A storybook beginning
Jacob Patek was enjoying the rest of his life.
The former UH safety was back in his hometown of Victoria, Texas, working as a surveyor for national gas pipeline. He worked outdoors, often surrounded by deer, turkeys and hogs.
“I enjoyed it,” Patek said.
He believed his football career was in the past.
At UH’s Pro Day in 2008 — nearly four months after his final UH game, in the Sugar Bowl — Patek ran a slow time in the 40-yard dash. He admittedly was not prepared, having spent the time leading to the NFL audition trying to complete work on his bachelor’s degree.
“I had so much pressure,” Patek said. “I wanted to train and stop going to school, as bad as that sounds. I ended up not doing well in school and not training. I threw it all away.”
But Greg McMackin, UH’s newly hired head coach, extended Patek’s scholarship, allowing him to earn his degree (in history) in December 2008. Then Patek trained in Arizona under Chad Ikei, received a do-over invitation to the 2009 Pro Day, and did well enough to earn a tryout in the Canadian Football League. An injury led to his release, and that appeared to be that.
The past December, he ran into Jerry Glanville, his UH defensive coordinator in 2006. Glanville said he might be considered for a coaching job in the United Football League. They promised to keep in contact.
Patek had made peace with giving up football. Still, he prayed for direction, as he did every day.
Last month, Glanville was named head coach of the UFL’s Hartford Colonials. Calls were exchanged. Glanville suggested that Patek attend a Colonial tryout in Houston.
“I knew Patek was good, but I never said a word to my assistant coach (Bill Bradley),” Glanville said. “I didn’t want to give any special treatment.”
In the drills, Glanville said, Patek shut down the inside receivers.
“Bill Bradley was high on him,” Glanville said. “The slots never caught the ball.”
Then came the 40-yard dash.
“The first time, Patek ran 4.41,” Glanville said. “I always make them run it twice, in case you miss something the first time.”
Patek ran 4.41 on the second attempt, too, Glanville said.
“I didn’t think he could run 4.41, but he ran it twice,” Glanville said. “I knew that was legit.”
Glanville then offered a free-agent contract.
Patek accepted, went to his car, then got lost in emotion.
“I started to cry,” Patek said. “I’m not going to lie. It was something. I give the glory to God.”
Patek said he will work another week with the pipeline company. Then he will train in Arizona, under Ikei again, to prepare for the start of the Colonial’s training camp in July.
“He did it on his own,” Glanville said. “This is what happens when you work hard.”

Indeed, you are No. 1.
Aloha Tsaiko Ohana!!
Nobody in the playhouse so
Esme woosh!!
See ya.
Good morning y’all!
Good luck to the baseball team today. Season starts today.
Good luck to Jacob Patek!
Nice story ST.
Great news too. Beowulf213 (his parents) are among our favorite blogging and tailgating Tsai-kos!
Indeed, BleedGreen, the baseball season does start today.
It was interesting that Don Robbs now believes UH has a shot for an at-large berth if it wins two games but not the tourney title.
I do like the Beowulf family.
Nice update on Jacob Patek, ST. Best of Luck to him in his endeavors! Good Morning to all the Tsaikos!s And now you can go to bed, SteveM. Aloha! Y’all!
Sorry for the typo…..
the sound of patek as he crushes another unsuspecting wr going over the hallowed grounds across the middle.
i am sure that beowulf is beaming with pride and joy.
I guess there’s a running joke where Glanville keeps asking Patek to “finally” hit somebody. As we all remember, Patek was quite the knockout hitter under Glanville.
When I asked Glanville about “Jacob,” he kept saying, “Who?”
Finally, Glanville said: “I only call him Patek.”
I guess he didn’t call him “31.”
Congrad to Jacob, God works wonders in so many ways.
Guess he still wants to hear Patek in football.
He sure was great hitter in Warrior football. Wish he well.
I wonder if Glanville remembers Jake’s number…? 😕
Good morning, Midnight…
Good night here. 🙂
The Colonials also had a tryout in Atlanta. Glanville was surprised that Spencer Smith didn’t attend.
Good morning, Tsai-kos!
Thank you to Glanville for providing another chance for Patek!
Warriors stick together!!!
Big surprise . . .
Hawai’i is the least stressed out state in the union.
