Empty-schedule syndrome

Checked the TV listings and … no … not there … nothing there, either … 

The first weekend without football is always difficult. 


* * * * * 

When it comes to mergers — in business, in sports — there always is the question: Which side is bringing the most value. For instance, when Boise State was first asked to join the WAC, it was believed the WAC was bringing up BSU’s status. We learned later it was the other way around. 

Which is why yesterday’s volleyball match on Maui was such a nice, well, match. UH brought over all of the basics of a home match — cheerleaders, promotions, fan-interactive games — and, in turn, the Maui fans brought the sizzle. Perhaps because of the cozy environment — an overflow crowd in a 2,000-seat environment — this was the most energetic match in years. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that Jonas Umlauft, Joshua Walker and Nejc Zemljak have rock-star appeal, and just like arena performers, it’s also special when they play in more intimate settings. Yesterday’s plan did indeed work.

* * * * * 

Sad to hear of the passing of Doug Tanaka, a retired HPD officer and detective. He was a tremendous guy who cared deeply about family, friends and community. Deepest condolences to his wife, Linda. 

* * * * * 

A very happy birthday to  UH trainer Jessica Oshiro.


  1. tommui February 13, 2011 9:33 am

    # 1?
    Good morning Hawaii!

  2. tommui February 13, 2011 9:35 am

    Should have proxy’d this for DPK who seems to be up and about!

  3. SteveM February 13, 2011 9:36 am

    Good morning everyone!

    Congratulations on #1 today, Tom!
    I know it doesn’t happen often. First time?

  4. LizKauai -iPad February 13, 2011 9:37 am

    Blessings and condolences to the Tanaka Ohana.

  5. LizKauai -iPad February 13, 2011 9:43 am

    Happy Birthday Jessica Oshiro.

    Congrats Athletic Dept for the Maui road show. Neighbor islands love our Warriors!

  6. tommui February 13, 2011 9:52 am

    Morning SteveM.

    One more month!
    Got our visas!
    Cameras lock and loaded!
    Not packed yet – hoping that Beijing and Seoul will get higher temperatures – right now it seems to be around the 30’s and lower 40’s.

    I think I was #1 a couple of times before but no big deal.

  7. Stephen Tsai February 13, 2011 9:57 am

    Doug Tanaka was my neighbor. His yard was very nice. Mine wasn’t. From my house, I could see his yard but not mine. He could see my yard but not his.

  8. Da Punchbowl Kid February 13, 2011 9:59 am

    Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂

    Top Ten! Thanks Tom!

    From the looks of it, UH should schedule more Volleyball matches on Maui.

  9. madeinhawaii February 13, 2011 10:00 am

    Seoul… higher temperatures?!… Bwahahahah!….

    Back in ’86, I went there twice.. one weekend in early January… and another in early March… I froze my B-hind both times. There were snow drifts all over the place…

    I thought things were so cheap back then I kept buying gift items for friends and co-workers in Japan… I spent over $700 on gifts for everyone else and $150 on a leather trench coat for myself. As a result, that ended up being the most expensive coat I ever bought.

  10. Da Punchbowl Kid February 13, 2011 10:00 am

    Condolences to the Tanaka ‘ohana.

  11. madeinhawaii February 13, 2011 10:02 am

    At least, my son was able to use the coat last month, 25 years after the fact, when he went back to Japan for a couple of weeks.

  12. chopsueyboy February 13, 2011 10:04 am

    Good Morning Tsai-kos!
    Happy almost Valentine’s Day!

  13. Da Punchbowl Kid February 13, 2011 10:05 am

    How does it work out expense – wise for the volleyball team to play on Maui? Did the gate cover costs?

  14. madeinhawaii February 13, 2011 10:06 am


    So it was that odd little syndrome…

    Two guys come out of a coal mine. They both see each other in the light. The guy with the clean face washes his thoroughly the minute he is out. The guy with the soot on his, doesn’t bother to wash his at all.

    Doug could see your yard and subconsciously felt his yard might be looking the same to you and constantly felt he had to do something about his. You, on the other hand, looked at his yard and felt good about what you saw and was never compelled to work in your yard, as a result.

    Condolences for the Tanakas.

  15. Stephen Tsai February 13, 2011 10:29 am

    Hawaiian Air covered the travel.
    Chevron was a title sponsor of the event.
    It was good arrangement. Figure Maui taxpayers help support UH. MIght as well give back.

  16. A-House February 13, 2011 10:35 am

    Did not know Mr. Tanaka personally, but saw him many times working in his yard or garage.

    Our condolences to the Tanaka family from a family up the street.

  17. Kekoa February 13, 2011 10:37 am

    ST ~ Interesting observation by MIH. Add to that certain chores around the house that requires a *green* thumb. I can’t help but think that you saved yours for ‘thumbing’ thru sports stories. Thus, yardwork was not a priority.

    I add my deepest sympathy to the passing of your very good neighbor, Mr. Tanaka.

  18. A-House February 13, 2011 10:42 am


    #15 – thankyou’s to Hawaiian Air and Chevron for their assist to UH!!

    Know they are title sponsors, but continuing to support with additional “donations”!

