Austin replaces Rausch
Shane Austin will arrive in Seattle today as an injury replacement for backup quarterback Brent Rausch. Rausch apparently injured his right hand on a teammate’s helmet yesterday.
Here’s Rausch at today’s practice at Qwest Field:
* * * * *
Here’s Brashton Satele:
* * * * *
Qwest Field:
* * * * *
Alex Dunnachie practices by punting to himself:
* * * * *
The Warrior Beat will be giving away a two-night stay at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. To enter, please post: I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior. We’ll announce the winner on or about Sunday night. (Hey, I’ll be in Vegas at the time, and, well, there are no clocks in certain areas.)
* * * * *
Stretch is the winner of a $100 gift certificate to Tropics Bar & Grill.
* * * * *
There sure are interesting things to see in Seattle …
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
hey stretch…no forget the pau hana cocktail hour.
well robert looks happy.
you mean to tell me that you’ll go straight to vegas and not leave wena by herself?
wow…not even ralphie is around.
should i go for garret’s record?????
nah…not my style.
well…i am expecting a victory on saturday.
cherreh, I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
there goes my run……….
thought that i bring this over from yesterday’s blog……….
my heartfelt condolences john to you and your family.
the loss of loved ones especially parents are always tough.
may the Lord be with you.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
My younger sister said that she saw our mom sitting by dad’s hospital bed smoking a cigarette yesterday.
No big deal but mom died 19 months ago.
A few hours later dad quietly gave up the fight, mom was always impatient and making dad hurry up.
I guess some things never change.
Thank you for your prayers and well wishes, the Collins/Sakura family
deeply appreciate every one of you.
LV- We love you, brah. Our deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences go out to you in such a difficult time.
You, both dad and mom and your entire ohana are in our prayers.
And one big Mahalo to mom and pop Collins for bringing, sharing and letting your boy come hang with us all. He crazy but, we love that braddah!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
LV: Sending my condolences to you and your Family…God Bless
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
top twenty
hope everyone is having a good time in Washington.
Sorry to hear about your loss.
Las Vegas – Condolences to you and your sister family.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.. thank you powderpuff and Hilton Hotels for the awesome sponsorship of prizes on the warrior beat.
coach Reinebold reports that the team is flying a charter to Birmingham, Ala and staying at the Birmingham Hilton. SMU averaged about 15K fans last season and they can afford a charter and stay at the Hilton? JD better check his books and accounting, we are paying too much or we are not getting a good return on what we do.
“I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior…”
I want to stay…real Hilton…not “Mililani-Hilton”__!!!
Have a nice & safe trip!
Please say “Hi” to… Go Warriors—!!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
ST- I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!!
Although I don’t think I’ve met Las Vegas in person, I am sorry to read about his family’s loss.
PowderPuff – is Dan Dinell still working for the Hilton? He’s a long-time friend. Mahalo for all the great gift certificates. Last time we spent any time there when not attending a conference was listening to classic rock music in your beach bar.
RE the difficult-2-read uniform numbers: I too had difficulty seeing them even when using binoculars, but in a few weeks that may change because I hope to be seeing better by the end of the year.
We have four volleyball tickets to give away for tonight’s match and two to give away for Saturday night.
Remember, Saturday’s match is supposed to be close to a sell-out.
If someone wants to use these tickets, please e-mail me swood at hoku dot com and be sure to include your daytime or cell phone number before 1 pm today. I’ll arrange to leave the tickets at the Will Call Window.
All totaled, we wound up having 18 tickets for this tournament. Slugger took two and HiFlyer took one, we’re using six (3 matches x 2 people), and I gave away two to someone standing in line. We threw away one ticket away because no one wanted it.
Once inside the Stan Sheriff Center, you’re supposed to sit where you’ve been assigned; however, in reality you can sit wherever you want unless someone actually has a ticket for the seat you’ve chosen. If that happens, then just move to another empty seat.
I understand Labrat’s frustration about people sitting where they’re not supposed to, but it doesn’t make sense to be forced to stay in junk seats when so many good seats remain empty.
Our assigned football tickets this year are even carppier than the ones we had last year in the South End Zone. Last Friday, we moved two sections over – same row – and then moved two more times when the legitimate seatholders showed up after the kickoff.
Have a great Friday everyone. Those of you in Seattle, take a good look at their mass transit system. Hope Mt. Rainier is visible and ditto the Olympics.
go sleep already, you need your beauty rest
i hope that our Warrior defense can come together and put up a formidable front, so many changes and assignments. don’t get me wrong, i know that each and every one of those young men embrace the chance to be a starter…..what my concern is the cohesiveness of the unit as a whole.
sort of like a symphony orchestra, everyone has to be their very best for their individually assigned part, but collectively as a whole……that is the ultimate goal. to combine the individual efforts for the greater sum of the whole.
i look for a symphonic concert by our D this week!!!!!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
Good morning!
It is going to be a gorgeous day!!!
Prayers to the Collins/Sakura families on the passing of your dad.
981 miles, 15 hours later we arrived in Ft Collins last night from Reno, NV…i’ll check that part of the trip off of my bucket list, whew. we saw a lot of America, everything from skunks to deer to elk to lambs to llamas to horses to goats to ducks to coyotes to cows, to cows to cows..did i say cows already?
great trip, Wildcats have their hands full playing Colorado State who is coming off of a victory over in-state rival Colorado last week. although our QB had 5 int’s last week, we only lost by 1 TD to Wyoming… close.
Wildcats are ready to go out and play hard, minimize their mistakes and see where they stand at the end of the day on Saturday.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!
how goes it in the NW today?
Condolences to Las Vegas and his family.
Las Vegas
I read your post on FB,whew, chicken skin stuff…..but just more confirmation that your dad is going to a better place. blessings to you and your ohana
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
Robert Kekaula is packing on way too much weight. Is he healthy? His friends on this blog should get on him if he’s not. He’s a good sportscaster…love him. But the other night when I saw him next to Paula Akana, it was a disturbing sight. I’ve also seen pictures of him on this blog, eating, drinking, and laughing. All looks fine, but man, I’d like to see him drop some weight. But then if he doesn’t want to, there’s nothing anyone can do.
UH vs Washington @ Washington
14 – 10 Committed Road Warrior
17 – 3 tom mui
17 – 13 hotwheels
17 – 14 Shannon
20 – 17 las vegas
21 – 10 Pomai
22 – 21 LizKauai
22 – 31 So Solly
23 – 21 HiFlyer
23 – 17 djmitcho
24 – 21 gmahoney
24 – 13 A-House
24 – 7 curveball
24 – 10 Capitol -ist/WassupDoc
27 – 17 Kazz
27 – 23 koakane
28 – 14 DrewHiro
28 – 10 G(China)
28 – 0 Jack Flash
28 – 27 Glenn
28 – 24 Curt
31 – 17 bighilofan2
31 – 24 longdistance808
31 – 17 bstunna2002 X
31 – 28 BIGWAVE96744
33 – 31 kinalau
34 – 24 BG
34 – 21 Cindy n Greg Cee
34 – 13 Momo
34 – 10 Unkanesson
35 – 27 wafan
35 – 24 MP
35 – 14 Da Punchbowl Kid
35 – 17 Kama Krab
36 – 35 jojo
38 – 24 TYaiea
38 – 10 SailorBlue
41 – 14 al
41 – 24 NYUH
42 – 31 Larry Fernadez
45 – 16 labrat
48 – 21 TChahng
50 – 0 WarriorTojo
56 – 14 d1shima
56 – 0 Kekoa
The gloomy day so far in D.C. is in stark contrast to the bright and sunny day it was eight years ago today.
Hopefully the weather doesn’t, or won’t put a damper on the various remembrance ceremonies taking place across the beltway.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior….
las vegas,
My deepest condolences…..
Travel day today…..from Washington (D.C.) to Washington (State).
Safe travels to anybody else heading off to Seattle today.
whew, yesterday 15 hours, 981 miles later we arrived at ft collins for the next WSU game. America is a big big big big country, whew!
all is good, looking forward to a great game and a WSU victory. both the Warriors and Wildcats will have a great weekend.
(((John C.)))
❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ Good..Aloha..Friday..Morning..Tsaikos..and..Warrior..Nation!!! ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀
Hiya early risers! Nice geographical representation from Wash, DC thru PNW, somewhere near Reno(?), all the way to Tokyo! Yeehaw! Eh, wea’s Ronnie! Anyone ready for some….. 😯
Just a head’s up, these are the 808 Weber State Wildcats
11 Mike Hoke QB 6-2 210 Fr. HS/RS…….Kailua, Kamehameha
12 Cameron Higgins.QB 6-2 200 Jr. 2VL…….Hawai’i Kai, .Saint Louis
36 Zach Higgins S 5-10 195 So. 1VL.Hawai’i Kai, Saint Louis
37 Kela Marciel.CB 5-10 175 Fr. HS…….Kailua, Hawai’i.‘Iolani
70 Tytan Timoteo…OG 6-2 300 Fr. HS…….Waianae, Hawai’i.St. Louis
93 Maiah Fa’atoafe.DT 6-0 280 Fr. .Honolulu, .Aiea
94 Bijon Mostoufi..DT 6-1 280 Fr. .Honolulu,Hawai’i.Kaiser
95 Ryan Eastman.NT 6-1 270 So. 1VL…….Honolulu, Hawai’i.Saint Louis
99 Adam Sagapolutele-White…NT 5-11 280 Fr. HS.Waipahu, .Saint Louis
Okay…. I’ll play. Please…..
