Couple of minutes with … Cayman Shutter
The quarterback who came in from the cold — Cayman Shutter was born in Saskatchewan — has made a warm transition to Division I workouts. Shutter, a 2009 Punahou School graduate, has bonded with UH teammates and, during unsupervised workouts, has proven to be a leader. Shutter, who recently returned from a trip to Saskatchewan, took a couple of minutes to talk story with the Warrior Beat.
Saskatchewan, eh?
“It’s like in the middle of the prairies. It’s completely flat. No mountains, or anything. My whole family has lived there for, like, forever. I lived there until I was 10, and then moved over here. It’s definitely different weather. You get the extremes. You definitely get winter. It gets, like, negative 40. It’s a virtual opposite of Hawai‘i. It’s just different. You don’t have the mixture of cultures. You don’t have, obviously, the food that comes with it.”
And yet …
“Grandma’s mashed potatoes and gravy. That’s the best. She’s a skilled cook. Her home-made apple pie, that’s what I was looking forward to the most. She makes the pie crust and everything. It’s so good. She makes a roast with gravy, mashed potatoes, cooked vegetables, the whole deal.”
The transition.
“The first week, when I was doing classes at Manoa and then coming over here (for workouts), made it really hard, I also was at (Punahou’s) graduation practice. Getting the workouts was hard. I couldn’t come out for 7-on-7s. But I was at an advantage before that because I was out here during (unsupervised) spring workouts. Even from that point, I felt I was part of the team. It made the transition a lot easier.”
“I really like getting into the gym and lifting weights. I’m kind of addicted to lifting weights. I’m around 195 right now. I definitely don’t want to be too bulky. I was worried about that. Throwing a football involves a lot of finesse. I was trying to get the balance between pure strength and being able to finesse a football.”
There’s no “I” in “Quarterback Derby.”
“It doesn’t really feel like competition. We’re all out here trying to improve for the overall betterment of the team. As we all try to improve individually, the team will get better. That’s the whole idea. We’re all friends.”
Frenz 4 eva.
“The guys over here really welcomed me. That made it easy. I hang out with (wideout) Jovonte (Taylor) outside of workouts. (Running back) Leon (Wright-Jackson) and I play video games. it’s not just business with them. We’ve created a friendship already. That’s made it a lot easier to do my job as a quarterback.”
* * * * *
Running backs Leon Wright-Jackson and Chizzy Dimude yesterday worked on catching shovel passes.
* * * * *
Happy birthday to Princess Leila and LK.
Good Morning All!
Happy Birthday Princess Leila!!
Ooh…Happy Birthday to LK too!
So much for the journalism theory that we read from right to left.
Happy birthday Princess Leila and LK!
Nice! I’m getting more and more excited to see our young stable of QBs for the years to come. Competition broods success!
Hey stephen..any word on the workout info??
Oh yeah!! Good Morning Hawaii!!!
E-mail your name and address.
I was just watching KHNL. They showed a national story about a guy who robbed a convenience store by pointing his finger under a shirt to pretend he had a gun.
But …
They blurred out the guy’s face.
Because, yes, we must protect the privacy of a robber.
Happy Birthday Princess Leila!
Happy Birthday LK!
Thank you for another great Q&A with a Warrior player, it is a great way for fans to get a little more background and to hear about how things are going. I am very happy to hear that from Shutter how nicely the team in bonding and how the QBs are dealing with the large number of QBs UH has now.
Aloha Kakahiaka!
DONE! Mahalo stephen! YOU DA MAN!!
Hauoli Lahanau Princess Leila and LK!!!
Thanks for the Shutter interview, ST!
All of the first-year QBs have been working hard, even though it would make sense for them to redshirt this year. There’s a lot of offense to learn.
happy burfday to the burfday girls!!!
shutter looks good through ST’s shutter, haha, nice photos, and good to see a QB who is not afraid of hitting some iron….
i agree, the offense needs to be absorbed, it’s sort of like a hybrid, but youth knows all….as we all know from experience….haha
You’ve probably seen this but here is a nice article about GA… the “Rainbows” starting QB:
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
Happy Birthday to Princess Leila and LK!!
Hope everyone hads a good day
eh bulla- LK is not a girl…
my bad, i thought LK was for you….oh, what a boo boo
haha, that is pretty funny though……i apologize…..bad boy, back to the cave…
TO COLT: SAFE HOME TO THE EAST COAST! We will be looking for you on August 13 -vs- the Ravens … if we can find a broadcast, that is!
Ferd’s article was interesting. I think the Wed night game at LT is the most important of the season.
The ESPN show was characteristic of the network’s lack of research and depth. Nice stroll down memory lane but not a mention of Alexander or even McMackin. Congrats to Colt for being the best football player from Hawaii. I didn’t see that poll. Did someone post it?
Haha, bulla 😆
HI HO- Happy Thursday!
Happy Birthday, Princess Leila!!!
Happy Birthday, LK!!!
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Looking forward to seeing LWJ have a breakout season. Chizzy looking good.
Had to push this buggah ovah from da old Post Toastie…
Happy Birthday to the Warrior Princess. You wear your title well. As we head into this season, I’m looking forward to viewing your best camera work. Few fans get to see the hard work you put in. I see you roaming the sidelines at every practice and of course each game.
Please put together a cameo piece on each of the Warriors who make the starting roster on offense/defense. It would be interesting for us to take a closer look at the play makers of this year’s team.
Mahalo Princess!…and enjoy your ‘Born in Hawaii’ day!
morning to all and have a good day
adding my hippo birdie two ewe to Leila. enjoy your many treats I am sure you’ll be getting
well back to napping esmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Happy Birthday LK! You body clock must be screaming at you today to get a move on!
Mines is always screaming at me to make memories or Bulla goin’ scold me! 🙄
ring, ring, kalihi ring..haha
South Korean woman creates kimchi that doesn’t smell.
HA breaking news posted at 0739.
FYI – enjoy !!!
Hmmm…heard one noise yes-ta-day that sound like wuz rumblin’ tundah! Then I remembered. Da Beast must be pumpin’ iron in da weight room next door at KHS.
Fear La Tech ……….. then go to Ruston and beat them. Should be a great game.
Happy Brithday to the Princess. I’m figuring she must get about two marriage proposals a week?
i wish the little bambino could get up there, no he has to settle for Gerber Fieldhouse at Saint Louis or 24 hour fitness. with the way he was consuming tri tip steaks last night, i am going hunting tonight for lani moo 🙂
Happy Birthday Princess Leila! Hope you have fun celebrating your duuuurty 30! 🙂
Happy Birthday Princess!