    Also, acknowledge that any kind of “donation” which affects the “unions” are much more complicated than the above. Perhaps the union leadership can congregate and agree that when it comes to education, be it public schools and UH, that it can “shut-one-eye” and allow many to make small contributions that will amount to a “gaint ant hill” over the years.

    for example, if Coach Coolen needs sand to “fill-in-the low spots” in the playing field, that a contractor can donate a truck load for two to UH and with the help of volunteers, coaches, players, and any other person willing to lend a hand, can spread and smooth out the sand.


  19. gigi-hawaii February 13, 2011 10:44 am

    Celtics beat the Heat 85-82. Was rooting for both teams. Imagine that!

  20. A-House February 13, 2011 10:45 am

    “gaint” =s “giant”

    for two =s of two

    Mrs A-House was making humbug so da finga wen wrong place – nah, jus jokin!!

  21. gigi-hawaii February 13, 2011 10:45 am

    ST, my front yard doesn’t look bad, but our back yard looks like hell.

  22. Kekoa February 13, 2011 10:46 am

    As Ralph mentioned yesterday, BG & I were seated where we were protected from the elements. It also provides a much better vantage point for viewing each pitch.

    So when you hear that extra loud ex-drill Sgt. voice blast the umpire about his inability to determine a strike from a ball…uhh…that would be me.

  23. gigi-hawaii February 13, 2011 10:48 am

    MIH, ask your cardiologist about green tea ice cream. Maybe, the health benefit of green tea is cancelled by the high fat content of the cream.

  24. 808ike February 13, 2011 10:49 am

    Top 25.

  25. gigi-hawaii February 13, 2011 10:51 am


    I used to live in an apt next to the UH quarry back in 1978-80. Used to enjoy running around the track. Now it’s an athletic complex. Still have not seen it — except for the SSC where the 2nd Tsaiko anniversary party was held. Must be nice, though.

  26. Kekoa February 13, 2011 10:58 am

    Huge Mahalo once again to the Na Wahine Booster club officials for their excellent set-up at the entrance to the RWSS. Interacting with the fans, as well as with the visiting team’s faithful supporters, is money in the bank!

    Sj & myki

  27. SteveM February 13, 2011 11:01 am

    Condolences to the Tanaka ohana.

    RE: #6
    Tom is referring to his 12-night China and Korea cruise aboard the 5.5 star Azamara Quest. He did it last year too…something about Jeju Island, Korea that’s attractive. 🙂 I’m not envious or anything…

    I’m guessing that today hawnstln is near or at the port of Manzanillo, Mexico on his 10-night Mexico cruise aboard the Holland Zaandam. Been there once–only the container ship yard is large enough for a cruise ship. The more southerly city of Manzanillo was a substitute for Mazlatan.

    The known Tsai-ko Cruisers and their ports of call are listed at:

    Anyone cruising Alaska the week before the UH-WA game on September 10? If so, please email me.

  28. Upcountry Bob February 13, 2011 11:01 am

    Will we ever see the day when folks on Maui will get 1420 or 1500 on the radio so they follow UH sports ?

    Oh,I’m sorry I keep forgetting UH is an Oahu school screw the rest of Hawai`i.

  29. Kekoa February 13, 2011 11:03 am

    Good Sunday morning Gigi!

    Both Ching field and the RWSS have aluminum bench seating. Not recommended for sensitive okole’s.

  30. madeinhawaii February 13, 2011 11:06 am

    Looking at Ferd’s article in today’s paper, did we have a couple of football schedule changes?

    2012 (Differs from UH)
    Sept. 1 at USC
    Sept. 8 at BYU
    Sept. 15 Lamar
    Sept. 22 UNLV*
    Dec. 1 South Alabama (UH Website shows Western Kentucky 12/1)

    2013 (Differs from UH)
    Aug. 31 USC
    Sept. 7 at Oregon State (UH has Washington on 12/7, instead)
    Sept. 14 Brigham Young
    Nov. 9 at Navy
    Nov. 30 Army

  31. whitey February 13, 2011 11:22 am

    Good morning Tsaikos. Was great to see ST and some of the other Tsaikos. Crowd was excellent and game was very good.

  32. madeinhawaii February 13, 2011 11:22 am


    Thing is… no one really knows if the LDL Cholesterol that causes plaque build up in your arteries comes from the Cholesterol you eat or the LDL that your own liver produces. Furthermore, the FDA doesn’t recognize the health benefit of green tea, never mind that nearly half the world’s population does. As such, the doctor can’t make any comment on the benefits of tea.

    I suspect, the corn syrup and sugar in the ice cream are probably worse enemies than the mild-based cholesterol. And if you’re eating artificial sweetener ice cream, some artificial sweeteners like neotame are refined with a chemical so toxic that it is on the EPA’s most hazardous chemical list – 3-dimethylbutyl

  33. duffer February 13, 2011 11:26 am


    Yep, nice to see ST again and meet all the UH media guys/girls. Even got to meet Billy V and Ron K. Not to mention a few Tsaikos 🙂

  34. whitey February 13, 2011 11:27 am

    This event was well organized as compared to the mbb in lahaina. It was a mob scene after the game with all the fans getting autographs from their favorite players. Sometime during the season, S Hunt will get a chance to show his cannon shot. canon shot, hits ball to floor in play and ball hits the rafters. he got a huge ovation during warmup for that shot.

  35. whitey February 13, 2011 11:29 am

    anybody can dunk a bb, but rarely do we see a vb player able to pull this off. could be the “dunk shot” of vb.

