Doing without
George Bailey, without UH football …
> No football ticket revenue
> No $2.3 million from local TV rights deal
> No tailgating
> Fewer band members on scholarship.
> No marching band
> No Joey Iosefa, Ikaika Woolsey, Beau Yap, Kennedy Tulimasealii, Jerrol Garcia-Williams …
> No use for Aloha Stadium
> Still no budget increases for softball, baseball, volleyball, sailing …
> Still no raises for faculty and staff
> No Na Koa
> No additional women’s sports or scholarships
> Fewer football scholarships for local residents
> No haka
> Nobody for the disgruntled to grumble about
Comments are closed.
Go warriors!
Guud Morning Tsaikos….cloudy but sun is trying to peek out..
Guud win and loss by Na Wahine yesterday…missed the action..dang it.
Off to Waimea Valley event today so..Guud Luck Na Wahine…play ball!
Volley’Bows did well, too, winning in three.
They play at 12:30 p.m. (Hawaii time). The match can be seen on the Internet.
UH-UCLA replay being re-shown now.
Tough way to lose…..just an inch or 2 from victory. Feel for Carlos and Kesterson.
Definitely don’t want to be George!
Is it September yet?
What interesting transfers?
George Bailey forgot about…
> No more paid trips for the blog host to go Las Vegas and Reno to cover UH football. 😉
how come peeps no understand
sorry morning 808
have a good day
DMK got a better idea on how to help UH athletics.
Some politicians need to look at other school’s practices and student fees before grandstanding. Sadly, this politician’s antics epitomizes the short sightedness of local politics. Get a clue before you think, speak, act and decide.
It should be very few scholarships for women. They would lose their equivalent share from Title IX. Also the only women’s sport that is safe is volleyball.
Also I am tired of people blaming Aloha Stadium for the shortfall. Yes they receive revenues that could benefit UH but then where do they get the money for for their shortfall. Maintaining Aloha Stadium is not cheap. Electricity, water, maintaining the field turf, maintaining the facility as a whole. It being empty does not mean it is not incurring expense. Who then should pay for it. Does the cost pass on to UH game attendees or to the general public as a whole.
no Hawaii bowl
no pro bowl
two of the best commercials this state will ever have.
Did anyone ever locate what 2013 revenues were for football?
probably reduced interest in hs football’s peaked popularity.
she just lost my vote same with “no promise me” neil aber-whateva.
and all of a sudden she’s become miss know-it-all…
more like miss-informed.
Good morning Tsaikos!
Sen Kim and the student body need to get a grip on reality.
Congrats to the softball team on their games last night, even if they lost that one that ended at (literally) zero dark thirty.
I will nevah vote for her.
Question is whether the increase in the student activity fee is a bailout or a move to keep up with the rising cost of maintaining a division I athletic department due to inflation.
Like anything else in life, there needs to be a financial correlation between services provided, and the cost for those services. The fiduciary responsibility that Sen. Kim has been entrusted with, goes both ways. Thus, she is equally obligated to ensure that the capitation for activities of students, has a nexus that is closely aligned to fully paying for such activities.
As she promulgates self-righteous indignity to protect the public, she makes nary a mention, that ours (UH) is one of the lowest student fees in the entire west, nor does she provide any explanation as to how a $50, per semester fee, should cover so many services and activities. Bah-hambug…
First, they’re never going to get rid of football. But if they ever did, it’s not like they’ll free up more money for other sports or to give raises to professors. There will just be less money in the pot.
very disappointed in Donna Kim’s remarks in the sports page – she should have consulted with her most trusted friends before making such statements – it will cost her more votes than she will receive
like al, I will not give her my vote!
…and significantly higher advertising and PR spending for UH and the State of Hawaii. Neither State or UH will save from cutting the football program. They would probably lose more if the football program dropped down to a lower level, as well. The PR from a Division 1 program is significant as it reaches a lot of households throughout the World, not just the USA.
football is as American as apple pie.
next, dmk will be prohibiting the sales of apple pie.