Happy Birthday LK!
Momo: are you here? I need to plant a small diabetic diet garden. Got time for a visit to Kauai???
morning gang!
happy birthday leila! nice pic
isn’t tomorrow a special birthday too?
Great post. Interesting to hear how new players fit in with the current players. Also nice to see Leon and Chizzy working out together. Hopefully our running game is much improved this season.
Do the other running backs workout with them as well? Funaki? Rego? Where’s Alex Green?
I asked Jovonte about Alex Green.
He’s due this week, Jovonte said.
It’s interesting how they worked on the shovel passes. They put down blocking pads to create running lanes. For the first part, they worked on selling the pass block. Then they rolled into the shovel. It reminded me of a basketball pick-and-roll play.
Re: Crown.
It comes in a really cool case.
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂
Nice to get the story on Shutter. Like folks have mentioned, hella competition amongst the young QBs.
Work them shovel passes! That’s a bread and butter play when we can run it.
Good humid morning everyone!
And Happy Birthday to the once and future princess of the blog. Ms. Leila herself. May your birthday be as happy and bright as you make us all feel! 🙂
Happy Birthday to LK, whoever that person is. 🙂
Good to see the shovel/shuttle being worked.
Happy birthday to the Her Highness, the Esteemed Princess Leila.
Oh, and to LK, too.
I do not think that is LizK, though — she would be in her 90’s were it so. Glad I am here and not there. The emotional bruises would be ugly. HA!
Double take on #41…thought you were talking about Royal Crown and thinking to myself…”yeah, the bag is so nice and useful for all kine stuff”
Time to be a pin cushion!
Oppsie…meant Crown Royal…
What up erybody.
Checking if anyone making waves.
Looks like u children are behaving today.
Talk to u later.
Back to the future of lurking from the coconut wireless island. (Oops I thought I heard that before)
Morning, gang!
BG: #49….Now THAT’S what I’m talkin’ bout…..
Happy Birthday Leila!
Happy Belated one, djmitcho!
koakane: Damn…..da’ life of a retired educator, huh??? Yes, I am hating on you right now…….
cohana hellllllllllllo howwwwwwwww youuuuuuuuuuu, come on now show some luv, da bruddah worked hard long time
A most Happy Birfday to the radiant Princess Leila, in the Miss Hawaii outfit, and LK the master crafter who is the source of the Tsaiko name tags.
C rM: Yes, almost everyone behaves…Especially when ST is in da’ house! Hahahaha…..
If they don’t, I think someone should call Esme to come with her rolled up newspaper to give lickens!!!! She’s famous for doing so on the Pink Side. Plenny naughty ones over there….
LK is not Liz…LK is the Tsaiko who made the awesome nametags!
DPK- LK makes & donates our Tsai-ko nametags.
Hi Garret… good timing!
LK is also a berry berry good photog.
Oops, A-House explained LK’s background as I was typing up my post.
kk: Yessss…I know…..I know……
I’ll give you dat…….Enjoy your power naps….. 😉
The Las Vegas Sun is wondering whether or not UNLV needs an Athletic Director. I didn’t realize that an SEC school got rid of its Athletic Director and their Athletic Department!
Good morning all.
Happy Birthday Princess Leila and LK. Hi Faye!
Where is the cc today?
I know that the MWC chose CSTV over ESPN because of money–this part of the article seems to indicate that the difference was $500k per year per school.
LSU is sending their band to Seattle for their game against U-Dub…must be nice having all that TV money to spend.
oh homey planning a cc today? jj wants to know where
Funny how you and I must have been typing at the same time about LK.
I’ll call Momo today to see if he saw your post. There are some family things that have probably kept Mrs. Momo and him extra busy since Saturday.
listening to flood warning for kauai. lizk you ok get to higher ground if can
Did I hear a food gathering today?
Happy Birthday to Princess Leila. The crown and banner sure is a nice fit … she really could be a Miss Hawaii!
Nice clip on Cayman Shutter. Just think, if Leon Wright-Jackson ever got over his fear of getting hit, he would be a great running back. He has all the tools. Maybe he should be working on hitting drills (to work through his fears) rather than playing video games with Cayman.
Thanks, Garret!
kk- it is very hmid and I am indeed on higher ground.
C rM- erry day is a fuud day!
Koakane – I’m just a partaker, not a planner.
i’ll meet you at paradise market.
e. wakea st.
minimum 20-25 dishes to choose from. sort of a super sized gold coin if you will. house specialties are pig feet adobo or soup style w/papaya.
homey favorites include guisado four different kine flavors. dinuguan for d1. and na’au, liver, “sweetbread”, et al for rob25.
Koakane – BTW, saw your MW stats. You sure do heist a lot!
If I was on Maui then I’d meet you.
Well, homes… looks like my fave T-Gate fuuds are on hld for awhile… shucks (get it?)
Looks like I’m solo again…story of my life…well except for the 8 times that resulted in 6 kids.
MLiz – Yey! More for me! Nah nah nah, you take care and maybe, just maybe you can have small kine portions.
we need to discuss this over lunch.
on friday’s chin’s has a nice buffet.
and chan’s has no ambiance but lots to eat.
chin’s or chan’s?
Funny how the Big C and the Bigger C post around the same time.
happy birthday princess (again)!
and to you to braddah lk.
chan’s is closer but chin’s is better…hmmmmmmm.
maybe they both called in sick?
Wait, where is Chan’s?
Was Cayman named after the Islands, Porsche, or reptiles?
xs-homey… I hope to be M-Liz again soon!
new clothes… hmmm… nah, no need…
Okay, now I know where that is.
lizk….3 months to lose 17 lbs.
did you realize that takes you into the football seasons with all of those tailgaters?
i guess you’ll be on a see food diet.
Did I hear someone mention fuud?
Happy Birthday LK!
Good coupla minutes with Cayman Shutter.
While it’s good to hear about the first year guys getting familiar with the system I hope that the vets are spending even more time working together over the summer.
I could lose 17 lbs. in 3 months…if I wanted to. Hypothetically speaking, if I was oh say around 190 lbs…*do the math*…That means after 3 months I would be 173 lbs. I change my mind, no can do.
d1…kicking around the idea of lunch tomw?
you need parts?
does that mean lizk, that you won’t be bringing long johns to the tailgate 🙁
you mean we are the same weight?
she doesn’t have to eat them.
ah instigator again eh
if heist means fighting yes
l8tas esmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
al: Nope. C rM is on daddy duty today with all 7 home. Probably finally finished getting the gang settled and baby down for a nap, so he had time to wala’au here.