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior. 😀
And let’s again thank our friend & sponsor PP, and…
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
Howzit Bruddah Bulla!!! You’re such a terrific parent, and fan. Snowflake and his teammates are blessed to have you always there. (((Lynn))). GO ★ B E A S T !!! 😀
Eh…. 808 (collected) taxes down 5%. That means all you guys need to WIN BIG next week in LV!!! j/k…. 😯 😆 🙄
This was asked earlier…. but is there a full travel roster posted somewhere….? 😐
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
PONO – You’re in the Bay Area someplace right? You going to either game? 😀
Good Morning All
i wANT tO bE a
morning gang!
John (las vegas) – condolences to you and your ohana
Mahalo much, but what an opportunity for these young men to continue playing the sport they love, and still be able to pursue their education.
life experiences….and they’re having their fair share. Wyoming was pretty funny, our boy from Hi Kai, Bijon, HAD TO buy a cowboy hat, a BIG one….haha
when we got back to Ogden, I cooked shoyu chicken, 48 monstah thighs….and 6 quarts of ‘ono licious broke da mouth’ chili…..with those many hawaiians, it did not last too long….but they loved it.
such the college life….
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Happy Birthday to my niece, Johanna.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
Condolence to Las Vegas and family.
Bulla –
brah, you making me hungry 🙂
this oatmeal just doesn’t cut it
thanks for the updates on the Hawaii kids
and good luck to the “beastie” boy’s vs. csu
Hmmmm…. does this apply to HA staff too? 🙄
Will Jake Heun have family attending this game? Would anyone be surprised to see a family all with Mohawk hairdos….? 😆
Did the Princess make this trip? 😯
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
Aloha – I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
Good morning, everyone.
LV, deepest condolences on your family’s loss. May you find the courage and strength to carry on.
STRETCH?!?!? (Where’s the “eyeball roll” icon?) Nah, congrats. You’ll get your certificate later – after the Warriors are 4-0 in September. 🙂
WassupDoc – Yes, DD is still with Hilton. He’s with Grand Vacations (timeshare side) based in Japan. He’s supposed to be back in town this week.
ST – thanks for running the contests and for your posts from Seattle. Looking forward to seeing you over the next 10 days or so.
mr falemalu is growing up real quick, nice.
he is such a ‘good kid’, very responsible, good student, and has a love for the game….he has the rack and passes that ‘first look’ test. best of luck to Paipai and the WARRIORS!
do or do not, there is no try………as told by Yoda
Condolences to las vegas and the rest of his ohana.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
The KGMB article about the Warriors had an Adam Leonard update. I wish that KGMB could spell “Fonoti” correctly, but do appreciate the update on Adam. I guess Adam’s hamstring injury is still not healed, which has prevented him from getting a shot on any pro roster.
i hope Adam gets another shot in a pro camp once he heals up
congrats to Stretch and all the other recent winners
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior !!! 🙂
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Nice weather up here today! Hope it continues tomorrow!
PowederPuff – mahalos for providing the prizes
funny everytime i see your posts i think of the Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup (da powerpuff girls)
auwe, PowederPuff = PowerPuff
Stay Healthy
auwe hanahou, PowederPuff = PowderPuff
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
Good Morning Tsai-kos!
Condolences to LV and his family!
Safe travel to all Tsai-kos!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Brew808, you crack me up. Can’t wait to meet you on the big rock. Thanks Loa – but it’s not me, it’s my fabulous company – that provided the gift certificates. I know some don’t like contests on the blog, but a little fun every now and then…is a good thing.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
If my friend & I want to attend the Club Genji get-together, is there anyone I should RSVP to or do we just get there before the game starts?
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
Las Vegas,
my sincere condolences to the Collins/Sakura ohana on your pop’s passing.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Good morning Tsaikos!
Happy TGIF! T-minus 1 day till da Warriors whup dem Wazzu pussycats.
protector – RSVP to stevem. Although, I think you just did by posting.
Will be at MPI dinner tonight, so gotta catch the replay of the vb game.
off to work. esme and out. whooosh
Great Morning All!
A Day of Remembrance becomes more poignant for one of the long-time Tsaikos.
Deepest Condolences las vegas to you and your Ohana.
Good morning to all!!
Las Vegas..Our sincere condolences to you and your family. Just know that he is in a better place with your Mom.
Congratulations to all the winners! Hope I can join the group soon.
To the traveling Tsai-kos stay healthy and safe. Looking forward to joining up with you in Las Vegas.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
Eight years ago today we woke up to my sis-in-law’s phone call that, “We’re being attacked!”
Quite a shocker since we had just returned home two days earlier from visiting #1 son in OR where he was still settling in for his freshman year in college. Initial feelings of wanting to bring him home grew more intense in the subsequent days of shut down air travel. I’ll always remember the feeling of vulnerability.
…never forget.
Congratulations Stretch!
Maybe we all gotta figure out how to put these certificates to their “highest and best” use! 😉
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Hope the team has a good walk-thru at Qwest Field today and an overall good day of game prep.
Good morning Tsaikos here and everywhere.
I want to be a Hiloton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
las vegas, my deepest sympathies on the passing of your dad.
Have a terrific Friday erryboddy!
good morning good morning
Good Morning. Hope everyone has a good Friday. Condolences to LV and his ohana.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Jake is going to have one heck of game!!!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior, who doesn’t?
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
Las Vegas – Condolences and prayers for you and your family.
Listenin to da Wussies,
sound like day going talk Alexander to death. 😀
figa day going rush 4 in da box. with 2 coming off the leff,
gonna try give Aaron a hard time to get to Alexander.
okay Gordy, time fo show your stuffs.
man up, Gordy, man up! 😀
dat means you, Greg.
make errybody go like, ” Oo W O W!
Go Warriors!
gotta go
hi ho hi ho.
esme wooosshhhhh>>>>>>>>>>>>
Have a great day
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Can’t wait to catch the red-eye tonight and watch our team tomorrow in Seattle
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Pomai: 27-10 UH.
Good Morning Tsaikos!!
Condolences to the Collins/Sakura Ohana.
Condolences to Las Vegas’ Ohana
Take a snapshot view of your world
One that is sedate and serene
You’re at the top and it’s not a dream
You look out and everything’s fine
And in a New York minute you’re spun on a dime
Suddenly you are face to face
With the limits of Company ambition
And the scars of America’s political marketplace
Ever close your eyes
Ever think why?
Sit, really think and listen
Find a reason for so many to die
No sign of life, it’s all gone
Take a walk in an empty room
Memories come rushing up to loved ones now
Sadness is mixed with war and gloom
You know it never ceases to amaze you and me
This world where we just exist
Is absolutely full of maniacs and crazies
Who demand protection from a well-produced list
You know I can’t help thinking
That one day soon
We will all wake up
We will all be on the moon
Soaring above the heavens
Looking back on what has been
Seeing things we’ve never really seen
Thinking how it all could have been
If only the Moon had stayed up
If only the Sun hadn’t woke
If everyone were late for work
They would have been warned off by the smoke
“If Only”
©2001, Adam Quin
September 22, 2001
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Las Vegas – Condolences and prayers to your family for the passing of your dad.
whitey – Re: 99 –
What the heck is “Hiloton“? 😯 🙄 😆
thanks! I too would like to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!
Stephen is Cameron Allen-Jone’s career over or will they seek a 6th year?
Oh I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Villiage Warrior…
God Bless LV & his ohana..
God Bless America & all those who keep us safe
Wow… what a way to wake up to find out that I am not forced to drink at Tropics. Damn, the things I have to do. hahah. Thanks to PP and ST.
WAIT… does this mean I am not eligible to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior??!!??
Maybe he wants to go Hilo.. get the darkside over there too.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!
Eight years ago I watched my office in NY disappear on TV. My prayers are for all who lost on 9/11. Seattle is one of my favorite cities, having lived there three different times. Go Warriors, you’ll love Qwest Field. Las Vegas, we’ll keep you in our hearts
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior when I grow up!
PowerfulPuff ~ Does Paris Hilton know that her inheritance is being squandered on a bunch of crazed Tsaiko’s? Hehehe…If she doesn’t, she knows now!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
Good morning, Tsaikos
Condolences to LV and family
Good luck, Warriors
Have fun all you Tsaikos who were fortunate enough to be in Seattle
Bring home a victory
you know the hardest part of the road game is the mental toughness.
you won’t have the fully visible 12th man in Qwest. you won’t have a 12th man going 100%. you’ll have 60 minutes (3 hours) of full on fight. not just coming out of there with your heads held high, coming out a Winner!
you represent us, Warrior Nation. remember that and all that that means.
Go Warriors!
I wish I could go Seattle tonight. 😥
3 Cheers for the generosity of our favorite marketing engineer. Stretch has donated many tickets for various UH sporting events to the Tsaiko ohana.
Mahalo big guy! I hope you are enjoying yourself in Seattle. I’ll see you in LV!
Win Warriors!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
And I want UH to go undefeated this season.
And God bless the Clarence T. C. Ching Foundation.
And God bless Bulla’s chili.
block for each others, Warriors, block for each other!
every play is a pose opportunity. 😀
Got a ride…gonna make it to the game, but that’s about it. At least I get to use my ticket.
an an an…. God Bless Bryant Moniz. 😀
so moniz is #2 now? in these situations, does rausch have to fly back home for austin to be included on the 66? or were we at 65?
Eight years ago, I was still a college student at Leeward. I had a 9am class and was RUDELY awakened by my brother at around 6am. He was banging on my door and yelling, “New York was attacked!!!”.
In my half asleep/half awake stuper I was thinking, “again”? with thoughts about the attack on the WTCs in 1993. So I turned on the TV to see a shot of a New York alleyway filled with dust and smoke, not yet have I seen a shot of the towers coming down or even being hit. For anyone that remembers the TV screens were filled with numerous graphics, too many to decipher what is happening in an instant especially if you just woke up.
A few seconds later, my vision is starting to clear up and Im starting to slowly understand what the anchor person on CNN is saying and then they show the shots. One. Two. Three. This is almost 7am in Hawaii and the attacks happened hours ago.
