Just the fax
Today is the first day junior-college transfers may sign NCAA commitment letters.
Tomorrow, the Warriors should receive faxed copies of written commitments from David Hafoka, Brett Leonard, Chizzy Dimude and Lametrius Davis.
Other JC recruits apparently are awaiting to see how many of their credits are transferrable.
* * *
Calvin Roberts has always been the most overlooked of the Warriors’ top cornerbacks. Ryan Mouton is the most athletic. Jameel Dowling has the size and Pac-10 background.
But Roberts has been steady, first beating out Dowling to win the starting job at right cornerback. When Mouton, who doubled as the nickelback, moved to slotback and then to free safety, Roberts became the steadiest corner.
Now Roberts has gained recognition — from the Dallas Cowboys. A Cowboy scout contacted the coaches at the College of San Mateo, where Roberts played before transferring to UH, seeking extensive information.
The scout told the San Mateo coaches that, at the least, Roberts would be a player the Cowboys would be interested in bringing in for a private workout before the draft.
* * *
Hey, I think I was able to finally send out the pdf of the Hawai‘i Bowl guide. If there were unfulfilled requests, let me know.
* * *
Here’s a picture (from a distance) of Ching/Cooke Field:
Off to work. BBL
ST, good neighbor:
Let me be the first to blog this morning.
Great to see players who are “under the radar” getting looks from pro teams, even if it is the Cowpokes.
Finally, after weeks . . . top 5!!!
Excellent work to be first!!!!
I was being “wordy”.
Hi A-house!!
OK, now really gotta go.
hiya Tsaikos!
Guess this scout didn’t watch any of the games on ESPN this year. If he did, then he would of contacted Hawaii, not San Mateo.
From last blog . . .
Hey, jm234389.98938423462384923429!
FInally up?
Only 1/2″? Funny how normally intelligent people act like aggressive animalistic idiots when it snows. They are late so they go faster (into the ditch). HA!
Me? I stay home and venture out only when it is absolutely necessary.
Noooooooooooo! Not the Cowboys . . . . . . . .
Sorry Rob25.
Bess is mentioned in this Fantasy Football report. It is good to know that Bess caught all 3 passes thrown his way in the last game.
The scout is a San Mateo graduate.
U-Dub’s new head coach is going to be in Hawaii recruiting starting today. As ST mentioned once in the blog, he’s trying to get some of the UH commits to switch to U-Dub. He’s also going after Vehikite:
Yeah, it doesn’t make much sense that the scout contacted San Mateo instead of UH. One would think Roberts’s performance this season is the reason why the Cowboys are interested. Assuming that’s the case, then why was San Mateo contacted, not UH?
Weather forecast for next week is
more snow on Saturday, Tuesday, Wednesday and even a White Christmas! The other days it will be down in the low 30’s for highs.
Tsigh, when does summer start?
Shoots, question answered already.
Feature story on Cayman Shutter.
Great news on the Cowboys’ interest in Calvin Roberts! He is deserving of a shot in an NFL camp, and the rest is up to him and luck (cannot get hurt like RGM, etc.).
good for Calvin. hope he gets a good look.
Do we get any reports about the practices before the bowl practices begin?
I think a lot of UH players will get looks by the NFL: Veikune, Mouton, Dowling, Adam Leonard, Solomon Elimimian, Josh Leonard, Watson. I think Fale Laeli is a beast who would have been highly regarded if he didn’t have the knee problem this year. Hopefully, he gets a shot.
Re: practice.
There will be more extensive reports, probably starting today. They really didn’t do much the past couple of days. It’s a strange week because of finals. Veikune, for instance, missed practice because he had a final yesterday.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
One more week before the Hawaii Bowl!!
Crap, that also means one more week before Christmas. It might be a good idea to start doing some shopping.
Yea Cayman Shutter.
When I first read it, I thought it said Raiders. I was thinking, what a loser….. hahahaha
Steve Sarkisian, USC’s OC now heading Udub. And he’s coming today to Hawaii to recruit. We cannot keep all for ourselves. But I like da ones who’ve committed to Warrior Nation. I like samoa. Sarkisian get connections at HPA, Unger, Teo-Nesheim. He obviously made calls before he made reservations, so you know he thinking he going snag one UH commit. brush his teeth, smuuth talkah, tell errybody he was da man who got Maui guyz hooked up wit USC. maybe he even talking to Markowitz and going try snag Punahou guyz.
I encourage competition!!!! Washington, Wassu, Oregon State, Oregon, Cal, Stanford, USC, Ariz, Ariz St, UCLA, lets get it on!
Warriors going scrap. Dats us. Bread an buttah guyz! 👿
Mr. Tsai . . .
Thank you for the response.
I did not know Cayman is Canadian. I have some friends from Saskatoon who are crazy ‘riders fans eh.
Good thing he is legal — would hate to have seen him deported because of the article.
If Sarkisian is coming in this morning, I would figure he is on the Hawaiian Air flight?? I wonder if there might be a “mechanical” problem and delay the flight, say 24 hours??
an he prolly goin tell da parents enuff so day tink, without him actually saying it, dat he’s a bettah coach dan our Mack.
da truth is we going get one bettah team dan Udub fo awhile anywayz.
Aloha Kakahiaka and HiHo!
Have a GREAT humpday!
Why did the Shutters move to Hawai’i? Aside of the obvious warm weather reason, that is. HA!
Interesting to watch a trash truck slide around turns. Hopefully, he will not hit parked cars.
Big Hilo!…Let me know when you want to ski Whistler again. I get Condo there you can use. I make special price with all day pass for Gondola and lifts free if you bring your own rescue rope ladder!
Same deal for Heavenly @ Lake Tahoe…‘cept you gotta ride 7 lifts to get to the top! Make sure you bring plenny rope!
hiya Kekoa. i’ll call you later.
Whistler was good memories! Heavenly too. River Run too. dats why i taut i could ski wen i wen Whistler and fiascoed dat XMas afternoon away.
so what you tink about Sarkisian and Udub. Plenty locals go dayah, an i always tell da kids, if you like be one dentist, go Wassu. good price. not so freezing (obviously not today anyway) get driver’s license, p.o. box, get in state tuition and go dentist school there.
but i like UH dental school mo bettah. start em young. punch da odda guyz mout, rearrange da teet, 😀
to motivate people, you gotta use the right words. like this:
I’m ready fo coach! 😀 at least be motivational speakah!
maybe Sarkisian coming to UH to arrange a home an home wit Jim D and Coach Mack. 😀
Good Morning All.
Hi dj!
How is it over the hill?
woo hoo – 40th!
BHF2 ~ All the oddah schools can have whoevahs dey like fo coach. Leave me wit Coach Mack and his young staff, and I’m in Hog Heaven!
