America's Next Top Model: Leonard Peters
Here’s a video of Leonard Peters:
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Defensive end Victor Clore and middle linebacker Brashton Satele each had a power clean lift of 330 pounds in recent team testing.
They were tied for the team lead.
Linebacker R.J. Kiesel-Kauhane power cleaned 323 pounds.
Offensive linemen Ray Hisatake and Laupepa Letuli and linebacker Marc Moody each lifted 319 pounds.
Those were significant achievements. Satele is one of eight players who will be on the cover of the UH football media guide.
Clore, a key special teams player, is expected to have a large role as a pass rusher.
And Hisatake and Letuli, who has battled weight and injury issues the past few years, are poised to challenge for starting jobs.
Here’s Letuli:
And here’s Letuli showing off his kicking skills:
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Here’s some blog reader’s son:
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After unsupervised workouts this morning, the linemen played a game of slo-mo football. Raphael Ieru is channeling his inner quarterback:
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Congrats to Rob DeMello and his wife, proud parents of a baby girl, born this morning at Queen’s.
* * *
And happy birthday to a not-so-quiet lurker, Debbie Sokei Sorenson. Debbie’s not as tough as she thinks. I once scored a point against her in a 21-1 racquetball loss.
The defensive players seem to have the lead in lifting. Have these guys been spending more time in the weight room or is it just natural that defensive has more positions dependent on brute strength?
defensive = the defense
Really fine weather in Las Vegas, almost like home without the tradewinds. Gut morgan to all.
Wow, those are some really strong guys. Take their power cleans and subtract their weights to get their power factors. Satele’s power factor would be close to 90 or 100, which is pretty darn good.
Wahoo! Top 10!
Power to da people!
Great job to all of the guys on the power clean! The two that I was glad were mentioned were Letuli and Hisatake…I have big hopes for them to be healthy and get a lot of playing time on the OL this year!
Hisatake and Leituli would have power factors of 10 to 20. But when you get hit by a 300 pound guy who can power clean 300 pounds, you get a pretty big headache that doesn’t go away for a long time.
USA Today evaluated the DL in the NFL draft and of course discussed Veikune.
Lahaina News has an article about the Warriors’ upcoming visit to Maui.
It looks like the WAC has decided *not* to question or fight against the BCS system.
Another quote from Benson accepting the BCS rules, even though the bowl payout money is so different.
On the other hand, the MWC Commissioner and the Presidents at their schools have been speaking out against the BCS and presenting a proposal to change it. Of course there proposal doesn’t help the WAC (the MWC is worried about itself, not about any other conference) since it would only serve to add the MWC to the other BCS conferences.
elite athletic ability.
dems are great words.
I’m expanding my vocabulary today at practice.
try to excite da troops. nuttin mo exciting dan
ramping up da geezer crews.
hi ho hi ho woooshhhhhhhhhhhh>>>>>
Maybe the Warriors can get a scrimmage in Hilo during fall camp. Going have to find somewhere to eat breakfast in Hilo.
In 2010, the Warriors will need to have a scrimmage on Kaua’i during the spring, and then Moloka’i during the fall camp. !n 2011, they are going to have to visit Lana’i and Ni’ihau so that no one feels left out.
Sad news about the Seattle Post-Intelligencer going online-only. Only a limited number of their staff is being asked to join the online-only version and the offer they are getting comes with a big cut in benefits.
anybody know who is the oldest player on UH roster this spring? Inoke?
breakfast in Hiilo, we gonna have to plan for that one. Probably set it up to take over the Hilo Hawaiian. Great view. room for sit da fball team.
could happen if we know when, what time.
if we wuz gonna have a scrimmage on da big island, i’d vote to set it up in Kau. that way the team gets to ride the bus, see summa the island. it would be a all day gig, land Hilo, fly Kona or vice versa via da Volcano, 1/2 hour drive to HVNP and look inside da puka. gotta set it up in advance. can do for UH Warriors in ’10.
sounds like someone’s yanking Benson chain?…but then again, for someone like Benson who came to support UH’s former AD and brown nosed to the max, want can you expect??? Benson sounds like a whipped pussycat.
Mayor Billy Kenoi is a UH alumni and rabid Warrior fan. If da fans knew day wuz coming next year, would generate plenty interest in current crop of high school peeps. if UH wanted a good field to lay on, could go KS Keaau. on da way to Volcano from Hilo, or day could be on da way to Hilo for a mid afternoon scrimmage after going Volcano from Kona. Mana’s pop could help set up KS Keaau game.
again, hi ho.
Our LBs are stronger than our DTs?! Is that saying something good about our LBs, or bad about our DTs?
Kapolei Grand Opening on Saturday. Kapolei is exploding? Did they expand to a eight lane freeway to Kapolei yet?
That’s usually about right. I’m no expert, but when doing cleans, you’re actually lifting you own weight in adition to the weights on the bar.
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Good news from the weight room!
What a great night last night- recognizing Kauai folks who live the Rotary motto of “service above self” every day at work.
Ended the evening with DEDICATED Warrior fans… some of whom have a son who represents the student body on a very high level.
They have been invited to become Tsai-kos, of course!
Good morning all! 🙂
A couple o’ strong buggahs them two. I still wanna see Satele at RB in some power packages. He and Heun.
ST- who are the other players who will be on the media guide???
quick in
morning everyone, howzit gang, play nice now
esme out
Ken’s Pancake House in Hilo best breakfast variety in state!
ST notice this on your post yesterday and wanted to know if this will be open to public and where is it being held at?
good morning all.
wow, 300 lbs is serious weight??!!
Good Morning and Happy Aloha Friday to all da Tsaiko faithful. Remember for all us mainland guys…set your clocks forward before you go sleep tomorrow night.
Power cleaning over 300 is impressive. There is so much technique involved in a power clean. It was the one lifting motion I had problems with learning. Never learned how to do one until I got to college. It took me over a year to do them properly.
good morning
was listening to 1420, and a caller(Jack S.) enthusiastically gives the highlights of natasha kai scoring a goal giving the US team the victory. It was great to hear the excitement in his voice, for he was trilled and i’m thinking others listening were, too. I know i was,… way to go natasha and team USA..
heres a yahoo link.;_ylt=Apokq7RJXcoJ0b5QNK3MvR4mw7YF?slug=ap-algarvecup&prov=ap&type=lgns
Good morning Tsai-kos!!
Congrats to Rob deMello and wife on their new addition!! L&L were taking suggestions for names. BigWave suggested Goldie. Kanoa quipped that would be da ultimate portagee name… 😆
Congrats to Natasha Kai and Team USA.
Nalani – Kahai is doing awesome!! An EE major, wow. BTW, have you meet the new coach yet? What does Kahai think of him?
No forget, go buy some Girl Scout cookies!! 😀
good morning tsaikos,
hope everyone has a GREAT day, good numbers on the power cleans!
also, a big SHOUT out to Kahai and mommy Nalani….very, very impressive on the bench….good job 🙂
CouchP…yeah…Ken’s is good if you can find parking. I also went to one at the PK shopping mall. It’s not in the mall but rather a little strip mall across from Sears where KFC is. There’s a Jamba and Starbuck next to it. I forgot the name of the place but their breakfast was fricken damn spankin good too!
i agree with you about the power factors, very impressive. however, we know that for the linemen be it defense or offense….the stronger the foundation the better the implementation……and power cleans are one of the most productive and basic lifts to accomplish this.
too many ‘new fangled’ techniques by various ‘strength coaches’ slide away from what is to be proven time and time again. fyi, The Beast’s power factor would only be about 60….gotta train harder…..
i think Moody’s numbers are impressive, he’s lighter than Satele if memory serves me right.
Howzit pal?
like your idea in post #22 – maybe ST can passed the word to Coach Mack that “advance notice” ( like now ) for Warrior scrimmage on the Big Island next Spring will reap big dividends for UH in garnering more fans, allowing Big Island players to visit and talk to Coaches and players.
More important, give us reason to visit Hilo – last visit was over 15 years ago – and support the local ecomony!!!
g-nalo…300 is some serious weight….I carry that every day! LOL! From the looks of some pics of Bulla…he might be pushing dat too! J/K Papa Bulla. Baby Bulla might be pushing that already ah?
Good morning Tsaikos….
Hope everyone has a great day. Don’t work to hard…and stay safe out there…
Have to esme for now…
I agree with Ken’s Pancake House – if still the same, get plenty room to do a tailgate breakfast and/or lunch before the scrimmage – used to eat there on every business trip way back in the 70’s and 80’s.
for to add that it could also encourage Big Island folks to consider donations to Warrior program – I know get plenty alumni there!!!
power factors huh?
that would mean that my power factor is -100. i didn’t know that i weighed that much.
and that would mean dpk is about -200.
i think a scrimmage would also need to be set up in kona since it is remotely another island as compared to hilo.
bring the uh warriors scrimmage game to the bigisland you have about 8 players from the bigisland. kona boys you have bo montgomery,levi legay and daniel libre hilo boys ,mana silva,ikaika mahoe and hogan rosehill former ks hawaii football standout players and one 2009 uh warriors recruit from hilo high school jordan loffler. if we hold the scrimmage at ks hawaii football field soldout .ask mayor billy kenoi who is a uh warriors alumni and bob wagner ex football coach for hawaii who works at ks hawaii campus as the athletic director make it happen bigisland uh warriors fans.
