D-end set to join Warriors
The Warriors’ defense will be getting a boost with the addition of Ethan Mahaulu, a defensive end and 2011 Kailua High graduate.
Mahaulu is 6 feet 4 and weighs 230 pounds.
He drew interest from Utah State and Rutgers, but opted to walk on at UH. He is a qualifier.
Mahaulu is familiar with the Warrior program. He said his girlfriend is the daughter of former Warrior David Maeva. He said his uncle is DPK.
Here’s his highlight video: Ethan Mahaulu.
* * * * *
Avis has selected Wafan as the winner of the T-shirt. Text me your address at (808) 256-0223.
* * * * *
Colt Brennan was part of a group that left yesterday to distribute medical supplies in American Samoa.
Brennan, June Jones, Maa Tanuvasa and Jesse Sapolu signed an autograph sheet, which is now a blog prize. To enter, please post: I’m on a football mission.
Avis will choose a winner.

Comments are closed.
Welcome, Ethan!
Congrat, wafan! The shirt will fit you.
Night, ST!
I’m on a football mission.
(boosting the blog numbers…)
Night again…
OK, Slugger– congrats! I think this might be your first “First”…. š
Top ten? Good nite.
welcome aboard ethan.
uncle dpk going be happy about this news.
I’m on a football mission.
I’m on a football mission.
Congrats, wafan!!!
I’m on a football mission.
Welcome Ethan Mahulu, make the warrioir nation proud!
I’m on a football mission.
I’m on a football mission.
Welcome aboard Ethan.
Good size: Mahaulu is 6 feet 4 and weighs 230 pounds.
“Plenty room” to grow.
I’m on a football mission.
Where’s Tsai on that autograph sheet? š
Good morning
I’m on a football mission.
I’m on a football mission.
Welcome to the Warrior Ohana, Ethan!
I’m on a football mission.
I’m on a football mission.
Welcome, Ethan Mahaulu!
I’m on a football mission!
ST’s article on Colt Brennan ….
Good Morning
I’m On A Football Mission
I’m on a football mission. Go warriors
Good morning, everyone!
Thank you, Avis, for picking me!!!!!!!
Welcome to the newest Warrior, Mahaulu!
You have a built in cheering section of a whole lot of uncles and aunties you have never met before.
I’m on a football mission.
I’m on a football mission.
Congrats! Wafan.
I’m on a football mission.
When does the pre-season training camps start for the UFL teams?
Oops! I should have read ST’s article first. Good luck to Colt and the Colonials. I hope Glanville’s offense is setup to showcase Colts passing skills.
IŹ»m on a football mission..Aloha to Samoa and Japan…
I’m on a football mission.
Welcome, Ethan Mahaulu!, you got some very good blood lines; I’m sure by the time you graduate you’ll have been trained well at UH for future endeavors. Good luck.
I’m on a football mission.
So is my nephew, Ethan Koa Mahaulu. Best of luck to him from all of our family and from your new “Tsaiko” family here.
mctruck –
Ethan’s family, on both the Thomas and Mahaulu sides have many great athletes, both male and female. George Kauwalu and Watson Mahaulu are his cousins.
The best thing about Ethan is he’s a really good person and is the product of a very loving and supportive family.
Oh yeah –
Good Morning Gangeez!
I’m on a football mission.
Go Warriors!
I’m on a football mission
I’m on a football mission.
I’m on a football mission
DPK, congrats!
I know you must feel very proud of your young nephew.
He’ll do well as a Warrior.
Congrats wafan!
Welcome Ethan!
Gimme brioche
Good Morning Warrior Fans…
I’m on a football mission
Looks like a good pick up in Mahaulu!
morning looking good so far here in PC
going to jm 1st CC tommorow hope to bring a surprise
well kope up have good day mane’o
e kala mai congrats Wafan
I’m on a football mission.
i’m on a football mission.
Good morning, gang!
Really cool that Ethan is related to you, and now us. Yay! Welcome, Ethan Mahaulu!
I’ve been First a number of times, but I don’t count coup.
Gotta get ready to help my golfing friend, Jon, at OCC. Kope…
I’m on a football mission.
Good Morning Everybody!
I’m on a football mission.
Looks like our D is going to be scaring the opposing O this coming season.
#37 and #38… DPK… Right On!!!
@33 losthawaiian
UFL Preseason starts July 12 I believe. Can’t wait for the aerial assault to begin.
Great Morning All!
Welcome to the Warriors Ethan Mahaulu!
…confirms what we all knew about DPK. “You sumboddy, eh?” š
Congratulations wafan!
I’m on a football mission.
I’m on a football mission
Nice interview with Colt, ST.
I’m on a football mission.
I’m on a football mission.
I’m on a football mission.
Welcome Ethan!
I’m on a football mission
DPK – proud uncle!!!!! Welcome Ethan!
I’m on a football mission.