Oh my God, like a freakin’ Michael Bay movie.
I was floored all day long. In my honesty and my youth, I have seen acts of terrorism before but it never really effected me. New York is 6 hours away and far from reach, but something of this scale was foreign to all of us.
The image of the Pentagon damaged made me sick as well. The image of our country’s military pride and power, tarnished…
I made it to class and there were no discussions on the topic discussed last Thursday. Class was dismissed early. My next course was the same and the next the same as well.
I worked part time at Papa John’s in Salt Lake. We serviced a lot of Pearl Harbor, Hickam AFB, Camp Smith, and AMR. I called in knowing there would be security issues trying to get onto the bases with myself being only a civilian. Sure enough my boss told me just to come in as usual and to see how long I can stay for the civilian deliveries. I had no problem doing this as I was searching for some sort of “normalcy” to the day. None was found, not for a while…
You couldn’t escape it, even if you tried.
I guess, as Americans we shouldn’t have tried to. The reality is our world changed that day, some for the better, and some for the worst.
Trying to relate this to football, we play Navy in November. Usually I feel NOTHING but a black and white disdain for our opponents, but I have been saying this since last season in that I look forward to our opponents. I know the atmosphere will be amazing. My uncle on my mother’s side is now retired from the US Navy and he ranked as high as E-9. He is my ONLY family connection to the US military. He’s giving me crap already for this upcoming game. Usually I’d fire back HARD, but I don’t feel the need to.
On November 28th, we, Hawaii or Navy fans meet an “enemy” on the field, yet in the real world, there is going to be a bunch of excited AMERICANS in the stands cheering and yelling and enjoying the FREEDOM to do so!
enjoy da game, you lucky buggaz. yell samoa fo me. 😀
Aloha Kakahiaka!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Good Morning gang.
I would like to pay tribute to all military, and first responders of this nation. We will never forget 9-11-01.
God speed to fight terrorism here and abroad.
I want to be a hilton Hawaiian village warrior!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Hey Warrior fans in Seattle,
tell Pike’s market and Bellevue PD we said aloha, see you soon.
I tried to yell samoa once…
Almost got my ass kicked. 😆
Well watched the replay again of the Wahine match…
Could not spak da recruit. 🙁
6 more hours then I am off to Seattle!!
I hope I have a pilot to fly me back from Las Vegas. The Hawaiian Air pilots have authorized a strike. It’s not going to happen soon but it would be BAD to get stuck in Vegas.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
How you won the certificate. JUICE.
How much you paid ST under the table?
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
W ashington
S cared of
Wussie State University.
Go Warriors!
Kazz – dat’s Y we needed you at the game last night! Hurry up and get well. We need your eyes and 411! 😀
ST: Does that move up Moniz to no. 2 QB ?
(Austin replaces Rausch)
GO SHANE AUSTIN! Get well soon, all ailing Warriors.
Whew- (checking reservations) UNLV flight is on US Air…
Uh-Oh- Fresno St. game is on HA…
Remembersing 9-11’s past, Iniki and NYC… LET THERE BE PEACE AND TRUE PROSPERITY ON EARTH.
Bobby Curran saying Rausch flew back to Hawaii, Austin flying in.
So Moniz is #2.
Bobby C poking and prodding if Bryant Moniz is or isn’t the “best QB UH has right now”…
Have fun at the walk through today at Qwest ST. Let me know what you think of the stadium. It should be rockin tomorrow.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
9/11 was the most surreal television coverage I’ve ever watched. I lost a cousin who was a NYC firefighter. That day changed our lives and nation forever. God Bless us all…
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Our condolences to you and your Family.
Safe trip back to HNL today
9-11-09 Headlines
-Two Civilians Killed in Georgia Pursuit
-Louisville Has Record Meth Lab Busts
-Fla. Deputy’s Taser Used on Epcot Guard
-Minnesota Officer Killed With Own Gun
-Florida Detention Sergeant Killed in Scuffle
ok gang, back to work to watch kekoa’s yard.
be safe everyone and you traveling warriors.
behave and be nice.
peace i’m out, and
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Wat coach Mack, u tink we all stay stuuupid or someting. I mean wow cuzm for u for say no matter who stay calling da plays for da warriors no matter is pretty much calling all us guys dumb, wat all u guys tink?
C’mon Mack daddy, frick, at least be honest. Da truth of the matter is all lass year and in game 1 dis yearm uncle Ron Lee stay all over da place, so gotta change em up for make Nick Rolovich call da plays.
We not stuuuped you know, cuz, just be straight up ladat, who u stay trying for kid ladat?
Our team not dat good right now, but geev-um time cuz, maybes us guyz get small can chance.
Coach Mack my bruddah, I no kea wat anybody stay say, but for me yeah, I expect more from a coach making a million dollars a year,
Good morning everyone!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
ST will be on BC show today.
Right now.
Aloha Kakahiaka all!
Hope your hand gets better soon, Brent! ‘Auwe!
Congrats, Stretch! You’ll have to organize the party at Tropics.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Mahalo to the Hilton for all of these cool prizes. (Thanks, PP!)
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂
Las Vegas –
May the Lord be with you and your family in this time of loss. Deepest sympathy from Sweety and I.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior. So Moniz now the number 2 QB and Austin will be 3rd?
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior. We’ll announce the winner on or about Sunday night. (Hey, I’ll be in Vegas at the time, and, well, there are no clocks in certain areas.)
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
If you’re looking for a gambling fix there Tulalip casino about 30 min outside of Seattle that has vegas style gambling.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior. Please.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior………
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
And I wish I were an Oscar Mayer wiener.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!
ST: Hope you are having fun and not sleepless in Seattle.
BULLA – take care of your ohana and best to Ryan.
BHF2: Don’t know if you saw my question as to your relationship to Leianne Lee Loy.
Good morning good people.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
any1 else on the 10pm Hawaiian flight 2nite…
just show up at genji’s.
tell em that you are the “protector of the blog” and a tsaiko.
they will know.
Just in case you missed it the first time around…
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
thank you…… very much…
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Rausch hurting his hand on a player’s helmet is too much deja vue… Hope it turns out for the better though.. knock on wood!
Get better Rausch!
just wondering…..?
did sjmacro and myki attend practice today like they normally do?
been leaving messages for them all over the place.
At Baltimore/BWI awaiting my flight, I see:
A dozen or so La. Tech fans loitering around the terminal. Then it comes to me that they are playing Navy in Annapolis.
A few Wisconsin fans heading to Madison. They’re playing Fresno. That game to me is like picking the lesser of two evils, or, in my case, I won’t watch that game at all.
Gloomy gloomy weather. Delays deluxe up/down the eastern seaboard.
Watch says 09/11/09 09:11:09.
All packed and ready to go!
Can’t wait to get to Seattle. I hate being at home and reading/watching everyone there having a good time. I feel like I am missing out. It was like the Sugar Bowl week. I was still at home when local reporters were standing on Bourbon St. All jealous!!
Got in touch with protector (had his name, phone number, but bad email address 🙁 )
No problem if anyone wants to come last-minute. I told cuz on Wednesday to raise my reservations to 20+… which usually translates to “we taking most if not the whole lounge again”. 🙄 But any Genji regulars reading this, please feel free to join us! We’d like to meet you and share UH Warrior football.
Map, info, buffet menu and ala carte menu at…
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Safe travels to all those leaving today, including Shane Austin.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
I Want To Be A
Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I waant to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
i’ll bet shane austin is one excited warrior.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
please add 2 for postgame buffet at Snowqualmie.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!
Condolences to LV and ‘Ohana.
Condolences to all Americans whose lives were forever changed on this day- 9/11.
To the cyber Gods that be…..
Did anyone hear how Vacations Hawaii had to lower the fares to sell the last Vegas UNLV game packages? Something like $400 per adult based on 2 adults traveling? If i paid the initial $899+ per person that they were asking months ago, i’d be pissed! It felt like a ripoff back then, and now its confirmed.
I want to be a
Who is playing at the UH Tailgate party at Mainstreet besides Amy?
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
I had a habit of turning on the TV every morning watching CNN before going to work. On the morning of 9/11 I remember a film crew doing a spot with some New York firefighters. Suddenly the camera man panned to what I found out later was the twin towers and I saw something hit it. I heard someone cuss and saw a lot of smoke and flames. Then I found out it was an airplane. I was stunned and thought it was an accident. Of course I kept watching to get more info on the situation then later I saw the 2nd plane crash and that when I decided to stay home from work. I spent the whole day watching the news. I don’t know what was tougher for me watching the towers fall or watching people jump out of the buildings.
Hawaii – 24
Washington State – 20
John, condolences to your ohana.
My plane is not until 1800 (lv time) so i’m killing time on the net.
Once again thank you for the thoughts and prayers from the Tsai-Ko ohana.
I know that dad is finally back with mom and his 40-50 dogs that he treasured over his long life.
Hello all!!
I am a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!! Go Warriors!
Howzit Everybody,
I want to be Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior. PLEASE
Oh wait..just read the post again. I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!
Have a great Aloha Friday Tsaiko-Nation!
Condolences & much love to Las Vegas & ohana.
Las Vegas,
Condolences to you and your family in this time of loss. Prayers go out to you and your family. Take care and we shall see you in Vegas.
i want to be a hilton hawaiian village warrior
Our deepest sympathy and condolences to Las Vegas (John) and his ohana
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
#195 – re NOLA flashback- be sure to take extra panties in your carryon.
las vegas- you coming to HNL and then turnaround to be back in LV next week already??? wow.
All these years with $$$ in reward money and Bin Laden still hasn’t been apprehended.
Welcome, welcome, new posters/old lurkers!