Sen. Kim is an example of a career politician who has always lived off of state tax money and knows nothing of how a business is run. I know as while I run my own business today I have also spent some years working for the state. We used to spend all the money allotted every year just to be sure we received the same amount or more the next year on stuff we never ever needed and in some cases never used. Waste at it’s highest form. Her ignorance in this morning’s paper is scary and shows what happens when you work in state government for too long. The sad part is she obviously didn’t do her homework to even compare what other colleges are charging. It’s not like UH is unique in it’s problems.
She (Ms. Kim)just wanted to separate herself from Mark Takai . What, a fumbleroooski!
Spot on. Apple’s statements made it pretty clear it was a bailout for a poorly performing football team. Government does things @$$ backwards. The time to raise taxes or fees is when times are good. Fees should have been raised beginning in the 2007 season and during the couple of good seasons Mack had. It could have rightly been billed at the time as an investment in the future of UH.
I am with al and A-house – no votes for Know nothing grand standers.
DMK is always seeking the spot light looking for free face time from the media. That was my contention during the Wonder Investigation. She’s a master at getting free TV time under the guise of, DMK on the job, looking out for the Public’s interest.
For full disclosure she should have said, “my son attends UH, I don’t want to pay a penny more.”
Another thing to consider is the legislature gives UH about $350 to $400 million a year. Some of that is expected to go towards the athletic department. It was the BOR’s choice to mandate the athletic department be self sufficient. The issue for the legislature is if UH is going to ask for more money then it needs to tell the legislature how it is going to spend the money. UH has been unwilling to reveal it’s priorities and how it spends it’s money. The legislature believes UH is hiding millions of dollars in secret accounts to be spent on who know what. Because of autonomy the legislature has no control over how the money it gives UH is spent. If another $50 million were given to UH there is no guarantee any of it would go towards the athletic department. Bottom line is if you have a problem with that talk to the BOR and the UH administration, because they control the destiny of UH athletics.
thanks for the NLI confirmation
we get plenty company of returning from Vegas, heavier around the middle and much lighter in the pocket book
fortunately, we have a system that whatever we win goes into the left pocket, for me, and other containers for Mrs A-House and Midori – this $$ comes home so we have something for the next trip – Masaboy is much more free spirited and will use his winnings and has done well playing the penny machines
since I always lose on the crap table, past 2 or 3 years, I found a new “toy” in the 100 card/hand penny poker machine – put in a 100 and usually walk away with $85 to $95 – craps, $200 to start and 0 when I leave same
new rule for craps – put red chip on pass – allow shooter 4 rolls, including the come out roll – then go 32 across & play that until shooter craps out – “pinch” each time shooter rolls a point # – oh, almost forgot, put 1 red chip in the field – hedge bet in case shooter rolls a 5 or 6 or 8 – repeat system until $100 gone – then, WALK-A-WAY – if get lucky with other shooters, collect when a shooter completes a long roll – should get my $100 back with some of casino’s mullah!!!!
friend just returned from LV and he played a 5 hand 5 cents video poker machine – was dealt 4 aces with a 2 kicker which he held and had 5 cards with the same hand – walked away with $2,500 – a day will come where I can enjoy that feeling!
Donna Kim or the Dragon Lady as many call her is responsible for our tax dollars. As keeper of how tax revenues are spent wouldn’t we expect her to hold UH responsible for how they spend our tax dollars?
old diver:
your #32 sounds like all the heads of government where US sent millions if not billions of dollars in aid and untold or unaccountable millions disappear into private personal accounts in “safe accounts” where foreign countries refuse to allow other governments to see their records
the legislature must insist that UH, whenever, it comes money time, that UH gives a document outlining/itemizing where each dollar will be spent – and it should be notarized by an outside notary who has no connections to UH – then we may see transparency in allocation of funds
another approach that will not sit well with upper campus is have the athletic department submits its own budget request direct to the legislature for funding – 1st item should be the “travel expense” for all teams coming to Hawaii from the MWC and BWC for all sports – now, this begs the question, must UH pay the travel expenses for ALL MWC and BWC teams – ie, VB, BB, SB, water polo, swimming & diving, etc?