I’m here at work……seriously debating whether or not to eat the chicken burito and cilantro rice in our cafe or go to the gym……….
Happy Birthday to Princess Leila and to LK.
Big C – Definitely go to the gym…
Happy Bertday folks!!!!
I forget, it’s been too long now, but I believe this bakery was located near the prison on Dillingham Blvd.?…..they used to have this lilikoi cake, or was the frosting on it??…anyways, it was grand; which begs me to ask what kind of cake these bertday babies a8e today? hmmmmm??
c…one more kid and you could have your own tv show.
and i’d take the burrito.
wf2 – I guess we interpret the photos differently. In Leon’s picture I picture the qb throwing the shuffle from a higher position and the ball is already in its downward path. As for chizzy, his body angle determined his hand placement.
m-homey- I am CLOSE to that weight now… wanna challenge??? Winner gets to have an oyster on October 😆
Ralph- you like long johns???
Didn’t seem the type…
nahnahnah… you’ll have to wrestle Mrs.d1島 for one.
wf2….what we don’t see is where the ball ends up and the final hands up or down position.
maybe you should give ron lee a call and do some volunteer coaching during camp.
Sorry folks, I’ve been down with the FLU this week and did not follow up with Bulla or notice if he posted anything on the Cattle Call that was supposed to be today.
I guess make your own today. Sorry I can’t make it.
🙁 just got over the sinus infection cold last week and I get a nasty flu this week–lost my sense of taste for two days and only getting it back today. Been sleeping a lot and tending my farm in my few waking moments….better than playing sudoku.
mctruck – DeeLite Bakery?
huh… I don’t remember shuffle passes in t-ball.
Will have to take f2’s word for it. HEY, LWJ and CHIZZY… YOU FORGOT TO WEAR YOUR BB GLOVES!
mctruck…surely you are referring to dee lite bakery. lilikoi, guava, or rainbow chiffon cake? ummmm.
m-homey- scrabble?
SteveM- get well SOON! Gotta get that sense of taste back!
MLiz – I suck at scrabble. I’m better at google. Hey, when did I become m?
al – We are not the same weight. I am not 210 lbs.
i meant when i was younger.
so what anybody like go eat tomw?
I’m not sure I can make it tomorrow.
m-homey – just in case you were already at my hypothetical m-liz weight goal…
we’ll just postpone it till later. maybe bulla wants to feed the beast next week.
sorry d1.
save the parts run till next week.
MLiz – I’m already at 12% body fat so it would be difficult for me to loose that much weight…BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Kid’s say the darndest things……….
Just when we are starting to like you again you go out and say something condescending to a fellow blogger. I guess you feel as though your **** don’t smell.
Your are an amazing fellow.
is there a true and accurate way to measure body fat?
Just got back from US Open of Surfing in Huntington Beach. Hawaii’s Duke Boyd and Fred Hemmings were among a group of 5 inducted into the walk of Fame with engraved stone marker on Main Street.
Surf size is picking up as we approach the final few days. Great!
Gimchi without the smell???
At least something doesn’t smell. But does it have good taste?
Congrats to Duke Boyd and Fred Hemmings!
wf2 – There is also velocity, QB looses grip and the throw slips, distance between QB and RB…so much to think about by just a picture.
Slugger- I ordered a used copy of the Haw’n Diet Cookbook. Will go shopping for veggies in town when I drop off my boss. Gotta come up with some yummies for the T-gate season. Chances are very good that there are oddah Tsai-kos who would benefit from a diet-bettic cuisine too!
The NFL draft will be 3 days long next year, giving the NFL Network and ESPN prime time coverage of the first 3 rounds over the first 2 nights.
All that talk about Dee lite bakery……
It’s within walking distance from my office……but too humid to go outside! Maybe I’ll stop on the way home.
ah yes, Dee Lite Bakery – best darn chiffon cakes, ever, in Hawaii until the local owner/baker sold it to the Japanese and down hill since then
da Japanese got this thing about very dry breads/pun, cakes, etc which removes it from the moistness of Hawaii’s taste for Guava and Lilikoi chiffon cakes.
found out a long time ago, NEVER, NEVER order hot cakes in Japan – you need a saw to cut it or you can make believe its a freezbee and fling it around the room.
best “ready-mix” batter is from Kroeger’s – just add water, stir, cook and chow down!!!!! – light, fluffy, moist!!!
Hands positioning – below the waist, palms up – above the waist, palms down or straight – is this correct? recall learning this from my Little League coach. major teaching point is “soft hands”; catch the ball with your hands and bring the ball into your body in one simultaneous motion; stiff arms will surely make the ball bounce out of your hands and reason for the phrase “lead hands”.
ever see major league baseball players trying to catch a sinking fly ball with the palm of the glove facing down? almost always the ball will bounce away from the player.
LOL@ “fling it around the room”…
A-House: So, shoudl I NOT order my mom’s cake from there tomorrow?!!!
Going to the Dr. to get checked out. I think I got the when-pigs-fly~flew. So, if I hugged you yesterday, take some extra vitamin C, like 1,000 mg. every so often.
SteveM, I got this from Russell, so take a bunch of AG- if you go it.
Esme & out the door…
Slugger- get well soon. No fly pig zone!
wf2- you are on my ignore list.
Slugger – You should get that special medicine, rubbing oink-ment.
wf2 – I also notice jovial hostility between you and others. What happened? Or can someone tell me. Sheesh, I need another cc to fill in the “what’s the haps”.
Hey Big C! How was the workout today? You should go swimming in the ocean. That’s a good workout. And don’t forget to turn on your sonar. BWAHAHAHAHAHA.
I sense a smoo coming soon to a bog near you…
Welcome to the USS Hawai’i, its crew and families!
Could we get Diana to paint a giant “H” logo on the con-tower of the Hawai’i? I think that would be awesome!!!
A psychic Tsaiko.
You so smaht! 😉
Meanwhile back in the real world…
anyone heard from Pauoa Boy lately?
Hope he’s doing OK.
Slugger Don’t think this one was from Russ–the timing too short. A different flu from the others I’ve seen…one day had a 102+ temperature but subsided to 99.5 the next morning and normal that night. No temp. since. Lost sense of taste real quick.
Happy B-day Princess and LK! Here’s hoping you both get ‘carded’ tonight. 🙂
as if you come up for air enuf to hear anything! 😆
Mrs C:
If you like dry, chiffon cake – go for it!
On the other hand, chiffon cakes in Hawaii, today, are seldom “moist”, but some are dryer than others.
