowl or the fan turnout could be bad for the BSU home game.
I know that the Tsaikos will support the team, but I’ve seen how the attendance drops in the past when UH loses.
we will see rapid gradual progression in JJ’s recruiting from year to year. bigger faster talent will migrate to SMU. I suspect the same timeline as Texas Tech as when Leach took over
JJ has a solid recruiting class already committed for 2010, held camps all over the state of Texas in the summer, had *two* Junior Days this year, and has done so many of the recruiting things that he never was able to do with the $50k recruiting budget that HF gave him. My biggest complaint (even more than the $&#* fake punts and the no-defensive coordinator year) with JJ was with his recruiting, but he’s shown what he could do with a decent recruiting budget and a director of football operations that basically serves the role that Tony Tuioti does at UH.
I agree. It takes at least 4 seasons to really judge a head coach, unless you see a lot of dissension from the players and other coaches. It takes a full 3 years, at the very least, with an adequate recruiting budget to build the corps of your starting line up. I think next season we should be able to better judge the play calling as more of the players will have worked under the current coaches, but they still may not be what the coaches would have hand picked for the positions that they play.. just simply, they would be the best that is currently available. By the 4th season, insofar as the starters are concerned, and barring too many injuries, all the players picked by the coaching staff should be in place.
Going to bed, got lunch date with Rich2176 as I hope he will be present at my 17th anniversary on 10 / 28th. Trying to get this resolution from Hawthorne as my wife serves as a buffer between City Hall and it’s political officials.
Anniversay of 17 years of professional service with out ONE DAY being absent, late, sick or call out for personal time. Need your CONGRATS cards Tsaiko Nation as my door is all filled up with kids, parents and fellow working colleagues paying tribute every day. 18 days and counting.
Garret #202:
That’s what I was thinking as well. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Vandal fans pack the Kibbie Dome next week (which isn’t that hard to do, honestly).
Not only could the turnout for the Boise State game be low with a loss to Idaho, but the Hawaii Bowl itself could be in definite danger of not getting UH. Potentially being 2-5 is very hard to make up, with the directive of almost having to win out to get to the bowl game.
Again, we just got to get back to basics. Execution. Trying to do too much hurts more than it helps. I wouldn’t feel too bad if we were executing but it just seems that things are out of control.
The Idaho game will show a lot about this team. The positives :
1. Idaho doesn’t have the power attack that Louisiana Tech and Fresno State had. So, UH’s D matches up better with Idaho.
2. These Idaho players haven’t had this type of success before and they could either get overconfident or fall apart under pressure.
3. Moniz has a game behind him and got a lot of reps with the first team offense.
The negatives:
1. UH won’t have many fans at the game–remember, that was one thing that ST discussed hurt the team at the Louisiana Tech game. The good thing is that the Kibbie Dome is small and Idaho won’t have many fans there either…though their bandwagon fans will show up to fill their stadium.
2. Idaho has learned a lot about winning now and probably have the most momentum they have ever had.
3. Some UH players must really have their confidence hurt now…if Idaho gets up in the game early the spirit of the team could be hurt.
JJ found a shot put and discus thrower (Hunt) on his campus who is 6’8″ and got him on to the football team even though he had never seen football before. He’s an Olympic-level athlete (in the shot put and discuss) and they are trying to make him a DE like how Ikaika Alama-Francis go from a backup basketball player to an NFL DE.
Hunt blocked a kick against TCU last week and blocked *two* FGs this week! His second block was returned for a TD, so Hunt basically changed the score by 13 points all by himself…he basically won the game for SMU.
UH might not have any 6’8″ track athletes on campus, but I wonder if a volleyball player could be converted into a kick blocker?
Hate to say it but I said it a bit earlier. What we lack is leadership. You can yell, taunt, cajole, whatever, but if as a leader you do not have “it”, leading will probably be difficult at best and there would be an inability to sustain a high level of participation toward a desired goal. In this case, winning football games.
Mac is a nice guy but he does not have “it”. Neither does anyone on his staff. Some may be good followers, but cannot function well in their area without a good leader.
If there is going to be a change in the future. We would need to look beyond what we have. Oh, and don’t be wided eyed by a “name”. Leadership may come from elsewhere.
This season will not end well. There will need to be changes made and made quickly at the end of the season if we want recruits to stay committed. There needs to be a major overhaul. Unfortunately, several “nice guys” will need to be replaced.
Next year will be Mac’s last stand. He will need to be “presentable” or he too will need to be replaced.
I thought Moniz did a good job tonight. When he had time, he hit his receivers. The biggest problem on offense is the play of the line. Fresno’s DE was speed rushing our LT and was in the backfield on nearly every play. Our RT was called for holding which negated a long play, and the RG was whistled for holding which took away Salas’ TD. We have 4 seniors and a junior with 2 seniors making their first starts this year. We are rebuilding our line AGAIN next year with 4 new starters. Maybe the staff should be looking at grooming underclassman and letting them get their feet wet in game situations.
Special Teams play was an F. Our kicker was very lucky his 2nd field goal wasn’t block because it was low. Fumbled punt which gave Fresno a score right before half, and we almost lost the kickoff right after that TD.
Hopefully, we can make some progress against Idaho.
Sorry Garret,
from day one I was not a believer in Mack. Heck, I would want a contract extension too if I just forged my way into a D1 job. Yes, It’s not fair to judge true. Some can recognize talent and some can read into it better than others. I can tell you that being the Don Strock of college coaching – time is not on your side..
I respect your opinion and know others who feel the same way. I won’t make conclusions for Mac until a few more years go by. If Mac’s contract was different and UH had a buy-out clause, or if money was not a problem, then maybe I’d look at this more closely. Given the way that UH structured Mac’s contract, I figure that he’ll be the coach for at least 4 seasons, so I hope that things go well and that UH’s patience is rewarded.
