Friendly advice

Because some of the best advice comes from other people, one of my friends offers these suggestions to UH officials:

• Secure a high-level sponsorship from the company that owns the 76 stations in Hawaii. I’ve lost track of who actually owns it — I think A&B merged with a company that had merged with another company — but somewhere along the way, Walter Dods Jr. is involved.

• Secure a high-level sponsorship with Ala Moana Center and/or its tenants. We know the mall is doing well because Louis Vuitton is always packed and every fourth woman is carrying a Michael Kors bag. If MK can make iPad cases, it surely can help out the state’s only Division I athletic program.

• Of course, UH was suckered into paying travel subsidies for visiting teams. But why not turn it in to a marketing tool or, at least, an irritant? Leave H-logo pens or other items on the plane. Then play videos of Gib Arnold, Dave Shoji or Norm Chow showing how to buckle up and use seat cushions as flotation devices. Also, show some videos of Hawaii’s tourist sites. You never know when a Colorado State linebacker might be thinking, “Hmmm. There’s a warmer place to play football?”

* * * * *

Retired Air Force Lt. Col. Tracey Saiki, the director of military affairs for the Chamber of Commerce,  was largely responsible for helping the volleyball Rainbow Warriors train at Joint Base Pearl Harbor/Hickam this past weekend.  She arranged for the players to stay in hotel-styled rooms, tour a submarine and have peer meetings with military personnel. Saiki was there at 5 a.m. when the Warriors had the early wake-up for training exercises.

On New Year’s eve, Saiki suffered a serious medical problem.

Thoughts and prayers for a wonderful woman’s recovery.



  1. NotNasti January 2, 2014 9:51 am

    Happy New Year everyone!!!

  2. AZwarrior22 January 2, 2014 9:51 am


  3. Luki January 2, 2014 9:53 am

    Top 10

  4. NotNasti January 2, 2014 9:54 am

    ST, a HUGE mahalo for publishing this blog. Props also for your even-handed reporting. You are a positive guy and my best goes out to you and your ohana.

  5. Marleysdad January 2, 2014 9:55 am

    Happy new year!

    Or is it?…..Back to work on the 2nd….LOL

  6. jimmy the lock January 2, 2014 9:59 am

    Hau’oli Makahiki Hou and thoughts and prayers.

  7. Puuwai January 2, 2014 10:02 am

    Aloha kakahiaka. It’s 2014 and a brand new year.

    Imua Rainbow Warriors!!!

  8. jm2375 January 2, 2014 10:03 am

    Good morning Tsaikos!
    Happy New Year!

    Speedy healing to LTC (Ret) Saiki.

    Brand new season for Rainbow Warrior volleyball starts TONIGHT!! See you at the SSC!

  9. Inyoface January 2, 2014 10:04 am

    That’s a great idea ST, have everything in the plane with the H logo, napkins and all!!

  10. SteveM January 2, 2014 10:14 am

    [gasp, gasp] 2014…ST and the blog made it the other side… again.
    At the end of 2006, ST said the blog would close down for the season. A collective “oh, no” from us and even I posted for the first time–asking that it continue.

    Good morning everyone!

    Best Wishes for Lt. Colonel Saiki!

  11. Inyoface January 2, 2014 10:17 am

    Sometimes I forget that UH pays for the visiting teams airfare, that should be an ESPN special.

  12. A-House January 2, 2014 10:19 am

    Our prayers to LTC Saiki for a full and speedy recovery and positive thoughts to her family!

  13. A-House January 2, 2014 10:25 am


    idea # 3 would we know which team uses which airline for their “charter” to Hawaii?

    if the plane originates form a certain city and the airline is willing – hey, why not?

    Can UH dictate which airline to use; ie, Hawaiian? not real confident HAL would do this for UH as they refused to paint the UH logo on their plane exterior – like Alaska does it for Udub and Oregon.

  14. Lurker #8 January 2, 2014 10:33 am

    Wishing ST and his ohana a blessed New Year.
    And thank you ST for a great blog.

