Cadiz makes the team

Congratulations to running back Joey Cadiz, who has been invited to the Warriors’ training camp, which opens this weekend.
Cadiz, a 2007 graduate of Mililani High, attended Humboldt State last year. He earned one of 104 spots (UH is keeping one open) because of his hard work in running drills and weightlifting sessions this summer.
Cadiz, who is 5 feet 6, is expected to serve on the scout team. But earning a berth against tough competition is quite an accomplishment. Mario Cox and Alonzo Chopp have been invited to rejoin Aug. 25, the first day of the fall semester, when the roster limit is lifted.
Wideout Jett Jasper, slotback Nate Nasca, cornerbacks Kawika Ornellas and Richard Torres, and offensive lineman Les Soloai also earned training-camp berths.



* * *

It’s never too early to think ahead.
One of the 28 scholarship offers went to an eighth-grader.

* * *

UH coaches and staff are required to attend “Tongue Fu” classes — sessions designed to teach speech and communication skills. One of the lessons is on how to relate to the “Millenium Generation.” (Hint: Anyone born before 1990 should not refer to someone as “dawg.”)
* * *

That sound is the breaking of young men’s hearts. Our co-worker and fellow blogger, Caryn Kunz, is engaged. Caryn is a graduate of Kahuku High and Stanford. Her cousin is UH defensive tackle Quentin Beaver. She also is Inoke Funaki’s classmate.


* * *

We had another Calf Call today. Here are the spring rolls:


And here’s an up-close-and-personal shot of the soup:


And here’s the tapioca pudding:



  1. al July 30, 2008 12:30 am


  2. al July 30, 2008 12:32 am

    would that eighth grader be solomon koehler’s kid brother?

  3. J July 30, 2008 12:33 am

    Not first. I think I’ll go to sleep and hope I get a different type of wake up call than yesterday’s earth-shaking one.

  4. al July 30, 2008 12:33 am

    soloai….is he that transformed bball guy from byuh?

  5. al July 30, 2008 12:34 am

    j…..i hear you.

  6. J July 30, 2008 12:36 am

    Oops, I broke up al’s consecutive posts.

  7. Stephen Tsai July 30, 2008 12:36 am

    Yep. The guy from New Zealand, I believe.

  8. ChinaDrew July 30, 2008 1:14 am

    New Zealand- Haka and middle earth

  9. Lopaka43 July 30, 2008 1:46 am

    A carry over from the previous blog thread:

    Aloha, late night Tsaikos!!

    Did another run through the Swamp lands. Very boring blogs compared to Tsaikoland.

    In a couple of lengthy season predictions threads of which is a good example, gator fans are very unconcerned about their chances against Hawaii with most sure they will hold us to less than 21 points and lay 50 to 60 points on us. There is some concern about Miami which Florida plays the week after us, but nobody is discussing our game as anything other than an “easy win.”

  10. Lopaka43 July 30, 2008 1:49 am

    ESPNU has put up a Preview at
    and begun a Conversation thread for the Florida – Hawaii game at

    As of 1:26 am HST, there were 34 comments of which only one thought that Hawaii would win a close game. All the rest (SEC homers) are certain we are looking at a repeat of the Sugar Bowl experience.

    Fine with me. Blog away. I like what Pilares had to say about what he expects from the month of August under Coach Mack. Stay humble, work hard, be ready to play the best anywhere anytime. If we want to play on this stage, we must build on every one of these opportunities to measure ourselves against the best.

    Go Warriors!!

  11. Koauka July 30, 2008 3:16 am

    Why an eighth grader? Family?

  12. djmitcho July 30, 2008 4:26 am

    Good Morning Tsaiko Village.
    On my way to get a root canal done. Will get caught up on the blog in my state of pain later. Have a great day!!!!

  13. Garret July 30, 2008 4:39 am

    Congratulations to the Warriors who earned training camp spots!

  14. Garret July 30, 2008 4:41 am

    This Las Cruces has an article about the Warriors.

    The strength of Hawaii’s defense appears to be at linebacker and in the secondary. The Warriors return starting linebackers Adam Leonard and Solomon Elimimian. Elimimian has tremendous speed and led the team in tackles last year with 141, while Leonard has a knack for playing the pass well as witnessed by his four interceptions in 2007.

    “We have the chance to be a good defense,” Elimimian said. “We have to be smart and aggressive. But we really like coach McMackin. He’s a good coach and he’s been around for a long time and can adjust really well. We’d like to get better in every area, but if we can continue to show improvement in fall camp and as the season goes along, we should be fine.”

    “We like the big challenge of playing Florida right off the bat,” Elimimian said. “We want to see where we are at and playing one of the nation’s best is going to help us down the road in several aspects of the game.”

  15. Garret July 30, 2008 4:45 am

    The same paper has a preview of SJSU. I always like reading preseason quotes from Coach Tomey. I’m sure that the D enjoyed being allowed to hit the QB!

    With 43 returnees, including 13 with starting experience, San Jose State head football coach Dick Tomey is excited about the 2008 season.

    “In my estimation, this should be our best team since I’ve been here,” said Tomey, who was hired in December of 2004. “We’ve worked hard to make this our best team and we have plenty of experience.”

    For the first time in 28 years, we hit the quarterback in spring practice. We couldn’t wait to start playing and see who could run and avoid pressure.”

  16. Hawaiianbod July 30, 2008 4:47 am

    Good morning Tsaikos!

    31 days.

  17. Garret July 30, 2008 4:47 am

    Another preseason article on the Warriors focuses on the D.

    McMackin spent last season as the Warriors defensive coordinator. That side of the ball should be the strength this season, which is sort of odd. The run-and-shoot offense at Hawaii has drawn headlines for years.

    Now the defense must be called on to help lead the team.

    “We have more guys back on defense than offense, so we understand what we have to do,” said Hawaii linebacker Solomon Elimimian, who was named the preseason WAC Defensive Player of the Year. “… It’s always been about the offense at Hawaii. They will be under some pressure this year, that is where the defense must come in and help.”

    “I am really excited about our defense,” McMackin said. “We have two 300-plus (pound) mothers in the middle who also have speed. Speed is really important.”

    The long-time defensive coordinator at many schools and professional leagues went on and on about his defense. But he is especially happy with his two senior linebackers.

    “Leonard has been unbelievable,” McMackin said. “I’ve coached a lot of guys, but with the way he can drop back and cover the pass, he is better than any linebacker. … Then there is Solomon, who can flat out run from sideline to sideline. Those two are excellent together.”

    Starting with Florida will certainly be tough for this Hawaii team, but the Warriors are looking forward to the challenge.

    “I think about that game every day,” Elimimian said. “We are going to have to be at our best.”

  18. Garret July 30, 2008 4:48 am

    KGMB had a note about Colt.

    Brennan is still battling with Derek Devine for the third QB spot, and he may have put some distance between himself and the 2nd year player. According to his blog on, the former Warrior went 4 for 7 for 22 yards and no turnovers, in the Skins latest inter-squad game. After his reps, Colt says he and the Skins coaching staff went over his performance, and they were pleased with the fact that he made no mistakes.

    Brennan also had this to say, “the defense was matched up really well with the plays we called, it can be a little daunting at times, but I try not to think about it when I’m out there. As far as my decision-making and going to the right area with the ball, I think I did pretty well in the scrimmage.”

  19. Hawaiianbod July 30, 2008 4:53 am

    ST – Great article on Coach Mack in today’s Tizer.

    Gotta love the man. What a great guy!

  20. Garret July 30, 2008 4:53 am

    Note on Bess.

    Once indoors, both Ernest Wilford and Davone Bess dropped consecutive passes from Henne. Bess later dropped another ball that hit him in the hands on a cross route from Beck.

  21. Garret July 30, 2008 4:56 am

    Article on La Tech has a relevant tidbit.

    The learning curve for Dooley got sharper this year, as he also takes on responsibilities as athletic director. And he has to worry about travel costs as only Hawaii travels farther than the Bulldogs.

  22. […] Cadiz makes the teamCongratulations to running back Joey Cadiz, who was invited to the Warriors’ training camp, which opens this weekend. Cadiz, a 2007 graduate of Mililani High, attended Humboldt State last year. He earned one of 104 spots (UH is keeping … […]

  23. Garret July 30, 2008 4:57 am

    The LA Times had no ads in their sports section yesterday?

    This morning’s newspaper feels like the smallest and lightest Los Angeles Times I’ve ever seen, with only six pages each in the Business and Sports sections (and not a single ad in Sports — not one.)

  24. Hawaiianbod July 30, 2008 4:58 am

    djmitcho – good luck on your dental visit. Hope you will not be in too much pain.

  25. Garret July 30, 2008 4:59 am

    This Florida WR made the all-up-and-coming team–he’s often overlooked because of all the hype that Harvin, Rainey, Tebow and others get.

    WR: Deonte Thompson Florida
    There was no reason to burn Thompson’s redshirt with the absurdity of receiving depth bestowed upon the Tebow Child, but Deonte was widely regarded as one of the six or eight best incoming receivers in the country last year, and allegedly measures in the upper reaches of the Harvin/Rainey Scale, speed-wise. The transfer talk is apparently behind him, and many soft, fluffy, perfectly-placed, satin-seamed touchdown balls to the front.

  26. Garret July 30, 2008 5:01 am

    Recruiting rankings don’t tell the whole story–Miami is a good example, where *7* of their recruits might not join their team this year.

    As many as seven freshmen from Miami’s recruiting class may not be on hand when the Hurricanes report to school Thursday.

    According to coach Randy Shannon, four incoming freshmen still have issues to resolve with the NCAA Clearinghouse and two other recruits already have enrolled in prep school after they were unable to qualify academically.

  27. Hawaiianbod July 30, 2008 5:02 am

    LizK – Prayers for your mom. May she have a speedy recovery.

  28. Hawaiianbod July 30, 2008 5:06 am

    Al – re #2 that would be my first guess. I remember him from last year’s S&Q Camp.

  29. Hawaiianbod July 30, 2008 5:11 am

    To all the Tsaikos/ettes attending today’s CC – ENJOY!!! Wish I could be there.

  30. Hawaiianbod July 30, 2008 5:13 am

    Mike – Happy Belated Birthday!

  31. Hawaiianbod July 30, 2008 5:19 am

    Glad to hear all of the SoCal Tsaikos are safe after the earthquake and the numerous aftershocks.

  32. Hawaiianbod July 30, 2008 5:23 am

    Congratulations to all the Warriors who earned a spot on the training camp roster.

  33. MeiLing July 30, 2008 5:30 am

    Aloha Kakahiaka!!!

    Congrats to the guys who made the training camp roster!

    ST ~ Has Jett been at UWs?

    Night-time outdoors Cardinals practice today. Hope to get there to catch the guys again.

  34. Hawaiianbod July 30, 2008 5:30 am

    BHF2 must be on Oahu already.

    Welcome Uncle! REPRESENT!!

  35. MeiLing July 30, 2008 5:49 am

    ST ~ Is that Joey in front of Alexander in the pic?

  36. jm2375 July 30, 2008 6:06 am

    Howzit Tsaikos!

    Just finished catching up on 6 days worth of blog reading. Went to Maui on the SuperSloop Thurs and came back Monday night. Had a blast. Played tourii and splurged for a night at the Grand Wailea.

    My daughter’s birthday is next week. 13! 😯 Hubby, however, won’t be here to celebrate. He’s heading off to SD for a conference.

    Anyways, way off topic… got a couple of questions for the worldly Tsaiko geniuses out there.
    1) Kid wants to go parasailing for her bday. Any suggestions?
    2) Am craving good tempura. Any suggestions for a place that’s reasonably priced, either in town, on the east or Windward sides?

    Happy belated B-day to brother Mike. Happy belated anniversary to Garrett & Lori.

    Congrats to those who made the training camp roster! Stay humble, work hard, listen to the coaches, stay focused and good things will happen.

    An 8th grader? That’s my kid’s age! Good thing it’s not binding!

  37. Hawaiianbod July 30, 2008 6:25 am

    jm2375 – Good morning.

    parasailing – you might want to check out the tourist publications. There should be coupons/discounts.

    shrimp tempura – Hifumi (Chinese Cultural Plaza); Gyotaku (Waikiki).

    Hope it helps.

  38. Loa July 30, 2008 6:31 am

    morning gang!

    congrats to the invites! keep working’em and stay hungry
    you guys make a difference, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise

    220’s – hated it, although it was a good team bonding experience with everyone cheering each other on but if coach feels it could cause injury then not worth the risk, there will be many other opportunities to bond in the dance studios

  39. Loa July 30, 2008 6:41 am

    wow, eighth grader, yeh i remember seeing a 12 yo on the news last year training with the older kids
    28 offers – i wonder if the names can be released or gotta wait till they accept, hmmm

  40. Hawaiianbod July 30, 2008 6:42 am

    Sorry to dissapoint all you Jeff Portnoy fans (ie Kazz et al) but Leahey & Leahey is substituting today.