Nice to have Hilton as a Warrior Beat sponsor, eh?
Shoots!!! I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Condolences, LV….prayers are with you and yours.
hope to meet you someday…take care.
This is what I would like to see in the stands of Aloha Stadium or any other place where Warrior Faithful are gathered!
Las Vegas.
Deepest sympathy on your loss. Chicken skin time – hospital bed sighting.
#229 LizK calling Stretch one pantie??? na/jk LOL
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Hi Aunty Liz! I was on your blog the other day. Your grandbaby is adorable!
Pomai – UH 28
Washington State 13
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Warriors … I M U A !
Had to put the better half’s request in as well. 🙂
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
Howzit Tsaikos
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
When I first saw the picture of Robert and his striped shirt, I thought he might be one of the referees for the game against WSU. Wishful thinking.
Long time no see
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Jack Flash — standard marketing/sales to sell remaining inventory–many business use this model. BUT, I think it is time to acknowledge Al and duffer in their preliminary efforts to get the Hawaii Tsai-kos together in late 2008.
Sounded like a great idea–fly together, stay at same hotel, do the game together…and around 80 Tsai-kos expressed interest. Only question was the tailgate/game tickets–and with Rich2176 and las vegas pulling together the 2007 game, we knew that was going to repeat–especially for the mainland Tsai-kos.
Then the Boyd pricing came out in November and many had the same opinion as you and cancelled. This left Al, who was coordinating with our Boyd friends, looking very lonely. Not Al’s fault…high pricing was the culprit.
So, I personally thank Al and duffer for their efforts and acknowledge they may have taken a few credibility bruises for us.
Then, of course, thanks to Rich2176 and las vegas who are underwriting Tsai-ko history 2009 right now 😉
Las Vegas: Prayers for your `ohana.
howzit tsaiko country and warrior fans. giving a shout out from downtown Seattle here in the PNW.
Weather is just great and attribute it to all the Hawaii fans who made the trip to see the warrors battle the cougars.
And adding I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Warriors 38-35
#249- SteveM-
You are correct. Al and Duffer had a great idea. Too bad the Boyd folks couldn’t offer lower prices initially. It reeks of greed. For the amount we all spend there, they should have chartered a plane for us all for free!
Must be feeling like in next best thing to heaven….
…microbreweries abound and kope shops on nearly every corner! 🙂
Do they have any Hi Energy Beer? Alcohol and Caffeine. Kinda like Vodka and RedBull.
First things first…I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Now to read the blog from the beginning!
d1島 — I admit I am not around often enough to know…. but is “kope” the green bottle or brown bottle poured in the coffee mug? 😕
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Honestly, I really do.
Any word on the injury diagnosis for Rausch’s right hand? What is the timetable for his return to the field or at least to practice?
Also, is Austin replacing Rausch as the 2nd string QB, or is he simply replacing him in the lineup of QB’s available to back Alexander up?
howzit koakane,
how come you don’t wave back when i’m waving at you? c’mon…..whapah
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
The 6th F- WOWOW 😯
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior. Flying in soon anyway.
Good afternoon Tsaikos in Hawaii and Washington State….woo hoo…football almost here.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
LV- my deepest sympathy to you and your ohana. I know the feeling of losing a parent. If you need anything during this difficult time, please do not hesitate to ask.
“kope” is the same eye-opener used by most everyone after the green or brown bottle drainage.
Howzit Bulla!
Hope the Beast and Co. are in good shape for their game.
I want to be Stretch…who wants to be a Hlton Hawaiian Village Warrior….LMAO
Howzit! to all the lurkers and contestants!
Coach Mack made a big deal that Moniz was eqaul in No. 2, but at the last minute, Rausch got the position. Now with hm hurt, why isn’t Moniz elevated to No. 2? Something stinks here. Were they using Moniz to sell season tickets? As that is what they tried to do last year with Funaki. now, Funaki is nowhere to be seen. The coaching staff has to be straight with the fans, and not put out a lot of bull. Sure the fans would like to see a local boy make good, but if he is not good enough, there is no problem if another mainland player is chosen. The fans want a winner – that is all what counts – the bottom line. In the meantime, leave out the bull.
hope all is well, just got through with walk throughs at CSU Stadium; boys look loose, meetings-dinner-meetings.
the beast is ready, lining up against another solid offensive line, but he’ll be ready. all the 808 boys are doing great on the DL and making a difference.
all us lurkers are out…
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
GO Warriors!!!!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
d1…I think KK is still searching for the Olympia Beer brewery that was there when he was at UW in the 195..errr…a long time ago…MWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
im pretty sure moniz is #2 and austin is taking rausch’s spot on teh travel roster. moniz #2 austin #3
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!
innocent observer,
Moniz was already up there. (see article from Thur.) He was #3 when they left Hawaii.
Haven’t seen anything to indicate that he wouldn’t bump up to #2 slot with Austin now becoming #3.
You heard otherwise?
Congrats to Stretch!
Hello Tsaikos & Tsaikettes, Lurkers & Lurkettes!
The A-Houses, twin midori7, and I lurking around Seattle. We’re taking a 3hr bus tour and just finished watching salmon swimming up the Salmon Ladder.
Nice and cool with beautiful skies. It’s good shorts and tee-shirt weather.
Hope all is well in Warrior Beat Land! 😉
Posting for midori7:
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!
(midori says, “thank you!”)
Warriors do your JOB!
Hilton Hawaiian Village WARRIOR or BUST!
Aloha from LA!
UH 28-3!!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Every time something is announced, someone jumps the gun and makes the big ass-u-me move.
BUT!!! All the write-ups regarding our Warriors on-the-Road record, especially against PAC 10 teams, even during JJ’s days makes me a little edgy regarding tomorrow’s match-up.
Hopefully Hawaii will chip away taking what is given, avoid turnovers, and ultimately spread the field and really move the ball scoring at will. Depending on how our Defense stacks up against their running game, the Offense may really have to step up big time.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Wow, da tingz you gotta do fo bring da lurkers out, yeah?
When work, though.
UH 26 – WSU 22
Bulla- good luck to your son and the rest of his teammates tomorrow. Go Warriors! Go Wildcats!
Condolences to the LasVegas ohana. So sorry to hear.
Brent, hope you heal quick. Safe travels to Shane.
ST, Fancy seeing you earlier this afternoon! cheese!
I Want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!
howzit jack flash,
all is good, nice stadium in ft. collins, so what if we park in an open field after driving in on an unpaved road, haha. lots of area and open wide fields. nice field turf in their 40,000 seat stadium with open end zones, no seating.
should be fun, nice area, nice to visit….just have to play hard, stay injury free
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Go Warriors ! Take care of business against the Cougars and then we’ll see you with the Tsaikos in Vegas baby 🙂
Got a real surprise in the mail today…
A letter from Jim Donovan expressing again his apologies for the SNAFU involving the parking passes. He said that the credit card refunds are already done and refund cks will be mailed out by next Friday. He also pledged to make the “AFU” incident a lot less “SN” (my words, not his)
…and in a generous man up offer he included $50 worth of discount coupons for UH tix or Rainbowtique mdse.
Mahalo JD! 🙂
GO Warriors!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!
ST, where u stay????…hope you are in Washington State and not in Washington, D.C.
what-da-scoop???, I’ve been coming back to see if you have any bits of football news you might want to share????…I like that pic of the high school field.
o.k., brah….secret mission, run silent, run deep…..laters dan.
Could someone explain to me the following?
How did Rausch injure his hand by making contact with a teammate’s helmet? Was he whuppping someone upside the head for doing something stupid or did the other player forget what the orange shirt means during practice and butt him in the arm during a carry? Intriguing indeed.
Still looking for folks who want 4 freebie tickets to tonight’s matches. Tomorrow’s tickees may be taken, but I’ll let folks here know later on tonight. If you would like tonight’s tickets, call DrDoc at 2 2 3 4 4 8 1 and give him the information. He’ll contact me so that I can leave them at the Will Call window.
BTW – each freebie ticket is worth $12 – that’s a total of $144 I received in the drawing. Remember, you don’t have to sit in the assigned seats if you don’t like the seats or your neighbors.
Back to work – have a report due by 3 pm and then it’s off to town for the two matches.
QUICK CHANGE TO A NON-SPORTS SUBJECT: Has anyone here been to the Hale`iwa Farmers Market on Sundays? If so, any recommendations for food and stuff to do? We’re playing Tour Director this Sunday and want something interesting to do/see.
Hi from the bustling city of SeaTac!
Bulla . . .
Weather up here is gorgeous! Looks like Hawai’i but without the humidity. The sun is hot and the shade is cool. Tomorrow should be even hotter. I am glad I brought my shorts!
#229 . . .
How do you know he wears panties?
Lots of new posters today. Whoo-hoo!
Welcome to the WB, each and every one of you!!!
Qwest Field is expecting 40K to 45K tomorrow.
Awesome! It is going to be loud!!! The stadium is rated as one of the loudest in the NFL. I forgot my earplugs.
It is raining.
Nah. It is not, really. Just thought I would make al’s day after his comment to always expect rain in Seattle.
Heck, even the Mountain (Mt. Rainier) is clearly visible. Beautiful!
When Graunke hurt his hand, I believe he was throwing the ball and his hand came down on a defender’s helment. Hurt his hand pretty bad and he was out for a number of weeks. He never really made it back after that.
Great to see the insert from
The Star Bulletin today with Mana Silva’s picture on the front cover.
Game time is almost here, all I can say is go,o,o,o,o,o,o, WARRIORS.
Giv’um all you got!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nearly time to meet BNS for dinner.