79 days until the first College Football game.
Fly the Flag! It’s Flag Day!
I’m on a football mission.
I’m on a football mission.
the clubs you mentioned sound good.
What makes it even better is the smoking ban.
I am allergic to tobacco smoke, so I am glad that it is banned now.
SteveM, will you be bringing a date?
Don’t know how long it will take for hubby to rehab.
Don’t even know if the doc will actually perform the surgery on Thursday.
Might have to make another appointment for it.
Also – and most importantly – I might have forgotten the steps to the various dances!
It’s been 10 years or more since I hit the dance floor.
I’m on a football mission.
I’m on a football mission
Iām on a football mission
That’s the kind of people UH welcomes and needs; moral character and just plain good individual(s). Not like the Ohio State all-american products who disgrace their families, schools(fans), and coaches.
So, I didn’t see Manuwai yesterday. He was supposed to be going on the mission. Hope he made it on the plane.
Saw JJ, Colt, and Jesse on TV News last night.
Did not see ST, though.
I’m on a football mission.
I’m on a football mission.
I’m on a football mission. Mahalo.
Good morning Tsaikos!!
A big welcome to the Warrior ohana to DPK’s nephew!
OK, one last time…
What: East Honolulu Tsaiko Cattle Call
Where: Happy Days Chinese Restaurant (11th & Waialae)
Date: Wed, June 15th (TOMORROW)
Time: High Noon
RSVP by 6pm on the blog today for head count purposes only.
I’m on a football mission.
jm2375 – I’ll be there
thanks for the invite
jm possible 2
Forwarding this offer from long time blogger tom-WarriorNation, who resides in San Francisco and is very active in the Bay Area UHAA and coordinating with Na Koa in road game activities.
Like Rich2176, he is offering to UHAA and Tsai-ko members at cost.
Email Tom at the above address for more info, requests, and ticket payment/delivery.
Note that 2011 Away Game tickets are also available via:
UH-WA tix are listed at $75
UH-UNLV tix are listed at $53
I’m on a football mission
I’m on a football mission.
I am also on a top secret mission. Does that count?
Please email any updates–especially additions/deletions to ticket requests from Rich2176. The Seattle logisitics and CC info for the UH-WA game is appended to the Taiko-Vegas#3 page below.
Ticket requests received to date are posted at:
Requests are still considered tentative but Rich2176 might ask for confirmation soon. Please update ticket, RSVP, and other info via email: stevem.hnl (at) gmail.com
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Note: Rasu Begasu has changed the Friday dinner and Karaoke Call location to Tiger Sushi restaurant. It is located on the same street as Sato-ya (Rainbow Blvd) but is next to W. Tropicana Ave (rather than W. Sahara).
Wow! $75 for a football ticket?
More expensive than my opera tickets!
JM, looks like you’ll have a good turn-out for the CC.
Have fun, everybody!
I’m on a football mission!
I’m on a football mission.
Stephen, nice article on Colt. Surprised to hear him say it’s his last shot.
Anybody know why the BC morning radio show moved to a different station?
I’m on a football mission.
al, wake up!
I’m on a football mission.
I’m on a football mission.
Curt, Al said he sleeps only 4.33 hrs per night.
so he’s probably out gallivanting right now.
Offensive line coaches are always looking and searching for more talent. Athletic three hundred pound athletes that move like ballerinas.
Ethan Mahaulu???
9/11 240 Grayshirt
9/12 255 Redshirt
9/13 270 Freshman
9/14 280 Sophmore
9/15 290 Junior
9/16 300 Senior
9/17 305 NFL Rookie (Lol)—Just joking DPK…Gotta stay handsome for da wahine, 275 tops.
Pride, that looks like my weight gain — percentage wise. lol
#74 I’ll help refresh you on the dance steps. No worry, shrimp curry.
I’m on a football mission.
#107 – Gigi, do you move like a ballerina?
Curt, I hope you’re not like hubby.
He likes to stand still and make me dance the steps.
All he does is move his arms.
I meant the swing — that’s what he does. stands still
fox trot– he actually does move his feet.
Pride, nope.
#105 al might only sleep 4.33 hrs per day. However, he examines the back of his eye lids for another 5.33 hrs each day. š
curt…just lurking. giving you all the glory.
Curt – #101 – I think they replay the show on 1500AM. Not sure what time. He was on at the regular time and place on the dial this morning.
Al, haha
I guess your ears are red now, eh?
101…you need to boost your coffee with a shot of espresso.
channel 1500 replays the bc show daily at 0900.
Wow…just noticed that within the first 96 posts this morning, we have 10 mainland Tsai-kos. Hi folks!
Wes’side Warrior (MI)
wafan (WA)
anklebiters (AZ)
losthawaiian (CA)
PolyMom (CA)
mctruck (TX)
djmitcho (WA)
808chef (CA)
…there might be more here… if you reside outside of Hawaii, please indicate your city/state this one time.
kk…you bringing your wife for the first time ever? or koamahu?
why take ballroom dancing when there are no ballrooms in hawaii?
