Ever after

Defensive tackle Kaniela Tuipulotu and linebacker Aaron Brown have started their post-Warrior plans.

Tuipulotu signed with agent Kenny Zuckerman, whose clientele includes AJ Hawk, Arian Foster, Davone Bess and Greg Salas. Tuipulotu said he will be training at Athletes’ Performance at the Home Depot Center.

Brown has signed with Michael Hoffman, a Southern California-based agent who represents former Warrior Alex Green.

* * * * *

This would have been John Collins’ birthday. We miss you.


  1. Da Punchbowl Kid December 24, 2011 7:27 am


  2. Da Punchbowl Kid December 24, 2011 7:28 am

    Ho-ho-hoooooo! 😆

  3. Da Punchbowl Kid December 24, 2011 7:28 am

    The early lurker gets the worm. 😉

  4. Da Punchbowl Kid December 24, 2011 7:29 am

    Good luck to Aaron and Kaniela!

  5. Da Punchbowl Kid December 24, 2011 7:31 am

    Happy Birthday to c_c and SteveM!

    God Bless JC, up in karaoke heaven.

  6. Stephen Tsai December 24, 2011 7:34 am

    Somebody needs to break the streak.

  7. Stephen Tsai December 24, 2011 7:35 am

    The malls were crazy last night.

  8. bigislandkurt December 24, 2011 7:38 am

    ‘Twuz da night befo chrissmas….

    Meatoga no agent yet?


  9. Nalani December 24, 2011 7:45 am


  10. Stephen Tsai December 24, 2011 7:47 am

    Whoops. A day early on SteveM and CC.

    My bad.

    It’s hard to blog while yelling for the Jets’ defense.

  11. Da Punchbowl Kid December 24, 2011 7:48 am

    Christmas babies… … isn’t that precious. The gifts that keep on giving! 😉

  12. Will-I-Am December 24, 2011 7:49 am

    ST, What do you think of my wish list?

    1. New Head for Football – Norm Chow.—RECEIVED!!

    2. The whole stadium be different shades of green and black

    3. Full stadium every game

    4. Fans that are encouraged to go crazy, yell, scream, chant, and stand up

    5. The field renamed to “Hawaiian Airlines Battlefield”

    6. 30% drop in all concession prices

    7. $5 general parking. $20 if car only has one person

    8. every game, every person wearing the same color. A sea of black, green, or white

    9 A true mascot

    10. Wall of honor inside main entrance

    11. every person in the stadium has a ti leaf at every game

  13. Pomai December 24, 2011 7:50 am

    I dunno playing Ohio State here I think would fill the stadium????????

  14. flying1431 December 24, 2011 7:51 am


    Do you know why JD is saying Ohio State is not under consideration for a 13th game? It would make sense to bring them in since they are on probation next year and it would be their “bowl game”. Besides OSU fans travel well and you could possibly see about 5000+ fans in the stands cheering for the Buckeyes.

  15. 702WarriorFan December 24, 2011 7:54 am

    Happy Birthday to c_c and SteveM!

    Can just see JC, LTUHF, and Fla Ted all talking about Coach Chow.

    Wish we could have been reading what JC would be posting on da “Chow” and celebrating his birthday today too.

    Happy Holidays to all!

    Be safe.

  16. jm2375 December 24, 2011 8:10 am

    Good morning! Happy Christmas Eve to you all!

    Happy Birthday Rasu, wherever you are. HTTR!

    Best wishes to all the Warriors aspiring to be on the field on Sundays.

  17. al December 24, 2011 8:12 am

    14…yes we got that, too.

  18. madeinhawaii December 24, 2011 8:13 am

    From John Collin’s (Rasu Begasu) Tsaiko Bio…

    BTW when I died on the operating table, no god, no devil, no buddah, no allah, no bright light, just stars, lots of stars

    I believe another star was just added up there … very possibly… the shiniest one. Rest in Peace Rasu.. and happy birthday.

  19. al December 24, 2011 8:14 am

    jm2375…so does the triple choco make an appearance on the christmas dinner table?

  20. al December 24, 2011 8:15 am

    so…just who’s birthday is it?

  21. jm2375 December 24, 2011 8:17 am

    al-san – Christmas Eve dinner (just for the 3 of us) will be the usual Cuban roast pork, black beans and rice, salad and this year, bp. Screecher doesn’t like chocolate. Go figure. Hubby is just coming off his diet anyway…

  22. al December 24, 2011 8:18 am

    on the way to the mall last night…the traffic was inch worming along kapiolani.

    we usually leave just after six, soon after the road crew lifts all the contraflow cones. they must have fallen asleep yesterday or were part of the sro folks at mai tai’s. because those cones were up till at least 6:30 pm.


