Empty pit
One of the changes the past week is the elimination of the “pit,” the side area where injured players pulled weighted sleds, twisted heavy ropes, and sledge-hammered large tires, among other disciplines, during practices.
The intent was to keep injured players active and to make the pit work grueling enough to motivate players to rehab quicker.
But interim head coach Chris Naeole indicated that with three weeks remaining in the regular season, the goal is to “get guys healthy.” He said he either wants ailing players to take mental reps or to get physical-therapy treatments. He indicted that treatments should be specific toward healing.
“I need (injured) guys to get as much treatment as they can get,” Naeole said. “I need guys on Saturday. I don’t need them during the week. I need guys healthy and ready for the game.”
I had a Dream last night I woke up Sunday to read the news only to see this in this front page headline.
Fresno State Upsets Hawaii.
That what I read in my morning paper on sunday in my dream.
Really worried tho I it’s time to relax and enjoy the weather.
Taking the day off.
upsets? Vegas may have Hawaii favored but in my opinion Fresno should be favored
That being said I hope Hawaii smashes Fresno
Good move by the coach on this Veterans Day.
Give the guys wounded in the trenches some dignity
and respect and REST. Heal up guys. And Thank you.
And thanks to all our ex and existing military vets out there.
Coach Naeole seems to have the NFL and June Jones practice mentality. Save your body for game day. Good for the offense but bad for the defense.
It must be a dream.
We don’t write simplistic headlines like that.
Had a dream I woke trunks up from his nightmare to give him the good news we just beat the Dogs!!!!
Without a bye, the injuries keep compiling.
There were a couple more guys hobbling off today.
In his dream, was Trunks a newspaper subscriber?
Good morning everyone!
Very realistic approach by Naole. Maximum physical therapy.
I trust coach Naeole, but our O-Line play this year has been sub par. I hope he’s doing his best to get them going, I don’t see a mean streak in them like any NFL scout will tell you they look for. From snap to whistle they need to be ANGRY.
Good o-line play makes a quarterbacks job SO much easier, and right now we only have average talent at the quarterback position so we NEED good o-line play. Woolsey has very limited arm strength, and his reads are a little slow, but the young man has good heart, and a WHOLE LOTTA “want to”. I have no doubt he’ll give it his all.
While I think Max is a much more talented quarterback, unfortunately, we need Ikaika’s athleticism at the moment, to buy time. Best of luck this weekend men, please, by all means…prove me wrong.
I mentioned PJ Fleck earlier He says 90% of what he does has nothing to do with coaching-fund raising. Community involvement recruiting etc. UH may find someone with a vision of may have someone who has been down this road and undergone vision correction! You learn a lot when you travel thru life-we are only 1 person awY from getting this thing back on trAck-right now that person is Coach Naoele I applaud this recent move.
Had that change began at the start of the season would the results be different?
disciplines for the injury…treatment for the injury….i’ll take treatment. Thank You
Fresno St. and UL-Monroe are two of the worst teams in Div. 1, I repeat, both teams are two of the worse in Div. 1 and I do expect UH to beat both teams….Should UH beat Fresno this weekend, which they will, I just hope the media don’t give me this garbage that thanks to a new coach, UH was able to pull out a victory. Hogwash. UH was favored by every local media and sportscaster to beat both Fresno and UL-Monroe. Nothing more and nothing less.
Also, IRT to “justsomeguy,” he’s right about our offensive line play in that it has been terrible in protecting our QB’s. Yes, the QB’s have made many wrong decisions or choices but I don’t see the media being critical about the O-line at all. Oh, well, that’s the nature of the press.
Funny you mention that meaning subscriber. When my on line sub came up they called me at 9 pm CSt only 4 HST I tripped of course. They called again at 1am or 8 pm HST. I laughed and rolled over-nothing I won’t do for my Warriors! Hey Stephen did you get Coach Mason to get KT to move to DE-please tell me you got that done my friend!!!!
Meant reupped
There was an AD who would think 12 steps ahead. Trouble was he’d argue about something he thought I might say in the future but not actually had said or thought of saying. Trust me, with our tight deadlines, nobody knows what they’re going to write until they actually start typing. All we hope is we type the correct score and spell the names right.
kennedy is fine playing the 1 3 5 in this 3 – 4 D. even if we ran a 4-3, i think id still want at 3 and not 7.
ST: are the JUGGS machines still operational, and if so, which players are using them.
Here’s an idea to help the football program make money:
Offer their image as our mascot…
i.e. Genki Sushi,
Hawaiian Airlines
Arizona Memorial
Harley Davidson Motorcycles
Star Advertiser
Road Runner
Queens Hospital
Wheel of Fortune
Hilton Hawaii
It’s all about being 100% painless and mobile..like warriors that can fly.