    Speedy recovery wishes for LTC.(Ret.) Saiki.

  15. Mogul January 2, 2014 10:37 am

    main problem with the sponsorship levels for UH is the way they are structured, for example: the idea of having pens and other stationaries with the H logo to give out on airlines sounds great for advertising and getting the brand out there but then how do you do it? Logically you negotiate with a merchant that has the H logo licensing ability and that annual fee is about 5000 last I heard. So lets say Office Max would like to do it and offer their materials and services to do so, but of course they would like the Office Max logo also on the pens or stationaries. Sounds fair right? Sounds like a good business deal right? At no cost to UH right? Well, unless things have changed, unless the merchant plops down the corporate sponsorship fee of a minimum of 10,000.00 in addition to the free service and materials then Office Max cant have their logo advertised on the items. The merchant would have to eat the cost with no advertising abilities. So out is another company willing to help UH out for free in exchange for some ad space. This has happened serval times. It has nothing to do with ncaa regulations, its all UH policy. You have local companies willing to help UH with their services in exchange for minimal advertising no where near what the big corporate donors currently have, yet unless they can drop another 10,000, UH says “thanks but no thanks” to the free help.

  16. A-House January 2, 2014 10:41 am

    after thought of Christmas and New Year —

    as a child growing up, any holiday from school was great, but x-mas and New Year were special cause all the “goodies” we would get – Christmas tree with presents and all that excellent food on New years day – all business were CLOSED!!!!!!

    it got better as a teenager as we got to pound mochi, but our grandma would always yell at us cause we pounded her hand – it had to be painful – sorry Obasan!!

    jump ahead to getting married and children – feelings from childhood became fresh as they enjoyed both days – live x-mas tree with many presents and all that special food

    jump ahead by several decades and slowly more business choose to remain open – feeling began to change – all for the $$$

    now, stores are stocked with x-mas items months before x-mas and more and more business remain open – like Ala Moana where General Growth decided to change their rent agreement to % of sales, off the top, instead of square footage on x-mas and New Year’s day.

    fresh, green x-mas trees gave way to imitation trees and fewer presents under/on the tree and the tree got smaller and smaller – now, x-mas and New Year is just another day with very little special meaning or feeling – it’s not the same as being a child all over again.

    over the past 65 years, many, many things have changed – only constant was getting a year older and more feeble

    conversely, special effects for movies is great!!!

  17. A-House January 2, 2014 10:50 am


    “corporate sponsorship” – UH wants CASH only?

    what about the private citizen who donates more to UH than the $10,000 via direct donations of less than $10,000 and purchase of season tickets for multiple sports? no recognition?

    what would it cost UH to “buy” a page in the paper and list all those who annually contribute over $10,000, such as above, and publically thank them for their support? I know some may not want their name in the paper – heck, can a student athlete call “x’ number of donors for their permission? it can be after the fact – such as 2013.

  18. jimmy the lock January 2, 2014 11:11 am

    A-House, the holiday season is still the same when looking through the eyes of a child.

    The only difference is many adults look through their eyes and not enjoy the moments with children. I still see the excitement in children on Christmas day, they could care less if stores are open or the tree is not real. I still see the excitement on New Years eve and New Years day, playing with the neighbors and cousins, going house to house eating the sushi, mochi, shoyu pork, ozoni, sashimi, noodles, kazunoku kombu, oden, and more. No worries, just enjoy.

    No need reflect on what was but live in the moment…

    We all know change happens, just live the moment…

    But then again, like this blog, everyone has an opinion…

  19. Bryson January 2, 2014 11:19 am

    To this day I still wonder how UH ended up agreeing to pay travel subsidies…maybe Keoki Kerr can do a special on that…l

  20. Da Punchbowl Kid January 2, 2014 11:20 am

    Happy New Years Gangeez! 🙂

    Yes indeedy, thanks to the hardest workin’ sports writer around for puttin’ up the WB. Much Mahalos, Senor Tsai! Hope ur feeling better!