  23. al December 24, 2011 8:19 am

    cuban roast pork sounds intrguing and mouth watering.

  24. Ipu Man December 24, 2011 8:20 am

    Rest in Peace Rasu Begasu…

    your birthday…

    btw here’s a little story for all you

    young at heart:

    One cold snowy Christmas Night,

    a homeless boy stumbled and fell.

    Covered with snow, snow flakes clinging to his tears,

    the child died.

    His clothes were rags. He had no shoes.

    But he loved and hoped in Jesus.

    Thus when he died, the Angels quickly came and

    carried him up and away, high up to the midnight sky.

    You can see his star sparkle if you look hard enough.

    Then The Day came, when God called all His Saints

    to ride with Him to Jerusalem, to fight the devil and

    the anti-Christ as foretold in The Bible.

    And Jesus burst through the clouds riding upon on a magnificent white stallion…

    and all The Saints behind Him, rode on almost equally

    beautiful white horses.

    “What about me?”, the little boy asked.

    “Where’s my horse?”

    All The Saints giggled at the sight of his plight.

    For he was small and how could he ride such a big horse?

    Then Gabriel, The Arch Angel said, “Here, you ride this one.”

    The boy’s eyes grew wide, then he frowned.

    “Why this is just a donkey…and an ugly one at that!”

    Gabriel smiled, “Son, you ride This Donkey and follow us into Jerusalem.

    You will be the last to enter in through the gate.”

    “What?”, the boy choked back his tears…

    “I’ve got to ride this dumb donkey…and come in last?”

    Tears welled up in his eyes.

    “Yes”, Gabriel said, “Jesus wants you to ride this poor donkey into Jerusalem

    with much honor and pride. You see, that donkey is the donkey Jesus rode

    when He first came to Jerusalem long, long ago.

    An expression of both wonderment and joy shone on the boy’s face.

    And the donkey nuzzled his muzzle against the little boy nudging him

    to get on. So the little boy jumped with Great Joy onto Jesus’ Donkey…

    and rode into Jerusalem That Great day of The Lord…last…but triumphantly…

    on The Lord Jesus’ Donkey.

    “…look up, and lift up your heads; for your Redemption draws nigh.”

    (Luke 21:28)

    Lord Jesus’ Donkey video


  25. Bugaz December 24, 2011 8:31 am

    Anyone going Sheraton Hawaii Bowl today? We’ll be there, hopefully not too wet

  26. krump1_AKA_protector December 24, 2011 8:33 am

    Good luck to ALL former Warriors who aspire to make it to the next level. By the way, last night’s win by the UH Men’s Basketball team was a testament to perseverance and the will-to-win. It was exciting to be there and for those that weren’t, you would’ve been proud of the way this team “represented”. I’ve been fortunate to have seen all the games so far in the Diamond Head Tournament and I already have gotten more than my money’s worth. I expect to see all four games on Christmas Day, too. It’s an entertaining tournament with terrific competition, even if a couple games weren’t “nail-biters” like the UH game. If you haven’t had a chance to do so, check it out and please come out to root for the Home Team !!

  27. Bulla December 24, 2011 8:42 am

    merry merry christmas to all the Tsaikos (trolls included)

    to mr. john collins, i raise a toast (you know that is rare)

    “to our friend who always had a joke to share when we were down,

    who knew what to do to make a smile turn into a frown,

    who missed his chance to be a karaoke king

    who blew me away whenever he would sing

    who loved his rainbows, warriors, or whatever he’d say

    who brought me a lot of joy every single day

    although you didn’t see Allah, God or the bright light,

    i still pray for you and your ohana at the end of every night

    thank you my brother for your friendship and your mana

    you will always be Rasu Begasu in the Tsaiko Ohana

    RIP Mr. Collins…….

  28. ai-eee-soos December 24, 2011 8:45 am

    Good Luck to Defensive tackle Kaniela Tuipulotu and linebacker Aaron Brown.

    Show ’em what ya got.

  29. A-House December 24, 2011 8:47 am

    Happy Birfday to Chawan, Steve M and a very special one to rasu begasu!

  30. tommui December 24, 2011 8:48 am


    Wow – that game against Xavier was really something!

  31. A-House December 24, 2011 8:50 am

    Appears that the 2 JC verbals will wait to see who will be their position coaches before signing their LOI – thus, the HC takes a back seat for them.

    did some one post that the South Dakota OL decommitted and going elsewhere? if so, he may change his mind now that Coach Chow is aboard.

  32. A-House December 24, 2011 8:59 am

    Perhaps we will never know the “truth” about who was contacted/offered a scholarship to those who said they went away because UH did not do this or that.