Al, the Palladium is a ballroom.
Located on Ala Wai golf course.
It’s huge.
Thanks jm2375 and al. I know what happened. I had the radio inadvertently set on 1500 thinking it was on 1420 and was wondering when the BC show would start. Ha-ha. I need more than expresso. I must be studying my eye lids too much.
C’mon al. I’ll get a special, experienced instructor to teach you a very hot and romantic dance. He/she is KoaMahu. Try it; you’ll like it.
I was thinking of bringing prideperiod. Singing karaoke and on the dance floor, that guy’s a babe magnet. Maybe he’ll have extra for me. Besides, we gotta practice for prime time (cruise ship) through Polynesia and the Far East. š
I can imagine Al dancing on his twinkle toes.
Pride, a chick magnet?
The bottom half of Colt’s story was cut.
There’s a limit on how many stories can “jump” (continue to another page), and because the page was already designed when I got back from the airport, designer had to trim the story. Unfortunately, I think they cut out the part about why Colt was in town. Oh, well. that’s life.
ST, at least the story made sense.
Sometimes the designer cuts out the last few words of a sentence and the reader wonders WTH?.
ST, now you have me wondering WHO?
Stephen: I would guess it’s a bummer when one’s work get cut or modified. As you say, that’s life.
I really hope Colt 1) Wins the starting job. 2) Performs superbly. Lets go Colt; we got yo back.
I’m on a football mission.
Which is better for eye glasses?
Costco or Lenscrafters?
costco will be half the price you pay at lenscrafters.
If Colt had the highest NCAA QB rating (186) in a season and possessed the top NFL QB ratings in his first pre-season, you would think that he could be a potential starter in that league. You could rag on him that he played at Hawaii and it’s not the same at the pro level. Well in his first rookie year, I recall checking his QB ratings near the end of the preseason; he was #1. Yes…meaning that he was ahead of Brady, Brees, Manning, and any other name you can come up with. Of course, time has passed. He hasn’t played for 3 years and he got into a horrific accident recently. Is he still capable? We’ll find out soon. Lets go Colt; we got yo back.
I’m on a futuboru mission.
I just ordered a pair glasses from Costco this weekend. Too bad this west coast company called For Eyes is not located here. Years ago I bought multiple glasses for $50-80 each; it included the lenses.
gigi – try also InSpecs at Ward Warehouse, Pearlridge and possibly other locations.
Re #134 – Costco sends the prescription back to the Mainland together with the frame number. The savings in cost has the disadvantage of time delay.
You pay almost twice as much at Lenscrafters but you get it within the day or two.
I’m on a football mission
I’m on a football mission.
I had my eyes examined after a lapse of SEVEN YEARS.
Can you imagine?
My vision hasn’t changed that much, tho.
Trouble is reading the numbers in the PHONE BOOK.
That’s when I need glasses.
Some people — like LizK — just buy the reading glasses at Kmart.
Never tried those.
Are they just as good as prescription lenses?
If you don’t mind the wait, then Costco is fine.
LensCrafters delivers in a day or so. Plus, they’ll do free adjustments.
JM, I heard about InSpecs from a friend.
She likes them.
But you have to wait for the glasses.
I think I’ll try Lenscrafters.
Years ago, the optometrist reversed hubby’s prescription.
After he got a corrected prescription, he went back to Lenscrafters.
They re-did his glasses FOR FREE.
Trouble with Costco, he would have had to wait another 2 weeks for the corrected glasses.
Yes, so Lenscrafters it is.
Thanks, people.
I noted in ST’s article that Colt mentioned the accident with his “ex” girlfriend on the Big Island…I guess Colt’s love life has taken a new turn as well…
What kind of a pricing range for frames and lenses can we expect from InSpecs?
It’s 1530 in Vancouver so a certain Kauai Tsai-ko must have already boarded the 964′ Disney Wonder in Vancouver…
..going to Alaska (Inside Passage) on his first cruise.
We’ll expect a report–especially about the fuud. š
Happy Tuesday, Tsaikos! I wonder how Slugger is doing on the golf course…must be fun. It’s a pretty day from what I can see outside my office window. Welcome, Ethan!!!
i’m on a mission; can not wait for Colorado v. Warriors!
#148 Interesting. I didn’t pick up on “ex” part.
sorry, I’m on a football mission š
i get my glasses from costco. when my glasses broke they replaced em within a year’s time. they also adjust it, also at no charge.
it usually takes a week and i’ll get my glasses. the cost of five working days could mean at least a hundred bucks. lenscrafters are one of the most expensive places out there.
my last pair of glasses were 125 bucks with a very good brand of frames. my lens are multi prescribed with the coatings and stuff. the last time i bought a similar pair of glasses at lenscrafters, only because i broke mine and was goibg on a trip and i needed it asap, it cost me nearly 400 bucks.
you were yelping at 75 tickets for a football game? this is worse.