  36. hawaiiansun February 13, 2011 11:31 am

    Wahine have a different look this year and it will be surprising if they hit more than 90 HRs this season. Coach Coolen is still looking for a banger to fill Amanda’s shoes although he has auditioned both Makani and Jocelyn to take swipes. Yet, his most prized swat prospect, Stephanie Ricketts, has yet to take one official swing in five games. Ricketts has maimed softballs in batting practice. She is a natural sultan of the swat.
    Coach Bob, perhaps has offered a clue as to subtle changes by shifting his top-5 in the order and moving Alex to #3 and moving Melissa and Jenna to #4 and #5 respectively.
    We have also seen 3 bunts–two from the top-five (Alex and Jenna). Additionally, the wahine are 7-7 in SBs and Aquirre is 4-4. It’s clear his thoughts on the bottom-four newbees are for more speed than fence-bashing. Sharla and Kaile are making fast impression on both sides of the diamond, but 1B, RF and DP are still up for grabs. It may take the full 34-game preseason for the full order to emerge, if it does.

    One thing for sure, pencil this date–Feb 24th–for the sister-duel-in-the-desert at Cathederal City featuring the Ricketts’, Stephanie and Keilani.
    Hopefully, Hawaii’s #10 will get her shot-to-swat and will take her sis, deep to center and out. Hoo-Rah!

  37. whitey February 13, 2011 11:31 am

    and the after game fuud and drinks were excellent with great company. me not good with remembering names.

  38. NorthShoreFan February 13, 2011 11:33 am

    Just back from the airport. Sent my patnah off to Inchon for 3 week visit with relatives. Prior to getting on the plane, got a weather report from her sister.

    Inchon…IT’S COLD!

    Anyhoo, play nice erry body..

  39. whitey February 13, 2011 11:34 am

    got to talk to JD and he has way better memory than me.

  40. duffer February 13, 2011 11:34 am

    Surprised at the number of service errors, especially into the net. Like the play of the Warrior’s librero. Last “live” vb match i attended was at Klum watching Wilt the Stilt.

  41. whitey February 13, 2011 11:38 am

    nsf, that’s why my friend came back to hawaii for the winter. he said he going back in april or may like the migratory birds. hahahahahahaa

  42. madeinhawaii February 13, 2011 11:38 am


    You thought “Inchon” was the name of a location and not how much clothing to wear??!

  43. d1島 February 13, 2011 11:40 am

    Condolences to the Tanaka Ohana.

  44. d1島 February 13, 2011 11:41 am

    Happy Birthday to Jessica Oshiro!

  45. whitey February 13, 2011 11:41 am

    if da wahine vb come to maui, it is going to be overflow crowd and we look forward to that in the future.

  46. madeinhawaii February 13, 2011 11:41 am


    ooops.. “mild-based” should read… “milk-based”

  47. d1島 February 13, 2011 11:42 am

    U Bob,


    Mo’ clear than off the air.

  48. SteveM February 13, 2011 11:42 am

    February 13th, 2011 at 11:31 am
    and the after game fuud and drinks were excellent with great company. me not good with remembering names.


    Careful, whitey …you can still be booked for aiding and abetting. 🙄

  49. jm2375 February 13, 2011 11:42 am

    Good morning Tsaikos!!

    Great to see so many Tsaikos at the softball games yesterday. Congrats to the Wahine.

    Congrats to the Warriors!! ST – how’s Nejc? The Screechers wanna know.

    Big Congrats to the MPI Owls girls soccer team, the DII State Champs!!

  50. whitey February 13, 2011 11:44 am

    and a few miles south of inchon, it is shorts and t shirt weather. ok, ok, more than a few miles.

  51. duffer February 13, 2011 11:44 am

    The Wahine softball team coming to Maui would be nice. No venue big enough.

  52. whitey February 13, 2011 11:45 am

    stevem, hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

  53. NorthShoreFan February 13, 2011 11:45 am

    All I know is I’m glad I ain’t the one going! Don’t like that kind of cold! If I want to see “snow” I open the freezer!

    Also hoping the North side over there don’t start to act nutz like the’ve been doing lately.

  54. whitey February 13, 2011 11:50 am

    JD is right on as he has his teams play on different islands. this not only generates and keeps uh athletics at the top, but helps uh in fund raising and legislative issues. huge plus now when the senate president is from maui.

  55. gigi-hawaii February 13, 2011 11:51 am

    when I was in Seoul back in October 2002, the weather was a mild 66 degrees. But, my cousin told me that just 2 weeks prior to my arrival, the temps were in the 40s-50s.

    So, I guess the weather there is unpredictable!!!

  56. whitey February 13, 2011 11:51 am

    weather is excellent, duffer pau play golf, and now got to get on my spacecraft to do chores and errands.

  57. whitey February 13, 2011 11:55 am

    weather in seoul unpredictable??? i know think so, this time of the year, it is frozen and for hawaiian air pilots, this is the first time they need to de-ice the planes before take off in inchon. if you not use to de-icing, your plane will look like a shave ice with red and green syrup.

  58. whitey February 13, 2011 11:56 am

    got close to 60, bye!!!!

  59. NorthShoreFan February 13, 2011 12:00 pm

    How many days to Spring Ball?
    Glad we got Na Wahine Softball to keep the energy going. Will we be seeing some Bobby Sox teams in attendance at WSS? Would be great to have teams come in, watch the game and get to meet the Na Wahine players after the game.

