About the play-callers
Ever have that feeling you forgot to do something? Think, Stephen, think. Oh, yeah, I forgot to write a blog post after power was restored at 4 p.m yesterday.
Anyway, here’s the deal on the new play-callers:
Tom Mason, defense
> Preferred style: Attacking out of a 3-4 with fire-zone blitzes. He estimated SMU ran pressure schemes 60 to 70 percent of the time.
> But he can: Go with the 4-3 scheme he ran when he was linebackers coach at Fresno State under Pat Hill.
> Life experience: Back in the day, there was no limit to the Big Sky and so-called Northwest offenses. (Dennis Erickson, Mouse Davis, Don Read, John L. Smith, Mike Price earned their clipboards coaching innovated spread offenses.) It was defensive guys like Mason who stayed up late trying to design counter-attacks.
> Mentor: After an eye-opening first season as SMU’s defensive coordinator, it was decided the Mustangs didn’t have the 4-3 ends to track more athletic quarterbacks. Mason spent a couple weeks studying under Dick Lebau, the architect of the Pittsburgh Steelers’ 3-4 defenses and the creator of the modern zone blitz. In 2012, SMU set an NCAA record with seven interceptions for touchdowns.
> Quote: “I don’t look at (UH’s schedule) any differently than what we did here (at SMU). We played Baylor every year. We played TCU. We played (Texas) A&M. We played (Texas) Tech. It was the same thing in Fresno. Pat (Hill) had that whole, ‘We’ll play anybody any place (at) any time.’ I thought he was nuts, but we did, and we ended up winning a few of those.”
Don Bailey, offense
> Preferred style: Spread attack played at a quick pace. In 2014, Idaho State averaged a snap every 20.6 seconds and had 59 drives under three minutes. In 2014, the Vandals scored 64 TDs in 12 games, led FCS teams in passing and had the 11th-leading rusher.
> But he can: Go with different schemes and paces, depending on the situation and personnel. The goal is the number of plays (the Vandals averaged 82.7 per game) and not necessarily the time of possession.
> Life experiences: When home is a dome in frosty Pocatello (average November low is in the 20s), it takes innovation to compete and recruit. Bailey went from the West Coast Offense to the spread at Idaho State.
> Mentor: Bailey said Al Borges, now San Jose State’s OC, has served as a mentor and influence. Borges is a disciple of Bill Walsh’s offense, but has added twists during a 40-year career. In 2004, Borges’ Gulf Coast Offense led Auburn to a 14-0 record.
Quote: “I know that production counts and that wins count, and I’m excited to get going there.”
Wow is first.
The two new coordinators add optimism. Looking forward to the coming season.
Second is the new first. Lucky you live Hawaii nei, the high here today is 18…..yikeees!
Stephen- Where does Bailey expect to coach from during games – booth or sideline?
Hi ST, did the milk spoil? You must have been busy yesterday, righting the ship.
Bright and sunny here in Foster Village. A bit cold though.
Lots of nice promises from the 2 coordinators. Hope they come true.
score one more point than the other guy.
force the other guy to score one less point than us.
but, mo bettah shut them out.
Nothing officially decided, but Bailey probably will be in the booth and Mason on the field.
manini kine stuff …
Idaho State Bengals.
It’s a beautiful day on the Windward side.
The past couple days? Not so much.
One of our jalousies ended up in the neighbor’s yard. That was pretty impressive because it mean it had to soar over two cars in the driveway. I’ll give it a 9 for degree of difficulty and 8 for the landing
Kevin Clune said the most-asked question was whether he would coach from the booth or the field.
ST, that’s impressive.
If that had happened to our jalousies, the security alarm would have tripped and the cops would be here in 2 seconds. The windows in my house are all wired and monitored.
Thanks Stephen. Yeah – coaching from booth or field. I think June Jones was special in that way. Hoping/Looking for that sideline presence to coach them up during games.
Anything on Powell or other coaching staff additions and departures?
Nice day, today. Hope no one had to throw away any food due to the power outage yesterday.
Curious to know who will fill the D-line and secondary – corners (Coach Mason will handle the safeties, if I read correctly) coaching slots.
New coaches – new opportunities! Looking forward to spring ball, New players, new coaches. A good group of core returnees. It’s a new page to write the Warriors’ story.
Welcome to the new coaches – great post. Expectations are high, we have to get some wins up this next season.
All right! All right! All right!
Do I sense optimism in the air?
Well ……………………All Right Then!
3rd DC in 3 years. Highly misplaced optimism, I say – when I’m in my seat for the 1st home game is when I’ll see if the reality approaches the hype. Until then, that’s all it is, HYPE, and we all know how that’s turned out the past 3 years.
I can appreciate hype. I will see you at the 1st game then.
All right! All right! All right!
Good morning everyone!
ST — thanks for the background on Tom Mason and Don Bailey on this beautiful day in Hawaii!