I am so happy for Jacob Patek! I loved watching him play for the Warriors and he will do a great job for Glanville in the UFL.
Beowulf213 and the rest of the Patek ohana are great people also and were such good friends of this blog. When I got time to spend with them in person, they were the same nice, helpful people they had always been on this blog.
Measles outbreak.
Better be careful if you elected not to have your kids vaccinated.
I didn’t know that was still around.
Do we still have the mumps?
Funny thing, too. Docs are having a difficult time diagnosing the measles . . . younger docs have not seen it, and those around retirement age have not seen it in nearly forever.
Dunno about mumps.
Mr. Tsai . . .
Still awake? Or just wake up?
Off to school!
20 more wake ups for the regular folks. 13 to go for the seniors who will actually graduate.
Great story. Good luck To Patek! Hope Glanville keeps calling on the Warriors!
Go Warriors!
Great story about Patek, but a better note about Coach Mac….believing in his players and giving them the ‘push’ they need to get their degree. You can say a lot of things about the coach, but I know for a fact that he has the players academic success on the top of his list. GO WARRIORS, GO WARRIORS
Good morning folks! Had to get up early to make a call to Alabama this morning. Drank a cup of kope to get coherent and now can’t go back to sleep. Oh well, getting a chance to see what the early morning clubhouse is like.
Agree with you Bulla…I like the directions Coach is taking with the team and staff. It took an enormous amount of intestinal fortitude to promote relative youngsters like Rolo and Aranda over the status quo. He runs the program with integrity and a commitment to the student athlete. There’s constant improvement. Remember when we were critical of the on-field management of the game? It got better last season and I anticipate it will be better this year. Love this program! W-A-R-R-I-O-R-S ! ! !
Not too much going on…hmmm…guess I’ll read a chapter or two. That should put me back to sleep!
Interesting article about the possible split in D-IA. There is a point to be made that *academic* scholarships can pay the full cost of going to college while athletic scholarships leave a gap that the athletes (and their families) have to cover…UH athletes I know have talked about the limitations of their scholarships. So, using this as a excuse to split D-IA is an interesting tactic.
The article says that this may be a possible outcome:
g’morning all!
congrads and best wishes to Jacob Patek! may God continue to shower Jacob witj an overflow of blessings. yes, give all the Glory to God!
have a great day errybody! 🙂
If there’s still fuel
If there’s still desire
If the machine is still in tip top working condition
If opportunity still presents itself
Why not strap it up and take that bad boy out to chase some dreams!
Going, Patek! The Warrior Nation awaits in support of your quest to destiny!
Gmorning, gang!!
God bless Jacob and the Patek clan!
Congratulations to Jacob and his ohana. Never met Jacob or his family, but they all seem very nice and down to earth (judging by the blog and how they talk).
Thanks to Coach Glanville for making UH East. I’m glad he has a lot of respect for the Hawaii players and how good they are. I miss having a coach like him that can give you a headline quote daily.
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Yea, Jacob!
Hi ho and cheerio!
Let’s go, BaseBows!
awesome story on Patek. I hope we get to see some televised UFL games this year. With the NFL locked out, might be a perfect time for the UFL to come up. My wife is from Virginia Beach so we will be rooting for the Destroyers — and Hartford too, of course.
If can, CAN — no can, no can.
Good morning friends. Aloha bradduh A-Joe!
beAwy1 this is delisious!
Great Morning All!
(Hmmm…momentary disturbance in the Force?)
Terrific story about Jake Patek! Best of luck to him and The Colonials
GO BaseBows!
ST, that story made me tear up! Great to see Patek doing so well. Good luck to him!
Here’s a link to the tailgate that Patek’s parents and sister attended. Beautiful family:
Go Jacob!
Go BaseBows!
Imua Warriors! Imua!
Jacob and the entire Beowulf ohana express Family, Faith and Freedom.
That’s a 3-peat winner.
like a slot seeking 4.41 missle….PAAAAAAATEKKK!
Good morning Tsaikos!
Congrats to Jake Patek! Great story ST.
Jacob and Beowolf – too good!
gigi- thanks for the memories… now I want to eat some oka… 🙂
That was a fantastic game…
More to come this season!!!
morning to all, anoddah sunny day
congrats to Jacob, good luck to bball warriors
Liz, isn’t his mother simply beautiful and photogenic? Wow!