The ‘cruits are falling in place like a basic training company. The coaches can groom dem jell-like da Drill Instructahs. Break bad habits, instill good ones. Learn da Shootz, den Run!
Once dey learn da Spirit of being a Warrior from old timers like Pride and protect da Hale – as well as dere QB 24/7…WATCH OUT!!
$862,381 where are you?
are we within budget? any cost overruns? you going finish by next Wednesday so we can make team picksha fo da newspapers? give exclusive interview to ST. thank the Tsaikos for helping push UH Procurement and keep things on track?
maybe not exactly pau, but enuf fo get da pikcha in da paypah! 😀
I tinkin, this coming Monday, 1030 am, I’m doing QualityControl wit Logan.
so who’s eligible to sign today from all those JC verbal commits
Morning peeps,
All this talk about the Pac-10 and this coach and that coach going after players already verbally committed to UHM has gotten me all riled up…….
I don’t know why some folks are in love with Sarksian….he took over the offense of a team that has soo much talent, but he still could not reach the heights that Chow did there. IMHO, the last few years, it was the “D” for USC that shined for the Chinese manufactured condoms. Soo,…any player that is thinking of heading to the northwest….please understand what you are getting into…..ask the handful of Hawaii players there how was the last few years? Pretty crappy…not much wins…best QB in years about to graduate…new coach that HAS NOT proven himself yet….
Back to work and lurk =P
Also….Congratulations to Roberts for the NFL interest and to the recent UHM verbals….sry, haven’t gotten around to that =)
BTW, I hope they make sure the Fax machine is turned on….toner locked and loaded….make sure paper in it….did they remember to pay the electricity bill too?
Good Morning Tsaikos,
I’ve been thinking about improvement projects brought that was brought up. I don’t remember, the last time Lake Wilson was dredged. IIRC, wasn’t it transferred to the state? It might lessen the amount of flooding threats downstream.
Anyway, 1 more week!
I think we should recruit Vehikite as a running back. He has the size and speed to be a great back for the Warriors.
your bloggin shows you r riled… 😀 thats what a good motivashunal speakah does, get tings riled up.
I shud coach da coaches on motivashunal speakin…
yu tinkin too much. 😀
they shudda preprinted da forms, get the signatures, put em in a locked box.
then when the inquiries come, tell em “what box?” “rules scmules.”
Heh heh
make like Reggie Bush and USC and UCLA and all dem cheatahz
make like big time program.
No sked…all spoken warriors who really want to be warriors will be Warriors!
Go Warriors!
wat? wuz dat so wong?
spoken like a true Warrior.
Go Warriors.
Esme woossshhh!!!!!!!
Left over from the “Forgot to Mention” category yesterday.
Attended the Grand Opening of the *Chun Wah Kam* Fuud Market in the New Kapolei Town Center.
The news spread like wild fire, and the place was bombarded with office workers from near and far.
For those of you who have ever experienced a busy day at the old facility in Waimalu, this was like 10 times busier! They managed to keep up with the crowd, but it’s one of those places you will want to avoid coming during da Lun Chau Wah! Go befoah or aftah the lunch crowd.
Nice place to have a Tsaiko gathering. Same great menu, very large and comfortable dining area with lots of seating. (No table service, cafeteria style like the old place). Attention Ronnie…they serve da besses tasting Manapua on da Wessai, and now just mere micro-minutes from da ceded lands!
eh bighilofan2…
i radda be one warrior
den one duck…
or one dawg…
or one devil…
or one…ahem…beava
Great Morning All!
Hope that the “2nd season” ends up beaing a rewarding one for all the Warriors with pro aspirations….
Nice read on Shane Austin. It’ll be very interesting to see how the depth chart reads at QB after next fall camp.
Got the day off today so plan on getting “all” my Xmas shopping done by this afternoon. As always, only gotta shop for one gift! 😉
Sarkisian already HC for Udub – then who going run the offense for USC at the Rose Bowl?
If I was he, I would raid the USC commits to gain a base of good players and build for there.
morning to all tsai-ko and special shout out to the PNW monarch bro’s. 8) special howzit to master itimidata bhf2 for getting the troops riled up. must be he get plenty time on his hands or his computa working now any way good morning to you’s.
sun out hea and warming up. wafan lacey/tumwater area must have change plenty since I was last there. hardly ever snowed much less get plus inches of snow. you think that place is a metropolis now back den the big stores was sears in south sound, albertson market across the tracks, one 7/11 (small trivia on store name…..named 7/11 because that’s when it open and closed. there was no all night places that stayed open all night. and not the covered wagon were gone already.) casey’s tavern (served best beer dogs, pizza and free peanuts). btw SMU beat HPU last night.
getting kope back in a few
it’s cold. We didn’t get as much snow as predicted during the last storm, but it is currently about 14 degrees and snowing. Despite the roads going to crap, I welcome a little snow cause that brings the temp up in to the 20’s instead of the single digit stuff.
Sark is already the head coach for UW, but will run USC’s Offense during the Rose Bowl.
Out the door for several meetings in town in about ten minutes as I have to be back home this afternoon for one more repair guy from Oceanic Time Warner to work on the damage from last week’s storm .
We have had hot water for almost 24 hours now – ahhh, nothing like a real shower and shampoo.
Quick reminder concerning making plans for a Tuesday night gathering next week. There’s basketball that night – UC/Riverside – all season ticketholders in any sport get 50% off tickets. The team is on a roll and will be a narsty surprise for WAC teams expecting to walz through the season.
The game should be pau by 9 pm so please select a place which will still be serving food.
Will have an update on Ching Field and stimulus projects shortly – there are already Athletic Department items in the proposed FY2010 budget, but I am not sure if any of the “new” money will be spread onto lower campus.
Have to wuz. First meetup is at 9:30
Whoops!!! walz = waltz
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh the aroma and taste of fine kope so ono.
oh yea myki no need wrap my heine cooler just give me on thurs 😀 and I will fill it up lattas. belated congrats to you and da healer.
ceded lands patnah will let you on a secret about the Chun Wah Kam peeps on thrusday.
Morning everyone!
Didn’t know we had so many motivational speakers here!
Sorry to rub it in for wafan and djmitcho, but glad I’m not in that cold weather. Two days of overcast skies and light rain has subsided into mostly cloudly skies with a high temperature in the mid 60s. It’s nice outside!
I stay waiting for the UPS man to come deliver my packages. Luckily I was proactive this year with my holiday shopping, instead of the usual “go grab everything” the day before.
you are so right re: sarkisian, the o was totally to blame in the 2006 loss to UCLA and lest we forget Stanford 2007. he was never able to fully develop JDB or that RB#4 from Louisiana who was supposed to be the next Bush. the only real offensive explosions i recall was against UW and WSU in 2008. but good luck to him in the PNW w/ not as many 5 star recruits.
got 4 extra tickets for next week’s game. orange section north end zone about 20th row IIRC…someone just gave me tickets in a different section so i can’t use these…any1 interested
Any signings yet?????????
any faxes yet?