Ah, power lifting – sad to say that I can hardly power lift an empty weight bar and that weighs only 45#.
what would my factor be? lower than al’s? so sad, so sad.
You’re talking about IQ, right?
Aloha Tsaikos
Good Morning….How is everyone doing out there….dont everyone work too hard today….Aloha Friday…..well for you folks….
First time blog? Welcome!!
You and my pal Bighilofan2 on the same wave length – maybe can even make a small entry fee of $5/ person to cover expenses and donation to Na Koa.
thanks for the insight on the power clean # vs body weight.
I believe Marc Moody will impress as time goes by.
Hope the Beast is doing well.
#2 son reports, “What a racquet!” 😉
this is a very sad headline for any d1 sports program:
UH basketball seeking 7th in WAC
again, we’ve lost 6-7 games in the last few minutes.
no different with the men’s vb team. we have lost too many extended overtime games.
a common factor with both teams; lineups are still being juggled about. late game substitutions are amusing at best.
Good morning everyone!
Was doing some cruise research for September 20+ when I fell asleep last night. Here’s what popped up (Peaches and I are doing the one out of San Francisco on the 20th)…
SEPT 20 (1730) from Long Beach – 7 day
Carnival Splendor — $409 inside, $549 out, $719 balcony
Long Beach – Puerto Vallarta – Mazaltan – Cabo San Lucas – Long Beach
SEPT 20 (1700) from Los Angeles – 7 day
Mariner of the Sea — $639 inside, $779 out, $879 balcony
LA – Cabo San Lucas – Mazaltan – Puerto Vallarta – LA
SEPT 20 (1730) from San Diego – 4 day
Carnival Elation — $169 inside, $199 out, $529 balcony
San Diego – Catalina Isle – Ensenada – San Diego
SEPT 20 (1600) from San Francisco – 11 day
Norwegian Sun — $829 inside, $999 out, $1,369 balcony
San Francisco – Topolobampo – La Paz – Mazaltan – Puerto Vallarta – Cabo San Lucas – San Fran
SEPT 21 (1730) from Long Beach – 4 day
Carnival Paradise — $214 inside, $254 out, $574 balcony
Long Beach – Catalina Isle – Ensenada – Long Beach
– – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Note prices will vary by travel agency and change over time. Check online or call your travel agent. If your first cruise, I would recommend the Mariner of the Sea–twice the tonnage (volume) of our ship…huge!
Ate at Ken’s once. Good stuff. IIRC maybe the confines might be a little “tight” for Tsaikos though.
808: i am coming down to that number (300) and we’re not talking the movie
d1: tell #2 that is a powerful weapon he has now, he might have to register it with the FBI and the ATF, haha. hope he enjoys it, and when ryan gets home and if he’s home, they should go run around. maybe even a father/son match eh? j/k, don’t start sweating just yet, hehehehe
nah you more smart brah. not minus 200 you must be at least +56.
g-nalo…300 is some serious weight….I carry that every day! LOL! From the looks of some pics of Bulla…he might be pushing dat too! J/K Papa Bulla. Baby Bulla might be pushing that already ah?
haaaa, then “more power to you” Chef……..ur………um……..wait?
Regarding your post #21, I cannot disagree with your conclusion. Let us compare the WAC and MWC regarding the BCS:
The WAC signed the new BCS extension even though it didn’t make the deal any better for the WAC than the previous agreement. Karl Benson *and* the University Presidents had to sign off on that.
Karl Benson publicly accepts the BCS agreement that runs through 2012.
*No* President of a WAC school (that I’m aware of, I really hope I’m wrong) has criticized the BCS or tried to change the system.
Boise State has the highest profile WAC football team and they repeatedly state publicly that they want to join the BCS. Karl Benson refuses to stop that…but ST mentioned that he’s in the Boise State Hall of Fame (or whatever they call the people they honor) so it isn’t a surprise I guess.
The MWC refused to sign the BCS extension and is publicly saying that the BCS needs to be changed.
The MWC commissioner has repeatedly criticized the BCS agreement.
The head of the MWC’s Board of Directors (the President from Wyoming) is publicly criticizing the BCS.
The MWC has rejected Boise State’s pleas to add them, for now at least. They have stated to the press that adding BSU wouldn’t guarantee them a BCS spot, so they don’t plan to expand yet. We’ll see what happens with their attempt to join the BCS and if they get close and need BSU to push them over the top, BSU will get the invitation.
d1: the beast is doing good, anxious for practice to start…doing strength tests right now and training. he is still rehabbing from the high ankle sprain he suffered in the play offs, but is upbeat 🙂 we’ll go up for the Lettemen’s Banquet and the Spring game in April….he’ll come home for the first week of May and then he’s out of here…….his ankle is about 80%, rehab 4 times a week…..he can’t wait to play Cal Poly again and ‘find’ his friend, the right OT who took him out……..
I agree that two visits should be made to the Big Island, one to Hilo and one to Kona. For the next neighbor island visit, I would check with Tony Tuioti to see which area has the best recruits that are juniors and then go there! I’m sure that UH going to a neighbor island will be a significant boost to recruiting there.
Plus, if UH has a regular rotation planned for the neighbor islands, then the recruits will know they will have that scrimmage in front of the fans from where he grew up at least once in his Warrior career. That is something that no Pac-10 or other team could offer! And it is perfectly legal with the NCAA.
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Those guys are amazing! I’d hate to be on the other side of the line from them.
Off to run around with my friend. Have a good day erryone.
Esme & whoosh….
Good Morning Tsaiko Ohana!
Just a few random thoughts running thru my head this Aloha Friday:
jm2375 ~ GS cookie drive remains suspect ever since I found out that those girls receive only pennies on the dollar(s). Follow the money!
Great to see SailorBlue signing on for Tsaiko Tsea duty! I’ll see you and the wife Tues. eve the Plaza Club.
CouchP ~ My wife begs to differ with you on Ken’s…not favorably impressed last time she was dere. (BHF2 wats da Kamajuwah?)
Koakane ~ Eh Pahtna! Nurse Ratchett said get outta dat sick bed before she give you da slippah!
Jason ~ See you at tent #21.
Whitey ~ Wats da basic plan for Maui T-Gate?
Big ‘C’ ~ I’m wearing my boxing headgear jez in case I bump in to you at the SSC tomorrow night!
Kaha’i ~ You pump us up!
Homey ~ Are you allowed out this weekend?
D-1 ~ See you and Beau’s Boss at the SSC?
Is the A-House family making an appearance on Campus tomorrow nite?
Gotta get outta town…bbl
808chef — if you are only 300 and want to melt into the crowd, come out to one of the Tsai-ko parties. 🙂 Are you going to the UH-UNLV game this year.
It looks like Alabama is about to get slammed by the NCAA. How can Alabama argue the the athletes did not intend to commit NCAA violations when they used their scholarships to get textbooks for their girlfriends and friends?
I’ve had e-mail discussions before with 808Chef about organizing something for the SJSU game. Maybe the Tsaikos could gather at the restaurant he works at sometime during the SJSU weekend! I’m sure that he’ll be going to the SJSU game since he lives in that area.
Garret — that’s good. 808chef has always seemed to a little shy. I would like to meet him someday. SJSU this year could be very interesting!
epic battles tonight….
boys state basketball championship semi’s.
private vs public
have vs havenot
iolani vs kahuku
kamehameha vs kaimuki
are we betting lunch on the kamehameha vs kaimuki game.
sort of like your house vs mine?
just a friendly wager of sorts.
be back later to take your response.
i’ll take you up on that offer….warriors vs bulldogs….arf arf IMUA IMUA
A bit of Tsai-ko trivia… the old cattle call SIZE specifications:
(Guys only– Tsai-kettes are not classified 🙄 )
Normal = under 160 lbs
Medium = 160-199 lbs *
Large = 200-259 lbs
Larger = over 260
Super = (self explanatory)
* Was originally lowered to 195 lbs for (J)James so he wouldn’t feel “small”, but he qualifies now 😆
Al ~ I’m in w/Bulla and all the other KS crew members!
Ring Ring Kalihi Ring…
Imua Kamehameha!
(on the road again!)
Wait, let me do the math…180 – 45 = 135
Pride. – My power factor is negative 135. I’m in al, DPK, and A-House territory.
Kekoa – Sunday is out. What’s cooking?
Homey ~ UH campus. Join us @ Jason’s after the sports events Sat. Nite.
staying with my preseason pck of kaimuki.
good job warriors pumping the weights you have the bench record the powe clean record. who won the squat record.
Kekoa – #64. True, but the Girl Scout Council also receives proceeds and uses it to maintain their 3 camps and operate some of their programs. As a non-profit, they are totally dependent on donations, mostly from AUW and their own fundraising. I think they receive very little or no monies from the government. I think they still have to pay the state the GET. 👿 The cookie sale also teaches the girls entrepeneurship and leadership skills.