  60. jm2375 February 13, 2011 12:03 pm

    NSF – #59 – saw a couple of BobbySox teams at the games yesterday.

  61. jm2375 February 13, 2011 12:04 pm

    Would be nice if some of the high school teams came to some of the games. Recruiting tool?

  62. d1島 February 13, 2011 12:07 pm




    ….send help.


  63. Slugger February 13, 2011 12:08 pm

    Condolences to the Tanaka ‘ohana.

  64. Slugger February 13, 2011 12:09 pm

    Happy birthday to Jessica Oshiro!

  65. madeinhawaii February 13, 2011 12:09 pm

    So where’s this thing that Colt Brennan is helping out with?

  66. hawaiiansun February 13, 2011 12:09 pm

    The Hawai’i State Legislature cant be that impressed with UH athletics since the wahine softball field is still playing night games by candlelight. I thought the appropriations were made to make needed improvements for the wahine softball facilitiy? These politicians seem more interested in civil unions, toy guns, muslim holidays, bingo and a choo choo train to nowhere. Naturally, they talk about being great fans when a program wins and want to rub on some of the gold dust.

  67. Slugger February 13, 2011 12:10 pm

    How is Nejc?

    Good to hear that it was an overflow crowd on Maui for MVB.

  68. SteveM February 13, 2011 12:13 pm

    NorthShoreFan — looks like you’re going to be unsupervised for the next 3 weeks. Good thing you’re not on Maui. 🙂 But you got our pah-ty line numbers in case of emergency, right?

  69. NorthShoreFan February 13, 2011 12:14 pm

    jm2375..was thinking the same thing but have questions about making contact with players for recruitment purpose.
    If they came to the games on their own then might be a different story.

  70. d1島 February 13, 2011 12:14 pm

    Then again, if there could be a guarantee of something like this in every match….


  71. NorthShoreFan February 13, 2011 12:16 pm

    Yup, will be unsupervised for 3 weeks but got to be careful where I go to party. The ” KBFD wireless” is really something to experience! LOL!
    Now if is was geing supervised by Tsaiko’s … I might get a pass!….

  72. NorthShoreFan February 13, 2011 12:16 pm


  73. NorthShoreFan February 13, 2011 12:18 pm

    Yuppp, IIRC..the “wireless” works on Maui too!
    What’s that saying?….”There everywhere, there everywhere”!

  74. NorthShoreFan February 13, 2011 12:19 pm


  75. Bigislandkurt February 13, 2011 12:36 pm

    Spring ball starts in less than a month. It’ll be here before you know it. But once Spring ball is over, it will be a few LONG months till it all starts up again.
    Happy Sunday everybody. Up here making Smoke meat on the farm today. Hu like? 🙂

  76. Kaimuki Kid February 13, 2011 12:50 pm

    Hi everyone! I noticed that I haven’t seen Wassup Doc lately. Computer broken? or the current session at the State Capital is keeping her to busy? Just woondering….

  77. RainbowCliff February 13, 2011 12:50 pm

    Al: Your 5xl is on it’s way. Will be in your mail by Wednesday. Enjoy sharing it to
    your honor guest who will look just like you in those amazing white superbowl
    shirts with Aaron Rodgers and Nick Collins names on the back. Take care and wear
    the shirts PROUDLY !

  78. seasider February 13, 2011 12:52 pm

    #28 try the following link for live UH sports:


    Or if you have digital TV you can also listen to ESPN1420

  79. madeinhawaii February 13, 2011 1:25 pm

    Kaimuki Kid,

    You’re right… Wassup hasn’t been around for a spell.. hope all is well in her household and that it’s only the daily grind of lobbying and politics that has her occupied.

  80. madeinhawaii February 13, 2011 1:25 pm

    Along with good times with family and friends.

  81. Old Diver February 13, 2011 1:39 pm


    We need to remember UH has autonomy. The correct question is has upper campus requested improved lighting for the softball field from the legislature. The truth is the legislature gives UH money without having a say on what upper campus spends it on. If you have concerns about anything UH connected it is best to contact Hinshaw and ask her what priorities she has set for UH athletics.

  82. A-joe February 13, 2011 1:56 pm

    By far- Maui has the best fan support for any type of event. Whether if its UH volleyball, UH Football, Semi Pro Football, Professional baseball, college basketball, Professional Golf, Tennis the crowds show up hungry! Even major entertainers either start their world tour or stop by Maui for a concert.


  83. Kazz_DROID.X February 13, 2011 2:18 pm

    Delayed echos of past blogs gone by.

  84. Stretch February 13, 2011 2:42 pm

    Thanks for duffer and whitey for the snacks and setting up Tiffany’s.

    Another comparison between War Memorial and Klum, is that there is no AC. It was a little hot and the players were probably sweating a lot more. After EVERY play, the two girls had to go out and wipe the floor. I bet they didn’t know what they were signing up for. They busted their okole but did a terrific job. Even Nejc was doing some of the floor wiping.

    One change last night from others at SSC, BillyV played music in between points. It kept the energy in the crowd while the floors were being wiped.

    The energy from the crowd in the gym was something I haven’t experienced in a while. The 2,000 fans in a small gym, felt and sounded a lot more than the 3,000 in SSC. I am sure Maui is waiting for the next UH team to make an appearance.