    And Col. “Guns” A-house, there is nothing feeble about you! But I agree – things are sure changing these days and it’s always about the money. Love to you and your byootiful family this New Year!

  21. lowtone123 January 2, 2014 11:22 am

    There are a lot of things wrong with athletics at UH that has nothing to do with what happens on the field. From the travel subsidies (I hate that term btw, UH doesn’t subsidize travel for league members, they pay for it all) to the deal with Aloha Stadium (when the stadium sells ad space they are, in essence, selling UH football) to merchandise (Rainbowtique is NOT affiliated with the university, it is a private company that pays UH a “licensing fee” to brand merchandise with the UH logo). UH has historically just bent over (the quick fix) instead on coming up with creative solutions to problems. Ben Jay needs to revisit these problems to come up with viable long term solutions to the budget problems and the inequities that beleaguer the department.

  22. Andrew January 2, 2014 11:39 am


    They don’t need a special to explain that one. Easy, if UH didn’t agree to that then UH wouldn’t have gotten in to the MWC.

  23. Mogul January 2, 2014 11:43 am

    yep. people can talk about the coaches when a sport doesnt do good but the bigger problems and the on going problems are above a coach’s authority and even above the athletic director’s authority. makes some people wonder that since the passing of Stan Sheriff, has UH sought out to hire ADs that will tow the line instead of be the AD that will fight for what is right for his department? maybe the late stan sheriff and his ways of getting things done and pushed for like the building of the arena rubbed too many people the wrong way and now they want puppets.

  24. bowwar January 2, 2014 12:07 pm

    Happy New Year Tsaikos!! Let’s hope 2014 is a better one, as we lost alot of members and our UH Football program is in the dumps…

    Much Mahalos to ST for keeping this connection to the fan base going…There is alot of bitching going on, but what can you expect after a lousy year…

    I think the fundraising, sponsorships, marketing and poor economic state of UH athletics reflects the “poor leadership” at the UH and farther up, in the State. UH is a valuable asset to the State and its people. It’s about time we have the right leadership to promote and build on that “asset” and make it truly a crown jewel of the State of Hawaii. I think there is a bit of “housecleaning” that needs to be done in 2014 to make the changes necessary. Sooo…like everything else, we need to get rid of the old and bring in the new.

  25. whitey January 2, 2014 12:10 pm

    prayers and speedy recover to lt. col saiki. we truly need more people like this.

  26. whitey January 2, 2014 12:11 pm

    may 2014 be a good one for all tsaikos.

  27. Bulla January 2, 2014 12:17 pm

    Whitey, totally agree.


    May this year be a year of breakouts and breakthroughs for all of us. I pray that you are well and that the festivities of the holidays have not overpowered you.


  28. tommui January 2, 2014 12:43 pm


    Prayers and best wishes for a speedy recovery to LtCol Saiki!

    A-House said of the New Year: only constant was getting a year older and more feeble.
    At 80 years of age, when I consider the alternative …

    Happy New Year one and all!

  29. LizKauai (mbp) January 2, 2014 12:47 pm

    Prayers for Ms Saiki and many mahalo to those helping to make UH Athletics a viable and thriving part of education.
    Happy New Year!
    A year of great changes!
    Mahalo, Ke Akua!

  30. (Jesse)James January 2, 2014 12:53 pm

    Good Afternoon Tsaikos!!!

    Happy New Year to all. May God bless all of you with health, happiness, prosperity, and good fortune in the coming year.

    Prayers and thoughts for Lt. Col. Saiki and her family.

  31. Manoa Mist January 2, 2014 12:56 pm

    Not sure “suckered” is the right word for UH paying subsidies. It was either pay the subsidy or stay in the WAC. Your choice.
    Ok rumor-ville time, I’m hearing Drake Miller, Benny Fonua, Ben Dew and Kwamane Bowens are transferring out. Any truth to that? I know Miller is for sure.
    Another rumor: Ed Orgeron might be headed here. Hard to believe that.
    So Mr. Tsai: yea or nay to these rumors?
    And yes, another year of the blog and thanks again to Stephen for doing this!