Ok, you guys have me crying. Thanks, Stephen for writing a great story and I’m glad you like us! Thanks SteveM and Garret for the kind words. Thanks Midnight, Al, wafan…Glanville kept asking Jacob, but can you hit, can you hit? Jacob’s response…..Coach I dream about hitting….That seemed to satisfy Coach, he hasn’t asked since then…Bulla & BG you are so right about Coach Mac…I thank God for that man….He was there for Jacob….I’m sure you all remember how hard the transition was in losing Coach Jones…..It was magnified many times over for the players….Coach Mac understood…He’s a great man….
Loved the prose A-joe, you hit the nail on the head….Thanks, Hawaiianbod, Thanks, China, maybe someday we will meet, rage777, Thanks Liz….bigislandkurt, yes! let’s watch some UFL! gigi, you made me cry!!! Great memories! We love Hawaii!!!! Hi, haka, d1shima, Cheyah, oMaluna and tommui. Please, please, please don’t have your feelings hurt if I didn’t mention your name. Your comments and well wishes mean so much to us. We look forward to the day we are back on the rock! Let’s have a storybook ending!
in the world of Facebook, this story is a “Like”. Patek has gone down as one the great ones that come through Hawaii. Great story of a great guy…
whoa! Shades of 2007! Alooohaaa, Beowulf! Seeing you here makes my day. Congrats to the Patek ohana!
Very good! Best of luck in the UFL to Jacob Patek!
Good morning, gangees!!!
Wooo hooo! Awesome news about Jacob… and nice seeing Beowulf213 on the blog again, if even for a day!
Morning Tsaikos!
Way to go Jake! Best of luck with the Colonials!
Was really great to meet & talk with his family at one of the tailgates. Such a nice family!
Thanks, gigi, Slugger and madeinhawaii. I peek in on you guys every now and then. This is the best place to catch up on my favorite team! Oh and it’s mama Beowulf if you haven’t already figured that out! 🙂 ……And hello koakane!
Good Morning Gangeez! 🙂
Great story about Patek! Excellent developments, with Glanville and the Colonials giving these former UH Warriors another shot. Glanville comes off a little rough around the edges to some, (I don’t feel that way) but the great thing about him is his heart has always been in the right place.
Thanks Coach Glanville!
And to Jake, go get ’em. You can do this, and do it well.
To the Beowulf folks, warm Aloha and support from alll of us here at the WB! To God is the Glory!
Hey Mama Beowulf! Nice to see ya here. Send Jake our best! 🙂 🙂 🙂
NEW SCOREBOARD at the “Stanley”
1) $2,000,000.00 for the new scoreboard??? REALLY??? Really?????? Really… REALLY??????????!!!!!!!!???????????
2) People should EXPECT to see a decrease in stats available for fans to see off the new scoreboard. The current/old one has sections on the sides for the player’s numbers and their stats depending if it’s volleyball or basketball. The new scoreboards will be COMPLETE full screens and while the game is going on, there will be more emphasis on advertisement and larger footage space. Possibly a generic score tab at the bottom with just the scores and the time or what half/set it is in.
This is the new style, scoreboards all across the country in NBA and college arenas (the big ones) have these new state of the art scoreboards that are all for show for ads and to make the game look better.
So I imagine volleyball fans will have to get used to not knowing how many kills a player has at the current time and hardcore basketball stat nuts will have to get used to not knowing how many points a player has at a particular time.
Maybe periodically they will pop up a graphic on the screen, but the separate section for stats only on the scoreboard will be a thing of the past.
This reminds me of how some complained that the new large scoreboard at Aloha Stadium no longer shows all of the stats during live games and the thing is flooded with more ads and whatnot.
***Perhaps they could still keep those four large projection screens up at the corners to use as the stat board though.***
So with that being said…
THANK GOD!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANNOT WAIT!!!!