… 😯 as if I can still hear well enuf to hear anything! 😈
Why does al need Mr. Obama’s assistance to accurately measure body fat?
Good afternoon Tsaikos…hope all is well.
Happy Birthday Princess Leila…and LK….
d1 – I can eat and hear at the same time. I can also filter out unwanted social noise.
Forget about 135. The SMU button is being employed.
Good Afternoon Tsaikos!!
I noticed that someone’s post have been removed…. Oooops
homey: Yes, us killer whales love to gnaw on stubby dark human flesh, so I suggest you NOT go surfing out my side when I’m there. All your extremities may be lost…….
A-House: Thanks for the scoops! Any other suggestions…C’mon! My maddah going snap!!! Hahaha…
d1: #150 & #152 ~ CLASSIC! 😉
Dee-Lite bakery used to make Dream Cakes. Yum! Do they still? I should stop in and check. Only problem is they do not sell slices.
What do I do with a half cake?
Liz, you want?
So what’s been going on around here??? when is the next food outing?? next week???
ST – how many QB’s are there during the workouts?? Are all the incoming freshman out there already??
When does the camp schedule come out?? I hope I can make some of the practices.
wafan: It’s okay…that gives you an excuse to buy the WHOLE thing!! 😉
JJ: I was just wondering the same ting…I tirstee!!!!!
Stretch: Wassup on FB???!! *daaaaammmnnnn!*
Big C – Well I knew that would get you on here! So don’t forget…end of the month…or 1st of the next month.
BTW, I’ll be at White Plains this Saturday, I shall look for you in the water…just gotta find the blast of air and water vapor from the blowhole…
Another BTW, I hope you already called Mr. C about that place.
when you getting on FB??
afternoon gang! 🙂
Stretch – #158, i think Aug 3
yes homey ℞
i heard of chan’s but not chin’s?
Homes ~ It may not be ‘word’ it. The hostility is no longer jovial. I hate to say it, but the whole complexion of the blog changes as soon as he posts something.
We have Warrior Mojo<, a well respected lawyer. There is our resident Hilo Fan who is also a lawyer. We have Tom Mui a long time retired former member of the law profession…and of course there is State House Representative K. Mark Takai.
I’m not sure if WF2 is a lawyer or not, but he certainly doesn’t seem to measure up to the other Tsaiko lawyers in bedside manner. Sorry big guy, but attitude is everything. Sometimes what you say sours people.
Loa – Some have double chins.
then again i had a hard time finding tsukiji’s
hiya jojo ®! more drawings?
homey ℞ – and some no more neck
homes: Hows the 1st? And your 2nd comment…how you know I was talented l’dat??!!! Bwuahahahahaha…..heheheheheheheh….
Stretch: Uh…after todays, uh, “stuff”….even more so…NEVER! 😉
Oh yeah, Mr C is on that task as we speak. Or, he was earlier when I called him…..they were booked, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed…
Let you guys know.
wafan- #56 “pack” (sound of da slippah)
Ok Big C. I shall wait for the plans.
Re PauoaBoy- I believe he is in the sandbox and not a happy camper. Gotta Tsai-ko-tize dat boy! Good vibes!!!
ho got crazy in here for little while.
Happy birthday Princess Leila and LK!
Happy Birthday to Princess Leila and to LK! yep, mahalo’s LK for my name tag.
dang, i just started lurking and didn’t read certain posts……oh well………..
and good mid-afternoon everyone.
Happy Birthday Princess Leila and LK!
I see someone’s posts have been removed.
Looks like Stretch #154 beat me to the punch.
Nice mention of Bess here.
Bad news about RGM…the guy that replaced him “for just one game” according to their coach might have taken his spot.
Hi everyone!
Just wanted to thank you all for your very kind birthday wishes. I really appreciate them!
Ahhhhhh…Mahalo Garret!
Go Bess & RGM!
Go Warriors!
Wafan ~ DeeLite will sell you a slice. Or better yet, just order a quarter sheet.
Surely you can find one pahtna (ahem…) who like share, (not da cost, but da cake) wit you. There is one outlet inside Pearl Ridge. Besides, Mrs. C might Kaka-roach 9 pieces before you even get to your car if you go da one on Dillingham.
Salutations and Congratulations to da Princess and LK !!!
and happy b-day to the princess! 🙂
For some reason I have a craving for natto and spicy ahi over rice.
Hope RGM avoids the “Wally Pipp” trip!
whoa, what da chicken hekka did i miss?
that’s ok, i don’t want to know.
’nuff sed
I want some sushi now … that reminds me, I’m supposed to meet a friend for dinner. With this new teacher orientation going on today and tomorrow, that totally skipped my mind! 🙂
I think all the opala got thrown out. 😉
….hope another Tsaiko wasn’t a victim of collateral damage in the fray. He just got a nice haircut after all!
Ok… nevah mine… GO, RGM!!!!
Good evening, Tsaiko-Nation and Tsai-Meister.
Happy B-Day Princess and LK.
Just watched my Tivo, America has Talent was on, and to my amazement, this little Girl, all of 8 years old, from Honolulu, Hawaii, started to sing and totally blew my socks of. She definately had Hawaiian and Filipino blood, the rest I couldn’t tell. Her name was Hawaiian and the crowd and judges fell totally in love with her, myself included..
Her voice would have been amazing on a 20 year old. Needless to say, she made the Las Vegas round.
Normally I’m somewhat jaded about stuff like that, but this little girl was truly special. Has anybody else seen her? She’s worth it for sure. She sounds better at 8, then Trias did at 19.
Homey…#160….I could do sooooooo much with this…but this is a family blog…MWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
Hi FloridaTed!
Hope you’re feeling well. 🙂
Will be on the lookout for AGT here.
Maybe that was Nalani’s girl?
….time to call it a day.
It’s a day!
(J)J – I don’t know what you mean…hahahaha
FT – Now I gotta go find a youtube of her.
FT – this one?
That girl really did do a great job–Lori and I watched it the night it was shown.
I think that there are 160 people/groups that made it to the Vegas round, which starts next week. That means that her parents got a free trip to Vegas plus spending money!
Out of the 160 people, 40 will make the next round. The Vegas round already happened and there is no voting by the public.
If she makes the top 40, then the public will get to vote…and I’m guessing she will do very well with the vote, and not just from Hawaii, if she continues to sing well.
ColomaOhana…try Aiea one good pastry shop…Lemon Crunch..expensive but good…
Got some inside scoop that there will be a 3rd Rainbowtique store opening up in Fort Street Mall on August 14th.