I think a real Harley Davidson Rider would fit in with
Hawaii Warrior image… Can see it roaring down the
field at the beginning of the game. Would put fear
into the Fresno bulldog 🙂
Coach Naeole was hired green with no recruiting experience and no network in which to recruit. That’s okay when the rest of the coaches are veterans but on a staff filled with inexperience, you get the idea. The guy can coach and once he gets mentored as to the finer points of recruiting his value as a coach will skyrocket.
I think we need to face reality and stop living in the past. UH just doesn’t have the fan base or financial support to sustain a competitive D-1 program. Georgia proved that in the Sugar Bowl. Moving down to a lower competition level would be a good move. They could still schedule big name programs, but UH has too much politics to go down the June Jones road again. Yes, he did well but burned bridges even before he left. They’ll never hire him back unless stipulations are agreed to, and a substantial reduction in pay is an option. Look at the attendance, it is obvious that fans are notoriously fair weather in Hawaii. The facilities are sub-par and academics are inferior to what is available on the continent. And we wonder why the best local recruits leave? Ha ha, that small thinking is what plagues the entire state.
I only see one JUGS machine. It’s used between drills.
I’m a newspaper subscriber.
I wish the editorial staff would choose one film critic to showcase.
Also, Al Chase used to document all the Hawaii players in the independent leagues.
Without a bye, injuries keep compiling; duuhh! Pretty obvious by product. Then why schedule as such? There were no alternatives? If not, it is what it is, play on.
I do not disagree with where KT lines up. He is truly the number 1 impact player followed by JGW and finally JG. I am suggesting over the next few games I just wish we would move him around. At his current height and weight a rush end or field defender would do him wonders. That’s just my opinion and observation. Had a kid in HS top 100 in country and played LB went to ND and 3 years NFL. State playoff game I coached vs Mike Tomczak of OSU and NFL. We put his hand on the ground and moved him around. Needless to say we won. Tomczak could not take his eyes off him the entire game-immediate impact. There are some guys who can literally dictate the flow of the game-Julius Peppers in his prime Clay Matthews, Troy Polamalu-KT although a little different I think would be better sometimes standing sometimes one hand sometimes two hands-just my limited opinion no argument here I just want to win some games
Getting back to the terrible Post Practice Meal (french fries and deep fried “something”) that our Warriors were given…Time management and future scheduling for the food staff responsible to feed our Warriors is important…And no excuses, especially in a city (Las Wages) where cheap healthier foods alternatives are in abundance will or should be ever tolerated again.
I hope the NEW incoming staff that supports our coaches and players takes a lesson from our own “True Warriors” who serve our nation and battle for us day in and day out.
As stated by a Major in charge of the foods they serve to our troops and the important role a great meal serves.
He stated that food is NOT ONLY fuel and nutrition to feed our body…it is also important for MORALE and in lifting our soldiers spirits after a grueling day…Good food is what keeps you going.
I for one hope that the new support staff takes more pride in their job of feeding our Warriors and don’t make excuses about why they had to serve that kind of Crap Food to our players again, snack or not.
We have been so critical of our Warriors based on their play on the field…So I say, to be “fair”, we need to also be critical of those who are getting paid to do a job, which is to serve and nourish our Warriors with good/great meals.
Shame on the food staff who took short cuts because they couldn’t schedule a good/great meal/snack for our Warriors after they practiced…That is your job…and you had almost a whole year, when the schedule was known to prepare for it.
I seriously wonder how much other Crap Meals were served to our Warriors because the food staff didn’t take pride in what they fed to our Warriors?
Again…Food is not only fuel and nutrition to feed our body…it is also important for MORALE and in lifting the spirits of our Warriors after a grueling day of practice….Good food is what will help to keep them going.
Always PAY ATTENTION TO THE DETAILS!…Yet another simple lesson from our military which shows why they are the best in the world.
Happy Veterans Day!
BTW…thanks to ST for posting the pictures…Your fair and accurate reporting is what makes you a valid professional…Mahalos for all you do!
true, now would be the time to experiment. just not sure he has the speed to play in that much space. he has a ridiculous first step and short area quickness, so i like him at the 3 wreaking havoc.
much easier to go from LB to putting your hand in the ground and pinning your ears back. vs. bring an interior defender and moving into space.
got move KT around !! that how you plug hole !! that wags them used noga them back in the day !! NG, DE and so on !! make the other team use two guys on him all the time !!
take a look at al noga highlights !! watch they move him around same way UH could use kt !!! https://youtu.be/rcKtlie_yKI
With all the talk in the off season that we need to recruit Big “Mamba Jamba’s” to be space eaters for our DL…I am glad that KT is proving that he is the kind of lineman we need in Hawaii…Someone like him who is so disruptive at the line…low powerful center of gravity…quick 1-2 step…and a never dying motor.