I think we will head to the ClaimJumper in Tukwila. Big yummy portions! Sadly, it is not a buffet.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior. And always, Go Warriors and beat the living sn@#s out of Washington State.
nice weather and a nice crowd, what more could you ask for…..nice Tsaikos maybe? haha, don’t push the envelope, nah…..j/k, for the most parft the TRUE Tsaikos are always nice.
have a great trip and bring back a WARRIOR VICTORY!!!!
Aloha, I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
“Limitations, like fears, are often an illusion.”
~Michael Jordan
good afternoon gang!
d1島 – #268 WARRIORS!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!!
Las Vegas,
Your #15 post makes me, once again, aware of how thin the wall between here and there really is. A fortunate few can see the promised land. My heart is with you, brother,for the once who stay behind, the devide can seem very large, but it is only perceived that way.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!!!
Florida Ted,
I think many of our hunches or gut feelings may come from the other side.
…. is the Colorado vs Toledo game the only Div 1 game tonight?
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!
For Las Vegas game, is there anyone driving who could give my better half and I a ride from the California Hotel to the cattle call at Kiku Hana and back? Mahalo.
Off to Seattle tonite!
Go ‘Bows!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!
hello from sunny seattle.
weather should be just as nice tomorrow.
sun goes down late here too.
UH vs Washington @ Washington
14 – 10 Committed Road Warrior
17 – 3 tom mui
17 – 13 hotwheels
17 – 14 Shannon
20 – 17 las vegas
21 – 10 Pomai
22 – 21 LizKauai
22 – 31 So Solly
23 – 21 HiFlyer
23 – 17 djmitcho
24 – 21 gmahoney
24 – 13 A-House
24 – 7 curveball
24 – 10 Capitol -ist/WassupDoc
24 – 20 WenatcheeWarrior
26 – 22 UHfan808
27 – 17 Kazz
27 – 23 koakane
28 – 14 DrewHiro
28 – 10 G(China)
28 – 0 Jack Flash
28 – 27 Glenn
28 – 24 Curt
28 – 13 LiL Mermaid
28 – 3 UKU@LA
31 – 17 bighilofan2
31 – 24 longdistance808
31 – 17 bstunna2002 X
31 – 28 BIGWAVE96744
33 – 31 kinalau
34 – 24 BG
34 – 21 Cindy n Greg Cee
34 – 13 Momo
34 – 10 Unkanesson
35 – 27 wafan
35 – 24 MP
35 – 14 Da Punchbowl Kid
35 – 17 Kama Krab
36 – 35 jojo
38 – 24 TYaiea
38 – 10 SailorBlue
38 – 35 mauifarmdog
41 – 14 al
41 – 24 NYUH
42 – 31 Larry Fernadez
45 – 16 labrat
48 – 21 TChahng
50 – 0 WarriorTojo
56 – 14 d1shima
56 – 0 Kekoa
63 – 12 homey
Pomai…28-21…Warriors. Thanks.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
since whitey didn’t post it- michelle wie tied for 21 at -2, 5 back of the leader. first round completed.
K5 to rebroadcast Hawaii vs wazzu at 9:30 pm saturday
ralph, how you doing???? little jet lag and getting ready to go to vegas
ralph, mw had made some good decisions this year, but she needs to make the most imporant one, find another swing coach. Ledbetter has done all he can with her swing and if she is serious about winning, it is time to move on!!!!
brew, no mistake on hilotan, just the local in me!!!!!
Toledo leading Colorado before the half, 16-3. Don’t we have a few local boys on the buffalo squad. if so, must be on the line, don’t see or hear any locals on the skill position unless they are sitting on the bench.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
A House goes salmon fishing, the real deal, but he goes to Seattle and visits a salmon hatchery to watch them swim up stream through the ladder. The guy is planning his next trip, all happy, wish all of them make it to Alaska.
i want to be Hilton hawaiian village warrior!
Tanks Ah!
Pomai – 35-10 UH
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!
i WANT to BE a
HilTon HAWAIIAN viLLage WARRIOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Toledo 23, colorado 3. few seconds to go in the first half. it’s going to be a long year for colorado in the big 12. maybe now we won’t lose too many recruits to colorado
Sorry if this has been asked before….any one know where I can catch the game via internet?
interesting to know that WSU was supposed to be playing Ohio State this weekend, but they bought out the contract for $450,000 and will play USC instead. so with the change, they can play UH, pay the bill, and still make a profit. pretty good businessmanship.
smu traveling 1st class is not unusual. they have individual boosters who individually gives the school more than what na koa collects from it’s entire membership for the year. texas oil and gas tycoons live and die by their teams.
a few years back, the running rebels golf team traveled via private jet to various tournaments and practiced at shadow creek golf course regularly.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
gotta feeling that moniz will see extensive playing time on this road trip.
alexander should have an ice bath with his name on it, courtesy of his offensive line and receivers.
Pomai: See my #113.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian village warriar
To the warriar fans,,, have a happy fun trip and enjoy the win.
of course smu got loads of cash, that’s how they got the death penalty…why else would eric dickerson go there, hey face it, boosters from texas give more than the boosters from oklahoma. and barry still landed marcus dupree.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Howzit Tsaikos everywhere.
Tom Mui,
she is a cousin, on da vegetarian side. 😀
Bryant Moniz, Shane Austin,
great looking players.
My personal favorite still is Alexander the Great. He is not afraid to run the ball, period, kapow, kaput! Mark my words, he is gonna lay the hammer on some linebacker. then he is going to bounce outside, and pick up samoa yard.
i’m predicting him for a 80 yard day rushing. he can’t help it. and as he gets more controlled, he’s gonna be throwing 350 yards regularly. just you watch.
cause the word is out, block for the man on the delayed draw. 😀
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Yes, yes, I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
ey, what happened to drewhiro, remember he posted umpteenth times for waikaloa warrior but not even once for hawn village warror. just curious. Yeah! curiosity killed the cat. Warriors kill dem pussy cats…!!!
Aloha Tsaiko Nation!
Ralph — #322 — Mahalo for the tip!
I hope it’s a game I’ll want to watch!
Confident that it will be.
I’ll watch it regardless…(hear that K5?)
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior! Go Warriors!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!
So people…where are some good sports bars to watch the game? Looking for big tv’s. Thanks.
speaking of da wussies, digga outta of 11/26/11,
smu’s get open dat date 2011. JJ will have been there going on 4 years. 4 years. i’d say dats enuf time for thumjpin. home and home. I’d say we’d fill both stadiums back to back.
whadda ya say coach, whadda ya say. 👿
Colorado stinks. Beatty, Tau. Also lb recruit Nobringa.
Toledo 51, colorado 24 with 8 minutes to go. Hawkins should have stayed at Boise. He has a 34% winning percentage at colorado with his son as qb for the last 3 seasons. Colorado will be 0-2 to start this season.
hard for UH to attract big schools when we’re offering $400-500,000 and the big schools offering 1M. unless we start pounding the big schools, then they’ll have a reason to want to come play us in Hawaii. they’ll want a chance at da champs.
Warriors, pound dem Wussies. make a statement on the road!
Go Warriors!
Lava is Tau suspended, and I think he is suspended for the season.
BigHilo, before we pound the big schools, we got to pound Utah State and San Jose State consistently, they can’t be a tough game for us and we can not look them in the eye and have our coach say this game is going to be a battle. Right now the Mud Hens whopping the Buffalos, a MAC school taking it to the Big 12, a high five to them hen and that is what we got to do to the Wazzu Cougars tomorrow- improve our resume even if they are struggling too, but to lose to a struggling program will make us look worse.
BigHilo you got to go to Kilauea and Halemaumau and make the proper offering, it was nice knowing you but take one for the team.
I recall Tau was suspended. He hasn’t played, nor has Beatty or Nobriga.
And Toledo scores.
Most years, I think the MAC is on par with the WAC. May have to exclude Boise State these days.
I stuck with Al and the Boyd group because he went through all the effort to set it up.
Our deepest sympathies to Las Vegas and his family
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior (Please!)
Bed time. Super long day tomorrow.
Wafan not even 10 p.m. and you checking in, you need a six pak of red bull for tomorrow’s game.
too funny,. i’m gonna take one for the team next Friday in Vegas. drink and sing till i fall down. 😀 gonnna get plenny witnesses. 😀
remind me fo take plenny t leaves and rock salt.
UH vs Washington @ Washington
14 – 10 Committed Road Warrior
17 – 3 tom mui
17 – 13 hotwheels
17 – 14 Shannon
20 – 17 las vegas
21 – 10 Pomai
22 – 21 LizKauai
22 – 31 So Solly
23 – 21 HiFlyer
23 – 17 djmitcho
24 – 21 gmahoney
24 – 13 A-House
24 – 7 curveball
24 – 10 Capitol -ist/WassupDoc
24 – 20 WenatcheeWarrior
26 – 22 UHfan808
27 – 17 Kazz
27 – 23 koakane
27 – 10 Jason
28 – 14 DrewHiro
28 – 10 G(China)
28 – 0 Jack Flash
28 – 27 Glenn
28 – 24 Curt
28 – 13 LiL Mermaid
28 – 3 UKU@LA
28 – 21 (Jesse) James
31 – 17 bighilofan2
31 – 24 longdistance808
31 – 17 bstunna2002 X
31 – 28 BIGWAVE96744
33 – 31 kinalau
34 – 24 BG
34 – 21 Cindy n Greg Cee
34 – 13 Momo
34 – 10 Unkanesson
35 – 27 wafan
35 – 24 MP
35 – 14 Da Punchbowl Kid
35 – 17 Kama Krab
35 – 10 jm2375
36 – 35 jojo
38 – 24 TYaiea
38 – 10 SailorBlue
38 – 35 mauifarmdog
41 – 14 al
41 – 24 NYUH
42 – 31 Larry Fernadez
45 – 16 labrat
48 – 21 TChahng
50 – 0 WarriorTojo
56 – 14 d1shima
56 – 0 Kekoa
63 – 12 homey
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
Ah geez….