According to said legitimate source, this store will be the “exlusive” location of future fan promotions which may include UH athlete and/or UH coaching meet and greets and autograph signings not to mention that this new Rainbowtique location will be the ONLY Rainbowtique with “exclusive” UH Under Armour merchandise…
This store will also have it’s own seperate website as opposed to the current website.
I think I’m in love… 😆
Pictures can only tell so much.
Better to see things in person, unless you’re “banned” of course… 😎
I must be a Tsaiko…back from the Dr. & I’ve gained weight.
MsLiz, we’re gonna have to get serious with the Waianae diet.
Kazz – That is my patrol area!
Liz read you post. My e mail is write to me and I can find out what your needs and wants and we can go from there. Hope to hear from you soon…momo
Just tossing this out there…
UH will be coming out with “new” UA jerseys for fans with different #s this season of course. No word on who’s #s will be sold this season. I can imagine #s 12, 55, 4, 53, and 21 could be the “frontrunners”. However, the design of the jerseys will be the same… Wonder if an all green top will be released… Hmmm…
Also new UH Under Armour merchandise with different designs are expected within two weeks or so from the Rainbowtique locations.
email spam bots just picked up momo’s email. Good thing gmail has decent filters.
How’s parking? Must be horrible…
Hi, D1, Garret, Homey, Loa,,
Yep, that’s the Girl. To me it’s absolutely astounding to have such a voice come out of such a tiny body, God does some amazing things from time to time.
I would be surprised if she wouldn’t make at least top 40, at a minimum, but then again, I haven’t seen most of the acts..
homey ℞:
I go float around in the ocean for a few days and look at all the trouble you cause..proud of you..I tried but you got it done!!!!
The way they do the final cuts to the 40 is that they put the groups in categories and pick a certain number from each category. There haven’t been that many great singers this year as compared to the previous years, so I think that she has a chance to make it. Before her I didn’t like any of the kid singers in the previous rounds, and they always save a spot or two for kid singers.
So, as long as she is within the best 2 or 3 kid singers, she should make it to the final 40. The big thing will be the pressure and the exhaustion of all the performances she will have to do.
The Patriots have signed 6 of their 9 draft picks. Their 3rd-round pick will miss the season due to a knee injury so they don’t have to worry about signing him before training camp. Unfortunately, Ingram is one of the other 2 picks they haven’t signed.
Is it me or is it much less cluttered in here? Hmmmm…
It seems lighter too? Tsai did you paint the walls or something?
i’m baaack. what did I miss
I always thought Cayman was david shutter’s son. David being the defense lawyer in hawaii that did a lot of high profile cases and usually won.
cayman shutter vs. david schutter
Now that’s funny! 😆
Hardly noticed you were gone! 😉
Happy birthday! Princess Leila, didn’t know we shared birthdays.
Thank you all for your well wishes. Sorry I didn’t reply earlier, I was out of AT&T range and unable to lurk until I got back into the office.
Jason, congratulations on your job at your alma mater. Mold them young minds right.
LizKauai, Garret and A-House thanks for the clarification, I rarely post nowadays, so a lot of bloggers wouldn’t know who I am, although I do lurk as often as possible.
If you haven’t gotten a Tsai-ko badge yet, remember to update SteveM’s site when attending a tailgate, KK, or BCS bowl game. If I’m there, I’ll try to make sure that those in attendance will get their Tsai-ko badge.
hi-ho, hi-ho, it’s back to work I go.
Are you auditioning for the Warrior fan commercial? You’re at every UH game imaginable and would be a great representative of us UH fans.
Jason what’s your teaching duties at MHS
thanks letsgobows, need to pay more attention to people name, esp. the spelling. don’t call me as a withness 🙂
methinks Ralph likes the old school stuff.
oops it’s letsgowarriors, definitely not proofreader qualified. 🙂
welcome USS Hawaii
Today’s update for the contract talks for David Veikune:
im letsgobows on the other websites…same thing
Unfortunately no, I have a face perfect for radio. 🙁
I thought that you were letsgobows on other sites as your writing style is the same.
I thought it was interesting that in Ralph’s #229 post when he talks about needing to pay attention to people’s names he got your blog name wrong…
Maybe Ralph needs some new glasses. I wonder if there’s someone in that line of work…? 😯
good evening tsaikos. i can see you all are getting ready for some football!!! am up in the north country, but if i was nanook, i wouldn’t have to worry about losing weight, cause no can catch fish. one scrub buggah!!!
I can’t tease Ralph too much about messing up a name because I’ve made that mistake a lot…even on dates.
~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Happy..Birthday..LK!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~
This is my blog badge to you in honor of the awesome name-tags you made for the Tsaikos! 😀
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Garret – I think it’s just that your fingers and typing are about a light-year, or at least a time zone behind your thoughts…. 😯 😆
Wow! Gotta like Cayman Shutter (despite attending that “P” school…) – love his Team-first/Can-do attitude! 😀
Good evening, Tsaikos. Nice “couple of minutes” with Cayman. He was good — really good — in the HHSAA championship back in December. Best of luck to him as a Warrior. Happy Birthday Princess Leila and LK! Looks like I missed some major action on the WB today.
Happy Birthday Princess. I hope al brought you some guri guri for your birthday.
Re: the Warrior Fan call –
I think it would be awesome – quite a spectacle, to see the Warrior-ette face-off between Stephanie Lum and our PowderPuff!!! 😆 Heck – I’d pay $$$ to see that! 😯 😆 😆
Oh…. and looks who’s here! Hiya PowderPuff!!! 😆 😳 😆
whitey – Didn’t you get shut-out on your last visit up there? 🙄
Happy Birthday Princess!!!
Happy Birthday LK!!!
May you enjoy many many many more!
What’s up, Brew808! I had to emerge from the shadows to compliment you on your graphics…I’ve been missing them. Warrior-ette/mini-Vili face-off with Steph Lum, huh? Scary…two Chinese girls trying to be like Vili.
Good evening Tsaikos and Tsaikettes, Lurkers and Lurkettes!
I love that pic of the Princess. How appropriate to her title! 🙂
You guys are spooky sometimes! It’s awesome how perceptive you are in identifying each other, and other visitors by their writing styles, “voices”, and opinions…. psychic Tsaikos!!! 😆 😯 😀
I usually let a lot of things go.
Free speech, and all, although that’s not a guarantee under the rules of our blogs.
The one thing I try to emphasize is civility toward others ESPECIALLY on days I give birthday shoutouts to family members. There was one who went off on my daughter’s birthday, and that’s just not cool.
And for someone to have a hissy fit on the Princess’ birthday, when her relatives and friends are reading, well, that’s just not going to be tolerated.