  32. Manoa Mist January 2, 2014 12:58 pm

    Oh and Alan Sampson gone as well?

  33. Andrew January 2, 2014 1:02 pm


    Chow even mentioned that he contacted Orgeron once he stepped down at USC. Although if the rumors are true, I would be surprised as well.

  34. wafan January 2, 2014 1:27 pm

    Good afternoon!

  35. wafan January 2, 2014 1:29 pm

    Prayers and postive thoughts for LTC (ret.) Saiki, family and friends.

    Thank you for your help and support!

  36. graham January 2, 2014 1:39 pm

    I doubt Orgeron is coming here, he was one of the top if not the top recruiters in the country and could command upwards of 700,000. And I think our budget for our DC is less than 300,000. The only thing that I could see him being interested in would be head coach in waiting while serving as the DC, but I doubt that happens or if he would be even interested in that. And in regards for Bowens, I was very surprised he actually came here and I am even less surprised he is transferring.

  37. PaulCrewe January 2, 2014 1:43 pm

    Boynton Beach wide receiver Darrian Josey’s recruitment is set to get a little tropical. Josey has plans to take an official visit to the University of Hawaii later this month, after receiving a scholarship offer from the Warriors.

    The 5-foot-11, 165-pound pass catcher holds additional offers from Western Kentucky, Akron, FAU and FIU, but could soon become the second player from Palm Beach County to sign with Hawaii over the last two recruiting cycles.

    Last year, Santalucess running back Diocemy Saint Juste pledged his services to Hawaii after a late visit to the Aloha State.

    While many would think distance could play a factor in Hawaii’s involvement in the South Florida recruiting scene, Warriors assistant coach Chris Demarest appears to have found a connection with the highly sought-after athletes in the area.

    “He’s just really nice, and a humble guy,” Josey said of Demarest. “They want me to come in and be an athlete, return kicks and punts and stuff like that.”,0,572688.story

  38. PaulCrewe January 2, 2014 1:52 pm

    Winning pays off.

    “Large increases in team performance can have economically significant effects, particularly in the area of athletic donations. Consider a school that improves its season wins by 5 games (the approximate difference between a 25th percentile season and a 75th percentile season). Changes of this magnitude occur approximately 8% of the time over a one-year period and 13% of the time over a two-year period. This school may expect alumni athletic donations to increase by $682,000 (28%), applications to increase by 677 (5%), the acceptance rate to drop by 1.5 percentage points (2%), in-state enrollment to increase by 76 students (3%), and incoming 25th percentile SAT scores to increase by 9 points (1%). These estimates are equal to or larger than comparable estimates from the existing literature.

  39. A-House January 2, 2014 2:07 pm

    jimmy the lock:

    sorry, but I don’t see what you saw as we do not have any “young children” on our street and NO one goes from house to house to do what you described – I doubt very much that this happens in most neighborhoods on Oahu – most put up walls to keep others out

    a late neighbor started a “new years” eve block or street party and many neighbors came, but it slowly dwindled down to only 4 families and ended when she passed away10 years ago.

    in the 40s and 50s we did go from house to house to eat and it was but a handful or less, but not in 2013 or 2014 or beyond

    will agree that it does happen somewhere, but not anywhere close to what you described.

  40. Old School Dave January 2, 2014 2:33 pm

    Have and Have Nots:

    Florida State’s assistant pool will grow by 17 percent, AD Stan Wilcox confirmed today to the Tallahassee Democrat, from $2.86 million to $3.35 million. It will be up to Jimbo Fisher to decide how to dole out that extra $486,000. Defensive coordinator Jeremy Pruitt and offensive line coach Rick Trickett are the team’s highest-paid assistants at $500,000 and $455,000, respectively.

    In contrast, I believe I read somewhere that UH’s assistant pool is something like $1.1 million. Boise State’s is $2.2 million, from what I read.