Physical stats are good and everything, but I want these guys to be playing better than they have been. I doesn’t mean anything on the football field. Example: Vernon Davis, 49ers. Great numbers at the combine, but so far, he’s been a bust in the NFL. So, I don’t care about Hisatake, Letuli, Clore, etc. about their measurables. They should be getting stronger and faster if they want to get better and that’s what they should be doing anyway. But the proof of the pudding so to speak is better playing technique and smarts combined w/ their physical gifts. In other words, I hope they become better football players. That’s the bottom line. Until I see that, I’m not going to get excited and I’m not going to get my hopes up very high. I thought last year was going to be very good, and they were, to be blunt, quite terrible. Too many penalties, turnovers, sacks, you name it. We were not a very good football team. On another note, I think UH should get out of the WAC and solicit to join the Mountain West along w/ Boise St., Fresno St., and Nevada. Then, they would form the Mountain West 12 w/ 2 divisions, just like the Big 12, SEC, and ACC. They can have a conference game.
It would make it much more plausible for the Mountain West 12 to propose joining the BCS w/ a more strong conference. One division would be Hawaii, San Diego St., Fresno St., Nevada, UNLV, and Boise St. The other conference would be BYU, Utah, TCU, Wyoming, New Mexico, Air Force, and Colorado St. Another plus is that these teams can schedule a 13th game if they have a game in Hawaii and therefore schedule another home for more revenue. So, that would be a win-win situation. Unfortunately, that would leave out Idaho, Utah St., New Mexico St., San Jose St. and La Tech but these guys don’t have large stadiums and frankly are terrible teams who are cupcakes. It doesn’t make sense for Hawaii to play La Tech in the first place and vice versa. So, to Jim Donavan. Have the guts to join a better conference if you can and the only viable conference perhaps is the Mountain West. If the Mountain West wants to get big time, I think accepting the 4 teams mentioned will definite bring a lot of excitement and possibilities to get into the BCS. You can’t deny the strengh of BYU, TCU, Utah, Boise St., UH, and Fresno St. in the recent past. Nevada is getting better and Colorado St. has been very good in the past as well as Wyoming. Air Force is very, very competitive and even beat Notre Dame. UNLV has beaten Arizona St. and Wisconsin, and San Diego St. was good in the Faulk era. I think that would be a hell of a conference.
Those power clean lifts are impressive! Makes those elite Olympic lifters even more impressive! Especially when they have to not only power clean the weight but lift it above their head!
jm#### – How much GS cookies in a box nowadays? 4?
Hi ho all small checking in to see if everyone is still playing nice.
Esmeeeeeee whoooshhhhhh
Not familiar with the weight plates but do they have 1/2 lb. plates or do the collars weigh 1/2 lb.? Just trying to figure out the odd digit.
Jm###### my fav is dem chocolate mints
koakane – And if we weren’t playing nice, what would you do?
Garret / SteveM…me shy? SJSU might be in the works this year. Unfortnately, I’m no longer at the Hyatt but rather took another avenue in my culinary career at a new hotel in Menlo Park. Me and family are “planning” to go the SJSU game this year. (Work permitting of course) We may need to arrange other locations for our Bay Area Cattle Call!
I still lurk. us russians can lift much kilograms to.
Homey oia bball begins this sat with double headers for white and red dig. 1 game starts at 11.
Russians cannot lift as much as Polish men; in the old country, they would clean the stables for us, hah….kilo’s of horse manure only….
is kk a baseball fan?
Hey comrade! What is your measurables?
Now there is Poland? I like your hot dogs!
Bulla – kk was a star pitcher back in the day. I think he and Abner Doubleday invented baseball.
TGIF! No Hawaiian plate today, but do have a dim sum date! Yeah babeeee!
thanks for the info….now i know what i was talking about when i was coaching youth sports, and i used to tell the infield to go for the Doubleday. mahalo
You ever have a Czech mate?
what is this ‘comrade’ stuff, in America, speak America…….right?
Need to change venue to see the video….
you humor me, my grandfather had a tank division named after you…. those were the days, fighting wars and traveling the country, now..economy bad, weather bad, everything bad
i don’t know too many Czech’s, hear they are mixed up…
had an intersting call from JH at Kalaepohaku, very interesting….sad, but enlightening…to say the least.
Ahhhh, so grandpa war saw?
homey: dim sum again?!! Go couple more blocks down and chow down on some adobo or something!
Kekoa: hahaha…thanks for “avoiding” the gym yesterday! worry, some moron was hogging da bag so I ended up on the stairmasta instead! Was having small kine heart palpitations….
Then, I came back up to my desk, ang rewarded myself with some Doritos and half a Toblerone bar!! Whew! Those buggahz iz ono!
808chef — Changed hotels–so that’s why my email to you when you were in Hawaii last month bounced. Please send me your new email addy at:
stevem.hnl (at)
…or, please fill out the survey if you plan to go to the Sept. 19 game this year.
ang = and
Homey if playing nice no need send tru dat 2 post
Tsai-kos in Las Vegas September 18-19, 2009 &
Tsai-kos who might be Las Vegas September 18-19, 2009
las vegas needs to know the estimated number for the Saturday tailgate and optional bus planning. Planning is also underway for a Friday night Get-together Party for all mainland and Hawaii Tsai-kos! ❗ Rich2176 needs to know who and how many game tickets are needed. Survey requests for tickets will be turned over to Rich2176 at the end of February or when he is ready.
I will continue to collect ticket requests until Rich2176 is ready (and tailgate and FRIDAY night party RSVPs indefinitely) via the survey at:
If you cannot get into the survey or have subsequent changes or ETA & lodging info, please email me at: stevem.hnl (at)
A summary of the data and plans are posted at:
Please check if your listed info is accurate. This listing also serves as visual assurance that your ticket/tailgate requests were received.
TGIF! No Hawaiian plate today, but do have a dim sum date! Yeah babeeee!
Homey – haven’t had dim sum here in years, which places still serve dim sum? i know of Won Kee at Cultural Plaza, Happy Days Inn up Kaimuki, and was it Fortune City along King St near BOH. what others you know of?
‘tanks eh’
808chef: where you at?
My sis and brother in law used to live in Foster City. She worked at a law firm in Menlo Park and my brother in law at a credit union in San Mateo.
I miss visiting them (they moved back home a couple of years ago).
Al….you’re on!
Slo-Mo FB sounds like a Tsaiko-sanctioned event.
Congrats to Rob DeMello and wife 🙂
Hope those OL-types go easy with the kicking stuff. Save thoe hammys!
Happy Birthday DS Sorenson…so Stephen’s the “1”, eh?
Your son is getting bigger.
Slo-mo football was hysterical.
Tua Mahaley intercepted a pass and walked the final 10 yards with his arms extended.
I think slo-mo football should be the next Super Games event.
Would the fast guys still be faster in Slo-Mo?
I didn’t want to mention the Hyatt because I wasn’t sure if you wanted where you worked posted, but I didn’t know that you changed hotels! I hope that you like your new job.
Sports Authority opening in Kapolei and they got Jesse Sapolu to be appear at the opening tomorrow.
For those of you that would like to see Natasha’s spectacular goal today, here’s the link –
It was quite awesome and skillfull!
Whoa, I just noticed — I was mentioned in the Advertiser’s article on Relay for Life today! That was a shock. Thanks again to everyone who contributed. All I’m doing is asking for money — you guys are the ones contributing. I’d rather see your names in the newspaper, but I guess a list on my site will have to do.
29 more hours to Relay! It’s going to be fun!
g-nalo – get plenty places in chinatown now. One on the lower part of Hotel St below Maunakea Market. Another on King St by Bank of Hawaii. Another on Maunakea St across the opening to Maunakea Market. Mei sum on Smith and Pauahi St. And another on Bishop St in the Remington bldg.
Big C! What’s that I hear buzzing under your desk?
Did someone say Thelma’s next week Wednesday?
Someone COULD say that 🙂
Thelma’s, next week Wednesday!
Did someone HEAR Tellma’s for next Wed?…Al?
Rob25 – in case you missed it
Knock knock
Who’s there?
Polish burglar.
Happy Birthday to Debbie Sokei Sorenson!!
Thank for letting ST score one point.
Dear Tsaiko Soldier Frank25
It has been our season long wish that your wife, Mrs. Rob25 not only attend but partake of eating animal parts and entrails with us at Thelma’s Filipino Restaurant.
Please encourage her to join us along with your *Nickel* package (your children).
Kekoa – And for dessert she can have chocolate meat!
homey…not buzzing….rattling……making one racket too….LMAO
Happy Birthday DSS
homey: I no need dat.
Wednesday lunchers: Awwwwww……have some squid guisado and sari sari for me, please! Although, I can make a MEEEEAAAAN sari sari myself!
One thing about slo-mo football is that it teaches you correct technique, like tai chi. hmmmm, I’m sounding like a zen man.
Thanks for volunteering to make some for us. We look forward to trying it.