154…you really should consider that extra shot of espresso.
wow! InSpecs — $40 for single lens made while you wait.
gigi – InSpecs – the wait will depend on if they have your lens in stock. I had to wait about a week since I have different lenses for each eye. Think I paid about $70 when it was all said and done. Good considering my insurance doesn’t cover glasses. Da$n feds, they cover male enhanc##ent drugs but not glasses or orthodontia.
MWC 2012 & 2013 sch.
To: Website Owner. I really like your blog, I found you on Google so I figure I’d share this tip with you. There’s a WordPress plugin for SEO that does automatic Search optimization for your blog, automated SEO addons like this are new in the blog scene so getting on this now would give your page a huge traffic spike for sure. If you’re serious about making your blog get more popular and make money then check it out by clicking my name.
JM, gee, since I have coverage for vision, I might end up paying nothing.
I’ll check out the store in Pearlridge tomorrow.
I prefer real glass instead of plastic, though.
They don’t scratch.
Mrs. A-House says, “I’m on a Football mission”.
I’m on a football mission !!!
I’m on a football mission!
Glasses? Really? That’s more painful than reading about food. If I were king for a day, I would not be able to resist the temptation to edit what is posted. OK, I’ll crawl back in my cave.
Does not sound like Colt’s medical history will make him a likely investment by any NFL teams. Hopefully he plays well and at least makes the decision more difficult.
lava, why don’t you stick with Reardon’s blog?
No distractions and diversions there!
#148 Thanks for the link. U da man!
I’m on a football mission!
Hopefully not too late….
Welcome Ethan….
Hey Gang….Gotta run but just wanted to say hi….oh, and….
I’m on a football mission.
If I win, give it to Jojo or Rob25…have them jan ken po for it.
Also, asking for your guys prayers…talk later….
#168 If you ask ST, maybe he’ll crown you “King for a Day.” For now, you’ll have to deal with glasses, cruises, karaoke, food, dancing, and the like. We know you’re suffering. Life is rough. š
I agree; I hope Colt blows up the UFL with mind-blowing #s like he did here and his first pre-season with the Redskins. We’ll see.
I’m on a football mission.
First, Colt has to play well enough to beat out his tough competition for the starting job.
Prayers for JJ. Prayers for JJ’s mom.
PowderPuff ~
#151 ~ Had a great time at O’ahu Country Club driving the cart. Jon got whupped by a recent Kamehameha grad, Michael Fan, who is going to the Air Force Academy & will play on the golf team, too. They made it to the 14th hole. Not bad. It was a gorgeous day on the course and I didn’t tip the cart over, fall out of it, or embarass myself. I just followed Michael’s sister who plays on the Kamehameha girl’s golf team. Met a Matt Ma who graduated from UoO, played golf there, who said he knows Cassie. Saw a couple of Alice Kim’s drives…wow!
Mahalo for the golf cart tips. Easy to drive. I just drive slow like an old lady… š
prayers and blessings for (J)J’s mom.
howzit brother Pride!
Prayers for JJ’s Mom.
Same thing I said Gigi.
Mrs. A-House is still talking in third person I see…
i’m on a football mission (if i win i defer the prize to DPK).
welcome to da Warriors, Ethan!
How are you Hawaiian Bod? Hope you’re doing well.
Mountain West unveils UH football schedule for 2012
By Star-Advertiser staff
POSTED: 08:42 a.m. HST, Jun 14, 2011
The University of Hawaii football team will play Boise State, Nevada, New Mexico and Nevada-Las Vegas at Aloha Stadium in its 2012 debut season in the Mountain West Conference, the league announced today.
The Warriors will go on the road to Air Force, Colorado State, Fresno State and San Diego State. UH will not play Wyoming in 2012 or 2013, the result of the conference having 10 members and an eight-game schedule.
In 2013 UH will host Air Force, Colorado State, Fresno State and San Diego State while traveling to Boise State, Nevada, New Mexico and UNLV.
Dates, times and telecasts of the games, as well as future opponents to be rotated off the schedule, will be announced at a later date, conference officials said.
good afternoon tsaikos. just reading yesterday’s post and am glad to see that austin hansen is on the roster. way to go austin.
Prayers for (J)J and his Mom.
Fair warning: No answer your phone for the next few days.
You are in our thoughts and prayers, (J)J.
jj, my prayers and best to your mom and family.
dpk, congrats on your nephew’s decision to become a warrior. way to go.
Slugger, glad you had a great time at OCC today. And now you know how to drive a golf cart – not that it’s so difficult. Sometimes it’s more difficult to be a rider, depending on who’s driving. Sorry Jon lost…wow, AFA? Talk about playing football at altitude…when golfing at that altitude, the ball takes off like crazy. Yeah, seeing Cassy and duffer’s kid was a treat on Sunday. Woooo!