  85. A-House February 13, 2011 2:42 pm


    sorry to read that one of the great natural wonders of nature, the bald eagle, died on Kodiak Island via electricution on top of a unility pole – was around 25 years old!

    said to be amongst the top 3 at that age in the US.

  86. al February 13, 2011 2:47 pm

    stretch how come you didn’t rush out on to the floor and help your brother nejc?

  87. duffer February 13, 2011 2:48 pm

    Even did the wave last night. Would have capsized the QE 2.

  88. al February 13, 2011 2:49 pm

    tiffany’s eh?

    kim chee fried rice
    miso butterfish
    sizzlin’ kalbi n onions
    honey walnut shrimp
    seafood cake noodle
    crispy roast chicken

  89. al February 13, 2011 2:52 pm

    rainbow cliff…thank you once again.

  90. PowderPuff February 13, 2011 2:53 pm

    Yesterday/last night was great fun on the Valley Isle. Thank you to duffer and whitey for their awesome hospitality, as always. Yes, ST…mid-February through late August is always rough. Thank goodness baseball season starts this week. Looking forward to the Grand Slam fund-raiser tonight.

  91. Slugger February 13, 2011 3:02 pm

    From working at a university, this may not apply here but…

    The Legislature appropriates an amount of money to UH which then determines what the priorities are and allocates funds internally for projects. Did UH get some funds for specific capital improvements from the Legislature which can be different from the money they get for university operations, i.e., new buildings, or major capital improvements?

    I think if the lighting at the softball field is a problem, it needs to be addressed internally at the UHAD level. The lower campus (athletics) facilities is handled separately from upper campus.

  92. Slugger February 13, 2011 3:07 pm

    DrDoc & W-Doc were at the softball game. They’re around. I see them across the SSC at some games.

  93. Slugger February 13, 2011 3:08 pm

    Back to packing…

  94. Slugger February 13, 2011 3:12 pm

    This is why I’m not a writer…ST is….

    “Did UH get some funds for specific capital improvements from the Legislature which can be different from the money they get for university operations, i.e., new buildings, or major capital improvements?”


    Did UH get some funds from the Legislature for specific capital improvements, i.e., new buildings, or major capital improvements, which is different from the money they get for university operations?

  95. duffer February 13, 2011 3:18 pm

    4 out of 6, not bad al. If the kid was there, you’d be perfect. Plus the table help were asking, where da odda guy stay?

  96. 808ike February 13, 2011 3:45 pm

    Super weekend for Wahine sb. They showed HR not a must to WIN.

  97. OldDiver February 13, 2011 3:45 pm

    As needed as the softball field lighting is, I don’t see it happening in the next three years. Lingle in October estimated the budget deficit through 2013 would be $270 million. Abercrombie developed a plan for the state based on that figure. After he took office he found out the real estimate to be $800 million through 2013. This is why he is proposing all the budget cuts and new taxes. There is just no money and no borrowing power for new lighting.

  98. Capitol -ist/WassupDoc February 13, 2011 4:05 pm

    Aloha Kakou:

    This is the first time in nearly four weeks that I’ve had time to read the comments as well as Stephen’s posts which I rarely ever get a chance to read on the day they’ve been written. I still cannot figure out how to get to the Star-Advertiser on my iPhone – i usually just hand it over to DrDoc to set it up for me, but if he’s at work while I’m at the Capitol, then it’s not possible for me to keep current unless I can find a computer somewhere.

    Regarding CIP budget items – the Abercrombie Administration is going over every allocation made by the 2009-2010 Legislature for this fiscal year regardless of what department. I will call on Monday to both the UH-Manoa policy office as well as to the AA to see what the status of the funding release for the various Department of Athletics construction projects.

    Remember that no Hawai`i governor has line item veto power so the only way that s/he can override the Legislature is by refusing to release the funding.

    The so-called Upper Campus does not have the power to withhold or to shift any specific budget item – and all the improvements were designated.

    Of the six bills I had submitted this Session, four are still alive and trucking their way through the legislative system. The two dealing with the University of Hawai`i are on their last legs – not because they didn’t get blessed by UH advocates but because the Senate and House Education/Higher Education Committee Chairs have tossed them into the lowest category of bills.

    In addition to these six, I am tracking over 300 other bills covering everything from homeless services to how the new Board of Education members will be selected to plastic bag bans to a variety of financial bills raising taxes & cutting programs to animal abuse issues.

    My Big Picture Issue, however, is not a legislative matter as such but rather trying to figure out what will happen in Washington, DC over the next six months to a year because that will have a profound effective not only on UH sports but also a wide range of economic development issues impacting everyone here in Hawai`i.

    Unfortunately, the mood in Congress is such that traditional regulation funding resources – NOT earmarks – are likely to disappear as the Tparty types want to get The Government out of housing, urban development, direct economic activities, health & human services, education both higher & lower, etc. Best case scenario is a deadlock between the US House and US Senate. Worst case is that the federal financial support for a wide range of services will disappear in order to generate lower taxes.

    Unfortunately, state governments do not have the financial resources to pick up the costs so there a lot of things we’ve been used to having for five or six or seven decades will go away forever.