I never understood how they rated Fehoko so high…The kid is strong in the weight room…but he doesn’t even come close to the athleticism or the motor of KT…Now he is starting on the DL for TT and they are currently ranked 125th worst run defense in the land giving up an average of 273.6 ypg…5.8 ypc…and 33 rushing TDs…Furthermore, their defense has also been on the field for a total of 822 snaps which is the most in the nation.
I would take 1 KT over 2 Fehoko any day.
I think the weakest unit this year has been the receivers by far, kind of weird when it was the deepest unit before the season started.
And the weakest coach has to be our receivers coach.
Poke thanks for the $20 donation for food.
Any amount of generosity is appreciated by all!
It is still the deepest unit. They just don’t tap the right people. Look at Camase-Stevens, what about Ewaliko/ Barker ? Even Andrew Ho. Only 5 recievers used the whole season
Hey ST, were those peppers what you were looking for at the Windward Mall farmers market? I was going to introduce myself but you looked like you were looking for something in particular with some intent.
I only hope that the final selection for a coach is anyone but those being bandied about on this blog. New blood please. Hey if the folks won’t support the decision by not showing up then maybe the assessment of not having football may be correct. Matlin needs to do what he believes in the right decision even if it goes against my preferenc or what many here may desire.
Watched the Noga clip, I’ve seen it before but when you watch him and other defenders they naturally or via coaching are under control before going for the hit. It is very difficult to teach/coach that control and proper angle. Lotsa missed tackles due to lunging and diving where a little control secures the tackle. Good football players stalk the BC and make sure their responsibility is secured before committing. KT is fine where he is obviously but a little wild card movement on a sporadic basis would sure be fun to see-
I say good move by Coach Naeole getting rid of the Pit.
Never understood the thinking behind it…I mean, if a player is hurt how can he be pulling weighted sleds, twisting heavy ropes, and sledge-hammered large tires, etc?
I understand about the importance of keeping players active in order to keep up their cardio and their muscles tone/strength…but putting them through grueling workouts to motivate them to rehab quicker…just seems foolish.
Mental reps or physical-therapy treatments focused towards healing our players faster, completely and without possible easy re-injuries is more intelligent if you ask me.
ST whose idea was it to make the wounded kill themselves in “the Pit”…in the hopes that it will “motivate” them to suddenly get physically better?
To Kekoa and other Vets, another year and memories. Best to all.
This Veteran’s day and every Veteran’s Day I say a little prayer for all my OCS classmates who perished in Viet Nam — maybe 35 out of a graduating class of 153
and, for all those who preceded us.
at the end of each conflict, US politicians says it will be the war to end all wars, but they keep send our military into combat with seemingly little thought of who will perish – many of then never served on “active duty” and have little or no felling of what it’s like to sit in a tiny foxhole for days on end – if only one(1) soldier dies in combat many will hail that as a fantastic outcome; yet, tell this to the family that lost their son
I am hopeful that UH will prevail on Saturday, but history says no – hope I don’t have to leave at half time because it’s so frustrating!
Fans without tickets should come out to support the players, coach Chris and the bottom line. Every new ticket sold will help with what we can spend for a new coach and more importantly his staff. Buy tickets, invest for the future.
Vets..Mahalo for your service to our Country
UH PROMOTIONS: The Honolulu Star-Advertiser is the game sponsor.
NEWLY ADDED: After the game skip the traffic, and join us at our NEW Aftyer Hours Stadium Saimin Stand featuring FRESHLY MADE saimin with all the garnishings located on the main concourse plaza inside the SouthwestSpiral.
Great Evening All!
At this point grueling workouts become counterproductive.
56 – 14 Akamai Okole
empty pit … kinda like the feeling I get after I watch UH football nowadays
Just kidding.
#32 … “maddog50” … as talented as KT is, he is a very undisciplined player. He’s had way too many “offside” calls as well as Personal Foul / unsportsmanlike conduct calls … Chris Naeole should have stripped him of the Capt title after the UNLV game
808WARRIORFAN: I did a quick search through the play-by-play of the last seven games. Tuimasealii was flagged for being offside three times (once each against Wisconsin, Boise and New Mexico), and got that unsportsmanlike call against UNLV. He was not flagged for any violations against San Diego State, Nevada and Air Force. So, four penalties in seven games is excessive for one player? Kinda harsh, don’t you think?
I just came from the dentist where a cap was replaced. Dr. Jayna Chung shot me up twice with Novocain so the right side of my lip and right nostril were frozen. That’s why I had that Botox look.