I’m just gonna update my blog handle now.
So far…
UH 25-15
UH 25-9
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
Brittany Hewitt looking more confident with her arm and her movements.
Kazz – You at the game or at home.
Anyone watching Wahine VB vs UTSA? Another blowout, so far. Dave playing the bench. Kazz will have to change his name again soon.
God bless our first responders and the men and women in the Armed Forces who protect our right to have an opinion and be able to express it.
Condolences to the LV family, I don’t know you personally, but having had a few losses recently in our family recently, I know how you feel.
No. Still unda da weather small kine so I’m at home.
I already updated the Shoji count. After UTSA tonight it will indeed be 10 more.
TUNDA by Hewitt!!!
Thanks, Kazz, I type slow, so when you posted, I was still typing! Will be at the Stanford game tomorrow!
Nice to see Cascioppo and Forsythe getting the “lion’s share” of this “feast”.
Both girls getting to strut a little more and getting some kills.
Along with Brittany Hewitt, these girls are going to be looked upon if we have a shot of making the NCAA Final Four again whether or not it be this season or the next.
Kazz you and your boys coming to Genji’s tomorrow?
Jesse James
The old brewery we all frequented just south of Seattle was the Rainier Brewery. GONE
Micro beers took over Seattle soon after.
Some great bars are right near the Qwest Field and Pioneer Square. I worked at the World’s Fair in ’62 while in the army and it was exactly a six of Rainier Ale between Ft Lewis and the Fair site.
Hiya! Finally made it to town and having pho for the first time in many moons.
gmahoney- las vegas is an amazing person. Was a real rikishi in Japan and has a singing voice that makes you melt like butter. Nuff sed.
UH 27 WSU 20
Ralph Ralph Ralph
or should i say puk puk pawwkk!!
notice you neva pick a score. watchu say Ralphie? 😀
give Pomai a jingle. 😆 make a chro down. 😆
“Heeeeeeeeeeeey!!!!!!!!!!!! HEHEHEY BABY!!! I wanna know… WOULD BE MY GIRL???”…
da, dada, dada, dadadada… DA DA DADA DA!!!
(throws a shaka to da Rainbow Wahine Pep Band!!!!)
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Btw- nice pix up top!
Thanks, ST!
i figa afta all da noise today, an hopin da braddaz readin between da lines, gonna get 3 TD spread on da road dis one.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
#386- Kazz is feelin bettah arready!
FX McRory’s is a must just to see the Mens room and the Leroy Neiman in the bar
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
UH 34 WSU 24
BG already picked that score.
It is too bad that Rausch is hurt. Moniz went from zero reps in practice to being the backup QB…
UH 34, WSU 27
Free play link time. Please ignore my next 5 posts if you do not want to read the off-topic stuff.
Study found that the swine flu vaccine works with just 1 shot (no booster shot needed) for adults and that recipients are protected within 10 days.
The flu outbreak has started unusually early this year in the US, with cases in every state, and nearly all flu infections are swine flu.
New technique can make current antibiotics more effective against disease even if the dosage is reduced.
China is already the fastest growing market for wind power and a new study found that wind power can by itself meet China’s electricity demands that are projected for 2030. Wind turbines operating at 20% efficiency could provide 24.7 petawatt-hours of electricity annually, 7x China’s current electricity needs.
A baby was born in Wisconsin on 9/9/09 at 9:09am weighing 9 pounds, 9 ounces!
Free play links pau.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
what’s for dinner?
uh 31 wsu 24
had a vision. 😀
can change my guess.
UH 38 WSU 17 thank you.
is the babys name Nine?
hoping for no flu in Washington.
focus Warriors! all four quarters, especially the end game.
Go Warriors!
UH recruit Samson Anquay got a nice kickoff return for a touchdown against Mililani but it appears so far at half time the Trojans have many more weapons as they lead 21 – 7.
The team needs to hear our energy.
Free online fortune teller crystal ball given me vibes 😆 drive me to drinking. Madame Poot can’t get a fix on da vibes. 😀
gonna have to yell like hell…. 😀
good ting i get Ty Aiea’s good luck charms. 😀
there u go bhf2! dem buggas work! go warriors wipe up those pussy cats!!!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior. : )
bfh2 ~ I gotta axe Don Weir to issue you one BIG UH megaphone to use at Boyd Stadium. We can have you inda middle of our section leading all the cheers.
Great evening all!
It seems Ralph is developing quite the sense of humor! 😆 😀 😆
yu right about dat d1島
but ralphie also get stage fright. he no like pick da winna fo tomorrow. he gonna wait till he get samoa currage. 😀
c’mon Ralph, take a chance. pack one. 😆
My, my….
wafan passed out already…..
No word from Koakane since the sun went down….
Last heard from UHFan808 and the A-house Ohana while on their 3-hour tour!
look forward to spy Ralph again. hope he makes da Vegas trip. 😀
Seattle Tsaiko Warrior Fans in the stands: One of my HS classmates is going to the game tomorrow. I told her she should look for you guys. She said she never missed a UH football game when she was going to med school at UH. She lives in WA now. If you see Marilyn, please take a pic. Mahalo!
I think you SOL on dat one…pretty sure Ralph is staying in da 808 next week.
UH recruit Samson Anquay scores again on a 56 yard td. Da bugga can scoot.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
Oh no UH recruit Samson Anquay injured with 15 seconds left to go in the game. He is still down.
LV, my heart goes out to you and your family. (((Hugs)))
the day of 9-11… I shut down for four days straight, not even wanting to take calls from my family, and good thing I did not have to work. But I snapped out of it on the Saturday morning, as if it never happened. It was my way of grieving all at once.
I was just checking out SteveM’s Vegas/Seattle plan page and thinking back to when all that seemed so far off in time….
Mahalo to all those who put in so much time and effort into coordinating, planning, anguishing, worrying, cajoling, poking, prodding, calling, posting and all the other ?-ings.
All done for no compensation, no recognition, very little thanks and for no other reason than to get together for the 5F’s, enjoy our passion for Warrior football, and to maybe say a few times….
We are…..
Ralphie mus be pass out. not a peep.
gotta save my bret fo tomorrow. nite nite gang.
D-1 ~ @#426 – Very well said my friend, very well said.
SteveM has started a means of chronicling the history of our group on his website. His archives of the events that define us really reverberate in words and photos we have all contributed.
We are…TSAIKO’S!!!
Win Warriors!
Wow- Costco Kauai has a big bag of frozen Bloody Mary Chicken wings at just under $4. Too bad my freezer no mo room!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
Wacchu doin’ at Costco so late? 😈
Dey close alreddy!
I went eat pho aftah…
Den I had fo drive home 25 miles…
takes time, eh?
fb shows Stretch and Warrior Jack in first class over the pond… lucky WJ!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
#426- SteveM is great. Not only da history, but da karaoke, cruisin’, tech assistance, shirts, blog parties, and all-around tsai-ko-logical help 😆
Yep, what an example for new Tsai-kos to emulate. Find some way to serve- like planny of the “old guys”, work behind da scenes to enhance da ohana.
Actually, planny guys ladat… just GIVE, and enjoy.
Oh yeah- I had to go Walmart for get one new gophone for a son… anodda phone went fly off the cah into oblivion. $15 gophone is now $30. Somebody figgured it out…
‘k – going sleep now.
Nitey Nite and SWD!!!
You get mail.
Look for your response in da morgen.
Good nite Liz! (anodda majah chroniclette of Tsaiko activities)
tonight’s news
こんばんわ サイコボゾ’s!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
P.S. FInal score UH – 124 Wazzu – 121
P.P.S. Game highlights – WSU’s Kevin Lopina will be sacked 69 times and Greg Alexander will throw for 3.2 kilometers and rush for another 75 meters.
P.P.P.S. My numbers are a little off (like me)
Сенкс за инфу, почитал с интересом.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
Okay – I’ll ask. What’s with the Russian and where do we go to get the words translated. I mean, it’s not like the folks around here who write in pidgin. All someone has to do is read it out loud slowly to get what BHF2 and others are trying to say. But Russian? I’m not even sure how to pronounce the letters, let alone the words.
And yes I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
Boogerbail – you might have to wait for Kekoa ot translate.
ot – to translate
42-41 UH in a squeaker!
Good Morning All!!! It’s GAME DAY!!! Getting excited to head over da mountains and go Seattle. About to make some spam musubi for the drive over. See you guys in Sec 309 in about 10 hours.
Ok, 9 hours…sorry my math isn’t that good this early in da morning.
It is a great day in the Pacific Northwest!
UH vs Washington @ Washington
14 – 10 Committed Road Warrior
17 – 3 tom mui
17 – 13 hotwheels
17 – 14 Shannon
20 – 17 las vegas
21 – 10 Pomai
22 – 21 LizKauai
22 – 31 So Solly
23 – 21 HiFlyer
23 – 17 djmitcho
24 – 21 gmahoney
24 – 13 A-House
24 – 7 curveball
24 – 10 Capitol -ist/WassupDoc
24 – 20 WenatcheeWarrior
26 – 22 UHfan808
27 – 17 Kazz
27 – 23 koakane
27 – 10 Jason
27 – 20 Dennis Halloran
28 – 14 DrewHiro
28 – 10 G(China)
28 – 0 Jack Flash
28 – 27 Glenn
28 – 24 Curt
28 – 13 LiL Mermaid
28 – 3 UKU@LA
28 – 21 (Jesse) James
31 – 24 longdistance808
31 – 17 bstunna2002
31 – 28 BIGWAVE96744
31 – 24 sean X
33 – 31 kinalau
34 – 24 BG
34 – 21 Cindy n Greg Cee
34 – 13 Momo
34 – 10 Unkanesson
34 – 27 Garret
34 – 24 postmanke X
35 – 27 wafan
35 – 24 MP
35 – 14 Da Punchbowl Kid
35 – 17 Kama Krab
35 – 10 jm2375
36 – 35 jojo
38 – 17 bighilofan2
38 – 24 TYaiea
38 – 10 SailorBlue
38 – 35 mauifarmdog
41 – 14 al
41 – 24 NYUH
42 – 31 Larry Fernadez
42 – 41 SsojuNTaegu
45 – 16 labrat
48 – 21 TChahng
50 – 0 WarriorTojo
56 – 14 d1shima
56 – 0 Kekoa
63 – 12 homey
Good pix up top. The Warriors must have had quite the experience moving from the Aloha Stadium tarmac to Qwest Field’s FieldTurf.