That’s ok, I’ll enjoy the white Chirstmas because in 13 days I’ll be on a plane back to Hawaii and then I’ll enjoy a warm new years.
dj – i hope you have time to stop over in Honolulu for a CC.
Funny…..so am I…..
…..10 days and counting…..
CRW – you not going to be back in town for the Hawaii Bowl??
Unfortunately not…..though I wish I was.
I’ll be in town during the Hawaii Bowl.
I’d like to see the corners play man to man coverage on the ND receivers all game and the rest of the D key on the QB and RB. Only because the Warriors CB’s are as good as advertised.
Any NLI’s yet?
This is the first time that I can remember UH bringing in players for Spring practice. It can only help the new guys pick up the plays and get comfortable with the other players. I look forward to seeing Stutz2 out there. Hopefully he bulked up from the last time I seen him at the “Un”supervised workouts. He is more skinny than Avery, which is hard to believe.
Good morning Tsaikos and Tsaikettes…
Good news for Mr. Roberts…awesome…hope all the Warriors get good looks….
Just a quick reminder gang before I have to leave….busy busy again today…
Its that Holiday time again…..
2nd Annual Tsaiko Christmas Party
6:30 p.m., December 18th, 2008
Murphy’s Bar and Grill
2 Merchant St
Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 531-0422
Parking is available in the Harbor Court building (entrance on Bethel Street) or in the pay lot next to Murphy’s.
Party will be pupu style/order off menu and drinks. More details to follow.
We will also be having games so we are asking everyone to bring $1 for the games and than, if we are amenable, we will be collecting the money for a donation to the Advertiser Christmas Fund. There will be prizes.
Also, if anyone wants to just donate, they will be more than welcome to do so.
This one is important…cake will also be served Bwahahahahahahahahahaha
About 30 people have confirmed already but everyone is invited. Please RSVP me at jgo8464822@aol.com if you can so that I can figure out how many will be attending.
See Steve M’s website for more information.
Congrats to All-Americans Houston and Danielson.
Here’s all da best to all of the Warriors’ pro prospects.
Who does everybody think the top prospect is this year?
And Congrats to All-American Honorable Mention Honorees Cubi-Otineru and Mafua.
Doesn’t UH always bring in players for Spring practice? Otherwise there’d be no one at practice.
lavrat – ditto.
DPK – if Guava was here he’d know who is the top prospect. Gotta ask Jason about the needs of the NFL teams and he then can look at the draft order and get inside scoops and then determine which Warrior will be drafted first.
As for me, I like Mouton. When he is healthy he has great closing speed. He is quick, fast, can play good man to man coverage, a good tackler, strong enough to jam receivers, great instincts, and doesn’t have hands of stone. Another thing I notice is that he can back pedal very fast.
Mouton is also a good returner.
I have always thought that Adam Leonard would end up in the pros. I have also liked how Joshua has developed and think he may have a shot too.
I’d like to see UH recruit a few TE’s with sure hands for short yardage plays and to provide an extra blocking body on the o-line to help protect the QB from speedy DE’s or safeties blitzing from the edge.
I hope Mouton the best of luck at the next level, I think he needs to bulk up if he really is 175. the receivers are big and the nfl cbs close fast on the edge and there is a big collision every time..
re-my: #90,
TE’s in the area of 6’4″-6’6″ and around, 260lbs.
Good morning-ish everyone!
So what is this? …
Bighilofan2 — awright! Let’s go Shinsho Tei if prideperiod is coming too. I figure if I sit between the two of you, no one will try to throw me out for atonal singing… 🙄
At Genji’s, I have high priority for a private rooms only because they protecting their regular peeps in the main lounge… 😐
Not many tight ends would consider UH given the offense they run. Unless R. Lee can convince them that the offensive schemes will change and they will employ a TE in almost every play.
Hey, everybody …
… long time no chat. Errr … am I still welcome here?
esme – no comment….. hahaha
why does it take a full day to receive fax copies of the LOI if they sign it today??
Aww, Stretch. 🙁
But too bad. You stuck wit’ me anyway. *snort*
Anyway, am just whooshing through to wish everyone a very pleasant holiday season. Hope you all are doing OK, enjoying yourselves and not stressing out. I miss everyone. This season is the time for reflecting back on the year, and when I think about this year, I marvel at the very kind friends I’ve made here on the blog. Hoping your holidays are merry … you all deserve it.
Back again laterz. *tappity!*
P.S. Does lavrat = labrat? I’m confoosed.
So is there no truth to the rumor that Chizzy has de-committed?
Is that the fake Esme?
Just realized there could be JoPierre DAVIS and Lametrius DAVIS on the field next season.
Stretch – The fax machines at UH go through the ‘Tizer servers so it will probably take a day or two to receive the LOI’s.
Hi Esme — Not that we haven’t heard from you much, but make sure you wear your Tsai-ko shirt and ID tag the next time we see you in person. I had a Tsai-ko who has been with us for over a year ask me, “Who is Esme?”. Really… 😕
that’s wishful thinking then.
I hope the fax machine doesn’t break with all the recruits we’re getting.
Stretch – you must work for a company that sends their bids a week before they’re due.
J-Dog – You mean the TE?
SteveM – Wouldn’t it be funny if she gained around 50 pounds and we didn’t recognize her anymore!!! 😆 But when she talks we would know it was her!
Hey jojo!!! So what? When’s lunch?
okay, okay, enough hints, I’ll go buy you diapers for Christmas
I’ll go to the Christmas party IF ESME goes.
lunch is now! tadaaaaa
Come to think of it has jojo and esme been at the same tsaiko function at the same time?
jojo – I knew you would say that!!! Well I’m still waiting on Pho and Thai food…
homey — Esme’s shirt was a size or three too large so it should fit nomatter what 🙂
jojo — you have to RSVP. Otherwise, in reality, you cannot jojo or Esme.
And so Calvin Roberts’ name is finally out there. He’s been quietly impressing me with his steady play. I can’t say much on the corners, cause I haven’t been watching them closely, but I’m glad to see he’s getting a look.
There are a lot of guys who deserve to get a look. That’s a real testament to the talent that this team now has. I don’t think many of the guys will get drafted, but that would be if the draft were today. All-star games, NFL Combine, Pro Day, private workouts — those are going to make or break a lot of the guys we have. Right now, David Veikune is a solid mid-round prospect with his stock shooting up, and I still think Jake Ingram has the potential to be drafted in the 7th if a team really needs a long snapper. I love Ryan Mouton, but my reading of the landscape has him on the outside looking in in terms of being drafted, because of his lack of size. Solomon Elimimian and Adam Leonard look to be late round or free agent guys right now, although I would personally grade them a little bit higher. Everybody else looks to be a FA guy. But I expect to see a lot of guys get looks in NFL camps. We might only see one or two guys get drafted, but we could see anywhere from five to twelve guys get into camps.