Big C – We just go for the buffet. Gotta have the all you can eat chocolate meat. Since you mentioned it, next t-gate you can bring the sari sari, no be sked to put in extra shrimp and chicharon.
Wait, sari sari is code word for sook sook?
C – Oh, you were telling us how good your sari-sari is so thought you were volunteering to make some for us.
REAL shrimp, not ebi.. too hard fo’ chew!
hahaha…no, homey, different subject manong!
homey ℞:
March 6th, 2009 at 2:02 pm
Wait, sari sari is code word for sook sook? I think you are on to something, both include some type of eating.
try again
homey ℞:
March 6th, 2009 at 2:02 pm
Wait, sari sari is code word for sook sook? I think you are on to something, both include some type of eating.
try again
I think you are on to something, both include some type of eating.
holy crapballz, batman!! STRETCH!!! You made me spit my water out on my keyboard!!
bwaahahahahaha…You betta watch out! Esme going come chasin’ afta you with da rolled up newspepa!
I can just smell the patis.
Well in Big C’s case it might be bagoong.
*choke* *choke*
You folks jus’ tryin’ to help clear up Koakane’s post nasal drip! 👿
Loa – What day(s) are you going spring practice?
Bagoong only for green mango time! Other than that, ewwww…*bleh*
Nope, strictly patis, plenny veggies, and CHOKE chicharone!!
Hmmm….I’m hungry now….this salad didn’t do a damn thing…
So what? Wednesday? Final answer?
Big C, you think your DH can show up at Thelma’s?
Game on!
Wednesday! 11:30.
Big C – You do kare kare too? Extra oxtail and tripe please. yummo!
d1 – I can be there at 12:00 even.
chawan – How you doing? Muscles still sore? I think you should try power cleans. Looks like a good overall exercise.
I going tell him. He’s always up for some grindz!!!
I am sure if he is married to you. I wonder what he thinks about while he is at work??
Shoot den! Daylight Savings Time starts next week anyway!
CC at Thelma’s in Waipahu.
(If you nevah been, guugle it)
Wednesday, 12:00 (dats noon, Koakane 🙄 )
Respond on the blog if you can make it.
“strictly patis, plenny veggies, and CHOKE chicharone!! ”
“Extra oxtail and tripe please. ”
Man.. too much fuud talk here… 4 more hours to sunset!
ST- loved the Leonard Peters vid!
Willie Grace!
I can make it!
Big C – If he can then can, if no can den no can.
#155: ME, of course! *pfffft!* He bettah!
Mliz – What’s happening at sunset, besides the green flash?
I’m waiting for Hisatake to turn the hype into the real thing.
Green flash??!! As in….crack open a green bottle and see the mist come out of the top kinda-flash??!!
Heading to my mommy’s house tonight to talk graduation party planning for my niece and to chug some greenies…..
Big C – And then after the chugging comes the sari sari?
Boise State’s Athletic Department is having to raise more money since they have $500k less next year due to the University giving them less money and their endowment dropping in value. They are expanding their stadium and doing other things to get more revenue.
no can today! It’s Friday….as in no meat for Catholic’s…..maybe pulehu kala from my daddy and if my mommy found what I asked for, then some fried aku bone w/da oil and shoyu poured over it wit green onions on top!
Looks like BSU’s coaches will have to cut their budgets. However, the cuts are smaller than at a lot of other schools.
Auburn is paying Arkansas State $1 million to buy a home game. If SEC schools start driving up the cost of getting teams to visit them without requiring a return trip, that will force the rest of the schools like UH to spend more also or do home-and-home deals instead. If I was JD I wouldn’t be happy when other schools throw around that type of money.
SEC schools might make $5 mil per home game when their new TV contract starts, but other schools won’t be able to make money if it costs $1 million to buy a home game.
8) afternoon on this aloha friday of the lent season
cohana tru dat and what time is dinna your place mmmmm 😀 if homey ready can pick him up and be dea soon. bwhaaaaaaaa j/k, howzit 😛
Pssst Big C, I was using code word. BWAHAHAHAHAHA, you so Catholic!
Garret – That’s another reason why BCS schools don’t want a playoff system because it will talk away some of their out of conference games. That’s some big bucks right there!
talk = take
yeah, homey, WHAT-EVER! hahaha…
Howzit, koakane!!! C’mon down! My daddy has a whole freezer outside full of fish that NONE OF US wanna partake in…..little baby manini so huge kine kala….Just kinda’ sick of it already….. Ninui to stinky, only da’ moi is ono! Yeah, I’m a little picky, but das what happens when you get fisherman for a daddy…..
Although, he catches a few tako enough for me to make some tako poke!
Another code word…poke squid?
nalani….you’re on.
please throw in an autographed copy of the new cd when it is done.
sari sari…is what i am pleading when my mouth slips out a derogatory remark to the boss and its saturday night.
holy crapballz, again, homey!
I’m outta hea….dinner and traffic calls….
Have a great weekend Tsai-ko Ohana!
thelma’s…..the power of a subliminal message becomes a reality.
okay, i am in.
homey taught lent was to borrow or get to use something. guess the wessai is the unorthodox chaptah version
will plan to make the cc at thelma’s can’t pass dis time. Rob25 you gotta make it and as lizk says aisoooooshhhhhh dis one buggah
#173….i just sprayed my monitor with a mouthful of chili.
thanks again homester.
btw, besides the phillipines, do you have ancestors in northern europe?
before i go… gotta be asking yourself this
how many times do you think that one ex-female blogger has clicked on the leonard peters you tube link, whom she so adored (that’s right hubby!) today while sipping a warm beck’s and watching over the laundry?
colomaohana….see you.
i think i have met your family before.
homey with poking squip, sook sook and sari sari when you get time to fix dem computah’s? 😉
Hi, great to hear your boy doing so well.
Is there a web-site I can order your newest CD from? You’re my wife’s all time favorite group. I used to take her to all your concerts on Maui and one on Oahu.
It’s her Birthday, April, 10th and I would like to surprise her. She has most of your albums, the latest from four years ago. Could you let me know? My e-mail is t h e o d o r d o m a y at a o l . c o m, just eliminate the spaces or let me know on the blog, if you see this. Mahalo.
KK…wait, homey fixes computers??? How come he keep saying pimpin aint’ easy….LOL
# al ™:
March 6th, 2009 at 3:42 pm
sari sari…is what i am pleading when my mouth slips out a derogatory remark to the boss and its saturday night.
But doesn’t love mean you never have to say sari sari…? 😆
Fted – if you click on her name, it is a link to the groups website. I think you can order CD’s from there.
A power clean of over 300 lbs. is very good. Over 350 lbs is super and for football players puts you in the elite– the big time BCS schools will have guys in the 340-360 lbs. area. In even the elite high schools, 260-280 lbs is high.
The key with this very high stress lift is avoiding serious injury and maintaining strength. You need good coaching. Most importantly, you need to maintain strength so you don’t start doing this lift and try to hit records overnight or start heavy lifting only during the offseason then stop the lift during the season (during the season, need to be very careful to just maintain strength and not injure or aggrevate injuries).
Note to ‘Wayne O.’ on post #79,
The Mountain West & Pac-10 Conferences are NOT interested in Hawaii or even Boise State for that matter! When is everyone going to give up those unrealistic daydreams? Have you forgotten that the majority of the MWC were those backstabbers who clandestinely plotted to desert the remaining WAC members? If I was in favor of moving to another conference it would only be to the PAC-10 who I reiterate wants no part of Hawaii. If they did condescend to accept Hawaii it would only be if Hawaii consistently competed for a BCS level bowl and they would graciously accept Hawaii for a HUGE acceptance fee along with an agreement to pay all the expenses & travel costs for all of the other PAC-10 members while having to pay any expenses on our own for trips to the mainland competing against the “favored” members. Get real!! We don’t need to suck up to anybody. This team will be competitive with most teams in the nation very shortly. To borrow a phrase from that memorable movie: Field of Dreams… “If you build it …they will come”.
Hi everyone!
That is a lot of weight being lifted! Wow!!! Now they just need to find a way to work their hamstrings so it does not pull so frequently.
dj . ! . ! . !
Get over to the We(s)t side and claim your cold weather and snow. Dang. More of it forecast through Monday morning.
Worse we lose an hour of sleep this Sunday. Darn it. And, I need my beauty sleep; right Brew?
Koakane . . .
I will send you some information tonight and tomorrow. Let me know!
DPK – those puns! – who’s sari now?
#188 Protector
hope this doesn’t step on anyone else’s toes, but i agree with the gist here. ‘for the moment’ i’d be happy if Hawaii consistently wins the WAC and gets to the Hawaii Bowl. mainly in football but obviously all sports included, mens and womens. at least seriously contend in most sports year over year. this in turn will improve fan support and next…athletic dept. finances.
looking ahead, yes we do want football to reach ‘the next level’, and when we do reach it on a more consistent baisis, things will happen. conferences will seek Hawaii……”if you build it….they will come”.
before i head home………..howzit Koakane, Wafan, and Tom!