Future UH Football Schedule: (If some get their way)
@ Simon Fraser
Puget Sound
Humbodt State
UC Davis
Sacramento State.
Central Washington
Whitworth College (Homecoming)
Dixie State
Southern Utah
Northern Colorado
WOW! That’s a tough home opener!! LOL!
Wow, we get to play schools in Canada??! Cool….
RE: #36… It’s Whitworth University now (gotta rep da alma mater). Quite the collection of teams from all levels…lol. Couple of FCS team, couple of D2 teams, some D3 teams and is Dixie State still a JC?
hey # 36 – you gotta add Whittier College.
Wow – what a game – rainbow warriors vs. the Whittier POETS !!!
whoever wins the coin flip will decide if they gonna play
flag football, or have a poetry reading contest.
… geev um …
I like this schedule better:
Cal Lutheran
Saint Mary’s
@ Pacific University
Portland State
Western Washington
@ Menlo
@ Southern Oregon State
Ft. Adams State
NM Highlands
I feel confident that there are some wins in this schedule.
Mr. A-House, maybe she no more friends.
That win at Western Washington University should be an easy one . . . they gave up football a long while ago.
43… Wafan, they are planning to scrimmage the women’s club rugby team at WWU.
Heartbreaking loss for the Wahine softball team. I was impressed by Loie Kesterson. UCLA was lucky they caught a break with that errror by Carlos.
Worhout UH Football, grumblers would just find something else to grumble about.
Wahine might have a rubber match with UCLA this afternoon. That is, if UCLA win’s their first matchup today.
47–3-prong, in as much as I would love to see the Wildcats play a game at Aloha Stadium, you are spot-on, the ennui of the public dissent would be palatable.
any updates from the Na Wahine tournament?
as soon as I ask…advertiser post the article…Guud win Wahine…now time to beat UCLA for the championship!
Just an interesting tidbit. The legislature once asked then auditor Marion Higa if she could audit UH. She said no because the UH system is too large. She told them the same thing about the DOE. This is kinda like the Pentagon, they are so large abuse can easily be hidden and accountability is difficult.
jus’ sayin’…is this boolakanaka or Boolakanako?
Thanks to tsaikos who pay attention, as I was on the train this morning, and incorrectly wrote my blog name–mahalo nui–al.
#13: Hey Egan, You still playing the sax?
Yes, DMK just showed how stupid she is…I’m tired of her grandstanding with the Wonder fiasco & now with the proposed student fees. I won’t ever vote for her & I think she needs to get a real job.
39… Avg home attendance for your schedule…. 10,000, that includes Aloha Stadium employees. Actually, UH would probably play on Ching Field with that lineup… At least UH would keep parking & food/bev revenue.
I do like that you mixed in all levels of NCAA on the lineup. Spread the love.
Can’t forget to write in Central Washington (John Kitna’s alma mater) in the Bowl Game if UH can navigate the modified schedule…
Oh wait… I see Central Washington has already been represented…
holy moley Andy – I may have misspoken about “her friends”
Good noonish everyone!
Yup, while I think DMK did a good job going after the UH President of golden parachute fame who threw our favorite UHAD people under the bus, she might have erred if this was a grandstand play for votes. It is calculated…could gain more support from non-UH sports fans and parents than losses–but the true extent of athletic UH support/sympathy could be her undoing.
In any event, I’m waiting for a “clarification” by her on Ferd’s story. Would not surprise me to see one soon…
And did you know, former McKinley star John “Cyclone” Coen was an All-American at Central Washington as a QB. Yes, and John Kitna played there also.
This would be good for the trivia contest on ESPN 1420!
I believe Whitworth University is where Chris Tormey was a finalist for the head coaching position.
He didn’t get it.
Nevada Wolf Pack just lost their defensive coordinator, Scottie Hazleton, to the Jacksonville Jaguars after only one year on the job. Apparently, he’s taking an assistant linebacker position. Whoever the his replacement, they might end up changing defensive schemes again which was the Tampa 2.