#19, I hope many others buy into the hype and show up for the 1st game.
SAT, Punchbowl Kid, thanks for the response on Wong’s village. The newspaper just caught my attention because of the type of house he and his family had. Also his entrepreneurial skills.
#11, surprised it wasn’t “…are you coming back next year?”.
Regarding moderation, yeah I notice that if I left a space in my blog name, it would go to moderation.
aloha everyone !! morning any word on UH basketball players how they doing today ST or anybody that knows ? never did see a game like that that we loss so much players !!
oh, oh, “waiting moderation”
WHAT????????? no waiting moderation? disappointed – can moderation, but if nothing abusive or vulgar, allow the post to stand.
it is very refreshing to see both men and women BB teams doing so well
now, if only the acting chancellor would grant the salary increases for her assistants, sign Beeman’s contract!
after all, if $$$ is the problem, seems no problem for the professors to get pay increases negotiated with the union, “which I’m sure”, is many times greater, in totality, than what she is asking for her assistants – is this the same smell or am I climbing the mountain from a different side?????????
and for heavens sake, sign Ben T to a multi-year contract!
o00pppppps, forgot that position must be posted for 10-days, a selection committee formed, selection committee to review all applicants, and decide what is best for UH-Manoa; not for the players or fans, but for UH upper campus.
btw, anyone know how much $$$ BJ was able to secure from donors before he quit?
ST … while Chow has seemingly gotten less conservative each year with the offense, his philosophy is still a control the clock type of mentality. Even when he would speed it up at times, he would always take the pedal off the metal.
How do you see the difference in offensive philosophy working out between Bailey and Chow? Or is this just further progression of Chow’s willingness to adapt?
Got to see the men’s bball team live last night. Great show. It looked like the injury to Fleming was pretty serious reading his body language last night. He didn’t even look like he could sit comfortably on the bench later.
UH Foundation assets are growing at almost 12% annually according to their annual audited financial statements. The UH Athletics portion of that is going to be pretty small, a lot of moneys are fenced, and there are no doubt a lot of other roadblocks, but the bottom line is that overall UH is pulling in donations and growing them through investment. For 2014, fundraising alone brought in $98,583,866. While it may be a tough financial situation for most average fans, there seem to be some pretty big bucks floating around. Hopefully the next AD will be better equipped to tap into revenue.
Hey ST,
Idaho State’s mascot is the Bengals….the Vandals are that team in Moscow that UH used to play
Hoping the experience translates to on-field success.
Why not optimistic? No can lose this week!
Everything in moderation 😆
Heard Woosley is lighting it up on practices season looking promising go warriors
Was at the Stanley last night watching men’s BB. Fullerton is not a good team. But UH had to play with almost no substitutions available. All they had on the bench in the end were either Enos or Filipovich. And yet the 5 on the floor played unrelentingly. I assumed coach was saving his time outs to give his team a break towards the end of the game, when they would be predictibily exhausted. He didn’t even have to use them.
Coach Taylor inherited a team in the midst of loads of crap being dumped. He has created a team that is fun to watch and way more successful than I thought they could be this year. In fact I thought the BB program would be down for years to come. If the current group of players is retained and they can add a few more they will be very good moving ahead. If the powers that be are not carefully considering doing everything they can to retain coach Taylor they are truly out to lunch. He has already proven himself in my eyes. As I watched the seriously short handed team play their hearts out last night this assessment was reconfirmed for me.
36. Akamai O — What’s the secret to get the happy faces on the post ? I won’t tell anybody.
The uncertainty as to who the men’s BB HC will be has got to be affecting recruiting for next year.
Kinda ironic how the football recruiting all ended up for Kahuku’s Salanoa-Alo Wily…….that he flipped his commitment from UH to UNLV just 2 weekends before NLI Day…….then had second thoughts the week before NLI Day……amid rumors that UNLV DL coach Joe Seumalo that might end up at Utah instead…….as was also cited by ST……but was still convinced by Powell to trip UH the last weekend before NLI Day……then ended up signing with UNLV on NLI Day following the guidance from his family…….only to find out now just over a week after NLI Day that UH DL coach Lewis Powell (and not UNLV DL coach Joe Seumalo) is the one moving on to the Utah Utes.
Might’ve just been pure luck and/or coincidence…….but at this moment…….with UH having no DL coach…….nor a clear direction on what the D front alignment will be predominantly used in……3-4 or 4-3 base……it would seem that……Salanoa-Alo Wily and his family……have indeed lived up to being “wily” in their football program decision-making thus far……since Wily has already been told that he’ll be playing as a 3-technique DT (lined up opposite the outside shoulder of the opposing OG) in a 4-3 base front that best suits his abilities & strengths.
#11 & #23,
Clune would say…….how much he loved the warm Hawaii climate and being near the ocean and all……especially compared to the cold winters in Logan, Utah……being a Cali guy……having grown up near the Pacific Ocean……
Don’t forget.