I’m still going to support UH no matter what and plan to donate more to Na Koa next year once certain contracts kick in for my company…I figure that they will need the money more than ever now.
I think I’m gonna rest from the blogs for a few days to let all the coach and team trolls speak their minds then come back after the dust settles. They all seem to come out after a bad loss and then disappear into the woodwork when things are going good.
I still support UH no matter what as well. He’s the coach, he is coaching his heart out. You gotta ask, If Mack threw his name in the hat for the head coaching job and was not part of the 12-0 season coaching staff. would he be the leading candidate for the job? Would he be the leading candidate for ANY D1 job @ + $1 Mil per season? …there’s no way!
Let him play out his contract, hope the program can stay above water enough to not cut staff, improve AD dept, etc..
However, I am waiting… “The contract stars will align and once again the WAC universe will be ours..” =)
madeinhawaii #215:
Ditto. People are going to be dissatisfied regardless. I’d rather give them their two-minutes then watch them go off into the sunset.
See you later!
I often have customers who want curly koa frames at swap meet prices. They think I can turn any piece of wood into a pricey frame. It doesn’t work that way. You give me pine.. I can make a pine frame. You give me mahogany, I can make a mahogany frame. You give me select koa, I can make a select koa frame. You give me light koa, I can make a light koa frame, or stain it dark, but it will still be a light koa frame that only looks dark on the outside. I can’t make curly koa unless I have curly koa.
Similarly, you can only make a championship team from championship type players. Anything less, you may beat a championship team on a given day, but not day in and day out. So, I am more than happy to give Mac his day, and his time to build the base of players he needs to prove himself. AND when his 5 years are up.. maybe go get JJ, especially if he can prove that with money and facilities, he can consistenly build a BCS buster team.
Some positives:
Leon Wright Jackson did well in the first quarter–was it 4 rushes for 63 yards? UH had a running game established, the perfect thing for an inexperienced QB.
Alex Dunnachie had his best punting performance of his UH career. The punts and punt coverage were excellent, by far the best part of UH’s special teams play.
John Fonoti never stopped battling and played an excellent game. He showed a lot of emotion in the game even when Fresno had a big lead.
Fresno State fumbled a ball without being touched by the Warrior D and dropped at least 4 interceptions.
Eh Howzit Everybody,
Heh what you gonna say Fresnick kicked our butt. Congrads to them. They showed up and so did we but they just wanted it a little bit more.
I gotta say though that some of the crap that comes out of this blog is just crazy. It is Mac’s second year of coaching and people again are calling for his head already. I just gotta say, GET A GRIP. And I see all this with comparing Mac and JJ. Why is anybody going to go there. JJ is no longer here. What he did for us was great and I thank him for all that he has done BUT HE IS GONE!!!! JJ left the cupboard bare for the most part. Yes we still have some talented players from the JJ years but we have no depth and depth is what we are trying to build. We have a good nucleus of first string players but besides that we kind of have nothing.
I am willing to give Mac the five years because if he can recruit even close to the way he did at Texas Tech then we will be in very good hands.
Like I will always say, this season might be a long one but you just gotta enjoy the ride.
Heh this is the only game in town. Without our college sports what else would we be doing. Everybody just gotta relax.
I completely understand and do not disagree with your #216. I appreciate the tone you took instead of just tearing the team down like I’m sure if going on elsewhere.
what an idiot…..when was the last time things were going “good”?
Move on.
Next loss (marking a 4 game losing streak):
warrriors 17
Idaho 24
…………… =( …………….
patience gang, its gonna be one heck of a loooooong season.
Blame it on Herman Frazier.
If not for him we might still have JJ.
Very discouraging season.
Mack has his work cut out for him trying to salvage the rest of the season. Hope he has it in him.
yikes, last time we lost four in row was in 2000
I understand … everyone gotta get out their frustration … let it out today … and tomorrow … but don’t give up on the boys. It is now that they need the support the most. Need some leadership and need to regroup.
Speaking of Texas Tech, their starting QB who’s leading the nation in passing yards is injured, the backup throws for nearly 500 yards and 7 TD’s against K-State. What a system!
Eh Westsidesview,
If your talking about my comment than thank you for the compliment my friend. Alot people call me that but I didn’t believe them. I guess they were right. Anyway thanks again for the compliment. LOL
Too bad this game went the way it did…. Coach Mac and the coaching staff have to really look at the players they have on their team including the ones that were not suited up… I bet there were some players that could make a difference…. don’t be scard… take the plunge… they must be dying to get their feet wet and they will not let you down…. Coach Mac… take a step back and relook at the BENCH…..
Coach Mac: how we gonna beat Utah St?
Your right and that was I think JJ’s second year at the helm. I think that was a really big rebuilding year. Does this sound familiar right now. I think so.
BRING THE PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! Ill pity Idaho!!!!!
This is the time, as fans, to get nasty and get loud when you can as much as possible!
voncrappen lost 18 consecutive games between ’97-98.
mcmakin is a genuis in comparison. The streak could go to 7 until new mex rolls into town.
For the record, I told Cliff that either Fresno State would blow UH out or UH would win a close game. Cliff calls before each game to ask me what I think will happen in the game and I gave reasons why either could happen…I really thought that UH would win if the game was close with the fans helping the team at the end. But there were also many reasons that pointed to a blowout win (power rushing offense against a young and injured DL, 3rd string QB starting, etc.).
Thanks for the voice of reason. Win or Lose I will stick by my team. I support whether they are winning 70-10 or they are losing 70-10. This is just the way it is. This is the only game in town. You just gotta love it.
Mack is not JJ. He needs to build his own team. JJ is gone. And as I remember it JJ only won 3 games in his second year.
I thought Moniz did okay for his first start. He still needs more reps to get better. I was watching him practice before the game and his connection with the receivers weren’t the best but with more time it will get better.