I would also include Western Washington University, but they dropped their program a few years ago. Apologies to Whitworth University. Very nice campus in Spokane. Wasn’t Richard Nixon a Whittier Poet?
Drop football and bring back the Turkey Day Game for the high schools?
Would also throw in Hawaii Marines, Schofield, Pearl Harbor Navy, Town Team, and Prep All-Stars, but alas, they don’t exist.
Wahine basketball team loses at Cal Poly, 62-60. They go 1-3 on 11-day road trip, with three losses by total of seven points. Nice scheduling by BW; sort of what the men’s team went through earlier.
so get chance not only to win homecoming, but maybe all the walkons (no scholarships at div 3) can run the table since the local boys can stay home and play instead of going to linfield.
Congrats to the mvb Warriors on their sweep of CSUN today!
The CSUN commentators were terrible.
Oh, yeah …
GO OWLS!! MPI girls go for their 4th straight State DII championship, against HPA (again).
Maybe the downgraded football program can catch a Matson Steamer to the West Coast for their away games to cut costs.
Students currently pay $50 to be able to go to almost ANY sporting event they want for FREE
Raise the darn fees, UH is so cheap that people continue to think of it as a lessor university. If its that cheap it must suck…Lets cut Football…Do they have any clue how football drives admissions? Are there people lining up for HPU? No…Its football that gets UH in the minds of everyone. Think of the deficit as a cost to advertise…losers…
Anyone who has never had their own business or never has gotten a raise at a job should have no influence on UH or where their small tax contribution goes. Go cry about wasted money on pothole fixes every week due to unions instead of fixing right one time…
68-don’t tell 3-prong that, he’ll make some direct calls to Doug Hire.
Raising the UHM student fee to $150 a semester is not unreasonable. That’s one nice looking fitness/Rec center being constructed next to the Campus Center. Completion date is probably 2017, though.
Who’s George Bailey?
I used to like Donna Mercado Kim as she stirred the pot but she really seems to be grandstanding now that she has DC ambitions. Besides opposing Mark Takai, it could be that she is pissed with the negative publicity that she got with her son and UH. She is in my district but I am NOT voting for her no matter what her plans are. I just hope that whoever opposes her is well qualified.
Even with Pac-12 membership and sparkling new facilities, Utah is on thin ice with its athletic budget.
inyoface…its a wonderful life
i knew the “cyclone” very well back then.
George Bailey represents a Ben Jay, and Mr. Henry Potter (the devil incarnate) represents Tom Apple.
#61: Good points, Steve. I also think that DMK is going after a very sizable segment of the community and voting block; those who have no connection, interest, or affinity for UH in any shape or form. It’s all calculated. BTW, she’s a WAZZU grad.
Boolakanaka, I posted #99 last night but it may have been too late for you. I wanted to see if you knew what the average budget was for any of the Ivy League schools. I just wondered if this is the way to go if we were downsizing (assuming their budgets are smaller) and to emphasize education more. It’s not something that I would favor but just thinking ahead.
NorthShoreFan, sent you an email today. Sorry for the delay.
Ahhh, DMK, donna menopause kim…
it seems her brilliancy is equating the student fees cost directly to athletic financial losses.
ben jay needs to step up and say, “the raising of student fees are just in comparison and relative to almost all other universities.” or something like that.
the focus is on rising athletic costs and the way i see it, hey if i dont take a music course but still, part of my tuition money goes in the pot for all professors including a music professor, hey, then i’m paying for things i am not using…wouldnt this be the same argument for students who say i dont want to pay more and i dont go to sporting events?
example for DMK to explain on public tv for us….
if i only use a restroom facility on campus once a day, i want the breakdown on how my tuition fees are being spent for the maintenance of that restroom and the janitor who cleans it! If i take a crap once a day and only once a day on campus, then why does that state union employee get pay raises or perhaps more and more of my tuition when im still taking only one crap a day on campus. so whether students go to games or not, its just the cost rising expenses dictating fees. this is like saying some students may crap multiple times on campus and others may not…therefore if i dont crap as much on campus shouldn’t my tuition be lower then a guy who craps a lot on campus mis kim? or is this really just a cost we all share regardless of how much or how little we use that facility?
kim needs to be flushed out of politics already. hmmm or maybe my example needs to be flushed 🙂
I’m not sure what the average athletic budget for an Ivy school is but I do know its a lot less since they don’t off athletically related student aid for student athletes.