  41. Stretch July 30, 2008 6:46 am

    Good Morning Tsaikos!!

    Great news on Joey Cadiz. He has been at all the “practices” that I have attended so it is good to see hard work paying off.

  42. Hawaiianbod July 30, 2008 6:48 am

    G-Morning Loa.

    Practice next Monday already. AU’RYTE!

  43. Eagle July 30, 2008 6:49 am

    MeiLing –

    Yeah that is Cadiz in front of Alexander in that picture. He is short but tough and will give the 1st team defense some good looks in preparation for Game Day. I know that the UH coaches talked to Darnell Arceneaux (his OC at Mililani) and Coach Arceneaux said that Joey is a 110% player and would be a great addition to the scout team. That, along with his work ethic, sealed his spot.

    Coming up from a boarderline starter on his own high school team to making a great DI squad…the kid has heart.

  44. Stretch July 30, 2008 6:51 am

    ST – great Q&A article w/ Mack this morning. One question, how come the Tsaikos were not invited to Jack’s for breakfast??

  45. Loa July 30, 2008 6:53 am

    howzit HB – 10:00 a.m.!

    Stretch – also no forget to remind Stephen about his credit card bill, hehe

  46. Stretch July 30, 2008 6:53 am

    Anyone going to Waimalu Elem at 7pm tonight for the Donavan & Mack talk w/ Takai??

  47. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 30, 2008 6:57 am

    jm2375- What, no mini cattle call with Duffer and son while whitey chases the elusive fish of Alaska????

    Aloha Kakahiaka!

    ❗ Yea ❗ everyone who made the training team!!!

    MAHALO to everyone who is praying for my Mom. She is doing very well after surgery and we are still praying for a clean pathology report is a few days.

    Another busy day at work today.

    HiHo Esme and Away!

  48. Stephen Tsai July 30, 2008 7:15 am

    1. Yes, that’s Cadiz in front.
    2. The Jack’s “date” was last minute. I was wandering around while Pilares was blogging, and I ran into Mack. I called up some TV types, and away we went.
    3. Jett has been at every unsupervised workout.

  49. Bulla July 30, 2008 7:19 am

    good morning Tsaikos,

    have a Tsaiko day!

  50. Stephen Tsai July 30, 2008 7:19 am

    My daughters took me jet-skiing at a place that also offers parasailing. I forget the name, but it’s located right near Longs Drugs at the shopping center (not Koka Marina) in Hawaii Kai.
    They’ve got kama‘aina rates, and they’ll take pictures of you screaming and crying like a lost kid (oh, wait, that was me on the jet-ski.

  51. Stephen Tsai July 30, 2008 7:23 am

    I was looking for extra media guides while Pilares was blogging when he says: “How do I answer this?”
    I guess somebody told him to remind me about my charge-card bill.

    I also got a call from Doc yesterday. She wanted to know how I could forget my brother’s birthday. I had to explain that I knew his birthday was on the 29th, I just didn’t know yesterday was the 29th. The days are all running together. I can’t believe that in a week, I’ll be blistery and sweaty while watching two-a-days.

  52. Stretch July 30, 2008 7:26 am

    Stephen Tsai:
    July 30th, 2008 at 7:19 am

    They’ve got kama‘aina rates, and they’ll take pictures of you screaming and crying like a lost kid (oh, wait, that was me on the jet-ski.

    So where is the picture??!!??

  53. gigi-hawaii © July 30, 2008 7:35 am

    haha ST very funny! You should treat Mike and his g/f to a nice dinner somewhere.

  54. Calvin from Kona July 30, 2008 7:39 am

    Just a quick hello to everyone before I fly to Maui for the day. By the way, I’m sure this is old news but I saw Wreck on a TV commercial last night.

    Looking good Wreck!

  55. longdistance808 July 30, 2008 7:39 am

    Where do I go on SteveM’s site to find out about tix to the OSU game? Or is someone already privy to that info?

  56. jm2375 July 30, 2008 7:42 am

    Thanks for the suggestions. I checked some places on the web but nobody gives you their kamaaina rates except over the phone. ST – I think the place is called Aloha Water Sports. There’s also a few going out of Kewalo Basin. Gotta ask if I can sign the waivers for her friends or do the parents have to? That may complicate things a bit.

    Liz – no time fo eat. Going going going. Went Aquarium, Haleakala, Hana, Molokini, around the “head”, Iao Valley, Makena. Hadn’t been to Maui in years. The map we were using had no warnings about going around from Kapalua to Wailuku. Kinda scary.

  57. Stretch July 30, 2008 7:43 am

    ld808 – not sure but I think that the UH ticket office might still have some available for Oregon St. If you are interested in joining the Tsaiko group, email SteveM so you can be put in the list for information.

  58. gigi-hawaii © July 30, 2008 7:50 am


  59. gigi-hawaii © July 30, 2008 7:52 am

    Also, LizK might have an extra ticket to the Oregon State game.

  60. Stretch July 30, 2008 7:55 am

    gigi – LizK’s extra ticket is spoken for.

  61. Stretch July 30, 2008 8:02 am

    Anyone going to the Game On dinner with Donavan and Mack on Thursday night??

  62. djmitcho July 30, 2008 8:04 am

    Thanks Hawaiianbod. It’s already done and I’m at work now.

  63. MeiLing July 30, 2008 8:13 am

    Question from a novice:
    If the scout team is suited up & on the sidelines for a game, can the Coach put them in the game if they are needed? It may never happen, but if you had injuries (heaven forbid), or we were in a blow-out game & it would be nice to give guys a chance on the field, would they ever be put into a game? I like the path that Coach Mack is taking in including the scout team on the sidelines, because they do contribute to the team’s success.


  64. duffer July 30, 2008 8:28 am

    Calvin From Kona,

    Do you play golf?

  65. Da Punchbowl Kid July 30, 2008 8:32 am

    Cood morning errybody!

    What is Jayson Rego’s status at RB?

  66. Da Punchbowl Kid July 30, 2008 9:06 am


  67. al July 30, 2008 9:11 am

    dpk….you scared everyone off. did you brush your teeth this morning?

  68. homey ® July 30, 2008 9:13 am

    Correction al, it should be, “Did you brush your tooth this morning?”

  69. homey ® July 30, 2008 9:16 am

    Oh, and congrats to Cadiz.

    Belated happy birthday shout out to bro Mike.

    Belated happy anniversary to Garret and Lori…it is Lori right?

    Hello ST and XLiz!

  70. gigi-hawaii © July 30, 2008 9:18 am

    homey, what did you do on your vacation? Go somewhere special?

  71. gigi-hawaii © July 30, 2008 9:19 am

    ST, how’s your sister? Hope she recovered.

  72. (Jesse) James July 30, 2008 9:20 am

    Hey Stretch…so I get a kick in the okole??? If I were Koamahu, I think I’d enjoy that…MWAHAHAHHAHAHA

    Where is koamahu anyway…Haven’t seen him/her for a while now???

  73. gigi-hawaii © July 30, 2008 9:22 am

    Koakane coached in the 1980s. Hmmm, wonder if he’s my age. He probably knew my mother at Damien.

  74. al July 30, 2008 9:25 am

    (j)j…..last i heard k-m quit drinking and started to pull his/her hair out during a withdrawal fit.

  75. LizKauai [Believer] July 30, 2008 9:30 am

    hi xs!

    hi ho!

  76. al July 30, 2008 9:30 am

    cattle call in two hours

    phuket thai mccully.

    got space.

  77. gigi-hawaii © July 30, 2008 9:31 am

    Al, have fun at the Thai CC today. Menu looks great! How many people attending?

  78. homey ® July 30, 2008 9:33 am

    gigi – I vegetated on my vacation. Then XLiz gave me a reminder and I had to do some photoshopping and html code manipulation. After all that I could use a good Thai meal.

    Koakane is 99 yo?

  79. MangoHead July 30, 2008 9:34 am

    Don’t know if it’s already posted here, but what do you think of Colt Brennan’s training camp blog on the Washington Redskins website?

  80. gigi-hawaii © July 30, 2008 9:35 am

    Koakane doesn’t look his age — all 99 years.

    Homey now knows what it’s like to be retired…

  81. homey ® July 30, 2008 9:38 am

    CC today!!! I get to wear an Aloha shirt today! Can’t wait to sit and eat and not be bothered by talk of rail, elections, gas prices, tourism industry, State and County spending, politics, and non-5(6) f’s. WOOT WOOT!

  82. Gorg July 30, 2008 9:39 am

    Good morning TSAIKO-NATION!!

    Have a great Wednesday and rest of the week. Be careful cooking, I nearly cut my finger off last night just sharpening the knife. I needed 6 stitches but at least I got Vicadin…Yay!!

  83. (Jesse) James July 30, 2008 9:42 am

    gigi … I believe KK is a 68 grad.

  84. gigi-hawaii © July 30, 2008 9:42 am

    Gorg, That’s why I don’t cook anymore. Cut my fingers several times and have scars to prove it. Even went to the ER for one of them.

  85. BigWave96744 July 30, 2008 9:43 am

    July 30th, 2008 at 3:16 am
    Why an eighth grader? Family?

    IF, and only IF it is Solomon Koehler’s younger Bro (Reeve)
    consider he is already 6’2” as an incoming 8th grader.
    And we all know how dominant Sol was/is/is to come

    Check out the comments by Doris Sullivan:

  86. homey ® July 30, 2008 9:43 am

    gigi – When I retire I will definitely not veg. If you veg you’ll end up always being tired, get flabby, wear out the sofa…

  87. GRM July 30, 2008 9:44 am

    Try Komakata’s in the Aina Haina Shopping Center or Gyotaku’s in the Niu Valley Shopping Center. Always go to Komokata’s; Gyotaku in Niu just opened recently.

  88. Garret July 30, 2008 9:45 am


    Yes, my wife is Lori–she lurks and has posted 5-10 times in the past and has been to Cattle Calls in Vegas and Oahu. Now I have to figure out how to get my 5-year-old to post so that she can break Ronnie’s son’s record for the youngest poster.

    Nice to see you back as yourself! I hope that you had a great time on your vacation.

  89. gigi-hawaii © July 30, 2008 9:45 am

    KK grad from Damien in 1968? OK, he is younger than I am, then.

  90. Mouthwash July 30, 2008 9:47 am

    Why are the players still wearing Nike cleats in all the new pictures??? I thought we had an Under Armour deal and the Nike one ended mid summer or something???? Its almost time for camp, shouldnt the players get to break in their cleats before camp a little.

  91. Garret July 30, 2008 9:52 am

    Happy (belated) Birthday Mike!

  92. Garret July 30, 2008 9:53 am


    I’m guessing that the new UA equipment hasn’t been passed out yet. I figure the earliest they could do so would be when camp starts, which is quite soon. I hope that the equipment is all here on time.

  93. homey ® July 30, 2008 9:53 am

    BigWave – at our height anything over 5’6″ is tall!

  94. homey ® July 30, 2008 9:56 am

    yeah, gigi graduated in ’66.

  95. Mouthwash July 30, 2008 9:58 am

    Yo, ST. You have you seen any Under Armour equipment at workouts???

  96. gigi-hawaii © July 30, 2008 9:59 am

    homey, nope, not 1966.

  97. Mouthwash July 30, 2008 10:05 am

    Dang you guys are old. Class of 07 represent!!!!

  98. koakane™ July 30, 2008 10:05 am

    good morning to the tsaiko nation

    gigi your memory failing again, yes remember your mom as I told you before. she was the secretary when I was a student and latter when I returned as a teacher in the early 70’s. I was the first ever graduate to go back and teach at DMHS, even before ralejo, waina, jmederios, dsnakenburg, hloyd and others.

    last sightings of k-m was in a pool in makaha playing with some hairy chested person then running off to play with some puppies father at Thai something.

    opps recess bell off to monitor dem kids. anyone coming to see JD and Mac tonight? bye now esme whooosh

  99. homey ® July 30, 2008 10:06 am

    gigi – I’m fishing…WOW! You’ve been through 7 decades!

  100. (Jesse) James July 30, 2008 10:09 am


  101. gigi-hawaii © July 30, 2008 10:10 am

    OK, koakane, gotcha, thanks for the refresher.

    Yeah, I gotta admit that I am ancient. 99 years of age is nothing to joke about. I am probably the oldest one on this blog!

  102. al July 30, 2008 10:11 am

    gg…..tell the truth. you are just too lazy to cook your hardworking hubby a nice meal.

    if not 1966, then what?

  103. homey ® July 30, 2008 10:13 am

    (J)J – So she just missed the Civil War?