I don’t know about what the scheme was on defense but the perimeter players were double teamed at the point of attack. Paredes was getting creamed. Fresno lined up their fullback as a tightend who did a really good job. I think Blaze plays better on the outside. I hope they give Mana more reps in the middle.
The next game is at Idaho, so I don’t think that the fans in Hawaii making noise will make a difference in the game…
all you tsakos are invited to my island. you all need to recharge for navy and wisconsin. maybe we can play in the toilet bowl.
You are another person that I very much respect. You are never to high but at the same time you are never to low. You speak with reason, not out of your ARSE. You back what you say with reason, which more then I can say about some people. I also thought this game would either be close with us winning or a blowout with us losing.
I just gotta ask the voice of reason, Why do think we have so much craziness around here. I always look forward to your perspective because I know that your perspective has some kind of reason to it.
I think Ivan Jasper called a great game for Navy today. But the bottomline is the Navy players know their assignments and execute them really well.
Yes but wasnt JJ coming off the biggest turn around in NCAA history? Wasnt he Coach of the Year for some? …I remember sensing that greener pastures was ahead of those crazy wide open receivers… I just dont get the same feeling here.. sorry
I like the team, the players can compete. I love watching the offense
But isn’t it like having the offensive recipe of someone else’s expired patent? you dont renew the patent because there is nothing new to protect it. You know the old recipe and you run it and run it and run it. ~ not too sure if that will help us in the long run..
I thought that Enos made one of the biggest plays of the game. That bugga should be on the d.
Moniz 24 for 52……ouch
kama krab,
Fans *always* seem to get too high or too low. When a team plays just 12 or 13 games in a season, every game is like life and death to some people. Many forget the saying that a team is never as bad as it looks after a loss and never as good as it looks after a win.
I don’t mind the craziness as long as the fans keep supporting the team and don’t criticize the players. What I worry about is the bandwagon fan that will stop going to the game after the team starts to lose…UH needs their money!
Twice I was at Texas for the last season before a football coach got fired. Those fans have standards that are far above Hawaii fan standards (they think 10 wins and a top 20 ranking is a horrible season), so you could not imagine how brutal things got when those teams struggled and everybody knew the coaches would be fired!
Labrat #236
You the man. I totally agree with your assessment. I do think that Moniz did some good things but at the same time he did force some thing that he might have needed to force. For the most part I also think that all Moniz needs is time to gel with the first string and everything will be okay.
With regards to Blaze. I think you might be right. I think that Blaze does alot better in space either on the weak side or the strong side. I just have a feeling that leaving Blaze in the middle is not making the most of his talent. But of course we will just need to let the coaches do there thing and we need to just support them in anyway possible.
Curveball ~ in the rain..
The SportsHawaii people are watching Mac’s postgame press conference and Mac answered the question of why LWJ was on the bench after doing so well earlier in the game. This is apparently what Mac said:
If more players play with the heart of number 1 they will go to a bowl game. Quiters will never get there. I haven’t given up.
Here is a link to the post game quotes that UH decided to release. I’m going to check the Fresno State website because last week UH left out some quotes that the Louisiana Tech transcript included.
I know he had a holding called but I thought Austin did a pretty good job at right tackle. Didn’t he get that one block where he knocked the Fresno player on his arse?
re: 249
for some coaches having the ball rushed 47 times for 277 yards against your defense is an improvement? =)
GRRR All my gold and plunder couldn’t buy me a better coaching staff. Grrrr he asked them to run and they ran and ran and ran. UGGGGG back to my cave before the sun comes up and turns me to stone.GRRR UUGGG Troll no like to lose.
Fresno State better watch out in their next game.
UNLV beat UH….then lost to Wyoming, got KILLED by Nevada, then got blown out by BYU. Their head coach might be fired very soon.
Louisiana Tech beat UH…then got beaten pretty badly by Nevada
Conclusion: teams should watch out before they beat UH, they could ruin their season!
I don’t think JESTES would enjoy playing center in the system that Navy runs. The navy center plays at a pad level 3 feet off the ground.
I believe!!!
yeah it was definitely raining..messed up my hair do 😉
Yah I gotta agree with you on #244. The 12-13 games played each is like life or death for some people. For me, I know better. I’ve been around the sport long enough to know that there is no life or death with regards to any sports. People go to remember that these are just kids having fun doing what they love to do. After there college careers most of them will never see the field again and will thrown into the real world. For those 12-13 games it is time to celebrate your football team not to bring them down. It’s a time to get down to the stadium and make some noise and drink some beer’s and have a good ole time. Life does not end with one lost neither does it get better with one win. Life or death has nothing to do with sports and people should not treat it as such.
I guess what I am trying to say with the long blabber was, Hawaii is our team and they are putting there all into every game. We just gotta continue to support them.
Bandwagon fans will always be this way but I agree we need them.
I just finished reading through and archiving the quotes from the Fresno State website and the Fresno Bee…I’m depressed now and I’m going to sleep.
This calling for Coaches heads is getting a little old.
Why can’t we look at this a little bit fairer?
Macks first season barely counted, no time for recruiting and he lost his entire, nation leading, offense. His new R&S resembled more the keystone cops, rather than the once feared offense we were so accustomed to, nevertheless, by hook and by crook we made it to our Bowlgame, were we got exposed by a Notre Dame team that finally found it’s mojo. So, not so bad for a patched together first year Team, yes?
Now we’re in the second year, the offense is starting to find itself and make some waves, bang, we lose our starting QB for the year and the reality of having lost every single starter on defense hits like a cold shower. Even a Blaze Soares is not the same after nursing a heavy injury for a year. We have talent and some great young bucks. It takes time to create Navy Seals, even from the most talented recruits.
Now, year three and four should be the pay-off years and a consistently good Football team should be the permanent result from then on.
That’s what I, as a fairly lucid fan, expect for a Million Bucks in Hawaii and don’t compare Petersons Salary with McMackins. Big Macks Million Dollar house in Hawaii would cost probably 250,000 in Idaho.