PrepVolleyball.com’s top 30 recruiting classes of 2011
1 Texas
2 Penn State
3 Illinois
4 Washington
6 California
7 Wisconsin
8 Tennessee
9 Pepperdine
10 USC
11 Arizona
12 HAWAII: Kalei Adolpho, 6-1 MB, Molokai (Hoolehua HI); Jane Croson, 6-0 OH, Los Alamitos (CA); Ginger Long, 5-11 OH, Kamehameha-Maui (Pukalani HI); Monica Stauber, 5-8 DS, Mater Dei (Santa Ana CA); Jade Vorster, 6-4 MB/RS, Timber Creek (Orlando FL)
Comment: The Rainbow Wahine got a cornerstone player in Croson, the No. 7 Senior Ace. Croson is a savvy attacker who brings lots of heat and also is a determined and skilled back row performer. Vorster, who has been on campus all winter, is a big blocking middle with an improving offensive game. Long is a quick, versatile athlete. Adolpho, at 6-1, is a pure athlete with unlimited potential who also will play basketball. Stauber has been a high level setter for many years and could fill that role for Hawaii or contribute in the back row.
Beowulf213- So nice to see you on the blog again! And YOUR post made me tear up…
Can Jacob hit??? The word KA-TOOSH comes immediately to mind! He was the Polamalu of the Warriors… WATCH OUT!!!
Kazz- you make me tear up for other reasons… No Oceanic… No Papa… No Stanley, No Warrior Sports on satellite TV? GRRRRRR 😈
About the new scoreboard at the Stanley. When Aloha Stadium first opened, they touted a $1 million scoreboard (big, big bucks at the time). We made sure to sit in the South end zone so we could see the scoreboard. I don’t think the replay was working when the stadium first got it though. Yes, it sure was fancy for the time, but they wouldn’t show any “controversial” replays. I felt cheated because if I missed something about the play, I was hoping that I could catch it on replay. The non replay went on for quite a while. Is it still like that? The stadium people were worried that the replay for a bad call could start a riot.
#63 seasider, Last year the men’s basketball team recruiting was rated #7 in the nation by one organization. This year I hope they are rated higher. I really wish the women’s basketball team would be in anyone’s rating.
Good Luck to Jacob Patek.
One of the good guys.
Great story of Bess giving back. I knew about a lot of his charity and volunteer work, but I hadn’t read about this before.
Bess was this way at UH…I’m glad to see (and not surprised) that his work ethic hasn’t changed even after he signed his $9 mil contract.
Katoosh…?…. as I remember it.. it was more like a.. PAAAAAAhhhhhhhhTEEEEEEKKKK!
Yep, Bess is something special.
He just texted to say he’s leaving soon.
Yeah Jacob! Way to shut down the inside receiver and impress. Now the question is, will Colt sign?
Kazz . . .
No email.
Colt’s been offered a contract, but he has yet to sign, according to Glanville.
seasider, ur#63….enjoyed the read…thanks.
Bad things happen to bad people….Good things happen to good people.
Bess is good people…..
Kazz ~ Your comments on da scorboards at both venues made me tear up!
We get bombarded by the same old lame commercials that make you go…TSAI’KO
Colt must have indications that some NFL teams may still have an interest in him. So he must be hoping for the lockout to terminate. Whatever happens, I hope he tears it up this season.
We know that Glanville tried to get Rolo on his staff. I wonder what kind of an offense the Colonials will be running.
Bess & Jacob are gooood people!
Great to hear the good news on Jacob and a warm aloha to the Patek ohana.
#32 If that happens, Hawaii and the MWC will be on the outside looking in…again. How disappointing. I think it’s all about the big schools generating huge tv money, putting a fence around themselves, and not having to share the $ with the smaller schools.
Gib has an interesting office. I guess each jersey has a story.
Commercials and ads do pay the bills when others won’t or can’t.
I’d sacrifice stats to look at what a scoreboard SHOULD look like in the year 2011 than that piece of crap embarassement we had to squint at for years and years.
Reno bounces NaMaSU outta the tourney, 15-4.
In the btm of the 6th Fresnecks leading LaTech, 10-1 and going…
Good ting wacky.tv only charge $18 to see 2/3 of the infield; I no tink I could afford $27 to see the WHOLE infield! 👿
Go Bows!
That’s a good selling point to recruits seeing all the players Gib was involved with in having their future continue in the NBA
Wouldn’t the MWC be in BCS if the BCS doesn’t change to their new format. I thought with Boise, Reno and Hawaii joining them they would be the 6th best conference in the nation? Eeyyyuuuupp. Left out again. We should push for the PAC 12. I know they won’t want us….yet, but keep pushing and in a decade or so….. you’ll never know man.