  104. al July 30, 2008 10:13 am

    mouthwash….go wash your mouth. we aren’t old, only gg. besides we are experienced.

  105. (Jesse) James July 30, 2008 10:14 am

    Koakane..the funny thing is that Mr. Alejo, Coach Aina, Mr. Medeiros, Mr. Snakenburg, and Mr. Lloyd were all my teachers….

    Mouthwash…Class of 06 here….MWAHAHAAHHA

  106. homey ® July 30, 2008 10:57 am

    Who broke the blog?


  107. djmitcho July 30, 2008 11:02 am

    Same here with all those teachers

  108. ブラキ July 30, 2008 11:21 am

    Wow, such a wide range of ages.

  109. SteveM July 30, 2008 11:29 am

    Mouthwash — welcome to the blog! Don’t mind us grandparents… 🙂

  110. FloridaTed July 30, 2008 11:32 am

    Morning Gang,

    What happened to the links to the beat? Locked on around 5:30, refreshed and got knocked out. Took me ’til now to get back on. Wow.

    Dumdedumdedumdedum…. Alligators in the water, camp is coming, swords and shields are polished, the coach is calling us to battle, are we ready? Hell yeah, bring on them Gators.

  111. Stretch July 30, 2008 11:32 am

    Re: UA gear

    I noticed on Monday that the players started wearing the cleats to practice. Prior to this, they were using the Nike stuff since that’s what they had. I guess equipment is being distributed now with the camp starting up next week.

  112. A-House July 30, 2008 11:40 am

    Congrats to Jim D for finally getting his contract signed.

    Sorry to see that the new web page has the Warrior Beat so far down.

    Offered, but will VJ Fehoko commit? – junior to be!!

    I like to see/hear the UH is making offers to 8th graders – let the State of Hawaii know that Coach Mack is leading the way and wants to recruit as many Hawaii players as possible!!!!

    OK coaches, don’t forget that outside island get good players too!!!!!!!!!!!!

  113. Hoohiki July 30, 2008 12:01 pm

    A-House…I second that..”don’t forget neighbor islands get good players too!!”

    ST…how about asking Alexander and Rausch to be guest “chatters”? Good way to welcome and get to know them. Also, we can let them know how supportive we are and give them some “aloha”.

  114. d1島 July 30, 2008 12:06 pm

    Great Afternoon All!

    Congrats to JD on getting his contract done.

    Congrats to all the walk-ons who will be in camp next week.

    Congrats to Caryn Kunz on her engagement. Will her fiance show at the KKall?

  115. d1島 July 30, 2008 12:08 pm


    Anyone going to Waimalu Elem at 7pm tonight for the Donavan & Mack talk w/ Takai??

    What kine fuud dey serving???

  116. SteveM July 30, 2008 12:10 pm


    Saturday August 9, 2008
    11:00 AM (buffet)

    Fresh Choice Restaurant
    1202 El Camino Real
    San Bruno, CA 94066 (near SFO airport)

    Attendees: brew808, Addahknowjoe & Addahknowsports, Garret, Lori, Faith, and Mika, …

    RSVP on the blog or email to Garret: gokamoto (at) gmail

  117. d1島 July 30, 2008 12:13 pm


    Anyone else hear that giant schluuurping sound coming from McCully?

  118. Kazz July 30, 2008 12:14 pm

    I too hope the Under Armour gear is on time.

    Well, for the fans too. Last I heard, I believe the uniforms (replica jerseys) are supposed to arrive in August, then in some circles I heard early September.

    I contacted someone to see if they can get a “jump” on this before anyone else can.

    Will keep everyone posted.

  119. da princess' classmate July 30, 2008 12:16 pm

    afternoon every1

    speaking of da neighbor island boyz, does any1 know if mana rosa (sp?) got offered a schollie?

    maybe we’ll get another permanent island boy in da majors with the trade of pudge to da yanks. dane sardinha – next in line??

  120. A-House July 30, 2008 12:18 pm

    Hear ye, Hear Ye:

    Mrs A-House has officially withdrawn from the Port Bean Soup competition, if there will be one on 9/6/08, after tasting uhfan808 soup.

    We will stick to trying to make the butter fish the best can be!!!!!

  121. Kazz July 30, 2008 12:18 pm


    I pau work at 7pm here in town and I hope I can catch most of the town meeting by 7:30-ish.

    But since it’s on my way home I WILL stop by and attempt to attend.

  122. Kazz July 30, 2008 12:23 pm

    RE: 2008 Football Season Tickets

    I just called the SSC and they said they “expect” the tickets to arrive/mailed out the week of August 18th.

    I’ll call them again the week before to make sure.

    I never have them mail it to my house as I would be responsible for everyone else’s $$$$ should I become a victim of mail theft so I just have UH hold it for me to pick up.

    I suggest the same for everyone else IF they share the same concern.

    You can just call the SSC Box Office, give them your name or the name the tickets are under and request to HOLD them there for pick up. Of course ONLY the person that the order is under can pick them up in person with their ID.

    Again, UH will NOT call anyone to tell them their tickets arrived so better to call them around August 18th to check.

  123. d1島 July 30, 2008 12:24 pm

    Mrs. A-house would “rule” in a boiled peanut contest!
    “Rule”…is that a really out-dated term?
    Maybe Tsaikos should go to Tongue Fu classes, too.

  124. d1島 July 30, 2008 12:28 pm


    OK. Wen you get there check if get fuud. If so, find Stretch and tell him to post something with his “most awesome” new phone.

    “Most awesome” – is that not “rad” anymore?

    Where do I sign up for Tongue Fu? :-p

  125. d1島 July 30, 2008 12:28 pm

    😛 ?

  126. LizKauai [Believer] July 30, 2008 12:30 pm


    Buttahfeesh…. misoyaki….ymmmm! I only get toonafeesh fo lunch today.

    Kazz- did you happen to overhear when da Florida Tickets and OSU tickets are being mailed???

    Welcome to all the new bloggers, btw!

    Caryn- Congrats! – btw- are you coming to the T-Gate with a Ted’s Pie by any chance????

  127. mctruck July 30, 2008 12:37 pm


    Just wondering?, when exactly did you start wearing primarily, “Muu Muu’s?…from small kid time-o-what?
    I saw your younger picture on this blog… was some-fine-young-woman, back then too!!(this compliment so you don’t get mad about da muu muu…bwaaaahahaha!).

  128. gigi-hawaii © July 30, 2008 12:39 pm

    Liz, I’ll check the store for a Ted’s pie — chocolate cream, if possible. Hubby and I will be at the 1st tailgate of the season.

  129. d1島 July 30, 2008 12:39 pm

    btw, Gorg and gigi,

    Maybe you folks should try a butchers glove for slicing – very effective.

    or check your local medieval armor supply store for a chain mail glove…

  130. LizKauai [Believer] July 30, 2008 12:41 pm

    Speaking of cooking knives and the 6th F.

    Da odda week when fishing for halalu, one of the dunkers landed a pretty big (for us) shovelhead shark. I gave him my fishing knife (actually my Henckels paring knife) to cut out the hook. The shark jumped and the knife flew into the water. Auwe.

    Da guy was all sorry but I downplayed it… nevah mine… it was… only…one…. coughHenckelscough…

    My new fishing knife arrived today. This time I got a Kuhn Rikon paring knife. It has a cool sheath (I made a sheath out of cardboard and rubber bands for my old knife).

    So what is my point?
    When cooking (gigi and, er, dork), be sure to have the best, sharpest possible knives to work with.

    I found that most cuts come from pressing too hard on a dull or junk knife.


  131. gigi-hawaii © July 30, 2008 12:41 pm

    I started wearing muumuus and sandals every day when I began working at the public library in 1999. Before that, I had to wear dresses and high heels at the law office.

  132. LizKauai [Believer] July 30, 2008 12:43 pm

    omg… talk about being on a wavelength!

  133. d1島 July 30, 2008 12:43 pm


    Da missionaries made her transition into muumuu from da grass skirts!


  134. LizKauai [Believer] July 30, 2008 12:45 pm

    “Maybe you folks should try a butchers glove for slicing – very effective.”

    idunno d1 – I tried cutting with a glove once but it had not edge on it at all…
    😈 🙄

  135. LizKauai [Believer] July 30, 2008 12:48 pm


    tsai… cattle calls… lunchowah… can tuna… pack saimin… tsai…

  136. Kazz July 30, 2008 12:49 pm


    Oops I neva ask. My guess is they would have to go BEFORE the 18th (for the Florida game).

    Who was taking the orders for the Tsaikos heading out to Florida?

  137. d1島 July 30, 2008 12:52 pm


    Wat kine knife you use for da can tuna?


  138. (Jesse) James July 30, 2008 12:55 pm

    speaking of fishing…anyone hear where oama are running on Oahu??? Maybe tita leadfoot sistah like go oama fishing…

  139. LizKauai [Believer] July 30, 2008 12:55 pm

    Kazz… Some guys are going with the travel packages, bhf2 and I both got small blocks of tix.

    d1- canopenah and hashi 😉

  140. A-House July 30, 2008 12:55 pm


    I only taking a head count for the tailgate on 8/29/08 in Orlando!

    SteveM website has more info on how’s going.

  141. (Jesse) James July 30, 2008 12:57 pm

    d1…you know back in missionary days, they only wore grass skirts…no tops…..EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW BWAHAHAHHAHAHA

  142. Kazz July 30, 2008 12:57 pm


    I called UH back and they said that the Florida tickets will be mailed out (via CERTIFIED USPS MAIL) “early August”.

    The Oregon State tickets however will be later on but probably not much later on as that game will be around the corner as well.

    But they will NOT be mailed together for those that ordered both as the Florida game is sooner.

  143. LizKauai [Believer] July 30, 2008 12:57 pm

    (J)J – if Oahu stay like Kauai, nobody gonna say nuttin until AFTAH dere collah stay FULL… bwahahaha!

    oama is mo ono den halalu, imho…. fried crispy…. mmmm….

  144. (Jesse) James July 30, 2008 12:59 pm

    LK…nah, guys on Oahu tell people where stay. I just hate driving around looking for all the guys standing in the water….

  145. LizKauai [Believer] July 30, 2008 1:04 pm

    Fo- real- get planny good oama places???

    My #1son is da best fisherman in our family. He no need bait (sometimes uses white shrimp legs or one small piece oama skin) mosta da time. When de feesh stay biting, he catchem wid da teeny bare hook!

  146. LizKauai [Believer] July 30, 2008 1:05 pm

    Thanks, Kazz – certified, eh? sheesh. gotta go home early for pick em up den…

    HI HO!

  147. chawan_cut July 30, 2008 1:09 pm

    Congrats fellow Lostie Caryn!
    can’t wait to hear you bellow in a few weeks.

  148. Kazz July 30, 2008 1:10 pm

    Fishing eh?

    I bought one 20 dollah pole 5lbs line BEBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yeah… I have no idea what I am doing… 🙁

  149. d1島 July 30, 2008 1:11 pm


    Hah? Oama running?
    Is he a new walk-on? Wat kine tat’s he get on his foreahms?
    Let’s get some pics!

  150. Kazz July 30, 2008 1:14 pm


    Yeah certified mail is a good way for the sender to verify that it was received.

    Only when they mentioned certified mail did I realize that maybe UH sends all their season tickets this way (I’ve always requested to pick them up in person).

    That way, should they be stolen in the mail (***KNOCKS ON WOOD***) at least UH can verify that it was not signed for and maybe they can nullify the barcode on the tickets and re-issue new ones to the rightful owners.

  151. WarriorBasketball July 30, 2008 1:17 pm


    People at work asking the same question. Where is the oama these days. Seems the schools coming in later and later these days. In the past, the oama were so plentiful that even the papio would ignore the oama when we used them for bait.

  152. (Jesse) James July 30, 2008 1:26 pm

    d1…I heard Oama was laser timed with a 4.3 40…put him in with Pilares…and we’d have grease and lightning at slots….and his forearm tats are supposed to be awesome…hook and line on one forearm, Papio on the other….MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Warriorbasketball. Yeah, I remember Oama being plentiful as a kid. Seems to have smaller schools these days (although I was surprised at the number in Waikiki – closed area and Kaneohe Bay always has lots out by the sandbar area) Maybe people not abiding by the bag limit? or maybe the bag limit is too high…I mean 50 per day is pretty high.

  153. LizKauai [Believer] July 30, 2008 1:26 pm

    WarriorBasketball – das right. Our fishing habits are reflecting the changes in environment or whatever else is happening.

    The oama are in small groups here and there… nothing that could be called a school.

    The halalu used to show up in June and this year it was July.
    In the last few years, even though the fish are steadily declining in numbers, this year was a very dramatic dropoff.

  154. (Jesse) James July 30, 2008 1:27 pm

    I would think G’nalo would know. Have to ask him to ask his friends.