Col A House and 3 prong, found a great fishing spot in vegas. It is at the 4 Queens on the wall towards the D casino. My friend and I were the only players at the beginning and we each put in $20.00 You don’t have to play the max, can play just the minimum. My friend caught 5 mahi mahi, 1 yellowfin, and a whole bunch of small fishes and made over a hundred. I caught small fishes like hage, roi, aweoweo, and 1 kaku and doubled my money. The two of us made too much noise and all the fishing seats filled to capacity in no time. Good way to relax.
No use for Stephen Tsai
I guess I’m getting old and forgetful, but IIRC, once upon a time, the legislature used to provide funding to the athletic department in the budget. Then this changed and all funding — hundreds of millions are appropriated to UH each year, including CIP, but none earmarked for the athletic department. Yet, they’ve been told — operate like a business and be self-supporting.
The educational side is not self-supporting either — they get tax dollars. Yet, when ideas are floated to provide some support to athletics, all the critics say support education, not athletics. Let’s see $300+ million a year to UH but none (except for a trickle) goes to athletics. So, they want even more. Sound like the movie “Oliver.” “Can I have a little more?” No, says DMK!
BTW, dropping to Div. II is not the answer. That’s the death knell to all UH athletics. We will slowly disappear into the sunset like all the small California colleges that did away with football.
I still believe that holding legislative hearings as a result of UH getting scammed out of $200K was an overreaction. It’s interesting that she herself was not investigated for pressuring the UH President to violate federal law by releasing information about the status of her son’s application to the law school.'s_a_Wonderful_Life)
I’ve heard of beetle, but not george.
If football ever folded, ST would still cover men’s volleyball. They might even replace football with sailing…haha.
The only negative is that ST wouldn’t be able to go Vegas and attend MWC media days or cover away games against UNLV or Reno where there is the opportunity to GAMBLE!
Thank goodness there are people that really see through this “blowhard…loudmouth” politician a.k.a. donna kim chee as she only takes advantage of attacking the weak and then gets the headlines in the newspaper.
If you really want to see through her true character, read Ben Cayetano’s biography and the comments he made about her going back when she first started on the City Council. Geezus, when you think about what Cayetano said and compare her to what she is now, she hasn’t change. Her premise is to be vindictive but here are some of Cayetano’s quotes on her:
Quoting from Gary Gill, “Donna Kim once told him that an astute politician should seize every opportunity to enhance his or her political power.” Continuing further, Cayetano said the following,”Kim had a much-deserved reputation for taking slights very personally.” Her slights against Jeremy Harris, Evan Dobelle, and esp. Tony Vericella of the HTA were legendary. Cayetano concludes in his vivid description of Kim’s character and personality which is apropos for even today,” Kim enjoyed playing the “gotcha” game. Her good looks belied her pernicious nature.”
Don’t blame DMK for grandstanding—-unfortunately, the public and local press seem to eat it up. Remember Ferd’s fawning over DMK’s questioning of UH officials in 2012?
82–Truman, I got some figures and number, but let me caveat, that athletics in the Ivies, like many other things, has very distinct purposes. One to be part of the total educational experience–that is, to be involved and totally paid for by the institution. Yes, it is privileged, and yes, it is quite a nice deal. And there are no athletic scholarships, but it tiny bit of leeway in admissions.
The Ivy League model for athletics is the most expensive in the nation. Only 13 teams are required to be recognized at the Division I level and every school in the Ivy League hosts more than 30. In addition, without the revenue provided by television contracts, bowl games, and high profile endorsements the amount being invested by the Universities in the Ivy League are significantly more than schools in more high profile conferences.