So let’s all play nicely.
As I’ve said before, we’re one of the few blogs that allows immediate posts. That’s a privilege that is not guaranteed. You don’t really want editors monitoring posts.
Finally got my tickets for the __azzu game! I’ve decided to take away our “W” from them already. So from now on, I’m going to refer to them as the __azzu Meows! 😈 🙄 😀
BTW – I already got __azzu SPAM in my email box – even before receiving my tickets! 😈 😯
I’ve got the advantage because I can actually see who’s posting. Technology is amazing. We can track a post to a precise computer.
Wow! UHfan808 and PowderPuff posting nearly simultaneously! This is indeed a special day! 😀
brew, i did on my last year july, but did some havoc in september. right now, things are slow, but tomorrow will put a dent on the salmon population.
Re: #250 – Yeah…. sometimes we forget that you’re kind-of a geek/nerd too…. Remember when you and your son rented jet skis? Heheheh! 😆
Okay – sorry for the multiple posts – but this is a special day…. 😆
😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀
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🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆 🙄 😆
Hi ❀ ❀ ❀ Faye!!! ❀ ❀ ❀ 😀
whitey – How about halibut? You should try – just for the hel!-of-it!! 😆 🙄 😀
What do you mean “kind of” a geek.
I’m not full-blooded?
Ralph: I’m teaching at MoHS. MHS is Mililani High School. And I’d mention what I’m teaching, but you’ve never heard of any of it before. It’s much more advanced than your 9 x 9 table. 😀
Mathematician = full-blooded geek. 😀
“full-blooded” geeks …. don’t do “Tricks”!!! 🙄 😀
And there you go! Perfect timing! Can anyone imagine the new school teacher rapping & dancing around like that! I don’t think so…. 🙄 😆 😯
brew, tomorrow is the butt sister’s day of reckoning. tonight we going grind some dungies.
Besides…. I think MoHS didn’t hire a “mathematician”…. they hire a educator to teach mathematics? 🙄
★ C ★ O ★ N ★ G ★ R ★ A ★ T ★ U ★ L ★ A ★ T ★ I ★ O ★ N ★ S ★ !!! ★ Jason!!!
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
Hey – whitey – Is it still light there? 😯
The pass seems a little behind Chizzy…. I hope that’s indicative of Chizzy’s blazing speed, and not the accuracy of the passer. In either case, more work is needed on their timing…. 😯 😀 🙄
getting darker, but hard to say cause it has been raining all day.
I’m disappointed…. Often when ST comes to visit, he updates his posts…. but not today…. Bummers! 😥 🙁 😥
ok not even in the classroom yet and spouting smart arse replies already. Jboy you going be gooood.
Yesterday, I had six items that garnered 180 comments.
Today, I had three items that attracted nearly 300 comments (although I had to delete about 25 comments).
So, I’m thinking, why update?
By the way, I’m on here several hours a day. But I went to lunch when Mr. Know-It-All started posting, and then all heck broke loose.
I even had David Veikune posing with a clock behind him and the caption: “Veikune is on the clock.”
And … nada.
koakane: I learn from the best. (No, not you!) 🙂
Stephen: That’s because it wasn’t lame enough. You need to look into your inner chawan_cut.
Oh, it was pretty lame.
By the way, I asked Stephanie Lum to autograph a picture for CC. We’ll see what happens.
Happy birthday, Princess Leila and LK!
Finally got the 1989 BYU game on DVD (transferred from Dim Sum’s VHS copy).
Email me if you want the DVD: hoherb at yahoo dot com. I’ll try to get the copies out this weekend.
Another good game to re-live memories. Features Garrett Gabriel and Ty Detmer.
Tsai deleted 25 comments, wow, i got lots of company…back to being laid back, cool, and civil… 🙂
oldie – you sure are a goodie! Mahalo from all the Tsaikos! 😆
hey does my smiley count for smiling 🙂
“…laid back, cool, and civil…” – huh? No way! 🙄
Oldie I just watched the Holiday Bowl game on Tuesday, thanks a lot, rekindled lost memories. great defensive line effort, really dominated defensively and offensively in the second half..
I wonder if the deleted posts are archived somewhere?
….sort of a Greatest $hit$ collection 😉
I can imagine Ralph going around practicing his smile… but pretty soon, all the mirrors were broken! So then he stopped trying….. Heheheh….. 😆
July 23rd, 2009 at 8:26 pm
I wonder if the deleted posts are archived somewhere?
….sort of a Greatest $hit$ collection
now.. that is really, really funny
This article has the quote from Colt from the TV appearance when he got Stephanie Lum’s autograph.
I *cannot* wait until Tuesday comes and my deadline is over…I’m going to watch the DVD oldie sent out then. It has taken so much willpower not to watch that DVD, but I knew once I started I’d watch the whole thing over and over.
Happy Birthday to Princess Leila and LK.
Garret – You can invite your neighbor over to watch some “home movies” with you! Heheheh….I wonder what his expression and reaction would be! 😆
And here I thought Stephen just moved the furniture around in here…
Is 25 posts a record?
Notice… it even smells better now…. 😯
update homeowners property insurance before inviting neighbor. 🙂
hey Jason how can you claim to be an educator when you haven’t begun classes at HPU for your M.Ed. All you got is a math degree, no DOE teaching certification, boy genius at work.. learn to save, too easy to spend, spend. Someday you’ll join the ranks of Brew, mathematician, psychic, tsaiko, and artist.
Oh, Ralph got it! For the rest of you, Garret‘s neighbor went to school in Provo…. 🙄
Hey…. I’m no mathematician! Mathematics is just a tool for understanding real problems and unsolved mysteries…. 😀
mysteriesphenomena… 😳Happy Birthday to Princess Leila!
Happy Birthday to LK!
Seems like some are under the weather… please get well soon.
LizK… I know you can beat the diabetes!
Koakane… glad you are enjoying your new retirement!
Is the signature “Cin” the same as …. Sin!?? 🙄 😆 🙄
Yeah, I was just going to say, brew just wishes he were a mathematician.
Congratulations, Jason!
Whoo-hoo!!! A teaching position (and other duties as assigned). That is the killer part.
And, I see the 808 has lots of stormy weather…. so the statement “some are under the weather” is a guarantee! 😆
LOL! Unfortunately, I’m enjoying the free legal advice right now and don’t want to upset my neighbor!
Mathematics is boring! 🙄
Congratulations on your teaching position! I’m not sure if I was able to say that to you before.
It’s only boring when you aren’t smart enough to get it. Or you have a boring teacher. Most likely the latter. I’ve had my fair share.