  155. d1島 July 30, 2008 1:28 pm

    Just noticed this:

    LizKauai [Believer]:

    July 30th, 2008 at 9:30 am
    hi xs!

    hi ho!

    How come Liz talk to you li’dat? 😯

  156. (Jesse) James July 30, 2008 1:28 pm

    Congratulations Caryn…..

  157. Caryn July 30, 2008 1:29 pm

    Thanks for the congrats, everyone! (ST I told you no more embarrassing pictures on the blog…grrr)

    I’ll see everyone at the Big Karaoke Call in a few weeks…soooo excited 😉 Sadly, d1島, he will not be there. 🙁

    LK- I will def try to make it with some pies!

    Also, gotta send a shout out to my other Kahuku classmate on the team, Tuika Tufaga. Go Warriors!

  158. (Jesse) James July 30, 2008 1:31 pm

    d1…I thought I saw him walking by Topa towers one evening….hmmmmmmmmmm

  159. SteveM July 30, 2008 1:33 pm

    Congratulations to Caryn Kunz!

    Kazz – $20 pole and 5 lbs of line? Hmmm…got boat too? 🙂

  160. LizKauai [Believer] July 30, 2008 1:34 pm

    d1 – because of #69 … sheesh… 😉

  161. LizKauai [Believer] July 30, 2008 1:36 pm

    Kazz- you going oama feeshing? 4′ pole, 1# test, teeny hook and one teeny splitshot nuff. oh- and one scoopnet is useful too.

  162. chawan_cut July 30, 2008 1:36 pm

    you shouldn’t pose with your ring for ST. without THE Princess’ videos, he’s relied on his newfound passion of paparazzi.
    i think if you move fast enough, with his old camera and slow shutter, it wouldn’t be able to catch up with you, so all he’d get is a blur. even he wouldn’t be able to crop that to make it work. heh.

  163. Kekoa July 30, 2008 1:38 pm

    D-1 ~ If you are attending the Wala’au in Waimalu Wednesday – We be there With Wide eyes and a Wide grin our faces.

    Oh, and what’s all this talk about Oama running…of course he is! He beat out Hillary for the nomination, right?…he’s also from Punahou, right?!…Hehehe!

  164. gigi-hawaii © July 30, 2008 1:39 pm

    OK, the baby is now napping and I can say this:


    How long will your engagement be? Mine was 1 year.

  165. d1島 July 30, 2008 1:39 pm


    d1 – because of #69

    stop digging the hole deeper!

  166. LizKauai [Believer] July 30, 2008 1:40 pm

    “Oh, and what’s all this talk about Oama running…of course he is! He beat out Hillary for the nomination, right?…he’s also from Punahou, right?!…Hehehe!”

    Bwahahahaa!!! dat was one good one!



  167. chawan_cut July 30, 2008 1:40 pm

    oama… presidency… too good. too good.

  168. LizKauai [Believer] July 30, 2008 1:41 pm

    ok d1- I’ll leave it to homey to get creative 😆

  169. d1島 July 30, 2008 1:42 pm

    Ho boy…

    Now HAL is going be charging for the first checked bag on m/land flts…$15.

  170. Hawaiianbod July 30, 2008 1:43 pm

    Congratulations Cayrn! Best wishes.

    Looking forward to seeing you and Kelli earning the Tsaiko shot glass. hehehe.

  171. Kekoa July 30, 2008 1:46 pm

    Al ~ I’m back on the ceded lands now awaiting the results of the honorary CC for the Leadfoot Tita from Palolo.

    ~ First of all, was there enuff room to accomodate all comers, or did you have standing room only?

    ~ Then, was there any complaints or near death experiences from the food?

    ~ I’m thinking all went well, and everyone left with full tummies.

    ~ Did the honaree show up or did she perform the Esme/Jojo?

    ~ Did ST make it, or did he have to go to the bank and clear that Credit Card bill first?

  172. Hawaiianbod July 30, 2008 1:48 pm

    oops! Cayrn=Caryn

  173. SteveM July 30, 2008 1:52 pm

    We all look forward to seeing Caryn at the Karaoke Call! 8 openings left and we are approaching the point where the event will be extended an extra hour…

    😆 😀 😆
    Saturday – August 16, 2008
    Krazy Karaoke 8:00 PM – 12:00 midnight (minimum)

    The large room at the Young Street Krazy Karaoke holds at least 55 persons. STRETCH has made the reservation and put down the deposits.

    Same arrangement as last April 19’s Krazy Karaoke Call

    • bring your own drinks (this room has a lot more cooler space)
    • bring snacks and pupu’s (optional)
    • $15 per person to cover room rental/karaoke
    • pay Stretch or designee at the door that night

    Current RSVP Count = 46

    RSVP on blog or email SteveM — stevem.hnl (at)
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Updates will be posted in the Events Calendar section

  174. Kekoa July 30, 2008 1:53 pm

    Hi Liz!…Howz Moms doing?…Hope she’s resting comfortably. See you at the T-gate in Sep!

    Eh!…Don’t step on any Gators ovah deah! They should be easy to spot. They would be the ones high tailin’ it out of da Swamp when the Warriors put the dirty lickins on ’em in the 3rd qtr!

  175. WarriorMojo July 30, 2008 1:55 pm

    # d1島:
    July 30th, 2008 at 1:28 pm

    Just noticed this:

    LizKauai [Believer]:

    July 30th, 2008 at 9:30 am
    hi xs!

    hi ho!

    How come Liz talk to you li’dat? 😯

    Hah! Good question. Let’s see….

    “xs” must stand for either “excess” or “extra small”. Either way, not good. Better for be just the right size.

    “hi ho” must be some kind of greeting, like “hi guy”. But, does that mean homey is “ho”?

  176. gigi-hawaii © July 30, 2008 1:56 pm

    lol, mojo

  177. d1島 July 30, 2008 1:56 pm


    I don’t think I’ll be at the MacMalu Meeting tonite; will check here for the synopsis later.

  178. Kekoa July 30, 2008 1:58 pm

    WM ~ That’s her (Liz) signature sign off as in, “hi ho – it’s off to work I go!”

  179. d1島 July 30, 2008 2:00 pm

    Hey Mojo!

    Are you back on da rock?

    About now homey must be feelin’ pretty good about things, having feasted on Thai fuud. Will look forward to his clarification of this issue…HO HO HO!

  180. (Jesse) James July 30, 2008 2:01 pm

    kekoa…I think your EIS Patnah going be there….

    D1…What’s this about 69??? I don’t get it….MWAHAHAHAHAHA

    Kazz…did you get 5 lbs of line? or 5 lb. test line?? lol….tita leadfoot sistah can show you how it’s done…..

  181. WarriorMojo July 30, 2008 2:02 pm

    Kekoa, okay, that’s a relief. Glad to know that homey isn’t the “ho”.

    But what about this one now:

    July 30th, 2008 at 1:42 pm

    Ho boy…

    Who’s THAT?

  182. 99club July 30, 2008 2:04 pm

    Good afternoon Tsaikos!

    For mainland fans like me…please see below for games currently scheduled for TV. Has anyone heard anything about this year’s Hawaiian Telcom package yet? Any special discount codes like last year? Remember your kindergarten lesson: SHARING. 🙂

    08/30/08 at Florida (ESPN Gameplan)
    09/13/08 at Oregon State (Fox Sports Net NW)
    10/17/08 at Boise State (ESPN)
    11/29/08 WASHINGTON STATE *
    12/06/08 CINCINNATI *

    * One of these two games will be on ESPN

  183. Stephen Tsai July 30, 2008 2:04 pm

    The word on the street is Caryn is an awesome singer.
    She’s also bringing along Kelli.
    So please visit their blogs.

  184. WarriorMojo July 30, 2008 2:05 pm

    D1, yeah. I’m back finally. Actually, I was back yesterday, just in time to chase Mr. Pilares away. Shucks.

    But I don’t blame him for not answering the question I asked. I wanted to cancel the question as soon as I hit “submit”.

  185. d1島 July 30, 2008 2:06 pm


    re: Ho boy…

    If the shoe fits….


  186. jojo ® July 30, 2008 2:10 pm

    kekoa, you forget that homey is related to me through initials and he became “hoho” for a short time.

    And now I’m wondering if there is another reason that Mrs. A-House will not be entering the PBS challenge. Mrs. A-House? Feedback?

  187. WarriorMojo July 30, 2008 2:12 pm

    Jojo, so you’re saying homey IS the “ho” or just USED to be?

  188. d1島 July 30, 2008 2:16 pm


    Yep. No can stir da pot, eh.

    Careful jojo, da buggah makes a living at using words… 😉

  189. gigi-hawaii © July 30, 2008 2:19 pm

    Did ST do an esme now?

  190. d1島 July 30, 2008 2:21 pm


    * One of these two games will be on ESPN

    Of course, if UH things go really well up til then, BOTH will be 😀

  191. Da Punchbowl Kid July 30, 2008 2:21 pm

    hoho… you mean the lil choclate cake, the first cousin of the twinkie? Sounds like somebody we know.

  192. d1島 July 30, 2008 2:23 pm

    No can edit on the fly. ;-(
    “if things go really well for UH up til then”

  193. d1島 July 30, 2008 2:24 pm

    Willie grace.


  194. homey ® July 30, 2008 2:24 pm

    d1 and mojo – xs = extra sauce

    As for the “hi ho”, the “ho” is supposed to be “homey” but the “mey” sound was delayed because of the extra sauce.

    gigi – another tip for using a knife. Grip the handle and not the blade.

    I’m full, Rob25 let me eat her shrimp curry and A-Sports and I stole her dessert.

  195. jojo ® July 30, 2008 2:28 pm

    So Mojo is trying to get me in trouble….
    all I’m saying is that homey posted as a “hoho”

  196. gigi-hawaii © July 30, 2008 2:29 pm

    homey, who attended the CC? Were there 20 people, after all?

  197. Wena July 30, 2008 2:29 pm

    Just finished reading todays blog. Skipped a couple days of reading.

    Happy belated birthday. We wanted to take you to dinner yesterday, but Tiffany cops you. So tonight, ok? We are planning for tonight, so free up your evenings.

    Hope your mom is okay. Keep us posted.

    Happy belated annivery to Garrett and Lori.

    Mavis & Jerry,
    Can’t remember your blog names. Thank you so much for all the school supplies! Now to fill up the enrollment. Anyone out there with little kids? In fact, we are not open yet. Will keep you posted.

    Those living in SoCal–
    What’s shaking? Hope all is safe and still.

    The place where my daughter took Steve to jetski is called “Sea Breeze” and it is in Hawii Kai.

  198. jojo ® July 30, 2008 2:30 pm

    ooh, dpk beat me! AGAIN!!!

  199. 99club July 30, 2008 2:32 pm


    I hope you’re right! I’ve got a feeling that Cincy will have the better year than WSU so that’ll probably be the game if they only televise one.

  200. Wena July 30, 2008 2:34 pm


    I meant “LizKauai”…not “LisKauai”

  201. Rob25 July 30, 2008 2:37 pm

    Eh homey, I gave you my mushrooms too.

    Lunch was pretty good…this coming from someone who is not fond of exotic foods…and yes that includes many Hawaiian dishes.

    What kind of Kamehameha grad am I? Been there, done that.

  202. homey ® July 30, 2008 2:38 pm

    gigi – There were some tourist, some locals, tables were full, 4 waitresses…

    The soup was awesome! sjmacro nearly coughed his lower intestines out. The sticky rice was…sticky.

  203. al July 30, 2008 2:40 pm


    kekoa says,


    July 30th, 2008 at 1:46 pm
    Al ~ I’m back on the ceded lands now awaiting the results of the honorary CC for the Leadfoot Tita from Palolo.

    ~ First of all, was there enuff room to accomodate all comers, or did you have standing room only?


    ~ Then, was there any complaints or near death experiences from the food?


    ~ I’m thinking all went well, and everyone left with full tummies.


    ~ Did the honaree show up or did she perform the Esme/Jojo?


    ~ Did ST make it, or did he have to go to the bank and clear that Credit Card bill first?




    ….NUFF SAID (sorry for shouting like dpk)

  204. homey ® July 30, 2008 2:48 pm

    jojo – great to be your relative too!

    Rob25 – Oh yeah, the mushrooms! If anyone wants to eat a lot of food, invite Rob25.

    Another thing, little did you folks know but myki, Rob25, and A-Sports are hilarious!!! A-Sports also likes to take pictures of herself eating. I think she does that so she can help rehabilitate bulimics.

  205. (Jesse) James July 30, 2008 2:49 pm

    al…the food sounded goooooddd….man, wish I could have made it….