    I should pay closer attention to what HS seniors say publically as reported via tv or news paper – for example, the DE from Punahou stated that he wanted to leave Hawaii from small kid time thus leaving little or no room for UH – or, will UH make an offer expecting it to be refused?

    wonder what Coach Chow’s position is on this type of situation – make an offer or walk away? ie, we would like for you to play for us; give me an answer in 2 weeks.

    some may say that this approach is too “harsh” and player should be “cuddled” – if you cuddle, it will be like that for the next 5 years – either you want to or not!

  33. A-House December 24, 2011 9:01 am


    will your little birdies bring you good news about recruits this X-mas day?

    hope you got a gift for all of them.

  34. ai-eee-soos December 24, 2011 9:08 am

    I hope all the lil birdies are not on a 2-weeks furlough, like the rest of the campus.

    Man, need some football news, now !!!

  35. Bulla December 24, 2011 9:11 am


    there is always 2 sides to a story, you know that because you’re married, haha. sometimes to save face, young men will say things that stretch the truth, imagine that. it’s a business, and i think we’re going to see some positive changes from the ground up with Coach Chow.

    merry merry christmas to you and yours 🙂

  36. LizKauai (iPad) December 24, 2011 9:15 am

    Rasu Begasu shone brightly in THIS world… No doubt the light of his soul can be perceived even brighter now that he is freed of the lampshade of mortality.

    “If you attain to such a capacity of love and unity, the Blessed Perfection will shower infinite graces of the spiritual Kingdom upon you, guide, protect and preserve you under the shadow of His Word, increase your happiness in this world and uphold you through all difficulties. Therefore, it is my hope that day by day you will become more and more effulgent in the horizon of heaven, advance nearer and nearer toward the Kingdom of Abhá, attain greater and greater bounties of the Blessed Perfection. I am joyful, for I perceive the evidences of great love among you.” -‘Abdu’l-Baha

    Happy second Birthday, John Collins

  37. ai-eee-soos December 24, 2011 9:16 am

    With so few schollies available, I wonder if Coach Chow will go heavy on

    JC guys, who can contribute right away.

    Time is running short to get guys in for the Spring semester, which I think starts 1-09.

    So, it looks like they will be coming in for the Fall semester.

    I thing for sure tho, Coach Chow has profiles on his prospects; he was/is close

    geographically to the recruiting areas.

  38. Slugger December 24, 2011 9:22 am

    Good luck to Kani and Aaron! and all of the others who are training…for the NFL and for next season at UH. Guys gonna have to work hard and prove themselves to Coach Chow.

    On to preping for family dinner tonight…

    Merry Christmas, gang!

  39. SteveM December 24, 2011 9:26 am

    Good morning everyone!

    Best of luck and wishes to Kaniela Tuipulotu and Aaron Brown!

  40. Old School Dave December 24, 2011 9:31 am

    Thought it was a gentlemanly thing to see Hugh Yoshida offer his congratulations to Norm Chow at the Washington Place reception. No sense be all huhu after all of these years. Besides, this is a small island.

  41. SteveM December 24, 2011 9:34 am

    Today, December 24, would have been John Collin’s (las vegas – rasu begasu) 52nd birthday. His Celebration of Life gathering, as planned by his family, will be held on Friday January 20, 2012. 7:00 pm at Club Genji.

    It will be a karaoke party too. For the Tsai-kos, it is a fitting way to say farewell to our Tsai-ko sumotori and enka singer in the same manner and same place we first met him.

    Of course, the karaoke aspect runs deeper. In Las Vegas, he was active in the Japanese Cultural community and was a karaoke MC and contest winner. Just months ago, he won 2nd place in the Aki Matsuri Festival (winner was Chudi, who we know from Tsaiko-Vegas 2009 & 2011). On December 11, 2011 a closed Remembrance gathering was held at Sato-Ya in Las Vegas with his karaoke friends.

    Blogger las vegas first appeared on the Warrior Beat in September 2006, but kept a low profile until the transformation months of January-March 2007 when he and Long Time UH Fan blew the blog open with jokes and anecdotes of very divergent lives. Then Al, Bulla, Da Punchbowl Kid, gigi-hawaii, James, and WreckinEyez started chasing each other all over the blog, with forays into Cat’s Blog– lead by las vegas and LTUHF. Then Maryann(e) showed up. 🙂

    In 2007, Rich2176 bought Tsai-kos group tickets for the UH-UNLV game on a “let me know and pay me later basis”. Thus, over 100 had tickets and were wondering about tailgate activities. John stepped up and arranged the Makino Chaya buffet and optional buses to the stadium. Addahknowjoe made the black Tsai-ko placards with “Colt for Heisman” on the flip side. In 2009 and 2011 John added the Friday night Karaoke Call. See:


    John Collins was the catalyst for the first Tsai-ko Karaoke Call in February 2008, which snowballed into the numerous and large Karaoke Calls and parties we remember fondly.