Praying for you, (J)J…
Good evening, all!
Prayers and positive thoughts for (J)J, his family, and mom.
8 wake ups remain.
Mr. Tsai . . .
Did you receive the text this morning?
I’m on a football mission. GOOOO WARRIORS!
congrats Wafan š
Our prayers to (J)J and his mom. Take care.
Almost home.
Another day goes by and no word on “Da Mystery of da Sleeper QB.”
MasaBoy says, “I’m on a football mission”.
For Coach Mack to consider another QB, you would think he’d have to be really special. Otherwise, it doesn’t make sense to add more. In fact, I would think that Mack has to seriously consider reducing even the #s that he has now.
In my opinion, the whole A-House ohana is on a football mission. Good afternoon Mrs A-House.
Gigi, you tend to go off-topic quite often. In case you were not aware, the Tsaiko blog survived quite well during the absence of your contributions over after whatever incident prompted you to disappear for about a year. Truth be told, the blog would thrive without either of us, but the blog probably benefits from more participants.
I’m not very tactful, and I don’t mean to make it a personal attack, but your posts are infrequently sports related. Consider your audience from time to time. Ask yourself if this is the appropriate time and place to share what’s on your mind. Occasionally you slip one past the goalie, and I give you credit for that. I thought it was sharp of you ask recently if Ian Sample was still in Japan. That is in line with what this forum is about. Some of your more personal contributions are better left for your website. I can’t be alone in this belief. Just try a little harder. Thank you.
Lava, join Curt, SteveM, and me at the Warrior Lounge, Hale Koa, for dinner-dancing-karaoke.
haha. That is, if you dare!
Again, my advice to you is to hang with Reardon.
Also, don’t forget ST advocates the 5 Fs. See if you remember what they are!
…and da blog goes silent.
Good try lava. I learned a long time ago not to argue with a woman. You just can’t win. š
on a technicality, you are both somewhat correct.
it was decreed by the blog boss that off topic discussions commence after 9 pm. it has become a non-policed practice and perhaps we should honor the blog rules.
so what’s going on with jj’s mom?
Al, JJ’s mom is off-topic. lol
You tell ’em gigi. š
pretty crass
no it’s not.
and its probably not funny.
you think?
wait til after 9 pm.
I didn’t hear the particulars regarding (J)J.
James was taking care of his mother for awhile.
I think she passed away recently.
My condolences, James.
or maybe she is in critical care and that’s why James is asking for our prayers.
to follow up on recruiting, it is interesting to note that most d1 schools tell recruits they are interested in them, but offer no scholarship. the recruit shows all the schools that have contacted them and to make it look like they have all these scholie offers. but in truth, most have very few if any.
Ummm…thats a pretty odd thing to post.
I know there are a lot of regulars out there who have never had their bio’s published on the blog. How about we bring the bio’s back?!?!
Happy Lebron James Day!!!
Everyone gets off work 12 minutes early.
Saw it on da facebook.
Stephen Tsai:
June 14th, 2011 at 11:51 am
If you don’t mind the wait, then Costco is fine.
LensCrafters delivers in a day or so. Plus, they’ll do free adjustments.
ST, himself, broke his own rule. I think we should all relax and be mellow.
Kazz, that was only in Dallas, right?
Ok lets hear it from our bloggers here about who they think the “Sleeper” QB is.
I have read and even heard so many rumors. So how about ya’ll list who you think it’ll be and what leads you to think that.
joe montana????
I’ll start even though most of you probably know I think it’ll be Tate Forcier.
Reason being he has a good enough arm and more so he is a mobile and quick QB. This adds a dimension to the RnS that can come in handy especially if our O-line should be suspect again.
do you mean his son Nate Montana?
I would like to think that any topic which involves the Tsai-kos –(the people populating ST’s blog)– are always on-topic at ST’s discretion. That’s why the 6 F’s.
Faraoke (under study– maybe only in Las Vegas)
This, along with the tailgates, cattle calls, karaoke calls, cruiser’s calls, blog parties, and dance calls šÆ , etc. covers a lot of ground. It is what also makes the Warrior Beat different from most blogs/chats/forums.
BTW, I gather up the cruisers because it is the ultimate blog gathering, combining fuud/karaoke/drink/dance in a Vegas-like setting. (well, tailgate would depend if there’s a game the day we disembark). Otherwise known as Blog Cruises in other parts of the world. As far as I know, no Hawaii blog host has ever become popular enough for one yet. There may be hope though, if the blog doesn’t lose more momentum… š
Id like to see Six F’s on the UH offense.
Falefaletainoa – LT
Faagoatagaloa -LG
Fetuialii – C
Fagatinoa – RG
Fagataitua – RT
Fetatuatailaga – RB
Very funny Kazz.