    Have a Happy Valentine’s Day – we’re going out for a late dinner because I have to attend a Waimanalo Neighborhood Board meeting to listen to a complaint about an illegal “puppy mill” operating on a farm lot.

    The World Wetlands Day last weekend was a huge success. Last year we had about 175 people attend; this year, almost a thousand people took part.

    The BaseBows open their 2011 Season this week and the professional teams officially kick off spring training this week when the pitchers report to work. Life is Good – and Let’s Go Bows and, as always, the Gigantics.

    Off to work – will pass along the information about UH-Manoa CIP funding releases. I do know that the Ching Athletic Complex funding was released last year and the RFPs will be issed within the next 3-4 months.

  99. Capitol -ist/WassupDoc February 13, 2011 4:08 pm

    Whoops!! issed = issued

  100. al February 13, 2011 4:19 pm


  101. al February 13, 2011 4:21 pm

    duffer…i am glad you wrote the “odda guy” and not the “older guy”. hahahaha.

  102. wafan February 13, 2011 4:38 pm

    2nd century!

  103. wafan February 13, 2011 4:40 pm

    Where did the weekend go?

  104. wafan February 13, 2011 5:11 pm

    Prayers and condolences to the Tanaka family.

  105. wafan February 13, 2011 5:12 pm

    Happy birthday Jessica!


  106. Pomai February 13, 2011 5:17 pm

    #37 – hawaiiansun:
    Wahine have a different look this year and it will be surprising if they hit more than 90 HRs this season.

    Well let’s see we are 9 games into a 61 game season and we are at 11 HR’s. I don’t think it too unreasonable to think we might actually set a new record for HR’s. But due to the fact that Kelly Majam is now known for her ability to send the ball into the tennis courts, she more than likely will draw more walks this year, because they sure as heck aren’t going to pitch to her.

  107. 外遇調查 February 13, 2011 5:46 pm

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  108. swat team February 13, 2011 5:51 pm

    Isn’t it 5-0 & 5 hr’s? Preseason no count eh?

  109. hawaiiansun February 13, 2011 6:10 pm

    #106, i believe we are 5 games into a 55 regular season schedule and the wahine have 5 HRs. Hope you arent counting the exhibition games in the fall which are not counted in ncaa 2011 statistics. Lol.
    To better our own record of 158 homeruns we will need 2.5 HRs per game. Yeah, it’s still too early and im going on instinct but that’s what I read–from our team chemistry and coach Coolen. The tempo is different, Kelly Majam is different and the 4-replacements cant match Grimes, Warren, Yoshikawa and Amanda…at least, not yet (they will in time).
    Look, less homeruns doesnt neccessarily translate to less production or less wins.
    Coach Bob is pushing the right buttons. In the first game, he went balistic on a pinch runner for not scoring from second on a hit that went sailing over the cf’s head. He kept pointing to his eyes. He expects his wahine to manufacture more runs by applying pressure on the basepaths. Last year, he waited for the dinger. This year he is using speed. I believe the change is positive.

  110. Pomai February 13, 2011 6:10 pm

    Fall games count for the stats.

  111. Pomai February 13, 2011 6:12 pm

    Sorry not ncaa but team

  112. Pomai February 13, 2011 6:18 pm

    Well as long as we keep winning that’s all that matters.

  113. hawaiiansun February 13, 2011 6:23 pm

    last year, it was reported on this blogsite that the legislature indeed passed appropriations for $1.5 m dollars to be used for Rainbow Wahine Stadium impovements, which included, inter alia, additional lighting as well as clubhouse fixtures and showers. Posters were dancing in the streets and celebrating….now, suddenly, the sky is falling, it is austere times, the self-proclaimed experts have meetings to attend to Waimanalo and everyone has gone silent or russlin up excuses….whateva, i still maintain, the Hawaii State Legislature is full of it.

  114. Garret February 13, 2011 6:49 pm

    I fully support the efforts of these coaches and ADs and their efforts will change the lives of many seriously injured college football players.

    SMU football coach June Jones knows first-hand how a life-altering injury affects more than the player, it also affects the families.

    “I witnessed what it really means to the families not just the athlete himself but there is so much trauma and there are so many things the families need,” the 57-year-old said during a phone interview. “A lot of things are not covered in the medical bills. All types of different things have to be done to try to get the athlete back to a normal life.”

    With that realization, Jones started College Football Assistance Fund, a not-for-profit organization that provides support for individuals who have suffered life-altering injuries through college football. The CFAF was announced during the American Football Coaches Association Conference on Jan. 10 and it didn’t take long for Jones’ colleagues to jump aboard.

    Head coaches from eight schools — Rice, Air Force, Southern Miss, Pittsburgh, Ole Miss, Georgia Tech, Navy and Texas State — joined the advisory committee while athletic directors from TCU, SMU, and Miami along with several former NFL players and prominent business leaders including Oklahoma State booster T. Boone Pickens were added as advisors.


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  116. hawaiiansun February 13, 2011 7:08 pm

    Great idea by JJ to establish the CFAF and long overdue.
    Tragically, the NCAA should be jumping on board, since they literally profit off of the NCAA athlete, especially in football, where athletes find it difficult to survive without injury.
    I know of many UH athletes who left the program bc they were literally without a full compliment of daily meals. It doesnt make sense to stare at the continuing disparity and exploitation between the Organization and the athletes who earn the huge program revenues but are offered barebone minimals in return.