    Kumi and family will be bringing John’s ashes to Hawaii for final rest. One last farewell gathering for John. His way. From his sister, Liz:

    Hi Steve,

    … I just spoke with Gaye at Genji’s and reserved a room [main lounge] for January 20th at 7pm. Since John loved to sing so much, we decided to have a Karaoke Party for him. Please invite anyone who wants to come. My sister [Kathie] will be supplying the tokens so John can hear everyone having a good time. Please call or email if you have any questions.


  42. Kekoa December 24, 2011 9:41 am

    To have a birthday on Christmas Eve, I would think, should be a really happy occasion. This morning, it has a bit of a damper on it because of the loss of our good friend and co-conspirator in all things Tsai-ko…Mr. Excitement, Rasu Begasu.

    Since John’s passing, it’s been hard to imagine what mischeivious deeds he may be spreading around heaven. One thing for sure. Whatever happens, he’ll be able to sing his way out of jam while adding a joke to share with them on the way out!

    RIP my brother.

  43. Jason December 24, 2011 9:48 am

    Do you know why JD is saying Ohio State is not under consideration for a 13th game? It would make sense to bring them in since they are on probation next year and it would be their “bowl game”. Besides OSU fans travel well and you could possibly see about 5000+ fans in the stands cheering for the Buckeyes.

    While Alabama had that idea some years back, the NCAA cracked down on that. Recall that USC had to get a special waiver to play UH last year, because the penalties the NCAA enacted included not being able to use the “Hawaiʻi Exemption” to schedule a 13th game here in Honolulu; that 13th game had already been scheduled, however, so the NCAA eased up on that restriction.

    On page 19 of the Ohio State Report, it says (bold added):

    The institution’s football team shall end its 2012 season with the playing of its last regularly scheduled, in-season contest and shall not be eligible to participate in any postseason competition or take advantage of any of the exemptions provided in Bylaw, to include an end-of-season conference championship game.

    Bylaw is the Hawaiʻi Exemption (see page 276 of the 2011-2012 NCAA Division I Manual), and since Ohio State does not already have a game scheduled against UH, they are unable to schedule a new game to act as their “bowl” game. Annual Exemptions. [FBS/FCS] The maximum number of football contests shall exclude the following: (Revised: 10/28/10)

    (j) Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico. [FBS/FCS] Any football games played in Hawaii, Alaska or Puerto Rico, respectively, either against or under the sponsorship of an active member institution located in Hawaii, Alaska or Puerto Rico, by a Division I member institution located outside the area in question;

  44. PowderPuff December 24, 2011 9:50 am

    Too bad we won’t be seeing that Xavier game on “UH’s Greatest Games Ever.” is it true that was their first win over a ranked opponent since 2004? Wow!

    Hope the angels are singing to you, Rasu…or might be the other way around.

  45. Da Punchbow Kidl December 24, 2011 10:05 am

    In his life, John Collins had enough adventures to fill many lives. In his heart, he had more than enough love to share with all he met. Each of us who had the priveledge to know him were blessed to be touched by this extraordinary soul. A Warrior, a Sumotori, a Samurai, a poet, and above all, a gentle, humble and free spirit. John is remembered as much as he is missed.

  46. PolyMom December 24, 2011 10:12 am

    Wishing you all a joyous Christmas filled with love and family. May the white light of love, protection and prosperity shine on each and every one of you. G-d bless you all.

    Now buy tickets and make sure you are in your seats 20 minutes before kick off! That is how the big schools roll. You have to be there in your seats for the team to FEEL your energy. They thrive off of each and every one of you!

  47. PolyMom December 24, 2011 10:13 am

    Oh to the person cooking a Cuban dinner…wow want some. Got plantains?

  48. wafan December 24, 2011 10:20 am

    Happy belated birthday to Mrs. Momo!


  49. Stephen Tsai December 24, 2011 10:22 am


    Love your wish list. Don’t forget to throw in an iPad. You’ve been good this year.

  50. Ipu Man December 24, 2011 10:22 am

    June Jones, after living a full life, died. When he got to heaven, God was showing him around. They came to a modest little house with a faded silver UH uniform in the window.

    “This house is yours for eternity June,” said God. “This is very special; not everyone gets a house up here.”

    June felt special, indeed, and walked up to his house. On his way up the porch, he noticed another house just around the corner.

    It was a huge 3-story mansion with Green Grass and a huge rainbow over it continually, also a snappy new University of Hawaii

    Green and white uniform in the window,

    a swimming pool in the shapes of all the islands of Hawaii,

    and fruit trees from every polynesian nation, and

    Norm Chow’s picture and name on the front door.

    June looked at God and said “God, I’m not trying to be ungrateful, but I have a question. I introduced the run and shoot to Hawaii, even took them to the Sugar Bowl, and an undefeated regular season.”