Stretch – i know you’ll read this later this evening…………..i hear you’ll be out and about tomorrow, will meet you guys afterward.
It’s funny, I go to a Filipino church, and I don’t really care too much for Filipino food. When there’s baked salmon, I just hoard all that. 😀
TOM . . .
There is a song with those words, I think.
Who’s sari now?
Jason . . .
Good luck tomorrow night!
Whaaa? Your mother never taught you to share? 👿 😈
World Baseball Classic elimination game is on for those interested. China vs. Chinese Taipei (Taiwan).
I suspect many Tsaikos are making their way down to the Athletics Complex to partake in one of tonight’s four UH matchups.
Protector, g-nalo,
I have to agree with you also. We need to stop pining for other leagues. First, we need to get a better commissioner and raise the entire profile of the WAC, win it consistently or at least frequently and then we can start dreaming of greener pastures.
I would be extremely happy with annual WAC Championships, it would take a long time before I would get bored with that, lol.
How many WAC CS have we won? There’s still plenty of upside, right here in the WAC.
Thanks wafan! So far, everyone has raised almost $25,500. Here’s a list of those who raised at least $1,000, with 24 hours to go:
1. Jason Nagaoka ($1,725.00)
2. Jaclyn McLoughlin ($1,670.00)
3. Madison Komatsu ($1,535.00)
4. Jett Jasper ($1,045.00)
Jackie is the team captain chair, which means she’s running the show; she’s also a member of the sailing team. Maddie is Sports Hawai‘i’s Scott’s daughter, and a cancer fighter herself. Jett, of course, is a Kaua‘i boy and Warrior football player.
Hmm, not too busy on the blog right now. And I want to post this early, so that everyone can see it before the night ends. So forgive me if it’s a little long.
I just feel so blessed to have friends like you all who have given so generously. All I’ve done is ask for money — that’s easy enough, I joked with my Mom that I ask her for some all the time! 😀
Last year, you guys contributed $2,066. Subtract one big $500 gift from that, and compare that total to this year’s total (which I hope will continue to grow)! I will admit, the economy has affected donations — people who donated $200 donated $100, or people who donated $100 donated $50; and some who donated last year have said they can’t this year, and that is totally understandable. But a good number of you have stepped up to make this year successful, too.
Barring a last minute run of donations, I don’t think I’m going to meet my goal of $2,500, but that was pretty optimistic, anyways. I’m just so blessed to have friends like you all who are willing to contribute to such a worthy cause. And if I gain any praise, let it all go to you guys for donating, to Stephen Tsai for founding this family, and to God, because He’s allowed for this family to flourish.
I said earlier how shocked I was to see my name in the paper today. My Mom actually went out to try and find a copy of the Advertiser, so she could save it! But as I said, all of YOU should have your names published. So here we go, all these people deserve 15 minutes of fame:
— A-House Family
— BG
— Bobby
— brew808
— Cindy
— curveball
— d1shima
— David
— g-nalo
— Garret
— HiFlyer
— homey
— JaM
— jm2375
— Kazz
— Kekoa
— Kymry
— koakane
— LizKauai
— Matthew
— Mei Ling
— myki and sjmacro
— Pride.
— Rob25
— Ronnie
— SailorBlue
— Scott
— Stretch
— Tom Mui
— wafan
Thank you!
And it’s not too late to donate, visit my site:
2:56 4th
KS 45, Kaimuki 42
Great job Jason! 😀
“Who’s sorry now” lyrics by Connie Francis was popular back in the late 40’s or early ’50s.
I know the songs of the 30’s though maybe the 50’s. When my son went with me to the last StevenM’s karaoke-fest, I didn’t know the songs he was singing, let alone the others either!
Tied at 45.
KS w/ ball
Kaimuki steals the ball!
TO, :29
Kind of a scary Dirty Jobs on right now. Watched it before and it still weirds me out. They are castrating lambs. No problem, I have helped a friend on his family ranch create steers. But, I did not have to bit off their bits to do the job!
I am no longer hungry for meatballs with my spaghetti dinner tonight.
You weren’t alone! I couldn’t sin along with those songs your son was singing 😆
Kaimuki loses the ball!
:04 KS ball; inbounding at half court….
make that 3/4 court.
Another TO.
Minns shot rattles out at the buzzer!
TO for OT
TOM . . .
Thank you! I could not remember the name of the artist — Connie Francis. Yay!!!
Shari Shima Shouldn’t do the “intense look” anymore when doing the weather…. 😯
I know the oldies because I used to listen to J. Aku-head Pupule in the mornings on the way to school. I really grew to love those songs! Never a true rock and roller. And, the “music” of today? Geez. Some have a nice beat but that is about it. HA!
i think that is her natural look now days
2-2 in 1st OT.
Thanks to the person who just donated! I recognize the name, but don’t know his blog name. I’m hoping he’ll post so that I (and others) can recognize him.
Hope everything came out alright today. 😉
Bay su bo ru tomorrow?
Tom: Your son saved me at one point! I wanted Charlie Rich’s The Most Beautiful Girl, but there were choices for The Most Beautiful Girl and The Most Beautiful Girl in the World. I figured it was the latter, since that’s what the lyrics say … but it was a Prince song! Before I could say it was the wrong song, he grabbed the mic out of my hands, eager to sing. 😀
I recognize that him!
Now I’m afraid to watch KHNL weather. d1, isn’t she your relative?
Relatively little relationship
What a bb hs semi!
Sorry al
What’s the HS bball score?
There’s duffer, leader of the Pink Ladies.
Good evening everyone!
49, all.
1:03 left
KS w/ ball
FloridaTed reminds me, there are still some pending donations (like his!) from people who have mailed in donations, or plan to give it to me tomorrow night (although I’d really prefer you donate online). I can’t remember who else has pledged, so I’m not going to list all the names. But eventually, as those donations arrive, I will rightfully honor those people on my site. So thank you to those whom I will honor later! 😀
TO, KS :16
No can visit the campus tomorrow – Mrs A-House caught a cold.
Good evening Jah-M!
a putback at the buzzer doesn’t go.
3OT coming up
Ah, the early 50’s were the “craddle” of Rock ‘n Roll starting with Rock Around the Clock with……………….( can see his face, but no can rememba da name ).
3rd ot… No foul
They had rock n roll in 1850?
not sure about that call.
Bill Haley and the Comets
It was then known as stones and biscuits
big offensive board, put back and 1 for KS
everything has been coming out pretty easy today….
d1 – I get it! 😆
ding ding ding…Time for dinner!
the manapua man comes around late at your house…
55-51, KS 2:00
Good thing I ate already, Stretch.
Hola Homey..Are you behaving?
I’m setting a match with that kid when you come over
stick a fork in it and ring it with ‘taters.
It’s done!
get your credit card ang go to
That’s the only way you getting one CD from Nalani now….
If we relate most to the music of our high school/college years, then Tom would have seen the birth of “Rock & Roll” through the 50’s.
I would be 60’s and many others in the 70’s and 80’s.
Ralph would have been at the heart of it. 🙂
1.6 secs left KSK up by 4
The music I would have grown up to, I never even listened to it. I grew up listening to my Dad’s tapes of songs from the 50s. As he branched into the 60s, 70s, and 80s, so did I. 😀
Stretch — think Pepto Bismol or generic. Especially when more modern remedies don’t work. Serious… 😐
hi err’bodyyyy [:
once again i haven’t caught up with the blog, cus uum everyone posts too quickly.
Yes, as you can see, sometimes the discussion can be quite…. “free-flowing”
They should have Scrubs on DVR for every between game period
Does anyone hear that noise? It’s my stomach rumbling…..
Yeah Jason — it shows in the nice songs you sing at karaoke!
Hi Brie!
(Brie sings right along with the oldies too…and well! Really surprised me!)
see #255 for help….
(Great game, btw 😉 )
你 好 嗎 !?
Jason 好工作 :)
i’m taking chinese this trimester. bahaha (:
d1- hahaha, the conversations are always entertaining though.
SteveM- i grew up with a mom who wouldn’t let me touch the radio for YEARS! :] so i lived off the oldies for most of my life. teeehee.
Hiya Tsaikos.
1. wishing the best for all the boyz living their dreams, win or lose.
2. about roysan16 and the earlier post talking about him listening to a commentator who described his experience watching/listening to the sportscaster:
which brings me back to my earlier prayer to Kinda Shy and her super duper hubby James Donovan. Pay attention sir. We gotta work on the stadium employees. Thats something you CAN affect, something you can control and explain why you’re taking this position. Its forward looking, and you can convince Coach Mack that its a great idea too: put a lid on da security apparatus making $40,000 a year at Aloha stadium, and the guyz below. Jim, you can do something about those security dampeners who take away the excitement in your voices.
imagine that same newscaster sitting in Section C, Row 5, seat 3 at a UH game at Aloha stadium. And picutre that, say, UH beats Colorado or BYU in the last 10 minutes of that game.