Don’t way that around Faith! She spent some of her money ($1, which is a lot to her!) to buy another math workbook and was so happy to show it to me when she came home. She’s doing division and fractions now in that workbook…
“Don’t say” instead of “Don’t way”
BTW, I don’t think I ever said thanks to everyone for their congratulations. Already one day into an orientation, and I’m feeling overwhelmed—and I know the campus and many of the important people! Hopefully the one month of just work will help ease me into the job, then I get balance the work/school thing easier.
For those of you who have enjoyed some of the old games, I’m just glad to contribute to the Tsaiko fever.
We’re thinking of doing the 2001 Miami of Ohio shoot out with Ben Roethlisberger next. Hopefully, in the next week or two.
I’ve had a *lot* of boring math teachers. The wort ones were at Stanford…but maybe that was because those were graduate classes.
Plenty of yelling, hollering, cheering going on. The neighbor gets real curious, goes next door and knocks on the door. “Uh… everything okay?” Embarrassed Warrior – Tsaiko quickly replies, “Oh… why YES! Ah, the girls just completed the 10,000 piece jig-saw puzzle all by themselves! Woohoo!” 😯 😆 🙄
Ooh, Uncle brew got scoldings …
Free play links time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want to read the off-topic stuff.
Saturn’s moon shows evidence of ammonia, which provides strong evidence that it has liquid water.
New Zealand researchers are implanting pig cells in diabetics, with the hope that pig insulin could delay the effects of Type 1 diabetes. There is some controversy because they are going straight to human trials without first having animal trials.
iPod translator program was originally developed to teach sign language to students, but now is a valuable tool for US soldiers in Iraq and UN peacekeepers on the Horn of Africa.
Virus may be used for copper mining via a genetic engineering procedure called “bio-panning”.
A prof from Stanford visited for a semester, and I took a class from him. I thought he was really boring … but after talking to friends, I realized how much easier he made things for us! We skipped the whole section on graph theory that everyone struggled over, only gave a cursory look at lattices …
19-year-old man in Iowa used cash stolen in a bank robbery to pay a bond for an outstanding warrant. He’s now charged with first-degree bank robbery.
Free play links pau.
HA! Another stupid robber story.
Good night! Early morning inurnment at Punchbowl tomorrow of a friend’s mom.
Yeah, gotta love stupid criminal stories.
Sadly, my girls aren’t into puzzles right now. Between EA Sports Active on the Wii (at least they are learning some technique for volleyball, basketball, etc.), their chemistry set, weaving, card games, and their normal pretend play stuff, they just don’t have time for puzzles I guess.
Mika is at school all day and Lori and the girls get home around 5:30pm from Mika’s school and dinner is at 6pm, with only a little play time after that…so, they have had to prioritize their time. One problem is that puzzles less than 500 pieces are too easy for them and puzzles 500 pieces or more take too long.
Momo has a classic stupic criminal story. Sadly, the robbers got away with a lot of stuff including the piggy bank I stored all my money in when I was a little kid, but the way they got caught was classic…even worse than the stories I’ve read online.
Jason — We can’t say what brew808 does (unless you can pass a meticulous background check). Let’s just say if he and Garret sat down together to talk rocket science stuff, they would not need a translator. 😆
This week’s WB Show had a lot more video glitches for me than the last few weeks. I’m not sure if that was because I watched it on the desktop upstairs (further away from the WiFi access point) or if the video just had more problems this week.
I said brew wasn’t a mathematician. Never said he’s not a rocket scientist. He and Garret are the real braniacs of the blog, I know it well.
Oh, and chawan_cut rounds out the trio. You need to be a genius to be that lame.
I agree with Brew. It is the application of any subject that is exciting!
Now really to bed.
My “mathematics is boring” comment was directed at the new teacher! There is beauty with elegant ballet between numbers and theory. It is (can be) fun when you’re first learning about all of it – but it’s even better when you realize that mathematics is really a tool to better understand real problems in life. Garret – I think you know my supposition. 😀
If anything, I’m more of an applied mathematician. But UH is geared more toward pure mathematics.
Thanks for meeting with my son. Just got home and received an update from him.
The “rocket science” that I know and enjoy go BOOM with a loud report, and colorful sparks…. 😀
No problem. You need to bring him to some Tsaiko stuff, the boy doesn’t eat enough. 😀
SteveM really has a vivid imagination! There must have been drugs in his past…. 🙄 😆
Two of the people in my company really like to stay up late…I just got 4 e-mails with all kinds of document revision suggestions. Back to work…
Wow! Jason referring to someone as “…the boy”!!! 😯
I’m a man! I’m 40 … er, 22.
Okay… one more story. 🙄
I have an automatic sprinkler-watering system. I think one of the valves sticks and often the controller (which is right by my side door) LED display flashes over and over: BAD…1 BAD…1 BAD…1…
Do you think someone is trying to send me a message? 😯 😀 🙄
I want to post but I think that my SAT’s were too low. All of the smart guys are on tonight.
Paranoia … hmm, maybe brew is a mathematician. Dr. Nash, is that really you? 😉
When were you on the team? I was looking for your pic & bio in the media guides.
wow, what did i do???
Here ya go Pride, I’ve dumbed things down a bit with this post. You’re definitely not the stoopidest guy here now!
“We can track a post to a precise computer.”
Hmmm. I doubt it. You can track a post to a specific public ip address (which could be spoofed or tunneled). The IP address could have one or hundreds of computers behind it. If the geeks at HA can tell which of the four computers in my house I post a comment from — and can tell reliably when I switch — the beer is on me.
I am not saying that it absolutely cannot be done. I am only saying that the NSA hasn’t yet taken the HA under its wing.
Humphh–and I suppose the guys with the black suits and dark glasses that staked out my house for 3 days after I teased you about the cruise was just my imagination? 😐 Tell ’em black suits are conspicuous in Hawaii.
chawan_cut — Start a virtual farm. Good way to pass the time and most of the farmers seem to be female…and from all over the world. Every farm and public place can be a chat room too. Not that I do a lot…
I can barely spell S.A.T. 🙄
Great pictures of LWJ by ST. ST in two photos kind of shows us the problems that LWJ has had in the offense in the past. In the first photo Leon’s left foot and hips are pointed about 30 degrees from the LOS. In the second photo Leon appears to have feet and hips pointed almost directly to the sideline. Either position would be okay for a scatback, but not for Leon. He is a rather good sized back with lots of speed. His speed at this point is a detriment because he’s got so much momentum going toward the sidelines. It’s tougher for him to square his shoulders upfield and get positive yards than say Kealoha Pilares could. Hopefully he can learn how to stay under control with his hips down low and pivot real hard off of that outside foot and square his shoulder to the LOS. That will give him better vision and enable him to deliver blows instead of receiving blows in that inferior position with his hips and shoulders angled toward the sideline. He won’t be able to do it unless he can learn to stay real low on the turn and learn the proper footwork.