So, please, stop all this silly coach bashing, today I’ve seen mostly player screw-ups, leading to at least 21 give away points.
What I’ve seen sofar, this team loses their wind from their sails when adversity strikes. Let’s not give up on them. You wouldn’t give up on your children if they’d screwewd up, would you?
get a kick out of those who believe macmackin can turn his own mess around in five years.
If you want to read the quotes I found so far, it is at:
Well another game is gone and we got are arses kicked again but right now I think we still have a chance for another bowl game. All we need is 7 wins. I am not saying this is an acceptable number of wins but I am saying that it would be another winning season while still trying to rebuild a very depleted depth chart. If we are able to hit the 7 win mark then I will feel very good about next season when we get are depth chart kind of figured out. If we do not reach the 7 win mark then we just need to go back to the drawing board and continue to improve.
I meant “make noise” in general.
The follies on both sides of the ball for our team is what it is. I’m not going to add more stress for myself.
Getting a kick for people with patients but are frustrated to watch.. Bless you guys! =)
Hows everybody doing at the post game Cabana gathering?
Most responsible people dont blame kids, they point to their parents.
The players are a product of coaching–deal with it responsibly and quit making excuses for our coaches who are getting paid to do a job and obviousily are failing.
kama krab is eating mushrooms again and drinking cheap sake.
Pretty somber when I left but all is well. BTW, the Geico ppl came up to me to offer me a chance to be the game’s #1 fan.
They offered it to me after the half and asked me to be in my seat for the first timeout of the 4th.
I thought about it and I said to myself “how the hell can I make like I’m happy and trying to grab attention for myself when my team is suffering”… So I left before right before the fourth quarter.
Not gonna look like an idiot during a time like this. Ill make noise for our boys under duress, but not to sell out like a b**ch. 😎
Come to find out… I won but wasn’t there. Must have been weird for Geico to present money to an empty seat… 😆
ditto! ditto
Just ate my first meal today at 10:54pm HST. Before that I had two pieces of LTUH’s lemon butter mochi.
Tension on gameday is not healthy for me. 😆
OUCH!!! Wow, that was painful. I really hope the team can figure out how to get out of this funk. I need more beer. I’ll be going to sleep tonight listening to Rod Stewart now after the self medicating. How pathetic.
Argghh! Very frustrating. Not just the game, but bloggers that continue to call for Coach Mac’s job (after just over a season & 1/3)-that’s just NUTS! And totally unreasonable. Bloggers talking about switching to a triple-option offense=even more nuts! Note to ‘curveball’ on # 243: you gotta be fair. There were at least a half-dozen passes dropped by receivers (2 by Pilares on one drive?).One TD to Salas got taken away because Hansen was holding. Didn’t Hansen have 3 penalties also on one drive?? How does a QB sustain momentum when his teammates let him down like that? On another play, he threw a pretty good pass toward Bradley (I think) where Bradley didn’t even turn around-how does a receive go deep into the endzonewithout turning to check for the ball?? On the first or second drive of the game, he led Pollard beautifully only to have Pollard inexplicably slow down, then try to speed back up & miss the ball;if he doesn’t slow down, he scores. Pollard is improving with the game experience, but he drops at least 1 or 2 balls a game & in the last game he caught a pass within a yard of the sideline (while time is running out) but instead of stepping out & preserving time & the use of a time-out, he steps inside & gets snowed under. Moniz is NOT the problem. Granted he threw a few errant passes, but I STILL feel he’s the guy! If some of his teammatesstepped up like he did, we wouldn’t be having this depressing discussion or at least the score would’ve been closer.
Protector … thanks for the analysis. I wasn’t able to watch the game but listened to portions of it. A new QB gives a slightly different cadence and a new QB throws a different ball, everyone is still adjusting to that. From what I heard our receivers are not blocking downfield and our running backs are not swinging out for safety valve type passes if nothing opens up. The backs also have to block better. As I said earlier, it’s back to basics … execution. Everybody got to get on the same page.
Moniz was not the problem..he threw a few bad ones..some rushed..and a lot dropped..and yeah it was wet..the problem is the whole team just does not put it together..its not just one part of the team, its the whole team not getting it done..why? I do not know…..Go Warriors
Sorry to hear that the game went the other way. I’ll have to watch the replay.
Darryll Wong remembers your borther and you!
borther = brother
Darryll even asked about you.
Don’t watch the replay of this game. What a complete and overall butt whoopin….. Wow. It looked like Fresno vs a high school team…..
Wow….. Go Niners….
i would love to see us get to a bowl game this year. but honestly i think it would take something of a miracle to do that.
we have to win 5 more games.
at Idaho
Boise St.
at Neveda
Utah State
New Mexico St.
at San Jose St.
I dunno gang….5 wins out of that schedule?….off course i would love love LOVE to be wrong.
Apology to KK for t-gate snafu. Gonna give it a rest for awhile.
UH has always had a difficult time stopping the run even when JJ was here. Personally, I thought that this group under coach Mac would show some improvement this season, but maybe we son’t see much until the second half of this season?
Perhaps the reason for weak showing in stopping the run has a lot to do with how the team as a whole practice against the run and shoot, which is more in tune with the passing game leaving the defense rather inexperienced in stopping the run?
I am not familiar with how much time is spent by UH in practice against running plays, however, real game time results pretty much expose their weaknesses. It seems to me that when defending the pass, defenses seem to move away from the line of scrimmage and in defending the run, defenses seem to converge on the line of scrimmage. UH to me tends to be in pass defense mode and therefore leaving the line of scrimmage with a lot of holes, thereby allowing for the opponents running game to be pretty successful. I might be wrong, but that’s my view of what’s happening. Then when UH’s defense gets sucked into committing to converge on the line of scrimage, the opponent throws a long bomb or pass over the defense for a large gain.