    God said “So what’s your point June?”

    “Well, why does Norm Chow get a better house than me?”

    God said “June, that’s not Norm’s house;

    it’s Mine.”

  51. Da Punchbowl Kid December 24, 2011 10:23 am

    How ya likin’ the game, Mr. Tsai?

  52. Stephen Tsai December 24, 2011 10:23 am

    Re: Ohio State.

    Now I’m not exactly sure how this works, but isn’t there a rule that teams on bowl probation can’t use the Hawaii exemption to use the regular-season finale as a bowl game? I think it was implemented after Alabama used UH as its version of the Hawaii Bowl.

  53. wafan December 24, 2011 10:24 am

    A special happy birthday to LV/RB/Maryann(e)/JC!

    Whoo-hoo, multiple times!!!

  54. Stephen Tsai December 24, 2011 10:24 am


    Uh, Mr. Eagle fan, you do know that a Giant victory means the Eagles are out, right?

  55. Ipu Man December 24, 2011 10:27 am

    …instead of saying

    “Norm Chow’s picture and name on the front door”

    I should have written”

    “Norm Chow’s picture and the words, CHOW TIME on the front door.”

  56. Ipu Man December 24, 2011 10:28 am


  57. Stephen Tsai December 24, 2011 10:31 am

    Re: Dustin Adams.

    The mandate was that only signed commitments would be honored. That means the grayshirts who signed scholarship agreements, such as Ben Clark, Tyler Gray, etc., go on scholarship in January.

    Adams wanted to commit to UH, but UH told him of the situation, and told him to take his visits. He’s actually visiting some pretty good programs.

  58. Da Punchbowl Kid December 24, 2011 10:36 am

    The real Eagles’ fan is already in mourning Mr. Tsai. I am not that fan.

    My job during Eagles’ games is to celebrate, make sandwiches and fetch beers when its going Philly’s way, and to stay the h*ll outta the living room when it aint.

  59. Stephen Tsai December 24, 2011 10:39 am

    Hey, hey, hey.

    Santa does not swear.

  60. Stephen Tsai December 24, 2011 10:42 am

    Ooooh. Sanchez is a terrible quarterback.

  61. Da Punchbowl Kid December 24, 2011 10:42 am

    Santa swears that was a bad call.

  62. Jason December 24, 2011 10:46 am

    Re: Ohio State.

    Now I’m not exactly sure how this works, but isn’t there a rule that teams on bowl probation can’t use the Hawaii exemption to use the regular-season finale as a bowl game? I think it was implemented after Alabama used UH as its version of the Hawaii Bowl.

    Stephen: See my post #43 at 9:48 a.m.

  63. Stephen Tsai December 24, 2011 10:49 am



  64. LizKauai (macbook) December 24, 2011 10:50 am

    jm2375- I had Puerto Rican pork shoulder for the first time last week- with gandule rice. WOWOWOW!!!! I can only imagine how delicious your Cuban dish is! And, of course, Cuban coffee…. Felice Navidad!

  65. LizKauai (macbook) December 24, 2011 10:52 am

    GOOD LUCK to ALL WARRIORS moving towards the next level!

  66. Stephen Tsai December 24, 2011 10:59 am

    I used to live in Spanish Harlem. Love Puerto Rican food.

  67. Capitolist/WassupDoc December 24, 2011 11:00 am

    We’re just about to launch the live-on-campus season – on January 5 & 6, men’s volleyballl & men’s basketball on January 7; on January 12/13/14, men’s volleyball; on January 19th and 21st, a basketball doubleheader starting at 5 pm; and men’s volleyball on January 28. Meanwhile, the Wahine softball and men’s baseball teams go into full spring training in January as they gear up for their opening day games on February 9 & 11 respectively.

    In February, there are nearly 30 home games/matches in five najor sports so let’s get ourselves ready to go support our student athletes!

    On the weekends where there are no home games/matchesin a partiocular sport, most of the teams will be on the road.

    Have a safe & happy holiday – aloha from DaDocs

  68. Capitolist/WassupDoc December 24, 2011 11:06 am

    Whoops!!! najor = major matchesin= matches in

    Will the season tickets be cheaper if there are only 12 games?

  69. whitey December 24, 2011 11:26 am

    good morning tsaikos and a special happy birthday to rasu, a man of all season.

  70. jm2375 December 24, 2011 11:33 am

    So long as the Cowpukes don’t get in!

    Plantains are sometimes hard to find. Was looking for pork leg (aka picnic ham), but couldn’t find it and had to settle for pork shoulder. Roast not hard to make, it just takes a lot of “babysitting” (basting every 20 mins), so it doesn’t get dry.