No tarmac gashes on their elbows and knees!!!
UHFan showing off her guns.
Pic #2 glad to see Satele made the trip!
Pic #3 is of the North entrance. The Warriors will be on the left sideline.
Pic #4 I think that is the Hawk’s Nest. Aluminum benches sans back and arm rests. Must be hard to sit there when it snows. Also set at a very steep incline.
Great Morning All!
Rise ‘n Shine! all you PNW Tsaikos….
YMI up so early? Must be Game Day!
Mmmm….my 100% Kona Koffee ( 😉 ) is ready.
Howzit Bulla! Seen any Buffaloes? Heard they all in hiding! 😆
Hope the Warriors stay close.
One of many weapons 4th-ranked Hardin-Simmons is bringing in against Linfield is a UH transfer
You get me bhf2 seat location at Boyd and we get a cheerleader up with a megaphone for him to lead one big UH cheer (with photos to share).
Seattle weather Clear, sunny, 84 degrees by noon, mid 70’s by 4 and quickly cooling down for WSU from there.
Maybe 200+ fans and supporters showed up at the Na Koa reception yesterday with ESPN in the house. Mahalo to Bobby and Robert for giving the local flavor to the group assembled. 20+ former UH players were there to give their support. Mahalo to FB Alum Murray Cassidy who kept in contact with all of these former Rainbow Warriors until we could get our act together and build a solid database of former players/alums/fans to keep in the loop. Chancellor Hinshaw made their day handing out the UH Manoa Alumni pins and personally pinning many of them on former ‘bows’. It was a humbling experience to see these past players so enthusiastic in their support of Warrior Football and see what this gesture from the Chancellor meant to them.
Quote of the evening “You’re the guy I read on the blog’ from a former player living in Seattle. Tsaiko’s take credit for building the relationships ‘far across the sea’.
Boogerball ~ (Love dat handle!)…just for you:
These Russian phrases are meant to get you to go their website. This one says: “It makes sense to join, read with interest.”
Of course it’s just spambot stuff…nobody home to answer da door. Peace on our Russian friends.
Сразу Воины! (Go Warriors!)
Good morning Tsaikos everywhere.
neva see your name in Pomai’s postah piks. chro down yo pick. 😀
~~•~~~~•~~~~•~ ★ ★ ★ Go WARRIORS!!! ★ ★ ★ ~•~~~~•~~~~•~~
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆 😀 😆
Go WARRIORS!!! 😀 😯 😆
Mahalo Don Weir!
Tanks fo da update on the UH activities in Seattle. I’m kicking myself for not including dis game in my schedule. I’m all exercited and ready to get to our Tsaiko TV-gate to cheer from here! We’ll all be screamin’ at da TV inside Club Genji’s!
I know braddah Hilo. He goin’ luv leading doze cheers. It won’t be hard to spot dat big Hawaiian. He’ll be da one holding up his colorful bannah! When he reads dis note, he’ll come back ‘atcha with his seat numbah, garans!
O boy
da big week coming up.
but da BIG day is TODAY
Сразу Воины! 😀
~~•~~~~•~~ W A H I N E ★ V O L L E Y B A L L!!! ~~•~~~~•~~
good morning good morning.
Rich holdin my tix. get fo choose from 10. i going try fo seat hi so da banna no block da Tsaiko view. i like block da UNLV section. 😆
we bringing da heat to Vegas. 😀 mo heat. try fo cheer bradda John, seein what his dad lef behind. all good. looking forward to seein yu in a diffren venue.
meanwhile, today is DAHDAY! gonna make peeps all ova go WHOAA!!!
dem buggaz is GOOOODDDD!!!
Don Weir,
Thanks for the PNW update.
For next week’s game, the Tsaikos are in a block of seats in Sections 115-116 in the EZ facing the scoreboard.
bighilofan2 has a bunch of seats staked out for his Ohana but they are scattered thruout.
Who knows where he’ll end up! But like Kekoa says, he won’t be hard to spot!
Look fo’ da Bannah! 😉
Howzit bhf2!
Howzit βρεω808!
Get 100% Kona for game day! 🙂
A hearty game day Gmornin’ to all my fellow Tsaiko n Tsaikettes!
Game time can’t come soon enuff!!!!
Don Weir- Mahalo bigtime for your insights to the Na Koa event. Wish I was there!
bhf2 ~ I saw da Bannah come out several times during da last game! It’s becoming a real battle flag! (lemme see, left or right of da State Flag?).
I couldn’t help it, I had to snap to the position of attention and render a hand salute everytime da Bannah unfurled!
D-1 ~ As Pauoa Boy would have said, “Goin’ be Nawts! in sections 115-116, Boyd stadium!
Howzit A-Joe! Feelin’ da burn?!
sumday yu gotta show me way yu go fo how fo make dat sailboat, instead of just copyin. 😀
howzit howzit. anybody seen my friend Ralph?
i taut i wuz funny. dat bugga is f u n n y!
i love da bannah! pukaz in all. 😆
Attention Tsaiko’s in or near Quest Field.
Please put on a strong pot of Kona coffee so dat braddah KK can find his way to da stadium. It’s better dat he smell da coffee rather than try look for you folks. You no how he walk around wit his maka sealed shut da morning aftah!
bhf2 ~ Da doctah is in. Ralph goin’ be at Genji’s screamin’ at da TV wit all us.
make him commit to a score before the game!
he gotta make sacrifices too. 😆
Rajah dat Hilo man!
wuz lookin up sum Wassu homers on da net.
day prognosticatin day goin win 31-24.
da Vegas oddsmakers are more realistic, we win anywhere by 2 1/2 –
3 1/2.
it comes down to da kraks on da field. when da odda teams 12th man stay yellin like heck, Tormey, Miano and Cal gotta keep da gang givin da Hemlick manuvah all ova da place!
gotta go
hi ho hi ho. yell like hell errybody!
Go Warriors.
just a thought
Coach Mack is a loyalist. Its a business, sure it is, but loyalty is also a part of this business.
i see that when i see hurt players being a part of the ride. when i see the light shining on other coaches, where this venue means so much more to them.
you’re a good man, coach Mack.
now go get WSU!
Boyd Stadium Section 115-116
I will look for the banner
Na Koa paid the way so we could have some of the Cheer Team up here for the UH game. The are heading back Sunday to make
classes Monday morning. They are not going to be in LV.
Let me talk to Rainbowtique and see if they have a megaphone in their stock sent to LV
Maybe we get bhf2 to lead section 115-116 in a cheer to rock the house.
Bright sunny mornin lookin out the hotel window
ha ha
Don Weir
no need megaphone, dis bugga gonna yell like hell from anywhere…. not gonna be spotlite. Tsai-kos in dis togedda.
rememba wen Rolo busted da redigested beans outta BYU, think had like 9 touchdowns, i porget already. had one article in da odda paypah last year. about him and Brian Smith.
I wuz talking about loyalty. doze 2 get loyalty! Mack and Ron giving dem chances.
okay Warriors. Step it up. Its showtime! You can do it. Yes you can!
Go Warriors!
Mornin’ C_C!
Are you ready for sum football!
lifes get ups an downs. das life.
but i no like dat kine life dis year. no sirree!
Rolo sees himself in Greg. i no he does.
Lead da young man to da winner’s trough, Rolo!
we gotta make like UH. go fo mo points. 490
like make like Kazz.
10 more for da winnah!
jus warmin up jus warmin up
i smell…. victree.
hard. small kine hard… gonna take a few one handers to get
da feel goin good.
sumbody gotta step it up
finish da job, Warriors
the job starts in the mind!!!!
when the braddaz are tired, and the noise is against you, you gotta suck it up, back to the wall and
Don Weir, is the email you sent to NaKoa members re the underarmor shirt a genuine offer. Someone on the blog said that Rainbowtique knows nada about this. Now I’m worried cause I gave my cc number. Go Warriors!!!Imua!!
just a little more to go.
suck it up Warriors. lean on each other
Good morning TyAiea.
Yes we can!
huh uh huh uh huh uh……
said da wolf
boy dat wuz hard!
g’morning bhf2…your energy making the blog tremble…Go Warriors!!!! u can do it!!!!!
Howzit Gang, dropping in for wish some good luck to our Warrior boys in today’s game. Yups going be nawts, chee huu. Anyway, been busy out here in this beautiful dirt filled aina…yeah right. Doing good, planny action but no worries we taking care of business! Well, just wanted for say wassup everybody, hope everybody doing good… Be home in lil bit Novemberish time frame, so I spock you guys lataz… If you like, send me email to jesse dot ching at afg dot usmc dot mil. Shutes den, bumbai I spock you guys lataz when get time, be easeh gang…
For all those interested in future opponents, Navy plays La Tech today at 9:30. Game is being carried on CBS College Sports.
Navy is favored by 7.5 points.