  41. jimmy the lock January 2, 2014 2:40 pm

    A-House, it’s sad that traditions fail to pass generation to generation. Times are a changing. I would have thought that many on this blog would have children, grandchildren, and maybe great-grandchildren to share an annual moment of “innocence”.

    Cherish what we have, for one day it will be gone…

  42. jimmy the lock January 2, 2014 2:43 pm

    Watched some of the bowl games this bowling season and I must say there are exciting teams out there. Bottom line, on the field, it all starts with the QB.

  43. bowwar January 2, 2014 3:06 pm

    Josey sounds alot like Alan Sampson…Highly touted and sought, Sampson played very sporatically during his UH career and never showed much of his potential due to ongoing injuries. Ironically, Sampson gets his degree in May and will leave the UH to pursue a higher degree and play football with two years of eligibility. I believe the rumors have Sampson going to George Mason…

    Unless Josey gets some “meat on his bones”…at 165 lbs, he’ll have a hard time withstanding the physical abuse in D1 football…

  44. Ballpicker January 2, 2014 3:21 pm

    Happy New Year!

    My thoughts and prayers go out to Lt. Col. Tracey Saiki for a full and quick recovery.

  45. SteveM January 2, 2014 4:40 pm

    RE: my #10

    We were hopeful the blog would continue when ST posted the following blog rules on December 31, 2006: (bold style added by me)

    [Stephen Tsai:] I wish to thank everyone for their participation and interest in the blog. It’s been a great six months.

    Every so often I’m reminded this space is owned by a family newspaper. There are certain behavioral standards that need to be met.

    While we appreciate the traffic and, of course, the contributions, we’re now establishing some rules:

    • No name calling.

    No personal insults to forum participants (and that includes punny references to people’s online names). This rule does not have a sarcasm loophole.

    • Argue fairly.

    No proxies. The opinion you express is your own.

    • No more titles as nicknames, especially the sort that makes you seem smarmy. Suggestion: If, say, you consider yourself to be the voice of rational thinking, call yourself Solomon. Since I lack wisdom, I would prefer to go by the name Addanosolomon.

    • No taglines. That’s just annoying
    • No whining. And, especially, no whining about getting deleted, because that whine will be deleted.

    Yeah, I know I’m being a party-pooper. But on the chance that one of our administrators will actually read this blog, I don’t want to get called into the principal’s office to explain the debate between passion orange and guava juice. After all, all fruit drinks are equally tasteful.

    Have a fun and safe New Year’s Eve, and a great 2007.

    Some things never change. 😐 Wow, we’re entering the 8th year of the blog already.

  46. Nick January 2, 2014 6:25 pm

    You are a god damn idiot, SteveM

  47. tanman January 2, 2014 6:42 pm

    Great ideas!!! Even if the Colorado State guys is not interested, may be a Boise State or Utah State guy may like it in Hawaii. He he he!! But about the plane, why don’t we keep the money in Hawaii – renegotiate with MWC. Instead of paying cash to MWC. contract with Hawaiian Airlines to provide the charter services. Negotiate with Hawaiian Airlines to paint one of their planes with the “H” logo. This way, we are advertising to the entire city/town such as San Diego, Boise, Fresno, San Jose, Nevada, Las Vegas, etc. about our state, our city, our university, our football team, and our airlines…

  48. Slugger January 2, 2014 6:51 pm

    Hi gang!

    Prayers for Lt. Col. Saiki.

  49. NorthShoreFan January 2, 2014 7:25 pm

    Great Sugar Bowl…

  50. Marleysdad January 2, 2014 7:49 pm

    Roll tide roll……..LMAO

  51. Kaimuki Kid January 2, 2014 8:00 pm

    Happy New Year! Everyone~~ It’s a New Year
    Relax the grumbling and chill out. Mahalo~~

  52. Inyoface January 2, 2014 8:01 pm

    Some of the best QB’s are walk-ons.