No argument at all but if not for the record no one would even think or remember these calls. Gimme a team of KT’s and I can conquer the World! Or maybe just 6-7 MWC teams. Aggressive good players from time to time gets flags. I think if you took total snaps, result of those snaps that he has played those fowls are not even microscopic. That just my opinion don’t want to debate-I hear what you say and respectively disagree-with the record and all the frustration by the team coaches and fans things get magnified.
As far as what Coach Naoele is doing
First changes captains
Installs different QB
Reassigns a coach
Terminates the pit
Just an observation but seems to be righting the ship and removing negative elements-it never too late. I applaud his decisions-Go Warriors
I also like the changes being made by coach Naoele. The latest, the reassignment of running back coach, Wayne Moses, was a surprise. This Saturday’s game against Fresno St should be a good one. The teams appear to be evenly matched, but I pick the Warriors to win this one, 31-24.
Is Bryce Canda still planning on a spring semester arrival?
I’m not sure that Brocke Stepteau is ready to be in the regular rotation.
The four made threes was impressive for a first-time outing, but the Chaminade front court was leaving him wide-open.
He’s Brandon Jawato, for now.
I do like him better than Manroop Clair(currently at Seattle U.).
The Vegas oddsmaker is messing with my mind.
I don’t gamble, but I like to watch the game with an awareness of the line.
Fresno State doesn’t do well here historically, but that was largely during the Pat Hill years.
Being a five-point favorite may motivate the Rainbow Warriors.
Hawaii 31
Fresno State 27
I couldn’t help but notice that Minnesota is keeping their interim coach.
C’mon, Chris Naeole.
Finish strong.
I’m rooting for you to be in the conversation.
it’s hard to call this game. both teams are absolutely awful (ESPECIALLY their offenses), but i gotta give the advantage to UH because they’re playing at home.
UH over fresno state, 24-10.
Pat Hill: Miss me?
The grass isn’t always greener on the other side.
Some interesting matchup up facts-the Dogs are 0-4 on the road just like our 0-6 but we had more road than them! The production and defensive stats drop off significantly on already some pretty bad stats on both sides when on the road similar to us- they have 11 Srs, 3jrs, 3so., and 5 fr. In the line-up special teams dominated by Srs. Us 4 Srs. 7jrs., 5so., and 6fr. Our line up mix is a lot younger and believe it or not the stats are better. Waller is the top rusher with 720 yards on some 170 carried while Harris is 670 or so on 119. Last weeks numbers significantly boosted Harris but he is clearly in line for close to 1000 yards with a few long ones provided he stays healthy and he gets some help. All this is obviously BS if they don’t show up to take their frustration out on these guys early and all day. Finishing the year with 3 wins is doable but it starts this week and they have to score a bare minimum of 28 on offense and no big plays given up!!!! So now it’s just wait and see but they have literally been crushed mostly on the road by some good teams-those suggesting that we not be favored just take a look at the stats either on the UH site with the game notes or one of the betting sites with the matchup info. I got to give this blog a rest I have way too much time on my hands but oh boy I just want to see us win!!!!! GO WARRIORS!!!!!
We’re going to have to take away the run some how some way for 4. quarters. Either that or play mistake free and plan on outscoring them with our offense. Hopefully Naeole’s changes shownup in our play on the field.
Witness the turn around. BE THRERE!
Let’s Go Bows….
I miss the days that we had many home dates. I remember 1 year, we had 9 home games and only 2 away. Maybe that would help our situation with attendance and victories. I do understand that the MWC requires us to play half of the conference games on the road though but how about more out of conference home games?
Hawaii’s turnover margin in -1.70. Last in the conference and second to last in the country next to Maryland (2-7). Find a solution to turnovers and the Warriors win easily.
Couple of good reads describing Fresno’s struggles.
“The Bulldogs are scoring an average of 2.9 points in the third quarter against FBS teams while allowing 12.1. The 9.2-point discrepancy is one of the largest in the bowl subdivision ahead of only Massachusetts (-10.5), Kansas (-10.6), Texas State (-11) and Central Florida (-12.8).”
“We’re not doing a very good job of getting off the field, in the second half and the third quarter especially, and those reps have added up,” defensive coordinator Nick Toth said. “We’ve been our own worst enemy on defense, not getting off the field on third-and-3 and third-and-6 and third-and-longer, and it has hurt. We’re not a real deep football team with our youth and our injuries. The reps have added up a little bit in the third and fourth quarters. That’s when you’ve seen some of the explosive plays; that’s when you’ve seen some of the mental assignment mistakes.
The guy from Ka’a’awa did a good thing by getting rid of the pit. making injured players do extreme physical labor always seemed counterintuitive to me. I hope we see coach Nae’ole on the new staff. I believe the Warriors will win this week.
New post: http://hawaiiwarriorworld.com/?p=34228