And now I ask you to ask yourself in all honesty, as you sit here today, what you think those security guyz making $9/hr are gonna say to the fans near the tunnel, I’m not gonna bother you, have fun for anudda 15 minutes? the 9 year olds by the tunnel, 15 minutes after the game finishes, what kinda experience you think they gotta get? from the players? from security?
tell me truly, is that what you would want to promote for our team? JD, think about how you can approach the secutiy forces.
If only I knew Chinese, or were Chinese … 😀
OK, Brie — since your 16th birthday is around the same time as Peaches’ birthday (I think 🙄 ), maybe we’ll get auntie Pam and uncle Russ, Jason, etc. to sing Happy Birthday Sweet Sixteen and a bunch of other oldies at a little karaoke party. 🙂
I was curious about your teaching background as my wife was at Puohala El from 1987-91 (I think) replacing Kengo Takata and then she ended up at Windward District till she retired.
Pepto Bismol is just liquid plastic. I took it once and spilled a couple of drops — I did not notice them until later. When I went to wipe them up they peeled off the counter top like a sheet of plastic. Weird stuff.
Yep. Coats your stomach.
Yep, its official now. The unemployment rate has hit 12.5% in the Tampa Bay area. Scary stuff and I can’t believe I actually found a job to supplement my shrinking income. Thank God.
How’s everybody in Hawaii doing?
I mean, I’m not blasting the actual workers below. I’m blasting the administration and the policies.
the guyz below are following orders from on high. alot of the workers I know are in the military and doing security at the stadium to make extra money. i know that was the case at least at the Pro Bowl last month. so i’m thinking its the same security company at the regular Warrior games, so i’m starting to tinking. anyway, i’m not picking on the guyz doing their job. I’m saying that they’re carrying out orders, policies, yada yada. I’m wondering how come Beavers celebrate like dat when day buss us up, day crawling all ova dare field, and how come we no can celebrate ova here like dat, how come we no can crawl all ova our field? dommes? domo dommes? 😆 just asking. 😆 😀 😯
Ralph’s right. I giggle alot.
*DPK leaps two inches off of the ground to give Nalani a high five…*
Wadda game!!! I MUA!!! 🙂
Happy to see the Warriors win, but I am more impressed with Kaimuki than ever. Those Bulldogs played super! Much respect to both programs and a big shout out my nephew who plays for Kaimuki, Tyson Toilolo. And my hats off to Coach Grant of Kaimuki, the quintessential sportsman and a tremendous high school coach. Congrats to Nakanishi brothers and their staff. Keep it coming, Warriors!
AHouse,CouchP, Al, FBIWarriorfans4life, Garrett,
you guyz all make sense about Hilo and Kona, Ken’s Pancake house still great grinds an all dat
BUT, Ken’s busy 24/7 except early early mornings off week kine timez, no can hold decent conversations for long time, thats why i suggested HiloHawn, get plenny room so day can seat dare regulars and take care us one time on time, get big enuf kitchen, yada yada.
course, if wuz me chuuzen and i hadda time, i’d taken my friend Bert’s dark side tahverrn, Mina’s. he get bevrages an big tvz and day make da finest dishes for pupuz. we just gotta call breakfass at 4pm 😆
karaoke too. 😆 plus his wife one supah nice Vnameze. 😀
das why i choze Kau. supah quiet ober dare. or Waimea. gotta goffa for get in trouble ober darez. 😆
Howzit TOM, D1, wafan, Ted and of course, the inimitable and indomitable one himself, Big Hilo!
Wassup Gangeez?! Good fun yah, watching some great HS hoops on this rainy night?!
back in a pew, polks! 😀
It was funny as the OT periods kept coming I mentioned the 3OT final vs Hilo to Mrs. d1島 just before Jack Wiers started talking about it. That was a chrillah, too.
This second semi is a pretty good one at the half.
Eh, BHF2, you get one nephew named Ikaika yah? A KS grad? I seen him when I was downtown today. Buggah looks great!
A bit slow, Try this triva quiz!
It’s about slogans.
Yup d1, some great games tonight!
In these economic times, there would be no better tonic for all of us than a great football season. That always lightens the spirits of everybody. Let’s hope our Warriors put it all together this year and give us some great thrills.
I thought it was an aftershock of the Big Island earthquake but I guess not.
Blog format looks different, Again.
Takes a long time for anything to happen, Letters are crazy tiny, everything is centered, andn did I mention the blog posts slower than “regularly”.?
Nalani….I can hear your stomach from down the hill….LMAO
Hilo Hawaiian will do for the tailgate and get plenty parking.
If Coach Mack says can go Hilo for scrimmage next year, A-House family will be there!
Wanted to go Maui this year, but work commitments —dang blast it!!!
UH 3-0 over Santa Barbara – don’t know what happened, but looked like completely different team for UH than last night!
bhf2…are we talking Kim’s, maybe, the old Rosie’s across from the Civic? I agree 100%: great atmosphere, drinks, pupu, & very, very reasonable! My wife & I both work at KS Hawai’i High School, if need help to set up a a UH fall scrimmage, we’ll be there, let us know! Of course, no mo’ tailgating on campus w/ certain kinds of beverages, but then there’s always Panaewa, right? This is a great idea…last time UH was in Hilo, it was at Wong Stadium, & kind of hard to really ‘feel the football’ when you’re looking at the field from an angle (you know what I mean).
Kekoa, I’m still trying to figure out who you are! Hello, DPK, my husky former pizza parlor owner friend (really!)! Saw Nalani a coupla weeks ago at the airport, she looked great!
Wassup hilobilly!
Good to see you here again! I was wondering where you ran off to. Do you know bhf2? He’s one of da godfaddahs around here, his sibs all went to KS. My love to you and the family. 🙂
BHF2 ~ We talk to JD/Mack about access to just key members of the team after the game. There is enuff security in your end zone area where they can allow safe access to the field for youngsters only to collect autographs in an orderly fashion for maybe 20 minutes.
As long as the security measures assure a safe environment for them to enjoy this privledge, I think the stadium will avoid a liability problem.
What say you?
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want the off-topic stuff
Partial differential equations are the key behind this breakthrough that may make invisibility cloaks a reality soon.
SteveM: hahahaha that sounds like funnn(:
seeing err’body sing is always a cherry thing cus it’s not err’day people just sing songs that they haven’t heard in years sometimes(:
Chinese scientists found that chicken manure can be used to biodegrade crude oil, which gives a more environmentally-friendly way to clean up oil spills. I’m impressed with whoever thought of using chicken manure to clean up our environment.
UK school is using biometric facial recognition to track attendance by students. They know who attends which class, where people are hanging out on campus, etc.
Analyst says that the cellular industry is collapsing and will have to resort to a price war soon. Interestingly, the analyst doesn’t think that the problem is the economy–the problem with growth for the cellular carriers is that most people already have a cell phone…there isn’t much room to keep growing like they have been.
Pennsylvania man charged with DUI when he sat through 6 green lights (apparently asleep) with a beer sitting next to him.
Free play links pau.
The big problem with letting everyone on to the field after the game is that the last time they tried that (win over BSU in 2007) the fans stole the Warriors helmets and whatever else they could get their hands on! One person tried to steal Colt’s helmet while he was holding it, and Colt had to play tug-of-war while the TV cameras were rolling to prevent his helmet from being stolen.
Remember the state-wide pleas for the Warrior equipment to be returned? Helmets are customized for each player and they cannot just break in another helmet and have it fit just as comfortably right away. I seriously wonder if the security situation would be different if the things hadn’t been stolen that day.
Lots of other teams have their fans rush the field. I’ve *never* read about stuff being stolen from the players of those teams, especially the equipment they need like their helmets. In this situation I blame a few greedy fans for poisoning what should have been a joyful and innocent celebration memory.
I sure do know who BHF2 is, also his family…one of his brothers-in-law is my ’65 classmate, plus I used to spend time by the old shack just outside the Hawaiian Tel warehouse (now next to Wal-Mart) having a few w/ his dad & my cousin folks. His nephew (E.M. & Puni both got their paramedic licenses together, + the Stillmans lived on my street; Mrs. Stillman used to give fabulous massages, & her husband used to save kukui nuts for me to make inamona…her son, retired HFD fire captain, lives there now). So…yeah, I know who the silver fox is, tho’ I don’t think he remembers me.
Kamana’s wife had a boy last Sunday, so we’re going to HNL tomorrow. He took me to Shin Sho Tei a few month ago, & I swear I saw PrideP there. Can’t wait for the season to start! BTW…anything going on tomorrow w/ the Tsaikos??? Take care, & hope to see you soon!
nalani…..what a game!
the dogs had their chances much to the surprise of many. okay, so lunch wednesday at thelma’s close to your hale. bring sheldon too.
got to admit you were squeezing the you-know-what.
Garret ~ @287 I suggest a more controled environment for the players and the kids (only).
When I used to take my grandson and his team to Candlestick, or Oakland, they had a small area cordoned off for just the LL kids to wait for the players to come out of the locker room to sign stuff. Most of the players cooperated, jerks like Barry Bonds ran out and ignored the kids. I told them all to remember that he will be passing them on his way down one day, so forget about him!