  71. tommui December 24, 2011 11:41 am

    #70 jm2375 – what time did you say dinner would be served? 🙂

    I remember that fried plantains were usually served with Cuban sandwiches but I don’t recall ever having Cuban pork roast.

    What’s the recipe like?

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours.

  72. Belka December 24, 2011 11:43 am

    I have to say i’m little suprised. Thx man!

  73. jm2375 December 24, 2011 11:55 am

    tommui – #71 – if you would like da recipe, I’ll email it to you. lemme know.

  74. al December 24, 2011 11:55 am

    71….remember your gout.

  75. bigislandkurt December 24, 2011 11:56 am

    Pateles, Gandule Rice, bacalau salad, Pernil (Puerto rican roast pork)……..these were the proverbial “visions of sugerplums” dancing in my head…and belly during my childhood. Christmas time for Puerto Ricans is one real ono occasion.

    Happy Holidays my friends.


  76. al December 24, 2011 11:57 am

    I’d like a tasting.

  77. bigislandkurt December 24, 2011 11:58 am

    Tom Mui….

    this is the Puerto Rican style:


    Don’t know how different the pernil de cubano is.


  78. al December 24, 2011 11:59 am

    Never seen windward mall so busy

    I think mih is still sleeping……

  79. madeinhawaii December 24, 2011 12:12 pm


    Seen my wife at the mall? She tell you about my little accident? Two nights ago I had a nightmare in the waking hours… I thought I saw something streaking down from the ceiling towards my right eye.. so I suddenly jerked to my right and woke up my wife and myself! I soon forgot about it. That evening, my neighbor gave me a small, early Xmas gift. It was a pair of safety glasses. I thought, how cute.. and forgot about it. Yesterday, 5 minutes into cutting Ohia into strips for framing, a piece of wood splintered off and whacked me solidly to the right of my nose and bounced off my right eye. … I thought it was only slightly bruised… as the hours passed and the shock wore off of my face, the pain increased… Last night I could barely sleep. I’m better now… and next time, I’ll pay better attention to my dreams and gifts.

  80. madeinhawaii December 24, 2011 12:15 pm

    Feels like I got punched in the eye by someone as big as Pride… a big-fisted, weighty blow, that lifts you off of the ground, not one of those small knuckle cracks.

  81. madeinhawaii December 24, 2011 12:16 pm

    Tsaikos! Dare to Compare…!

    The average world class athlete is 6′1″ tall and weights 217 pounds. His chest is 43″, arm 15.3″, waist 31″, legs 26.8″,and calf 16.4″.

    How we doing so far?


  82. madeinhawaii December 24, 2011 12:16 pm

    I got the waist part down!

  83. 808Bowler December 24, 2011 12:40 pm

    Afternoon everyone. Man never spent soo much money before in one day!!!! On gifts too..

  84. A-House December 24, 2011 1:03 pm

    hey, al:

    how come you at WWM? eye taught u live in town?

    Midori went to see Decendants with a friend.

  85. Ralph December 24, 2011 1:04 pm

    Oakland wins, Denver loses, both now tied for AFC West at 8-7. Next week, Denver vs KC and Oakland welcomes the Chargers at home. Time to protect the house!

  86. Capitolist/WassupDoc December 24, 2011 1:16 pm

    We do not give gifts bought in a store but make donations to various non-profits in people’s names and then send folks a hand-made card with information about the organization. I started that in grade school because I grew up in a mixed-religion family – Roman Catholic and Jewish.

    Anyhow, this year’s gifts are going to several social justice organizations and Koa Anuenue.

    As for this year’s Christmas dinner, I guess it will be The Stan again because we’ll be there from 8 am-ish to around 6 pm. I am still waiting for a recommendation as to where to go on O`ahu – any thoughts for this part of the holiday season?

  87. Leeann Sierzenga December 24, 2011 1:25 pm

    I’m impressed how smooth this text is. it is so well-written.

  88. wafan December 24, 2011 1:27 pm

    Happy Christmas Eve, all.

  89. wafan December 24, 2011 1:30 pm

    Welcome to the Coach Chow the head Warrior.


  90. ai-eee-soos December 24, 2011 1:40 pm

    # 86 – assuming you are looking for an upscale setting –

    John Dominis is plenty good enough for me.

  91. d1shima December 24, 2011 1:55 pm

    Best wishes to Kaniela Tuipulotu and Aaron Brown.

  92. camry04 December 24, 2011 1:56 pm

    #86- 3660 on the Rise on Waialae

    Christmas Eve buffet- 5-8pm


    Outstanding food!

  93. madeinhawaii December 24, 2011 1:56 pm

    December 21, 2011… The end of the Mayan 13th Baktun… (a 394 year period).. erroneously interpreted as the end of the world (If it came I missed it… again)… Mayans predicted that at the end of the 13th Baktun, the Mayan God would return… Hmm… is Norm Chow, Mayan?