With that said, despite fielding more varsity programs than any other school in the nation, the Harvard Department of Athletics had the second-lowest expenses of any Ivy League school last year, according to figures released by the U.S. Department of Education Office of Postsecondary Education.
The Department of Athletics spent just under $18 million to support its teams, according to the OPE’s report, which makes public an overview of the Athletic Department’s financial information between July 1, 2009, and June 30, 2010.
The data, released in accordance with a 1994 piece of Title IX legislation called the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act, includes the number of participants in varsity programs, recruiting costs, and average salaries for coaches.
According to the report, Yale (i.e boola University) outspent other Ivy League athletic departments with a total budget of about $36 million. Brown spent the lowest among the Ancient Eight, spending a little more than $15 million.
That school is currently considering reducing its number of varsity sports programs, according to the Brown Daily Herald.
At Harvard, the Athletics Department spent $257,000 on the football team, more than any other single-sex team. The University covered $438,050 in expenses for both men’s and women’s crew programs according to the report, more than any other sport in the Department.
Harvard’s 35 head coaches earned an average of $77,657 last year. According to the report, head coaches for men’s teams make, on average, $21,000 more per year than coaches for women’s teams. Head coaches for men’s squads earned an average of $87,901 last year, and their counterparts on women’s teams earned an average of $66,811.
The same discrepancy exists among assistant coaches, though the difference is not as great. The average assistant coach on a men’s team earns $38,751. On women’s teams, their equivalent coaches make an average of $30,197.
Five of the 43 assistant coaches on men’s teams at Harvard are female, according to the OPE. No head coach on a men’s team is female, though women very rarely coach men’s teams across the NCAA. The report does not break down its coach compensation information sport-by-sport.
Football and men’s basketball are the only two sports with multiple full-time assistant coaches at Harvard. But the two sports are the largest college sports by a wide margin—both in terms of fan support and the money that they draw—and the larger coaching staff is consistent with popular NCAA practice.
A number of other teams have multiple assistant coaches that work on a part-time basis, the report indicates.
Another major athletic expenditure, according to the OPE, are recruiting costs. Harvard spent about $860,000 on recruiting in 2009-10, including $633,453 for men’s teams and $225,912 for women’s teams.
Harvard’s recruiting costs are the third highest of any Ivy program. Only Princeton and Columbia spend more, and the latter program is the only one in the Ancient Eight to spend over $1 million on recruiting.
FYI, Boola U., is now in the midst of a fundraising campaign to entirely endow the the athletic department and its budget. The goal is 200 million-plus-and there are close to getting there….
If they drop football then we wouldn’t have to wonder if the local boys got offered or argue about top players going away.
Why I love UH Football as an ex-Hawaii resident:
– gives me a reason to think about Hawaii everyday, leading me to attend as many road games as I can, subscribe to SA, and happily donate to the school (UH called me during the Super Bowl last weekend)
– helped put my UH alma mater on the map in my business dealings and social settings
– reminds me of living at home and the lifestyle and friends, hopefully, I can return and enjoy my season tickets with my family, much like my father did with me
– makes me proud to see the young men succeed in life
– I can’t wait for the Fall
Go Warriors! No politics here, just love.
I heard one of the reasons Yale spends more than other Ivy schools is because they pay for the use of the school’s training facility, incur university assessment charges and recreation department expenses that looking at last years fiscal year totaled more than 18 million.
Question: Why?
Never mind, Boola. I just found out why they are charged the 18.4 million on top of the direct expenses for their varsity sports.
100! And a good night!
2nd century!
#97 Great attitude. I know that feeling that you have. I lived on the mainland for a short time in the early 70s and I always looked to see how the UH football team was doing. Anything about Hawaii always kept me close to home.
Is anyone tracking that UH wahine softball game. I’m assuming that UCLA won their game against Delaware and is playing UH.
93 is clueless.