  117. Ralph February 13, 2011 7:53 pm

    Na Wahine Softball on Monday at the RWSS at 5 pm. Texas State that battled the Na Wahine into extra innings on Friday night is the opponent. Hopefully Texas State will pitch Chandler Hall, two time Southland Pitcher of the Year, who threw a two hitter against Hawaii on Friday.

  118. homey ℞ February 13, 2011 7:55 pm

    Pomai – pre-season stats do not count for team stats.

  119. A-House February 13, 2011 8:39 pm

    Great time at the Grand Slam fund raiser for the baseball team – tons of people, great food!

    On our table was Chawan, Lefty, Kazz, Powder Puff, Stretch, Ryan, and the A-House family.

    Chancellor Hinshaw stopped by to say hello.

  120. BG February 13, 2011 9:40 pm

    This morninging at Kawananakoa School field in sunny weather, a dedication ceremony was conducted. A wonderful article explaining what happened after Keith Amemiya stopped by to watch parts of a game one Sunday appeared several days ago. Reps from the Parks and Recreation were there as well as Keith and his son, as well as Ryan Yamamoto who represented RMY construction company. Ryan over-saw the 3.5 day project.

    Much thanks to Coach Kadooka and the Punahou baseball team who have given their time to help maintain the field. How grateful all the players are!!!

  121. chawan_cut February 13, 2011 9:43 pm

    good times… good times….

  122. al February 13, 2011 10:58 pm

    an important date for mbb is april 13, 2011 as it is the regular sigining period opening date. gibber and staff are busting their buns.

  123. homey ℞ February 13, 2011 11:06 pm

    …and April 1, 2011 is the last day for the football regular period.

  124. LizKauai -iPad February 13, 2011 11:20 pm

    Happy Valentines Day, everyone.

    Love to all!

  125. Tobi Lentz February 13, 2011 11:34 pm

    OMG gaga y now im going to have to hear abt this all over in the morning just be normal the outfits if geeting old so u go in a egg lol i guess thats GAG 4 YALLLLL

  126. Hobert Chieffo February 13, 2011 11:34 pm

    I just call her Lady Gaggag…cuz that is what she is making me do…good grief get over yourself…

  127. seasider February 14, 2011 12:26 am

    With 5 HRs in 5 games, the team is way off the pace from last season. But, it’s way too early in the season. As expected, Kelly Majam, Jessica Iwata, and Melissa Gonzales (2 HR) already went yard, along with freshman Sharla Kliebenstein. If my recollection is on the money, the team hit a bunch of HRs during the WAC season—way above the 2.25 HR per game pace when the team hit and NCAA record 130 HRs in 58 games.

    But, as we’ve seen during last season’s post-season, pitchers have consistently pitched away to Majam. That pitching strategy is already in place–Majam has 8 walks in 5 games. If Gonzales, Iwata, Rodriquez, Acquirre can better their last season stats, as the season progress opposing pitchers will have no choice but pitch to Majam.
    Just 5 games and already I have the feeling that Kliebenstein will be just as good as Kathy Grimes. The KEYS will be at 2nd base where Kaile Nakao has pulled ahead of Dara Pagaduan and Jazmine Zamora; at 1B it’ll be a battle between Sarah Robinson and Makani Duhaylonsod-Kaleimamahu—still early in the season, but so far Sarah and Makani hasn’t shown they can = Amanda Tauali’I’s defense at 1B nor have produce adequately at the plate. Let’s not forget that Sarah’s AA sister Kate came on strong starting her junior year. If both falters, maybe coach Coolen will pencil in Ricketts at 1B when she’s not pitching, i.e. that all-American pitcher from Washington the past 4 years; at RF it looks like Jasey Jensen has performed well enough to move J-Rod back to DP.

    Most will say it’s a murderous row from the top of the batting order to the 5th spot (Majam, Iwata, Gonzales, J-Rod, Acquirre), but I have that innate feeling that Kliebenstein, Nakao (4 walks in 5 games shows patience at the plate) , Jensen, and either Sarah or Makani will put up more than adequate offense and play superb defense.

    By the time the WAC conference starts, we’ll most likely have a better picture at the C, 1B, 2B, and RF positions. Traci Yoshikawa, Kanani Pu’u Warren, Amanda Tauali’I, and Katie Grimes were an integral part of the team that went all the way to the WSCWS. How well their replacements perform on the field and at the plate will determine if this year’s team will find their way back to Oklahoma City.

    HOME RUNS draw the crowd, but PITCHING and DEFENSE wins ball games.

  128. al February 14, 2011 12:51 am

    it really was 158 homers in 66 games

  129. Buy Backlinks February 14, 2011 12:58 am

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  130. Slugger February 14, 2011 1:34 am

    Happy Valentine’s Day, Tsaikos!

    I’m trying to figure out which MLB Spring Training games I can get to before going to the Aloha Festival in AZ to see my old halau dance. Boggles the mind. Hope AnnodahLiz figures out when we are going to leave OAK and get to PHX. Lot of the popular SF Giants games are sold out, like the one versus the LA Dodgers.

    Good night all! Talk to you when I get to the mainland.

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  136. wafan February 14, 2011 3:34 am

    A happy Valentine’s Day to everyone!

  137. midnight February 14, 2011 3:42 am

    Happy Valentine’s Day, Tsaikos!