Chip Kelly coached in obscurity at New Hampshire.
42. kapakahi — $200,000 from $160,000 or a 25 % raise makes the cold a little more easier to take.
Akamai okole. What a great handle. But don’t be a smart a$$… 🙂
The Koolaus were screaming on Friday…………………………..but so peaceful and serene today. No clouds- just blue skies. What a beautiful place we all live in…..
We don’t need no stinking UH sports!
just kidding (:-)
enjoy the beauty of today. Peace.
SteveM or Jason prolly get links to primers but for now
(no spaces)
for smiley face type: colon dash right parenthesis 🙂
for laughing face type: colon lol colon 😆
Das fo nuttin’!
WTG BaseBows! 😀
what the baseball bows there in the rain ?
okole what the score there..
RE: #47
The smileys are called “emoticons” –icons that express emotion.
Here is a graphic showing how they are made:
1) click on my name just above this blog comment.
2) scroll down to under the orange Directory (Table of Contents). Right side to….
3) “HA Blog Comment XHTML” section
4) click on the last item: “Emoticons”
Note that many blogs are different and not all emoticons shown here will work at other sites. BTW, Jason said the graphic was his. I forget, but I only cockroach from the best. 🙄
Another great day for Rainbow sports. BaseBows beat Oregon 10-1 and Wahine SoftBows beat SeattleU 8-0 and Portland State 11-0.
thanks hatakeman.. much appreciated.. now me go eat a good lunch…adobo…he he he
Manoa Mist, that’s my description 😉
Testing emoticon
56. SteveM and AkamaiO –thanks. 🙄
I forgot you could use emoticons on here.
Absolutely Beautiful Day in Paradise. Walked Kapiolani Park & Waikiki this morning, then hit the beach with the fam this afternoon offf Paiko. Nice big school of oio didn’t cooperate though.
Glad to hear that baseball and softball won today. GO BOWS!
I, who sat for 17 innings of scoreless baseball by Hawaii when they played Rice two seasons ago, was flat-out dumbfounded when at one point in the game they were hitting 8-11.
Where was OC-16?
RE: cappie the dog
I remember that game! Was the first game of the series too.
That was a tough season… Those 10 and 11 game losing streaks.
Mr. Tsai … If I ready correctly Coach Bailey, in addition to being the OC, will also serve as QB coach. Has Jordan Wynn been released ???
Good to see a few old skool Tai-kos still posting. =)
#37 “trunks420” … The same thing was said last year about Woolsey and we all know what kind of a season we had w/ him under Center. Time for a change
did woolsey red shirt aready ? would be a waste to have him sit on the bench if max going be the starter one for a year !! bring in this one year only players more so as qb can more so hurt the team in the long run !! if chow know that max was going to be his man this year why did he use more qb last year ? he should of get bo some game speed time !!
Trappasso, Beeman, Wade, Coolen, Shoji. These are the guys I’d like to see get raises/multi year contracts. They have a proven record. They might not win every year but you know its up there and in the right direction.
We are all excited with Mason and Bailey and but let’s see how they do. They agreed to a one year contract right? They must be confident in their ability to do the job.
Let’s give Taylor a chance first before we rush to try and lock him in for a multi year contract. After all, aren’t the current players Arnold’s recruits?
Just some things to think about and consider.
A quarterback that can give us one outstanding year is one I would welcome this year. If what I am hearing is correct, we might just get that. Let’s hope so. Put the best players on the field and LET’S PLAY!
I was told by a qualified observer that the “Big W” is the real deal. Let’s see what he’s got.
Practice. Practice. Practice.
78 very true to what you saying !! but in the long run might be hard to get someone to come to UH for 4 years out high school !! when we get know to be pick up guy who cant start at there school they came from !! at lest get them for 2 years not to bad !!
Woolsey already redshirted……back during the 2012 season…….Chow’s first season as UH HC.
Put the best players at that position on the field every year. No guarantees except a having a fair shot. You have to earn the slot. Someone’s better, you sit.
Witteck is not a shoo-in. Still got Reilly and Zwahlen competing.
I heard that he is gone.
I believe Jordan wynn was the play caller last season. I was very disappointed in what was called in so many game situations. I wish him the best however I think that we are going to see vast improvement with the new OC. We got to!
Put the best man on the field. I’m for that. It will be interesting to see what unfolds.
#77, most assistant coaches are on a year to year contract anyway.
omg…first time me see this…
not know what to call it…
looks like foot-volleyball..
amazing athletes…
dang they are good…
wonder if they can run n kick a football.. chow should recruit thailand n malaysia…he he he
max is a big guy how is his speed ? 1/2 the Woolsey was run or his life and pass on da run !
st. anthony trojan lol i would like to see a ref. make a call running in to a kicker like that !! lmao
yea hitman…is a dangerous.. n they go so high.. n lost of power in them kicks…
New post: http://hawaiiwarriorworld.com/?p=27909