Garret, re #32, I think there’s a good chance it’s a bluff. The BCS could be floating this balloon in an effort to convince the non-AQs they should be satisfied with the status quo and quit lobbying for a genuine FBS playoff. The fact is that all schools that meet NCAA FBS requirements are at the top level of college football regardless of what conference they’re in, and no “College Football Association” champion would have a claim to being the true college football national champion if forty percent of FBS programs were excluded from eligibility. It would be a sham, and an obvious one.
Kelsi Dunne getting damaged by Stanford, after 2, 3-0.
Kazz ~ Let’s go back to putting a scorekeeper up there inside the scoreboard and posting the numbers by hand! No need Replay…Just turn to your seat partner and go, “Eh brah…wat happen?”
Pa-Taaack Attack !
Can’t wait to see Big Jake back on the field.
Kudos to the Patek ohana. Will have some Texas style Bisquits and Gravy with Tabasco this weekend in honor.
#91, actually 1 1/2.
This is the best thread i have come across in ages! keep them coming man! this is wicked! :D22
Honestly this blew my mi25nd I was not expecting this haha. Big improvement from your other tracks!
Maverick ~ Will this be a Man vs Food episode? Tobasco sauce in gravy? Serious Red flags went up!
Bulldogs mercy rule Bulldogs, 13-1.
next up….
BaseB 🙂 ws!
Go Stanford Softball!
Stupid sombrero brings no good joo joo to Bama.
Some people never learn.
Very unnecessary.
Tabasco in Loco Moco. Get gravy all over!
Screw that. He’ll probably be a union worker. A strike will be positioned at the start of UH football season and then everyone in the stadium will be screwed over.
Stanford softball?
I have changed my investing strategy after reading this blog. Looking to buy into beano, tums, Tabasco, Zantac and Niagra.
A Hawaii win sends them to the late Winner’s Bracket game against Fresnecks tomorrow.
And it sends SJSU to the early elimination game against Reno.
kawika49 — add Lact-aid. Some of us still adventurous. 😆
Your #106.
You meant “WTF?” right?
Feature article about Scott Harding committing to the Warriors.
If you’re watching the SB Regionals…you hope Stanford keeps scoring over Alabama. It’s a more positive affirmation than wishing negative juju over Alabama.
Just waiting for the BaseBOW game…
I agree with your conclusion and think that the AQ schools wouldn’t break away this way because they know there would be a lawsuit. However, I expect 2 things to happen that will put pressure on some schools:
1. Increase scholarships for *all* student-athletes to include the full cost of attendance at their school. That would be $3k or so per athlete. Even bloggers here and UH athletes have advocated for this in the past. That would increase the cost of staying in D-IA about $1 mil per school…it won’t kill the budgets and would actually be good for the student athletes.
2. Enforce the NCAA attendance minimum requirements. Some WAC and Sun Belt schools have been failing to meet the required levels and the NCAA could legitimately tell them to fix their situation or get out of D-IA. The schools will need the extra attendance in order to pay the extra $1 mil anyway.
Neither of those rules would be too controversial…the NCAA even tried to get #1 passed several years ago and #2 is already a rule. The net effect is that some schools with D-IAA budgets and attendance may need to drop down to D-IAA…the impact that could have on the WAC, Sun Belt, and MAC may accomplish what the AQ schools want anyway.
Got an email to add see alice.
Let’s Go, Base BOWS!!!
Live Stats
Radio coverage
Go BaseBows!
Not caring either way and not paying attention to either school is the most neutral thing to do which is what I am doing.
The implication of cheering for Stanford against Alabama without having a connection or vested financial and emotional interest in Stanford doesn’t hide the fact that the end result is seeing one team lose (‘Bama) which essentially doesn’t classify as a “positive” affirmation as one is STILL hoping the other team loses. Thus, cheering for Stanford is not a true “positive” affirmation unless there is a connection one has with this program.
Logically, it’s still negative as the END RESULT remains the same. Also, if one wants to say the intent is to ‘cheer’ for Stanford instead of booing Alabama is somehow “better”, again (takes a deep breath) the implication of cheering for Stanford against Alabama without having a connection or vested financial and emotional interest in Stanford doesn’t hide the fact that the end result is seeing one team lose (‘Bama) which essentially doesn’t classify as a “positive” affirmation as one is STILL hoping the other team loses. Thus, cheering for Stanford is not a true “positive” affirmation unless there is a connection one has with this program.