And in terms of pro potential, the Sheraton Hawai‘i Bowl could be a huge boon to many of our seniors. For mid-major teams like UH, games against teams like Notre Dame are a great barometer to see how good our guys really are. If our seniors have a great game, their stock could shoot up as high as Colt’s stock dropped after the Sugar Bowl.
I guess what I’m trying to say here is that it’s really, really early in the prognosticating process. Way too early to be making predictions on the mid-to-late rounders.
Big snow in ‘Vegas
Al san
one word “Depends” find them at Long’s
From my view, faster UH can secure the LOI, better off to keep “predators” away as they will conclude that a player’s commitment to UH is rock solid!!!
Sark should go after USC commits/offers with enticements of getting to play a lot earlier, Udub is better environment than LA, and player can play against USC.
UH should look at Vehitike as the “big back” of the future with his size and speed. Heun has the “disc” problem and will be a Junior giving Vehitike 2 years to prime himself including a “redshirt” year.
yup cooolllddd, dogs refuse to go outside
is it snowing on the Strip also?? I don’t think I ever seen it snow there before.
valley wide fender bender city
Next week starts the dead period. Can UH still invite prospective recruits to watch the Hawaii bowl at the stadium?
Stretch – Post #122…Use a little powdered sugar…
las vegas:
MasaBoy says full on snowing in his area (Sahara & Eastern) – big snow flakes.
Told him watch for “black ice” on roads.
las vegas,
Got the pic! Stay off the roads. People drive way too fast. Supposed to snow 16″ in Flagstaff today. They had 14″ on Monday. Glad I don’t have to shovel snow… WheeHa!
Wonder if I could sneak a peek at the ND practice, (if they are practicing), on Saturday if I went to the flea market?
ST ~ Do you know their practice schedule & are they open? Bet not…
Mr A-House
Hmm, maybe I should’ve kept the Isuzu Trooper
where’d this rain come from?
lv – or you could have bought a Jeep Grand Cherokee 4WD SRT8…6.1 liter hemi engine cranking out 400+ hp and torque.
chawan – it looks like it came from the sky.
/ponder …..re: JC recruits and LoI….can’t they just fax them in and then have the grades sorted out ?
Conversly, surprised that with all the scrutiny that Mack and co. are doing in regard to grades that they have to WAIT to see if their grades will be admissible at UHM….thought they would already have the 411……/shrug
my bad ’bout typos, oh wells.
Speaking about grades, I hope no Warrior screws up their finals and become ineligible to play in the bowl game.
Not into Jeeps, but 400 bhp is kewl
las vegas:
If you kept the Isuzu Trooper, you would miss out on the
“deep freeze” Kumi put you into, but the Trooper would be better to drive around in all the snow.
Good thing MasaBoy kept his 4Runner!
my friend said the same thing. still not funny. ha!
chawan – well I think your imaginary friend is funny.
Mr A-House,
true, but I’m in the freezer most of the year, Kumi has perfected the art of staying mad!
sometimes for stuff I did years ago!
I was wondering why you guys pick on Chawan_Cut all the time.
It seemed mean and overly prolonged to me.
Then I saw his picture, you may resume.
my “imaginary” friend is filipino too. not as short though.
thanks las vegas…. heh.
lv – We’ve been picking on DPK way longer than that! No comment on his pictures…
chawan – ROTLMFAO! I visualized jojo when I read that.
This is a looooong wait for that first faxed LOI…
Who’s it gonna be?
this one should throw all of you for a loop. my friend just sent me this link.
K-Fed’s new girl is…..
….. Victoria Prince!
hey i got a pix of the snowfall on some ex-sumotori’s new car.
and i see my secret admirer has surfaced again.
chawan – no ways! How did she end up with him???
chawan so now you are exposed for reading hollywood gossips column
i know! i was too slow again!
Who ever Victoria Prince is, make sure you get k-fed to sign a pre-nup!
danke Chawan,.
OMFGz lol, Prince and K-Fed? Classic…..my fiancee will ROFL with this….she likes the “Smut” magz in the stores hehee.
Last I knew she was with Kenny Patton. Guess she went over to the darkside. Kevin Federline is definitely a staircase down!
Man, Kenny Patton must be sad sad now…./cry
Victoria Prince is only 5’10” and not 6′ as advertised???
rob25 – i guess that saying is not true….
Whats the diff?
Either way you have to look up…….way up.
LV – he is disappointed since he will be smelling her bellybutton
Rob25 – now now, I heard K-fed can sing and rap as good as Britney can sing and rap.
hey, 2 inches makes a big difference! 😆
wow, Victoria Prince and K-Fed?
that’s F’ed up.
There’s got to be some fax’s that came in.
Stay broke da fax metinks..
LV . . .
I recognize that car with the powdered sugar on top!
Spread de-icer on my driveway today. Up north it is still coming down hard — the rain did not come in as forecast.
Even the military has pretty much shut down. Only mission critical personnel were to report at Ft. Lewis and McChord.
Someone can call up the Athletic office and say, “Hi, this is Brett Leonard, did you receive my LOI fax?”
Wafan, Howzit, say hi to sis too.
Homey, 2 inches? bwafahahahah! sorry, I have a dirty mind hahahaha!
Is this normal for the guys to wait so long before faxing in their signed lstters? Or, have they already done so and the UH is not releasing that information.
Hmmmmmmm, where is Mr. Tsai?
I was tempted to say something about that 2″ comment. I figured someone would come through.
Thanks LV.
wafan – I was waiting for someone to comment on the 2″ as well 😆
yes, I proudly stand before you as the “CRUDE” one
Lets see, even with the daylight savings….its 2 hours from the west coast….so that makes it like 5 PM…metinks (which could be a bad thing heheh) that UH is waiting to make a Mass introduction kind of thing.
2″ of rain is a very noticeable difference. It would wreak havoc out here!
Oh wait…..
but a 2 inch tsunami is not much
2″ can be the difference between a yawn and a smile.
a 2″ mouse is cute
a 2″ cockaroach is gross
perception is reality
# 173, cannot reply, could get SMU’d
Ronnie – I saw some craft fair t-shirts that have a similar design to a certain ta2.
#175, wouldn’t be the first time.
I keep seeing the HD Time Warner Oceanic ad on the bottom of this blog. Has anyone noticed that the news on 1003, 1006, 1007, and 1008 are not in full HD?