  94. madeinhawaii December 24, 2011 1:59 pm

    Oops dere I go again.. blew it.. it’s Dec. 21, 2012… not 2011… oh well… Maya mistake…

  95. Hiflyer December 24, 2011 2:12 pm

    Finally they showing a game worth watching Niners leading the Eagles 19- 17.

  96. Hiflyer December 24, 2011 2:14 pm

    95 Seahawks not Eagles.

  97. Will-I-Am December 24, 2011 2:17 pm

    Aaron Brown in my opinion was the best player we had this past year. I predict he has a long NFL career.

    Goooooo A-B!!!!

  98. cocobean December 24, 2011 2:17 pm

    This is the first “made for the Warriors Bowl” I’m missing. Have tickets but can’t motivate myself to go.

    Worried if ticket sales are bad ESPN might pull the plug.

  99. Slugger December 24, 2011 2:22 pm


    Kit ‘n Kitchen is open on Christmas Day and is close to Lower Campus. You could leave your car at the SSC & walk.

    I might try to make it to the MBB game on Christmas…unless I’m zzzzzzzzz after breakfast. I think it’s a Tsaiko thing. 😀

  100. tommui December 24, 2011 2:30 pm

    jm2375 – yes, please! tommui(at)hawaii(dot)hawaii(dot) com


  101. Jeanetta Gillie December 24, 2011 3:19 pm

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  102. al December 24, 2011 3:29 pm

    ahouse…i like the wwm (sp?). plus today there was a farmer’s market affair.

    spent way too much money of stuff.

    fried pig ears, palm leaves, cookies, papaya, poi, kulolo/haupia, furikake shrimp chips, yogurt, bags of prizes, toys, and a bunch of stuff.

    when, the only reason i went was to have lunch at pake’s.

    and yes, tommui the stuffed taro duck is still a one of a kind dish.

    ended up at marukai to load provisions for tomw night’s dinner.

    also met a new fish vendor for ahi and walu.

    then stopped to pick up some desserts for tonight at dee lite bakery.

    i was asked to sample the ensiemada

  103. al December 24, 2011 3:30 pm

    back to chow time… i believe he is assembling a great staff.

    we’ll be very happy to hear the names roll off his list.

  104. Problemas de la Vista December 24, 2011 3:39 pm

    Yay google is my world beater aided me to find this great web site ! . “Every man dies. Not every man lives.” by Tim Robbins.

  105. jm2375 December 24, 2011 3:51 pm

    tommui – email sent.

  106. tommui December 24, 2011 4:19 pm

    jm2375 – thanks! I don’t think I ever had Cuban pork roast – maybe it is akin to Cuban pulled pork. I lived there for about 1.5 years but being young, it was hamburgers, club sandwiches and arroz con pollo.

  107. Wes'side Warrior December 24, 2011 4:20 pm

    Merry Christmas, everyone!

    Happy belated birthday, Mrs. Momo!

    Happy birthday, Las Vegas!

    Hope you all have a blast today/tonight/tomorrow! Be safe!

  108. oldie December 24, 2011 4:20 pm


    Recorded last nights game until 11 pm. Recording stopped at Hawaii 82-81. Wanted to make keepsake copies. No can do now.

  109. jm2375 December 24, 2011 4:30 pm

    tommui – leftovers are used for Cuban sandwiches. 😀 Not like pulled pork (ropa vieja), which has a tomato base.

  110. tommui December 24, 2011 4:35 pm

    OLDIE re:111

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours.

    I was going to drop you a line asking about it – alas!

    Take care!

  111. tommui December 24, 2011 4:36 pm

    Did anyone record the UH-Xavier game?

  112. cavewarrior December 24, 2011 4:43 pm

    Great speaker system being used at HB halftime show. Can we get for every Warrior game? Better if stadium authority gets it for everyone’s enjoyment. Com’on guv release the funds….

  113. cavewarrior December 24, 2011 4:47 pm

    Merry Christmas to All.

  114. oldie December 24, 2011 5:02 pm

    Hi Tom

    Merry Christmas to you, Lois and the rest of your family. And to all of the Tsaikos!

    I don’t think we’ll see the game rebroadcast. Five minutes more on the recorder would have done the trick. Maybe I can find someone who has the last few minutes and splice it into my copy. Not too often that we beat a ranked team. To think we gave them a 12-0 head start.

  115. madeinhawaii December 24, 2011 5:35 pm

    Nevada and Southern Miss are playing a really evenly matched game so far…

  116. wafan December 24, 2011 6:11 pm

    Santa’s cookies are finished . . . almost.


  117. RedZone December 24, 2011 6:14 pm

    The Hawaii vs Xavier game is archived at ESPN3.