  53. NorthShoreFan January 2, 2014 8:29 pm

    OU qb is going to be a good one. great poise and arm

  54. UHfan808 January 2, 2014 8:49 pm

    Good evening, Tsai-kos and Lurk-ers! 🙂

  55. UHfan808 January 2, 2014 8:50 pm

    Hope everyone is having a Happy New Year!

  56. UHfan808 January 2, 2014 8:54 pm

    jmxxxx and I are at the first mvb game of the season.

    We’re at intermission so I’m checking out WB 🙂

    Bows are down two games with hopefully two more to play.



  57. UHfan808 January 2, 2014 9:06 pm

    Oh geez, speedy recovery to Retired Air Force LTC Tracey Saiki!

    Thank you, Tracey for caring for our MVB Warriors and for your warm hospitality!

  58. UHfan808 January 2, 2014 9:08 pm


    I especially love your third idea!


    The look on our opposing team’s faces would be priceless!


  59. Old School Dave January 2, 2014 9:29 pm

    Congrats to former UH player and Waipahu High head coach Sean Saturnio, who will be joining new Army head coach Jeff Monken’s staff as their tight ends coach. Saturnio was previously in the same capacity at Georgia Southern.

  60. Inyoface January 2, 2014 10:07 pm

    Seems like a good crop of QB’s coming out this year and next.

  61. Warrior Dave January 2, 2014 11:05 pm

    After Alabama’s lost tonight, let the Saban to Texas rumors begin!!!

  62. Former UH Athlete January 2, 2014 11:38 pm

    Just praying Nicco Fertitta commits to UH in 2015…

    In case you’re not familiar with his family, his dad is Lorenzo Fertitta… The same Fertitta family that owns Stations Casinos in Vegas and the UFC.

    If your not familiar with Nicco’s high school, Bishop Gorman (LV’s version of Punahou), you should take a drive by the campus that Lorenzo bankrolled the next time you’re in Vegas. Pretty awesome. The Bishop Gorman weight room and football facilities are better than many D1 colleges.

    If Nicco comes to UH, then the university needs to roll out the red carpet for the family (within NCAA compliance of course) and maybe Lorenzo will drop some pocket change and fund a new weight & training room.

  63. Former UH Athlete January 2, 2014 11:39 pm

    Of course, it’s a long ways off and chances are slim… But not none!

  64. woo hoo January 3, 2014 12:17 am

    woo hoo

  65. al January 3, 2014 2:50 am

    pretty sure it was mack who first offered the casino kid years ago.

  66. PaulCrewe January 3, 2014 4:41 am

    According to the Scoop there has been significant interest shown in the linebackers job vacated by Tony Tuioti.

  67. UKU@LA January 3, 2014 6:19 am


    MANEO !!!

  68. papajoe2 January 3, 2014 6:48 am

    I think one would know who the defensive coordinator is before taking the lb coach and versa vice. Unless they are desperate for a job.

  69. Otto January 3, 2014 6:55 am

    One thing I always wondered about UH corporate sponsors, do they care if they’re competitors are sponsors too? I mean on Bank of Hawaii night at UH Basketball do they care when they do the First Hawaiian High Y contest? If 76 became a sponsor, would they care when the Chevron car race came on the scoreboard screen?

  70. Billy V January 3, 2014 7:03 am

    Hey Stephen! Happy New Year, and the hopes of many victories in many UH sports for you to report…

    Sorry to hear about Retired Air Force Lt. Col. Tracey Saiki, prayers and thoughts to family and Tracey a quick recovery!!

  71. A-House January 3, 2014 7:29 am

    jimmy the lock:

    your #42 – although my side of the family stopped family visits except for “reunions” every 5 – 7 years, not all my brothers and sisters attend – far flung and one just does not care to attend although my nephews attend.

    my wife side, we have a gathering of every 1/1 at a “cousin’s house” since the matriarchs have passed – only exception was 1/1/2008 – I told them in Feb 2007 that we would have to postpone the gathering to the first Saturday because we would be at a BCS bowl game

    sorry gang, don’t have that feeling any more

  72. boolakanaka January 3, 2014 7:35 am

    Aloha all! So, tacking on the subject of corporate sponsorship, this assumes that the product (UH athletics) are a premium commodity and that it has synergy of of both social and institutional values. At present (and this could certainly change) but our flagship program, UH Football, is not putting out a quality product, and this it mitigates the value-added to any potential corporate underwriting.