I regret wearing my crocs to work today. We got way more than 2″ of snow today.
djmitcho – you wear crocs? BTW, my daughter is glad she is in Hawaii right now!
yup. they are very comfortable. I can’t wear slippaz here cause my heels get dry and crack, so I always wear socks, so crocs work better.
I bet she is glad. It’s been snowing non-stop since 7 this morning.
homey – that’s cool. Was O’ahu colored in, or was it just the outline?
None of the news in Hawaii are shot in HD yet. KHNL will be starting Dec 20 I believe. Having HD channels doesn’t necessarily mean all the shows will be in HD. Certain shows, file footage on news, and commercials not shot in HD will not fill the entire screen. You’ll see those black vertical bars on the side when it’s still in regular definition.
Ronnie – it has a rounded edge block around Oahu, like a square zero.
J-Dog – up until a few weeks ago the news looked like it was presented in HD. It filled up the entire screen and looked much clearer than the normal channels (3,6,7,8). Now, the sides are cut off and has a 4:3 aspect ratio versus the previous 16:9 ratio.
J-Dog – What I think they did was upconvert their broadcast.
Maybe somebody pushed the HD/ZOOM button on your remote
d1 – nope, I checked that. What my name gigi?
Jus’ no poop your pants!
d1 – what my name, al?
We want da fax!
Oh look, a Canadian al.
ST: What is the practice schedule for this last week leading up to the game?
They practice an hour tomorrow, two hours on Friday, 1.5 hours on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, then the walk-through on Tuesday.
Well, if one of the Dirty Dozen included Kazz, I’m sure he’ll print it out.
Maybe I can read his Hawaii Bowl guide 🙄
so, false al was removed except for his early post of today.
poor guy has an identity crisis. but, his other stuff was smu’d. tks, blog meister.
how are mouton and pilares coming along?
pau sore already?
ST: Thanks. What time does practice start? Still mornings?
Wow, so far the 6 o’clock news here has been all weather. I guess nothing else is going on in the world. There as been record snowfall for today already and we are probably gonna set a record for the all-time snow fall for 24 hours also.
You have a point!
homey: He needs something because it wasn’t his looks getting him this far, nor his brains. At least Kenny had some of both…and class!
Looks like the WAC expects to lose $1 million for the 5 teams in bowl games.
Looks like it will cost the WAC (and UH) a lot of money for BSU to go to San Diego for its bowl game instead of playing in its home bowl game.
The ACC sure has a high percentage of the Pro Bowl players…
Looks like BYU is close to scheduling *Oklahoma* for their home opener next season!
Oh, I got the Hawaii Media guide!
Email me at rvierra at hawaii dot edu if you would like me to send it to you.
If BYU dumps Arizona State for Oklahoma, that would mean that Arizona State would have a puka in their schedule for 2009…I wonder if it would be worth a phone call from JD to see if he can get Arizona State somehow added to the schedule?
I was up at the coaches lounge today between 10 AM and 10:30 talking to Tony T. about my nephew. It didn’t seem like they were very busy.
The girls in the office were manning the fax machine and phones, but spent most of their time talking about Xmas shopping.
When I left, I noticed the Ching/Cook field was still being fine-tuned. The fb field looks to be installed, the ewa end zone even has the lettering in place. Just general touch up is being done.
Big Hilo, they are waiting for your blessing. Bring your Bananah for one photo op. Going be emotional, so dpk, bettah if you stay home or bring plenny kleenex!
ST ~ I forgot to axe dem about practice. If you think about it, we are the only fans that come to practice. Don’t make sense to lock us out. Some of us even come early like myk and sj. We should be able to just wear our Tsaiko ID badge to enter.
re: hawaii bowl pdf
is it different from this one? (warning, it’s a big pdf)
got it from:
I’ve been told by an unconfirmed third-hand source that the Ching Field will be inspected in the week following Christmas and then blessed sometime during the first full week in January. Unless na menehune come in and then someone lights a fire under the collective okoles in the Facilities office, the field will not be finished, inspected & blessed before Christmas.
Mahalo to those of you who pushed back the project by nearly seven weeks right into the carppy early winter weather.
Will try to confirm the assorted dates on Friday.
Rob25: If the one you got is different from the one Tombo Ahi just posted, send it to me and I’ll upload it to my site.
you gotta make an announcement about how great the field looks, take a picture
BEFORE the Hawaii Bowl. Perception is everything!!! you gotta make Warrior Nation believe you are on it.
c’mon, I like here you two guys tell me
“I’M ON IT COACH!!!” 👿
promotion. promotion promotion. ESPN gotta do a follow up story to compare where we are this year from last year. now we get soap, and one new field. 😀 😀 😀 😀
you’Ve worked harde all season long. FINISH THE FOURTH QUARTER.
i’M WAITING FOR THE NEWS from David Hafoka, Brett Leonard, Chizzy Dimude and Lametrius Davis. 😀 Good news I hope!
Mouton, Pilares are fine.
It looks like Louisiana-Monroe has ASU on their schedule for Sep. 19. This looks to be their opponent if BYU jettisons the Sun Devils off their ’09 slate.
If BigHilo does his own Ha’a that should be enough for us to attend practice. 😆
Aww, Sammy Baugh passed away.
Off topic: Snow!
See video on the link from the Flagstaff pepah. Forecast today: 20″ total by tomorrow morning, that’s on top of 14″ from Monday. Lucky you live Hawai’i!
Right on Kazz!…BHF2 could put the Blessing on da new field while at practice. He deserves that honor as much as the rest of those Admin pencil necks who stood by and watched.
if coach like make closed practice, thats up to him. i not nockin him fo dat call.
But Mike Golich, Mike an Mike show, ND grad, his son is a frosh at ND and he’s coming to the game,
you guys gotta get the PR out about how far the school has progressed in the year since Mack took over and UH got on the soap problem and the junk field.
the field is photo ready. the only thing holding back a good PR opportunity is some upper echelon guy(s) taking their time, playing
and like i said after the Cincy game, like Greg Alexander said after the
ok ok
its official. mumbo jumbo b b bu jay. da field is ready fo play.
dayah. I wen bless da field. now go take a pikcha, invite Mike Golich for look for himself. when I come Sunday morning, make lau lau wit
kakanui 😀 and go 2nd Tgate wit you guys (just me coming), we can make more official.
but I going be looking for Irish and Mike Golich and tell him about the field. thats gonna be my mission.
c’mon Facilities guyz, no let me beat you to da punch. cuz if you don’t make it happen, day media guyz gonna be asking da Wong peeps, not da Ching peeps. 😀
and den you guyz gonna look not as good as you could if you just grabbed ahold ah da NAWTS and yell “We get da Irish right hea.”
heh heh
I get all afternoon Monday and all day Tuesday fo wampum da field.