Looking at what’s left on the schedule is of concern to me because there’s a whole bunch of teams left who’s bread and butter, so to speak is the running game and ball control.
I’m very pleased with the stats of our new QB, I think he did pretty good. Now it’s just a matter of the offense and QB adjusting and jelling together.
Defense, defense, defense…….hmmmmm??, can we use 14-players o-what??? Why I ask that question is because it seems like we need that many players to make a game of it, or it means that that’s how much more harder the players have got to play to make a game out of it, to play up to that level so to speak.
If UH had a respectable running game to compliment their passing game then their red zone difficulties would be improved tremendously; however, it seems that right now, they live or die by their passing game, end story.
Well, I remain hopeful things will improve for our Warriors. GO TEAM!!
My suggestion which might sound foolish but it would be for UH to dedicate one practice session every week to the running game; that way both the defense and offense can train themselves mentally and physically, for and against the run. I don’t know, does that make sense?
They will not quit on us an I will not quit on them.
UH vs Idaho
28 – 21 Pomai
56 – 14 d1shima
63 – 12 homey
Elite teams around the country seem to have to just, “reload” year-in-year out; the others, have to rebuild. I just hope that the UH program will find itself in a position oneday to having to just, “reload.”
I finished the quotes from the game…for those who wish to read what was said in the published reports, go to:
It wasn’t pleasant reading all those articles and I do not know if Warrior fans really want to relive things with the quotes from the game…I would totally understand if people skipped reading the quotes this week.
The “craziness” on this blog is represented by the many regulars on this blog who take offense and label as trolls a few fans who dissent from the prevailing opinion and are critical of Mac and the team.
A great Sunday to everyone!
The issue is not the divergent comments. The issue is the personal attacks.
Every August I struggle whether to renew my ESPN Gameplan subscription because ESPN does not reveal their schedule until the week of the game. Sometimes UH is on, sometimes not. Anyway, I pay over $130 in hope of catching a UH game if ESPN chooses to show it. IF the team continues to spiral downwards, do you think ESPN will continue to show UH on gameplan? Do you think I want to renew my subscription if ESPN determines that UH is not a school tthat viewers want to watch anymore?
UH is on the cusp right now…and its more than just winning the rest of their games…its about viewership, especially here on the mainland. It was not about the loss, it was “how” they lost that matters as well.
Good Morning Tsai-kos! 🙂
Despite the disappointing loss, the sun still rose this morning!
This wasn’t a blowout.
Our Warriors weren’t blanked.
They showed they can score with a new Captain at the helm.
Look at the change around Nevada did from being shutout in the 1st game of the year to dominating the last two wins.
Each week needs to get better.
Coaches and players need to be in sync.
Just hold on to the ball.
UH – 14
Idaho – 10
UH 41 – Taters 17
Idaho is due for a fall.
I really liked that little toss to Chizzy in the redzone. I hope they use that play more often. Make em dizzy, Chizzy.
UH-24, IDAHO 21 UH is going to have to work hard to win this one. I watched the Idaho game before the UH game on ESPN360 and let me tell you, they didnt screw around. They are a hard working team and got a well deserved win.
I just want to know when the last time NMSU and Utah State were above UH in the WAC standings. I dont like that.
Moniz did an ok job for his first shot starting at a D1. His line fell apart and offered him little to no protection throughout the game. He was constantly running away from Fresno’s DL. Fresno’s QB had all the time in the world
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Tough loss but I still like Moniz.
Welcome to D1 !!!
A Hui Hou- heading for the airport.
OOps- this is LizKauai at d1’s house…
4th century!
How about that Aussie punter. Oy,oy, oy.
Goooood morning!
There’s a rainbow out there ~ a full one from Punchbowl to the ocean. Have a great day everyone.
Go Warriors!
For the sake of conversation, =) If you had to pick a coach to save the world and the 2 choices for coach were Greg McMakin vs Kenny Niumatalolo who would you choose.. Trust me there is nothing wrong with the Triple Option. As short as everyone memories are fans will come watch, which is why they play the game in the first place. As long as you’re winning and consistently going to bowl games ~ aka Triple Option Offense. Nov 28th will be “Nuts!” “just nuts”
I know I would never choose a coach who in a “season & 1/3” been placed on suspension, who is on watch by the WAC and NCAA for character issues and had to already take a pay cut for his actions and is making a mockery simply because he cant handle himself in the media – which is why i suspect it took him this long to land a D1 head coach position. I’m not saying fire him, let him play out his contract to give him as much time as he needs he needs to problem solve. Because Houston there is a problem and I hope we’re not too knee deep in red at the end of the fiscal year for the sake of other programs in the AD dept. ..and when we make the cut, you know who everyone will be pointing the finger at. an overpaid employee? you betcha!
One indication of a solid football program is that it can absorb heavy graduation losses, plug in new players and not miss a beat. ~ never mind rebuilding, we cant even replace a player with a backup without shaking everything up. Thats not problem solving…
Sorry, but it’s time for a new or our own system. If we’re going to run the Run Shoot atleast footprint it so it’s like our own. I love what Rolo is doing, hope they give enough free reign that he can make it his own.
“The Triple Option contract stars will align and once again the WAC Universe will be ours”
UH 28 – Idaho 27
wow d1. at least someone scored last night.
UH 14 (against Idaho 2nd string)
Idaho 35
There is a very real possibility that Idaho plays in the Hawaii Bowl. WTF.
I feel bad for Adrian Thomas’ parents that were at the game both wearing #66 UH jerseys with “Aussie” and “Aussie Mom” printed on back.
They came all the way from Australia just to see their son get replaced by Austin Hansen who committed 3 penalties in a row (including the TD negating holding penalty)
Let’s see…….Boise St., and Idaho, both from the potato state and both currently atop the WAC standings; must be something bout steak and potato?….just saying.
#309: did you take them out to dinner after the game? That would have helped you feel better. 😆
Maaan. I came to the airport early to catch the Skins game. The sports bar is closed. Sheesh.