    Safe journey, Slugger!

    Have a great day, Wafan!

  138. wafan February 14, 2011 3:54 am

    Hi, Midnight!

    Hi, to Barbara, too!!!

  139. wafan February 14, 2011 3:55 am

    Slugger . . .

    Have a great trip visiting and playing with friends.

  140. LizKauai -iPad February 14, 2011 4:12 am

    Have a great trip Slugger and say hi to AnnodahLiz!

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  142. d1島 February 14, 2011 6:40 am

    Great Morning All!

    Happy Valentine’s Day Tsaikos!

    Safe travels Slugger.

  143. homey ℞ February 14, 2011 6:57 am



  144. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Braan Watsley, Hawaii Warriors Buzz. Hawaii Warriors Buzz said: The Warrior Beat >> Empty-schedule syndrome http://buzztap.com/-q1aU0c […]

  145. al February 14, 2011 7:43 am

    well…homey just pee’d off koamahu.

  146. Pomai February 14, 2011 7:55 am

    seasider I will take a win no matter how, but as long as we score more home runs then the other team it the HR that wins the games. LOL “Just win Baby”

    I also agree that Sharla Kliebenstein will be as good as Grimes if not better, I like the way she has adjusted to college ball in just a short time, she also has the power to put the ball in the tennis courts. I also think that we will see that the murderous row will be all the way to the seventh slot. Wow I wouldn’t want to be a pitcher for face that line up.

  147. Removals Southampton February 14, 2011 8:02 am

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  148. Capitol -ist/WassupDoc February 14, 2011 8:07 am

    #113 – At this point with respect to any CIP appropriations pass last year, the ball is in the Governor’s court. The Legislature did its job as did the various advocacy groups.

    All CIP projects have one thing in common which is why it makes no sense to cut them out – even building Bridges To Nowhere in Alaska – they put people directly to work in the construction industry including administrative & clerical support workers and indirectly throughout the entire economy.

    And it turns out I won’t be going to the Waimanalo Neighborhood Board meeting tonight after all. I forgot that there’s not only a softball game at 5 pm but also a men’s basketball game at 7 pm. Fortunately, someone else from the organization will be attending the meeting.

    Will report later on as to what the status is regarding the CIP bond approval for UH-Manoa.

  149. Souljah February 14, 2011 8:08 am

    UH should be taking a good look at this kid for QB…


  150. Souljah February 14, 2011 8:09 am

    Here’s another link for him…


  151. PolyMom February 14, 2011 8:23 am

    Rainbow Cliff–Geez. check your Face Book sometimes.
    Trying to get us LAKER tickets. You in?

  152. Kekoa February 14, 2011 8:30 am

    Pomai ~ I was very impressed with Sharla’s defensive play as well. Very quick foot & glove work to go along with her very strong presence at the plate.

    One important thing that she must learn to do is to take charge in making defensive calls. Whenever her pitcher and either the 1st or 3rd base player converge on a bunt…communicate! Yell out who should make the play. It was just such a situation that caused a batter to beat the throw to
    1st. An infield pop-up is another example to call out who should make the play.

    Ok Pomai…I’m going back into my coach’s box. You’re in charge of making it happen at tonite’s game.

    Trample Dem Texans!

  153. WahineSoftballFan February 14, 2011 8:56 am

    Pomai – What is your opinion on the 1st Base position, will it be Sarah, Makani, or someone else sneaking in to take control of this position. Big question mark there. Does not seem like anyone want to take control there.

  154. RedZone February 14, 2011 8:58 am

    If you want a quarterback why not go for the holy grail?


  155. Souljah February 14, 2011 9:19 am


    I’d take this guy as the holy grail first, mostly because of his accuraccy since his freshman season! His worst year was 70% completion percentage…minimal interceptions as well.

    Mike Baker, 6’3″ 190lbs, 4.9sec – 40

    Elite 7-on-7 tournament MVP – Feb 13, 2011

    As a 2010 junior, threw for 2,651 yards and 25 touchdowns to just six interceptions. Had a 70% completion percentage on 177-for-251 passing. Ran for 247 yards and four touchdowns. Led team to an 8-4 record.

    As a sophomore varsity starting quarterback in 2009, went 7-3 overall and 4-1 in league. Season totals for 2009, 152-for-214 for 2,136 yards, (194.2 a game)71% completion, with 18 touchdowns to six interceptions. QB rating of 119. Named first team all-league.

    Was 96-for-121 for 1,585 yards and 19 touchdowns while rushing for eight touchdowns to only four picks as a freshman.

  156. 808ike February 14, 2011 9:19 am

    New post.

  157. NorthShoreFan February 14, 2011 9:22 am

    #127…seasider, agree with your comments.
    I’ve seen enough of Sharla right now to feel that she will be a AA candidate in the near future. She is extremely poised for a freshie and has good power and arm. She will get much better at game mangement as she gets more games under her belt. She will surpass Grimes in time.
    The rightside of the D is open competition right now. Haven’t seen much of Nakao but she showed some flashes of what she can do. We need for Dara, Jazmine and Nakao to really get down and dirty and fight for the job.
    So far I’m encouraged by the bottom half. See a lot of potential. Haven’t seen too many bad swings at bad balls at the plate. Like the small ball plays and agressiveness on the bases. Something we didn’t see much of last year.

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