I really believe that LWJ is the most dangerous back around when his shoulders are square to the line of scrimmage.
You did spell it D-1 and for that you get 400 points.
happy birthday to all
Great Slugger, someone finally uncovered my secret. I was never on the football team. I lied about the whole deal. I apologize for doing that.
If you look at the pictures of the cheerleading squad from 1978 to 1981, you will see me at the top of the pyramid. Look real close because I don’t look that same now as I did back then.
Pssst, Pride.
The first pic is LWJ and the second pic is Chizzy. But an enlightening analysis for me who doesn’t know anything about football mechanics.
The only thing I was wondering about when I saw the pictures was: Can they all throw and catch with shirts on?
You still got the bod! Big pyramid… :))
Speakin’ of farms, Sweety went down to the Blaisdell Center’s Farmers’ Market yesterday and brought home the best tasting tomatoes and asparagus I have ever eaten, awesome stuff. She got some baby bok choi, green onions and Kona honey too. The produce was super cheap.
I guess this opens me up for all kinds of tomato and asparagus jokes. Go ahead. I can take it!
Pride, Slugger,
Good ting all the smaht buggahs left, eh?
Baby Bok ChoiSounds like one up and coming Korean Rapper!
I hope LWJ and coach Smith reads Pride’s perspective in #245…June Jones and Glanville always, always talk about an athlete’s hip position and action.
G’night all. Gotta get this tsick body in bed.
Pride ~ I’m working on squaring my shoulders to the Buffet line. Along with that, my footwork is allowing me to shuffle to the left or right at a 90 degree angle to the BL. I do believe I’m doing so with much better agility and speed.
BTW Pride ~ What is an SAT? Does it have anything to do with where I’ve been sitting?
Slugger’s dealing with Slugger’s revenge. Told you to go easy on the little guys!
Jason good luck to your teaching job. Hope they give you the upper math and not stuck you with the lower ones…I know you will help the school in getting the passing grade all school is looking for or working for in the no child left behind…Good luck to your future—as mine ended on june 9 of this year—50 years
Goodnight all.
Time for us mediocre smart folks to chillax.
BTW, I was civil today, curveball. Did you get my email about your bud in the middle east? Let me know.
uh? just back.
what did i miss?
i guess the fun began shortly after i left the house.
late night flight from Maui?
oldie- gracias, nui loa… package received safely… wowowow!
Momo- email sent to you.
Slugger- what did the dr. say about the flu? Yep – we are going to be foxes/cougars by season’s end, I’m thinkin… oatmeal is good! Oh- and you should be seeing a box soon too.
well, been back a few hours but just now back on the beat. since my previous post at mid day.
and loa
chin’s is where the old tony roma’s was across from kahala mall. it has both traditional sit down chinese service and/or a buffet.
lizk is the flash flood warning still on?
al- no mo flash flood warning now. That was mostly for the east and north shores. Doppler show activity to the south of Kauai… but all I feel right now is very high humidity!
Nitey nite and sweet Warrior Dreams!
a little rain would be good for your diabetic garden. cinnamon cuts sugar, i take herbal cinnamon for holistic control of my sugar although I am borderline with sugar.
good to hear about the lifting of the warning.
i backtracked to Allie’s birthday, minor kind guilt complex, and I wasn’t one of the instigators Tsai was referring to 🙂 🙂 double the pleasure!
slow night, back to youtube and the three stoogies…
And the night crew starts to set up shop.
Defensive tackle Kaniela Tuipulotu, who dropped on the depth chart during spring practices, opted to transfer to Hawaii.—–Arizona.html
Utah (twice) and Boise State have proven themselves on a grand stage. Hawaii—well, at least their fans impressed Sugar Bowl organizers.—–Arizona.html
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
I hope that today brings a more happy day on the blog!!
Have a great Aloha Friday
~~~•~~~~•~~ ❀ 😀 ❀!!! ❀ 😆 ❀ ~~•~~~~•~~~
Good morning brew808!
Ferd is correct that the MWC is greedy and that their commissioner is just looking out for the interests of their teams. But isn’t that his job? I’d rather have a commissioner like that then someone like Karl Benson who just lets things go downhill without getting the publicity for the WAC.
The MWC commissioner’s plan for the BCS was pretty clever. In the interest of “fairness”, he came up with a plan that would have the MWC join the BCS and keep all of the other non-BCS conferences out of the BCS. Sure that was greedy also…but he’s just doing his job.
It is awesome that Coach Mac’s show will be broadcast around the country! That is a perfect tool for recruiting, and it won’t cost UH any money.
Garret – Good morning! Yes, another good read by Ferd. I often wonder if the WAC commissioner is really that apathetic, and/or incompetent! It seems he only gets “spun” up only when it involves his alma mater! 😈 😯 🙄
Awesome catch by center fielder DeWayne Wise to preserve Chicago White Sox Mark Buehrle’s perfect game! Imagine – he had just entered the game as a defensive replacement too! Brilliant! 😀
G’day Tsaiko Rabble Rousers!
Eh! No ‘mo pilikia on Aloha Friday, ‘kay?!
Howzit Brew?…my eyeballs just now getting adjusted to black and white print. All dat kalafolk bertday greetings you wen post was awesome bruddah!
DeWayne Wise made a *Sparkling* defensive play to preserve the perfect game.
The playmakers always rise to the occasion. I have witnessed it happen many times before. With this 2009 edition of UH Warriors, I’m excited at the prospect of watching spectacular offense and defensive plays unfold before our Geico Google Eyes!
Happy Aloha Friday, Tsaiko Village. Make it a good one and say hello to one of our best friends: the weekend.
Great Morning All!
Lots of early risers today.
Must be because….
Great to hear that the Coach Mac show is going to get national exposure, though to be honest with you I had to look up the Fox College Sports Network and see if it’s even carried on my local cable system.
But alas, Cox doesn’t carry any of the three FCS channels.
Good Morning All! TGIF! Hope everyone one has a good one.
It’s ALOOOOOOOOOOOOHA FRIDAY, have a safe and blessed day. sometimes i still hear my mother saying, ‘eh, if you cannot say anything nice, no talk’, truly, words to ponder.
be blessed so you may bless others……
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