I letting Logan know da pikcha as da field stands this weekend is goin national. betta get aboard UH. you eedah big time oh yu not! and worsest is yu not trying fo go big time. there is nothing wrong with saying you proud of your accomplishments, take a look at the field, and tell national tv you making formal blessing in January to bring in the New Year in Style, but meantime we just wanted to show off our new Ching field. What’s wrong with that??????????????????
please somebody tell Derek dat bigHilo is on a mission! and he ain’t waitin till XMas! (boy, third person sounds so officious.)
sure sounds like Logan is going full blast to finish in time for national tv
I goin need some volunteers, wear ti leaf headbands, Warror play headgear, da bananah, big green hand fo da TV. I think i going call
friends at tv station, take pikcha, make big noise. Tuesday, while the team is at St Louis. Or any other time thats good for Tsaikos. About 5-10 volunteers will do.
that thought oughtta shake sometin up. I’d rather the pikcha be of the UH peeps, and we can be fill. c’mon UH.
I’m with you on the “PR” for the Cooke field renovations.
UH, get the word out to ESPN since they will be here for the Sheraton Hawaii Bowl. Let them take as many photos and video shots they want so the entire mainland can see, for themselves, Cooke Field near completion.
I agree with bhf2 that it is not necessary to wait until all done. Let the recruits who are hanging on the fence and others who will be visiting see what UH has done to improve its facilities. Also, good viewing for all those who have given a verbal commit from Hawaii, on the mainland, and down under.
In your own “special” way, I tink you get ’em!
Maybe sumtin’ fo’ discuss the next time a bunch of Tsaikos get tugeddah!
If anyone wants a copy of the media guide email me:
okay den, we go talk at Murphys 630 p Sunday 2nd TGate. 😀
I better call Sarkisian, tell him big photo up at Cooke Field, he can get commits to sign ova dayah.
just kiddin just kiddin
I posted a picture of Ching/Cooke’s turf.
The gates were locked, so it’s shot from quite a distance. But you get the picture, so to speak.
and I was able to send the PDFs of the media guides. Not sure who got them, though.
hiya d1shima,
we go show da UH peeps how fo buss loose in da open field. dis is soo
simple! I like Tony Tuioti take some pikchas ah sum potentials on da field.
I really like Chizzy know that we crankin up da place fo him to shine!
an I like Austin fo tink mo quickly about his chances for be 1st string QB or some odda position. We got great athletes, him and Inoke are GREAT athletes, dedicated and great work ethic. i like see dem play mowah.
I want it all, I want it all! The Legislature, the Admin have given the Warrior program the green light. Lets get it on people! 😀
Go Warriors!!!
It’s interesting how CSU “pulled” its offer to Chizzy, a day after he reaffirmed his commitment to UH.
today’s news
prepping for UH
scouts get some practice time
lookin’ at the progress of Cooke/Ching field
Bud givin’ some money to UH
It looks like a photo of the playing field in “The Longest Yard”. 😆
no to out do you Mr. Tsai, but Liz from KGMB got a view from the parking structure.
Its coming along nicely!
Well, it’s cool that there’s “Hawai‘i” printed in the end zone.
Gee, does football think the field is for them?
wow, thats a huge picture.
But did Liz get a picture of Guyton Galdeira’s gold dome? I think not.
Crewe! Crewe!
watch kanoa’s clip of the ND news conference. i hope the sun is blaring next week and I hope those ND players enjoy too much of it. they do respect us and are saying they’re going to take the game seriously.
I think I broke his f****n’ neck!
you are correct there Mr. Tsai.
i bow down to you.
ok, now to go xmas shopping. hope all that crazy traffic is gone.
With Steve Sarkisian in town recruiting, I wouldn’t be at the least surprised to find out that Sark payed a visit to the home of Cayman Shutter. I know that Shutter has given a verbal commitment to UH, however the previous story about him mentioned that he is from Saskatchewan and a huge Roughriders fan. Well guess who was the starting QB for the Saskatchewan Roughriders in ’96/’97? Yup, the new UDub head coach. Sark is a savvy recruiter and if he got wind of Cayman’s “Canuk” ties and fan of the Riders…..watch out Rolo and Mack. BTW Sark’s wife’s family is from Hawaii and he has been coming to the islands since his BYU days. He also grew up in Torrance, CA near Gardena which used to have the title as “Little Hawaii” until Las Vegas took that over in the last decade. So Steve is very much in tune with the culture and vibe of the islands and is very comfortable recruiting Hawaii kids.
You see, we got some excellent mental geniuses on this spot!
Great job Mr. Tsai.
and Super Great job, Chawan_cut. Thank you thank you!
Thanks Liz and KGMB for the pictures of the Cooke Field Fix!
I think I going volunteer, get p/t job with Sports Turf for cut yard markers, make job safety crew wit da helmet and the orange vest, keep all you pests out, carry my bannah! 😀
and mostly did you see Leahey show? Cunney from N/D and he get picks of Ara, Lou, him, Charlie? He can get ahold of Mike Golich fo me. Next ting you know, Mike might be at the Ching Field, tellin da US about the big doings at UH and Warrior Nation. Give him some perspective of why Hawaii is a team to reckon with in the future.
I told you Chizzy, Cayman, all you guyz, we backin McMackin and we wackin him so you guyz can have a crankin future!
Go Warriors
ho boy, hard to tell i’m excited, huh! and 38,000 tickets sold so far.
yeeeee haaaaa!
Thanks for the picture Mr. Tsai. 😀
and i found my phone!
guess it’s not the same pdf?
davone bess feature and interview from the miami dolphins website:
thanks tombo ahi.
boy, you get one hard job. gotta pace yourself, huh! gotta dribble out da news. c’mon good buddy. spill da beans.
will be more great news tomorrow. c’mon c’mon 😀
bhf2 – congrats on finding your phone!! so where did it run off to?
okay den,
back afta a zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 😀
I going dream of LaCount and Leonard on da oline. and a super big lad to show up for da O.
Mahalo for the newz.
tombo ahi,
Thanks for posting the article on Davone.
Thank you for the article! I’m a slacker and only check 4 Florida papers for Dolphins news–I haven’t looked at the Dolphins’ website in awhile.
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want the off-topic stuff.
Billboards in Japan contain cameras that watch the people that walk by to see how many look at the ad.
Two freight trains carrying hazardous material collided in Minnesota!
An increasing number of people under 40 are being buried with their cell phones. One widow buried her husband with his cell phone in 2005 and continues to pay his cell phone bill so that she can call his phone and leave voicemails. Some people are calling the cell phone as the casket is being lowered so that the person’s ring tone can be heard as a sort of tribute.
I hope that none of the Tsaikos go on a cruise near Somalia or Kenya.