As I understand, it seems ST is okay with the 6 Fs and non-football/sports discussions. It’s hard to draw a line on how much is too much or too little. As Tsaikos, we should be able to self regulate and use our own good judgment on the matter. ST will let us know if we’re way off base.
Anyone notice, BYU is back in the WAC
Softball wise
With their own TV network coming that is a good get for the WAC
Seattle U would seem to be a better fit for WCC, but they got snubbed by their former cellmates, Thus the WAC and #15 market for TV for Mr. Benson
I have been known to go OT before on occasion so I am far from innocent but I would assume that on a sports blog, at the very least 51% of the posts should be….sports related.
#231 That would guarantee Papa Leahey a job
Yes. Here is the NCAA link to that news release.
It’s great that BYU found a home for its softball but I don’t think even having the #1 TV market in softball would equate to added TV value for the WAC. That is unless it is watched heavily out in the states.
Not very knowledgeable with softball so maybe Kazz or Pomai can further chime in on this.
SteveM, can you define Faraoke?
I tried googling it but could find no definition.
Is it like Karaoke?
I’m on a football mission
One of the Forcier QB sons, was at Mater Dei HS and saw Matt Barkley and transferred
“I’m on a football mission”
The only real positive that the WAC has with having BYU on board for softball only is that…
Damn, I dunno.
The WAC’s softball auto bid for the NCAA tourney was in danger for a few months during the time Fresno and Nevada announced their departures. During that time WAC softball only had Hawaii, LaTech, USU, NMSU, and SJSU.
But then Texas State and UT San Antonio jumped on, then of course we left, then BYU joined in softball only and now Seattle’s softball program jumps from the Pacific Coast Softball Conference to the WAC.
So the WAC’s NCAA autobid would have been fine without BYU and all BYU does is really find themselves in a post-UH/Fresno State/UNR/Boise State softball conference to be the only dominant one for the next few seasons without said softball programs.
Starting in 2013 I can see Texas State softball continuing to make waves though in moving to the WAC so from 2013 and on I can see BYU and Texas State really being the two dominant softball powers in the WAC. Seattle’s softball program is in the dumps though. RPI was at least somewhere in the 250’s I think.
http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/14908287/kapole i-high-educational-assistant-accused-of-sexually-a ssaulting-student
Mater Dei HS…if only we could get ourselves a pipeline established there. Dreams haha.
Dennis Holloran,
So who do you think the QB sleeper is that is transferring to UH?
I’m on a football mission. Yes.
You have a pipeline, Sila Lafiti following Colt, Kevin Millwood
A sleeper QB would not have a chance. 2 years to learn system and get buried in the Depth Chart
What most people understand is QB is easy to fill at UH. I think any of our QB’s could step in next year Post-Moniz
Google Forcier QB’s and you will see a fascinating story of proud but misguided parents
#243 Double Damn. that’s Rape for Jon
and he was a slotback for UH.
We will hire Mike Leach as a consultant to handle his parents. Can’t be worse than Craig James. Heard he will work for poi and pizza so its a done deal.
I believe the right one very well could. If the guy has 3 to play 2 that would be fine. Sleepers do exist, they aren’t hypothetical creatures like the chupacabra or snow yeti.
Oh my…
I went through the Army Cold Weather and Mountain Training School in Alaska in 1963 with Snow Yeti
His center of Mass was a little high for skiing!
If you wanna discuss difficult offenses…Don’t have to go east into the old Urban Meyer system. Remember the Rocky Long years at UNM and the complicated multitude of systems that Chris Petersen employs. Or my favorite the Air Raid.
Kazz, Pomai,
I wore my Na Wahine Softball Booster Club polo to “caddie” today. One of the UH golf team members who was playing in the tournament said, “Nice shirt!” Told him to join the booster club so he can buy one. š
Is Cody Green a real possible candidate?
Anyone know details about him?
Eh whitey, it seems you and I were chopped liver! š
JK sends his regards, he’ll be at Turtle Bay with us. HK surprised you still remember him.
And ST Keku will clean your chimney for you!
Thanks Duffer. Tell them all I said hello. Tell HK, no be silly. I grew up with him small kid time. Of course I remember him. We gotta go visit JK’s restaurant one day.
Changed the name, it’s Lahaina Pizza company I think. The odda kid we had was in awe of you and ST. Dunno why
re: Cody Green…
While I have heard speculations that he may be a possiblity..this article excludes UH as being one of those schools he is considering. Tulsa and Houston are on the radar…along with aTm and Baylor and Kansas State.
i love asking and answering my own questions.
#260 – I’m always in awe of ST.
Insiders here on Maui said Pasoni Tasini of Baldwin has an offer from UH. Utah and UNLV has also offered.
Didn’t a defensive lineman from PAC-5 also get an offer from Hawaii on Saturday? Can’t remember his name.