BOOLAKANAKA: Are any of the athletes subsidized? i.e. athletic scholarships, training tables etc?
I think Coach Coolen has found a pitcher in Heather Morales. She has a great demeaner on the mound and throws a very heavy ball. This team is reloading and not rebuilding….I hope Zamora is ok. She got smashed by the baserunner who ran into her while she tried to field a ground ball. One good looking second base woman, oh, I mean she looks good at second base.
93. Fe Jai just doing it for shock value . . . that’s all.
shoko…if they folded football. they might only have mbb, basebl, wvb, and softball. st would be relegated to covering intramurals.
no football…how many jobs would be affected?
how much revenue would be lost?
Middle 5th 1-1. UH is the visiting team. Left the bases loaded in top 5th.
Re: #89
Notnasti — I may be wrong, but I think the legislative hearings over the $200K loss was the justification and only leverage to get at President Greenwood officially. I think there was a large public outcry to expose Greenwoods actions in the matter she exacerbated.
I really believe that if Greenwood did not use the incident to throw Sheriff and Donovan under the bus–and use the incident to oust Donovan, many would say “That’s terrible we got scammed! Be more careful next time, guys…how about another concert, but use Uncle Tom!”
But Greenwood made it a big deal to further her agenda against JD. I personally thought DMK’s hearings was expressing the concern and outrage of the local residents. She was doing the right thing for the right reasons.
This student fee issue is probably the wrong thing for speculative reasons.
Sorry Boolakanaka! I read your #82 – I was fairly certain that the Ivy’s didn’t have athletic scholarships and that, for argument purposes, the student-athlete and the student body is really subsidizing athletics through their tution – which is considerable as compared to UH. I know that the Ivys also have huge endowments as well which also goes into the pot.
I wonder if those ok with a hike in student athletic fees will feel the same way when season tickets prices gets raised… Hmmmmmmm…..
104, 107……now I think you both greatly underestimate the profound wisdom of Fei Jai. He continuously comes up with novel perspectives and deep insights. He has found hundreds of different ways to say he doesn’t like coach Chow. And each time he finds a new way. His virtuosity is amazing. I really think he should start his own blog where he can say the same thing over and over and gather a following of those with similar perspectives. I really think he has sports guru potential. All I can say is we are blessed to have him contributing to the blog. That way anytime we forget he doesn’t like coach Chow he can remind us again. He truly is amazing.
Truman…sent one back at ya
#114 one of the few peeps who could have a conversation with himself
Kim makes a good point echoed by a few others on this board.
The UH has money it is given by the State, but the State has no say in how it is spent. At UH there is waste, unclear priorities, too many “administrative” positions that do not contribute, very high salaries for key adminstrators, poor to zero management controls over how money is spent and what it should be spent for.
If someone screwed up, it is the UH administration and not the students. IF UH ADMINISTRATION CAN MAKE A CASE FOR MORE SUPPORT FOR ATHLETICS AS A PRIORITY, THEN USE THE MONEY THE STATE ALREADY GAVE THEM instead of charging the students for poor management. If they need more money for athletics, then ask the Regents to get more money from other programs or ask the State to provide more funds.
#94 Boolakanaka, as usual thanks for the in depth look at Ivy League athletics. I know it’s a different situation but I like their set up and goals.
Kurt Gouveia and Jordan Wynn – finally announced as hired.
ST posted in the SA at 0130 a.m.
> No angels getting their wings each time a Tsaiko hits a jackpot at a road-game casino or takes a brewery tour in Fort Collins or Boulder. 🙂
Good morning!
Welcome home to the new Warrior leader, Coach Gouveia!
111&117, Tommui and Truman, at least at Boola U., there is not a per se, “athletes training table”. However, that is because all students live in one of the 12 residential colleges, required of everyone from freshmen to seniors. That said, there is much flexibility as each college has its own dining facilities and per the request or either coach or students, they can open earlier in the morning or stay open later. Also each of the 12 colleges have their own Headmaster and as such, tutorial services are free and open to any student within each college.