    Wait?? Are we talking about the hostess cake “ho ho” or are we talking about the mahos that walk by the old Amfac Building late at night??? MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  206. Dennis Halloran July 30, 2008 2:50 pm

    I was wondering if anybody knows if Gabe Tatua, the 5’5″ RB/KR that UH offered last year, is returning to Pasadena CC?

  207. (Jesse) James July 30, 2008 2:52 pm

    homey…A-Sports is hillarious…you should hear her yelling at hinalea…” going take my bait eh? You toying wit me?? I going make you pay!!!”

  208. al July 30, 2008 2:52 pm

    homey….and the doc asks more questions that gigi. would you believe it?

    we were also lucky to have former all wac player sit and dine with us.

  209. gigi-hawaii © July 30, 2008 2:52 pm

    James, how would you know about mahos that walk by the old Amfac bldg LATE AT NIGHT? What were you doing there? haha

  210. (Jesse) James July 30, 2008 2:53 pm

    I forgot to mention yesterday that Punahou Aina also was a DMHS grad…played for UH…KK’s mentioning of Coach Aina made me remember that….

  211. gigi-hawaii © July 30, 2008 2:54 pm

    Al, I was told by a teacher of the gifted and talented that the ‘BRIGHT’ ones always ask questions. It’s the dullards that don’t. lol

  212. (Jesse) James July 30, 2008 2:56 pm

    gigi…remember I used to work in EMS….when I worked on the first watch (11p.m. – 7 a.m.) we were called to that area often…there and the area behind Pali Longs/Safeway….

  213. al July 30, 2008 2:56 pm

    psssst. word on the street is that asports has been assigned to arrange a pho call.

    stay tuned as the theme turns exotic.

  214. (Jesse) James July 30, 2008 2:57 pm

    gigi…I never asked questions…and I was considered a genious….MWAHAHHAHAHAHHAA

  215. (Jesse) James July 30, 2008 2:58 pm


  216. al July 30, 2008 2:59 pm

    my kids were in that gt program but they never asked questions. they either knew the answer or would look it up.

    i was told that people who ask an abundance of questions were either not paying attention, poor listeners, deaf, didn’t know the answers, and too lazy to google.

  217. (Jesse) James July 30, 2008 2:59 pm

    al…”What the Pho?” Is this possible pho call going to occur in the next 3 weeks or so???

  218. gigi-hawaii © July 30, 2008 3:00 pm

    sheesh James, you switched from 1 job with weird hours to another one with just as crazy hours.

  219. homey ® July 30, 2008 3:00 pm

    al – would be interesting to have gigi and WD sit down together and talk football.

  220. al July 30, 2008 3:02 pm

    (j)j….the food was as good as it sounded. i wish i was sitting in homey’s place. i was sitting next to two big eaters, pride. and asports.

    if i were ajoe….i would head on home real fast before asports awakens from her nap and then grinds all the leftovers that she begged to take home.

  221. gigi-hawaii © July 30, 2008 3:04 pm

    When a friend went to a mainland college, she almost returned home cause the haole kids were so inquisitive toward the teacher. Not only that but they would actually challenge the teacher.

    so different from Hawaii, yah?

    A UH prof used to complain about the silent students here.

  222. chawan_cut July 30, 2008 3:04 pm

    mmm, i’m just thinking of an impromptu CC at Ige’s after the Waimalu neighborhood MacMeeting.
    nah, i can’t make either anyways. but maybe the other wes’ side tsaikos can put one together.

  223. homey ® July 30, 2008 3:05 pm

    I stared at walls and pulled apart GI Joe’s. Now I heard they are worth big bucks! I wonder how much an arm is worth?

  224. al July 30, 2008 3:06 pm

    (j)j….yup, within three weeks. you better be off, bull.

    btw, asports hale viet nam has a back room waiting for us. can reserve em, too.

    maybe you need one advance scouting party eh?

  225. al July 30, 2008 3:08 pm


    shudder (shudders) the thought young man.

  226. Rob25 July 30, 2008 3:10 pm

    Hey homey…can we have a “mojito call” one of these days? Myki, A-sports and I would be even more hilarious then.

    Kekoa- the food was good, the company even better. I didn’t get to talk with ST, Al, and Pride that much because A-sports was taking pics of herself eating…was good fun.

  227. homey ® July 30, 2008 3:12 pm

    Nothing wrong with being inquisitive. Usually a teacher is challenged because the students know more than the teacher.

    Maybe the UH Prof was teaching a class for deaf and speech impaired students.

    BTW, what is the sound of a baby with no tongue? Ask myki and Rob25.

  228. Kazz July 30, 2008 3:19 pm


    5lbs test line.

  229. homey ® July 30, 2008 3:24 pm

    Mojito call! Sounds good. Maybe can concoct some on the 16th!

  230. Mike July 30, 2008 3:25 pm

    I chase the non-talkers out of my classes early. Wanna “A” for the class? Gotta participate. No academic freeloading.

  231. al July 30, 2008 4:00 pm

    michelle wie…….latest decision to forego the last major lpga event for a men’s tournament is just, just……………….dumb!

  232. sjmacro July 30, 2008 4:01 pm

    Just got back from the PT CC and UW. Thanks Al for setting it up. We got to practice field at 2:55 and the 3 qbs and 1 receiver left at 3:10. Aaron Bain showed up later, saying schedule for the rest of the week is jumbled because guys flying in being picked up at airport.
    Remember, the $3 parking ticket is good for 24 hrs, works if you attend 2 a days. Also, you get a refund if you leave within 30 minutes of entry. Got our $3 back with 2 minutes to spare today. 😀 –sjmacro & myki

  233. Rob25 July 30, 2008 4:03 pm

    I agree al…what is she thinking?

    homey – should I bring the rum?

  234. sjmacro July 30, 2008 4:05 pm

    homey: the pho place is Pho Tri near Kalakaua and Beretania–sjmacro

  235. Bulla July 30, 2008 4:19 pm


    i agree with you on Wie’s decision….huh? don’t know who is advising her, but not in her best interest at this point.

  236. Bulla July 30, 2008 4:21 pm


    i am planning to open a new restaurant, called ‘Pho Wat’ and we are going to serve beef stew and loco mocos…..when they ask for the favorite soup…..we tell them the name of the place…’Pho Wat’, haha.

  237. d1島: July 30, 2008 4:22 pm

    Wow Spring Roll (closest Phuket Thai menu item I know to laulau)!

    Sounds like a winnah CC.

    Got some roast pork from Tanioka’s…going try simulate Thelma’s Special at home. Will report on survivors later…

  238. Bulla July 30, 2008 4:22 pm


    do you think anyone would be interested in ‘blended’ concoctions on the 16th? i will volunteer as the mixmaster….

  239. Rob25 July 30, 2008 4:22 pm

    My coworker and her husband love that place sjmacro! They go there all the time! Tha’s really close to where I work! Too bad I don’t think that I would like Pho!

  240. d1島: July 30, 2008 4:25 pm

    I know, I know…
    Why nevah jus go Thelma’s?

    Was headed back to town already and nevah like u-turn. Plus was ono for fish patty.

  241. d1島: July 30, 2008 4:27 pm


    Mrs. likes Margaritas.

    Sounds like another DD night for me!

  242. al July 30, 2008 4:32 pm

    d1…what you cooking?
    smells ono. you think we could have one cc at thelma’s or gotta be one mini cc?

    bulla….i know you are in celeb status now that you have been on tv. but, one day you gotta make one cc okay?

  243. bonar July 30, 2008 4:34 pm

    Will UH experiment with the A-11 this season?? Interesting interview with the creater of the offense on L & L and comments by Kanoa on Mack’s comment when asked about the A-11.

  244. bonar July 30, 2008 4:34 pm


  245. al July 30, 2008 4:36 pm

    michelle’s advisors are her well educated parents. too bad, they never studied “common sense”. pretty soon this girl with all this talent gonna throw her clubs in frustration in to the ala wai. the last tournament when she failed to do something so elementary in the game as signing her scorecard just showed that she is not mentally ready for the pro game basically because she never spent enough time in tournament situations when she was younger.

    personally, i really do hope that the light bulb goes on soon before she is past her prime and/or is so frustrated about not being able to win a tournament. right now, she needs a win in a tournament any tournament. taking her game back to compete against men is just….dumb.

  246. al July 30, 2008 4:37 pm

    ummmm….what’s an a-11?

  247. d1島: July 30, 2008 4:39 pm


    That was an interesting interview.
    Something tells me that the experimentation, if any, won’t go in that direction though.

  248. al July 30, 2008 4:39 pm

    bulla…..i could help you with that.

  249. Bulla July 30, 2008 4:40 pm

    auryte! email me her concoction of choice?

  250. d1島: July 30, 2008 4:41 pm


    newest wrinkle in fball.

    all 11 can be eligible receiver.

    try search youtube for video.

    click my name for site

  251. Bulla July 30, 2008 4:45 pm

    mr al,

    celebrity, haha, you’re killing me. when the CEO of the company leans over and says, ‘eh bulla, maybe you should speak’, i brush him off and say, ‘nah, it’s your company, you talk…’. CEO leans over again and says, ‘nah bulla, you should go talk…’, and i tell him, ‘…nah, you know more people than me in the room (i lied). then CEO leans over and says, ‘Bulla, you’re going to speak!’, that’s when I say, ‘Hey Lyn, sign me up, I’m going to speak!” haha

    would have loved to come to the cc, but whew, can’t handle the menu….would have had to sit there and drink iced tea and tell jokes, haha.

  252. Rob25 July 30, 2008 4:45 pm

    Bulla aka Mixmaster – Midori daiquiri, please!

  253. Bulla July 30, 2008 4:53 pm


    you would like a midori margarita better with the tequila, and 1/2 rim with li hing mui sooooooooooooo good. i’ll have a tip jar set up! haha

  254. al July 30, 2008 4:55 pm

    nobody gets drunk on midori liquer.

  255. Bulla July 30, 2008 4:55 pm

    i think to make it easy, i’ll stick to midori margaritas…..i’ll bring the ingrediments for about 5 batches….that’s the limeade, tequila, midori, triple sec, and a few other ‘special’ additives….

  256. sjmacro July 30, 2008 4:56 pm

    homey: can Bulla substitute watercress if no mint for your mojito? 😈 sjmacro

  257. LizKauai [Believer] July 30, 2008 4:56 pm

    Redskins Depth Chart- Colt is #3 ❗

  258. Bulla July 30, 2008 4:58 pm


    midori + tequila + triple sec + ???? (they’ll never know) = plenty buzz

  259. Bulla July 30, 2008 5:00 pm


    i’d share a lot of things, and i have, but some things are just plain sacred. any watercress that has been propped in the dirt and grime behind my ear lobe, well, that’s just too special to part with.

    however, in Homey’s case, i might make an exception, and give him one of my ‘twangy’ ones!

  260. Bulla July 30, 2008 5:02 pm


    sorry, i misread your earlier comment, or have been stuck in the gutter on the ala wai

    i thought you wrote

    nobody gets drunk on midori…..


  261. al July 30, 2008 5:11 pm

    pull it out bulla. too many fumes from the ala wai. just way too many.

    good thing midori not lurking she would whop you on the head already.

    its time to go cook rice.

    but why am i not hungry?????

  262. Rob25 July 30, 2008 5:13 pm

    Bulla – I’m already bringing the rum for the mojitos…tequila, oh the memories…or lack thereof! I want to remember the KK not do a homey! But tequila with li hing mui sounds good…gotta go wipe my mouth now.

    OK now I was just telling A-sports how I love pork and watercress soup and you guys had to go and ruin that. YUCK, the imagery.

  263. Maverick July 30, 2008 5:16 pm

    Oh my. The food pics.
    Tapioca! Thai or Vietnamese style? Apple bananas chopped up inside with the vanilla bean?

  264. curveball July 30, 2008 5:18 pm

    LizKauai [Believer]:

    that was yesterday but you were real busy with your mom … not much on the DC blogs today that I found.. check out my old fish pic….

  265. Rob25 July 30, 2008 5:19 pm

    Getting ready to head out!

    Maverick – the apple bananas were sliced and sauteed in coconut milk if I remember correctly. The tapioca was with coconut milk also.

    Bye all, check in later.

  266. Bulla July 30, 2008 5:19 pm


    He is the potter, I am the clay…..more like a big chunk of dooo-doooo at times, haha. but i could not resist, oh the battle of the flesh.

    back to the watercress, Homey, how come the watercress i gave you had clumps on the bottom? ewwwwwwwwwwww

  267. Kazz July 30, 2008 5:21 pm

    Oh wait… so who is going to Waimalu Elementary tonight?

    H-Bod, yes it was a PLEASANT experience to wake up to know L&L is on Wednesday mornings.

    I hope it’s a sign of things of PERMANENT changes to come!!!