OK question:
Does anyone know what an online P.E. class entail? I heard it’s a class being offered at Myron B. Thompson Academy this summer.
Is this for real? Kinda sounds like an Oxymoron.
265. Titus Failuaga? He only going be one junior if that’s the guy…
Thanks a lot for bothering to line this all out for people. This kind of article ended up being really helpful if you ask me.
A-Joe, exercise da fingers, yah???
Dodgeball or sham battles?
Aloha cuzz’n AJoe
265…4-5 of them.
What do you think about the Sleeper QB? Is he coming or is it still up in the air?
Tsai shot down the Manley transfer…Wonder why he won’t shut down the Forcier one. Makes you wonder…or at least makes me wonder.
And in all seriousness what about Montana’s kid?
Tsai knows when to hold ’em.
[…] The Warrior Beat| UH football, University of Hawaii athletics … […]
curt…he’s a sleeper
al, what’s your definition of sleeper?
by definition, isn’t a sleeper like someone who was overlooked but when viewed under the microscope he is loaded with potential.
kind of like an under the radar guy.
i don’t think that a sleeper is one who is disgruntled or has been asked to leave a program.
curt…only 20 more to go for the trifecta. the hat trick.
271. Al – So the other names classified again to prevent leaks to enemy agents?
If the Sleeper is Tate Forcier, I’ll speculate that he’ll probably won’t come here. There are rumors of him going to San Jose St, USC, Auburn, Montana, San Diego St, and elsewhere. So, I’m thinking that he’s visiting all of these schools and trying to find a good fit and a place where he’ll get to start.
Here’s a possible scenario: ST inadvertently runs into him at the UH athletic complex. Finds out who he is but is told to keep quiet as Tate hasn’t finalized his decision. UH thinks there’s serious consideration but Tate is probably just checking everybody out. A more likely choice might a school near home in Southern Cal like USC or San Diego St. This is just my speculation.
I guess you have a very different understanding of what a “sleeper” is. I don’t consider it to have anything to do with being disgruntled or asked to leave a program.
It’s basically someone who has the potential but hasn’t fully displayed that potential.
I will use it in a sentence.
“Many of Chris Petersen’s recruits are sleepers. They fly under the radar during recruiting and excel at a high level when it counts.”
By your definition, the Sleeper cannot be Tate Forcier. He’s definitely not under the radar.
iwonderwhytheyhateme: You misread al’s post, I think you guys are on the same page. (See #278.)
I am also curious if Nate Montana is a possibility.
I will give Tsai an opportunity to shut down the Nate Montana speculation.
Nate Montana=Sleeper
Nate Montana=Sleeper
Nate Montana=Sleeper
Nate Montana=Sleeper.
Hope I get ST’s attention lol.
But in all honesty, I think there are photos of him here in Honolulu. Dunno if it had anything to do with football or if it was only a vacation…
No, by my sentence he wouldn’t be a “sleeper”…By my definition he would.
Thanks much.
If it’s not Forcier, maybe it’s Cody Green. I read somewhere that Nate Montana is going to going to…Montana.
I know. It (his later defn) was a poke to Forcier, so that was just my poke back. haha.
Got it. There was rumors he wanted out of Montana. But those are just that, rumors.
My belief is that this Sleeper is an accomplished QB. But then that contradicts the definition of a sleeper. It’s confusing.
It seems from the article in my post #266 that he was impressed by Kansas State. Although he had interest in aTm and Tulsa. I really hope he doesn’t got to Tulsa.
I gotta agree with you that my gut feeling tells me its someone who is going to actually bring something big to the program. I mean we already have 294803849730348 QBs so its like unless this person has something really awesome to contribute, why would UH consider adding another. I guess if no scholie is being offered it won’t be that bad if its “just one more”.
They turned down Masoli or wasn’t interested because Moniz was already set at QB.
It does make one wonder.
Back from PowderPuff’s work place… listening to music at the Tapa Bar.
Hi, duffer! Met a young man from Maui who was playing in the Manoa Cup today. He was carrying his own bag, not cart. Didn’t get his name.
not = no, oops…
Good job ST. You have us in a tizzy.
I’m on a football mission.
Hey, you guys there?
Two more…
1 & 300, not bad….
Night all!
Oh no. Slugger, you beat me out of the hat trick! š
283…umm. isn’t that what i said in 278, 279?
Stop laughing al. I can hear you.
Once we hear the name of the sleeper, will the reaction be “who?”, or will it be “yeah, he could make things interesting for 2012”.
opps missed out but not really going for it anyway
evening late nighters
good to hear you did fine slugger
al nothing to report
oh what the heck
What’s a hat trick on the blog, Curt?
umm go read 289. thanks.
I’m confused … so let’s change the subject. Who wants to study UH’s expense report from the Sheraton Hawaiʻi Bowl?