I made NO reference to myself directing “bad joo joo” on Alabama. I just opined that Ms. Sombrero Girl in the stands is again failing to provide positive “joo-joo” to her team.
Prospective Student-Athlete Tryouts With an Institution’s Team
A Division I or III member institution on its campus or elsewhere, is not permitted to conduct (or have conducted on its behalf) any physical activity (e.g., practice session or test/tryout) at which one or more prospects reveal, demonstrate or display their athletics abilities in any sport.
Per the article in post#111-
2nd paragraph
“Harding was invited to try out for the University of Hawaii last year, after he was delisted by Port Power.”
Don’t forget to “pick up” your “Gingerbread” tomorrow. 😎
Having a stand down tomorrow here in Olaa for our homeless vets from 9-5.
I’ve been anxiously awaiting that upgrade!
Lori may be getting her first smartphone in July…she has so many good options now and more will be coming out soon. I can’t believe that Amazon has the X2 and others for *free* right now with a 2-year renewal…
July is a PERFECT time for her indeed!!!!
Yeah, so many rumors and whatnot over the past few months, but the official PDF docs on VZW’s site are up for Android 2.3!!! This has to be the LAST OS update for our phones though as I was worried that the debut of the Droid X2 would essentially take precedence over the original X receiving any OS upgrade.
Was a little upset that the Motorola Atrix was only to be released on AT&T, but the Droid X2 is supposed to essentially be the Atrix, just in the Droid X body.
I like Stanford…I know two “kids” who graduated from Stanford…and it’s a Bay Area school, so Go Trees! 🙂
C’mon ‘Bows!
Get Offensive!
Let’s go BOWS!…
OK, let’s get it done…
Top of the 4th still tied…
zip to zip
Boy, was THAT confusing! 😕
Mid 6th, same score
dang ‘live’ stats.. LOL
1-2-3 6th for SJSU
Stanford softball has Kamehameha alum, freshman Jamie Millwood of Mililani. She’s the only local girl left in the NCAA tournament.
Arizona State picture has 12 strikeouts, 2 walks, 1 hit (hr) in 5 innings.
1st and 3rd, 2 out. Montplasir up.
They all play in Hawaii!
#135 picture=pitcher
That is one impressive photo.
0-0, end 7
Champion singles
Moore sac bunt moves Champion up. Almadova batting
Great story on Jacob Patek! Always hoping and wishing for the best for our Warriors and former Warriors… and their families!
Kudos to Coach Mack too!
And… wow, Coach Gib’s jersey display is sweet!!!
PK walks…
Almadova walks. Pk up
🙂 🙂
2-0, mid 8th
Sisto gives up a single; Linsky in
Uncle Don got tricked…it’s Blair Walters
good early evening, humid, clouzy but so what we live in a good place!!!
great game my Miami Heat, congrats to the eastern NBA champs. down my 13 with 3 minutes left to win by 3.
anoddah great game by the warrior bball team on the continent. bear down and don’t let up IMUA.
Linsky when change his name?
wild pitch now 2 men aboard oop bobo 1 out…… oh 2 out on deep fly ball with runner moving over to third base.
runner scores 2-1 still two out
eh wot you guys pau work listen for yourselves
Ohio State is getting into more trouble with autos. A long time ago ,during the Archie Griffin days, a brother of a friend of mine said that Archie and other players for OSU drove expensive cars. Everybody knew but only now they are looking at it.
Congrats Rainbows!
2-1 Winner, winner Warrior dinner!!
Too close but a win.
Congrats to the Bows!
Beat Fresno!
A win.. is a win.. is a win…
#157 what, gotta decode that?
Koakane Im an 11b4p and an 31g4p, but never had to decrypt that b4.
Harding may play *this* season for UH?
k49 pigeon speak for we when winnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, weeeee when wwwwwinnnnnnnn
5 X 5
Next time do it right!
Congrats to the Bows!!
Kauai Warrior Fans – please mark June 3 on your calendars and get your tickets for the Meet Coach Mack Na Koa Fundraiser! We are going to have a lot of cool door prizes. 😎
k49 #169 now to fancy 3×8.7
Congrats to the BaseBOWS! Keep the hits coming.
Night all!
Scott Harding training video
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