UH 38
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
to tell you the truth, its a half and half good morning. coming back to Hilo, I saw the Molokai race happenin at 0745. the Mokulele pilot was gracious, took the right route and the clouds opened up so i could see all da canoes and boats. get do harass my friends when da come back big island.
that was the good part of my morning. the bad part of my morning was rememberin da likkins we got last nite. a really bad likkens, and das a fak! bad bad likkins!!!!
and i’ve been tinkin about how to say dis all nite.
as delicately and diplomatically as possible, becaue da bottom line is I want us to feel good about ourselves. about our team. about our players. about our coaches. an dats da truuth.
but some people have been pointin out to da obvious discrepancies das happenin to our team.
for me, da bottom line is dat dare is a failure to communicate! Period!
from da top down~ literally! when i see good players losing concentration, and da plays spoke for demselves, isumma da good good players was making obvious mental errors. like taking da ball out at da 6 on da kickoff. like dropped passes. little stuff. and the christian ting to say about doze was “it was a mental error.”
Hate to say it, but da plain fak is dat Coach Mack is now in way ova his head. yesterday Ferd said it was a make or break season depending on da outcome of last nite’s game. after watching in horror, i pau drinking cool aid and i giong straight for da hard stuff. How in the hell are those assistant coaches calling themselves assistant coaches.
they ain’t assisting anything positive. I saw my hero sitting back in center field and not getting too many touches. i saw our guys sitting way off da ball in da first half. way way off da ball. what kind of defense is that???? ????? ?????
and the speech that Mr.Veneri spoke about on da radio, what kind of
motivational speech is that?
Did I mention I am so irritated with our coaching staff?
you led me to believe we could have had a good season. I was looking forward to a good season. and the let down is sooooo hard to swallow.
That is all part of what I mean when I saw there has been a failure to
Didn’t UH at one time years ago have some kind of play which was called the, “hula-something?” don’t have a clue why it just popped up to mind.
Was real pleased with Alex Dunnachie’s performance last night.
Good stuff!
let me make myself clear to the coach and coaches.
Idaho 42 Hawaii 13
I agree. We got spanked but we gave pretty much gave them the game on errors. Dropped passes, dropped kick returns, bad touch on a kick return to put the Warriors on the 7. Interception. Blocked kick. Too often when the we had momentum, we gave it away.
Defense did better. Offense really needs to work on their red zone plays more.
Dunnachie did real good. Tank did real good.
Chizze did real good. Sometimes Bradley real good.
Sometimes Fonoti did real good. Sometimes some other Warriors did real good.
But overall da team got trounced on both sides ah da ball.
Coaches, get angry and do something about it.
Cuz da truth is, right now you’ve gotten me angry.
and blaming the players ain’t pono. its not da players fault.
its da coaches fault!
look at yu. look at yu. 🙁
look at yhourselves. don’t just get your paycfheck.
make us feel good. DOOO YOOOOR JOBS!!!!
Hula T
idaho 27 hawaii 10
True, get some odda great coaches on great teams dat are having a down year. Texas Tech comes to mind.
but da beatin we got last week in Ruston, followed up by da beatin we got last nite, please don’t blame me if i save my co-pay and do all my psychoanalyzing right here.
im not sad. im not hurt. im irritated, because da boyz wasn’t motivated right. and da play calling was not right. i cannot say exactly wat we did wrong, all i can say is dat our scemin wasn’t right.
and our guyz wasn’t holdin onto da odda guyz and day wuz also gettin smoked by da jukes an da dis and dats.
i just don’t understand how come our guyz didn’t have dat it fakta to grab da dawgs by da nutz and jus rip em to a stop. we neva.
saw our guyz overplayin da angles. overplayin da gaps.
We don’t have street fighta coaches, das about sums it up.
an i taut bradda mack could talk like me. nope.
but i get hope. just gotta figga out how fo get da coaches off dare paychecks and go smoke sum butts!
Mack’s statement that he decided to abandon the plan to run LWJ because we were down 14-0 and his horrible quote “LWJ can’t run 50 yards on every play” makes me question his decision making.
The run was working, LWJ was running hard, the oline was blocking well and with bincoculars, their body language and reaction after each run was very positive. Afterall, they spent a week preparing the game plan and with Shaw no doubt drilling the run blocking.
Make Fresno have to adjust to the run, let Moniz manage the game with LWJ and it might have given him a better shot in the passing game.
bhf2, you need to take a trip to kalaupapa for healing or to your doctor for xtra meds….the same coaching staff wont work, even on my island despite the koolaid drinks.
vandals 31 warriorless 6
can hardly wait for kazz to give us more glowing reports from practice….wass da word for deaf n dumb?
Watching the LSU/Florida game yesterday…..did you guys notice ALL that ball stripping that went on? I loved it.
the, “Hula-T” thanks J.
anybody saw the shovel pass at anytime last night…just curious since I didn’t have any viewing access here in Texas?
before I forget……have a beautiful Sunday, everyone.
Whether we use the Run and Shoot, or switch to the Triple Option/Single Wing/Double Wing/Full T-formation/split-T/Veer/Wing-T/Spread etc etc etc, you will need big, fast, EXPERIENCED players both on the O-line and D-line.
This is not the time to bring in Madame Guillotine. What we need is patience and fortitude – at least for another year or two.
“This is not the time to bring in Madame Guillotine. What we need is patience and fortitude – at least for another year or two”.
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂
This was a very disappointing loss for sure and the Warriors have their work cut out for them. I think we can all agree on that.
Moniz is a work in progress, but my feeling is that he’s going be a very good player. His athleticism and poise will serve him well further down the road.
i think they ran da shovel pass a total of 3 times last nite, the last 2 towards da very end of the game.