    Quite frankly everyone is entitled to their own opinions but I for one do NOT want to hear jibba jabba about how someone believes UH is going to “fail” this year while “hoping” for the best at the same time with the ever-so arrogant laugh following such a statement.

  268. Maverick July 30, 2008 5:23 pm

    Rob –

    Omg! I can taste it. Thanks
    for the scratch n sniff scenario. ( Thanks also ST for the pic.).
    Gotta luv Da Tapioca!

  269. Bulla July 30, 2008 5:23 pm


    we have our work cut out for us as Warriors and as Warrior fans. ‘…of much whom is given, much is expected….’ and i think that applies to Coach Mac. getting rid of the 220’s is a good move….no redeeming value in that compared to other things they could be doing.

    power + speed = explosiveness

    that… friends, will control the trenches, and control the game. anything less, is pattycake.

  270. Hawaiianbod July 30, 2008 5:25 pm

    Kazz – LOL. So true.

  271. Bulla July 30, 2008 5:25 pm

    gotta roll boyz and gurlz,

    been fun, play nicely, i’ll check on you later tonight. off to nuuanu ymca to drop off equipment for a ‘family racquetball’ program we are doing over there….never a dull moment, haha.

    a hui hou………………….

  272. SteveM July 30, 2008 5:26 pm

    Bulla — midori magaritas? One for Peaches please… for in between Jager Bombs.

    So we are going to have Bulla’s Bar in the back corner and Mrs. Bulla’s Bomber’s Table in the front quarter?

    Looks like d1shima’s not the only one DDing)… 😐

  273. Maverick July 30, 2008 5:27 pm

    Interesting that 220’s were excluded. Back in my track days. ( 30 years ago). They were brutal.
    So the 100 meters should be the norm ?
    Bulla, I trust your input.

  274. curveball July 30, 2008 5:29 pm

    never saw a 220 yard football field……

  275. Maverick July 30, 2008 5:33 pm

    RE: Curveball – Never saw a 220 yard football field.

    Only in Purgatory.

    Thanks goodness. :>

  276. LizKauai [Believer] July 30, 2008 5:40 pm

    ok curveball… i like dat oama fo shua!!! bwahahaha!

    gotta get home.

  277. curveball July 30, 2008 5:41 pm

    I think they have them at SMU….

  278. King of Lur [대장입니다] July 30, 2008 5:58 pm

    Ho da pikcha mek me hungry. Eesa lanchawa now ovah hea in 서울. Jeet, no but ai goin eeet in da Hoasen fah place in da mall now. bum bai com baek.

  279. Kazz July 30, 2008 5:58 pm


    Wow, I neva saw Coach Mack get rid of the 220s.

    But yes, seems like the linemen are working hard and they will need to continue to do so as this is were 99.9% of games are lost and won.

    Especially when the physical specimens of the SEC are looking to “have fun”.

    BTW, hope all is well with Da Beast.

  280. Kazz July 30, 2008 5:59 pm


    Is that the same “Tanioka’s” wit da MEEEAAAN poke in Waipahu?

  281. Kazz July 30, 2008 6:01 pm


    A belated CONGRATS to Caryn!!! 🙂

  282. d1島: July 30, 2008 6:07 pm


    Grab a napkin and click on the link

  283. d1島: July 30, 2008 6:10 pm



    I’ll reserve a seat in Tongue Fu class for you; right next to mine.

  284. Koa-mahu July 30, 2008 6:12 pm

    what jamie miss me? went visit my ohana. no like dem know dat i one mahu so had to stay away. ehh i saw wreck on tv. so what he tink he spesshal now. ehh i was in one movie before. try go suzi’s an watch’em. tell me what you tink.

  285. Kazz July 30, 2008 6:14 pm


    -5 years
    -No need to be approved to the Board of Regents. “it’s pau” -UH Spokesman Gregg Takayama.

  286. Koa-mahu July 30, 2008 6:15 pm

    ehh d1. are you trying to say you want something from me. ehh bebe. you miss one extra “ing” in your “DDing?” call me any time. now i know what the d in your name is for.

  287. d1島: July 30, 2008 6:15 pm

    Camp starts in Gaineville on Monday, too.

    Sounds yummy…

    Two-a-days are upon us, which means trainers will scramble in the 98-degree heat to make sure players are vomiting out of fatigue instead of a near-death experience (or at least we sincerely hope that’s the case). The first week is open to the public, so have at it. The first day is Monday.

  288. d1島: July 30, 2008 6:17 pm


  289. Koa-mahu July 30, 2008 6:17 pm

    i am happy for jim. sound like the ting that i used to get in my car. da slim jim. good for yanking out dingle berrys too.

  290. d1島: July 30, 2008 6:19 pm


    Eh, dat’s a capital D to you!

  291. Hawaiianbod July 30, 2008 6:22 pm

    MeiLing – re #63 Scout players who are dressed and on the sidelines are available to be inserted into the game.

    However, some of the scout players are redshirts. If the coach decides he really needs the services of a player who is planning to redshirt the player would lose that year. It happens, but not very often.

    The player would still have his redshirt year back unless he is a senior then it wouldn’t matter.

    Hope I didn’t confuse you or anyone else.

  292. Koa-mahu July 30, 2008 6:22 pm

    what evah floats your boat babe.

  293. Kazz July 30, 2008 6:26 pm

    RE: Jim Donovan Contract

    I should have made it more clear, although it’s obvious:

    $240,000.00 annually for 5 years.

    Would anyone do that job for $240,000.00 OVER five years?

  294. Hawaiianbod July 30, 2008 6:29 pm

    Kazz – the 220s was in today’s Tizer written by the Tsai-Meister.

  295. WreckinEyez July 30, 2008 6:31 pm

    I am just wondering… Besides the kupipi I saw in the picture… Did anyone else catch anything?

    Hello blog… I am just checking in… Seafood buffet at the Rio, lobster kind small but still good… Triple777 at the mainstreet still serves the best ika nigiri and raw oysters… Oxtail at the cal still the best…

  296. Hawaiianbod July 30, 2008 6:36 pm

    That tapioca pudding looks sooooo YUMMYLICIOUS!!!

  297. Hawaiianbod July 30, 2008 6:42 pm

    Wreck – Good luck! Bring home the Megabucks.

  298. Kazz July 30, 2008 6:43 pm


    I didn’t even get a chance to look at today’s Tizer. Today is like the “Friday” of the week for me and I am just looking to “survive” the next 16 minutes.

    Will look now.

  299. chawan_cut July 30, 2008 6:46 pm

    i’m gonna save gas and ride my bike down the hill to waimalu.
    see anyone there?
    the fun part will be riding back up ka’ahumanu.

  300. d1島: July 30, 2008 6:47 pm

    Dave’s not here…

  301. jm2375 July 30, 2008 6:51 pm

    Hey guys, thanks for the suggestions. I forgot about Hifumi. Are the different Gyotakus the same when it comes to the consistency of the food? So, if I went to the Waimalu one, it would taste the same as the Moiliili one?

    I called a couple of parasailing places today. One place didn’t answer, so they won’t get my business. The other place put a hard sell on me. The one at Hawaii Kai might be good.

    The fuuud pixs loook really good. I went to my Weight Watchers meeting to make up for going waaaaay off my diet on the trip. Had a really expensive Japanese buffet for dinner at Wailea, but sooo goood.

    Ok, back to lurking and watching Shark Week shows. :mrgreen:

  302. MeiLing July 30, 2008 6:52 pm

    Fuuuudd! Mmmmmmmm…. I’ll have to go to Phuket Thai when I get home. I had a California roll for dinner tonight.

    Then went to the AZ Cardinals night practice at NAU’s old outdoor stadium. Aaron Francisco on the field quite a bit. Hercules playing center for mainly the “second string” (?) group. Travis appears to be the friendliest of the guys; he’s talking a lot to the guys around him. Got to see more action by Leinart & Warner passing & the receivers. Morelli & St. Pierre got some reps in; I like Morelli, the rookie QB from Penn St. No chance to get up close tonight. I’ll have to go to the autograph session on Saturday morning. Maybe if I bring Spam musubi, I can lure the guys over…ya think?

  303. Hawaiianbod July 30, 2008 7:03 pm

    CC – I didn’t know that you’re my neighbor.

    Howdy neighbor!

  304. Hawaiianbod July 30, 2008 7:08 pm

    d1 – re #300 too funny! I remember that scene. LOL.

  305. MeiLing July 30, 2008 7:15 pm

    Hawaiianbod ~ Tanks for answering my question. So, if a player on the sidelines was not redshirting, they could go in & play, yeah?

    Wreck ~ Love those oysters on the half-shell at Triple 7 & the oxtail soup at the Cal. The butterfish misoyaki at Market St. Cafe is a dinner I have to have when I go to Vegas.

  306. Kekoa July 30, 2008 7:17 pm


    July 30th, 2008 at 2:59 pm
    my kids were in that gt program but they never asked questions. they either knew the answer or would look it up.

    i was told that people who ask an abundance of questions were either not paying attention, poor listeners, deaf, didn’t know the answers, and too lazy to google.


    See, now Al…in order for this message to get thru to whomever you intended, it must be acknowledged. Therein lies the problem with certain individuals who do not pay attention to what your are saying. Why? Because they don’t think it pertains to them.

  307. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 30, 2008 7:17 pm

    Hi Wreck!

  308. Hawaiianbod July 30, 2008 7:17 pm

    JM2375 – I frequent the Waimalu Gyotaku quite often and I must say the fuud is DELICIOUS!!!

  309. FloridaTed July 30, 2008 7:21 pm


    Got your e-mail, did you get my reply?

  310. Hawaiianbod July 30, 2008 7:24 pm

    MeiLing – yes, they can play.

    Mahalo for the AZ updates! Fuud is always a good bait.

  311. curveball July 30, 2008 7:30 pm

    LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER:

    Hows your mom……

  312. d1島: July 30, 2008 7:35 pm


    Yeah, funny stuff back in da day.
    Sadly. I think the time may have passed for Tommy Chong and Cheech Marin.
    Couldn’t believe I read Chong is 70!

  313. Koauka July 30, 2008 7:38 pm


    Thanks for your answer. If Reeve Koehler is kept around good people and continues working hard to become a college football player, I think it would work. An incentive like that would make me pay attention and work.

    The concern is kids are influenced by their friends. Back in the day, when I was coaching, the coaches tried to steer kids with talent to play in high school. But the influences got the best of them and choose other activities, some not positive, and later regret their decisions.

    But all indications show Reeve an intelligent and talented young man.

  314. Hawaiianbod July 30, 2008 7:44 pm

    d1 – I just heard today on one of the sport shows that they finally put their fued behind them.

  315. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 30, 2008 7:47 pm


    curveball- mom is recovering… no can eat yet, but has gotten up. She’s enjoying her meds… it’s gonna hurt when they wear off. BP is a little high but otherwise, so far, so good!

    My daughter just uploaded a PILE of pix from their trip and homecoming. I’m picking out dome (too many) to share. Can’t wait to see Lilu again in Sept.!

  316. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 30, 2008 7:48 pm


  317. curveball July 30, 2008 7:52 pm

    LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER:
    did you see any good stuff on your DC blogs today

  318. Kekoa July 30, 2008 8:13 pm

    As you can see by the the old clock on the wall, I never made it to the Mack-in-Waimalu show. The Nap Monster got me and would NOT turn me loose!

    I’ll have to rely on anyone who was able to make it. ST?….Koakane?…Kazz…BHF2?

  319. Garret July 30, 2008 8:19 pm

    About the importance of vet WRs on their young WRs, Miami’s head coach said:

    He’s playing well and I think when you’re in the film room and you’re watching it on film, I think that’s the best learning environment. If you’re a young player like a (Davone) Bess, you’re watching this guy make his release and say, ‘Hey, I can learn from some of that stuff’.

  320. Garret July 30, 2008 8:21 pm

    Bess mentioned here also.

    I might take a lot of crap for saying this, but Anthony Armstrong was the receiver who stood out most to me Wednesday afternoon. He got separation, and had a few shake moves during 7-on-7 and team drills. Derek Hagan, who put together his third straight decent day of practice, was a close second, with Davone Bess being the third.

    Bess has a way of dropping right into the soft spot in a zone. It’s either a gift, or Hawaii’s pass happy offense paying off. Right now I have him penciled in on my 53-man roster, but he did drop a pass or two during Tuesday’s practice, which shows he needs to work on his consistency.

    As Sparano has said, “when your opportunity comes you’ve got to take advantage of it.”

  321. jm2375 July 30, 2008 8:21 pm

    BTW, for you Cowboys fans – HBO’s training camp series focuses on the Cowboys this year. Last year was the Chiefs. Series starts next Wed. But, of course, there are no Tsaiko Cowboys fans, right? Only Redskins fans!! 😀

    Hail to the Redskins
    Hail Vic-tor-y
    Braves on the Warpath
    Fight for old D.C.