    Here are some broad strokes on why a corporation would choose to align itself with UH athletics.

    1. It’ about the sponsor, not UH

    One of the biggest mistakes non-profits make is that they overestimate their product, but don’t talk how they can benefit their sponsor. Sponsors want you to have a nuanced understand of their company, that is to say, marketing campaigns, objectives and long-term vision. This is extracted in your initial conversation with the sponsor, and subsequent meetings. It the responsibility of primacy to ascertain about their goals first, then go into our own presentation and tell them how you can help them accomplish their goals.

    2. Clarity of Demographics

    In the world of corporate sponsorships, your demographic (also called the target audience) is one of the most valuable assets that you offer a corporate sponsor.

    3. You need a Great Platform

    Sponsors want to know that you have extended reach to people who buy there product and services It is important to note, that if you don’t have extended reach to lots of people, then others do.

    4. Cause-Related Marketing Opportunities

    Cause-related marketing is a sales or promotional partnership between the sponsor and a property helping the community. People buy more from companies that give back to the community, so the sponsor wants to be known as a good corporate citizen.

    By aligning their brand with the life-changing work that you do, sponsors can bask in the “halo effect.” This is probably the most visible asset that UH has in its favor.

    5. You must have a compelling proposal

    The sponsor proposal is the most important, but least-understood. If you want top-tier sponsors, you need a compelling sponsor proposal. This is basically a business plan–and snapshot of the benefits of your property. It contains the story of our vision, mission statement, sponsor benefits, demographics, marketing plan, goals, media opportunities, advisory board, and the sponsor fees.

    6. Borrow Experience

    Sponsors want experience. Corporations wants an entity that surrounds itself with key influencers on their advisory board. Sponsors want and sometimes require previous relationships about leading-edge companies that you know or have worked with.

    7. Integrity is a Brand

    Sponsors want to see that you have integrity and credibility. They may test you to see if you do what you say. It is incumbent that UH make their information available to sponsors, and that we create a narrative of common purpose and dividend.

  73. Don Weir January 3, 2014 7:58 am

    Contact Help

    Please excuse a post a bit off the topic.
    My father’s veterans flag (Marine Corps veteran) has been donated to the group that has the American Flag and KIA Flag flying above Kailua’s Hills above Hamakua Street. The flag, after his passing, was placed into a memorial oak box for display. Any Tsaiko’s with Marine Corps ties that will help me get this box to a Corps Chaplain to pass on??

  74. gobows January 3, 2014 8:28 am

    the structural integrity of the University of Hawaii is hamajang.

  75. boolakanaka January 3, 2014 8:39 am

    75–gobows, yes, I think that is the technical term–lol.

  76. al January 3, 2014 9:03 am

    47…unnecessary roughness.

  77. NorthShoreFan January 3, 2014 9:13 am

    Guud Morning Tsaiko land…..wet and windy day so far….keep the powder dry..

  78. wafan January 3, 2014 9:20 am

    Good morning!

  79. wafan January 3, 2014 9:22 am

    Sure rained hard last night.


  80. boolakanaka January 3, 2014 9:33 am

    7 degrees, and over a foot of snow in the big apple–lucky you live Hawai’i!!!!

  81. Old School Dave January 3, 2014 9:46 am

    Football Scoop says that GT’s Paul Johnson isn’t happy there and is hoping that the school will buy him out.

  82. ai-eee-soos January 3, 2014 10:40 am

    Georgia Tech: In response to a report that surfaced within the hour, Paul Johnson, via text to CoachingSearch, states,

    “I have no idea what he is talking about and I’m looking forward to next season. All these anonymous sources are unbelievable.”

    ….. all kine gossip going on ….

Comments are closed.