LWJ ran good last nite. das a fak!
but our good guyz also had some dropsies and miscues
an da bottom line is the coaches never set da players heads right for be in da game. the whole game.
the heads got better towards the very end of the game when pride was on da line.
my guess is there is some kinda confusion among the coachin, and its spillin ova to da players. no mo solid proof, only trying to read da ti leaves and guessin wat da dropsies and da coach’s comments mean.
i dn’t need to go kalaupapa. one ah my grandfadaz spent lots ah time dare, my middle name is Damien. if i went kalaupapa, would have a different meanin fo me den you.
i believe in prayer.
so what i’m saying is, gotta change the whole mindset of the coaches, which affects the players as a team.
oddawize we ain’t got a prayer this year!
and not talkin about changing the coach. we cannot afford to change the coach. da bottom line is we stuck with the coach. so the best way to change things is to change his mindset, and miano’s mindset. and cal and ron’s mindset.
and rolovich’s mindset. he always lookin for homeruns and triples.
he gotta use da bunt and da squeeze play too.
Who can blame the folks who are upset with the situation and want to vent here? I can’t, because they have a right to be concerned. We all do.
But calling another poster “an idiot” or calling out other posters by name and taunting them is uncalled for. Express yourselves, but please don’t put down other posters who see things differently than you do. We are ALL Warrior fans, let’s enjoy that bond.
Good morning bhf2. My Hilo family went to the game with me yesterday, but we couldn’t make the T-Gate, I hope you guys had fun there.
Jon did good too.
Shout out to the band. You guys practiced real hard before the game. Your director could be a drill instructor in the army.
BHF2 – shrink yourself, grow some wings, fly into the room where the coaches are meeting this morning, perch on the wall above McMackin’s head, and then report back to the rest of us what went on.
Sometiime in mid-August prior to the first game, many of the people on this blog were grinding away on McMackin’s coaching credentials. I urged people to treat his position the same that any leadership position by using the Three Year Leadership Theory – give him time to make his leadership plans work.
However, there have been some significant errors by the coaches led by McMackin which have happened this season which have spilled over onto the players which have to be dealt with now.
BHF2 is absolutely spot on – the failure to communicate is killing not just the outcome but also the spirit of these young men to have confidence in themselves.
McMackin needs to go off on a solitary retreat – that means by himself – for as long as it takes – and then come back to sit down with his coaches and maybe even Jim Donovan to talk about how to make things better.
It’s in his hands – and he cannot blame injuries or rain or bad schedules anymore.
At first, I was willing to toss the loss aside on the grounds that it’s just a game and there are so many more important things to consider such tsunami and earthquakes and wars and terrorist threats. However, I am beginning to see that there are some critical issues here and a lot of teachable moments.
On a brighter note – the Wahine are just ONE WIN AWAY from giving Dave Shoji a place in the record books.
Hope to see you all at Wednesday’s match.
we need Mouse
Call for the coaches head is not where I would like to go. Going to the option is not the solution.
Bottom line, Mac has to lead and it is obvious that he is not providing that leadership. Too many mistakes, too many breakdowns. That does not happen to a prepared team. It happens when teams are not prepared.
How does that occur. Poor leadership,
What it is that is causing this I don’t know, but the results are on the field. I do not mind it if we loose a game we’ve been in from the start. Playing hard and executing to the best of our ability. BUT when that does not happen, and lets face it, we’ve seen it creep in in the WSU game when we started the second half and di not adjust, or when we played UNLV and made enough mistakes to make the game closer than necessary and then that no effort event at LA Tech. Then last night.
You do not see teams that are lead well. The philosohy is in place.
I love the team and as I’ve said, I support the team, but I cannot submit to “blind faith”. That’s not being a fan. Fans to accept when things are not right.
Mac has to coach. He has to lead and he has to do it by bringing the team together. It was said that this game was the make or break game. I don’t know. If we loose to Idaho, things will be really, really bad.
#331 Good one DPK.
My 2cents, from where I was sitting the problems seems to be with the entire team, period. From the head coach to the waterboy to the fans, the whole team. There are some who say not to blame the players, well that’s true for bad play calling or other coaching calls, but when they drop balls or make mental errors well that’s on the player. So IMHO it all rest on the TEAM to improve not just one part, an I do think we will, so I’ll just keep going to the game and root for our TEAM.
— from
and I concur.
Face it folks,
-june jones was taken for granted
-we are playing fbs football with fcs talent
-nike makes better unis than under armour
Give Shane Austin a chance.
Good morning Tsaikos. Not going say anything cause what I saw last night is self explanatory.
McTruck, Coach Larry Price and his QB Alex Kaloi ran the Hula T.
I’m sorry but Tank needs to be replaced he was being picked on all night give Davis a chance or teams will continously pick on that side.
Reply to ‘postmanke’ on # 304
You wanted a discussion; let’s do it. Given a choice between Coach Mack & Coach Kenny, I’d take Mack hands down. I like Kenny N; he was a fine QB for UH & has become a fine coach who had good mentors (the majority having UH ties).H knows nothing about D & he doesn’t know these players.
After the “double tap” of the Sugar Bowl & JJ’s departure, I was pretty depressed.The hiring of Mack represented “salve” to my wound-he was the right choice because he knew the payers, they were comfortable with him & he was a personable guy & a coach’s coach. Perhaps he’s not a slick, practiced actor or media type, but he’s down to earth.The reason for the suspension, paycut & media scrutiny was that he made a dig at a Notre Dame player for doing a “(rhymes with raggedy)” dance.UH overreacted in this time /climate of political incorrectness we live in.There are many in this society who equaate it with a racial slur-I’m not one of them. He wasn’t insulting the guy’s sexual orientation, he was making a dig about manliness or the lack thereof. In hanabatta days you might be called a “sissy, panty, tilly” or the like=I guess people like you will vilify me for saying those terms on the blog. Mack was indiscreet in too public a place-THAT was his mistake, yet you have the nerve to question his character & make a dig about him not being an HC sooner because he’s not adroit with the media.