*crickets chirp*
293…perhaps they learned from their mistakes.
If so, all the more to be that much more excited about all this “sleeper” talk.
If I were a QB, it would be neat if “the father of the RnS” were coaching at a school I was playing at… is Mouse really still here? I sure hope so.
Sorry to ruin the hat trick, Curt. š
slugger…you too?
curt…i am really disappointed in you. i stepped to the side so you could get your first hat trick.
yeah. mouse only works part time.
and he don’t recruit.
315…yup. i don’t mind mistakes as long as they aren’t repeated.
Aww, al got Post Ļ. š
308…yeah we are in 007 mode. it’ll surface.
momo and family will start their cruise on the NCL for 7 days from Basalona startin from Sunday.Because we will be 11, it will be a lot of fun… Will shkare pic when we return…
That should be a lower-case pi.
I’m getting confused now that people just refer to post #s. What ever happened to blockquoting? š
#311 A hat trick is a sports term when someone achieves 3 feats in competition. Today I got posts #100 and 200. I was going for the trifecta or hat trick but you were quicker than I. For either of us to land the hat trick tonight, we’ll have to shoot for post #400. But no way I’m staying up for that. It’s all yours Slugger. I concede it right now.
Speaking of father of xyz system…well Mike Leach didn’t invent the Air Raid but he sure as hell perfected it down at TTech.
He applied to take over the SDSU program after Hoke left for UM. Off course they decided against it. Goes to show he is either really desperate to get back into coaching or not above going to a non-BCS school.
We should all be kinda thankful SDSU didn’t go with him cuz he could have done some damage to opponents in the MWC given the kind of “success with less” reputation he had in the B12.
subliminal message…ask yourself,
“self, with 6 qb’s on the roster and jeremy higgins to join in the fall…why are we entertaining the thought of an eigth qb?”
short answer is this, well we need around 6 arms to effectively throw passes to the 25 or so rb’s, wr’s, and sb’s that will be in camp as well run the scout team.
however, the subliminal lies below……..get it?
I think everyone knows Coach Mack had a learning curve as a CEO of a larger football program. I think we all remember when he was kinda micromanaging the offense even when Rolovich was named OC after Lee.
Now you see him letting the guys do their thing and acting as more of a facilitator of ideas etc.
Mack learned from this and because of it our Offense and play calling looks pretty good.
I am reminded of that poem thingy at shiro’s saimin. and i do paraphrase but it goes something like “mistakes are fine, we all learn from them. but god help me to never make the same mistake twice.”
Gotta be “whats below.” Because if thats the case the hal mumme and leaches of the world and all the air raid offensive guys out there would have 8 QB’s to throw to their squad of skill players…and off course they dont.
is that Alo kid pretty firm in his commitment to UH?
320/328…scary that we are starting to think alike.
A major flaw in my assumption of us giving kids 2nd chances and using the Bess/Pisa/Brennan example is that we don’t have that Jones guy anymore.
He and Mack could have completely different philosophies of giving bad seeds a chance to grow into something wonderful.
the last word was that alo will be grayshirting and coming in the spring of 2012. he along with a few others.
i think we think alike much more than you or i would like. lol.
332…true. masoli for example.
334…haha. but if i recall correctly we both enjoy a feasting at camellia’s.
as obvious as that example is, i never thought about it. very true.
i do not let football theory get in the way of food or friendships lol. after all ITS ONLY A GAME. some people on other sites need to be reminded of that.
I interpret that to mean that we’ll reduce our roster of QBs to 6. So, one or two may be leaving. I mentioned earlier today that Coach Mack has got to reduce that #. We’ve just got too many; gotta make the tuff decisions.
so have any of you gone Sikdorak?
its on my list of where to dine next.
however, if you see me agreeing with pomai….someone hijacked my screen name on here.
lol jk jk.
for da money, its honey. they actually give you a full slice of ribeye when you order ribeye and its tender and flavorful as hell.
kalbi is pretty tasty too. take it from this korean snob.
Okay–time to hit the hay. G’nite.
curt…no. i believe we need at least 6 qb’s to throw to the 25.
but, yah, who the six are is a good question.
sometimes we have cut bait too soon with the sleepers who came aboard.
steele jantz for one. he had the most potential during period where we were plucking qb’s from the sky, at least i thought so. and he was the only guy taller than 6’0″.
342…i learned a long time ago. you like good chinese food go where the pake’s are at. you like good korean food…well you know the rest.
so have you tried lobster king or canton?
Hi momo — yes, will look forward to seeing your photos…either in person or if Garret posts them. Have a safe trip–you have a long way to go…almost the exact opposite side of the world from us.
…and on one of the newest of the next generation of mega-ships…
al good chinese food go to Pake’s in Kaneohe town
was there last week and man hard to drive back over pali
kden slowing down so good time to esmeeeeeeeeeeeeee
new post
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