March 6th, 2009 at 7:29 pm
stick a fork in it and ring it with ‘taters.
It’s done!
get your credit card ang go to
That’s the only way you getting one CD from Nalani now….
nah, she not like that. besides if she uses my idea for a song, i won’t charge her for it.
Re: 290, I’m more impressed that the discovery came from a Chinese University. China as a whole is really lacking in their R&D. Wuhan R&D is recognized, but it’s nothing like two of the big schools in Beijing and schools in Shanghai. I’ve heard US professors complain about the difficulties in doing collaborative research with schools here. Things are done quite differently and many professionals are left to “dig” by themselves to get the information they need. This is especially more difficult when you can’t speak Mandarin,
A controlled environment for the kids sounds like a great idea to me! Having some adults there would be fine also, but I would like the focus on the kids…UH needs the future generations of fans to be Warrior fans.
very impressive semifinals. all four teams displayed a lot heart, talent, and sportsmanship.
i still say that kelly grant may be the premier hs bball coach ever. one of the biggest things is how he has gotten the bulldogs to become academically sound and therefore, eligible to play. this had been a constant battle at the kapahulu school for years. congrats coach kelly.
G (China),
I think that things are changing to some degree in China and the research and entrepreneurial activities in China are much more advanced than even 10 years ago. That battery company in China that is looking to blow all the other car companies away with their electric car is a good example…
so watching the semis with my football mind still going….
i wish jray galeai changes his mind and stays home to play for the warriors. what an athlete!
aulola tonga, what an athlete as well. he is going to have a bright future for years to come.
kona schwenke…..please say yes to the warriors.
desmond tautofi… too gotta follow the footsteps of your older brothers and play for the home team. after all, you are the last one of that great tautofi family of palolo.
derego boy….are you a footballer? you should be if you are not and you should be a warrior.
Just saw video of baby Demello on KITV news. What a cutie! Congratulations to Rob and his beautiful wife on their 1st round draft pick!
Big day tomorrow, both for family stuff (gym class, science museum, mall) and for work (hoping to close a deal with a company that I just found out about this week). The other contracts are being delayed so much that when they want to start I might have to tell them to wait because I’ll be working on this other thing!
If this deal closes I pledge donations to Na Koa, PIAA, and Project Dana.
agree with al, great games tonite.
Look forward to a terrific final tomorrow nite.
Man, Kahuku might have been better off sleeping in town already!
The “Silver Fox” you say? 😆 I’m gonna remember that one! Congrats on the new mo’opuna! That makes two for you, right? Is Mrs. M teaching at KS Hilo? What are you doing there?
Yay! 😀
BaseBows and VolleyBows win tonite!
Good Luck to the Basketball team tomorrow night. VERY important game for them to win. I hope the guys in Vegas know something since they are currently 1.5 point favorites to win.
for Jason, wafan and A-house,
I was picturing Tautofi at 300lbs as a D-Tackle or Nose Guard. A tremendous athlete and an outright remarkable one for such a big guy!
Coach Nash should offer Micah Christenson a schollie now! That kid is going to be phenomenal the next two years. His dad used to work up at school on the hill as a DA too.
Hope to see a bunch of Tsaikos at Murakami Stadium tomorrow!
Here’s an Academy Award Best song from 1953…
Micah was destined to be an athlete even before he was born. Dad, Bob was an excellent hoopster for the Hilo Vulcans back in 1980-81 with Ia Saipaia. Mom was an All American volleyball player for the Vulcans from 1978 to 1981. Mom’s dad was Harry ‘the Clown” Kahuanui who was an All American football and basketball star at the University of Hawaii. Grandpa was also the boy’s basketball coach at Kahuku high for many, many years. Grandpa finished his coaching career helping Micah’s aunt, Shelley Fey, win a girls high school baskeball championship at Punahou in the late 90’s or early 00’s I believe. Looking for big things from him in the future.
Shhhhhhh. Secret remedy for hamstring pulls. Straight legged deadlifts. Don’t tell anyone.
For the protection of both team’s players, coaches, referees, and even for the fans themselves running onto the field-I agree that security at the stadium shouldn’t allow for random fans running onto the field after the game, mainly because of safety concerns, namely bodily harm, theft of equipment and the state being liable for potential injuries, accidents or deaths.
Having open house on the field after the UH game, allowing fans to celebrate– I agree would be showing a lot of aloha, but the problem is that while most of the ones entering the field are probably students, fans, relatives and friends of the players..and intending no harm –it’s the potential trouble maker– a nut case, a loose screw,… or maybe for any other number of reasons… like maybe a fan seeking out an opposing player who made a cheap shot, or the angry person that lost money on the game seeking out the ref or coach that made a bad call are logistically impossible for security to guard against when the gates are open. Any scenario can happen with an uncontrolled screening of who or whom is allowed entry onto the field.That is why guest of the UH are allowed passes onto the field during the game,all screened of course. And even allowance or passages for relatives and friends of the players are granted onto the field after the game, again screened.
A administration giving a green light to this allowance of random fans running onto the field is relying that what filters onto the field is absent of potential evil, injury and harm and in this day and age of more and more nut cases running around they can’t. And they shouldn’t.
The image of hometown fans crawling, jumping, skipping or hopping on the fifty yard line after a teams victory I like it a lot–it makes me happy, it elevates my spirits. But I understand the responsibilities of the administrators. And my thought is let the players breath, be among themselves, and let them celebrate among themselves. It’s for them. When they’re doing the team prayer after the game, allow them the needed privacy. When they do their haa’–give them their space.
What wrong with fans celebrating after the game in their seats?
Or meeting the team during announced autograph sessions. Or season ending banquet? Or the final game of the season where they allow for concessions and allow screened fans onto the field. Or during practice sessions? Or the spring game, where fans can meet with the players.
The fans, or children shouldn’t feel they’re cheated. I think the administrators bend over backwards to please, but it’s most incumbent of them to think safety first and although nobody we’ll admit this, but I think the players are also very deserving of their space after the game instead of random fans clamoring all over them. Just my opinion.
I remember going to the game in Ruston La. two years ago and I was shocked to see that they allowed anyone that wanted to to come down onto the field after the game. The crowd was pretty small so security wasn’t really an issue. But it was fantastic to be able to share in the afterglow of a great victory like that with the players themselves.
World Baseball Classic match now airing on ESPN2.
Japan vs. Korea. Natural baseball rivals, I think…..
Goodnight all! See you tomorrow night at Jason’s at UH. 🙂
UFC 96 10:00PM EST 3/7 < this give you menu of programs < look towards bottom of
menu gives this fight link
@500pm HST
keep this link handy– it worked for the last three fights
if your a mma fan
i like tomorrows fights
especially the heavy weights
Gabriel Gonzaga Vs. Shane Carwin —I like carwin
the fight card also features
Quinton Jackson Vs. Keith Jardine—-I like jardine
lights out….tomorrow’s fights
and now….zzzzz
CRW ~ Japan is spanking Korea early in the game. Japan deposited a 3 run homer into the left field stands, taking an 8 to 2 lead. Time to say goodnite…to Korea.
Kekoa, you going to the baseball game tomorrow or just the basketball game?
Kekoa ~ Agreed. Off to bed. Goodnite!
Stop in to see Jason, then Basketball…then back out to spend more time with Jason and crew.
Goodnite CRW!
Hiya Tsaikos.
my ears wuz itchy and now i no why. 😀
thanks eh.
yup, dats me. so show yo face cuz I rememba faces and I like no
who I’m talking to on dis blog. pretty please. my cuz Francis is my fave. he’d have fun if he came blog here too. I’ll go look him up soon so I make effort to track you down. i gotta no you 2, my cuz Pili was your classmate, huh?
and Kim’s? yup, da old Rosie’s. day keep changing da name till Bert and his wife wen buy da place. guess dats his wife’s name, Kims.
but supah nice karaoke place. breakfast dare starts at 4pm. 😀
yup, ikaika’s looking good. his g’friend’s parents, da Normans, super nice peoople, been hanging wit dem at da beach.
howzit howzit. wat roysan and quite a few ah da odda respected guyz stay tellin about keepin a 61 year old kid off the field for security reasons cuz sum odda crook like steal equipment, or cheap shotting anudda team’s player……hmmm…. gotta respect odda people’s peelins and doze kinda concerns….
and ass why we talking about dis now, so we can make a ting so dat da lil kids, an not da lil kids like me, can go on da field and dream ah some day dem or dare friends can be like da big guyz. 😀
Nitey nite and SWEET Warrior- er BOW WINS! er DREAMS!
i guess my side loses on da going on da field. but howz about staying in da seats till da last ah da braddaz leaves da field?
anyway, nite nite supah special Tsaikos. see you in a few.
btw, you guyz notice how cold and soggy and, did i mention cold, it still is around here? i gettin in da bed and bundling up 😀
nitey nite Ms LizK (wink) 😀
ok, brushed my teet and wuz jus tinkin to myself,
life wud be so much nicer if y’all just agreed wit me. 😀
nite all. 😆
This is true. There has been an ongoing initiative starting even a few years ago about wanting to protect China’s patent right. As a result, you seen the government even police itself with pirating movies and such. You are seeing more and more universities opening up research centers. The complaints I hear is not that they don’t want to do collaborative research is just that there isn’t necessary the support and infrastructure you need to do get it done. But one lesson I am learning over and over again is that the big C learns quickly at lightning speed.