  118. 808Bowler December 24, 2011 6:20 pm

    The hawaii vs xavier game was epic!!!!!

  119. oldie December 24, 2011 6:22 pm

    Too bad I don’t have access to ESPN3.

    Dim Sum – Did you record the game?

  120. jm2375 December 24, 2011 6:31 pm

    *burp*. 😀

    Christmas came a little early!! My Warrior vb season tickets came in the mail today!! Woohoo!



  121. MistahB84 December 24, 2011 6:36 pm

    I’m guessing we are all going to watch Utah vs Georgia Tech closely eh? Love to see what we can expect. But I wonder if Utahs defense can stop Paul Johnsons option attack!

  122. madeinhawaii December 24, 2011 7:12 pm


    Funny you bring that up. The last write up I read asked if Georgia Tech can stop Chow’s run up the middle.

  123. oldie December 24, 2011 7:32 pm

    Hey Tom

    I think I’ll be able to stream the ending of the game. So I should be able to make a DVD. It will just be lower quality for the last 12.4 seconds of the game. May take me awhile to get it done though.

  124. al December 24, 2011 8:37 pm

    Oldie… I think espn3 is online.

  125. SteveM December 24, 2011 8:48 pm

    This was posted on Facebook by Frank V. yesterday. I do not recall seeing this version, so I thought I’d share it….

    Twas the Night Before Christmas, Pidgin Style

    Was da night bafo’ Christmas, and all ova’ da place

    Not even da geckos was showin’ their face.

    Da stockings was hangin’ on top da TV?

    … … … (‘Cause no mo’ fireplace in Hawai’i)

    Da kids stay all crashed, my old man too.

    They leave all da work for you-know-who.

    So me, I stay pickin’ up alla their toys,

    When – boom! – outside get only big noise!

    I run to da window, I open ’em up,

    I stick out my head and I yell, “Eh! Wassup?!”

    An den, I no can ba-lieve what I seen!

    Was so unreal, you know what I mean?

    This fat haole guy get his reindeers in my yard!

    An reindeers not housebroken, you know, as’ why hard!

    But nemmind, dis Christmas, so I cut ’em some slack.

    Plus, had uku pile-ah presents pokin’ outta his sack!

    So I wait ’till he pau tie up his reindeer,

    Then I yell out da window, “Huui! Brah, ova hea!”

    An’ I tell ’em first thing, when I open da door,

    “Eh, Hemo your shoes! You going dirty my floor!”

    He take off his boots, he tell, “You know who I am?”

    I go, “Ho! From the smell, must be Mr. Toe Jam!”

    He make mempachi eyes and he go, “Ho, ho, ho!”

    By now, I stay tinking dis guy kinda slow!

    He look like my Tutu, but little less weight,

    And his beard stay so white, mo’ white dan shark bait!

    He stay all in red, specially his nose,

    An get reindeer spit on top his nice clothes!

    But him, he no care; he just smile at me,

    And he start fo’ put presents unda-neath da tree.

    I tell ’em, “Eh, brah, no need make li’dat,

    And watch where you step! You going ma-ke da cat!”

    Den, out from his bag, he pull one bran new computah,

    Choke video games, and one motorized scootah!

    He try for fill up da Christmas socks too,

    But had so much pukas, all da stuff went fall troo.

    When he pau, I tell ’em, “Eh Santa, try wait!

    I get plenty lef ‘ovahs, I go make you one plate!”

    But he nevah like hang, he had so much fo’ do;

    Gotta make all Dem small kids’ wishes come true.

    So I wave ’em goodbye, an I flash ’em da shaka,

    And I tell ’em, “Mele Kalikimaka!”

    When he hear Dat, he stop an I telling you true,

    He go, “Garans ball-barans! Merry Christmas to you!

    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –


  126. new york web design December 24, 2011 8:58 pm

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  127. jm2375 December 24, 2011 9:01 pm

    #125 – Like! Merry Christmas to you too!

  128. jm2375 December 24, 2011 9:04 pm

    blog clock really slow tonite…

  129. tommui December 24, 2011 9:07 pm



  130. TYaiea December 24, 2011 9:15 pm

    Mele Kalikimaka to all the Tsaikos…wherever you are. Went to the Hawaii Bowl, left after the 3rd qtr, score tied 17 – 17. What a miserable day, very windy and drizzling. Watching the game, couldn’t believe that So Miss is the Conference USA champs…they were terrible. But Nevada maintained their streak, can’t win in Aloha Stadium.

  131. oldie December 24, 2011 9:21 pm


    Yea, I’m filling in the last 12.4 seconds (8 minute Total time) with ESPN3 streaming. Not great but better than not having the ending seconds.

  132. al December 24, 2011 9:34 pm


  133. al December 24, 2011 9:36 pm



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