Also, here’s a link to an article about their young headcoach Derek Dooley:
i’m hungry for a victory
Morning gang! bhf2 ~ headed for the stadium yet? Figured you might be there to make sure no home team ‘personnel’ mess with da warriors stuff LOL just kidding…I can’t tell if you are excited about the game or not 😀
Have a good time…listen for the Tsai-kos at Genji’s…we’ll be cheering loud enough for you to hear us across the pond 🙂
morning from Seattle to all 808 tsaiko’s back in the isles. just getting ready to meet others for pre game cc. day and nights up here so far very much like home so really great walking around in shorts and tshirt. yeaaaaaaaaaa
so far talked to midori, stretch, wafan and saw chawan last night. will meet and greet others latter at the game. went to the studio7 and chatted with david maiava or mento. plenty peeps but not know anyone there.
ok fill you in lattas gotta run
Aloha gang!
Can you feel it? Yup- it’s GAMEDAY! GO WARRIORS!!!
Aloha Kakahiaka!!!
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Я хочу быть Hilton Hawaiian Village воин.
MAHALO NA KOA for sponsoring the CHEER squad to Seattle!!!
So— do we have a Tsai-ko uniform or anything special that we are going to do to “show up loud” since the cheer squad will not be at UNLV??? I’m thinking color cards here…
Pauoa Boy! Shoots braddah, tank U for representing da 808 in da red zone. Da Warriors goin’ put on a show today and plant da Hawaiian Flag in da end zone at Qwest field several times! Hehehe, we get S-3 Air operations ready to unleash the hell fire capabilities from the spread.
Koakane ~ Ye once was lost, but now stay found! Awwwright pahtna! Round up da Tsaiko ‘ohana and make plenny noise!
Sailor Blue goin’ sound general quarters inside Genji’s and wake up da dead! Me?…I’m bringing a former team mate to help man da battle stations, make noise and meet da ‘ohana.
Aloha, Pauoa Boy- God Bless and IMUA, WARRIOR!
Pauoa Boy,
Take care of yourself. See you after November.
Don Weir,
Thanks for the updates. Thanks to Na Koa for paying the way of some of the Cheer team!
The email offer for the Na Koa UA shirt is a valid offer. Don mentioned it at the Na Koa luncheon on Monday. No worries.
Off to do some gardening before game time.
From the book “Slugs” that Jason got for me in Portland:
Fresno St. 21 – Wisconson 17 > Fresno just intercepted
Esme & out…
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
thank you Mr. Tsai
Na Koa membership offer for shirts is the real deal. We set it up in house and as soon as I go back I walk the orders up to the bookstore. My office is locked so the FAX’s stay safe inside.
We will personally shred all docs with credit information.
Mahalo for your support of Warrior Football via Na Koa
#510 ~ Aunty Liz has put in an entry in for her Russian niece. She says she wants to be one HHV Warrior too! 😎
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior….yeah we have a bye this week but next week we take on the Aston Hotels & Resorts Surfriders. It’s going to be a tough game. We got a lot of injured guys from last weeks tough win vs. the Outriggers Ohana’s. Go Hawaii!!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior, 4 evah or atleast til I win
Game Day Gangeez!!! 🙂 YEEEEEHAWWWWWWW!!!
Pauaoa Boy in da house! Now we can rock on to victory!!!
menu at genjis anything godd?
Ho ka plenny posts manawa! Lucky get sponsor! Good luck to all the entrants!
prediction for today’s game: Hawaii 22 WSU 15
Alright Hawaii going WIN!!
Mr. Tsai please enter me in for the contest-
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
Good stuff at Genjis! I don’t recall any baby cubs on the menu. :lol:They have a buffet special for today’s game though. Last time was ono! SteveM has all the details on his site.
Good game day everyone!
Re: Post #461, 469, 484
Don Weir — Yes… a megaphone and cheerleader to assist Bighilofan2 ! Maybe more than one 🙂 Since we’re sitting in the lower section at the corner of the endzone, can you get him on the field to lead the sections?
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
BTW, Rich2176 provided the ticket distribution chart. Click on the link in the “Ticket Section/Row” column in the table at…
Speak of the devil and the devil appears! 🙂
SteveM, the baby cub eater wants to know about Genji’s food etc. (see posts directly above.)
No way going be hawaii 28,wsu 27 need da over, I don’t condone betting but what can you say next week UNLV baby! gotta get in the gamblin groove. which reminds me I going roll da dice and say:
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
Menu @ Genji’s ~ Teri-baby cubs…nothing speshul. Nah! j/k…get buffet @$19.95, or can order off of an extensive (mostly Japanese) menu.
Freezno missed an easy fg, and just got burned for a long TD run! Wisconsin up 24 – 21. Less than 6 minutes left in the game. (ESPN chan 222 on Oceanic).
eh the O/U line is now @ 55, you need to add one more pt somewhere, hopefully to hawaii’s score
I forgot da earlier comment was for GoBlue & please enter me in to da contest, I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior.
kekoa i hear ya- yeah what’s going on with da bulldogs dey was representing now dey making da WAC shame
Kid — we all know the food is awful. The place is cramped and crowded, the 25″ tube TV’s are blurry and the sound systems are terrible. The waitresses are rude, forgetful, and hard to find… 🙄
come on fresno….drive it
any tsaikettes wanna sit next to me at genjis?
Kefe Fresno State.
My God…
Wisconsin must REALLY SUCK. 🙄
KOAKANE – Hello hooow yooooooouuuuuuuu
wow kazz try watch da language, we need the WAC to do good so we get some bowl bids & $$$ or else lingle goin’ cut more jobs 🙁
morning gang!
stopping in for a quickie before heading out to vb
Pauoa Boy – good to hear from you, take care and stay safe brah
That’s it gang all pau dis week!!!
UH vs Washington @ Washington
14 – 10 Committed Road Warrior
17 – 3 tom mui
17 – 13 hotwheels
17 – 14 Shannon
20 – 17 las vegas
21 – 10 Pomai
22 – 21 LizKauai
22 – 31 So Solly
22 – 15 forty9r
23 – 21 HiFlyer
23 – 17 djmitcho
24 – 21 gmahoney
24 – 13 A-House
24 – 7 curveball
24 – 10 Capitol -ist/WassupDoc
24 – 20 WenatcheeWarrior
26 – 22 UHfan808
27 – 17 Kazz
27 – 23 koakane
27 – 10 Jason
27 – 20 Dennis Halloran
28 – 14 DrewHiro
28 – 10 G(China)
28 – 0 Jack Flash
28 – 27 Glenn
28 – 24 Curt
28 – 13 LiL Mermaid
28 – 3 UKU@LA
28 – 21 (Jesse) James
31 – 24 longdistance808
31 – 17 bstunna2002
31 – 28 BIGWAVE96744
31 – 24 sean
33 – 31 kinalau
34 – 24 BG
34 – 21 Cindy n Greg Cee
34 – 13 Momo
34 – 10 Unkanesson
34 – 27 Garret
34 – 24 postmanke
35 – 27 wafan
35 – 24 MP
35 – 14 Da Punchbowl Kid
35 – 17 Kama Krab
35 – 10 jm2375
36 – 35 jojo
38 – 17 bighilofan2
38 – 24 TYaiea
38 – 10 SailorBlue
38 – 35 mauifarmdog
41 – 14 al
41 – 24 NYUH
42 – 31 Larry Fernadez
42 – 41 SsojuNTaegu
45 – 16 labrat
48 – 21 TChahng
50 – 0 WarriorTojo
56 – 14 d1shima
56 – 0 Kekoa
63 – 12 homey
Kazz & Ulaboyz – Ovahtime. Not who goin’ win. Who goin’ lose! Hehehe.
ulaboyz ~ I need 57 to make da ovah on da UNLV game! Look my score on Pomai’s list. Shoots look Homey!
39-31 UH
Pauoa Boy,
Good to hear from you! Hope you can take a schmall kine break and check out the game today.
Take care and Mahalo for your service!
eh kekoa you & warriortojo must have some inside info. on da game
Morning gangee, IT’S GAME DAY
Pauoa Boy – good to hear from you, stay safe and keep hydrated.
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
Boom Boom Pau!
Lets Go Warriors!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village WARRIOR!!!!
I like play *I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior*
Man, this Colburn kid is pretty good….. 👿
…OTOH, Wisky’s DB’s are pretty suspect.
Poor pass by Colburn
Aloha Pauoa Boy, Take care! GO WARRIORS!!!
Is this new this year where they switch EZ’s for the second OT period?
FRES is going down 🙂 {count me in too}
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
BullPups are “plumpin’ on the grill”….almost done!
Whoa! thought it bounced back!
it’s ovah in ovah,ovah time 34-31
34 – 31 Stick da fork in da BullPups!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!!!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!!!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!!!
can this count as 3 entries?
like that 2a4b6c8d, try this:
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!!!
there no place like home
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!!!
there no place like home
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!!!
theres no place like Hilton Hawaiian Village
+ don’t forget to click your heals together 🙂
alright ND vs Michigan, get to see homeboy manti te’o in action again
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
Come on Michigan Wolverines !!! hehehee
Go UCLA! Knock off Tennessee… Go Big M!
I’m going early to Genji to eat before y’all get there. Buffett won’t be ready till close to noon…SteveM?
Back from killing slugs. Gotta shower before I sit next to anyone at Genji’s!
Esme & whoosh……..>>>>>>>>>>>>
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior
VILLAGE WARRIOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Want To Be a
Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!!!!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village Warrior!
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village WARRIOR!!
:)I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village WARRIOR!!:)
NO!!! I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village WARRIOR!!
My prediction for SF vs. AZ: Niners 19, Cards 13, alright winners baby
I want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village WARRIOR!!
I Want to be a Hilton Hawaiian Village WARRIOR
I want to be a
Hilton Hawaiian Village WARRIOR
I think this article made some interesting points, I read a textbook directly related to this topic, its called Japan’s Political Marketplace by , I found my used copy for less than the bookstores at