This report about how a cruise ship was attacked by a swarm of 40 to 50 pirate boats is interesting, especially when the cruise ship scolded passengers who talked about the attack:
The cruise line is insisting that those “pirate ships” were actually tuna fishing boats:
Wired points out that tuna fishermen around Somalia *are* Somali pirates:
The Department of Homeland Security says that SeaWorld Orlando could be vulnerable to terrorists that are after the chemicals needed for Weapons of Mass Destruction.
bhf2: hooray the phone is back. ❗ how many thousand messages from October before the mailbox got full? Had some 6:30 am practice updates from last month. See you next week.
Free play links pau. But since d1shima didn’t like how I left out something yesterday, this was the missing article:
University of Maryland researchers have led the development of a universal flu vaccine for animals. This could protect humans and birds from the bird flu:
Ai-ya, this made me sad, but I guess I deserve it. 🙁
But know this: I am still a card-carrying Tsaiko. Literally. As in, that Tsaiko tag is ALWAYS in my purse, ALWAYS ready to be wielded in proud defense of our UH sports and our blog. I never leave home without it!
What is esme??? 😆
Wow, the field looks awesome! Compare that to these pictures, which I took last year at Relay for Life:
I have pictures of Esme, but I’m not allowed to post them. Every so often, I look at them, and remember the mother who orphaned me. 😉
Poor Jason…. abandoned by so many…. but heck – skool is pau! 😆
No worry Esme — Peaches described who you are. Your fellow Bombers got your back 🙂
Huh? Does #265 mean that SteveM has never met …. esme??? 😯 🙄 😯
yes esme, twas i that does not know what you look like. shame on me. but next time at some event id love to meet you.
thanks steveM =P
Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, esme, …. 😀
▌ Poor Jason…. abandoned by so many…. but heck –
skool is pau! 😆
Really? Does that mean I don’t have to take my last two finals? Whoo hoo! 😉
Let’s try that again …
▌ Poor Jason…. abandoned by so many…. but heck –
▌ skool is pau! 😆
bighilo on your next visit to the UH practice field, take a picture, write a caption, email to neil everett at ESPN. It is still a homer and he’ll get the picture and word out
Oops – I thought your last two finals were Tuesday? 😳
before…. and AFTER pictures! 😯
Hey Jason or Garret-
Have you guys seen the video of the “Big Dog” quadruped robot? My son is showing me the vid. Freaky…
271 it=he
Nice pic of Ching Field. The turf looks like it’s pretty thick. How long is it supposed to last before needing to be replaced?
Before/AFTER photo would also make an effective greeting card along the lines of “Changes are happening in Manoa….” 🙂
How often does the field have to be … mowed? 🙄 😆
it has to be mowed 2x a day actually. dont ask me why. just what i have been told by state facilities management team.
mowed? ask bulla and D1, they mentioned something about mowing in upper Kaimuki
ok heres a fun game. guess the next BCS bowl we go to PLUS the year.
Maybe the Tsaikos can contribute to the maintenance costs – mowing, watering, fertilizer, weeding…. Those costs quickly add up. Hey – didn’t A-House and family have some extra yard tools, or was that only offered to their neighbor? 😀 😯 😆
I’ve never felt so obligated to read one of your free play articles! 😳
Very interesting though! And it could prove to be very important.
does anybody know why the band “flag” waving people have purple flags? why the he!! arent they hawaii or at least school colors?
just my observation.
We’ve changed the time and other details for the meetup with Kamali’o NYC. Dawn will be bringing along her step-son and his wife – they’re both professional musicians.
We’ll be at Murphy’s to watch the Giants v. Panthers game starting at 3 pm and then heading out to Aiea for a festive Mexican meal at El Mariachi – arriving there around 7 pm. The restaurant is not easy to find the first time you go so it’ll be necessary to caravan out to Aiea from Murphy’s at the end of the game if you’re not already familiar with its location.
If you don’t want to come to Murphy’s for the game but want to join us at El Mariachi, please do so. It’s located in a multi-level shopping center directly across from Aiea Medical Center and McDonald’s on Moanalua Road
Dawn really would love to meet up with as many Tsai-kos as possible but will be leaving for the Big Island on December 23 so she cannot make the T-Gate.
Coach Inaba’s program at Dole Middle School has received over $250 from generous Tsai-kos – in addition to the football tickets. Look for the emerging stars at Farrington over the next couple of years. He’s also getting a small grant from a local foundation for his program tp help buy shoes, uniforms, and equipment.
Again a reminder – season ticketholders in any sport will get 50% off on up to eight men’s basektball tickets for Tuesday’s game with UC-Riverside. They did the team in last spring during the Bracketbuster’s game.
A number of Tsai-kos are regulars at the games so hopefully the Cattle Call planners for that night will select a place that will still be serving food after 9 pm.
IIRC those blades seem to be very long now because the rubber pellet infill hasn’t been installed yet.
Once that’s done the blades will seem “shorter” and they shouldn’t be mowed! 👿
It was mentioned here that there is actually different grades of Field Turf.
IMHO the SLS field may not be of a very high quality because the blade material is degrading and has been breaking down for a couple of years. Everytime you fall or roll on it now you end up covered in green fibers.
The bad part is IDK where the school is gonna get the $ to replace that turf.
I mentioned that about the SLS turf because I’m not sure if the problem is the result of the original quality of the material or from improper maintenence. It would behoove the owners of the subsequent Field Turf installs (Aloha Stadium, Roosevelt, UH) to understand what is happening to that SLS field since it’s the oldest one in Hawaii.
“green fibers” might be the clippings from mowing the Field Turf? 😯 🙄 😀
Wait a minute…. When does d1島 roll around on the field? Falling down, I get, but rolling around? 😀 😯 😆
There are those at Kalaepohaku who suspect that may, in fact, be the case 🙄
Ask any other SLS parent. They see the boys scraping the stuff off their shoes when they come off the field. They see it on their practice unis when they wash ’em.
I also can picture “falling down”, then “rolling around”, trying to get up… 😆
okay, okay…. no need to get soooooo defensive….. 😀
Only defensive if had offense to begin with….
If I understand things right, Aloha Stadium has a “pro” quality FieldTurf, so Saint Louis might indeed have a lesser quality product.
now, now, brew & d1, play nice. 🙄 😯 😀
So Liz Chun scoops us on the Ching Field photos just now on her 10 PM news. Big Hilo will be suicidal when he finds out.
Okay – it looks like you all will be busy tomorrow evening. Party hardy, but safely…please. Some of us will be there in spirit… and looking forward to the stories and pictures. 😀
Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, esme, jm23.754291858 …. 😀
Ackchally, she had ’em on at 6:00, too.
hey, where’s a-sports? gotta get one launcha for da lead slippah all da way to da bay area and whack brew upside da head. 😈 🙄
Sacralidge D-1…We better plan on a Big Hilo watch. He may try to destroy someone or something on Monday.
