Big time in Big D

DALLAS — Sorry for the infrequent and brief posts, but it’s been a crazy morning.
It started at 8:30 a.m. (4:30 Hawaii time) with the Oregon interview session on an indoor football field in the Dallas Convention Center. Marcus Mariota, of course, was on one of four podiums underneath television lights. He easily had the most reporters surrounding him. Asking a question was like merging into traffic: You wait for a nano-second pause and jump right in. Some managed to fire off three questions in a row. That’s an old journalism trick: Ask a filler question so you think of the next one. Oregon’s Hawaii guys had fun, even conducting their own interviews. They represented the state well.
When it was Ohio State’s turn, it was evident the Buckeyes appear to be bigger. None interviewed knew the Warriors were on this year’s schedule. Apparently, there’s a bigger game this Monday.
I’ll have pictures, etc., maybe.
Thanks for stopping by. Chat among yourselves.
Good morning everyone!
ST — has anyone asked where your camera is? Pictures indeed! 😉
… more BBQ pix would be good too.
Good thing Mariota doesn’t have a fake girlfriend or the questions would have been a lot harder.
Come on, you know I had to bring that up, right?
Does it get any better than this?
In 2010 Mariota leads St. Louis to the state high school football championship.
At Oregon:
2012-PAC 12 freshmen of the year
2012,2013,2014-first team all-conference
2014-Heisman Trophy winner, All-American
2012-Fiesta Bowl offensive MVP
2013-Alamo Bowl offensive MVP
2014-Rose Bowl offensive MVP
6 ft 4 in; 211 lb; ran a 4.48
36-4 record at Oregon. Has over 10 thousand yards passing and 2100 yards (or thereabouts) rushing-with only 13 interceptions in his career.
And on Monday Mariota plays for the National Championship-biggest game of his life, biggest stage…and all eyes (especially the kids back in Hawaii) will be watching…absolute role model.
Absolute winner. Best Hawaii high school football player ever? I think so. And to think that Mariota didn’t start a varsity high school football game prior to his senior year in 2010,,,,it doesn’t get any better than this.
The best attribute I like about Mariota is that he’s calm under pressure, smart, humble, a team player (always passes praise on to others) and let’s his actions on the field do the talking. He definitely makes Hawaii proud. It’s also a very nice touch by the SA to cover the championship and Mariota.
More on Mariota.
A three-star recruit, Mariota wasn’t even offered a scholarship by Hawaii, his hometown school.
I like chats on sports also. Marcus Mariota is not the only one on the limelights or brighter. Jameis Winston is headed to Tennessee Titans. I pick who ever plays the better game. Good luck to Marcus Mariota, and I hope to see him in the NFL as everyone else. He is an excellent player and one that deserves full attention into the NFL. A far cry from Aloha Stadium. I like him enough and I’ll cheer him into the NFL also. Thanks for a good season and memories for us to talk about in Hawai’i. Go Marcus!
Polly, no doubt MM has taken it to the next level, but best Hawai’i high school ever–with all due respect, I have a different opinion. If the statement was in regard to best college player–now that might very well be supported. But, he had only one season starting in HS.
For my money, the two guys I would vote for are–Mosi Tatupu and Boyd Yap. Mosi just changed the landscape of high school football, and was indeed a man among boys. Before recruiting services and rankings, he was a marked man, wanted by all-and he did it a soph starter.
Now, some might ask Boyd–really???! But, Boyd was all-ILH as a soph, and a two time all state, with two different schools, and basically won the prep title for Kaiser, before going back to KS. He was legendary, and both guys and girls spoke in hushed whispers about him. Plus, we use to skip classes and hit bowls during season….
But just my 2cents…
Wasn’t it was already established though that since Mariota didn’t even really play until his senior season, he was not on much of any school’s radars. Plus didn’t he attend the Oregon camps before his senior season and was discovered there and then committed early? I can understand why UH didn’t give him an offer.
#3 Do not agree with you on personal matters. Not sure if anyone knows him in Oregon and a cheerleader there? Too much to see or think.
8– Mosi was great, but maybe he was somewhat a man among boys by age too. I think he was 19 maybe a month before graduation at Punahou .
8. At the end of the day, qb is the.most important position in all of sports pretty much and MM has taken it to another level.. so he gets my nod for best ever… As far as nfl goes, I still have my concerns if he can make throws in the pocket.. has some accuracy issues in intermediate throws and deep ball… but at very least, I think he’s capable of kaepernick
Hmmm, there was a time and place, when the RB position was the more iconic position (not more important) than the QB. So, coming up through OJ to Sweetness to Eric Dickerson, you would be hard pressed to name their respective QBs.
It is this era in which Mosi came up, the notable QBs of that era were Kaipo Spencer, Duane Akina and Blaine Gaison. Like any contest of who was the best, I think you always do it through the lens of when you played, and what does your total record and stats look like for that period. MM has my vote for “the guy” as a college player, but has a limited record for his HS career. Mosi still has my vote…..he actually changed an era.
i think coaching will determine who wins on Monday. I’m going with Ohio State.
in 1994 jason keo lead the ilh in rushing as a junior. That alone is a bigger feat knowing he did it going up against Kamehameha, St Louis, and Punahou. just imagine if he had d1 prospects on his oline.
kap is a bust. led the league in delay penalties cause the buggah don’t know the plays, and he had the same oc for 4 years. kap clearly doesn’t function like an nfl qb. he looked like a 4th year rookie. 30th in passing. that was genius of baalke to sign him to an incentive laden contract.
A-House: Plan A trolling didn’t produce, but my partner and I each got an uku. Lots of tako were coming up too. Got a couple for the smoker. Steam uku is a winnah but I’ll probably sashimi dis bugga.
enjoy it never know when there be a other one from hawaii there again !! but one thing about this one he might be da best ever !!
Have fun, ST!!!
Hope Dallas forgot to bring their long underwear. Go Pack!
eh…no UH guys o I don’t care
Typical Hawaii people banter. Talk crap about a brother who is doing good, making us proud. Kanaka talking smack about mariota, even though kanaka admitted he was second string, at best, when he played.
The rest of these fools; what can you say.
Re-Why penalize the Oregon player twice for failing the NCAA mandated drug testing?
He’ll miss the championship game, maybe the first six games of next season and forever feel the guilt of letting his team down…that he has to live with. He, like many young men his age who do cross the line, fail drug test, have to learn from their mistake. And correct themselves and, hopefully, get back on their feet. Maybe he will.
Yet why penalize the player twice?
His penalty is enough…that’s a big enough punishment. A simple news release saying said player failed drug test by using a substance on the banned substance list(street, prescription or other) is enough. Done. Let the player pay the price…and move on.
In this case the player’s punishment is aggravated because the news release (I can’t believe the NCAA would do this-did they?) said the player had marijuana in his system. This bit of information hurts the player’s future.
My point is that the player shouldn’t have two albatrosses around his neck. One is enough. The second one can hurt his job, coaching or even political ambitions.
In this instance I strongly believe there should be some confidentiality surrounding the testing of student athletes. Penalize, yes. Ostracize and hurt, no.
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