    Run or pass or score, we want a lot more,
    Beat em’ Swamp em’ TOUCHDOWN, Let the points soar,
    Fight on, fight on, til you have WON!
    Sons of Washington, FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!

  322. Garret July 30, 2008 8:23 pm

    Article about Miami players whose stock is rising or falling mentioned Reagan. Interesting that a JUGS machine could save Reagan’s career, especially with how bighilofan took care of the repair of UH’s JUGS machines.

    FB Reagan Mauia – This incumbent starter couldn’t catch a cold in Alaska. He appears to be the best blocking option at fullback, but so far he seems VERY one dimensional, and is losing ground to Boomer Grigsby. He needs to spend 30 minutes a day on his own working with the jugs machine because that’s the only way he’s going to save his NFL career.

  323. Garret July 30, 2008 8:23 pm

    Good mention of Bess here!

    Beautiful slant pass to Bess, about 20 yards down field. Bess breaks the coverage, and in a game would’ve had a 50 yard touchdown.

  324. jm2375 July 30, 2008 8:25 pm

    Hey, they sorta fixed the blog clock…

  325. Garret July 30, 2008 8:25 pm

    Bess is getting a chance to return kickoffs. I can’t remember him returning kickoffs with the Warriors…but Miami already said that roster spots may depend on special teams play, with WRs needed to return kicks.

    Almost all of the offensive skill players are kickoff returners, including Ginn, hagan, Bess, Armstrong, Jayson Foster and the like. The big guys are practicing rolling off their blockers. Compelling stuff.

  326. Garret July 30, 2008 8:28 pm

    The second sentence here was pretty complimentary of Bess.

    Beck is completing most of his passes, but he forces one to Davone Bess over the middle into quadruple coverage. Not even Bess could catch that one.

  327. Garret July 30, 2008 8:29 pm

    Nice mention of Samson here! This was the only time he was mentioned in the Miami papers…in general, it is a good sign when an OL is not mentioned much!

    Nice job by Samson Satele against Paul Soliai. The coaching staff hopes that going against Jason Ferguson every day will make Satele a Pro Bowl caliber center.

  328. Garret July 30, 2008 8:30 pm

    This site rated the top 100 assistant coaches in the country. Norm Chow is #1, which is not a surprise to me. None of the Warrior coaches made the top 100 list.

  329. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 30, 2008 8:32 pm

    An Island of Confidence
    A Record-Setter Against Odds at Hawaii, Brennan Tackles Doubts as Redskins Rookie

    “His attitude has given teammates pause. Brennan quickly has gained a reputation as an antithesis to the stiff, all-business field-general prototype. He wears tights on the practice field. He cracks jokes with veterans. He plays the ukulele.

    “He’s probably one of the most interesting rookie quarterbacks I’ve ever been around,” Campbell said.

    “He just walks around and talks about everything. . . . He has these different styles that he dresses when he comes to practice. He has tights on. He has wristbands. I’m like, ‘Colt, what’s all this stuff you have on?’ ”

    Said wide receiver Horace Gant: “He’s cool, calm and collected. I think the Hawaii lifestyle rubbed off on him. . . . He puts me in the mind of a Brett Favre-type guy. It’s not the conventional, drop-back quarterback style. He gets the job done.”

  330. curveball July 30, 2008 8:38 pm

    Liz K

    good stuff …….you are the best

  331. Kekoa July 30, 2008 8:55 pm

    Mrs. A-House has dropped out of the Great PBS Challenge?! Her agent announced today that she has graciously stepped down perhaps because of the dark horse contender for the coveted PBS title. Well, the soup thickens!…Stay tuned boys & girls.

  332. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 30, 2008 9:03 pm

    curveball- no, just lucky 😉

  333. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 30, 2008 9:03 pm

    Hi Kekoa!

  334. Kekoa July 30, 2008 9:08 pm

    D-1 ~ There are some really encouraging things about the A-11 system. From what I’ve seen, even a medicore team was able to control the movement of their offense in a very consistent manner. Ball control, clock control translates into victory every time.

    The advantage of installing such an offense for our guys is the fact that you can utilize 2 quaterbacks like Tyler & Inoke. Any combo of a passing QB and a running QB…both on field at the same time! That answers the question about what to do with the multi-talented 11 QB’s we have to select from over the next few years.

    Since it is based on the run ‘n shoot, or the ‘spread’ if you prefer, it would not be hard to use a specialized version of it every so often to blow-up defensive alignments! (Sorry, didn’t mean to use such an explosive description…forgot they were keeping an eye on me!)

  335. Kekoa July 30, 2008 9:12 pm

    Hi Liz – Moms sounds like she is coming along very well. Soon she should be enjoying some ‘real’ food again! Ke Akua provides, doesn’t he.

  336. Kekoa July 30, 2008 9:15 pm

    Liz – Thanks for penetrating the ‘Skins camp with all the good stuff about the Coltster. He is quickly becoming a must see monument in DC. Soon they’ll have to include him on the Greyline Tour of the Capitol. Move over Abe Lincoln, Colt has arrived!

  337. chawan_cut July 30, 2008 9:18 pm

    wow, i’m the first one back from waimalu. and i rode my bicycle too.
    first off, i’m out of shape, so i need to catch my breath and cool off and then i’ll write a synopsis.

  338. Kekoa July 30, 2008 9:24 pm

    Liz ~ Kimana tells me that he wants to train for a position as a Lifeguard. No doubt he would be a good one, just not sure how he should go about readying himself for the appointment. Any tips from your son would help.

    Diana says he should leave the Uke home, ’cause we’re small kine worried about him ‘serenading’ the tourist while someone might be in crisis out there.

  339. Kekoa July 30, 2008 9:26 pm

    Thanks CC, I blew it and slept too long this afternoon. Eagerly awaiting anything you have to share.

  340. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 30, 2008 9:30 pm

    c_cut- cool shower, cold beverage, small rest, blog like craze 😆

  341. Garret July 30, 2008 9:37 pm

    The Miami Herald reporter was finally back to writing about practice after 3-4 days off…and unfortunately had a bad report about Reagan.

    The rest of the work was typical of what the first couple of days of practice were like: I saw more dropped passes than a professional team has the right to make — David Kircus, Ted Ginn and Reagan Mauia stood out in that regard.

  342. Garret July 30, 2008 9:38 pm

    Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want the off-topic stuff.

    Pretty cool to read about this hybrid plane concept with super gas mileage.

  343. d1島: July 30, 2008 9:38 pm


    Nice article about Colt.
    Only manini kine criticism is his comeback to, “Is Hawaii a good school?”
    “If you like the beach.” 😐

  344. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 30, 2008 9:38 pm

    Kekoa- Tell Kimama to train like he was going into the fire dept. (CPR, first responder, Red Cross swim training, physical stamina workouts, some muscle-building – not TOO much- need buoyancy) and swim in the ocean. I think they had a 2 or 3 mile open ocean swim as part of the testing. #1son swam on the team in high school (still has KIF 100yd breaststroke record) and was a good 1/2 mile in front of the pack during his test.

    Also- always put the people first. Mr. Aloha personality is a plus as most of the work might be patching up people who ignore signs and walk on reefs, etc. Applying a band-aid with a non-sarcastic smile is an oft-repeated activity.

  345. Garret July 30, 2008 9:38 pm

    A flying car prototype is being shown off at an Air Show now and they may begin safety testing later this year!

  346. Garret July 30, 2008 9:39 pm

    AOL asked many of its paid bloggers to work for free and many agreed since they have hope that they will get to keep their jobs at reduced pay starting in August.

  347. Garret July 30, 2008 9:39 pm

    I always unplug my cell phone charger, both to save electricity and because I don’t want my kids to play with the outlet. It turns out that leaving a cell phone charger plugged in all year uses the equivalent energy of 1 bath or 6 minutes of driving per year.

  348. Garret July 30, 2008 9:40 pm

    The Air Force is looking for a spray-on laser shield to protect its weapons.

  349. Garret July 30, 2008 9:41 pm

    Free play links pau. I look forward to reading the reports from chawan_cut and the others who attended the event tonight!

  350. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 30, 2008 9:46 pm

    d1- hard to say about this reporter… but Colt is getting a LOT of flack about Hawaii and I am taking a “salty” approach to any reports about him. (as in grains of salt)

    I really think he wants to concentrate on his game and the learning curve that Zorn is throwing at the whole team as they adjust to his system.

    A few days/weeks out of the spotlight would be a relief to him and give him a break. When gametime comes, he will be able to turn it all back on again.

    imho, of course 😉

  351. chawan_cut July 30, 2008 9:48 pm

    ok, lemme start off by saying that whatever goes down doesn’t always necessarily mean it comes back up, as in me almost not making it back up ka’ahumanu street on my bicycle.
    i’m still typing up my report, and i’ll be posting it on Tombo Ahi’s blog because i can post pictures there and i can edit that one when i find all my grammatical and spelling errors. i’ll link to it when done.

  352. chawan_cut July 30, 2008 9:51 pm

    oh yeah, saw koakane, wassupdoc, sj & myki and some other tsaikos who i forgot your username (sorry, i’m still new to all your faces). they’ll probably report in too.

  353. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 30, 2008 9:57 pm

    Garret- interesting about saving energy by unplugging! I just got a kill-a-watt
    and have my iMac plugged into it. It has been running for 21:54 hours and has used .78 kwh

    I gotta learn more about this stuff.

    Anyway, I’m going to measure our appliances in order to figure out how much PV stuff I need to make a difference in my power bill.


  354. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 30, 2008 9:59 pm

    c_c – look forward to reading your article and seeing the pix!

  355. d1島: July 30, 2008 10:11 pm

    From the article:

    “I want to go to the University of Hawaii!” a boy in the crowd said.

    “I don’t blame you,” Brennan said, scribbling his signature.

    “Is it a good school?”

    “If you like the beach,” Brennan said.

    Colt is Colt…just hope that next time he might say something a little more in line with what, ummm…IDK maybe, V. Hinshaw (for example) might say in response to the same question.

  356. Kekoa July 30, 2008 10:35 pm

    CC ~ The Doc came all the way out to the Leeward side? Wow!…now I’m begining to wonder what that was all about…hmmm.

    Was there something not covered by the total political blanket that the Doc is known for spreading over the UH? Is there an ulterior motive by the Doc to actually encourage the building of a new stadium on da Wessai?! Awwwryht Doc! Build it and they will come! Oh and light rail with it too! Ya Hootie!…and to think, I slept thru it all…sheesh.

  357. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 30, 2008 10:35 pm

    d1- sorry for being too wordy. What I mean is- unless we are looking at an unedited video of a Colt interview, I treat the quotes more as snippits and not necessarily complete responses.

  358. Kekoa July 30, 2008 10:39 pm

    SJ & Myki ~ Saw your collection of sunset photos. Stunning stuff! Absolutely gorgeous colors. See you this weekend. Mahalo!

  359. sjmacro July 30, 2008 11:00 pm

    chawan_cut: add Ralph, TrueGreen, BHF2 and spouse to Tsaikos present.
    Pride: Tony Holyfield was at the town meeting and says hello

  360. Addahknowsports© July 30, 2008 11:44 pm

    Good Evening Tsaikos and Tsaikettes-

    Been MIA for a while. Since having difficulty in catching up, I’ve resorted to reading the blog backwards.
    …And what is this I’ve been reading about A-sports talking and taunting the fish, huh, (Jesse) James. Aunty Tita Leadfoot neva get dat name fo’ nothing. You in trouble…
    Wreck, I was going for the pan fryers and not necessarily the twenny pound ulua. (You should see the giant crabs that UHFan caught)

    I want to thank Al for the wonderful lunch we had today at Phuket Thai. It was DA BOMB! I loved, loved, loved the Tom Yum Soup (renamed Yum Yum Soup). The crispy chicken was ono and everything was rounded and grounded by the delicious curry.
    Despite what everyone is typing about me eating all the food including the leftovers…..soooooo not true. First of all, the leftovers did make it home. A-joe enjoyed it immensely. Second of all, I got to eat some of Rob25’s tapioca AND…NO, I DID NOT HAVE TO BEAT HER UP FOR IT. She was very generous in sharing it and I did share it with Homey who was still looking a little hungry.
    As for the picture-taking…I did so because A-joe called to make sure I took some. The self-portrait was done for him in his style of around-the-corner-reverse-camera-back-over-the-shoulder-shot.

    It was a very satisfying cattle call and the company was fabulous as always.


    Hale Vietnam sounds great. How ’bout we wait ’til Jason comes back from his trip and has rested up.

    Good night all!