Careful jm2375+
Brew is part of a gov’t conspiracy. Don’t even try to get near him!
A-Sports is not feeling well. She got a baaad code, and she’s been nursing her self. She’s been trying to heal for the holidays with the ole Kentucky Bourbon cure.
The code might not go away, but she’ll be feeling no pain!
Well gang, it’s time to say Goodnight, Gracey…
“Goodnight Gracey!”
G’nite D-1…
good night kekoa-sensei.
shhhhhh, im hunting wabbit………
Its stinkin’ cold in LV, several inches of snow on the ground and on my beautiful car.
Dogs come back fron shi shi covered in snow with ice stuck to legs and beards
‘Evening…or rather morning dear friends-
A little boydie told me someone was in need of a lead slippah….
Tsigh, Kekoa is right, I caught a cold. But getting bettah. Had to switch from vanilla to bourbon. The vanilla sports more of a Holiday feel, but needed something that packs a whallop and will meet this cold head on. Feeling better and can at least talk now. I’m tsaiked that will see you guys at party tomorrow.
Have a great evening….or rather day everyone.
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
Liz Chun and a big grassy field. That is soooo hot! 😀
The blog is slow. gotta go.
hideeee ho!
have a great day everybody.
haha Kekoa. yu funny wabbit.
we get one great photo op next week, Mr. Donovan. National exposure too. I know everybody like see da teams. But the big Mo could use a boost from the brand new field – on national TV. 😀 We no need
Knute Rockne…. we gettin Chizzy!
Go Warriors.
Good morning all!
I think we will be out tomorrow, too. Shucks. I do not want to add more school days in June! Darn.
This morning I-5 looks like a parking lot.
So, I made potato and egg salad for our lunch scheduled for today.
Anyone want some onolicious potato-egg salad? I will mail it to you. Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
Morning wafan!! At least you still got power, etc, so can watch terebi and blog with us! hehehehe.
Hope you used Best Foods mayo in that salad!
Don’t they schedule in a few snow days or do you not get snow regularly enough for it to happen. 🙂
Hi jm23487932872 . . .
This district puts all of its make up days at the end of the school year. Good and bad things about that.
Problem is the district people panic and close the schools even with a light dusting of an inch or three. It really messes with the kids and their projects/assignments in my classes. Worse are the jobs my advanced kids have for various customers in the community. Two of the design jobs were to be delivered yesterday and another three printing jobs today. Hopefully, we are back tomorrow so I can get the jobs and customers together.
Sure hope the customers understand!
So far we have about 10″ on the ground. Up north they have had over 24″.
And, you are correct! At least I have heat!!! A bunch of years back we had a major ice storm that knocked out power for 10 days. Thankfully, none of my pipes burst. Man, that was a cold Christmas.
Maybe I need to invest in a snow-mobile. HA!
Good morning wafan and jm,
Oops! Good morning ST and all other Tsai-kos. Having some trouble with our desk top so my typing very slowly on my mini.
I was hoping the rain and wind had left us but as I type I can hear the wind and see it’s wet outside.
Loooking forward to seeing many of you tonight. Have a great day!!
Oh, and yes. Of course I used Best Foods mayo!
If you ever have the chance and they have it at Costco try the Kirkland Signature brand of mayo. Mmmmm, tastes good and less salt!
Hi myki!
Hope you and sj are doing well. Been to any practices lately?
Shhhhhhhhh! Keep the secrets to yourself. Do not want to tip-off the Irish!
Great Morning All!
Brrrr! Reading about the conditions up there makes me wonder about how things are down the way a bit for #2 son in McMinnville.
It’s snowing there today as well but looks like it’ll clear up tomorrow for him to ride up to Portland. Hoping it stays that way at least until he flies out on Sunday….
wafan ~ Yesterday, after all that talk about snow, I had to stop at my cousin’s shave ice shoppe (Baldwin’s in da Waimalu shopping center). I know, I know…a shameless plug for my cousin’s place…
It had already been far too long since I took time to enjoy a ‘Hawaiian Snow’ treat.
BTW, does anyone remember the enterprising UH student who started the Island Snow chain of Shave Ice Kiosks in the early 80’s? He had something like 3 million in the bank by the time he graduated. Not from the shave ice sales…it was the clothing line and trinket merchandise he sold with the I.S. tag on it. Smart Kid knew when to sell out and move on too.
d1 . . .
Supposed to have come down hard the past several days in Portland. With the wind from the south they will drain the moisture way before we get it. All those bridges down there must make for tough driving with the freezing weather.
How does he like McMinnville and the school? Nice area.
Nice reading about the mini-Scout Bowl game yesterday.
Kinda bittersweet for the unsung hero Seniors.
Amazing stories about each of these guys: Ryan Perry, Jake Santos, and esp. Alonzo Chopp. Good Luck to Chopp in his endeavor to become an Air Force officer.
wafan ~ Winter ’74 was brutal in your area. Ft. Lewis was shut down for several days because of the snow and ice. I-5 was a skating rink. Electrical lines snapped poles from the sheer weight of the ice. May accidents, incidents and stranded motorists.
Always made me wonder. Why is it that island people can survive in harsh conditions like this? Mainlanders stumble and fumble with severe cold snaps that they grew up – as if it were something new to them.
Lots of ‘Kum-by-ya’ eves by the charcoal grill with the neighbors after dinner, just keeping warm! Sang lots of songs we coudn’t finish because we nevah know da words.
D-1 ~ Hope #2 son gets an early start and checks old Hwy 99 as an altroute in case I-5 is shut down. There are several places where he can get back on if it’s clear.
wafan ~ Winter ’74 was brutal in your area. Ft. Lewis was shut down for about 2 weeks because of the snow and ice. I-5 was a skating rink. Electrical lines snapped poles from the sheer weight of the ice. May accidents, incidents and stranded motorists.
Always made me wonder. Why is it that island people can survive in harsh conditions like this? Mainlanders stumble and fumble with severe cold snaps that they grew up with – as if it were something new to them.
Lots of ‘Kum-by-ya’ eves by the gas grill with the neighbors after dinner, just keeping warm! Sang lots of songs we coudn’t finish because we nevah know da words! Was like camping out.
D-1 ~ Hope #2 son gets an early start and checks old Hwy 99 as an altroute in case I-5 is shut down. There are several places where he can get back on if it’s clear.
They definitely got dumped on a few days ago. It warmed up enough to melt that away but then it’s gonna snow again so driving should be real dice-y. Glad he’s taking the school shuttle instead of catching a ride with another student.
He loves it there so far. From what I can tell, the snow was fun for about 6 hours or so but I think it’s gotten old already so he’ll be glad to get home on Sunday 🙂
Thanks Kekoa.
Wow! Look at the time!
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