Good morning all!
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
About a Warrior scrimmage on the big isle. It would be good to have 2 games on the big island. but just getting one scrimmage next year in spring practice would be a good start. let the fans no in advance dat da Warriors wuz coming. and good promo for players from both Kona and Hilo/Puna side. so one spot, like Honokaa, would be great, but parking is a problem in Honokaa for the expected crowd. KS Keaau get more room, the field is good turf, get plenty more high schools an students in the approximate area to draw plenty athletesnfamilies (Pahoa, 4Charter Schools, Keaau, Hilo, Waiakea, StJoe,KS). more than Konawaena, Kealakehe, Makua o ka Lani, Waikoloa inter, Parker, HPA,Kohala.
And in da middle eeda way is Honokaa and Kau.
Either side of isle, if Warriors came, we would show up. show off our pride for being Warrior fans. jmo.
Pride . . .
Thanks for the response! Must be they do not do it enough? Or maybe they just push too hard at other times.
Awesome idea to move the scrimmages around to the other islands. If they really want to follow through on the premise that the Warriors is the state team then they need to start showing and behaving like it is. Keeping the team(s) on O’ahu all the time tends to alienate the others.
And that is why WSU plays one game every year in Seattle! At one point they were even talking about playing one game each year in Spokane.
I can understand why we got 2 open games to fill yet in ’10. we get USC (assumin day no dig out), Colo and UNLV. If we buss up Centrl Ark, Wassu, UNLV, Navy an Wisconsin dis year, and da 8 WAC jobs
prolly going get some good teams who get one last minute decommit for ’10 wll like play us.
Hi bhf2! The place is empty this morning!
when da cheezee guys show up 12/5, hope by den peeps saying yeah we got a great record, but we had a weak schedule. 😀 we gotta wait til ’10 an da USC game befo we get respect fo dis year and da improvements our coaches have made.
Go Warriors.
Wafan, howzit.
maybe cuz da wedda is junkity junk in Pepeekeo all morning, from yesterday evening. kinda cold, hi 60s, rainy/reallyrain/drizzlyrainy. i should be in bed watchin Jason Bourne. 😀
Since most have, I think, posted their views/opinions on allowing fans field access at Aloha Stadium. I will add my own $1.27 (based on the devalued dollar and pending inflation).
Since the stadium opened the policy has been to deny or limit field access. Hawai’i officials always seem to be anal about certain things and have a very laissez-faire attitude with others.
The major problems seem, though, that there are a few who will steal or damage things just because they feel entitled (found everywhere); other campus stadiums tend to have, predominately, students rush the field while at Aloha Stadium there are decidedly fewer students at the game; the public alcohol and behavior problems continue because of whatever reasons and have been present since the Termite Palace; and some people just do not know how to handle power and authority correctly without seemingly going off the deep-end.
maybe if you’d sit in Section C, low low low low by da tunnel, and see da situation from my perspective, watching the security apparatus operate at the end of the game and their interaction with the 8-10 year olds, maybe you’d have betta suggestions for da bosses.
i don’t know how else to put it except to say day kill fight. Kekoa and LizK saw me at one game last year, and I wuz livid wit da security, not fo me, well maybe for my feel good side cuz day wuz killing fight, get errybodey fo leave when still had fans and team members still coming off the field, but fo how da security was treating da kids. not da lifelong memories i’m hoping they’ll give to da kids, dats what i’m peevin about.
what i’m seeing is that the kids won’t wanna grow up to be Warriors, they’ll wanna grow up to be security, carry whistle, wear patches, give kids stink eye, no giggling, yu no wat i’m saing?
bhf2 . . .
I would gladly settle for just wet and cool. It is just starting to snow here. Hopefully, it will not stick and then freeze tonight. Monday morning could be really ugly, again.
Good Morning All. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Great Morning All!
Ahhh yes! How appropriate…
There’s a great idea! Let’s press a red button with a Russian!
Can all of us who had a nest egg have a Perezagruzka button on this administration?
It seems they are intent on peregruzka-ing all of us!
LizK como se dise “over-spend” en Russkie?
bhf2 . . .
That is what I was saying about some people not being able to handle power and authority correctly.
And, what kind of chicken-poop makes big-body and gives attitude to little kids? Maybe they were trying to break up spilled oil? HA!
Strange how the westside is getting all of the snow. It’s chilly and cloudy over hear but dry.
Is it really this administration that is doing it to us or are they now dealing with what the last administration left us?
Seems we had a budget surplus eight years ago. And, now we have a huge deficit.
Maybe bin Laden succeeded in his quest to bring the US to its financial knees. And the guy who walked through that open door was . . .
dj . . .
Please come over to pick up your weather.
Looks like public stupidity is starting! Someone siphoned about 5 gallons of fuel from my vehicle the other night. I found out my neighbors had fuel stolen, too. I was putting my new locking gas cap on and noticed one of my neighbors doing the same.
I do not think I would like to be the thieves if they are caught by one of my neighbors. They are young and all with Special Forces. On the other hand, it would serve the jerks right.
you can keep it. i’ve had enough already. bring on the sun and warm weather.
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Hauola Lahanau -Debbie Sokei Sorenson.
Congrats Mr. and Mrs. and baby DeMello!
wafan- could been Jean Valjean in need of gas…
or not.
no clue what you just said.
the only thing i power clean is my plate of food.
d1, ha
war saw
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
There is LOTS going on today at the UH Campus.
Men’s Tennis 12pm vs San Francisco
Baseball 1pm vs Miss St
Softball 5pm vs Radford
Men’s BBall 7pm vs NM St
Relay for Life 7pm vs Cancer
I heard you wafan. 😀
D-1 ~ The Russian word for *squander* is разбазаривать…I have grandkids that can identify real closely with that word!
wafan ~ IMHO, it’s the fault of both administration’s. Instead of letting the savings and loan bozo’s go ahead and fail, they kept throwing money at ’em. If we had let a more efficient banking institution pick up the slack and deal with it, we would have been better for it.
Ever notice how the companies that are unionized fail first and most often? The entrepreuners of the country are doing best because they know how to keep it real. Franchise owners who toe the financial line and run a tight ship also prosper. Ever seen a Mickey D’s fail? Not very often and it’s usually due to poor management.
You know what the prerequisite is for owning an L& L store in CA. is? Aside from the Franchise fee, they require you to work every position in your store for at least one year before you can own it!
Ok, ok, back to arguing with bhf2 about chasing da kids!
I believe a few Tsaikos can relate….
those who visit Pole Land anyway 😉
Men’s tennis!!!
ok, nvm.
too much, you’re just too much.
Chawan – ALL UH athletic teams need our support.
Pole Land…is that where you buy flag poles? Or are you talking about the kind places on Keeamoku and Kapiolani Blvd?
BHF2 ~ I recall the incident you speak of by the tunnel. The female security person was heartless. She had her mission engraved in her brain that she would guard everything around her as if it belonged to the U.S. Mint!
Liz and I were shocked that your impassioned plea was falling on deaf ears because you were the only adult pleading for justice. (musta been the attorney in you, we mumbled to each other).
It’s a shame that she could not have relaxed and let the kids gather their autographs from the stands. There was no way they would have been able to go on the field, and that is primarily what her job entailed.
You wuz like da famous litagationist Clarence Darrow on steroids Brah! Jeez Louise you wuz SMOKIN’!! I toll Liz, “Eh…I bettah go get one hose, braddah is on fire now!”Bwhahahaha!
are there even bleachers for that? or do we have to stand at the 2nd/3rd floor parking structure railings to watch?
we could also do that watching the relay for life.
jason, i’ll stop by sometime before the men’s game to find you and SH scott.
so, huuz seen da coaches? erryting alright? are day settled in?
know who da odda two teams might be to fill in da pukas in ’10?
have a nice day errybody. gotta go make hay.
hi ho hi ho. wooosssssssssshhhhhhhhhhh>>>>>>>>>>
bigwave made a good suggestion yesterday,
schedule probationary FSU, (not fresno), but bowden’s florida state.
offer them up a trip at the end of the year like we did Alabama and we can be their bowl game.
yu 2 funny, bro!
but dats exactly what i’m talking about. I woulda hada lota fun if da kids wuz having fun. but da babeeb was all into her whistle, badge and powa.
and brew wuda nota taut i wuza gigglin 👿
Uhhh…I’ve never heard of a Tsaiko buying a flagpole…..
Thanks Pride #315 for the background on Micah Christenson. Great sports background. That kid, just a soph, was the difference last night. Nakanishi has done a great job for KS this year, but man Kahuku looks tough. They’ll be hard to beat tonight. Pii will have to be hot to win.
I Mua!
A lots of blessings to you that surely you get your dream in the very near in the future.