  361. chawan_cut July 30, 2008 11:46 pm

    wow, no one’s up amazingly.

    anyways, sorry it took so long, but i guess i took more notes than i thought i did.

    here’s my “report” from the
    Waimalu Town Hall meeting with Jim Donovan and Greg McMackin.

    again, i posted it on tombo ahi’s blog site as i could edit the text as well as insert pictures. thanks tombo!

  362. J July 30, 2008 11:58 pm

    Yawn…I wonder if I’ll beat the birds tonight. They’ve been waking up before I crash all week…

  363. sjmacro July 31, 2008 12:10 am

    chawan_cut: super reporting job, you covered everything. ❗ — sjmacro

  364. addahknowjoe July 31, 2008 12:27 am

    Chawan- Either you’re an incredible stenographer, possess unreal shorthand capabilities or you had a tape recorder with you. Whatever it is, you take some mean notes, brah.

    Thank you for your insights to the Waimalu meeting. Felt like I was there. Mahalo Tombo for your small kine real estate.

  365. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 31, 2008 12:53 am

    Mahalo, chawan_cut! Now I can go nigh nigh!

    Sweet dreams and have a great Friday!

  366. Koauka July 31, 2008 12:58 am

    Chawan – great recap of the meeting.

    You gotta remember, JD needs to pc, or receptive to all questons from the fans, or potential Warrior fans. Think in Jim’s eyes, everybody has a great queston because they sincerely want an answer.

    Be nice to the peeps and the peeps will become fans of Hawaii Athletics.

    pc = politically correct

  367. Mike July 31, 2008 1:08 am

    So the UH women’s basketball team finally gets the go-ahead to fill their vacant assistant coaching position. On the list of applicants: Dallas Boychuk aka Mrs. Jim Bolla. Odds are against her getting the position, but she does have successful head coaching experience…

  368. addahknowjoe July 31, 2008 2:00 am

    Gnite Island Tsai-kos.


    Gmornin’ Mainland Tsai-kos

  369. J July 31, 2008 3:22 am

    Gnite works for me. It’s 6:20 a.m., the sun is up, the birds are out and I’m debating about eating or sleeping. Hmm…

  370. Hawaiianbod July 31, 2008 3:54 am

    Chawan – EXCELLENT report!!!

    Thanks for your time and efforts!

  371. las vegas July 31, 2008 4:03 am

    Nice job & thanks

  372. MeiLing July 31, 2008 4:04 am

    Aloha Kakahiaka!!!

    Noddah question from Idunnotoomuch:

    Early Doucet, LSU, looked good last night at the Cardinals practice. Do you think he’ll be playing this year? He’s a rookie, but the catch that I could see was great.

  373. Stretch July 31, 2008 5:24 am

    Good Morning Tsaikos!!

  374. MeiLing July 31, 2008 5:27 am


    Thanks for the reporting on the mtg at Waimalu last night. Great notes!

  375. djmitcho July 31, 2008 6:05 am

    Good Morning Tsaikoland!

  376. koakane™ July 31, 2008 6:06 am

    good morning gangie

    good to see da tsaiko’s represent at Waimalu last night. JD and coach Mac was very informative. both did an outstanding job representing warriors and the UH.

    play nicely today and take care

    you know the drill esme whoooooooooosh

  377. Loa July 31, 2008 6:08 am

    morning gang!

    chawan – nice report and pics, the ring looks huge

    i get the feeling coach mack is ready to get down to business and start kicking okole

    have a safe and happy day!

  378. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 31, 2008 6:13 am

    Aloha Kakahiaka!

  379. koakane™ July 31, 2008 6:16 am

    quickly if checking out chawan’s report on tambo ahi web site you will notice the back head of bhf2 and his wife.


  380. Addahknowsports© July 31, 2008 6:20 am

    Good Morning All-


    Good report! Thanks!

  381. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 31, 2008 6:23 am

    Redskins insights:
    “How does this year’s team look from your perspective?

    Best group of guys that I’ve worked with. I’ve covered a lot of teams over the years, and there’s such a good nucleus here. The guys are great. There are no primadonnas, really. They all have their own personalities, like Clinton’s really eclectic, a different kind of dude, but he’s cool, he’s a good guy. They’re all good guys. There’s no attitude like on some other teams.”

  382. jm2375 July 31, 2008 6:33 am

    Good morning Tsaikos!

    C_C – great reporting. You gonna give Tsai-meister a run for his money. j/k

    Fall camp starts Monday!!!! Everybody getting excited??

    No forget – Redskins game Sun 2pm. GO Colt! Go ‘Skins!

    OK, off to work. Esme and out.

  383. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 31, 2008 6:36 am

    Re #350- Here’s the kind of unko attitude that Colt has to deal with (or not) :

    “Colt Brennan’s Blog of Humility

    July 29, 2008

    Colt Brennan has been blogging for for a little more than a week now. We can’t comment on it, but if we could, subjects such as his dreamboat status, playing dodgeball with Jason Campbell, and being the most popular third-string quarterback in the league would make it the Hot Topic of the blogosphere.

    But Brennan won’t talk about that, because he’s just an all around smooth dude. He’d rather talk about things like his subconscious fear of the team veterans:

    “It’s cool to see the celebrity status of someone like Jason Taylor and what he brings to the team. It’s really neat when you get out to the practice field and you have Jason Taylor at defensive end, Clinton Portis as your running back and Santana Moss as your wide receiver. You kind of pinch yourself a couple times.

    When I’m around those guys, I’m actually pretty quiet. I understand where I am on the pedestal.

    I’ve never actually met Jason Taylor formally, but he has walked by me a couple times and said, ‘What’s up, Colt?’ It just shows you that he’s a really good guy.”

    Or maybe Colt is just so damn cool he doesn’t need to say what’s up. To anybody.

    You be the judge. I’m going with the latter guess.”


    “Colt Brennan is a Dreamboat

    July 14, 2008

    The Washington Redskins signed Colt Brennan, former Heisman hopeful, a Sugar Bowl punching bag, and now competitor for the Redskins third-string quarterback slot.

    Interestingly enough, many of our gay brethren have been long standing fans of Colt, and from the looks of things, Washington will be no exception for the flesh lust. Check one of the odes of love: (insert shirtless pic of Colt)

    Was anyone watching College Gameday on 11/3? They had a feature on Colt Brennan and his passion for spear fishing. While playing the video, they showed him jumping in the ocean and swimming. Well while that was happening, his shorts came down a little bit and you could see the top half of his crack! So hot!

    Look out Brady Quinn. There’s a new hunk in town.”

  384. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 31, 2008 6:45 am

    OTOH- Colt has a fantastic group of people to throw and hand off to. I love this attitude from Santana Moss about rookies:

    “What are you seeing from these rookie receivers?

    “I see a lot of potential,” Moss said. “When you come into this league young, with so much going on, you’re trying to settle in and trying to do this and do that. What I see with these guys, they’re confident. They already know that they’ve got guys in front of them that’s gonna help them. There’s no envy. We all here together. We’ve all been in this situation, so I’m gonna let them know everything that I know, and the stuff that I don’t know we’ll learn together.”

  385. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 31, 2008 6:51 am

    “*Jim Zorn named several veterans that are unlikely to play Sunday. Clinton Portis (his name had already been mentioned before as a no-go), Chris Samuels, London Fletcher, Carlos Rogers and Jason Taylor are probably out. He is unsure about Rocky McIntosh and Cornelius Griffin. Zorn also said rookie WR Malcolm Kelly was “laboring” at practice this morning and considers him doubtful for Sunday.

    *Zorn does not allow rookie hazing because that was what Mike Holmgren did in Seattle, and he thought it was a great idea. Just trying to make a team is enough to deal with, according to Holmgren/Zorn.

    *The mystery of the logo-less rookie helmets was also revealed. Zorn said those who do not have logos will “earn” them upon making the team after the fifth preseason game. They will be allowed to have them during games (NFL rules mandate it) but the logos will come off again shortly after.”

  386. Loa July 31, 2008 6:54 am

    hey liz –
    thanks for all the colt info, keep’em coming, loving it
    sheesh too bad about all the unko
    just a matter of time before the they see his true aloha spirit
    hmmm, time to start a tsaiko dc chapter eh

  387. LizKauai [iMac] BELIEVER July 31, 2008 6:57 am

    Then the is the Bwahahaha stuff- from those who doubt everything but Colt’s marketability:

    (picture of Colt at the top of the page…. then blah blah blah until you get the the BOTTOM of the page):

    “Colt Brennan has such a dedicated following that Tony Brown at Hog Heaven just puts Colt’s name in blog posts to draw traffic. That’s a cheap way to get hits Tony, and I want Curly R readers to know I’d never resort blatantly to putting Colt Brennan’s name in a post for no real reason, nor would I consider writing stuff about Colt Brennan that really did not have to do with Colt Brennan just so I could get Colt Brennan hits. Colt Brennan.

  388. bighilofan2inHnl July 31, 2008 7:18 am

    Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.

    You wanna talk Tradition. Howz dis, From the Official 1951


    cheer booklet.
    Da pikcha kartuun on da cova is by Al Vierra.

    On da back ah da covah page. It reads

    David Muramoto
    Studio of Photography

    Specializing in Fine Photography.

    *Candid Weddings

    Ample Parking Space in the REar

    1011 University Ave. Ph 977365
    After Hours call 77030

    On da 1st akchual page, it reads


    Published by Ke Anuenue Sorority

    Now howz dat peeps? Want moa? 😀

  389. Kekoa July 31, 2008 7:20 am

    Good Morming Tsaiko Ohana!

    Thanks again to the Chawan_Cut ‘Biker Supreme.’

    Koakane, how come CC had to chug it up the hill? Why nevah you pack his bike inside your SUV?

    Go put one check mark in the unsatisfactory block for – “Works well with others” on your report card…go.

  390. bighilofan2inHnl July 31, 2008 7:27 am

    The stuff in quotes is a verbatim repro.

    “Alma Mater” is da title on the actual page 1

    “Words by Dorothy Rowell and Music By May Gay”

    “In green Manoa Valley our Alma Mater stands
    “Where mountain winds and showers refresh
    her fertile lands
    “The flag of freedom beckons above her shining
    “To larger truth and service our Alma Mater calls.

    “Hawaii we have gathered within thy wideflung
    “As sons and daughters claiming thy freely
    offered stores
    “Our loyal praise we tender, and pledge to hold
    thy aim
    “Till ocean’s far horizon shall hear thy honored

  391. chawan_cut July 31, 2008 7:31 am

    koakane offered, but i needed the exercise. now that i sit here with pains, maybe i should’ve taken him up on it. nah, i still needed the exercise.

  392. bighilofan2inHnl July 31, 2008 7:31 am

    1951 Fight Hawaii Fight cheerbook, page 4

    1 – OH! You Rainbows
    (To be sung after every touchdown)

    Oh! you Rainbows, hats off to thee
    To thy colors true we shall ever be
    Loyal, strong, united are we
    Rah! Rah! Rah! for U. of H.
    Rah! Rah! Rah! for U. of H.
    Rah! Rah! for U. of H.

  393. Kekoa July 31, 2008 7:39 am

    Chawan_cut ~ Ok…got it! Koakane is official off da detention list and put on the “Good Citizen” Bumper Sticker list.

  394. bighilofan2inHnl July 31, 2008 7:44 am

    Hows this, from the official 1951 Univ. of Hawaii Football Roster

    No 20 Harry Ono QB 5’7″ 145
    No 21 George Mamiya RB 5’8″ 150
    No 22 Donald Pacheco LH 5’7″165
    No 23 Francis Shon RH 5’7″ 150

    get too many names.
    I gotta figah out how fo copy dis lil book.
    da buggah in original mint condition.

    Da back covah ah da book get

    “Enoy Healthful Recreation
    Bowl at-
    Varsity Bowling Center
    1119 University Ave. Ph 907105
    Bill Nakayama, Manager

    Directors: Jack Taniyama,’39, Ken Nojawa
    Yoshie Kunimoto ’35, Charles Kimura ’37,
    James Miyake ’32, Ralph Yamaguchi ’34,
    Ted Kubota

    Free Instructions”

    I think that all yu bowlers wudda enjoyed dat ole place

  395. Kekoa July 31, 2008 7:45 am

    Gearing up for another long day at Tripler. Don’t you just hate it when there is no out!…

  396. koakane™ July 31, 2008 11:09 pm

    kekoa now you starting to sound like the uniformed parents when dey hear their child crying about teacher no like me, the odda student when strart it first or my favorite from parents …………… oh sorry I neva know dat, was it stated some where. Um yea at the pta meeting which you don’t attend, in the weekly bulletin we send home with your child or on your telephone home recorder which if you ask your son/daughter probably erased because they neva like get liken by you.

    could go on but nuff said.

    have a good one, tired now, so going beddie bye play nice and whomever can come you will get to see bhf2 do his UH cheer against gators.

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