I also find it hypocritical to mention fiscal matters since you conveniently forget that the program was not in danger of being “knee deep in red” as you put it-it was 300 thousand in the BLACK this past season with only a 7-7 record. So stop with the sky-is-falling routine!
You stated a solid footbal program just reloads (I’m paraphrasing) and shouldn’t come apart when a back-up goes in. Who are you comparing us to? USC, Ohio State, Florida & Alabama?? Their program has 10 times the financial backing & resources. Even Michigan, Auburn, North Carolina, Miami, Florida State & others have had their problems & they’re perennial football powers. As for trouble with back-ups, didn’t USC lose because they had a back-up in there ? As did Oklahoma?
BTW, who would you be hiring too make this 180 degree shift to Triple Option & how would the new incoming coach be able to incorporate the system with the existing players with kibitzers like you criticizing the guy for not being able to yield results immediately?
Though clever, your writing style is insidious & full of innuenendo. You’re certainly not what I’d call a straight shooter. You are so much in a rush to unreasonable & irrational judgement.
In Coach Mack’s case we’ll have to agree to disagree.
In the
“Though clever, your writing style is insidious & full of innuenendo. You’re certainly not what I’d call a straight shooter. You are so much in a rush to unreasonable & irrational judgement”.
sounds like an articulate self-description for you and other tsaiko-meatheads.
In hindsight, I’m happy with the good stuff I saw last night.
Remember that I am a Redskins fan too. Last night was the better of the two games.
Go, Moniz!
Go, Warriors!
Prayer is a good thing.
My life does not depend on the success of my fave fb teams so a loss is not the end of the world for me and is no reason to demonstrate hate, shame ir even impatiencs.
In a “solid football program” I am simply implying to Navy. Just lil ole Navy. In “Rebuilding” I am simply again implying to Navy – lil ole Navy. No power house, just something to our caliber of football. Mostly refering to the 2007 season when they lost just about everyone including their head coach! =) I could also refer to other non bcs teams with solid programs if you’d like? =)
Navy didnt miss a beat, might have been better then the previous year. – that’s what I am referring to. Can we have that same type of program running someone else’s leftover offense? We are trying hard.. that’s all i can say. .. oh and be “patient, give it time” =) Paalease!
Backup, Texas Tech – go see what their backup QB did this week. Too much of a power house.. Go see how Arkansas Pine Bluff back up did.. I can go on and on.. mostly implying to Triple Option if the QB has a bad day no big deal, the O line, RB will make things happen for you.. I can go on an on here again but wont.
This not a rush to judgement. I been saying this for 2 years now! As far as the being in the black last year you better check your accounts receivables and see where that bulk of the money came from. without that check, it would have look just as bad if not worse than it will be this year.
Yep agree to disagree.
I dont want to look too much in the future but when Kenny comes to town I am really wondering what the talk will be about..
“The Triple Option contract stars will align and once again the WAC Universe will be ours”
so I just gotta say that however each of us wanna say it, Coach Mack is gonna be around for awhile longer, good or bad, all crying and foamin aside.
and for me and anyone honest with themself, the problem starts with a failure to communicate, on all levels. everybody, coaches, players, trainer, waterboy, the failure to communicate affects their concentration on their job assignment.
the game starts in the mind. the game ends in the mind. if you ain’t got the mind, you’re not in the game. period.
i’m watching the rerun. it is very very painful. FSU was just doing straight blocking, no traps, no fancy stuff, man on man with our defense, and our defense got shoved around and blocked around and just plain got whipped, as a team.
and esides the weight issue, we just got out played, meaning we got outoached. period.
and like sumothers have said, i don’t mind if we lose and everybody feels good because we played a better team or we had some bad breaks or we got outplayed, but to have it go on and on and on, and the message is we’re gonna do this and that, then the problem becauses one of a
failure to communicate.
i love da dirty mouth. but i do NOT like the failure to communicate.
Moniz- No Worry. Keep your head up and work hard. You’ll pick it up soon enough.
LWJ- You did great. Keep it up!
Coaches- step it up. Don’t let these kids down.
Grrrrr Troll here, stepped out of my cave to comment uggggg Mac needs to lead by example ugggg,maybe Jenny Craig, Troll thinks he’s visiting to many buffets and too much plate lunches grrrrrr now back to my cave the sun hurts uggggg.
Get well soon, Princess Leila!
Moniz is golden! I am loving the “Happy Feet” foot work. He is going to become a good one. Hoping sooner than later and with not too much pressure in learning the system.
g’day tsaikos. The baton twirler was wonderful…The team was not. What happened to the haka, tought they said they were going to do it for the Fresno game. The team no more the mana. The first series we had and they went for the field goal, know we were in trouble. Same with Las Vegas and La Tech, first series we went for the field goal. To me for the field goal try on first series is already a lost game….imho…Imua Warriors. Still supporting the team…
Grrrr Troll back and Troll like #285 uggggggg haka cannot save season grrrr, get real, back to my cave before delusionials get me agggggg.
Re 339
I love Frank Beamer. But didn’t Tech fire Bill Dooley to get to Beamer? =)
I used to make extra spending money in college @ Va Tech games scalping tickets. at the time, it was legal there =) I remember the 2 win 1992 season. It all turned around at the Virginia game against Shawn Moore and company in 1992. They lost but what a game. The rest is history. Even though he had a bad season that year I dont remember people calling for his resignation. They sensed his football toughness and was not flippy floppy. He had his style of smash mouth football and executed. I used to watch their practices in awe. I remember how loud and fast pace their practices were. It was awesome to watch!
If making an analogy to be patient with Coach Mac please dont compare to the Frank Beamer story. He is a legend and it is unfair to Mac at even the hint of if we be patient he can build a program like Frank Beamer. I tend to be more on the cautious side and make more of an analogy to Gerry Faust story at Norte Dame and that whole scenario. It seems more fitting at this point.
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